Kendo Grading

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The key takeaways are that there are progressive requirements to achieve each kyu and dan level in Kendo ranging from basic techniques and forms to more advanced applications and qualifications to instruct.

The requirements for each kyu and dan level are outlined on pages 1-3 and include mastery of techniques, forms, proper etiquette, spirit, and theory assessments through both demonstration and written exams.

Some of the assessment criteria for 4th dan (Yondan) include demonstrating nobility of spirit, rational striking, effective use of maai, mastery of all kata forms, qualifications to instruct, and ability to respond rationally to changes in an opponent's techniques.

Kendo Grading Requirements from

6 Kyu to 5 Dan
abstracted and modified from: Section 2, Manual of Documents, Australian Kendo Board ,
Australian Kendo Renmei (1998)

Roku (6) kyu Requirements

Correct Hakama & Keikogi

Correct Bogu
Rei and Sonkyo

Kihon-waza to be executed with Motodachi, candidates wearing Tare and Do:

Kihon Men
Kihon Kote
Kihon Do
Kihon Kote-Men
Kihon Kote-Do

Go (5) kyu Requirements

As for rok-kyu plus:
Kihon Kote-Men
Kihon Kote-Do

Yon (4) kyu Requirements

Full Bogu and demonstrating against each other.
As for go-kyu plus:
Kiri-Kaeshi as Motodachi
Uchi-Komi Geiko

San (3) kyu Requirements

As for yon-kyu.

Ni (2) kyu Requirements

As for 3 kyu plus:

Kakari Geiko
Ji Geigo

Ik (1) kyu Requirements

As for ni-kyu plus:
Kata - 0-dachi Ipponme (1) to Sanbonme (3)

Sho (1) dan Requirements

As for 1 kyu plus:
Kiai - the application of kiai to be in harmony with yoko-datotsu, i.e. ki-ken-tai ichi
Chudan No Kamae - Chudan-no-kamae is maintained before and after striking.
Grip of shinai - correct grip on shinai should be automatically assumed in Chudan-no-kamae with Teno-Uchi immediately after the strike.
Ashi-waza - the main point being correct foot placment and attention to the height of the left heel.
Appearance -the reflection of the spirit of Kendo in dressing.
Kihon-waza - basic big techniques are exhibited.
Rei - correct attitude and manners displayed.
Shisei - correct posture and attitudes maintained appropriate to the actions being carried out.
Kiri-kaeshi - fluency of Kiri-kaeshi is maintained without loss of maai and correct striking of Men
with the mono-uchi.
Kata: 0-dachi: Ipponme (1) to Gohonme (5)
Written exam:
What do you want to learn from training in Kendo?
Explain Maai.

Ni (2) dan Requirements

As for shodan plus:
Shikake waza - ability to display correct form in executing methods of shikage-waza.
Ojiwaza - ability to display correct form in executing methods of oji-waza.
Shin - Spirit - demonstrate a true spirit during shiai.
Timing of strikes
Maai (advanced)
Kiri-kaeshi (advanced)
Kata - 0-dachi: Ipponme to Nanahonme
Written exam

Explain why etiquette is important to Kendo.

Explain the opportunity for Datotsu.

San (3) dan Requirements

As for ni-dan plus:
Seme - pushing in to gain centre
Usage of Maai
Effective strike
Attitude and posture
Zanshin Kata - o-dachi lpponme (1) to Nanahonme (7), ko-dachi: Ipponme (1) to Sanbonme (3)
Written exam
Explain why it is important to practice Kendo Kata.
Explain why it is necessary to practice Kiri-kaeshi.

Yon (4) dan Requirements

As for san-dan plus:
Kigurai - nobility - for Yondan, nobility and near perfect kendo spirit are required. Nobility is
something naturally generated as one progresses to a higher level in terms of technique and spirit.
Rei - this requirement applies to any grade but for Yondan, a clear refinement should be shown.
Rational strike - in short, this means that one never misses opportunities to attack, use of maai to the
advantage demonstrate a good body maneuver and utilize San-sappo (Kill sword, kill spirit and kill
technique of opponent). A state of Kendo where one does not miss opportunities to attack, control
Maai, do not engage in unnecessary attacks and utilizes San-sappo.
Seme with effective Kensen (shinai tip) - for Sandan a strike using Seme was a requirement. For
Yondan, additional types of Seme are also required, including Seme with Spirit and Seme the sword. To
place oneself in a state of total concen tration and coerce opponent with Kensen.
Qualifications as an instructor - after achieving requirements for Shodan, Nidan and Sandan, the
candidate is required to obtain a higher level of techniques such as Suri-age, Kaeshi-waza, Uchiotoshiwaza, Nuki-waza and apply these techni ques depending on opponents.The candidate is required
to understand Kendo both in technique and in theory with achievement in a higher level of Kendo than
Sandan. Also required to perfect all ten Kata and able to instruct them.
Rational response (to opponents attacks and change in techniques) - the more senior one becomes,
more rational response to a change is required, such as not to be perturbed by opponents, show rational
response to attacks or a change in op ponents attacks. It is a condition to be Yondan that one remains
calm against any changes in opponents techniques and respond rationally to it with desirable
Zanshin - the more senior one becomes, the better the Zanshin is required.
Speed and Te-no-Uchi - quick, fast and crisp strikes

Kata - o-dachi 1-7, ko-dachi 1-3

Written exam
What is the important thing about learning basics in Kendo?
Explain the meaning of Zanshin.
Explain the correct manner of Kendo.

Go (5) dan Requirements

As for yon-dan.
The process from Yondan to Godan involves polishing through further training what has been achieved
so far. For Godan, one would have to have mastered all requirements for Shodan up to Yondan through
long persistent training. While the requirements to be qualified as Godan are similar to that for Yondan,
there is a certain variation in the order of priority. That is, ones' quality as an instructor becomes more
important. For instance, the following are the requirements for Godan in order of priority.
Rational strike - in techniques, Godan should be able to utilise Shikake-waza, Oji-waza spontaneously
in a match and should never miss opportunities to attack. One is also required to demonstrate a good
footwork, manoeuvre well and good Z anshin after blows. Rational strikes are the highest state in
Kendo technique one can achieve. There should be no unnecessary movements or strikes, it is a result
of perfect balance, hit, techniques and spirit. Once one achieves this level of Kendo it becomes a beauty
in its style and makes ones sense of the art in it.
Kigurai - If one trains both physical and mental aspects of kendo and face opponents with a belief of
winning rather than being possessed by winning, his or her Kendo will achieve high nobility.
Qualifications as an instructor - as with yondan, quality as an instructor is important for Godan and it
should be more refined.
Correct attitude.
Zanshin - Kensen must be 'alive'. Kata - o-dachi 1-7, ko-dachi 1-3
Written exam

Explain your own mental attitude toward being a Kendo Instructor.

Explain the meaning of Yuko-datotsu.
Explain the importance of Kihon (Fundamentals) in Kendo.
Explain the Referee's duties.
Explain when it is the best time to attack.

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