Arabic With Husna (Lesson 1) Unit 1 (0.1) Bayyinah TV Transcript Notes

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UNIT 1 (0.1)


InshaAllah Today is your first day of many, many, many days to come, where were
going to try to learn something about the language of the Quran. And its really
important that when we start a class or try to learn anything about the Quran, that
we remind ourselves of the most important thing first. And the most important thing is
our INTENTION. Why are we trying to learn the Arabic language? Number one, it is
because Allah chose this language to send His last message to people, the Quran.
And like you read lots of books, story books in school and textbooks and things like
that, right? And they are important for you to study because you have an exam
coming. Well, all human beings are in a test, all of us are in a test and that test is
going to be judged and the grades will be given on the Day of Judgment. And in
order for us to do well on this test, we have to know our book, just like you would in
any test. And our book is the Quran. So we first of all have to make the intention that
we are learning this, so we can really remember Allah and pass that test on the Day
of Judgment. If we make that intention, then Allah will make the Quran easy for us to
remember Allah will make the Quran easy for us to remember. Now im going to
write something on the screen, and Im going to ask you to try to recite for me, ok?

m Surah Al-Qamar 54:22: p529
 The ayah goes on, but I just want you to recite that with me 3 times, ok?

m l
m  l
Im not going to describe it to you word by word, but what this means  this is
something Allah says in the Quran. And from today on, Im going to have to ask you
to remember this. I will ask you what does Allah say.
 This is Allahs promise to all Muslims who want to learn anything about the
Quran. This is what Allah promised in the Quran itself. And its really important for
you, as a student of the Quran, and therefore a student of Arabic, because youre a
student of the Quran to know this promise of Allah.  Let me tell you what it

m  Can you say it one more time, before I tell you?

m Means  We swear, or Allah swears or promises,

Bayyinah TV - Arabic with Husna UNIT 1 (0.1)

Notes by Musarrat Bano

[email protected]

that He definitely already made the Quran easy, for people who want to remember,
for remembrance, in order to remember.
 We definitely, really, really, made the Quran easy for remembrance.
 For someone who wants to remember Allah, Allah made it easy for them.
 It also means Allah made it easy for the Quran to be memorised.
 Thats why if you remember this promise of Allah, and you remind yourself of
Allahs promise and its like, before you start any class you turn back to Allah,
and I used to do this when I was studying Arabic, Ya Allah you promised in the
Quran to make this easy, make this lesson easy for me. Ok? Because a teacher
can try to make a lesson easy and a student can be really smart and they can see if
they can get the lesson and understand it, right? But at the end of the day, all of that
doesnt mean that the lesson or what you learn is going to be easy or you will
remember it Allah Himself says Were the Ones who make it easy. In other
words, its not me who made it easy, its not you, because youre smart or not
smart that gets it easy, its not because of what kind of computer were using or
handwriting none of that matters what matters is Allah Himself made it easy. Is
that clear to you?
 How do you say - We made the Quran easy to remember?

l m Surah Al-Qamar 54:22: p529

 Say it 3 times quickly.

m l
m  l

 Thats your first lesson  l

m probably the most

important lesson.
 When we learn more and more inshaAllah, things are going to feel like they are
getting hard, its going to feel like that, but thats the time where you have to

remember, what? Ans: l


 Thats the time you have to remind yourself: Ya Allah, You are the one Who said:


 One last bit of advice and InshaAllah Ta Ala from tomorrow on were going to start
our lessons, little tiny lessons every day. Once we do start inshaAllah, its going to be
really important for you, to recite this to yourself and make a dua to Allah, to make
this easy for you. Its going to be really, really important that you do that, because its
going to help you, in your entire life when you study the Quran. With that
inshaAllah Ta Ala, were going to conclude our first little, tiny, mini session.


Bayyinah TV - Arabic with Husna UNIT 1 (0.1)

Notes by Musarrat Bano

[email protected]

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