Measurement Systems Analysis - How To
Measurement Systems Analysis - How To
How-to Guide
Version 6.1
August 2013
This How to Guide is designed as a complete training package that you can
work through individually at your own pace (or in small teams as part of a
facilitated training exercise).
By carefully reading the text, and practising the tools in the associated
Workbook, you will become competent and confident in using these process
control tools in your work area.
The How to Guide is designed to be applicable for use primarily by
Manufacturing Engineers and Lean Sigma Practitioners from any area of the
business. For this reason, the technical explanations are based on general
business application examples to ensure everyone can relate to them.
Throughout the guide, there are case study examples which show how the
theory is applied at the different stages of the process control sequence.
Before you start, make sure you also have the Workbook available. It is
essential that you work through this in parallel with the How to Guide, and that
you complete the practise questions, plus case study exercise before you start
to use MSA techniques in the business.
Icons are used throughout to highlight key elements, and to
signpost supplementary information where appropriate.
The technical
explanation of the
core terminology
The approved
Rolls-Royce answers
to main queries asked
by users
The separate
Workbook which you
must use in parallel
with your learning
Guide Structure
The flowchart illustrates the structure of this Guide which is designed to provide step by
step guidance for conducting and interpreting the Measurement System Analysis. Steps
1, 2, 3, 5 & 6 below are common for all types of MSA study. Step 4 differs depending on
whether the study is for the collection of continuous or attribute measurements (see
page 14 for full guidelines on how to select the appropriate type of study).
Supplementary information on how to carry out the analysis using Minitab statistical
software together with some of the more detailed analysis of the statistical output is
provided in the appendices as outlined below.
Step 11
Be Prepared
Step 22
Plan the Study
Step 33
Conduct the Study
Appendix 1:
Setting up and
randomising the
spreadsheet in Minitab
Appendix 2:
Entering the data in
Step 44
Type of Study
Appendix 3:
Carrying out
Gauge R&R in
Appendix 4:
Information on
Interpreting the
Output from
Gauge R&R in
Continuous Data:
Gauge R&R for
continuous data
Attribute Data:
Attribute agreement
analysis for
attribute data
Step 55
Taking action if the results
are unacceptable
Step 66
Maintaining the improvement
Appendix 8:
Carrying out
Analysis in
Appendix 9:
Information on
Interpreting the
Output from Attribute
Agreement Analysis
In this section:
1.1: The need for Measurement Systems Analysis
1.2: What is Measurement System Analysis?
1.3: Different types of Measurement System Analysis
1.4: How does Measurement Systems Analysis Work?
1.5: Choosing the appropriate type of study: Variable or Attribute
1.1: The Need for Measurement System Analysis
In our day to day work we often collect and use data to make important decisions about
our processes. For example we measure the critical dimensions of the parts we produce
to check that they are correctly manufactured; we inspect documentation and drawings
to check that they have been correctly completed; we test our engines to confirm that
they are functioning to specification.
Think for a moment about the data that is collected in your own work area. Regardless
of whether you work in a manufacturing, design or transactional function you will
undoubtedly be able to think of examples of data which are regularly collected to confirm
the quality of work, to monitor performance against targets or to allow in-process
decisions to be made.
Now ask yourself can you trust that data? Are you sure it is reliable? Are you sure that
the data is measured consistently? If more than one person or piece of measuring or
test equipment is involved then are you sure that if each were to measure/inspect the
same item that they would all reach the same conclusion?
If your answer to any of the above questions is no then there is a real possibility that
your measurement system could be producing unreliable data. This could lead your
team to draw the wrong conclusions about whether your processes are in control and
capable. Unreliable data can lead us to believe there is a problem with the process
when actually everything is OK or it may prevent us from spotting a problem. This is
likely to cost the business money, through unnecessary scrap or rework, or unnecessary
improvement projects, or through being unaware that there is a problem with a process
or product, and risking customer complaints or more serious problems such as safety
Therefore, before collecting and using data to make decisions about any process or
product, it is important to check that the measurement system is good enough by doing
a Measurement System Analysis.
Use Attribute
Agreement Analysis
The flow chart above can be used to select the types of measurement
study to conduct
If you are not sure what type of data your variable is then ask a local
Black Belt to help you choose the most appropriate type of MSA.
Section 2
Conducting an MSA
In this section:
A step-by-step guide for conducting an MSA
The key steps we will cover are as follows:
Step 1
Be Prepared
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Be Prepared
Ensure the pre-requisites are in place
We must remember that this activity builds on the process basics and it is
important to ensure that these foundations are in place.
1a) There are then a few more prerequisites that we should check:
Check If the measurement system involves a piece of equipment, we must ensure
equipment that, where relevant, the calibration is up to date.
If the calibration is not up to date, there is a risk that there will be
some Bias in the measurements, which means that the results will be
different than their reference value. Bias is often also known as
accuracy. An example of bias is if your bathroom scales are
incorrectly set up (incorrectly calibrated) so that they consistently overestimate your weight by a set amount such as 1kg.
For visual inspections it is also important to check that the appraisers have
current eye examinations that meet the required standards.
The equipment having a current calibration sticker does not guarantee
that it is measuring correctly. Bear in mind that the equipment may
have been dropped, otherwise damaged or tampered with since it was
last calibrated. Inspect the gauges carefully for any signs of
damage and if in doubt contact your local Metrology department for
is stable
For continuous data it is also important to ensure that the method being
used is suitable for the full range of measurements you will be making for
example that it is equally suitable for measuring the smallest and largest
parts. For example, when weighing airline baggage, bathroom scales
would probably be suitable for weighing small holdalls, but would they be
suitable (and give reliable results) for extra large suitcases?
We must also be confident that the measurement system is stable over
time that is, there is no reason to expect that the performance of the
measurement system will vary over time. One way to check this is to
measure the same part at regular intervals, and plot on an SPC chart.
The team are also satisfied that the vernier calliper is stable
they have what they call a reference standard screen, which is
stored in a cupboard and measured once per week (it is always
measured by the same technician). The results from this
standard screen have been very consistent (stable) over the
past year (the data is plotted on an SPC chart so they can see
this at a glance)
Continuous Data
The inspection lamps have all got stickers confirming that their
lux levels have been checked in the last 12 months
Attribute Data
Attribute Data
Wearing gloves hold the bottom left hand corner of the screen
using the silicon coated tweezers supplied.
Continuous Data
Observe trial
Finally, observe a few people making measurements, and note down any
observations. Does it look like the operational definition is being followed?
Is it confusing? Are there any misunderstandings or discrepancies?
If any issues are found during this observation, it is worth addressing these
before moving on to conduct the MSA.
When doing this observation, and also when conducting the study, it
is important to clearly communicate to those involved that it is the
Measurement System as a whole which is being assessed, not the
individual people involved. To ensure that this is clear, peoples
names should not be used within the study, rather they should be
referred to as Person A, Person B etc, or something similar
(ensuring that it is still possible to trace back to the real names where
required). It is strongly advisable to think carefully about how to
communicate the purpose of the MSA to the team. Where possible
always try to communicate with the team face to face in a team
Attribute Data
Initial Observations
Over the next few days, Tom and Alan observe the technicians
inspecting screens on a few occasions as far as they can see they
are following the operational definition.
Continuous Data
Initial Observations
There are 3 measurement technicians in Julies team Kevin, Mary
and Karen they will all participate in the study.
Julie observes each of them doing a few measurements, and although
it appears that the 3 technicians are all following the same procedure,
she feels that it is quite a difficult measurement to make. However, the
technicians all say that they find it quite easy, so she decides to
proceed with the Gauge R&R.
parts for the
Once we are confident that the prerequisites are in place, we can begin to
plan the MSA.
As we discussed in section 1, the principal of MSA is that we set up an
experiment to measure several parts several times, and use statistical
analysis (with the help of the Minitab software package) to look at how
much variation there is in the results. We can then decide whether this
amount of variation is acceptable, and if it is not, we can do further
analysis to understand where the variation is coming from, and help us find
the root cause(s).
The first step in planning an MSA is to consider which parts (or items) we
are going to measure during the study. Remember that MSA can be
applied to anything from manufactured parts to engineering drawings to
invoices. For simplicity in this guide in all cases we will call the thing that is
being measured the part.
Part: this refers to whatever is being measured or assessed. For
example this could be a physical component which is being measured,
a telephone call which is being timed or a document which is being
checked for errors.
A common standard is to use a minimum of 10 parts for a Gauge R&R
Study and minimum of 20 parts or samples for an Attribute Agreement
Analysis. In both cases a standard approach is for each part to be
measured by 3 different people, 3 times each a total of 90
Ideally, we want to select a range of parts some from the lower end of
the process range, some from the upper, and some in-between. Also
include some borderline parts if possible (ones which are marginally inside
or outside the required tolerance limits or standard). The reason for this is
that we want to ensure that the amount of variation in the measurement
system is the same across the whole range of parts, and if it isnt, we want
to be able investigate why.
Potential Pitfall: Be careful not to confuse the process range with
the customer specification. The process range is the full range of
parts produced by the process. This may be wider or narrower than
the tolerance specified by the customer. A failure to use the full
process range will result in the measurement system analysis not
being fully representative of the actual measurement system. If you
have concerns about selecting a fully representative sample then
contact your local Black Belt for advice.
If you are unsure as to which parts to choose for the study, or if its
not possible to obtain 10 parts, contact a local Black Belt for
Also seek guidance if it isnt possible to measure the same part
more than once.
The next step is to identify the appropriate people to involve in the study.
First you need to choose the appraisers the people who will be
doing the repeat measurements of the parts. These should be
people who normally make the measurements. The standard
approach for MSA is to use 3 appraisers
The 3 people should represent everyone who normally do the
measurements therefore, if there are several teams or shifts
who do the measurements, try to ensure they are represented.
It is also important to have an observer (or facilitator) someone
who wont take part in the actual study, but who will observe the
study, coordinate the measurement of the parts and note the
results. Their role will be discussed later in this section.
If possible, arrange to have some help from a Black Belt when
planning the study, and also when analysing and interpreting the
results (especially the first few times you conduct a Gauge R&R).
With Alison the Black Belts help, Julie and the team select 10 screens
from those processed during the previous 24 hours they select every
20 screen processed, as they know from their knowledge of the
screen manufacturing process that this is likely to cover the full range
of thicknesses typically produced, from 1.5mm to 2.0mm. They agree
that Kevin, Mary and Karen will each measure each of the 10 screens
3 times.
The team are now looking forward to conducting the study and ready
to begin.
Although it isnt possible to label the screens, Tom feels that he will be
able to keep track of them as an observer. He puts the screens into
numbered boxes between measurements, and decides that he will
randomly introduce them into the inspection queue when the study is
being carried out. Alison agrees to assist with the observation in that
she will monitor the database and extract the results as they are
Tom and Alison decide that each technician will inspect each screen a
total of 3 times.
In order to generate a standard set of results, they also decide that
Mark, the final test engineer will assess each of the screens once he
is seen as the expert in determining whether a screen is actually a
pass or a fail. Marks assessment will be the standard against which
the others will be compared to.
We also need to consider when to run the study. In some cases, running
the study will be quite straightforward, and it can simply be done at a time
which suits the appraisers and the observer. However, it is important to
consider the following when arranging a time:
How long will it take to assess each part? Will you need to plan
the study over a few days, or can it all be done at once?
We will later discuss the need for the appraisers to measure the
parts for a second and third time without being able to remember
their previous results this may mean that the study needs to be
spread over a few days, rather than the 3 sets of measurements
being done in a single day.
Continuous Data
Randomisation of
the study
If you are unsure about using Minitab or randomising the study then
contact a local Black Belt for guidance.
3a) Now we have the parts, the appraiser and the data collection sheet in place
Collecting we are ready to conduct the MSA study.
the data
Following the randomised order created on the worksheet each part should
be measured /appraised three times by each of the appraisers.
It is critical that the result of each measurement is not influenced by
previous measurements the appraisers must not know the results for
their previous measurements or for the measurements of the other
appraisers otherwise they may accidentally bias the results (i.e. change
their results so that they match the previous ones).
Ideally the appraisers should be unaware that they are even measuring the
same parts or items more than once this is often described as the
measurements being done blind. The observer has an important role to
play in this, which well discuss on the next page.
Attribute Data
Continuous Data
3b) The observers role in conducting the MSA is key. They will be required to:
Role of the
Plan, or be involved in planning the study.
Identify which parts/items are which, in such a way that the appraisers
arent aware of any labelling or marking. This can be done in a number
of ways:
For items such as recorded calls, save each call in a separate file
or on a separate tape or CD, and again ensure that the appraisers
cant see the label/filename.
Ensure that the items are in random order before each set of
measurements begin. Pass the items to the appraiser one-by-one for
Note the results, ensuring that none of the appraisers can see the
results, or hear each others results.
Note any comments during the study anything of note which happens
while the measurements are being made. For example:
Now the data has been collected we are ready to start to analyse, interpret
and communicate the results
As the methods for analysis are very different for Gauge R&R and for
Attribute Agreement Analysis we will take each in turn using Julie and Toms
case studies as examples.
We will begin with Gauge R&R (for continuous data) and then move on to
Attribute Agreement Analysis (for attribute data). If you only wish to follow
the procedure for Attribute Agreement Analysis then please turn to page 48
Continuous Data
the data in
To learn how to use the Minitab Gauge R&R function to analyse this
data turn to Appendix 3
4b) First of all we will look at the graphs which are produced by Minitab. We
Interpret will look at each of the graphs shown below in turn.
For details on how to set up and produce the graphs in Minitab see
Appendix 3
Further information on interpreting each of the graphs is given in
Appendix 4
This is the most important of the graphs to look at as it tells us how well the
measurement system is performing overall. For a good measurement
system, we would expect the Gauge R&R and the Repeat and Reprod bars
all to be very small compared to the Part-to-Part bar. This indicates that
most of the variation seen in the study comes from genuine variation
between the parts rather than from variation due to the repeatability or
reproducibility of the measurement system. If there is a problem with the
measurement system then the Gage R&R bar will be relatively tall
representing 30% or more on the left hand scale.
In cases where the Gage R&R bar is too tall (as in the example above), we
can also use this graph to help us determine whether the problems with the
measurement system are due to Repeatability, Reproducibility or both. We
look to see whether one of the bars labelled Repeat and Reprod is
noticeably taller than the other, or whether they are similar in height.
If the Repeat bar is taller, this indicates that there is an issue with
If the Reprod bar is taller, this indicates that there is an issue with
If they are a similar height, this indicates that there is an issue with
both Repeatability and Reproducibility.
They also see that the Reprod bar is quite a bit taller than the Repeat
one this suggests that most of the causes of the measurement
system being poor are likely to be related to Reproducibility.
Continuous Data
They continue to look at the rest of the graphs to see if they can find
some clues as to what the issues are.
Appraiser 2
Appraiser 3
Parts 1-10
In each appraisers segment, the
range is plotted for each of the
parts measured. (You will see
the part numbers (1-10) along
the bottom axis, repeated 3
times once for each appraiser)
So in the above example, the
first point plotted is the range of
Kevin (appraiser 1)s results for
part number 1.
The range is the maximum value minus the minimum value, so if we look at
Kevins results for part number 1 in the Minitab worksheet, we can see that
his measurements were 1.63, 1.60 and 1.60.
So the range was 1.63-1.60=0.03. We can see this plotted as the first point
on the graph.
For further information on interpreting this graph, refer to Appendix 4
High ranges are often due to typing errors check for this first.
Continuous Data
As with the previous chart, there is a segment for each appraiser. In each
appraisers segment, the average measurement for each of the parts is
So in the above example,
the first point plotted is the
average of Kevin (appraiser
1)s results for part number
Looking at Kevins results
for part number 1, we can
see that his measurements
were 1.63, 1.60 and 1.60,
therefore the average is
1.61. We can see this
plotted as the first point on
the graph.
Continuous data
Julie notes that most of the parts are outside the control limits and so
moves on to look at the next graph
The scale of the Y-axis for this graph is not labelled in Minitab but represents
the measurement (in this case the measurement in mm for each part)
This graph shows a circle for each measured value of each part (i.e. all
measurements made by all appraisers). So in the case study example there
are 9 circles for each part, as each part was measured 9 times in total. The
average value for each of the parts is also shown by a crossed circle.
In this graph, the crossed circles show the average of all of the results for
all of the parts as measured by that appraiser. So for appraiser 1 (Kevin),
the average of all of his measurements for all 9 screens was 1.84, as
There is also a box plot for each appraiser the represents the amount of
variation in the results for all of the parts as measured by that appraiser.
The middle 50% of the variation is represented by the height of the box and
the full range of variation by the full length of the plot.
Interpreting the Measurement by Appraiser Graph
If the measurement system is consistent, we would expect the average
values to be similar (as we would expect all appraisers to get very similar
results for all of the parts). If this is the case, the line connecting the
averages would be perfectly horizontal.
For the same reason, we would also expect the spread for each appraiser
(represented by the size of the boxes and the length of the whiskers) to be
42 | 2013 Rolls-Royce plc
If the line connecting the averages is not a straight line (i.e. if any of the
appraisers has either a noticeably higher or lower average than the others),
this suggest that they are perhaps doing something consistently different to
the others (poor reproducibility)
If any of the appraisers has a noticeably larger variation than the others,
this may indicate that that they doing something inconsistent from one
measurement to the next (poor repeatability)
Again Julie and the team note their findings and move onto the final
Continuous Data
Julie and her team notice that appraiser 2 (Mary) has a slightly larger
spread of results than Kevin and Karen, and also a lower average (the
connecting line is not horizontal), which suggests that she might be
doing something differently.
Julie and the team notice from this graph that the points are
noticeably separate for screen numbers 4, 5, 8 and 10, and the
connecting lines arent parallel this confirms what they saw in some
of the previous graphs.
Interpretation of
In the above example from the case study, you will see that the Total Gage
R&R %Tolerance is 76.99% this tells us that the variation in the
measurement system is 76.99% of the process tolerance (upper tolerance
limit-lower tolerance limit). [The process tolerance for the screen is 2.0mm
1.5mm = 0.5mm]
Julie immediately contacts her local Black Belt Alison for advice on
how to proceed.
46 | 2013 Rolls-Royce plc
Continuous Data
4d) The results of the Gauge R&R can now be communicated as necessary.
results Try and keep the communication simple include the %Tolerance results,
along with an explanation that >30% is deemed unacceptable, and that the
results will need to be discussed with a Black Belt.
Also include one or two of the graphs in the communication dont include
too many though, choose the ones which clearly show what the problem is,
and the ones which you find easiest to explain (as you will have noticed, in
many cases the same problem will be highlighted by several of the graphs)
Continuous Data
Once the results of the Gauge R&R Study have been interpreted action
must be taken to address any repeatability and/or reproducibility issues
identified by the study as unacceptable.
To continue to follow the continuous data Gauge R&R case study
please turn to page 61
Attribute Data
the data in
All of the appraisers will get the same results or reach the same
decisions as each other they will be in 100% agreement with each
other (this is conceptually the equivalent of Reproducibility).
Attribute Data
Appraiser 1 is Steven
Appraiser 2 is Jim
Appraiser 3 is Emma
Column 4 contains the decision (pass/fail) made by the technician
assessing each screen.
Column 5 contains the decision made by Mark (final test engineer).
Attribute Data
Before analysing the data in Minitab, Tom and Alison have a look at
the results. They immediately notice some inconsistencies, a few of
these can be seen in the worksheet below are:
4b) As with Gauge R&R, Minitab produces both numerical and graphical
Interpreta- output (turn to Appendix 3 for a guide to how to produce these) we will
tion of look at the graphical output first.
The left hand graph (Within Appraisers) shows the agreement of the
appraisers as a percentage score. The dot for each appraiser shows the
percentage of the measurements where the appraiser agrees with him or
So, in the case study example above, appraiser 1 (Steven) agrees with
himself 85% of the time this means that of the 20 parts inspected, he
made the same decision every time for 17 of the parts (85% of 20 = 17).
However his decisions werent consistent for the other 3 parts (if you look
at the worksheet you will see that his decisions were inconsistent for parts
3, 4 and 16).
The right hand graph (Appraiser vs. Standard) shows how well each of the
appraisers agrees with the standard (i.e. in the case study, how often each
of the appraisers reached the same decision as Mark, who is seen as the
expert). In the example above, we can see that appraiser 2 (Jim) agreed
with Mark 65% of the time this means that of the 20 parts measured, Jim
reached the same decision as Mark on 13 occasions (65% of 20=13). If
you look at the worksheet you will see that on screens 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11 and
16, Jims decision disagreed with Marks on at least one of the 3
Attribute Data
Tom and Alan can see from these graphs that the % Within Appraiser
Agreement (equivalent of Repeatability) for appraisers 1 and 3 is 85%
and appraiser 2 is 75%, all of which are above the acceptable
The Appraiser vs. Standard results for Steven (70%) is acceptable;
however Jim and Emmas results (both 65%) are not acceptable their
decisions are not consistent with Marks, therefore the root cause of
this needs to be investigated.
They can see some of the inconsistencies in the worksheet:
Interpretation of
Minitab also produces some numerical output in the session window this
provides more detail on the results seen in the graphs.
The first part of the output we will look at is the Within Appraisers
assessment agreement.
This gives us the % of times that each appraiser agreed with themselves
consistently on their judgement about the part.
These are the percentages which we saw on the Within Appraisers graph.
Next we look at how well the appraisers agreed consistently with the
standard. This is called Each Appraiser vs. Standard
These are the percentages which we saw on the Appraiser vs. Standard
Again, we look at the percentage. This percentage tells us for how many
parts the appraisers agree with each others decisions. In this example,
they agree for 65% of the parts so of the 20 parts inspected, they all
consistently made the same decision on 13 of those parts. For the
remaining parts, their decisions differed in some way (more detailed
information on this can be obtained by studying the worksheet).
The rule of thumb for interpreting the percentages is as before:
Attribute Data
Tom and Alan can see that the percentage agreement between
appraisers is 65%, so they conclude that the Measurement System is
Unacceptable the 3 technicians are Inconsistent with each other in
making decisions on whether to pass or fail the screens.
So if we look at the Kappa values for the Within Appraisers (from the
case study), we see that appraisers 1 and 3 have Kappa values of
>0.75 which is excellent, whereas appraiser 2 (Jim) has Kappa values
of 0.641148, which is fair to good.
The Kappa values for the Between Appraisers, has Kappa values of
0.67 which again is fair to good.
The Kappa values for Each Appraiser vs. Standard, has Kappa
values as low as 0.49 for appraiser 3 which sits just within the fair to
good guidance but indicates nevertheless the opportunity for
improvement to the measurement system.
There are other variations, for example, for categorical data (see a
Black Belt)
Attribute Data
5a) In the case of both Gauge R&R and Attribute Agreement Analysis if the
Results are results are unacceptable, as previously discussed, the first thing to do is to
unacceptable discuss the results with a local Black Belt.
We can then use the findings from the Minitab graphs to help find the root
causes of the variation in the measurement system.
If the causes arent immediately obvious, techniques such as brainstorming
and cause and effect can be used to list all of the potential causes, and
then each of these can be investigated until the root causes are found.
reasons for
If there is an issue with a particular part, compare this part with the
other parts to see if this leads to any possible causes of the variation
If there is an issue with the measurement system as used by one or
more of the appraisers, observe the appraisers and ask them for
possible reasons.
Are the operational definitions clear and being followed by everyone?
Has everyone been trained how to use them?
Are the results being recorded consistently look for rounding errors
such as some people rounding up, others rounding down. Is everyone
recording to the same number of decimal places?
Is everyone using the same version of the current standard? The
same applies to checklists, drop down menus, other reference
Is one or more of the appraisers becoming tired, rushed, bored?
Do the appraisers understand why they are doing the measurement?
If not, they may not realise the importance of following the operational
definition consistently.
Use the observations noted during the test to look for any clues.
Attribute Data
Note: The team realised that they should have noticed these issues
during their initial observations when preparing for the study (step 1).
This highlighted to them how important the initial observation step is.
The screens are quite small and difficult to hold. Each technician
had a slightly different technique for holding them.
Mary is left handed and she seems to find the vernier calliper
more difficult to use because of this.
One of the engineers took a closer look at screen numbers 4, 5,
8 and 10 and found that these screens are actually slightly
warped, therefore the thickness result obtained depends on
exactly where on the screen the measurement is taken.
Continuous Data
Continuous Data
Attribute Data
New bright lights are purchased for the in-line inspection area,
and a weekly check introduced to ensure that they are
functioning correctly.
Continuous Data
They then repeat the attribute agreement analysis, using the same
sample of parts (where practical) and method as before.
Case Study Data Analysis
Open the file TOMS ATTRIBUTE DATA 2. This file contains the data
collected from Toms new measurement study.
Attribute Data
It is also important to ensure that the improvements are sustained, and that the
performance of the measurement system is checked regularly.
the gains
Attribute Data
Instead, they agree with Mark that, every Wednesday, he will take a
screen at random from the production line, and assess whether he
thinks it is a pass or a fail. He will then enter this result into a
database, which will automatically compare his result to that obtained
at the in-line inspection. The IT department are able to set up the
database so that if the 2 results differ, a warning message will appear
as soon as Mark enters his result, which will enable him to put the
screen aside for further investigation. Tom will also automatically
receive an email alerting him to the result.
Before implementing SPC for the first time in a process SPC charts
will only be useful if the data being used to construct them is good
As part of the training for new people to qualify that their inspection
ability is comparable with the standard and with other members of the
If you are unsure when or how often to repeat the MSA, discuss with
a local Black Belt.
After the first year, they find that the measurement system is
performing consistently well, and after further discussions with Alison,
they decide to reduce the frequency of the stability check to weekly,
and that the Gauge R&R only needs to be done once per year, unless
they have reason to suspect that there might be an issue with the
measurement system.
Since the vernier calliper is calibrated every March, they decide that
they will perform the Gauge R&R immediately after each annual
calibration. This will enable them to check that the calibration hasnt
affected the repeatability or reproducibility.
Although they find that the results of the Attribute Agreement Analysis
are usually acceptable, the study occasionally highlights problems
which they would otherwise have been unaware of, so they feel happy
that they have chosen the correct frequency for the study.
Attribute Data
Description of Change
D Prodger
D Prodger
D Prodger