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PG2 Migration Tool Manual

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System 800xA Engineering

Process Graphics Migration Tool

System Version 5.1

Power and productivity

for a better world


System 800xA Engineering

Process Graphics Migration Tool

System Version 5.1

This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a
description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to
the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a
standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document
support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine
the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the
product specifications for the particular ABB product.
ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intellectual property in the ABB products described in this document.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.
In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.
This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used
for any unauthorized purpose.
The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This
product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 2004/108/EEC and in Low
Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC.

All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective owners.

Copyright 2003-2010 by ABB.

All rights reserved.

Document number:

June 2010

About This Book
General ..............................................................................................................................7
Document Conventions .....................................................................................................7
Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons..................................................................7

Section 1 - Introduction
Graphics Migration..........................................................................................................11

Section 2 - Migration Process

Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................13
First Step Before Migration.............................................................................................13
Migration Workflow ........................................................................................................13
Migration Results .................................................................................................14
Constraints .......................................................................................................................16

Section 3 - Migration
Graphics Migration Tool .................................................................................................19
Editing Graphic Aspects ......................................................................................23
Migration Errors...................................................................................................26
Filtering and Sorting ............................................................................................34
Migration Overview .............................................................................................34
Custom Aspect Category Mapping ......................................................................35
Mapping Aspects..................................................................................................37
Mapping Editor ....................................................................................................39


Table of Contents

Section 4 - Migration Workflow

How to perform migration............................................................................................... 51
Migrating graphic elements ................................................................................. 51
Migrating faceplate elements............................................................................... 54
Migrating Libraries .............................................................................................. 54
Migrating Sub elements and Property elements .................................................. 56
Migrating aspects containing ActiveX Controls.................................................. 57
Migrating Custom Aspect Categories.................................................................. 57
Migrating Graphic Displays................................................................................. 58
Migrating Faceplates............................................................................................ 58
Migrating Object Displays................................................................................... 59
Migrating Obsolete Elements .............................................................................. 60
Creating Mapping Information for manually created PG elements..................... 60
Creating Mapping Information for manually created PG generic elements ........ 61


About This Book

Document Conventions

About This Book

This document is used as a reference manual for the migration of IndustrialIT 800xA
graphic aspects based on Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to the Process Graphics based
on Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

Document Conventions
Microsoft Windows conventions are normally used for the standard presentation of
material when entering text, key sequences, prompts, messages, menu items, screen
elements, etc.

Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This publication includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate
to point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to
point out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be
interpreted as follows:
Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in
electrical shock.
Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in personal
Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept
discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard which could
result in corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.
Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.



About This Book

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to
use a certain function
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
fully comply with all Warning and Caution notices.

A complete and comprehensive list of Terms is included in the IndustrialIT
Extended Automation System 800xA, Engineering Concepts instruction
(3BDS100972*). The listing included in Engineering Concepts includes terms and
definitions that apply to the 800xA system where the usage is different from
commonly accepted industry standard definitions and definitions given in standard
dictionaries such as Websters Dictionary of Computer Terms.


Building Block

Building Block comprises of graphic items such as

Graphic primitives, Basic symbols, Buttons, and Input
items that are used to build a Graphic aspect.


The process of reading the information in an existing

VBPG aspect for the migration of the aspect.


Refers to the Visual Basic controls.


The elements upon which the graphic aspect relies on

are collectively termed as Dependencies.

Free VB code

The custom Visual Basic code added by the user to a

graphic aspect.

XML file

A file where the data is stored in a structured and

hierarchical form.


About This Book




Mapping information

The information required for the Migration Tool to know

how a VBPG aspect should be replaced by a PG aspect.
This also specifies how the properties of a VBPG aspect
is to be mapped to the properties of a PG aspect. This
information is stored on the PG aspects.


The process of converting an existing VBPG aspect to a

PG aspect. This is done manually by using the Process
Graphics Builder or automatically using the Migration


Process Graphics.


Refers to the properties of a graphic item.


Visual Basic Process Graphics.


Windows Presentation Foundation.

Graphic Item

A graphic item is a graphical representation of aspects in

Process Graphics. It includes items such as Rectangle,
Curve, Triangle, and Cone.




About This Book


Section 1 Introduction
Graphics Migration
The process of graphics migration involves the migration of graphics data of the
existing VBPG aspects to the corresponding PG aspects. The Migration Tool
migrates the graphic aspects from VBPG to PG. The VBPG and PG must exist in
the same 800xA system.
Mapping information contains the details which are used to map the building blocks
and elements. The building blocks used in the VBPG aspects are mapped to the
corresponding graphic items in the PG aspects.

Figure 1. Graphics Migration Process



Graphics Migration


Section 1 Introduction


Section 2 Migration Process


Section 2 Migration Process

The following are the prerequisites to use the Migration Tool:

All third party software prerequisites of 800xA system are applicable. Refer to
IndustrialIT, 800xA, System, Installation (3BSE034678*) for more information.

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

To migrate VB graphic aspects, the user Application Engineer should belong to
the IndustrialIT user group and Windows Local Administrators.

First Step Before Migration

All the graphic aspects to be migrated and the aspects to be created in Process
Graphics, must exist in the system. Some of the examples are as follows.

The 800xA system should be up and running.

The user-defined ActiveX controls that are used in VBPG graphic elements
should be rebuilt in the PG Graphics Builder.

Free VB Code in expressions should be replaced with Expression Variables

that are used in PG. For more information on migrating VB code, refer to
Migrating VB Code on page 53.

The graphic aspect must be deployed in the system.

Migration Workflow
The Migration workflow describes the procedures involved in the migration of
VBPG aspects to the PG aspects by using the Migration Tool.


Start the Migration Tool.


Migration Results


Section 2 Migration Process

If the user has created custom aspect categories in VBPG, similar aspect
categories should be created in PG or one of the existing aspect categories can
be selected. For more information on aspect categories, refer to IndustrialIT
800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS011222*).
Use the Migration Tool to map the existing VBPG aspect categories to the PG
aspect categories.


Select the VBPG aspect that is to be migrated.

All the VBPG aspects belonging to a selected structure or object can also be


In case of errors during the migration process, correct them manually. For more
information, refer to Common Migration Errors on page 28.
Clear all the error messages appearing in the Migration Tool.


Export the PG aspects and any additional aspects. For example, aspect
categories and NLS resource data aspects.
For more information on migration workflow, refer to Section 4, Migration

Migration Results
The Graphics Migration Tool converts VBPG aspects into PG aspects. It cannot be
assumed that the result of migration is correct. The user should always compare and
check the migrated PG aspect with the VBPG aspect.
Consider the following examples.
Example 1

This example explains about non-optimal expressions.

Following is a VBPG expression assigned to an item property.
IIF(condition, True, False)

where condition is an expression evaluating a Boolean value.

After migration, the VBPG expression is converted to the following.



Section 2 Migration Process

Migration Results

if condition then

The converted PG expression becomes non-optimal because condition results into a

Boolean value, and the expression also evaluates a Boolean result. For example, if
condition is True, the expression evaluates as follows:
if True then

Following is an optimal PG expression.


The PG expression should be manually checked and corrected by the user after the
migration process.
Example 2

This example explains about erroneous expressions. Consider a property having

enumerated values.

0 in VBPG, Hollow in PG

1 in VBPG, Opaque in PG

2 in VBPG, Semi in PG

Following is the VBPG expression assigned for the enumerated property.


After migration, the VBPG expression is converted to the following PG expression.

if condition then
else if !condition then




Section 2 Migration Process


The expression should not evaluate to Semi based on the VBPG expression. This PG
expression returns the value Semi when the condition has no value (for example,
when the display is working without a connection to the controller).
The following is an expression that corresponds to a VBPG expression that
evaluates no value.
if condition then

The PG expression should be manually checked and corrected by the user after the
migration process.

The following are the constraints for the Graphics Migration Tool.


Migration should be done in 800xA system version 5.1.

Free VBPG code cannot be migrated automatically.

Migration tool is only intended to be used in the production environment.

Graphics data cannot be migrated when the graphic aspect is edited by using
VBPG Graphics Builder or when the graphic aspect is inherited or propagated
from the object types.

A graphic aspect can be migrated only if it has been deployed in the system.

Graphics can be created in Process Graphics only if each VBPG control has a
corresponding PG graphic item and the mapping data exist in the mapping

It is not recommended to do heavy engineering activities on an aspect server if

the system is a non-redundant production system. It s recommended to perform
engineering activities such as migrating graphic displays on:


Section 2 Migration Process


Client node that is configured to be connected to the secondary

(designated) aspect server in a redundant system (configured by affinity).

Secondary (designated) aspect server in a redundant system (instead of

using the primary aspect server).

This will avoid the following network activites during graphics migration.

Connecting to the aspect directory to fetch aspect object data.

Reading VBPG CTL files from the aspect server.

If custom security restrictions are made, an application engineer may not have the
privileges to create and/or modify all graphics in the system. This user cannot
perform migration. Security problems are reported as errors by the migration
tool. For more information, refer to IndustrialIT, 800xA - System, Administration
and Security (3BSE037410*)





Section 2 Migration Process


Section 3 Migration

Graphics Migration Tool

Section 3 Migration
Graphics Migration Tool
The Graphics Migration Tool is used for migrating the VBPG aspects to the PG
Execute the following steps to perform the graphics migration.

Launch the Graphics Migration tool.

Select VB Graphics Migration Tool from Start > Programs > ABB
Industrial IT 800xA > Engineering > Utilities.

Figure 2. Graphics Migration Tool



Graphics Migration Tool


Section 3 Migration

Select the structure and the object that contains the VBPG aspects to be

Figure 3. Select Structure

The graphic aspects corresponding to the selected object are displayed.



Section 3 Migration

Graphics Migration Tool

Figure 4. List of Graphic Aspects

The existing VBPG aspects are displayed on the left and the corresponding PG
aspects are listed on the right.

Click Migrate aspect to migrate a VBPG aspect to Process Graphics.

The user can select a structure or an object, and click Migrate on the toolbar to
migrate all the VBPG aspects corresponding to the selected structure or object.



Graphics Migration Tool

Section 3 Migration

The following are the images, which appear to the left of the VBPG aspect. This
gives the migration state of the VBPG aspect.
specifies that the VBPG aspect is migrated successfully.
specifies that the VBPG aspect is migrated with some errors.
specifies that VBPG aspect is not migrated.

The following message box appears if the VBPG graphic aspect is already

Figure 5. Overwrite Existing Aspect



Click Yes to perform the migration process again and overwrite the existing
process graphic. Otherwise, click No or Cancel to cancel the migration


Section 3 Migration

Editing Graphic Aspects

The following window appears while migrating the VBPG graphic aspect if the
graphic aspect contains some dependent graphic elements that are not migrated.

Select the graphic elements that should be migrated and click OK.

Editing Graphic Aspects

The graphic aspects can be opened directly from the Graphics Migration Tool. Click
Edit aspect from the Migration Tool to edit the graphic aspect.



Editing Graphic Aspects

Section 3 Migration

Figure 6. Graphics Migration tool with Edit Aspect button

The VB Process Graphics Builder as shown in Figure 7 is displayed if the user is
trying to edit a VB process graphic aspect.



Section 3 Migration

Editing Graphic Aspects

Figure 7. VB Graphics Builder



Migration Errors

Section 3 Migration

The Process Graphics Builder as shown in Figure 8 is displayed if the user is

trying to edit Process Graphic aspect.

Figure 8. Process Graphics Builder

Migration Errors
All errors that occur during the process of migration are logged. The user is
informed when an error occurs and it can be viewed towards the bottom of the VB6
Graphics Migration screen as shown in Figure 9.



Section 3 Migration

Migration Errors

A summary of all the problems that occurred during the migration process is

Figure 9. Error, Warning, and Information Display

All the errors, warnings, and information are displayed in this window. It displays
the time, description, and the error code.
indicates errors.
indicates warnings.
indicates information.
In the Migration tool, click Show errors corresponding to the PG graphic aspect to
display the details of the errors that occurred during the migration.



Migration Errors

Section 3 Migration

Figure 10. Error Messages

Manually correct the errors of a migrated process graphic and click Clear all
messages. The state of migrated aspect is changed from error to OK.
The state of the graphic aspect is also changed from Aspect Unapproved to
Aspect Approved after clearing the error messages.
Common Migration Errors

The following are some of the common errors, which the user might face during the
migration process.

Aspect contains errors or unresolved references

Migrating a VBPG graphic aspect which contains errors or unresolved
references may result in inconsistent behavior of the migrated PG graphic
aspect. The solution is to correct the VBPG aspect manually or using the
Display Tool and then perform the migration.



Section 3 Migration

Migration Errors

Expression Variables that are empty

The Migration Tool cannot migrate if the expression variables are empty. To
correct this error, open the VBPG graphic aspect and assign a default value for
the expression variable. Save and deploy the aspect and close the VBPG
Graphics Builder. Migrate the VBPG graphic aspect.

Aspect is not deployed

The migration process is not performed if the aspects are not deployed. Deploy
the aspect using the VBPG Graphics Builder or using the VBPG Display Tool
before starting the migration.

Aspect is opened
The migration process is not performed if the aspects are opened in the VB6
Graphics Builder. Save and deploy the aspects, and close the Graphics Builder
before starting the migration.

Unsupported properties
Some properties are not supported in PG (for example, IndicateValue on VBPG
PushButton is not supported). When a VBPG graphic aspect uses such
properties, the migration tool cannot perform an automatic conversion of the
properties. The user should manually use the PG functions to create the VBPG
properties if required.

Unsupported controls
Some VBPG controls (for example, Timer) are not supported in PG. When a
VBPG graphic aspect uses such controls, the migration tool cannot perform an
automatic conversion of the controls. The user should manually use the PG
functions to create the VBPG controls if required.

Aspect contains custom VB code that cannot be migrated

All VBPG aspects contain VB code because the VBPG framework uses this
code for some standard functions in VBPG. Sometimes, additional VB code is
added by the user, which cannot be automatically migrated by the migration
tool. This additional VB code includes additional properties, methods or
functions. These should be handled manually. For more information, refer to
Migrating VB Code on page 53.


Graphic aspect properties used in expressions


Migration Errors

Section 3 Migration

If any property of a control or graphic element is used in an expression of

another control or graphic element, the expression will not be migrated.
Typical scenario in which these type of expressions are used, is to make a
graphic primitive invisible, by setting GeneralBackColor as the background
For example, BackColor property of a graphic aspect is assigned to
GeneralBackColor property of subscription control.

NOT operator used with non booleans

In VBPG, the unary NOT operator was used with the numeric values to achieve
bitwise negation.
For example, NOT (10) = -11 and NOT (-11) = 10.
Expressions involving the usage of NOT operator must be manually created in
PG because the Migration Tool does not migrate them automatically. In PG the
unary ! operator does not operate on numeric values. Such expressions should
be manually converted.

Migration of .wmf images

Images with the .wmf extension are not migrated automatically. The legacy
symbol factory controls using the images having .wmf extensions are also not
automatically migrated.

Modification of Format property after migration

Format property of the controls AdvantIntegerLimit,
AdvantInteger3DButton, and AdvantIntegerPercent has a different
approach for the corresponding PG controls IntegerLimit, IntegerButton, and
IntegerPercent respectively. The user should modify the Format property for
the PG controls after migration.

Migration of AspectLink
The target (value of the aspect property) of Aspectlink control in VBPG might
be referred by the Aspect name and not by the Aspect ID (in case of graphic
aspects upgraded from older versions). The Migration tool will search the
target using the Aspect name instead of Aspect ID. The VBPG Aspectlink
control migrates successfully and assigns the target if there exists only one
aspect with the specified name in the Target object.



Section 3 Migration

Migration Errors

If there exists multiple aspects with the specified name in the Target object, the
Migration tool will not migrate the VBPG Aspectlink control. It displays an
error message, Failed to migrate existing VB control 'AspectLink' because Guid
should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). In this case, the user should manually assign the targets in the
migrated PG graphic aspect.
After migrating a VBPG aspect containing the AspectLink control, the
AspectLink control may refer to the VBPG display instead of the migrated PG2
display in the following scenarios:

A VBPG graphic aspect referenced by the AspectLink control is manually

deselected for migration.

Aspect links in the graphic displays point to each other. For example,
consider two VBPG graphic displays Disp1 and Disp2. AspectLink
controls are added for both the graphic displays, where the AspectLink
control of Disp1 points to Disp2 and vice versa. Disp1 and Disp2 are also
migrated to the corresponding PG graphic displays.

The user should correct the resulting references of the Aspect links for the
above scenarios.

Aspects containing AspectViewCtl

In VBPG, the AspectViewCtl control can be used to show another VBPG
display and the display is identified using the name. When the referenced
graphic display is migrated, a new display with the same name is created.
The VBPG graphic aspect may display the PG display instead of the original
VBPG display. This should be manually resolved by changing the name of
referenced VBPG display and then change the original VBPG display, or by
changing the name of PG display.

Aspects containing VB Frames

The VB Frame control will be migrated as a PG GroupBox. The GroupBox is
not a container and the position of each GroupBox is relative to the graphic
display. In a VBPG display, if a VB Frame control Frame1 is placed within
another Frame control Frame2, both the frame controls are migrated as group
boxes in PG. However, the position of child frame control Frame1 will differ in



Migration Errors

Section 3 Migration

PG display because it will not be relative to the parent frame control Frame2
but will be relative to the graphic display.

Rotation property of Symbol Factory controls

The migration tool cannot migrate the expressions of Rotation property. This
has to be done manually.
If value of this property is not 0 or 360, the XPos, YPos, Height and Width
properties in PG have to be changed for getting the appearance and behavior of
the VBPG symbol factory controls.
Expressions applied to the Rotation property of symbol factory controls should
be created manually for PG symbol factory controls.
If expression given in Rotation property is 90, execute the following steps for
PG symbol factory control.
R= Migrated Rotation Property
R= Manually Changed Rotation property
XPos= Migrated XPos Property
XPos= Manually Changed XPos property
YPos= Migrated YPos Property
YPos= Manually Changed YPos property
Height= Migrated Height property
Height= Manually Changed Height property
Width= Migrated Width property
Width= Manually Changed Width property



R = 360 R


YPos= YPos + Height


Width= Height


Height= Width (that is, the user has to swap the Height and Width


Section 3 Migration

Migration Errors

If expression given in Rotation property is 180, execute the following steps for
PG symbol factory control.

R = 360 R


YPos= YPos + Height


XPos= XPos + Width

If expression given in Rotation property is 270, execute the following steps for
PG symbol factory control.


R = 360 R


XPos= XPos + Width


Width= Height


Height= Width (that is, the user has to swap the Height and Width

Migrating Alarm Control

The migration tool will not migrate the AlarmControl (of Special Elements)
item if it is added to a VBPG display or element. The tool displays an error
message. The user should add the AlarmControl item manually to the PG
display or element.

Migrating Lock Control

The migration tool will not migrate the LockControl (of Special Elements)
item if it is added to a VBPG display or element. The tool displays an error
message. The user should add the LockControl item manually to the PG
display or element.

Migrating AdvantObjectTrim
The migration Tool will not migrate the Curve(x)Value property of the
AdvantObjectTrim primitive control if it has a constant value. The tool displays
an error message. The user should configure the corresponding PG property
Trace(x)Value with values of PropertyRef or HistoryLog data types because this
property cannot contain a constant value.



Filtering and Sorting

Section 3 Migration

Filtering and Sorting

Filtering is used to filter the structures, which are displayed for the selection before
beginning the migration process. Sorting is used to sort the aspects that are
displayed corresponding to the selected structure and object.

Figure 11. Filtering and Sorting


Select Show All Structures to display all the structures.

Select Show Unmapped Process Graphics to display the PG aspects that are
not mapped to VBPG aspects.


Select Sort by Name to sort the displayed graphic aspects in the order of the

Select Sort by Category to sort the displayed graphic aspects in the order of
the aspect category.

Select Sort by Time to sort the displayed graphic aspects in the order of time
an aspect was modified.

Migration Overview
Migration overview displays the status of each VBPG aspect. The status can be nonmigrated, successfully migrated, and migrated with errors.
Click Overview in the toolbar of the VB6 Graphics Migration screen. This
displays the migration status of all VBPG aspects corresponding to the selected
structure and object.



Section 3 Migration

Custom Aspect Category Mapping

Figure 12. Migration Overview

Select the Show errors check box to display the errors which occurred during the
migration, corresponding to each aspect. For more information, refer to
Migration Errors on page 26.
Click Print to take a print of the migration overview.

Custom Aspect Category Mapping

The user-defined aspect categories of VB Process Graphics must be mapped to the
corresponding aspect categories of Process Graphics.
The Migration Tool allows the user to select the Process Graphics aspect category to
which the corresponding VBPG aspect category is to be mapped.
Execute the following steps to map the aspect categories.


Click Preferences from the VB6 Graphics Migration screen. The following
window appears.


Custom Aspect Category Mapping

Section 3 Migration

Figure 13. Migration Preferences


Select the Process Graphic Aspect Category to which the VBPG aspect
category is to be mapped.


Click OK to save the changes. Otherwise click Cancel. The following screen
appears if the user has made any changes.

Click Yes to save the changes. Otherwise click No.

Table 1 lists the standard aspect categories of VBPG that are mapped to the
corresponding PG aspect categories.



Section 3 Migration

Mapping Aspects

Table 1. Aspect Category Mapping

VBPG Aspect Category

PG Aspect Category

Graphic Display

Graphic Display PG2

Navigation Display

Navigation Display PG2

Object Display

Object Display PG2

Graphic Element

Graphic Element PG2

Sub Element

Generic Element PG2

Property Element

Generic Element PG2

Symbol Element

Generic Element PG2

Functional Graphic Symbol

Generic Element PG2

Faceplate Element

Faceplate Element PG2


Faceplate PG2

Mapping Aspects
Migration of the VBPG aspects to the PG aspects can be done automatically using
the Migration Tool or manually by creating a PG aspect similar to the VBPG aspect
in Process Graphics Builder.
The user should manually migrate the VBPG element by following the steps given

Create a PG graphic element in the Process Graphics Builder. This should be

similar to the existing VBPG graphic element, that is, all the input properties,
expressions, created in the VBPG element should exist in the PG element.


To migrate the graphic display using the Migration Tool, mapping information
for the VBPG element should be provided by the user.
To provide the mapping information, click Map Aspect in the VB6 Graphics
Migration window.



Mapping Aspects

Section 3 Migration

Figure 14. Mapping Aspects


Select the PG graphic element from the list.

User can map one or more VBPG graphic aspects to the same PG graphic aspect.


Click Migrate aspect to migrate the graphic display. During migration, the
tool uses the mapping information to map the VBPG graphic element with the
PG graphic element.

Obsolete Graphic Elements

Some of the VBPG graphic elements are not supported in Process Graphics. To
indicate this, such VBPG elements should be mapped as Obsolete.
Execute the following steps to make a VBPG element obsolete.


Click Map Aspect in the VB6 Graphics Migration window.


Section 3 Migration

Mapping Editor

Figure 15. Obsolete Graphic Element


Select *Obsolete from the list. This marks the VBPG graphic element as
During migration, any occurrence of this element will be replaced with a text
item stating that the element is obsolete.
For more information on migrating obsolete elements, refer to Migrating
Obsolete Elements on page 60.

Mapping Editor
During the migration, the VBPG control and its properties in an aspect are mapped
to the corresponding PG graphic item and its properties. The mapping of properties



Mapping Editor

Section 3 Migration

is automatically done for all aspects. Mapping Editor is used to define the mapping
of the VBPG properties to the PG properties.
There may be certain properties that were not mapped to the PG properties during
the migration, such properties can be manually mapped by the user through the
Mapping Editor.
Mapping of properties can be done for Graphic Element and Faceplate Element
aspects in the following situations.

If the user has added or modified the input properties of a graphic element in
the PG after the automatic migration, the user has to map the new input
properties for the graphic element through the Mapping Editor.

If the user has created a graphic element in the PG and has to map an existing
VBPG element with the new graphic element, the Mapping Editor should be
used to define the mapping of VBPG property with the PG property.

Execute the following steps to edit the mapping information.


Click Edit Mapping in the VB6 Graphics Migration window.

Figure 16. Edit Mapping

Edit Mapping appears only for migrated or manually mapped VBPG aspects.
The following window appears.



Section 3 Migration

Mapping Editor

Figure 17. Mapping Editor


The left side of the screen displays the PG properties of the aspect. Each PG
property has a mapping to a VBPG property, and is indicated by


Select a VBPG property corresponding to the PG property from the drop-down

If the PG property is to be mapped to several VBPG properties, click
add another VBPG property.


Similarly one or more VBPG properties can be mapped to a single PG property.

If the added VBPG property has to be deleted, click
corresponding to the
VBPG property.



Mapping Editor

Section 3 Migration

Figure 18. Mapping a new VBPG property for the PG property


The user can write an expression for a PG property if the value of a PG

property is based on two or more VBPG properties. The expression specifies
how the VBPG properties are combined to form a single PG property.
The syntax follows the expressions in PG. For more information on the syntax
of expressions, refer to refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, Engineering, Process
Graphics User Guide (3BSE049230*).
In case of Generic Elements, the user can also enter a data type corresponding to
a PG property. This is applicable if the VBPG property and PG property have
different data types. For example, if the VBPG property is in Twips, and the PG
property is in Pixels, the data type should be set to TwipsX.



Section 3 Migration

Mapping Editor

It is not possible to map a VBPG input property with a PG input property of

different data types.
For example, a VBPG input property PtwUnitVis of String data type cannot be
mapped to a PG input property IPBool of Boolean data type using the following
If PtwUnitVis = OnRequest then

This is because the data type of VBPG input property is not known at the display
level. Only the value of VBPG input property is known at the display level. The
above expression evaluates to the following expression after migration.
If OnRequest = Onrequest then

In this expression, the first instance of OnRequest is the value of VBPG input
property PtwUnitVis.

The right side of the screen displays the VBPG properties of the aspect.
indicates that the VBPG property is used corresponding to a PG property.
indicates that the VBPG property is a discarded property.
indicates that the VBPG property is used in two or more PG properties.
By default, VBPG properties that have a mapping to the corresponding PG
property is shown.
To display all the VBPG properties, select Show all VB properties.


corresponding to the aspect name, to view the details of aspect. This
displays the aspect category, the time when the aspect was last modified, and
the ProgID path.



Mapping Editor

Section 3 Migration

Figure 19. Viewing the Aspect Information


Click OK to save the changes. Otherwise click Cancel.

Examples of Mapping Properties

The user can write expressions for mapping equivalent properties. For example, if
the Width property of a graphic element should be migrated as Width / 5.6:

Open the Edit Mapping window.


Write the following expression for the Width property of graphic element.
Width / 5.6



Section 3 Migration

Mapping Editor

Figure 20. Example of Mapping Equivalent Property


Click OK to save the expression.

The user can write expressions for mapping of merged properties. For example, if
the Height and Width properties of a graphic element should be merged to Height

Open the Edit Mapping window.


Map Height property corresponding to the PG Height property.

and select Width property. This merges the VBPG Height and Width
properties to the PG Height property.



Mapping Editor

Section 3 Migration

Figure 21. Example of Mapping Merged Property


Write the following expression for the Height property of graphic element.
Height + Width * 2.5



Section 3 Migration

Mapping Editor

Figure 22. Example of writing expression for Merged Property


Click OK to save the expression.

A VBPG property can have the same name as an enum in PG. For example, there
exists a VB property UseAltColor on a VBPG graphic element and the
corresponding PG graphic element contains a user-defined enumeration Color with
value UseAltColor. In this case, the following expression is ambiguous.
if UseAltColor = True then



Mapping Editor

Section 3 Migration

In this expression, the migration tool cannot distinguish between the VB property
UseAltColor (first occurence) and the enumeration value UseAltColor (second
occurence). To resolve this ambiguity, the the PG enumeration value that has the
same name as the VB property should include the prefix pg2:: as shown in the
following expression.
if UseAltColor = True then

Figure 23. Example of using property names similar to enumeration values

Migrating ActiveX Controls

Execute the following steps for migrating ActiveX controls.



Section 3 Migration

Mapping Editor


Create a PG Generic Element, and edit it in the Graphics Builder. The newly
created graphic should match with the ActiveX control.


Add input properties which will match the properties of the ActiveX control.


Open the migration tool and select Show Unmapped Process Graphics in the
VB6 Graphics Migration window. Refer Figure 2.
This displays the newly created PG element in the list.


Click Edit Mapping corresponding to the aspect. The Mapping Editor

window appears.

Figure 24. Mapping Editor



Click MapActiveX.. and the following window appears.


Mapping Editor

Section 3 Migration

Figure 25. Entering ProgID for the ActiveX Control


Enter the ProgID of the VBPG ActiveX control and click OK.


Map the properties and click OK. For more details on mapping properties,
refer to Mapping Editor on page 39.

Selecting VB Element for Mapping

Click Map VB Process Graphic to select a VBPG element that can be mapped to
the PG element. The Select VB Process Graphic aspect window appears.

Figure 26. Selecting a VBPG aspect

Select the VBPG element from the corresponding structure and object and click



Section 4 Migration Workflow

How to perform migration

Section 4 Migration Workflow

How to perform migration
Migration Use Cases furnish the workflow of migrating different kinds of graphic
aspects from VBPG to PG.
Before starting the migration of VBPG aspects, it is important to check that the
existing VBPG aspects do not contain errors or unresolved references. Correct
the errors manually and deploy the VBPG aspects before migration.
For more information, refer to Common Migration Errors on page 28.

Migrating graphic elements

There are three types of graphic elements, which can be migrated to PG.

Elements containing only standard primitives and expressions.

Elements containing non-standard primitives.

Elements containing VB code.

Migrating elements containing standard primitives

Execute the following steps to migrate a VBPG graphic element to a PG graphic


Start the Graphics Migration Tool and select the aspect that contains the VBPG
graphic element that is to be migrated.


Migrate the graphic element.


The Migration Tool will create a PG graphic element.

The PG element is placed on the same object as the original VBPG



Migrating graphic elements

Section 4 Migration Workflow

If the tool cannot migrate the VBPG element, an incomplete PG element is

created and error messages are displayed. Refer to Common Migration
Errors on page 28 for more information on the migration errors.

A migrated text primitive in a PG graphic element or display will not be editable.

Add a String DEW to the text primitive to make it editable. For more information
on DEWs, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, Engineering, Process Graphics User
Guide (3BSE049230*).
Migrating elements containing non-standard primitives

The non-standard graphic primitives created in VBPG should be recreated as

graphic elements in PG using the Graphics Builder. Mapping should be established
between the VBPG and PG graphic elements, before migrating the VBPG graphic
displays containing the non-standard primitives. Execute the following steps to
migrate a VBPG graphic element containing non-standard primitives.

Start the PG Graphics Builder.


Create a Graphic Element PG2 aspect that matches the non-standard primitive
of VBPG elements.


Create the input properties and expressions in PG to replace the input

properties and expressions in the VBPG element.


Start the Graphics Migration tool.


Locate the VBPG non-standard primitive and newly created PG graphic



Establish mapping between VBPG and PG elements. For more information on

mapping, refer to Mapping Aspects on page 37.
Property mapping should also be done. For more information, refer to Mapping
Editor on page 39.



Migrate the VBPG graphic element that contains non-standard primitives.

After migration, the newly created PG graphic element appears instead of nonstandard primitives.


Section 4 Migration Workflow

Migrating graphic elements

Migrating VB Code

The Graphics Migration Tool partially migrates a VBPG aspect containing VB code
and expressions using VB variables. The tool displays an error message for the
Execute the following steps to migrate the VB code in a graphic aspect.

Migrate the VBPG aspect using the Graphics Migration Tool. The tool creates
corresponding PG aspect, but without the VB code.


Start the PG Graphics Builder and edit the PG aspect.


Create the functionality of VB code as PG expressions in the PG aspect.


If it is not possible to replace the VB code with PG expressions, reimplement

the functionality. This can be done by creating a new aspect system and a PG
graphic element, or by wrapping the VBPG graphic element containing the VB
code in a PG element.
For more information about wrapping a VBPG graphic element, refer to
Wrapping a VBPG graphic element on page 53.


Manually update the mapping information after making the changes.

Wrapping a VBPG graphic element

The VBPG graphic element containing the VB code can be wrapped into a PG
element if it is not possible to replace the VB code with PG expressions.
The following are a few limitations of wrapping.

Performance degradation.


Only properties and input parameters can be accessed for a wrapped

element. VB-specific constructs cannot be used, for example, methods
cannot be called on the wrapped element.


A wrapped element cannot be changed.


Future maintenance problem when runtime support for VB is removed

from windows.

Wrapping is recommended only as a temporary solution until a rewrite is

possible. Elements which are used in many instances should not use wrapping.



Migrating faceplate elements

Section 4 Migration Workflow

Execute the following to wrap a VBPG element.


Start the PG Graphics Builder.


Select VBPG Element Wrapper from Special in the toolbox.


Place the element in the display area of the Graphics Builder.


Right-click on the element and select Edit. The VB Element Browser is

displayed. Select the VBPG element to be wrapped.

Migrating faceplate elements

A faceplate element is a graphic element that is used in faceplate. Migrating a
faceplate element is same as that of migrating a graphic element. For more
information, refer to Migrating graphic elements on page 51.
Naming faceplate elements

For successful migration of faceplates, the name of faceplate elements should be

different from that of VBPG faceplate elements. The suffix PG2 should be used for
the PG faceplate elements.
If the migration tool is used for migrating the VBPG faceplate element, the tool
automatically assigns the suffix PG2 for the PG faceplate element.
If the migration of VBPG faceplate element is done manually, the user should name
the PG faceplate element with suffix PG2. For example, if the VBPG faceplate
element is named SimpleFaceplateElement, the PG faceplate element should be
named as SimpleFaceplateElementPG2.

Migrating Libraries
Migration of a library migrates all the graphic aspects that are part of the library.
Before migration, all graphic aspects in the library should be placed in an extension
library having the name of base library. Separate libraries should be used for VBPG
aspects and PG aspects.
Libraries should be migrated in the order of dependency, that is, a library containing
graphic aspects used in another library should be migrated first.
Execute the following steps to migrate libraries.



Section 4 Migration Workflow

Migrating Libraries


Create an extension library connected to the base library that should be

migrated. The extension library should have the same name as that of base
library, with the prefix VBPG.


Assign all the VBPG aspects from the base library to the extension library.

Select the base Library Version Definition aspect from the Library
Structure. For more information on extension libraries, refer to
IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS011222*).


In the Aspects tab, click Search to filter the aspects of VBPG aspect
category in the library,


Select all the aspects and reassign to extension library.


Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Migrate all VBPG aspects in the library.

The migrated aspect will not be added automatically to any library even if the
source aspect belongs to a library. To add this aspect to a library, the user should
manually perform the operation. For more information on library handling, refer
to IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS011222*).


Manually correct the errors appearing after migration.


Create an extension library connected to the base library for the migrated PG


Provide a name for the extension library. This should be same as the base
library with the prefix PG.


Assign the PG aspects to the extension library.


Export the baselibrary and the two extension-libraries to separate .afw files.
Non-migrated VBPG aspects that are part of released libraries are considered to
be obsolete by default.
For more information on obsolete elements, refer to Migrating Obsolete
Elements on page 60.



Migrating Sub elements and Property elements

Section 4 Migration Workflow

Migrating Sub elements and Property elements

The users of VBPG were allowed to create Sub elements and Property elements in
Graphics Structure > Graphics Tools VB6. After the creation, these elements
were displayed as tools in the toolbox of VBPG graphics editor. The same function
exists as Generic Elements in PG. The Generic Element aspect of Generic Element
PG2 aspect category can be created in Graphics Structure > Graphics Tools. For
more information on generic elements, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, Engineering,
Process Graphics User Guide (3BSE049230*).
Execute the following steps to migrate VBPG sub elements and property elements.

Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Select Graphics Structure and locate the VBPG sub elements and property
elements to be migrated.


Migrate the VBPG sub elements and property elements.


In the plant explorer, create a new toolbox in Graphics Tools (in Graphics
Structure) and create a new toolbox item.


Delete the Generic Element aspect of Generic Element PG2 aspect category
that appears after creating the toolbox.


In the plant explorer, move the migrated generic element from the VB6 toolbox
item to PG toolbox item.


Use the Migration Tool to locate the PG generic element and click Edit
Mapping. If the aspect is inherited, perform mapping in the object type from
the Object Type Structure. If the PG generic element is not visible in the
aspect list, select Show unmapped Process Graphics in the Migration Tool.
In the mapping editor, click Map VB Process Graphic. Browse to the VBPG
element which should be replaced by this PG aspect.
To replace many VBPG sub elements and property elements with this PG generic
element, click Map VB Process Graphic and select additional VBPG aspects.



Update the mapping information and mapping expressions if appropriate.


Section 4 Migration Workflow

Migrating aspects containing ActiveX Controls

Migrating aspects containing ActiveX Controls

ActiveX controls were used in VBPG aspects to get the desired graphical
appearance in the VBPG Graphics Builder.
The ActiveX controls should be created as generic elements in the PG Graphics
Builder. This allows to create advanced graphics with better performance. For more
information, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, Engineering, Process Graphics User Guide
Execute the following steps to migrate VBPG graphic aspects containing ActiveX

Select Graphics Structure in the Plant Explorer.


Create a new toolbox named <libraryname>Symbols in Graphic Tools.


Create a Generic Element PG2 aspect that will replace the VBPG ActiveX
control, on the newly created object.


Edit the generic element in the PG Graphics Builder. Create a graphic that
matches the appearance of the ActiveX control.


Add input properties that correspond to the properties of ActiveX control. The
names given for the properties should be same as that of ActiveX control.


Verify that the new generic element behaves same as the ActiveX control.


Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Map the ActiveX control with the newly created generic element. For more
information, refer to Mapping Editor on page 39.


Migrate the VBPG aspect in the library.

10. Manually correct the errors appearing after migration.

11. Export the library with PG elements from the Graphics Structure as a .afw

Migrating Custom Aspect Categories

The custom aspect categories of VBPG aspect types should be migrated to new
categories based on the PG aspect types and the corresponding mapping



Migrating Graphic Displays

Section 4 Migration Workflow

information. For more information, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, Engineering,

Process Graphics User Guide (3BSE049230*).
Execute the following steps to migrate custom aspect categories.

Start the Plant Explorer.


Create the new aspect category for the corresponding PG aspect type.


Configurations made on the VBPG custom aspect category (for example, view
class reference) should be manually updated on the PG aspect category.


Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Map the VBPG aspect category to the newly created PG aspect category. For
more information, refer to Custom Aspect Category Mapping on page 35.


Migrate the custom aspect categories.

Migrating Graphic Displays

Execute the following steps to migrate VBPG graphic displays to PG graphic

Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Migrate the VBPG graphic display.

The Migration Tool will create a PG graphic display.

The PG display is placed on the same object as the original VBPG aspect.

If there is no mapping for a primitive that is used in the VBPG graphic

display, an incomplete PG display is created and an error message is
displayed. Recreate the primitives and manually add the mapping
information, and repeat the migration of the display.

If the user has manually migrated the graphic elements, use the migration tool to
automatically migrate the displays which use these graphic elements.

Migrating Faceplates
Faceplates containing VBPG faceplate elements can be migrated to a faceplate
containing PG faceplate elements. The migrated faceplate contains the same
configuration (for example, buttons, indicators) as the original faceplate. Only the



Section 4 Migration Workflow

Migrating Object Displays

faceplate element changes. The aspect category of the migrated faceplate will be
Faceplate PG2.
For more information on migrating faceplate elements, refer to Migrating faceplate
elements on page 54.
Execute the following steps to migrate a faceplate containing VBPG faceplate
elements to a faceplate containing PG faceplate elements.

Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Migrate the faceplate.

The Migration Tool will create a new aspect of the Faceplate PG2 aspect

This faceplate is placed on the same object as the original VBPG aspect.

Migrating Object Displays

Graphic displays can be created on object types. Such graphic displays are called
"object displays".
VBPG does not have an aspect category for these displays. These displays were
categorized in the aspect category Graphic Display. The users could also create
custom aspect category called object displays.
PG has the aspect category called Object Display PG2 intended for displays that are
placed on object types.
Execute the following steps to migrate an existing VBPG object display to the PG
object display.

Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Map the VBPG aspect category used on the object types to object display. For
more information, refer to Custom Aspect Category Mapping on page 35.



If the system has a custom aspect category (for example, VBPG Object
Display), map this category to the Object Display PG2 category.

If the VBPG Graphic Display aspect category is used, temporarily map

graphic display to Object Display PG2 category. Execute step 4.

Migrate the displays on object types.


Migrating Obsolete Elements


Section 4 Migration Workflow

Change the mapping to Graphic Display PG2 category if the VBPG Graphic
Display category is used.

Migrating Obsolete Elements

Existing VBPG graphic elements that are not supported in Process Graphics should
be marked as obsolete. For example, if an element is marked as obsolete, migration
of a graphic display containing that element will replace the obsolete element with a
text item stating that the element is obsolete.
Execute the following steps to make a VBPG graphic element obsolete.

Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Select the VBPG element to be marked as obsolete.


Map the VBPG element to "*Obsolete". For more information, refer to

Mapping Aspects on page 37.
Non-migrated VBPG aspects that are part of released libraries are considered to
be obsolete by default. While migrating a library, it is not necessary to map each
obsolete VBPG aspect. Migration tool considers such elements as obsolete
during the migration.

Creating Mapping Information for manually created PG elements

Mapping information defines which VBPG elements are to be mapped to PG
elements and how the properties are mapped to the properties of PG elements. The
following are some of the examples that require mapping information.

VBPG graphic element is replaced with a newly created PG element in the

Graphics Builder.

Graphics Migration Tool failed to create the mapping information during the
migration process.

Any properties in the PG element are added or deleted.

Any properties in the PG element for which the mapping was done during the
migration of the corresponding VBPG element, are modified.

Execute the following steps to create the mapping information.



Start the PG Graphics Builder and create a PG element.


Section 4 Migration Workflow

Creating Mapping Information for manually created PG generic


Add the input properties in the PG element. The names should be same as that
of VBPG element properties.


Start the Graphics Migration Tool and select the VBPG element to be migrated.


Map the VBPG element to the corresponding PG element. For more

information, refer to Mapping Aspects on page 37.

Mapping information will be created automatically. This maps the VBPG

element to the selected PG element. All properties with the same name are

If additional properties are defined, or different names are allocated for the
PG element properties, the mapping information should be manually

Creating Mapping Information for manually created PG generic elements

Mapping information for Generic Element, sub elements, and property
elements are different for PG elements because PG generic element, and VBPG
sub element and property element are not on the same object. To create or
change the mapping information for a PG generic element, perform the
following steps.

Start the Graphics Migration Tool.


Select the Graphics Structure and locate the PG Generic element. If this
element is not visible, select Show Unmapped Process Graphics in the
Migration Tool. If the element is inherited, go to the object type and execute the
step 3 to step 5 on the generic element.


Select Edit Mapping to open the mapping editor.


Click Map VB Process Graphic to map a VBPG sub element and property
element to this PG generic element.
To map several VBPG sub elements and property elements with the PG generic
elements, click Map VB Process Graphic and select additional VBPG elements.



Update the mapping information and mapping expressions if appropriate.


Creating Mapping Information for manually created PG generic elements


Section 4 Migration


Constraints 16
Custom aspect category mapping 35

Edit mapping 40
Editing Graphic Aspects 23
Examples of Mapping properties 44

Faceplate elements 54
Faceplates 58
Filtering and Sorting 34

Migrating Faceplates 58
Migrating Graphic Displays 58
Migrating graphic elements 51
Migrating Libraries 54
Migrating Object Displays 59
Migrating Obsolete Elements 60
Migrating sub elements, property elements 56
Migrating VB code 53
Migration Errors 26
Migration overview 34
Migration Results 14
Migration Workflow 13


Graphics Migration Introduction 11

Graphics Migration Tool 19

Non-standard primitives 52

Obsolete graphic elements 38

Launching the tool 19

Mapping aspects 37
Mapping editor 39
Mapping Information for PG elements 60
Mapping Information for PG Generic Elements 61
Mapping properties 41
Migrate aspect 21
Migrating ActiveX Controls 57
Migrating ActiveX controls 48
Migrating Custom Aspect Categories 57
Migrating elements with non-standard primitives 52
Migrating elements with standard primitives 51
Migrating faceplate elements 54


PG builder 26
Pre-requisites 13

Show errors 27
Standard primitives 51
Step before migration 13

VB code 53
VBPG builder 24

Wrapping VBPG graphic element 53





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