English As A Lingua Franca - Seidlhofer
English As A Lingua Franca - Seidlhofer
English As A Lingua Franca - Seidlhofer
In recent years, the term English as a lingua franca (ELF) has emerged
as a way of referring to communication in English between speakers with
different first languages. Since roughly only one out of every four users of
English in the world is a native speaker of the language (Crystal 2003),
most ELF interactions take place among non-native speakers of English.
Although this does not preclude the participation of English native
speakers in ELF interaction, what is distinctive about ELF is that, in most
cases, it is a contact language between persons who share neither a
common native tongue nor a common (national) culture, and for whom
English is the chosen foreign language of communication (Firth 1996:
Barbara Seidlhofer