MARINA FISCHER The Hetaira's Kalathos

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Marina Fischer
In this article, I shall demonstrate that ancient Greek prostitutes were linked with the
textile industry by their association with braiding frames, wool-baskets, and gestures of
spinning, as seen in Attic vase painting. 1 Many of these women appear to be upper-class
courtesans; however, I believe prostitutes from all ranks, and specifically those from the
lower classes, were involved in the textile industry. The grand courtesans may have
sought an appearance of respectability, while their middle- and low-class equivalents
worked between customers to provide for their own clothing needs and to supplement
their earnings. Furthermore, I shall show that the prostitute's patron deity, Aphrodite,
was also linked with textiles through images of spinning and her "embroidered" chest
ornament (kestos himas).

In 1931, John Beazley commented on images of spinning women: "The woman is

spinning, therefore she is respectable; if she were not respectable she might spin in her
spare moments, but she could not be represented spinning." 2 In other words, a general
belief is that only respectable women worked wool and, when a spinning woman is
depicted in male company, the couple is meant to represent a husband and wife. The
best-known reaction to Beazley's statement was Gerhard Rodenwaldt's rebuttal in which
he introduced the concept of "spinning hetairai" (Rodenwaldt 1932). The term "spinning
hetaira" is applied to a woman pictured spinning who at the same time is engaged in an
interaction with her client, or a woman in luxurious surroundings or revealing clothing
which identify her as a prostitute. Since the majority of the "spinning hetaira" scenes
involved men offering gifts and purses, Rodenwaldt argued that these beyond all doubt
identified the women as prostitutes, the high-class ones in particular. 3

The author would like to express her sincere gratitude to Dr. R. Bertolin Cebrian for her continuous
support and encouragement.
Beazley 1931: 121 maintained this position until his death.
The female wool workers are given valuable gifts; purses are most common, but food, necklaces,
wreaths, fillets, sprigs and alabastra are also seen. Sutton 1981: 348.

AHB 25 (2011) 9-28


Subsequently, different views emerged, including the noteworthy Johann Crome's

rebuff, in which he emphasized Hellenistic epigrams on women abandoning a life of
poverty and low status in the service of Athena (wool-working), in preference for a
merry and profitable life in the service of Aphrodite (prostitution) (Crome 1966). Crome
used this evidence to argue that these spinning women were not prostitutes but poor
respected women tempted into the profession by wealthy men. 4 Still, despite rejections
ofRodenwaldt's theory, his identification of the spinning women as prostitutes remained
mainly unchallenged.
Later scholars who acknowledge the problem, including Ursula Knigge (1964),
Barbara Follman (1968: 67 n.397), Robert Sutton Jr. (1981: 347-69), Dyfri Williams
(1982: 20), Eva Keuls (1983), James Davidson (1997: 85-90), and Gloria Ferrari (2002:
11-60), generally cite the original arguments, and then side with one view or the other
without contributing additional evidence to the subject. All above-listed scholars support
the hetaira reading, except Ferrari, who struggles with the theory despite overwhelming
evidence (her conviction is that the pouches did not contain money, but game pieces of
knucklebones). 5 Noteworthy is Sutton's theory that these depictions are set both indoors
in a feminine environment and outdoors in the male sphere. He interpreted the former
location as a brothel or a residence of female entertainers, and the latter as the urban
setting, the male territory where prostitutes were to be found (Sutton 1981: 349-53). The
indoor venue of a brothel or a prostitute's residence is distinguished from the gynaikonitis
by the presence of food, drinks and musical instruments (Sutton 1981: 352). Although it
may be claimed that some images are not overtly erotic enough to identify women as
prostitutes, there is a clear sexual element in the scenes. 6

His argument was weak, as some spinning women were indeed lavishly dressed. See Sutton 1981:


Ferrari 2002: 14-15. Rather than acknowledging the identities of these women as prostitutes, Ferrari
replaces the notion of monetary payment with childish game pieces or gifts. The topic of money-bags was
discussed in detail by the author in Fischer 2008.
Sutton 1981: 356. Some scholars argue that the images of prostitutes do not portray reality but a male
fantasy or mistaken identity. They instigate the visual renderings of prostitutes to be rejected, and in the
process cause these women to become invisible. On account of this attitude, prostitutes have not been
clearly defined, and as a result, their portrayals on Attic pottery are often dismissed. S. Lewis, for
example, scrutinizes the evidence for women's work outside the home, especially sex-work, and concludes
that erotic imagery was produced not for an Athenian audience but for an Etruscan clientele, which placed
such pots in tombs as "charms against the evil eye" (see Lewis 2002: 129; Lee 2003.09.28). Lee clearly
points out inconsistencies in Lewis's theory; for example, Lewis "explains the often-reproduced image of a
woman sprinkling phalloi (fig. 2.28) as a "joke" of "non-ritual horticulture" (p. 83), whereas in Chapter 3
she notes, "many scenes of women with phalloi are religious in nature, such as the pelike with a woman
growing phalloi" (p. 128). (Lee 2003.09.28). In addition, Lewis's insistence on taking "Athenian" out of
Athenian pottery is also troubling.



Sutton cites a kylix by Ambrosios Painter dated ca. 510 BCE as the most convincing
evidence that some wool-working women are indeed prostitutes. 7 The kylix shows men
interested in women who are getting ready to entertain them. In contrast to the women,
the men are of the leisurely class. They are in no hurry to leave, while watching and
flirting with women who are carrying out their chores. Even though the vase is
damaged, Aphrodisia (named) is still visible seated and holding up a spindle full of yam
to an unnamed woman standing in front of her with a wool-basket full of wool. They
appear to be finishing with their tasks and preparing to go out with the clients. To the
right, another named woman (Obole) is seated playing the flute to a standing man
holding out a flower to her. Behind, the fourth woman is spinning, which clearly
indicates that wool-working and entertainment were not contradictory activities (Sutton
1981: 358).
On the other side of the kylix, a seated man watches a lavishly dressed woman
(named Rhodo ... ) fastening her sandal, obviously preparing to go outdoors. Next, a man
leaning on his staff reaches to take the wreath offered to him by a seated woman, while
another man looks on. This vase clearly demonstrates that no sharp distinction was
made between domestic lives of respected and non-respected women, except in terms of
their dealings with men. There is no other vase that provides, with such certainty, a
glimpse into the lif~ of prostitutes (in this case most likely courtesans or common
hetairat), who appear otherwise only as entertainers at symposia (Sutton 1981: 358). In
conclusion, the Ambrosios kylix shows that textile industry and sexuality merge in the
scenes ofwool-working.
In other words, it seems that some female labour aroused male erotic fantasies. This
notion is confirmed by the images of water-carrying which fall into the same category
(e.g. New York 1986.322.1 8 ; Keuls 1983: 212). Keuls' examination of "spinning
hetaera," uses the subject matter of water-fetching as a prelude to her discussion of
textile-making, since the two pictorial themes appear to share the elements of an
androcentric viewpoint, voyeurism and the erotic appeal of the humble submission of
women (Keuls 1983: 214). The earlier examples of water-carrying scenes included
images of men molesting or soliciting women at the fountain (see Wi.irzburg L304, 9

Beazley Archive Database No. 788. The vase is located in Munich, private collection. For further
explanation and illustration see Sutton 1981: 356, p1.20, and Sutton 2004: 333-37, fig.17 .6.
New York (NY), Metropolitan Museum: 1986.322.1; Beazley Archive Database No. 1142. See also
Lewis, fig. 2.21 (Lewis erroneously identifies the vase as Tarquinia, Museo Nazionale Tarquiniese:
RC1116). All images can be found on the Beazley Archive Digital Database:
Wurzburg, Universitat, Martin von Wagner Museum: L304; Beazley Archive Database No . 306484.


Vatican 427, 10 Detroit 63.13 11 and St. Petersburg ST1612 12). In other words, it appears
that the iconography of female labour embodied a clear erotic element.
The lifestyle of a woman in the profession differed significantly from that of a citizen
wife. 13 Contrary to the secluded and possibly dull life of a citizen woman in gynaikonitis,
who worked on looms, prostitutes mingled freely with men and filled their time in
between customers by spinning yarn and making small textiles, such as headdresses.
This particular wool-working task was purposefully chosen for its simplicity, cost
effectiveness, and manoeuvrability of the frame . These activities were demeaning when
compared to the respected household's grand productions on large looms, executed not
for personal adornment or sale but out of social obligation (Jenkins 1985: 113). A wife's
domestic duties and wool-working were also designed to guard against character
corruption and sexual activity, precisely the kind in which prostitutes engaged. 14
In ancient Athens, the products of prostitute labour could be sold for quick financial
gain. It is known that lower-class women exploited their domestic activities for profit,
manufacturing goods at home for sale in the market, which included the making and
selling of textiles (Aristophanes, Lysistrata 208d, Frogs 1349-1351; Plato, Laws 805e;
Brock 1994: 338, 340). Garlands, ribbons, headdresses and clothing were luxury goods,
primarily purchased for the symposion (Brock 1994: 340), and consequently, the braiding
of a head ornament by a respected woman could have been seen as a sign of her
unfaithfulness (Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 400-401, 446-458). 15 Since ancient
sources implied that the women at the markets were foreigners and of low status, it can
be concluded without doubt that some were also prostitutes (Eupolis fr. 262;
Demosthenes 57.31, 35).


Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco Vaticano : 427; Beazley Archive Database No. 303000.
Detroit (MI), Institute of Arts: 63.13; Beazley Archive Database No. 206470.
St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum: ST1612; Beazley Archive Database No. 200198.
Since a respected woman's status and well-being depended heavily on her male family members, her
welfare was neither stable nor permanent. These women occasionally ended up impoverished,
unprotected and homeless, forced to tum to prostitution for survival, possibly only occasionally or
according to necessity. Unfortunately, the personal history of a prostitute was never clearly documented
and as a result, these women are difficult to identify; see Lewis, 101.
According to Hirschon 1978: 83, a comparison can be found in the analogy of food preparation.
Quickly prepared dishes were called prostitutes' food by the Greeks in Asia Minor. In contrast, Hirschon
states that the meal preparations of a good wife were expected to be time consuming and required high
standards, constant effort and long hours, similar to the wife's elaborate and intricate work on the loom.
The author was not able to find a primary source for this reference .
Aristophanes uses the verb plek6.





Prostitutes were depicted performing two specific wool-working techniques - spinning

and braiding (also called the sprang technique). Distaff and spindle were used for
spinning the yarn and are portrayed on vases as either being held by a woman or inside a
wool-basket. A hand-held wooden frame was used for the braiding or sprang technique
and it resembled an ancient Greek lyre. Finally, the wool basket or kalathos was used to
store or carry yarn and the working paraphernalia.Spinning
Many illustrations of women spinning have subtle erotic connotations, yet some are
explicitly sexual. The Copenhagen hydriai, 16 for example, depicts a woman, nude but for
a thigh amulet, spinning in a presence of a seated woman, who has been identified as a
madame. These amulets and cords evoke the practice of aggressive erotic magic
employed by prostitutes. 17 Another example is the Heidelberg 64.5 vase 18 portraying a
seated woman spinning. In front of her is a woman holding yarn of wool; behind her is a
sprang frame . To the left is a man with a money bag, and behind him a servant girl
balancing a hydria on her head. Also, a New York 17.230.15 hydria by the Orpheus
Painter 19 shows a brothel scene where a woman is spinning, while another is picking up
an empty kalathos to refill it. Standing in the center, Eros holds slippers and watches a
third woman interacting with her client, who is intimately grabbing her shoulder. It
looks as if Eros is abbut to hand her the slippers so that she can leave the residence with
her client.
Furthermore, some illustrations show working prostitutes with customers, while
others have erotically charged depictions of women alone. Such depictions are seen on
Florence 3918 20 and Berlin 2289 21 which show women carding fibers with their legs
propped up on low footstools while passing the wool over their exposed knees. These
scenes are painted in the tondos, the circular bottoms of the kylix cups often reserved for
openly erotic imagery. As the symposiast was drinking wine, the tondo would slowly
emerge revealing the image to an intoxicated participant, therefore implying a
voyeuristic approach of a drinker to the depicted scenes (Keuls 1983: 222).


Copenhagen, National Museum: VIII520; Beazley Archive Database No. 214971.

See Faraone 2006 and 1999: 69-80.
Heidelberg inv. 64.5; Beazley Archive Database No. 214832.
New York, Metropolitan Museum: 17.230.15; Beazley Archive Database No. 216183 .

Florence, Museo Archeologico Etrusco : 3918; Beazley Archive Database No. 210261.


Berlin, Antikensamrnlung: F2289; Beazley Archive Database No. 205141.

._Page 13


Furthermore, two spinning instruments used in aggressive magic to infuse irresistible

passion in a desired object were the rhombos and the iunx.22 Prostitutes employed these
spells in order to attract customers, as related in an idyll of Theokritos where the hetaira
Simaitha used a iunx in an attempt to entice her lover back to her (Idyll2). In the same
text, the prostitute Niko dedicated a jewelled iunx to Aphrodite upon her retirement. 23
Predictably, Aphrodite was linked with these instruments as well and is said to have
given them to Jason to seduce Medea (Pindar, Pythian 4.211-50).
Notably, during the spell, a rhombos and a iunx imitated a spinning motion that the
images of spinning prostitutes were possibly alluding to. In other words, the spindle's
insinuation of a rhombos/ iunx ritual was a visual reminder of the prostitute's craftiness
and trickery (Sebesta 2002: 133). This form of forceful erotic magic was normally
reserved for men, but was used by prostitutes to attract customers and thus cross into the
male sphere of aggressive sexuality. Amulet cords in binding spells and the spinning
motion of the rhombos/ iunx ritual link prostitutes with wool-working, therefore assigning
a degree of eroticism to the images of spinning women.
The fact that prostitutes did indeed work wool is further confirmed by an example of
a vessel used as a prize in a textile contest that was awarded to a prostitute. An Attic
Black-figure kylix dated ca. 540-530 BCE was given as a prize for wool-working, with the
winner's name, Melosa, inscribed on it. 24 This rare name appears on four Attic vases
from the 5th century BCE ascribed to mythological characters, which may have
something to do with the owner of the kylix. 25 Mythological names were for the most
part avoided by the people of good standing, particularly before the 4th century BCE;
hetairai, on the other hand, showed an evident liking for them (Milne, 531).
Consequently, it can be presumed that the woman who bore this name and won this
kylix was a prostitute. 26


The rhombos was an instrument attached to the end of a string and whirled about. The iunx was a bird
associated with eroticism that was tied to a wheel and spun around as a magical rite to attract a lover; the
bird was eventually killed in the rite; see Sebesta 2002: 131, 138 n.30; Faraone 1993, 1999.
For analysis ofNiko's dedication see Faraone 1999: 151-52. For other references to iunx and rhombos
see Eupolis, Baptai fr. 83 (K-A); Aristophanes, Heroes fr. 315 (K-A) and Lysistrata 1110; Xenophon,
Memorabilia 3.11.17-18; Lucian, Dialogues of Courtesans 4.1.
The name can also be read Melousa. Milne 1945.
Mi1ne, 531. For the list of prostitute names, see RE, s.v. Hetaira .
While discussing this vase, Ferrari ignores the evidence and interprets the inscription as a "dirty joke
that exploits the juxtaposition of opposite kinds of working girls" (see Ferrari 2002: 59).





The sprang or braided fabric, a type of knotless netting, is a network of threads twisted
over each other, produced on a frame so that the fabric builds up on both ends
(Skowronski, & Reddy 1974: 7; Welters 1999: 56). The technique for sprang making
required simple paraphernalia: a frame and yam. The sprang/braiding textile frame was
lyre-like and small enough to be held on a woman's lap (Clark 1983: 92-94). It was taller
than it was wide, and consisted of two upright sticks, sometimes curved like an ancient
Greek lyre, with a pair of horizontal bars separating them near the top and bottom. The
fabric was made between these bars.
Evidence that prostitutes worked wool on braiding or sprang frames was shown on a
hydria by Hephaistos Painter, which illustrates this point clearly. Stettin 214773 27 depicts
a woman holding both a cup and a wool-basket while Eros approaches with a sprang
frame and a flute-case. At the same time, a youth is leaning on his staff, holding a purse
and looking towards the woman. At first glance, it appears that Eros is bringing the
frame and the case to the woman. However, since the woman is holding up the kalathos
as if handing it to Eros, the image can be read in the reverse manner: the customer is
arriving and the woman is ceasing her wool-work; Eros, a personification of the
woman's profession, is assisting by bringing her the flute to entertain the youth while
carrying off the paraphernalia used between clients.
Similarly, a New York vase in a private collection 28 shows a seated woman with a
sakkos headdress holding a sprang frame in her hand, extending it towards the man
leaning on his staff in front of her. Behind her is another man holding a staff. Next,
Agrigento AG22276 29 depicts a woman with a headdress seated on a chair, holding a
braiding frame. Another sakkos headdress hangs on the wall behind her. In front, a woolbasket is on the floor, and the woman faces a youth leaning on the staff. To the left,
three men are present; one is holding a purse. The final example, Chicago 1911.456 30 is
the most intriguing of all. It portrays three women and two men intermingling. In the
centre of the scene is a couple kissing; the youth's hand is cupped over her genitals. The
other three figures are turned towards them watching. A woman on the right is holding a
sprang frame while lifting up the skirt of her himation; her breasts are fully drawn.


Stettin, A. Vogell: XXXX214773; Beazley Archive Database No . 214773 .

Centre Island (New York), private; Beazley Archive Database No. 22755.
Agrigento AG22276; Beazley Archive Database No. 31412.


Chicago 1911.456; Beazley Archive Database No. 206580.





A kalathos or a wool-basket is the most controversial object linked with prostitutes.

Traditionally, it was seen as a sign of an industrious wife yet it has also been suggested
that it connoted a subtle sexual symbolism. The scene on Cambridge 1972.45 31 clearly
illustrates this concept: it shows a woman with a sakkos admiring a wreath, given to her
as a gift by the man facing her. A kalathos is placed between them and red wool is
overflowing out of the basket. A confirmation that this is not a domestic scene is found
in the inscriptions, stating kalos (beautiful) next to the man and kale referring to the
woman. It appears that this is a depiction of a customer's visit to a prostitute.
A kalathos appears to be an ambiguous symbol for female sexuality (Sebesta 2002:
128). Metaphorically speaking, the idea of feminine sexuality can be either contained or
spilled out of a kalathos just as carded wool can be contained or drawn out (Sebesta 2002:
128). This notion is corroborated by illustrations of women who were pursued and
eventually raped while carrying a wool-basket. For instance, Vatican 16554 32 portrays
Poseidon pursuing Aithra, who is running away while holding a kalathos. 33 Similarly,
Danae receives Zeus in the form of the golden shower while sitting by her kalathos, and
Europa holds her wool-basket as she is abducted by Zeus in a form of a white bull (St.
Petersburg 601; 34 Ferrari, 26). The images of women carrying wool-baskets while being
pursued and raped 35 reveal that "men delighted in transgressing the very boundaries of
female behaviour which they themselves had set up for their convenience and utility. " 36
Clearly, the equation "spinning means housewife" did not apply (Keuls 1983: 229).
Many kalathos scenes undermine the stereotypical division of Athenian women into
wives and prostitutes, as the presence of the kalathos can be read either way, and the

Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Arthur M. Sadder Museum: 1972.45; Beazley Archive
Database No. 207394.
Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco Vaticano: 16554; Beazley Archive Database No. 202893 .
Another such depiction occurs on London, British Museum E179; Beazley Archive Database No.
202258 .
St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum: 601; Beazley Archive Database No. 202453.
See for example Poseidon and Aithra, Europa and Zeus, Danae and Zeus.
Keuls 1983: 221. In addition, this notion is confirm by an image of Poseidon about to rape
Amymone, who is running away while holding a large hydria (New York (NY), Metropolitan Museum:
17.230.35 (Beazley Archive Database No. 214280); Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia: 20846
(Beazley Archive Database No. 205561)). The scene represents the myth in which Amymone was
searching for the well when she was molested by a satyr. Poseidon rescued her from the satyr, but then
raped her himself and showed her a well as compensation for her virginity. Even though the hydria may
symbolize the plot of the myth, it still alludes to the real-life women responsible for the water-carrying
--~ -- --~




status of a woman is thus determined by her relation to the man in the scene (Sebesta
2002: 135). In other words, the kalathos symbolizes the woman's social standing: she is
either a restrained wife or a prostitute spilling her sexuality for a price. This argument
does not claim that every kalathos occurrence indicates a woman of a questionable social
status, but points to a multi-levelled symbolism inherent in this object and its

The above-mentioned scenes of spinning or braiding hetairai brought attention to images

of prostitutes working wool. Most of these depicted women were upper-class courtesans
or successful prostitutes, but I believe all kinds of prostitutes were involved in the textile
industry, to some degree. The grand courtesans may have sought an appearance of
respectability, while their middle- to lower-class equivalents worked between customers
for their own needs as well as to supplement their earnings. The bottom ranks of
prostitutes, such as pornai, were forced to work in brothels plus perhaps to produce
textiles for their owners. What follows is an examination of brothel slaves (pornat), and
their freed counterparts (paides) in relation to wool-working. Paides are particularly
notable as they represented the most interesting example of wool-working prostitutes.

Aleria 65.51 37 is little-known Attic kylix found on Corsica, dated mid-5th century
BCE. The tondo depicts a seated woman admiring her finished work - a sprang
headdress, surrounded by a kalathos and a mirror. Notably, the fabric appears elastic and
the cloth is patterned with familiar horizontal lines and zig-zag motifs linked with
braiding on frames. The headdress has the loop or the tassel on the top, positively
identifying the technique of its making. The woman is moderately dressed with a
bordered himation and her hair is short and unsightly. It is unlikely that she is a
courtesan or any kind of successful prostitute, but more probably a common one or
possibly a pais. Accordingly, a damaged inscription pais kal[ .. .] was indicated in the
tondo. 38
This tondo therefore draws special attention to lower-class prostitutes as textile
workers, and I shall now explain the connection. A porne was a brothel slave, while a
pais was a freed prostitute, most likely a former porne, or possibly a household slave who
was available to her owner and his friends (Neils 2000: 207). The word porne comes from
the verb pernemi (to sell), which translates as "one who is on sale" (LSJ s.v. prone) . On

Aleria, Musee Archeologique: 65.51; Beazley Archive Database No. 9408 .

It is uncertain whether the inscription indicated a male or female gender, since the rest of the letters
are missing. Ho pais kalos inscriptions were common, regardless of the gender of a depicted figure;
however, he pais kale does not occur in representations of male figures.



the other hand, the word pais was usually used for the passive partner, but it also stood
for "child," "girl," "boy," "son," "daughter," "slave," "servant," and "maid" (LSJ s.v.
pais). Plato identified male and female paides as objects of sexual desire (Laws 836a-7). 39
The pornai were the lowest class of prostitutes, lacking status even among the women
in the trade. 40 They were often recruited from the slave market or were abandoned
children taken in by the brothel keepers (Golden 1981). Due to Athenian aversion to
salaried employment, providing sex, especially in brothels, was appropriate only for
slaves. 41 Brothels represented a fundamental unit for their slaves who both worked and
resided there, analogous to Athenian household (oikos) that was a central unit of ancient
society (Kapparis 1999: 228). Since all slaves received training for their occupations and
positions, it is expected that slaves working as prostitutes also received specialized
training, sometimes starting in childhood, as was the case with Nikarete and N eaira
(Demosthenes 59 .18).
Interestingly, even the most skilled and educated slaves in charge of prominent duties
also performed household labours. This pattern of multiple tasking provides the
explanation for a division of labour in which some female slaves worked both as
prostitutes and as wool-workers. 42 In fact, brothel prostitution and textiles were Athens'
most profitable industries, since the actual textile production was almost entirely the
work of female slaves, despite citizen women's skill in this craft. 43 It is unlikely that all
prostitutes were involved in the textile industry or that all wool-workers were part of the
profession, yet substantial evidence suggests that numerous female slaves were used as
both wool-workers and brothel prostitutes. 44 As a result, Athena, the goddess of the
wool-working craft, received a large number of dedications and offerings from
prostitutes. 45 This is a possible explanation for the more than a hundred loom-weights


For further discussion on the term pais, see Golden 1985: 97, who states that the word usually
implied relationship, but not an intense emotional one. For the use of pais to indicate a subordinate
member of a male homosexual couple, see Dover 1978: 16-17.
It is believed they had cropped hair as a mark of their status. For the ar~ment on cropped hair, see
Lewis, 104-106; M . F. Kilmer, Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases (London: Duckworth, 1993), 159-160;
Keuls, 225.

Athenians expected that persons performing repetitive functions in a commercial context as

employed workers- whether in the bank or in the brothel - were slaves; see Cohen 2003: 218.
Garlan 1988: 62; Cohen 2003:221-22.
For women working wool see Aristophanes Frogs, 1349-1351, Lysistrata 519-520, 536-537, 728-730;
Xenophon Economics 7.6, 21, 36. For slave workers see Webster 1972; Tod 1950: 10-11.
See Rodenwaldt 1932; Keuls 1985: 240-47; Neils 2000: 203-26; Davidson 1997: 89.
See Harris 1995. Numerous lyres and flutes (auloi) and their cases were dedicated to Athena over the
__centuries (e.g. IV. 41-44b, V .190J~Z2:__<?m~~om~n we.r:e listed by first JJ.arn~. o~;!~t:r_~~!._e_r_JJ.gst Ek.:t:l.r_



and a plethora of drinking vessels found together in virtually every room of Building Z in
Athens, possibly identified as a brothel. 46 The building was a labyrinth-like structure
with numerous small rooms where evidence of foreign slaves and worship of night
Aphrodite was discovered. James Davidson states that the location was a cloth factory
during at least one of its three phases (Davidson 2006: 36). This appears puzzling at first,
since prostitutes were not thought of as loom workers, but it is possible that brothel
pornai worked wool on a greater scale than small establishments or independent
prostitutes, because of their large number and better organization.
Edward Cohen's analysis of manumission tablets of Athenian slaves from 320s BCE
provides solid evidence for the wool-working prostitutes (Cohen 2003:218-27). Even
though Cohen's evidence applies to the 4th century BCE material, I believe the study
and its conclusions can be applied to the earlier examples as well. The artistic link
already exists and was established in the sections on the sprang frames and spinning
prostitutes. In contrast, the textual evidence from the 6th and 5th centuries BCE is
nearly non-existent, thus forcing the inclusion of later sources as secondary evidence,
which, if carefully applied, can bring new light to yet unfamiliar territories, as the lives of
Athenian women do not appear to have changed so dramatically over the period of a
few centuries.
In Cohen's analysis, the manumission tablets indicate that these dedications were
presented chiefly by female freed slaves. Also, besides the freedom payments, these
women offered additional costly gifts for this occasion, which indicated their good
standing and possible prosperity. 47 It was traditionally believed that slaves who managed
to buy their freedom were the highly skilled ones, as they could earn high fees and
provide funds for the purchase of their freedom, or at least offer a source of repayment if
it was advanced by others (Cohen 2003:224-25). Accordingly, the enslaved female woolworkers (talasiourgoi) who were listed in majority in the manumission records 48 would
not have had opportunity to earn such funds or gain access to possible benefactors. 49 In

low-class, which is supported by a 6th century BCE fragment from Acropolis naming women by their first
name together with their occupation, see IG ii2 , 401-462 (p. 237).
For Building Z as a brothel, see Davidson 1997: 85-90 and 2006: 36; Lind 1988; Knigge 1988: 88-94
and 1982: 153-170.
Mostly, they offered a 100-drachma silver bowl, phiale.

Of 42 freedwomen whose profession is known to us, 32 were talasiourgoi, and the remainder were
distributed among other occupations: IG ii 2 1553-1578; SEG XVIII36, XXV 178, 180 (see Schaps 1979:
19-20 n.l4). Interestingly, Rosivach 1989lists 52 freedwomen of which 29 were talasiougoi.
Xenophon, Oeconomicus 2.7; Cohen 2003:225 . The slaved skilled at wool-working was worth twice
the price of an untrained one (Oeconomicus 7.41).



fact, the impoverished state of women employed only as wool-workers is confirmed in

Hellenistic epigrams (Greek Anthology 6.47-48, 283-285). 50
Contrary to the simple wool-workers, slave prostitutes were in a position to earn such
sums and establish "personal relations" with their clients. 51 A surviving court record
reveals that Neaira, an alleged slave prostitute, bought her freedom through a
combination of her own personal accumulated earnings and assistance from several of
her lovers (Demosthenes 59.29-32). Consequently, many freed slaves carried names that
are typical for prostitutes, e.g. Glykera (Sweetie) and Malthake (Softie) (Cohen
2003:226). Pornai who worked as both wool-workers and prostitutes were able to buy
their freedom, yet continued the craft as well as the trade in order to support themselves
(Rosivach, 368-69). In all probability, these women continued to practice prostitution
independently, as streetwalkers or with the help of an attendant. Since these freed
women were not pornai any longer, but continued to engage in sexual activities at the
request of a paying customer, they were now called paides.
These women possessed a valuable skill, yet their freedom was attainable due to their
wages from sexual services. Fittingly, Athenian vase-painting offers a plethora of images
linking prostitution and wool-working, occasionally including the pais affection
declarations (he pais kale) applied to female figures in general as well as the spinning ones
(e.g. Athens 2713, 52 Bologna PU278, 53 Boston 1970.233, 54 London D13, 55 London
E51, 56 Paris 0.5143 57 and Rome 15708 58 ).
For example, the Kerameikos alabastron (Athens 2713 59), dated ca. 525-475 BCE,
depicts a spinning woman with a plain sakkos, seated on a klismos with a wool-basket
behind it. 60 A youth approaches, bringing her a hare and a wreath as gifts. The second

Furthermore, the contrast between a destitute simple wool-worker and a money-earning prostitute is
evident in these epigrams that describe dedications offered by women planning to abandon the respected
task of wool-working in order to become prostitutes.
Halperin 1990: 107-12; Loomis 1999: 185.
Athens, Acropolis Museum: 2713; Beazley Archive Database No. 352434.
Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico: PU278; Beazley Archive Database No. 205368.
Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts: 1970.233; Beazley Archive Database No. 205288 .
London, British Museum: D13; Beazley Archive Database No . 204379.
London, British Museum: E51; Beazley Archive Database No. 205338.
Paris, Private: XXXX0.5143; Beazley Archive Database No. 205143.
Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia: 15708; Beazley Archive Database No. 212214. The vase
includes three he pais kale inscriptions .
Athens, Acropolis Museum: 2713; Beazley Archive Database No. 352434.
For a detailed record of the vase, see Knigge (1964), 105-113.

"Page 20


part of the scene illustrates a youth and a woman dressed in a transparent tunic in a
passionate embrace. Neither of the women, who may be the same person, has an air of
luxury or vanity; to the contrary, both appear crude and unattractive. The second
woman is aggressively embracing the youth by placing her arm tightly around his head,
pushing it for a kiss. Similarly, the man is grabbing the woman's head pressing it
towards his. Not surprisingly, the image appears on an alabastron, an oil container,
which was often used for the lubricating oil.
The second example I shall mention is the London vase E51 , 61 a tondo from the 5th
century BCE. The woman is enjoying a flower in her hand and is dressed in a chiton, a
bordered himation and a patterned headdress. The bordered himation was commonly
worn by prostitutes, and the flower is a symbol of female sexuality and a common
courting gift. This tondo also has the he pais kale inscription, possibly identifying her as a
prostitute. This vase painting is more subtle in its connotations, yet equally clear in its
subject matter.
Finally, an early 5th century BCE White-ground oinochoe (London Dl3 62 ) depicts a
woman spinning. At first glance, the vase-painting appears as a usual rendition of a
spinning female figure; however, a thorough analysis reveals curious details . First, the
woman is lavishly dressed in a delicate voluminous tunic (chiton) made of ornate fabric
with a light border, cind over it she wears a heavier luxurious cloak (himation) decorated
with a comer ornament and two types of borders, a fine one at the bottom and a solid
chunky one around the torso. Her hair is carefully coiffured and contained in a bun
adorned with a red fillet. She has sandals on her feet, wears jewelry (two bracelets and
earrings), and even though she is toiling, the air of vanity and sophistication is present.
She is holding a distaff in her left hand, wound with dyed roves of wool, which
appear as a solid red ball, while the spindle whirls below. She is standing rather than
sitting, and the expected wool-working paraphernalia is absent. This setting separates the
figure from other spinning women, and thus possibly represents either a grand courtesan
(the megalomisthos hetaira) or the goddess Aphrodite.63 This notion is further confirmed
by a he pais kale inscription found on this vase. The link between the declaration and the
figure has never been related before, to my knowledge. It is only in light of this novel
meaning of pais as a prostitute that associations with the courtesan or the goddess seem
conceivable. In sum, the spinning figure on London D13 could, though unlikely,

London, British Museum: E51 ; Beazley Archive Database No. 205338 .

London, British Museum: D13 ; Beazley Archive Database No . 204379.
Williams suggests one of the Fates or Moirai, possibly Klotho. For a detailed account of this vase,
see Williams 1982.





represent a pais, essentially a very successful one, or more likely Aphrodite herself, who
was the patroness of paides, in their role as prostitutes. 64

Even though Aphrodite's patronage included respected married women, 65 she was also
depicted in a manner similar to that of her hetairai, and her attributes were frequently
mirrored in prostitutes and vice versa, as seen in the above example of London D 13
oinochoe. Based on this analogy, it would be expected that Aphrodite be also linked with
wool-working and textiles. Surviving depictions of spinning Aphrodite could validate
this notion. A few statues, which have unfortunately lost their arms, were reconstructed
in spinning gestures (e.g. Venus de Milo and Aphrodite of Capua), yet such
interpretations still remain controversial. 66
In contrast, Attic pottery provides clear and undeniable evidence. For example, a St.
Petersburg kylix 67 shows Aphrodite nude to the waist adorned with jewels looking off
into a mirror held by her attendant. The spinning equipment is clearly visible, held out in
both hands, and below the spindle is the wool-basket. She is in the company of a number
of divinities, including Eros and Dionysos. Next, a Berlin lekythos68 depicts Aphrodite
riding on the back of a swan or a goose above the waves of the sea surrounded by Ares
and winged Eros. Behind is the full moon, identifying her as the Heavenly Aphrodite or
Aphrodite Ourania. Again, the goddess is half-nude and bejewelled. Her arms are
outstretched, and she is holding a distaff and the extended fibers . Then, Berlin askos69
portrays Aphrodite riding over the sea with her arms and hands extended in a spinning
gesture. 70 She is astride the sea animal, torso turned towards the viewer with the head in
profile, spinning mindlessly. Finally, London D2, 71 a well-known Red-figure cup,
illustrates Aphrodite with the headdress riding on a goose. Her hands are active with the
left palm upward and the forefinger held against the thumb in a position of drawing the
fibers from the distaff. The right hand appears to hold a flower of a spiral formation, "a

The interpretation of this vase is certainly a complex task, to which my reading can hopefully
contribute, as a full understanding of the imagery is still to come.

The author is focusing on Aphrodite 's link with prostitutes in this article.


Suhr 1958, 1960, 1963, 1969. Suhr based his reconstruction of damaged Aphrodite statues on
complete representations of the goddess, concluding that she was occupied by spinning yam.

Suhr 1963: pl. 1 fig . 1. St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.


Suhr 1963: pl. 1 fig. 2. Berlin, Antikensamrnlung.


Suhr 1963: pl. 1, fig. 5. Berlin, Antikensamrnlung F2899.


This figure has originally been interpreted as one of the Nereids; see Suhr (1963), 67.


London, British Museum: D2; Beazley Archive Database No. 211350.

- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - --

._Page 22


thread saturated with life" (Suhr 1963: 66). Thus, in the context of her form as
Aphrodite Ourania, Aphrodite's spinning is a symbol of creation. This activity is also
seen on her Eastern predecessors, as the whirling spindle can be traced back to the East,
where these goddesses were depicted creating the cosmos. 72
Most of the above-mentioned vessels are not widely known, and the images of
spinning Aphrodite are overlooked and ignored, possibly because they are her
unconventional depictions. By tradition, Athena, the virginal goddess, has been linked
with spinning and wool-working, and all such depictions are automatically assigned to
her. 73 However, the cases listed above clearly represent Aphrodite. Curiously, her
constant companion Eros is also depicted spinning; his identity is undisputed due to his
genitals, nudity and wings, and in such an example on a gem in Berlin, he is notably
wearing a headdress and is accompanied by a goose (Carpenter 1954: 9-10; pl.l fig 3).
Besides spinning and wearing of the headdresses, Aphrodite is associated with other
forms of textiles, such as Andromache's veil (Iliad 22.469) and her kestos himas (Iliad
14.214-221). This sacred sash in a shape of a saltire (kestos himas) alludes to the use of
belts and amulets in ancient love magic (Bonner 1949), as knotted threads and cords
were used to enhance attractiveness (Faraone 1990: 223). In fact, some depictions of this
saltire have knots or charms attached to the straps (Brenk 1977: 17). This ornament
survives on Eastern fertility figurines depicting Ishtar, Astarte, Atargatis or Aphrodite,
from regions including Kish, Susa and Anatolia, dating as early as ca. 3000 BCE
(DuMesnil du Buisson (LeComte) 1947). An example from Hasanoglan, in present-day
Turkey, currently located in Anatolia Civilization Museum, Ankara, is made of silver
and gold and with a saltire of crossed sashes over Aphrodite's chest. 74 Similar nude
figurines with this ornamentation appear in Syria and the Indus Valley at about 1400
BCE, and almost a thousand years later the sash is seen on figurines of the Persian
period. 75 As expected, the same chest ornament appears on representations of Aphrodite
from the Greek Classical and Hellenistic periods as well as during Roman times (e.g. 4th
century BCE cup fragment showing Aphrodite wearing a kestos himas with Eros: Jena
39076). 77


Boardman 2000; Suhr 1958: 37-38; Pitchard 1954: 43 .

Aphrodite was reduced in importance, but could not be fundamentally deprived of form and
function. Aphrodite was allowed to keep her spinning attribute and although she remained a powerful
divinity she was pushed aside in Athens by Athena.
Fertility goddess with saltire from Anatolia (Anatolia Civilization Museum, Ankara, Turkey). For
the illustration, see Garrison 2000: fig.3.4 .
Images are available in DuMesnil du Buisson 1947: seen. 727.
Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat: 390; Beazley Archive Database No. 230957.



The lliad states that the goddess's kestos himas was poikilos (14.215), a word of many
meanings, including "woven", "plaited", "braided" and "embroidered," thus possibly
implying sprang or braiding technique (LSJ, s.v. Poikilos) . This poikilos quality curiously
evokes the characteristics of zonari belts from modern Greece, which are still believed to
have magical properties. 78 They are made of sprang and used by women for protection
because of their miraculous attributes. Based on this similarity, is it possible that
Aphrodite's kestos himas was made of sprang as well?
Even more curious is the depiction of a woman in Athens Vlasto vessel 79 wearing a
cross-shaped adornment over her chest. She is placed in front of a door carrying a mirror
and an alabastron; unfortunately, due to damage, her head is missing. The ornament
consists of two bands, each of which passes over a shoulder and under the opposite arm,
crossing the other band between the breasts and on the back. This article undeniably
resembles the description of Aphrodite's kestos himas, which was depicted in vasepainting very rarely. Because of its magical properties, especially with regard to
sexuality, the ornament would be appropriate on prostitutes, who were known for using
magic for attracting and retaining their customers and lovers. She is depicted in front of
a door, as if she has just exited the symposion, the banquet held at the andron, where she
has serviced the symposiasts.
A 3rd century BCE poet Asclepiades declared that prostitutes had worn such devices:
"I myself once played with easy Hermione, who wore a variegated girdle of flowers, 0
Paphian one, which had a golden inscription: 'Keep loving me forever and do not get
angry if another man holds me"' (Faraone 1999: 100-101). In other words, according to
Christopher Faraone, Hermione was a prostitute who wore this saltire as a magical
device with an incantation designed to ensure that her boyfriends love her and do not get
angry with her, similar to the Homeric kestos himas. 80 This is confirmed by a 5th century

4th century BCE cup fragment, Aphrodite wearing a kestos himas with Eros (Jena, Friedrich-SchillerUniversiUit: 390; Beazley Archive Database No. 230957).
Modem Greek zonari is a woman's belt worn during childbearing for talismanic protection. The belt
is still made in certain areas of the Peloponnesian peninsula on "stick frames ," as described by Greek
women who regard the sprang technique as highly specialized. The sprang is directly connected to the
belief in the "evil eye," the concept which existed throughout the Mediterranean in ancient times . The
"evil eye" was a belief that someone can project harm merely by looking or staring, and common targets
were people at critical stages in life, such as newlyweds, pregnant women and children. Amulets against
the "evil eye" take many forms , and zonari is one of those apotropaic objects due to its sprang texture. In
other words, zonari's power lies in the prophylactic characteristics of its structure, that is, the sprang
technique reputedly made it resistant to evil forces. See Welters 1999: 53-70.
Athens, M. Vlasto 215607; Beazley Archive Database No . 215607.
Faraone 1999: 101lists as evidence a Roman magic gemstone with the identical inscription depicting
Eros with hands bound behind his back (British Museum 1468).



BCE image of a nude entertainer/prostitute who is depicted wearing the same cords
crossed over her chest while dancing and playing krotala (St. Petersburg ST808 81 ) .

In summary, Aphrodite, the goddess of prostitutes, was unquestionably associated with

textiles through her sacred sash, depictions of spinning and adornment of the
headdresses. Nevertheless, she was never linked with weaving and elaborate textiles to
the same degree as Athena and her Panathenaic peplos ritual. 82 The cloth prepared for
Athena Parthenos was colossal, the creation requiring great skill and mastery of the
craft. 83 The disparity between Aphrodite and Athena is analogous to the prostitute vs.
wife paradigm. As explained, a prostitute's quick-meal and her simple headdress
contrasted with a wife's elaborate dishes and complex fabrics in the same way as
Aphrodite's mindless spinning and deceitful sash contrasted with Athena's intricate
textiles and virtuous craft.



St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum: ST808; Beazley Archive Database No. 216220.
A peplos was the typical garment worn by women in the archaic period and was a traditional gift to
Athena as early as the Iliad (6.302-304). This Athenian festival was celebrated in honour of Athena and
involved bringing a new cloak or peplos to the ceremonial statue of the goddess inside the Erechtheum, as
depicted on the Parthenon sculptural frieze.
Each year a newly woven peplos was taken by the craftswomen (ergastinat) into the Erechtheum and
placed on a life-size old wooden statue of Athena Polias (Guardian of the City), while every four years in
the Great Panathenaea, an enormous peplos was taken to the Acropolis for Athena Parthenos (virgin) in the
Parthenon. Both peploi were decorated with intricate embroidery depicting Olympian gods. See, for
example, Mansfield 1985.




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