9 - Seção 6C6D - Sistema de Excitação Transição de Controle

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SD locomotives are equipped with three wheel slip
transductors. The outputs from all transductors on a
locomotive are connected in parallel and loaded on a
single 35 ohm resistor. The voltage drop across the
resistor provides the wheel slip signal. The signal is
the sum of transductor outputs, it initiates corrective

The name "IDAC" is made up from the first letters of
words that describe the wheel slip control system.
These words are, "Instantaneous Detection And Correction."
Extensive and intensive experimentation and testing,
both in the laboratory and on locomotives pulling
freight, has provided evidence that wheel slip correction is best accomplished by a very sharp decrease in
power limited in proportion to the severity of the slip.
Reapplication of power after a slip is corrected should
be initially fast, followed by a leveling off near the
power level at which the slip occurred.

In addition to the through-cable transductors, IDAC

uses bridge-connected voltage sensitive relays to detect wheel slide during dynamic braking, and as a
backup for the transductors during series-parallel
power operation. Except for the transductors, the voltage relays, a time delay sanding relay, and a wheel
slip light relay and light, the components of IDAC are
enclosed in a metal box of about one-half foot cube,
Fig. 6E-1. The box is mounted within the main electrical cabinet of the locomotive, and is identified on the
locomotive schematic wiring diagram as wheel slip
control WSC. Its components require no field adjustment or calibration.

The IDAC wheel slip control system performs the

aforementioned action and retains the versatility of the
transductor type wheel slip detection system. The
transductors require a minimum of maintenance and
are not susceptible to mechanical damage. They have
good detection sensitivity and offer built-in protection
against motor overload and underload or switchgear
defect. Defective shunting resistors or improper wiring
can also be detected by the transductors.

IDAC is equipped with a test pushbutton plus red and

green indicating lights. With the engine running and
the throttle in idle position, the red light comes on
when the test pushbutton is pressed and held to

Fig. 6E-1 - IDAC Wheel Slip Control System - WSC Panel Assembly

Section 6E
inject a 75 V AC simulated wheel slip signal into
IDAC. After a moment the red light will go out and
the green light will come on, along with the white
wheel slip light on the control stand. The green
light indicates with a high degree of probability
that all IDAC components are functioning properly.

The stages of power reduction are as follows:

1. First Stage - Sharp Power Reduction
Small and instantaneous reduction of power
will correct most wheel slips, and immediate
reapplication of full power after a minor slip is
corrected prevents unneeded power reduction.
IDAC provides the desired action by instantaneously lowering the load regulator reference
signal (without moving the rheostat brush arm)
to the main generator excitation system whenever a slip is detected. When the slip is corrected, the load regulator reference signal and
locomotive power are immediately restored.

NOTE: Sanding will occur when the test pushbutton is pressed, unless the sanding
magnet valves are disabled.
The primary wheel slip detection devices - the
transductors - remain unchanged from earlier systems, but application of the wheel slip signal from
the transductors differs. With IDAC, normal wheel
slip correction results from a change in the
strength of the signal from the transductors,
rather than from the level of signal strength. The
degree of correction is dependent upon the rate at
which an increase in signal strength takes place.
IDAC, however, responds in a protective manner
when a severe slip results in signal strength of a
high level.

Under conditions of heavy drag and poor adhesion where repetitive slips are encountered,
IDAC will maintain locomotive power at the optimum level for conditions. Train handling is
smooth, and power reduction by the operator is
not required.
In this first stage the amount that the load regulator reference signal is lowered is in direct relationship to the acceleration of the slipping
wheels. If the slip or slide is detected by
bridge-connected voltage relays, the load regulator signal is also lowered a specific amount.

The use of a change in signal strength rather than

a level of signal strength overcomes the effects of
normal differences in transductor output from one
locomotive to another. The differences result from
normal manufacturing tolerances and from conditions of wear and use. On earlier systems, these
differences made necessary the use of slip signals at a high average level in order to reject false
signals. This prevents corrective response at the
lowest levels of wheel slip.

In addition to correcting differential slips before

severe loss of adhesion occurs, the instantaneous response of IDAC greatly reduces the
chances of simultaneous slip. If a simultaneous
slip does occur it is detected by pickup of the
overvoltage relay OVR or by forward transition
relay FTR after forward transition. Correction is
accomplished by dropout of the generator field
relay GF plus ORS action.

With the IDAC system, the normal level of transductor output is irrelevant, since with the exception of severe motor unbalance, it is a change
from the normal level that is used to signal slips.
The rate at which an increase to above normal
takes place controls the degree of corrective response.
The change in signal strength from the transductors is seen at an RC circuit (resistorcapacitor)
that in effect converts the rate of increase into a
usable value that is dependent upon rate of increase. Power reduction is then made in direct
proportion to that usable value. Thus, power reduction does not take place in relation to the
speed of slipping wheels, but in relation to the
rate of speed increase or acceleration of those

2. Second Stage - Modulation Of Power

When the signal bringing about the action in
the first step exceeds a predetermined value,
second stage circuitry operates to apply sand
to the wheels and to bring about discharge of
the rate control RCP capacitors at a controlled
fast rate. The rate of discharge varies with the
stage of transition.
Generator excitation is reduced as the capacitors discharge through predetermined values

Section 6E
ing the increase, a current proportional to the rate
of increase will flow through CA3, and a voltage
will appear across RH4, providing a signal to turn
on transistor Q1.

of electrical resistance. When the slip is corrected, the capacitors are recharged at the
rate inherent in the power control system, and
generator excitation is increased to reapply
power smoothly. Sanding continues for a
timed period after slip correction.

The setting of RH4 is a factory setting meant to

achieve a specific voltage drop at WSC terminals
10 and 11 when the input at terminals 1 and 2 is a
minimum specific value.

3. Third Stage - Steady State Pickup

If the output from the transductors reaches a
predetermined high level, third stage circuitry
is actuated. Action of this stage is dependent
upon signal strength only, not upon the rate of
increase in signal strength. The third stage
backs up the action of the second stage in that
the corrective action it provides is the same as
that provided by the second stage. However, a
steady signal with little rate of increase will actuate the third stage, and protection against
slowly progressing high speed slips or against
faults such as lockedsliding wheels is ensured.

The signal taken from the center tap of RH4 is

directed to the base of transistor Q1 through resistor RE2 and diodes CR3 and CR4. RE2 limits
current to the base of the transistor, and the diodes require that a specific minimum voltage be
applied before Q1 begins to conduct.
CA5 requires that the signal through RE2 must
consist of closely spaced spikes or be of sufficient
strength and duration to turn on Q1. This integration of the signal prevents "noise" from the
transductors from causing false wheel slip corrections. Such "noise" can occur when crossing rail


Transistor Q1 is connected across the power

supply consisting of RE6, T2, CRIB, Z3, and CA4.
The primary of isolation transformer T2 is connected in series with voltage dropping resistor
RE6 across one phase of the D14 alternator.
CRIB rectifies and CA4 filters T2 output. Zener
diode Z3 provides 50 volt regulation, and RE13
sets the maximum available output voltage to
terminals 10 and 11 of WSC.

This description will consider first the system response to a wheel slip signaled by the transductors. This will be followed by a description of
bridge circuit response to a slip or slide.
The outputs of all wheel slip transductors, Fig.
6E-2, on a locomotive are connected in parallel
across a single 35 ohm resistor. The signal at the
35 ohm resistor is the sum of the transductor outputs. The primary winding of isolation transformer
T1 is also connected across the 35 ohm resistor
at terminals No. 1 and 2 of IDAC. During normal
locomotive operation the transductors put out a
small and essentially steady signal. The signal is
transformed by T1 and T2 and rectified by CR1A
and CRIB.

As 01 passes output current, a voltage drop results across RE3. This voltage, applied between
the load regulator and the sensor bypass, can be
considered to act as a negative voltage in opposition to the load regulator voltage (in series with
LR of the sensor bypass panel). This turns off the
sensor bypass panel transistor, which stops current flow in the sensor 19-20 coils, which in turn
reduces main generator excitation.

Capacitor CAI, choke CH1, resistor RE1, and capacitor CA2 filter out the AC component. While
the signal remains steady, no current flows
through CA3 and RH4, and no signal is seen at
the base of transistor Q1. The transistor remains
turned off.

The voltage signal across RE3 represents the first

stage of wheel slip correction by IDAC.
After a wheel slip is corrected, current from CA3 reverses. RE1 and RH4 provides a discharge path for
CA3, and CR9 prevents polarity reversal from damaging CA5, which is a polarized capacitor.



When a pair of wheels slips, the impedance of the

AC coils on two of the transductors decreases.
The decrease in impedance results in an increase
in the signal at IDAC terminals No. 1 and 2. Dur-

Zener diode Z4 determines the minimum pickup voltage for sensitive micropositioner relay "R."


Section 6E
When the slip signal from the transductors results
in a voltage drop across RE3 that exceeds the
minimum set by Z4, Fig. 6E-2, the rate relay "R"
picks up. "R" relay contacts close 8 to 6 to connect 74 volt control current to the operating coil of
the auxiliary rate relay RA. RA provides contacts
of higher capacity than those of the "R" relay.
The No. 2 contacts of RA close to connect the
positive side of capacitors CA29 and CA31 to
negative through a specific resistance (RE9 plus
RH5) of a relatively low value. The resistance
value selected determines the rate at which the
capacitors will discharge. The discharge rate is
changed by pickup of the universal relay "U" after
transition from series-parallel to parallel. This
provides for faster reapplication of power in series-parallel. Power reduction is dependent upon
the rate of generator field decay, therefore is no
faster or slower because of the "U" relay.
Note that the No. 2 contacts of the "L" relay are
connected in parallel with the No. 2 contacts of
the RA relay. The "L" relay contacts act only as a
backup in case of RA relay failure.
The discharge rate of CA29 and CA31 determines
the signal at the base of the rate control panel
transistor and through it controls the signal from
the load regulator to the base of the sensor bypass panel transistor.
In addition to power reduction, the contacts of relay RA close to connect 74 volt control current to
the operating coil of time delay sanding relay
TDS. Sand is immediately applied to the rail.
Discharge of the rate control capacitors plus application of sand acts in addition to the initial corrective action brought about by instantaneous reduction of the load regulator signal to the sensor
bypass panel transistor. No further correction is
When the slip stops accelerating, the signal from
Q1 stops, and the effect of the voltage drop
across RE3 is immediately nullified. However, the
signal from the load regulator has been reduced
and it can increase only at the rate at which capacitors CA29 and CA31 are charged through the
3000 ohm resistor in the rate control panel and
through RE31. This accomplishes smooth reapplication of power to the wheels. Sanding continues as power is reapplied. The sanding period is
timed by the delayed dropout of TDS.


When transductor output reaches a predetermined level (terminal 1-2 voltage reaches 57 volts
RMS) the level relay "L" picks up. "L" relay pickup
is completely independent of the rate at which
transductor output increases. It responds only to
a particular strength of transductor output.
If wheel slip or slide is not corrected by the voltage drop across RE3 or by pickup of the "R" relay, the level of transductor output will reach a
high enough level to pick up the "L" relay, and the
wheel slip light will come on.
With the exception of the wheel slip light coming
on, pickup of the level relay "L" brings about no
additional corrective action beyond that accomplished by pickup of the rate relay "R." However,
the level relay "L," unlike the "R" relay, will not
drop out when the acceleration of the slip stops. It
remains picked up until the slip is corrected or until power reduction is great enough to drop the
current differential at the transductors below the
level that will hold up the "L" relay.
When the slip is corrected, the "R" and RA relays
drop out, as does the "L" relay. The circuit from
the rate control capacitors to negative through
RE9 and RH5 is interruped, and power is reapplied at the rate at which the rate control panel
capacitors are charged through the 3000 ohm resistor in the rate control panel.
If the slip persists, as in the case of locked-sliding
wheels, the three stages of correction are repeated. First the voltage drop across RE3, then
pickup of the rate relay followed by pickup of the
level relay. The wheel slip light will blink on and
off as the cycle repeats, or it will burn continuously if the throttle is advanced far enough to hold
the "L" relay picked up.
The bridge circuits function during dynamic braking and as backup protection during power operation, but they also ensure protection against
three-axle simultaneous slips that bring about no
current differential at the transductors. When a
slip occurs, the applicable bridge relay picks up,
the wheel slip warning light comes on, and the
sand is applied to the rail. Resistance is inserted
in series with the load regulator. Generator excitation and traction motor field current are

Section 6E
immediately reduced. Bridge relay contacts also
energize the RA relay, which discharges the rate
control capacitors through RE9 and RH5.

Section 6E transformer T1 is connected across

one phase from the D14 alternator by the No. 1
contacts of the "T" relay.

When the slip is corrected, the bridge relay drops

out, immediately removing the resistance in series
with the load regulator. The rate control capacitors charge at the rate determined by the 3000
ohm resistor in the rate control panel. Braking effort or power is smoothly restored. Sanding continues for the period set by the delayed dropout of

Since the engine is at idle speed, 75 V AC from

the D14 is applied to the primary of T1. The output of T1 is sufficient to pick up the "L" relay and
turn on the white wheel slip warning light on the
locomotive control stand, but since the No. 3 contacts of the "T" relay have operated, no signal is
sent to the RA relay.
Output from the secondary of T1 charges capacitor CA3 through RH4. The voltage drop across
RH4 to the brush arm provides a signal to turn on
transistor Q1. The signal is strong enough to
cause pickup of rate relay "R" and its auxiliary relay RA. Rate relay auxiliary contacts close to energize the green light relay "G" and turn on the
green light. Pickup of the RA relay also energizes
the time delay sanding relay TDS, and sand is
applied to the rail.


With the isolation switch in RUN position and the
throttle opened, the generator field signal relay
GFS is energized. Its contacts open to prevent
any possibility of current flowing to the test relay
"T." This prevents the test pushbutton from initiating wheel slip corrective action during operation
of the locomotive. It also precludes the application
of high (Run 8) voltage from the D14 alternator to
transformer T1.

The rate relay "R" and the rate relay auxiliary RA

will drop out when capacitor CA3 is fully charged
and transistor Q1 turns off, but the No. 1 contacts
of the "G" relay have closed to latch in the "G"
relay and hold the green light on. Dropout of the
RA relay de-energizes TDS, but the green light
will remain on as long as the test pushbutton is
held in. When the test button is released, the
IDAC circuits return to normal.

When the locomotive is isolated or the throttle is

placed in the idle position, the GFS relay drops
out to allow application of 74 V DC control current
to the transfer relay "T" when the test pushbutton
is pressed. When the "T" relay picks up, the red
light comes on, the the primary of


Section 6E

Fig. 6E-2 - IDAC Wheel Slip Control System


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