Heatsink Design

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Application Note - Heatsink Design

Version 20120529

Thermal management is a crucial ingredient in the design of a luminaire used in solid
state lighting (SSL). Light output, reliability, and lifetime increase as LED junction
temperature (Tj) decreases. Module case temperature (Tc) has been correlated to Tj,
and therefore, it is very important to keep Tc of the Xicato module below 90ºC. To assist
with thermal management, Xicato has designed several reference heatsinks (HS) that
customers can integrate into their design. See the Thermal Class Matrices on the
‘Members Lounge’ at www.xicato.com for more information on pairing different Thermal
Classes with various standard HS.
It is also possible, however, to design the luminaire such that the luminaire itself acts as
the HS. When designing a luminaire that also acts as HS, several factors must be taken
into consideration, including:
1. Natural convection flow patterns
2. Luminaire orientation
3. Operating environment
4. Material selection
In order to assist in the thermal design, Xicato can run thermal simulations on the
luminaire and provide feedback and recommendations for improvement, if necessary.
See “Thermal Simulation Request Form” on the ‘Members Lounge’ or contact your
Xicato representative for more information.

Modes of Heat Transfer

The three modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection, and radiation. All three
modes play an important role in the thermal management of LEDs.
Conduction is the transfer of heat between adjacent molecules, usually within a solid.
Conduction through a solid is described by the following.
Equation 1: 𝑞=𝑘∙𝐴∙∆𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝐿
Where: q is the rate of heat transfer [W]
k is the thermal conductivity of the solid [W/m·∙K]
A is the cross sectional surface area [m2]
ΔTcond is the temperature delta across the solid [K]
L is the distance heat is traveling through the material [m]

The higher the thermal conductivity (k), the more heat is transferred across the solid.

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Material recommendations are made later in this report. Also note that as the length (L)
gets longer, the rate of heat transfer reduces. This implies that long narrow heatsinks
are less effective than short wide heatsinks.
Convection is the transfer of heat from one place to another by the movement of a fluid.
In a luminaire application, the heat is transferred from a solid (the HS) to a fluid (usually
air). Convective heat transfer is governed by the following equation.
Equation 2: 𝑞=ℎ∙𝐴𝑠∙∆𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣
Where: h is the heat transfer coefficient [W/m2·∙K]
As is the surface area of the heat being transferred [m2]
ΔTconv is the temperature delta between the solid and the surrounding air
Rearranging, it is clear that as q (or heat load) increases, As must also increase in order
to maintain the same ΔTconv, assuming a constant heat transfer coefficient. Thus, the
surface area of the heatsink is very important in order to extract the heat out of
the HS. Rearranging Equation 2, surface area can be described as:
Equation 3: 𝐴𝑠=𝑞ℎ∙∆𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣
Thermal radiation is energy emitted by matter that is at a finite temperature. Radiative
exchange between bodies is complicated and difficult to solve analytically. The following
describes a simplified equation for “gray bodies”, or a body that obeys Kirckoff’s Law
Equation 4: 𝑞=𝜀∙𝜎∙𝐴∙𝑇𝑠4−𝑇𝑎4
Where: ε is surface emissivity
σ is the Stephan-Boltzmann Constant, 5.6703·10-8 [W/m2·K4]
Ts is the surface temperature [K]
Ta is the surrounding ambient temperature [K]
Emissivity provides a measure for how a surface emits energy compared to a blackbody
(100% emitter). Because the Stephan-Boltzmann Constant is so small, the difference
between Ts and Ta must be large in order for radiation to be a large contributor to heat
transfer. Typically, radiation is not a large factor to heat transfer in LED cooling

Design Considerations
Natural Convection
Natural convection occurs in the absence of forced fluid flow, such as wind, HVAC, or an
active thermal solution such as a fan. Natural convection is heat transfer that occurs due
to fluid flow that is induced by buoyancy forces that arise from density differences
caused by temperature variations in the fluid.

In simple terms, it is heat transfer due to fluid flow (in our case, typically air) that is
generated by the difference in density of air at different temperatures. Warm air is lighter

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(less dense) than cool air. As the air heats up around the HS, it becomes lighter and
rises. As it moves away from the HS, it cools down, becomes heavier, and sinks. It then
gets heated by the HS again, and the cycle continues. All the while, the HS and module
are cooled as heat is transferred to the air. This cycle is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Natural convection

Since natural convection is greatly affected by air density, and density is a function of
gravitational pull, contact your Xicato representative when designing a luminaire for use
in atmospheres other than Earth.
Fins are used in order to increase the surface area available for heat transfer. As can be
seen in Equation 2, for the same heat transfer coefficient and temperature difference (Ts
heatsink to Ta ambient) ΔT, the higher the surface area, the more heat is transferred
across the ΔT. Up to a point, increasing surface area of a HS leads to decreased module
case temperature. However, for a finned HS, increasing surface area can decrease heat
transfer coefficient due to the restriction in the amount of fluid that can pass between the
fins i.e., fins spacing is too close. Thus, surface area and heat transfer coefficient must
be balanced in order to design an effective HS. Xicato can help achieve this balance
through thermal simulation.
Forced Convection
Forced convection occurs in the presence of forced fluid flow, typically induced by a fan
or some other air-moving device. Since forced convection, or active cooling, is
complicated in its own right, and requires different design considerations than systems
cooled by natural convection, a separate Application Note has been written to cover
active cooling. Refer to the Application Note “Designing Around an Active Heatsink” for
more information on active cooling solutions.

Luminaire Orientation
HS orientation is critical to module case temperature as the following demonstrates.

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In order for heat to be effectively transferred from the HS to the air, the HS should be
designed such than the HS fins run parallel to the airflow (or in other words, parallel to
gravity). This is not always possible, and if the luminaire is able to rotate to different
orientations, the fins may not be parallel to gravity for all orientations. The goal,
however, should be to align the fins as close as possible to the vertical direction.
To demonstrate this point, consider the downlight in Figure 2. The left view is of the HS
in a 0° orientation (parallel to gravity), which is the best-case orientation for this design.
More airflow passes through the fins in this orientation because the fin channels are
aligned parallel to gravity. The center and right views are of the HS in a 90° orientation
(fin channels aligned perpendicular to gravity). Only the lower fins received good airflow
in this orientation.

Figure 2 – Preferred fin direction for 0° orientation

Figure 3 is an example of a poor HS design for a 0° orientation (relative to the vertical

plane). The fins are aligned to be perpendicular to gravity and a significant amount of air
will not flow in between the fins. Therefore, this HS design does not take advantage of
its entire surface area.

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Figure 3 – Poor fin design for 0° orientation

If the HS were to be oriented 90° to vertical, it would be a much better HS design, as

shown in Figure 4. Note that this is not to say that the HS oriented at 0° will not work
thermally, but it is less likely to do so, and would result in a higher Tc than in the 90°

Figure 4 – Good fin design for 90° orientation

Figure 5 shows that this HS design may be good for a 45° orientation. Air would flow up
into the channels between fins and remove heat as it rises. Thermal analysis or testing
would need to be performed to determine whether or not the HS would pass in this and
all orientations.

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Figure 5 – Possible good design for 45° orientation

Depending on the most common orientation, a HS like that in Figure 4 may be preferred
over the HS in Figure 2 for a 90° orientation, or vice versa in a 0° orientation. When a
HS has a wide range of orientation, it is best to consider the worst-case orientation for
luminaire validation.
Another type of HS design is the pin-fin HS. Figure 6 shows a typical pin-fin HS design.
Based on research of the pin-fin HS market, HS heights above 50mm are usually not
available without special ordering a taller design.
Pin-fin heatsinks typically have a worst-case orientation of 0°, while 90° is actually the
best-case orientation. The reason for this is due to the fin design. In a 0° orientation,
very little air flows into the center fins, reducing the effectiveness of these fins. In a 90°
orientation, air flows through all fin channels very easily. Because of this, the more the
heatsink tilts from vertical, the better the heatsink performs, which is the exact opposite
behavior of a typical extruded heatsink. Pin-fin heatsinks can be a great choice for
adjustable luminaires but usually are not the best choice for a fixed downlight, though
the difference in case temperature between best and worst-case orientation is typically
not as dramatic as it is with extruded heatsinks.

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Figure 6 – Pin-Fin heatsink orientation
Operating Environment
Another factor that must be considered is ambient temperature. The ambient
temperature is the temperature of the air around the HS. An increase in ambient
temperature increases case temperature by essentially the same amount. For example,
say the module Tc is equal to 85ºC at a 35ºC ambient. If the ambient increases to 40ºC,
the module Tc would increase to 90ºC.
The ambient temperature in an open environment is typically not dramatically affected
by the heat that is dissipated from the module. If, however, the luminaire is located
inside an enclosed box, the ambient temperature will increase as the module runs. If a
HS is inside an enclosed box, it may be beneficial to thermally couple the HS to the box.
In other words, make the box a part of the HS by having a physical connection between
the module and the box. Another possible solution is to vent the box so that air can flow
in and out of the confined space. These are not always possible, but may help reduce
module Tc.
Another alternative is to design the HS to be larger than it would otherwise be if it were
no in an enclosure. For more information on designing in an enclosure, see the
Application Note “Heatsinking in an Enclosure”.
The typical environment designed to is a 40ºC ambient temperature. Your specific
requirement may or may not be 40ºC. Supporting an ambient higher than 40ºC is
possible with a carefully designed luminaire. Supporting 50ºC or higher may be possible
as well, with an appropriately designed HS.

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Material Selection
Several factors should be considered when selecting a HS material, including (1)
thermal conductivity, (2) weight, (3) cost, (4) ease of fabrication, and (5) surface finish.
Table 1 shows thermal conductivity for various materials.
Thermal Density
Material Conductivity
Stainless Steel 15 8055
Iron, Pure 80 7870
Aluminum A380 Cast 96 2700
Aluminum ADC6 2700
Aluminum 6063* 200 2700
Copper, Pure 401 8933
* Recommended by Xicato
Table 1 – Thermal conductivity of some materials

Copper has a high thermal conductivity but it is also much more expensive and heavier
than aluminum. Because aluminum is less expensive than copper and still has a
relatively high thermal conductivity, it is the most common material choice in HS design.
Additionally, aluminum is light, strong, and accepts many finishes (for aesthetic and
radiative heat transfer purposes).
Two types of fabrication processes are common for HS design: extrusion and casting.
Extrusion is the process of creating objects of a fixed cross sectional profile by pushing a
material through a die of the desired cross section. Casting is a manufacturing process
where a hot liquid is poured and subsequently cooled in a mold that contains a hollow
cavity of the desired shape.
The extrusion process is ideal when the HS has a constant cross sectional profile. It is
most common, however, that a luminaire that also acts as HS will not have a common
cross section, making casting the more popular method.
Al 6063 is the recommended material for an extrusion. Al ADC6 Cast is recommended
when casting is used. Note that there can be a significant difference between generic
cast aluminum and one that is carefully selected for its thermal properties. For example,
compare the thermal conductivity of Al ADC6 and A380 (see Table 1). Also compare the
thermal conductivity of Al ADC6 and 6063. Because the thermal conductivity of Al 6063
is higher than that of Al ADC6 and other cast alloys, extruded heatsinks usually perform
better from a thermal standpoint than a similar size cast HS.
Lastly, surface finish should also be considered. Table 2 shows a wide range of
emissivity for several common aluminum surface finishes. A high emissivity surface may
reduce module case temperature by a few degrees at high enough temperatures.

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Finish Emissivity
Polished 0.04
Rough 0.07
0.27 –
Anodized 0.77
Blackbody (ideal) 1

Table 2 – Emissivity of common Aluminum surface finishes compared to the blackbody

Heatsink and Luminaire Design

Reference HS Design
The HS shown in Figure 1 is one of Xicato’s reference HS designs (XSA-38). As an
example, a thermal simulation was run for a Thermal Class G module at a 45°
orientation and 40ºC ambient temperature1. The results from this simulation are shown

Figure 7 – Temperature distribution and air velocity for Xicato reference HS

The case temperature is just below the 90ºC maximum Tc specification, and this module
is supported by the XSA-38 HS.

For more information on Thermal Classes, contact your Xicato representative.

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Example Luminaire as Heatsink Design
As mentioned previously, the luminaire can be designed such that it acts as the HS,
eliminating the need for the reference HS. The design is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 – Example Luminaire as HS design

The airflow pattern for this HS is shown below.

Figure 9 – Airflow pattern for example luminaire

Notice that the slots in the luminaire serve to create fins that improve HS thermal
performance. Also note that an opening in the bottom of the luminaire is needed to allow
fresh air to travel into the HS. If the slots at the bottom of the luminaire were not present,
this would be a poor HS design, as very little air would flow through the fins and cool the
The HS was simulated for a Thermal Class G module at a 45° orientation and a 40ºC
ambient temperature. The results are shown below.

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Figure 10 – Temperature distribution and velocity for example luminaire

The results for this HS are similar to those of the Xicato reference HS XSA-38. This
luminaire meets thermal requirements, and is a suitable design for a Thermal Class G
Note that the luminaire described in this section is a simplified luminaire and is only
shown as an example of how to incorporate thermal management into the luminaire
design. An actual luminaire may be much more complicated, as mechanical, aesthetic,
size envelope, and other factors need to be taken into consideration. Xicato encourages
our partner fixture manufacturers to work directly with us via thermal simulation to
optimize luminaire designs.

Fin Blockage
The Xicato reference heatsinks were designed to meet the maximum XSM Tc for optimal
flow through the fins. When using a reference HS, care should be taken to ensure that
the top and bottom of the HS is open to the environment. In the example below, a cover
was placed over the top of XSA-38 and a thermal simulation was conducted with a
Thermal Class G module.

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Figure 11 – HS with top covered

Figure 12 – Temperature distribution and velocity for Xicato HS w/ top covered

The module case temperature shown in Figure 12 covered is almost 3ºC higher than
that in Figure 7, which is the same HS without any blockage. Tc is significantly impacted,
and the module potentially goes from passing to failing under the guidelines set by
Xicato’s Luminaire Validation Program2. If a top plate is absolutely necessary, cutting
slots or drilling holes to allow hot air to escape may reduce module temperature.

For more information on the Luminaire Validation Program, visit the ‘Members Lounge' or contact your
Xicato Representative.

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Heatsinking Inside an Enclosed Track Luminaire
Often, the heatsink, module, and reflector are placed inside a ‘can’. This is typical of a
track spot application. Airflow patterns through the heatsink are quite different when in
free-air and when installed inside a ‘can’. See the following figure for an example.

Figure 13 – Module, heatsink, and reflector in free-air and inside a can

When wrapping the heatsink inside a ‘can’, air cannot easily flow into the heatsink fin
channels. Since airflow is critical to heatsink performance, it is essential that venting is
created on the front-end and the back-end of the ‘can’.
On the front-end, it is recommended to add a gap between the inner diameter of the
‘can’ and the outer diameter of the reflector. Additionally, venting can be added to the
side of the ‘can’ at the front of the luminaire as shown below.
On the back-end, venting should also be added. The simplest way to do this is to allow
the back to be completely open. If this is not feasible, for aesthetic or other reasons,
venting can be accomplished by creating a grated venting pattern similar to that shown
in the following figure.

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Figure 14 – Possible venting options for an enclosed track spot luminaire
There are many different options available for venting, depending on personal
preference. One way or the other, venting must be incorporated into the design.
Another option is to make the ‘can’ a part of the heatsink. This is described above in the
section “Example Luminaire as Heatsink Design”.

HS in an enclosure
Special design considerations must be taken into account when designing a luminaire
inside of an enclosure (e.g., an IC fixture or an fixture inside a concrete enclosure).
Because of the added complexity of designing with an enclosure, see the Application
Note “Heatsinking In An Enclosure” for more details.

Thermal Interface Material

In order to improve thermal contact between the module and the heatsink, a thermal
interface material (TIM) should be used between these two surfaces. All Xicato products
(XSM, XPM, and XLM) are shipped from the factory with a thermal pad pre-attached.
This provides for an easy, clean, and reliable thermal interface between the module and
the surface to which the module is attached.
For reference, Xicato uses eGRAF HT-1205A. The product data sheet can be found on
the ‘Members Lounge’, or alternatively at www.egraf.com.

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Heatsink Surface Flatness
Because the eGRAF thermal pad is of finite thickness, care needs to be taken in order to
ensure appropriate contact between the module and the heatsink.
Suppose that the difference in surface flatness between the module and the heatsink is
greater than the thickness of the thermal pad. The thermal pad is 5 mil (0.005” or
0.127mm). If the difference in flatness is greater than 5 mil, there is the potential that the
heatsink and the module don’t make contact with each other in all places. If this were to
happen, thermal performance could be greatly impacted, resulting in higher than
expected Tc. To avoid any such possibilities, it is recommended that the surface flatness
of the heatsink be no greater than 50 micron.
Note that the surface flatness callout on all Xicato reference heatsinks is 50 micron.

Thermal management is critical to the design of SSL luminaires. To assist in the thermal
design, a Xicato reference HS can be used in conjunction with the Thermal Class Matrix.
Additionally, the luminaire itself can be designed such that it is used as part of the
thermal solution. To summarize, the three most important factors to consider when
designing a luminaire that uses a passive thermal solution are:
1. Orientation and natural convection flow patterns
a. Proper fin alignment
b. Proper ventilation
2. Operating environment
3. Material selection
a. Thermal conductivity
b. Weight
c. Cost
d. Fabrication
e. Surface finish
Once an initial luminaire has been designed, Xicato can run a thermal simulation and
determine pass/fail and provide feedback for design improvement. In order to submit a
simulation request, download the Thermal Simulation Request and Definition Form from
the ‘Members Lounge’ and submit to [email protected].

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