Fule v. CA

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Gregorio Fule, a banker by profession and a jeweler at the same time, offered to
sell his parcel of land (10-hectare property in Rizal) to Dr. Cruz in exchange for P40,000
and a diamond earring owned by the latter. It is undisputed that Fule had an interest to
purchase said earring from Dr. Cruz and made several offers to buy it from the latter.
Subsequently, negotiations for the barter of the jewelry and the Tanay property ensued.
A deed of absolute sale was then prepared by Atty. Belarmino and the parties
executed the same. On the same day Fule went to the bank with Dichoso and Mendoza,
and Dr. Cruz arrived shortly thereafter. Dr. Cruz got the earrings from her safety deposit
box and handed it to Fule who then examined it for 10-15 minutes. After a while, Dr.
Cruz asked if those were alright to which petitioner expressed his satisfaction by nodding
his head and took the earrings. Two hours after, Fule complained that the earrings were
fake. Thereafter, he filed a complaint to declare the sale null and void on the ground of
fraud and deceit.
The trial court rendered a decision against petitioner in finding that the contract of
sale or barter had had in fact been consummated and that petitioner is already estopped to
question the genuineness of the jewelry due to the unexplained delay of 2 hours.
Whether the sale should be nullified on the ground of fraud
A contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting of the minds upon
the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the price. Being consensual, a
contract of sale has the force of law between the contracting parties and they are expected
to abide in good faith by their respective contractual commitments.
Ownership over the parcel of land and the pair of emerald-cut diamond earrings
had been transferred to Dr. Cruz and petitioner, respectively, upon the actual and
constructive delivery thereof. Furthermore, petitioner was afforded the reasonable
opportunity required in Article 1584 of the Civil Code within which to examine the
jewelry as he in fact accepted them when asked by Dr. Cruz if he was satisfied with the
same. By taking the jewelry outside the bank, petitioner executed an act which was more
consistent with his exercise of ownership over it. The nature and value of the thing he had
taken preclude its return after that supervening period within which anything could have
happened, not excluding the alteration of the jewelry or its being switched with an
inferior kind.
While it is true that the amount of P40,000.00 forming part of the consideration
was still payable to petitioner, its nonpayment by Dr. Cruz is not a sufficient cause to
invalidate the contract or bar the transfer of ownership and possession of the things
exchanged considering the fact that their contract is silent as to when it becomes due and

Neither may such failure to pay the balance of the purchase price result in the payment
of interest thereon. Article 1589 of the Civil Code prescribes the payment of interest
by the vendee for the period between the delivery of the thing and the payment of
the price in the following cases:
(1) Should it have been so stipulated;
(2) Should the thing sold and delivered produce fruits or income;
(3) Should he be in default, from the time of judicial or extrajudicial demand for the
payment of the price.
Not one of these cases obtains here. This case should, of course, be distinguished from
De la Cruz v. Legaspi, where the court held that failure to pay the consideration after the
notarization of the contract as previously promised resulted in the vendees liability for
payment of interest. In the case at bar, there is no stipulation for the payment of interest in
the contract of sale nor proof that the Tanay property produced fruits or income. Neither
did petitioner demand payment of the price as in fact he filed an action to nullify the
contract of sale.

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