120 HAAD Exam Questions
120 HAAD Exam Questions
120 HAAD Exam Questions
You have to do your part in finding the answers for some questions.
1- patient is on digoxin. What is the drug of choice?
- Lasix
2- post operation patient always asking for analgesic (over seeking). What is the most appropriate nursing
- inform the physician to put the patient on regular analgesic
- tell the patient that its a fake feeling
- Increase patients analgesic dose
3- patient with Digoxin with Hyperkalemia, what do you expect the ECG rythem
- peaked, Inverted T wave?? (check)
4- a woman with dysmennorhea, how can the RN know that she is pregnant without any investigations?
5- A patient with diabetic foot, during the discharge plan, how can the nurse know that the patient understands the
correct way to take care of his feet?
- Ill check my foot every day (inspect)
6- when foleys is inserted, hoe does it fixed?
- inflation of the balloon.
- rotate the cathter and fix it by tape.
7- patient with acute renal failure, after investigation (Blood and urine) what do you expect to have?
- creatinine is high.
8- how can you assess the severity of CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident)
- the affected area in the brain
- block of the artery
- Nerves affected
9- What the suitable position for CVA patient, during doing oral cavity care.
- Supine
- lateral
- prone
10- During NGT (Nasogastric Tube) insertion, the nurse noticed a resistance, what is the suitable Nursing
- remove the NGT.
- apply more power
- Rotate the tube
11- During NGT insertion the patient become cyanosed, Nsg intervention?
- remove the NG and monitor.
- Give O2.
24- the purpose of let the patient with esophagus Varices having cold water ?
- cold water makes Vasoconstriction, prevent bleeding.
25- the Evidence that the patient may have Anorexia nervosa?
- Anemia
26- During Dealing with a Geriatric Patient , what the nurse should expect?
- difficulty swallowing
- Speaking slowly
27- .patient with CVA, how the nurse can assist to enhance the facial movement?
- encourage chewing and smiling.
28- patient with an amputated leg above the knee, complaing of pain in the his amputated knee, what is the
appropriate Nsg intervention?
- tell the pt that this a fake feeling.
- I understand what you feel, bla bla. The nurse have to realize the phantom Pain).
29- post op patient had a thyroidectomy, how can the nurse realize that the pt developed a parathyroid injury?
- muscle twitching.
30- the most dangerous arrhythmia?
- V-tach (Ventricular tachycardia.
- VF (Ventricular fibrillation)
- braycaria
31- a pediatric patient with VSD (Ventricular-Septal Defect), the nurse must know that this disease is?
- Cyanotic disease.
- may or may not need surgical repair.
32- during assessing the understanding of health education for a patient about elastic stocking, the patient states?
- I will wear them during the day, and take them of before sleeping.
33- the most common risk factor after thigh open fracture injury is?
- Pulmonary empolism.(fat embolism)
- Bleeding.
- Severe pain.
34- ICP (IntraCranial pressure) normal value is?
- 10-20 cm h2o.
35- how is the appropriate nursing care for a diabetic (DM) patients nails?
- cut straight, then file.
36- Health Education for a diabetic patient, before having a bath the patient must mesure the water temperature by?
- put his elbow in the water.
- use a thermometer.
37- Physician order give 10 IU mixtard (mixed) with 5 IU actrapid (clear) insulin ..) , the nurse should?
- withdraw actrapid then Mixtard.
- withdraw mix then actrapid.
38- During medication preparation, the nurse noticed unclear label, or unclear expiary date of a medication, what the
appropriate nsg intervention?
- return to the pharmacy to be replaced.
39-When a nurse write an incident report about an error he/she does, it is an example of?
- confidentiality
- accountability
40- when the RN delegates a PN to do a procedure, in case of any mistakes who will be responsible?
- RN
- PN
- Supervisor
- Physician.
41- Patient on Warfarin (Anti coagulation), how the nurse know that the pt understood his health education, all are
correct expcept?
- I will shave by raser instead of shaving set.
- I check (inspect) my body daily of bruises.
- Continuously lab check especially INR level.
- its normal to have dark urine
42- usually pts on warfarin, they must regularly check..
- bleeding time
- INR or PT
- ESR (Estimated sedemintation rate).
43 usually pts on Heparin, the nurse must regularly check..
- bleeding time
- INRor PT
- ESR (Estimated sedemintation rate).
44- Bed ridden patients hoe have low weight (slim), with poor nutrition, immobilized, are at high risk to develop..
- Bed Sores
- DVT (Deep Vein Thrimbosis)
45- when changing the position for a patient with skin traction (with fractured leg), the appropriate nsg intervention?
- Hold the weight (the traction) before changing the position.
46- the protective infection precaution equipment when dealing with a meningitis case is?
- surgical face mask (droplet)
- Gloves.
47- to have the best effectiveness when using a skin traction is?
- free hanging.
48- when the nurse deals with a psycho patient with severe depression, the nurse needs toilet, the appropriate nsg
intervention is?
- tell the patient that he will come back in 5 minutes, and instruct him not to move until he come.
- make any other nurse to cover (replacement).
49- in an Acute Bacterial Meningitis, the CSF (CerebriSpinal Fluid) investigation will be:
- low glucose level.
- high glucose level
- high protein level.
- low protein level
50- in PACU (Post Anesthesia care Unit), the nurse priority during monitoring the pt is?
- Blood pressure (BP)
(in case you have an airways and o2 saturation in the choices not the BP that will be the correct answer)
51- the drug of choice for bradycardia
- Atropine.
- Digoxin.
- epinephrine (Adrenaline)
- norepinephrine.
52- for terminal stages pts who complaining of pain, asking (Morphine)
- give when they complain pain.
53- the best position during having a kidney biopsy is?
- Prone with sand bag support behind the Rt- Lt abdominal area.
- lateral
54- the most complication may the patient have after the liver biopsy procedure is?
- severe Pain.
- Bleeding (Bile)
55- Nsg intervention for an amputated leg with a biological patch is?
- Elevation above pillow to prevent contractures.
56- severe dehydrated baby, which of the following the nurse must expect as a sign:
- crying without tears.
57- Apgar score:
- 0-3 severe distress
- 4-6 Need observation
- 7-10 No problem
57- In Renal calculi case, urine analysis will appear:
- high WBC (white Blood Cells)
- High creatinine.
- high RBC (Red Blood cells)
58- when you are speaking (communicating) to a CVA patient:
- give the patient enough time to speak (because he/she speaking moving slowly)
- Encourage the patient to speak faster.
- act as you understand what he was speaking then ignore.
59- A patient with high ICP (Intracranial Pressure), What do you expect the patient to develop:
- coma
- Seizure
- Blindness
60- How to assess the pediatric tissue perfusion/ Breathing
- Capillary refill to be < 2 seconds.
61- a patient who recently lost his mother, after being informed he said No she is coming today to visit me, this
patient considered in which stage of grieving process?
- Acceptance.
- Denial
- Depression
- Stress
62- Before giving Digoxin, what Must the nurse do?
- Assess the BP
- Assess the RR
- Assess the HR
- assess the O2 saturation
63- signs of Bipolar:
- hyperactivity
64- Health Education for a patient who had total Knee replacement?
- not to cross the legs
65- First choice for feeding a patient with Dysphagia and stroke:
- NG tube.
66- Heavy smoker are at high risk to have:
- Hypertension
- CAD (Coronary Artery Diseases)
- stroke (CVA)
67- which of the following considered as (Plasma Expander)?
- Mannitol
- Albumin
- Perfalgan
68- why its contraindication to give high flow O2 to a COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) patients?
- because it may cause O2 toxicity.
- to maintain breathing stimulation which initiated by the CO2
69- Picc line , when be used for the first time, what you expect from the physician to do?
- withdraw to check if you have food blood flow before using.
- CXR (Chest X-Ray)
- good and firm dressing.
70- which of the following is correct regarding Chest drainage system Discontinue?
- slowly remove the tube suture- dressing
- clamp- instruct of inhalation then hold on- remove tie the wound- dressing
71- post Bronchoscopy patient, the nurse should observe before starting feeding:
- Gag reflex
- wait bowel movement
- NPO (Nothing Per Oss) for 6 hrs then feed.
72- to irrigate a colostomy stoma, the nurse should use:
- Tepid water
- normal Saline
- Ringer lactate
- Distilled water
73- Nursing diagnosis as priority for a patient with Renal calcholie:
- Fluid volume deficit
- Pain
84- DM insepidus, with old patient , you expect : (check the textbook)
- Hyponatremia
- Hypoglycemia
- high crealtinine urine analysis
- ..
85- Most Priority Nsg action post Electroconvulsion Therapy is?
- Put the pt on lateral position
- change position every 15 min
- ask how doe the pt feel.
86- When the RN prepare a dose of 75mg of pethidine, what must the nure do with the residual amount in the 100
mg pethidine ampule?
- Discard it
87- Nursing meaning for the pts principle of Autonomy?
- pt has the right to be informed about results and procedures.
- the nurse respects the patients principles of freedom, choices, self determination and privacy.
- pt has the right for high quality of nsg care and international standards.
88- Effectiveness of O2 therapy for a pt with COPD ?
- HB
- PH and O2 sat
- CBC, ABGs, O2 Sat.
89- with duretics administration, the nurse must be aware of:
- high BP
- weak pulse
- muscle twitching
90- first priority Nsg interventions purpose with Alzhaimer pts is:
- to cure the disease
- giving medicaton to minimize the Signs and symptoms of Alzhaimer.
91- first priority when dealing with unconscious traumatic pt received in the ER?
- jaw thrust maneuver.
- maintain airways and breathing and O2 therapy
- assess level of consciousness.
92- Rectal tube insertion procedure, all of the following steps are correct except:
- Lubricate the rectal tube.
- insert 4-6 inches
- assess for abdominal distention before and after insertion.
- leave the tube for 40 minutes.
93- if the pt complains of pain when inflation of the balloon during the foleys catheter insertion procedure, the
proper nsg action is?
- Aspirate the fluid and remove.
- withdraw the fluid and insert more in then re inflate.
- put lower amount of fluid inside the balloon
94- Diagnosis markers of thalassemia? (check the textbook)
- HB, Electrolytes
95- Which of the following regarding the Nsg diagnosis?
- Medical Pathology
- Treatment
- Actual problem
- Lab result
100- Health Education how to make wound care, the nurse knows that the pt understands by:
- states the steps of sterile techniques while dealing with his wound.
101- to prevent lipo dystrophy with DM patient?
- Rotate injection sites.
- deep injection
- use 25 gauge syringe.
102- Meningitis therapy (Nursing Care) includes:
- ventilate the room
- Allow frequent visitore.
- use low lighting system. (light sensitivity)
103- the purpose of giving Anti D for a pregnant woman?
- to prevent the RBCs destruction for the next baby
104- a pregnant woman 2nd-3rd trimester, planned for C/S, the nsg priority is?
- Assess pain
- start IV fluids
105- Post normal vaginal Delivery, the pt developed vaginal bleeding, uterus is soft, what is the most appropriate
Nsg intervention?
- Uterus message to make the uterus rigid and decrease bleeding.
106- The most suitable diet for a woman with pre- exlampsia is?
- high protein, low salt diet
107- the reason of gum bleeding for a pregnant woman?
- high estrogen level
108- 20 weeks pregnant woman, first fatal movement called?
- Quacking.
109- when you let the patient suddenly down, the normal newborns reflex is called? (revise reflexes)
- Moro reflex
- Babiniski reflex
- rotating (sucking) reflex
- grasping
110- to prevent uterus laceration during delivery
- Episeotomy