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The article discusses the importance of carefully specifying burners and considering factors like type, heat release, turndown ratio and air supply to improve heater performance and reduce maintenance.

Burner selection should consider experience, testing, heat release needs, turndown ratio and ability to handle different fuels. The burner should provide stable combustion with low excess air and emissions.

The air supply specifications should include the draft, preheat temperature, distribution method, wind protection, register design and excess air levels needed for complete combustion.


Better Burner Specifications

Consider these burner specifications to improve fired heaters performance
A. Garg, Engineers India Ltd., New Delhi, India
Specifying the right requirements for fired heater burners can improve the heater operation and reduce
maintenance. With the right type of burners, fired heater capacity can be increased by 5-10% and thermal
efficiency by 2-3%. Burner selection and specification should be done care-fully as they have a direct
impact on heater operation.
Burner type
Users should specify only burner types that they have sufficient operating experience with. Alternatively, the
burner that has been proven in the industry elsewhere, or at least has been successfully tested at the
vendor's furnace test rigs under simulated conditions, should be specified. A number of cases have been
reported of severe production losses and shut downs due to selection of unproven burners. It may appear to
be costly to ask for testing of burners, as one of the requirements, but it will prove much cheaper in the long
run. This is particularly important now with new low NOx burner designs that may require higher excess air
and have longer flame lengths than normal burners.
Heat release and turndown
The burner supplier should be able to meet varying demands of the user arising from his process design
and operation philosophy. Burners are normally designed to provide 120% of their normal heat liberation at
peak heat duty. The user should
TABLE 1- Burner selection Criteria
specify very clearly the normal,
Burners should provide stable combustion with:
maximum and minimum heat
1. Ability to handle wide range of fuels
release requirements of the burner
2. Provision for safe ignition
to the vendor. Oversizing burners
3. Easy maintenance
normally leads to overfiring of the
4. Good turn down ratio
5. Well defined flame pattern with all fuels and firing rates
Turndown capability of these
burners depends upon the type of
6. Low excess air operation
oil gun selected and available oil
7. Low Noise and NOx Levels
and steam pressures. The lower
limit depends upon the ability to keep a stable flame with minimum oil throughout.
Air supply
The availability of furnace draft determines the size of air registers. In case of a natural draft burner, draft
available at the burner must be calculated accurately from the firebox dimensions and flue gas temperature,
and specified clearly. If the draft specified is lower than the available draft, it will result in oversized burners.
On the other hand, if higher draft is specified than what is actually available, burners will not be able to give
maximum heat release. If preheated air is used for combustion then combustion air temperature at the
burner needs to be specified to apply temperature correction for the pressure drop.
If forced draft burners are also required to
operate under natural draft conditions it must he dearly specified. The natural draft conditions are controlling
in such cases. Burner air supply should be protected against variations in wind velocity, which may cause

Hydrocarbon Processing, August 1989

blow back. Forced draft burners should be provided with adjustable dampers and a windbox gauge to
ensure equal distribution of air. Uniform air distribution to the burner can also be ensured by proper duct
design or flow modeling.
The burner windbox and front plate should be made out of at least 3-mm CS plates. This is to prevent
warping of plates and improve long-term operability. Roller bearings should be provided for easy register
movement and a positive locking device should be included to prevent vibration from changing register
position. Register air controls should be easily accessible
Excess air
For complete combustion, it is necessary to supply enough excess air. A good burner design calls for
minimum possible excess air compatible with process requirements. Normal excess air levels for different
fuels are given in Table 2. As a rule
TABLE 2- Excess air levels
of thumb every 10% extra air used
Fuel oil
Fuel gas
in combustion translates into a loss
Natural draft
25 to 15
20 to 10
of 0.7% in terms of efficiency. At
Forced draft
15 to 10
10 to 5
turndown conditions, which are
Forced draft
mostly overlooked, the excess air
(preheated air)
10 to 5
requirement goes up substantially.

High intensity
Standard burners
NOx emission
Natural Gas
90 to 100 ppm
#2 oil
100 to 110 ppm
# 6 oil
230 to 260 ppm

Low NOx burners
NOx emission
Natural Gas
55 to 60 ppm
#2 oil
65 to 70 ppm
# 6 oil
140 to 170 ppm

Fuel specifications
The burner design is linked directly with the fuels to be fired. Some of the properties that need to be listed
very clearly for liquid fuels are fuel specific gravity, lower heating value, fuel oil viscosity, fuel pressure, and
temperature available at burner. For gaseous fuels, molecular weight is also important. Fuel oil viscosity
and pressure available will govern the atomizer and oil tip design. If the fuel contains abrasive particles
hardened, oil tips should be specified.
Firing position
The burner location in the furnace is an important criterion and firing position should be specified clearly.
For sidewall firing the type of burner normally used is a self-inspirating or forced draft radiant wall burner
based on gas or light distillates as fuel. In these burners, the draft availability goes down as one moves
up along the burner rows. The draft available at the top most row is controlling.
For bottom-up firing, the burner may be oil, gas or combination fired and can be natural or forced draft.
For vertical down firing, the burner is forced draft with oil, gas, or combination fuel firing.
Flame dimensions
The burner selected should conform to the flame profile required in the furnace. One of the primary
concerns of the furnace operator is that flame impingement on heater tubes be avoided at all costs. If the
flames are too wide, they will impinge on the lower part of the tubes. If the flames exceed the heater height
they will touch the upper part of the tubes and shock them. The overall dimensions of the flame permissible
to avoid any flame impingement and local overheating of the tubes or the refractory should govern the
choice of burner Flame pattern and shape can be altered by changing the spray angle of the fuel oil-steam
mix and tip position. A clear spacing of at least 900-mm must be maintained between tube face and outer
edge of the flame. Flame height should be restricted to 50% of the firebox height at maximum liberation.
The flame pattern improves considerably in the forced draft burner when preheated air is used. Although it
is difficult to evolve a formula for flame dimensions, most manufacturers predict a flame length of 1.5 to 2.0
meters/MM kcal for forced draft burners.
The flame diameter; and to a certain extent flame length, is guided by the shape of the burner block. Most
burner vendors estimate the width of flame as 2 to 2.5 times the block diameter.

Hydrocarbon Processing, August 1989

Ignition mode
Smooth light up of any burner is essential for safety. Most burners are lit using manual torches or pilot
burners. Radiant wall burners used in cracking or reforming furnaces are lit manually. In these burners,
easy access through the lighting hole is essential. Pilot burners are designed for gaseous fuels and should
be kept on continuously except in some cases where they are to be used as startup pilots only. Pilot
burners normally should be fully self-inspirating or have an independent combustion air supply. Pilot burners
should have a minimum heat release of 10,000 kcal/h. A stable and at least 150-mm-long pilot flame is
desired for typical process heater burners. Pilot burners in turn can be ignited manually or by an electric
ignition system. In heaters having a single burner, it is preferable to provide a flame safeguard system. The
flame sensing element is either an ultraviolet or an infrared cell to monitor both pilot and/or main burner.
The purchaser should specify the availability of pilot fuel gas along with its properties and the preferred
ignition mode. Automatic electric ignition systems for pilot burners with flame monitoring are very expensive,
particularly in hazardous areas.
All burners should have an ignitor port of at least 50-mm diameter in case burners have to be lit manually.
They also should have a view port or sight glass to view the flame.
Atomization media
The purchaser should specify the available atomizing media, its pressure, and temperature. Steam, when
used, as atomizing media, preferably should be dry and slightly superheated. Compressed air must be free
from entrained moisture. It is also preferred that consumption of atomizing media be minimized and limited
to a normal range of 0.2 to 0.3 kg/kg of oil in case of steam, and 0.4 to 0.5 kg/kg of oil in case of air. There
are two basic modes of control generally used:
Constant steam pressure for optimum atomization at all loads and simplicity of control.
Constant steam/oil pressure differential for minimum steam consumption at lower loads.
Some of the forced draft burners consume atomizing steam in the range of 0.05 to 0.15 kg/kg of oil and are
known as steam assisted burners. One should be cautious with such burners as the tip and plugs have fine
holes and are carefully machined. They may require frequent oil tip cleaning and installation of oil filters
upstream of the burner supply line.
Control of noise pollution and providing a better environment for the operators is becoming increasingly
important. Noise in burners is caused by three sources: flow of gas through the orifice, flow of air through
the register and actual combustion of fuel.
Noise caused by gas and air can be reduced significantly by using mufflers on individual burners. Air
registers can be enclosed in a plenum chamber. Plenum chambers can be lined with sound absorbing
material to reduce noise levels but then these tend to interfere with burner piping and observation holes. It is
the responsibility of the user to insist on 80 to 85 dBA noise levels during design and procurement.
NOx emission
NOx is formed in the high temperature environment of the flame. Combustion is a primary source of NOx
emissions, and there is considerable interest in burners that will reduce NOx emissions. NOx emissions are
influenced by many factors including fuel nitrogen, flame temperature, burner design, and combustion air
temperature. Burner vendors have developed a number of new burner designs that have reduced NOx
Waste gas firing
In most refineries and petrochemical complexes fired heaters also act as incinerators for gaseous wastes.
The typical gases are sour water stripper off gas, bitumen unit off gas and purge gas. Some of these gases
have a high calorific value while others have only nuisance value. In some petrochemical installations, tar is
another product requiring disposal. It can be fired in burners if it can be diluted with cutter stock to required
oil viscosity at the burner. Such requirements must be clearly specified. It is recommended to fire waste

Hydrocarbon Processing, August 1989

gas in all the burners and limit the heat release of the waste burner to less than 5 % of total burner heat
The awareness of better burner specifications is expected to improve the heater operation, reduce
maintenance and save energy and costs.
The author
Ashutosh Garg is deputy manager, Heat and Mass Transfer Division, Engineers India Limited, New Delhi,
India. He has more than 15 years of experience in process design, sales and commissioning of fired
heaters, incinerators and combustion systems in the process industries. Before joining Engineers India Ltd.,
Mr. Garg worked for Shriram Chemical Industries and Kinetics Technology India Ltd., New Delhi. He
received advance training in fired heater design at Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation, USA and graduated
in chemical engineering in 1974 from the Indian Institute of technology, Kanpur.
Electronically reproduced by special permission from HYDROCARBON PROCESSING (August 1989)
Copyright 1989, Gulf Publishing, Texas

Hydrocarbon Processing, August 1989

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