Donaldson Cooler

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Filtration Solutions

for Gas Turbines,

Generators, and Compressors

Cooling Inlet Air Improves Turbine Output

Choose Evaporative Cooler or Chiller Coils to Create Higher Mass-Flow Rate
Cooling the turbine inlet air -even by a few degrees -- can
increase power output substantially. This is because cooled air is
denser, giving the turbine a higher
mass-flow rate and resulting in
increased turbine output and
efficiency -- even as much as 0.4%
per degree Fahrenheit or about
0.7% per degree Celsius. (See
graph on p. 4)
Donaldson offers two well-proven
inlet air cooling methods:
Evaporative cooling and chiller
coils. The chart at right contains
guidelines for their application.

GDX self-cleaning
filter house with
inlet hoods

Cooler Module

This Donaldson Evaporative Cooler enables

this GE Frame 7FA Gas Turbine near
Lubbock, Texas, USA, to yield maximum
output even during the hot dry summer

Chiller Coil System

This Donaldson GDX filter system + Chiller

Coil filters and cools the air for an Alstom
GTX100 gas turbine in the seasonally hot &
humid climate of the upper midwest USA.

Which Cooling Method Is Best For YYour

our Site?

Donaldson evaporative coolers

and chiller coil systems are
currently cooling gas turbine
engines all over the world, from
Southern California to Saudi
Arabia -- in hot & arid climates,
hot & humid climates, and in
places with seasonal heat.
Designs range in size from 25,000
cfm to 1,300,000 cfm, and are
available with choices in media
efficiency and materials.

Evaporative Cooler
Economical operation
Uncomplicated system

Chiller Coils

Can cool the inlet air regardless

of ambient humidity

Can be sized for small or large systems

Broad range of cooling achievable,
down to 45F/7C

Cooling efficiency depends
Need source of chilled water
on relative humidity of
Causes slightly higher P than an
ambient intake air....high humidity
evap cooler does
can inhibit cooling effect
Need source of make-up water

rev 6/05

Chiller Coil Systems

Donaldson designs the chiller coil
system as a module that is typically
positioned downstream of the air
filters. This allows the coils, fins
and parts to stay clean enough to
function well for many years. On
some systems where this
positioning is impossible or
undesirable for some reason, we
recommend using pre-filters to
ensure the cleanliness and
functionality of the coils.
For maximum turbine performance, the design temperature of
the air leaving the cooling system
and entering the turbine is typically
no less than 45F / 7C. The
ambient air temp and the altitude
at the site are the major factors
used in sizing and designing a coil
system. Cooling agents are usually
either water or a water/glycol mix,
depending on local ambient
conditions. While Donaldson
doesnt supply systems containing
ammonia, we will work with your
supplier who does.

The Donaldson Chiller Coil System typically

occupies a space between the filter house
and the transition.

How It Works
As airflow passes through the
chilled coils, the air is cooled
through an indirect heat
exchange with the cooling
fluid. The air then passes
through drift eliminator
media and into the turbine.
The coils are cold and
therefore condensation is
created. Condensate droplets
are directed downward and
collected in pans, then
directed out of the system.
Typically, all
condensation is
eliminated this way, but
to ensure air dryness, mist
eliminator panels are in place to
remove any stray condensate

Chiller System Components


(letters correspond to drawing above)

(A) Access Module:

Provides access so operators can
check systems functionality and
perform repairs should they be
Can be equipped with lights or access
hatches or doors.

coils cool the airflow to the same

When moist air is cooled below the
wet bulb temperature, condensation
forms. Condensate is collected in
stainless steel drip pans and directed
out of the system.

(B) Chiller Coil Section:

Chiller coil tubes are typically made
of copper and caged with aluminum
fins that economically and effectively
extend the cooling surface area. Coil
casings are stainless steel for long life.
Supply and return manifolds
distribute incoming water evenly to
individual coil headers so that all

(C) Drift Panels:

A final preventive measure, drift
eliminator panels prevent any
remaining condensate droplets from
going into the ducting.
Moisture removed by the drift
eliminator panels is drained into the
sump at the bottom of the unit.

Evaporative Cooling
We generally recommend that the
evaporative cooler module be
positioned downstream of the filter
section. Our new, improved design
offers several advantages:
Easier installation: Because of
our exclusive construction design
(patent pending), there is almost no
field welding necessary during
erection. This means faster,
simpler, more reliable installation.

(1) & (2) Cooling Media

(1) Clean,
Warm Air

(3) Mist Eliminator

(4) Cooled Air

to Turbine Inlet

Solid structural design (patent

pending) minimizes leak-through.
Fewer mechanical and more
electrical & electronic controls
yield a highly reliable water
control system that is much more
sensitive and responsive to water
level needs.
Low air pressure drop of 0.3-0.4
inches w.g., or 0.5-0.6 inches w.g.,
depending on your media choice.
Two coats of epoxy on the
carbon steel structural members
prevent corrosion. Pans and other
components are made of corrosionresistant materials.

How It Works
(1) When the filtered air passes through the saturated evaporative
cooling media, water evaporates off the wet media. This evaporation is the process that reduces the air temperature.
(2) Excess water that does not evaporate is directed downward so as
not to be carried along with the cooled air.
(3) Cooled air then passes through the integral mist eliminator, where
leftover water droplets are removed.
(4) Clean, cooled air is then directed into the turbine inlet.

Evap Cooler

Hazard Protection
Little or no water carryover,
thanks to integral drift/mist
eliminators that prevent droplets
from reaching the gas turbine inlet.
Only captive fasteners are used
down-stream of final filtration.

Donaldsons Evaporative Cooler fits neatly behind

any of the Donaldson air inlet filters -- in this case
its downstream of a GDX self-cleaning filter.

Chiller Coil section being lifted

into place, downstream of the
filter section

Where to Find Us:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Donaldson Company, Inc

PO Box 1299, 1400 W. 94th St.
Minneapolis MN 55440 USA
Phone: 01-952-887-3131
Donaldson Europe, BVBA
Research Park Zone 1
Interleuvenlaan 1
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: +32-16-38-3811

The Donaldson chiller coil system being

installed will cool the inlet air for a GE
Frame 7EA Gas Turbine in the hot, dry desert
environment near Onaizah, Saudi Arabia.

Cooler Inlet Air Means Higher Turbine Output

Optimizing inlet air temperature increases power output,
as the graph below illustrates.

Turbine Capcity

Heat R




er O



Copyright 1999, American

Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers,
Inc. (http://
Reprinted by permission
from Design Guide for
Combustion Turbine Inlet
Air Cooling Systems by
William E. Stewart, Jr.,
Ph.D., P.E.




Office is located in U.A.E.

Phone: 00 971-6 7 45-2238
Donaldson Filtration Asia Pacific
No. 3, Changi Business Park Vista
#02-00, Singapore 486051
Phone: +65-6311-7373

The Donaldson evaporative cooler, positioned behind the

GDX self-cleaning air filter, reduces inlet air emperature
for a Siemens Westinghouse 501FC Gas Turbine
near St.Paul, Minnesota, USA.


Donaldson Gesellschaft m.b.H

Postfach 1251, D 48233
Phone: +49 25 94 78 10


Compressor Inlet Air TTemperature


For example
example, a gas turbine generator with a Donaldson evaporative
cooling system installed at a site having an ambient temperature of 100F
and a relative humidity of 30% could deliver up to 7.6% more power
than a gas turbine without an evaporative cooler. Evaporative cooling
typically can decrease inlet air temperatures by as much as 20 to 30F,
depending on the ambient humidity.
XLR, GDX, GDS, Spider-Web, Duratek, and Pleatloc are tradenames of the Donaldson Company, Inc. Donaldson Company, Inc.
reserves the right to change or discontinue any model or specification at any time and without notice. Copyright 2005. Printed in U.S.A.
An Equal Opportunity Employer

Donaldson Australasia Pty. Ltd.

Lucca Road, Wyong
New South Wales 2259 Australia
Phone: 61-02-4352-2022
Donaldson Shanghai Office
Room 602, IKEA Office Building
128 Cao Xi Road, Shanghai 200235
Phone: 86-21-5425-3508
Donaldson Far East Ltd.
Unit A, B & C, 21/F CDW Bld.
388 Castle Peak Road
Tsuen Wan, N.T. Hong Kong
Phone 852-2402-2830
DI Filter Systems Pvt. Ltd.
D-44, Gulmohar Park
New Delhi 110-049 India
Phone 0091-124-229-0350
Nippon Donaldson, Ltd.
Tachikaw Nishikicho Bldg
1-8-7 Nishiki-cho, Tachikawa-Shi
Tokyo 190-0022 Japan
Phone: 81-42-540-4112
Donaldson Korea Company, Ltd
Granada Place 2F
45-5, Samsung-dong
Kangnam-gu, Seoul 135-010
Phone: 82-2-517-3333

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