Catholic Word Book

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Hundreds of Words Defined

The Knights of Columbus presents

The Veritas Series
Proclaiming the Faith in the Third Millennium

Word Book
Our text is not intended to provide the last word on any topic, but simply an
elementary explanation, a starting point for further investigation.

General Editor
Father Juan-Diego Brunetta, O.P.
Director of the Catholic Information Service
Knights of Columbus Supreme Council

Copyright 2007 by Knights of Columbus Supreme Council. All rights reserved.

The text of this booklet is reprinted with permission from Catholic Almanac 2008
2007 Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, IN 46750.
Cover: An illumination from a Byzantine manuscript depicting Saint Matthew the
Apostle seated at his writing desk. Athens, Codex 68, folio 1.v. Byzantine, 12th century.
National Library, Athens, Greece. Werner Forman/Art Resource, New York.
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Abbacy Nullius: A non diocesan territory
whose people are under the pastoral care of
an abbot acting in general in the manner
of a bishop.
Abbess: The female superior of a monastic

community of nuns; e.g., Benedictines,

Poor Clares, some others. Elected by
members of the community, an abbess has
general authority over her community but
no sacramental jurisdiction.
Abbey: See Monastery.
Abbot: The male superior of a monastic

community of men religious; e.g.,

Benedictines, Cistercians, some others.
Elected by members of the community, an
abbot has ordinary jurisdiction and general
authority over his community. Eastern
Rite equivalents of an abbot are a
hegumen and an archimandrite. A regular
abbot is the head of an abbey or monastery.
An abbot general or archabbot is the head
of a congregation consisting of several
monasteries. An abbot primate is the head
of the modern Benedictine Confederation.
Abiogenesis: The term used to describe the
spontaneous generation of living matter
from non-living matter.
Ablution: A term derived from Latin,
meaning washing or cleansing, and
referring to the cleansing of the hands of a
priest celebrating Mass, after the offering
of gifts; and to the cleansing of the chalice
with water and wine after Communion.
Abnegation: The spiritual practice of selfdenial (or mortification), in order to atone

for past sins or in order to join oneself to

the passion of Christ. Mortification can be
undertaken through fasting, abstinence, or
refraining from legitimate pleasure.
Abortion: Abortion is not only the

ejection of an immature fetus from the

womb, but is also the killing of the same
fetus in whatever way at whatever time
from the moment of conception it may be
procured. (This clarification of Canon
1398, reported in the Dec. 5, 1988,
edition of LOsservatore Romano, was issued
by the Pontifical Council for the
Interpretation of Legislative Texts in
view of scientific developments regarding
ways and means of procuring abortion.)
Accidental expulsion, as in cases of
miscarriage, is without moral fault. Direct
abortion, in which a fetus is intentionally
removed from the womb, constitutes a
direct attack on an innocent human being,
a violation of the Fifth Commandment. A
person who procures a completed abortion
is automatically excommunicated (Canon
1398 of the Code of Canon Law); also
excommunicated are all persons involved
in a deliberate and successful effort to
bring about an abortion. Direct abortion is
not justifiable for any reason, e.g.,
therapeutic, for the physical and/or
psychological welfare of the mother;
preventive, to avoid the birth of a defective
or unwanted child; social, in the interests
of family and/or community. Indirect
abortion, which occurs when a fetus is
expelled during medical or other
treatment of the mother for a reason other
than procuring expulsion, is permissible
under the principle of double effect for a
proportionately serious reason; e.g., when
a medical or surgical procedure is necessary
to save the life of the mother. Such a

procedure should not be confused with the

purportedly medical procedure of the
partial-birth abortion, a particularly cruel
form of abortion.
Abrogation: The Abolition or elimination
of a law by some official action. In Canon
Law, abrogation occurs through a direct
decree of the Holy See or by the enactment
of a later or subsequent law contrary to the
former law.
Absolute: (1) A term in philosophy, first

introduced at the end of the 18th century

and used by Scholasticism, that signifies
the perfect being (i.e., God), who relies
upon no one for existence. Modern
philosophical thought has added two new
concepts: a) the Absolute is the sum of all
being; b) the Absolute has no relationship
with any other things; the Absolute is thus
unknowable. These concepts are agnostic
and contrary to Catholicism, which holds
that God is the cause of all being (and
hence not the sum) and is knowable by his
creatures, at least in part. (2) Certain
truths, revealed by God, which are
Absolution, Sacramental: The act by which

bishops and priests, acting as agents of

Christ and ministers of the Church, grant
forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of
penance. The essential formula of
absolution is: I absolve you from your
sins; in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The
power to absolve is given with ordination
to the priesthood and episcopate. Priests
exercise this power in virtue of
authorization (faculties) granted by a
bishop, a religious superior or canon law.
Authorization can be limited or restricted

regarding certain sins and penalties or

censures. In cases of necessity, and also in
cases of the absence of their own
confessors, Eastern and Latin Rite
Catholics may ask for and receive
sacramental absolution from an Eastern or
Latin Rite priest; so may Polish National
Catholics, according to a Vatican decision
issued in May, 1993. Any priest can
absolve a person in danger of death; in the
absence of a priest with the usual faculties,
this includes a laicized priest or a priest
under censure. (See additional entry under
Abstinence: 1. The deliberate deprivation
by a person of meat or of foods prepared
with meat on those days prescribed by the
Church as penitential (Ash Wednesday,
Good Friday, and all Fridays of the year
which are not solemnities in the United
States, not all Fridays of the year but only
the Fridays of Lent). Those fourteen years
of age and above are bound by the
discipline. (2) Sexual abstinence is the
willing refrain from sexual intercourse;
total abstinence is observed in obedience
to the Sixth Commandment by single
persons and couples whose marriages are
not recognized by the Church as valid;
periodic abstinence or periodic continence
is observed by a married couple for
regulating conception by natural means or
for ascetical motives.
Adoration: The highest act and purpose of

religious worship, which is directed in love

and reverence to God alone in
acknowledgment of his infinite perfection
and goodness, and of his total dominion
over creatures. Adoration, which is also
called latria, consists of internal and
external elements, private and social

prayer, liturgical acts and ceremonies, and

especially sacrifice.
Adultery: Marital infidelity. Sexual
intercourse between a married person and
another to whom one is not married, a
violation of the obligations of the marital
covenant, chastity and justice; any sin of
impurity (thought, desire, word, action)
involving a married person who is not
ones husband or wife has the nature of
Advent Wreath: A wreath of laurel, spruce,
or similar foliage with four candles which
are lighted successively in the weeks of
Advent to symbolize the approaching
celebration of the birth of Christ, the Light
of the World, at Christmas. The wreath
originated among German Protestants.
Agape: A Greek word, meaning love, love
feast, designating the meal of fellowship
eaten at some gatherings of early
Christians. Although held in some places
in connection with the Mass, the agape
was not part of the Mass, nor was it of
universal institution and observance. It
was infrequently observed by the fifth
century and disappeared altogether
between the sixth and eighth centuries.
Age of Reason: (1) The time of life when
one begins to distinguish between right
and wrong, to understand an obligation
and take on moral responsibility; seven
years of age is the presumption in church
law. (2) Historically, the 18th century
period of Enlightenment in England and
France, the age of the Encyclopedists and
Deists. According to a basic thesis of the
Enlightenment, human experience and
reason are the only sources of certain

knowledge of truth; consequently, faith

and revelation are discounted as valid
sources of knowledge, and the reality of
supernatural truth is called into doubt
and/or denied.
Aggiornamento: An Italian word having
the general meaning of bringing up to
date, renewal, revitalization, descriptive of
the processes of spiritual renewal and
institutional reform and change in the
Church; fostered by the Second Vatican
Agnosticism: A theory which holds that a

person cannot have certain knowledge of

immaterial reality, especially the existence
of God and things pertaining to him.
Immanuel Kant, one of the philosophical
fathers of agnosticism, stood for the
position that God, as well as the human
soul, is unknowable on speculative
grounds; nevertheless, he found practical
imperatives for acknowledging Gods
existence, a view shared by many
agnostics. The First Vatican Council
declared that the existence of God and
some of his attributes can be known with
certainty by human reason, even without
divine revelation. The word agnosticism
was first used, in the sense given here, by
T. H. Huxley in 1869.
Agnus Dei : A Latin phrase, meaning Lamb
of God. (1) A title given to Christ, the
Lamb (victim) of the Sacrifice of the New
Law (on Calvary and in Mass). (2) A prayer
said at Mass before the reception of Holy
Communion. (3) A sacramental. It is a
round paschal candle fragment blessed by
the pope. On one side it bears the
impression of a lamb, symbolic of Christ.
On the reverse side, there may be any one


of a number of impressions; e.g., the figure

of a saint, the name and coat of arms of the
reigning pope. The agnus dei may have
originated at Rome in the fifth century.
The first definite mention of it dates from
about 820.

praise God, with various use in the

liturgy and other expressions of worship.

Akathist Hymn: The most profound and

Alms: An act, gift or service of compassion,

famous expression of Marian devotion in

churches of the Byzantine Rite. It consists
of 24 sections, 12 of which relate to the
Gospel of the Infancy and 12 to the
mysteries of the Incarnation and the
virginal motherhood of Mary. In liturgical
usage, it is sung in part in Byzantine
churches on the first four Saturdays of Lent
and in toto on the fifth Saturday; it is also
recited in private devotion. It is of
unknown origin prior to 626, when its
popularity increased as a hymn of
thanksgiving after the successful defense
and liberation of Constantinople, which
had been under siege by Persians and
Avars. Akathist means without sitting,
indicating that the hymn is recited or sung
while standing. Pope John Paul, in a
decree dated May 25, 1991, granted a
plenary indulgence to the faithful of any
rite who recite the hymn in a church or
oratory, as a family, in a religious
community or in a pious association in
conjunction with the usual conditions of
freedom from attachment to sin, reception
of the sacraments of penance and the
Eucharist, and prayers for the intention of
the pope (e.g., an Our Father, the Apostles
Creed and an aspiration). A partial
indulgence can be gained for recitation of
the hymn in other circumstances.

motivated by love of God and neighbor,

for the help of persons in need; an
obligation of charity, which is measurable
by the ability of one person to give
assistance and by the degree of anothers
need. Almsgiving, along with prayer and
fasting, is regarded as a work of penance as
well as an exercise of charity. (See Mercy,
Works of.)

Allocution: A formal type of papal address,

as distinguished from an ordinary sermon

or statement of views.

Alpha and Omega: The first and last letters

of the Greek alphabet, used to symbolize
the eternity of God (Rv 1:8) and the
divinity and eternity of Christ, the
beginning and end of all things (Rv 21:6;
22:13). Use of the letters as a monogram of
Christ originated in the fourth century or
Amen: A Hebrew word meaning truly, it is
true. In the Gospels, Christ used the word
to add a note of authority to his
statements. In other New Testament
writings, as in Hebrew usage, it was the
concluding word to doxologies. As the
concluding word of prayers, it expresses
assent to and acceptance of Gods will.
Anamnesis: A prayer recalling the saving

mysteries of the death and resurrection of

Jesus, following the consecration at Mass
in the Latin Rite.

Alleluia: An exclamation of joy derived

Anaphora: A Greek term for the Canon or

from Hebrew, All hail to him who is,

Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass.


Anathema: A Greek word with the root

meaning of cursed or separated and the

adapted meaning of excommunication,
used in church documents, especially the
canons of ecumenical councils, for the
condemnation of heretical doctrines and of
practices opposed to proper discipline.
Anchorite: A kind of hermit living in
complete isolation and devoting himself
exclusively to exercises of religion and
severe penance according to a rule and way
of life of his own devising. In early
Christian times, anchorites were the
forerunners of the monastic life. The
closest contemporary approach to the life
of an anchorite is that of Carthusian and
Camaldolese hermits.
Angels: Purely spiritual beings with

intelligence and free will whose name

indicates their mission as servants and
messengers of God. They were created
before the creation of the visible universe.
Good angels enjoy the perfect good of the
beatific vision. They can intercede for
persons. The doctrine of guardian angels,
although not explicitly defined as a matter
of faith, is rooted in long standing
tradition. No authoritative declaration has
ever been issued regarding choirs or
various categories of angels: seraphim,
principalities, powers, virtues, archangels
and angels. Archangels commemorated in
the liturgy are: Michael, leader of the
angelic host and protector of the
synagogue; Raphael, guide of Tobiah and
healer of his father; Gabriel, angel of the
Incarnation. Fallen angels, the chief of
whom is called the Devil or Satan, rejected
the love of God and were therefore

banished from heaven to hell. They can

tempt persons to commit sin.
Angelus: A devotion which commemorates
the Incarnation of Christ. It consists of
three versicles, three Hail Marys and a
special prayer, and recalls the
announcement to Mary by the Archangel
Gabriel that she was chosen to be the
Mother of Christ, her acceptance of the
divine will, and the Incarnation (Lk 1:26
38). The Angelus is recited in the
morning, at noon and in the evening. The
practice of reciting the Hail Mary in honor
of the Incarnation was introduced by the
Franciscans in 1263. The Regina Caeli,
commemorating the joy of Mary at
Christs Resurrection, replaces the Angelus
during the Easter season.
Anger (Wrath): Passionate displeasure

arising from some kind of offense suffered

at the hands of another person, frustration
or other cause, combined with a tendency
to strike back at the cause of the
displeasure; a violation of the Fifth
Commandment and one of the capital sins
if the displeasure is out of proportion to
the cause and/or if the retaliation is unjust.
Anglican Orders: Holy orders conferred

according to the rite of the Anglican

Church, which Leo XIII declared null and
void in the bull Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13,
1896. The orders were declared null
because they were conferred according to a
rite that was substantially defective in
form and intent, and because of a break in
apostolic succession that occurred when
Matthew Parker became head of the
Anglican hierarchy in 1559. In making his
declaration, Pope Leo cited earlier
arguments against validity made by Julius

III in 1553 and 1554 and by Paul IV in

1555. He also noted related directives
requiring absolute ordination, according
to the Catholic ritual, of convert ministers
who had been ordained according to the
Anglican Ordinal.

Antichrist: The deceitful one, the

antichrist (2 Jn 7), adversary of Christ
and the kingdom of God, especially in the
end time before the second coming of
Christ. The term is also used in reference
to anti Christian persons and forces in the

Anglican Use Parishes: In line with

Vatican-approved developments since

1980, several Anglican use parishes have
been established in the United States with
the right to continue using some elements
of Anglican usage in their liturgical
celebrations. A Vatican document dated
Mar. 31, 1981, said: In June, 1980, the
Holy See, through the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith, agreed to the
request presented by the bishops of the
United States of America in behalf of some
clergy and laity formerly or actually
belonging to the Episcopal (Anglican)
Church for full communion with the
Catholic Church. The Holy Sees response
to the initiative of these Episcopalians
includes the possibility of a pastoral
provision which will provide, for those
who desire it, a common identity
reflecting certain elements of their own
Animals: Creatures of God, they are

entrusted to human stewardship for

appropriate care, use for human needs, as
pets, for reasonable experimentation for
the good of people. They should not be
subject to cruel treatment.
Annulment: A decree issued by an
appropriate Church authority or tribunal
that a sacrament or ecclesiastical act is
invalid and therefore lacking in all legal or
canonical consequences.


Antiphon: (1) A short verse or text,

generally from Scripture, recited in the

Liturgy of the Hours before and after
psalms and canticles. (2) Any verse sung or
recited by one part of a choir or
congregation in response to the other part,
as in antiphonal or alternate chanting.
Anti-Semitism: A prejudice against Jews,

and often accompanied by persecution.

The prejudice has existed historically from
the time of the ancient Persian Empire and
survives even to the present day. It has
been condemned consistently by the
Church as being in opposition to scriptural
principles and Christian charity.
Apologetics: The science and art of
developing and presenting the case for the
reasonableness of the Christian faith, by a
wide variety of means including facts of
experience, history, science, philosophy.
The constant objective of apologetics, as
well as of the total process of pre
evangelization, is preparation for response
to God in faith; its ways and means,
however, are subject to change in
accordance with the various needs of
people and different sets of circumstances.
Apostasy: (1) The total and obstinate

repudiation of the Christian faith. An

apostate automatically incurs a penalty of
excommunication. (2) Apostasy from
orders is the unlawful withdrawal from or

rejection of the obligations of the clerical

state by a man who has received major
orders. An apostate from orders is subject
to a canonical penalty. (3) Apostasy from
the religious life occurs when a Religious
with perpetual vows unlawfully leaves the
community with the intention of not
returning, or actually remains outside the
community without permission. An
apostate from religious life is subject to a
canonical penalty.
Apostolate: The ministry or work of an
apostle. In Catholic usage, the word is an
umbrella like term covering all kinds and
areas of work and endeavor for the service of
God and the Church and the good of
people. Thus, the apostolate of bishops is to
carry on the mission of the Apostles as
pastors of the People of God: of priests, to
preach the word of God and to carry out the
sacramental and pastoral ministry for
which they are ordained; of religious, to
follow and do the work of Christ in
conformity with the evangelical counsels
and their rule of life; of lay persons, as
individuals and/or in groups, to give
witness to Christ and build up the
kingdom of God through practice of their
faith, professional competence and the
performance of good works in the concrete
circumstances of daily life. Apostolic works
are not limited to those done within the
Church or by specifically Catholic groups,
although some apostolates are officially
assigned to certain persons or groups and
are under the direction of church
authorities. Apostolate derives from the
commitment and obligation of baptism,
confirmation, holy orders, matrimony, the
duties of ones state in life, etc.

Apostolic Succession: Bishops of the

Church, who form a collective body or
college, are successors to the Apostles by
ordination and divine right; as such they
carry on the mission entrusted by Christ to
the Apostles as guardians and teachers of
the deposit of faith, principal pastors and
spiritual authorities of the faithful. The
doctrine of apostolic succession is based on
New Testament evidence and the constant
teaching of the Church, reflected as early
as the end of the first century in a letter of
Pope St. Clement to the Corinthians. A
significant facet of the doctrine is the role
of the pope as the successor of St. Peter, the
vicar of Christ and head of the college of
bishops. The doctrine of apostolic
succession means more than continuity of
apostolic faith and doctrine; its basic
requisite is ordination by the laying on of
hands in apostolic succession.
Archives: Documentary records, and the

place where they are kept, of the spiritual

and temporal government and affairs of
the Church, a diocese, church agencies like
the departments of the Roman Curia,
bodies like religious institutes, and
individual parishes. The collection,
cataloguing, preserving, and use of these
records are governed by norms stated in
canon law and particular regulations. The
strictest secrecy is always in effect for
confidential records concerning matters of
conscience, and documents of this kind are
destroyed as soon as circumstances permit.
Ark of the Covenant: The sacred chest of

the Israelites in which were placed and

carried the tablets of stone inscribed with
the Ten Commandments, the basic moral
precepts of the Old Covenant (Ex 25: 10
22; 37:1 9). The Ark was also a symbol of

Gods presence. The Ark was probably

destroyed with the Temple in 586 B.C.
Asceticism: The practice of self discipline.
In the spiritual life, asceticism by
personal prayer, meditation, self denial,
works of mortification, and outgoing
interpersonal works is motivated by
love of God and contributes to growth in
Ashes: Religious significance has been

the rejection of a wrong notion of God, an

affirmation of man rather than of God, an
extreme protest against evil. It said that
such a profession might result from
acceptance of such propositions as: there is
no absolute truth; man can assert nothing,
absolutely nothing, about God; everything
can be explained by scientific reasoning
alone; the whole question of God is devoid
of meaning.

associated with their use as symbolic of

penance since Old Testament times. Thus,
ashes of palm blessed on the previous
Sunday of the Passion are placed on the
foreheads of the faithful on Ash
Wednesday to remind them to do works of
penance, especially during the season of
Lent, and that they are dust and unto dust
will return. Ashes are a sacramental.

Atonement: The redemptive activity of

Christ, who reconciled man with God
through his Incarnation and entire life,
and especially by his suffering and
Resurrection. The word also applies to
prayer and good works by which persons
join themselves with and take part in
Christs work of reconciliation and
reparation for sin.

Aspergillum: A vessel or device used for

Attributes of God: Perfections of God. God

sprinkling holy water. The ordinary type is

a metallic rod with a bulbous tip which
absorbs the water and discharges it at the
motion of the users hand.

possesses and is all the perfections of

being, without limitation. Because he is
infinite, all of these perfections are one,
perfectly united in him. Because of the
limited power of human intelligence,
divine perfections such as omnipotence,
truth, love, etc. are viewed separately,
as distinct characteristics, even though
they are not actually distinct in God.

Aspersory: A portable metallic vessel,

similar to a pail, for carrying holy water.

Aspiration (Ejaculation): Short exclamatory
prayer; e.g., My Jesus, mercy.
Atheism: Denial of the existence of God,

finding expression in a system of thought

(speculative atheism) or a manner of acting
(practical atheism) as though there were no
God. The Second Vatican Council, in its
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the
Modern World (Gaudium et Spes, Nos. 19
to 21), noted that a profession of atheism
may represent an explicit denial of God,

Authority, Ecclesiastical: The authority

exercised by the Church, and particularly
by the pope and the bishops; it is
delegated by Jesus Christ to St. Peter. This
authority extends to all those matters
entrusted to the Apostles by Christ,
including teaching of the Faith, the
liturgy and sacraments, moral guidance,
and the administration of discipline.

Avarice (Covetousness): A disorderly and

unreasonable attachment to and desire for

material things; called a capital sin because
it involves preoccupation with material
things to the neglect of spiritual goods and
obligations of justice and charity.

righteousness, and descriptive of the

qualities of Christian perfection are
those recounted in Mt 5:3 12 and Lk 6:20
23. The Beatitudes are of central
importance in the teaching of Jesus.
Benedictus: The canticle or hymn of

Ave Maria: See Hail Mary.

Baldacchino: A canopy over an altar.

Zechariah at the circumcision of St. John

the Baptist (Lk 1:68 79). It is an
expression of praise and thanks to God for
sending John as a precursor of the Messiah.
The Benedictus is recited in the Liturgy of
the Hours as part of the Morning Prayer.

Baptism: See Sacraments.

Biglietto: A papal document of notification
Beatification: A preliminary step toward

canonization of a saint. It begins with an

investigation of the candidates life,
writings and heroic practice of virtue, and,
except in the case of martyrs, the
certification of one miracle worked by God
through his or her intercession. If the
findings of the investigation so indicate,
the pope decrees that the Servant of God
may be called Blessed and may be honored
locally or in a limited way in the liturgy.
Additional procedures lead to canonization
(see separate entry).
Beatific Vision: The intuitive, immediate
and direct vision and experience of God
enjoyed in the light of glory by all the
blessed in heaven. The vision is a
supernatural mystery.
Beatitude: A literary form of the Old and
New Testaments in which blessings are
promised to persons for various reasons.
Beatitudes are mentioned 26 times in the
Psalms, and in other books of the Old
Testament. The best known Beatitudes
identifying blessedness with participation
in the kingdom of God and his

of appointment to the cardinalate.

Biretta: A stiff, square hat with three

ridges on top worn by clerics in church and

on other occasions.
Blasphemy: Any internal or external
expression of hatred, reproach, insult,
defiance or contempt with respect to God
and the use of his name, principally, and to
the Church, saints and sacred things,
secondarily; a serious sin, directly opposed
to the second commandment. Blasphemy
against the Spirit is the deliberate refusal
to accept divine mercy, rejection of
forgiveness of sins and of the promise of
salvation. The sin that is unforgivable
because a person refuses to seek or accept
Blessing: Invocation of Gods favor, by

official ministers of the Church or by

private individuals. Blessings are
recounted in the Old and New
Testaments, and are common in the
Christian tradition. Many types of
blessings are listed in the Book of
Blessings of the Roman Ritual. Private

blessings, as well as those of an official

kind, are efficacious. Blessings are
imparted with the Sign of the Cross and
appropriate prayer.
Bride of Christ: A metaphorical title that
denotes the intimate union that Christ
enjoys with his Church; the title is mentioned specifically in the NT (2 Cor 11:2).
Brief, Apostolic: A papal letter, less formal

than a bull, signed for the pope by a

secretary and impressed with the seal of
the Fishermans Ring. Simple apostolic
letters of this kind are issued for
beatifications and with respect to other
Bull, Apostolic: Apostolic letter, a solemn

form of papal document, beginning with

the name and title of the pope (e.g., John
Paul II, Servant of the Servants of God),
dealing with an important subject, sealed
with a bulla or red ink imprint of the
device on the bulla. Bulls are issued to
confer the titles of bishops and cardinals,
to promulgate canonizations, to proclaim
Holy Years and for other purposes. A
collection of bulls is called a bullarium.
Burial, Ecclesiastical: Interment with

ecclesiastical rites, a right of the Christian

faithful. The Church recommends burial of
the bodies of the dead, but cremation is
permissible if it does not involve reasons
against church teaching. Ecclesiastical
burial is in order for catechumens; for
unbaptized children whose parents
intended to have them baptized before
death; and even, in the absence of their own
ministers, for baptized non Catholics unless
it would be considered against their will.

Burse, Financial: A special fund maintained by a diocese, religious institute, or

private foundation usually endowed by a
private benefactor; it often has the purpose
of making possible the education of
candidates for the priesthood.

Calumny (Slander): Harming the name and
good reputation of a person by lies; a
violation of obligations of justice and
truth. Restitution is due for calumny.
Calvary: A knoll about 15 feet high just
outside the western wall of Jerusalem
where Christ was crucified, so called from
the Latin calvaria (skull) which described
its shape.
Canon: A Greek word meaning rule, norm,
standard, measure. (1) The word
designates the Canon of Sacred Scripture,
which is the list of books recognized by the
Church as inspired by the Holy Spirit. (2)
The term also designates the canons
(Eucharistic Prayers, anaphoras) of the
Mass, the core of the eucharistic liturgy. (3)
Certain dignitaries of the Church have the
title of Canon, and some religious are
known as Canons. (See Bible.)
Canonization: An infallible declaration by
the pope that a person, who died as a
martyr and/or practiced Christian virtue to
a heroic degree, is now in heaven and is
worthy of honor and imitation by all the
faithful. Such a declaration is preceded by
the process of beatification and another
detailed investigation concerning the
persons reputation for holiness, writings,
and (except in the case of martyrs) a
miracle ascribed to his or her intercession

after death. The pope can dispense from

some of the formalities ordinarily required
in canonization procedures (equivalent
canonization), as Pope John XXIII did in
the canonization of St. Gregory Barbarigo
on May 26, 1960. A saint is worthy of
honor in liturgical worship throughout the
universal Church. From its earliest years
the Church has venerated saints. Public
official honor always required the approval
of the bishop of the place. Martyrs were
the first to be honored. St. Martin of Tours,
who died in 397, was an early non martyr
venerated as a saint. The earliest
canonization by a pope with positive
documentation was that of St. Ulrich
(Uldaric) of Augsburg by John XV in 993.
Alexander III reserved the process of
canonization to the Holy See in 1171. In
1588 Sixtus V established the Sacred
Congregation of Rites for the principal
purpose of handling causes for
beatification and canonization: this
function is now the work of the
Congregation for the Causes of Saints. The
official listing of saints and blessed is
contained in the Roman Martyrology
(revised, updated, and published in 2002
by the Congregation for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments) and
related decrees issued after its last
publication. Butlers unofficial Lives of the
Saints (1956 and recently updated)
contains 2,565 entries. The Church
regards all persons in heaven as saints, not
just those who have been officially
canonized. (See Beatification, Saints,
Canonizations by Leo XIII and His
Canon Law: See under Canon Law.

Canticle: A scriptural chant or prayer

differing from the psalms. Three of the
canticles prescribed for use in the Liturgy
of the Hours are: the Magnificat, the
Canticle of Mary (Lk 1:46 55); the
Benedictus, the Canticle of Zechariah (Lk
1:68 79); and the Nunc Dimittis, the
Canticle of Simeon (Lk 2:29 32).
Capital Punishment: Punishment for crime

by means of the death penalty. The

political community, which has authority
to provide for the common good, has the
right to defend itself and its members
against unjust aggression and may in
extreme cases punish with the death
penalty persons found guilty before the
law of serious crimes against individuals
and a just social order. Such punishment is
essentially vindictive. Its value as a crime
deterrent is a matter of perennial debate.
The prudential judgment as to whether or
not there should be capital punishment
belongs to the civic community. The U.S.
Supreme Court, in a series of decisions
dating from June 29, 1972, ruled against
the constitutionality of statutes on capital
punishment except in specific cases and
with appropriate consideration, with
respect to sentence, of mitigating
circumstances of the crime. Pope John
Paul II, in his encyclical letter Evangelium
Vitae (The Gospel of Life), wrote: There
is a growing tendency, both in the Church
and in civil society, to demand that it
(capital punishment) be applied in a very
limited way or even that it be abolished
completely. Quoting the Catechism of the
Catholic Church, the pope wrote:
bloodless means are sufficient to defend
human lives against an aggressor and to
protect public order and the safety of
persons, public authority must limit itself

to such means, because they better

correspond to the concrete conditions of
the common good and are more in
conformity to the dignity of the human

Cardinal Virtues: The four principal moral

virtues are prudence, justice, temperance
and fortitude.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, published

Oct. 11, 1992, consists of four principal
sections: the profession of faith, (the
Creed), the sacraments of faith, the life of
faith (the Commandments) and the prayer
of the believer (the Lords Prayer). The
16th century Council of Trent mandated
publication of the Roman Catechism.
Catechisms such as these two are useful
sources for other catechisms serving
particular needs of the faithful and persons
seeking admission to the Catholic Church.


Catechumen: A person preparing in a

Capital Sins: Sins which give rise to other

sins: pride, avarice, lust, wrath (anger),
gluttony, envy, sloth.

In moral theology, the

application of moral principles to specific
cases. Casuistry can be of assistance
because it takes the abstract and makes it
practical in a particular situation. It has
definite limitations and does not replace
the conscience in the decision-making
process; additionally, it must be aligned
with the cardinal virtue of prudence.
Catacombs: Underground Christian
cemeteries in various cities of the Roman
Empire and Italy, especially in the vicinity
of Rome; the burial sites of many martyrs
and other Christians.
Catechesis: The whole complex of church
efforts to make disciples of Christ,
involving doctrinal instruction and
spiritual formation through practice of the

program (catechumenate) of instruction

and spiritual formation for baptism and
reception into the Church. The Church has
a special relationship with catechumens. It
invites them to lead the life of the Gospel,
introduces them to the celebration of the
sacred rites, and grants them various
prerogatives that are proper to the faithful
(one of which is the right to ecclesiastical
burial). (See Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults, under Baptism.)
Cathedra: A Greek word for chair,
designating the chair or seat of a bishop in
the principal church of his diocese, which
is therefore called a cathedral.
Cathedraticum: The tax paid to a bishop by

Catechism: A systematic presentation of

all churches and benefices subject to him

for the support of episcopal administration
and for works of charity.

the fundamentals of Catholic doctrine

regarding faith and morals. Sources are
magisterium (teaching authority of the
Church), the writings of Fathers and
Doctors of the Church, liturgy. The new

Catholic: A Greek word, meaning

universal, first used in the title Catholic
Church in a letter written by St. Ignatius
of Antioch about 107 to the Christians of


Celebret : A Latin word, meaning Let him

celebrate, the name of a letter of
recommendation issued by a bishop or
other superior stating that a priest is in
good standing and therefore eligible to
celebrate Mass or perform other priestly
Celibacy: The unmarried state of life,

required in the Roman Church of

candidates for holy orders and of men
already ordained to holy orders, for the
practice of perfect chastity and total
dedication to the service of people in the
ministry of the Church. Celibacy is
enjoined as a condition for ordination by
church discipline and law, not by
dogmatic necessity. In the Roman Church,
a consensus in favor of celibacy developed
in the early centuries while the clergy
included both celibates and men who had
been married once. The first local
legislation on the subject was enacted by a
local council held in Elvira, Spain, about
306; it forbade bishops, priests, deacons
and other ministers to have wives. Similar
enactments were passed by other local
councils from that time on, and by the
12th century particular laws regarded
marriage by clerics in major orders to be
not only unlawful but also null and void.
The latter view was translated by the
Second Lateran Council in 1139 into what
seems to be the first written universal law
making holy orders an invalidating
impediment to marriage. In 1563 the
Council of Trent ruled definitely on the
matter and established the discipline in
force in the Roman Church. Some
exceptions to this discipline have been
made in recent years. A number of married
Protestant and Episcopalian (Anglican)
clergymen who became converts and were

subsequently ordained to the priesthood

have been permitted to continue in
marriage. Married men over the age of 35
can be ordained to the permanent
diaconate. Eastern Church discipline on
celibacy differs from that of the Roman
Church. In line with legislation enacted by
the Synod of Trullo in 692 and still in
force, candidates for holy orders may marry
before becoming deacons and may
continue in marriage thereafter, but
marriage after ordination is forbidden.
Bishops of Eastern Catholic Churches in
the U.S., however, do not ordain married
candidates for the priesthood. Bishops of
Eastern Catholic Churches are unmarried.
Cenacle: The upper room in Jerusalem
where Christ ate the Las Supper with his
Censer: A metal vessel with a perforated

cover and suspended by chains, in which

incense is burned. It is used at some
Masses, Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament and other liturgical functions.
Censorship of Books: An exercise of

vigilance by the Church for safeguarding

authentic religious teaching. Pertinent
legislation in a decree issued by the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Apr. 9, 1975, is embodied in the Code of
Canon Law (Book III, Title IV). The
legislation deals with requirements for pre
publication review and clearance of various
types of writings on religious subjects.
Permission to publish works of a religious
character, together with the apparatus of
reviewing them beforehand, falls under
the authority of the bishop of the place
where the writer lives or where the works
are published. Clearance for publication is

usually indicated by the terms Nihil obstat

(Nothing stands in the way) issued by
the censor and Imprimatur (Let it be
printed) authorized by the bishop. The
clearing of works for publication does not
necessarily imply approval of an authors
viewpoint or his manner of handling a
Censures: Sanctions imposed by the
Church on baptized Roman Catholics 18
years of age or older for committing certain
serious offenses and for being or remaining
obstinate therein: (1) excommunication
(exclusion from the community of the
faithful, barring a person from sacramental
and other participation in the goods and
offices of the community of the Church),
(2) suspension (prohibition of a cleric to
exercise orders) and (3) interdict
(deprivation of the sacraments and
liturgical activities). The intended
purposes of censures are to correct and
punish offenders; to deter persons from
committing sins which, more seriously and
openly than others, threaten the common
good of the Church and its members; and
to provide for the making of reparation for
harm done to the community of the
Church. Censures may be incurred
automatically (ipso facto) on the commission
of certain offenses for which fixed penalties
have been laid down in church law (latae
sententiae); or they may be inflicted by
sentence of a judge (ferendae sententiae).
Automatic excommunication is incurred
for the offenses of abortion, apostasy, heresy
and schism. Obstinacy in crime also
called contumacy, disregard of a penalty,
defiance of church authority is
presumed by law in the commission of
offenses for which automatic censures are
decreed. The presence and degree of


contumacy in other cases, for which

judicial sentence is required, is subject to
determination by a judge. Absolution can
be obtained from any censure, provided the
person repents and desists from obstinacy.
Absolution may be reserved to the pope,
the bishop of a place, or the major superior
of an exempt clerical religious institute. In
danger of death, any priest can absolve
from all censures; in other cases, faculties to
absolve from reserved censures can be
exercised by competent authorities or given
to other priests. The penal law of the
Church is contained in Book VI of the
Code of Canon Law.
Ceremonies, Master of: One who directs
the proceedings of a rite or ceremony
during the function.

(Camerlengo): (1) the

Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Church
is a cardinal with special responsibilities,
especially during the time between the
death of one pope and the election of his
successor; among other things, he
safeguards and administers the goods and
revenues of the Holy See and heads
particular congregations of cardinals for
special purposes. (See also Papal Election.)
(2) the Chamberlain of the College of
Cardinals has charge of the property and
revenues of the College and keeps the
record of business transacted in
consistories. (3) the Chamberlain of the
Roman Clergy is the president of the
secular clergy of Rome.

Chancellor: Notary of a diocese, who draws

up written documents in the government

of the diocese; takes care of, arranges and
indexes diocesan archives, records of
dispensations and ecclesiastical trials.

Chancery: (1) A branch of church

administration that handles written

documents used in the government of a
diocese. (2) The administrative office of a
diocese, a bishops office.
Chant: A type of sacred singing. It is either

recitative in nature with a short two-to-six

tones for an accentus, or melodic in one of
three styles (syllabic, neumatic, or
Chapel: A building or part of another
building used for divine worship; a portion
of a church set aside for the celebration of
Mass or for some special devotion.
Chaplain: A priest or, in some instances,

a properly qualified religious or lay person

serving the pastoral needs of particular
groups of people and institutions, such as
hospitals, schools, correctional facilities,
religious communities, the armed forces,
Chaplet: A term, meaning little crown,

applied to a rosary or, more commonly, to

a small string of beads used for devotional
purposes; e.g., the Infant of Prague
Chapter: A general meeting of delegates of

religious orders for elections and the

handling of other important affairs of their
Charismatic Renewal: A movement which

originated with a handful of Duquesne

University students and faculty members
in the 1966 67 academic year and spread
from there to Notre Dame, Michigan State
University, the University of Michigan,
other campuses and cities throughout the

U.S., and to well over 125 other countries.

Scriptural keys to the renewal are: Christs
promise to send the Holy Spirit upon the
Apostles; the description, in the Acts of
the Apostles, of the effects of the coming
of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on
Pentecost; St. Pauls explanation, in the
Letter to the Romans and 1 Corinthians, of
the charismatic gifts (for the good of the
Church and persons) the Holy Spirit
would bestow on Christians; New
Testament evidence concerning the effects
of charismatic gifts in and through the
early Church. The personal key to the
renewal is baptism in the Holy Spirit. This
is not a new sacrament but the personally
experienced actualization of grace already
sacramentally received, principally in
baptism and confirmation. The experience
of baptism in the Holy Spirit is often
accompanied by the reception of one or
more charismatic gifts. A characteristic
form of the renewal is the weekly prayer
meeting, a gathering which includes
periods of spontaneous prayer, singing,
sharing of experience and testimony,
fellowship and teaching. (See also Index.)
Charisms: Gifts or graces given by God to
persons for the good of others and the
Church. Examples are special gifts for
apostolic work, prophecy, healing,
discernment of spirits, the life of
evangelical poverty, here and now witness
to faith in various circumstances of life.
The Second Vatican Council made the
following statement about charisms in the
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
(No. 12): It is not only through the
sacraments and Church ministries that the
same Holy Spirit sanctifies and leads the
People of God and enriches it with virtues.
Allotting his gifts to everyone according


as he will (1 Cor 12:11), he distributes

special graces among the faithful of every
rank. By these gifts he makes them fit and
ready to undertake the various tasks or
offices advantageous for the renewal and
upbuilding of the Church, according to
the words of the Apostle: The
manifestation of the Spirit is given to
everyone for profit (1 Cor 12:7). These
charismatic gifts, whether they be the
most outstanding or the more simple and
widely diffused, are to be received with
thanksgiving and consolation, for they are
exceedingly suitable and useful for the
needs of the Church. Still, extraordinary
gifts are not to be rashly sought after, nor
are the fruits of apostolic labor to be
presumptuously expected from them. In
any case, judgment as to their genuineness
and proper use belongs to those who
preside over the Church, and to whose
special competence it belongs, not indeed
to extinguish the Spirit, but to test all
things and hold fast to that which is good
(cf. 1 Thes 5:12; 19 21).
Charity: Love of God above all things for
his own sake, and love of ones neighbor as
oneself because and as an expression of
ones love for God; the greatest of the three
theological virtues. The term is sometimes
also used to designate sanctifying grace.
Chastity: Properly ordered behavior with

respect to sex. In marriage, the exercise of

the procreative power is integrated with
the norms and purposes of marriage.
Outside of marriage, the rule is self denial
of the voluntary exercise and enjoyment of
the procreative faculty in thought, word or
action. The vow of chastity, which
reinforces the virtue of chastity with the
virtue of religion, is one of the three vows

professed publicly by members of

institutes of consecrated life.
Chirograph or Autograph Letter: A letter
written by a pope himself, in his own
Chrism: A mixture of olive or other
vegetable oil and balsam (or balm), that is
consecrated by a bishop for use in
Confirmation, Holy Orders, the blessing
of an altar.
Christ: The title of Jesus, derived from the

Greek translation Christos of the Hebrew

term Messiah, meaning the Anointed of
God, the Savior and Deliverer of his
people. Christian use of the title is a
confession of belief that Jesus is the Savior.
Christianity: The sum total of things

related to belief in Christ the Christian

religion, Christian churches, Christians
themselves, society based on and
expressive of Christian beliefs, culture
reflecting Christian values.
Christians: The name first applied about
the year 43 to followers of Christ at
Antioch, the capital of Syria. It was used
by the pagans as a contemptuous term.
The word applies to persons who profess
belief in the divinity and teachings of
Christ and who give witness to him in life.
Circumcision: A ceremonial practice
symbolic of initiation and participation in
the covenant between God and Abraham.
Circumincession: The indwelling of each
divine Person of the Holy Trinity in the

Clergy: Men ordained to holy orders and

Collegiality: A term in use especially since

commissioned for sacred ministries and

assigned to pastoral and other duties for
the service of the people and the Church.
(1) Diocesan or secular clergy are
committed to pastoral ministry in parishes
and in other capacities in a particular
church (diocese) under the direction of
their bishop, to whom they are bound by a
promise of obedience. (2) Regular clergy
belong to religious institutes (orders,
congregations, societies institutes of
consecrated life) and are so called because
they observe the rule (regula, in Latin) of
their respective institutes. They are
committed to the ways of life and
apostolates of their institutes. In ordinary
pastoral ministry, they are under the
direction of local bishops as well as their
own superiors.

the Second Vatican Council to describe the

authority exercised by the College of
Bishops. The bishops of the Church, in
union with and subordinate to the pope
who has full, supreme and universal power
over the Church which he can always
exercise independently have supreme
teaching and pastoral authority over the
whole Church. In addition to their proper
authority of office for the good of the
faithful in their respective dioceses or other
jurisdictions, the bishops have authority to
act for the good of the universal Church.
This collegial authority is exercised in a
solemn manner in an ecumenical council
and can also be exercised in other ways
sanctioned by the pope. Doctrine on
collegiality was set forth by the Second
Vatican Council in Lumen Gentium (the
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church).
(See separate entry.) By extension, the
concept of collegiality is applied to other
forms of participation and co
responsibility by members of a

Clericalism: A term generally used in a

derogatory sense to mean action, influence

and interference by the Church and the
clergy in matters with which they
allegedly should not be concerned.
Anticlericalism is a reaction of antipathy,
hostility, distrust and opposition to the
Church and clergy arising from real and/or
alleged faults of the clergy, overextension
of the role of the laity, or for other reasons.
Cloister: Part of a monastery, convent or

other house of religious reserved for use by

members of the institute. Houses of
contemplative Religious have a strict
Code: A digest of rules or regulations, such

Communicatio in Sacris: The reception of

the Churchs sacraments by non-members

or the reception by Catholics of sacraments
in non-Catholic Churches.
Communion of Saints: The communion of
all the faithful of Christ, those who are
pilgrims on earth, the dead who are being
purified, and the blessed in heaven, all
together forming one Church; in this
communion, the merciful love of God and
his saints is always (attentive) to our prayers
(Paul VI, Creed of the People of God).

as the Code of Canon Law.

Communism: The substantive principles of
Code of Canon Law: See Canon Law.

modern communism, a theory and system


of economics and social organization, were

stated about the middle of the 19th
century by Karl Marx, author of The
Communist Manifesto and, with Friedrich
Engels, Das Kapital. The elements of
communist theory include: radical
materialism; dialectical determinism; the
inevitability of class struggle and conflict,
which is to be furthered for the ultimate
establishment of a worldwide, classless
society; common ownership of productive
and other goods; the subordination of all
persons and institutions to the
dictatorship of the collective; denial of the
rights, dignity and liberty of persons;
militant atheism and hostility to religion,
utilitarian morality. Communism in
theory and practice has been the subject of
many papal documents and statements.
Pius IX condemned it in 1846. Leo XIII
dealt with it at length in the encyclical
letter Quod Apostolici Muneris in 1878 and
Rerum Novarum in 1891. Pius XI wrote on
the same subject in the encyclicals
Quadragesimo Anno in 1931 and Divini
Redemptoris in 1937. These writings have
been updated and developed in new
directions by Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul
VI and John Paul II.

the Sacred Liturgy issued by the Second

Vatican Council set new norms for
concelebration, which is now relatively
common in the Roman Rite.
Concordance, Biblical: An alphabetical
verbal index enabling a user knowing one
or more words of a scriptural passage to
locate the entire text.
Concordat: A church state treaty with the
force of law concerning matters of mutual
concern e.g., rights of the Church,
arrangement of ecclesiastical jurisdictions,
marriage laws, education. Approximately
150 agreements of this kind have been
negotiated since the Concordat of Worms
in 1122.
Concupiscence: Any tendency of the

sensitive appetite. The term is most

frequently used in reference to desires and
tendencies for sinful sense pleasure.
Confession: Sacramental confession is the
act by which a person tells or confesses his
sins to a priest who is authorized to give
absolution in the sacrament of penance.
Confessor: A priest who administers the

Compline: The night prayer of the Church

that completes the daily cursus (course) of

the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office).
Concelebration: The liturgical act in which
several priests, led by one member of the
group, offer Mass together, all
consecrating the bread and wine.
Concelebration has always been common
in churches of Eastern Rite. In the Roman
Rite, it was long restricted, taking place
only at the ordination of bishops and the
ordination of priests. The Constitution on


sacrament of penance. The title of

confessor, formerly given to a category of
male saints, was suppressed with
publication of the calendar reform of 1969.

An association whose
members practice a particular form of
religious devotion and/or are engaged in
some kind of apostolic work.
Congregation: (1) The collective name for
the people who form a parish. (2) One of
the chief administrative departments of

the Roman Curia. (3) An unofficial term

for a group of men and women who belong
to a religious community or institute of
consecrated life.
concerning the moral goodness or
sinfulness of an action (thought, word,
desire). In the Catholic view, this
judgment is made by reference of the
action, its attendant circumstances and the
intentions of the person to the
requirements of moral law as expressed in
the Ten Commandments, the summary
law of love for God and neighbor, the life
and teaching of Christ, and the
authoritative teaching and practice of the
Church with respect to the total demands
of divine Revelation. A person is obliged:
(1) to obey a certain and correct
conscience; (2) to obey a certain conscience
even if it is inculpably erroneous; (3) not to
obey, but to correct, a conscience known to
be erroneous or lax; (4) to rectify a
scrupulous conscience by following the
advice of a confessor and by other
measures; (5) to resolve doubts of
conscience before acting. It is legitimate to
act for solid and probable reasons when a
question of moral responsibility admits of
argument (See Probabiliorism and
examination to determine ones spiritual
state before God, regarding ones sins and
faults. It is recommended as a regular
practice and is practically necessary in
preparing for the sacrament of penance.
The particular examen is a regular
examination to assist in overcoming
specific faults and imperfections.

Consequentialism: A moral theory, closely

associated with proportionalism and

utilitarianism, that holds that the
preferable action is one that brings about
the best consequences. Preferred results,
rather than the objective truth and
intentionality, are the object of actions
based on consequentialism. While
traditional moral theology acknowledges
that consequences are important in
determining the rightness of an act,
importance is also placed on the intrinsic
morality of the act and the agents
Consistory: An assembly of cardinals
presided over by the pope.
Constitution: (1) An apostolic or papal
constitution is a document in which a
pope enacts and promulgates law. (2) A
formal and solemn document issued by an
ecumenical council on a doctrinal or
pastoral subject, with binding force in the
whole Church; e.g., the four constitutions
issued by the Second Vatican Council on
the Church, liturgy, Revelation, and the
Church in the modern world. (3) The
constitutions of institutes of consecrated
life and societies of apostolic life spell out
details of and norms drawn from the
various rules for the guidance and
direction of the life and work of their
Consubstantiation: A theory which holds

that the Body and Blood of Christ coexist

with the substance of bread and wine in
the Holy Eucharist. This theory, also called
impanation, is incompatible with the
doctrine of transubstantiation.

Contraception: Anything done by positive

interference to prevent sexual intercourse

from resulting in conception. Direct
contraception is against the order of
nature. Indirect contraception as a
secondary effect of medical treatment or
other action having a necessary, good, non
contraceptive purpose is permissible
under the principle of the double effect.
The practice of periodic continence is not
contraception because it does not involve
positive interference with the order of
nature. (See Humanae Vitae, other entries.)
Contrition: Sorrow for sin coupled with a

purpose of amendment. Contrition arising

from a supernatural motive is necessary for
the forgiveness of sin. (1) Perfect contrition
is total sorrow for and renunciation of
attachment to sin, arising from the motive
of pure love of God. Perfect contrition,
which implies the intention of doing all
God wants done for the forgiveness of sin
(including confession in a reasonable
period of time), is sufficient for the
forgiveness of serious sin and the remission
of all temporal punishment due for sin.
(The intention to receive the sacrament of
penance is implicit even if unrealized,
as in the case of some persons in perfect
contrition.) (2) Imperfect contrition or
attrition is sorrow arising from a quasi
selfish supernatural motive; e.g., the fear of
losing heaven, suffering the pains of hell,
etc. Imperfect contrition is sufficient for
the forgiveness of serious sin when joined
with absolution in confession, and
sufficient for the forgiveness of venial sin
even outside of confession.
Contumely: Personal insult, reviling a
person in his presence by accusation of
moral faults, by refusal of recognition or


due respect; a violation of obligations of

justice and charity.
Conversion: In a general sense, the turning
away from someone or something and the
moving toward another person or thing. In
Christian belief, conversion is the embrace
of Jesus Christ and a rejection of all that
keeps one from God.
Corpus Iuris Canonici : See Canon Law.
Council: A formal meeting of Church

leaders, summoned by a bishop or

appropriate Church leader, with the
general purpose of assisting the life of the
Church through deliberations, decrees,
and promulgations. Different councils
include: diocesan councils (synod), a
gathering of the officials of an individual
diocese; provincial councils, the meeting
of the bishops of a province; plenary
councils, the assembly of the bishops of a
country; and ecumenical councils, a
gathering of all the bishops in the world
under the authority of the Bishop of
Counsels, Evangelical: Gospel counsels of
perfection, especially voluntary poverty,
perfect chastity and obedience, which
were recommended by Christ to those
who would devote themselves exclusively
and completely to the immediate service
of God. Religious (members of institutes
of consecrated life) bind themselves by
public vows to observe these counsels in a
life of total consecration to God and
service to people through various kinds of
apostolic works.

The period of
approximately 100 years following the

Council of Trent (1545-63), which

witnessed a reform within the Church to
stimulate genuine Catholic life and to
counteract effects of the Reformation.
Covenant: A bond of relationship between

parties pledged to each other. God

initiated covenants in the Old Testament
included those with Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Levi, David. The Mosaic (Sinai)
covenant made Israel Gods Chosen People
on terms of fidelity to true faith, true
worship, and righteous conduct according
to the Decalogue. The New Testament
covenant, prefigured in the Old
Testament, is the bond people have with
God through Christ. All people are called
to be parties to this perfect and everlasting
covenant, which was mediated and ratified
by Christ. The marriage covenant seals the
closest possible relationship between a
man and a woman.
Creation: The production by God of

something out of nothing. The biblical

account of creation is contained in the first
two chapters of Genesis.
Creator: God, the supreme, self existing

Being, the absolute and infinite First

Cause of all things.
Creature: Everything in the realm of being
is a creature, except God.
Cremation: The reduction of a human
corpse to ashes by means of fire. Cremation
is not in line with Catholic tradition and
practice, even though it is not opposed to
any article of faith. The Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith, under date of
May 8, 1963, circulated among bishops an
instruction which upheld the traditional

practices of Christian burial but modified

anti cremation legislation. Cremation may
be permitted for serious reasons, of a
private as well as public nature, provided
it does not involve any contempt of the
Church or of religion, or any attempt to
deny, question, or belittle the doctrine of
the resurrection of the body. In a letter
dated Mar. 21, 1997, and addressed to
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, president of the
National Conference of Catholic Bishops,
the Congregation for Divine Worship and
the Discipline of the Sacraments granted
a particular permission to the diocesan
bishops of the United States of America.
By this, local Ordinaries (heads of dioceses)
are authorizedto permit that the funeral
liturgy, including where appropriate the
celebration of the Eucharist, be celebrated
in the presence of the cremated remains
instead of the natural body. Bishop Pilla
asked bishops not to use this indult until
appropriate texts and ritual directives are
approved by the Vatican. (See Burial,

Also Crche, a devotional

representation of the birth of Jesus. The
custom of erecting cribs is generally
attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, who in
1223 obtained from Pope Honorius III
permission to use a crib and figures of the
Christ Child, Mary, St. Joseph, and others,
to represent the mystery of the Nativity.
Crosier: The bishops staff, symbolic of his

pastoral office, responsibility and

authority; used at liturgical functions.
Crypt: An underground or partly under-

ground chamber; e.g., the lower part of a

church used for worship and/or burial.

Cura Animarum: A Latin phrase, meaning

care of souls, designating the pastoral
ministry and responsibility of bishops and
Curia: The personnel and offices through

which (1) the pope administers the affairs

of the universal Church, the Roman Curia
(See p. 253), or (2) a bishop the affairs of a
diocese, diocesan curia. The principal
officials of a diocesan curia are the vicar
general of the diocese, the chancellor,
officials of the diocesan tribunal or court,
examiners, consultors, auditors, notaries.

Decree: An edict or ordinance issued by a

pope and/or by an ecumenical council,
with binding force in the whole Church;
by a department of the Roman Curia, with
binding force for concerned parties; by a
territorial body of bishops, with binding
force for persons in the area; by individual
bishops, with binding force for concerned
parties until revocation or the death of the
bishop. The nine decrees issued by the
combinations of doctrinal and pastoral
statements with executive orders for action
and movement toward renewal and reform
in the Church.

Custos: A religious superior who presides

over a number of convents collectively

called a custody. In some institutes of
consecrated life a custos may be the deputy
of a higher superior.

Dean: (1) A priest with supervisory
responsibility over a section of a diocese
known as a deanery. The post Vatican II
counterpart of a dean is an episcopal vicar.
(2) The senior or ranking member of a
Decision: A judgment or pronouncement
on a cause or suit, given by a church
tribunal or official with judicial authority.
A decision has the force of law for
concerned parties.
Declaration: (1) An ecclesiastical document
which presents an interpretation of an
existing law. (2) A position paper on a
specific subject; e.g., the three declarations
issued by the Second Vatican Council on
religious freedom, non Christian religions,
and Christian education.


Dedication of a Church: The ceremony

whereby a church is solemnly set apart for

the worship of God. The custom of
dedicating churches had an antecedent in
Old Testament ceremonies for the
dedication of the Temple, as in the times of
Solomon and the Maccabees. The earliest
extant record of the dedication of a
Christian church dates from early in the
fourth century, when it was done simply
by the celebration of Mass. Other
ceremonies developed later. A church can
be dedicated by a simple blessing or a
solemn consecration. The rite of
consecration is generally performed by a
Deposit of the Faith: The body of saving

truth, entrusted by Christ to the Apostles

and handed on by them to the Church to
be preserved and proclaimed. As embodied
in Revelation and Tradition the term is
very nearly coextensive with objective
revelation, in that it embraces the whole of
Christs teaching. But the term of deposit
highlights particular features of the
apostolic teaching implying that this

teaching is an inexhaustible store that

rewards and promotes reflection and study
so that new insights and deeper
penetration might be made into the
mystery of the divine economy of
salvation. Although our understanding of
this teaching can develop, it can never be
augmented in its substance; the teaching is
a divine trust, that cannot be altered,
modified, or debased. The term depositum
fidei first entered official Catholic teaching
with the Council of Trent, but its
substance is well-attested in the Scriptures
and the Fathers.
Despair: Abandonment of hope for

salvation arising from the conviction that

God will not provide the necessary means
for attaining it, that following Gods way
of life for salvation is impossible, or that
ones sins are unforgivable; a serious sin
against the Holy Spirit and the theological
virtues of hope and faith, involving
distrust in the mercy and goodness of God
and a denial of the truths that God wills
the salvation of all persons and provides
sufficient grace for it. Real despair is
distinguished from unreasonable fear with
respect to the difficulties of attaining
salvation, from morbid anxiety over the
demands of divine justice, and from
feelings of despair.
Detraction: Revelation of true but hidden
faults of a person without sufficient and
justifying reason; a violation of
requirements of justice and charity,
involving the obligation to make
restitution when this is possible without
doing more harm to the good name of the
offended party. In some cases, e.g., to
prevent evil, secret faults may and should
be disclosed.

Devil: (1) Lucifer, Satan, chief of the fallen

angels who sinned and were banished from
heaven. Still possessing angelic powers, he
can cause such diabolical phenomena as
possession and obsession, and can tempt
men to sin. (2) Any fallen angel.
Devotion: (1) Religious fervor, piety;
experienced at times during prayer; a
reverent manner of praying.
Devotions: Pious practices of members of
the Church include not only participation
in various acts of the liturgy but also in
other acts of worship generally called
popular or private devotions. Concerning
these, the Second Vatican Council said in
the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
(Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 13): Popular
devotions of the Christian people are
warmly commended, provided they accord
with the laws and norms of the Church.
Such is especially the case with devotions
called for by the Apostolic See. Devotions
proper to the individual churches also have
a special dignity. These devotions should
be so drawn up that they harmonize with
the liturgical seasons, accord with the
sacred liturgy, are in some fashion derived
from it, and lead the people to it, since the
liturgy by its very nature far surpasses any
of them. Devotions of a liturgical type are
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
recitation of Evening Prayer and Night
Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours.
Examples of paraliturgical devotion are a
Bible Service or Vigil, and the Angelus,
Rosary and Stations of the Cross, which
have a strong scriptural basis.
Diocese: A particular church, a fully

organized ecclesiastical jurisdiction under


the pastoral direction of a bishop as local

Discalced: Of Latin derivation and

meaning without shoes, the word is

applied to religious orders or
congregations whose members go barefoot
or wear sandals.
Disciple: A term used sometimes in

reference to the Apostles but more often to

a larger number of followers (70 or 72) of
Christ mentioned in Lk 10:1.
Disciplina Arcani : A Latin phrase, meaning

discipline of the secret and referring to a

practice of the early Church, especially
during the Roman persecutions, to: (1)
conceal Christian truths from those who, it
was feared, would misinterpret, ridicule
and profane the teachings, and persecute
Christians for believing them; (2) instruct
catechumens in a gradual manner,
withholding the teaching of certain
doctrines until the catechumens proved
themselves of good faith and sufficient

examination of entrails, astrology, augury,

omens, palmistry, drawing straws, dice,
cards, etc. Practices like these attribute to
created things a power which belongs to
God alone and are violations of the First
Divine Praises: Fourteen praises recited or

sung at Benediction of the Blessed

Sacrament in reparation for sins of
sacrilege, blasphemy and profanity. Some
of these praises date from the end of the
18th century: Blessed be God. / Blessed be his
holy Name. / Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God
and true Man. / Blessed be the Name of Jesus. /
Blessed be his most Sacred Heart. / Blessed be his
most Precious Blood. / Blessed be Jesus in the most
holy Sacrament of the Altar. / Blessed be the Holy
Spirit, the Paraclete. / Blessed be the great
Mother of God, Mary most holy. / Blessed be her
holy and Immaculate Conception. / Blessed be her
glorious Assumption. / Blessed be the name of
Mary, Virgin and Mother. / Blessed be St.
Joseph, her most chaste Spouse. / Blessed be God
in his Angels and in his Saints.

Dispensation: The relaxation of a law in a

particular case. Laws made for the common
good sometimes work undue hardship in
particular cases. In such cases, where
sufficient reasons are present, dispensations
may be granted by proper authorities.
Bishops, religious superiors and others may
dispense from certain laws; the pope can
dispense from all ecclesiastical laws. No
one has authority to dispense from
obligations of the divine law.

Double Effect Principle: Actions sometimes

have two effects closely related to each
other, one good and the other bad, and a
difficult moral question can arise: Is it
permissible to place an action from which
two such results follow? It is permissible
to place the action, if: the action is good in
itself and is directly productive of the good
effect; the circumstances are good; the
intention of the person is good; the reason
for placing the action is proportionately
serious to the seriousness of the indirect
bad effect.

Divination: Attempting to foretell future

Doxology: (1) The lesser doxology, or

or hidden things by means of things like


ascription of glory to the Trinity, is the

Glory be to the Father. The first part dates


back to the third or fourth century, and

came from the form of baptism. The
concluding words, As it was in the
beginning, etc., are of later origin. (2) The
greater doxology, Glory to God in the
highest, begins with the words of angelic
praise at the birth of Christ recounted in
the Infancy Narrative (Lk 2:14). It is often
recited at Mass. Of early Eastern origin, it
is found in the Apostolic Constitutions in
a form much like the present. (3) The
formula of praise at the end of the
Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, sung or said by
the celebrant while he holds aloft the paten
containing the consecrated host in one
hand and the chalice containing the
consecrated wine in the other.
Dulia: A Greek term meaning the
veneration or homage, different in nature
and degree from that given to God, paid to
the saints. It includes honoring the saints
and seeking their intercession with God.

following the first full moon of spring.

Uniformity of practice in the West was not
achieved until several centuries later, when
the British Isles, in delayed compliance
with measures enacted by the Synod of
Whitby in 664, accepted the Roman date
of observance. Unrelated to the
controversy is the fact that some Eastern
Christians, in accordance with traditional
calendar practices, celebrate Easter at a
different time than the Roman and Eastern
Easter Duty: The serious obligation
binding Catholics of Roman Rite, to
receive the Eucharist during the Easter
season (in the U.S., from the first Sunday
of Lent to and including Trinity Sunday).
Easter Water: Holy water blessed with
special ceremonies and distributed on the
Easter Vigil; used during Easter Week for
blessing the faithful and homes.

Duty: A moral obligation deriving from

the binding force of law, the exigencies of
ones state in life, and other sources.


Ecology: The natural environment of the

A three phase
controversy over the time for the
celebration of Easter. Some early Christians
in the Near East, called Quartodecimans,
favored the observance of Easter on the
14th day of Nisan, the spring month of the
Hebrew calendar, whenever it occurred.
Against this practice, Pope St. Victor I,
about 190, ordered a Sunday observance of
the feast. The Council of Nicaea, in line
with usages of the Church at Rome and
Alexandria, decreed in 325 that Easter
should be observed on the Sunday



Study of the nature,

constitution, members, mission, functions,
etc., of the Church.

total range of creation mineral,

vegetable, animal, human entrusted to
people for respect, care and appropriate use
as well as conservation and development
for the good of present and future
Ecstasy: An extraordinary state of mystical

experience in which a person is so absorbed

in God that the activity of the exterior
senses is suspended.
Economy, Divine: The fulfillment of Gods
plan of salvation. It was fully developed in


his divine mind from eternity, and fully

revealed in Jesus Christ. Before the
Incarnation it was known only obscurely,
but after the ascension of Christ and the
coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, it
became the substance of apostolic
preaching and is preserved in its integrity
for each new generation.
Ecumenism: The movement of Christians
and their churches toward the unity willed
by Christ. The Second Vatican Council
called the movement those activities and
enterprises which, according to various
needs of the Church and opportune
occasions, are started and organized for the
fostering of unity among Christians
(Decree on Ecumenism, No. 4). Spiritual
ecumenism, i.e., mutual prayer for unity, is
the heart of the movement. The movement
also involves scholarly and pew level efforts
for the development of mutual
understanding and better interfaith
relations in general, and collaboration by
the churches and their members in the
social area. (See Index for other entries.)
Elevation: The raising of the host after
consecration at Mass for adoration by the
faithful. The custom was introduced in the
Diocese of Paris about the close of the 12th
century to offset an erroneous teaching of
the time which held that transubstantiation of the bread did not take place
until after the consecration of the wine in
the chalice. The elevation of the chalice
following the consecration of the wine was
introduced in the 15th century.
Encyclical: The highest form of papal
teaching document. It is normally
addressed to all the bishops and/or to all
the faithful.


Envy: Sadness over anothers good fortune

because it is considered a loss to oneself or

a detraction from ones own excellence; one
of the seven capital sins, a violation of the
obligations of charity.
Epiclesis: An invocation of the Holy
Spirit, to bless the offerings consecrated at
Mass; before the consecration in the Latin
Rite, after the consecration in Eastern
Epikeia: A Greek word meaning
reasonableness and designating a moral
theory and practice, a mild interpretation
of the mind of a legislator who is
prudently considered not to wish positive
law to bind in certain circumstances.
Episcopate: (1) The office, dignity and
sacramental powers bestowed upon a
bishop at his ordination. (2) The body of
bishops collectively.
Equivocation: (1) The use of words,

phrases, or gestures having more than one

meaning in order to conceal information
which a questioner has no strict right to
know. It is permissible to equivocate (have
a broad mental reservation) in some
circumstances. (2) A lie, i.e., a statement of
untruth. Lying is intrinsically wrong. A lie
told in joking, evident as such, is not
Eschatology: Doctrine concerning the last

things: death, judgment, heaven and hell,

and the final state of perfection of the
people and kingdom of God at the end of
Eternity: The interminable, perfect
possession of life in its totality without

beginning or end; an attribute of God,

who has no past or future but always is.
Mans existence has a beginning but no
end and is, accordingly, called immortal.
Ethics: Moral philosophy, the science of

the morality of human acts deriving from

natural law, the natural end of man, and
the powers of human reason. It includes all
the spheres of human activity personal,
social, economic, political, etc. Ethics is
distinct from but can be related to moral
theology, whose primary principles are
drawn from divine revelation.
Euthanasia: Mercy killing, the direct
causing of death for the purpose of ending
human suffering. Euthanasia is murder and
is totally illicit, for the natural law forbids
the direct taking of ones own life or that of
an innocent person. The use of drugs to
relieve suffering in serious cases, even when
this results in a shortening of life as an
indirect and secondary effect, is permissible
under conditions of the double-effect
principle. It is also permissible for a
seriously ill person to refuse to follow or
for other responsible persons to refuse to
permit extraordinary medical
procedures even though the refusal might
entail shortening of life.
Evangelization: Proclamation of the
Gospel, the Good News of salvation in and
through Christ, among those who have not
yet known or received it; and efforts for the
progressive development of the life of faith
among those who have already received the
Gospel and all that it entails.
Evangelization is the primary mission of
the Church, in which all members of the
Church are called to participate.

Evolution: Scientific theory concerning the

development of the physical universe from

unorganized matter (inorganic evolution)
and, especially, the development of
existing forms of vegetable, animal and
human life from earlier and more
primitive organisms (organic evolution).
Various ideas about evolution were
advanced for some centuries before
scientific evidence in support of the main
line theory of organic evolution, which has
several formulations, was discovered and
verified in the second half of the 19th
century and afterwards. This evidence
from the findings of comparative anatomy
and other sciences confirmed evolution
of species and cleared the way to further
investigation of questions regarding the
processes of its accomplishment. While a
number of such questions remain open
with respect to human evolution, a point
of doctrine not open to question is the
immediate creation of the human soul by
God. For some time, theologians regarded
the theory with hostility, considering it to
be in opposition to the account of creation
in the early chapters of Genesis and
subversive of belief in such doctrines as
creation, the early state of man in grace,
and the fall of man from grace. This state
of affairs and the tension it generated led
to considerable controversy regarding an
alleged conflict between religion and
science. Gradually, however, the tension
was diminished with the development of
biblical studies from the latter part of the
19th century onwards, with clarification of
the distinctive features of religious truth
and scientific truth, and with the
refinement of evolutionary concepts. So far
as the Genesis account of creation is
concerned, the Catholic view is that the
writer(s) did not write as a scientist but as

the communicator of religious truth in a

manner adapted to the understanding of
the people of his time. He used
anthropomorphic language, the figure of
days and other literary devices to state the
salvation truths of creation, the fall of man
from grace, and the promise of
redemption. It was beyond the
competency and purpose of the writer(s) to
describe creation and related events in a
scientific manner.
Excommunication: Severe ecclesiastical
penalty imposed by the Church that
excludes a member of the faithful from the
wider community. Excommunication is
today covered in its particulars by Canon
1331 of the new Code of Canon Law,
promulgated in 1983. It exists in two
contemporary forms, ferendae sententiae and
latae sententiae. The former is a penalty
imposed after a formal proceeding
presided over by at least three judges. The
latter is considered an automatic penalty
for certain acts, including the procuring of
a successful abortion (Canon 1398), the
embrace of heresy (Canon 1364), violation
of the Seal of Confession (Canon 1388),
and the blasphemous and sacrilegious use
of the Eucharist (Canon 1367). A person
under the ban of excommunication is
unable to take part in all ceremonies of
public worship, especially the Eucharist,
to receive or celebrate the sacraments, and
to discharge any ecclesiastical offices,
ministries, or functions. (See Censures).
Ex Opere Operantis: A term in sacramental
theology meaning that the effectiveness of
sacraments depends on the moral rectitude
of the minister or participant. This term
was applied to rites of the O.T. in contrast


with those of the N.T. when it was first

advanced in the thirteenth century.
Ex Opere Operato: A term in sacramental

theology meaning that sacraments are

effective by means of the sacramental rite
itself and not because of the worthiness of
the minister or participant.
Exorcism: (1) Driving out evil spirits; a
rite in which evil spirits are charged and
commanded on the authority of God and
with the prayer of the Church to depart
from a person or to cease causing harm to
a person suffering from diabolical
possession or obsession. The sacramental is
officially administered by a priest
delegated for the purpose by the bishop of
the place. Elements of the rite include the
Litany of Saints; recitation of the Our
Father, one or more creeds, and other
prayers; specific prayers of exorcism; the
reading of Gospel passages and use of the
Sign of the Cross. On Jan. 26, 1999, the
Congregation for Divine Worship and the
Discipline of the Sacraments published a
new rite of exorcism in the Roman Ritual.
[See Special Report for additional details.]
(2) Exorcisms which do not imply the
conditions of either diabolical possession
or obsession form part of the ceremony of
baptism and are also included in formulas
for various blessings; e.g., of water.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: In

churches where the Eucharist is regularly

reserved, it is recommended that solemn
exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for an
extended period of time should take place
once a year, even though the period is not
strictly continuous. Shorter expositions of
the Eucharist (Benediction) are to be
arranged in such a way that the blessing

with the Eucharist is preceded by a

reasonable time for readings of the word of
God, songs, prayers and a period for silent
prayer. So stated Vatican directives issued
in 1973.

Faculties: Grants of jurisdiction or

authority by the law of the Church or

superiors (pope, bishop, religious superior)
for exercise of the powers of holy orders;
e.g., priests are given faculties to hear
confessions, officiate at weddings; bishops
are given faculties to grant dispensations,
Faith: In religion, faith has several aspects.
Catholic doctrine calls faith the assent of
the mind to truths revealed by God, the
assent being made with the help of grace
and by command of the will on account of
the authority and trustworthiness of God
revealing. The term faith also refers to the
truths that are believed (content of faith)
and to the way in which a person, in
response to Christ, gives witness to and
expresses belief in daily life (living faith).
All of these elements, and more, are
included in the following statement:
The obedience of faith (Rom 16:26; 1:5;
2 Cor 10:5 6) must be given to God who
reveals, an obedience by which man
entrusts his whole self freely to God,
offering the full submission of intellect
and will to God who reveals (First Vatican
Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the
Catholic Faith, Chap. 3), and freely
assenting to the truth revealed by him. If
this faith is to be shown, the grace of God
and the interior help of the Holy Spirit
must precede and assist, moving the heart
and turning it to God, opening the eyes of

the mind, and giving joy and ease to

everyone in assenting to the truth and
believing it (Second Council of Orange,
Canon 7) (Second Vatican Council,
Constitution on Revelation, Dei Verbum,
No. 5). Faith is necessary for salvation.
Faith, Rule of: The norm or standard of

religious belief. The Catholic doctrine is

that belief must be professed in the
divinely revealed truths in the Bible and
tradition as interpreted and proposed by
the infallible teaching authority of the
Fast, Eucharistic: Abstinence from food
and drink, except water and medicine, is
required for one hour before the reception
of the Eucharist. Persons who are advanced
in age or suffer from infirmity or illness,
together with those who care for them, can
receive Holy Communion even if they
have not abstained from food and drink for
an hour. A priest celebrating two or three
Masses on the same day can eat and drink
something before the second or third Mass
without regard for the hour limit.
Father: A title of priests, who are regarded
as spiritual fathers because they are the
ordinary ministers of baptism, by which
persons are born to supernatural life, and
because of their pastoral service to people.
Fear: A mental state caused by the

apprehension of present or future danger.

Grave fear does not necessarily remove
moral responsibility for an act, but may
lessen it.
First Friday: A devotion consisting of the

reception of Holy Communion on the first

Friday of nine consecutive months in

honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and in

reparation for sin. (See Sacred Heart,
First Saturday: A devotion tracing its

origin to the apparitions of the Blessed

Virgin Mary at Ftima in 1917. Those
practicing the devotion go to confession
and, on the first Saturday of five
consecutive months, receive Holy
Communion, recite five decades of the
Rosary, and meditate on the mysteries for
15 minutes.
Fishermans Ring: A signet ring (termed in

Italian the pescatorio) engraved with the

image of St. Peter fishing from a boat, and
encircled with the name of the reigning
pope. It is not worn by the pope. It is used
to seal briefs, and is destroyed after each
popes death.
Forgiveness of Sin: Catholics believe that
sins are forgiven by God through the
mediation of Christ in view of the
repentance of the sinner and by means of
the sacrament of penance. (See Penance,
Fortitude: Courage to face dangers or
hardships for the sake of what is good; one
of the four cardinal virtues and one of the
seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Forty Hours Devotion: A Eucharistic
observance consisting of solemn exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament coupled with
special Masses and forms of prayer, for the
purposes of making reparation for sin and
praying for Gods blessings of grace and
peace. The devotion was instituted in
1534 in Milan. St. John Neumann of
Philadelphia was the first bishop in the


U.S. to prescribe its observance in his

diocese. For many years in this country, the
observance was held annually on a rotating
basis in all parishes of a diocese. Simplified
and abbreviated Eucharistic observances
have taken the place of the devotion in
some places.
Forum: The sphere in which ecclesiastical

authority or jurisdiction is exercised. (1)

External: Authority is exercised in the
external forum to deal with matters
affecting the public welfare of the Church
and its members. Those who have such
authority because of their office (e.g.,
diocesan bishops) are called ordinaries. (2)
Internal: Authority is exercised in the
internal forum to deal with matters
affecting the private spiritual good of
individuals. The sacramental forum is the
sphere in which the sacrament of penance
is administered; other exercises of
jurisdiction in the internal forum take
place in the non sacramental forum.
Freedom, Religious: The Second Vatican

Council declared that the right to religious

freedom in civil society means that all
men are to be immune from coercion on
the part of individuals or of social groups
and of any human power, in such wise that
in matters religious no one is to be forced
to act in a manner contrary to his own
beliefs. Nor is anyone to be restrained from
acting in accordance with his own beliefs,
whether privately or publicly, whether
alone or in association with others, within
due limits of requirements for the
common good. The foundation of this
right in civil society is the very dignity of
the human person (Declaration on
Religious Freedom, Dignitatis Humanae,
No. 2). The conciliar statement did not

deal with the subject of freedom within

the Church. It noted the responsibility of
the faithful carefully to attend to the
sacred and certain doctrine of the Church
(No. 14).
Freemasons: A fraternal order that

originated in London in 1717 with the

formation of the first Grand Lodge of
Freemasons. From England, the order
spread to Europe and elsewhere. Its
principles and basic rituals embody a
naturalistic religion, active participation
in which is incompatible with Christian
faith and practice. Grand Orient
Freemasonry, developed in Latin countries,
is atheistic, irreligious and anticlerical. In
some places, Freemasonry has been
regarded as subversive of the state; in
Catholic quarters, it has been considered
hostile to the Church and its doctrine. In
the United States, Freemasonry has been
widely regarded as a fraternal and
philanthropic order. For serious doctrinal
and pastoral reasons, Catholics were
forbidden to join the Freemasons under
penalty of excommunication, according to
church law before 1983. Eight different
popes in 17 different pronouncements, and
at least six different local councils,
condemned Freemasonry. The first
condemnation was made by Clement XII
in 1738. Eastern Orthodox and many
Protestant bodies have also opposed the
order. In the U.S., there was some easing of
the ban against Masonic membership by
Catholics in view of a letter written in
1974 by Cardinal Franjo Seper, prefect of
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith. The letter was interpreted to mean
that Catholics might join Masonic lodges
which were not anti-Catholic. This was
called erroneous in a declaration issued by

the Doctrinal Congregation Feb. 17,

1981. The prohibition against Masonic
membership was restated in a declaration
issued by the Doctrinal Congregation Nov.
26, 1983, with the approval of Pope John
Paul II, as follows. The Churchs negative
position on Masonic associations remains
unaltered, since their principles have
always been regarded as irreconcilable
with the Churchs doctrine. Hence, joining
them remains prohibited by the Church.
Catholics enrolled in Masonic associations
are involved in serious sin and may not
approach Holy Communion. Local
ecclesiastical authorities do not have the
faculty to pronounce a judgment on the
nature of Masonic associations which
might include a diminution of the abovementioned judgment. This latest
declaration, like the revised Code of Canon
Law, does not include a penalty of
excommunication for Catholics who join
the Masons. Local bishops are not
authorized to grant dispensations from the
prohibition. The foregoing strictures
against Masonic membership by Catholics
were reiterated in a report by the
Committee for Pastoral Research and
Practice, National Conference of Catholic
Bishops, released through Catholic News
Service June 7, 1985.
Free Will: The faculty or capability of

making a reasonable choice among several

alternatives. Freedom of will underlies the
possibility and fact of moral responsibility.
Friar: Term applied to members of

mendicant orders to distinguish them

from members of monastic orders. (See

Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Charity, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, goodness, generosity,
gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self
control, chastity.

Gethsemani: A Hebrew word meaning oil

press, designating the place on the Mount
of Olives where Christ prayed and suffered
in agony the night before he died.

Fruits of the Mass: The spiritual and

Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Supernatural habits

temporal blessings that result from the

celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass. The general fruits are shared by all
the faithful, living and departed, while the
special fruits are applied to the priest who
celebrates it, to those for whose intention
it is offered, and to all those who
participate in its celebration.

disposing a person to respond promptly to

the inspiration of grace; promised by
Christ and communicated through the
Holy Spirit, especially in the sacrament of
confirmation. They are: wisdom,
understanding, counsel, knowledge,
fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord.

Fundamental Option: The orientation of

ones life either to God by obedience or

against Him through disobedience.
Catholic Tradition acknowledges that one
free and deliberate act with knowledge
renders one at odds with God. A prevalent
and vague moral theory today asserts that
one act cannot change ones option to God
no matter how grave unless the
action comes from the persons center.
Pope John Paul II cautioned against this
ambiguous position in the encyclical
Veritatis Splendor (1993).

Gehenna: Greek form of a Jewish name,
Gehinnom, for a valley near Jerusalem, the
site of Moloch worship; used as a synonym
for hell.
Genuflection: Bending of the knee, a
natural sign of adoration or reverence, as
when persons genuflect with the right
knee in passing before the tabernacle to
acknowledge the Eucharistic presence of

Glorified Body: The definitive state of

humanity in eternity. The risen Christ calls

humanity to the glory of his resurrection;
this is a theological premise that
presupposes that, like Christ, all of his
brothers and sisters will be transformed
Gluttony: An unreasonable appetite for

food and drink; one of the seven capital

God: The infinitely perfect Supreme Being,
uncaused and absolutely self sufficient,
eternal, the Creator and final end of all
things. The one God subsists in three
equal Persons, the Father and the Son and
the Holy Spirit. God, although
transcendent and distinct from the
universe, is present and active in the world
in realization of his plan for the salvation
of human beings, principally through
Revelation, the operations of the Holy
Spirit, the life and ministry of Christ, and
the continuation of Christs ministry in the
Church. The existence of God is an article
of faith, clearly communicated in divine
Revelation. Even without this Revelation,
however, the Church teaches, in a

declaration by the First Vatican Council,

that human beings can acquire certain
knowledge of the existence of God and
some of his attributes. This can be done on
the bases of principles of reason and
reflection on human experience. Non
revealed arguments or demonstrations for
the existence of God have been developed
from the principle of causality; the
contingency of human beings and the
universe; the existence of design, change
and movement in the universe; human
awareness of moral responsibility;
widespread human testimony to the
existence of God.
Goods of Marriage: Three blessings

children, faithful companionship, and

permanence that were first enumerated
by St. Augustine in a work on marriage.
Grace: A free gift of God to persons (and
angels), grace is a created sharing or
participation in the life of God. It is given
to persons through the merits of Christ
and is communicated by the Holy Spirit.
It is necessary for salvation. The principal
means of grace are the sacraments
(especially the Eucharist), prayer and good
works. (1) Sanctifying or habitual grace
makes persons holy and pleasing to God,
adopted children of God, members of
Christ, temples of the Holy Spirit, heirs of
heaven capable of supernaturally
meritorious acts. With grace, God gives
persons the supernatural virtues and gifts
of the Holy Spirit. The sacraments of
baptism and penance were instituted to
give grace to those who do not have it; the
other sacraments, to increase it in those
already in the state of grace. The means for
growth in holiness, or the increase of grace,
are prayer, the sacraments, and good

works. Sanctifying grace is lost by the

commission of serious sin. Each sacrament
confers sanctifying grace for the special
purpose of the sacrament; in this context,
grace is called sacramental grace. (2) Actual
grace is a supernatural help of God which
enlightens and strengthens a person to do
good and to avoid evil. It is not a
permanent quality, like sanctifying grace.
It is necessary for the performance of
supernatural acts. It can be resisted and
refused. Persons in the state of serious sin
are given actual grace to lead them to
Grace at Meals: Prayers said before meals,
asking a blessing of God, and after meals,
giving thanks to God. In addition to
traditional prayers for these purposes,
many variations suitable for different
occasions are possible, at personal option.
Guilt: The condition of an individual who
has committed some moral wrong and is
liable to receive punishment.

Habit: (1) A disposition to do things easily,
given with grace (and therefore
supernatural) and/or acquired by
repetition of similar acts. (2) The garb
worn by Religious.
Hagiography: Writings or documents

about saints and other holy persons.

Hail Mary: A prayer addressed to the

Blessed Virgin Mary; also called the Ave

Maria (Latin equivalent of Hail Mary) and
the Angelic Salutation. In three parts, it
consists of the words addressed to Mary by
the Archangel Gabriel on the occasion of

the Annunciation, in the Infancy

Narrative (Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord
is with you, blessed are you among women; Lk
1:28); the words addressed to Mary by her
cousin Elizabeth on the occasion of the
Visitation (Blessed is the fruit of your womb;
Lk 1-42); a concluding petition (Holy

Heresies from the beginning of the Church

to the 13th century are described in Dates
and Events in Church History.
Hermeneutics: See under the section

Interpretation of the Bible.

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now

and at the hour of our death. Amen.). The first

Hermit: See Anchorite.

two salutations were joined in Eastern rite

formulas by the sixth century, and were
similarly used at Rome in the seventh
century. Insertion of the name of Jesus at
the conclusion of the salutations was
probably made by Urban IV about 1262.
The present form of the petition was
incorporated into the breviary in 1514.

Heroic Act of Charity: The completely

Heaven: The state of those who, having

achieved salvation, are in glory with God

and enjoy the beatific vision. The phrase,
kingdom of heaven, refers to the order or
kingdom of God, grace, salvation.
Hell: The state of persons who die in

mortal sin, in a condition of self alienation

from God which will last forever.

unselfish offering to God of ones good

works and merits for the benefit of the
souls in purgatory rather than for oneself.
Thus a person may offer to God for the
souls in purgatory all the good works he
performs during life, all the indulgences
he gains, and all the prayers and
indulgences that will be offered for him
after his death. The act is revocable at will,
and is not a vow. Its actual ratification
depends on the will of God.
Heroic Virtue: The exemplary practice of
the four cardinal virtues and three
theological virtues; such virtue is sought
in persons considered for sainthood.
Heterodoxy: False doctrine teaching or

Heresy: The obstinate post baptismal

denial or doubt by a Catholic of any truth

which must be believed as a matter of
divine and Catholic faith (Canon 751, of
the Code of Canon Law). Formal heresy
involves deliberate resistance to the
authority of God who communicates
revelation through Scripture and tradition
and the teaching authority of the Church.
Heretics automatically incur the penalty of
excommunication (Canon 1364 of the
Code of Canon Law). Heresies have been
significant not only as disruptions of unity
of faith but also as occasions for the
clarification and development of doctrine.

belief; a departure from truth.

Hierarchy: The hierarchy of order who

carry out the sacramental, teaching, and

pastoral ministry of the Church; the
hierarchy consists of the pope, bishops,
priests, and deacons; the pope and the
bishops give pastoral governance to the
Holy Father: A title used for the pope; it is
a shortened translation of the Latin title
Beatissimus Pater, Most Blessed Father
and refers to his position as the spiritual
father of all the Christian faithful.

Holy See: (1) The diocese of the pope,

Rome. (2) The pope himself and/or the
various officials and bodies of the Churchs
central administration at Vatican City
the Roman Curia which act in the
name and by authority of the pope.
Holy Spirit: God the Holy Spirit, third

Person of the Holy Trinity, who proceeds

from the Father and the Son and with
whom he is equal in every respect; inspirer
of the prophets and writers of sacred
Scripture; promised by Christ to the
Apostles as their advocate and
strengthener; appeared in the form of a
dove at the baptism of Christ and as
tongues of fire at his descent upon the
Apostles; soul of the Church and
guarantor, by his abiding presence and
action, of truth in doctrine; communicator
of grace to human beings, for which reason
he is called the sanctifier.
Holy Water: Water blessed by the Church

and used as a sacramental, a practice which

originated in apostolic times.
Holy Year: A year during which the pope

grants the plenary Jubilee Indulgence to

the faithful who fulfill certain conditions.
For those who make a pilgrimage to Rome
during the year, the conditions are
reception of the sacraments of penance and
the Eucharist, visits and prayer for the
intention of the pope in the basilicas of St.
Peter, St. John Lateran, St. Paul and St.
Mary Major. For those who do not make a
pilgrimage to Rome, the conditions are
reception of the sacraments and prayer for
the pope during a visit or community
celebration in a church designated by the
bishop of the locality. Pope Boniface VIII
formally proclaimed the first Holy Year on

Feb. 22, 1300, and the first three Holy

Years were observed in 1300, 1350 and
1390. Subsequent ones were celebrated at
25 year intervals except in 1800 and 1850
when, respectively, the French invasion of
Italy and political turmoil made
observance impossible. Pope Paul II (1464
1471) set the 25 year timetable. In 1500,
Pope Alexander VI prescribed the start
and finish ceremonies the opening and
closing of the Holy Doors in the major
basilicas on successive Christmas Eves. All
but a few of the earlier Holy Years were
classified as ordinary. Several like those
of 1933 and 1983 84 to commemorate the
1900th and 1950th anniversaries of the
death and resurrection of Christ were in
the extraordinary category. Pope John Paul
designated Jubilee Year 2000 to be a Holy
Year ending the second and beginning the
third millennium of Christianity.
Homosexuality: The condition of a person

whose sexual orientation is toward persons

of the same rather than the opposite sex.
The condition is not sinful in itself.
Homosexual acts are seriously sinful in
themselves; subjective responsibility for
such acts, however, may be conditioned
and diminished by compulsion and related
Hope: The theological virtue by which a
person firmly trusts in God for the means
and attainment salvation.
Hosanna: A Hebrew word, meaning O

Lord, save, we pray.

Host, The Sacred: The bread under whose

appearances Christ is and remains present

in a unique manner after the consecration

which takes place during Mass. (See


IHS: In Greek, the first three letters of the

Human Dignity: The inherent worth of all

Immaculate Conception: The doctrine that

affirms that the Blessed Virgin Mary was
preserved, in the first instant of her
conception, by a singular grace and
privilege of God omnipotent and because
of the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of
the human race, free from all stain of
Original Sin, as stated by Pope Pius IX in
his declaration of the dogma, Dec. 8,
1854. Thus, Mary was conceived in the
state of perfect justice, free from Original
Sin and its consequences, in virtue of the
redemption achieved by Christ on the

human persons as they are made in Gods

image and likeness and they alone of all
Gods creatures on earth have an
immortal soul.
Humanism: A world view centered on
man. Types of humanism which exclude
the supernatural are related to secularism.
Humility: A virtue which induces a person
to evaluate himself or herself at his or her
true worth, to recognize his or her
dependence on God, and to give glory to
God for the good he or she has and can do.
Hyperdulia: The special veneration
accorded the Blessed Virgin Mary because
of her unique role in the mystery of
Redemption, her exceptional gifts of grace
from God, and her pre eminence among
the saints. Hyperdulia is not adoration;
only God is adored.
Hypostatic Union: The union of the human

and divine natures in the one divine

Person of Christ.

Icons: Byzantine style paintings or

representations of Christ, the Blessed

Virgin and other saints, venerated in the
Eastern Churches where they take the
place of statues.
Idolatry: Worship of any but the true God;

a violation of the First Commandment.


name of Jesus Iota, Eta, Sigma.

Immortality: The survival and continuing

existence of the human soul after death.
Imprimatur: See Censorship of Books.
Impurity: Unlawful indulgence in sexual
pleasure. (See Chastity.)
Imputability: A canonical term for the

moral responsibility of a person for an act

that he or she has performed.
Incardination: The affiliation of a priest to
his diocese. Every secular priest must
belong to a certain diocese. Similarly, every
priest of a religious community must
belong to some jurisdiction of his
community; this affiliation, however, is
not called incardination.
Incarnation: (1) The coming into flesh or

taking of human nature by the Second

Person of the Trinity. He became human as
the Son of Mary, being miraculously
conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit,

without ceasing to be divine. His divine

Person hypostatically unites his divine and
human natures. (2) The supernatural
mystery coextensive with Christ from the
moment of his human conception and
continuing through his life on earth; his
sufferings and death; his resurrection from
the dead and ascension to glory with the
Father; his sending, with the Father, of the
Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the
Church; and his unending mediation with
the Father for the salvation of human
Incense: A granulated substance which,

when burnt, emits an aromatic smoke. It

symbolizes the zeal with which the faithful
should be consumed, the good odor of
Christian virtue, the ascent of prayer to
God. An incense boat is a small vessel used
to hold incense which is to be placed in the
Incest: Sexual intercourse with relatives by

blood or marriage; a sin of impurity and

also a grave violation of the natural
reverence due to relatives. Other sins of
impurity desire, etc., concerning relatives
have the nature of incest.
Inculturation: The correct and entirely

appropriate adaptation of the Catholic

liturgy and institutions to the culture,
language, and customs of an indigenous or
local people among whom the Gospel is
first proclaimed. Pope John Paul II Feb.
15, 1982, at a meeting in Lagos with the
bishops of Nigeria proclaimed: An
important aspect of your own evangelizing
role is the whole dimension of the
inculturation of the Gospel into the lives
of your people. The Church truly respects
the culture of each people. In offering the

Gospel message, the Church does not

intend to destroy or to abolish what is
good and beautiful. In fact, she recognizes
many cultural values and, through the
power of the Gospel, purifies and takes
into Christian worship certain elements of
a peoples customs.
Index of Prohibited Books: A list of books

which Catholics were formerly forbidden

to read, possess or sell, under penalty of
excommunication. The books were banned
by the Holy See after publication because
their treatment of matters of faith and
morals and related subjects were judged to
be erroneous or serious occasions of
doctrinal error. Some books were listed in
the Index by name; others were covered
under general norms. The Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith declared June
14, 1966, that the Index and its related
penalties of excommunication no longer
had the force of law in the Church. Persons
are still obliged, however, to take normal
precautions against occasions of doctrinal
Indifferentism: A theory that any one
religion is as true and good or false
as any other religion, and that it makes no
difference, objectively, what religion one
professes, if any. The theory is completely
subjective, finding its justification entirely
in personal choice without reference to or
respect for objective validity. It is also self
contradictory, since it regards as equally
acceptable or unacceptable the
beliefs of all religions, which in fact are not
only not all the same but are in some cases
opposed to each other.
Indulgence: According to The Doctrine

and Practice of Indulgences, an apostolic


constitution issued by Paul VI Jan. 1,

1967, an indulgence is the remission
before God of the temporal punishment
due for sins already forgiven as far as their
guilt is concerned, which a follower of
Christ with the proper dispositions and
under certain determined conditions
acquires through the intervention of the
Church. An indulgence is partial or
plenary, depending on whether it does
away with either part or all of the temporal
punishment due for sin. Both types of
indulgences can always be applied to the
dead by way of suffrage; the actual
disposition of indulgences applied to the
dead rests with God. Only one plenary
indulgence can be gained in a single day.
The Apostolic Penitentiary issued a decree
Dec. 14, 1985, granting diocesan bishops
the right to impart three times a year
on solemn feasts of their choice the
papal blessing with a plenary indulgence
to those who cannot be physically present
but who follow the sacred rites at which
the blessing is imparted by radio or
television transmission. In July, 1986,
publication was announced of a new and
simplified Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, in
accord with provisions of the revised Code
of Canon Law. A revised manual was issued
by the Holy See on Sept. 17, 2000.
Indult: A favor or privilege granted by
competent ecclesiastical authority, giving
permission to do something not allowed
by the common law of the Church.
Infallibility: 1) The inability of the Church
to err in its teaching, in that she preserves
and teaches the deposit of truth as revealed
by Christ; 2) The inability of the Roman
Pontiff to err when he teaches ex cathedra in
matters of faith or morals, and indicates

that the doctrine is to be believed by all

the faithful; and 3) the inability of the
college of bishops to err when speaking in
union with the pope in matters of faith and
morals, agreeing that a doctrine must be
held by the universal Church, and the
doctrine is promulgated by the Pontiff.
Infused Virtues: The theological virtues of

faith, hope, and charity; principles or

capabilities of supernatural action, they are
given with sanctifying grace by God rather
than acquired by repeated acts of a person.
They can be increased by practice; they are
lost by contrary acts. Natural acquired
moral virtues, like the cardinal virtues of
prudence, justice, temperance, and
fortitude, can be considered infused in a
person whose state of grace gives them
supernatural orientation.
Inquisition: A tribunal for dealing with
heretics, authorized by Gregory IX in
1231 to search them out, hear and judge
them, sentence them to various forms of
punishment, and in some cases to hand
them over to civil authorities for
punishment. The Inquisition was a
creature of its time when crimes against
faith, which threatened the good of the
Christian community, were regarded also
as crimes against the state, and when
heretical doctrines of such extremists as
the Cathari and Albigensians threatened
the very fabric of society. The institution,
which was responsible for many excesses,
was most active in the second half of the
13th century.
Inquisition, Spanish: An institution
peculiar to Spain and the colonies in
Spanish America. In 1478, at the urging of
King Ferdinand, Pope Sixtus IV approved

the establishment of the Inquisition for

trying charges of heresy brought against
Jewish (Marranos) and Moorish (Moriscos)
converts. It acquired jurisdiction over
other cases as well, however, and fell into
disrepute because of irregularities in its
functions, cruelty in its sentences, and the
manner in which it served the interests of
the Spanish crown more than the accused
persons and the good of the Church.
Protests by the Holy See failed to curb
excesses of the Inquisition, which lingered
in Spanish history until early in the 19th
I N R I: The first letters of words in the
Latin inscription atop the cross on which
Christ was crucified: (I)esus (N)azaraenus,
(R)ex (I)udaeorum Jesus of Nazareth,
King of the Jews.
Insemination, Artificial: The implanting of
human semen by some means other than
consummation of natural marital
intercourse. In view of the principle that
procreation should result only from
marital intercourse, donor insemination is
not permissible.
In Sin: The condition of a person called

spiritually dead because he or she does not

possess sanctifying grace, the principle of
supernatural life, action and merit. Such
grace can be regained through repentance.

Intercommunion, Eucharistic Sharing: The

common celebration and reception of the

Eucharist by members of different
Christian churches; a pivotal issue in
ecumenical theory and practice. Catholic
participation and intercommunion in the
Eucharistic liturgy of another church
without a valid priesthood and with a
variant Eucharistic belief is out of order.
Under certain conditions, other Christians
may receive the Eucharist in the Catholic
Church. (See additional Intercommunion
entry). Intercommunion is acceptable to
unacceptable to others.
Interdict: A censure imposed on persons for

certain violations of church law.

Interdicted persons may not take part in
certain liturgical services, administer or
receive certain sacraments.
Intinction: A method of administering

Holy Communion under the dual

appearances of bread and wine, in which
the consecrated host is dipped in the
consecrated wine before being given to the
communicant. The administering of Holy
Communion in this manner, which has
been traditional in Eastern Rite liturgies,
was authorized in the Roman Rite for
various occasions by the Constitution on
the Sacred Liturgy promulgated by the
Second Vatican Council.

Instruction: A document containing

doctrinal explanations, directive norms,

rules, recommendations, admonitions,
issued by the pope, a department of the
Roman Curia or other competent
authority in the Church. To the extent that
they so prescribe, instructions have the
force of law.

Irenicism: Peace seeking, conciliation, as

opposed to polemics; an important
element in ecumenism, provided it
furthers pursuit of the Christian unity
willed by Christ without degenerating
into a peace at any price disregard for
religious truth.

Irregularity: A permanent impediment to

the lawful reception or exercise of holy
irregularities which include apostasy,
heresy, homicide, attempted suicide
out of reverence for the dignity of the

Jehovah: The English equivalent of the
Hebrew Adonai (my Lord) used out of
fear and reverence for the Holy Name of
Yahweh. Jehovah uses the consonants
YHWH and the vowels of Adonai (a, o, a).
Scholars today maintain that Jehovah is a
false derivation.
Jesus: The name of Jesus, meaning God

saves, expressing the identity and mission

of the second Person of the Trinity become
man; derived from the Aramaic and
Hebrew Yeshua and Joshua, meaning
Yahweh is salvation.

only by persons with the power of orders.

(1) Ordinary jurisdiction is attached to
ecclesiastical offices by law; the
officeholders, called Ordinaries, have
authority over those who are subject to
them. (2) Delegated jurisdiction is that
which is granted to persons rather than
attached to offices. Its extent depends on
the terms of the delegation.
Justice: One of the four cardinal virtues by

which a person gives to others what is due

to them as a matter of right. (See Cardinal
Justification: The act by which God makes
a person just, and the consequent change
in the spiritual status of a person, from sin
to grace; the remission of sin and the
infusion of sanctifying grace through the
merits of Christ and the action of the Holy

Jesus Prayer: A prayer of Eastern origin,

Kenosis: A term from the Greek for

dating back to the fifth century: Lord Jesus

emptying that denotes Christs

emptying of Himself in his free
renunciation of his right to divine status,
by reason of the Incarnation, particularly
as celebrated in the kenotic hymn (Phil
2:6-11), where it is said that Christ
emptied himself, taking the form of a
slave, born in the likeness of man totally
integrated with his divinity.

Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me (a

Judgment: (1) Last or final judgment: Final
judgment by Christ, at the end of the
world and the general resurrection. (2)
Particular judgment: The judgment that
takes place immediately after a persons
death, followed by entrance into heaven,
hell or purgatory.
Jurisdiction: Right, power, authority to

rule. Jurisdiction in the Church is of

divine institution; has pastoral service for
its purpose; includes legislative, judicial
and executive authority; can be exercised

Kerygma: Proclaiming the word of God, in

the manner of the Apostles, as here and

now effective for salvation. This method of
preaching or instruction, centered on
Christ and geared to the facts and themes
of salvation history, is designed to dispose
people to faith in Christ and/or to intensify

the experience and practice of that faith in

those who have it.

faithful themselves (Rom 15:26; 2 Cor


Keys, Power of the: Spiritual authority and

jurisdiction in the Church, symbolized by

the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Christ
promised the keys to St. Peter, as head to
be of the Church (Mt 16:19), and
commissioned him with full pastoral
responsibility to feed his lambs and sheep
(Jn 21:15 17), The pope, as the successor
of St. Peter, has this power in a primary
and supreme manner. The bishops of the
Church also have the power, in union with
and subordinate to the pope. Priests share
in it through holy orders and the
delegation of authority. Examples of the
application of the Power of the Keys are
the exercise of teaching and pastoral
authority by the pope and bishops, the
absolving of sins in the sacrament of
penance, the granting of indulgences, the
imposing of spiritual penalties on persons
who commit certain serious sins.
Kingdom of God: Gods sovereign lordship

or rule over salvation history, leading to

the eschatological goal of eternal life with
Koinonia: A term from the Greek word for

community, fellowship, or association

that was used by St. Luke for the
fellowship of believers who worshipped
together and held all their possessions in
common (Acts 2:42-47); it is also used of
fellowship with God (1 Jn 1:3, 6), with
the Son (1 Cor 1:9), and with the Holy
Spirit (2 Cor 13:13; Phil 2:1). St. Paul
used koinonia to denote the intimate union
of the believer with Christ and the
community that exists among all the

Laicization: The process by which a man

ordained to holy orders is relieved of the

obligations of orders and the ministry and
is returned to the status of a lay person.
Languages of the Church: The languages in

which the Churchs liturgy is celebrated.

These include Geez, Syriac, Greek,
Arabic, and Old Slavonic in the Eastern
Churches. In the West, there is, of course,
Latin and the various vernaculars. The
Eastern Rites have always had the
vernacular. The first language in church
use, for divine worship and the conduct of
ecclesiastical affairs, was Aramaic, the
language of the first Christians in and
around Jerusalem. As the Church spread
westward, Greek was adopted and
prevailed until the third century when it
was supplanted by Latin for official use in
the West. In the Western Church, Latin
prevailed as the general official language
until the promulgation on Dec. 4, 1963, of
the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
(Sacrosanctum Concilium) by the second
session of the Second Vatican Council.
Since that time, vernacular languages have
come into use in the Mass, administration
of the sacraments, and the Liturgy of the
Hours. Latin, however, remains the official
language for documents of the Holy See,
administrative and procedural matters.
Latria: Greek-rooted Latin term that refers

to that form of praise due to God alone.

Law: An ordinance or rule governing the
activity of things. (1) Natural law: Moral


norms corresponding to mans nature by

which he orders his conduct toward God,
neighbor, society and himself. This law,
which is rooted in human nature, is of
divine origin, can be known by the use of
reason, and binds all persons having the
use of reason. The Ten Commandments are
declarations and amplifications of natural
law. The primary precepts of natural law,
to do good and to avoid evil, are
universally recognized, despite differences
with respect to understanding and
application resulting from different
philosophies of good and evil. (2) Divine
positive law: That which has been revealed
by God. Among its essentials are the twin
precepts of love of God and love of
neighbor, and the Ten Commandments.
(3) Ecclesiastical law: That which is
established by the Church for the spiritual
welfare of the faithful and the orderly
conduct of ecclesiastical affairs. (See Canon
Law.) (4) Civil law: That which is
established by a socio political community
for the common good.
Liberalism: A multiphased trend of
thought and movement favoring liberty,
independence and progress in moral,
intellectual, religious, social, economic
and political life. Traceable to the
Renaissance, it developed through the
Enlightenment, the rationalism of the
19th century, and modernist
existentialist related theories of the 20th
century. Evaluations of various kinds of
liberalism depend on the validity of their
underlying principles. Extremist positions

libertinarianism, naturalist denials of the
supernatural, and the alienation of
individuals and society from God and the
Church were condemned by Gregory

XVI in the 1830s, Pius IX in 1864, Leo

XIII in 1899, and St. Pius X in 1907.
There is, however, nothing objectionable
about forms of liberalism patterned
according to sound principles of Christian
Liberation Theology: Deals with the
relevance of Christian faith and salvation
and, therefore, of the mission of the
Church to efforts for the promotion of
human rights, social justice and human
development. It originated in the
religious, social, political and economic
environment of Latin America, with its
contemporary need for a theory and
corresponding action by the Church, in the
pattern of its overall mission, for human
rights and integral personal and social
development. Some versions of liberation
theology are at variance with the body of
church teaching because of their
ideological concept of Christ as liberator,
and also because they play down the
primary spiritual nature and mission of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
On Certain Aspects of the Theology of
Liberation (Sept. 3, 1984) and On
Christian Freedom and Liberation (Apr.
5, 1986) contain warnings against
translating sociology into theology and
advocating violence in social activism.
Life in Outer Space: Whether rational life

exists on other bodies in the universe

besides earth, is a question for scientific
investigation to settle. The possibility can
be granted, without prejudice to the body
of revealed truth.
Limbo: The limbo of the fathers was the

state of rest and natural happiness after

death enjoyed by the just of pre Christian

times until they were admitted to heaven
following the Ascension of Christ.
Litany: A prayer in the form of responsive

petition; e.g., St. Joseph, pray for us, etc.

Examples are the litanies of Loreto (Litany
of the Blessed Mother), the Holy Name,
All Saints, the Sacred Heart, the Precious
Blood, St. Joseph, Litany for the Dying.
Logos: A Greek term for word, speech, or
reason. It is most commonly identified
with the title given to Jesus in Johns
Gospel, though not exclusive to that
Gospel; In the N.T., however, the term
reflects more the influence of Hellenistic
philosophy: St. Paul uses logos as
interchangeable with sophia, wisdom (1
Cor 1:24). The Logos is the Wisdom of God
made manifest in the Son. As a name for
the Second Person of the Trinity, the
Incarnate Word, the term receives new
meaning in the light of the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Loreto, House of: A Marian shrine in
Loreto, Italy, consisting of the home of the
Holy Family which, according to an old
tradition, was transported in a miraculous
manner from Nazareth to Dalmatia and
finally to Loreto between 1291 and 1294.
Investigations conducted shortly after the
appearance of the structure in Loreto
revealed that its dimensions matched those
of the house of the Holy Family missing
from its place of enshrinement in a basilica
at Nazareth. Among the many popes who
regarded it with high honor was John
XXIII, who went there on pilgrimage Oct.
4, 1962. The house of the Holy Family is
enshrined in the Basilica of Our Lady.

Love: A devotion to a person or object that

has been categorized by Greek philosophy

into four types: storge (one loves persons
and things close to him); philia (the love of
friends); eros (sexual love and that of a
spiritual nature); agape (a self-giving to one
in need). Christian charity is love, but not
all love is true charity.
Lust: A disorderly desire for sexual
pleasure; one of the seven capital sins.

Magi: In the Infancy Narrative of St.
Matthews Gospel (2:1 12), three wise men
from the East whose visit and homage to
the Child Jesus at Bethlehem indicated
Christs manifestation of himself to non
Jewish people. The narrative teaches the
universality of salvation. The traditional
names of the Magi are Caspar, Melchior
and Balthasar.
Magisterium: The Churchs teaching
authority, instituted by Christ and guided
by the Holy Spirit, which seeks to
safeguard and explain the truths of the
faith. The Magisterium is exercised in two
ways. The extraordinary Magisterium is
exercised when the pope and ecumenical
councils infallibly define a truth of faith or
morals that is necessary for ones salvation
and that has been constantly taught and
held by the Church. Ordinary
Magisterium is exercised when the Church
infallibly defines truths of the Faith as
taught universally and without dissent;
which must be taught or the Magisterium
would be failing in its duty; is connected
with a grave matter of faith or morals; and
which is taught authoritatively. Not
everything taught by the Magisterium is

done so infallibly; however, the exercise of

the Magisterium is faithful to Christ and
what He taught.
Magnificat: The canticle or hymn of the
Virgin Mary on the occasion of her
visitation to her cousin Elizabeth (Lk 1:46
55). It is an expression of praise,
thanksgiving and acknowledgment of the
great blessings given by God to Mary, the
Mother of the Second Person of the Blessed
Trinity made Man. The Magnificat is
recited in the Liturgy of the Hours as part
of the Evening Prayer.

Meditation: Mental, as distinguished from

vocal, prayer, in which thought, affections,
and resolutions of the will predominate.
There is a meditative element to all forms
of prayer, which always involves the
raising of the heart and mind to God.
Mendicants: A term derived from Latin

other saints, arranged according to the

calendar. The Roman Martyrology contains
the official list of saints venerated by the
Church. Additions to the list are made in
beatification and canonization decrees of
the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

and meaning beggars, applied to members

of religious orders without property rights;
the members, accordingly, worked or
begged for their support. The original
mendicants were Franciscans and
Dominicans in the early 13th century;
later, the Carmelites, Augustinians,
Servites and others were given the
mendicant title and privileges, with
respect to exemption from episcopal
jurisdiction and wide faculties for
preaching and administering the
sacrament of penance. The practice of
begging is limited at the present time,
although it is still allowed with the
permission of competent superiors and
bishops. Mendicants are supported by free
will offerings and income received for
spiritual services and other work.

Mass for the People: On Sundays and

Mercy, Divine: The love and goodness of

certain feasts throughout the year pastors

are required to offer Mass for the faithful
entrusted to their care. If they cannot offer
the Mass on these days, they must do so at
a later date or provide that another priest
offer the Mass.

God, manifested particularly in a time of


Martyr: A Greek word, meaning witness,

denoting one who voluntarily suffered
death for the faith or some Christian
Martyrology: A catalogue of martyrs and

Materialism: Theory that holds that matter

is the only reality, and everything in
existence is merely a manifestation of
matter; there is no such thing as spirit, and
the supernatural does not exist.
Materialism is incompatible with
Christian doctrine.

Mercy, Works of: Works of corporal or

spiritual assistance, motivated by love of

God and neighbor, to persons in need. (1)
Corporal works: feeding the hungry,
giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the
naked, visiting the imprisoned, sheltering
the homeless, visiting the sick, burying
the dead. (2) Spiritual works: counseling
the doubtful, instructing the ignorant,
admonishing sinners, comforting the
afflicted, forgiving offenses, bearing

wrongs patiently, praying for the living

and the dead.
Merit: In religion, the right to a

supernatural reward for good works freely

done for a supernatural motive by a person
in the state of and with the assistance of
grace. The right to such reward is from
God, who binds himself to give it.
Accordingly, good works, as described
above, are meritorious for salvation.
Metanoia: A term from the Greek metanoein

(to change ones mind, repent, be

converted) that is used in the NT for
conversion. It entails the repentance of sin
and the subsequent turning toward the
Lord. Metanoia is fundamental to the
Christian life and is necessary for spiritual
Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy
(from the Greek meta after + physika
physics) dealing with first things,
including the nature of being (ontology),
the origin and structure of the world
(cosmology), and the study of the reality
and attributes of God (natural theology).
Metaphysics has long been examined by
Catholic philosophers, most especially in
the writings of St. Augustine and St.
Thomas Aquinas.
Millennium: A thousand year reign of
Christ and the just upon earth before the
end of the world. This belief of the
Millenarians, Chiliasts, and some sects of
modern times is based on an erroneous
interpretation of Rv 20.
Miracles: Observable events or effects in
the physical or moral order of things, with
reference to salvation, which cannot be

explained by the ordinary operation of

laws of nature and which, therefore, are
attributed to the direct action of God.
They make known, in an unusual way, the
concern and intervention of God in human
affairs for the salvation of men.
Mission: (1) Strictly, it means being sent to

perform a certain work, such as the

mission of Christ to redeem mankind, the
mission of the Apostles and the Church
and its members to perpetuate the
prophetic, priestly and royal mission of
Christ. (2) A place where: the Gospel has
not been proclaimed; the Church has not
been firmly established; the Church,
although established, is weak. (3) An
ecclesiastical territory with the simplest
kind of canonical organization, under the
jurisdiction of the Congregation for the
Evangelization of Peoples. (4) A church or
chapel without a resident priest. (5) A
special course of sermons and spiritual
exercises conducted in parishes for the
purpose of renewing and deepening the
spiritual life of the faithful and for the
conversion of lapsed Catholics.
Modernism: The synthesis of all heresies,

which appeared near the beginning of the

20th century. It undermines the objective
validity of religious beliefs and practices
which, it contends, are products of the
subconscious developed by mankind under
the stimulus of a religious sense. It holds
that the existence of a personal God cannot
be demonstrated, the Bible is not inspired,
Christ is not divine, nor did he establish
the Church or institute the sacraments. A
special danger lies in modernism, which is
still influential, because it uses Catholic
terms with perverted meanings. St. Pius X
condemned 65 propositions of modernism

in 1907 in the decree Lamentabili and

issued the encyclical Pascendi to explain
and analyze its errors.

God, Precepts of the Church, Conscience,

Mortification: Acts of self discipline,

Monastery: The dwelling place, as well as

the community thereof, of monks

belonging to the Benedictine and
Benedictine related orders like the
Cistercians and Carthusians; also, the
Augustinians and Canons Regular.
Distinctive of monasteries are: their
separation from the world; the enclosure or
cloister; the permanence or stability of
attachment characteristic of their
members; autonomous government in
accordance with a monastic rule, like that
of St. Benedict in the West or of St. Basil
in the East; the special dedication of its
members to the community celebration of
the liturgy as well as to work that is
suitable to the surrounding area and the
needs of its people. Monastic superiors of
men have such titles as abbot and prior; of
women, abbess and prioress. In most
essentials, an abbey is the same as a
Monk: A member of a monastic order

e.g., the Benedictines, the Benedictine

related Cistercians and Carthusians, and
the Basilians, who bind themselves by
religious profession to stable attachment
to a monastery, the contemplative life and
the work of their community. In popular
use, the title is wrongly applied to many
men religious who really are not monks.
Monotheism: Belief in and worship of one

Morality: Conformity or difformity of
behavior to standards of right conduct. (See
Moral Obligations, Commandments of

including prayer, hardship, austerities and

penances undertaken for the sake of
progress in virtue.
Motu Proprio: A Latin phrase designating a
document issued by a pope on his own
initiative. Documents of this kind often
concern administrative matters.
Mystagogy: Experience of the mystery of
Christ, especially through participation in
the liturgy and the sacraments.
Mysteries of Faith: Supernatural truths
whose existence cannot be known without
revelation by God and whose intrinsic
truth, while not contrary to reason, can
never be wholly understood even after
revelation. These mysteries are above
reason, not against reason. Among them
are the divine mysteries of the Trinity,
Incarnation and Eucharist. Some mysteries
e.g., concerning Gods attributes
can be known by reason without
revelation, although they cannot be fully

Natural Law: See Law.
Natural Theology: The field of knowledge
that relies upon human reason and the
observation of nature, instead of
revelation, to determine the existence and
attributes of God.
Necromancy: Supposed communication

with the dead; a form of divination.

Neo-Scholasticism: A movement begun in

the late 19th century that had as its aim
the restoration of Scholasticism for use in
contemporary philosophy and theology.
Great emphasis was placed upon the
writings of such Scholastic masters as
Peter Lombard, St. Albert the Great, St.
Anselm, St. Bonaventure, Bl. John Duns
Scotus, and especially St. Thomas
Aquinas. The movement began at the
Catholic University of Louvain, in
Belgium, and then found its way into
theological centers in Italy, France, and
Germany. Particular attention was given
to the philosophical and theological works
of St. Thomas Aquinas, from which arose a
particular school of neo-Thomism; the
movement was strongly reinforced by
Pope Leo XIII who issued the encyclical
Aeterni Patris (1879) mandating that
Scholasticism, in particular Thomism, be
the foundation for all Catholic philosophy
and theology taught in Catholic
seminaries, universities, and colleges. NeoScholasticism was responsible for a true
intellectual renaissance in 20th-century
Catholic philosophy and theology. Among
its foremost modern leaders were Jacques
Maritain, tienne Gilson, M. D. Chenu,
Henri de Lubac, and Paul Claudel.
Nihil Obstat: See Censorship of Books.
Non Expedit: A Latin expression. It is not

expedient (fitting, proper), used to state a

prohibition or refusal of permission.

Novice: A man or woman preparing, in a

formal period of trial and formation called

a novitiate, for membership in an institute
of consecrated life. The novitiate lasts a
minimum of 12 and a maximum of 24
months; at its conclusion, the novice
professes temporary promises or vows of
poverty, chastity and obedience. Norms
require that certain periods of time be
spent in the house of novitiate; periods of
apostolic work are also required, to
acquaint the novice with the apostolate(s)
of the institute. A novice is not bound by
the obligations of the professed members
of the institute, is free to leave at any time,
and may be discharged at the discretion of
competent superiors. The superior of a
novice is a master of novices or director of
Nun: (1) Strictly, a member of a religious

order of women with solemn vows

(moniales). (2) In general, all women
religious, even those in simple vows who
are more properly called sisters.
Nunc Dimittis: The canticle or hymn of

Simeon at the sight of Jesus at the Temple

on the occasion of his presentation (Lk
2:29 32). It is an expression of joy and
thanksgiving for the blessing of having
lived to see the Messiah. It is prescribed for
use in the Night Prayer of the Liturgy of
the Hours.

Novena: A term designating public or

Oath: Calling upon God to witness the

private devotional practices over a period

of nine consecutive days; or, by extension,
over a period of nine weeks, in which one
day a week is set aside for the devotions.

truth of a statement. Violating an oath,

e.g., by perjury in court, or taking an oath
without sufficient reason, is a violation of
the honor due to God.

Obedience: Submission to one in authority.

General obligations of obedience fall under

the Fourth Commandment. The vow of
obedience professed by religious is one of
the evangelical counsels.

condemned in 1861 by Pope Pius IX. (See

also Ontology.)
Ontology: A branch of metaphysics that

studies the nature and relations of


Obsession, Diabolical: The extraordinary

state of one who is seriously molested by

evil spirits in an external manner.
Obsession is more than just temptation.
Occasion of Sin: A person, place, or thing
that is a temptation to sin. An occasion
may be either a situation that always leads
to sin or one that usually leads to sin.
Octave: A period of eight days given over

to the celebration of a major feast such as

Oils, Holy: The oils blessed by a bishop at
the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday or
another suitable day, or by a priest under
certain conditions. (1) The oil of
catechumens (olive or vegetable oil), used
at baptism; also, poured with chrism into
the baptismal water blessed in Easter Vigil
ceremonies. (2) Oil of the sick (olive or
vegetable oil) used in anointing the sick.
(3) Chrism (olive or vegetable oil mixed
with balm), which is ordinarily
consecrated by a bishop, for use at
baptism, in confirmation, at the
ordination of a priest and bishop, in the
dedication of churches and altars.
Ontologism: A philosophical theory (the

name is taken from the Greek for being

and study) that posits that knowledge of
God is immediate and intuitive; it
stipulates further that all other human
knowledge is dependent upon this. It was

Oratory: A chapel.
Ordinariate: An ecclesiastical jurisdiction
for special purposes and people. Examples
are military ordinariates for armed services
personnel (in accord with provisions of the
apostolic constitution Spirituali militum
curae, Apr. 21, 1986) and Eastern Rite
ordinariates in places where Eastern Rite
dioceses do not exist.
Ordination: The consecration of sacred

ministers for divine worship and the

service of people in things pertaining to
God. The power of ordination comes from
Christ and the Church, and must be
conferred by a minister capable of
communicating it.
Organ Transplants: The transplanting of
organs from one person to another is
permissible provided it is done with the
consent of the concerned parties and does
not result in the death or essential
mutilation of the donor. Advances in
methods and technology have increased
the range of transplant possibilities in
recent years.
Original Sin: The sin of Adam (Gn 2:8
3:24), personal to him and passed on to all
persons as a state of privation of grace.
Despite this privation and the related
wounding of human nature and
weakening of natural powers, original sin
leaves unchanged all that man himself is

by nature. The scriptural basis of the

doctrine was stated by St. Paul in 1 Cor
15:21ff., and Rom 5:12 21. Original sin is
remitted by baptism and incorporation in
Christ, through whom grace is given to
persons. Pope John Paul II, while
describing original sin during a general
audience Oct. 1, 1986, called it the
absence of sanctifying grace in nature
which has been diverted from its
supernatural end.
O Salutaris Hostia: The first three Latin
words, O Saving Victim, of a Benediction
Ostpolitik: Policy adopted by Pope Paul VI
in an attempt to improve the situation of
Eastern European Catholics through
diplomatic negotiations with their
Oxford Movement: A movement in the
Church of England from 1833 to about
1845 which had for its objective a
threefold defense of the Church as a divine
institution, the apostolic succession of its
bishops, and the Book of Common Prayer as
the rule of faith. The movement took its
name from Oxford University and
involved a number of intellectuals who
authored a series of influential Tracts for
Our Times. Some of its leading figures
e.g., F. W. Faber, John Henry Newman
and Henry Edward Manning became
converts to the Catholic Church. In the
Church of England, the movement
affected the liturgy, historical and
theological scholarship, the status of the
ministry, and other areas of ecclesiastical

Paganism: A term referring to non
revealed religions, i.e., religions other than
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Palms: Blessed palms are a sacramental.

They are blessed and distributed on the

Sunday of the Passion in commemoration
of the triumphant entrance of Christ into
Jerusalem. Ashes of the burnt palms are
used on Ash Wednesday.
Pange Lingua: First Latin words, Sing, my

tongue, of a hymn in honor of the Holy

Eucharist, used particularly on Holy

Thursday and in Eucharistic processions.
Pantheism: Theory that all things are part

of God, divine, in the sense that God

realizes himself as the ultimate reality of
matter or spirit through being and/or
becoming all things that have been, are,
and will be. The theory leads to hopeless
confusion of the Creator and the created
realm of being, identifies evil with good,
Papal Election: The pope is elected by the

College of Cardinals during a secret

conclave which begins no sooner than 15
days and no later than 20 days after the
death of his predecessor. Cardinals under
the age of 80, totaling no more than 120,
are eligible to take part in the election by
secret ballot. Election is by a two thirds
vote of participating cardinals. New
legislation regarding papal elections and
church government during a vacancy of
the Holy See was promulgated by Pope
John Paul Feb. 23, 1996, in the apostolic

constitution Universi Dominici Gregis

(Shepherd of the Lords Whole Flock).
Paraclete: A title of the Holy Spirit
meaning, in Greek, Advocate, Consoler.
Parental Duties: All duties related to the

obligation of parents to provide for the

welfare of their children. These obligations
fall under the Fourth Commandment.
Parish: A community of the faithful served

by a pastor charged with responsibility for

providing them with full pastoral service.
Most parishes are territorial, embracing all
of the faithful in a certain area of a diocese:
some are personal or national, for certain
classes of people, without strict regard for
their places of residence.
Parousia: The coming, or saving presence,
of Christ which will mark the completion
of salvation history and the coming to
perfection of Gods kingdom at the end of
the world.
Particular Church: A term used since
Vatican II that denotes certain divisions of
the Universal Church. Examples include
dioceses, vicariates, and prelatures.
Paschal Candle: A large candle, symbolic
of the risen Christ, blessed and lighted on
the Easter Vigil and placed at the altar
until Pentecost. It is ornamented with five
large grains of incense, representing the
wounds of Christ, inserted in the form of a
cross; the Greek letters Alpha and Omega,
symbolizing Christ the beginning and end
of all things, at the top and bottom of the
shaft of the cross; and the figures of the
current year of salvation in the quadrants
formed by the cross.

Paschal Precept: Church law requiring

reception of the Eucharist in the Easter
season (See separate entry) unless, for a just
cause, once a year reception takes place at
another time.
Passion of Christ: Sufferings of Christ,
recorded in the four Gospels.
Pastor: An ordained minister charged with

responsibility for the doctrinal,

sacramental and related service of people
committed to his care; e.g., a bishop for
the people in his diocese, a priest for the
people of his parish.
Pater Noster: The initial Latin words, Our

Father, of the Lords Prayer.

Patriarch: (1) The leaders of the Israelite

tribes and heads of prominent families

who appear in Genesis from Adam to
Joseph. Among the most significant
patriarchs of the Old Testament are
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the patriarchal
narratives in Genesis associated with them
constitute the prologue to Israels salvation
history, and the period during which they
lived is known as the Age of the
Patriarchs. It is noted that the title of
patriarch that was used for David (Acts
2:29) was simply one of honor. (2) The
head of a branch of the Eastern Church,
corresponding to a province of the onetime Roman Empire. There are five official
traditional patriarchal sees: Rome,
Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and
Jerusalem. Presently, the autocephalous
churches of the Orthodox Church
comprise several of these traditional

Peace, Sign of: A gesture of greeting

e.g., a handshake exchanged by the
ministers and participants at Mass.
Pectoral Cross: A cross worn on a chain
about the neck and over the breast by
bishops and abbots as a mark of their
Penance or Penitence: (1) The spiritual
change or conversion of mind and heart by
which a person turns away from sin, and
all that it implies, toward God, through a
personal renewal under the influence of the
Holy Spirit. Penance involves sorrow and
contrition for sin, together with other
internal and external acts of atonement. It
serves the purposes of reestablishing in
ones life the order of Gods love and
commandments, and of making
satisfaction to God for sin. (2) Penance is a
virtue disposing a person to turn to God in
sorrow for sin and to carry out works of
amendment and atonement. (3) The
sacrament of penance and sacramental
People of God: A name for the Church in
the sense that it is comprised by a people
with Christ as its head, the Holy Spirit as
the condition of its unity, the law of love as
its rule, and the kingdom of God as its
destiny. Although it is a scriptural term, it
was given new emphasis by the Second
Vatican Councils Dogmatic Constitution
on the Church (Lumen Gentium).
Perjury: Taking a false oath, lying under
oath, a violation of the honor due to God.
Persecution, Religious: A campaign waged

against a church or other religious body by

persons and governments intent on its

destruction. The best known campaigns of

this type against the Christian Church
were the Roman persecutions which
occurred intermittently from about 54 to
the promulgation of the Edict of Milan in
313. More Catholics have been persecuted
in the 20th century than in any other
period in history.
Personal Prelature: See under Opus Dei.
Peters Pence: A collection made each year
among Catholics for the maintenance of
the pope and his works of charity. It was
originally a tax of a penny on each house,
and was collected on St. Peters day,
whence the name. It originated in England
in the 8th century.
Petition: One of the four purposes of

prayer. In prayers of petition, persons ask

of God the blessings they and others need.
Pharisees: Influential class among the
Jews, referred to in the Gospels, noted for
their self-righteousness, legalism, strict
interpretation of the Law, acceptance of the
traditions of the elders as well as the Law
of Moses, and beliefs regarding angels and
spirits, the resurrection of the dead and
judgment. Most of them were laymen, and
they were closely allied with the Scribes;
their opposite numbers were the
Sadducees. The Pharisaic and rabbinical
traditions had a lasting influence on
Judaism following the destruction of
Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
Pious Fund: Property and money originally

accumulated by the Jesuits to finance their

missionary work in Lower California.
When the Jesuits were expelled from the
territory in 1767, the fund was

appropriated by the Spanish Crown and

used to support Dominican and Franciscan
missionary work in Upper and Lower
California. In 1842 the Mexican
government took over administration of
the fund, incorporated most of the revenue
into the national treasury, and agreed to
pay the Church interest of six per cent a
year on the capital so incorporated. From
1848 to 1967 the fund was the subject of
lengthy negotiations between the U.S. and
Mexican governments because of the
latters failure to make payments as agreed.
A lump sum settlement was made in 1967
with payment by Mexico to the U.S.
government of more than $700,000, to be
turned over to the Archdiocese of San
Polytheism: Belief in and worship of many
gods or divinities, especially prevalent in
pre Christian religions.

could be gained for the souls in purgatory

only in the chapel of Our Lady of the
Angels; by later concessions, it could be
gained also in other Franciscan and parish
churches. The indulgence (applicable to
the souls in purgatory) can be gained from
noon of Aug. 1 to midnight of Aug. 2,
once each day. The conditions are, in
addition to freedom from attachment to
sin: reception of the sacraments of penance
and the Eucharist on or near the day and a
half; a visit to a parish church within the
day and a half, during which the Our
Father, the Creed and another prayer are
offered for the intentions of the pope.
Positivism: The philosophy that teaches

that the only reality is that which is

perceived by the senses; the only truth is
that which is empirically verified. It
asserts that ideas about God, morality, or
anything else that cannot be scientifically
tested are to be rejected as unknowable.

Poor Box: Alms box; found in churches

from the earliest days of Christianity.

Pope: A title from the Italian word papa

(from Greek pappas, father) used for the

Bishop of Rome, the Vicar of Christ and
successor of St. Peter, who exercises
universal governance over the Church.
Portiuncula: (1) Meaning little portion (of

land), the Portiuncula was the chapel of

Our Lady of the Angels near Assisi, Italy,
which the Benedictines gave to St. Francis
early in the 13th century. He repaired the
chapel and made it the first church of the
Franciscan Order. It is now enshrined in
the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels in
Assisi. (2) The plenary Portiuncula
Indulgence, or Pardon of Assisi, was
authorized by Honorius III. Originally, it

Possession, Diabolical: The extraordinary

state of a person who is tormented from
within by evil spirits who exercise strong
influence over his powers of mind and
body. (See also Exorcism.)
Postulant: One of several names used to

designate a candidate for membership in a

religious institute during the period before
Poverty: (1) The quality or state of being

poor, in actual destitution and need, or

being poor in spirit. In the latter sense,
poverty means the state of mind and
disposition of persons who regard material
things in proper perspective as gifts of God
for the support of life and its reasonable
enrichment, and for the service of others in

need. It means freedom from unreasonable

attachment to material things as ends in
themselves, even though they may be
possessed in small or large measure. (2)
One of the evangelical counsels professed
as a public vow by members of an institute
of consecrated life. It involves the
voluntary renunciation of rights of
ownership and of independent use and
disposal of material goods; or, the right of
independent use and disposal, but not of
the radical right of ownership. Religious
institutes provide their members with
necessary and useful goods and services
from common resources. The manner in
which goods are received and/or handled
by religious is determined by poverty of
spirit and the rule and constitutions of
their institute.
Pragmatism: Theory that the truth of ideas,

concepts and values depends on their utility

or capacity to serve a useful purpose rather
than on their conformity with objective
standards; also called utilitarianism.
Prayer: The raising of the mind and heart

to God in adoration, thanksgiving,

reparation and petition. Prayer, which is
always mental because it involves thought
and love of God, may be vocal, meditative,
private and personal, social, and official.
The official prayer of the Church as a
worshipping community is called the
Precepts: Commands or orders given to

individuals or communities in particular

cases; they establish law for concerned
parties. Preceptive documents are issued
by the pope, departments of the Roman
Curia and other competent authority in
the Church.

Presence of God: A devotional practice of

increasing ones awareness of the presence

and action of God in daily life.
Presumption: A sin against hope, by which

a person striving for salvation (1) either

relies too much on his own capabilities or
(2) expects God to do things which he
cannot do, in keeping with his divine
attributes, or does not will to do,
according to his divine plan. Presumption
is the opposite of despair.
Preternatural Gifts: Exceptional gifts,
beyond the exigencies and powers of
human nature, enjoyed by Adam in the
state of original justice: immunity from
suffering and death, superior knowledge,
integrity or perfect control of the passions.
These gifts were lost as the result of
original sin; their loss, however, implied
no impairment of the integrity of human
Pride: Unreasonable self esteem; one of the

seven capital sins.

Prie Dieu: A French phrase, meaning pray

God, designating a kneeler or bench

suitable for kneeling while at prayer.
Priesthood: (1) The common priesthood of

the non ordained faithful. In virtue of

baptism and confirmation, the faithful are
a priestly people who participate in the
priesthood of Christ through acts of
worship, witness to the faith in daily life,
and efforts to foster the growth of Gods
kingdom. (2) The ordained priesthood, in
virtue of the sacrament of orders, of
bishops, priests and deacons, for service to
the common priesthood.

Primary Option: The life choice of a person

for or against God which shapes the basic
orientation of moral conduct. A primary
option for God does not preclude the
possibility of serious sin.
Prior: A superior or an assistant to an abbot

in a monastery.
Privilege: A favor, an exemption from the

obligation of a law. Privileges of various

kinds, with respect to ecclesiastical laws,
are granted by the pope, departments of
the Roman Curia and other competent
authority in the Church.

The moral system

asserting that the more probable opinion
of a varied set of acceptable positions
regarding the binding character of a law
should be accepted. If the reasons for being
free from a law are more probably true, one
is freed from the laws obligations.
Probabiliorism, however, maintained that
if it was probable that the law did not
bind, one still had to follow it unless it was
more probable that the law did not bind.
Probabilism: A moral system for use in

cases of conscience which involve the

obligation of doubtful laws. There is a
general principle that a doubtful law does
not bind. Probabilism, therefore, teaches
that it is permissible to follow an opinion
favoring liberty, provided the opinion is
Probabilism may not be invoked when
there is question of: a certain law or the
certain obligation of a law; the certain
right of another party; the validity of an
action; something which is necessary for

Pro Cathedral: A church used as a

Promoter of the Faith (Promotor fidei): An

official of the Congregation for the Causes

of Saints, whose role in beatification and
canonization procedures is to establish
beyond reasonable doubt the validity of
evidence regarding the holiness of
prospective saints and miracles attributed
to their intercession.
Prophecy: (1) The communication of
intermediaries, called prophets, between
God and his people. Old Testament
prophecy was unique in its origin and
because of its ethical and religious content,
which included disclosure of the saving
will of Yahweh for the people, moral
censures and warnings of divine
punishment because of sin and violations
of the Law and Covenant, in the form of
promises, admonitions, reproaches and
threats. Although Moses and other earlier
figures are called prophets, the period of
prophecy is generally dated from the early
years of the monarchy to about 100 years
after the Babylonian Exile. From that time
on, the written Law and its interpreters
supplanted the prophets as guides of the
people. Old Testament prophets are cited
in the New Testament, with awareness
that God spoke through them and that
some of their oracles were fulfilled in
Christ. John the Baptist is the outstanding
prophetic figure in the New Testament.
Christ never claimed the title of prophet
for himself, although some people thought
he was one. There were prophets in the
early Church, and St. Paul mentioned the
charism of prophecy in 1 Cor 14:1 5.
Prophecy disappeared after New

Testament times. Revelation is classified as

the prophetic book of the New Testament.
(2) In contemporary non scriptural usage,
the term is applied to the witness given by
persons to the relevance of their beliefs in
everyday life and action.
Proportionalism: The moral theory that

asserts that an action is judged on whether

the evils resulting are proportionate to the
goods that result. If the evils outweigh the
goods, the act is objectionable; if the
opposite is true, the act is permissible.
consequentialism in that the former
admits that the inherent morality of the
act and the agents intention must also be
considered. Proportionalism is rejected by
critics as it does not offer an objective
criterion for determining when evils are
proportionate or disproportionate. It also
fails to consider the intrinsic nature of
human acts and does nothing to assist
Christians to grow in virtue.
Province: (1) A territory comprising one

archdiocese called the metropolitan see

and one or more dioceses called suffragan
sees. The head of the archdiocese, an
archbishop, has metropolitan rights and
responsibilities over the province. (2) A
division of a religious order under the
jurisdiction of a provincial superior.
Prudence: Practical wisdom and judgment
regarding the choice and use of the best
ways and means of doing good; one of the
four cardinal virtues.
Punishment Due for Sin: The punishment
which is a consequence of sin. It is of two
kinds: (1) Eternal punishment is the
punishment of hell, to which one becomes

subject by the commission of mortal sin.

Such punishment is remitted when mortal
sin is forgiven. (2) Temporal punishment is
a consequence of venial sin and/or forgiven
mortal sin; it is not everlasting and may be
remitted in this life by means of penance.
Temporal punishment unremitted during
this life is remitted by suffering in
Purgatory: The state or condition of those
who have died in the state of grace but
with some attachment to sin, and are
purified for a time before they are
admitted to the glory and happiness of
heaven. In this state and period of passive
suffering, they are purified of unrepented
venial sins, satisfy the demands of divine
justice for temporal punishment due for
sins, and are thus converted to a state of
worthiness of the beatific vision.

Quadragesima: From the Latin for fortieth,
the name given to the forty penitential
days of Lent.
Quinquennial Report: A report on the

current state of a diocese that must be

compiled and submitted by a bishop to the
Holy See every five years in anticipation of
the ad liminal visit.
Quinque Viae : From the Latin for the five
ways, the five proofs for the existence of
God that were proposed by St. Thomas
Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae (Part I,
question 2, article 3). The five ways are: 1)
all the motion in the world points to an
unmoved Prime Mover; 2) the subordinate
agents in the world imply the First Agent;
3) there must be a Cause Who is not

perishable and Whose existence is

underived; 4) the limited goodness in the
world must be a reflection of Unlimited
Goodness; 5) all things tend to become
something, and that inclination must have
proceeded from some Rational Planner.

Racism: A theory which holds that any one

or several of the different races of the

human family are inherently superior or
inferior to any one or several of the others.
The teaching denies the essential unity of
the human race, the equality and dignity
of all persons because of their common
possession of the same human nature, and
the participation of all in the divine plan of
redemption. It is radically opposed to the
virtue of justice and the precept of love of
neighbor. Differences of superiority and
inferiority which do exist are the result of
accidental factors operating in a wide
variety of circumstances, and are in no way
due to essential defects in any one or
several of the branches of the one human
race. The theory of racism, together with
practices related to it, is incompatible with
Christian doctrine.
Rash Judgment: Attributing faults to
another without sufficient reason; a
violation of the obligations of justice and
Rationalism: A theory which makes the
mind the measure and arbiter of all things,
including religious truth. A product of the
Enlightenment, it rejects the supernatural,
divine revelation, and authoritative
teaching by any church.

Recollection: Meditation, attitude of

concentration or awareness of spiritual

matters and things pertaining to salvation
and the accomplishment of Gods will.
Relativism: Theory which holds that all

truth, including religious truth, is relative,

i.e., not absolute, certain or unchanging; a
product of agnosticism, indifferentism,
and an unwarranted extension of the
notion of truth in positive science.
Relativism is based on the tenet that
certain knowledge of any and all truth is
impossible. Therefore, no religion,
philosophy or science can be said to possess
the real truth; consequently, all religions,
philosophies and sciences may be
considered to have as much or as little of
truth as any of the others.
Relics: The physical remains and effects of

saints, which are considered worthy of

veneration inasmuch as they are
representative of persons in glory with
God. Catholic doctrine proscribes the view
that relics are not worthy of veneration. In
line with norms laid down by the Council
of Trent and subsequent enactments,
discipline concerning relics is subject to
control by the Congregations for the
Causes of Saints and for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Religion: The adoration and service of God
as expressed in divine worship and in daily
life. Religion is concerned with all of the
relations existing between God and
human beings, and between humans
themselves because of the central
significance of God. Objectively
considered, religion consists of a body of
truth that is believed, a code of morality
for the guidance of conduct, and a form of

divine worship. Subjectively, it is a

persons total response, theoretically and
practically, to the demands of faith; it is
living faith, personal engagement, selfcommitment to God. Thus, by creed, code
and cult, a person orders and directs his or
her life in reference to God and, through
what the love and service of God implies,
to all people and all things.

Restitution: An act of reparation for an

injury done to another. The injury may be
caused by taking and/or retaining what
belongs to another or by damaging either
the property or reputation of another. The
intention of making restitution, usually in
kind, is required as a condition for the
forgiveness of sins of injustice, even
though actual restitution is not possible.

Reliquary: A vessel for the preservation and

exposition of a relic; sometimes made like
a small monstrance.

Ring: In the Church a ring is worn as part

of the insignia of bishops, abbots, et al.; by
sisters to denote their consecration to God
and the Church. The wedding ring
symbolizes the love and union of husband
and wife.

Reparation: The making of amends to God

for sin committed; one of the four ends of
prayer and the purpose of penance.
Requiem: A Mass offered for the repose of

the soul of one who has died in Christ. Its

name is derived from the first word of the
Gregorian (Latin) entrance chant (or
Introit) at Masses for the dead: Requiem
aeternam dona eis, Domine (Eternal rest
grant unto them, O Lord). The revised
Rite for Funerals refers to the requiem as
the Mass of Christian Burial; however, it
would not be uncommon to hear people
employ the former usage.

A written reply by an
ecclesiastical superior regarding a question
or request; its provisions bind concerned
parties only. Papal dispensations are issued
in the form of rescripts.
Reserved Censure: A sin or censure,

absolution from which is reserved to

religious superiors, bishops, the pope, or
confessors having special faculties.
Reservations are made because of the
serious nature and social effects of certain
sins and censures.

Ritual: A book of prayers and ceremonies

used in the administration of the
sacraments and other ceremonial
functions. In the Roman Rite, the
standard book of this kind is the Roman
Rogito: The official notarial act or
document testifying to the burial of a
Rosary: A form of mental and vocal prayer
centered on mysteries or events in the lives
of Jesus and Mary. Its essential elements
are meditation on the mysteries and the
recitation of a number of decades of Hail
Marys, each beginning with the Lords
Prayer. Introductory prayers may include
the Apostles Creed, an initial Our Father,
three Hail Marys and a Glory be to the
Father; each decade is customarily
concluded with a Glory be to the Father; at
the end, it is customary to say the Hail,
Holy Queen and a prayer from the liturgy
for the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of
the Rosary. Traditionally, the Mysteries of

the Rosary, which are the subject of

meditation, are: (1) Joyful the
Annunciation to Mary that she was to be
the Mother of Christ, her visit to
Elizabeth, the birth of Jesus, the
presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the
finding of Jesus in the Temple. (2)
Sorrowful Christs agony in the Garden
of Gethsemani, scourging at the pillar,
crowning with thorns, carrying of the cross
to Calvary, and crucifixion. (3) Glorious
the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ,
the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the
Apostles, Marys Assumption into heaven
and her crowning as Queen of angels and
The complete Rosary, called the
Dominican Rosary, consists of 15 decades.
In customary practice, only five decades are
usually said at one time. Rosary beads are
used to aid in counting the prayers without
distraction. The Rosary originated through
the coalescence of popular devotions to
Jesus and Mary from the 12th century
onward. Its present form dates from about
the 15th century. Carthusians contributed
greatly toward its development;
Dominicans have been its greatest
promoters. The fifteen mysteries were
standardized by Pope Pius V in 1569.
In 2002, Pope John Paul II added five new
mysteries dedicated to chapters from Jesus
public life. Titled the Mysteries of Light,
they are: Christs baptism in the Jordan
River; Christs self-revelation at the
marriage of Cana; Christs announcement
of the kingdom of God with the invitation
to conversion; Christs Transfiguration,
when he revealed his glory to his Apostles;
and the institution of the Eucharist at the
Last Supper as the sacramental expression

of the paschal mystery. The pope asked

that the Mysteries of Light be recited
especially on Thursday.

Sabbath: The seventh day of the week,

observed by Jews and Sabbatarians as the

day for rest and religious observance.
Sacrarium: A basin with a drain leading
directly into the ground; standard
equipment of a sacristy.
Sacred Heart, Enthronement of the: An
acknowledgment of the sovereignty of
Jesus Christ over the Christian family,
expressed by the installation of an image or
picture of the Sacred Heart in a place of
honor in the home, accompanied by an act
of consecration.
Sacred Heart, Promises: Twelve promises
to persons having devotion to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, which were communicated
by Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
in a private revelation in 1675.
Sacrilege: Violation of and irreverence

toward a person, place or thing that is

sacred because of public dedication to
God; a sin against the virtue of religion.
Personal sacrilege is violence of some kind
against a cleric or religious, or a violation
of chastity with a cleric or religious. Local
sacrilege is the desecration of sacred places.
Real sacrilege is irreverence with respect to
sacred things, such as the sacraments and
sacred vessels.
Sacristy: A utility room where vestments,

church furnishings and sacred vessels are

kept and where the clergy vest for sacred

Sadducees: The predominantly priestly

party among the Jews in the time of

Christ, noted for extreme conservatism,
acceptance only of the Law of Moses, and
rejection of the traditions of the elders.
Their opposite numbers were the
Saints, Cult of: The veneration, called

dulia, of holy persons who have died and

are in glory with God in heaven; it

includes honoring them and petitioning
them for their intercession with God.
Liturgical veneration is given only to
saints officially recognized by the Church;
private veneration may be given to anyone
thought to be in heaven. The veneration of
saints is essentially different from the
adoration given to God alone; by its very
nature, however, it terminates in the
worship of God. (See also Dulia and Latria.)
Salvation: The liberation of persons from
sin and its effects, reconciliation with God
in and through Christ, the attainment of
union with God forever in the glory of
heaven as the supreme purpose of life and
as the God given reward for fulfillment of
his will on earth. Salvation in process
begins and continues in this life through
union with Christ in faith professed and in
action; its final term is union with God
and the whole community of the saved in
the ultimate perfection of Gods kingdom.
The Church teaches that: God wills the
salvation of all men; men are saved in and
through Christ; membership in the
Church established by Christ, known and
understood as the community of salvation,
is necessary for salvation; men with this

knowledge and understanding who

deliberately reject this Church, cannot be
saved. The Catholic Church is the Church
founded by Christ. (See below, Salvation
outside the Church.)
Salvation History: The facts and the record

of Gods relations with human beings, in

the past, present and future, for the
purpose of leading them to live in
accordance with his will for the eventual
attainment after death of salvation, or
everlasting happiness with him in heaven.
The essentials of salvation history are:
Gods love for all human beings and will
for their salvation; his intervention and
action in the world to express this love and
bring about their salvation; the revelation
he made of himself and the covenant he
established with the Israelites in the Old
Testament; the perfecting of this
revelation and the new covenant of grace
through Christ in the New Testament; the
continuing action-for-salvation carried on
in and through the Church; the
communication of saving grace to people
through the merits of Christ and the
operations of the Holy Spirit in the hereand-now circumstances of daily life and
with the cooperation of people themselves.
Salvation outside the Church: The Second
Vatican Council covered this subject
summarily in the following manner:
Those also can attain to everlasting
salvation who through no fault of their
own do not know the Gospel of Christ or
his Church, yet sincerely seek God and,
moved by grace, strive by their deeds to do
his will as it is known to them through the
dictates of conscience. Nor does divine
Providence deny the help necessary for
salvation to those who, without blame on

their part, have not yet arrived at an

explicit knowledge of God, but who strive
to live a good life, thanks to his grace.
Whatever good or truth is found among
them is looked upon by the Church as a
preparation for the Gospel. She regards
such qualities as given by him who
enlightens all men so that they may finally
have life (Dogmatic Constitution on the
Church, Lumen Gentium, No. 16).
Sanctifying Grace: See Grace.
Satanism: Worship of the devil, a
blasphemous inversion of the order of
worship which is due to God alone.
Scandal: Conduct which is the occasion of
sin to another person.

Scapular Medal: A medallion with a

representation of the Sacred Heart on one

side and of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the
other. Authorized by St. Pius X in 1910, it
may be worn or carried in place of a
scapular by persons already invested with a
Scapular Promise: According to a legend
of the Carmelite Order, the Blessed Virgin
Mary appeared to St. Simon Stock in 1251
at Cambridge, England, and declared that
wearers of the brown Carmelite Scapular
would be the beneficiaries of her special
intercession. The scapular tradition has
never been the subject of official decision
by the Church. Essentially, it expresses
belief in the intercession of Mary and the
efficacy of sacramentals in the context of
truly Christian life.

Scapular: (1) A part of the habit of some

religious orders like the Benedictines and

Dominicans; a nearly shoulder wide strip
of cloth worn over the tunic and reaching
almost to the feet in front and behind.
Originally a kind of apron, it came to
symbolize the cross and yoke of Christ. (2)
Scapulars worn by lay persons as a sign of
association with religious orders and for
devotional purposes are an adaptation of
monastic scapulars. Approved by the
Church as sacramentals, they consist of
two small squares of woolen cloth joined
by strings and are worn about the neck.
They are given for wearing in a ceremony
of investiture or enrollment. There are
nearly 20 scapulars for devotional use: the
five principal ones are generally
understood to include those of Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel (the brown Carmelite
Scapular), the Holy Trinity, Our Lady of
the Seven Dolors, the Passion, the
Immaculate Conception.

Schism: Derived from a Greek word

meaning separation, the term designates

formal and obstinate refusal by a baptized
Catholic, called a schismatic, to be in
communion with the pope and the
Church. The canonical penalty is
excommunication. One of the most
disastrous schisms in history resulted in
the definitive separation of the Church in
the East from union with Rome about
Scholasticism: The term usually applied to

the Catholic theology and philosophy

which developed in the Middle Ages. (See
also Neo-Scholasticism.)
Scribes: Hebrew intellectuals noted for
their knowledge of the Law of Moses,
influential from the time of the Exile to
about A.D. 70. Many of them were
Pharisees. They were the antecedents of

rabbis and their traditions, as well as those

of the Pharisees, had a lasting influence on
Judaism following the destruction of
Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
Scruple: A morbid, unreasonable fear and
anxiety that ones actions are sinful when
they are not, or more seriously sinful than
they actually are. Compulsive scrupulosity
is quite different from the transient
scrupulosity of persons of tender or highly
sensitive conscience, or of persons with
faulty moral judgment.
Seal of Confession: The obligation of
secrecy which must be observed regarding
knowledge of things learned in connection
with the confession of sin in the sacrament
of penance. The seal covers matters whose
revelation would make the sacrament
burdensome. Confessors are prohibited,
under penalty of excommunication, from
making any direct revelation of
confessional matter; this prohibition
holds, outside of confession, even with
respect to the person who made the
confession unless the person releases the
priest from the obligation. Persons other
than confessors are obliged to maintain
secrecy, but not under penalty of
excommunication. General, non specific
discussion of confessional matter does not
violate the seal.
Secularism: A school of thought, a spirit

and manner of action which ignores and/or

repudiates the validity or influence of
supernatural religion with respect to
individual and social life.
See: Another name for diocese or

Seminary: A house of study and formation

for men, called seminarians, preparing for

the priesthood. Traditional seminaries date
from the Council of Trent in the middle of
the 16th century; before that time,
candidates for the priesthood were
variously trained in monastic schools,
universities under church auspices, and in
less formal ways.
Sermon on the Mount: A compilation of
sayings of Our Lord in the form of an
extended discourse in Matthews Gospel
(5:1 to 7:27) and, in a shorter discourse, in
Luke (6:17 49). The passage in Matthew,
called the Constitution of the New Law,
summarizes the living spirit of believers in
Christ and members of the kingdom of
God. Beginning with the Beatitudes and
including the Lords Prayer, it covers the
perfect justice of the New Law, the
fulfillment of the Old Law in the New Law
of Christ, and the integrity of internal
attitude and external conduct with respect
to love of God and neighbor, justice,
chastity, truth, trust and confidence in God.
Seven Last Words of Christ: The Seven Last
Words of Christ on the Cross were: (1)
Father, forgive them; for they do not know what
they are doing. (Lk 23:34); (2) To the
penitent thief: I assure you: today you will be
with me in Paradise. (Lk 23:24); (3) To
Mary and his Apostle John: Woman, behold
thy son! Behold your mother. (Jn 19:26);
(4) Eli Eli, lama sabacthani [My God, my
God, why have you forsaken me?] (Mt 27:46;
cf. Mk 15:34); (5) I thirst. (Jn 19:28); (6)
It is finished. (Jn 19:30); (7) Father, into
thy hands I commend my spirit.(Lk 23:46).
Shrine, Crowned: A shrine approved by the

Holy See as a place of pilgrimage. The


approval permits public devotion at the

shrine and implies that at least one miracle
has resulted from devotion at the shrine.
Among the best known crowned shrines
are those of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes
and Ftima. Shrines with statues crowned
by Pope John Paul in 1985 in South
America were those of Our Lady of
Coromoto, patroness of Venezuela, in
Caracas, and Our Lady of Carmen of
Paucartambo in Cuzco, Peru.
Shroud of Turin: A strip of brownish linen

cloth, 14 feet, three inches in length and

three feet, seven inches in width, bearing
the front and back imprint of a human
body. A tradition dating from the 7th
century, which has not been verified
beyond doubt, claims that the shroud is
the fine linen in which the body of Christ
was wrapped for burial. The early history
of the shroud is obscure. It was enshrined
at Lirey, France, in 1354 and was
transferred in 1578 to Turin, Italy, where
it has been kept in the cathedral down to
the present time. Scientific investigation,
which began in 1898, seems to indicate
that the markings on the shroud are those
of a human body. The shroud, for the first
time since 1933, was placed on public
view from Aug. 27 to Oct. 8, 1978, and
was seen by an estimated 3.3 million
people. Scientists conducted intensive
studies of it thereafter, finally determining
that the material of the shroud dated from
between 1260 and 1390. The shroud,
which had been the possession of the
House of Savoy, was willed to Pope John
Paul II in 1983.
Sick Calls: When a person is confined at
home by illness or other cause and is
unable to go to church for reception of the

sacraments, a parish priest should be

informed and arrangements made for him
to visit the person at home. Such
visitations are common in pastoral
practice, both for special needs and for
opportunities for receiving the sacraments.
If a priest cannot make the visitation,
arrangements can be made for a deacon or
Eucharistic minister to bring Holy
Communion to the homebound or
bedridden person.
Sign of the Cross: A sign, ceremonial

gesture or movement in the form of a cross

by which a person confesses faith in the
Holy Trinity and Christ, and intercedes for
the blessing of himself or herself, other
persons and things. In Roman Rite
practice, a person making the sign touches
the fingers of the right hand to forehead,
below the breast, left shoulder and right
shoulder while saying: In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The sign is also made with the thumb on
the forehead, the lips, and the breast. For
the blessing of persons and objects, a large
sign of the cross is made by movement of
the right hand. In Eastern Rite practice,
the sign is made with the thumb and first
two fingers of the right hand joined
together and touching the forehead, below
the breast, the right shoulder and the left
shoulder; the formula generally used is the
doxology, O Holy God, O Holy Strong One, O
Immortal One. The Eastern manner of
making the sign was general until the first
half of the 13th century; by the 17th
century, Western practice involved the
whole right hand and the reversal of
direction from shoulder to shoulder.

Signs of the Times: Contemporary events,

trends and features in culture and society,

the needs and aspirations of people, all the
factors that form the context in and
through which the Church has to carry on
its saving mission. The Second Vatican
Council spoke on numerous occasions
about these signs and the relationship
between them and a kind of manifestation
of Gods will, positive or negative, and
about subjecting them to judgment and
action corresponding to the demands of
divine revelation through Scripture,
Christ, and the experience, tradition and
teaching authority of the Church.
Simony: The deliberate intention and act of
selling and/or buying spiritual goods or
material things so connected with the
spiritual that they cannot be separated
therefrom; a violation of the virtue of
religion, and a sacrilege, because it
wrongfully puts a material price on
spiritual things, which cannot be either
sold or bought. In church law, actual sale or
purchase is subject to censure in some
cases. The term is derived from the name of
Simon Magus, who attempted to buy from
Sts. Peter and John the power to confirm
people in the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:4 24).
Sin: (1) Actual sin is the free and deliberate
violation of Gods law by thought, word or
action. (a) Mortal sin involving serious
matter, sufficient reflection and full
consent results in the loss of sanctifying
grace and alienation from God, and
renders a person incapable of performing
meritorious supernatural acts and subject
to everlasting punishment. (b) Venial sin
involving less serious matter, reflection
and consent does not have such serious
consequences. (2) Original sin is the sin of

Adam, with consequences for all human

beings. (See separate entry.)
Sins against the Holy Spirit: Despair of

salvation, presumption of Gods mercy,

impugning the known truths of faith,
envy at anothers spiritual good, obstinacy
in sin, final impenitence. Those guilty of
such sins stubbornly resist the influence of
grace and, as long as they do so, cannot be
Sins, Occasions of: Circumstances (persons,
places, things, etc.) which easily lead to sin.
There is an obligation to avoid voluntary
proximate occasions of sin, and to take
precautions against the dangers of
unavoidable occasions.
Sins That Cry to Heaven for Vengeance:

Willful murder, sins against nature,

oppression of the poor, widows and
orphans, defrauding laborers of their
Sister: Any woman religious, in popular
speech; strictly, the title applies only to
women religious belonging to institutes
whose members never professed solemn
vows. Most of the institutes whose
members are properly called Sisters were
established during and since the 19th
century. Women religious with solemn
vows, or belonging to institutes whose
members formerly professed solemn vows,
are properly called nuns.
Sisterhood: A generic term referring to the
whole institution of the life of women
religious in the Church, or to a particular
institute of women religious.

Situation Ethics: A subjective, individualistic

ethical theory which denies the binding
force of ethical principles as universal laws
and preceptive norms of moral conduct,
and proposes that morality is determined
only by situational conditions and
considerations and the intention of the
person. It has been criticized for ignoring
the principles of objective ethics. (See also
Consequentialism and Proportionalism.)

religion. Spiritualistic practices are noted

for fakery.

Sorcery: A kind of black magic in which

evil is invoked by means of diabolical
intervention; a violation of the virtue of

especially in Rome, where the clergy and
lay people were accustomed to gather with
their bishop on certain days for the
celebration of the liturgy. The 25 early
titular or parish churches of Rome, plus
other churches, each had their turn as the
site of divine worship in practices which
may have started in the third century. The
observances were rather well developed
toward the latter part of the 4th century,
and by the fifth they included a Mass
concelebrated by the pope and attendant
priests. On some occasions, the stational
liturgy was preceded by a procession from
another church called a collecta. There were
42 Roman stational churches in the 8th
century, and 89 stational services were
scheduled annually in connection with the
liturgical seasons. Stational observances
fell into disuse toward the end of the
Middle Ages. Some revival was begun by
John XXIII in 1959 and continued by
Paul VI and John Paul II.

Soteriology: The division of theology

Stations (Way) of the Cross: A form of

which treats of the mission and work of

Christ as Redeemer.

devotion commemorating the Passion and

death of Christ, consisting of a series of
condemnation to death, (2) taking up of
the cross, (3) the first fall on the way to
Calvary, (4) meeting his Mother, (5) being
assisted by Simon of Cyrene and (6) by the
woman Veronica who wiped his face, (7)
the second fall, (8) meeting the women of
Jerusalem, (9) the third fall, (10) being
stripped and (11) nailed to the cross, (12)
his death, (13) the removal of his body
from the cross and (14) his burial.
Depictions of these scenes are mounted in

Slander: Attributing to a person faults

which he or she does not have; a violation

of the obligations of justice and charity, for
which restitution is due.
Sloth (Acedia): One of the seven capital
sins; spiritual laziness, involving distaste
and disgust for spiritual things; spiritual
boredom, which saps the vigor of spiritual
life. Physical laziness is a counterpart of
spiritual sloth.

Species, Sacred: The appearances of bread

and wine (color, taste, smell, etc.) which

remain after the substance has been
changed at the Consecration of the Mass
into the Body and Blood of Christ. (See
Spiritism: Attempts to communicate with

spirits and departed souls by means of

seances, table tapping, ouija boards, and
other methods; a violation of the virtue of

Stational Churches, Days:

most churches, chapels and in some other

places, beneath small crosses. A person
making the Way of the Cross passes before
these stations, or stopping points, pausing
at each for meditation. If the stations are
made by a group of people, only the leader
has to pass from station to station. A
plenary indulgence is granted to the
faithful who make the stations, under the
usual conditions: freedom from all
attachment to sin, reception of the
sacraments of penance and the Eucharist,
and prayers for the intentions of the pope.
Those who are impeded from making the
stations in the usual manner can gain the
same indulgence if, along with the
aforementioned conditions, they spend at
least a half hour in spiritual reading and
meditation on the passion and death of
Christ. The stations originated remotely
from the practice of Holy Land pilgrims
who visited the actual scenes of incidents
in the Passion of Christ. Representations
elsewhere of at least some of these scenes
were known as early as the 5th century.
Later, the stations evolved in connection
with and as a consequence of strong
devotion to the Passion in the 12th and
13th centuries. Franciscans, who were
given custody of the Holy Places in 1342,
promoted the devotion widely; one of
them, St. Leonard of Port Maurice, became
known as the greatest preacher of the Way
of the Cross in the 18th century. The
general features of the devotion were fixed
by Clement XII in 1731.
Statutes: Virtually the same as decrees (See

separate entry), they almost always

designate laws of a particular council or
synod rather than pontifical laws.

Stigmata: Marks of the wounds suffered by

Christ in his crucifixion, in hands and feet

by nails, and side by the piercing of a
lance. Some persons, called stigmatists,
have been reported as recipients or
sufferers of marks like these. The Church,
however, has never issued any infallible
declaration about their possession by
anyone, even in the case of St. Francis of
Assisi whose stigmata seem to be the best
substantiated and may be commemorated
in the Roman Rite liturgy. Ninety percent
of some 300 reputed stigmatists have been
women. Judgment regarding the presence,
significance, and manner of causation of
stigmata would depend, among other
things, on irrefutable experimental
Stipend, Mass: An offering given to a

priest for applying the fruits of the Mass

according to the intention of the donor.
The offering is a contribution to the
support of the priest. The disposition of
the fruits of the sacrifice, in line with
doctrine concerning the Mass in particular
and prayer in general, is subject to the will
of God. Mass offerings and intentions were
the subjects of a decree approved by John
Paul II and made public Mar. 22, 1991: (1)
Normally, no more than one offering
should be accepted for a Mass; the Mass
should be offered in accord with the
donors intention; the priest who accepts
the offering should celebrate the Mass
himself or have another priest do so. (2)
Several Mass intentions, for which
offerings have been made, can be
combined for a collective application of a
single Mass only if the previous and
explicit consent of the donors is obtained.
Such Masses are an exception to the
general rule.

Stole Fee: An offering given on certain

occasions; e.g., at a baptism, wedding,
funeral, for the support of the clergy who
administer the sacraments and perform
other sacred rites.
Stoup: A vessel used to contain holy water.
Suffragan See: Any diocese, except the

salvation; divine revelation by which God

manifests himself to them and makes
known truth that is inaccessible to human
reason alone; faith, by which they believe
divine truth because of the authority of
God who reveals it through Sacred
Scripture and tradition and the teaching of
his Church.

archdiocese, within a province.

Suspension: A censure by which a cleric is
Suicide: The taking of ones own life; a

violation of Gods dominion over human

life. Ecclesiastical burial is denied to
persons while in full possession of their
faculties; it is permitted in cases of doubt.
Supererogation: Actions which go beyond

the obligations of duty and the

requirements enjoined by Gods law as
necessary for salvation. Examples of these
works are the profession and observance of
the evangelical counsels of poverty,
chastity, and obedience, and efforts to
practice charity to the highest degree.
Supernatural: Above the natural; that

which exceeds and is not due or owed to

the essence, exigencies, requirements,
powers and merits of created nature.
While human beings have no claim on
supernatural things and do not need them
in order to exist and act on a natural level,
they do need them in order to exist and act
in the higher order or economy of grace
established by God for their salvation. God
has freely given them certain things which
are beyond the powers and rights of their
human nature. Examples of the
supernatural are: grace, a kind of
participation by human beings in the
divine life, by which they become capable
of performing acts meritorious for

forbidden to exercise some or all of his

powers of orders and jurisdiction, or to
accept the financial support of his
Syllabus, The: (1) When not qualified, the
term refers to the list of 80 errors
accompanying Pope Pius IXs encyclical
Quanta Cura, issued in 1864. (2) The
Syllabus of St. Pius X in the decree
Lamentabili, issued by the Holy Office July
4, 1907, condemning 65 heretical
propositions of modernism. This schedule
of errors was followed shortly by that
popes encyclical Pascendi, the principal
modernism, issued Sept. 8, 1907.
Synod, Diocesan: Meeting of representative
persons of a diocese priests, religious,
lay persons with the bishop, called by
him for the purpose of considering and
taking action on matters affecting the life
and mission of the Church in the diocese.
Persons taking part in a synod have
consultative status; the bishop alone is the
legislator, with power to authorize synodal
decrees. According to canon law, every
diocese should have a synod every 10 years.

Tabernacle: The receptacle in which the
Blessed Sacrament is reserved in churches,
chapels, and oratories. It is to be
immovable, solid, locked, and located in a
prominent place.
Te Deum: The opening Latin words, Thee,

God, of a hymn of praise and thanksgiving

prescribed for use in the Office of Readings
of the Liturgy of the Hours on many
Sundays, solemnities and feasts.
Temperance: Moderation, one of the four

cardinal virtues.
Temptation: Any enticement to sin, from
any source: the strivings of ones own
faculties, the action of the devil, other
persons, circumstances of life, etc.
Temptation itself is not sin. Temptation
can be avoided and overcome with the use
of prudence and the help of grace.
Thanksgiving: An expression of gratitude

to God for his goodness and the blessings

he grants; one of the four ends of prayer.
Theism: A philosophy which admits the

existence of God and the possibility of

divine revelation; it is generally
monotheistic and acknowledges God as
transcendent and also active in the world.
Because it is a philosophy rather than a
system of theology derived from
revelation, it does not include specifically
Christian doctrines, like those concerning
the Trinity, the Incarnation and
Theodicy: From the Greek for God (theos)

and judgment (dike), the study of God as

he can be known by natural reason, rather

than from supernatural revelation. First
used by Gottfried Leibnitz (1646-1716),
its primary objective is to make Gods
omnipotence compatible with the
existence of evil.
Theological Virtues: The virtues which
have God for their direct object: faith, or
belief in Gods infallible teaching; hope, or
confidence in divine assistance; charity, or
love of God. They are given to a person
with grace in the first instance, through
baptism and incorporation in Christ.
Theology: Knowledge of God and religion,

deriving from and based on the data of

divine Revelation, organized and
systematized according to some kind of
scientific method. It involves systematic
study and presentation of the truths of
divine Revelation in Sacred Scripture,
tradition, and the teaching of the Church.
Theology has been divided under various
subject headings. Some of the major fields
have been: dogmatic (systematic
theology), moral, pastoral, historical,
ascetical (the practice of virtue and means
of attaining holiness and perfection),
sacramental, and mystical (higher states of
religious experience). Other subject
headings include ecumenism (Christian
unity, interfaith relations), ecclesiology
(the nature and constitution of the
Church), and Mariology (doctrine
concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary), etc.
Theotokos: From the Greek for Godbearer, the preeminent title given to the
Blessed Mother in the Oriental Church.
This title has very ancient roots, stretching
as far back as the third century but it did

not became official in the Church until the

Council of Ephesus in 431.
Thomism: The philosophy based on St.

Thomas Aquinas (1224/5-1274), which is

mandated to be the dominant philosophy
used in Catholic educational institutions.
(See also Neo-Scholasticism and
Tithing: Contribution of a portion of ones

income, originally one tenth, for purposes

of religion and charity. The practice is
mentioned 46 times in the Bible. In early
Christian times, tithing was adopted in
continuance of Old Testament practices of
the Jewish people, and the earliest positive
church legislation on the subject was
enacted in 567. Catholics are bound in
conscience to contribute to the support of
their church, but the manner in which
they do so is not fixed by law. Tithing,
which amounts to a pledged contribution
of a portion of ones income, has aroused
new attention in recent years in the United
Titular Sees: Dioceses where the Church
once flourished but which now exist only
in name or title. Bishops without a
territorial or residential diocese of their
own; e.g., auxiliary bishops, are given
titular sees. There are more than 2,000
titular sees; 16 of them are in the United
Transfinalization, Transignification: Terms

coined to express the sign value of

consecrated bread and wine with respect to
the presence and action of Christ in the
Eucharistic sacrifice and the spiritually
vivifying purpose of the Eucharistic
banquet in Holy Communion. The theory

behind the terms has strong undertones of

existential and sign philosophy, and has
been criticized for its openness to
interpretation at variance with the
doctrine of transubstantiation and the
abiding presence of Christ under the
appearances of bread and wine after the
sacrifice of the Mass and Communion have
been completed. The terms, if used as
substitutes for transubstantiation, are
unacceptable; if they presuppose
transubstantiation, they are acceptable as
clarifications of its meaning.
Transubstantiation: The way Christ is
made present in this sacrament (Holy
Eucharist) is none other than by the
change of the whole substance of the bread
into his Body, and of the whole substance
of the wine into his Blood (in the
Consecration at Mass), this unique and
wonderful change the Catholic Church
(encyclical Mysterium Fidei of Paul VI, Sept.
3, 1965). The first official use of the term
was made by the Fourth Council of the
Lateran in 1215. Authoritative teaching
on the subject was issued by the Council of
Treasury of the Church: The super-

abundant merits of Christ and the saints

from which the Church draws to confer
spiritual benefits, such as indulgences.
Triduum: A three day series of public or
private devotions.

Ultramontanism: The movement found
primarily in France during the 19th century
that advocated a strong sense of devotion

and service to the Holy See. Generally

considered a reaction to the anti-papal
tendencies of Gallicanism, its name was
derived from the Latin for over the
mountains, a reference to the Alps, beyond
which rested Rome and the Holy See.
Unction: From the Latin, ungere, meaning
to anoint or smear, a term used to denote
the Sacrament of the Sick (or the
Anointing of the Sick); it was more
commonly termed Extreme Unction and
was given as an anointing to a person just
before death.
Universal Law: See Law.
Urbi et Orbi: A Latin phrase meaning To
the City and to the World that is a
blessing given by the Holy Father.
Normally, the first Urbi et Orbi delivered by
a pontiff is immediately after his election
by the College of Cardinals. This is a
blessing accompanied by a short address to
the crowds in St. Peters Square and to the
world; frequently, as with Pope John Paul
II in 1978, it is delivered in as many
languages as possible. The pope also
delivers an Urbi et Orbi each year at
Christmas and at Easter.
Usury: Excessive interest charged for the
loan and use of money; a violation of

Holy Spirit and was perhaps first

composed by Rabanus Maurus (776-856).
The hymn is commonly sung as part of the
Divine Office, papal elections, episcopal
consecrations, ordinations, councils,
synods, canonical elections, and
Venial Sin: See under Sin.
Veronica: A word resulting from the
combination of a Latin word for true, vera,
and a Greek word for image, eikon,
designating a likeness of the face of Christ
or the name of a woman said to have given
him a cloth on which he caused an imprint
of his face to appear. The veneration at
Rome of a likeness depicted on cloth dates
from about the end of the 10th century; it
figured in a popular devotion during the
Middle Ages, and in the Holy Face
devotion practiced since the 19th century.
A faint, indiscernible likeness said to be of
this kind is preserved in St. Peters
Basilica. The origin of the likeness is
uncertain, and the identity of the woman
is unknown. Before the 14th century, there
were no known artistic representations of
an incident concerning a woman who
wiped the face of Christ with a piece of
cloth while he was carrying the cross to

that is used to describe any homeless

person with no fixed residence.

Vespers: From the Latin for evening, the

evening service of the Divine Office, also
known as Evening Prayer, or among
Anglicans as Evensong.

Veni Creator Spiritus: A Latin phrase,

Viaticum: Holy Communion given to

meaning Come, Creator Spirit that is

part of a hymn sung to the Holy Spirit.
The hymn invokes the presence of the

those in danger of death. The word,

derived from Latin, means provision for a
journey through death to life hereafter.

Vagi: A Latin word meaning wanderers

Vicar Forane: A Latin term meaning

deputy outside that is applied to the
priest given authority by the local bishop
over a certain area or region of the diocese.
Vicar General:

A priest or bishop
appointed by the bishop of a diocese to
serve as his deputy, with ordinary
executive power, in the administration of
the diocese.

Vicar, Judicial: The title given to the chief

judge and head of the tribunal of a diocese.
Virginity: Observance of perpetual sexual

abstinence. The state of virginity, which is

embraced for the love of God by religious
with a public vow or by others with a
private vow, was singled out for high
praise by Christ (Mt 19:10 12) and has
always been so regarded by the Church. In
the encyclical Sacra Virginitas, Pius XII
stated: Holy virginity and that perfect
chastity which is consecrated to the service
of God is without doubt among the most
perfect treasures which the founder of the
Church has left in heritage to the society
which he established. Paul VI approved
in 1970 a rite in which women can
consecrate their virginity to Christ and
their brethren without becoming
members of a religious institute. The Ordo
Consecrationis Virginum, a revision of a rite
promulgated by Clement VII in 1596, is
traceable to the Roman liturgy of about 50
Virtue: A habit or established capability for

performing good actions. Virtues are

natural (acquired and increased by
repeating good acts) and/or supernatural
(given with grace by God).

Visions: A charism by which a specially

chosen individual is able to behold a

person or something that is naturally
invisible. A vision should not be confused
with an illusion or hallucination. Like
other charisms, a vision is granted for the
good of people; it should be noted,
however, that they are not essential for
holiness or salvation.
Many saints
throughout history have beheld visions,
among them St. Thomas Aquinas, St.
Teresa of vila, St. John of the Cross, and
St. Francis of Assisi.
Vocation: A call to a way of life. Generally,
the term applies to the common call of all
persons, from God, to holiness and
salvation. Specifically, it refers to particular
states of life, each called a vocation, in
which response is made to this universal
call; viz., marriage, the religious life and/or
priesthood, the single state freely chosen or
accepted for the accomplishment of Gods
will. The term also applies to the various
occupations in which persons make a
living. The Church supports the freedom
of each individual in choosing a particular
vocation, and reserves the right to pass on
the acceptability of candidates for the
priesthood and religious life. Signs or
indicators of particular vocations are many,
including a persons talents and interests,
circumstances and obligations, invitations
of grace and willingness to respond
Vow: A promise made to God with

sufficient knowledge and freedom, which

has as its object a moral good that is
possible and better than its voluntary
omission. A person who professes a vow
binds himself or herself by the virtue of
religion to fulfill the promise. The best

known examples of vows are those of

poverty, chastity and obedience professed
by religious (See Evangelical Counsels,
individual entries). Public vows are made
before a competent person, acting as an
agent of the Church, who accepts the
profession in the name of the Church,
thereby giving public recognition to the
persons dedication and consecration to
God and divine worship. Vows of this kind
are either solemn, rendering all contrary
acts invalid as well as unlawful; or simple,
rendering contrary acts unlawful. Solemn
vows are for life; simple vows are for a
definite period of time or for life. Vows
professed without public recognition by
the Church are called private vows. The
Church, which has authority to accept and
give public recognition to vows, also has
authority to dispense persons from their
obligations for serious reasons.

in all circumstances of life by prayer

and general conduct, through good
example and good works, etc.; being and
acting in accordance with Christian belief;
actual practice of the Christian faith.
Zeal: The expression of charity that

permits one to serve God and others fully

with the objective of furthering the
Mystical Body of Christ.
Zucchetto: A small skullcap worn by

ecclesiastics, most notably prelates and

derived from the popular Italian
vernacular term zucca, meaning a
pumpkin, and used as slang for head. The
Holy Father wears a white zucchetto made
of watered silk; cardinals use scarlet, and
bishops use purple. Priests of the
monsignorial rank may wear black with
purple piping. All others may wear simple

Witness, Christian: Practical testimony or

evidence given by Christians of their faith


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