Everything About Sex!

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Everything You Wanted to Know about Sex . . .
and more!
(Levi&cus 18: 1 20: 27)

All about Sex!

If we hover above the Tabernacle and watch its opera&onsthe Burnt

Oering, Grain Oering, Peace Oering, Sin Oering and Guilt Oeringwe
may well be repulsed by the oceans of blood shed by an endless stream of
bulls, lambs and goats. Indeed, in Hebrews 9: 22 we read: According to
the law almost everything is puried by blood, and without the shedding of
blood there is no forgiveness. We might also recall the waters of the Nile
River being turned to blood in Exodus 7; the me&culous aUen&on given to
menstrual blood, both normal and abnormal, in Levi&cus 15; and to St.
Peters statement that we are ransomed with the precious blood of Christ
in 1 Peter 1: 18. Indeed, blood runs through Scripture like a crimson thread,
a major mo&f in Gods plan of redemp&on.
In Lesson #13 we explored Levi&cus 17 and the profound meaning of blood
in our story.

All about Sex!

In Levi&cus 11: 14 God says: Be holy,

because I am holy. Levi&cus 19 sits at
the very center of Levi&cus and it
speaks of holiness, yet Levi&cus 19 is
framed by chapters 18 and 20 that
speak of sex; indeed, we learn that
being holy has a lot to do with who we
have sex with . . . and who we dont.
In Lesson #14 we explore holiness,
while taking an adventurous stroll
through a sexual hall of mirrors!

Leonardo da Vinci. La Gioconda [Mona Lisa]

(oil on poplar wood), c. 1503-1506.
Louvre Museum, Paris.
All about Sex!

Recall the overall structure of

Levi&cus 17-27, the Holiness
Prohibi&on against ea&ng blood (17)

themaLc bridge between the sacricial system

(1-16) and the Holiness Code (18-27)


Sexual prohibi&ons (18)

Holiness (19)

Sexual prohibi&ons (20)
Holiness precau&ons (21-22)
Holiness of &me (23)
Holiness of Gods name (24)
Holiness of the land (25)
The covenant (26)
The consecra&ons (27)

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Levi&cus 17, the prohibi&on

against ea&ng blood, serves as
a thema&c bridge between the
sacricial system of 1-16 and the
holiness code of 18-27. As we
cross the bridge, ritual impurity
expands to encompass moral
impurity, and the domain of the
sacred expands from the ark of
the covenant through the
sanctuary and priesthood, to
encompass the en&re land.
We might envision Levi&cus
18-27 something like this:
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EARTH (Humanity)

(Israel & Resident Alien)



From: Jacob Milgrom, Levi&cus (Con&nental Commentary), p. 249.

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Levi&cus 19, which focuses on

holiness, is framed by chapters 18
and 20, which focus on prohibited
sexual rela&onships.
In doing so, chapters 18 and 20 touch
on some of the most in&mate and
complicated social issues of its era, and
of ours.
As we shall see, the mo&ve behind
these chapters is to protect the
Israelitesespecially women who live
in a tribal, profoundly patriarchal
culturefrom the perceived vices of
their day, as well as from exploita&on
by the men in their own family, clan
and tribe.
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Levi&cus 18 consists of 3 parts:

A Exhorta&on (1-5)

B Sexual prohibi&ons (6-23)

Blood rela&ves (6-13)

Those related through
marriage (14-18)
Others (19-23)

A Exhorta&on (24-30)

All about Sex!

Levi&cus 18 consists of 3 parts:

A Exhorta&on (1-5)

B Sexual prohibi&ons (6-23)

Blood rela&ves (6-13)

Those related through
marriage (14-18)
Others (19-23)

A Exhorta&on (24-30)

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(18: 1-5)
The Lord said to Moses: Speak to the Israelites and
tell them: I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not do
as they do in the land of Egypt, where you once lived,
nor shall you do as they do in the land of Canaan,
where I am bringing you; do not conform to their
customs. My decrees you shall carry out, and my
statutes you shall take care to follow. I, the Lord,
am your God. Keep, then, my statutes and decrees, for
the person who carries them out will find life through
them. I am the Lord.

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The laws in Leviticus 18 address the

Israelites, who live in a highly structured,
patriarchal society of family, clan and tribe,
where womendaughters, widows, concubines
could easily be handed around to other men in
the family, as the patriarch permitted.
This happened habitually in Egypt and
Canaan; it shall not happen with the
Why? Because I, the Lord, am your God,
and I said so. (Its repeated three times!)

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Levi&cus 18 consists of 3 parts:

A Exhorta&on (1-5)

B Sexual prohibi&ons (6-23)

Blood rela&ves (6-13)

Those related through
marriage (14-18)
Others (19-23)

A Exhorta&on (24-30)

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Sexual ProhibitionsBlood Relatives

(18: 6-13)

None of you shall approach a close relative

to have sexual intercourse:

Fathers wife

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The expression having intercourse with in our

Catholic Study Bible is literally uncover [their]
nakedness, a graphic Hebrew idiomatic expression
or euphemism for having sex with. It is used
eight times in these verses.
It is also used in Genesis 9 when Noah became
drunk and his son, Ham, saw his fathers
nakedness (18-29). In this story, the clear
implication is that Ham had sex with his father
Noah, bringing Noahs curse upon him.
The relationships are arranged from closest to
most distant within family blood relationships.

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Maimonides, the greatest

Rabbi of the Middle Ages, saw
clearly the sexual reality of
Israels tribal, patriarchal
All illicit unions with females have one
thing in common: Namely, that in the
majority of cases these females are
constantly in the company of the male in
his house and that they are easy of
access for him and can easily be
controlled by himthere being no
diculty in making them come to his
presence . . . most people . . . constantly
Mosheh ben Maimon (Maimonides), c. 1135-1204. succumbed and fornicated with them.

Maimonides was born in Crdoba (Spain) at the end of the

Golden Age of Jewish culture in the Iberian Peninsula. He is
buried in Tiberias, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

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Guide to the Perplexed, 3.49


Well, that makes sense. A family

becomes quickly dysfunc&onal if
such things happen, not to
men&on that such things vic&mize
And create weird

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Levi&cus 18 consists of 3 parts:

A Exhorta&on (1-5)

B Sexual prohibi&ons (6-23)

Blood rela&ves (6-13)

Those related through
marriage (14-18)
Others (19-23)

A Exhorta&on (24-30)

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Sexual ProhibitionsRelated through Marriage

(18: 14-18)
You shall not have sexual intercourse with your:

Uncles wife
Mothers and daughters
Step-sons daughter, and
You shall not marry your wifes sister while your
wife is still alive and have intercourse with her.

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The relationships are once again arranged

from closest to most distant within family

marriage relationships.

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Levi&cus 18 consists of 3 parts:

A Exhorta&on (1-5)

B Sexual prohibi&ons (6-23)

Blood rela&ves (6-13)

Those related through
marriage (14-18)
Others (19-23)

A Exhorta&on (24-30)

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Sexual ProhibitionsOthers
(18: 19-23)
You shall not approach a woman to have intercourse with
her while she is in her menstrual uncleanness.
You shall not have sexual relations with your neighbors
wife, defiling yourself with her.
You shall not offer any of your offspring for immolation to
Molech, thus profaning the name of your God. I am the
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a
thing is an abomination.
You shall not have sexual relations with an animal, defiling
yourself with it; nor shall a woman set herself in front of an
animal to mate with it; that is perverse.

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You shall not approach a woman to have

intercourse with her while she is in her
menstrual uncleanness.
We covered the rationale for this prohibition in
15: 19-24.
You shall not have sexual relations with your
neighbors wife, defiling yourself with her.
No only would this constitute adultery, but it
would also undermine the social fabric and
cohesion of the community.

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You shall not offer any of your offspring for

immolation to Molech, thus profaning the name
of your God. I am the Lord.
Molech was an ancient Ammonite god worshipped by
the Canaanites, Phoenicians and related cultures in
North Africa and the Levant. Worship of Molech
involved the human sacrifice of children by burning
them to death. Even the Israelite king, Manasseh,
immolated his child by fire (2 Kings 21: 6), and
Ezekiel rails against the practice in Ezekiel 16: 20-21;
20: 26, 31; and 23: 37. Some Israelites sacrificed
their children by fire to Molech in the Valley of
Gehenna in Jerusalem, within eyesight of the Temple!

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You shall not lie with a male as with a

woman; such a thing is an abomination.
This was a hot button topic in ancient
Israel, as it is in our culture today. What
exactlydo the Hebrew Scriptures have to
say about it?
Jacob Milgrom serves as our guide.

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Professor Milgrom says:

Does the Bible prohibit homosexuality? Of
course it does, but the prohibi&on is severely
limited . . .
It is addressed only to Israel;
It is a condi&on for residing in the Holy Land,
but is irrelevant outside of it;
It is limited to men; lesbianism is not prohibited.

Jacob Milgrom (1923-2010)

Thus, it is incorrect to apply this prohibi&on

on a universal scale.
In the eyes of the Bible, there is a fundamental
dierence between the homosexual acts of men
and women: in lesbianism there is no spilling of
seed. Thus life is not symbolically lost, and it is for
that reason, in my opinion, that lesbianism is not
prohibited in the Bible.

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Jacob Milgrom (1923-2010)

Thus, from the Bible, we can infer the

following: the female half of the worlds
homosexual populaLon, lesbians, are not
menLoned. Over ninety-nine percent of the
remaining gays, namely, non-Jews, are not
addressed. This leaves the small number of
Jewish gay men subject to the prohibiLon. To
those who argue that the Bible enjoins
homosexuality, a careful reading of the source
text oers a fundamentally dierent view.
While the Bible never applauds
homosexuality, neither does it prohibit most
people from engaging in it.
LeviLcus (Con&nental Commentary), p. 197.

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You shall not have sexual relations with

an animal, defiling yourself with it; nor
shall a woman set herself in front of an
animal to mate with it; that is perverse.

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That ones rather obvious.

Then again, why would God
prohibit having sex with
animals . . . unless some
Not me.
people were doing it?

Im glad that
ones in there!

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Levi&cus 18 consists of 3 parts:

A Exhorta&on (1-5)

B Sexual prohibi&ons (6-23)

Blood rela&ves (6-13)

Those related through
marriage (14-18)
Others (19-23)

A Exhorta&on (24-30)

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Sexual ProhibitionsExhortation
(18: 24-30)
Do not defile yourselves by any of these things, because by
them the nations whom I am driving out of your way have
defiled themselves. And so the land has become defiled, and
I have punished it for its wickedness, and the land has
vomited out its inhabitants. You however, must keep my
statutes and decrees, avoiding all these abominations, both
the natives and the aliens resident among youbecause the
previous inhabitants did all these abominations and the land
became defiled; otherwise the land will vomit you out also
for having defiled it, just as it vomited out the nations
before you. For whoever does any of these abominations
shall be cut off from the people. Heed my charge, then, not
to observe the abominable customs that have been observed
before your time, and thus become impure by them. I, the
Lord, am your God.

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Notice that the main thrust of the concluding

exhortation is the land. In the chapters on
sacrifice, sin pollutes Gods sacred space; now we
see that it has expanded beyond the Tabernacle
to pollute the land itself.
In addition, in the chapters on sacrifice,
holiness was enjoined upon only the priests; now
holiness has been enjoined upon all the Israelites.
Again, the Israelites must obey these commands,
for I, the Lord, am your God . . . and I said
so: to obey is life; to disobey, death.

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As we turn to Levi&cus 19, we

nd a prac&cal guide to holiness:

Sexual prohibi&ons (18)

Holiness (19)

Sexual prohibi&ons (20)
Holiness precau&ons (21-22)
Holiness of &me (23)
Holiness of Gods name (24)
Holiness of the land (25)
The covenant (26)
The consecra&ons (27)

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Levi&cus 19 opens with God telling the

Israelites: Be holy, for I, the Lord, your
God, am holy. Thats a tall order!
Unlike the previous chapters in Levi&cus,
chapter 19 appears to be a miscellany of
laws, addressed to individuals, as well as
to the community as a whole, and the
collec&on ranges from the mundane to
the profound, enabling the common
person to aUain a degree of holiness
heretofore restricted to the priests.
Although a miscellany, Levi&cus 19 is
simply structured with an opening and
closing, framing eighteen units:

All about Sex!


Levi&cus 19Holiness
The Lord said to Moses: Speak to the whole Israelite
community and tell them: Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am
holy (1-2)
Honor parents (3)
No idols (4)
Proper fellowship oerings (5-8)
Care for the poor (9-10)
Do not steal or lie (11-12)
No exploita&on (13-14)
No par&ality (15-16)
Love your neighbor (17-18)
Do not mix animals/crops (19)
10. No sex with someone elses slave (20-22)
11. Harves&ng fruit (23-25)
12 No mu&la&on (26-28)
13. No pros&tu&on (29)
14. Observe Sabbath (30)
15. No sances (31))
16. Respect elderly (32)
17. Respect aliens (33-34)
18. Honest measures (35-36)
Be careful, then, to observe all my statues and decrees. I am the
Lord (37)
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Well sample a few to get an idea.

1. Each of you revere your mother and
father, and keep my sabbaths (v. 3).
The founda&on of living a holy life begins with
honoring our fathers and mothers, those who gave
us life. Its corollary is observing the Sabbath, which
God gave commanded to make us aware of our
dignity as human beings: we are not to be slaves to
anything, including &me.

2. Do not turn aside to idols, nor make

molten gods for yourselves (v. 4).
Obviously, we are not to make graven images of

other gods to worship, but we can also make idols

and gods of our careers, homes, possessions, poli&cal
par&es, and so on. God says, Dont do it! We are
to focus on him, viewing reality through his eyes, not
through the eyes of the world.

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4. When you reap the harvest of your land,

you shall not be so thorough that you

reap the eld to its very edge, nor shall
you gather the gleanings of your harvest.
Likewise, you shall not pick your vineyard
bare, nor gather up the grapes that have
fallen. These things you shall leave for
the poor and the alien. I am the Lord
your God (vv. 9-10).

There will always be poor people among us, so we

shall provide for them by leaving a 10% fringe

around our elds when we harvest them, and when
harves&ng we make only one pass at a eld, leaving
the gleanings for the poor. In this way we will care
for the poor, but we will not destroy their dignity by
giving them handouts: they have to work to harvest
and glean our eld for themselves.

We have a perfect example of this in the book of

Ruth, with Ruth gleaning in the eld of Boaz behind
the harvesters to support herself and her mother-in-
law, Naomi.

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6. You shall not exploit your neighbor. You

shall not commit robbery. You shall not
withhold overnight the wages of your
laborer. You shall not insult the deaf, or
put a stumbling block in front of the
blind, but you shall fear your God. I am
the Lord (vv. 13-14).

All three examples are means of exploi&ng our

neighbor: 1) robbing him; 2) withholding his wages;

and 3) insul&ng the deaf or placing a stumbling block
in front of the blind.

Each one takes advantage of a persons

vulnerabli&es: 1) robbery is entry by stealth into
anothers home when his guard is down; 2)
withholding wages from an employee is keeping
what is righuully his, simply because you can; and 3)
insul&ng the deaf or tripping up the blind obviously
takes advantage of a handicapped persons disability.
ALL people should be treated with dignity, respect
and fairness, regardless of their status.

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8. You shall not hate any of your kindred in

your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly

so that you do not incur sin because of that
person. Take no revenge and cherish no
grudge against your own people. You shall
love your neighbor as yourself (vv. 17-18).

Ha&ng another person can take many forms, from overt

hos&lity to harboring a grudge in your heart. God calls

us to be forthright. If you have something against your
neighbor, get it out in the open, discussing it with him or
her face to face, not boUling it up inside and levng your
disagreement turn to anger, the anger congealing into
hatred. Holding a grudge and then taking revenge result
from such behavior. In the end, they destroy you, not
your neighbor. Rather, you should love you neighbor
as yourself.

That is precisely what Jesus said when asked about the

greatest commandment. Quo&ng Deuteronomy 6: 5 he
said the greatest commandment is this: You shall love
the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your mind. The second is from
Levi&cus 19: 18: You shall love your neighbor as
yourself (MaUhew 22: 34-40).

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I get the idea! This liUle

miscellany in Levi&cus 19 is a rich
collec&on of sapien&al pearls
strung on a silver cord, wise
sayings tNot
hat rm
e. a very high
moral and ethical plain.

Fancy talker!

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As we noted, Levi&cus 18 and 20 frame

chapter 19, the holiness chapter.
Levi&cus 18 addresses sexual behavior,
while Levi&cus 20 addresses punishment
for some of the worst viola&ons of
biblical law, arranged from the greatest
viola&on to the least:
1. Sacricing to Molech (1-5);
2. Necromancy (worshiping or
consul&ng the dead), (6-8, 27), and;
3. Sexual oences (9-21).

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Sacrificing to Molech
(20: 1-5)
The Lord said to Moses: Tell the Israelites: Anyone,
whether an Israelite or an alien residing in Israel, who gives
offspring to Molech shall be put to death. The people of the
land shall stone that person. I myself will turn against and
cut off that individual from among the people; for in the
giving of offspring to Molech, my sanctuary was defiled and
my holy name was profaned. If the people of the land
condone the giving of offspring to Molech, by failing to put
the wrongdoer to death, I myself will turn against that
individual and his or her family, and I will cut off from their
people both the wrongdoer and all who follow this person by
prostituting themselves with Molech.

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As we saw in 18: 21, God strictly forbids the

human sacrifice of children to Molech by burning
them to death. Apparently, such behavior was
more common than we might think. Sacrifice to
Molech is mentioned 16 times in the Hebrew
Scriptures as endemic. Psalm 106: 37-38 offers an
They sacrificed to demons
their own sons and daughters,
Shedding innocent blood,
the blood of their own sons and daughters
Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan
desecrating the land with [bloodguilt].

Bloodguilt is murder.

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In Leviticus 20 worship of Molech incurs both

death and being cut off [karet] from the people;
that is, God ending ones family line. This is the
most severe punishment in all of Scripture.
Recall the death of the first born in Exodus. We
noted at the time that the Egyptian first born were
dedicated to the Egyptian gods. By the God of
Israel killing the first born of Egypt, he deprives
the Egyptian gods of what is rightfully theirs, thus
demonstrating his dominance over them.
In like manner, when an Israelite sacrifices a child
to Molech, he deprives God of what is rightfully his,
demonstrating Molechs dominance over God.

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As we noted, Levi&cus 18 and 20 frame

chapter 19, the holiness chapter.
Levi&cus 18 addresses sexual behavior,
while Levi&cus 20 addresses some of the
worst viola&ons of biblical law, arranged
from the greatest viola&on to the least:
1. Sacricing to Molech (1-5);
2. Necromancy (worshiping or
consul&ng the dead), (6-8, 27), and;
3. Sexual oences (9-21).

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(20: 6-8, 27)
Should anyone turn to ghosts and spirits and prostitute
oneself with them, I will turn against that person and
cut such a one off from among the people. Sanctify
yourselves, then, and be holy; for I, the Lord, your
God, am holy. Be careful, therefore, to observe my
statutes. I, the Lord, make you holy . . . A man or a
woman who acts as a medium or clairvoyant shall be
put to death. They shall be stoned to death; their
bloodguilt is upon them.

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The dichotomy of life/death lies at the very

heart of Leviticus. Recall God saying in
Deuteronomy 30: 19I have set before you
life and death, the blessing and the curse.
Necromancythe worshiping or consulting of
the deadfundamentally contradicts the
message of Leviticus. As Jesus said: He is
not the God of the dead but of the
living (Matthew 22: 32).
Like the worship of Molech, God punishes any
form of necromancy by death and by being
cut off.

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As we noted, Levi&cus 18 and 20 frame

chapter 19, the holiness chapter.
Levi&cus 18 addresses sexual behavior,
while Levi&cus 20 addresses some of the
worst viola&ons of biblical law, arranged
from the greatest viola&on to the least:
1. Sacricing to Molech (1-5);
2. Necromancy (worshiping or
consul&ng the dead), (6-8, 27), and;
3. Sexual oences (9-21).

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The sexual oences in Levi&cus 20 are among

the most serious of the batch in chapter 18,
all of them punishable either by death, by
being cut o or by being childless.
Cursing father or mother sets the moral and
ethical stage, leading a parade of lascivious,
libidinal acts:
Sex with a neighbors wife (10)
Sex with ones step-mother (11)
Sex with ones daughter-in-law (12)
Sex between two men (13)
Sex with a woman and her mother (14)
Sex with an animal (15-16)
Sex with a sister (17)
Sex during a womans period (18)
Sex with an aunt (19-20)
Sex with a brothers wife (21)
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1. In Levi&cus 18-20, how does God protect a woman

from being sexually exploited by her family, clan or
2. What is the primary reason for obeying the sexual laws
in Levi&cus 18?
3. God forbids oering a child to Molech. Aside from the
obvious cruelty of burning a child to death, what is the
primary reason for this prohibi&on?
4. The holiness laws in Levi&cus 19 are commanded of
the Israelites. Should a Chris&an to obey them, as
5. The punishments for disobeying the prohibi&ons in
Levi&cus 20 include death, being cut o and being
childless. Why are the punishments so harsh?

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Copyright 2015 by William C. Creasy

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