Draft No 15 Divorse Petition by Mutual Consent

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In the District Court at Thane

Divorce Petition No. 34 of 2015

Mr. Ankur Mahadev Patil
Age: 32 Year. Occ- Pvt Employee
R/at 123, Omkar Complex, S.V.Road,
Thane (E)

......................................... Petitioner 1

Mr. Veena Ankur Patil

Age: 29 Year. Occ- Pvt Employee
R/at 123, Omkar Complex, S.V.Road,
Thane (E)

......................................... Petitioner 2

Petition for decree for dissolving marriage by mutual consent under Section 13B of
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
The aforementioned parties beg to state as under:1. That the parties to this present petition are both by religion and faith Hindus and they
were married per Hindu rites/customs at Indore on 10/10/2006 and the said marriage
is still existing. They are of age above 21 years.
2. That ever since the marriage, the petitioners did not live happily being of different
tastes habits, ideas, and bearing and so being completely different nature and
3. That the petitioners could never adjust themselves even for some days and so had no
love nor heart for each other
4. That the petitioners have no hope for reconciliation between them in future.
5. That the parties last lived/cohabited at Indore, within the jurisdiction of this court.
6. On 10/10/2008 respondent, of own and out of free will broke the matrimonial home
and withdrew herself from the company of said petitioner 1 and since then she has
been residing and living at her father's house.
7. That both the parties have decided to dissolve the marriage.
8. That except as hereunder stated there were no other proceedings between parties.
9. That the above petition is bona fide and not presented in collusion between the
10. That there is every legal ground in granting the relief.

Your petitioners hence pray for a decree of dissolution of marriage by mutual consent under
section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and also other orders be made as to this Learned
court may deem proper and fit. And your petitioner as in duty bound shall every pray,
I, Ankur Patil, son of Mahadev Patil aged about 32 years residing at Thane do hereby
solemnly affirm and say as follows:
I am the petitioner No. 1 above-named and I know and I have made myself acquainted with
the facts and circumstances of this case.
The statements in paragraphs 1 to 9 are true to my knowledge and belief.
I sign this verification on this 20th day of Feb 2015 at the Court House at Thane.

(Ankur Patil)
I, Veena Patil, son of Mahendra Ingale aged about 29 years residing at Thane do hereby
solemnly affirm and say as follows:
I am the petitioner No. 2 above-named and I know and I have made myself acquainted with
the facts and circumstances of this case.
The statements in paragraphs 1 to 9 are true to my knowledge and belief.
I sign this verification on this 20th day of Feb 2015 at the Court House at Thane.

(Veena Patil)

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