The Staple Theory

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Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

March 2014

The Staple Theory @ 50

Reflections on the Lasting Significance
of Mel Watkins A Staple Theory
of Economic Growth
Edited by Jim Stanford




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Introduction By Jim Stanford

Part 1: Historical Pedigree

11 The Staple Theory Redux: On the Origin of Species By Abraham Rotstein

16 Mel Watkins as Teacher, Scholar and Activist By Hugh Grant and David Wolfe
20 Whos Your (Grand) Daddy? Watkins, Innis, and W.A. Mackintosh
By Hugh Grant
25 Watkins, Innis, and Canadian Economics By Duncan Cameron
Part 2: Global Influence

31 Staples Theory on the International Stage By Gerry Helleiner

34 The Staples Trap in Developing Countries By Alberto Daniel Gago
Part 3: Staple Theory and the Bitumen Boom

43 Staple Theory and the New Staple Boom By Thomas Gunton

53 Albertas Sands, Staples and Traps By Gordon Laxer
58 Rowing and Steering Our Way Out of the Modern Staples Trap
By Daniel Drache
65 Why Linkages Matter By Jim Stanford
Part 4: Modern Applications

75 The Staple Theory and the Carbon Trap By Brendan Haley

80 LNG: BCs Quest for a New Staple Industry By Marc Lee
84 The Panacea: Panax Quinquefolius and the Mirage of the Extractive Economy
By ric Pineault
91 Staples Theory: Its Gendered Nature By Marjorie Griffin Cohen
97 Re-Reading Staples Theory in Light of Current Trade and Development Theory
By Dan Ciuriak
104 Staples, China, and the Global Revitalization of Industrial Policy
By Daniel Poon
114 The Staples Approach and the Financial Crisis By Alistair Dow and Sheila Dow
118 The Staple Theory and Canadas Innovation Challenge By David A .Wolfe
127 Bitumen as a Staple By Mel Watkins
134 List of Contributors

The Staple Theory @ 50:

Jim Stanford

In my job as economist for Unifor (and before that the CAW), I have had a
long-time interest in more sustainable and sensible policies for managing
Canadas resource wealth. The challenge, given the lucrative but fleeting nature of resource booms, is to leverage Canadas resource wealth in a manner that stimulates a more diversified, inclusive, and sustainable economy.
Market-driven approaches, reinforced by the rules of free trade deals (including, in particular, the still-unprecedented energy-sharing provisions of
the NAFTA) predictably leave us with a skewed, polarized, fragile, and unsustainable resource-addicted economy.
Last spring, I was giving a presentation at a conference in Sarnia, Ontario about the bitumen boom, the economic and social dangers it poses to
Canada, and the wasted opportunities Canada was missing by failing to proactively manage resource developments with an eye to diversification, industrial development, social well-being, and environmental sustainability. At
the end of the slide show I provided a list of key references for further readingsincluding a link to Mel Watkins classic 1963 article: A Staple Theory
of Economic Growth (Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science,
29/2, pp. 4973). That article applied and updated Innis original analysis of
the role of successive waves of staples in Canadas economic development.

The Staple Theory @ 50

It laid the intellectual foundation for so many subsequent theoretical and

policy interventions during the tumultuous 1960s and 1970s. Chief among
these was Mels own work on the Task Force on Foreign Ownership and the
Structure of Canadian Investment, which published its report in 1968.
Right there in front of the audience, I realized out loud (with surprise)
that 2013 in fact marked the 50th anniversary of the publication of Mels classic article. In recognition of both its stand-alone importance, Mels many
broader contributions to progressive political-economy in Canada, and the
renewed importance of a critical understanding of Canadas staples problem (given the resource-dominated regression of our economy over the last
decade), it is important that the heterodox economics community in Canada collectively mark the occasion.
To that end, the Progressive Economics Forum (Canadas network of
progressive economists, hosted a series
of special guest commentaries on its blog site that ran through the autumn
of 2013, recognizing the lasting significance of the 1963 article, and exploring its relevance to modern-day debates in Canada and internationally. Mel
himself wrote a concluding wrap-up and retrospective, engaging with the
other commentaries and providing his own thoughts on the staple theory
50 years after his article.
This series of commentaries was not mainly retrospective in their approachalthough some of the contributions detailed the historical context in which Mel developed his powerful analysis. Our aim, rather, was to
add concretely to the current understanding of staples, their strengths and
weaknesses, in the context of our current economic, geopolitical, and environmental conjuncture. The dominant theme evident throughout the commentaries is that Mels 1963 article (and his overall body of theoretical and
policy work) retains a remarkable relevance to Canadian economic policy
issues today. The worrisome trajectory of the bitumen boom is the most obvious example of the need for staple analysis to better understand, and hopefully improve, Canadas economic performance. But there are many other
examples of how Mels staple theory, a half-century after its publication, is
deservedly considered as a major landmark in Canadian political-economy.
For that reason, the Canadian Centre of Policy Alternatives has graciously agreed to publish the whole collection of commentaries as a stand-alone,
composite monograph.
The contributions are organized as follows. The first section includes four
contributions (by Abraham Rotstein, Hugh Grant and David Wolfe, Hugh
Grant, and Duncan Cameron) which review the intellectual and historical

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

context for the publication of the original article, the antecedents of staples
theorizing in Canada, and Mels enduring influence as both a scholar and an
activist. The second section (with commentaries from Alberto Daniel Gago
and Gerry Helleiner) discusses the international influence of Mels work on
development theory and practice in the rest of the world. The third section
includes four commentaries applying Mels staple theory to the overarching challenges (economic, social, and environmental) raised by the bitumen
industry in Canada. Contributors to this section include Thomas Gunton,
Gordon Laxer, Daniel Drache, and myself. The fourth and most diverse section of the compendium reflects the incredible potential for applying staple
theory to other questions and problems in economic analysis and policy.
The range of topics covered in this sectionenvironment, gender, natural gas, Quebecs economic history, industrial policy, and even the financial
industryare testimony to the incredible and enduring relevance of staple
analysis to the role of dominant export industries in a countrys economic trajectory. The contributors to this section are Brendan Haley, Marc Lee,
ric Pineault, Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Dan Ciuriak, Daniel Poon, Alistair and
Sheila Dow, and David Wolfe. Finally, we give Mel Watkins himself the final
word, with a rejoinder that reflects on the 50-year legacy of his 1963 article, and engages with typical passion regarding the environmental consequences of unbridled petroleum exploitation.
I thank all of the authors for their generous, thoughtful, and high-quality contributions, which together constitute a significant and relevant body
of research and analysis on the current state of staple theorizing in Canada
and around the world. I also thank the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives for their cooperation in publishing the collection.
Through this series, all the contributors are saying a special and personal thank you to Mel Watkins for his important theoretical and personal contributions (in economics, and in so many other areas of life) to building a better Canada.

The Staple Theory @ 50

Part 1: Historical

The Staple Theory @ 50

The Staple Theory

Redux: On the
Origin of Species
Abraham Rotstein

All theories retain the genes of their parents, and likewise the Staple
Theory. The time was the early 1960s, the heyday of economic history at the
University of Toronto. Harold Innis had died a decade earlier, but his legacy was alive and well. He had artfully overridden disciplinary boundaries
in his books to focus on Canada as a society: the way it was conceived and
nurtured. He showed how natural resources (staples) had played a central
role throughout.
Innis had been impatient with the history written by his predecessors.
Histories of early Canada regaled the country as a bastion of the British Empire, a bulwark against the ambitions of the French and of the Americans.
Historically, Britannia ruled Canadian minds as much as it ruled the waves.
The historical literature on the fur trade at the time floated on an aura of
purple prosefur traders at sunrise paddling along the great rivers, singing in three-part harmony. It was the world of Cornelius Krieghoff but flying the Union Jack.
Economists in turn saw all this through still narrower lensesnamely, through the binoculars of supply and demand. Staples with distinct-

The Staple Theory @ 50


ly different physical characteristics and very different histories, say fur and
timber, all became commodities, homogenized under the denominator
price. Rivers, mountains and prairies were screened as differential transport costs. Generally speaking, economic analysis pictured Canada as comprised of various shades of staples grey.
For Innis, who had personally canoed the old fur trade routes, had served
as a deck hand on the steamers of the Yukon, had worked on the fishing
boats of the Maritimes, this approach yielded a bloodless one-dimensional
Canada. It hardly reflected the country that he knew first hand.
Innis did have a deep appreciation of the industrial achievements of modern capitalism (which he abbreviated as the price system) but he sensed
that neo-classical economics fell badly short in its portrayal of the country.
When he was in graduate school in Chicago, Innis had been influenced by
the work of Thorstein Veblen. Innis claimed later that Veblen had waged a
constructive warfare of emancipation against the tendency toward standardized static economics, and against the inclusiveness of price economics.
Innis searched for an alternative focus:
Perhaps the most serious obstacle to effective work in Canadian economics and
economic history is the lack of a philosophy of economic history applicable to
new countries Much of the work has been defective through the attempt to
fit the phenomena of new countries to the economic theory of old countries.

For Innis the geographer, the classical supply-demand-price approach of

the old countries had produced a whiteout of the Canada that he knew
first-hand. How could he retrieve those formative features of its economy
that had been sidelined, and portray the economy in its full dimensions?
Innis used a wide-angled lens for his research, and this shaped his subsequent work on the fur trade and the cod fisheries.
Such was the origin of the staples thesis, an approach that highlighted the
substantive features of the economy: its ecology and geography, its technology, and its institutions. It was only after the fact that this approach emerged
more formally as a theory, and this is where Mel Watkins enters the picture.
Mel Watkins had been a student of Harold Innis during Innis latter days
at the U of T. Subsequently Mel joined the Political Economy Department.
That Department lived, at least for a while, in the afterglow of Innis presence. The Department head, Tom Easterbrook, was a close associate of Innis and became a mentor to the young Watkins.
Mel Watkins knew he had a tradition to live up to. His previous stint as
a graduate student at MIT did him surprisingly little damage, as was shown


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

later by the independent line he took on the control of foreign investment

in Canada. But the main issues of the day had shifted from the time that Innis wrote. The new agenda of the 1960s had been established south of the
border and was adopted everywhere else. Speaking for the U.S. State Department and indeed on behalf of the United Nations, Walt Rostow (also
an economic historian) declared a Decade of Development ahead. All
underdeveloped countries should take a leaf out of the experience of the
developed countries, he argued, and embark on the path of self-sustaining
industrial growth.
In the end, despite massive amounts of foreign aid, all this amounted
to little more than a declaration of innocent myopia. Nevertheless, how to
successfully launch a country onto this path to industrial growth was the
challenge of the day.
Soon the difficulties loomed up: how could the less developed countries,
so heavily dependent on the export of natural resources, proceed to launch
new secondary industries? Countries were mired in their respective staples,
with seemingly little chance of shifting into industrial development. Were
these countries fated to drag their heels until they could extricate themselves
from this staples dependence? How to escape from this debilitating role and
move into the realm of high value-added manufacturing?
In the countries of Latin America, for example, staples were regarded as
the albatross that had dragged them down during the time that the industrial giants such as the United States had raced ahead. Raoul Prebisch had
launched the dependencia doctrine, the economic underpinning that animated much of the Latin American policy and political discussions of the time.
In a nutshell, the doctrine maintained that Latin American countries were
fated to backwardness over time because the terms of trade had consistently turned against raw materials in favour of the relatively higher prices commanded by manufactured goods. It followed that Latin American countries
had, by any means they could muster, to jettison their dependence on staples
in order to acquire the bounties of economic progress. Politically, this seemed
to be the route as well to get out from under the thumb of the United States.
Enter Watkins staple theory of economic growth, showing how Canada
had in fact found a way out of its own staples dependence. Canada had,
after all, emerged as a developed country despite its initial reliance on the
export of staples. How had this occurred? That was the intriguing question
that Watkins resolved in his classic 1963 article.
In Innis-like fashion, the answer came from casting a wider net; it meant
pursuing the ramifications of staples production in an industrial age. Sta-

The Staple Theory @ 50


ples production had become more complex: it now required industrial equipment. Wheat production required tractors and harvesters; mineral production required elaborate mining machinery. How to take advantage of these
There were further possibilities. Instead of simply digging things out of
the ground and exporting them in their raw state, economic growth could
come from further processing of these raw materials. Softwood lumber could
be turned into paper by constructing paper mills. Flour mills could (and
should) process the wheat into flour; steel mills should process the iron ore.
Who would take up these industrial opportunities?
Here, Watkins argued, lay the key to the transition into industrial
growththe industrial linkages that staples production offered. He called
these backward linkages for the machinery to produce the staples and
forward linkages that could provide for further processing. Moreover,
additional jobs were thereby provided (including to the immigrant population), and this in turn expanded the consumer goods industries that followed in the wake of these linkages. Canada (with some qualifications) could
be held up as an example of how these linkages could work to foster industrial growth at least for some staple-reliant countries.
But little of this would have actually occurred in a laissez-faire society,
where industrial imports from an adjacent economy might have swamped
the fledgling domestic industries responding to the demand for the products of these backward and forward linkages. These new industries were
sheltered in Canada behind a tariff wall. Local manufacturers did seize
the opportunities on their doorstep and created an industrial base for the
country. (We will have to bypass here the later debate on efficiency and
supposedly suboptimal growth through import substitution.) In the postwar period, as Watkins pointed out, Canadian business was often slow on
the uptake, and alas foreign owners garnered many of these industrial opportunities.
Other staples-oriented theories followed in a similar vein, although
they were not necessarily offshoots of Watkins original article. Eric Kierans
directed attention to the question of capturing the rents connected with
natural resources. Charles Kindelberger had earlier addressed the different
effects of staple exports on the balance of trade and on the growth of the
domestic economy. Albert Hirschman pointed to the fiscal consequences
of staple production, and this was followed by the diagnosis of Dutch disease (analyzing the effect on the exchange rate and hence on manufacturing in major staples exporting countries.)


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Environmental consequences as well began to loom large in the discussion of staples. These were often devastating: the clear-cutting of forests,
the pollution of the atmosphere, and (more recently) the moonscapes of
the bitumen fields.
Today, tracking the broad consequenceseconomic, financial, political and environmentalthat flow from a reliance on staples production still
follows the broad Innisian tradition, although in a more critical vein. Further, the challenge of finding a national balance between staples and manufacturing remains a perennial theme of debate.
Innis was right many decades ago to place staples in the forefront of the
discussion of Canadian economic history. He thereby provided an antidote
to the dominance of the sycophantic and the romantic in Canadian history.
Instead, he grounded that history in an analysis of staples that had been
hidden in plain sight. The ramifications of staples production were spread
far and wide, linking not only the economy but shaping the society as well.
This is what Innis discovered, and thereby found a way to remove the blinkers of neo-classical economics through his staples thesis.
Watkins renewal of this discussion fifty years ago was an antidote of
a different sort. He pointed out some active directions for policy makers to
pursue in staples production. In this case it was an antidote to the conventional approach to managing staples with invisible hands. These hands
had in fact become so invisible that they were in danger of rendering Canada a paraplegic.
This challenge is still clearly with us today, evidenced both by the reluctance of Canadian business leaders to develop value-added industries
here, and the lack of imagination of policy-makers to push them to do better. In this regard, we give Watkins (1963) the last word:
Economic institutions and political values, an inefficient structure of industry combined with an unwillingness to do anything about it, have in the
past prevented Canada from growing at a satisfactory rate in the absence
of a strong lead from primary exports, but this need not be true in the indefinite future.

The Staple Theory @ 50


Mel Watkins as Teacher,

Scholar and Activist
Hugh Grant and David Wolfe

For anyone first exposed to Canadian political economy in the 1960s

and 1970s, Mel Watkins was an iconic figure. Through his strong association with the Watkins Report, commissioned by Liberal cabinet minister,
Walter Gordon, in the mid-1960s, and his critical role in the drafting of the
Waffle Manifesto in 1969 (documented in Dave Godfreys Gordon to Watkins to You), he gained instant recognition among a generation of students
and activists deeply concerned with the growing degree of foreign control
over the Canadian economy and the inadequate response to the issue by
the mainstream political parties of the day. Through his subsequent involvement with the Berger Commission in the 1970s and his passionate opposition to the Free Trade Agreement and the NAFTA in the 1980s and 1990s,
political activism was, and remains, a central part of Mels contribution to
Canadian society and politics.
Along with his continuing engagement in Canadian political life, Mel
was always an active scholar, born in the Innis tradition of Canadian political economy, and shaped by the work of a contemporary generation of economic historians and political economists, including Kari Levitt, Jim Laxer, Tom Naylor and Wallace Clement. Through his many contributions to
magazine columns, government reports and books and scholarly journals,


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Mel profoundly influenced the intellectual development of Canadian political economy over the course of more than four decades. The scope of his
work ranged from theoretical writings on the staple thesis; analysis of foreign investment, the multinational corporation and international trade; observations on the state of Canadian economics and political economy; commentaries on a range of political issues; and reflections on technology. The
themes addressed and the arguments made continue to resonate and offer important insights into the nature of Canadian political economy today.
His contribution to Canadian political economy is, or will be, apparent
to those who have an opportunity to read his work. Less well known, except to those who had the good fortune to enrol in one of his courses, is his
influence as a teacher and mentor to undergraduate and graduate students
at the University of Toronto.
Our association with Mel dates from the early 1970s at a time when
the Department of Political Economy was a rarefied, if not rather strange,
place. In the politically-charged atmosphere of the Vietnam War period, it
was not unusual for incoming undergraduates to be familiar with the Waffle Movement, the Committee for an Independent Canada and the findings
of the Watkins and Gray Reports on foreign ownership, or to read regularly Canadian Dimension and The Canadian Forum. Eager first-year students
in search of their lecture hall in Sidney Smith Hall ran the gamut of newspaper sellers from a wide range of political parties and factions of the day.
Most of the writings of Marx, Lenin, Mao and Tim Buck were available for
purchase. Rare times indeed.
Once acclimatized to the University of Toronto, it was possible to find
a number of courses scattered through various academic departments that
dealt with the issues pertaining to the New Left. This was less true in the
Department of Economics; however, Ian Parker was a source of inspiration
and two faculty members had definite name recognition: Abraham Rotstein
and Mel Watkins.
Despite the presence of Parker, Rotstein, Watkins and others, pursuing
an alternative program of study in Economics grew more difficult as the neoclassical orthodoxy extended its grip on the former home of Innis and Easterbrook and the Keynesian consensus crumbled. The Political Economy Course
Critique for 1973/74, published by the students association, observed that
Numerous students emphasized the need for courses on the exploitation of
multi-national corporations or on Marxist economic theory. Lest students
criticisms be shrugged off by faculty and administrators, they were accompanied by a warning: We, the editors, sincerely hope that this course cri-

The Staple Theory @ 50


tique will aid in pinpointing some of the inadequacies in each individual

course. This, however, is not enough. Words must be followed by action.
In a curious act of pluralism, or perhaps product differentiation, the Department responded by creating two versions of a course on Canadian Economic Issues, one taught by Ed Safarian and the other, not recommended
for Commerce students, by Mel Watkins. Presumably designed to assuage
the small band of dissident students, the Department was doubtless surprised when the latter was consistently over-subscribed and was the overwhelming choice of Commerce majors seeking to complete their Economics requirement. The Course Critique for Eco 337: Contemporary Issues in
the Canadian Economy reported that: Professor Watkins course is one
of the few, if not the only economics course to follow the Marxist viewpoint
of economics. Watkins is, in addition, not afraid to point out the shortcomings of the Keynesian school of economics. Despite this blessing, he did
not escape criticism, because he spoke for practically the entire two hours
each lecture. When Mel was seconded to work for the Dene during the Berger Inquiry, the courses popularity forced the Department to arrange a last
minute replacement. The best it could come up with was the equally witty
and urbane, yet less renowned academic from the Hautes tudes Commerciales, Jacques Parizeau.
As the opportunity to study political economy within the Department
of Economics slowly disintegrated, Mel took refuge in the undergraduate
Canadian Studies program at University College and in teaching a graduate course in Canadian Political Economy with colleagues David Wolfe and
Stephen Clarkson in Political Science, and distanced himself, both physically and intellectually, from his colleagues in Economics. Just the same,
his courseswhether offered in Economics, Political Science or Canadian
Studiesbecame a rite of passage for those concerned with political economy, drawing students from every discipline and interdisciplinary program.
One observation was unavoidable for his students. Political Economy could
be a strongly-grounded theoretical discipline while commenting on the immediate issues of the day. The former required an acute awareness of the intuition, or vision, that informed the theoretical model, while the latter demanded a personal engagement in the current issues.
For his part, Mel was never far removed from the important political
issues of the day, be it through his principal authorship of the Watkins Report on Foreign Ownership, his involvement in party politics (from the Waffle Group to his candidacy in two Federal Elections under the NDP banner
in the Woodbine riding), as an advisor to the Dene Nation during the Berger


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Commission hearings, as an anti-free trade advocate for the Canadian Labour

Congress during the FTA debates, as a columnist and contributing editor at
This Magazine, and through his work for Science for Peace. Yet throughout
these various activities, Mel could almost always be found in his office and
the lecture halls at University College, University of Toronto where he providing a guiding hand to the intellectual development of successive generations of students until his retirement in the 1990s.
Throughout this period, he continued an active program of scholarship,
contributing new papers to academic conferences, participating in several
versions of edited collections on the development of Canadian political economy and to academic journals. As scholarly trends evolved over the course
of these decades and the dominant academic issues of the day changed,
Mel remained firmly committed to two critical values: the seminal contribution of the Innis tradition for an understanding of the development of
the Canadian economy, society and the polity; and the need to analyse the
factors contributing to, and the political implications of, a growing loss of
Canadian sovereignty. His intellectual contribution to understanding these
issues remains as critical today as when he first started writing about them
in the 1960s. It is our fervent hope that this collection will expose his work
to a new generation of students and scholars for whom these issues are as
pressing today as they were when Mel joined his first anti-war teach-in at
the University of Toronto.
Based on material originally published in Hugh Grant and David Wolfe (eds.),
Staples and Beyond: Selected Writings of Mel Watkins (Montreal: McGillQueens University Press, 2006).

The Staple Theory @ 50


Whos Your (Grand)

Daddy? Watkins, Innis,
and W.A. Mackintosh
Hugh Grant

Everything I know I learned from Mel Watkins and Abraham Rotstein, so this is a very personal commentary. (It is also a convenient starting point, because if I am wrong about any of what follows, I can simply
deflect criticism by blaming Mel and Abe for teaching me incorrectly.) If
I view Mel as my intellectual parent, in tracing my intellectual lineage I
think Ive been lied to for years: my grandfather isnt Harold Innis, but
W.A. Mackintosh.

Mackintosh, Innis, and the Staple Thesis

Mackintosh began teaching economics at Queens in 1920 and served as
its Principal in the 1950s. He engaged energetically in Canadian policy debates, serving on the National Employment Commission (193638), the
Rowell-Sirois Royal Commission (193739), as an advisor to the Minister of
Finance during World War II, and later on the Royal Commission on Banking and Finance (196164) and as a Director of the Bank of Canada. Indicative of his contribution to wartime policy, it was Mackintosh who, at the


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Bretton Woods Conference, seconded Keynes motion that led eventually to

the establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
He was also a prolific scholar and arguably the discoverer of the staple
thesis. Its origin can be traced to Mackintoshs talk delivered at the National Archives in 1922, a talk that formed the basis for his seminal 1923 paper
on Economic Factors in Canadian History. Innis was in the audience and
was quick to recognize the importance of Mackintoshs argument; indeed,
Innis would seize upon many ramifications that Mackintosh later admitted
he himself had not fully appreciated.
By 1934, the two men had completed their major studies of specific Canadian staple industries: Innis on the fur trade and cod fisheries, and Mackintosh on wheat. The enthusiasm each expressed for the others work reflects
a common desire to understand the broad patterns to Canadian economic
history. Mackintosh hailed Inniss The Fur Trade in Canada (1928) as the
greatest single contribution that has been made to the interpretation of the
economic history of this country and a great book in economic history.
In his reading, a key aspect of the Fur Trade was Inniss recognition of the
vulnerability of a staple economy: a perpetual Canadian economic problem of great significance, that of carrying heavy overhead costs and with
variable income and with relatively unproductive seasonal periods.
Innis, in turn, was quick to appreciate Mackintoshs extension of this
theme to the analysis of the prairie wheat economy. In a lengthy review of
Mackintoshs contribution to the Frontiers of Settlement series, Innis states that
It is impossible even in an extended review to convey an appreciation of the
significance of the work carried out under the project represented by the volumes under review. The work provides a fundamental basis to the problems of Canada as a whole. Throughout the volumes the problem of the adjustment of burdens between established and fringe areas has been of vital
concern and emphasis has been placed on methods by which the burdens
may be kept under control and reduced. But in many ways Western Canada
is to the industrial center of Canada what the fringe is to the center within
the western provinces, and a provincial regional problem becomes a Canadian problem. These volumes constitute a first preliminary attack on the
difficulties of provincial-federal relations, and their importance is enhanced
by the opportune date of the study and their appearance in the years of the
depression. No economist or historian or geographer can continue to write
intelligibly about diminishing returns, the frontier theory, and other related
concepts without a through appreciation of their implications.

The Staple Theory @ 50


At the 1935 meetings of the Canadian Political Science Association,

Mackintosh presented Some Aspects of a Pioneer Economy, in which he
made the first attempt to generalize the findings on specific staple industries into a more comprehensive framework for understanding the development of Canada and new countries in general. It is, then, in the history
of new countries that the economics of development can best be studied,
he wrote. I suggest that the fully operating open economic system is best
exemplified in new, pioneer countries.
Four basic features of the pioneer economy are identified. First, countries characterized by plentiful resources need to find a staple product that
was both adapted to the basic geographical facts and in demand in metropolitan markets. Second, the scarcity of labour and capital necessitated an
inflow of labour, use of the industrial arts of mature economies (or mature techniques to use Innis term), and capital borrowing. The latter implied a high rate of investment and indebtedness, and a high propensity to
save if the interest payments on debt were to be met. Third, the nature of
the production function, or the technological and institutional conditions
under which the staple commodity is produced, had broader implications
not only for the economy as a whole, but political and social institutions as
well. Fourth, the conflict between highly-variable income from staple exports and heavy overhead costs left the economy vulnerable to wide fluctuations in the rate of economic growth. The staples economy thus faced
periodic tests of the capacity of export earnings to carry the growing debt
charges and to pay for imports.
The concentration on a single staple product had cumulative effects
which influenced the capacity to transformation from an immature to mature economy. During periods of growth, factor prices tend to adjust as the
inflow of relatively scare labour and capital drive down wages and interest
rates respectively, and increase the price of land. Rising prices and falling
interest rates are the attendants of pioneer prosperity. When the inflow
of capital eventually declines, there must be sufficient export earnings to
fund imported consumer goods and establish the basis for domestic capital
accumulation, particularly in secondary industries to help spread out the
social overhead costs. Only then can the economy pass from the pseudoprosperity of the settlement boom to the genuine prosperity of a fully functioning economy.
This paper would serve as the starting point for Mackintoshs definitive
statement of the staple thesis applied to Canadian history: The Economic
Background of Dominion-Provincial Relations, written in 1938. When asked


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

to comment on the draft of the manuscript, Innis declined on the grounds

that it would be merely gilding the lily.

Mackintosh and Keynes

Innis and Mackintosh would increasingly part company over the course of
the latter 1930s. For Innis, the basis for knowledge was fragile and the search
for bias was an essential step to gaining self-knowledge; as he cited James
Ten-Broeke, his professor in Philosophy from his undergraduate days at McMaster, Why do we attend to the things to which we attend? Questioning
the basis for ones own convictions was, if not the route to detached objectivity, at least the grounds for obtaining a perspective on the subject. It did not,
however, provide a reliable basis upon which to offer expert policy advice.
His scathing review of the Rowell-Sirois Royal Commission in 1939whose
Final Report Mackintosh had a large hand in draftingunderscores Innis
increasing isolation from the majority of his fellow economists.
Mackintosh was no less introspective despite consistently expressing
a matter-of-fact approach to intellectual inquiry and the capacity to apply
common sense to a body of accumulated facts. He subscribed to no simple inductive method; rather, It is that wealth of knowledge which tempers
logic with intuition and enables the competent economist to judge the quality of imprecise facts, to exercise what we may call his economic sense. He
acknowledged that as an individual of experience he will doubtless have
strong prejudices and inherited tastes, but that scientific detachment was
possible. Men must have a philosophy of some kind no matter how poor
or contradictory a thing it is, but it is essential that we keep our philosophy
separate from our scientific thinking, or rather that our philosophy should
always be ready to retreat before science.
In Mackintoshs Presidential Address to the CPSA, the methodological gulf
between the two men is quite apparent. In responding to Underhills charge that
economists were the garage mechanics of capitalism, Mackintosh acknowledged that, In all quarters one gathers the impression that the general public is disappointed in economists, is distrustful of them, is unimpressed with
the complexity of the subject, or considers them out-moded and outworn receptacles of a bourgeois ideology, the product of a particular historical epoch.
But he defended the economists role as a policy expert as long as one resisted
the pressure to abandon his scientific method and become a propagandist.
In this respect Mackintosh endorsed Keynes view which he described
as the trusting of a technical man to do a technical job according to good

The Staple Theory @ 50


professional standards. Just as engineering principles do not lay down the

form and structure of a bridge apart from the particular facts of span, weight,
strength of materials, etc., so economics enunciates no policy apart from
the particular facts of the problem. Thus as Innis lamented the growing
division within the social sciences, Mackintosh championed the scientific
foundation of economics with the proviso that the economist must remember that he is an expert in but one of the social sciences. He was equally
adamant that Any social science must ultimately be justified by the basis
which it affords for policy Unless economics and other social sciences are
to be justified by policy they become mere chess games, to be classed as recreation, wholesome recreation if you will.
Accordingly, it was Mackintosh who came to embrace Keynesianism
during his work for the Canadian Government during World War II. In authoring the White Paper on Employment and Income in 1945, he articulated a Keynesian vision of the Canadian economy in the post-war period. In
doing so, Mackintosh made a seminal contribution in crafting a Keynesian
model amenable to a small open economy regulated by a federal state. The
White Paper can be interpreted as an effort to restate the staple thesis within a Keynesian aggregate demand framework.

From Mackintosh to Watkins to You

I will leave it to others to discuss specific aspects of Mels 1963 paper, but I
encourage all to read or reread it as an extension of Mackintoshs wedding
of the staple thesis with a Keynesian model. Moreover, when it comes to addressing immediate policy concerns, Mels lifelong engagement and activism actually stand in sharp contrast to Innis reticenceand bears a much
greater affinity to Mackintoshs active policy commitments.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Watkins, Innis, and

Canadian Economics
Duncan Cameron

When economic historian and theorist Harold Adams Innis died in 1952 at
the age of 58, Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent sent his wife Mary a telegram.
While Innis was not a public figure, he was widely respected for his academic work on the cod fishery, the fur trade, rail transport, and communications. And Innisian ideas about how Canada developed as a country were
influential in universities, and in wider discussions of public affairs.
Mel Watkins was a student of Innis, and remains engaged with his work
today. Interestingly, at MIT, Mel also studied under Paul A. Samuelson: another economic sciences giant, though of another theoretical persuasion
With Samuelson, Mel co-authored the Fourth Edition of the Instructors
Guide to the legendary introductory textbook by Samuelson (entitled simply Economics) that cemented the link between mathematical representations of the economy, and contemporary economics.
Economics was first published in 1948, went through 19 editions, was
translated into 41 languages, and sold over 4 million copies. Through the
Samuelson text, what he called the Neo-Classical approach to economics became the dominant framework of economic analysis in the U.S, and
much of the world.

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Though primarily an economic historian, Watkins always retained a

focus on the issues of his times, and he still does today. The 1960s were the
declared the Development Decade by the United Nations. Watkins was
the first recipient of an MIT doctoral fellowship in development economics
(Jagdish Bhagwati was the second). Canadian economic development was
a public issue to be addressed.
Reading the 1963 article justly celebrated in this collection suggests that
in his approach to economics, Watkins leaned more to Innis, than Samuelson. However, the article is about a staples model of economic development, and like the Samuelson textbook, it has Keynesian bones.
Much more than a discursive history of the staples, Watkins put together the useful ideas of Albert O. Hirschman about forward, backward and
final demand linkages with the Innisian focus on staples production, and
offered a valuable theoretical perspective on Canadian economics. The article offers a model, but not a mathematical model. It is a work of theory, but
the theory is broader than neo-classical economics as generally presented.
As a historian, Watkins was looking for ways to describe and explain
how the Canadian economy evolved. Could there be laws of motion connecting staples production and the Canadian economy? Could Innisian
thought provide them?
Though it has been argued there is a staples approach, but not a staples theory, it is quite appropriate to point to a staples theory in the work
of Innis. In the Canadian economy, Innis argued, abundant natural resources attracted capital and labour in quantity because of the opportunity for
good profit margins. Capital and labour remained engaged in staples production, even without adopting technological changes, because there was
insufficient profit incentive to leave. This also meant there was little incentive to update production techniques.
So long as profit margins were higher in a staple than elsewhere (say
manufacturing) the less profitable sectors had difficulty attracting capital
and labour. But the staples sector was vulnerable to a market collapse, with
dire consequences for the society developed around its previous high returns on investment. This was the dreaded staples trap.
The seminal contribution of Watkins to staples economics was to show
that staples could be linked backward (through technological improvements say) or forward (by transforming the staple into a manufactured
product), but that this required government policy, and a commitment to
Canadian economic development. Ultimately it required political action
by a government.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Watkins study pointed to a conclusion: those who want to see changes

in public policy have to recognize the role of political parties: they form governments, or pressure governments from inside parliament. Watkins worked
with both Walter Gordon and the Liberal party, and then, twice, jumped into
NDP politics (along with his Waffle colleagues he was expelled after his first
venture). When Watkins entered the second time (he supported the leadership bid of Audrey McLaughlin) it was for the long haul, including two runs
at elected office alongside Jack Layton, who Watkins had promoted for the
NDP leadership.
On politics Innis and Watkins traveled different paths. Though he had
advised government, fought for his country in World War I, and believed
scholars should focus on public problems, Harold Innis soured on partisan
debate, and became aloof from party politics.
Not fearful of controversy, Innis risked his standing in the University
to defend historian and CCF activist Frank Underhill from a socialist witch
hunt by some members of the Board of Governors at U of T. However, Innis
believed academic research, though publicly spirited, should be kept separate from public engagement.
Where Watkins joined with Innis and extended his intellectual project, was around Innis assumption that Canada needed to be studied with
a scholarly apparatus appropriate to the Canadian context. Simply taking
economic models developed in Britain or the U.S. and applying them to Canada was not good enough.
Though both Innis and Watkins were surely right about this, their invitation to study Canada as if the country mattered more than the dominant methodology has been widely ignored in Canadian university departments of economics.
Watkins, along with Abraham Rotstein and Stephen Clarkson, all colleagues (in the once proudly named Political Economy Department) at the
University of Toronto, made the Innisian assumption their own, and they
were joined by others across Canada, primarily scholarly activists of the left.
Innis had a wide range of intellectual interests, and his reputation spread
beyond political economy, largely owing to University of Toronto English
scholar Marshall McLuhan who widely proclaimed his debt to Innis, and
whose communications writings became world famous.
Innis the economic historian was, as it were, rescued by departments
of Communication, Sociology, Geography, History, and Political Science. The
inattention given economic thought, and history, by Neo-Classical economics meant Innis as economist was relatively ignored.

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Along with W.A. McIntonish, Irene Spry, Mable Timlin, and others, Harold Innis is considered the precursor of the Canadian political economy approach, practiced today by independently minded academics, and the inspiration for much of the policy research done by the Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives, trade unions, NGOs, social agencies, and left scholars
and activists with a policy bent. Along with Mel Watkins, the late Stephen
Hymer and Kari Levitt featured prominently in debates around foreign ownership (not investment) in Canada that animated the New Canadian Political Economy practiced by R.T. Naylor, Daniel Drache, James Laxer, and Wallace Clement. These debates widened and deepened in the scholarly journal
Studies in Political Economy, incubated at Carleton University by Leo Panitch, Rianne Mahon, and others, that attracted scholars across Canada, and
remains a lively outlet for research today.
Knowledge of Innis helps in seeing what is glaringly wrong with Canadian
economic policy, particularly in the dark decades since the 198182 recession. Despite the efforts deployed by the 1985 Macdonald Royal Commission
to claim Innis as a proponent for trade enhancement, the presumption that
the export trade is somehow the source of Canadian prosperity, and that export promotion (mercantilism) is what is needed to assure Canadas economic
future, is hardly what Innis, Watkins or Canadian political economy is about.
What separates Innis from everyday social science is not just that he brilliantly studied staples in a succession of scholarly volumes. Innis showed
that what he called staples production was what shaped Canadian society;
production techniques and associated technology were all-pervasive in the
pattern of human settlement of the country, and its social fabric. Canadians
became what Canada produced, as it were. Innis entitled his 1938 presidential address to the Canadian Political Science Association The Penetrative
Powers of the Price System.
The conclusions Innis reached are what make his work so important. At
the heart of his Canadian political economy is the proposition that the export of staple products creates uncertainty, and havoc when markets turn
against Canadian products. The work of Innis helped to understand how
when the world economy collapsed, producing the great depression, it took
the Canadian wheat-based economy with it.
The staples story is a cautionary tale Canadians ignore at their peril. As presented by Mel Watkins, the staples model of economic development remains
central to understanding questions of public policy in Canada, from resource
development to industrial policy, from transport to monetary, fiscal and social policy, and beyond to links with the continental and global economies.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Part 2: Global Influence

The Staple Theory @ 50


Staples Theory on the

International Stage
Gerry Helleiner

Staple theory is a Canadian invention. The original writings of Harold

Innis were sparked by Canadian economic history. Mel Watkins classic article, while making a more general case, appeared in the Canadian Journal of
Economics and Political Science. Indeed, most subsequent discussion and
debate of staple theory seem, at least to most Canadian analysts, to have
taken place in Canada. Yet there is a much broader and more international story to be told about the development and influence of staple theory.
The developmental significance of the choice of different kinds of export activities has long itself been a staple of development debate in Latin
America, the Caribbean, Africa and even parts of Asia. Sometimes Watkins
was footnoted in the relevant writings, sometimes not. (To my knowledge
Innis never was.) How strands of knowledge or analytical approaches are
transmitted is complex and often unclear; I leave this to the historians of
economic thought and sociologists of knowledge. But what is indisputable
is that Watkins way of thinking about these issues clearly had impact,
whether direct or indirect, in the developing world over the past 50 years.
There is a rich tradition, for instance, among Caribbean economists
(not least our own Kari Polanyi-Levitt) emphasizing the peculiar, and developmentally detrimental, legacy of plantation-based export economies.

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It features the influences of such matters as distorted infrastructure, limited backward or forward linkages, and, of course, the distribution of income from these export activities. There are parallel concerns and a parallel literature concerning plantation, estate or large-scale export-oriented
agriculture and forestry (such as bananas, pineapples, palm oil, timber,
etc.) in many other parts of the developing world. Not infrequently these
issues are accompanied by debates about the accompanying role of foreign direct investment, a matter on which Watkins also, of course, had a
great deal to say. Most recently it is foreign (Chinese, Arab, and other)land
grabbing in ostensibly independent sub-Saharan African countries that
has captured the popular spotlight. The concerns raised by this trend are
thoroughly Watkinsian.
Comparable Watkins-style analyses have long surrounded the issue of
(usually foreign-owned) mining and petroleum export activity in poor countries. What kind of infrastructure do such activities require, and do they
assist further development? Are there any significant domestic linkages?
Where does the income go? Some of these critical questions have at times
been drowned out by popular discussions of the resource curseovervalued currencies (Dutch disease), corruption, and overblown governmental spending of the (often lavish) revenues. After the recent boom in
international mineral and other commodity prices, with its resulting rapid
growth rates in poor commodity-dependent economies, there has been renewed attention to the longer-term development question of what, if anything, these successes leave behind after the boom has abated. In many
current policy discussions in poor countries, the staple theorys principles
are therefore very much in the limelight once again.
In many parts of the developing world, a version of staple theory has
also been deployed to analyse the relatively positive developmental implications of smallholder (peasant) agriculture geared at least partially for export: for example, with Tanzanian coffee or Ghanaian cocoa. I know this
with particular certainty because I have written extensively on these topics
myself...and I know where I got these ideas.
In later years these same analytical tools have been employed to acquire
a better understanding of the benefits and possible costs of labour-intensive
manufacturing for export, as in Bangladesh, and export processing zones
in a wide range of other poor countries. Significant labour income (largely
to female workers) accrues from these activities; but often, quite apart from
the lax fire, safety and other labour standards, precious little else is done to
further sustainable longer-term development.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

These staple theory approaches not only describe the likely developmental consequences, positive or negative, of alternative export choices
(where choices exist); but they also provide guidance as to policies that
might begin to overcome the deficiencies inherent in some of them. Staple
theory is not and never should have been seen simply as an approach to
economic history. By now it should be evident, too, that its applications go
far beyond the cases of Canadian cod fisheries, fur trade and wheat. The
insights of staple theory, both historical and policy-oriented, belong to the
world. That is why, during my more than thirty years teaching a graduate
course on International Aspects of Development at the University of Toronto, Mels article on the staple theory was always compulsory reading.

The Staple Theory @ 50


The Staples Trap in

Developing Countries
Alberto Daniel Gago

In 1980 I first encountered the work of Mel Watkins, while I was completing my Masters thesis on the theory of regional export base, applied to the
Cuyo region of Argentina, at the Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands. Indeed, Mels classic paper, A Staple Theory of Economic Growth,
has been very influential in the whole Latin American school of economic
development theory.
Watkins approach allowed us to leave aside the neoclassical theory
of export base, brought more complexity to the analysis of staples-driven
growth, and highlighted the range and contingency of possible outcomes
to the development process. He coined the term staples trap to refer to the
inability of a resource-based economy to mature into a diverse and industrialized one. Overspecialization in export-oriented staples implies dependence on foreign direct investment, while underpriveleging domestic manufacturing and economic diversification.
In regions with resource-intensive production, economic growth is strongly concentrated on staples, produced for export to more highly developed
regions. This supposedly paves the way for broader economic growth, and
implies a resource-intensive strategy for national and regional development
based on external markets. However, this optimistic story is incomplete.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

In countries open to global markets, staples industries produce deep

structural economic, political, social and cultural changes:
In a global era, staples industries typically rely on multinational corporations, that appropriate profit through their direct investments in
staples projects. Transnational corporations control the overall staple
trajectory, giving them a leadership role in the overall economic and
political dynamic that does not necessarily serve the broader interests of the host economy well.
These large global corporations also tend to absorb and exclude small
and medium firms from the formal production system. The multinational corporations, from their dominant position, transform the
regional production system into oligopolies, ultimately controlling
the natural resources and capturing the resulting economic surplus.
Peripheral capitalist regions dependent on staples fail to develop into
full-fledged industrialized economies; these countries can be caught
in a circle of economic re-primarization and de-industrialization.
Instead of promoting broader economic diversification, multinational corporations strengthen only a few specialized productive branches and activities within the peripheral capitalist regions.
The resulting concentration and centralization of economic power
produces a dialectical process of economic, social, political and cultural fragmentationand in the long term leads to instability.
In this sense, Mels Staple Theory helped us to understand the implications
and limitations of staples-led development, and spurred an intellectual focus
on the staple trap and its causes. Topics for this inquiry included better
understanding the forward and backward linkages to staples industries, the
relationship between staples and broader domestic development, the role
and influence of the new elites and investment groups, the impact of staples-dependence on overall modernization, and the underlying conditions
(values, institutions, and public policies) necessary for staples-led growth.
In Argentina, for instance, the latest international structural adjustments
provoked deep changes in the national and regional economies. These developments spurred us to analyze the recent processes of economic and
social development in the Cuyo region (in the western part of Argentina).
Structural transformations have been imposed by the internationalization
of production, markets and capital, helped by national policies which reinforced the dominance of international corporations.

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It is necessary to understand how developing regions are incorporated

into the new trajectory of the global economy. New questions for inquiry
arise, including: Where and how are new organizations are shaped? How
does overspecialization work, and how are its consequences manifested?
Who are the dominant actors in the global staple exports chain, and how is
their influence experienced in particular staples-producing regions?
The behavior of staples, and specifically the staple trap, inherently
directs this analysis away from the neoclassical approach. For this reason,
staples theorists in the south have also incorporated the main themes of the
French Regulation school, in order to better comprehend the staples-driven economic growth process. Three of these complementary regulationist
themes are: modernization, accumulation and regulation.
1. Modernization suggests that the staples-led development process is
reliant on technological innovation imported from leading developed
countries. In fact, the large corporations that control the staple economy benefit most from modernization, since they are able to arrange
their export goods production on the basis of the advanced technology they apply to staple and complementary industries. Through capital accumulation and their access to the economic and information
networks, they come to dominate world staple markets.
2. The accumulation process in staples industries reveals how hegemonic and dominant groups base their power on unequal social relations of production, income distribution, and surplus concentration. The interrelation among fractions of capital varies according
to the regime of accumulation. The regime of accumulation refers
to the way the dominant economic forces operate within a given
mode of production, including their trade strategies, their pattern
of capital investment, and their processes of production. Accumulation is controlled by great firms which manipulate the production
process and exert the dominance of staples over the main economic
branches. The accumulation process reflects, in turn, several more
key considerations:
The generation of surplus at the moment of production (through
inputs of labor and capital);
The relationships between production, distribution and consumption, shaped by social relations that permit the realization and subsequent recycling of the social surplus; and


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

The ultimate utilization of social surplus, which can take different

modalities according to the regime of accumulation and the mode
of governmental regulation.
Through these channels, the overall dynamic of accumulation
fundamentally reflects the staple-export chain. In short, the entire modes of regulation and accumulation are organized around
staple industries. Obviously, this organization depends on the historical moment, on the kind of technological innovation imposed
on the export economic branches, and on the economic agents
leading this process.
3. Finally, is important to understand the role of regulation and the
state in shaping the overall staple development process. According
to the staple thesis, state actions tend to follow from their overall priority on facilitating the staple trade. These actions include provision
of transportation infrastructure for the export of the staple; underwriting monetary obligations through the availability of credit guarantees and liquidity; and, as export demand shifts, aiding adjustment
from declining to rising staple sectors. These actions highlight the
conscious decisions of state and business elites to permit the internationalization of capital and the resulting staples-dependence. Political life is thus deeply influenced by staple exports, because economic wealth and political power are so concentrated in business
and political elites (who are often the same people). In this way, the
state synthesizes power relations through laws, decrees and regulations, in an attempt to adapt the behavior of social agents, given
the staples orientation of the domestic economy, to changes in the
international economy.

The Global Staple Chain: Production, Firms, and Capital

Production and accumulation circuits are also influenced by national macro
policies and international trade. At the same time, it is important to recognize the exchange relations between the sub-national, national, and international spacesin terms of both production processes and capital accumulation. To understand the contradictions and political struggles that entail,
the analysis must explain the ways in which agents alter or preserve their
positions within staple sectors, and then extend that power across regional, national and international spaces.

The Staple Theory @ 50


By emphasizing staples activities related to natural resources (such as

agriculture, agro-industry, mining and petroleum), accumulation is controlled by large firms that articulate their influence into many different sectors (including resources, industry, and finance). This leads to the devaluation of other segments of capital, negatively affected by the dominance of
the global staples chain, producing social costs, obsolescence, and massive unemployment.
In developing regions like Cuyo, a process of concentration and centralization of foreign capital occurs among economic branches. Multinational
corporations control the distribution and commercialization phases of the
staple industry (both national and international).
The staple theory was constructed on a systematic account of staples
exploitation, transportation, and market demands. But it is also necessary
to emphasize the distribution of social surplus among firms and among
classes, and the resulting distribution of power, to explain the overall trajectory of economic growth. Obviously, it is necessary to link staples firms
with banks and other economic branches.
Government is essential to the coordination of transnational production
systems, in terms of managing the overall mode of regulation, and promoting the location of large transnational corporations which play the central
role in staples production. The main functions of global enterprises are to
facilitate a transition from producer-driven to buyer-driven supply chains.
But these firms also relate among themselves, belong to the same lobby
groups, and promote similar interests. The regional export and natural resource bases are thus appropriated by national and international holdings.
This partly explains the presence of foreign capital in agriculture, agro-industry, mining and petroleum. This process of globalization is further accelerated by state reforms and deregulation.
This panorama is completed with the shift of other agents as consequence of the lack of capital valuation within their own firms and sectors. Small-scale firms are at a disadvantage, caught in a vicious circle:
they cannot attract innovative managers, invest in the modernization of
plant and equipment, or implement new technological advances. Then
they are relegated to a battle for survival in the informal sector, facing
continuously deteriorating conditions of unemployment and marginal
Modernity is represented by so called bubbles of wealth, expensive
new residences and facilities built to keep ordinary people away and avoid
social conflictsuch as the increasing prevalence of condominiums and


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

private residential neighborhoods highly controlled by security apparatus. At the opposite end of the spectrum is the withdrawal of producers and
workers from the rural to the urban areas, and the ever-present unemployed
workforceso-called bubbles of poverty.
To sum up, the globalization modernization process provokes increasing inequality and social polarization. Without changes in public policies
aimed at improving the distribution of social and economic resources, social conflict remains a permanent feature of the staples-dependent developing economy.
Research we are currently conducting at the National University in Argentina further develops the analysis of staples industries and resource-intensive development in peripheral capitalistic regions. We pay close attention
to the processes observed in recent decades following structural adjustment
and globalization. Our key findings include:
Staples industries generally failed to branch into mature manufacturing because they became caught in a staples trap, resulting mostly from the dominance of large foreign capital.
Technologically, staples industries are led by large international
firms, which own and develop the technology.
Developing countries and regions are attempting to complete the
transition to industrial capitalism, at a time when the strongest sections of world capitalism are themselves undergoing intensive concentration and centralization. This makes the transition all the more
Profound instability results when the staple growth model changes
due to external causes.
Public policies, values and institutions reinforce economic concentration in the wake of the shifting conditions of internationalization.
Social and economic development as a result of the internationalization
of staples production, and the success of export activities and competitive
specialization in staples, foster an apparent modernization of the peripheral regions, in line with the shifting conditions of imperial relations. This
is a turning point, which helps to explain the dynamics of capital accumulation, the consolidation of the agents positions in the global supply chain,
the growth of some economic branches (but the shrinkage of others), and
the role of the state. This is a dialectical process in which both the product-

The Staple Theory @ 50


ive forces and social relations represent the conflicted integration process
of the overall system.
While 50 years have passed since Mels seminal paper, his pioneering
analysis of the staple trap has kept its value in the development studies literature. It helps us understand the overall matrix of resource-intensive export production, and its impacts on production, accumulation, and
policyoutcomes that are still strongly visible in many developing countries, including Argentina.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Part 3: Staple Theory

and the Bitumen Boom

The Staple Theory @ 50


Staple Theory and the

New Staple Boom
Thomas Gunton

Fifty years ago, Mel Watkins provided a brilliant articulation of staple

theory that was instrumental in stimulating a productive staple tradition in
both Canadian and international literature over the last half century. This
is indeed fortunate because there is little doubt that the staple tradition remains as relevant to Canada today as it was 50 years ago.
Canada is currently embarking on one of the largest staple-based economic expansions in its history: including the rapid expansion of bitumen
production in Alberta, and the planned development of liquefied natural
gas (LNG) exports from BC. The magnitude of this expansion is dramatic.
Oil production is forecast to more than double from 2010 to 2020 (Millington et al. 2012), and BC is contemplating at least five new LNG facilities involving $98 billion in investment and a three-fold increase in natural gas
production by 2020 (Ernst and Young 2013).
The environmental implications are also staggering. Greenhouse gas
emissions resulting from oil expansion will increase three-fold, from 45 Mt/
year in to 155 Mt/year by 2030 (Millington et al. 2012), while other emissions
will negatively impact air, land, and water (Joseph et al. 2013; Grant et al.
2013). Data from Environment Canada show that without oil sands expansion, Canadian greenhouse gas emissions would actually decline by 5.1%

The Staple Theory @ 50


between 2005 and 2020 (Environment Canada 2013, p.21). Cost-benefit analysis of oil sands development shows that when environmental impacts are
included, oil sands development is a net cost to society (Joseph et al. 2013).
Given the magnitude of the expansion and its impacts, it is important that
Canadians have a comprehensive understanding of this development. Unfortunately, most of the analysis to date lacks a political economy perspective. Publications from the oil and gas sector focus on the alleged economic
benefits and the need to remove barriers to expansion (CAPP 2013; Honarvar et al. 2011). Governments are engaged in advertising campaigns extolling the virtues of oil and gas development, while much of the criticism of
the expansion focuses on specific themes such as greenhouse gas emissions.
While these critiques provide important insights, they do not provide a comprehensive understanding of the overall dynamics of staple development.
Thanks to the efforts of Watkins and the Canadian staple tradition he
helped to spark, we have a rich analytical framework for understanding the
current oil and gas boom. While a comprehensive analysis is beyond the parameters of this short overview, it is useful to provide a brief outline of how
staple theory would be applied.
The starting place is Watkins 1963 article. Watkins explains how external demand stimulates growth through the extraction of the staple, and
through the series of spread effects that he divides into the well-known categories of forward, backward, and final demand linkages. Later Watkins
and others (Kierans 1973; Gunton and Richards 1987) added what Hirschman (1981) terms the fiscal linkage, defined as the rent generated by the
staple. The production function defines the potential linkages of the staple.
Growth can occur over time; the economy may either diversify as it surpasses critical thresholds for new activities (the optimistic paradigm) or stagnate
if and when the staple sector declines due to changes in demand and/or exhaustion of the staple (the pessimistic dependency paradigm).
Watkins identifies key factors that influence the course of this development. Some such as external demand, quality of the staple, and the production function are exogenous variables largely beyond the control of the
staple producing region. Other factors such as the ownership of staple industries and the distribution of rent are endogenousin the sense that they
could potentially be managed by the staple region, albeit with great difficulty.
One endogenous factor cited by Watkins is foreign ownership, which can
inhibit growth by leaking income from the staple region to compensate foreign owners and by relying on foreign-located forward and backward linkages instead of developing them within the staple region. Another factor


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

is an export mentality that leads the staple region to concentrate on the

staple to the exclusion of alternative investment opportunities. This mentality engenders excessive optimism that leads to overinvestment in the capitalintensive staple, leaving a legacy of rising debt that is increasingly difficult
to service in the face of declining commodity prices and rising production
costs (as the most productive staple resources are exhausted). The result is
a severe and protracted downturn and a period of painful readjustment.
Watkins also highlights the potential negative impact of staple development on the subsistence or domestic economy. According to the staple model, governments can become subservient to the staple sector, focusing on
stimulating short term growth by subsidizing development.
What insights can staple theory provide about the current oil and gas
boom? Conventional predictions of the economic effects of oil and gas developments are used uncritically to demonstrate the contribution of the sector to the Canadian economy. CERI (Millington et al. 2012), for example, in a
recent study estimates that new oil sands projects will generate $2.1 trillion
in economic activity and almost one million person years of employment
between 2012 and 2035. The assumption is that such growth is beneficial.
Staple theory takes a more analytical approach and asks whether this
expansion indeed contributes to the long run sustainability of the economy.
How does forecast growth compare to potential growth both in terms of magnitude and structure? Are the potential spread effects fully exploitedand
if not, why not? Although the answers to these questions require detailed
analysis to estimate actual relative to potential effects, available evidence
suggests that the linkages in the oil and gas sector are not well developed
and consequently the potential contribution of oil and gas development to
Canada is not being maximized.
The industrys own forecasts show that almost all of the new oil production will be exported in an unprocessed state to be refined in foreign markets (CAPP 2012). Raw bitumen will not even be upgraded into crude in Alberta, despite the fact that upgrading reduces shipping costs by avoiding
the need for diluent, which is necessary to ship bitumen in pipelines. Crude
is also more marketable than bitumen because of the larger number of refineries that can process crude (Enbridge 2010). Many of the backward linkages are also not developed in Canada. Ironically, the Alberta governments
own website provides a U.S. Economic Impact Oil Calculator that documents the industrys reliance on U.S. suppliers, and concludes that onethird of all the jobs generated by Canadian oil sands expansion will be created in the U.S. As the website states:

The Staple Theory @ 50


Refineries across the U.S. are hiring workers to build new units that can process oil sands output. Most of the giant trucks used to produce the oil sands
are manufactured in Illinois. Much of the software to run the complex production systems comes from Californias Silicon Valley. The oil sands industry is demanding leading-edge water treatment systems, environmental technology, hydrocarbon processing equipment, and countless other
goods and services, much of it imported from across the U.S. (Alberta 2013).

There are many reasons why these linkages are not developed in Canada.
Some may be based on economic fundamentals such as the availability of
low-cost surplus refining capacity in the U.S. (relative to higher-cost new
capacity in Canada). Some may be due to the institutional bias of foreign
firms to supply existing refineries that they own, instead of building competing facilities within the staple-producing region. As discussed above,
the rationale for upgrading bitumen into crude to reduce transport costs
(by up to 60%) and increase the marketability of the oil is persuasive. The
role of these and other factors requires detailed analysis. However, unlike
conventional analysis that simply accepts the outcomes as a given, staple
analysis asks what the actual and potential spread effects are, what factors
determine the spread effects, and what can be done to strengthen linkages
within the staple region.
Staple analysis also focuses on the fiscal linkage. How much rent is
generated by the staple, and where does the rent go? These are important questions that address both the contribution of the staple to developmentwhich is a function of the proportion of rent reinvested back into the
staple region relative to the proportion leakedas well as the equity questions of who gains and who loses from staple development. Maximizing the
contribution of the staple requires collecting rent and distributing it equitably to the owners of the staple; in the case of oil and gas, this is the public in the producing regions.
Again, available evidence suggests that a large proportion of rent is foregone by the public owner and retained by private sector oil and gas companies as a surplus return above normal returns to private capital. Plourde
(2010) estimates that the private sector retains between 38% and 65% of the
rent even under the new more aggressive Alberta royalty regime. A more recent study by the oil sector using a different methodology concludes that
the private sector retains 65% of the revenue from an oil price increase (Egglington et al. 2012), while a cost-benefit analysis of a major project estimates
rent retained by the private sector is in the range of 35% (Joseph et al. 2013).


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Given that 47% of the profits to the oil and gas sector accrue to foreign owned
companies (StatsCan 2012), most of the rent retained by the private sector
is ultimately leaked to foreign owners.
Another economic impact addressed by staple theory is the effect of
the staple expansion on other sectors. While conventional analysis considers only the positive linkages, staple theory looks at both the positive and
the negative. Expansion of the oil and gas sector can negatively impact
other sectors by using labour and capital that would otherwise be available to support growth elsewhere in the economy. Expansion of oil and gas
can also undermine the competiveness of other sectors by raising the exchange rate: the so-called Dutch disease. Estimating the negative impacts
of oil and gas expansion on other sectors is complex and subject to many
uncertainties. Nonetheless there is little doubt that a significant proportion
of the labour and capital employed in the oil and gas expansion would have
been employed elsewhere in the Canadian economy in the absence of oil
and gas expansion. Labour and capital have in economic terms an opportunity cost. There is also ample evidence that the expansion of the oil and
gas sector has raised the value of the Canadian dollar and that this has resulted in a reduction in the Canadian manufacturing sector (Bimenyimana
and Vallee, 2011; Campbell, 2011; Clarke et al. 2013; OECD 2012; Woynillowicz and Lemphers, 2012).
As Watkins illustrated in his work for the Dene (Watkins 1977), staple
theory is also useful in understanding the impact of staple development on
First Nations. If First Nations are integral to the extraction of the staple (such
as in the fur trade), they may receive some benefit from staple economy. If
they are obstacles to staple development, First Nations are more likely to
be excluded and potentially harmed to the degree that their traditional economic activities are negatively impacted by staple extraction.
The oil and gas sector is an increasingly complex environment for First
Nations. First Nations traditional subsistence activities are clearly jeopardized by environmental impacts of oil and gas development. Contamination of the environment by release of toxic chemicals and oil spills threaten
First Nations water and food supply, and current compensation and regulatory regimes are inadequate to protect First Nations interests (Gunton and
Broadbent 2012). Aboriginal rights and title affirmation by Canadian courts
does provide some protection for some First Nations. While First Nations
possessing rights and titles do not have clear veto power over resource development, the oil and gas sector is required to engage in meaningful consultation and seek accommodation of First Nations interests in resource de-

The Staple Theory @ 50


velopment plans. This has led to the emergence of Impact Benefit Agreements
that provide direct benefits to some First Nations (Coates and Crowley 2013).
Another key component of staple analysis is the role of government. Governments in staple theory are not independent actors rationally choosing
policies based on the public interest as assumed in government legislation
governing oil and gas expansion such as the National Energy Board Act and
the Alberta Responsible Energy Development Act. Instead, as the dominant
sector driving economic activity, staple industries are able to successfully
pressure governments to implement policies that serve the interests of the
staple sector. Governments become promoters of staple expansion by setting weak regulatory regimes conducive to development, providing infrastructure, expediting regulatory review processes, providing marketing support, and managing opposition to staple expansion.
Again the evidence on the oil and gas sector lends support to the staple
theory analysis of government. The federal government, for example, recently amended Canadian regulatory legislation to expedite the approval process for pipelines and restrict the role of potential opponents in the
hearing processes (Westcoast Environmental Law and Ecojustice 2012).
Measures to address greenhouse gas reductions have been delayed or, in
the case of the Kyoto Accord, abandoned. Caps are set on liability for oil
spill damages to protect the oil and gas sector (Gunton and Broadbent
2012), while promotional programs extolling the virtues of the oil and gas
sector are being implemented and aggressive lobbying efforts to secure
access to foreign markets, such as the Keystone XL lobby in the U.S., are
being implemented. The government attacks opponents of expansion as
foreign radicals (Oliver 2012). And as discussed above, governments have
done a poor job in collecting rents for the public owners and have subsidized the expansion of the oil and gas sector by over $2.8 billion per year
(Sawyer and Stiebert 2010).
The staple theorys contribution to understanding the development
cycle is another key contribution. Preceding this years Nobel laureate Robert Shillers theory of irrational exuberance by 50 years, Watkins warns
in his 1963 article of the excessive optimism in the staple sector that causes booms to proceed beyond their proper limits, generating excess capacity
that leads to downturns and financial collapse.
Previous resource booms such as the post-1979 petroleum boom exhibit this excessive optimism dynamic (Gunton 2003; 2004). The current
boom displays similar features. As discussed above, the Western Canadian oil sector is undertaking an unprecedented expansion and the fed-


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

eral and provincial governments are urging even more rapid expansion to
avoid missed opportunities in export markets. The result is that prices
for Canadian oil exports are already being depressed by the too rapid expansion of the sectorthe so-called bitumen bubbleas regional markets
are unable to absorb the increased output (Egglington et al. 2012; Moore
et al. 2011). A further doubling of production will do little to stabilize export prices. The large number of LNG projects being considered for BC exceeds forecast demand and is based on a large differential between North
American and Asian prices that may not last, leaving BC with uneconomic projects (Gunton and Broadbent 2013). The Canadian industry is a relatively high-cost producer and therefore is highly vulnerable to the inevitable downturns in markets. Staple theory provides a clear warning of the
dangers of such excessive optimism and the need for a more prudent approach of slower sustained growth.
Ownership is another key theme in staple theory. As Watkins illustrates, ownership affects staple development by impacting the location of
spread effects and impacting the development of domestic entrepreneurship. Again, very little analysis of the Canadian oil and gas sector addresses the role of foreign ownership. Almost one-half of oil and gas assets in
Canada are foreign-owned (Statistics Canada 2012), and incremental oil
production is being used to supply refineries outside Canada. Some oil is
being traded within existing companies according to intra-company transfer prices, which makes the collection of royalties challenging. This is particularly true for lower-value products such as bitumen for which there is
not a well-developed market price that can be used to determine royalty
payments (ARRP 2007). In fact many existing Alberta oil producers directly
benefit from the depression of Canadian export prices by realizing the benefit of higher refinery profits (due to lower crude supply costs) while paying
reduced royalty payments to Alberta. And what incentive do state-owned
companies such as Chinas CNOOC have in maximizing the export price of
Canadian crude or developing refining capacity in Canada? Even the federal government seems to be belatedly aware of the implication of foreign
state-owned enterprises, as represented by its stricter takeover policy implemented after approval of the takeovers of Nexen and Progress Energy in
2012 (Harper 2012).
What policies should be implemented to maximize the contribution of
staples to Canada? Again staple theory provides clear and persuasive guidance. According to staple theory, a successful strategy should include the
following key components:

The Staple Theory @ 50


Collect rent and ensure that it is reinvested back into the Canadian
Develop linkages where economically feasible to maximize the spread
effects. For example, there is a strong case for at least upgrading bitumen prior to export to reduce transportation costs and increase the
marketability and hence net return.
Maximize long run rent by slowing the rate of expansion to a sustainable pace to help moderate construction costs, prevent downward pressure on export prices, and reduce the negative impacts on
other sectors of the economy.
Mitigate environmental costs by reducing greenhouse gas and other
emissions, making Canadian oil and gas the cleanest fossil fuel in
the world.
Fully engage impacted First Nations in development planning and
preparation of impact benefit agreements that ensure an equitable
distribution of benefits.
Invest in training Canadian workers for oil and gas employment.
Phase out all government subsidies to the Canadian oil and gas sector.
Restrict foreign takeovers and strengthen domestic ownership of the
oil and gas sector.
As staple theory cogently illustrates, developing staples is a challenging endeavour filled with both opportunities and pitfalls. As Canada embarks on
its current expansion of oil and gas, Canadians need to assess the degree
to which this expansion serves Canadas interest. And thanks to Mel Watkins, we have a powerful analytical framework for undertaking such an assessment. We can only hope that more researchers follow the lead of Clarke
et al. (2013) and use staple theory to analyze the current boom in Canadian
resource developments. This would improve our understanding of the current staple boom, and hopefully encourage a more prudent approach to developing Canadas oil and gas sector.

Alberta. 2013. Albertas Oil Sands. Edmonton, Alberta.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Alberta Royalty Review Panel (ARRP), 2007. Our Fair Share: Report of the Alberta Royalty Review Panel.
Bimenyimana, C., Vallee, L., 2011. Curing the Dutch Disease in Canada. Policy Options 32: 7579.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). 2012. Crude Oil Forecast, Markets, and Pipelines.
Clarke, Tony, Diana Gibson, Brendan Haley, and Jim Stanford. 2013. The Bitumen Cliff. Lessons and
Challenges of Bitumen Mega-Developments for Canadas Economy in an Age of Climate Change.
Ottawa. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Coates, K. and B. Crowley. 2013. New Beginnings: How Canadas Natural Resource Wealth Could
Re-shape Relations with Aboriginal People. Ottawa: MacDonald-Laurier Institute. http://www.
Canada. Environment Canada. 2013. Canadas Emission Trends. Ottawa: Environment Canada.
Eglington, P., Mansell, R., Ruitenbeek, J., Schlenker, R., 2012. Public Interest Benefit Evaluation
of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project: Update and Reply Evidence. Prepared for
Enbridge Northern Gateway for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel Hearings.
Enbridge. 2010. Enbridge Northern Gateway Project Section 52 Application, Volumes 2, Appendix
A. Retrieved from
Ernst and Young. 2013. Potential Revenue to the BC Government from Potential Liquefied Natural Gas
Development in BC. Prepared for BC Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Natural Gas, February, 2013.
Grant, J., E Angen, and S. Dyer. 2013. Forecasting the Impacts of Oilsands Expansion. Edmonton,
Pembina Institute.
Gunton, Thomas I. and J. Richards eds.1987. Resource Rents and Public Policy in Western Canada.
Ottawa: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Gunton, Thomas I. 2004. Energy Rent and Public Policy: An Analysis of the Canadian Coal Industry. Energy Policy. 32:2: 15163.
Gunton, Thomas I. 2003. Natural Resources and Regional Development: An Assessment of Dependency and Comparative Advantage Paradigms. Economic Geography. 79:1: 6794.
Gunton, Thomas and Sean Broadbent. 2012. A Review of Potential Impacts to Coastal First Nations from an Oil Tanker Spill Associated with the Northern Gateway Project. Burnaby, BC. Simon
Fraser University.
Gunton, Thomas and Sean Broadbent. 2013. LNG Development in BC: Issues and Policy Options.
Burnaby, BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management.
Harper, Stephen. 2012. Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on Foreign Investment. http://
Hirschman, A. O. 1981. A Generalized Linkage Approach to Development. In Essays in Trespassing, Economics, Politics and Beyond, ed. A. O. Hirschman, 5998. Cambridge, U.K.:Cambridge
University Press.
Honarvar, A., Rozhon, J., Millington, D., Walden, T., Murillow, C.A., Walden, Z., 2011. Economic Impacts of New Oil Sands Projects in Alberta (20102035). Canadian Energy Research Institute, Calgary, AB.
Joseph, Chris, Thomas Gunton and D. Knowler. 2013. Using Cost-Benefit Analysis in Energy Project Evaluation: A Case Study of Alberta Oil Sands Expansion. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis. (forthcoming).

The Staple Theory @ 50


Kierans, E. 1973. Report on Natural Resources Policy in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Government of Manitoba.
Lemphers, Nathan, and Dan Woynillowicz. 2012. In the Shadow of the Boom: How Oilsands Development is Reshaping Canadas Economy. Drayton Valley: Pembina Institute.
Moore, M., S. Flaim, D. Hackett, S. Grissom, D. Crisan, A. Honarvar. 2011. Catching the Brass Ring:
Oil Market Diversification Potential for Canada. University of Calgary School of Public Policy
Research Papers Vol. 4 No. 16. Calgary, Alberta: School of Public Policy.
Oliver, Joe. 2012. An open letter from the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources on
Canadas commitment to diversify our energy markets and the need to further streamline the
regulatory process in order to advance Canadas national economic interest, January 9, 2012.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 2012. OECD Economic Surveys: Canada. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Plourde, A., 2010. On Properties of Royalty and Tax Regimes in Albertas Oil Sands. Energy
Policy 38: 46524662.
Sawyer, D. and S. Stiebert, 2010. Fossil FuelsAt What Cost? Government Support for Upstream
Oil Activities in Three Canadian Provinces: Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Winnipeg, Canada: International Institute for Sustainable Development. http://www.
Shakeri, Mohammad, Richard S. Gray and Jeremy Leonard. 2012. Dutch Disease or Failure to Compete? A Diagnosis of Canadas Manufacturing Woes. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Statistics Canada. 2012. Corporations Returns Act 2010. Catalogue no. 61-220-X. http://www.
Watkins, M.H. 1963. A Staple Theory of Economic Growth. Canadian Journal of Economics and
Political Science. Vol. 29: 14158.
Watkins, M.H. 1977. The Dene Nation: From Development to Underdevelopment. In M.H. Watkins ed. Dene Nation: The Colony Within. Toronto: U of T Press. 8499.
Watkins, M.H. The Staple Theory Revisited. Journal of Canadian Studies. Vol. 12: 5: 8394.
Westcoast Environmental Law and Ecojustice. 2012. What Bill C-38 Means for the Environment. Vancouver, BC.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Albertas Sands,
Staples and Traps
Gordon Laxer

When Dwight Ike Eisenhower appointed Engine Charlie Wilson his

Secretary of Defense, Wilson, who headed General Motors, was asked if he
could make a decision adverse to General Motors interests. Yes, but I cant
conceive of such a situation because for years I thought what was good for
our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa.
Sixty years later, Alberta and Ottawa hold a similar blinkered view. Except its Albertas Sands oil not autos that run this country. Whats good
for the oilsands is good for Alberta and Canada is the refrain. Greed around
oil, especially of the tarry sort, so distorts the petro elites perceptions, they
cant conceive of, or at least countenance, a Canadian public interest separate from that of exporting as much Sands oil as possible.
If Alberta continues to pin all its hopes on the Sands, it may well suffer
a fate similar to the auto rust belt in Michigan and southwestern Ontario.
In the 2030s, people will shake their heads about the folly of Alberta having
madly excavated its way down into a fossil fuel belt, while elsewhere they
stopped buying or transhipping dirty Sands oil and moved on to a low carbon society. Albertas economy was left with little but the detritus of closed
Sands projects and leaking tar pits.
This is not Albertas inevitable future. But it is bound to be if Alberta
doesnt start changing course now.

The Staple Theory @ 50


The Alberta Premiers Council for Economic Strategy, headed by former

Trade Minister David Emerson, acknowledged the danger of Alberta failing
to diversify its economy. Their 2011 report warned that the creation of an
affordable, environmentally friendly alternative to oil would be a great thing
for the world. It could be economically devastating for Alberta if, when it
happens, we are still heavily dependent on oil exports.
Daniel Trefler, a University of Toronto Business professor, asks whether Canada wants to be an innovation-based economy or a resource-based
economy. Unfortunately, we cant be both. Trefler calls the decimation of
Canadas innovation based economy, centred in manufacturing, the loonacy of parity with the U.S. dollar.
As the commodity-driven Loonie rises, it becomes too expensive to produce innovative goods and services in Canada Thats Dutch disease. Thats
the weakness of a strong loonie (The loonacy of parity: How a strong dollar is weakening Canada, Globe & Mail, October 16 2010).
The Economist Magazine coined the term Dutch disease in 1977 to describe the effects of a North Sea natural-gas boom in the Netherlands in the
1960s. It drew in vast amounts of foreign capital, greatly inflated Hollands
Guilder, and priced Dutch manufactures out of domestic and export markets.
Never having heard of Harold Innis, Canadas brilliant political economist who developed a grand narrative of Canadian history as depending on
a succession of staplesthe export of raw materialsthe Economist Magazine came up with Dutch disease.
Previously accepted by the political right, centre and left, Dutch disease became ideologically charged in Canada in the spring of 2012 when
Thomas Mulcair raised it in a hard-hitting Policy Options article.
Dutch disease was then catapulted from the obscurity of academic and
policy wonk discourse to public debate. Brad Wall, Saskatchewans petropromoting premier, attacked newly-chosen NDP leader Mulcair for blaming
the loss of jobs in manufacturing and other sectors on the tar sands role
in boosting the Canadian dollar. Unfortunately Mulcair backed down, and
says he is never going to preach against developing the oilsands.
How useful is Innis staples approach in explaining how big, mainly
foreign oil companies in Albertas Sands fashioned Albertas and Canadas
economic policy around their interests, even framing the TransCanadas
Energy East pipeline that would export more Sands oil as nation building?
The staples approach brilliantly explains how Canada got caught in a
series of resource or staple exporting ruts. The oil boom in Albertas Sands
is the latest example of how digging up tons of stuff and shipping it out raw


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

distorts Canadas economy and kills more jobs than it creates. But the approach is less good on how to get out of staple traps.
Brendan Haley takes us a giant step forward, arguing that the staple
trap around bitumen is also a carbon trap (From Staple Trap to Carbon
Trap, Studies in Political Economy 88, Autumn 2011). I then go a step further to argue that using the staples approach to understand and overcome
the dominance of Sands oil, can itself be an intellectual trap.
Mel Watkins 1963 article on the staple theory of economic growth was
a landmark; I regularly assigned it in grad seminars. While very illuminating, the article has limitations associated with Watkins early liberal phase,
as Mel readily recognized in later revisitations of the article. Written when
an applied version of Keynesianism was at its height as official doctrine in
the capitalist West, Watkins staple theory of economic growth is infused
with Keynesian assumptions.
Watkins original article reformulated the economic history insights of
Harold Innis into a theory of economic growth. It is a capitalist developmental model around a resource base, a variant of a more general growth
model built around exports as the leading sector. External demand for resources drives the staples variant.
Watkins took up A.O. Hirschmans concept of forward, backward and
final demand linkages to show how a staples economy could diversify beyond a simple, hewers-of-wood base. The key is that industries develop that
are closely linked to the exported resources. Forward linkages often focus
on primary manufacturing to upgrading the raw resources before exporting. In oil, these linkages could be built around bitumen upgraders, refineries and a thriving petrochemical industry.
Branching out further from oil and natural gas could lead to producing
everything made of plastics, solvents, fibres, pesticides and coatings. Alberta never got far down that path. In the 1980s and 1990s, Alberta had a
successful petrochemical industry based mainly around turning Albertas
temporarily cheaper natural gas into intermediate goods like ethylene, propylene, butylene and benzene.
But Alberta was in a very narrow, semi-industrial rut. Although it had
some forward and backward linkage industries, it remained highly dependent on continued external demand for oil and natural gas. Petrochemicals
supported more jobs than exporting raw materials only, but an economy
built mainly around the exported resource is not much better off than a pure
resource exporting one because they usually provide few jobs and tend to
rise and fall with the staple. Thats not true diversification.

The Staple Theory @ 50


Backward linkages encompass activities that enable the resource to be

extracted and moved to market. They can include building the roads, pipe
for pipelines, and machinery used in extractionsuch as oil derricks and
supersized trucks that remove the Sands overburden.
The Bitumen Cliff report written by Tony Clarke, Diana Gibson, Brendan Haley, and Jim Stanford (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2012)
shows that Alberta spends over $20 billion a year on machinery and equipment, the demand for which is greatly driven by enormous capital spending in the Sands. Most of the supersized trucks are imported.
The Keynesian, final demand linkage (the third diversification prong in
Watkins staples theory) provides a possible route out of a narrow resource
base and closely associated industries. It is a market-oriented way for domestic industry to grow up around resource workers, if their consumer spending creates sufficient demand to support a broad range of local goods and
services. If the population grows enough, it can sustain economic activities
that have nothing to do with the original resources, or later discovered ones.
Its become diversified.
The oil and gas staples have boosted Calgary and Edmonton into million-plus cities with enough people to potentially sustain diverse sectors,
in ways that, say, Saskatoon and Regina, cannot. I say potentially because
they have not yet realized most of their possibilities. Focus on oil and gas
hinders broadening out. When the best money can be had in oil and natural gas, why bother with other pursuits?
The final-demand linkage model is very limited, depending too much
on a passive market paradigm. Peter Lougheeds Progressive Conservative
government of the 1970s and early 1980s pursued this strategy, and the Alberta NDP currently promotes a variant of it.
Unions, the Alberta NDP and the federal Greens now demand the upgrading and refining of Sands oil in Alberta. They are by no means sure of
winning this demand. The diversification strategy runs the risk of resource
depletion, or boycotts against environmentally-destructive extraction and
upgrading processes. But if they do win, it will create workers and businesses whose economic interests lie in hindering effective climate action
such as reducing the demand for oil, or switching to alternatives such as
wind, solar or deep geothermal to power up electric cars, trains and rapid public transit.
It would dig Alberta and Canada deeper into supporting the development and continuation of the Sands for the foreseeable future. Once new
sunk costs in upgrading and refineries are added and refinery workers and


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

their families settle in, how could unions and the NDP then advocate phasing out the Sands? They couldnt and wouldnt.
We must not let the major constituencies capable of pushing a new vision for Alberta and Canada get sucked in to defending the carbon-emitting,
destructive status quo of Albertas Sands. Instead of being important forces
pushing Alberta and Canada toward a transition to a new green economy,
they would become part of the problem.
I used to support the staples diversification model. Upgrade the resources in Alberta. Dont export our jobs. Use way less energy, but get way more
value added from it. Now I think its a dead-end. It bets that the age of fossil fuels will unproblematically continue, and that we can blithely continue
to spew out carbon without limit.
As we saw, the staples theory views the final demand linkage as the best
way to fully escape a staple trap. Its based on consumer spending and economic growth.
The Keynesian post-war bargain went like this. If workers and their political allies agreed to forget their long-held dream of replacing capitalism
with a more just system and accept annual pay raises instead, they would
stay in alienated jobs with long work hours, but reap the rewards of middle-class, consumer lifestyles as compensation. The grand bargain led to
a mass society fixated on over-consumption. It will bury us in carbon and
climate change chaos.
A better path is deep conservation. A unit of fossil fuel energy saved and
not burned is much better than one extracted, used up and emitted. Many
more jobs can be created in saving a unit of carbon energythrough things
like building LRTs, a high-speed intercity train between Calgary and Edmonton, and retrofitting buildings and houses.
Brilliant theories are usually double-edged swords, illuminating the way
through seemingly disparate, murky phenomena and at the same time blinding us from other paradigms. So it is with the staples theory. Its hard to beat
its explanatory power regarding how Alberta Sands oil got to be Canadas
latest staple, impeding broader development. But with its Keynesian, consumptionist premises, the staples theory (in that original incarnation) can
also be an intellectual trap, that hinders our transition to a low carbon future.

The Staple Theory @ 50


Rowing and Steering

Our Way Out of the
Modern Staples Trap
Daniel Drache

The Pivot of Institutions and Economic Culture

Mainstream economists have long assumed that Canada and the
United States operate from a shared rulebook because they are highly interdependent, liberal market economies. Yet studies by McCallum (1995), Banting and Simeon (1997), Helliwell (2002), Jackson (2002), and Drache (2004)
have documented the divergent market patterns and practices between the
North American neighbours. Other economists like Myrdal (1957), Hirshman
(1958), Krugman (2008) and Stiglitz (2010) stressed the need to build linkages between the fast growing resource sector and the weaker and underdeveloped industrial side of the economy. More recently, Mel Watkins 2007
restatement of the staples trap model provided critical distancing from the
foundational work of Innis (Watkins, 2007) and updated the theory of export-led growth in important ways.
The key features of the successful Northern model of development
were the provision of mixed goods and social programs for working fam-


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

ilies and individuals, complemented by the general expectation that the

government would play a large and significant role in the economy. Canadian public policy at its best was, in the vivid conceptual language of Peter
A. Hall and David Soskice, a textbook example of a coordinated market
economynot a Hayekian liberal variant. The critical difference between
the two archetypes was the large regulatory role of the state, rowing and
steering the economy during resource commodity booms (Hall and Soskice, p. 8). Canadas unique model blended many elements: skilled human
resources, a high-wage manufacturing sector, the dynamism of its powerful resource-based export sector, a modern public infrastructure, a robust
financial sector, macro-economic stability, and a relatively unionized workforce. These were the critical elements that produced (until the turn of the
century) a successful export-oriented growth strategydriven by some of
the best Canadian public policy practices.
Since 2000, however, the predominance of natural resources as well as
neo-liberal cutbacks and the shrinking of redistributive policies and programs, have all favoured private wealth creation to an unprecedented degree. The proactive Canadian state had its wings clipped in dramatic fashion. Canadas policy space has been reoriented rapidly towards the Hayekian
end of the spectrum. This bodes badly for Canadas ability to reign in the
latest resource boom, and attain an economic trajectory that is more socially and environmentally sustainable.

The Innisian Insight

Innis essential insight was that structural imbalances from external demand and the price distortions of commodity booms expose Canadian industries and communities to a highly volatile business cycle. Canada pays
too high a price in terms of these externalities. It remains at the mercy of
price spikes and the boom-bust demand cycle for Canadas rocks, logs, and
energy staples. Each time the bubble bursts, Canada is left with a mega debt
hangover due to the enormous fixed-cost investments required for export
The problem is visible once again in the current energy export boom.
Todays pipelines are being built on the assumption that the world price for
oil will stay well above $100 per barrel, but the unpredictability of global
prices coupled with an oil glut in the U.S. market has actually driven prices
down. Mega-projects begun in the upside of the cycle prove to be unsustainable economically in the downside.

The Staple Theory @ 50


In the same way, at the end of the nineteenth century, the animal spirits of the wheat economy led to a frenzy of unsustainable but lucrative railway building. Quickly, by the turn of the twentieth century, the three transcontinental lines were bailed out by the government and merged into two.
It seems those lessons have been forgotten, as we repeat the same errors
in overbuilding an expensive, unsustainable energy export infrastructure.
Innis rightly emphasized that Canada needed an altered trajectory to mobilize its resources in order to build strong industries, deepen its domestic
market, and create new and better employment opportunities. Without a national strategy, investment follows the continental grooves of geography. The
process is driven by a hot energy sector sucking foreign direct investment
into mining, oil and gas, and metals, lifting stock markets. Higher resource
prices affect the exchange rate, with a disequilibrating impact on consumer
and energy prices. An overvalued dollar knocks small- and medium-sized
firms out of the competitive race, as they are forced to compete at a currency disadvantage too large to be offset by other factors.
Canadians needs to recognize that the current staples trap is reproducing
once again the problems of structural imbalance, debt hangover, and the
hollowing out of Canadian industry. Ottawas approach has been to rebuff
any notion of a viable energy policy, and instead let so-called market forces
pick the winners. Canadas past policy successes required government to
row and steer the economybut Stephen Harper hardly sees this as his role.
The path to any substantive change in Canada requires us to examine the
past and learn the historical dynamics. If the Canadian state can no longer row
and steer the economy, it will be impossible to have national environmental policies and national resource strategies with realistic goals and realistic
chances of success. The current resource boom is swamping any viable notion
of an effective and comprehensive national energy and environmental policy.
All of these transformations are political with roots that stem from political power. Todays resource curse is more complex, multi-stranded and
transnational than in Innis day. It is rooted in more than commercial dependency on the U.S. market. It has led to a variety of rigidities with crippling consequences for an economy burdened by debt and a shrinking industrial core. It has intensified the conflict between regional needs and local
institutionsand the parallel conflict between local markets supporting indigenous developments and a compliant laissez-faire state. Regional specialization in resource exports has limited the role of central government,
fragmenting policy space and weakening national regulatory capacity (including, crucially, the capacity to set environmental standards).


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Six Elements of the Modern Staples Trap

Six identifiable elements of the modern staples trap create powerful negative externalities, requiring state intervention to overcome them. If there is
no direct mechanism to take these factors into account in our analysis, nor
any judicial order to reveal them, then the effects of these externalities will
be concealed in the prices of the transactions between Canada and other
transacting parties (Boutang, 2012). These externalities add up to a more
dangerous staple trap than Michael Porter singled out in his 1992 major report on Canadas competitiveness for Business Council of National Issues
(entitled Canada at the Crossroads). The six factors include:
Dutch disease: Over-specialization in resources has significant adverse effects (experienced through the currency) on manufacturing
competitiveness. In a 2013 study, the IRPP found that about a quarter of total manufacturing industries show a pronounced negative
relationship between U.S. exchange rate and manufacturing output. Hardest hit are labour-intensive and smaller firms such as textile and apparel, machinery, and consumer products.
De-industrialization: The loss of manufacturing capacity results
in the hollowing out of Canadian industry, with significant and
long-term job loss. Branch plant firms are closed down as production is shifted to the U.S., Mexico or other low-wage production
centres. Small- and medium-sized firms cannot compete with imported goods.
Policy drift: A deliberate federal policy of drift has become a real
barrier to the effective, balanced management of Canadas resource
economy. Each firm, driven by global competitive pressures, sets its
own expansion strategy independently, on a catch-as-catch-can footing. Each province is eager to exploit its resources for much-needed
cash revenues. Technology transfer, skilling of the work force and
access to capital are not co-ordinated between Ottawa and the provinces, but are industry driven. Laissez-faire ideology reinforces the
dominant tendency in Ottawa to unilaterally abandon policy-making or regulatory capacity. Given the continuing volatility and uncertainty which mark this industry (such as the potential implications
of the stunning increase in oil production in the U.S.), this unilateral disarmament on the part of the central government is dangerous indeed.

The Staple Theory @ 50


Policy capture: The extreme political influence of staples industries

(in the modern setting represented especially by the powerful energy
lobby) is not a new factor by any means, but business advocacy and
insider lobbying by energy giants (and banks, too) have intensified.
Their opposition to a sustainable national energy policy has for the
time being succeeded in blocking a national environmental strategy,
the litmus test of its power. Canada is now firmly in the U.S. Republican camp of trying to ignore global warming, and rejecting any national or international regulatory strategy to deal with it.
Labour markets: Job-killing technology is another negative externality. The intense focus on efficiency gains and increased productivity in many industries means companies shed labour as they become
more efficient. New hire rates are not adequate to restore employment conditions to 2008 pre-crisis levels. Business benefits from the
overall development of society and the educational attainment of its
population, yet Canada continues to be a laggard with no fully developed employment strategy.
Stewardship: Despite green shoots of supportive public opinion for
a national energy strategy, Canada has a very weak notion of strategic stewardship. Ottawa does not have a sovereign wealth fund,
like Norway, financed by energy royalties. Canada has not renegotiated a better deal from oil MNCsas Brazil did when it forced energy
corporations to pay a larger share of resource revenues from the discovery of deep ocean gas reserves off its coast. Albertas wealth fund
established in 1976 is still the size of a peanut: just $16 billion compared with Norways (which was created in 1990, with a clear strategic vision) $800 billion. There are more than a hundred such sovereign funds globally, with $80 trillion in combined assets. Yet Canada,
as the 7th largest oil producer and 3rd largest gas producer, is lost in
translation. Ottawa does not believe in the need for a war chest for
uncertain times and national developmental goals.

Escaping the Staples Trap

The central challenge of the staples trap is to find a way out of deindustrialization, the dangerous debt overload from mega-resource projects, and the
unprecedented job losses in core manufacturing industries resulting from
an over-valued dollar. Some regions fare better from a resource boom, but


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

even having multiple regions exporting Canadas wealth from the ground
can only lead to more imbalances and twisting of markets. Winner-take-all
regional economies do not want Ottawa to co-ordinate national goals and
objectives; rather they hide behind a narrow regionalism that Innis was highly critical of. This leaves giant corporations like Enbridge and Vale in charge
of Canadas resource future. Still, the public supports reducing greenhouse
gas emissions and moving in a greener direction.
Innis was an institutionalist, not a determinist; he assigned primary importance to the policy environment and its regulatory institutions. If a government leads from the rear, the outcomes are suboptimal. An out-in-front government can set strategic goals and the appropriate means to achieve them.
We need to look at how other jurisdictions unlocked the trap of erroneous
policies from the past (Drohan 2012). Deviations from orthodoxy or, more precisely, policy innovations ultimately stem from changes in power relations.
In Canada, we must build a very different policy environment to escape
the modern staples trap and address the imbalances of fixed overhead costs,
mountains of debt, and over-investment in unsustainable mega-projects.
Other countries have successfully climbed out of the staples trap, altering
their economic trajectories. A survey of this experience suggests that seven
conditions need to be met.
First, there must be a champion inside the political class to make it
happen: such as a latter-day Walter Gordon or Eric Kierans. Second, there
must be a strategic purpose and moral compass for environmental and redistributive goals. Third, the country must possess a valuable commodity
that gives the state the leverage to negotiate new resource revenue sharing
with MNCs (revenues which in turn are recycled to support broader development goals). Fourth, the country needs a modern infrastructure. Fifth, public opinion must be on side to demand fundamental policy changes. Sixth,
there need to be credible new ideas to transform the resource curse into
a blessing. This requires a strategy to use resources as a driver of domestic growth and diversification, competitive industries, and strong job-creation. The final ingredient, of course, is luck. Here, timing is key: the optimal moment to introduce a national energy policy is during the upswing of
a commodity boom, when the state has optimal leverage with banks and
resource players.
No country ever has all these ducks lined up. But fresh ideas, strong
leadership, and optimal timing are the key ingredients that could allow
Canada to attain a more promising future than blindly riding the staples
roller-coaster yet again.

The Staple Theory @ 50


Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson (2012). Why Nations Fail The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty. New York: Crown Business
Adams, Michael (2003). Fire and Ice: The United States, Canada and the Myth of Inevitability Toronto: Penguin, 2003.
Banting, Keith, George Hoberg and Richard Simeon eds. (1997). Degrees of Freedom: Canada and
the United States in a Changing World Montreal: McGill-Queens, 1997.
Barker, Alex and James Politi, (2013) Brussels proposes 30bn Tobin tax, Financial Times,
February 14.
Canada Watch, Special Issue, Canada-U.S. Relations Daniel Drache ed.8: 45, NovemberDecember 2002, available at
Drache, Daniel (2004). Borders Matter: Homeland Security and the Search for North America,
Halifax: Fernwood.
Grant, Hugh and Wolfe, David eds. (2007) Staples and BeyondSelected Writings by Mel Watkins, Montreal: McGill-Queens U.P.
Helliwell, John F. (1998). How Much Do Borders Matter? Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution.
Hirschman, Albert. (1958). The Strategy of Economic Development. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Innis, Harold (1995). Staples, Markets and Cultural Change: Selected Essays, ed. by Daniel Drache
Montreal: McGill-Queens, UP.
Jackson, Andrew. (2002-2003) Poverty and Income Inequality in the 1990s, Economy 13, no. 3
(Winter), CLC, Ottawa.
McCallum, John. (June 1995). National Borders Matter: Canada-U.S. Regional Trade Patterns,
American Economic Review 85: p. 61523.
Myrdal, Gunnar. (1957) Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions, London: Gerald Duckworth.
Porter, Michael (1992) Canada at the Crossroads, Ottawa: BCNI and Government of Canada, Industry and Commerce.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Why Linkages Matter

Jim Stanford

Mel Watkins pioneering work on staples theory continues to help Canadians understand both the opportunities and the risks of our staples-dependant economic trajectory. After Mels 1963 article, and his subsequent
policy advocacy (on Walter Gordons task force and other initiatives), it
seemed for a while that Canada was gradually escaping its staples trap. We
experienced decades of uneven but important progress in diversifying our
sectoral mix, reducing reliance on incoming foreign direct investment, and
building significant and globally successful clusters of tradable value-added industries (including auto, aerospace, telecommunications equipment,
and some tradable services). By the turn of the century, raw and barely processed resources accounted for well under half of Canadas total merchandise exportsthe lowest in our history (Stanford, 2008).
Early in the new century, however, the logic of staples dependence reasserted itself. Inflated global commodity prices (especially for oil, some minerals, and agriculture) sparked major inflows of capital into expanded staples production in Canada. Exports of raw staples grew substantially (driven
mostly by higher prices, and less so by higher quantities); profits in staples
industries were enormous but volatile. At the same time, many value-added industries went into a long declineand that slide was not independent from the renewed staples boom. In particular, the petro-fueled 65-percent appreciation of the Canadian currency (taking it from well below, to

The Staple Theory @ 50


well above, its fair value within 5 years),1 was a major cause of the decline
that is still being experienced in all other trade-sensitive industries (including manufacturing, tourism, and tradable services).
By 2012, raw and barely-processed resources once again accounted for
two-thirds of total exports. Yet, perversely, Canadas total exports declined
by one-third as a share of GDP from 2000 through 2012 (with the decline in
non-energy exports far outweighing the increase in energy exports). Incoming FDI doubled as a share of GDP compared to the mid-1980sreaching a
higher level (34 percent) by 2009 than when Watkins published his original 1963 article. The current account balance shifted from surplus to large,
chronic deficit (adding an amount equal to over 3 percent of GDP each year
to Canadas foreign debt). Even with high commodity prices, it seems, Canada cannot extract and export staples fast enough to pay for its imports of
more sophisticated (and more expensive) goods and services. Productivity
suffered from both the unplanned, boom-time nature of new investments
(Stanford, 2011), and the inevitable decline in productivity that is normally
experienced in resource extraction (as the most easily-tapped deposits of
non-renewable minerals are exhausted). The helter-skelter boom in staples
industries (experienced most dramatically in bitumen) created economic
opportunities in some regions, but many problems, too: including regional crises in housing, infrastructure, and labour supply; immense strains
in our system of fiscal federalism; and a spate of environmental problems,
both localized and global.
The most important of these, of course, has been the growth of greenhouse gas emissions from bitumen production. The industry trumpets important reductions in the emissions intensity of each barrel of produced
bitumen, but those savings are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of
total bitumen outputand the biggest growth in output is yet to come, according to forecasts which expect a tripling of bitumen production (to 4.5
million barrels per day) in the next two decades. GHG emissions from new
bitumen production have blown the lid off Canadas Copenhagen targets
(which were grudgingly accepted by the Harper government, even as it became the first government in the world to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol). They have also squandered the GHG reductions achieved elsewhere in
Canadas economy (such as through the expensive phase-out of coal-fired
electricity generation in Ontario).
In short, the key features of the staples trap first identified by Watkins
are all visible again in Canada today: A cozy compact between government
and the staples-exporting industry (described in detail in Clarke et al.,


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

2013). Enormous, publicly-subsidized investments in export-oriented infrastructure. Pressure to extract and export the staple in ever-larger volumes
to amortize development and infrastructure costs faster. A cumulative reinforcement of the dominance of the staple as seemingly the only path to
economic progresseven as the risks of staples-reliance become increasingly obvious. Regional inequalities and tensions between staples-producing regions and the rest of the country. And weak spin-off effects (forward
and backward linkages, to use Watkins 1963 terminology) from the staples
industries for investment, innovation, and capacity-building in other parts
of the economy.
One dimension of the modern staples problem that is clearly more important today than in 1963, is the environmental constraints and consequences
of staples production. Resource industries have always confronted the natural environment more directly than other sectors of the economy, and a
legacy of environmental degradation has always been a major downside of
unthinking, unmanaged staples extraction. But the growing challenge of
climate change means this dimension must be considered more centrally
in our analysis of staplesas Brendan Haley, for example, has done in this
collection (and in his important 2011 article).
Watkins 1963 article argued that pro-active policy interventions were
required to break the self-reinforcing logic of the staples trap, and set the
economy on course toward a more diversified and self-directed form of development. This strategy did not recommend trying to suppress staple industries. It focused, rather, on carefully regulating the pace and character
of staples development. Key planks in this policy strategy included:
Recognizing and enhancing the forward and backward linkages of
resource production, through which staples activity could translate
into a more fulsome and well-rounded form of development (both
quantitatively and qualitatively).
Regulating foreign investment, foreign ownership, and foreign trade
in the staple industry, for all the well-known reasons.
Acting to foster investment and capacity-building in other value-added sectors of the economy (including manufacturing and services),
so as to reduce the entire economys vulnerability to future staple
cycles and attain a more self-sustaining, well-rounded prosperity.
Watkins also explored the political-economy of fighting for those kinds of
reforms, recognizing in particular the confluence of power between staples

The Staple Theory @ 50


producers, foreign capital, and a staples-beholden government that would

pose a formidable (but not insurmountable) barrier to change.
I believe this reform agenda is largely valid in its application to todays
most recent manifestation of staples-dependence in Canada. For example,
taking pro-active measures to strengthen linkages and spillovers from resource projects and other staples industries (at the same time as regulating
foreign investment, and fostering a broad slate of other value-added industries) would be a powerful remedy for the current deindustrialization which
is a devastating side-effect of Canadas 21st-century staples resurgence.
For example, in the petroleum sector, input-output analysis has indicated that the supply chain feeding oil and gas producers (including bitumen) runs mostly north-south (not east-west), stimulating huge business
for U.S.-based manufacturers and other suppliers who provide the lions
share of inputs (equipment, supplies, and services) to Canadas petroleum
industry. According to the Canadian Energy Research Institute, the spin-off
economic benefits from bitumen production in Alberta are 5 times larger in
the U.S., than they are in Canadian provinces outside of Alberta (see Clarke
et al., 2013, pp. 8081; and Honarvar et al., 2011). No better symbol of the
weaknesses of the domestic linkages (and the failure of domestic policy to
strengthen those linkages) could be provided than the case of Caterpillar.
This U.S. machinery giant sells billions of dollars of equipment to Canadian
resource projects (including bitumen mines), but closed its only Canadian
manufacturing operations in 2012 and 2013. One was the ruthless closure of
its London, Ont., locomotive plant (following a failed attempt to destroy the
union there); the other was the less-reported, but equally ruthless, closing
of its non-union equipment plant in Toronto (where the workers were never
even presented with a phony ultimatum to cut their wages in halfthe factory was simply closed). The expansion of resource investments, without a
strategy to develop made-in-Canada supplies, inputs, and services, inevitably translates into a large and growing trade deficit in inputs. In mining
equipment alone, that deficit now equals almost $8 billion per year.
Downstream, too, the expansion of raw petroleum production and export
has not been matched by an expansion of Canadian capacity and production in value-added stages of petroleum upgrading, refining, and manufacturing (including petrochemicals). To the contrary, ten Canadian refineries
have closed since 1990 (two since the turn of the century), and others (including remaining refineries in B.C., Quebec, and Newfoundland) risk a
similar fate. Integrated foreign producers would rather ship Canadian production to their own refineries in the U.S. Industrial policy interventions in


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

earlier decades (led by figures such as Peter Lougheed) tried to foster Canadian value-added activity in petroleum refining and petrochemicals; these
ideas seem downright radical by todays standards. In contrast, federal and
provincial policy-makers today mostly ignore the importance of Canadian
upgrading, refining, and petrochemical manufacturing, claiming these decisions are best left to the cost-minimizing decisions of private companies
(even if those companies are foreign-owned, and have a private vested interest in processing Canadian crude in their own foreign facilities).2 The result is an unsustainable flood of unprocessed exports (including raw bitumen) that has depressed prices in regional export markets. The flip side of
the coin is growing Canadian imports of refined petroleum products: incredibly, Canadian refined product imports now almost equal our own exports
of refined products (which have stagnated in the wake of refinery closures,
a stark contrast to booming upstream production).
In short, as a major petroleum producer, Canada is squandering the opportunity to generate additional jobs, incomes, and exports from whatever
amount of petroleum production we determine is appropriate (in light of
environmental constraints). We need a pro-active strategy not just to closely manage resource extraction (for many reasons: including greenhouse
gases, efficiency, macroeconomic stability, and economic inclusion), but
also to maximize forward and backward linkages so that resource production can support (rather than undermine) broader economic development
goals. Less extraction and more value-added is the motto that summarizes this effort. Applied to the petroleum industry, this approach would involve efforts to support Canadian machinery and service industries (and
hence increase upstream inputs to resource projects), limit exports of raw
petroleum, and mandate more made-in-Canada upgrading, refining, and
petrochemical activity. This vision is consistent with the approaches that
Canadian trade unionists and nationalists have taken to other resource industries in the past: such as demanding restrictions on exports of raw logs,
in favour of Canadian wood manufacturing, or supporting requirements
that fish caught in Canadian waters must be landed and processed in Canada, or requiring domestic milling and refining of minerals (like nickel and
copper). The theme of maximizing Canadian value-added from our own resources, both to enhance the economic spin-offs from those resources, and
to support the development of a broader range of economic capacities, is a
progressive idea in Canada with a long pedigreeand continuing relevance.
Some environmental advocates worry we should not increase our economic dependence on natural resource industries at any stage of the value-

The Staple Theory @ 50


added chain. They are uncomfortable with efforts to maximize Canadian

linkages (including secondary industry) related to resource production.
It is certainly true that the total scale of resource extraction needs to be
limited in line with environmental constraints. In the case of climate change,
this requires Canada to adopt meaningful, binding greenhouse gas targets,
and then to manage all resource extraction in line with those targets. (In
that context, we obviously cannot allow the tripling or more of total bitumen production currently imagined by the petroleum industry. But once we
accept that some extraction will occur, and that the resulting activity will
be economically important, then we should endeavour to extract the maximum possible employment, income, and fiscal benefits from whatever level
of extraction is permitted. Harvesting necessary inputs from nature is the
first step of all economic activity (including services). We cannot imagine an
economy without resource industries, and we certainly dont want to simply outsource that work to other jurisdictions (following NIMBY logic). We
must conserve our use of natural resources; pursue sustainable resource
stewardship; and build an economy in which primary production plays an
appropriate, controlled role.
Emphasizing the economic benefits from closer regulation of resource
industries (including initiatives to strengthen upstream and downstream
linkages) will also be important in building political support (including in
resource-producing regions, and from workers in resource industries) for a
stronger regulatory agenda, including strong GHG caps. That way, we can
rebut the claims of petroleum lobbyists and others that regulating resource
industries would destroy jobs, by highlighting the opportunities associated
with more made-in-Canada inputs, refining, and manufacturing.
Arguing for less extraction and more value-added opens political space
to win broader support for a progressive approach to managing our resources. Canada needs a national energy and environmental strategy: a progressive vision that would combine binding caps on greenhouse gas emissions,
close management of future production, respect for the legal and economic rights of First Nations, limits on foreign investment and export of raw resources, and deliberate strategies to maximize Canadian value-added at
all stages of the supply chain. Norways successful experience shows it is
possible to manage resource wealth in a manner which enhances, rather
than undermines, long-run economic and social well-being (see Campbell,
2013). Building a political coalition to fight for and win closer regulations
on resource extraction, and active measures to maximize the benefits of resource industries, will require careful dialogue, activism, and trust-build-


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

ing between unions, environmentalists, First Nations, energy consumers,

and other stakeholders.
My work as a Canadian union economist has been strongly influenced
by the work of Mel Watkins, and those he schooled in the staple theory.
The worrisome structural U-turn which Canadas economy has experienced
since the turn of the century, and the resulting economic and environmental
consequences of our renewed staples dependence, convinces me that those
teachings are as relevant and insightful as ever.

Campbell, Bruce (2013). The Petro-Path Not Taken: Comparing Norway with Canada and Albertas
Management of Petroleum Wealth (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), 80 pp.
Clarke, Tony, Diana Gibson, Brendan Haley, and Jim Stanford (2013). Bitumen Cliff: Lessons and
Challenges of Bitumen Mega-Developments for Canadas Economy in an Age of Climate Change
(Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), 102 pp.
Haley, Brendan (2011). From Staples Trap to Carbon Trap: Canadas Peculiar Form of Carbon
Lock-In, Studies in Political Economy 88, pp. 97132.
Honarvar, Afshin, et al. (2011). Economic Impacts of New Oil Sands Projects in Alberta (201035).
Calgary: Canadian Energy Research Institute.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2013). Purchasing Power Parities
for GDP, National Currency Units per U.S. Dollars, OECD Key Tables,
Stanford, Jim (2008). Staples, Deindustrialization, and Foreign Investment: Canadas Economic Journey Back to the Future, Studies in Political Economy 82, pp. 734.
Stanford, Jim (2011). Canadas Productivity and Innovation Failures: Questioning the Conventional View, in The Canada We Want in 2020: Towards a Strategic Policy Roadmap for the Federal Government (Ottawa: Canada 2020).

1According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the PPP value of
the Canadian dollar (reflecting the exchange rate that perfectly offsets nominal price differentials) is 81 cents (U.S.) (OECD, 2013).
2One exception to that trend has been the Alberta governments fiscal support for the new Sturgeon upgrader and refinery, scheduled to be completed in 2017.

The Staple Theory @ 50


Part 4: Modern

The Staple Theory @ 50


The Staple Theory

and the Carbon Trap
Brendan Haley

In my search for insights into the opportunities and barriers to transitioning Canada towards a low-carbon economy, Mel Watkins (1963) article,
A Staple Theory of Economic Growth, was one of the first places I looked.
The article is indispensable because Watkins undertook the ambitious
endeavour of translating the wide-ranging and multi-disciplinary, but largely descriptive, work of Harold Innis and other Canadian and non-Canadian
economic historians into a theoretical synthesis. The article contains the first
written use of the term staples trap to describe the pitfall that resourcebased economies can encounter.
Below, I intend to highlight the richness of Watkins theory and the multiple factors that can produce the staples trap. I will then outline how I have
applied this pattern in Canadian economic history to discuss Canadas current climate change problem as a carbon trap. Finally, I will discuss if the
policy agenda required to escape from the staples trap, as defined 50 years
go by Watkins, conflicts with what is needed to escape the carbon trap.

Watkins Rich Synthesis

A Staple Theory of Economic Growth was first introduced to me in an
undergraduate economic history class. It was presented primarily as a theory

The Staple Theory @ 50


based on linkages (forward, backward, final demand) from the base staple
to other sectors of the economy. This formulation invited the use of inputoutput models; weak linkages are indicative of the staples trap of over-dependence on resource exports.
However, Watkins consideration of spread effects from a resource
staple base also included supply-side factors, highlighting the influence
of the staple on the nature of entrepreneurship (both private and governmental) and technological absorption and innovation. The consideration of
these factors is true to the Innisian tradition, moving beyond physical and
financial linkages, towards the influence of staples on institutions, values,
and politics. I dont remember talking about this in my undergraduate class.
Watkins further opens up his analysis to consider shifts in the international environment, to which staple-based economies are particularly vulnerable. He notes that sustained development requires economic institutions
that support the ability to shift production in the face of economic change.
This introduces the value of resilience and adaptability and the need to consider factors such as knowledge assets and access to education, the nature
of political power, and the ability to use and produce new technologies.
Throughout much of the article, Watkins is answering to the same criticism that is heard today: that the approach is an historic description and
no longer relevant to the modern Canadian economy. Yet, to an economic
historian, history matters. While the structure of the economy changes and
evolves, it does so along a particular trajectory, which has a historic starting point. Even if the staple is long gone, it can still leave its stamp that
influences subsequent developments.
Watkins is very careful not to claim that staples are the unifying theme
in explaining the growth of the Canadian economy at all times, but he also
makes the salient point that the most persistent staple biases relate to economic institutions and political values. Furthermore, an inhibiting export
mentality and the undue political influence of staple exporters are key determinants of the staples trap.
This insight echoes throughout Canadian economic policy debates. Following the article, Watkins himself (1977), Kari Levitt (1970), The New Canadian Political Economy School (Drache and Clement 1985), and industrial
policy advocates (Britton and Gilmour 1978) all discussed how Canadas lack
of innovation, its truncated form of industrialization, and its dependence
on foreign technology, could be traced back to its staple history. A country
weak in innovation capabilities might easily rebound back towards resources as the safe space, as discussed by Stanford (2008).


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

All of this is to warn that in the Canadian context, leaving the free market to its own devices can easily recreate the staples trap of resource and
technological dependence. Correspondingly, if we wish to enhance the transformative power of the Canadian economy and reduce its vulnerability to
international shocks, Canadian policy makers need to develop political programs and economic institutions capable of opening up different trajectories.
Changing the trajectory would require interventions across the series
of factors that influence the structural evolution of the economy. Since this
is a problem that involves economic and political structures, interventions
cannot be limited to getting the prices right, but must also include policies to promote factors such as entrepreneurial activities, knowledge production and exchange, and the coordination of national and regional efforts.
A fundamental conundrum since Watkins wrote his article has been the
challenge of developing an industrial or innovation policy aimed at increasing Canadas capacity for transformation, in the context of historically bestowed economic institutions and political interests promoting an inhibiting export mentality.

The Carbon Trap

I have sought to gather some insights from Watkins article and the rich history of Canadian political economy to explain Canadas particular climate
policy problem (Haley 2011). I have argued that the staples trap peculiar to
the 21st century is also a carbon trap, which prevents Canada from transforming towards a low-carbon economy. The carbon trap presents an ecological problem as well as an economic one, since it would be wise to plan
for futures where the world might take action on climate change.
The pattern I gleaned from the works of Innis, Watkins, and others, was
one of export-led development installing a series of structural rigidities.
When faced with crisis and economic change, the strength of these rigidities
led the economy back towards staple export dependenceinstead of transformations towards new technological, economic, and ecological pathways.
The rigidities in the context of the carbon trap include the high fixed capital costs of bitumen sands development; the staples export mentality of the
Conservative government and other political and business leaders; regional
political challenges; and the political interest of the bitumen industry. The
vulnerability of bitumen as a staple product to international market shifts
includes its exposure to changes in international climate policy. True to the
staple trap pattern, instead of reacting to international uncertainty and vul-

The Staple Theory @ 50


nerability by diversifying towards low-carbon technologies, political and industrial leaders react by exacerbating the rigidities even further by calling
for the build-out of new infrastructure (such as pipelines) and weakening
environmental regulation and initiatives.
The carbon trap certainly relates to the chance geographic circumstance
of Canada sitting on top of a highly carbon-intensive resourceat the very
time when the world needs to reduce carbon emissions. Pulling from Watkins insights, we can also add that the institutional and political stamps
left by previous staple periods contribute to the durability of the trap.

Approaches to Escape from the Traps

Of course the staples trap is not inevitable, and neither is the carbon
trap. Both identify a policy problem and provide a warning. Watkins article inspired many policy initiatives to reduce Canadas vulnerability to the
trap and build a more balanced economic structure. Today we can ask if
the policy agenda to escape from the staple trap, as defined 50 years ago
by Watkins, conflicts with what is needed to escape from the carbon trap.
I contend that the answer depends on what you decide to pull out of Watkins original article.
If the staple trap is viewed primarily as a problem of weak industrial
linkages, you can escape from it by strengthening these linkages. In the
case of the bitumen sands you can strengthen backward linkages by building transport systems (e.g. pipelines) and through the use of domestic machinery and equipment. Forward linkages can be enhanced through initiatives to add value, such as expanded upgrading and refining.
The problem is that strengthening these linkages could exacerbate
the rigidities that lead to the carbon trap and sink Canada even further into
a fossil fuel pathway and away from a green innovation trajectory. Also, a
narrow focus on these linkages only makes sense if we assume that nothing
changes in the international economy: a simplifying assumption that Watkins made to discuss the demand-side linkages, but subsequently relaxed
to create a historically relevant theory.
The interpretation of the staples trap which I believe is truer to the article, and to Watkins later work, is that the problem fundamentally concerns
the capacity of the national economy to transform towards new economic
structures or paradigms. This reading highlights the historical-evolutionary
and political economy aspects of the article. This interpretation of the staples trap directs a policy agenda towards the encouragement of alternative


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

entrepreneurial activities, the creation of new economic institutions, and political values aimed at building economic diversity in order to open up new
pathways towards desirable futures. In the context of the climate problem,
these pathways must be based on deep greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Of course the latter policy agenda does not necessarily preclude activities
such as upgrading and use of domestic machinery along the way towards a
low-carbon economy. But a change in political understandings, economic
institutions, and an economic strategy would have to be first and foremost.
Then a sectoral strategy could be developed within the bitumen sands that
would encourage linkages if they could help mould Canadas economic
structure towards low-carbon pathways. The fundamental policy problem
is again the need for a Canadian innovation policy, this time a green one.
Like any concept, the staples trap has been interpreted in many ways.
In an article as ambitious and wide-ranging as A Staples Theory of Economic Growth, it is possible to pull out different facets. In my discussion, I
have tried to argue that the institutional, evolutionary, and political insights
within the article are critical for us to escape todays carbon trap and that
an overly static and narrow understanding of linkages can be dangerous.
Fifty years on, Watkins article still provides insight and clues into what
we should do today. It deserves to be read and re-read.

Britton, John N. H. and James M. Gilmour. 1978. The Weakest Link: A Technological Perspective on
Canadian Industrial Underdevelopment. Ottawa: Science Council of Canada.
Drache, Daniel and Wallace Clement, eds. 1985. The New Practical Guide to Canadian Political
Economy. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company.
Haley, Brendan. 2011. From Staples Trap to Carbon Trap: Canadas Peculiar Form of Carbon Lockin. Studies in Political Economy 88: 97132.
Levitt, Kari. 1970. Silent Surrender; the Multinational Corporation in Canada. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada.
Stanford, Jim. 2008. Staples, Deindustrialization, and Foreign Investment: Canadas Economic
Journey Back to the Future. Studies in Political Economy (82).
Watkins, Mel. 1977. The Staple Theory Revisited. Journal of Canadian Studies 12 (5): 8394.
Watkins, Mel. 1963. A Staple Theory of Economic Growth. Canadian Journal of Economics and
Political Science 29: 141158.

The Staple Theory @ 50


LNG: BCs Quest for a

New Staple Industry
Marc Lee

In British Columbia, the top economic priority of the provincial government is the development of a new liquified natural gas (LNG) industry.
The recently re-elected Liberals, led by Premier Christy Clark, made LNG
the centrepiece of their election platform, claiming that the resulting boom
would be worth $1 trillion, create 75,000 direct jobs, and leave the province
debt-free and without a sales tax (free puppies may be involved as well). Its
very possible this vision of a new staple industry will vaporize (pun intended), due to the tough economics of LNG and the cumulative environmental impacts it would entail. But nevertheless it already seems to have been
a political winner: relentless commitment to resource development was at
least part of the reason Clarks Liberals defied a 20 point deficit in the polls
before the election campaign, to achieve victory over a shell-shocked NDP.
Post-election, the BC Liberals have now created an entire ministry dedicated to getting LNG deals signed. There are as many as 12 proposed projects
for LNG terminals, most of which would be located around the north coast
city of Kitimatalthough the provincial government expectation is that only
3 to 5 terminals would eventually be built. That said, the grand total of projects underway so far is zero, and its possible no LNG facility will ever get
off the ground. Each is a multi-billion investment that requires a firm supply


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

of gas from the Northeast of BC (a doubling to tripling of production, plus

new pipelines to the coast), and multi-decade contracts to Asian buyers.
Securing those long-term contracts is proving to be difficult given the
volatile gas commodity landscape. Going back a decade, it was supposedly
just a matter of time before BC (and everyone else) ran out of natural gas.
The advent of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling has been a game
changer, making available abundant new sources of reserves. (In BC, this
is mostly shale gas trapped in rock a couple kilometres below the surface.)
Gas production in BC and across North America ramped up, and before long
prices had fallen dramatically. BC exports most (85%) of its gas via pipeline to Alberta (where much is used to fuel tar sands production) and to the
United States. The lure of LNG is that it would supposedly tap thirsty new
Asian markets via cross-ocean exports, achieving a substantial mark-up
over depressed prices in the North American market. But others are in this
game as well: Australia is making big new investments in export capacity;
and Qatar, Malaysia and Indonesia already are in the big leagues. Even the
U.S. is now looking at LNG exports. Why would Japan or China lock in BC
supplies for three decades, when prices may drop, or new developments
may change the energy outlook?
So BC is not alone, and if anything is late to enter this game. Its strategy fits with the classic pattern of Canadian staples development: seek foreign investment to tap our resources for export markets, secure jobs and income for Canadian workers, and use royalty and corporate tax revenue to
help pay for public services (in lieu of personal taxation). The two giants at
BCs LNG table are Shell and Chevron, with combined global profits in 2011
worth more than a quarter of BCs GDP; Shell alone has annual revenues
more than double BCs GDP. To get the LNG industry off the ground, BC is going to be in some tough negotiations. Clark in the election campaign promised a super-tax on LNG profits to build an Alberta-style Prosperity Fund.
Im betting the industrys negotiating position is stronger, and Clark would
cave in order to get a deal signed.
In the early days of LNG, the Haisla First Nation near Kitimat agreed to
be partners is a small LNG development, predicated on powering the facility with their own renewable energy (wind and hydro) sources. The scope
creep of current talks risks leaving the Haisla with the short stick in the face
of bigger proposals. For BC, getting in bed with Shell also comes with the
companys dubious distinction of being the worlds number one corporate criminal in 2013 according to American NGO, Global Exchange (based
on issues like unlivable working conditions, corporate seizures of indigen-

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ous lands, and contaminating the environment). Chevron did not make
the top ten, but it is fair to say its got game when it comes to human rights
abuses. For those concerned that Canada is becoming a petro-state, this is
deeply troubling.
The path to LNG riches has some other BC-specific obstacles. Clarks predecessor, Gordon Campbell, brought in a range of climate action policies in
200708, including the provinces well-regarded carbon tax, and legislated
greenhouse gas reduction targets. While some insider champions of LNG do
not care about climate change, the province is wrestling with its own cognitive dissonance: how to stick to past commitments to reduce greenhouse
gases, while substantially growing production of a key fossil fuel. BCs
media savvy Premier now talks about the cleanest natural gas or cleanest LNG in the world.
The problem is the math: in order to move ahead with LNG projects while
still meeting the governments own GHG targets, every other sector of the
BC economy would need to make radical and unprecedented reductions in
its emissions. One option under examination is purchasing carbon offsets,
but this could be expensive and BCs offset regime has been much criticized.
Another issue is accounting conventions that do not count embodied GHG
emissions in exports (instead, they count in the importing countrys GHG
inventory). On a lifecycle basis, total GHG emissions into the air that originated below ground in BC would double or even triple, depending on the
number of LNG plants. It would be the emissions equivalent of putting between 24 to 64 million cars on the roads of the world.
Related to, and compounding this, is that liquifying gas for export is itself massively energy intensive. BCs 2010 Energy Plan committed to 93%
of electricity production in the province coming from clean or renewable
sources. Were it to be met by new renewable supply, BC Hydro modelled
an increase in demand from three LNG equivalent to one-third of its total
current production. Renewables are more expensive, and existing commitments to private power producers for new supply are already creating pressure for price hikes. To get around this, the BC government conveniently
declared that burning natural gas for LNG production would be considered
to be clean energy.
Upstream, the environmental problems only get worse. Huge volumes of
water, plus sand and chemicals, are needed to engage in fracking activities,
typically rendering the water unfit for any other purpose, effectively taking
it out of the water cycle. Local landowners and First Nations are rightly concerned about leakages of gas and chemicals into their water suppliesthe


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

fracking industry has become synonymous with images of ranchers lighting their tap water on firenot to mention small earthquakes. In terms of
GHG emissions, field studies have shown high leakage rates of methane (the
main component of natural gas). A much more potent greenhouse gas than
carbon dioxide, methane leakages are disproving any claims that natural
gas is the cleanest burning of the fossil fuels. Field research in BC is lacking, but if U.S. results hold then BC gas would be worse in terms of its GHG
emission profile than dirty old coal.
These problems might seem to strike up a classic jobs versus environment problem for LNG, except for one thing: there are very few jobs. The
lofty numbers being floated by government are simply not credible. At its
inception, BCs Natural Gas Strategy (based at the time on 3 LNG plants)
estimated about 800 permanent jobs and up to 9000 jobs during construction. This is a very capital intensive industry, and even with five LNG plants
on stream, modelling suggested about 2,500 permanent jobs (this assumed
workers would otherwise be unemployed, as these models often do). And it
is reasonable to assume that additional upstream jobs from fracking would
lead to another 2,000 to 3,000 jobs. But these fall way short of public claims
being made by the government, which originally claimed an unsupported
40,000 new jobs in an infographic. Then that number was inflated to 75,000
permanent jobs over 5 LNG plants on the basis of a consultants report (which
is loaded with caveats that distance itself from its own numbers).
On the other hand, Shell has commented that it will take an Ikea approach to LNG plant construction, with plans to ship large pre-built modules to Kitimat to reduce the number of construction workers needed. Nor
is it clear that BC workers will get the work available: pipeline building
crews move around the continent to where the work is, and the growing reliance in BC and Alberta on temporary foreign workers is cause for concern.
Far from being a description solely of Canadian economic history, Mel
Watkins staples theory of economic growth clearly applies to this 21st century BC story. Watkins critique of multinational corporations and foreign
ownership, and more recently his concerns about climate change, are also
relevant. The resource development mindset is particularly strong in Western Canada, deeply institutionalized in government and business circles.
They understand well the concept of staplesbut they are not concerned
at all about the pitfall of a staples trap.

The Staple Theory @ 50


The Panacea: Panax

Quinquefolius and
the Mirage of the
Extractive Economy
ric Pineault

It will fall like ginseng.

A popular saying in New France, circa 1750.

THE PANACEA. Panax quinquefolius: millions of Chinese wanted it, they

couldnt live without it, and they were willing to pay big dollars for a few kilos.
At the time, it was abundant in our country. The setting was New France in
the 1720s. The Jesuits could no longer keep it a secret: they had lost control
of the ocean-going trade in American ginseng root (Panax quinquefolius)
to merchants in the colony. Everyone was getting into the business of harvesting this small perennial plant which grew abundantly in the shade of St.
Lawrence Valley maple trees. The extraction and export of this resource was
so profitable that its discovery at the time produced as much intense emotion and greed as the discovery of gold mines in California much later. Inhabitants, finding it more profitable to hunt for ginseng than to grow wheat,
abandoned their fields for the woods, lamented Brother Marie-Victorin in
the 1964 edition of La flore laurentienne.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

During the ginseng boom years, price fluctuations and Chinese demand
for the plant had a major social and economic impact on New France. When
prices were high, the fields were deserted as people took to the maple groves
in search of the roots that they hoped to exchange for hard cash. When prices
crashed, the merchants ships lay in harbour as the stockpiles of roots rotted in warehouses in Ville-Marie or Quebec City and inhabitants went back
to their wheat harvests. In the meantime, the ginseng grew back anew in
the shade of the maples. Considering that it takes three years for a seedling to flower and produce seeds, it is easy to see how quickly the ginseng
population was decimated by over-harvesting. Even today, it is a threatened
species in Quebec. And this is how, in less than a century, one of our first
experiments with an extractive and primarized economy came to an end.
The ginseng episode demonstrates the risks facing any country that allows its economy to become primarized by focusing on the extraction and
export of natural resources. Such an economy holds the promise of resource
revenues that are the stuff of dreams for workers and capitalists alike, with
easy money to be made by selling, very far away, a product that has undergone little or no processing. But this economy also entails the overexploitation of resources, increasing distance from extraction sites due to depletion
of the resource, dependence on foreign markets, revenue volatility, and the
diversion of labour and investment from domestic sectors to the export sector. The history of Quebec (like Canada), from colonial times to the present,
is marked by several episodes of extractive economies: beaver pelts in the
Pays-den-Haut, cod fishing in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, soft-wood lumber
in Lower Canada, and, closer to home, iron ore at one cent per tonne in the
Cte-Nord region, boreal forest spruce transformed into newsprint for the
New York Times, gold and nickel in Abitibi, and now the latest potential
additionsoil and shale gas from the Gulf of the St. Lawrence and the St.
Lawrence Valley. The highs and lows of staples extraction have been documented by several historians. The great Harold Innis is credited with the
most comprehensive study of the political economics of the primarization
of economies and societies. Then Mel Watkins developed his work, drawing
out the policy lessons and alternatives.

Basic Theory of Primarization

Innis viewed primarized economiesthat is, economies largely dependent on the extraction of one or more raw materialsmainly as a form of integration of a society into the global economy. According to Innis, a society

The Staple Theory @ 50


becomes dependent on primary products through its interaction with a more

powerful economy that casts it in the role of producer of a primary product.
The trading partner requires that product in large quantities, but with minimal processing. The mass extraction of the primary product is thus reliant on
external demand, usually from another country which is experiencing rapid
industrialization (examples include 18th- and 19th-century England, early 20thcentury United States, or, more recently, Asia). It thus can be seen as a form
of international division of labour between two economies, one subordinate and the other dominant, that then become more interdependent through
the extraction and export of the staple in question. The growth of the former
economy is driven by the extraction and exporting of a primary commodity
from which it derives revenue, while the latters growth is driven (in part) by
the absorption and transformation of this product as part of its industrial
development. The stronger, more intense and more rapid this industrial development, the higher the demand for and price of the resources supplied by
the primarized economy, and the higher the revenues it derives from them.
It is this interdependence that inaugurates the primarization of the subordinate economy, which will then tend to over-invest in the revenue-generating extraction chain and under-invest in the processing of the primary
product. As a result, the primarized economy pours a great deal of energy,
resources and work into organizing the mass extraction, transportation and
exporting of raw materials, while devoting very little effort to the development of its own manufacturing sector.
A political economy approach such as that of Innis is always interested
in the gaps between the wealthy (haves) and the workers (have-nots), between capitalists and employees, in an economy. But no matter how subordinate, every economy has its economic elite, its entrepreneurial class,
capitalists and owners. Within a primarized economy, the configuration of
the economic elite is based on three groups active in the extraction chain:
those who control extraction, those who control transportation and export
of the primary product and, finally, the financiers who specialize in bulk
trade in raw materials and the financing of extraction infrastructure. Extractors, exporters and financiers all share the profit generated by extraction. They also share this revenue, albeit involuntarily, with the government,
which is a major investor in the infrastructure (roads, energy, storage) necessary for an extractive economy, whose development in turn is an integral part of state policy.
Opposed to but dependent on this emerging elite are the communities of workers specializing in the extraction of resources. They have been


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

moved closer to the extraction sites, often at a great distance from more
structured, populated centres (and often from their own familes). The way
of life of these deterritorialized communities also causes them to become
dependent on extraction.
In fact, according to Innis, society as a whole eventually becomes dependent on the primarized economy and extraction revenues as a result of
three main factors. First, a class alliance emerges around extractionbetween extraction and transportation industrialists, and between financiers
and the political elite, all of whom derive their prestige, their wealth and
their power from this economy. This alliance also rallies the extraction workers, despite their mistrust of their employers. This alliance is not just based
on economic interests; it is based, more broadly, on its entire vision of the
world, nature, history and its place in history that become imbued with an
extractivist ideology and culture. After all, a large part of Quebecs folklore
is rooted in this staples mindset, which is currently undergoing somewhat
of a revival, as reflected in a certain neotraditional popular culture.
In this context, the government eventually grows so dependent on extraction revenues, no matter how meagre, that it winds up feeding off extraction activities and mobilizing the resulting royalties and taxes to finance
public spending. Thus, investments in extraction infrastructure, the massive transfer of development rights to private interests and the establishment of worker communities at isolated extraction sites are all held up as
part of a vast mobilizing project by the powers that be, who suddenly take
on the air of great builders and visionaries.
Finally, the extraction dynamic becomes self-perpetuating. While the primarized economy initially develops around products that are relatively easy
and cheap to access, the rapid depletion of these sources creates a spiral of
exploitation that becomes more and more expensivefarther away, deeper underground, more impure, more scarce. But because the capital is already invested in extractive processes, because policies are adapted to the
exploitation of these resources, and because the workers are trained in this
mode of extraction, it is easier to continue down this road, to go farther and
deeper, rather than changing direction.
Dependence intensifies as the scarcity of the resource drives up its price,
providing an additional incentive to extract higher-cost resources. This is
the ecological paradox of extractivisim: the scarcer a resource becomes, the
more its cost rises, the more profitable it is to exploit the least productive deposits and sources, right up to the last ounce, the last beaver, the last cod
or the last spruce. The reason is that, ultimately, a primarized economy is

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essentially an economy determined by external forces; its development depends on export markets, it creates value not by processing commodities,
but by ensuring their widest possible circulation. The global industry is dependent on economic cycles over which it has no control. But when prices
and demand increase, as they did in the ginseng era, the most costly extraction projectsthose whose success is the least certainsuddenly appear feasible...

The Re-Primarization of the Quebec Economy

While Quebecs economy gradually weaned itself off its dependence on the
extractive sector over the course of the 20th century, a number of forces,
both here and elsewhere, are currently conspiring to bring about a re-primarization of our economy. We must remember that the economic institutions of the Quiet Revolution, Hydro-Qubec, the Caisse de dpt et placement, as well as a number of public corporations, are the culmination of
the long process by which Quebec became an industrial economy. Becoming a more diversified producer of goods and services was seen as a means
of achieving autonomy for the domestic market. In this context, the natural
resources extraction sector, while still important, was put to work to support
the development of this industrial economy, and corresponding national vision. The best example of this mentality is the development of hydro-electric energy by a Crown corporation whose mandate was to extract a renewable, relatively cheap source of energy from the vast rivers and watersheds
of Northern Quebec in order to meet the needs of households, institutions
and manufacturing companies. This is the complete opposite of the primarized model. Thus, concerns should have been raised when we began to
justify the construction of vast hydro-electric dams with a view to the direct export of primary energy to the American market (and hence to generate revenue for the Quebec government).
As we have learned in Quebec, perhaps more slowly than elsewhere in
North America, this model of industrial development focused on domestic
demand was dismantled in the context of the policies of neoliberal openness during the 1980s and, even more so, the 1990s. The ensuing outward
orientation of our economy laid the groundwork for the current forces of
What do we mean when we talk of re-primarization? It cannot be said
that the primary sector has again become the driver of economic growth in
Quebec. Neither the mining nor the oil industry, and even less the forestry


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

or fisheries industries, have the same impact today as they had prior to the
20th century, despite the fact that entire regions still depend on their existence. Re-primarization is not a state of affairs, but rather an economic project, idea and culture that has the support of a significant segment of our
economic and political elite. The project entails directing government resources to the development of extraction activities in a context of sluggish
growth in other sectors of the economy. Goods and services economies are
stagnating in both North America and Europe, and this stagnation is not
solely the result of the latest crisis. However, the economic crisis, and particularly the austerity policies that have emerged in response to it, have
trapped these economies in a vicious cycle of weak growth.
In the meantime, China, along with a handful of other so-called emerging economies, have largely benefitted from the opening up of trade and
globalization, which have spurred rapid industrial growth. Their hunger
for raw materials and energy seems insatiable, whether it be oil, coal, iron,
zinc, rare earth metals, arable lands, paper, lumber, titanium, gold, silver,
uranium. This is looked upon as a new panacea by those whose hinterland
and underground are rich in these resources. Foreign investors are knocking on our door, fly-in/fly-out wages are very high, and resource royalties
are seen as a way to balance public accounts; the attraction of re-primarization is simply too strong.
In short, after two decades of crisis, industrial restructuring, job loss,
failure of economic recovery policies, industrial experiments and innovation clusters of every kind (including biotech, aluminium, fashion, pharmaceuticals, video games, hedge funds and other new economy industries),
it seems we have finally found a development project that is simple and unifying: extract everything we can find, and feed it to the Chinese and their
emerging avatars. Thus, re-primarization can also be seen as responding
to the demand of an extractivist elite. From their kiosks at the Natural Resources Fair, from their platform at the Forum on Mining Royalties, from
the chambers of commerce across Canada, to the halls of the National Assembly, this elite repeats the same refrain over and over: Help us restore
growth by developing the infrastructure necessary for a new wave of natural resource development projects. Following the same old economic logic
studied by Innis, this implies extracting as much as possible, processing as
little as possible, and exporting as much and as far as possiblebecause
the value of the model resides precisely in expanding the circuit. Help us
establish new communities of captive and deterritorialized workers. Finance
the construction of resource transportation and export infrastructure, and,

The Staple Theory @ 50


finally, turn a blind eye to the environmental damage and risks of this type
of development. Especially considering that, in the current context, this is
the only sector with any potential for growth, development and increased
revenues for the state!
As long as the interdependence in the division of work between extractor and user-processor persists, or until some major innovation comes along
and revolutionizes extraction methods, or until a substitute for raw materials consigns it to oblivion, this staples model based on relative scarcity will
continue to perpetuate the cycle of resource extraction until there are no
more resources left to extract. This paradox of the commodities market has
been exposed notably by environmental economists such as Dennis Meadows, author of, The Limits of Growth: the scarcer a resource becomes, the
closer it gets to its point of depletion (relative or absolute), the more prices
provide an incentive to extract farther and deeper, until the collapse of the
stock (whether ginseng, beavers, cod, spruce or, soon, oil) is completed. If
we do not free ourselves from the extractivist mentality that conditions our
relationship to our own development, our re-primarized economy is doomed
to fall... like ginseng.
A version of this commentary originally appeared in French at


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Staples Theory:
Its Gendered Nature
Marjorie Griffin Cohen

Feminism was the unlikely route for my contact with the staples theory.
I say unlikely because staples development analysis has a structural amnesia to gendered issues. Still, understanding the distinct ways that Canada developed had significant implications for the atypical way labour and
gender were configured in the historical development process.
Interest in womens role in economic development had been in abeyance for a long time after the British feminists early in the 20th century became focused on womens pastspecifically womens contributions to the
18th century industrial revolution. In the early analysis of industrialization,
womens work was understood (both by feminists and others) to be integral
to industrial development in Europe, primarily because women were so very
central to the proto-industrial stage of family manufacturing1, but also because of their dominance in the early factory systems.2
Until the beginning of development literature (dealing with underdevelopment in poor countries) the British understanding of capitalist development was more or less the general understanding of industrial revolutions.
So too were the labour and family configurations associated with them. As
feminism was gaining a tiny toehold in universities in Canada in the 1970s
and 80s, those of us exploring how to teach the Canadian economic past

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from a gendered perspective had almost no material to use. The research

in Canada and the U.S. simply had not yet been done, so the only written
scholarly work available related to an earlier literature of what had happened in England and Europe. This clearly did not explain womens role
in development in Canadain any way whatsoever. At that time the push
to have Canadian subjects taught in Canadian universities (spearheaded
by Robin Matthews and Mel Watkins) made me realize I could not focus
on European women, but absolutely had to find out how women figured
in the shaping of Canada.3
This is where Mel Watkins work on staples development comes in. I
was new to Canada and since I came from the U.S., knew absolutely nothing about Canadian history, much less its economic development. Someone
directed me to Mels work on the staples theory. It immediately made sense
that such an enormous country with a tiny population that was focused on
exporting mostly primary products should have a distinct economic growth
pattern. I read everyone Mel referred to in the piece, including Innis and
Mackintosh. Mackintoshs cheerful approach, that staples export would be
the positive path to more diversified development, contrasted starkly with
that of Innis whose darker analysis of the significance of the characteristics
of the commodity itself and the tendency toward wildly fluctuating economic activity seemed a much more realistic version of what actually occurred.
Mels theorizing applied the concept of linkages (backward, forward, final
demand linkages) to the Canadian case. What became obvious through Mels
analysis is that what mattered most was whether these linkages were reaped
within Canada or elsewhere, and how public policy could make the difference in taming the volatility of a staples economy: to the extent that public policy submits to the boom and bust psychology of staples export development, the more unstable the economy was likely to be. Mel was clear
that growth and economic instability would be less at the mercy of destiny
if planning is accomplished to strengthen linkages.
At first I was interested in seeing how women fit into Canadian economic development by examining the nature of womens labour in both staples production and the agricultural/subsistence sector. The first two excellent and serious studies dealing with women in staple development were
focused on aboriginal women in the fur trade. These were Sylvia Van Kirks
book, Many Tender Ties, and Jennifer Browns book, Strangers in the Blood.
Both were published in 1980 and showed how central aboriginal women
were to the success of the fur trade, regarding both market-oriented production and re-production of the fur trade labour force (or maintaining social


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

reproduction, as it is now termed). Around this time H. Clare Pentlands

book on Capital and Labour in Canada 16501860 came out, and it was the
first to focus on the significance of labour organization in a staples economy, where finding an adequate labour supply was a monumentally difficult issue. Pentland referred to early labour productive relations as patriarchal because of the need for the employer to assume the reproductive
overhead of the workers, even when there was relatively little work, just in
order to keep people alive.
But understanding how the population grew and maintained itself during periods of violent economic fluctuations and how the economy grew despite these wild swings meant not just seeing how women fit in to an already understood growth pattern. Rather, I found, including an analysis of
what most people were doing changed ideas about how capital accumulation occurred in the early periods.
There were clues all over the place about how to understand labour
and womens role in early development, particularly if one examined early
records with the intent of specifically looking for these issues. Ideas from
other scholars also provided other methods of examining the staples relationship to the wider economy. These included Vernon Fowke, who was interested in disputing the sense that pre-industrial agriculturalists were primarily self-sufficient, but instead were initially and continuously reliant on
an exchange and monetary economy. In Quebec Louise Dechene and Jean
Hamelin pointed out that even in the earliest periods only a small proportion of labour was directly involved in the staple-exporting sector, which
meant that other forms of economic activity had been dominant. And there
were the accounts of women themselves that could be read, both to understand what types of work they did and how they and the men in their families understood the significance of their work.4
By looking at what most people were doing and including womens labour
in the mix, their significance in the whole project of capital accumulation
became more apparent. The extraordinary volatility of the staple economy
was a starting point for understanding the nature of productive relations,
both those in the market and those within the family. It became obvious, as
I learned more, that patriarchal productive relations were just as significant
in capital accumulation as were capitalist productive relations. Ultimately I wrote a book on this issue, using the staple thesis as my starting point,
with the intent of showing how non-market productive relations could be
crucial to economic growth and development.5 Also, understanding the
gendered nature of economic growth in Canada could add a different take

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on the shape of staples development and how its volatility was managed
within households.
As I said initially, Mels article on the staples theory was immensely influential to my thinking about the gender order in Canada in its earlier periods. But some assertions seem worth questioning now (in hindsight). Two
points that Mel mentions as being important for development are worthy of
note. First is the idea that Canada had a favourable land/man ratio; second
is the notion that because Canada was largely a settler society, it did not have
inhibiting traditions of the sort that restricted development elsewhere. With
labour issues always so very significant because of the low population, it
would seem to me that this land/man ratio was actually a negative factor.
So much land, with so few people, meant that domestic markets were very
slow to develop. Also, while the gender order was in many ways shaped by
the special circumstances of Canadas geography and staple exports, importing labour was necessary to solve the labour problem. Each wave of
European immigrants brought a reinforcement of very traditional gendered
relationships. And these tended to retard the various ways that women had
been integrated into the staples exporting economy. The effect of Englishs
womens immigration on aboriginal women in the fur trade was most obvious, but so too were the traditions from other waves of immigrations from
elsewhere in Britain and Europe.
The significance of export staples to understanding what is most important for the economy in Canada has had resurgence with new developments
in the energy industry. I live in BC, and here the reliance on staples exports
is well entrenched as part of the collective unconscious of policy makers.
For example, I recently attended a high-level one-day conference assessing
future economic directions in BC. The general sense was that the priority
was to generate wealth through gas development and exports (in the form
of liquefied natural gas), assumed by most to be a precondition for allocating funds to the things people need. It seems odd, but there exists an embedded idea that wealth is only created through resourcesand everything
else derives from that. At no point is there recognition of the huge risks of
relying on one export staple for future economic success.
Mel Watkins A Staple Theory of Economic Growth was an inspiration to many of us who used it as a basis for further research into Canadas
economic nature. It inspired subsequent researchers and students, and is
a great article to use in teaching. It thoroughly engages students in a way
that nothing else on Canadian economic history can do: they appreciate its
clarity and immediately see its relevance to the economy today. The staples


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

theory is as alive and relevant in Canada now, as it was when Mel wrote it
fifty years ago. If only those in charge of the economy would heed the analysis that Mel and others gave us, they would be much more conscious of
the risks inherent in a staples-dependent approach to growth. Those who
design economic policy for governments should have a wider perspective
than relying on the deepening exploitation of resources. Attention needs to
shift to economic activity that meets the needs of people within this country.

Brown, Jennifer. Strangers in Blood: Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980.
Cohen, Marjorie Griffin. Womens Work, Markets and Economic Development in Nineteenth-Century Ontario (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988).
Collier, Frances. The Family Economy of the Working Class in the Cotton Industry 18741833 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1964).
Dechne, Louise. Habitants et marchands de Montral au XVII e sicle (Montreal: Plon, 1974).
Dunlop, E.P., ed. Our Forest Home: Being Extracts from the Correspondence of the Late Frances
Stewart (Toronto, 1889).
Engels, Fredrich. The Condition of the Working-Class in England [1845] (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1973).
Fowke, Vernon C. Canadian Agricultural Policy: The Historical Pattern [1946] (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1978).
Hamelin, Jean. conomie et socit en Nouvelle-France Qubec (Laval: Presses de luniversit
Laval, 1961).
Innis, Harold. The Fur Trade in Canada : An Introduction to Canadian Economic History rev. Ed.
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970).
Jameson, Anna Brownwell. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada [1838] (Toronto:
McClelland & Stewart, 1965).
Mackintosh, W.A. Economic Background of Dominion-Provincial Relations [1939] (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1964.
Martineau, Harriet. Retrospective of Western Travel (London: Saunders and Otlers, 1838).
Medick, Hans. The Proto-Industrial Family Economy: The Structural Function of Household and
Family during the Transition from Peasant Society to Industrial Capitalism, Social History 3,
October 1976, pp. 291315.
Moodie, Susannah. Life in the Clearings vs. The Bush (New York: DeWitt and Davenport, 1855).
Pentland, H. Clare. Labour and Capital in Canada 16501860. Ed. by Paul Phillips (Toronto:
James Lorimer, 1981).
Pinchbeck, Ivy. Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution 17501850 [1930] (London: Virago 1981).
Rose, Laura. Farm Dairying (London: T. Werner Laurie, 1911).

The Staple Theory @ 50


Smelser, Neil J. Social Change in the Industrial Revolution: An application of Theory to the British
Cotton Industry (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959).
Traill, Catharine Parr. The Canadian Settlers Guide [1855] (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969).
Van Kirk, Sylvia. Many Tender Ties: Women in Fur-Trade Society 16701870 (Winnipeg: Watson
& Dwyer, 1980).

1This is also referred to as the putting-out system where a family manufactured clothing and
other items from material provided by an industrialist. See, for example, Medick 1976.
2See, for example Pinchbeck 1930, Smelser 1959, Collier 1964, Engels 1845.
3The dominance of English and American academics in the social sciences in particular had
hindered the development of a vigorous research of Canadian issues. This was corrected, as universities were required to offer jobs to qualified Canadians first. Unfortunately, this law, which
was so hard-won, was changed early in the 21st century.
4See for example Dunlop 1889, Jameson 1838, Moodie 1855, Rose 1911, Traill 1855.
5This book is Womens Work, Markets, and Economic Development in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. It was primarily the work I had done for my Ph.D. thesis.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Re-reading Staples
Theory in Light of
Current Trade and
Development Theory
Dan Ciuriak

A strict reading of Melville Watkins 1963 article, A Staple Theory of

Economic Growth (Watkins, 1963) suggests that its relevance is entirely to
history rather than to the modern world. As he writes: The staple theory is
presented here not as a general theory of economic growth, nor even a general theory about the growth of export-oriented economies, but rather as
applicable to the atypical case of the new country. (143; emphasis added)
The new country is an empty land that is being settled by newcomers.
Such places of course do not exist (and indeed never did exist in reality).1
In this comment, I restate the theory in an updated context and discuss
its relevance to Canadas situation today. As a device I imagine the development of a brand new staple, and think through its implications in light of
Watkins analysis.
Consider an existing small, open economy with an established palette
of goods and services. A technological breakthrough allows the exploitation of previously unusable land to produce a new staplein other words,

The Staple Theory @ 50


a new and large extensive margin opens up.2 Lets use switchgrass for biofuel production in Canadas west to concretize the thought.3 Due to breakthroughs in, say, genome sequencing and bioinformatics, it becomes possible to genetically modify switchgrass to generate a substantially higher
biomass potential per acre; at the same time breakthroughs in microbial
conversion of cellulose to ethanol make it possible to derive substantially
higher net yields of ethanol for biofuel use per unit of input. A new and major staple is introduced with large export potential due to expanded ethanol content requirements in EU and U.S. biofuel regulations. At the same
time, the economys industrial sector faces new potential in emerging products such as green energy technology (solar, batteries, etc.) driven by the
same broad societal objectiveclean energy. We now pick up the story in
Watkins article.
Watkins sets out in rather general terms a multi-sector general equilibrium model with three factors of production: land, labour and capital. Since
comparative advantage for the land-intensive economy lies in land-intensive production, namely staples, the expansion of available usable land
shifts the economys comparative advantage towards land and thus to staples. The further economic development of our economy then is a process
of diversification based on exploiting the abundant factor through exporting which generates a spread effect. The latter effect can be readily identified with the spending effect formulated by Corden and Neary (1982) in
their exposition of Dutch Disease: income earned from export of a resource
(staple) drives demand for and production of other products, including inputs to the staple sector and downstream production enabled by the staple
production that is not directly exported. Watkins also mentions that the effectiveness of domestic entrepreneurship depends on the supply of capital
and labour. This hints at the resource movement effect in Corden and Neary,
although there is no clear reference to crowding out of other tradables. Overall, the staples theory can be characterized as a proto-Dutch Disease resource curse theory, albeit with an incomplete exposition of the implications for other tradables and non-tradables.4
In our updated economy, the emergence of comparative advantage in
switchgrass/biofuels would tilt the playing field away from other green
energy technology. While going with comparative advantage results in unambiguous welfare gains for the economy in a static context, there may be
something about the character of the staple that makes it less desirable in
a longer-term growth context. Watkins emphasizes the importance of the
character of the staple and the dynamics that its production induces, in-


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

cluding in terms of exposing the economy to the boom/bust nature of commodities, influencing the quality of labour, and the scope for upstream
and downstream linkages. However, while there is mention that the staple
production will be subject to decreasing returns, the fact that the staples
theory focuses only on the character of the staple and not on the character
of the non-staple (because of the new economy context for which it was
formulated), there is no hint of external economies or increasing returns in
other sectors that would more powerfully make the case for policy to support the development of such sectors (in our case, alternative green energy
technology). Interestingly, Watkins mentions Marshall McLuhan but not
Alfred Marshall, who introduced the idea of industrial districts driven by
learning externalities!
Watkins also sketches out a growth model. Factor markets are open and
factors are mobile; accordingly, both capital and labour are free to flow into
or out of the economy. Moreover, foreign direct investment is also free of
restrictions and thus inflows bring technology and foreign entrepreneurship. Nonetheless, the pace of growth is dictated by the pace of exports of
the staple(s). In part, this reflects the fact that most technology is imported
and domestic technological advance is thus dependent on export earnings
(domestic innovation is allowed for but its extent is not explained; there is
a suggestion that it is mainly refinement of imported technology). In part,
however, it reflects the influence of the staple itself on the nature of institutions in the economy.
The endogeneity of the quality of institutions to the nature of the staple
anticipates the recent emphasis on the importance of the quality of institutions in economic growth and the tendency of rent-heavy economies to be
plagued by corruption. The attractiveness of these insights to explaining the
sharply divergent development trajectories in the resource-poor economies
of East Asia versus the resource-dependent economies in Africa and Latin
America is clear. However, the implications of this for our updated land-intensive economy would appear to be more subtle.
One imagines that the switchgrass revolution would generate an ongoing
innovation dynamic in, say, Saskatoons biotech cluster. However, why an
economy that is open to global capital markets should be constrained by export earnings, if there are good growth opportunities elsewhere, is left unclear by the staples theory. One needs additional Dutch Disease-type arguments to explain the crowding out of the innovation-intensive cluster in
alternative green technology. The latter sector might have potentially much
larger longer-run gains due to economies of scale, the development of re-

The Staple Theory @ 50


lated products based on the engineering learning-by-doing, and the learning-by-exporting effects that technology exporters would gain from interaction with sophisticated global production chains.5
Perhaps most importantly, as the modern firm-level trade literature emphasizes, the green technology firms that become exporters would be the
more productive firms in their sector and their entry into export markets
would be associated with a number of productivity-enhancing effects. These
effects would include internal economies from adoption of process technology suited for global mass markets and from post-export-market-entry scale
of production, but also industry-level productivity gains as market share is
transferred from the lower productivity firms to the faster-growing high productivity firms.6 These new exporter-starters would be Canadas next generation Bombardiers and Blackberrys. This is perhaps the most important
distinction between exploitation of a land-based extensive margin versus a
technology/firm-based extensive margin, as it provides an insight into why
land-rich economies might tend to grow more slowly in the longer-run than
land-poor economies.
Watkins also touches on development theory. Interestingly, he articulates the idea that development is a process of diversification rather than
specialization according to comparative advantage as an economy integrates
globallyan idea that is nowadays generally credited to Imbs and Wacziarg
(2003). However, Watkins dismisses the infant industry argument (in 1963
already, well before the economics profession had abandoned it!) without
discussion. In particular, there is no comment on the role of the MacDonald tariff on Canadian inter-provincial trade or the role of the McKinley tariff on the New England economy in the late 1800s and early 1900s when
New England took over from Manchester the title of the workshop of the
world (see, e.g., Philadelphias period of industrial pre-eminence around
18801920). As a result, there is no obvious policy hook regarding what to
do about reliance on staples.
Ultimately, Watkins (1963) theoretical development of the staples thesis had
little traction in influencing mainstream economic growth theories. The reason may be, as suggested by Krugman (1995; 27), that the influence of ideas
that have not been embalmed in models soon decays. So while Watkins was
able to think through in plain English issues such as the general equilibrium
implications of staples exports, the implications of commodity price booms
and busts as well as of a longer-term decline in the terms of trade, and the implications for labour markets (and by extension for outward migration) if the


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

growth impetus from staples exports was insufficient to meet the job needs
implied by natural population increase (assumed to be exogenous), the inferences lacked staying power because they were not embalmed in mathematics.
But as we revisit Watkins and recognize his insights as well as the incompleteness of the key arguments when transported to a current setting,
it is also important to bear in mind the massive extent of development of
economics in the past half century. Trade economics has gone through two
revolutionsnew trade theory (Krugman, 1979 etc.) and new new trade
theory (Melitz, 2003 etc.). Development economics has been in almost constant revolution in the same period; in fact, if we go by Bradford DeLongs
count, I think we are now in the eighth revolutionwhat might be termed
a counter-reformation against the neoclassical revolution (see DeLong,
2001). When Watkins wrote, the concept of a developmental state had not
yet been articulated by Chalmers Johnson, we hadnt had the Latin and African debt crises of the 1980s, nor the African renaissance of the 2000s on
the back of rising resource prices, nor the coming and going of the Washington Consensus (Williamson, 2004) and the (sort of) arrival of the Beijing
Consensus (Williamson, 2012).
Accordingly, a modern reader visits this text with an enormously different perspective than its writerand yet immediately recognizes many features. And it is those points whose relevance has survived the 50 most intense years of economic history ever experienced to which we need to pay
attention. The enduring insight of the staples thesis is that what you do
as a country heavily influences who you areand that a country may wish
to have an active hand in deciding exactly what it does for a living in the
global economy.
Being a resource-driven economy has not prevented Canada from developing and achieving high levels of prosperity. In that sense, Canada has
largely avoided the resource curseor alternatively broken out of a staples
trap. This does not mean that concern about the heavy role of staples in Canadas product mix was entirely unwarrantedafter all, Canada got to where
it is thanks in part to a long history of industrial policy intervention. Indeed
in 1963, even as Watkins was expounding his staples theory, Canada was
creating the Department of Industry to address the competitiveness problems in domestic industry and was about to enter into the 1965 Auto Pact, a
structured (rather than free) trade agreement with the United States to solve
the scale economy problem in the auto sector. That being said, as the recent
Dutch Disease debate in Canada demonstrates, there are still starkly divided views on whether Canada is sinking back into such a trap.7

The Staple Theory @ 50


There are new extensive margins (alternatively, emerging/future/infant

industries) opening up everywhere in the current innovation-intensive global
economy. One need only look at the policy statements emanating from the
major economies to identify those that are particularly attractive in terms
of their characteristics. These are the new battleground sectors, with advanced manufacturing typically heading the list (see Ciuriak and Curtis, 2013).
In a world where comparative advantage is manufactured by government
policy, a country that chooses laissez faire is in fact choosing a comparative advantage defined by foreign governments. One might think of a game
of musical chairs where the stand-offish laissez faire player gets the seat
left open after all the other players have chosen theirs. What staples theory
tells us is that might not be optimal, depending on the specific characteristics of the economy at land-intensive extensive margins.

Ciuriak, Dan, Beverly Lapham, and Robert Wolfe, with Terry Collins-Williams and John M. Curtis.
2011. New-new trade policy, QED Working Paper, Queens Economics Department. Available
at SSRN:
Ciuriak, Dan. 2013. Learning by Exporting: A Working Hypothesis, CC Working Paper: current
version 2 January 2013. Available at SSRN:
Ciuriak, Dan and John M. Curtis. 2013. The Resurgence of Industrial Policy and What It Means
for Canada, IRPP Insight No. 2. June. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Corden, W. Max and J. Peter Neary. 1982. Booming Sector and De-Industrialisation in a Small
Open Economy, The Economic Journal 92(368), December: 825848.
DeLong, J. Bradford. 2001. The Last Development Crusade: Comment on: William Easterly (2001),
The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics,, August 2001.
Imbs, Jean, and Romain Wacziarg. 2003. Stages of Diversification, American Economic Review, 93(1): 6386.
Johnson, Chalmers. 1982. MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925
1975. Stanford University Press.
Krugman, Paul R. 1979. Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition, and International Trade,
Journal of International Economics 9(4), November: 469480.
Krugman, Paul R. 1995. Development, Geography, and Economic Theory. (Cambridge: MIT Press).
Melitz, Marc J. 2003. The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity, Econometrica 71(6): 16951725.
Watkins, Melville H. 2007. Staples Redux, Studies in Political Economy 79: 213226.
Watkins, Melville H. 1963. A Staple Theory of Economic Growth, Canadian Journal of Economics
and Political Science / Revue canadienne dconomique et de Science politique 29(2), May: 141158.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Williamson, John. 2012. Is the Beijing Consensus Now Dominant? Asia Policy 13, January: 116.
Williamson, John. 2004. A Short History of the Washington Consensus, paper prepared for the
conference From the Washington Consensus towards a new Global Governance, Barcelona, September 2425, 2004.

1A key staple of the North American economy is maize or Indian corn, which was developed
through millennia of domestication and selective breeding by indigenous peoples and spread
through the Americas through trade in varieties. The fur trade was indeed trade and largely between
indigenous economies exporting to Europe via intermediaries such as the Hudsons Bay Company.
2Modern trade economics emphasizes the distinction between the intensive margin (an expansion of trade in existing products) and the extensive margin (the introduction of new products
into trade or alternatively of new firms or new destinations).
3One could use oilsands or diamonds as the example, which Watkins (2007) mentions as recent extensions of staples production; however, these are politically charged areas and raise
complex additional issues related to optimal use of non-renewable resources and the appropriate use of revenues from the sale of such assets which deserve a separate focussed comment, including on the fiscal effects which Watkins (2007) mentions. I leave these issues for other comments and focus on a simpler example which in my view allows for a cleaner exposition of the
main features of staples theory.
4Watkins (2007; 118) notes the need for a fuller treatment of non-traded services.
5For a recent survey of the literature on firm-level learning effects associated with export entry
see Ciuriak (2013).
6For an accessible, non-technical discussion of the new heterogeneous firm theory and the
policy implications see Ciuriak et al. (2011).
7I survey this debate in a working paper under development with a working title The Great Canadian Dutch Disease Debate: Yes, No, Maybe So? (hopefully forthcoming soon!)

The Staple Theory @ 50


Staples, China, and the

Global Revitalization
of Industrial Policy
Daniel Poon

In times of crisis, leading thinkers often reach back to classic texts and
writers for core insights to present policy problems, and so it should be with
Melville Watkins classic 1963 article A Staple Theory of Economic Growth.
Fifty years on, it is striking how the fundamental tenets of the staple theory,
and the risk of getting caught in a staple trap, continue to resonate today regarding Canadas economic outlook. Moreover, a great number of developing countries are also seriously concerned over an economic curse or
disease from resource-dependence.
But it was his subsequent work arguing for strict regulation over foreign
direct investment in Canada that was not only fit for its time, but ahead of
it, in light of the more recent revival of themes such as resource nationalism, state capitalism, industrial policy, and covert protectionism that
have returned to the policy debate. These trends may have yet to fully filter through to Ottawa, but when they do, heterodox economic approaches
may have an opening to press for an overhaul of what Watkins called the
(staple) export mentality that inhibits more diversified Canadian domestic development (p.150).


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

The ongoing relevance of the staple theory may not be all that surprising in an era, perhaps now passing, of an international commodities price
boom that further concentrated economic production in natural resource
sectors in many countries (Haglund 2011). But Watkins contribution also
plays a part in a larger discussion connected to the 20082009 global financial crisisone that forced policy-makers the world over to re-think
the conventional wisdom that placed primacy on unfettered market forces
over the ability of government instruments and institutions to achieve public policy objectives.
The pendulum between state and market is rebalancing towards the former, albeit not as quickly as many progressives would like. One of the underlying sources of the policy re-think has been the rapid emergence of China
as a pre-eminent power in the world economy. This historic change has had
many implications (including, obviously, an impact on global commodity
prices), but it has also demonstrated the power of a state-directed strategy
for industrialization and diversification, with lessons for Canadas own efforts to grapple with the staples challenge.
China is more than just a market for our staples, and Canadian policy
thinkers would do well to imagine a more active, strategic partnership with
China so as to better understand its ambitions to deepen its industrial base
and reach the apex of global production chains.

Kicking-Off a Re-Think
One convenient marker for the fundamental re-think in development and
industrial policy-making occurred in March 2011 at an International Monetary Fund (IMF) conference that sought to distill the policy lessons from
the crisis. Among the leading policy makers and academics in attendance, it was a presentation by former Harvard professor Dani Rodrik that
set the direction and tone for subsequent re-thinking of growth strategies
in the aftermath of financial crisis, particularly for developing and emerging countries.
In this presentation, Rodrik drew on insights first developed by W. Arthur Lewis work on dual economies that equated economic development
with structural change. The core idea was that countries attain prosperity by diversifying away from agriculture and other traditional products, towards modern economic activities, and as this change is underway, overall
productivity is bolstered and incomes expand. Lewis typically stressed the
large differences in productivity between broad sectors of the economybe-

The Staple Theory @ 50


tween traditional (rural) and modern (urban) sectorsand noted that this
difference between sectors could be an important engine of growth even if
productivity growth within individual economic sectors was minimal.
In the paper, Rodrik (with Margaret McMillan) identifies this growthenhancing structural change as an important contributor to overall growth
performance. Crucially, he contends that the bulk of the difference in recent
growth experiences in Asian countries versus those in Latin America and
Sub-Saharan Africa can be understood by the discrepancies in the contribution of structural change to overall labour productivity. Thus, while in
Asia high-productivity employment opportunities expanded and structural
change added to overall growth, the opposite has been true in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa where labour has moved from more-productive
to less-productive activities (most notably, the informal sector), and structural change has served to reduce rather than increase growth since 1990
(McMillan and Rodrik 2011).
The key to getting the good kind of structural change, it seems, has been
Asias strategic approach to economic liberalization that pragmatically combined promoting new, export-oriented economic activities, while simultaneously supporting other activities that directly compete with imports. Latin American and Sub-Saharan African countries, meanwhile, had generally
pushed through reforms dictated by the so-called Washington Consensus.
The wider point, though, is that since that presentation in March 2011, much
of the global policy community has adopted Rodriks re-working of Lewis
structural change concepts hook, line, and sinker.
Now, the concept of structural change/transformation has been accepted almost to saturation in economic development circles. This is particularly the case (but not only) with multilateral institutions which all recently
published major reports on the issue, such as the World Bank, the African
and Asian development banks, the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD), the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA),
the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), the Brookings Institution, and the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, to name a few.
Other major institutional about-faces have occurred, too. The IMF, once
an ardent proponent of financial liberalization, also recently adopted a
new institutional view and is now more accepting of government regulation on capital flows (Gallagher and Ocampo 2013). Moreover, its Back
to Basics website tries to strike a progressive balance over a wide range of
economic issues.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Rethinking Development Economics

Watkins, for his part, is clear to present the staple theory not as a general theory
of economic growth (or even export-oriented growth), but as one that is applicable to the atypical case of the new country, which bestowed on Canada two
distinctive characteristics when it began its economic growth processes: a favourable population/land ratio and an absence of inhibiting traditions (p.143).
Although Watkins deliberately sets Canadas economic history aside as
a unique case (as well as that of the United States and the other British dominions), his careful analysis of the determinants of the range of domestic
investment opportunities associated with the export of a given stapleor the
linkage between the staple theory and a theory of capital formationis the
core insight of his work that broadens the applicability of the staple theory
to other contexts. To this day, the idea that, economic development will
be a process of diversification around an export base, (p.144) goes to the
heart of many developing countries core policy objectives.
In the years since, Watkins breakdown of the spread effects of the export staple sector and the impacts of these activities on the domestic economy and society have been further elaborated. The core model was often restated to the extent that aspects of this analysis, such as the discussion of
linkage effects (backward, forward, and final demand), have become oldschool concepts in the mainstream economic development discourse that
has been increasingly fixated on foreign direct investment and insertion into
global production chains as the surest route to prosperity.
What is changing now are signs that the inhibiting export mentality
related to staples/commodities production has been weakenedin tandem
with the onset of the global financial crisis that discredited the Washington
Consensus policy approach and its excessive emphasis on market forces and
static comparative advantage. In his paper, Watkins remarked that while interest among Canadians in the staple theory had declined, interest among
those outside of Canada had actually increased (p.1423). In surveying current-day responses to the staple trap (or other structural constraints), it so
happens that while Canadian policy makers seem unperturbed by even the
possibility of a trap, some policy-makers outside Canada are increasingly
taking action to counteract its dislocating effects on their own economies.

A Bevy of Protection
The revival of terms like resource nationalism, state capitalism, etc. in the
mainstream policy lexicon, has led some to believe that industrial policy

The Staple Theory @ 50


in the leading economies of the South is likely to become more significant

(Gereffi 2013:21). Table 1 provides a broad overview (from Global Trade Alert,
GTA) of the post-crisis policy responses, regarding the implementation of
so-called protectionist measures and their breakdown according to degrees of discrimination against foreign commercial interests. Green measures are not discriminating, amber measures are possibly discriminating,
and red measures are certainly discriminating (Evenett 2012).
Although there are limitations to the accuracy of the GTA databaseits
methodology does not account for protectionist measures that may have been
already in place prior to its reporting period in November 2008, nor does it have
any way of assessing coherence of measures, or quality of implementationit
nonetheless offers a rough snapshot of ongoing global economic trends in
government intervention and industrial policy. As shown in Table 1, the four
BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) lead the way in terms of most
total protectionist measures at 798nearly twice the total of six developed
countries (which registered 406 such measures). Other regional groupings
in Asia and Latin America also had higher levels of total protectionist measures at 583 and 499, respectively, although these groupings include a larger
number of countries. African countries combined for a total 264 measures.
The pattern is roughly replicated when looking at red measures only,
with the BRIC countries leading the way with 477 measures, followed by Latin
America (347), Asia (327), developed countries (306), and Africa (143). During this period, Canada had a total of 52 implemented protectionist measures, of which 29 were deemed of the red variety, among the lowest of any
within the developed country grouping.
To give a more concrete example, lets take the case of Mongolia. Following an attempt by the Aluminum Corp. of China (Chinalco) to invest in
a coking coal mine in the Gobi desert, the Mongolian government enacted
a new foreign investment law in May 2012. The law restricted foreign ownership in businesses worth more than $76m in strategic sectors such as natural resources, transport, food, real estate, communications and agriculture, and requires government approval for acquisitions of 33 percent or
more of a companys shareholdings, and parliamentary approval for bids
of at least 49 percent.
A year on, with commodity prices weakened and Chinalco having abandoned its bid, Mongolian authorities have adjusted their tack and lowered
barriers for foreign investors. But the legislation still allows for more scrutiny in deals with state entities, in light of concerns about economic domination by its neighbour and largest customer. The point is that even small


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Table 1Protectionist Measures, Selected Country Groupings, Nov. 2008Jun. 2013

Number of Implemented Measures
Groupings (# of countries)









Latin America (20)





Asia (11)





BRIC (4)









Developed (6)

Africa (52)
SourceGlobal Trade Alert (GTA). See,

countries now see fit to experiment with the cut and thrust of industrial
policies, even if that means challenging a big neighbour. In times past, this
may not have been the case. Back in the 1990s, being an eager pupil of the
Washington Consensus, Mongolia agreed to rescind an export tax on unprocessed wool in exchange for a loan from the Asian Development Bank.
Mongolian authorities are not likely to forget this experience, as these wool
exports would eventually be processed in China (Wade 2010).

Of Dogs Barking and Biting

So what explains the seeming reticence by Canadian policy makers to use
similar industrial policy interventionswhether to stem a crisis, or to
counteract a staple trap and its associated inhibiting export mindset? Part
of the answer, I believe, is due to a chorus of commentators that have constructed a persuasive counter-narrative: namely, that despite enduring the
biggest trade shock due to the global financial crisis, the world economy
was nonetheless able to avoid a protectionist backlash (unlike the experience of the 1930s in the wake of the Great Depression).
Generally, five explanations have been posited. First, the WTO and other
trade pacts have institutionalized liberal trade. Second, countries use of
monetary and fiscal policies has not been without problems, but has been
better than in the 1930s. Third, integration created by global production
chains has rendered protectionism self-defeating (ie. global capitalism has
replaced national capitalism). Fourth, social safety nets were in place to
cushion people from recession and joblessness. Fifth, the ideology of markets and globalization remains dominant. In short, the sound bite (with
some variation) is that the protectionist dog did not bark (Subramanian
and Kessler 2013; Wolf 2013; Hancock 2013; Wolfe 2011).

The Staple Theory @ 50


Conveniently overlooked is the fact that what the WTO identifies as a

protectionist measure is narrower than the definition used by GTA. Thus,
some measures recorded in the GTA database, such as investment protection, bailout programs, currency devaluation, and anti-trust measures (among others), would not be considered protectionist measures by
the WTOsimply because WTO agreements have limited or no jurisdiction in these areas.
Even the head of GTA, Simon Evenett, put it this way: While it is not the
case that governments have sought flagrantly to flout WTO rules often during
the global economic crisis, more and more evidence suggests that they have
exploited the incomplete nature of the WTO rules and circumvented them.
Such findings leave a rather hollow ring to claims that WTO rules have prevented protectionism during the crisis (Evenett et al. 2012:287).
Thus, the protectionist dog chorus seems content to paint protectionist measures of all stripes as not only more or less the same, but also as all
bad. This rather old-fashioned view assumes that protection is absolutely
incompatible with boosting trade and growth. This may hold true for North
Korea, but you only need a glance at China these days, combining ongoing
but selective protections with targeted degrees of openness to trade flows,
to start wondering if the assumption is seriously mistaken.
Of course, not everyone has bought into the protectionist dog argument. In 2012, the Chairman and President of the U.S. Export-Import Bank,
alluded to this very issue: Believe me, China and other countries will not
be shy about using any toolas much as they can and for as long as they
can State-owned enterprises, sovereign wealth funds, state-directed capitalthey will leverage every single one in an attempt to outcompete us
(Hochberg 2012:9).
Others have argued that the relevance and pertinence of industrial
policies are acknowledged by mainstream economists and political leaders from all sides of the ideological spectrum (Stiglitz et al. 2013:2). For
example, these authors point to the EU Commissions return to using selective interventionist policies, and note that an entire department at the
EU Commission is devoting much financial and human resources to design and help implement industrial policies across the Eurozone (Stiglitz et al. 2013:3).
Here, Watkins Task Force work remains highly relevant and was certainly ahead of its time; some of the strategic tools it proposed, such as investment review and development banks/corporations, remain powerful WTOlegal policy instruments to this day.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

A China Choice
While the return of state capitalism and protectionist leanings are still dismissed in mainstream circles in Ottawa, these trends are increasingly rooted
in emerging countries, among which China retains an obvious leading role.
Canada is not likely to remain immune from these trends indefinitelyand to
some extent, the federal government has already had its brush up with them,
whether in the form of the investment screening of the 2012 CNOOC-Nexen
merger, or the blocking of foreign takeovers of Potash Corp. and MDA Corp.
At some point, Canadian leaders will have to choose between either learning from Chinas development strategy (and actively managing the opportunities and risks it poses), or trying to tear down the China model so that
it poses less of a competitive threat to the current global political and economic status quo. Many moves by Canadian policy makers seem oriented
to the second option, but the first option has not been written-off. Efforts
such as the Canada-China Economic Complementarities Study are welcome, but should only be a first step. The next step should be a more strategic exercise that takes dynamic rather than static comparative advantage
at its heart (Poon 2012a; 2012b; 2012c). This is where heterodox economic
discourse should play a key role.
As has been noted, Canada has a profusion of industrial policies, what
it lacks is a strategy (Ciuriak and Curtis 2013:1). Perhaps a way out is to recognize that, in the past, Canada appeared adept at ensuring that so-called
clandestine U.S. industrial policy (Block 2008) could also benefit Canada.
Whats to stop Canada from doing likewise (but hopefully better) vis--vis
Chinas (less) clandestine industrial policy?
Progressive Canadian analysts not only need to come to terms with Chinas
rise, but given the changing geo-political winds, to find strategic openings
to leverage Chinas industrial ambitions in pursuit of Canadas own public
policy goals on a scale that could not be seriously considered before (renewable energy, for example). After all, China seems well aware that a crisis
is a terrible thing to waste (Rosenthal 2009), and that political-economic
dynamic may be the modern day salve for Canada to help shake-off its inhibiting staple export mentality.

Block, Fred (2008). Swimming Against the Current: The Rise of a Hidden Developmental State
in the United States, Politics & Society, Vol. 36 No. 2, June. See,

The Staple Theory @ 50


Ciuriak, Dan and John M. Curtis (2013). The Resurgence of Industrial Policy and What It Means
for Canada, IRPP Insight No. 2, June.
Evenett, Simon J. (2012). Debacle: The 11th GTA Report on Protectionism, Centre for Economic
Policy Research (CEPR), June.
Evenett, Simon J., Johannes Fritz, and Yang Chun Jing (2012). Beyond dollar exchange-rate targeting: Chinas crisis-era export management regime, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol.
28 No. 2.
Gallagher, Kevin P. and Jose Antonio Ocampo (2013). IMFs New View on Capital Controls, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. XLVIII No. 12, March 23.
Gereffi, Gary (2013). Global value chains in a post-Washington Consensus world, Review of
International Political Economy.
Haglund, Dan (2011). Blessing or curse? The rise of mineral dependence among low- and middle-income countries, Oxford Policy Management, December.
Hancock, John (2013). Taking Global Trade for Granted. Canadian International Council, May
Hochberg, Fred P. (2012). A Wake-Up Call on American Competitiveness, Remarks at the Centre
for American Progress, June 25.
McMillan, Margaret and Dani Rodrik (2011). Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, paper prepared for joint ILO-WTO volume, February. http://www.hks.harvard.
Poon, Daniel (2012a). Chinas Move up the Value Chain: Implications for Canada, Canadian
Foreign Policy Journal, Vol. 18 Iss 3.
Poon, Daniel (2012b). A Pivot to Asia? Canadas Real Globalization, Policy Options, September.
Poon, Daniel (2012c). Thinking Outside the CNOOC-Nexen Box, iPolitics, August 21. http://www.
Rosenthal, Jack (2009). A Terrible Thing to Waste, New York Times, July 31. http://www.nytimes.
Stiglitz, Joseph E., Justin Yifu Lin, Celestin Monga (2013). The Rejuvenation of Industrial Policy,
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 6628, September. http://www-wds.worldbank.
Subramanian, Arvind and Martin Kessler (2013). The Hyperglobalization of Trade and Its Future, Working Paper 3, Global Citizen Foundation, June.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Wade, Robert (2010). The Case of Open-Economy Industrial Policy, ch. 6 in Howard Stein, Joseph Stiglitz, Akbar Noman, Kwesi Botchwey (eds.) Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies, Oxford University Press: London.
Wolf, Martin (2013). Globalisation in a time of transition, Financial Times, July 16.
Wolfe, Robert (2011). Did the protectionist dog bark? Transparency, accountability, and the WTO
during the global financial crisis, Policy report 01, ENTWINED, March.

The Staple Theory @ 50


The Staples Approach

and the Financial Crisis
Alistair and Sheila Dow

The staples approach, and Watkins exposition of the staples theory,

are a quintessentially Canadian contribution to economic thought. It involves identifying the consequences of reliance on production of a particular staple for export as arising from the physical characteristics of the
staple and thus its mode of production (broadly defined). It offers an approach rather than a universal theory in that each staple, such as beaver
pelts or base metals, has its own characteristics and mode of production.
The key is to focus on the nature of a particular product in order to analyse
the cost structure of production, linkages with other sectors, demographic effects, the role of the state in its production, the institutional arrangements which arose around this production and its export, the associated
power relations and the consequences for the distribution of rents. Harold
Innis, who along with William Mackintosh was the main instigator of the
approach, also showed how these power relations (as well as communications technology) determined the prevailing ideas about how the economic role of any staple was understood.
But economics in the second half of the twentieth century developed increasingly around formal deductive models designed for universal application. The importance of the specifics of particular staples, as well as the dif-


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

ferent methods employed for different elements of the analysis, meant that
the staples approach could not be generalised in this way. Staples analysis
thus continued in Canada outside the mainstream, with some limited application to other economies (notably Australia). But the approach remained
essentially of local importance. Yet there is scope for much wider application of the staples approach. In principle it can be used to illuminate analysis of any sector which is important to an economy and its exports. The approach is novel in focusing on the nature of the product and the technical
conditions of production, and on the consequent evolution of institutions
around this production, the role of the state, the distribution of rents and
the character of power relations; these latter influence the prevailing mode
of analysis of the product.
In a paper recently published by the Cambridge Journal of Economics (abstract available at
cje.bet021.abstract), we have attempted to show how the staples approach
can be applied in this way to the financial sector and the current crisis. The
product of the financial sector is not a staple physical product in the traditional sense of a raw material. Nor is its production necessarily in a dependent position with respect to export markets; the financial sector itself is a
locus of power. But, using (negative) analogy, we show that, in spite of the
differences, finance has sufficient in common with traditional staples for it
to be illuminating to analyse it using the staples approach.
The financial sector, like staple products in Canada, accounts in many
economies for a substantial proportion of national economic activity and
also for exports. The rest of the economy is dependent on the sector in other
ways too. A key product of the financial sector is societys money (in the
form of bank deposits), in which the state plays a key role. In most economies, the state developed a mutually-supportive relationship with banks,
such that banks were backed up by a lender-of-last-resort facility of the
central bank in exchange for accepting portfolio restrictions. This system
encouraged widespread confidence in the money asset and this in turn allowed banks to supply credit to finance investment. But then the power
exercised by the banks over governments forced a process of deregulation
which changed the structure of the financial sector and greatly extended
the range of its products. At the same time, the increasing use of information technology in financial production facilitated the massive growth
of complex structured products. It also changed practices and processes.
Banks increasingly made loans by credit-scoring rather than the exercise
of judgement and used quantitative models to represent their risk profile

The Staple Theory @ 50


(as required by the Basel capital adequacy rules). Trading in financial markets was increasingly automated by means of complex algorithms; the remarkable speed of trading this allowed added to the scope for market instability. Taken together, the way in which production in the financial
sector evolved, with input from deregulation by the state, sowed the seeds
of the crisis which began in 2007. The core products, money and credit to
finance real investment, were under threat because of increasing engagement by banks in other products.
For all its apparent competitiveness, the financial sector has generated massive rents, contributing to the increasing maldistribution of wealth.
Since the rest of the economy is dependent on the financial sector providing its money and also providing credit, governments could not in general allow large banks to fail, since they might bring the entire system down
with them. The prevalence of bailing-out in many economies rather than
bailing-in has meant that the state has taken the brunt of rescuing failing
banks. Further continuing provision of liquidity to banks at low rates has
contributed to the survival of failing banks. But this cheap liquidity has
tended to support financial speculation by existing wealth holders rather
than credit for financing real capital investment. More generally, low interest rates have meant a massive redistribution away from net-saving households while net-borrowing households have sometimes faced higher rates
due to higher perceived default risk.
Finally the power exercised by the financial sector has meant that
their rhetoric has dominated analysis. Thus, for example, fiscal austerity
has been introduced across a wide array of economies to placate the financial sector. High executive pay has been justified as a reward for high
skill levels. Where banks have been nationalised or part-nationalised,
as in the UK, governments have attempted to behave like private sector
owners with a view to a successful eventual sell-off of their stockholdings. This rhetoric is based on analysing banks as generic profit-maximising competitive firms.
This brief analysis has employed a staples approach by focusing on
the nature of the product and its mode of production, on interactions with
the state, on institutional evolution, and on the exercise of power over
rent distribution and over the way in which the sector is predominantly analysed. It is a method of drawing together a range of different types
of analysis. The detail will differ from one national financial sector to
another: the above analysis is indicative rather than universally applicable. But the aim has been to show that the staples approach has much


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

wider application than Canadian and Australian raw material products.

This uniquely Canadian approach has much to offer the discipline of economics as a whole.

A. Dow and S. Dow (2013), Economic History and Economic Theory: The Staples Approach to
Economic Development, Cambridge Journal of Economics, doi: 10.1093/cje/bet021.

The Staple Theory @ 50


The Staple Theory and

Canadas Innovation
David A .Wolfe

Mel Watkins seminal contribution to the staple theory of Canadian economic growth contains many insights into the key factors that have both contributed to and constrained the pattern of Canadas economic development.
While the various contributions to this discussion have focused on various aspects of its contribution, one of the most significant, but unexplored aspects
concerns Canadas technological underdevelopment. A careful reading of Watkins original article, A Staple Theory of Economic Growth (1963), portends
some of the key themes and insights that have been advanced in the past fifty
years to account for the continuing dependence of the Canadian economy on
imported technology, and its relative technological weakness compared to
other leading industrial countries that enjoy a comparable standard of living.
In the refined version of the staples theory laid out by Watkins, a number of implications flow from the specification of the production function
oriented towards staple production. These include the demand for intermediate inputs, the possibility of further processing and the distribution of
income. These factors, in turn, established the range of investment opportunities open in domestic markets and the extent of diversification that is


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

possible around the base of staple exporting industries. Building on Hirschmans work, Watkins argued that the staple economy operates as a form of
multiplier accelerator mechanism which stimulates additional investment
in the domestic economy as a result of three fundamental linkages with the
staple sector: the backward linkage, the forward linkage, and the final demand linkage. The nature of these linkages has been discussed at length in
some of the other contributions and need not detain us here.
The focus of this contribution to the discussion is the impact of these
linkages on innovative capabilities in the domestic economy. Watkins suggests that the key relationship which determines this potential is that between staple production and the supply of complementary inputs in the economy, including entrepreneurship and available technology. While there is
no reference made to Schumpeter in the article, he incorporates a distinctly Schumpeterian perspective by observing that the key factor determining
the degree of entrepreneurship in the economy is the extent to which entrepreneurs can perceive and exploit the emergence of new market opportunities. He also notes that to some extent this entrepreneurial role can be met
by foreign investors in the domestic economy, and that this can make additional technical and marketing skills available to the new economy. However, even at this early stage in his career he points out that the reliance on
external investors raises many doubts as to the adequacy of foreign entrepreneurship. It may flow freely into the export and import trades, but fail
to exploit domestic opportunities. Foreign domination of entrepreneurship
may militate against its general diffusion (Watkins 1963, 57).
An additional challenge can arise from the fact that foreign investors
as entrepreneurs may be biased against investing in domestic activities.
They may prefer to continue expanding their investments in the export industry, or to invest in the import trade. One of the challenges of a staplebased economy is that staple exporters will exhibit a mentality that favors
the continued export of staples resulting in an over-concentration of investment and resources in the export-oriented sector of the economy, thus restricting or inhibiting investment in more domestically oriented sectors or
other export-oriented sectors of the economy. Excessive reliance on staple
exports combined with dependence on foreigners for both investment capital and entrepreneurship may, in turn, produce a domestic economy that
draws excessively on foreign technology, with an inadequate or under-supply of domestic entrepreneurship and technology.
Towards the end of the essay, Watkins vacillates between a certain degree of pessimism about the long-term development potential of a staples-

The Staple Theory @ 50


based economy, and a moderate degree of optimism. He says that Canada

is a small and open economy, a marginal area responding to the exogenous
impact of the international economy. The basic determinants of Canadian
growth are the volume and character of her staple exports and the ability
to borrow, adopt, and marginally supplement foreign technology. These
factors create no assurance, however, of a rate of growth sufficient to maintain full employment even if the expansion of the labor force be limited to
natural increase (1963, 72).
Despite the pessimistic tone, Watkins characteristically concluded on
a more positive note by saying, economic institutions and political values, and inefficient structure of industry combined with an unwillingness
to do anything about it, have in the past prevented Canada from growing
at a satisfactory rate in the absence of a strong lead from primary exports,
but this need not be true for the indefinite future (1963, 73). Although Watkins was cautious about suggesting what would be required to alter Canadas suboptimal trajectory of economic development, the clear implication
was that it would require a significant degree of government policy intervention. However, as Abe Rotstein suggested in his initial contribution to
this collection, many of these challenges continue to plague the country, as
both the majority of Canadian business leaders and successive generations
of government policy-makers have proved reluctant to finance the critical
investments and introduce the supportive policy frameworks (with some
notable, but short-lived exceptions) that would have fostered the growth of
more value-added industries in Canada.
The two decades following the publication of the article witnessed a
host of major policy developments in Canada, including the Auto Pact, the
Watkins Report on foreign ownership (and the subsequent fledgling measures to regulate the inflow of foreign investment), and the deepening integration of Canada into both the continental and global economies, facilitated by successive rounds of multilateral trade agreements, and ultimately
the Free Trade Agreement with the U.S. Yet, hardly any of these measures
addressed the fundamental issue of Canadas innovation challenge. Beginning in the 1970s and growing during the 1980s, a number of economic and policy analysts pointed to this lacuna and elaborated on the critical
link between the predominance of foreign ownership in the Canadian economy and the continuing lack of what the Science Council of Canada labelled
technological sovereignty.
While the connection to Watkins staple theory article was not always explicit, some of the analyses provided an insightful diagnosis of the factors


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

which continued to inhibit the growth of a more economically diversified

and technologically innovative secondary manufacturing sector. Particularly significant was the study by John Britton and James Gilmour entitled The
Weakest Link (1978). The central thesis of the study was that the underperformance of Canadas industrial economy could largely be explained by the
behavior of firms with respect to investments in innovation and technology
development, and in particular by the role of foreign direct investment in the
Canadian economy. They argued that the low level of technological sophistication and the relative lack of innovative behavior were directly attributable
to the choices made by individual firms operating in the Canadian economy.
Britton and Gilmour showed that the unrestricted inflow of foreign direct investment into Canada resulted in a lack of innovative activity among
Canadian subsidiaries of foreign firms who largely depended upon the transfer of mature industrial and product technologies from their parent companies. As a consequence, Canada has been a recipient in the international
technology transfer system, and for the most part domestic firms have been
dependent on this imported technology or imitative of it. The small domestic firms in the Canadian economy have been constrained by their limited
capacities and the lack of support they received from public purchasing or
procurement and investment. An additional consequence of this trend has
been the overreliance of the Canadian economy on the production of manufactured goods that depend on mature product technologies.
They suggested that Canada could potentially improve its innovative performance by investing in scientific research and development, but this, on
its own, would not be sufficient to overcome the technological deficit that
the country was facing. Improving the overall technological level at which
major industries in Canada perform would require much more, given the
limited incentives for innovation and technological development offered by
the marketplace in Canada. This implies the need for government action to
regulate the nature of technology imports and strengthen the bargaining
power of Canadian firms when purchasing technology from abroad.
The concluding chapter to the study suggested that the formulation of
technology policy in Canada required attention to both the demand and the
supply side of what we have subsequently come to call the Canadian innovation system. Canadian policy has traditionally focused on increasing
the supply of research and development as a necessary prerequisite for industrial innovation in products and processes. However, the impact of this
focus was limited to fewer than 500 firms (at the time of writing). More importantly these various policies were never coordinated into a coherent in-

The Staple Theory @ 50


dustrial strategy. They tended to focus on the generation of new knowledge

without considering the full range of linkages required to stimulate demand
for new products or support the linkages between innovation and broader
economic goals. While there was a brief flurry of interest by the federal government in industrial strategies in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it failed
to produce a major policy shift.
Subsequent studies by the Science Council continued to stress the need
for more focused and coherent government policies until its untimely demise in the early 1990s, but this view gained little traction with the mainstream economics profession. One notable exception was Richard Harris
interesting study entitled Trade, Industrial Policy and International Competition for the Macdonald Royal Commission (1985). While Harris was broadly supportive of free trade, the study was somewhat unique in recognizing
that unrestricted free trade, introduced into a small, open trading economy such as Canadas, posed significant innovation challenges for domestic firms, especially smaller, indigenous onesa point that was completely lost on the vast majority of his colleagues in the profession.
Theories that link international trade with technological innovation
argue that shifts in leadership are not randomly distributed across industrial sectors or between countries. Harris argued that much of technological
competition tends to be cumulative and that the nature of that competition
contains a large degree of irreversibility. There are substantial advantages
to being first. Trying to adapt industrial and technology policy on the principle of catching up to the technological leaders may prove difficult. Innovation and technological leadership are dynamic processes. Technological
competition tends to be pre-emptive and produce irreversible results. The
initial advantages that accrue to the technological leader in an area allow
it to retain that lead for a period of time and to undermine the efforts of its
competitors. The benefits of technological leadership allow a firm to recover
its research and development costs, as well as realize a higher than average
return on its investment. In effect, success breeds success, or being successful today raises the probability of success in the future (Harris, 1985:
99). This may greatly reduce the chances for competing later on, which will
open up a significant gap between the technological leaders and technological laggardsresulting in significant differences in national incomes
between the two types of economies and a significant trade surplus or trade
deficit in high technology products.
Harris suggested that there is a bias in small open economies against
Schumpeterian or technology-based industries. The entry barriers associ-


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

ated with technological innovation affect smaller firms to a greater extent

than large ones. And to the degree that smaller economies are characterized by a larger number of smaller indigenous first firms, this places the entire economy at somewhat of a disadvantage with respect to technological
competition, the Schumpeterian industries in small economies suffer from
a relative disadvantage in industrial structure. As a consequence he suggests the social incentive to subsidize Schumpeterian industries is greater in a small open economy than in the large closed economy (1985, 105).
The reason for this is that the relatively smaller size of firms in the smaller
economies leads to a suboptimal industrial structure with respect to competing in Schumpeterian-based industries. However, he also notes that subsidizing small firms to engage in greater levels of R&D spending does not
automatically ensure that the firm will grow to sufficient size in order to
overcome the barriers to entry in world markets. He concludes that market
failure in the industrial R&D process within Schumpeterian industries disadvantages firms in a small open economy, resulting in the need to design
technology policy with this fact in mind.
The analysis prepared by Britton and Gilmour for the Science Council in the 1970s (among many others that made the same point), as well as
Harris much neglected study for the Macdonald Royal Commission in the
1980s, underlined the fact that the inherent structure of the Canadian economyits staple export orientation, excessive reliance on foreign ownership and imported technology, and the relative small size of technologybased firmscombined to put Canada at a competitive disadvantage with
respect to other leading industrial countries. The logical corollary of these
facts, presaged by Watkins staple theory of growth in 1963, and reinforced
by every major study of Canadian science and technology policy since then,
is the overwhelming need for a focused, coherent and strategic approach
to stimulating innovation and technology-based development in the Canadian economy.
Growing recognition of this fact during the 1980s and the 1990s led to
a host of new policy developments at both the federal and provincial level.
As these policies were introduced, the research base of Canadas innovation
system expanded considerably, as did the policy supports for firm-based innovation (primarily through the tax system) and the sources of innovation
financing available to start-up firms. The increased support for research, development and innovation led both directly and indirectly to a significant
expansion of the supply side of the innovation system, primarily in terms
of publicly funded R&D, as well as to a growing number of innovative start-

The Staple Theory @ 50


ups in information technology, biotechnology, clean tech and a number of

other leading edge sectors of the Canadian economy. Despite this relative
improvement in Canadas technological performance over the past two decades, we still lag considerably behind Europe, the United States and East
Asia largely because the underlying constraints analyzed in Watkins article continue to exert a predominant influence over the trajectory of Canadas economic development.
The continuing challenge of Canadas technological development has
been reviewed recently in a series of studies by the Council of Canadian Academies, which are nicely summarized in an overview report entitled Paradox
Lost (2013). The report highlights the considerable research strengths that
Canada displays on the supply side of the innovation system, which is consistent with a number of other studies and reports over the past decade, and
not entirely surprising in light of the considerable public resources that have
been poured into supporting the research system over the past three decades. However, the paradox referred to in the title is the continuing weakness of Canadas business innovation performance, which the Council attributes to the relative weakness (and declining share) of the manufacturing
sector in the national economy, particularly since the end of the tech boom
in the early 2000s; the lack of specialization of Canada in high technology,
R&D-intensive industries, compared to other industrial economies, particularly the U.S.; and the lack of emphasis by Canadian firms on innovationfocused business strategies, which the Council attributes primarily to Canadas continuing reliance on imported technology from the U.S. (made easier
by its integration into a continental North American economy, the relatively
smaller size of the domestic market in Canada and the commercial success
achieved by Canadian business in its chosen nichenamely, staple-based
exports). Both the overall analysis by the Council and its concluding comment strongly echo the line of thinking discussed thus far: With little motivation to change a successful formula, many firms have settled into a lowinnovation equilibrium that has conditioned Canadian business habits and
ambitions. Canadian business behaviour cannot be expected to change unless the conditions that have sustained its profitable, low-innovation equilibrium change first (Council of Canadian Academies 2013, 7).
The authors of the report then go on to argue that these conditions are
rapidly changing, due to the continued growth of industrializing countries in the global economy, the increasing environmental constraints on
resource-based development, and the accelerating pace of innovation in
a wide range of fields from information and communications technology


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

to genomics and nanotechnology. The fundamental challenge confronting

the Canadian economy remains essentially the same as that identified by
Watkins 50 years ago: the need to establish a strategic policy framework
in Canada to shift the focus of Canadian firms out of their low-innovation
equilibrium in the staple-exporting sectors of the economy, moving into sectors that concentrate on providing an expanding number of markets with
a broader range of innovation-intensive products and services. The unanswered question remains: what will it take for policy makers across the political spectrum and at all levels of government to recognize the compelling
need for this shift in strategy. Given the central role that he has played in
pulling together this retrospective on the lasting significance of Mel Watkins contribution to staples theory, it is only fitting to give the last word on
this subject to Jim Stanford himself,
To meaningfully address and reverse the continuing failure of Canadian
innovation and productivity we therefore need to adopt a more open-minded approach to economic policy We should view effective public interventions and leadership as a key asset in nurturing investment and growth in
the most desirable industries of the futurerather than as a barrier or inhibitor to private sector innovation and accumulation. This will require a
longer-term, deliberate effort to rebuild the capacities of federal and provincial agencies in this regard. (2011, 30)

Britton, John N.H., and James M. Gilmour. 1978. The Weakest Link: A Technological Perspective
on Canadian Industrial Underdevelopment. Science Council of Canada, Background Study No.
43. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada.
Council of Canadian Academies. 2013. Paradox Lost: Explaining Canadas Research Strength and
Innovation Weakness. Ottawa: Advisory Group, Council of Canadian Academies.
Harris, Richard G. 1985. Trade, Industrial Policy and International Competition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Stanford, Jim. 2011. Canadas Productivity and Innovation Failures: Questioning the Conventional Wisdom. In The Canada We Want in 2020. Ottawa: Canada 2020.
Watkins, M. H. 1963. A Staple Theory of Economic Growth. Canadian Journal of Economics and
Political Science 296(2, May): 14158.

The Staple Theory @ 50


Bitumen as a Staple
Mel Watkins

Birds foretell our fate

The canary in the mine
Chickens come home to roost
The owl flies into the gathering dusk
Ducks trapped in the tailing ponds
Feathered and tarred
Flight cancelled

I am deeply grateful to my friend and fellow progressive economist Jim

(Jimbo) Stanford for initiating this project on staple theory. As the constant
face of progressive economics in this country, Im hard put to imagine how
he found the time to do so. I am indebted as well to the numerous commentators he has persuaded to participate, and to those who volunteered.
I thought I still knew a good deal about this topic, but I have learned much.
This has been for me a happy and humbling experience. To have my
name and that of Harold Innis in the same sentence is for me always a joy
and a compliment, something I could never have imagined when I attended
his lectures more than sixty years ago. And, as I once heard the great Paul
Samuelson say, the respect of ones peers is a very special applause.

The Staple Theory @ 50


It feels good to have written something with a shelf life of half a century. It feels not so good that fifty years on the resource-based structure of
the Canadian economy, and politywith their dependence on global forces
largely beyond our control and with their increasing capacity for environmental degradationhas actually deepened.
Born as an offshoot of Europe that, like other New World colonies, could
not survive without a staple to export to the metropolis, Canada has actually
managed (that is, been mismanaged) to regress to its origins. Sadly, bitumen
is the worst of staples, matched only by asbestos; while it had little overall significance for Canadian economic growth, the governments of Canada
and Quebec, while ultimately banning its use at home, wouldnt ban its exportto poor countries, with weak worker protectioneven until the last
mine in Quebec closed. There is evidently a serious problem of addiction
to resource exports with slight regard of the consequences for the world.
Bitumen is what economic historians have come to call a superstaple,
with an impact bordering on the monocultural. For the New World, the dark
side of cotton and sugar was slavery, with horrifying global consequences.
For bitumen it is extreme climate change and its catastrophic consequences
for the wellness of the world and of all of its species. Slavery was abolished
in the face of protest (only in the U.S. was war required). The same must be
done to the mining of bitumen. (The ingenious comparison of human slavery and present servitude to oil is developed in Andrew Nikiforuks excellent book, The Energy of Slaves: Oil and the New Servitude.)
Oil has a track recordit is, of course, not just a staple export for Canada, and bitumen is not our first export of oiland it is not a happy one.
Compared with almost any other staple anywherefor example, wheat in
western Canada or fish in the Atlantic provincesstudies show oil comes
out second-best even before climate change is factored in. The best of the
linkages is fiscal linkage: royalties and taxes which can then be used to seed
diversified, greener, development. But Canadian governments are too deferential to the oil companies, with their enormous power, too lacking in imagination, to do that. The weakness of linkages in general from oil almost
guarantees Dutch disease and worse. (As I write, the business press, which
has been replete with deniers of Dutch disease, is gleefully reporting that
the falling Canadian dollar is helping those Canadian exports which, only
yesterday, were not being hurt.)
Recent research on resource development for export in poorer countries,
as in Africa, shows considerable scope for active state policies of pursuing
linkages along lines advocated by the late Albert Hirschman. This suggests


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

there could be significant room for aboriginal communities in Canada to

promote economic development via fiscal linkage and that our historic denial of governance rights to aboriginal people is not only immoral but inefficient. (Indeed, there is already evidence of aboriginal people benefiting
from resource development; see Susanne Mills and Brendan Sweeney, Employment Relations in the Neostaples Resource Economy: Impact Benefit
Agreements and Aboriginal Governance in Canadas Nickel Mining Industry, Studies in Political Economy 91 Spring 2013.) And there is the very real
possibility that at least some aboriginal communities with a strong commitment to land and nature will say No to the oil industry when given the
chance, and by serving themselves will also serve the world.
Staple theory finds its origins in Canadian economic history, particularly
as written by Harold Innis and W.A. Mackintosh. Innis was self-consciously
attempting to develop economic theory more relevant to Canada than that
imported from imperial centres. Is that a useful exercise?
Consider the question: is free trade good for Canada in terms of economic
growth and jobs? The conventional wisdom of neo-classical economics asserts unambiguous benefits and this becomes propaganda in the hands of
corporations and governments. Yet benefits are, in fact, surprisingly hard to
find. True, trade increases, both exports and imports, but that kind of mercantilist thinking in itself proves nothing about benefits even within neoclassical theory. The promise consistently made is that productivity will be
given a kick start in Canadaa kind of shock effectbut after free trade has
happened we find Canadian governments and business continuing to complain that we are laggards in productivity and that universities must do this
and unions must do that and NGOs must shut up. Business elites engage in
a litany that blames everyone but themselves. The bias of benefits toward
the resource sector from free trade helps us to understand why Albertans,
in Alberta and in Ottawa, are amongst the strongest supporters of free trade.
We should likewise noteit is critical to our story of the coming of free
tradethat Innis was never a narrow economist, that he understood the
necessity to pay attention to power and its distribution. His writings are relevant not only to economics but also to history, politics, sociology. He was,
in short, a political economist. So it is that staple theory became central to
the creation of the New Canadian Political Economy in the past fifty years,
which sees the Canadian capitalist class, which manages our relationship
with the global economy, as having a staples fraction with the muscle to
maintain the status quo of resource dependency while masking that behind
the rhetoric of the inherent goodness of the market.

The Staple Theory @ 50


What would staple theory predict about the effects of free trade? It implies that the famous law of comparative advantage so loved by orthodox
theory is very likely to enhance Canadas advantage in existing exports of
resources by improving access to external marketsthe obverse of this being that foreign buyers have improved guarantees of access to Canadian resources, hence, it so happens, virtually ruling out any national energy program for Canadarather than in manufactured goods where Canadian firms
may be too inefficient to export while losing out to imports. In short, the
Canadian economy simply becomes more entrenched as a staples economy.
Indeed, this is a pretty good description of what free trade has done so
far for Canada. It has exacerbated the staples trap as the Canadian variety of
path dependency. It has entrenched a mind set among Canadian elites that
protects them from seeing that they are a big part of the problem.
Innis not only gave us the base for staple theory. He also pioneered the
development of communication studies by examining the impact of media
on human consciousness in terms of space and time. Aware of the long history of empires, he saw media as their staple. Writing in the middle of the
last century, he feared that the spatial had totally trumped the temporal,
that our reach exceeded our graspour understanding, our wisdomthat
we had become dangerously present-minded, prepared to blow up the world
in order to kill communism. He thought that the flourishing of culture, the
good life of communities, depended on a better balance between the spatial and the temporal, less attention to spatial dominance and more to respect for the past and the future. Since Innis wrote, we seem mostly to have
experienced more imbalance.
Meanwhile, oil as a staple has intensified the obsession with space to
the neglect of time. Trade spreads globally and, in corporate talk, gives
us the grand new age of globalization the better to give a good face to the
mad corporate drive to intrude everywhere. Power lies with the corporation
which, in the oil business, tends to have considerable longevity. It exercises remarkable foresight in planning its own bottom line while blithely ignoring the long-term public interestthough the very recent decision of a
number of large American corporations, including Exxon/Mobil, to build a
carbon tax imposed by government into its planning of future costs is good
news. Still, Big Oil counts its known reserves as an asset on its balance sheet,
and keeps trying to find more, though if they are in fact fully used up global
warming could pass all tolerable levels. The reality is a spreading ecological footprint, unambiguously adding to carbon emissions and thereby to catastrophic climate change. The market, the holy grail of orthodoxy, destabil-


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

izes naturedrilling on the bottom of oceans, frackingand when the

known externality of global warming causes ice to melt to then, in a spiralling positive feedback, step up drilling in the Arctic with more global warming. For the Harper government, the possibility that it might be compelled
to do something about climate change in the future becomes the occasion
to press for more rapid exploitation, to sell off our oil before that happens.
We are in the world of the absurd, the insane.
Mr. Harper, as he likes to boast, does not take No for an answer from
anyone. As long as he can hold his support in the prairie provincesmanaging even to persuade the NDP premier of Manitoba to resign in order, as
his Canadian ambassador to the U.S., to shill for the Keystone pipeline to
carry bitumen to U.S. refineriesand add the ring around Toronto where
suburbanites want cheap gas for commuting (and gave us Harper-supporter Rob Ford as mayor), he can head up the Canadian petrostate.
Resource extraction rapidly draws down resources created over billions
of years with wanton disregard of the long-term consequences. To follow the
wisdom of Innis is to see the terrible folly of what Canada is presently doing.
In the New Yorker (Dec. 23 & 30, 2013), Elizabeth Kolbert reports the views
of the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen on atmospheric change
from greenhouse gas emissions: Just a few more decades of emissions may
bring atmospheric carbon dioxide to a level not seen since the mid-Miocene,
fifteen million years ago. A few decades after that, it could easily reach a
level not seen since the Eocene, some fifty million years ago. On what this
incredible finding means for the future, Kolbert quotes Crutzen as having
written that global climate is likely to depart significantly from natural behaviour for many millennia to come (italics added). We barely know what
we have donemuch less what can be done about it.
Which is not to say that there is not a study waiting to be done on Staples
and Protestwith a final chapter on how pipelines were stopped. Wheat was
in most respects a good staple for Canada, though certainly not for aboriginal
people who were starved off their homeland and otherwise pushed around to
permit settlement. The grain farmers of Saskatchewan gave us the CCF (now
the NDP), and Tommy Douglas, and medicare. The new staplespotash, uranium, oil and gashave facilitated the replacement of social democracy by
neo-conservatism, though note must be taken of the blocking by the Harper
government, no less, at the insistence of the government of Saskatchewan, of
the foreign takeover of Potash Corporation. Above all, we must praise those
who protest pipelines, and particularly those, notably aboriginal peoples,
who are prepared to stop them by non-violent means. (Read Joel Hardens

The Staple Theory @ 50


just-published Quiet No More: New Political Activism in Canada and around

the Globe, and be impressed by how much is already happening.)
It would, of course, help if President Obama would say No to the Keystone XL pipeline, but is it not the most revealing part of the story of staples in Canada that the decision is his, not ours, and we have let that happen? Mr. Harper has led us into a corner of his making and tightened the
grip of the staple trap.
Should Obama say Yes, which is still distinctly possible, that will not
cause Big Oil and the federal government and various provincial governments to cease pushing for pipelines to transport bitumen west to the Pacific and East to the Atlantic and on to China or elsewhere, though their doing
so will deal with neither the staple trap nor the carbon trap.
My 1963 article has perhaps encouraged some readers to think too much
about linkages and how to enhance them, to focus on incremental change
when it is transformative change that is necessary. (The economic historian Tom Easterbrook, one of my teachers and, later, one of my colleagues,
liked to distinguish between growth and development, between a pattern of persistence (aka staple trap) and a pattern of transformation.)
Fifty years on I have grandchildren, and know that the world must move
ASAP from dependence on fossil fuels to reliance on green technologies.
This will involve a wrenching change for Canada because bitumen is now
the superstaple driving our economy and our polity. With our location and
our abundance of resourcesboth being matters simply of luckit is possible that we will, relative to most of the world, not do as badly from global
warming, and be tempted to pretend all is well. To do so would be, morally, ethically, a crime against humanity. In the nature of things, it is those
with the greatest capacity to do terrible damage who have the greatest obligation to cease and desist.
In the attempt, following Innis, to find some balance between the spatial and the temporal, we may find solace in the possibility put forth independently by the American environmentalist and activist Bill McKibbin,
the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor, and the American writer and activist Rebecca Solnit.
To be concerned, as McKibbin is, about our very survival on this planet that we have made increasingly catastrophe-prone, is to be conscious of
the need for deep economics (the title of one of his books), of the understanding that the economy is both embedded in society and deeply embedded in the ecology, cognizant of the billions of years behind us and ahead
of us, and of our obligation to be respectful of nature so as to permit of


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

life. Thereby the banality and barbarism of the spatial, so evident in todays corporate discourse and practice of globalization, might be tempered by Inniss plea for time, that has come to mean literally more of it
for us on this planet.
Taylor, in his deep reflections on our secular age (in his book The Secular
Age), foresees in the fullness of our reason and our being certain ecological ethics of our day, particularly deep ecology. Out of this foresight comes
communitasa drawing together as a community which, in its fundamental egalitarianism includes everyone. This underlying community, this
deep solidarity, breaks out in moments of exceptional dangerdanger of
the kind that extreme climate change is already creating. In fact, communal rallying in the face of catastrophes past and present is what Solnit finds,
and documents, in her A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster.
These may not be the best of times, and they may well get worse, but
there is room for hope if we will but face up to our situation. In Canada, that
means escaping both the staple trap and the carbon trap by weaning ourselves from the export of bitumen.
And, finally, should you be in Los Angeles for any reason, do visit the La
Brea Tar Pits in the city itself. Tar a.k.a. bitumen has been seeping upwards
for thousands of years, during which animals have been trapped and their
bones preserved, with specimens now on display in a museum next to the
pits. School children visit and its a major tourist attraction. Count that as
a linkage of bitumenand, I suppose, should tourists be trapped, the skeletons can be displayed in some distant time as remnants of a civilization
foolishly built round the worship of bitumen.

The Staple Theory @ 50


List of Contributors
Duncan Cameron is President of where he writes weekly, a member of the Centre for Global Political Economy at SFU, and a former President
of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives where he remains a Research
Dan Ciuriak is the director and principal of Ciuriak Consulting, and former deputy chief economist at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Marjorie Griffin Cohen is Professor of Political Science and Gender, Sexuality and Womens Studies at Simon Fraser University, and former Chair of
the B.C. office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Alistair Dow is Adjunct Professor at University of Victoria and past professor of the Scottish Economy at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Sheila Dow is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Stirling,
and Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria..
Daniel Drache is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at York University,
and former Director of the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies. He edited
the centenary edition of Selected Essays of Harold A. Innis, Staples, Markets
and Cultural Change, McGill-Queens University Press, 1995.
Alberta Daniel Gago teaches political economy at the National Universities of San Juan and Cuyo-Argentina, and has written extensively about the
challenges of development and diversification in Argentina.
Hugh Grant is Professor of Economics at the University of Winnipeg, and
co-editor (with David Wolfe) of Staples and Beyond: Selected Writings of Mel
Watkins (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2006).
Thomas Gunton is Director of the Resource and Environmental planning
Program at Simon Fraser University.


Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Brendan Haley is a Ph.D. candidate at Carleton University, and author of

several recent works on green industrial policy.
Gerry Helleiner is is Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics at the
University of Toronto and Distinguished Research Fellow at the Munk School
of Global Affairs.
Gordon Laxer is a political economist and the founding director and former head of the Parkland Institute at the University of Alberta.
Marc Lee is Senior Economist with the B.C. office of the Canadian Centre
for Policy Alternatives, and Co-Director of the Climate Justice Project (CJP),
a research partnership with the University of British Columbia, funded by
the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Eric Pineault is professor of sociology at the Universit du Qubec Montral
and director of research at the Canada Research Chair on Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy. He is also a member of the Collectif danalyse de
la financiarisation du capitalisme avanc (CAFCA).
Daniel Poon is an economic affairs officer with the UN Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), previously worked as a researcher with the
North-South Institute (NSI), and was a Fellow with the Walter & Duncan
Gordon Foundation.
Abe Rotstein is Emeritus Professor in Economics at the University of Toronto, and was a founder of the Committee for an Independent Canada.
Jim Stanford is economist with Unifor, Canadas largest union in the private sector.
Mel Watkins is a legendary political-economist who has made multiple
contributions to progressive thought and activism in Canada. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, and (among scores of other published works) was the author of A Staple Theory of Economic Growth, Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science (1963)the article which
forms the focus of this collection.
David Wolfe is Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto
and Co-Director of the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of Global
Affairs. He co-edited (with Hugh Grant) Staples and Beyond: Selected Writings of Mel Watkins (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2006).

The Staple Theory @ 50


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