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Insider Secrets for Your Hydroponics Success

Bigger Buds
How to Grow

pH Manifesto
The Grower's Guide to pH and
Bigger Yields pg 41

Plus: How to choose the right

nutrients for your plants pg 38

Power up your blooming & flowering

for bigger, more consistent yields
every time pg 92

How to Set Up the

A guide to the gear the pros use!
pg 10

Easier trimming, Easier drying

Your perfect harvest plan inside. pg148
More Consistent Cloning The 3 keys to success pg 18

Which bundle is right for you? pg 102

Maximum Growth!

Bigger Buds!

Get The Most Out of Your Yield

The Bigger Yields

Flowering System

Welcome to

How To Grow Bigger Buds

ur purpose at
Nutrients is
simple: to make the
world passionate
about growing plants

Why We Wrote This Guide

When you're in love, you want to tell

the world. - Carl Sagan
Our purpose at Advanced Nutrients is
simple: to make the world passionate about
growing plants hydroponically.
This guide, How To Grow Bigger Buds is
a declaration to the hydroponic world about
our products, which solve real problems for
you, the grower, that we're proud of.

How To Use This Guide

It's simple, really. Whichever step of the
growing process you find yourself curious
about, you'll find a section for it in the index,
at the front of this product guide.
Then, just flip to the pages that explain
what you're curious about and voila, you'll
see a list of all the resources you'll need for
that step. You'll also find special tips about
which resources will optimize your growing,
and the basic information you need to
understand what's going on.

With the right information, and a love of

the game, you can take a tiny transplant
like this and yield marvelous flowers.

Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Sadly, we don't have the space to give

you full tutorials on each step of the growing
process. However, we do have enough space
to clearly organize which resources you'll
need at each step of the growing process.
And, which are the best of those resources.
These steps appear in the order you'd
perform them in real life.
We'd also like to point you to our
website,, for more
information, should you find yourself
curious about any of the resources listed in
this product guide.
Lastly, it's very important we're clear
about what this guide is not. It's not a
technical, comprehensive how-to the same
way that some other popular guides are. It is a
catalog of the specific solutions our company,
Advanced Nutrients, has developed to
solve specific growing problems. Which
means this guide is limited to our product
line, which is not comprehensive for every
challenge you'll face as a grower. As always,
we recommend you work with your local
hydro store experts to get complete advice
about growing.

Table of Contents


Welcome to "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

What is Different About Us?


Section 1 - Setting up a room

BaddAss Bulbs

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

Juicy Roots
Root Shooters
Voodoo Juice

Section 3 - Growing

pH Manifesto
pH Perfect Sensi Grow
pH Perfect GMB
Jungle Juice 2-Part & 3-Part
Ancient Earth Organic

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

pH Perfect Connoisseur
pH Perfect Sensi Bloom
Bigger Yields Bundle Boxes: Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,

Professional Grower Level, and Grand Master Grower Level
Bud Ignitor
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Rhino Skin
Bud Factor X

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting

Final Phase







out Us?
When you decide to buy an Advanced
Nutrients product what youre really buying
is peace of mind. Heres why. Youre a client
to us not a customer. Whats the difference?
A customer is somebody you do business
with and then for all practical purposes
forget about. A client is under the care,
guidance and protection of an expert in the
field. Think about it, because thats a very
important distinction.
Moreover, all Advanced Nutrients team
members take this responsibility seriously.
In fact, they realize the importance of
putting your success first. Thats one of the
reasons all team members are so passionate
about getting you using the best products,
information and results for your crops.
Because they realize anything less and
theyll be putting you at a disadvantage.
And that doesnt mean just using Advanced
Nutrients products. If there is a better

product out there they have been given

very clear instructions to recommend that
product even if its a competing product
with one of our own products.
Now when you think about that last
statement it obviously puts a tremendous
amount of pressure on every team
member in our entire organization
to continually give you the very best
products, information and drives constant
innovation -- anything less and we would
have to suffer the embarrassment of having
to send you to one of our competitors.
And this isnt lip service. Its absolute
doctrine at Advanced Nutrients. You are a client
first and foremost, your long term success is the
essential part of our company culture.
You see, Advanced Nutrients is the
hydroponics industry's thought leader and
innovator. When you use any Advanced
Nutrients product you are getting the best

Advanced Nutrients has created more industry

firsts for our growing community than any
other hydroponics company, period.

Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

technologies available to you. I realize

this may sound like a bunch of Yea, sure,
thats what they all say to you. Maybe it is
to you... but maybe its not. And if its not,
then what? So I want you to take the time
to consider this for a moment.

Industry firsts
Advanced Nutrients has created more
Industry Firsts for our growing community
than any other hydroponics company, period.
In fact, heres your very long list of them. Take
a quick look and judge for yourself...
First to do testing on the types of plants
you grow, and in the types of gardens you
grow in.
First and still the only hydroponics
company to have an all out real PhD
staffed research team.
First to develop and deploy a selfadjusting pH line of base nutrients and
supplements so you wont have to balance
or adjust your nutrients' pH ever again.
First to invent and use beneficial microbes
to balance and maintain pH.
First to use 100% chelated micronutrients
giving you full protection over an ultra
wide pH range.
First to use chelated macronutrients.
First to use a new class of pH buffering

First to invent pH activated and balancing
molecular technologies.
First to do daily tissue samples in relevant
garden settings.
First to invent sealed grow rooms for
the hydroponics community with total
environmental controls (these rooms are
known in the industry as The Perfect
First to create patented engineered
fertilizer programs.
First to give you beneficial bacteria and
First to give you root zone enhancers.
First to offer you toll-free and online
technical support.
Invented the feed chart.
Invented the nutrient calculator.
First and only company to offer a 100%
performance guarantee.
First and one of the few to use hot water
manufacturing for superior dissolving of
all liquid products.
First to use multiple element filtering of
all products.
First hydroponics company to use
bloom cofactors, and other specialty
components that stimulate growth to get
you bigger yields.
First to use ultra-purified reverse osmosis
water for manufacturing products. Most
hydroponics nutrient companies still use
tap water to manufacture their products.
First to use standardized reverse osmosis
water tuning in all manufacturing
facilities and labs. This enables all water
used to manufacture and test with is
exactly the same anywhere in the world.
And is the same technology used by
Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Anheuser-Busch to
ensure you always get the same consistent
First to use hormone-producing
First to use beneficial enzymes.
First to offer varietal nutrient mixture
ratio and formulation.
First to offer email tech support,
entertainment media, and gardening
First to create products that stimulate
plant immune systems.
First to offer symbiotic synthetic-organic

hybrid fertilizers.
First to make hydro-organic formulas
that work perfectly no matter what
garden you use them in.
First to do competitive product testing.
First to offer products in easy to use
packaging, foil pouches, and hydrofriendly configurations.
First to offer a total system that takes care
of your entire plant.
First to offer beneficial microbes and
other products that protect grow rooms
without toxic effects.
Invented carbohydrate supplements for
First to use amino acids in bloom
First to identify the specific ratios of
macro and micro-nutrients your plants
need for bigger yields.
First to have perfectly balanced cations
and anion based nutrients that control
pH in your growing medium.
Ok enough already, and Im sure there
are lots more that I havent remembered
yet. Its a fact the entire hydroponics
nutrient industry has been chasing and
imitating us for years. Which brings me to
something else...

why compromise?
Imagine just for a few moments you could
jump into a time machine and be transported
back to the year 1504. Boom! There you are
... its Saturday morning and youre standing
in the outdoor market in Florence, Italy.
Its a sunny day, the sky is clear blue, the
temperature is in the mid 70s, and theres a
gentle breeze blowing across your face.
So you start to take a walk around and
see merchants everywhere. As you come
around a corner there he is, the great
master himself, Leonardo da Vinci sitting
in a chair surrounded by all these really
wonderful inventions and beautiful works
of art. So you stop and stare at all of his
original works and inventions.
To your amazement theyre all for sale
and when you reach into your pocket -sure enough -- you have plenty of money.
So you start to negotiate for one of his
works of art. But just before youre ready to
hand him your money you notice another
merchant 30 feet away and he has what

f there is a better
product out there
our Business
Buddies and Advanced
Angels have been given
very clear instructions
to recommend that
product even if its
a competing product
with one of our own

looks like some of the same stuff Leonardo

So you approach him and ask him his
price. He offers you better prices and he
says to you that he has a similar work of
art like the one you were just looking at, in
fact he even claims its exactly the same as
Leonardos work.
However under very close scrutiny you
discover its not just the same. In fact,
the workmanship is shoddy and it lacks
inspiration. Well which one are you going
to buy? The answer is really obvious. Isnt
So why would you want to compromise
when it comes to buying your hydroponics
nutrients? Truthfully, you wouldnt
knowingly do so, would you? And
personally, I dont want you to either, thats
why I listed all of Advanced Nutrients'
hydroponics industry firsts and leading
inventions for you. More importantly, I
want you to be absolutely sure when you
make your choices -- its going to be the
right one for you and your plants. Thanks
for taking the time to read this, youll find
the rest of this product guide interesting
and informative.
Enjoy :-) Big Mike

Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 1

Setting up
a room

lright, so youve got your vision. The force is

strong with you. You have the intention to
The first thing you need to decide is this:
How many plants do you want?
How much you want to grow will determine every
other decision you make. If you're growing one plant
for yourself and some friends, then you can get away
with growing in a closet. If you plan to sell your yields
for some serious cash, you're going to need more than
one plant. And your plants are going to need some
space to grow.
The rule of thumb is that you want to aim for your
plants being 18-24 from the surface of the light.
After that, there are four major areas of concern.

The Challenges You Face

When Setting Up Your Space
There are four basic challenges youll face when
setting up your space. With this guide, theyll be easy
to overcome. Here they are:
1. Lighting
2. Power
3. Air Flow
4. Environment


Section 1 - Continued
Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 1 - Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


1. Lighting
The point of indoor growing gear is to
mimic nature as closely as possible, or
improve upon it when possible. And just
like everyone learned in grade school, one
of the basic foods any plant needs is light.
Obviously in nature this comes from the sun.
Indoors, you have a couple of customizable
options that will do just about as good a job
if you get the right equipment.
The two most important considerations
you have when planning your lighting are:
1. How much light you need for the plants
you're growing.
2. Where you are in the process of growing.

1. Uno

2. MelonHead

3. Custom Hood

What size bulb should

you use?
It all depends on how many plants you're
growing, and how much space you have to
grow them.
ScrOG growers, for example, brag about
growing with insane efficiency using little
250 watt lamps. (ScrOG stands for Screen
of Green and is a way to maximize your
yields using a very small space. Excellent
for closet growers. In very simple terms,
ScrOGing is using a net to carefully manage
the distance between your plants and the
lamp they feed from. This distance is very
important for optimal growth, which we'll
talk about in more detail below).
Growers with more space and more
plants will need larger lamps, anywhere
from 600 to 1000 watts.
This is a very important part of setting
up your grow space and should be discussed
in person with a hydro store professional.
Theyre helpful, knowledgeable people and
youll want to explain to them what youre
trying to do in order to get the best advice.
Also, when you make friends at the
hydro store, youll be making your way
into the community, which looks out for
its own. These are people you can count
on when you have questions, and as time
goes on, youll be very glad to have them
on your team when the real challenges
come up.
Your plants will go through two distinct
stages of growth the vegetative phase,
where they grow their stems; and the
flowering phase, where the attention
moves from growing stems to blossoming
flowers or fruits.
To maximize your yields, youll need
to plan your lighting strategy for these
distinct stages ahead of time. There are a
couple of decisions to make.

Advanced Nutrients makes three types of

shades: (1) Uno, (2) MelonHead and (3)
Custom Hood. Each is designed specifically
for the space that you have to grow with.


Section 1 - Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Decision #1: Which lights will

give you the most bang for
your buck?
Heres what we mean: your plants can
only use certain parts of the spectrum
of light. Remember the colors of the
rainbow, ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow,
Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)? Well, as far as
photosynthesis is concerned, your plants
are focused on the reds and the blues.
To grow truly awe-inspiring flowers,
your lights will need to deliver optimal
photons in the red and blue color spectra.
A term you should become familiar
with, if youre not already, is PAR, or
Photosynthetically Active Range. This
range (between 400 and 700 nanometers)
is used to measure the amount of the
specific photons your plants use to grow
big and healthy. When you go to buy a
light, you want to make sure the light emits
optimal PAR watts to your plants.

Decision #2: When will you

trigger the flowering stage in
your plants?
Your plants know its time to start blooming
when you make a specific change in the
lighting. This is known as a photoperiod,
or the contrast between how many hours per
day your plants are receiving light, versus
the time they are in the dark. Eighteen hours
of light per day will feed your plants all they
can handle during the vegetative phase.
After your plants are about eight weeks
old, its time to switch your lighting to 12
hours on, 12 hours off. This will let your
plants know its time to blossom, and youll
see signs of budding on your stems in
approximately one to three weeks from the
time you make the switch.
Having lights, and power sources for
your lights (called ballasts), that are well
designed for effective photoperiods, is
crucial to your success.

2. Power
The power source for a light is called a
ballast. The ballast controls the energy
output of the light, and can automatically
time the on/off stages of your photoperiod.
The ideal ballast for the light you choose
is one that can a) manage a steady output of
light from your bulb, and b) get maximum
performance from your bulb without
pushing it too far (which can result in
overheating, and in some cases, exploding
bulbs. Be very careful about this. Bulbs
pushed too far can lead to house fires, not to
mention unfortunate growing setbacks.)
3. Air Flow
There are three things to keep in mind
when it comes to air flow:
1. Stomata
2. Circulation
3. Ventilation
Stomata are the nostrils your plants
breathe through. The name of the game
here is to keep everything clean. That
means keeping easily clogged stomata free
of too much gunk in the growing medium,
whether that comes from an imbalance of
nutrients, pesticides, fungicides, or what
have you. Also, you want to keep fresh air
coming in through ventilation, and have it
circulating around the room.
Circulation is important because your
plants will use all the CO2 in the air around
them very quickly. Once a dead air zone
forms around your plants, growth comes
to a screeching halt. You want to keep the
air moving so that your plants always have
a fresh source of CO2.
Ventilation is the process of bringing
in fresh air. This is pretty easy to do, and
is also very important. If you dont have
a steady supply of fresh, dry air, then the
humidity levels in your grow space will
get out of control and clog your plants
stomata. Once that happens, again, growth
stops dead in its tracks.

BaddAss Ballasts are the world's first low-frequency square-wave digital ballast.

BaddAss Blades

Equipment You'll Need

for Air Flow
If your grow space has naturally occurring
cracks and holes to supply fresh air, then
you may only need an inline blower or a
fan to maintain good air flow.
Grow spaces that are sealed off will
need an intake fan and ducting.
In the pages that follow, well list
which products are best for whatever your
situation may be, and why (with some
pretty astonishing proof).

BaddAss Blower

BaddAss Blowers and BaddAss Blades are

the most durable, effective solution to move
serious CFMs through your grow room.

By environment we mean the general
conditions of the room. What is the humidity?
Room temperature? Temperature of your
lights? Factors like these are very important
to manage if you want to grow well. However,
at the time of this publication, Advanced
Nutrients doesnt manufacture every product
needed to address these challenges.
Therefore, we have to recommend that
you find a hydro store, with experts you get
along with and trust, who can help you out.
Its a good idea anyway, because youll make
your best progress as a grower when you have
a community of other experienced growers
to learn from and talk with.

For more on the issues that might occur in your grow room, visit our "Advices & Prevention" webpage at

Section 1 - Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Light It Up!
What Makes For Ideal Indoor Lighting?


Section 1 - Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 1 - Setting up a Room

When you invest in a bulb for indoor
growing, youd like to be confident youre
buying a bulb designed by competent
engineers. Engineers who take pride in
their work. Engineers who are hungry to
uphold their reputations by making a quality
product. Thats why we think its important
to be aware of what makes a quality indoor
light so you know what to look for to get
the best results in your garden.
Heres a list of the most important
elements in a high-quality bulb, and why
we think Advanced Nutrients has the best
answer for each challenge:
A strong lumens/wattage ratio. Youre
going to notice an increase in your
energy bill if you grow indoors, so to get
the most out of the extra money youll be
paying for power, its very important you
get the most lumens you can out of your
lights. More lumens = better yields.
The BaddAss Blue Diamond and Red
Diamond Bulbs have more lumens for
the wattage than any other bulbs in their
class. At each level 600 or 1000 watts,
metal halide or high pressure sodium
your BaddAss bulbs will easily shine more
lumens than any other bulb available for
the wattage.
Consistent color and relevant color
spectrum. Remember ROY-G-BIV, that
acronym to remember the colors of the
rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet)? There are different
colors of light, and not all of them are

relevant to the growth of your plant. The

most important colors for maximum
photosynthetic response are in the blue
and red range.
The BaddAss Blue Diamond and Red
Diamond Bulbs put out 99% color
consistency and the most complete,
relevant color spectrum youll find in any
A quick strike time. Strike time is a term
for how long it takes your bulb to reach
maximum output from the time you turn
it on. Obviously, the shorter the strike
time, the less money you spend on energy,
and the more time your plants can spend
growing. Specifically, the strike time is
as fast as under 4 minutes, which can be
achieved best with the ballasts.
Your bulb is protected by an Oil Guard
protective removable sleeve which will
prevent the oils from your hands from
ever coming in contact with the surface of
the bulb. That means no surface damage
to the bulb, and thus no rupturing or
exploding bulbs.
Strict Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
standards. Manufacturing is very much
a game of numbers and statistics. If you
make a million of something in a factory,
chances are a certain percentage are
going to have defects. Because of that,
the average quality of a product is largely
determined by how carefully they are
inspected and handled before they leave
the factory. BaddAss Blue Diamond and

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Can BaddAss Bulbs be dimmed?
ANSWER: Yes, BaddAss Bulbs can be dimmed.
QUESTION: Is there a dual arc bulb available in MH/HPS?
ANSWER: No, at this time there is no dual arc version of the
BaddAss Bulb.
QUESTION: Is there a 400 watt version?
ANSWER: Not at this time, but possibly in the future.

QUESTION: Are BaddAss Bulbs compatible with most

ANSWER: Yes, they are compatible with E39 sockets used
throughout the industry for HID lighting.
QUESTION: What about the spectrum and lumen output?
ANSWER: See the graphic later in this article. There is a detailed chart
for lumen output and a graphic for spectrum as well.

Section 1 - Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


BaddAss Bulbs - Your Only Competition is the Sun

he BaddAss Bulb
puts out 99% color
consistency and the
most complete, relevant
color spectrum you'll find
in any bulb.

Red Diamond Bulbs are held to

strict AQL standards. If even a
slight defect is found on just one
bulb, we go all the way back to the
beginning of quality control to
take care of it. This includes our
visual, functional test and burn-in
stages, as well as going through the
entire testing and qualification/
approval process over again.
Automation. Once youve got a
winning formula, its important
to automate it to avoid mistakes.
At the same time, were always
working to see if our formula can
be improved.
The BaddAss Blue Diamond and
Red Diamond Bulbs manufactur-

If your current bulbs dont measure up to your high

standards, then you might be ready for a light source
designed to compound your yields, protect your plants,
and save your hard earned money.


Blue Diamond Bulbs


ing process is over 75% automated, which

has resulted in less than 2% defects overall
(that includes manufacturing, testing, packaging, transportation, shipping, handling
every step of the way to finally arriving on
the store shelf in mint condition). We have
established a defect rate of less than 1% on
the manufacturing line!

The specifics
You can choose from the following classes of
BaddAss Bulbs:
600 watts or 1000 watts
Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium.
Just to be clear, and at the risk of being
redundant, that means you can choose
from four different bulbs. Six hundred
watt in either metal halide or high
pressure sodium, or 1000 watt in metal
halide or high pressure sodium.

steady light
is one of the
most basic
for growing
success, and
no other
bulb does
it quite like
the BaddAss

metal halide

output hps

Red Diamond Bulbs

Section 1 - Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Oil Guard

Section 1 - Setting up a Room

Red Diamond Bulbs

Blue Diamond Bulbs







Wavelength (nm)










Wavelength (nm)




Performance/Electrical Data

MH 1000W

MH 600W

HPS 1000W

HPS 600W

Initial Lumen Output





Lamp Lumens Per Watt





Color Temperature (k)





Lamp Wattage (W)





Operating Voltage (V)





Operating Current (Amps)





Blue Diamond Bulbs


Wavelength (nm)




Wavelength (nm)



One of the most common

questions we get is what
about the lumen output?
On the chart to the left, youll
find a detailed listing of the
performance and electrical
data to answer any questions
you may have.

Red Diamond Bulbs

Fast Facts
BENEFITS and Features:
Oil Guard protective, removable sleeve protects your bulb.
BaddAss Bulbs feature a quick strike time to save you money.
An industry leading lumens/wattage ratio.
Highest initial lumen reading of any bulb in its class ever
Enhanced flower spectrum gives you over 99% color consistency.
The Red Diamond 600 Watt bulb reaches full lumen output 10x
faster than any other bulb in its class, approximately 60 seconds.

Section 1 - Setting up a Room | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Section 2

and Rooting

irst, we highly recommend you work this out

with a hydroponic store professional. Without
measuring your grow space and knowing
exactly what you have to deal with, and what level of
work or study you're willing to put in, we can't make a

That said, most often you'll start with a clone, cut from a
plant you'd like to reproduce. This is as simple as cutting
a branch off the plant you'd like to mimic, and then
dipping the cuttings in a rooting solution and planting it.
After you plant that clone, you'll begin the process of
moving it through bigger and bigger containers to give
the roots space to grow. What might start out as a clone
in a dixie cup full of soil could eventually grow into a
monster plant that lives in a 15-gallon container.
Again, this all depends on how much you're growing
and what kind of space you have.
As far as what you can do to help your plants grow
through this period, you only need to manage a few
1. Your plants' stress level
2. A base nutrient solution
3. Rhizosphere supplements
If you cover those factors well, you'll be setting yourself
up for big time success. In the following pages, we'll
tell you about the solutions we've developed to address
these key aspects of growing, and why we think they're
so great.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Cloning Success
How to Eliminate Cloning Problems,
and Get a Near 100% Survival Rate

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

What You Need To Know
If you're like most growers, you prefer to
propagate using cuttings because it saves
you time, shortens crop cycles, gets you
more harvests per year, and helps eliminate
some of the problems of growing from
seeds. Not to mention the added benefit of
knowing the exact type and quality of your
new plants, unlike with seeds where sexual
variation can produce less than desirable
These are all great reasons to use
cuttings ....
But THERE ARE Problems
With Cloning
Many of your cuttings die because they
dont have roots yet, and you and I both
know they can only live off the nutrients
and energy theyre already storing for only
so long.
Cuttings that survive are often weaker
because they cant rely on strong root
structures. Even with high quality mother
plants, and following instructions properly,
many growers just cant seem to get cuttings
to produce anything but wilted or sick
looking plants.
For many growers, cloning can be
one of the biggest and most discouraging
challenges they face.

There Is A Solution:
Advanced Nutrients Juicy Roots was
designed to solve these problems and
to make cloning success easier for the
everyday grower.
Juicy Roots helps optimize clone's
root development. The formula contains
compounds that can help cuttings to direct
more energy to earlier root initiation and
This, of course, is fantastic news for
growers because the faster clones initiate
roots, the faster they can stop relying on
stored energy and start gathering their
own. More energy means a stronger plant
and stronger plants aren't as susceptible to
common grow room pests and diseases.
The bottom line is that when your
clones rooting is optimized, you can
expect a higher survival rate and virtually
no more, or much less, of the wilting and
yellowing typically associated with the
cloning process. In the end this translates
to a strong root structure that's ready for
future growth, stronger and more valuable
plants and more yields.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: When do I use Juicy Roots?
ANSWER: Use Juicy Roots cloning gel with your cuttings to
optimize plant metabolism and plant infrastructure. Optimized
root structures lead to stronger plants that may go into
flowering earlier and have higher yield potential.
QUESTION: What does Juicy Roots do?
ANSWER: Juicy Roots optimizes root initiation and development.
Plants with large, effective roots are stronger and can fight off
clone killing pathogens more easily, including fungi, molds, and
mildew. Because it optimizes root growth and development, you
get much higher clone survival rates.

QUESTION: What makes Juicy Roots different than other

cloning gels?
ANSWER: Juicy Roots was developed specifically for the unique
needs of the high-value plants we grow and their crucial early
development time from cuttings to newly rooted crop. It will
help optimize your clones ability to quickly develop larger,
more productive roots. All this means you get overall stronger
plants with a much higher survival rate. Plus, this cloning gel
uses a unique applicator tip that makes it easy to use the right
amount with no mess.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Juicy Roots - Stickier Cloning Gel For Faster Rooting

he first thing Juicy Roots does to help

clones survive is spur them to sprout roots
faster than with any other cloning gel. The
formula contains rare compounds that compel
cuttings to metabolize faster and direct more
energy to earlier root sprouting and growth.

When and How Is It

One of the biggest problems with other
cloning gels is theyre messy to use, they
dont work right, and after youve used
them a few times they are polluted with
plant parts.
You dont have any of those problems
with Juicy Roots.

Juicy Roots enhances root sprouting and development

faster than other cloning gels.


First, Juicy Roots has been specially

designed for use with all of the most
popular cloning mediums in the world.
Second, instead of cutting and dipping
your clones into a messy jar or plastic tub
like you do with other cloning gels, Juicy
Roots uses a new, unique applicator tip
that does 2 things for you:

Juicy Roots was created by scientists for the

types of high-value plants you grow.

Juicy Roots can make it possible to get a near 100% survival rate
with your clones, saving you time, money and frustration.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

One, you can use the entire container and not have to worry
about contamination, which keeps things clean and free of gel

Two, because Juicy Roots is stickier than other cloning gels

(which helps it bond better and work more efficiently on your
cuttings), the applicator tip guarantees you use the exact right
amount and makes it super easy to use.

Juicy Roots has been scientifically tested and rigorously proven to give
your high-value plants larger root mass and development.

Testing shows that Juicy Roots clones sprout roots 40% faster than
identical clones treated with the runner-up competing gel.

Fast Facts
Rooting Gels & Cloning Aids.
Juicy Roots has been specially designed
for use with all of the most popular
cloning mediums in the world.
Use Juicy Roots cloning gel with your


Helps optimize cutting growth.
Leads to increased metabolism.
Produces overall stronger plants with a
much higher survival rate.



Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,
Professional Grower Level and Grand
Master Grower Level.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"



The Perfect Rooting Medium

For Propagating Cuttings & Seeds


Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

Experienced growers know that getting
your plants to root faster and develop
stronger, deeper, and bigger root structures
means better quality crops and world-class

What You Need To Know

The right medium sets up your cuttings
for success. The problem is its easier said
than done.
The Problem
Most rooting mediums are hard to work
with and wind up giving you smaller
yields, costing you both time and money.
Heres why:
1. Most rooting media isnt properly
aerated, depriving your precious plants of
the vital oxygen they need to grow.
2. Many rooting systems are too wet,
leading to diseases that reduce bud
development and cause lower yields.
3. Bark-based rooting systems wreak havoc
and cause disease and pH issues. In wet
rooting, the structural fibers of bark
break down and clog air spaces, making it
impossible for roots to grow quickly and
develop fully.

Root Shooters' proprietary substrate is

composed of a unique and uniform structure
with hundreds of micro air pockets evenly
distributed throughout the plugs.

Our Solution
If youre tired of always settling for
decreased yields because of limitations and
weaknesses with your rooting medium,
weve got a remedy for you. The scientists
at Advanced Nutrients along with the
talented people at Jiffy have developed
Root Shooters.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: What are some of the challenges with most
typical rooting systems?
ANSWER: Most rooting media is hard to work with because theyre
not properly aerated and get too wet.
QUESTION: What makes Root Shooters a superior solution to
other rooting systems?
ANSWER: The proprietary substrate in Root Shooters has a
unique structure with hundreds of micro air pockets evenly
distributed throughout the plugs. Unlike bark-based systems, you
get extensive fibrous root growth throughout the full depth and
dimensions of the plug. Also, theres no net around the plug, so
your plants roots can grow completely throughout the medium
immediately after potting.

This superior structure also solves the too wet problem

of most rooting media. It gives you the ideal water holding
capacity and perfect drainage, which helps prevent diseases
and pests and reduces potential losses, especially in overwintered crops.
QUESTION: What kind of preparation do I need to do
before I can start using Root Shooters?
ANSWER: Root Shooters Plant Plugs are supplied ready-touse. Theres no additional labor needed to fill or water trays
unlike when using loose-fill substrates. With Root Shooters
youll have less work, faster sticking and faster potting.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Root Shooters - Plant Plug Rooting Medium

What Does It Do
Helps avoid disease and pH issues
because of the special medium
Roots automatically all the work is
done for you...
Provides perfect air-to-media ratio,
guaranteeing enhanced rooting...
Makes cloning and rooting easier
than ever.
The Details
Root Shooters is the ultimate rooting
medium for indoor hydroponic growers.
It solves both the aeration problem and
the too wet problem.
Its made of a peat-based media with
a special proprietary binder to create the
perfect peat-to-air ratio.
This peat and binder combination
helps prevent the disease and pH
issues commonly caused by bark-based
To prevent diseases and pests, and reduce potential losses, Root Shooters superior structure gives you
the ideal water holding capacity and drainage, so your rooting medium never gets too wet.

Getting your plants to root faster and

develop stronger, deeper, and bigger root
structures means better quality crops and
world-class yields.


How It Works
Root Shooters proprietary substrate
is composed of a unique and uniform
structure with hundreds of micro air
pockets evenly distributed throughout the
plugs. Unlike with bark, you get extensive
fibrous root growth throughout the full
depth and dimensions of the plug. And
because theres no net around the plug, your
plants roots will grow fully throughout the
medium immediately after potting.
In addition, this superior structure
gives you ideal water holding capacity
and excellent drainage, so your rooting
medium never gets too wet. This helps
prevent diseases and pests, and reduces
potential losses, especially in overwintered crops.
Research proves that cuttings grown in
Root Shooters produce a cleaner callous
than in other mediums, which means youll

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

see fewer losses due to rotting. Youll also see

faster and more prolific root development
because youll get more active root nodes
formed at the callous.
And because your plants' root systems
are developed in the plug (not outside of
the plug), your plants will pot much more
quickly. They are also better protected
against root damage and disease, and the risk
of transplant shock is virtually eliminated.
Root Shooters Plant Plugs are supplied
ready-to-use so that youll see significantly
faster sticking speeds compared to other
plugs. And, unlike loose-fill substrates,
theres no additional labor needed to fill or
water trays.
Our extensive testing has proven
potting is much quicker than with other
loose fill plugs, because the Root Shooters
pull from the trays quickly, easily, and with
remarkable consistency.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

Final Thoughts
Root Shooters Plant Plugs can help you do
the following:
Save time and money
Increase survival rates
Avoid rooting too wet
Reduce harmful plant pests and
Get faster rooting, every time
Achieve significantly faster stick speeds
Most importantly, provide the
best possible rooting medium for
developing strong, prolific root
structures, which means better quality
plants and larger yields.

oot Shooters'
proprietary substrate is
composed of a unique
and uniform structure with
hundreds of micro air
pockets evenly distributed
throughout the plugs.

Root Shooters' proprietary substrate is composed of a unique and uniform structure

with hundreds of micro air pockets evenly distributed throughout the plugs.

Root Shooters vs. Rapid Rooters

Chemically stable?
Backed by 100% Guarantee?

Root Shooters

Rapid Rooters

Made from peat

Made from composted bark



Root Shooters vs. Rockwool for Propagation

Chemically stable?

Root Shooters

Rapid Rooters

Made from peat

Highly alkaline




Level of Polymer used











Risk of Contamination
Backed by 100%

Fast Facts
Plant plug rooting medium.

Saves you time and money
Increases survival rates
All garden types.
Helps you avoid rooting too wet
Reduces harmful plant pests and diseases
Helps you get faster rooting EVERY TIME!
Root Shooters plant plugs are supplied
Develops strong, prolific root structures better
ready-to-use. Theres no additional labor
than any other medium
needed to fill or water trays unlike when
Produces better quality plants and larger yields
using loose-fill substrates.
Is a peat based media with proprietary binder
Features air pockets and uniform structure
GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Eliminates need for gels or powders, just cut
All levels - Hobbyist Level, Expert
& stick
Grower Level, Professional Grower
Increases your cuttings survival rate
Level and Grand Master Grower Level.
Allows faster sticking and potting, less work.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"



And Shock Yield Production Into High Gear

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

Youre most likely already giving your
plants the best environment and nutrient
supplements you can. And thats great. But
a lot of growers dont realize that their highvalue plants need several types of vitamins
too. Scientific research has repeatedly
proven that B vitamins in particular have
a huge positive effect on the types of
plants we grow, making them an essential
consideration for growers. Supplementing
your grow room with vitamins like B5,
B9 (Folic Acid), B1 (Thiamine), B2
(Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin) and B6 can make
a huge difference in yield production and
in the overall health of your plants.

Why Your Plants

need Extra B Vitamins
For Survival And
Yield Production
Unfortunately, your plants cant synthesize
enough B vitamins from everyday
nutrients to take advantage of all the
amazing benefits those vitamins offer.
But when you provide additional
vitamins, your plants have less metabolic
work to do. This means that they can use
more of their nutrients for growth and
flower production because youre sparing
them the trouble of synthesizing their own
B Vitamins.
Plus, studies show that when plants are
stressed (which is when they most need B
vitamins), thats when they are least able to
make their own vitamins.

In fact, there are several stressful times

in your plants lives when they need extra B
vitamins, like when your plants are seedlings,
being cloned, being transplanted, or during
flowering. Other stressful times include
when youre using CO2 augmentation, and
during seed production, or when your
plants have to face extreme temperatures, or
pest and disease attacks.

What B Vitamins Do
For Your Plants:
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Enhances
systemic resistance so that your plants
are less susceptible to common grow
room diseases that often disguise
themselves as nutrient disorders while
insidiously harming your crops.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): An essential
substance that contributes to your
plants metabolism and other basic life
functions. Insufficient amounts of B3
lead to slow growth, poor yields, and
lowered disease resistance.
Vitamin B6: Involved in plant respon
ses to stress such as high light, chilling,
drought, and ozone. B6 is a root growth
factor and also a key player in a plants
salt tolerance.
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid): Helps plants
maintain healthy metabolism and DNA,
and upgrades the weight and quality of
your harvest. Because B9 breaks down
so easily (especially under intense
lighting), its essential that you have a

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Why do I need to give B-52 to my plants when I am
already feeding them a high-nutrition fertilizer?
ANSWER: Plants can make B vitamins from some fertilizers,
but they expend energy and nutrition to make those
vitamins. When you provide B vitamins via B-52, giving
your plant a ready-made vitamin source, your plants can
focus on flower production.

QUESTION: Ive heard that B-52 is really good for young plants.
Is this true?
ANSWER: Yes. B-52 is definitely a powerful anti-stress tonic
that increases survival of transplants, seedlings, and clones.
QUESTION: I am growing all-organic. Can I use B-52?
ANSWER: We make the only all-organic B vitamin supplement
in the industry, called Organic B1, which you should use if
youre growing only organically.

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


B-52 - Fertilizer Booster B Vitamin Supplement

supplement on hand to replenish this
important vitamin as it diminishes.
Vitamin B5: Without sufficient B5,
plants die, grow slowly, or are susceptible
to stress disorders and pathogenic
diseases that can have grave effects on
their yields.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Helps plants
use and create carbohydrates so that
your plants have enough energy
for strong growth and production
of flowers and essential oils. It also
helps your plants use of phosphate
(which fuels flower growth). B1 also
strengthens plant immune systems
to help avoid disease and stress and
activates Systemic Acquired Resistance
(SAR), which is what happens in
humans when a vaccination produces
an increased immune response to future
disease attacks. Plus, B1 assists in root
development, so your plants get more
nutrients faster, and are more resistant
to shock, transplanting, or cloning.

Fast Facts

The Solution Is Simple

An ideal B vitamin formula will be a
platform for vitamin-rich components
that double as yield-boosting substances.
As it happens, Advanced Nutrients B-52
formula fits this description perfectly, and
also contains kelp and seaweed extracts,
which contain a variety of compounds,
including auxins that increase cell replication
and stimulate roots and stems.
Several studies show that B vitamins,
combined with seaweed and kelp extracts,
assist in flower development and ripening,
resulting in significant increases in flower
weight and potency.
The Bottom Line
Along with the B vitamins mentioned
above, B-52 also contains humates and
other sources of plant nutrition that are
more easily absorbed when administered
with B vitamins. Additionally, these
substances aid the transference of B
vitamins into your plants.
With B-52, you can feed your roots or
administer foliar feeding, which makes the

Bud Enhancer.
B-52 has been specially designed for use
with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir and other growing media. B-52 has
been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics and continuous liquid feed
growing systems.
When plants are under stress, especially during
early growth, cloning, and transplanting. Do
not use in first two weeks of flowering.
Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 3 through
5 of your blooming phase, and during all
weeks of growing phase.


Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower
Level, Professional Grower Level
and Grand Master Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Better survival rate for seedlings,
transplants, clones
Plants more resistant to stress and
Increased growth and yield
Stronger roots for more nutrient uptake.




4 L 10 L

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

23 L






B-52 pumps up your plants stamina, energy,

productivity so that you

healing, stimulating, and protective effects

of B vitamins immediately and completely
available to your plants. Plus, B-52 works in
all types of growing systems and root zone
material, including aeroponics, rockwool,
soil, coco coir, hydroton, ebb and flow, and
any other hydroponics gardening methods.

Advertisement Space

If You Want Big Plants,

You Need Big Roots

Whats the Method Proven by Science to Work Like Magic?

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

As an accomplished grower, you know
that your plants roots are the foundation
of your harvest. Without a solid root
system, your high-value plants cant do the
Absorb all the nutrients they need to
grow fast and healthy.
Reach their full potential in size or yield
Produce viable offspring that you can
continue to profit from in the future.
Youre about to see how easy it is to enhance
(or destroy) the power dimensions of
your plants roots, and how to guarantee
yourself maximized harvests with custom
designed microbial supplements.
These powerful supplements create ideal
root zone environments that allow your
plants to more efficiently absorb nutrients,
stay healthier, and stay stronger. They do this
with beneficial microbes, which break down
old root material, providing nutrition while
enabling roots to repair themselves and
create new tissue.
Also, microbes help oxygenate your
roots, capture nitrogen, and pump more
phosphorus into your plants.
Now the question is what is the best
way to install beneficial microbes into your
hydroponics root zone?
To answer this question, Advanced
Nutrients' scientists conducted a multi-phase
research project on a unique suite of beneficial

microbes contained in Voodoo Juice. They

discovered, when used as directed, Voodoo
Juice provides the following:
Enhanced development of roots on your
seedlings, transplants, and clones
Enhanced roots size and branching
More efficient intake of nutrients, saving
you time and money
More vigorous plant growth, producing
more impressive flowers
Roots more resistant to heat, stress,
drought, nutrient burn, and other
common problems

Not All Beneficial Root

Microbes Formulas Are
Created Equal
You know beneficial microbes will help
your plants, but it can be confusing when
you go to the store and see so many of these
formulas made by different manufacturers.
The obvious question is which one will
give you the best bang for your buck?
The answer lies in the fact that there are
two very distinct processes manufacturers
use when they want to offer microbes
products. Most hydroponics companies
save money on costs by hiring a thirdparty company to bulk produce/bulk
combine microbes without testing them for
specific plant appropriateness or microbial
compatibility. Not only that, but their process
includes a generic view of microbes.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Will Voodoo Juice make my roots too big?
ANSWER: Your roots will get much bigger, but only in the most
efficient way for your root zone so that you get larger harvests.
QUESTION: If I use Voodoo Juice, why would I use your
Tarantula beneficial microbes and your Piranha beneficial
fungi formulas too?
ANSWER: Each of these three products contains unique beneficial
microbes that contribute to the healthiest root zone possible,
enabling your plants to grow better via different pathways. The
individual microbe formulas in these three products combine in
a synergistic fashion with your roots and each other to provide
even more root enhancement and protection.

QUESTION: Does your previous version of Voodoo Juice

work with your new version?
ANSWER: Yes, our previous Voodoo Juice works well in all
types of gardens and systems, and is compatible with our
stronger new and improved version of Voodoo Juice. Always
store our beneficial microbes formulas in a cool, dark place
to extend shelf life.
QUESTION: Is Voodoo Juice compatible with an allorganic fertilizer program?
ANSWER: Yes. Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, and Piranha are
organic supplements that work perfectly in all-organic
gardening (and all other types of gardening).

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


VOODOO JUICE - Beneficial Bacteria Root Booster

Voodoo Juice Enhanced

Control Plant

Root mass of tomato plants, same seed, same age, same number,
harvested after 42 days of growth. Plants on left received Voodoo Juice.

Voodoo Juice contains designer microbes created by leading

microbiologists. These super strain microbes fatten, strengthen, and
supercharge your roots; the result is more valuable harvests.







Bigger roots that more than double in mass are the foundation for faster
growth and bigger yields.


What It Takes to Produce the Highest

Quality Microbes
Advanced Nutrients employs the sharpest microbiologists in the
world. We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds
of sub-varieties of Bacillus and other beneficial microbes in
a continual research program. In fact, over the last two years,
Voodoo Juices root-producing abilities have been increased
Specific beneficial microbes work better with certain plants
than others, which is why we put so much time and money into our
breeding program. Were driven to find the needle in the haystack
of microbes in order to give you the absolute best product for the
plants you grow.
Our scientists demand that we supply them with all the highest
quality precision equipment needed to identify each microbial
strains special characteristics and compatibility with each other in
order to make them super strains. This is why our microbes are
also extremely fast-replicating, so that they can quickly colonize
root zones for rapid results (yes, we test for fast versus slow
replicating microbes).
Each microbe strain is individually bred in a purpose-built
10,000 Liter breeding reactor, not in a bunch of vats or tubs. This
is a very painstaking, time consuming step, but its necessary
because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different
rates, and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony
forming units (CFUs). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the
evaporation tower and dried, and then all twelve strains in Voodoo
Juice are carefully recombined.
As you can see, providing a high quality, custom fit formula for
the types of plants we grow is a long and complicated process, one
which must be taken seriously in order to be successful. And as
it happens, when it comes to taking hydroponics seriously and
providing growers like you with the best possible products, no one

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting

is even in the same league as Advanced Nutrients. Our scientists
conducted a multi-phase research project on a unique suite of
beneficial microbes in order to develop a microbial supplement
able to provide growers like you with all the benefits you could
possibly hope for. In a word, we wanted it to be perfect.

Additional Benefits of Voodoo Juice

In addition to all the great benefits youd want to find in a formula
like this one, youll also be interested to know that Voodoo Juice is
NOT outsourced. Were the only hydroponics nutrient company
in the world manufacturing all our own microbial products
ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally
supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is
true for our Piranha and Tarantula root zone products.)
Also, to ensure that Voodoo Juice has a very long shelf life and
superior viability, Voodoo Juices microbes are put into hibernation
with an antagonist compound used to keep the microbes dormant
until you mix Voodoo Juice into a nutrient reservoir, at which point
the antagonist is diluted.
As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Voodoo Juices microbes
immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into
action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating
into roots, maximizing flower-boosting hormones, and enhancing
root size and function.

The Bottom Line

Voodoo Juice feeds your roots so that you get safer, nutrienthealthy plants as well as enhanced aboveground growth of
maximized flowers. Its a basic but important step you can
easily take today to immediately upgrade the productivity of
your garden.
Youre Guaranteed to Get More
Growth and Higher Productivity
when You Put this Knowledge to Work
for You!
Advanced Nutrients is so serious about our Voodoo Juice formula
that we offer a full money back guarantee of satisfaction.
Now you know that your plant roots are like buried treasure
waiting to be exploited in your grow room. You also know what
to avoid when shopping for beneficial microbes, and about the
incredibly detailed process used to produce the most potent, pure,
and effective root maximizing formula available.
Even better, you risk nothing by trying Voodoo Juice, because its
100% guaranteed. Thats why the next logical step is to visit your local
hydroponics dealer and tell them you want to try Voodoo Juice in
your grow room today.

Fast Facts
Root Mass Expander.
Voodoo Juice has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Voodoo
Juice has been developed for use with any and
all hydroponics, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
NFT, flood and drain, drip emitters, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.
Early grow phase, early blooming, cloning,
transplanting, growing from seedlings.
Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through
2 of your flowering phase, and during
weeks 1 through 2 of vegetative growth.


Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,
Professional Grower Level and Grand
Master Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Maximum development of roots on your
seedlings, transplants, and clones.
More root branching, root density, and
root mass.
Enhanced efficiency of nutrient intake,
saving you time and money.
Maximized growth and flowering.




4 L 10 L

23 L

Section 2 - Cloning and Rooting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Section 3


ow that weve covered the basics, we can focus

on optimizing your efforts. This is where it
gets really good.

Archimedes once said, Give me a lever long

enough, and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I will
move the world.
His point was this: If you can get good
leverage, you can do titanic work with very
little effort.
And the most dramatic point of leverage you
can have in growing is to feed your plants the right
ingredients, at the right time.
This is where we earn our name at Advanced
Nutrients, and were not shy about it. We cant be,
because the industry standard does not do your garden
The plain and simple truth is that by having the
correct ratios of macronutrients and micronutrients,
the development of your plants will be staggering
compared to what happens if you have incorrect ratios.
We never want you to be disappointed in your crop.
Thats not how we do business.
We believe in creating phenomenal value for
you, and our team of world-class plant scientists has
succeeded wildly in providing our community with
outstanding technology.


Continued | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 3 - Growing

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


This is not idle chest beating or bragging.

Weve got overwhelming evidence to back up
our claims. And we must tell our story boldly
because if we dont, you, our client, will be
left with other companies sub-par growing
materials that will not get the job done
the way you want it, the way you deserve.
Growing successfully is very challenging
work and you need every advantage you can
Whew. Now that all thats out of the way,
heres what you should be focused on when
you buy your base nutrients, and why:

wines and coffees, there are different places

around the globe that will give you very
high quality ingredients to grow with. The
key here is to make sure that the nutrients
youre buying are researched and developed
with that basic truth in mind. Theres also
chelation, a hugely important advantage
that almost no other nutrient company
takes advantage of. The short story is this:
chelation is a process that makes it easier for
your plants to get what they need. Theres a
bit more to it than that, but well explain the
details later on.

How complete is the

base nutrient?

Finally, do your
nutrients balance your
pH for you?

In other words, does it cover all the basic 16

elements your plants need? Does it include a
surfactant? Amino acids? Fulvates? Humates?
Its important that you buy a base nutrient
that does as much work as possible because
supplements arent cheap, especially when
you have to use them constantly.During
a grow, you can burn a lot of money on
nutrients and supplements very quickly if
youve got a decent feeding schedule. Again,
the point here is leverage getting maximum
performance out of the minimum spending
and work on your part.

Hows the quality of the

For example, not all elements or minerals
are made equal. In exactly the same way that
different regions of the world produce fine

Ours do. We know nobody else's does because

we invented and patented the technology.
Heres a very important thing to consider:
do you want to have to buy pH pens, and
the chemicals to calibrate your pens, and
pH Up and pH Down, and basically be
anchored to your reservoir like its a ball and
chain, leaving you with no semblance of a
normal life?
Thats not an exaggeration. When youve got
to constantly monitor and adjust your pH
levels, it will annoy you like water torture
until youre crazy, like screaming-childrenthat-wont-sit-still-in-the-backseat-on-a-tenhour-drive crazy. Our line of pH Perfect
nutrients have inside them guardrails along
the pH highway, keeping your pH levels in
the perfect sweet spot with no work on your
part whatsoever.

2-Part Vs 3-Part
Nutrient Solutions
In the early days of hydroponics, base
nutrient solutions were sold as a package of
three different types of bottles: grow, micro,
and bloom. Each of these had different ratios
of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium,
commonly abbreviated N-P-K, because from
these three basic elements, your plants can
create everything they need to thrive.
The hitch was (and remains) that threepart base nutrients must be used in a specific
sequence to make sure your plants get the full
benefit of the N-P-K, specifically the N.
If, for example, you first pour the bottle
labeled grow", you won't get the full benefit
of the nitrogen in the bottle labeled micro,
which should always be poured first. The
reason for this, without getting into too much
detail, is that if your plants are exposed to the
ratios of N-P-K present in the grow bottle to
begin with, the nitrogen in the micro bottle
will be locked out, so to speak, and thus
To solve this problem, and to make base
nutrients more effective and easy to use,
nutrient companies created two-part base
nutrients that eliminated the problem of
illogical N-P-K ratios. Two-part solutions
are mixed in such a way that you only need
to focus on what phase of growing you're
in, vegetative or flowering, and your base
nutrient comes with ideal N-P-K ratios
already worked out.

Speaking of pH, were including the pH Manifesto here as a free bonus for picking up our Product Guide.


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

pH Manifesto
The Growers Guide to
pH and Bigger Yields

The three things that form a circle, that when kept in

balance hold the keys to the buried treasure Page 42

The best growers in the world know this one simple secret:
having really great ______ guarantees great crops and awardwinning finishes. (Find the surprising answer on Page 44)

The secret beneath your plants gives you more control

its the most important link in the growing chain! Page 49

A perfect growing medium? It sounds outrageous, but this

one combination is easy-to-use, inexpensive, pH friendly,
charged with NPK, a wetting agent, and gives excellent
aeration it makes getting bigger yields almost automatic!
Page 54

Do you know where and how to measure your pH like

award-winning growers for the most accurate results?

Quiz yourself, with the step-by-step directions on Page 56

How to get a theoretical plant absorption range for your

nutrients from pH 1 to pH 10 so youll never have to
worry about pH again! (And no! Its got nothing to do with
adding acids to your nutrients!) Page 66

The amazing plant-maximizing secret discovered by a

street racer named Allan put this same secret to work in

your grow room and youll see the most impressive yields of
your life GUARANTEED! Page 70

Plus much, MUCH MORE!


pH Manifesto
The Growers Guide
to pH and Bigger Yields

ne of the biggest misconceptions in hydroponics

growing is that the pH in
your nutrient reservoir is the single
biggest thing having to do with pH that
affects the outcome of your crops.
Well, its simply not true. Its
actually the pH and alkalinity of
three things:
1. Your Water
2. Growing Medium
3. Nutrients
Unfortunately, this circle of big bud
getting power isnt talked about,
and its responsible for more growers silently losing loads of buds
and quality they werent even
aware of.
Hydrogen Ion Molecule

Almost all the world champion growers who Ive talked to have powerfully
harnessed and utilized the synergistic punch that the circle of big bud getting
power delivers to their prize winning crops. This report will show you how to
start putting it to work for you immediately.

Hydroxide Ion Molecule

Let me explain...were going to

have to get a little technical here, but
not too much. So lets take a journey and uncover the really important points about pH so that we can
leverage it to get you bigger yields.

First Things First

OK, pH stands for potential hydrogen and is actually a measurement


of hydrogen and hydroxide ions,

and is measured on a scale from
pH 0 to pH 14.0 with pH 7.0 being
neutral, aha, so were interested

in those pesky little hydrogen

and hydroxide ions. Theyre the
culprits? Yes they are. Heres how.
When your water, growing medium or nutrient solution is acidic
(below a pH of 7.0) it contains
more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. And when your water,
growing medium or nutrient solution is alkaline, also referred to as
base or basic (above a pH of 7.0) it
contains more hydroxide ions than
hydrogen ions.
And these hydrogen and
hydroxide ions interact with each
other and perform a balancing
act of sorts that determines
the pH in your water, growing
medium and nutrients.

Shown here is
a pH scale. A
reading below pH
7.0 is considered
acidic and a
reading above
is considered
alkaline. A pH
of 7.0 is said to
be a neutral pH;
further in this
report youll
find that is not
exactly true. Also
some common
products are
given for pH
reference points.

Dont Sweat It

Wow thats a lot of stuff, but its

important you understand all this
because its one of the keys to you
getting bigger and better yields.
Anyway, these hydrogen and
hydroxide ions are also in the
elements that make up our macro
and micronutrients of the nutrient solutions we use to grow our
plants with.
And because of this the elements
that make up our macro and
micro-nutrients are classified into
two distinct groups. One group
of elements is called cations and
contains more hydrogen ions. The
other group of elements are called
anions and contains more hydroxide ions.
Also our growing medium pH
is dramatically affected by these
cations and anions contained in
the macro, micro and secondary nutrient elements we use.
Remember this because its
important and well be referring
back to this in the growing medium and nutrients sections.

Mastering The Subtleties

Of The Balance

The macro, micro and secondary

elements that are cations are urea
and ammonium (both are forms
of nitrogen), potassium, calcium,
magnesium, iron zinc, manganese,
copper and cobalt.
And the elements that are anions
are nitrates (another form of nitrogen), phosphates (phosphorus)
sulfates, carbonates and bicarbonates. This list covers the most
common cations and anions. This
topic will be covered more in the
nutrient section.
So what does all this stuff have to
do with you getting bigger yields?
Well a whole lot. Were almost there.
These three things, your water,
growing medium and nutrients

powerfully form a circle that when

kept in balance with each other
truly holds the keys to the buried
treasure that is commonly overlooked and waiting to be unlocked
in a growers garden.
And the best part, it will absolutely give you bigger, more consistent,
and higher quality yields when fully
understood and implemented.
So lets explore this circle of
power a little deeper...


Your Water

About Your
Solutions pH

One of the critical elements of successful

growing is the precise balancing act of your
hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions and having
total control over them at all times in your
water, growing medium and nutrients.

Field Crop Pumping Station Heres one of the critical steps farmers
who grow field crops that are irrigated take to ensure they get the best
harvests possible. To do this they inject acid directly into irrigation lines to
neutralize their source waters alkalinity. Then depending on the desired pH
of their growing soil they will use a cation-rich fertilizer to bring the soils
pH down or an anion-rich fertilizer to raise their soils pH. The field pumping
station above also filters the source water.

Like I mentioned earlier, the most

common misconception is that the
pH of your nutrients is the most
important factor that will drive
your plants ability to give you
bigger yields.
You would think that your biggest
concern would be about the pH in
your reservoir. This is just not true.
You should be more concerned
with your waters alkalinity. This is
one of the major culprits that will
affect your yields. In fact, one of
the biggest problems with water is
its alkalinity.

This is something that must be

taken care of if you really want to
easily manage the pH of your nutrients and growing medium and get
those bigger crops.

The Simple Truth

Of Alkalinity

And what is this alkalinity, anyway?

Your water is not just water. There
is a lot of other stuff in it. The alkalinity of water is the concentration
of all sorts of ions in it, like calcium,
magnesium, sodium, potassium, in
both the forms of carbonates and

Unfortunately, more growers money

goes down the drain every single
day and its not your fault
because of the lack of information
that has been given to us. Oh sure
the PhDs know this stuff but theyre
not putting it out to us in plain
English. And no hydro books have
covered all this in great depth. And
quite frankly I find that puzzling
because the importance of water,
nutrients and growing mediums all
working together will absolutely
give all of us bigger yields.

bicarbonates. And bicarbonates

are the worst offenders of the two.
Making matters worse, alkalinity insidiously accumulates in
your growing medium in a vicious
cycle that will cause your growing
medium pH to climb faster than a
speeding bullet and give you pH

When the amount of alkalinity in your source water hasnt been measured and is then used to mix your nutrient
solution - even with a properly pH balanced nutrient reservoir - your plants can suffer from a continuous build up of
alkalinity that will silently sneak up on you and quickly raise your growing mediums pH, locking out your plants vital
elements, and hijacking you from your crops true harvest potential.

stability problems in your reservoir

and growing medium, substantially
decreasing your yields.
In fact, farmers who have to
irrigate their field crops and have
alkalinity in their water supply
have to continuously inject different types of acids - depending
on what the farmer is trying to
accomplish with the crop and soil into their irrigation lines to counter
balance their alkalinity. An easy
way to think of alkalinity is pH up.
Unfortunately a very bad form of
pH up. Once alkalinity is neutralized, fertilizer is then injected into
the lines.

Heres something to think about,

depending on what crop is being
grown, the fertilizer being injected
will be balanced with the correct
cation to anion ratios for that crops
soil pH requirement. If they need
to lower their soils pH theyll use a
fertilizer that has more cations than
anions. And if they need to raise
the soils pH they will use a fertilizer with more anions than cations.
Well go over this more in the nutrient section.
And then theres the subject of
water hardness. Shouldnt you be
concerned about that? Well, its
important not to confuse water

hardness with the alkalinity of water.

These are two different things.

Heres The Difference:

Hardness is the measure of the

combined concentration of insoluble calcium and magnesium in
the water, not the presence of
the carbonates or bicarbonates
mentioned earlier.


Using a water softener to handle

the hardness will only displace the
calcium and magnesium ions and
leave the carbonates and bicarbonates behind, which doesnt change
the alkalinity at all. So this is not
the thing to do. And a BIG WARNING, using a water softener will add
unwanted sodium to your water
severely decreasing your yields.
If youre using well water it is
almost guaranteed you will have
alkalinity problems. In fact most
municipalities have water that is
poor quality and has alkalinity. I
have personally seen municipal
water thats 900 PPM and chocked
full of alkalinity.
Heres the thing, if your water is
30 PPM or below youre safe. And
Ive seen city water that has less
than 10 PPM, Vancouver, Canada
being one of them. Anything over
30 PPM and you should invest in a
reverse osmosis system.
Calcium and
Carbonates are
major contributors
to alkalinity that
will steadily raise
your pH in your
growing medium.

Hach Alkalinity MeterShown here is the Hach

digital alkalinity meter.
Its used to check for the
harvest-robbing alkalinity of
your source water. It costs
a couple hundred dollars,
for the same price you can
go out and buy a reverse
osmosis system and not
have to worry about your
waters alkalinity.

Lets Explore How To

Measure And Manage
All This

So now the question arises, How

do we measure alkalinity? Well,
the way that alkalinity is measured
is how much carbonate and
bicarbonate is in the water.

Magnified Calcium Carbonate

Potassium Carbonate


Alright, so now we have to test

the water. But how do we do that?
Well, there are several ways to test
water alkalinity. One way is with an
alkalinity meter (which measures
it in PPM) which is quite different
than an EC meter.
As an aside you can use an EC
meter to do a quick check but it
is not the same measurement.
And the least expensive way to
check your alkalinity is with a
test kit where you add diluted
acid until a color change occurs
at a specific pH.
Now, you can get a digital meter
for about $200 at
But if you want to go easier on the
pocketbook, there are kits as cheap
as $30 to $40. And you should get
one that uses titration which is
actually the most accurate method
of testing.

Heres Something Interesting About

pH Readings

OK, so that seems simple enough, but now Im going

to add just a little variance into the subject to make it
more interesting. Taking pH readings during the light
cycle will give you a different result than when you take
pH readings at night.
The reason for this is, during the dark periods, both
microbes and the plants are resting and give off alkaline
molecules and the pH tends to go up a bit. During the
day the plants and microbes are active and they give off
acid molecules which make the pH go down some.
If youre running a recirculation system this is important to consider, especially because your tank should
be outside your grow room. And you might be taking
your readings when your plants are in their dark cycle.

RO System Wall Mount

And Commercial Units:
Pictured above is a
typical wall mount unit
that will produce around
25-50 gallons per day. On
the right is a commercial
system that produces 200
to 500 gallons per day.
WARNING: When you
get your RO system DO
NOT get a water softener
with it, because it will
put unwanted sodium into
your nutrient solution and
substantially cut down on
your yields.

The Best Way To Measure PPM

One way people have measured the PPM is with TDS

(total dissolved solids) but I would not advise this
because TDS was intended for determining the acceptability of drinking water, not nutrient solutions.
Instead use a meter that measures EC (Electrical
Conductivity). This type of meter was made specifically
for measuring nutrient solutions.
Here is one of the biggest secrets the best growers
in the world figured out a long time ago: if you want a
world class crop you have to use really great water.
And a very simple way to ensure that is to get a
reverse osmosis water system. Its an absolute must
for bigger yields.

An assortment of different manufacturers EC metersEC meters are made to measure fertilizer solutions.
TDS meters measure total dissolved solids and were
originally designed to check drinking water not nutrients.








Float Valve System Diagram Of RO Storage And Reservoir Pictured above: A tank mount float valve shut off set
up. Reverse osmosis systems are priced and rated by how many gallons or liters of water they produce in a 24 hour
period. Because of this, a lot of growers run theirs 24 hours a day into a separate reservoir. So to avoid overflowing
your reverse osmosis water reservoir, a float valve shut off should be installed.

You May Want To Read

That Last Line Again...

Think about it, you spent all that

time and hard work building your
grow room and in the final hour you
skimp on the water, it just doesnt
make sense. You really should
invest in a reverse osmosis system.
They arent that expensive these
days, prices start for under $100. A
reverse osmosis system will take
the alkalinity out of your water and
give you bigger yields. And obviously alkalinity is one of our limiting
factors we want to get rid of, isnt it?

When You Invest In RO

Remember These Tips

One word of advice: you should

have a tank-mounted shut off float
valve installed on your RO water
storage tank and nutrient reservoir
that shuts off automatically when
the tank is full, and you should
keep your nutrient tank topped off
because, as water level lowers, the

pH will be magnified as either acidic or alkaline. You can get one at:

One Last Thing About

Your Water

Now here is the last thing I will say

about the water you use and then
well take a look at the growing
medium. There is one more thing
to pay attention to when it comes
to your water. The temperature is
important as well.
Cooler water holds more oxygen
as well as affects your pH level, but
if it is too cold, it will cause your pH
to rise, and if too warm, it will cause
it to go down.
Heres a little known fact: excessively high water temperatures
above 79F or 26C start to negatively impact your plants ability to
absorb macronutrients.
High temperatures also encourage fungal and bacterial diseases,
and you dont want that either. In

fact, it is best to maintain a nutrient

reservoir temperature of 65F or
18C to 69F or 20C. And colder
water holds a lot more oxygen.
And heres another fact: scientists who study our oceans consider warm tropic waters to be the
deserts of the oceans because
they contain way less life than the
colder waters of the Arctic and
Antarctic oceans, that are teeming with life because of the colder
water temperatures holding more
In the end if you want bigger
yields go out and buy a reverse
osmosis system; it will be some of
the best money youll ever invest in
your grow room.

Your Growing
The Secret Beneath
Your Plants

Your plants roots are actually pH

producing machines creating
either hydrogen ions (pH down) or
hydroxide ions (pH up) depending
on whether the roots are taking in
elements that are mostly cations
or anions.

Plant Root

All my labs grow rooms use

reverse osmosis water. In fact, its
so important, all Advanced Nutrients products are made with ultra
pure zero PPM and zero alkalinity
reverse osmosis water.
OK, lets explore your growing
medium a lot has been said about
measuring pH in the nutrient solution,
but where the real money is being
won or lost by the buckets full, is in
the actual growing medium itself.
Heres why... your plants root
system is actually a pH-excreting
machine that manufactures and
pumps hydrogen ions (pH down)
or hydroxide ions (pH up) directly
into your growing medium and
will directly change the pH of the
growing medium depending on the

elemental composition of
your nutrients make up.
And you can imagine how
having a thorough understanding of this is going to give you
even more control over your plants
that will lead to bigger yields, right?

The Most Important

Link In The Chain

Out of the circle of big bud-getting

power, its your growing medium that you need to be most
concerned about. Because if you
want a really great crop, your
plants must have an acidic pH
growing medium. In most cases
your pH will be climbing and your
challenge will be to keep your pH
from going up.

Heres the typical pH absorption range of non-chelated elements in soil and hydroponics.

Sure, the water, the growing medium, and the nutrients should all have
to work in perfect harmony with each
other, but its the roots in the growing medium that drive the pH chemical reactions that are the most overlooked by growers and its not your
fault; its just most books out there
dont go into great depth about it.
And naturally this is very important because the pH in the root zone
is going to determine the availability
of nutrients and your plants ability


to produce world-class buds. And

we all want to grow kick ass buds,
dont we?

What are you

really feeding
your plants?
Your plants
macro, micro
and secondary
nutrients are
really a lot
like the foods
you eat. Think
about it, are
all sources
of protein,
and fats you eat
the same? No
theyre not. And
its exactly the
same for your
plants food
it eats. Your
plants are what
they eat.

Its This Sort Of

Knowledge That
Leads To Real
Mastery In Growing

You just got another gem thats not

even talked about or even considered by most growers, except by
growers who have a very deep
understanding of plants. And this is
where your big money is going to
be made or lost.
So you see, its going to be essential then if you want big consistent
yields, you should check your growing medium pH every week.

An Important
Lesson To Nutrient
Company Owners

I have extensively tested the

competitors hydroponics nutrients,
and unfortunately the vast majority
of them dont work with the plants
root system to even remotely come
close to maintaining a stable or
ideal pH in the growing medium
because they use too many nitrates
as their source of nitrogen.
Here are the straight goods... and
an education for a lot of the nutrient manufacturers out there: to
balance a growing mediums pH,
nutrient manufacturers must be
using the correct balance of cations
to anions to guarantee you the right
pH in your growing medium.
And... one more thing, the right
balance of elements (cations to
anions) that will give you a stable
and ideal growing medium pH
is different from plant species to
plant species.
And by not being aware and acting
on this vitally critical piece of knowledge is exactly like growing with one

foot on the gas and the other foot on

the brake at the same time.

Why Would Anybody

Work Against Themselves
Like This?

So why are nutrient companies

not building their products with
this in mind?
Well, I will give you two reasons
for that. One is the high expense
and the other is the amount of
research and knowledge needed to
prepare the nutrients for a specific
type of plant.
I admit it... I go on the forums
every once in a while, and it always
amazes me when I see people
making statements like, All base
nutrients are the same and salts
are just salts.
Think about it... is there a difference in the foods you eat? Are your

sources and quality of proteins,

carbohydrates and fats you eat all
the same? Absolutely not. Some
proteins are assimilated and
utilized by your body faster and
more completely than others.
And some carbohydrates release
quickly and spike your insulin while
others are a slow burn and give you
sustained energy.
What about fats? Some are actually good for you like Omega-3 and
others will slowly clog your arteries and eventually give you a heart
attack. Obviously it all makes a difference. And in the nutrient section well
take a look at this in depth.


Coco Coir

Peat Bog Sphagnum Moss Harvest

Sphagnum Moss


Expanded Clay Pellets


Coco Coir

Whats Your Favorite

Growing Medium?

Now if youve looked lately, you

probably noticed that there is a
variety of growing mediums to
choose from.
You have sphagnum moss that
stuff from bogs. And there is coco
coir, the fiber that comes from the
coconuts outer husk. And lets
not forget about the special mixes
and all the other hydroponic growing mediums.

Sunshine #4 Mix

Now you might want to keep it

simple so what I recommend is that
you use Sunshine #4 mix. This is a
mix that is pretty close to ideal and
will save you a lot of work. Well talk
a bit more about that later.
You might even choose coco
coir since it is also a good growing medium and has a special line
of compatible fertilizers. The thing
about different hydroponic mediums is that they have varied abilities to maintain and control pH.

So Lets Take A Closer

Look At Them

OK, so we had a look at some

growing mediums. Now well look
at them and a few others in a different perspective. In hydroponics,
there are two basic types of growing mediums: those that are pH
independent and those that are pH
dependent. Lets take a closer look
at these mediums differences.

Well, each one of them has a certain ability to stabilize or buffer pH, which is another way of saying they
have varied abilities to keep the pH from changing on
you. This ability is called cation exchange capacity
or CEC.
In other words, CEC refers to the ability of the
medium to absorb and release cations. Remember
the cation stuff I mentioned at the beginning of this
report? Well be looking at this a little bit closer now.

Dependent vs. Independent

Mediums that are pH dependent have little to no

CEC and cannot resist a change in pH and this
results in the pH going high or low very rapidly.
So, then, mediums that are pH independent have
a high CEC, are more buffered and can resist a
change in pH for long periods of time. And thats
good! Thats what you want.
As an example, your everyday, garden, soil-based
medium contains some humus and clay and is pH
independent with a high CEC because of the humus
and clay. They are great to grow plants in because
they are not affected by rapid pH swings.

But Indoor Growers Have To

Follow Different Rules

These are the cation exchange capacities of different

soil structures at pH 7.0. You can clearly see how
important the addition of humus is to your soil and
growing mediums ability to hold a stable pH. You can
easily build more humus structure in your soil and
growing mediums by adding humic and fulvic acids
to them. As an aside, if youre an outdoor grower
you can now see the importance of growing in soils
with high humus values because it will definitely
make a difference in getting you bigger yields.

Now, hydroponics is different. Many of its mediums

have a low CEC and need to have the pH continually balanced and monitored. More on this later. Of
course, there are some that have a higher CEC and
are better buffered than others. For example, coco
coir and sphagnum moss have higher CEC capacities. This means they are capable of maintaining
a more stable pH level. These are said to be pH
independent. Sphagnum actually has eight to ten
times the CEC as soil pound for pound, but there
are other drawbacks.
But not to worry, these could be easily remedied,
though no manufacturer has done this yet. You see,
sphagnum doesnt have the bulk density that soil
has. After all, it is a moss and is light in weight. But
you can add something called calcined clay to solve
that problem.


Calcined Clay

All you need to do is add 5%

7% to your sphagnum growing
media. And what is calcined clay?
Well, this is clay that has been
heated to drive out volatile materials. One word of caution though.
Make sure you use a low sodium
source of calcined clay because
you dont want extra sodium in
your growing medium.
Now what about low CEC growing
mediums? Some hydroponic mediums that we use, such as rockwool,
expanded clay pellets or perlite,
have a low CEC and so they have
a hard time stabilizing the pH. We
call them pH dependent and, you
probably have already guessed by
now, you will need to correct the pH
more often.
How about the Sunshine #4 mix
that we mentioned earlier? Actually this is a very, very good medium.
When it comes out of bogs, it has a
pH of 3.5 to 4. This is actually too
low, so dolomite lime is added to
it to raise the pH. (Well talk about
adding dolomite a bit later.) This
brings the pH of the Sunshine #4
to 5.8 to 6.3 for a 6 week period.

Calcined Clay
Calcined Clay can be added to
sphagnum moss and coco coir
growing mediums to increase its
(CEC) cation exchange capacity so
your growing medium will have a
much more stable pH.

More About Sunshine #4

And How It Can Make
Your Life A Lot Easier

So whats Sunshine #4 mix made

of? Its made of 60% 70% peat
and 30% 40% perlite. This is
the combination you want and
gives you excellent aeration which
youll need for great big thick root
development. And, as hundreds
of university studies have conclusively shown, the bigger the root
system, the bigger the yield. And
thats what were after isnt it?

Coco coir comes from the outer husks of coconuts.


It also has a starter charge of

fertilizer that gives it an NPK ratio
of 6-5-11 meaning it has a ratio of
6% nitrogen (N), 5% phosphorus
(P) and 11% potassium (K). All you
have to do, then, is add a bit more
nitrogen to the mix and this would
be a near perfect medium for growing your plants. Sunshine #4 also
contains a wetting agent (surfactant) to ease surface tension and
allow for better initial water penetration to the growing medium.

Coco Coir (And How To

Overcome Its Limitations)

Lets have a look at coco coir. It

starts out with a better pH of 5.5.
But the problem with this medium is
that magnesium and calcium bind
to coco and dont want to easily
release. And thats not good. Your
plants need to be able to get to
those nutrients.
Now if you add dolomite lime, as
a lot of companies out there will do
because dolomite is cheap to use
and made up of magnesium and
calcium carbonate and a source of
alkalinity, that will eventually raise
your growing mediums pH and this
is not what you want to do. So what
do you do? You would solve the
problem by adding chelated calcium and magnesium either to the
coir or in the base nutrients.
Unfortunately, other nutrient
companies wont do this because of
the very high added expense, but
that is exactly what we put in all the
base nutrients at Advanced Nutrients.
However Advanced Nutrients doesnt
make a specific coco nutrient yet.

Coco coir also has a lot of potassium so youll need to use a fertilizer with reduced potassium so
you dont end up with potassium
There is one other thing to be
aware of: low quality coconut husks
are often soaked in salt water as
part of the manufacturing process
to break down the husks and quite
often not properly flushed by the
coir manufacturer overseas.
Youll need to make sure that
the extra salt is flushed out of your
medium with water by either yourself or the manufacturer youre
buying it from before using it.

You dont want to

take your growing
mediums pH readings
from the top third
of your container
because there usually
isnt enough root
activity there. Instead
take your readings
from the bottom two
thirds of your growing
medium where the
most root growing
activity is to ensure
an accurate reading.

This Step Is
Very Important

Because if you dont, you will have

high sodium content in your growing medium and that will severely
reduce your yield when using cheaply
produced coir. This problem is more
common than you might think.
If youre thinking about using
coco coir as your growing medium,
youre going to find coir still has
some inherent problems with it that
have not been resolved completely,
thats why youll probably have to
use a Cal Mag product when growing with coir.
At one point, Advanced Nutrients
pulled their SensiCal calcium and
magnesium product off the market
because we figured if a nutrient was
built right you didnt need it. Man,
stores started calling and demanded
we keep it on the market, so we did.
Heres what the hydro store
owners told us was happening:
growers growing with coco coir
were using SensiCal to fix the calcium and magnesium deficiencies
caused by the coir they were using.
Which of course told us that there

hasnt been a correct coco nutrient

formula made yet that addresses
the needs of the growers using coir
growing mediums.
So, at some point, we will bring
out a coco coir nutrient and then,
later on down the road, a coir growing medium that will be perfectly
aligned with each other. Well be
doing the same thing for a sphagnum moss growing medium too.
Enough of the commercial.

Monitoring Your
Growing Medium pH

Remember, we talked about monitoring growing medium pH? One

of the most overlooked areas by
growers is checking their growing
medium pH on a regular basis. That
is probably the biggest single culprit

for yield inconsistencies from crop

to crop and it could be costing you a
lot of money.
Let me explain how this happens.
As the roots take in an element,
it gives off a positive charge, pH
down (hydrogen ion), or a negative
charge, pH up (hydroxide ion), and
depending on the nutrient elements
being used, some carry more of the
same charges than others.
Whats more, because of this it
affects the pH of the surrounding root
area and growing medium. If its hydrogen ions being excreted, it becomes
more acidic, and if its hydroxide ions,
it becomes more alkaline.


How To Measure Your

Growing Medium pH

So its important to monitor the pH

levels in your medium as well as
your nutrients and the alkalinity of
water you are using. So how do
you measure your growing medium
pH? Basically, there are three ways
to do it:
1. Saturated media extract you
add distilled or de-ionized
water to the medium just to the
saturation point and measure.
Pour-through method the
water is poured through the
pot to replace the water that
was in there and collected.
Squeeze method the water
that already exists in the medium is gently squeezed out in
a measured amount and pH
readings are taken.
In all three of these, you just use
a pH meter or color test to measure
the pH. The easiest of the three
is the squeeze method. If you are
using rockwool, you just take one of
the cubes after a feeding and you
gently squeeze it.
Repeat this with at least six
different cubes so that you get
a couple ounces or 60 milliliters
from each cube. After combining
and mixing these six extractions
together, check the pH. This tells
you what the pH is in the growing medium.
What youre looking for is a pH
range of 5.5 to 6.3. In our labs
weve extensively tested pH ranges and yields; this is the sweet
spot for nutrients that are not fully
chelated. The range is even wider
for fully chelated macro, micro and
secondary nutrients.

When your growing medium is

coco coir or sphagnum moss, you
water your medium to the point of
being saturated (but not leaking out
the bottom) and then take a sample
from the bottom 2/3 of your pot where
your roots are most actively growing. take the same
amount from six different pots and
mix them together. Make sure to
take the same amount from each
pot. Then gently squeeze it and
get an extraction from which you
will measure the pH. Look, I realize that taking samples from grow
buckets is a hassle; however, it is
the most accurate.

This will be more expensive but

worth it. The cheaper ones are a
pain to use while the auto-adjust
ones calibrate at a press of a
button, which makes it a lot easier.
You want to make sure that calibration is done every week.

Theres An Easier Way

A much easier way is to get a pH

meter with a metal spike probe and
take readings simply by sticking the
probe deep down into the growing
medium and calculate the average
of all six containers.
Now, dont take the sample from
the top third of the container. Heres
why. There isnt as much root growing activity at the top of the soil. So
use the bottom two thirds of your
growing medium to take your pH
readings because that is the active
zone for root growth.
Theres another reason for taking
the samples near the bottom of your
container, and thats because nutrients will tend to crystallize near the
top and can precipitate out a little
bit and will give you a false reading.

Using pH Meters

So now, we should look at the meters

we need to measure the pH. There
are so many different pH meters
available, but get one that uses dual
solution to calibrate your pH meter.
Its a good idea to get one that auto
adjusts and has ATC (automatic
temperature compensation).

pH Meter With Soil Probe This

is a very good growing medium pH
meter to use when youre checking
your growing mediums pH.

Laboratory-Grade pH And EC Meters - Here are high-end laboratory-grade EC meters, pH meters and probes that cost
from several hundred to over a thousand dollars.

pH Temperature Chart Contrary to popular belief a pH

of 7.0 is not always neutral; in fact it really depends on the
temperature of your nutrient solution as the chart below
shows. Thats why its critical to make sure you buy a pH
meter that compensates for temperature.

If youre a fanatic to detail like I am

youll want to have a pH meter with
ATC because as your nutrient solution temperature changes so does
the pH of your nutrients. When your
nutrient temperature gets warmer
your pH goes down, and when your
nutrient temperature gets cooler
your nutrient solution pH goes up.
Heres an interesting side note,
a pH of 7 is considered to be
pH neutral, but in fact is only an
approximation and is accurate only
at 25C or 77F. A true neutral pH
is when the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) is exactly the same
as the concentration of hydroxide
ions (OH-) and those concentrations are effected by temperature
so your pH neutral point varies from
pH 7.47 at 0C or 32F to pH 6.14
at 100C or 212F.


Beneficial Microbes
Switch Gears At Night

At night beneficial microbes are at rest and respirating, and they give off alkaline molecules instead of
acid as they do during the day, and the pH goes up.
Some interesting facts: some microbes give off
more hydrogen ions (pH down) in a 24 hour period
than hydroxide ions (pH up). And some do exactly
the reverse.
Also make sure that you do not over-water your
plants, and provide a somewhat warm growing medium (65F or 18C to 75F or 23C) so it will encourage active growth of beneficial microbes. This will
help to keep your pH stable, and your growing medium more acidic.

A Valuable Secret!
A Good Resource

If youre looking for really high quality pH measuring

instruments and electrodes check them out:

Here goes... Im going to reveal something Ive never

told anyone before. And Im sure its going to give my
competitors something to start researching into.

Bacteria In Your Growing Medium

It may surprise you to find out just how much activity is

going on under the surface of the growing medium. There
is actually a lot going on there including bacterial activity.
But before we get into that, we need to say a bit about
beneficial bacteria and nitrogen. Plants need nitrogen
as an essential element for its survival. There is a
process that bacteria is involved in called nitrification.

The Role Of Nitrification

Nitrification is a process where specialized beneficial

bacteria in your growing medium take the urea and
ammonium from the nutrients and convert them into
usable forms. Then the plant roots can absorb it and
use it for plant growth and development.
By the way, an important thing that happens in this
process is that these beneficial bacteria then give off
an acid molecule which actually lowers your growing
mediums pH as well. And thats a good thing.
Now, if you have a pH that is too low, nitrification will
be inhibited. The same happens when your medium
has too low a temperature or there is a lack of oxygen
through over-watering. Then the pH goes up and the
medium becomes more alkaline. Not good!

Microbe Circle Diagram Showing Daytime H+ Nighttime

OH - Beneficial microbes release hydrogen ions
(pH down) during your light cycle and hydroxide ions
(pH up) during your dark cycle.

By hunting down and selecting specific beneficial microbes Advanced Nutrients can now select microbes that either
give off equal amounts of hydrogen ions (pH down) and hydroxide ions (pH up) or more hydrogen ions (pH down) or
more hydroxide ions (pH up) in a 24 hour period. Obviously the importance of this is significant because we can now
use these to help you control your growing mediums pH.

Advanced Nutrients beneficial

bacteria products have microbial
interaction with each other thats
balanced in a way that assists your
growing medium in holding its pH.
And heres something else you
may find interesting. Advanced
Nutrients is the only hydroponic
nutrient company to breed and
produce their own beneficial
microbes in house.

Making Your Own

Growing Medium Mix

Now, you might have decided to

make your own media mix. If so,
alright. But if you start with pure
sphagnum moss, you will need to
add at least 30% perlite (between
30 40%) so that the sphagnum
moss can breathe and aerate properly, allowing the roots to pass
through quickly and infuse into your
growing medium.

When using sphagnum moss you

could add 5 to 7% calcined clay
to increase the cation exchange
capacity (CEC). This would help
stabilize the pH in that growing
medium. I would not use calcined
clay in a recirculating system, only
in a one way feeding program.
Of course, if you are new to hydroponics, I would suggest you start by
using Sunshine #4 mix, which has
very good CEC and is very forgiving. You will get a good crop even if
you make a few mistakes.

Sometimes Theres An
Unexpected Aspect To
Do-It-Yourself Mediums
You Should Be Aware Of

problems for growers mixing their

own mediums is inconsistencies
in source materials.
When mixing your own growing medium you need to know the
sources of your sphagnum moss
and lime because they differ in pH
from year to year and locations.
The only way to be certain you
are working with the right pH
materials in your medium is to test
it frequently. See Soil and Plant
Analysis: Laboratory Registry for
the United States and Canada 2nd
Edition, CRC Press (ISBN 1-57444179-5) to get a comprehensive list
of soil-testing laboratories in the
United States and Canada.

There is something else that

you might run into when mixing
your own medium. And that is
inconsistent growing mediums.
The number one cause of pH

Calcium Hydroxide

Limestone Screenings


Calcitic Limestone

Pictured above are the different types of limestone. Its important to be aware of which type youre using because
they all have different release rates.

Adding Limestone

Earlier I mentioned adding limestone or lime. When you have a

medium that is too acidic, you have
to add something to bring it up
into a better range. For example,
you will find that sphagnum (pH of
3.5 to 4.0) is very acidic to use as
a medium.
So youll want to use limestone
to neutralize this acid and raise
the pH to a level acceptable for
plant growth. The amount needed
depends on different factors such
as sphagnum sources, types of
ingredients, and limestone type.

Another thing, when limestone

is added to your growing medium,
only a fraction of the lime reacts to
increase the pH to a stable level in
5 to 10 days after planting. And this
is called the reactive fraction.
So what happens to the rest
that doesnt react? Well, this is
called un-reacted or residual
limestone, and it affects the longterm buffering capacity of your
growing medium.
It is the residual limestone that
you want to measure regularly in
order to test how good your limestone source is. Actually, each

limestone source is different, so

there is no way to determine the
residual fraction except to test it.
There is also a variance in the
limestone you get depending on
what part of the quarry it comes
from. You will find a variance in
pH with sphagnum moss as well,
depending on what part of the bog
it is harvested from and what time
of year or even what year.

The Three Main

Features Of Lime

So when you use sphagnum as

your medium, there are three main
features of lime that determine how
much is needed to raise its pH.
These features are limestone type,
particle size, and hardness.

Limestone Types

In dealing with limestone type you

actually have two choices:
Calcitic which is straight
calcium carbonate.
Dolomite which is a combination of calcium and magnesium
I do not recommend calcitic limestone
as your optimum choice because it
releases too fast and usually raises
the medium pH too high. Dolomite is
slower and doesnt do that, so it is a
better choice. With dolomite you get
a more even pH and buffering over a
longer period of time.
Just remember that different sources of dolomite will give you different
reaction fractions or percentages of
the limestone. The only way to really
ensure you have the dolomite lime
with the right residual balance and
the right reactive component to it is
to test it by doing the following:
After placing the medium in pots,
irrigate with tap water avoiding
any leaching.
Reapply the water daily as needed to keep the medium moist.
Measure the pH at days 0, 3, 7,
10, 14, and 21.
Plot your results on a graph.
You should see the pH stabilize
after some time and see what
the final pH was as well as how
long it took to stabilize.

Particle Size

Now that we looked at limestone

type, lets look at particle size.
Particle size also makes a difference in how reactive the limestone
is. The finer the particle size is, the
more reactive the limestone is. Just
so youre aware, limestone is sold
in mesh sizes. The higher the mesh
size, the finer the particle size.


Hardness is the third important

feature of limestone. A soft crystal
reacts more quickly with acid than
a hard crystal. Of course, there is
no real way to tell if the limestone
being used is soft or hard except
by testing it. You have to add it to
your growing medium and raise
the pH to 5.3 6.8 and observe
what happens.
You can conduct a test for determining the reactivity of your limestone by adding 4 to 6 pounds of
limestone per cubic yard of growing
medium. If this adequately brings
the pH up to 6.0, you know that the
limestone is reactive, and there is
little residual left once a stable pH
is reached.
Needing to add 8 12 pounds of
limestone indicates the limestone is
moderately reactive. Adding more
than 15 pounds per cubic yard indicates an un-reactive limestone and
that is not good.

Hydrated Limestone
(A More Volatile Option)

If you use hydrated limestone, its

another story. Hydrated limestone
is known as calcium hydroxide and
is a white, crystalline, slightly-soluble alkali used in the neutralization
of acid soils.
It reacts completely and rapidly
and does not have any available
residual limestone. You have to be

careful with it because it will quickly

shoot your pH way up.

Some Challenges You

Should Be Aware Of

Now you might run into a problem

with adding limestone. Adding too
much limestone adds alkalinity to
your growing medium which could
raise the pH levels too high.
In limestone, the bicarbonates
settle around a pH of 6.5 to 6.7
and this is dangerously close to the
pH where precipitation of iron and
manganese start to happen unless
they are properly chelated.
If you use Sunshine #4 growing
mix, you dont want to add limestone
as it already has sufficient limestone
in it, and adding more will increase
your growing mediums pH.
Be careful...if youve been using
limestone in your Sunshine #4 mix
you might end up with your pH
going high. You might even cause
your nutrient elements locking out
in the growing medium. However,
if you use fully chelated macro,
micro and secondary nutrients,
this wont happen.
We will talk about chelates in a bit.
Many of the nutrient companies dont
bother with using any chelates and the
ones that do usually only chelate the
iron and manganese. Properly chelating nutrients is an expensive endeavor. And the lack of proper chelation is
likely costing you bigger yields, and
you end up having to monitor your
nutrients and growing medium continually to get the right pH.


Reusing Your
Growing Medium

One thing to remember if you

reuse your growing medium is
that you may not get consistent
yields. You should be exceptionally
cautious reusing your growing
medium if any of the following
happens during your growing
and flowering cycle: your pH is
currently running wild; youre

using a lot of limestone; not

watering regularly; or not leaching all the nutrients out at the
end of your flowering cycle.
This is especially applicable to
reusing sphagnum moss or coco
coir. You might want to store
your sphagnum or coir from one
crop to the next and, while the
other crop is growing, you can
work with the stored medium to

Pictured above are urea and nitrate molecules. When properly used together
they will help balance your growing mediums pH. Plus, they will give you
more robust, thicker stalk plants and bigger yields. Plus, urea is also a great
food source for your beneficial microbes.


replenish it and get it to the right

pH level for the next crop.

The Advantage Of
Expanded Clay Pellets

Expanded clay pellets are my

personal choice for running hydroponics systems because theyre
easy to work with and clean up
easy for reuse. You can also reuse
perlite; just sift it and clean it with
very hot water or use a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide and
then rinse. The same can be done
with expanded clay pellets.
If youre using rockwool just
throw it out after every crop.
Though Ive seen and personally
reused rockwool, its a pain in the
ass and I wouldnt do it because it
has too many down sides. Youre
better off buying it new.
Heres the bottom line: you have
to be interested in your growing
mediums pH and make sure its
clean if youre going to reuse it
to grow your plants. Otherwise, it
will be difficult for you to grow a
consistently high-yielding, highquality crop.
If you dont want to invest the
time and money in this project,
youll be better off to go to your
hydro store and get new growing
medium for each crop.

Shown above are the different outcomes that your nutrients will have depending on how their cations and anions
are balanced when formulated. When done right, they will work in your favor and give you a great crop. When done
wrong, youll find yourself battling constantly with your nutrient solutions pH. Worse yet, your growing mediums
pH will be on the rise. And if youve never measured your growing mediums pH you would never be aware of this
yield-reducing trap thats been silently stealing your crops true harvest potential.

Your Nutrients

Lets Take A Closer Look At This

Critical Piece Of The Puzzle
Lets have a look at how the
different elements that make up
your nutrients affect your pH. We
mentioned this earlier at the beginning of this report. Your nutrient
solution is made up of macro, micro
and secondary nutrients.
Macro means large and micro
means little. Macronutrients are
those elements like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that your
plants use a lot of.
Micronutrients, on the other
hand, are nutrients that are only
needed in very small quantities like
iron, manganese, boron, copper,
cobalt, molybdenum and zinc.
Secondary nutrients are calcium, magnesium and sulfur and
are used in smaller amounts than
All of these elements, macro,
micro as well as secondary

nutrients carry either a positive

charge (cations) or a negative
charge (anions) and will affect
the pH of your growing medium
as your plants use them up.
In fact, most macro, micro and
secondary elements can be manufactured to carry more cations or
anions if a manufacturer is willing
to go the extra mile and spend the
additional money required to have
them custom-made. And, of course,
thats something Advanced Nutrients does.
Cations include potassium,
copper, cobalt, manganese, iron
and ammonium. Anions include
nitrates, phosphates, sulfates,
carbonates, and bicarbonates.
And different forms of these
elements carry different amounts
of anions and cations.

How It All Comes Together

Your plants roots take in both

anions and cations but when they
do, different things occur - like
when the roots take in cations, they
give off hydrogen ions, which are
acidic, and are then released into
your growing medium. This makes
your growing medium acidic and
the pH is lowered.
Now, when anions are taken
in by your roots, hydroxide ions
are released, which are alkaline, and that raises the pH of
your growing medium.
But as it goes, cations and anions
actually work together.


Like I Mentioned Up At
The Beginning...Its A
Balancing Act

The whole trick is to balance the

cations and the anions; then you
can maintain the ideal pH in your
growing medium. This does take a
lot of work and research, but it can
be done.
Why is this important? Ill let you
in on the secret.
When you use the cations in
an ammonium-based nitrogen
source, it gives off acid molecules
and that helps to maintain the
ideal pH around the roots and in
your growing medium.
But when you use a mainly
nitrate-based nutrient, you are
working with anions which give off
alkaline molecules and that raises
the pH. This means youll need to
continually adjust your pH down.
Why do the extra work when you
can just maintain the right balance
of ammonium and nitrates, cations
to anions, right from the start?

Too much nitrates as a source of

nitrogen will give shorter petioles,
smaller leaves and thinner stems
that wont be able to support heavy
flower weight.


And I dont know for sure, but

because of this imbalance of anions
to cations you may have a high pH
in your growing medium. And the
worst part is, you arent even aware
that this harvest-robbing culprit is
lurking in your growing medium.
Also, if you use a recirculating
system youll be continually adjusting your reservoirs pH in an unending cycle of pH balancing. And this
directly affects the bigger yields
that you could be getting.

A Few More Fundamentals

Of Nutrients

So lets talk more about your nutrient. Since a lot goes on in a nutrient, youll need to have one that
takes everything into account and
makes the proper adjustments for
you. It should work with and within
the pH range of where your plants
are growing and not against it.
Plants that are subjected to
stress due to limited and incorrect
ratios of nutrient elements show
slower growth, smaller bud size
and weaker potency. In fact your
plants use very little phosphorus
- they are actually nitrogen and
potassium hogs.
Unfortunately, other nutrient
companies havent taken the
necessary tissue samples to find
this out. Weve taken thousands
of samples for all parts of the plant
through all phases of growing and
rigorously tested many different
nutrient ratios and have optimized
your plants nutrients based on
that research.
To make matters worse, we
found that as nutrients move away
from your plants ideal ratios and
element forms, yield and essential
oil production rapidly deteriorate.
For example, when you feed your
plants with ammonium nitrogen

When you get it right your

plants will have nice vibrant
green leaves.

you will get a greater petiole leaf

expansion. But fertilizing with too
much nitrate nitrogen will give you
shorter petioles, smaller leaves
and thinner stems making it difficult
to pack on a lot of weight because
your plants can sense whether
they have the proper support to
grow bigger flowers.

This is because at below 60F

or 15C temperature, the little
microbes are just not working as
fast and the nitrification process
is inhibited. And this means the
ammoniacal nitrogen is just not
converted as well to ammonium.
The only problem with that is that
over time the nitrate nitrogen will
cause the pH to increase in the
growing medium.
As an aside, the fertilizers that
you find in garden centers and
nurseries marked as high acid are
high in ammonium and have a lot of
cations in them.
Heres how it works: as the plant
begins to take in these cation nutrients through its root system, it
releases acid back into the soil or
growing medium and that brings
the pH down.
So adding a high acid fertilizer
to the reservoir does not make your
nutrient solution have a lower pH;
as you can now see, the process
comes about in the soil as the plant
roots use the cation-rich fertilizer
and excrete acid into the soil.

But Wait, Theres More!

The form of nitrogen used also

affects the color of your plant, as is
seen in the case of fertilizing with
ammonium nitrogen component
which develops richer vibrant hues
of green leaves.
Now, temperature is something
you have to take into account
also. When the growing medium
temperatures are below 60F or
15C, you are wiser to use nutrients
high in nitrate nitrogen. Remember
the ideal root zone temperature is
between 65F and 75F or 18C
and 24C.

The Source Of Nitrogen

And...How It Makes A
Big Difference

We explored the importance of

nitrogen for plant growth and bud
growth, but its the source of nitrogen and the amount of that source
that makes the biggest difference
in your nutrient. For example, there
is potassium nitrate, magnesium
nitrate, and calcium nitrate.
When a plant takes in nitrates, it
gives off an alkaline molecule, and
you get a rising pH near the roots
making the pH of your growing
medium alkaline.
A great cation-rich nitrogen source
that we use at Advanced Nutrients
is urea. Its a great source because

Urea and nitrate molecules.

it acts like ammonium and keeps

the pH nice and acidic in the growing medium.
Urea also makes great microbial
food and beneficial microbes love
urea. The combination of urea and
nitrates actually makes for a bigger,
more vigorously growing plant, and
increases your crop yield. And yes,
I just gave up another inside secret.
Remember, when your plants
roots take in elements that are
cations, they excrete acid molecules into your growing medium.
And when your plants roots take in
anions, they excrete alkaline molecules into your growing medium.


The Next Step For

Nutrient Companies

So if a nutrient company actually

cared enough, knew what they were
doing, and was willing to spend the
extra time and money, they could
make a perfectly balanced nutrient
solution that would keep the pH in
the sweet spot in your growing
medium at all times.
How would a nutrient company
do that exactly? First they would
have to tune the cations and
anions of all the elements in the
nutrient solution to a specific type
of plant. And once you also knew
what the exact macro, micro and
secondary nutrient ratios of that
specific plant was...
You could then use your nutrient solutions nitrogen sources to
help do the balancing act for you,
Some nutrient companies save a
few bucks per bottle, by selling
separate soil formulas instead of an
all-in-one high quality hydroponics
and soil nutrient.

Alkalinity can run out

of control faster than a
speeding bullet in your
growing medium and
severely reduce your
harvest, or worse, in
extreme cases kill
your crop.

because nitrogen is abundantly

used by your plant and it is available in both cation (ammonium)
and anion (nitrate) forms. Now
were getting some place.
Only problem is, if you look at
the hydroponics nutrients out
there most of them use only
nitrate forms as their nitrogen
source, which are anion forms of
nitrogen and drive your pH up in
your growing medium as fast as a
speeding bullet.

The Straight Goods On

Different Formulas For
Hydroponics And Soil

Here it is, simply put - its cheaper to make nutrient formulas for
soil than hydroponics. Because
soil has some nutrients (nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
magnesium, sulfur, and for the
most part small quantities of
iron, manganese, copper,
zinc, boron, and molybdenum) already present in
them, companies just figure
that they dont have to put as
much of those elements into their
nutrient formulas.

Theres a danger with that kind

of thinking, because soils are very
diverse not only in the macro, micro
and secondary nutrients they hold,
but also in their availability, as well
as the soils pH.
However thats not all; soil has a
high cation exchange capacity, so
companies also wouldnt - if they
chose to - have to use as much, if
any, pH buffer.
Bottom line is... saving a few
bucks per bottle for them is more
important than building a sound
and sturdy nutrient platform that
delivers to you, one high quality
formula built right from the get-go,
so to speak, for both hydroponics
and soil.
And with that being said,
Advanced Nutrients base nutrients can be used in all hydroponics
including rockwool, expanded clay
pellets, perlite, volcanic rock, foam,
styrene, sphagnum or soil growing

Pictured are various standalone pH and EC meters and combo meters that do both pH and EC at the lower to medium
end of the price scale.

mediums, and any combination of

those; its totally your choice. The
only growing medium the base
nutrients are not made for, at this
time, is coco coir. That requires a
totally separate base nutrient and
bud enhancer.
Even better, all Advanced Nutrients base nutrients and supplements can be used in any and all
growing systems like flood and
drain, NFT, drip irrigation, continuous feeding and aeroponics.
And while were at it, almost all
Advanced Nutrients supplements
can be used in all your growing
mediums including coco coir. Just
look for the coco coir safe emblem
on your supplement bottle or jar.

Balancing Your pH

When adjusting your reservoirs

nutrients to adjust your pH, for
example, potassium hydroxide
(also called caustic potash) can be
used to raise your pH up. Use nitric
and phosphoric acid to lower your
pH down.
You can use nitric acid in your
vegetative phase because it will
add nitrogen to your crop and phosphoric acid in your flowering cycle
because it will add phosphorus.
And guess what? Personally
I prefer to use nitric acid in my

flowering cycle because tissue

samples have shown your favorite plant doesnt use a whole lot
of phosphorus during flowering.
In fact, in most cases nitrogen
use increases.
If youre looking for organic forms
of pH down, you can use citric acid
to bring the pH down. This you can
get at a vitamin store; just make
sure that it is a really pure type of
citric acid.
You can even use vinegar (acetic
acid) but the acetic acid varies in
different vinegars so you have to be
a bit more careful and watch what
goes on. For this reason, citric acid
is the preferred acid to use.

How About Using Buffers?

Some companies promote using

chemicals to buffer your hydroponics nutrients. So what is a
buffer? A buffer is a chemical that
helps maintain pH stability of the
nutrient solution.
A lot of growers arent aware of
this little known fact, but a lot of
nutrient companies use magnesium, calcium and potassium
carbonate or bicarbonate as their
pH buffers. This is absolutely not a
good idea.
Heres why: remember that
carbonates and bicarbonates are

anions and add to the alkalinity of

your nutrient solution and growing medium, and even though they
might buffer the pH a bit, these
down and dirty pH buffers will
cause your growing mediums pH
to accelerate up.
Vitally important last and final
point: calcium, magnesium and
potassium, using these carbonates and bicarbonates will actually
diminish your crops yield potential.
So check out whats in the nutrients youre using and see if theyre
using any magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, potassium
carbonate, bicarbonates or worse,
a combination of them.
For all these reasons, Advanced
Nutrients wont use them, period.
Instead we invest our money in
pH buffers that give you rock
solid stability over your nutrient
and growing mediums pH while
never adding alkalinity in any
way that will diminish the size of
your harvest.


Adding Chelates

OK, so lets take an in-depth look at chelates. What

are they, anyways? Well, chelates are complex organic
molecules used to allow the micro, macro and secondary nutrients to remain available to the plant over a
wider pH range.
They do this by binding them to ions, and this
prevents those ions from precipitating with or locking
out other elements.
You can use different chelates to lower and raise the
pH level as well, depending on what you need. So the
whole activity is another balancing act. Adding chelates
to the mix makes it easier for the plants roots to absorb
the macro, micro and secondary nutrients that it needs.

There are several advantages of using chelates:

It increases availability of nutrients;
Mineral nutrients are prevented from forming
insoluble precipitates;
Toxicity is reduced of some metal ions to plants;
It prevents nutrients from leaching;
The mobility of plant nutrients increases;
It suppresses the growth of plant pathogens;
When formulated correctly can help stabilize pH;

How We Give You The Best



Chelates - Pictured above are some of the different
chelates in their raw forms that are used to chelate
hydroponics formula elements.


Advanced Nutrients micronutrients are 100% chelated,

and our macro and secondary nutrients are chelated
as well (although not as much as the micronutrients
because theyre not as critical). This makes them more
available to the plant over an extremely wide pH range.
The chelates that we use in your nutrients are EDTA,
EDDHA, DPTA, amino chelates, and our own proprietary blend. And together they will give you a theoretical
plant absorption range of pH 1 to pH 10.

Pictured is
a simplified
version of the
way chelates
bind to

The chart on the left shows the absorption range of typical non-chelated macro, micro and secondary nutrients.
The chart on the right shows the absorption range of Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect macro, micro and secondary
nutrients. The only limit to absorption is the ability of the plants root system to keep growing its roots faster than
they burn back from extreme pH levels. Typically those extremes are around pH 2.5 and pH 9.5.




I say theoretical because at pH 2.5 the roots are being

burned up faster than the plant can produce them and
the same thing happens at pH 9.5.
And most other nutrient formulas will start to precipitate and lock out at a pH of 6.8. At that pH, precipitation is microscopic and easily stays in suspension and
usually cant be seen with the naked eye. And its not
until a pH of 7.5 to 8 that you can visibly see it.
Then at the other end of the spectrum at pH 5, iron
and manganese start to become way more available
and can lead to plant toxicity. You wont have to worry
about any of this with Advanced Nutrients products
because of all the chelates that are used.
You can plainly see that without chelation your plants
ability to absorb nutrients is placed in a very narrow pH
range. And constant pH adjusting and monitoring will
be required.
Advanced Nutrients extensive use of chelates
powerfully protects your crop with a second layer of pH
protection and Advanced Nutrients is the only hydroponics company to do this and obviously goes to great
lengths and expense to ensure you get the bigger
yields you deserve.


The tanks on top show precipitation at pH 4.5 and pH

8.5 of typical hydroponics nutrients. The tanks on the
bottom show Advanced Nutrients chelated nutrients at
pH 4.5 and pH 8.5.


This is what healthy roots should look like, with the exception of using organic formulas, which will usually stain
your healthy roots with a brownish tint.

Expensive Chelates
And A Street Racer
Named Allan

Using these types of chelates is

literally 7 to 10 times more expensive than using straight non-chelated elements in your nutrient solution. So why do we pay so much
attention to all the details when
making your nutrient formulas?
Well a long, long time ago when
I was a very young man, just 19
years old, there was a street racer
by the name of Allan in my hometown of Aurora, Illinois. He had the
fastest car in a fifty mile radius.
It was a Chevy Nova and it turned
very low 10 second quarters consistently. Allan was a good 7 years
older than me, and late one night
on a summer evening a group of
us were hanging out and talking to
him. And I was asking a lot of questions about his car.
Out of the blue he asked me if I
wanted to go for a quick spin. Man,
I was in that front seat of that car in
a split second. I had barely gotten
my seat belt on when we rolled out
onto Lake St.

The light was already green in

front of us and the moment the car
was in a straight line all hell broke
loose - the engine came alive, the
tires hooked up and the sound of
it all shattered the quiet of the still
night air, echoing and reverberating
off the store windows like intense
thunder in a canyon of glass.
I was pinned to the seat as if a
powerful magnetic pull had gripped
onto every cell in my body and firmly
held it into the seat. I glanced over
and saw how effectively the Hurst
straight line shifter was making
quick work of changing gears.
And I was amazed how he deftly
squeezed every last RPM out of
the top end of every gear. By the
time I looked forward again we
were already coming out of third
gear and into fourth gear.
I couldnt believe what I was
seeing; the interval lines on the
road had all become a solid
stripe and vision off to my sides
became blurred while my frontal
vision became razor sharp and
all my senses were lit up like
Las Vegas at night and sensory

overload was setting in. Just then

the run was over.
He eased off the gas and just as
quickly brought the car back down
to a somewhat normal speed. I
turned to Allan after we got done
running that car through the gears
and my ears had a chance to adjust
from the roaring thunder. I asked
him why his car was so fast.
I asked him, was it because he
had a triangular valve job? Was
it the headers? The dual Holley
double pumpers on the high lift
manifold? 12 to 1 compression
pistons? The Muncie Rock Crusher transmission? Was it the ported
and polished heads? The 4:11
posi traction rear end with traction
bars? The roller cams?
He stopped me mid-sentence
and said words I would carry with
me for the rest of my life, and they
have served me well.

He looked at me and said, Mike

its all of it, and a whole lot more
things than youve mentioned. You
see it all matters. A lot of guys
think they can go out and do just a
few of those things to their cars and
run hard.
But what happens is when they
do just a few of those things, theres
something they dont realize and

understand; it affects something

else that they didnt think about,
and then something snaps or limits
their performance.
When I built this car, I looked at
everything and went through the
entire car, and then built up each
system. Thats why I dont get beat.
Little did I realize on that warm
summer evening that a street racer

had just handed me one of my keys

to life that would open many doors.
For whatever reason those words
have stuck with me it all matters
and throughout my life Ive always
put those words to good use.
Talk Soon :-)
Big Mike

It was in a Chevy Nova similar to this one that I discovered, from a street racer, one of my lifes important lessons.
One that I would take with me for the rest of my life.

Enter the world of pH Perfect and see

how it can make growing easier than ever.

It Just

Makes Sense
Here's What A Scientifically Researched
And Developed Base Nutrient Formula
Should Do For You And What It Looks Like


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 3 - Growing
The bottom line:
To get the best return on your investment
of your time and your money, choosing the
right base nutrient to feed your high-value
crops is critical.
The problem
Indoor growing is a new science. There
simply arent a lot of people who have had
the resources or the know-how, or taken the
time to study the specific types of plants you
grow to see what makes them tick.
Our solution
The pH Perfect Sensi series comes in two
different versions, helping you get the best
out of both the grow phase and bloom phase
of your plants. Here, well focus on the grow
phase, which is where pH Perfect Sensi Grow
comes in.
With pH Perfect Sensi Grow, our
scientists have taken exacting measures to
create the best all around choice for a base
nutrient. Heres what you should know:
We only give you pharmaceutical grade
ingredients Advanced Nutrients uses
pharmaceutical grade raw materials to
make your nutrients. What that means
is that the raw materials sourced for
our ingredients must meet a certain
standard of purity and quality. This
applies to the raw material as it appears
in nature or in the lab, and also to how
its handled at every step along the way,
from its original source, right to your
bottle of pH Perfect Sensi Grow Parts
A & B. Pharmaceutical grade materials
approach total purity so that, practically

speaking, every milliliter of product you

use is sure to exert its intended effect
on the plants. And theyre guaranteed
to be safe for your plants and, more
importantly, for your consumption.
Your results are our highest priority
Advanced Nutrients uses both organic
and synthetic ingredients. But in either
case, the criteria we use to decide which
materials to source is what will give you
the best harvest. It comes down to purity.
Not only do we use pharmaceutical
grade ingredients, but our team of plant
scientists is obsessively dedicated to
finding and testing additional variables.
We scour the globe to bring you the best
ingredients Just like certain soils yield
the best coffee beans, certain regions of
the world have higher quality sources of
certain nutrients and ingredients. Our
scientists are constantly on the lookout
for the best sources for the most potent
Tissue sample testing that can exceed
four years for a specific product or
ingredient We have developed a base
level of quality checks for every ingredient
and product we put into the market. This
includes thorough plant tissue sample
testing and a scientific approach to
recording and adjusting our results.
Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment
Advanced Nutrients uses a reverse
osmosis (RO) water treatment system.
This provides not only what is considered
ultra pure water (the same water that
Coca-Cola and Red Bull use for their
products), but gives us a unique scientific

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: I was perfectly happy with the results I got from
the original Sensi series. Do I have to relearn how to feed
my plants if I use the new pH Perfect Sensi series?
ANSWER: Our Sensi Grow & Bloom have always outperformed all
other two-part bases, but youll get even better performance from
the new version. And its actually easier to use now than before!

QUESTION: What can I use with pH Perfect Sensi Grow &

Bloom during bloom phase to get larger buds?
ANSWER: pH Perfect Sensi Grow & Bloom is customengineered to work with several of our phase-specific
formulas, so you get the ultimate in targeted flower-fattening
nutrition during bloom phase.

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


pH Perfect SENSI GROW - 2-Part Base Nutrient

advantage for hydroponic nutrients a
steady control point. Our RO water is
extremely free of sediment impurities
and excess sodium, as well as 99.999%
free of all bacteria due to the UV light
treatment that is part of the reverse
osmosis process. We use the same pure
water every day, hour, minute, etc. This
means that the scientific tests we perform
on our nutrients are actually scientific
because the variables are known and
controlled. There are a surprising number
of hydroponics companies that use tap
water for their product development.
Optimum Water Temperature Our
scientists are obsessive. Some of them
have more than one PhD. And they are
always on the lookout for new variables
to test. One of Advanced Nutrients secret
weapons is the water temperature we use
to develop our products. When you mix
a jug of Kool-Aid, for example, if you use
cold water youll find more sediment at
the bottom of the glass. When you get
the temperature just right, youll notice
much less sediment as well as a tastier
brew. All Advanced Nutrients products
have a specific temperature dialed in to

mix with, which means your plants will

get the full benefit of the product from
every last drop.
Global quality control measured to
a hundredth of a gram Another
advantage of buying pH Perfect Sensi
Grow Parts A & B is quality control.
There are many companies that will put
out different products regionally. For
example, the cereal you buy in Oakland,
California may not be the exact same
cereal you buy in Abbotsford, Canada
(even though it comes in the same box,
with the same label). The reason is that
local materials are used to produce the
product, and the grain in California
might be different than the grain used
in Canada. Not so with pH Perfect Sensi
Grow. Each bottle is produced using
the exact same process and ingredients
anywhere on the globe, no matter what
the location. Theyre also produced in
small, hand-picked batches at a time,
by qualified professionals, to ensure
the highest quality standards. The pH
Perfect Sensi Grow Parts A & B you buy
in California is the exact same pH Perfect
Sensi Grow A & B youd buy in Mumbai,

With pH Perfect Sensi Grow A & B, you can leverage thousands of hours of lab work done by some
of the most dedicated and qualified plant scientists working today, specific to the types of plants you


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

India. And each ingredient in every

product is measured to be identical down
to a hundredth of a gram (0.01g).
Even more tests Our process of selecting
ingredients is exhaustive. This process
includes carefully constructing plantspecific test sites gathering information
on room conditions and varieties of
plants considering factors such as room
temperature, plant height, plant weight
(using both wet and dry tissue samples),
pH, and PPM, to name just a manageable
few. The way we develop most of our
products is meticulous. We start by
sourcing the material we want. Our team
of scientists then formulate multiple
versions of a given product, altering
mixing rates and concentrations. Next,
they send each version out to different
test sites to run rigorous scientific
comparisons, carefully recording the
results. At this point, other companies
would package everything up and
sell their product, feeling proud of
themselves. Advanced Nutrients is far
too obsessive for such half-hearted
effort. We go the extra mile, taking the
collected data and further narrowing
our never-ending search for perfection.
Once we have a good idea of what we
think is getting the job done, we repeat
the testing process from the beginning.
This process of refinement, as outlined
above, can take years before delivering
results that satisfy us enough to pass the
product along to you.
Now that you know how carefully its been
researched and developed, lets check out
what makes pH Perfect Sensi Grow Parts A
& B so effective as a base nutrient.

The details
pH Perfect Sensi Grow Parts A & B uses
the most complete and advanced range of
chelates of any nutrient formula in the world,
except for pH Perfect Connoisseur.
For example, for iron we have four
different chelates in the pH Perfect Sensi
Series: EDTA, EDDHA, amino chelate, and

Section 3 - Growing
In plain speak, you have some of the
most advanced plant science expertise in the
world working to grow you profitable buds
when you pour pH Perfect Sensi Grow Parts
A & B.
In no particular order, here are some easyto-read bullets that tell the rest of the story:
The price for pH Perfect Sensi Grow Parts
A & B is and has always been an incredible
bargain considering the concentration
of growing power youre buying. The
nearest competitor sells their bottles for
almost double the price.
Using a two-part base nutrient instead
of a three-part is very simple and easy,
especially because with pH Perfect Sensi
Grow Parts A & B, you measure the exact
same amount of liquid from each bottle
when you pour them.

The pH Perfect Sensi Series contains
optimal NPK ratios for the specific types
of high-value crops you grow. This is
not speculation, but fact demonstrated
through thousands of plant tissue sample

The extremely refined chelation youll
find in pH Perfect Sensi Grow Parts A &

Two-part Base Nutrients.
pH Perfect Sensi Series has been developed
for use with any and all hydroponics and
continuous liquid feed growing systems
(aeroponic, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT,
flood & drain).
Use pH Perfect Sensi Grow and pH Perfect
Sensi Bloom during appropriate phases of
plant cycle.

Our scientists are obsessive. Some of them have

more than one PhD.

B sets it apart from all competitors and

raises the bar for the growing industry.
For each trace element used there are at
least two sources of chelated nutrients.
Exact and specific ratios, determined among
many research gardens, will outperform any
other product for a lot less money.

H Perfect Sensi Grow Parts A & B can
be used in any type of growing situation.
Hydro, rockwool, aero, soil itll work its
magic for you regardless.
Because of the level of chelation, it will
deliver the nutrients through a wide range
of pH conditions, and keep plants healthy
under a very wide range of environmental
It does not use excessive ammonium,
which a lot of competing formulas do.
Ammonium is one of the main culprits in
root burn.

It uses proprietary ingredients that
change how cell walls behave so that your
plants are capable of growing in ways that
are impossible to reach under normal
pH Perfect Sensi Grow Parts A & B is
the vegetative side of the pH Perfect Sensi
Series, complemented by pH Perfect Sensi
Bloom Parts A & B. Other than pH Perfect
Connoisseur, it is the most advanced base
nutrient formula in the world, designed
specifically for the types of plants you grow.

Fast Facts


Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,
Professional Grower Level, and Grand
Master Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Faster growth and larger yields
Easier to use
Faster absorption
Less work
pH Perfect technology offers immense
value and savings to the customers by
including the F-1, H-2, and Wet Betty
products along with the base nutrient.

Use 4 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 6 of
your grow phase. Shake well to take full advantage
of this product and put it to work for you.




4 L 10 L

23 L

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Wild Growth
The Biggest Problems With Most Three-Part
Formulas And How To Spot One That Works


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 3 - Growing
While a high quality two-part formula is
actually the most effective way to dial in the
exact nutrients and ratios your plants need,
many growers enjoy the simplicity of an
easy-mixing three-part formula. However,
those growers still want the most effective
formula possible.
Unfortunately, the truth is that most
three-part formulas are not up to the
standards that professionals like you and I
expect, and those formulas shouldnt be used
with the types of high-value plants we grow.

The Biggest Problems

With Most THREE-Part
First of all, most three-part formulas are
NOT made for the types of plants we grow.
If you look at their ingredients or visit their
manufacturing facilities, youll discover
theyre about the same as the super cheap
bottles of granulated fertilizers the average
homeowner uses in his or her backyard
flower garden. Theyre made with generic
Another big problem is this: other threepart formulas are hard to mix and monitor
and can often directly cause many of your
plants problems. Many also include artificial
dyes of unknown amounts and molecular
structures, some of which could harm your

plants. Other three-part formulas dont

even have the right PPM or pH, which can
quickly lead to root damage. In short, these
low quality, generic formulas are ill-suited
to the task of making your plants healthy
and happy.
And lastly, even if you do manage to
find a formula with nutrients beneficial
to your plants, you might still waste most
of those nutrients because those formulas
wont have carrier molecules to drive those
ingredients straight into your plants quickly
and efficiently.
This is actually a bigger problem than
it seems because most of your nutrients
are not getting into your plants, which is
not only a waste of money, but, because
it causes longer crop cycles, a waste of
precious time as well.
But it doesnt need to be this way.

The Solution To These Big

Growers like us are a particular bunch,
and with good reason. Our livelihood and
our good name depend on us being able to
consistently deliver high quality crops.
This is why we demand ONLY the best
when it comes to using three-part formulas.
In fact, what we really want is something
specifically designed for our high-value

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Can I use it in the same ratio as I did with General
Hydroponics 3-Part?
ANSWER: Advanced Nutrients' scientists conducted extensive
research on plant tissue samples, and found plants perform best
when the ratio of application of our pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom
is 1:1:1. Professional and grand master growers may have enough
experience to experiment with that ratio, but our test gardens have
shown great results with 1:1:1. When our pH Perfect Grow, Micro,
Bloom is used with the Bigger Yields system, nutrient absorption is
higher than ever previously possible with any 3-part formula.
QUESTION: Does it matter which of the three components I
mix first?
ANSWER: Very much. Add pH Perfect Micro to the reservoir first and
mix it well. Then add pH Perfect Grow, then add pH Perfect Bloom.

QUESTION: Why does each of the three parts have its own
ANSWER: Colors are used to simplify the process of mixing by
allowing three different parts to be easily recognizable from
each other, helping to avoid confusion and possible duplication
of ingredients in the reservoir mixture. The colors are created
by absolutely safe dyes.
QUESTION: Why should I use Advanced Nutrients products
at a lesser strength than General Hydroponics?
ANSWER: Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom
is manufactured with the latest coatings, chelates and processes,
which means much more nutrition is absorbed by plants. That's
why you use a lot less of our nutrients when compared to General
Hydroponics, which is 25% weaker than our three-part.

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


pH Perfect GROW-MICRO-BLOOM - 3-Part Base Nutrient

plants formulas with the absolute best and
most potent nutrients and ratios. We want
the most advanced, state-of-the-art carrier
molecules to ensure our plants get the
maximum amount of nutrients in the least
amount of time.
We demand formulas that have been
proven, in multiple scientific studies, to
get more color, more aroma, more size,
and more potency from our plants. We
want formulas that are not only highly
advanced and easily customizable, but
easy to mix and use.
The fact is that grand master growers
have found that pH Perfect Grow, Micro,
Bloom from Advanced Nutrients is the only
three-part formula on the market that meets
all these criteria.

The Truth About GrowMicro-Bloom

One of the most important ways pH Perfect
Grow, Micro, Bloom gives you faster growth
and bigger yields is through the special
ingredients it contains, ingredients that drive
more of the nutrients in the formula into
your plant faster than ever before.
These nutrient-delivering compounds
are called chelates, which are compounds
designed to bind with nutrients and help
them get inside plants so that the plant

Only for
Your Type
of Plants



Easy Mixing
and Use



You'll see the widest range of harvest-boosting

benefits from this powerful 3-part formula.


For growers like us, our livelihood and our good name depend on our crops. Thats why we demand
three-part formulas with the absolute best nutrients and proper ratios along with the most advanced
carrier molecules to ensure that our plants make the most of the nutrients we feed them.

cells can use them more quickly and

more efficiently.
Its these chelates that give pH Perfect
Grow, Micro, Bloom significant advantage
over every other three-part formula on
the market.
Grand master growers everywhere
understand chelates are especially important
when youre using non-soil hydroponic
systems, including rockwool, aeroponics,
NFT, and other types of materials in indoor
gardens to make the most out of every ounce
of nutrients you feed your plants.

Nutrients Delivered
Directly To Your Plants
pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom contains
only the most proven, most potent, and most
effective nutrients, always in the correct
ratios, so you get what you need to achieve
maximum growth and yield from your
plants in every stage of your crop cycle.
During the growth phase when your
plants need nitrogen, calcium, and other
necessary nutrients pH Perfect Grow,
Micro, Blooms chelates send these nutrients
directly and immediately into your plants
roots, leaves, cells, and flowers, greatly

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

speeding the growth phase.

During the bloom phase, pH Perfect
Grow, Micro, Bloom feeds powerful chelated
potassium, phosphorus, and other nutrients
designed to boost flower size and weight
directly into the heart of your plants so that
they acheive maximum size, weight, and
And as if that wasnt enough, theres more:

Never Worry About Your

pH Again
pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom contains
pH Perfect technology, which eliminates the
need to manually check and adjust pH levels

ts these chelates
that givepH Perfect
Grow, Micro, Bloom
a significant advantage
over every other threepart formula on the

Section 3 - Growing
two times per day. That means off-color
leaves, slow growth, and low yields due to pH
and PPM fluctuations are a thing of the past.
In short, as long as your water falls
between 4.5 pH and 8.5 pH (which is pretty
much everyones water), this technology
adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered
there throughout your plants' growth and
bloom phases!
That means youll never have to manually
adjust your pH and youll never have to worry
about your plants not being in the premium
growing environment all you have to do
is use pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom as
directed and the pH Perfect technology takes
care of it all for you!

Now you can use the only three-part hydroponics base fertilizer tested and designed by scientists to
give you guaranteed larger harvests and more convenient use. The potent combination of the right
nutrients, chelates for enhanced absorption, and pH Perfect ensures better results more consistently.

Youre Guaranteed To
Get Faster Growth and
Bigger Yields
Advanced Nutrients is so serious about
their pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom
formula that we offer a full money back
guarantee of satisfaction.

Fast Facts
pH Perfect Base Nutrients.
pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom has
been developed for use with any and
all hydroponics and continuous liquid
feed growing systems (aeroponic, drip
irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood
& drain).
From seedling/clone to end of bloom phase.
4 mL (each part) per Liter during weeks 1
through 6 of blooming phase, and during
all weeks of grow phase.


Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,
Professional Grower Level and Grand
Master Grower Level.
Benefits and Features:
Faster vegetative growth
Healthier plants
More productive flowering
Value-added multiple formula
Easier to mix and use
Combines with Bigger Yields Flowering
20% more potent than competing fertilizers.




4 L 10 L

23 L

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Why Pay More?

What To Look For When Investing
in a 2- (or 3-) Part Base Nutrient


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 3 - Growing
The problem
The hydroponics industry is very competitive and it can be difficult to discern
the difference between a product that will
form the pillars of your success, and one
that will leave your plants sedentary, or
even harm them!
So what should you be looking for?
What you need to know
There are three things that are VERY
important when hunting for a product as
specialized as this:

First, try to find a product designed

with you in mind. You dont want to
waste your money on a one-size-fitsall generic base nutrient when you can
find a product specifically created for
the special types of plants you grow. A
formula tailored to your specific needs
is, obviously, going to provide you with
better overall results.
Next, select a base nutrient that contains
the exact ratios of macronutrients,
secondary nutrients, and micronutrients
your plants need to thrive and grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Whats the difference between General
Hydroponics' Flora Gro-Micro-Bloom and Advanced
Nutrients Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom?
ANSWER: Not much. They use the exact same ingredients in
the exact same proportions. The advantage of using Jungle
Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom is that you save 40% of your money.
Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom is also put through a more
rigorous quality control process as its made; we have a whole
host of quality control standards that set us apart from the
QUESTION: Does Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom work
like your pH Perfect nutrients to automatically balance
the pH so I can avoid the hassles of adjusting the pH?
ANSWER: No. Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom does not
automatically balance the pH, but it is fully compatible with
our pH Perfect line of products. The biggest benefit of Jungle
Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom is the money youll save. The
formula for both General Hydroponics Flora Gro-Micro-Bloom
and Advanced Nutrients' Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom is
a very simple formula, and they are identical products except
that with Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom, you save 40% of
your money. All that said, to get the best results we recommend
you use our base nutrient formulas with pH Perfect technology.
QUESTION: How can you afford to sell Jungle Juice at 40%
less than what General Hydroponics sells their 3-part for?
ANSWER: By not including pH Perfect technology, we were able
to cut our production costs. Also, Advanced Nutrients is very
conscious of our relationship with you, our client. Were proud
to offer you products at a fair price.
QUESTION: Is the Jungle Juice 2-part pH perfect?
ANSWER: You will still need to adjust the pH when using this

product. Our pH Perfect 2-Part base nutrients are the pH

Perfect Sensi Grow & Bloom and pH Perfect Connoisseur lines.
QUESTION: Does Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom fit in with
your Bigger Yields Flowering Systemand other hydroponics
ANSWER: Yes. Our entire nutrients line feeds and protects
your plants from top to bottom and integrates perfectly
to create a symbiosis that powers your plants. We design
and test with a systems approach in mind. Our products
complement each other so that they add value to each others
performance. You can use Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom
with our other products, knowing that they work together to
increase your growth rates and yields.
QUESTION: What growing medium or growing system can
I use Jungle Juice in?
ANSWER: Jungle Juice has been specially designed for use with
all hydroponics, sphagnum, and soil growing mediums. It
has also been developed for use with any and all hydroponic,
aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood and drain, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.
QUESTION: I am switching from GH Flora to Jungle Juice.
Can I use one of my remaining Flora bottles with the
Jungle Juice?
ANSWER: Yes, you can use your remaining GH Flora bottles
with Jungle Juice.
QUESTION: Is Jungle Juice similar to the 2-part formulas
from General Hydroponics or Humboldt Nutrients?
ANSWER: While Jungle Juice is a 2-part formula, there are
separate bottles for the grow and bloom phases, allowing
your plants to have the ideal spectrum of nutrients for their
particular stages of growth.

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Jungle Juice 2- and 3-Part Base Nutrients

Choosing the right 2- or 3-part base nutrient

is critical for your high value plants.

Many nutrient formulas have incorrect

ratios or types of macronutrients, secondary
nutrients, and micronutrients. Sometimes
they even contain ratios that can be harmful
to the types of plants you grow. That can
become a BIG problem for certain types of
high-value plants because they need much
more potassium than phosphorus during
bloom phase.
When too much phosphorus is dumped
into your plants, it creates a potential for
phosphorus toxicity that works against
flower production and overall plant health.
In addition, too much phosphorus is the
reason your crops may taste harsh and can
hurt your throat and lungs. This is one of
the biggest problems youll face when using
products that arent designed for the plants
you grow.
Lastly, be sure that you arent throwing
your money away on an overpriced product.
There are plenty of high quality formulas
out there capable of getting the job done
without breaking the bank.
If you can stick to these three simple
rules, youre guaranteed to find a great
product to give you results without costing
an arm and leg.


The solution
Here at Advanced Nutrients, we work
tirelessly to bring you the latest and
greatest in all things hydroponics because
we know how valuable your plants are to
you AND we know what you need to be a
successful grower.
This is why Jungle Juice 2-Part and
Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom were both
created with you in mind. We developed
these formulas especially for the high value
plants you grow to maximize quality yields
and to provide your plants with a solid
foundation for future growth.
Even though Jungle Juice doesnt have
the advanced chelates and pH balancing
technology of our pH Perfect line, they still
have the perfect ratios of macronutrients,
secondary nutrients, and micronutrients for
the types of plants you grow, and are meant
to give you the biggest bang for your buck.
In addition, Jungle Juice 2-Part is also the
worlds most affordable 2-part base nutrient,
and is truly in a class by itself when it comes
to selecting a high quality, low cost base
nutrient formula.
What does it do?
Jungle Juice 2-Part combines industry
leading technology with decades of first
hand knowledge to provide a base nutrient
that will provide your valuable plants with
the most essential elements required to see
significant increases in plant health and
yields. You can expect the same results of
Jungle Juice 3-Part as well.
What does high quality
look like?
One of the great things about Advanced Nutrients is that our company manufactures
100% of our products, including our beneficial bacteria and fungi. In fact, were the industrys only company with these capabilities.
And one of the hottest ingredients in the
new Jungle Juice is kelp extract.
The truth is that our kelp extract is very
different from the kelp you see in a lot of
other nutrient supplements these days.
The biggest difference is that our kelp is

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

standardized, which means that the kelp we

use has incredible bud building properties
that cannot be found in many other places.
Some other exciting elements youll find
in Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice 2-Part are
alfalfa and paulownia extracts.
That might sound a little mundane, but
dont be fooled alfalfa contains more than
80 vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients
that your plants need throughout their life
cycle to build bigger, stronger, healthier, and
more valuable buds.
And the icing on the cake is that our alfalfa
is sourced from non-GMO crops, meaning
that it contains absolutely NO genetically
modified organisms. In fact, we even took
pains to make sure that the crops we chose
werent just growing non-GMO, but were also
taking steps to prevent any contamination by
GMOs from outside sources.
This means that, as always, we can provide
you with the consistent, high quality nutrient
supplements that you deserve and have come
to expect from us here at Advanced Nutrients.
As for the paulownia, this is a really
incredible plant. Not only can it grow at an
alarming rate of 20 feet per year, it also boasts
a natural resistance to fire and insects.

Even though the plant scientists at Advanced

Nutrients formulated and manufactured Jungle
Juice to a higher standard, you dont pay more.
In fact, you pay less.

Section 3 - Growing

When it comes to harvesting your crops, youll be glad you used a product like Jungle Juice because
of the rigorous quality control process Advanced Nutrients utilizes in its production. This ensures
more consistent results each and every time you use it.

Final thoughtS
We sincerely believe that our competitors
offer good products for certain growers.
But for someone who specializes in the
valuable plants we grow, good just isnt
good enough. We want the best. And we
know you do too.
Thats why were always pushing ourselves
to bring you the highest quality products at
prices that cant be beaten.
You see, Jungle Juice 2-Part and Jungle
Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom are both basic
products. The big differences between Jungle
Juice and other products like it are that Jungle
Juice is of higher quality manufacturing, gives
you more consistent results, and contains
those perfect ratios weve been talking about.

Fast Facts
Jungle Juice Base Nutrients.
Jungle Juice 2- (and 3-) Part are suitable for
all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir, and
All crop phases.
Use 4 mL per Liter. Use a conductivity or
ppm meter to monitor water quality and
control nutrient strength. Drain, discard,
and replace nutrient every week or two
to prevent nutrient imbalance. Maintain
nutrient pH between 5.5 and 6.8. Adjustment
may be necessary since water quality and pH
vary both regionally and seasonally. Please
measure accurately. Reduce nutrient strength
if plants show signs of stress, or if growing in
very bright, hot, or dry environments.
Shake well before mixing.
Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,

Professional Grower Level and Grand

Master Grower Level.

New plant extracts deliver you cutting

edge technology! Jungle Juice 2-Part
Bloom comes with new plant extracts
BENEFITS and Features:
that promote your plants' natural
Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, Bloom
tolerance to adverse environments.
provides a full spectrum of nitrogen,
The results are stronger roots, more
phosphorus, potassium, and secondary
flowering sites, and better nutrient
minerals necessary for the types of plants
we grow to THRIVE during the allimportant grow and flowering phases.
Jungle Juice 2-Part is priced lower
23 L
1L 4 L 10 L
than competing 2-part nutrients on
Liquid: 500
the market, even while formulated and
manufactured to a higher standard.






(ml/1L) of each part












Cuttings & Seedlings



General Purpose-Mild



Vegetative Stage



Transition to Bloom



Blooming & Ripening



Cuttings & Seedlings

General Purpose-Mild
Vegetative Stage
Transition to Bloom




Cuttings & Seedlings
mL/Gallon water
DIRECTIONS General Purpose-Mild
Media or Hydro
Vegetative Stage











Transition to Bloom




Blooming & Ripening







mL/Gallon water

mL/Gallon water


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

(ml/1L) of each part
Flower Initiation









Media or Hydro


(ml/1L) of each part




Blooming & Ripening










(ml/1L) of each part
Flower Initiation



Growth Secrets
Know the Benefits of a Simple-To-Use
Fulvic/Humic Acid Supplement to Take Your
Plants to the Next Level


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 3 - Growing
Growers like us know how important it is
to provide our plants with all the essential
nutrients they need in order to grow bigger
and faster while still producing potent,
high-quality yields.
But sometimes the process of providing
our valuable plants with all the right
nutrients can become confusing and
exhausting, causing us to overlook vital
steps in our plants' development.
For example, fulvic and humic
supplements are very important in the
life cycle of your plants, but also very easy
to overlook in the day-to-day routine of
caring for your garden.

The Benefits Of
Ancient Earth Minerals
The earth has been compiling and storing
minerals of all kinds for millions and
millions of years. And fulvic and humic
acids are two that were passed down to us
from the dinosaurs.
Fulvic acid is a water-soluble, natural,
organic substance of low molecular weight,
often found in surface water. Its one of

several subclasses of humic acids that

arise from complex mixtures of partially
decomposed organic materials. This
basically means that the cells of ancient
plants and animals were influenced by the
pressure of the earth over a long period of
time to become the nutrients that we use
Unfortunately, fulvic acid is still not
well-known or understood by most of the
scientific community. Chemists have not
been able to synthesize it or clearly define
it because it is the smallest, most complex,
most highly refined, naturally occurring,
water-soluble substance on Earth!
Tiny amounts of fulvic acid remarkably
transform the molecular structure of
water, making it intensely more active and
penetrable. Additionally, it assists water
in its job of dissolving and transporting
minerals, helping to carry nutrients into
the cells of your precious plants while also
carrying waste products away.
Amazingly enough, scientists have
discovered that fulvic acid is nothing less
than tiny fragments of DNA from past

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Should I use fulvic acid and humic acid together?
How are they different?
ANSWER: Both humic and fulvic acids are derived from the same
ancient substances. Humic acid is the portion of humic substances
that is not soluble in water at pH <2 but is soluble at higher pH
values. Fulvic acid is soluble in water under all pH conditions
and is what remains behind after removing the humic portion.
It is best to use both together, which is why Ancient Earth was
QUESTION: What are the main ingredients in Ancient Earth?
ANSWER: Ancient Earth contains fulvic acid and humic acid, two
very important nutrient supplements with numerous benefits for
high-value plants.

QUESTION: Is Ancient Earth 100% organic?

ANSWER: Yes, Ancient Earth was created for organic growers.
QUESTION: What can Ancient Earth supplements do for
my plants?
ANSWER: Ancient Earth reduces the effects of salinity and
pH fluctuations, increases your plants uptake of the precious
micronutrients that drive your plants to reach their optimum
yield, and doubles your purchase value because this one
formula replaces two products previously sold separately.
QUESTION: Can I use this in my garden?
ANSWER: Yes, Ancient Earth has been developed for use with
any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood
and drain, and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


ANCIENT EARTH ORGANIC - Organic Source of Power

generations of living organisms. In other
words, fulvic acid is the milk from
Mother Nature, meant for giving life,
energy, health, immunity, and renewal to
Earth and all of its life forms. This makes
it invaluable to you as a professional
Like fulvic acid, humic acids are
also crucial to life on Earth, and when
they become depleted via oxidation or
deactivated by sodium or aluminum, soil
problems develop that can cause negative
effects all the way up the food chain.
Conditions of soil depletion resulting in
low yield and/or susceptibility to diseases
and pests have resulted in devastating
effects on plants, which translates into
devastating effects on growers wallets and

Humic substances, of which fulvic acid
is one, are the link between the living and
the nonliving in nature. When the proper
amounts of humic substances are dissolved
in water, the water takes on a new form,
becoming restructured on the molecular
The biggest difference between fulvic
and humic acids is that fulvic acid (F-1)
is very acidic, while humic acid (H-2) is
much more alkaline. If you were to only
use one of the two, your pH balance would
shift erratically, wreaking havoc on your
It is very important to use both and
not just one of the two. That is the reason
that Ancient Earth has been added to
The scientists at Advanced Nutrients never stop
learning and testing in an effort to bring growers
like you new innovations.

The early grow phase is an important time (especially in organic gardens) to supplement with proper
levels of humic acid and fulvic acid.


Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

t is very important
to use both [fulvic
acid and humic
acid] and not just
one or the other
individually. That is
the reason Ancient
Earth has been added
to our plant specific
line of nutrients. It's a
combination product
to save you money
and keep your growing
medium in check.

Section 3 - Growing
our plant-specific line of nutrients. Its a
combination product to save you money
and keep your growing medium in check.

The Solution Is
Advanced Nutrients
Ancient Earth
For years now weve offered you Grandma
Enggys H-2 and F-1, two revolutionary
nutrient supplements derived from a
single extraordinary compound called
But as you know, here at Advanced
Nutrients, we never stop learning and
growing in an effort to bring growers like
you the very best and most fairly priced
products on the market.
With this attitude in mind, weve
combined fulvic and humic acids into a
single nutrient formula that is specifically
designed to fit the needs of the valuable
plants we grow.
Ancient Earth reduces the effects of
salinity and pH fluctuations, increases
your plants uptake of the precious
micronutrients that drive your plants to
reach their optimum yield, and doubles

After base nutrients, there are many different supplements that can help enhance your growing efforts.
Grand master growers have known for years that each small addition, used correctly, can add up to a
beautiful finished harvest.

your purchase value because this one

formula replaces two products previously
sold separately.
This is a no-brainer. And since this,
like all of our products, is backed by our

money back guarantee, you really have

nothing to lose and everything to gain by
trying Ancient Earth today.

Fast Facts
Root Zone Fortifier.
Ancient Earth has been developed for use
with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic,
drip irrigation, NFT, flood and drain, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.
Use throughout the entire grow and bloom
phases. Please note that when using the
pH Perfect system, Ancient Earth is not
Use 2 mL per Liter during the entire grow
and bloom phases.


Expert Grower Level and Grand Master
Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Reduced pH fluctuations
Increased uptake of micronutrients
Accelerated plant growth
Reduced salinity build-up
Larger flowers
Affordable combination product
Soil conditioner
Enhanced cell communication.

Liquid: mL


4 L 10 L

23 L

Section 3 - Growing | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Section 4

and Flowering

our plants will know its time to start

budding and flowering when you change the
photo period of your lighting from 18 hours
on/6 hours off to 12 hours on / 12 hours off. At this
point, you need to adjust the nutrient ratios in your
reservoir appropriately.
With three-part nutrients, this means you mix
them differently as you pour them, which you can
learn to do with our excellent nutrient calculator at
As for two-part base nutrients, the ratios are much more
fixed and precise in the bottles, as well as particular to
your crops growth phase. For example, our pH Perfect
Sensi Grow and pH Perfect Sensi Bloom are specifically
mixed for two different phases of your plants' lives.
And remember, bloom phase is where you can really
boost your profits!
Do you want to see an explosion of more bud sites
per stem? Check out Bud Ignitor, which will also
signal your plants to begin budding in about half
the normal time.
Would you like to get an edge in your market by
delivering the sweetest flowers your clients will ever
taste? Try Bud Candy.
The solution to these problems and more are all here.
In the following pages youll be introduced to products
that have been meticulously crafted to meet every
challenge a grower can face in the bloom phase.


Bud Developer
How Can You Get Your Plants Into
Bloom Faster And Multiply Their Yields
Without Increasing Bloom Time?


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

We take a lot of pride in what we do, and
were sure youre the same way. We all
want our plants to reach their peak bloom
phase faster and to produce bigger and
better yields. Its a universal desire for all
growers like us because, often, our good
name as well as our livelihood depend on
the quality of what we produce. That raises
a very important question:

How Do We Achieve This

Lofty Goal?
The first thing we need to do is improve
the quality of the actual ingredients being
fed to our valuable plants.
The idea is to give you a more solid
foundation of nutrients for your plants
to use to get bigger yields, more colorful
flowers, and stronger aroma as well as
maximum potency.
Next, we need to enhance our plants
ability to get the maximum absorption of
these nutrients. Many growers overlook
the importance of absorption, but ensuring
that your plants can do a good job of
absorbing the nutrients you give them is
key to maximizing your harvest. Improving
absorption exponentially increases the
effectiveness of your nutrients, giving you
better bang for your buck.

Interestingly enough, we found that

most growers like us arent seeing larger
yields with other hydro fertilizers because
their high value plants have actually
developed an aversion to both depleting
and over-filling certain fluids in the
individual cells of the plants themselves.
Obviously, improving your plants
ability to absorb vital nutrients compounds
the effectiveness of the high quality
ingredients being used!

The Solution is Like

Speed For Your Plants:
Increased Output and
Performance In The
Same Time Frame
Designed as a front line product and
premier alternative to pH Perfect Sensi
Bloom, Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect
Connoisseur is capable of delivering
yield levels and growth rates in the
bloom phase that were unheard of until
now, increasing your plants productivity
and output. This is one of the many
reasons were proud to call pH Perfect
Connoisseur our flagship base nutrient.
And its all backed up by science.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: I am already using pH Perfect Sensi Bloom
and getting good results, so why should I switch to
pH Perfect Connoisseur?
ANSWER: pH Perfect Sensi Bloom was the industry's topproducing two-part base until pH Perfect Connoisseur was
invented. Now you can get more yield using pH Perfect
QUESTION: You say pH Perfect Connoisseur is best used by
professional and grand master growers. Why is that?
ANSWER: pH Perfect Connoisseur is the most powerful bloom
base ever made. It pushes plants to their maximum genetic
potential and beyond. Growers must be very familiar with
their plants and with bloom phase growth so that they can
monitor and adjust their use of this very strong formula.

QUESTION: Do I have to use bloom boosters with

pH Perfect Connoisseur?
ANSWER: pH Perfect Connoisseur without bloom boosters
performs better than any other two-part formula, even if
those formulas are combined with bloom boosters. However,
using our proprietary Bigger Yields Flowering System, you
can get even more valuable harvests by using pH Perfect
Connoisseur with Bud Ignitor, Big Bud, Bud Candy and
Overdrive, along with the other formulas in our system.
QUESTION: What does it mean when you say "five-in-one" product?
ANSWER: pH Perfect Connoisseur contains four other
formulas that we've sold separately. These formulas were
upgraded and custom-blended to enhance pH Perfect
Connoisseur's effects. What this means is you are getting
far more value than what you are paying for.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


pH Perfect CONNOISSEUR - 2-Part Premium Base Nutrient

To start with, every single one of the micronutrients used in pH Perfect Connoisseur
is chelated so that you get maximum absorption and uptake of these amino chelates
into your plants. With a theoretical absorption range of pH 1-10, this effectively
means you get the highest possible absorption rate of these life-giving micronutrients
for as long as your plant is alive!
Whats more, Advanced Nutrients has also invested heavily into chelating a
high percentage of the macronutrients used in pH Perfect Connoisseur to get
your plants to bloom faster and keep them in bloom phase longer!
Last but not least, in an effort to maximize every part of your plants
deepest core levels of plant bloom metabolism and floral production, we
developed a proprietary blend of floral growth cofactors to activate and
control these elements.
These cofactors include amino acids and amino acid precursors essential to
protein formation, which promotes cellular metabolism, replication, and other
bloom processes. In addition, other proprietary co-factors create enhanced
changes in how plants carry out bloom phase functions.

dvanced Nutrients pH
Perfect Connoisseur
is capable of
delivering yield levels and
growth rates in the bloom
cycle that were unheard of
until now, increasing your
plants' productivity and
output. And its all backed
up by science.

This proprietary 2-part fertilizer formula was developed by a team of 12 PhD scientists working for the leading plant-growing research laboratory in the world.


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

Growers Of High Profit Plants Get
More Value With This One Simple
Scientific Breakthrough
If you count on your plants to make you money, youre going to
love pH Perfect Connoisseur! Heres why commercial growers
of rare and profit-producing plants love this comprehensive
hydroponics fertilizer formula:
You get a shorter time to peak bloom, meaning you get to sell
your plants sooner!
You get more flowers and more weight per flower, which means
more money per plant!
You get more aromas, more taste, and more color in your plants,
which means you get more satisfied and repeat customers!
The bottom line? You get more profits per crop cycle!
Why Not Give pH Perfect Connoisseur
A Risk-Free Try Today?
Youve seen how the unique principle of small continuous
improvements to each phase of the 2-step base formula produces
a more powerful, compounded total yield in your plants.
Youve seen just a few of the most potent, most pure, most
effective ingredients in the pH Perfect Connoisseur blend.
And you know Advanced Nutrients fully stands behind pH
Perfect Connoisseur and every other product they sell with their
100% Full Money Back Guarantee. Either youre ecstatic about the
results you get in your plants or you get your money back.

pH Perfect Base Nutrients.
pH Perfect Connoisseur has been specially
designed for use with all hydroponics,
sphagnum and soil growing mediums. pH
Perfect Connoisseur has been developed for
use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic,
drip irrigation, NFT, flood and drain and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.
From beginning to end of bloom phase.
Use 4 mL per Liter during weeks 1
through 6 of your flowering phase. Shake
well to take full advantage of this product
and put it to work for you.


pH Perfect Connoisseur actually changes your plants bloom metabolism

and timing so that your flowers go into peak bloom earlier and stay there
longer, giving you more essential oils and size. The kicker is that your
bloom phase doesnt get any longer. You get heavier, more devastating
buds in the same amount of time as your previous crop cycles!

Fast Facts


Professional Grower Level and
Grand Master Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
More budding sites
Earlier peak flowering
Larger, denser flowers
More essential oils
More aromatics
More taste
More attractive flowers
Higher market price for flowers.





4 L 10 L

23 L

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"



Bloom Cycles
A Quick Guide To Recognizing
An Effective Bloom Phase Nutrient


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

Let's just be honest there are a lot of names
to choose from when youre thinking about
which bloom phase nutrient formula to
feed to your high-value crops. And even
though many companies claim that theirs
is the best, the plain and simple fact is
that most of these formulas are missing
very important elements. Elements you
would expect to find in any and every
bloom phase nutrient.
You see, the truth is that you dont have
to be an expert or a grand master grower
in order make your crops grow bigger,
juicier, and more aromatic, and to see them
produce incredibly potent buds. All you
really need is access to the same secrets
these experts use to achieve success in the
grow room time and time again.

There are BIG, vital things missing from
most bloom phase nutrients. And even
though they may not seem like a big deal
at first, when these missing elements are
present in your nutrients, they can take your
valuable crop from good to professional.
The first thing you want to look for
when choosing a bloom phase nutrient
formula is something to ensure that the
nutrients in this formulation get into
your plants as quickly as possible. In the
business, we call these surfactants.
Surfactants are wetting agents used to
lower the surface tension of a liquid
(in this case, nutrient-rich water).

They allow the liquid to spread more

easily and evenly, and help increase the
uptake of nutrients into your plants.
This will allow your plants to suck up
the nutrients they crave more quickly
and more efficiently, which will have an
incredibly positive effect on your plants
bloom and yield potential.
The second and third things youll want
to see in your bloom phase nutrient are
humic and fulvic acids. These acids give
your plants an edge when it comes to
growing quicker, stronger, and bigger
than with any other formulation.

Heres how IT WORKS

The humic acid provides natural carrier
compounds, which transport nutrients
and vitamins into plants more efficiently,
so your plants grow faster and have
stronger cellular processes. In addition,
the fulvic acid gives you quicker nutrient
absorption, nutrient transport, and more
cellular metabolism. Together, they work
synergistically to maximize the time your
plants spend in bloom.
Now, the fourth thing you need is
amino acids. Amino acids are the
building blocks of proteins. They fuel
metabolic pathways for enhanced floral
and essential oil production. This is
absolutely critical if you want to push
your plants to their full potential.
Last but not least is, of course, the actual
plant-maximizing nutrients themselves.
But, theres more to know.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: I was perfectly happy with the results I got from
the original Sensi Series. Do I have to relearn how to feed
my plants if I use the new pH Perfect Sensi Series?
ANSWER: Our Sensi Grow & Bloom has always outperformed all
other two-part bases, but youll get even better performance from
the new version. And its actually easier to use now than before!

QUESTION: What can I use with pH Perfect Sensi Grow

& Bloom during bloom phase to get larger buds?
ANSWER: pH Perfect Sensi Grow & Bloom is customengineered to work with several of our phase-specific
formulas, so you get the ultimate in targeted flowerfattening nutrition during bloom phase.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


pH Perfect Sensi Bloom - 2-Part Base Nutrient

Scientific testing proves that plants crave not only the optimal amounts of macronutrients, but
micronutrients too.

How To Get The

Optimal Amounts of
MacroNutrients and
Micronutrients For a
Bigger Yield
With all of the above in mind, you might
be interested to know this: at least one
company actually got it right and there
is a bloom phase nutrient formula on the
market today that actually incorporates all
of these indispensable components into
one bottle. That bloom phase nutrient
formula is pH Perfect Sensi Bloom.
Sensi Bloom contains an organic
surfactant called Wet Betty, which does
exactly what we discussed earlier it aids in
even dispersion of nutrient-rich liquids so
your plants have easier access to everything
they need.
It also contains organic humic and fulvic
acids, just the thing growers like us need.
Also, to ensure your plants get the most
out of the nutrients youre feeding them,
our scientists rely on chelation to enhance
absorption. In fact, this 5-in-1 formula
contains the optimum number of chelated
macronutrients your plants need for faster
growth and bigger blooms.
In addition, the following micronutrients
are 100% chelated: iron, zinc, manganese,
molybdenum, copper, boron, and cobalt,

which of course means that your plants

more easily absorb and utilize these
nutrients, giving you bigger buds and more
yields in the same bloom time!

In fact, many growers find that manually

checking and adjusting pH levels two times
per day in order to try to keep their plants'
growth stable and maximized is tiring,
time consuming, and one of the biggest
challenges of trying to get bigger yields.
However, our scientists have discovered
how to completely eliminate pH worries
forever, thanks to our exclusive pH Perfect
technology. In short, as long as your water
falls between 4.5pH and 8.5pH (which
is pretty much everyones water), this
technology automatically adjusts your
pH for you and keeps it buffered there
throughout your plants bloom cycle.
That means youll never have to
manually adjust your pH, and youll never
have to worry about your plants not being
in their premium growing environment;
all you have to do is add pH Perfect Sensi
Bloom and the pH Perfect technology takes
care of all the rest for you!

Maximizing Your Bloom

Phase For A Harvest You
Can Be Proud Of
The benefits of the pH Perfect Sensi Bloom
formula have been tested and proven, so
you can expect to see better results than
you will with any other product. In fact,
youll see earlier flowering with more
budding sites, a shorter internode length
with more buds per stem, thicker diameter
flowers with better floral structure, and
more time in peak bloom because your
plants flower earlier. All this adds up to
more weight, more aroma, more color, and
more potency from your high-value crop.
Why You Never Need To
Worry About pH Levels
If youve ever experienced off-color
leaves, slow growth, or low yield with
your plants, then youve probably noticed
these problems coincide with mysterious
pH and PPM fluctuations. Its one of the
biggest obstacles to getting professional
level yields from your plants.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Surfactants are wetting agents that lower the

surface tension of nutrient-rich water, allowing
the liquid to spread more easily and evenly,
helping increase plant uptake of nutrients.

The Ideal Ratios, Already Dialed In

For You
Your plants use a small amount of phosphorus during flowering,
but what they really love is nitrogen and potassium. The scientists
at Advanced Nutrients discovered this only after taking thousands
of weekly tissue samples from the buds, stems, leaves, and roots
of many varieties of plants, using gas chromatography analysis
throughout all phases of plant growth.
Other nutrient companies are overusing phosphorus in
hydroponic bloom fertilizers. And to compound problems, they
use high levels of ingredients like monoammonium phosphate
(MAP) or diammonium phosphate (DAP). These substances are
what give some plants their harsh taste.
But the good news is that with pH Perfect Sensi Bloom youre
guaranteed to have the correct nutrient ratios for your plants!
Advanced Nutrients offers a 100% money back guarantee of
satisfaction with this product.





ysterious pH and PPM fluctuations are one of the biggest obstacles to getting professional
level yields. But with pH Perfect, you
never need to worry.




Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering



Growers just
like you
have compared
competing bloom bases say that pH Perfect Sensi Bloom kicks ass, while
the other nutrients are disappointing, not worth the money, and a waste
of time and electricity.

pH Perfect Base Nutrients.
pH Perfect Sensi Bloom A & B has been
developed for use with any and all
hydroponics and continuous liquid feed
growing systems (aeroponic, drip irrigation
and emitters, NFT, flood & drain).

Fast Facts

6 of your blooming phase. Shake well to

take full advantage of this product and
put it to work for you.


Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,
Professional Grower Level and Grand
Master Grower Level.

Use either pH Perfect Sensi Grow or
pH Perfect Sensi Bloom during the
appropriate phases of plant cycle.

BENEFITS and Features:

Faster growth and larger yields
Easier to use
Faster absorption
Less work.

Use 4 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through





4 L 10 L

23 L

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"



What The Bigger Yields Flowering System
Is All About


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

The Bigger Yields Flowering System is
guaranteed to give growers huge yields
of the highest quality, without a lot of
complicated mixing rates. Simply put,
the grower selects which of the bundled
levels best suits his or her own skill level
and garden, and can then leave the rest up
to the proprietary pH Perfect technology
incorporated into these revolutionary crop
feeding nutrients.
The feeding chart provided with each of
the bundles, whether the Hobbyist Level,
Expert Grower Level, Professional Grower
Level, or Grand Master Grower Level, has
been developed and refined to give crops
optimal nutrient levels and ratios for massive
yields every time. Advanced Nutrients has
developed the first-ever pH Perfect nutrient
system for crop feeding.
By simply using the value-added,
combined formulations, you end up with
easier mixing rates and fewer bottles. Add
4 mL of base nutrients, and 2 mL of the
additives per Liter, and thats it. The pH of
the solution will instantly correct itself into
the optimal range when the components are
mixed with water. The formulations contain
a proprietary smart release of acid and
alkaline molecules that will correct the pH
to optimum and keep it there.
With the Bigger Yields Flowering
System, nutrient uptake is unparalleled,
thanks to high levels of chelation, a process
that makes nutrients more available to plants
on a molecular level. The nutrients supplied
to the crop will have the highest level of
chelation available from any product in the
marketplace, ensuring maximum nutrient
uptake, under the widest range of growing

Combining the pH Perfect technology

with an unsurpassed level of chelation
ensures that the balanced ratios of the
formulations used in the Bigger Yields
Flowering System are constantly being
delivered to and taken up by the plants root
systems. The formulas take care of the crop
from top to bottom, promoting huge root
systems, thicker stems, bigger leaves, and
the hugest blooms.
Advanced Nutrients has added value and
simplified the use of the individual products
in the system by creating 2-in-1 and even
5-in-1 products. For example, when you
add base nutrients, not only will they be
adding balanced ratios of chelated macro
and micro elements, you will be adding crop
enhancers such as humates, fulvates, amino
acids, and even a high quality, non-ionic
surfactant. These crop enhancers can help
to improve the performance of any growing
system, whether you like to garden in dirt
or produce hydroponically. Each of the
growing levels offered gives progressively
bigger yields, with growers selecting the
level that suits their skill level and needs.

Leonardos famous Vitruvian Man drawing

demonstrated the ideal proportions of man.
The Bigger Yields Flowering System promises
the same ideal levels of all the components
needed for growing success.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Hobbyist Bundle

1L each of Voodoo Juice,

Big Bud, B-52, and Overdrive
Voodoo Juice: Hundreds of university studies
have shown that bigger roots equal bigger
yields. Voodoo Juice produces an enormous
root mass during your flowering cycle, which
means your plants will support bigger
flowers. Voodoo Juice ensures your plants will
absorb the maximum amount of nutrients
more quickly for optimal flower production.
B-52: B-52 contains a unique blend of B
vitamins to keep your plants healthy and
driving hard during rapid flower formation.
Big Bud: The legendary bloom booster
containing the perfect ratio of flower-building
ingredients and other awesome additives
guaranteed to power up flower metabolism
and production.
Overdrive: Youve always wanted to max out
your flowers at the end phase of your bloom
cycle, which is why were giving you Overdrive
absolutely free. Use it in the last two weeks of
bloom phase so that your flowers really pack
on the weight.

How To Spot a
with the Ability to Push
your Plants to their
Limit Without Breaking
the Bank
Theres a good chance youre reading this
article because youve heard about some
of the growing systems floating around
out there and you want to know, once and
for all, which ones are worth the time and
money and, even more importantly, which
ones are good enough to feed to your
precious plants.
As it happens, there are several things
you want to look for when choosing a
beginner or hobbyist level growing system
designed to increase your yields without
putting a strain on your wallet.
Building A Solid
You know as well as anyone that healthy
plants start with healthy roots, and that
healthy roots are the foundation of a
bountiful harvest. Without a healthy and
solid root system, your plants wont have
the ability to absorb key nutrients, and
could get stuck in a cycle of mediocre
Thats why its so important for any
system you choose to have a high quality
microbial supplement.
A powerful microbial supplement creates
an ideal environment for your root zone,
allowing your plants to more efficiently take
in nutrients. This means your crop will stay
healthier and stronger throughout its life
cycle, which gives you a significant increase
in yield potential.
Another key factor youll want to look
out for is vitamins.

Our Limited Edition Special Report:

Operation Money Suck: How to Avoid
Money Sucking Growing Mistakes
Bonus CD: How New Growers Are
Getting Bigger Yields
Bonus CD: Big Time Growing


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Reducing Plant Stress

For Increased Growth
Its a shame, but a lot of growers dont
realize the types of plants we grow actually
require all types of vitamins in order to
reach their full potential.
Scientific research has repeatedly proven
that B vitamins in particular have a huge
positive effect on plants like ours and are
absolutely essential to their long term
health. Supplementing your grow room with
vitamins like B5, B9, B1, B2, B3, and B7 can
make a huge difference in yield production
and in the overall health of your plants.
Enhancing Flower
One very important factor that is critical
to getting the results you want with this
system is the right bloom booster. But
you have to be very careful about which
formula you choose.
You see, until recently, there were very big
problems with almost all bloom boosters.
First, they contained only poorly absorbed
forms of phosphorus and potassium (P and
K) as the main ingredients.
Second, the improper ratios of these
ingredients (most provide double the
phospherus to potassium) can set your
plants up for phosphorus toxicity, which is
bad news for flower production and overall
plant health, not to mention the smoothness
of your final product.
These facts make it clear you definitely
want to find a system with a bloom booster
consisting of not only an easily absorbable
version of these essential ingredients, you
also want to make sure that the formula
contains the proper ratios for the types of
plants we grow.
The Finishing Touch
The final component youll want to look
for is a great end-phase bloom enhancer
to maximize flower production just before

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

We all know that the bloom phase in
your plants life cycle is critically important.
Its when you get to see the results of all your
hard work and hydroponic success. Most
growers just accept that they will get a few
weeks of flowers, and then resign themselves
to the fact that blooming declines.
However, you can reinvigorate your
plants flowering if you use the right
ingredients during this crucial final phase.
When you apply a never-before-used
combination of vitamins, organic materials,
nutrients, and other ingredients, you can
create a renewed burst of resins, scents,
terpenoids, size, and other desirable bloom
Thats why its important to choose
the right finishing bloom booster during
this important time it can make all the
difference in your finishing harvest.

The Bigger Yields Flowering System

bundles of Hobbyist, Expert, Professional,
and Grand Master enhance and build upon
each otherexponentially increasing your
growing success as you level up and add to
your starting system. Hobbyist Bundle shown

Now, all of these ingredients could act as

standalone products and you would most
likely see beneficial results by using any of
them in your garden. But by combining
them all in the same growth cycle, you will
see an enormous change in the health and
size of your plants and your harvests.

The Next Level In

As it happens, here at Advanced Nutrients,
weve taken all of these factors into
account and used this knowledge when
putting together our Hobbyist Bigger
Yields Bundle. Not only does this system
combine all of the essential components we
discussed, it also contains a revolutionary
technology. And its changing the
hydroponics world.
Lets be a bit more specific. Remember
how youve had it drilled into your head that
your plants will suffer or even die unless
you spend lots of money and time using pH
meters, ppm meters, pH up, and pH down?
Well its not true.
You can now slay the pH/PPM dragon
for good thanks to the Hobbyist Bigger
Yields Bundle and any of Advanced
Nutrients new 5-in-1 base nutrients. Thats
because together they have a new built-in
proprietary technology called pH Perfect,
which automatically puts your nutrient
solutions pH and PPM into the sweet
spot for optimum growth
and flowering,

eliminating the need to fool around with pH

and PPM metering and adjustments.
The Bottom Line
Heres the fact of the matter: we have
liberated you from ever having to care
about pH or PPM again.
As if this wasnt enough, weve also
figured out how to standardize your
products. You use just 4 mL per Liter for the
Systems base nutrients, and 2 mL per Liter
for all supplements, so mixing and using
them is ridiculously simple and quick.
When you experience the power and
simplicity of the scales-tipping Bigger
Yields Flowering System, youll be happy to
relax, have fun, and watch your flowers get
significantly more valuable than you ever
thought possible.

Add any of the AN

Base Nutrients




Guaranteed !!!

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Expert Grower Bundle

1L each of Piranha,
Bud Candy, and Final Phase
Bud Candy has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Bud Candy
has been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT,
flood and drain and continuous liquid feed
growing systems.
Piranha has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Piranha has
been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT,
flood and drain and continuous liquid feed
growing systems.
Final Phase has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Final Phase
has been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT,
flood and drain and continuous liquid feed
growing systems.

Guide: How to Take Perfect Cuttings

Every Time
Bonus CD: Cloning for Bigger Yields
Bonus CD: Getting Bigger Yields with


Move On Up to the Next

Level in Bigger, Easier
Yields, and No More pH
or PPM Metering or
Adjusting Ever Again!
When you take home this money-saving
Expert Grower Bundle and get the
benefits of the Bigger Yields Flowering
System, you step up and enter the door to
getting proven advantages from the only
hydroponics nutrients system guaranteed
to give your plants everything they need to
produce bigger yields.
Not only that, using the System means
you can stop worrying about pH and PPM
metering and adjusting. Yes, you heard
correctly! Just use any of the Bigger Yields
Flowering System base nutrients in water
that has a pH range from 4.5 to 8.5, and your
plants will perfectly absorb all the nutrients
they need. Youll agree that makes growing a
whole lot easier for you, doesnt it?
Youre Getting All the
Right Ingredients for
Maximized Yields
Your plants are taken care of from roots to
shoots and everything in between with the
Expert Grower Bundle, a flowering system
base nutrient and our Hobbyist Bundle
combined to deliver precise nutrition to
every part of your flowering plant. The
Expert Grower Bundle gives you so much.
Piranha promotes your root mass as
well as helps your plants create a thick mat
of lateral and vertical roots, enabling your
plants to support your larger yields, and it
allows your plants to take in nutrients faster
during the critical phases of the flowering
cycle where gains are won or lost.
Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your
flowers gooey, sticky, and radiating with
colorful glints of light and sparkles catching
your eyes and flying off in every direction.
Bud Candy is the worlds only 100% organic
aroma, taste, and yield enhancer that also
discourages your plants mid-bloom stall
so that they have the energy to make larger,
tastier, more aromatic flowers for you.
Final Phase flushes your crops, getting

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

rid of any leftover residual fertilizer that

can sometimes affect the taste of your
product. Congratulations. Youre taking the
next step to a simple but highly effective
Expert Grower Level that will take your
plants further faster, getting you maximum
yields like clockwork with every harvest.
This Bigger Yields Bundle gives you a free
container of Final Phase, the super efficient
flushing formula that wont slow down bud
growth or decrease flower size!

Youll Use the Bigger

Yields Bundles & System
To Easily Grow Juicier,
More Valuable Harvests
Now you can have your cake and eat it
too. Get the Hobbyist and Expert Bundles
and join the many prosperous growers
using our simple Bigger Yields Flowering
System, guaranteed to give you reliably
large harvests.
Your Hobbyist and Expert Grower
Bigger Yields Bundles are the first two steps
on your exciting journey to a place where
the huge harvests youve always dreamed of
are guaranteed to become reality.
The bold truth is that at every level of
the System Hobbyist, Expert Grower,
Professional Grower, and Grand Master
Grower you get fantastic yields. But when
you step up to the next level, you get even
larger yields and even more protection for
your crops. Youre climbing the stairway to
maximum harvests!
Combining the Hobbyist
AND Expert Bundles
Gives You:
All the supplements you need for juicier
flowers at the Expert Level from your
plants roots to the top of your flowers and
everything in between:
pH Perfect formulas that work with
all the Bigger Yields Flowering System
base nutrients, so you can forget about
pH and PPM metering and adjusting.
Your plants get all the nutrition they
need, and you never have to use those
meters ever again.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

The only specifically engineered
hydroponics flowering system with all
formulas guaranteed to work together
so that your plants give you the largest
flowers ever grown.

Standardized mixing and measuring,

just 4 mL per Liter for the Systems base
nutrients and 2 mL per Liter for all
Exclusive bloom-feeding ingredients
for big fat flowers.
Oh, another cool thing we almost forgot to
tell you about:
Theres a free formula in the Hobbyist
Bundle and another free formula in the
Expert Grower Bundle.
Go ahead and start stacking your
bundles. Take the Expert Grower Bundle
home and try it, then decide.
Its backed by a No-Risk 100% Money
Back Guarantee, so you wont even be
risking one penny. Then you can see for
yourself the bigger yields youll be getting.
When you use the Hobbyist and Expert
Grower Bigger Yields Bundles along with
one of our new and improved superpotent
base nutrients, you get the easiest, most
valuable, and biggest yields ever.
In addition to that, you never have to
bother with pH or PPM again when you
use your Bigger Yields Bundles with any
of our base nutrients. Thats right, just mix
your Bigger Yields Bundles formulas and
our base nutrients in any type of water with
a pH range of 4.5 to 8.5 and youll see your
plants rapidly absorb all the nutrients they
need for bigger yields. No pH metering or
adjusting needed!
And get this: your Bigger Yields Bundles
continually fatten your flowers while
making them taste so much better.
Special carbohydrates and other natural
ingredients in Bud Candy make your flowers
taste like cotton candy. Unique chelates in
Final Phase rinse unused nutrients from
your crop to give you a clean, sweet taste
that everyone will crave.

Add any of the AN

Base Nutrients


The Bigger Yields Flowering System bundles

of Hobbyist, Expert Grower, Professional
Grower, and Grand Master Grower enhance
and build upon each other exponentially
increasing your growing success as you level
up and add to your starting system. Expert
Grower Bundle shown here.

Your entire plant from your huge root

mass to the tops of your gargantuan flowers
is automatically taken care of when you
use our Expert Grower and Hobbyist Bigger
Yields Bundles along with one of our superb
new and improved base nutrients.
Best of all, youre using the only pH
Perfect nutrients system guaranteed to give
you bigger more consistent yields and much
less work. Plus, you never risk even one
penny because if for any reason youre not
absolutely delighted just return your bundle
for a full refund.
Get one of our new and improved base
nutrients along with a Hobbyist Bundle and
this Expert Grower Bundle, and go to the
checkout counter so you can get started on
bigger yields right now.
As always, were dedicated to your
gardening success.



Guaranteed !!!

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Professional GROWER Bundle


1L each of Tarantula,
Nirvana, and Sensizym
Tarantula, Nirvana and Sensizym have
been specially designed for use with
all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir,
and soil growing mediums. They have
been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT,
flood and drain and continuous liquid feed
growing systems.

Add any of the AN

Base Nutrients

THE Bottom line

The Bigger Yields Flowering system is
organized into four different levels of
performance. At the Professional Grower
Level, serious growers with a good level of
cropping experience, and growers moving
up from the Expert Grower Level, will
increase their yields by a large percentage
over the Hobbyist Level.
Growers who have mastered applying a
variety of crop enhancers through the
growing cycle will be able to follow an
enhanced feeding program by applying
three more bioenhancers than are available
at the Professional Grower Level.
The special combination of bacteria,
enzymes, carbohydrates, humates, bloom
cofactors, and vitamins pushes and supports
crops at an increased metabolic rate over
other feeding programs.
Growers will have bigger root systems
and bushier plants to support the extra
demand and yields created by driving the
crops metabolism at higher rates.



Guaranteed !!!

The Bigger Yields Flowering System bundles

of Hobbyist, Expert Grower, Professional
Grower, and Grand Master Grower enhance
and build upon each other exponentially
increasing your growing success as you
level up and add to your starting system.
Professional Grower Bundle shown here.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Products in the
Professional arsenal:
Tarantula promotes naturally occurring
growth factors that help to increase plant
leaf and root mass for bigger yields. The
beneficial bacteria in the liquid suspension
will quickly colonize the growing medium
and root system when applied with the
nutrients in the Bigger Yields Flowering
The diverse species of bacteria in the
formula form symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationships with the growth medium
and directly with the root system. Some of
the bacterium selected are able to help reduce the effects of stresses in the root zone,
convert organic residues to plant-available
substances, and naturally release beneficial
growth cofactors.
Nirvana stimulates a higher metabolic
rate of activity in crops, promoting faster
growth rates and larger yields. Nirvana is
formulated by combining organic bloom
stimulants with premium quality compost
tea. Water, nutrients, light energy, and
carbon dioxide can be processed by the
plant at faster rates, stimulating higher levels
of production.
Vitamins, carbohydrates, amino acids,
and bloom cofactors created in the perfect
ratios trigger the plant to produce at a
higher rate. Plants will tend to have tighter
internodes through flowering, making
better use of artificial light sources for
higher yields.
Sensizym is proven to create healthier
growing mediums, reduce food sources for
pathogens, and improve nutrient availability
in all types of growing systems. The blend
of over 80 digestive enzymes contained in
the formula is highly bioactive and naturally
The enzymes quickly digest fertilizers,
decaying roots, and other organic matter,
converting it into a source of energy for plant
growth. Growers using Sensizym in their
feeding program will keep root membranes
cleaner and free of debris that can impede
the rapid absorption of nutrients, thereby
creating bigger yields.

Grand Master Grower Bundle


THE Bottom line

The Bigger Yields Flowering System
is organized into four different levels
of performance. At the Grand Master
Level, you can expect a huge increase in
performance over the Hobbyist Level.

Products available to growers at the
Grand Master Grower Level use powerful
plant enhancers that will increase crop
weight and reduce cropping time, and are
combined with the nutrients and additives
used through the Hobbyist, Expert Grower,
and Professional Grower Levels.
These powerful plant enhancers will
also increase essential oil production, and
promote a stronger and faster flowering
response, while creating plants that are more
resistant to the stresses of intensive growing
Growers who have mastered the cropgrowing environment and want to achieve
the ultimate results possible will benefit the
greatest from choosing the Grand Master
Grower bundle.
Products in the Grand
Master arsenal:
Bud Ignitor creates a stronger and
quicker flowering response in crops when
switching from vegetative growth into the
bloom phase. Plants are able to channel
more energy into creating blooms rather
than leaf growth, increasing yields and
reducing cropping time. Bud Ignitor is
added the first week of initiating the bloom
phase in order to trigger a faster flowering
response. Bud Ignitor will also decrease
internodal distances, giving growers more
fruits and flowers instead of stems at
harvest time.

1L each of Bud Ignitor,

Bud Factor X, and Rhino Skin
The Bigger Yields Flowering System bundles
of Hobbyist, Expert Grower, Professional
Grower, and Grand Master Grower enhance
and build upon each other exponentially
increasing your growing success as you level
up and add to your starting system. Grand
Master Grower Bundle shown here.

Rhino Skin protects plants from excessive

water loss in hot and dry environments and
promotes a stronger resistance to foliar
diseases and insects such as spider mites.
The ingredients in the formulation are
quickly absorbed and create an effective
barrier between the plant and potential
damage from environmental conditions and
insects. Food-grade silicate, an ingredient in
the formulation, is translocated by the plant
into the spaces between plant cells and into
the cell wall, creating hardier and tougher
plant cells. Rhino Skin is used throughout
the flowering phase and allows other key
ingredients in the formula to increase flower
and fruit densities, creating bigger yields.
Bud Factor X creates superior quality
yields by triggering the plant to create
more resins and terpenoids. Bioactive
components and cofactors stimulate this
natural process. Higher quality harvests
are created by enticing the plants' inherent
response to produce and secrete essential
oils. Plants also become less likely to fall
victim to insect attacks and flower diseases,
but are able to maintain the photosynthetic
process at increased rates under intensive
growing conditions.

Bud Ignitor, Bud Factor X and Rhino

Skin have been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. They have
been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT,
flood and drain and continuous liquid feed
growing systems.

Add any of the AN

Base Nutrients

Guaranteed !!!

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Fast Flowers
How To Get Flowering In 5 Days Instead of 10


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
By feeding your plants certain nutrients
and co-factors, you can shift their focus
from growing stems to growing flowers,
influencing them to grow more flowers in
less time than they would without those
nutrients and co-factors. Do it right, and
you can see signs of flowering in about five
days instead of ten. Youll also see bigger,
healthier, more profitable flowers because
the more quickly they reach peak bloom
phase, the bigger theyll be come harvest
The problem
Finding the right nutrients and co-factors,
and blending them in the correct ratios
isnt always easy.
Our solution
Bud Ignitor is created specifically to give
you more flowers in less time. Bud Ignitor
will create more flowering sites and ignite
faster flowering response in your highvalue plants, resulting in bigger yields. It
will even reduce cropping times in general
so that you can grow an extra half- to one
full crop per year.

The details
When plants transition from vegetative
growth to flowering, they undergo
tremendous change.
By using special extracts from kelp, the
nutrient ratios and proprietary co-factors
in Bud Ignitor will amplify your plants
natural flowering response so that youll
see blooming faster.
What you can expect
from Bud Ignitor
Heightened essential oil production
Bigger, easier yields - just pour in 2 mL
per Liter when you transition between
photoperiods to trigger the bloom
Optimal levels of pure phosphate and
potassium to give you bigger flowers,
An extra to 1 crop per year.
More time in peak bloom phase
rather than wasted energy and time
developing more stem and leaf growth.
As you can see, Bud Ignitor is one
of our simpler, more focused products.
But make no mistake, what it lacks in
complexity, it more than makes up for in
performance. You are guaranteed more
profitable flowers, and in greater number.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Bud Ignitor looks pretty strong. Is it going to
raise my ppm?
ANSWER: Bud Ignitor is concentrated and powerful. If you are
using it as a standalone formula without also using our Bigger
Yields Flowering System, you should monitor ppm. Youll
probably see it go up about 200 ppm. But when you use
Bud Ignitor in our System, pH and ppm are already balanced
for you so that you dont have to think about it at all.
QUESTION: Looks like Bud Ignitor is going to give me a big
boost. Why do I need to use any other bloom boosters?

ANSWER: Your plants have a bloom season, but during that

season, they need different types of ingredients to produce
larger, more potent buds. Bud Ignitor starts your season by
rapidly creating numerous budding sites and earlier flowers.
Later on, your plants need different formulas as they move
into peak bloom and then to harvest.
QUESTION: Should I use Bud Ignitor as a foliar feed?
ANSWER: No. The ingredients are designed to be fed into roots,
where they will be absorbed, converted, and transported up into
your plants to increase your floral development and quality.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


BUD IGNITOR - Bloom Phase Initiator


Early development & number of budding sites

ud Ignitor is created
specifically to give you more
flowers in less time.
Bud Ignitor

Bud Ignitor

Bud Ignitor gives you significant percentage increases in how soon your
flowers start forming, and in how many flowers your plants form. This
adds up to larger, earlier harvests.

By using special extracts from kelp, the nutrient ratios and proprietary
co-factors in Bud Ignitor will amplify your plants natural flowering
response so youll see blooming faster.

Fast Facts
Early-Phase Bud Bulker.


Grand Master Grower Level.

Bud Ignitor has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Bud Ignitor
has been developed for use with any and
all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
NFT, flood and drain, drip emitters, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.

BENEFITS and Features:

Bigger yields
More budding sites
Earlier floral development
Savings of time and money
Larger flowers
More essential oils
More crop cycles per year.

Use in the first two weeks of bloom phase.


Use 2 mL per Liter during the first 2
weeks of your flowering phase.






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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Maximum Mass
How swelling root mass increases yield potential


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
By now, Im sure youre aware that your
roots are what provide your plants with
just about everything they need to grow.
The greater your plants root mass is, the
stronger, healthier, and BIGGER you
plants will be. By using beneficial fungi to
increase your plants root mass, youll be
taking advantage of an incredible method
of maximizing your gardens production.
Beneficial fungi are valuable tools, but
its important to note that it really does
matter what type of fungi you use and
where those fungi come from.
Heres the problem
In order to reap the benefits of beneficial
fungi, you need to add the right types of
the two major varieties of beneficial fungi:
Endomycorrhiza and Ectomycorrhiza.
Endomycorrhiza and Ectomycorrhiza
are the biggest names in beneficial fungi
and both have been proven to increase
mass and root function in the types of
plants we grow. When used together, and
correctly, they can have a potent effect on
the size and efficiency of your precious
plants root systems.
In addition, its important to realize
how critical the source of your supplement
When a hydroponics company makes
the choice to save time, effort, and money
by hiring a third-party company to bulk

produce or bulk combine microbes

without testing them for specific plant
appropriateness or microbial compatibility,
its usually the individual grower like you
who suffers.
Thats really just a fancy way of saying,
that if you want a fungi supplement to
actually work for your plants, youll have
to find one that is designed especially for
the plants you grow.

Our solution
Piranha, the beneficial fungi supplement
from Advanced Nutrients, is a blend of
twelve species of endomycorrhizal and
ectomycorrhizal fungi. And Piranha is
never outsourced.
In fact, Advanced Nutrients is the only
hydroponics nutrient company in the
world manufacturing all our microbial
products ourselves, with a full-time Ph.D.
microbiologist personally supervising
all aspects of production. Thats how we
ensure the finished product is best suited
to the special plants we care for.
These carefully selected and isolated
species of fungi occur naturally in healthy
soils and root systems, and are cleanly
sourced. The fungi colonize and grow in
the root system and growing medium to
provide an enormous number of benefits
to the crop.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Is Piranha going to get me bigger buds in soil
and in an organic program, or is it just for hydroponics?
ANSWER: Piranha enhances growth and yield in any type of
gardening situation, including soil and organics. It is a 100%
organic formula.
QUESTION: My friend told me that Piranha can be used with
some other of your formulas to get even more impact. Is
this true?

ANSWER: Its true. Using Piranha with our two other

beneficial microbes products (Voodoo Juice and Tarantula)
will create a fertile, naturally enhanced root zone for strong
plants and maximum harvests.
QUESTION: Does Piranha leave a bad residue?
ANSWER: Piranha foliar spray leaves no toxic residue. We always
recommend that you lightly mist your flowers about a week before
harvest, and then dont apply any more foliars after that.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


PIRANHA - Root Zone Enhancer / Plant Nutrition Support

What it does for you
Piranha introduces beneficial fungal
microorganisms into growing mediums
and plants to promote healthier crops,
bigger root systems, and increased nutrient
uptake for bigger yields.
Also, Piranha helps to protect crops
from common stresses that occur when
growing indoors.

y using
beneficial fungi
that increase
your plants root
mass, you'll be taking
advantage of an
incredible method
of maximizing your
garden's production.

The details
Trichoderma fungi are microscopic
living organisms that thrive in the root
environment. They are highly aggressive
towards bacteria and fungi that are
unfriendly to plants, thereby helping to
prevent and control many root diseases
and disorders.
Mycorrhizae are a type of fungi that
live on and inside plant roots.
Each of our microbial strains is
individually bred in a purpose-built
10,000-liter breeding reactor. Our
microbes are later taken to an evaporation
tower and gently dried. Then the Piranha
super strains are carefully recombined.
How it works
The microbial strains form a symbiotic
or beneficial relationship with the plant.
The plants roots secrete and exude
wastes that act as a food source to the
mycorrhizal fungi, nourishing them and
allowing for them to multiply. In return,
the mycorrhizae act as an extension of

Microbial strains form a symbiotic or beneficial relationship with the plant. The plants waste feeds
the microbes and the microbes enhance the plants root system, maximizing plant growth rate.


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"






Piranha increases root mass so you get

stronger plants that produce more valuable

the plants own root system, delivering the

plant more water and nutrients so that the
plant will secrete more waste to them as it
grows at an increased rate.
When active colonies of trichoderma
fungi from Piranha are present, potential
pathogens may not multiply to reach
infection levels due to the control achieved
by the various trichoderma fungi. Larger
root systems are able to absorb and store
more water and nutrients, helping to
protect plants from over-feeding.
Plants treated with Piranha will have
much larger and healthier root systems,
giving crops the ability to channel more
water and nutrients into heavy blooms and
fruits while reducing the stress on the plant.
All that adds up to one thing: bigger yields.

How to use
For bigger yields in hydroponics,
aeroponics, soil, or soilless gardens,
Piranha is best applied as soon as cuttings
or seedlings begin to establish roots.
Piranha can also be used as a
pretreatment in new growing mediums or
to recondition organic growing mediums
for reuse.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

Helping roots gain surface mass.
Maximizing production of floral
essential oils, increasing and adding
depth to both flavor and aroma.
Increasing the overall health and
wellbeing of your entire crop by giving
your plants the ability to gather vital
nutrients during times of high stress.

Each of Piranhas microbial strains is individually bred in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding
reactor. Our microbes are later taken to an evaporation tower and gently dried. Then the Piranha
super strains are carefully recombined.

Final Thoughts
The bottom line is this: Piranha is the
best beneficial fungi supplement on the
market, designed specifically for the types
of plants you grow, and it has a ton of great

benefits to offer, such as:

Maximizing root absorption of oxygen,
nutrients, and water.
Maximizing root growth for optimum

Root Mass Expander.


Expert Grower Level, Professional Grower
Level and Grand Master Grower Level.

Piranha has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir and other growing media. Piranha has
been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics and continuous liquid feed
growing systems (aeroponic, drip irrigation
and emitters, NFT, flood & drain).
Cloning, early seedlings, transplanting,
early grow phase, early bloom phase.
Liquid: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks
1 and 2 of your flowering phase.
Powder: Use 1g per Liter during weeks 1
to 2 of bloom phase.

Piranha is guaranteed to improve yields,

root systems, and crop health because the
correct combinations and ratios of these
highly specialized microorganisms have
been carefully researched to create the best
possible formulation.
If you want to take advantage of the
growth maximizing effects of symbiotic
beneficial fungi, then Piranha is the logical

Fast Facts

BENEFITS and Features:

Maximizes root absorption of oxygen,
nutrients and water
Maximizes root growth for optimum
Helps your roots gain surface mass
Maximizes production of floral essential
Maximizes aromatics
Ensures higher survival rate for clones
and seedlings
Powder is OMRI Certfied Organic.



4 L 10 L

23 LPowder:

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"



Your Roots
How to Properly Inoculate Your Root
Zone with Beneficial Bacteria


Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
Your root zone is a battleground of helpful
and harmful bacteria. So, for best yields, the
goal is simple: maximize helpful bacteria and
eliminate harmful bacteria.
The problem
There are tens of thousands of beneficial
bacteria to choose from. To inoculate your
root zone so that you can grow competitive,
high-value buds, you need the strongest,
most effective types of bacteria and in the
right amounts.
Our solution
Tarantula is a powdered microbial inoculate,
that contains billions of dormant beneficial
microbes that will colonize the plant when
applied to the root zone or foliage.
What does it do exactly?
A few things. First, it improves growth rates,
which translates into bigger yields.
Second, it protects your roots from
Last, Tarantula protects your plants from
environmental stresses like heat, which is an
ever-present obstacle under intense indoor
lighting. The commonly used black plastic
pots, for example, can get very hot under

high-intensity lighting. When your plants

are small, without much foliage or canopy
to provide protection, your plants are highly
exposed. Tarantula solves this problem.
The commonly used black plastic pots,
for example, can get very hot under highintensity lighting. And when the plants
are small, without much foliage or canopy,
the plants are fully exposed with minimal
protection. Tarantula solves this problem.

The details
Bacteria in Tarantula help break down
organic matter in the root zone for
increased nutrient availability.
Decomposing organic matter is the
preferred breeding ground for harmful
bacteria. By having friendly bacteria
eat this decomposing material and turn
it into food for your plants, youre not
only removing pathogenic threats,
youre feeding your plants extra highquality food that otherwise wouldnt be
When using Tarantula, you can expect
an observable, day-and-night difference
in your plants within a couple of weeks
of first use. Expect to see tighter internodal spacing, and therefore better,
bushier branching.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: I see that you also have two other formulas that go
into the root zone. Will I get more benefits if I use all three, or
can I just use Tarantula?
ANSWER: Its true that we offer Voodoo Juice beneficial microbes and
Piranha beneficial fungi, both of which have unique root and yield
enhancing benefits. We offer those formulas and Tarantula because
the combined array of beneficial elements when using the three
together gives you the most dynamic, supernaturally performing
root zone that revs up your roots, plant growth, and yield size. You
can definitely use any of our beneficial products by themselves and
get increased growth and yield, but used together, they get you the
healthiest and most productive plants possible.
QUESTION: My buddy used your Voodoo, Tarantula and Piranha
and said his roots got humongous. Can that be a problem?

ANSWER: Your plants roots will get as big as they can get given the
space theyre growing in. This will give you more root support for
bigger yields. Weve never seen a case where the roots got so big that
it caused problems for growers.
QUESTION: I grow all organic in soil. Why do I still need to use
beneficial microbes?
ANSWER: If you could import the richest, healthiest, most
undisturbed and fertile outdoor soil into your garden, youd have a
rich broth of beneficial microbes. But that kind of soil will also have
pathogens and insects in it, and it is usually not the right porosity
or pH for your types of plants or gardening. Truth be told, most soil
you buy is either biologically dead, or its diseased. By adding the
right types of beneficial microbes to your soil, you ensure that only
beneficial elements gain dominance there.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


TARANTULA - Bacterial Microbial Root Colonizer

The driving force behind the power
of Tarantula is biodiversity, which is
especially useful for inert growing
mediums like rockwool.
Of the tens of thousands of species and
subspecies of bacteria, our researchers
have managed to confirm which ones
actually go to work for the specific highvalue crops you grow.

How it works
The key word here is biodiversity. Specifically,
there are 11 species of bacteria, each chosen
by our in-house scientists, that provide 1.4
billion colony-forming units per gram. This
makes for a very potent bacteria inoculate.
Each of these 11 species falls into one of
three major categories of bacteria type.
Bacteria Type #1: Bacillus
This is the strongest of the three and is
extremely hostile toward anaerobic bacteria
(the bad guys).
How strong is it? Its used as a litmus test
for autoclaves in the lab. If the high-pressure
saturated steam from an autoclave isnt fully
functional, bacillus species will survive the
onslaught. That makes them a very strong
ally to have in your root zone.








Tarantula works for your plants in every type

of hydroponics and soil system, guaranteeing
you increased harvest rewards.


Also, some bacillus species included in

Tarantula secrete enzymes that improve
nutrient uptake. These enzymes break down
organic matter, helping to improve nutrient
availability and remove decomposing
material, which is the ideal breeding ground
for pathogenic bacteria.
Once bacillus has set up shop, which it
does quickly, it also paves the way for other
desirable bacteria in Tarantula.
Bacteria Type #2: Arthrobacter
Arthobacter are nitrogen fixing and growth
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), that
colonize plant roots and release indole acetic
acid, (the most well known auxin, a plant
growth hormone) into plant sap directly.
They show antifungal activity and increase
siderophores (which chelate and absorb iron).
Bacteria Type #3: Paenibacillus
Paenibacillus are also efficient nitrogen fixing
PGPR, which are able to take atmospheric
nitrogen and convert it to ammonia which
the plants can directly use. They also do a
lot of work improving nutrient availability
most importantly phosphorous, which works
along with potassium in the bloom phase to
bring you great yields.
Paenibacillus release cytokinin, a plant
growth hormone that promotes cell division
and help regulate leaf formation, mitotic
division, differentiation and branching.

When can you apply

We dont recommend applying Tarantula
until your plants have started rooting.
As soon as plants have developed a small
set of roots, usually about a week after
root initiation, you can begin applying
Tarantula. This is because the bacteria will
only really stick to the roots when plants
are present. Applying Tarantula too early
severely diminishes its effectiveness.
Once your colonies of bacteria have set
up and created these web-like structures,
theyre starting to stand on their own.
Tarantula can be used with nutrients,
or just plain water as a root drench.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Optimized biodiversity in the rhizosphere

means bigger, healthier, more profitable yields
for the grower.

Tarantula can also be used as a foliar

spray, but will require much more product.
If you do want to use Tarantula as a foliar
spray, we highly recommend using Wet
Betty surfactant as well, as it will increase
Tarantulas effectiveness noticeably.

arantula is
a powdered
inoculate containing
billions of dormant
beneficial microbes
that will colonize your
plants when applied to
the root zone or foliage.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

As a foliar spray, the concentration is 2
grams per liter, while as a root drench the
concentration is 0.3 grams per liter. That
means you wont have to use much more
than a liter for a crop covered by a 1000watt light.

Final thoughts
Advanced Nutrients was one of the first
companies in the marketplace to introduce
this sort of inoculate.
And while other hydroponics
companies have followed suit, none to
date have matched Tarantula's diversity,
concentrations and ratios of beneficial
Tarantula has a very stable shelf life.
Because it's in a powder formulation, it can
stand a couple years on the shelf, and won't
smell like liquid bottles would.
Tarantula has been proven for years to
give you a night and day difference you can
observe within a week or two of the first

How often
should you apply
At first, you should apply it frequently,
whether its just with water, or with
water and nutrients. For several weeks
you should keep up a steady pace until
colonization is established. See bottle for
Are there products
that help tarantula
work better?
Yes. Piranha, Voodoo Juice, and Bud
Factor X are the best allies to Tarantula.

Our plant scientists have spent years studying tissue

samples, in scrutinizing detail, to understand the
special types of plants you grow, and exactly what
helps them reach their full potential.

So there you have it. You now know

what Tarantula does, how, and why it's
important. Remember though, you'll also
need a good fungi inoculate for optimal
performance. See the Piranha page for
more info.

Fast Facts
Root Mass Expander.
Tarantula has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Tarantula
has been developed for use with any and
all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
NFT, flood and drain, drip emitters, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.
Early growing phase, seedlings, cloning, first
phase of bloom cycle.
Liquid: Use 2 mL per liter (1 g in powder form)
during weeks 1 and 2 of your bloom phase.
Powder: Use 1g per Liter during weeks 1 to 2 of

bloom phase.


Professional Grower Level and Grand Master
Grower Level.
Benefits and Features:
Natural, more fertile root zone
Bigger yields
Plant protection and faster growth
Resistance to disease and stress
Increased nutrient uptake
Increased light intake and photosynthesis
Powder is OMRI Certified Organic.





4 L 10 L

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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Turn Big Buds Into

Big Yields

What Does an Effective Bloom Booster Look Like

(and Is Yours Even Working)?

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

If you use bloom boosters, you are most
likely hoping to see significant gains in
your harvest for the money you spend.
The sad thing is that most bloom
boosters dont measure up to the high
standards of professionals like you. In
fact, until recently, poorly absorbed forms
of phosphorus and potassium (P and K)
were the main ingredients in most bloom
Worse still, almost all bloom
boosters have incorrect ratios or types of
phosphorus and potassium. Most provide
double the amount of phosphorus to
potassium, which is useless because your
plants need much more potassium than
phosphorus during bloom phase.
Also, when too much phosphorus
is dumped into your plants, it creates a
potential for phosphorus toxicity working
against flower production and overall
plant health. It may even make your crops
taste harsh, hurting your throat and lungs.

What Are The Benefits?

Studies show floral production revs up
most when your plants get the full range
and correct forms of substances called
amino acids (which are the building
blocks of proteins, terpenoids, phenols,
and alkaloids).

That means you want to give 20

L-form amino acids to your plants,
with especially important doses of
L-tryptophan, L-Cysteine, L-Glutamate,
and L-Glycine.
This is because your plants utilize
L-tryptophan to create an important floral
growth hormone called indole acetic acid
(IAA). Boosting synthesis of IAA creates
larger flowers with more potency.
L-Cysteine provides sulphur, and along
with L-Glycine, is a prime element in
formation of an internal plant protective
compound called glutathione. Plants
respond to bloom phase stress by making
glutathione, which has a number of
functions, including helping plants deal
with heat stress, other environmental
stressors, and free radicals.
Tissue samples show that, because
many hydroponics nutrients provide
no amino acids, and because indoor
gardening is inherently stressful to plants,
many plants have glutathione deficiency,
slowing metabolic functions. All this
results in lower yields.

Our Solution
The bottom line is this: Ascorbic acid,
all 20 L-form amino acids, potassium
and phosphorus are found in the correct

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Can I use Big Bud as my only bloom booster, or
should I use it with other bloom boosters you recommend?
ANSWER: Big Bud can be used as a stand-alone bloom booster,
and you will see bigger buds as a result. Additionally, our
research shows that using our bloom booster series (Bug Ignitor,
Big Bud, Bud Candy, and Overdrive) will result in even larger
and more valuable products.
QUESTION: Will I have problems with over-fertilization when
I use Big Bud with your potent base nutrients?
ANSWER: Our scientists have designed customized programs for
each of our base nutrients, so you can use Big Bud as directed
by the base feed chart and get bigger buds with no worries
about nutrient burn. When you use Big Bud as part of the

Bigger Yields Flowering System, the System is configured to

balance pH and PPM to optimum levels so you dont have to
be concerned about them.
QUESTION: Why does Big Bud come in a liquid
ANSWER: The liquid formulation provides more absorption
and is easier for growers to use.
QUESTION: What can I count on regarding the crop size
increase that Big Bud gives me?
ANSWER: Depending on your strain, growing conditions, and
what level you are on in our Bigger Yields Flowering System,
you varying rates of significant increase in harvest weight
from Big Bud.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


BIG BUD - Bloom Booster







ratios in Big Bud, an easy-to-use,

bud-potentiating liquid created by our
Heres what youre guaranteed to see
when you use Big Bud:
More flowers
More potent flowers
Larger, heavier, denser flowers
Liquid formula for easier mixing and
Flowers with more essential oils,
aromatics, terpenoids, phenols, and
other potency factors
Measurable, significant increases in
overall harvest weight and market value.


hen you look at the facts and see the results,

you have to agree that Big Bud offers you a
convenient, reliable way to deliver a unique
suite of bud-potentiating ingredients into your
flowering plants.



Fast Facts
Mid- or All-Phase Bud Bulkers.
Big Bud has been specially designed for use
with all hydroponics, sphagnum, and other
growing media. It has been developed for use
with any and all hydroponics and continuous
liquid feed growing systems (aeroponic, drip
irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood & drain).
Peak bloom phase.
Liquid: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 2
through 4 of your bloom phase.
Powder: Add 10 grams per 20 liters in your
reservoir for weeks 2 to 5 of bloom phase.


Big Bud
than any competing bloom booster!

Get yourself the worlds most popular and

legendary bud builder that puts the BIG in
your buds!


Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,
Professional Grower Level and Grand
Masters Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Larger, denser flowers
More essential oils
More aroma and taste
More attractive flowers
Higher market price for flowers
Larger harvests
More production per watt during lasts
weeks of bloom phase.





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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

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Get Some

How To Make Your Buds
Especially Tasty And Profitable

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
If you're growing a high-value crop, then
you need to stand out in your market. One
of the best ways to do this is to develop a
connoisseur-level taste in your product.
One reliable way to develop connoisseurlevel taste is to use a combination of simple
and complex carbohydrates and natural
ingredients that will help your plants grow
sweet and tasty.
What these
ingredients do
The simple and complex carbohydrates
will keep your plants focused on growing.
When your plants have to spend energy
on creating these carbohydrates for
themselves, they lose potential size
and potency. With the right blend of
carbohydrates supplemented, however,
your plants can spend 100% of their time
focused on growing tasty and profitable
for you.
proprietary extracts can help your plants
absorb nutrients better, maintain stress-free
growing and give them a sweeter taste and
aroma. Youll be able to compete against any
grower, indoor or outdoor, and still turn a
healhy profit.

Our Solution
Bud Candy by Advanced Nutrients is a
very simple way to get all of the benefits
mentioned above. In fact, Advanced
Nutrients scientists have observed you can
count on the following benefits from Bud
Improved taste
Better aroma
Faster growth
Larger yields
Increased potency
The Details
Bud Candy is part of the Bigger Yields
Flowering System, a combination of
Advanced Nutrients products designed to
deliver you the best harvest possible.
Bud Candy supplements the natural
carbohydrate and sugar reserves which
gives the plant more energy for creating
heavier yields. And, helps to unlock, within
the plant's genetic potential, the natural and
delicious flavors and aromas in flowers and

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Is Bud Candy an all-organic formula, and will it
work well if I am using synthetic nutrients?
ANSWER: Yes, Bud Candy is 100% organic so it fits perfectly
with an organic program. It also powers your flowers when you
are using synthetic nutrients.
QUESTION: Should I keep using Big Bud and CarboLoad to
get bigger flowers while using Bud Candy?

ANSWER: Our bloom system combines Big Bud and Bud

Candy during a specific period of time in bloom phase because
the two formulas complement each other for increased floral
size and quality. Bud Candy contains the powerful sugars
that CarboLoad contains, so you save money by not having to
use CarboLoad. Youll see maxed floral growth using our two
formulas together.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


BUD CANDY - Bloom Booster, Taste/Aroma Enhancer, Plant Protector








How is this
By getting the most out of every chemical
reaction your plant goes through.
Your plants will naturally create their
own carbohydrates for energy through
photosynthesis. However, when your plant
is stressed, these natural resources can be
taxed. When that happens, your harvest
suffers, because energy that could be used
for growing is being used for handling
stress, and growing stalls.
Carbohydrates are metabolized in almost
every chemical process within a plant.
When your plants have an abundance of
carbohydrates, all of the chemical processes,
from photosynthesis to DNA synthesis, run
much more efficiently, giving your plant
metabolic leverage to grow.
As any grower knows, there are all kinds
of plant stress; from pests to pathogens,
elements... and every grow cycle will be a an
exercise is fending these off.
So, ensuring your plants have a
storehouse of high-quality carbohydrates,



Blind taste tests conducted by experienced

growers and connoisseurs showed that Bud
Candy buds have better flavor, aroma,
potency & market value.


ready to handle any and all challenges, will

go a long way toward ensuring a bumper

Not All Carbohydrates

Are Created Equally
There are different classes of carbohydrates,
and different types of carbohydrates
within those classes. The classes are as
follows: monosaccharide, disaccharide
and polysaccharides. Saccharide, from
the Greek (skkharon), means
And so mono, di, and poly are prefixes
for one, two and many respectively.
Within these classes, carbohydrates are
further distinguished by other chemical
properties, and a slight difference in the
chemical make up of a carbohydrate can
make a significant difference to the plant's
ability to utilize it.
What Makes Bud Candy
Special Specifically?
Like all Advanced Nutrients products,
what makes Bud Candy stand out is the
research and development. For example,
beneficial bacteria will absorb much of

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

the extra carbohydrates you introduce

into the root zone. Which strains of those
bacteria are present will make a difference
in how your roots use the carbohydrates
introduced by a supplement.
There are also plant specific preferences
for particular carbohydrates. Tomatoes and
sugar beets tend to absorb sucrose much
more readily than glucose. Melons are just
the opposite, preferring glucose to sucrose.
Of the 15 ingredients in Bud Candy,
seven are scientifically tested and chosen
carbohydrates with a dramatic and specific
effect on the root zone of the types of plants
you grow.

The Best Way To Apply

A Carbohydrate
The best way to apply a carbohydrate
supplement is directly to the roots. That's
where most of the action is happening.
Carbohydrate supplements like Bud
Candy can be used effectively as foliar sprays
as well, but with caution. Because sugars in
Bud Candy run the risk of gumming up
your plants' stomata (tiny pores your plants
breathe through), thus choking them.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

If you're going to use Bud Candy as a
foliar spray, use lightly. For details, ask your
local hydroponic store for a demonstration.

What Makes Bud Candy

Research And Development. All
ingredients in Bud Candy are field tested
by our plant scientists. The criteria for
evaluation of these ingredients are all
highly focused toward higher quality
Ratios. It's not just about what's in Bud
Candy, but how much, and how all of
these ingredients work together. Bud
Candy works like a highly trained team
to accomplish its mission successfully.
Calibrated for hydroponics. Growing
hydroponically is not the same as
growing in soil, and using sugars as a
supplement has inherent risks. The most
common is clogging your reservoir or
stomata. Careful measures have been
taken to ensure the efficiency of Bud
Candy, and none of these problems
should surface when the correct doses
are applied.
Bud Enhancer.
Bud Candy has been specially designed
for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum,
coco coir, and soil growing mediums.
Bud Candy has been developed for use
with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic,
drip irrigation, NFT, flood and drain,
drip emitters, and continuous liquid feed
growing systems.
During bloom phase.
Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through
6 of your flowering phase.

Compatibility. Bud Candy is a force

multiplier for other supplements like
beneficial bacteria and humic and fulvic
acids. It works very well with both types
of products for even more dramatic
results come harvest time.
Optimal pH. As part of the Bigger
Yields Flowering System, Bud Candy
works with all pH perfect products to
balance your pH automatically.

Tips for using bud candy

Not recommended as a foliar spray for
those without experience or a good
teacher (sugars can gum up underside
of leaves, so that it can't breathe or
transpire correctly).
You can start to apply Bud Candy in
about the second week of flowering, all the
way through flushing. The more time this
product is used for, the more effective it is.

There's no other product like Bud

Candy because there are so many specific,
high-quality ingredients chosen for their
performance in plant-specific tests.
But similar products are: Botanicare's
Citrus, Original and Sweet formulations. 8
m/gallon in Bud Candy vs 10-15 m/gallon
for Botanicare's formulas. Bud candy is far
more concentrated.
Technaflora also makes something
similar called Sugar Daddy, but again, is
nowhere near as concentrated or complete
as Bud Candy.

It's recommended for use in the bigger

yields flowering system, but can be used in
any program effectively.
Bud Candy has been tested, time and
time again.

What makes Bud Candy

perform so well?
The magic is in the ingredients. Not just
alone, but in combination. Any one of these
ingredients has a dramatic effect on plants,
but in concert, are synergistic.

Fast Facts
Expert Grower Level, Professional
Grower Level, and Grand Master
Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Larger flowers
Better taste
More aroma
More resins
Stronger roots
Faster floral maturation
Nutrient healthy plants
Increased nutrient distribution and




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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"



Your Plants' Potential

Why You're Making A Serious
Mistake If You Don't Add Enzymes

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
Dead organic material in your root zone
is a threat to your plants because it is the
ideal breeding ground for disease-causing
Leading plant scientists have found
that the most fertile, healthy soils in nature
have high levels of beneficial enzymes to
break down dead organic material before
it becomes a breeding ground for plant
And when you have a healthy amount
of the right enzymes, your plants will not
only be disease-free, but will have greatly
improved nutrient solubility.
Of course, thats just a fancy way of saying that your plants will be able to eat more
and eat faster, which will produce heavier
flowers; more vivid colors; more potent,
connoisseur-level tastes and aromas; and
better essential oil content.
The problem
Isolating, extracting, testing, and
combining natures most potent enzymes
is no small feat. But there is another
Keeping these enzymes alive and active
on the shelf is difficult, and there have been
many reports of whole bottles of product
being completely useless because the
enzymes were inactive due to the short shelf
life of the product.

Our solution
Sensizym the sensible enzyme solution.
Sensizym is a liquid concentrate of digestive enzymes applied with water or nutrients to crops.
Here's what Sensizym does
Sensizym, basically, turns organic
garbage into usable food to clean up the
root zone.
Once this is achieved, you can expect the
following benefits:
A greater degree of health and bioactivity in the root zone
Increased nutrient availability in
hydroponic and all types of growing
mediums including soil, rockwool, coco
coir, etc.
Improved prevention of plant diseases
like root rot and soil-borne disorders
Reduced amount of nutrient residues in
growing medium and on roots, so your
roots dont get gummed up
A higher degree of bio-activity and
nutrient cycling from beneficial
microorganisms in root zone and
growing medium (especially if youre
pouring a beneficial microbial product
like Voodoo Juice, Piranha, or Tarantula)
Increased effectiveness of nutrient
solutions by making them more easily
absorbed by your plants
Ability to recondition growing mediums
like rockwool, so you dont have to
replace them between grow cycles.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: I definitely want to reuse my rockwool. Howdo I do it?
ANSWER: Use Sensizym throughout bloom phase. Make sure you do a
Final Phase flush before harvest. After harvest, flush your rock wool
thoroughly, and go through it to ensure that no large pieces of root or
other material are still present. Keep the medium pH balanced and
apply Sensizym for a few more days. Then let the medium dry to the
regular wetness thats optimum for your plants, and reuse the material.

QUESTION: I went to the hydro store to get Sensizym. The

salesman said that it had been on his shelf about 3 months. He
said that he would not recommend other enzyme products if
they had been in the store more than a couple weeks. How long
is yours going to last on the shelf?
ANSWER: We have the strongest guarantee and the longest shelf life
in the industry. Under normal storage conditions with a reasonably
temperature-controlled store, Sensizyms shelf life is 18 months.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


SENSIZYM - Root Zone Rejuvenator

ensizym is far more complete than any

other enzymatic product on the market,
hands down. There are 88 enzymes included
in Sensizym, all chosen to perform a specific
task, and all chosen because they were proven
very effective at what they do.

When all was said and done, there were

88 enzymes combined in very specific
ratios to create Sensizym, the most sensible
enzyme concentrate you can use.

The details
Listed below are four of the major enzyme
classes included in Sensizym. This is not a
complete or exhaustive list, not by a long
shot. Its just meant to give you an idea of






you longer
life, more
and more concentrated
enzyme power
other hydroponics enzyme

Sensizym will work with any nutrient program and maximize its effectiveness,
regardless of brand names.



how different enzymes work to accomplish

specific tasks, and how the product is put
Xylanase a class of enzymes that help
to break down hemicellulose, which is an
important component of plant cell walls.
Xylanase is very effective at turning dead
root material into high-quality food for
your plants .
Beta-gluconase an important enzyme




How does it work?

Sensizym contains the widest spectrum of
enzymes of any product on the market.
There are 88 types of enzymes in
Sensizym, and each plays an important role
in keeping your root zone running like a
well-oiled machine. Each specific enzyme
was carefully chosen for its function and
effectiveness observed in nature.
It all started with our plant scientists observing the healthiest and most fertile soils
that occurred naturally, all over the globe.
After these different soils were analyzed,
our scientists noticed that the healthiest
soils had a higher content of certain kinds of
enzymes that were helping to keep the root
zone running smoothly.
The next step was isolating and
evaluating these enzymes. Our team worked
very hard to extract the proven enzymes and
test them in combination in plant-specific
tissue sample tests.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

that breaks down carbohydrates, specifically
sugars, that can be a great source of nutrition
for your plants but also can become too
thickly viscous, gumming things up. With
enough beta-gluconase, even when you
have high levels of carbohydrates, you can
count on smooth, easy nutrient absorption
and nutrient cycling.
Cellulase these enzymes catalyze
(speed up) a process called cellulolysis,
which is the hydrolysis of cellulose, to
finally yield simple sugars, such as glucose.
Hemicellulase another group of
enzymes concerned with hemicellulose.
Breaking down cell walls of inactive
root material is extremely important in
preventing root rot and disease.

A third function of
When you use growing mediums like
rockwool, it can be ridiculously messy and
time consuming to replace your medium
between grow cycles.
However, you can use Sensizym after
your flush, along with water right before
Bud Enhancer.
Sensizym has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Sensizym
has been developed for use with any and
all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
NFT, flood and drain, drip emitters, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.
During all phases of growth, but especially
beginning in early bloom phase and
continuing to harvest.
2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 6 of
flowering phase.

harvest, to condition your growing medium

to be reused. By breaking down leftover
organic material, Sensizym will clean your
growing medium so you can use it again for
another cycle.

What makes Sensizym

different than
competing products?
Two things:
Sensizym is far more complete than any
other enzymatic product on the market,
hands down. There are 88 enzymes
included in Sensizym, all chosen to
perform a specific task, and all chosen
because they were proven very effective
at what they do.
Sensizym has longer and more stable
shelf life than any competitors. Youre
guaranteed effective enzymes or your
money back.
Competing products have been known
to have such a short shelf life that they are
completely inert upon sale. When you buy
Sensizym, youre protected by Advanced
Nutrients 100% money-back guarantee.

Why use Sensizym?

To ensure health in your root zone
To maximize the effectiveness of
any product you use (Sensizym is
outstanding at increasing the solubility
of whatever else youre using)
To get bigger yields with better colors,
taste, aroma and essential oils
To avoid the very messy, pain-in-theneck work of replacing your medium
between every cycle (when used with
beneficial microbials, Sensizym will
condition your growing medium to be
To maximize the effectiveness of any nutrient program, regardless of brand name
To ensure you get a product guaranteed
to be bio-active (not dead) on the shelf.
Whether youre dealing with root rot
or poor nutrient solubility, or youd like a
convenient way to recondition your growing
medium for another cycle, Sensizym does a
better job than any competitor.

Fast Facts


Professional Grower Level and Grand Master
Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Breaks down dead material in your root
zone, converting it into usable nutrients
for the plant and preventing outbreaks of
harmful pathogens that could use that dead
organic material as a nutrient source
More nutrition for vigorous growth and
maximum yield
Essential for a small niche of growers who
may be reusing their soil or coco coir for
more than one crop, as it breaks down the
previous harvests root mass, rejuvenating
and adding fertility to the growing medium.




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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Something For The Eco-Friendly Grower
Who Wants All Bases Covered

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
Growing with natural nutrients is good
for the environment. No doubt about it.
But theres a catch to be competitive as
a grower of high-value crops, there are
a lot of bases to cover, and most natural
nutrients just dont have what it takes.
Getting what it takes
Even if you have high-quality base nutes
and root zone inoculation, there is still
plenty of room to improve when it comes
to plant metabolism, coloration, diseases
and pests, internodal spacing, and
essential oils. To get your moneys worth,
your natural bloom bio-stimulant should
cover these bases.
Our Solution
Nirvana by Advanced Nutrients is hands
down the most complete natural bloom
bio-stimulant available. It handles all of the
challenges mentioned above, and then some.
The Details
What will Nirvana do for your plant?
It will improve your yields, whether
youre growing synthetically or naturally.
One of the ways it does this is to create
more flowering sites per foot of growth.
Maybe youd normally have six nodes per
foot. With Nirvana you could expect a
sharp increase of several nodes per foot.
Also, Nirvana allows crops to grow
healthier and more robust with fewer
incidences of pests and diseases.

Nirvana will improve the quality of

the crops you harvest, especially for
synthetic growers who dont use many
natural products normally.
Nirvana will supply your plants with a
lot of basic building blocks, like essential
oils, which are responsible for the taste
and aroma of your plants.
Nirvana will help any strain you grow to
unlock its total genetic potential.
Nirvana acts as a bio-catalyst, a
substance that enables a chemical
reaction to proceed at an unusually fast
rate, meaning your plant will be able to
do more work in less time, stress-free.
Nirvana encourages a wider, better
branched grow pattern. When youre
growing under artificial lighting, the
intensity of the light drops very quickly
with distance. For example, at one foot
from the bulb you could expect 100,000
lumens. At two feet away, youll only get
25,000 lumens.
Your plant will be able to accomplish
more in a 24-hour period because its
working at this increased metabolic rate.
Say your plant goes start to finish in 60
days; with Nirvana you may get plants
that act as if theyve been growing for
considerably longer.
Youll get better coloration no matter
which strain you grow, but Nirvana is
especially effective at helping bring out
more vivid purples.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Ive heard that Nirvana is good as a foliar. Can it be
left on blooms until harvest time?
ANSWER: Nirvana has two surfactants that make it penetrate leaves
to deliver flower-boosting compounds directly into floral clusters.
Nirvana is all- natural, so its safe to leave on your flowers. However,
we recommend that you mist and cleanse your floral clusters with
pure water just before harvest as a general way of creating the cleanest
end product.

QUESTION: Does Nirvana do anything to improve taste and

aroma when using it with synthetic fertilizers?
ANSWER: One of the main effects of Nirvana is to add, a natural
component to synthetic feed programs. Many growers report
improved taste and aroma when they use Nirvana.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


NIRVANA - All Natural Bloom Enhancer

Youll grow plants with more
pronounced tastes and aromas. Growers
who have been using synthetic nutrients
to grow the same strain for years will
notice subtle differences in the taste
and quality of the yield once they add
Nirvana. You also get more of a buildup
of polyphenolics and esters (good
things) that increase aromas and flavors.
Nirvana will work symbiotically with
beneficial bacteria in your root zone.
Some of the ingredients in Nirvana will
supply rapidly developing flowers and
fruits with rare compounds, so theyll
increase in size and quality.


Scientists worked hard to give you an all-natural bloom phase booster that increases the dollar value
of your harvests while adding quality and pleasure to your gardening experience.






How Is All this

Weve achieved these amazing developments thanks to a special blend of proprietary ingredients.


Nirvana gives you a wider range of crop-boosting benefits than Liquid
Karma, Pure Blend, and similar competing formulas, and its 100%


Included in this proprietary mixture are isolates from kelp that

increase cell division and tighter inter-nodal spacing.
Also included are complex natural phosphates, sourced from
fossilized bat guano. There arent a lot of other products that use bat
guano to source phosphates, but its important because bats have a
very specific diet (flying insects) that makes their guano much better
as a source of complex natural phosphates than the much more
commonly used sea bird guano.
Nirvana contains fulvic acid, that is a natural and very effective
chelator. As far as were aware, no one else is using high-grade
fulvates in a natural bloom bio-stimulant.
Nirvana includes a non-ionic wetting agent very similar to Wet
Betty. This helps the transfer of nutrients in the root zone.
Nirvana contains humic acid, a very pure and bio-active source.
This helps to buffer other nutrients in the growing medium, which is
important because you can feed your plants more without stressing
them out as long as you include humic acid in the root zone.
Nirvana contains chromium to help your plants with essential
oil production.
Trace elements of iron and zinc help your colors burst through
in vivid, bold relief.
Seaweed meal, as well as being the driving force behind the
product in the form of kelp extracts, also contains potassium, which
helps coloration in plants, particularly purple colors. This may be
attributed to amino acids.
B-vitamins, which reduce stress on plants, are abundant in
Nirvana. Bright lights, air movement, and strong feeding all spell
stress for your crop. With the right combination of B vitamins,

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

irvana contains
fulvic acid, a
natural and very
effective chelator. It
also contains chromium
to help your plants with
essential oil production.

your plants can handle all of the challenges

of indoor growing without compromising
your yields.
Finally, its not just the ingredients
themselves, but how theyre blended and in
which specific quantity.

When and How Can It Be

Nirvana can be added as a foliar spray or into
your feeding schedule. Aeroponic growers,
for example, will want to use Nirvana as a
foliar spray.
Bud Enhancer.
Nirvana has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Nirvana
has been developed for use with any and
all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
NFT, flood and drain, drip emitters, and
continuous liquid growing systems.
During bloom phase, cloning, for seedlings,
when plants are under stress.
Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 3 through
6 of your flowering phase.

Your flowers are safer, more potent, tastier, more aromatic, and more valuable when you use
Nirvana, the only true all-natural bud builder that provides vitamins, nutrients, L-aminos,
carbohydrates, and yield boosters.

After the plant has rooted, you can start

using Nirvana. If youre going to use it as
foliar spray, wait until your plants have got
If you want to keep things simple, one
quality base nute, one quality root-zone inoculate, and Nirvana will take you very, very far.

You might have to buy ten additives from

different manufacturers to get the results
that you can get in one pour with Nirvana.

Fast Facts


Professional Grower Level and Grand Masters
Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Boosts energy and metabolism so your plants
grow larger faster
Increases nutrient distribution and uptake
Strengthens plants against day-to-day stress
Gives more harvest value for your investment
Provides building materials for more and
larger blooms.




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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Level Up
Why Your Plants Need this Special Form of
Potassium Silicate to Reach Their Full Potential

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
The shortest distance between two points
is a straight line. Similarly, the more
time your plants can spend working
on photosynthetic processes, the better
theyll grow, whereas the more time your
plants have to spend detouring from
photosynthetic relevant processes (a.k.a.
the straight line to massive yields), the less
theyll grow.
The problem
There are all kinds of threats to your plants
health, threats that will try to derail your
plants straight line to profitable yields.
Spider mites, heat stress, powdery mildew,
microscopic pathogens every distraction
your plants have to deal with means time
wasted and profits lost. Therefore, every
advantage you give your plants is extremely
Our solution
One of the best ways to keep your plants
safe from wasting energy on defense and
repairs, besides good root zone inoculates
like Voodoo Juice, Piranha, or Tarantula, is
a silica supplement.

Ours is called Rhino Skin, which is

composed primarily of a special form of
potassium silicate that is like putting chain
mail armor around your plants cell walls.

The details
Rhino Skin is the only silica
supplement that is super effective in
actually delivering silica to your plants
in an easily usable form. Advanced
chelation and proprietary blends that
result from hard working scientists
are what set our products apart. Rhino
Skin is no different. Our scientists have
worked very hard to make this the
most effective silica supplement on the
Silica is the second most abundant
element in the Earths crust. In nature,
its one of a plants strongest natural
defenses against stress because its key
to strengthening a plants cell walls.
With strong cell walls, the stems of
your plants will grow thick and be able
to support heavier flowers.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Can I get the same protection from Rhino Skin if I
spray it as a foliar feed?
ANSWER: Potassium silicate armors leaves, stems,and internal plant
cells best when the silica isdrawn in through roots to become part
of your plants structure. Foliar feeding is not recommended.
QUESTION: Can Rhino Skin affect pH?
ANSWER: Yes. Rhino Skin is a powerful pH up formula that can
dramatically raise pH, even when used in very small amounts. To
ensure that Rhino Skin is properly dissolved and distributed in your
nutrient water, add it to your reservoir at least two hours before
feeding, allowing it to dissolve thoroughly. Agitate your water
before you administerit to plants.
QUESTION: When I use Rhino Skin, will my plants be
completely free of mites and other pests?
ANSWER: Rhino Skin is a safe, non-toxic way to armor your plants
so that they resist all types of attackers. However, it is not able
to completely stop all attackers from harming your crops. A lot

depends on how dedicated you are to controlling your grow

room environment and vectors so that mites and other pests
are less likely to appear in the first place.
QUESTION: Why is Rhino Skin recommended principally
for Grand Master Growers?
ANSWER: Rhino Skin is the most effective, concentrated silica
product on the market, but it affects pH and must be carefully
monitored and applied. Grand Master Growers are dedicated
to spending the time necessary to maximize crop size and
yields. They have the time and expertise to properly handle the
power of Rhino Skin. As you use the Bigger Yields Flowering
System and progress up the ladder of success while educating
yourself with our gardening information materials, you will
one day be a Grand Master too, allowing you to safely get the
benefits of Rhino Skin.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


RHINO SKIN - Plant Nutrient Support / Potency Enhancer

Rhino Skin is a very simple product. Its got one job to do: keep
your plants cell walls strong so that they can focus on growing
instead of fighting stress or invaders. And its guaranteed to do
it better than any other silica supplement on the market. With
strong cell walls, your plants will practically laugh in the face
of pests, heat stress, and powdery mildew, especially if you use
Rhino Skin along with our root zone inoculates like Tarantula,
Piranha, and Voodoo Juice.

Rhino Skin has been specially designed
for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum,
coco coir and other growing media. It has
been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics and continuous liquid feed
growing systems (aeroponic, drip irrigation
and emitters, NFT, flood & drain).
Cloning, early seedlings, transplanting,
early grow phase, peak bloom phase.







Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1
through 6 of your flowering phase.


Grand Masters Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
You get maximum amounts of trichomes
and essential oil production.
Your plants stalks are stronger so they
support larger flowers.
Silica makes plant cell walls tougher.



report REPORT
that Rhino
gives you
and increased

Fast Facts
Resin Enrichers.


With strong cell walls, your plants will practically laugh in the
face of pests, heat stress, and powdery mildew, especially if
you use Rhino Skin along with our root zone inoculates like
Tarantula, Piranha, and Voodoo Juice.


Your plants are protected from your roots all the way up to your flower
tops, so you can rest assured that your valuable plants are safe.







4 L 10 L

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

23 L

Advertisement Space



Multiply the Results Of Your Plants' Natural

Flowering Processes by a Factor of X

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

What you need to know
There are natural processes that your plant
goes through in the flowering stage that, if
stimulated properly, will multiply the size
and quality of your yields. The trick is that
you need a blend of ingredients that not
only amp up your plants natural processes,
but manage stress as well.
How it's done
Certain compounds that occur naturally
in plants have specific functions for the
bloom phase. These include vitamins and
amino acids, among others. To maximize
their beneficial effects, you must isolate
these compounds, extract the active parts,
and discard the rest. Once you have the
pure, active ingredients, you have what are
called co-factors.
By using specifically designed blends of
co-factors, you can expect certain results.
Among those results are the following:
Increased overall yields
Higher essential oil content for greater
potency, aroma, and taste in your
Increased resistance to spider mites,
powdery mildew, and bud rot
Improved resistance to stress.
Our solution
Bud Factor X is a liquid nutrient additive
that will create an exponential increase in
your flowering, hence the name.

Although its part of the Bigger Yields

Flowering System, its suitable for any
feeding program.

The Details
It delivers bio-active ingredients
that coax maximum production of
terpenoids, resin, and essential oils.
These are the building blocks of taste
and aroma in your plants. More on this
The co-factors in Bud Factor X were
also engineered to increase the size of
your yields, not just crop quality.
Bud Factor X is a reformulated version
of an older Advanced Nutrients product
called Scorpion Juice.
What exactly will it do?
When you use Bud Factor X, it will increase
your overall yields, by using proprietary
co-factors that have been derived form
fractionated plant material. What that
means is that a very specific compound
(or compounds) that occur naturally in
a certain plant have been isolated. These
include vitamins, hormones, amino acids,
and more.
Certain compounds enhance certain
qualities. We have isolated these compounds
from natural sources, and learned to extract
the active parts and discard the rest.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: My plant got bigger when I fed it Bud Factor X. Was
this the result of the product?
ANSWER: Yes. Plants bulk up when you stimulate their immune
systems. Almost all the size increase is in floral clusters, which adds to
your total harvest weight.
QUESTION: What is the best way to get more potent crops using
Bud Factor X as a foliar spray?

ANSWER: Follow the label instructions and then spray Bud Factor
X directly onto buds just before lights go off. This way it will have
time to absorb overnight. You could also apply it about 20 minutes
before lights go on. Either way, you want it to have time to sink in
rather than be evaporated. Try for a pH of about 5.8 and closely
monitor your buds to make sure you arent overloading them. Avoid
spraying buds in high humidity or when you are within three weeks
of harvest.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


BUD FACTOR X - Immune System Stimulator

Earlier we mentioned terpenoids, also
called terpenes, which are a large and
varied class of hydrocarbon produced
primarily by plants. They are the major
component of resin and oils, and function
as smell and taste molecules. These are the
bio-synthetic building blocks for many
Tens of thousands of different terpenes
have been identified. Which ones are
produced will make a huge difference in
how your plants will smell and taste. AlphaPinene, for example, is what gives certain
plants or trees a pine tree smell. Lime nine,
as the name implies, is a citrus smell. Lemon
basil, for example, will likely have large
amounts of lime nine resin.
Besides increasing yields, flavors, aroma,
potency, Bud Factor X will also make
your crops much more resistant to spider
mites, powdery mildew, and bud rot. One
important reason for this is that more oil
and resin means your plants have a physical
barrier protecting them, as well as an
increased immune system.
In the same time frame youre used
to growing, Bud Factor X will have your
plants gaining more mass, essential oils, and

How do you use it?

Like all additives in the Bigger Yields
Flowering System, Bud Factor X is

esides increasing
yields, flavors,
aroma, and
potency, Bud Factor X
will also make your
crops much more
resistant to spider
mites, powdery mildew,
and bud rot.


Imagine how much better your yields would be with optimized resin and an exponential increase in
flowering response. Not only would you grow more, but youd have crops with award-winning smell
and taste.

applied at 2 mL per Liter, with plain water

or complete nutrient solution. You want to
begin application at the onset of flowers,
when you change your light cycle.

Final thoughts
1. Bud Factor X is the only product in the
market place that is specifically engineered
to create bigger and more potent buds,
flowers, and fruits by amplifying the plants
natural tendencies in the bloom phase. No
other product works on so many levels to
accomplish this.
2. Bud Factor X is five times more
concentrated for root application than its
predecessor, Scorpion Juice. When you
buy it in the bundle, you get an even better
deal because you get one of the products
for free when you buy the Bigger Yields
Flowering System.
3. No other product in the market place
is capable of improving the quality of
medicinal plants like Bud Factor X can.
Thats because no other product creates
exponential increase in flowering response
based on the plants own natural processes.

Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Advanced Nutrients is the only hydroponics

company using Ph.D. plant scientists to boost
your yields and crop value.

There you have it. Now you know all you need to about how
maximizing essential oil production, as well as managing the
stress this can put on your plants, can help you get the competitive
edge you need when growing high-value crops.








Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering

Our scientists have worked hard to give you an all-organic bloom phase
booster that increases the dollar value of your harvests while adding
quality and pleasure to your gardening experience.

Youll enjoy seeing increases in your plants yield and your harvest
value when
use Bud

Fast Facts
Resin Enricher.


Grand Master Grower Level.

Bud Factor X has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Bud Factor
X has been developed for use with any and
all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
NFT, flood and drain, drip emitters, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.

BENEFITS and Features:

Triggers plants to maximize their ability
to produce essential oils and resins
Provides nutrition for beneficial microbes
in the root zone
Increases the value of crops grown
for their essential oil contents, giving
maximum yield of the desired active
Optimizes essential oils
Optimizes aroma and improves taste
Enhances plant growth for maximum

During bloom phase.
Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through
6 of your flowering phase.





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Section 4 - Blooming and Flowering | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Section 5

Ripening and

ou made it. You've got huge, healthy, greattasting, prize-worthy buds. Now what to do
with them?

Harvest is a very important part of the process that's

often done poorly.

Here's how to do it right

You'll want good trimmers and a good dry rack.
Trimmers are easy enough, but we'd like to make
special mention of drying your buds properly.
A good dry rack, like the QuickCure, which youll see
in the coming pages, is essential. If you dont dry your
product properly, you can completely ruin months of
work spent growing monster buds.

dry your work PROPERLY

Why is this so important? Because after the amount of
time and money you have spent growing a spectacular
harvest, the last thing you want is rot or fungus
collecting on your precious buds.
It can and will happen if youre not careful.
Also, the trimmers themselves are easy enough to
find, but as for technique, youll want someone to
demonstrate this to you. Theres an art to it that simply
cant be well communicated well through print.


Once again, as weve repeated throughout this guide,

do all you can to find a hydro store community you
like and get involved. Ask questions. Learn. Thats how
buds. | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"
5 -grow

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Get to the

Finish Line
Drive Your Plants Past their Genetic
Flowering Threshold and into a
Prizewinning Finish


Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting

Growers like us are often plagued by a
unique and disturbing dilemma that occurs
toward the end of our crops flowering
cycle should we invest more time and
money into our crop with the hope that
we can squeeze out an additional 1-6% in
size and weight increases? Or do we bite
the bullet and harvest the crop early?
On the one hand, it might be smarter to
wait and hope the effort pays off at harvest
time. On the other hand, you remember
whatever weight and size gains your plants
make may come at the expense of floral
quality, as essential oil structures have a
tendency to degrade at this stage.
In a lot of cases, youll just go ahead and
harvest the crop since continuing to invest
time, material, and money doesnt seem
worth it. Many growers have made the same

Bigger Yield Potential

Proven By Science
You probably know that its possible
for your plants flowering phase to be
manipulated to produce bigger yields,
and it starts when you flip your lights
to 12 hours and put your plants on their
flowering schedule.
Over time, your flowers will swell up, fill
in, change their appearance, gain aroma and
taste, and develop essential oil structures.

This happens during your peak flowering

phase in the middle trimester of blooming
(the precise timing & length depend on the
plant strain youre growing).
The peak flowering phase is the time
youll see the largest increase in size as well
as weight. During this time youll also notice
the most obvious changes in the appearance,
shape, density and structure of your flowers.
Once this wonderful time of change and
growth is over, your plants will enter their
late flowering phase. During this time your
flowers might make very small gains or they
may maintain their current characteristics
until harvest time.
In some sad cases, flower quality can
actually decline at this point, which is an
obvious indication that you should harvest.
This is commonly the way things are
done, but the good news is that you can
create a more productive finishing phase for
your plants with the right knowledge and

Help Your Plants

Achieve Maximum
The best way to rejuvenate your plants
growth and yield potential during the
finishing phase before harvest is to give
them a special form of nitrogen called
nitrate. Its commonly thought that

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: I use your Big Bud with pH Perfect Connoisseur and
get fantastic results. So why is Overdrive also very useful for me?
ANSWER: Big Bud is indeed a top-producing bloom booster and
pH Perfect Connoisseur is a premium bloom base nutrients formula.
But our studies find that bloom phase has sub-phases during which
very specific types and ratios of ingredients are required. For plants
in their last 2-3 weeks of growth, the ingredients in Overdrive are
more effective at increasing crop value than Big Bud, which is used
earlier in the bloom cycle. And no matter what base nutrients you
use, Overdrive gives you increased late season production.
QUESTION: I used Overdrive and it did not increase the size as
much as it increased the potency, aroma, and taste. Is this a
normal thing to expect?

ANSWER: In some crops, depending on genetics, crop environment,

grower skill, and other nutrients being used, you might see both a
crop size and a crop quality increase. In other situations, Overdrive
will primarily increase the percentages of essential oils, aromatics,
and other value-adding compounds in your flowers.
QUESTION: What about pH and PPM when I use Overdrive?
ANSWER: If you are using Overdrive as part of our Bigger Yields
Flowering System, you have no need to be concerned about pH
and PPM. Just use Overdrive as directed - the System is configured
to balance all formulas together, ensuring theyre at the ideal
absorbability and strength. If you are using Overdrive without using
the System, it can increase PPM by as much as 200 PPM, in which
case you need to monitor your nutrient strength accordingly.

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


OVERDRIVE - Ultra Premium Liquid Flower Enhancer

Put Your Crops Into

Advanced Nutrients kept all the abovementioned factors in mind when creating
Overdrive, which is specially designed for
the high-value plants you grow.
Plus, giving your plants a 1-3-4 dose of
properly-chelated NPK in late bloom
phase feeds your plants the precise ratios
of macronutrients needed to produce
significant gains in flower size and
potency when most other growers have
given up and are just waiting to harvest.
Taken together, the combination of
ingredients featured in Overdrive
provides your plants with:
Increased nutrient uptake, and increased
photosynthesis and energy
Increased cell expansion and replication
for larger flowers



supplementing your plants with nitrogen

during their bloom phase is a bad idea, but
this isnt 100% true.
The fact is that the plants we grow DO
need nitrogen during bloom phase, just not
as much as they need during the vegetative
phase. More importantly, giving your plants
the wrong type of nitrogen during this time
can cause them to channel too much energy
into stem and leaf production, drawing
precious resources away from the floral
But when theyre given nitrate, your
plants use it to create enlarged floral
structures instead of stems and leaves. Its
also important to stimulate the growing tips
of each plant stem, as they go dormant in late
bloom phase (which is the reason your buds
stop gaining size). Its just like what happens
when our human skeletons growth tips seal
off around age 18, effectively preventing us
from growing any taller.
Scientists have now discovered we can
keep the growth going because folic acid,
fulvic acid, nitrate, potassium, phosphorus,
magnesium, and ascorbic acid in late bloom
phase revs up photosynthesis & restarts cell
replication and expansion at the ends of your
growing tips!

1 2 3 4 5 6

The Numbers Prove It! Without Overdrive, your crops stop producing size, weight, and potency
in late bloom cycle. But when you use Overdrive, your crops get a new spark of growth late in
life, so they keep on producing for you far longer than they normally would.

Increased creation of internal floral structures and compounds for increased aroma, taste,
potency and market value
Increased resistance to drought, heat, stress, diseases, pests, and end stage exhaustion
Potentially massive gains in harvest weight and size during last trimester of growth

Beneficial microbes created by scientists studying the roots of the kinds of plants you grow give you a
wide array of elements that increase the stability and productivity of your plants.

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting

y using Overdrive, you can help your plants

accomplish something never thought possible
during the end of their bloom phase. By
providing them with the tools they need during
this crucial time, youre allowing them to reach
their true potential and, in some cases, surpass it.

As you can see, using Overdrive is a much

smarter and more economical approach
than what most other growers are doing
(just throwing the same bloom booster at
their plants from week one of flowering
until the day of harvest).
The idea that an extra dose of PK is all
your plants need during the bloom phase is
just as ridiculous as the idea of thinking the
last few weeks of bloom are nothing more
than a waiting game where there can be
no significant increases in size, weight, or
Both of these ideas have now been proven
wrong. By using Overdrive, you make your
plants accomplish what was before thought
impossible during the end of their bloom

Some growers find Overdrive is especially

useful in the following situations:
When plants struggled earlier in
blooming and need to make up for it by
putting on a lot of flower growth fast
With varieties that traditionally dont
produce large floral clusters, in order to
bulk them up and make them fatter
When a grower learns they need to get an
extra large harvest from their crop.

Late-Phase Bud Bulkers


Hobbyist Level, Expert Grower Level,
Professional Grower Level and Grand
Masters Grower Level.

Overdrive has been specially designed
for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum,
coco coir and other growing media. It has
been developed for use with any and all
hydroponics and continuous liquid feed
growing systems (aeroponic, drip irrigation
and emitters, NFT, flood & drain).
During last trimester of bloom phase.
Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 5 and 6 or
the last 2 weeks of your bloom phase.

In any of these situations, all you need

to do is procure Overdrive and use it in any
hydroponics or soil system, giving a prizewinning finish to your bloom season, and
making every minute, every watt, and every
ounce of your effort worth it.

You care for your plants tirelessly when theyre

in their infancy, so it only stands to reason
that you would show them the same care
and attention during the last phase of their
lives as well, especially since this is one key
factor separating a good harvest, from an

Fast Facts

BENEFITS and Features:

Larger, Denser Flowers
More Essential Oils
More Aroma
More Taste
More Attractive Flowers
Higher Market Price For Flowers
Larger Harvests
More Production Per Watt During Lasts
Weeks Of Bloom Phase.




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Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"



How To Use Chemical MagnetsTo Get Rid
Of The Excess Gunk In Your High-Value Crops


Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting

What you need to know
In the final phase of growing, about seven
to ten days from harvest, its important to
flush excess nutrients and buildup out of
the root zone, especially if you sell your
harvest for profit. Without a good flush,
your high-value plants will never have the
connoisseur level taste and aroma that will
put you on top of the marketplace.
The two main issues
The first is a no-brainer. Youve been
aggressively flooding your plants with
base nutrients, root inoculates, and
additives. Theres too much stuff built up
for your plants to use, and in many cases,
the build up will be so severe it will make
your yields taste funny or off.
The second challenge is that theres a
process called osmosis that will try to
even out the concentration of nutrients
inside and outside your plants. It works
like air pressure or water pressure. The
universe likes balance, and if the inside
of your plants dont match the outside of
your plants, nature will work very hard
to fix this at the first opportunity, which
can work against you.

Our solution
Final Phase by Advanced Nutrients is
our answer to the challenges you face in
dealing with excess build up in the final
phases of growing.
What does it do?
Final Phase is a nutrient additive that
reduces and removes excess fertilizers
in the root zone, preventing them from
slowing growth, and diminishing flavor
and other characteristics of your harvest.
Final Phase works very quickly to break
ionic bonds between nutrient residues. It
does this using empty chelates, which are
like tiny chemical magnets. Empty chelates
have a stronger attraction with excess
nutrient and build-up molecules than
any other element present in the growing
environment, and so theyre very effective at
un-sticking these excess molecules.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Will flushing starve my plants and make smaller
ANSWER: There are several differences with Final Phase that give you
more cleansing power. Not only is Final Phase the only formula thats
ANSWER: Its true that some flushing products have an unfortunate
actually made for the plants you grow, Final Phase is also different in
tendency to rob plants of vital nutrients and thus create smaller, less
that it has a very broad range of free flowing chelates. Nobody else has
potent harvests. Final Phase is the only flush formula engineered
these. There are many individual metals that need to be pulled out of
differently. In fact, tests show that it results in either no net loss of
crops. Chelates come in different shapes and sizes and are attracted
harvest size and potency, or a slight increase.
only to certain metals. Other flushing formulas dont have a broad
QUESTION: One of my friends uses Final Phase if he has crop
enough range of chelates to remove all the substances present in your
problems, not just before harvest. Do you recommend this?
crops. Its like the difference between washing the entire car, or only
ANSWER: In situations where root zones have become toxic with excess
one door.
fertilizer salts, Final Phase can be useful as a mini-flush to get back to QUESTION: Can I use Final Phase to get better crops in soil?
a neutral root zone for re-balancing pH and making sure your plants ANSWER: Absolutely. Just shorten the cleansing wash time from
are not over-fertilized.
6 hours to 2 hours and run a lot of water through to ensure full
QUESTION: Can you explain the differences between Final Phase
cleansing. Then let your soil dry out so you dont waterlog your roots.
and other flush formulas?

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


FINAL PHASE - Clearing and Flushing Solution







Final Phase
better than
other flush
or than
only FLUSH
pure water.
taste, look, and smell

How do you use it?

There are two different times you may
want to use Final Phase. The first is during
mid-crop if youve reached toxic levels of
build-up; and the second is pre-harvest,
your standard flush.
Using Final Phase for
mid-crop toxicity
If you reach toxic levels of build-up long
before you harvest (indicated by darkening
or black leaves, and, in severe cases, tip
burn of your leaves) then heres what to do:
Completely drain your reservoir
Add enough fresh water to re-circulate
Add final phase (2 mL per Liter)
Adjust pH to whats optimal for your
particular growing medium
Run Final Phase through for an hour or
two, then empty your reservoir and refill
with fresh nutrients.
Using Final Phase For
Normal Pre-Harvest
Completely drain your reservoir
Add enough fresh water to re-circulate
Add final phase (2 mL per Liter)
Adjust pH to whats optimal for your
particular growing medium

Final Phase works in all kinds of hydroponics systems to protect your crops, save you
money, and activate your plants for bigger yields.

Run Final Phase through for six hours,

then empty reservoir, and refill with
fresh water only until harvest.

The details
Excess build-up of materials, especially
nitrogen, means diminished flavors and
aromas, which is very bad for business.
Final Phase uses empty chelates to remove
these profit-killing excess materials.
Chelates are an arrangement of
molecules that typically carry fertilizer
molecules to the plant, but if theyre empty
(not already bonded to a specific fertilizer
molecule), they act like a magnet to excess
fertilizer molecules that are floating around.
If youre using Final Phase for a standard
pre-harvest flush, just use water to recirculate until harvest. Do not use more
nutrients theres already a buildup of
everything your plant needs and then some.
Thanks to reverse osmosis, whatever
Final Phase doesnt flush out will provide
more than enough high quality food to
finish out the bloom phase. Pouring in more
nutrients is actually counter-productive.
This is because of a process called osmosis.
Osmosis works like air pressure or
water pressure. Nature likes to keep things
balanced, and so if theres an imbalance of

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

nutrients between the inside and outside

of your plants, your plants will expel all the
nutrients on the inside until the balance
outside is maintained.
Now, with all that said, while you can
just use fresh water after youve done your
flush with Final Phase, weve heard excellent
results reported using H2 (humic acid) and
Sensizym along with fresh water in those
last seven to ten days before harvest. This
is because neither humic acid nor enzymes
are nutrients. They work to break down
excess organic material that isnt affected
by chelates. Therefore any organic residue
left behind after your flush can be digested
and broken down into beneficial substances
by the combination of humic acid and the
enzymes in Sensizym.
This stacks the competitive edge even
more heavily in your favor when it comes
time to sell your harvest.
Using Sensizym and H2 along with Final
Phase will also work to recondition your
growing medium for a second use.

Final thoughts
Final Phase is very economical to use
you only need to use one ounce per grow
Final Phase will help you to recondition

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting

your grow medium so that you can use it
again, and even more effectively. The more
you can do this, the more youll notice the
money you save really adding up.
You will see very noticeable improvements in the taste and fragrance of your
crop, which means more profitable plants,
more money in your pocket, and a better
return on your investment.
Final Phase can be used with any
feeding schedule or brand of nutrients,
and its backed by Advanced Nutrients
100% money back guarantee. If youre not
satisfied, or even if youre not impressed,
send it on back.
Another bonus of Final Phase is that
it complements the entire Advanced
Nutrients Plus Program.
Every grower knows flushing is an
important part of the process. But now you
know why, how to do it right, and how to
use a good flush to grow buds that will earn
you the sort of money you deserve for all
the time you put into growing.

Bud Enhancers.
Final Phase has been specially designed for
use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco
coir, and soil growing mediums. Final Phase
has been developed for use with any and
all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,
NFT, flood and drain, drip emitters, and
continuous liquid feed growing systems.
During all phases of growth, but especially
beginning in early bloom phase and
continuing to harvest.
Use 2 mL per Liter during the last week of
your flowering phase.

inal Phase is a nutrient additive that reduces

and removes excess fertilizers in the root
zone, preventing them from slowing growth,
and diminishing flavor and other characteristics
of your harvest.

Your crops store excess nutrient salts that can make them taste bad, smell strange, and cure poorly.
Final Phase safely flushes your crops, and its easy to use too.

Fast Facts
Professional Grower Level and Grand Master
Grower Level.
BENEFITS and Features:
Cleaner, safer crops
Tastier, sweeter-smelling crops
Higher quality crops that command premium
market prices
Better taste, more pleasant aroma, better
More pleasant user experience
Flushes crops while maintaining harvest size
and potency.




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Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Easier Drying
How To Make Harvesting
A Yield Of Any Size Quick & Easy


Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting

Harvesting your crop is an exciting time,
theres no doubt about it. You finally get to
see the finished product of all your hard
work and investment. But a host of issues
can arise that might make the drying
process more stressful than it should be.
If youd like to be able to dry your entire
harvest in the least amount of time possible...
while at the same time protecting your
plants, leaves, and valuable flowers from
the value-killing hazards of drying, theres a
piece of equipment you need.
What you really need is a drying rack
created to address the most common issues
during this critical stage in your process,
issues such as fungus attacking the fruits of
your hard-earned work, rot invading your
drying space, or dropping leaves and flowers
onto the floor because of a poor layout.
If you want a drying rack thats going to
allow you to achieve the end product youre
worked so hard for, the rack must have these
Eliminates the occurrence of fungus
and rot
Designed to fit in any room
Hangs just about anywhere
Easily mobile
Keeps everything together so that you
never lose a bud or leaf
Blends in easily with its surroundings
Is easy to clean and dry after use.

Collecting the fruits of your growing labors

is the most exciting time of the year for
most growers. Its also a lot of work. These
harvesting tips will make it quicker and easier.

Heres How Advanced

Nutrients Would Like To
Our design teams worked hard to perfect
the Quickcure, a dry rack designed for
the serious grower. Its ruggedly made
with collapsible mesh and other high-tech
materials and its so simple and effective,
youll wonder how you ever got along
without it.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: How do I use the Quickcure?
ANSWER: You can hang this thing from pretty much anywhere youd
like because of the hanging anchor system that comes with it. That
means you can take this drying system with you quickly and easily if
you ever need to travel, change harvesting locations, or need a mobile
QUESTION: Does the Quickcure come in different sizes?
ANSWER: Quickcure is a collapsible, expandable, modular system
that you can stack and customize to fit your gardening needs exactly.
Thats why we now make our innovative Quickcure drying rack in
two sizes: our classic 35 size; and the new space-saving 24 Mini

QUESTION: I've heard that the Quickcure also works

ANSWER: Yes, the Quickcure has a special mesh material that
handles outdoor conditions very well. Not only that, but
Quickcure has a sage-green color that blends in well with
outdoor foliage, which increases your security.
QUESTION: Is it true that the Quickcure holds more flowers
and protects them better than any other drying system?
ANSWER: Its true the Quickcure has a far larger capacity than
any other portable rack system, and it has deeper and more
well-protected sides, so you have a lot of depth to store drying
flowers without the flowers falling out of the rack.

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


Quickcure - Perfect Size Rack for Any Room

The Perfect Size Rack for Any Room
You can decide exactly how much
space youd like to take to dry your
harvest because each rack comes in
three detachable pieces of two drying
sections each. That means you have
a total of six drying sections, each of
which are 12.5 tall and 35 in diameter
when fully assembled.

Eliminates the Two Biggest Killers of

Your Harvest
Youll confidently dodge the two biggest
threats to damp buds - fungus and rot because these dry racks are made of an
incredibly breathable mesh that allows
stunningly quick drying and maximum
ventilation for high-value plants like
ours. That means youll never lose

You can easily clip on more sections

of the drying racks!

The Quickcure system fits any size room and any size yield. This makes it easier
for growers of any level to dry their harvests like a grand master grower.


Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"

another leaf or flower to these two

insidious harvest killers!
Hang and Dry Your Harvest Almost
You can hang this thing anywhere youd
like because of the unique hanging
anchor system, which means you
can take this drying system with you
quickly and easily if you ever need to
travel or change harvesting locations.
Speaking of mobile...
Easily Take Your Drying Operation
You can store the entire system easily
and quickly in a convenient black fabric
carrying case, which is included. Its
compact and easy to fit into existing
luggage as well.
Never Drop Another Leaf or Bud
Youll never have to worry about
dropping a single leaf ever again because
each section of the Quickcure has
protective walls keeping your harvest
neatly organized and safely placed until
perfectly dry.
Your Rack Will Blend in Anywhere
You can put these racks virtually
anywhere you like without them
clashing with the room or surrounding
dcor because each one is colored a
pleasant and subtle sage green.
Once Youre Done, Your Rack Cleans
and Dries Quickly
The Quickcure rack is self-drying
thanks to its clever design and breatheeasy material. You can shake it off and
pack it up within minutes after use.

This Dry Rack Will Hold

The BIGGEST Yields You
Can Grow!
Because Advanced Nutrients is world
renowned for helping growers like you
maximize their plant cycles and get the
biggest yields from their high-value plants,
we knew we had to build a drying rack that
could support those harvests.
Thats why this advanced drying rack
holds more than any other rack on the

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting

market at least 75% to 125% more product
- so youll never find yourself with a yield too
big to harvest all at once!
And with the exclusive design that allows
you to connect as many of these dry racks
together as needed. youre guaranteed the
perfect size for your harvest needs no matter
how big or small.

ecause Advanced Nutrients is world renowned

for helping growers like you maximize their
plant cycles and get the biggest yields from
their high-value plants, we knew we had to build a
drying rack that could support those harvests.

And One More Thing

As an added bonus, youll also be glad to
learn that this revolutionary drying rack
comes in a smaller, even more compact
size than before. The Mini Quickcure is
perfect for growers who are on the move
or have limited space in which to dry their
Its still packed with all the great features
and benefits of its larger companion, but
offers the additional convenience of an even
more mobile size.
What All This Means for
No matter how big or small your crops,
these options offer you the most versatile
drying system on the market and are
guaranteed to meet your needs, anytime,

Fast Facts
You can decide exactly how much, or how
little space youd like to take to dry your
Each rack comes in three detachable
pieces of two drying sections each. That
means a total of six drying sections.
You can easily clip on more sections
of the drying racks with the common
backpack type clip attachments you find
The Quickcure eliminates fungus and rot
with incredibly breathable mesh, allowing
quick drying and maximum ventilation.

You can hang this thing pretty much

anywhere youd like because of the
hanging anchor system.
The Quickcure can be stored easily and
quickly in its convenient black fabric
carrying case.
Each section has protective walls keeping
your harvest neatly organized and safely
placed until perfectly dry.
Once youre done, your rack cleans and
dries quickly.
This advanced drying rack holds more
product than any other rack on the

Section 5 - Ripening and Harvesting | Advanced Nutrients: "How to Grow Bigger Buds"


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