VMODFlex ConceptualModeling Tutorial PDF
VMODFlex ConceptualModeling Tutorial PDF
VMODFlex ConceptualModeling Tutorial PDF
See Also:
Several sample projects are available for download from our website, that illustrate both the
conceptual and numerical modeling workflows
Conceptual Modeling
The following example is a quick walk through of the basics of building a conceptual model
and converting this to a numerical model.
Learn how to create a project and import your raw data
Become familiar with navigating the GUI and steps for conceptual modeling
Learn how to define a 3D geological model and flow properties
Define boundary conditions using your GIS data
Define a MODFLOW grid, then populate this grid with data from the conceptual model
View the resulting properties and boundary conditions
Translate the model inputs into MODFLOW packages and run the MODFLOW engines
Understand the results by interpreting heads and drawdown in several views
Check the quality of the model by comparing observed heads to calculated heads
Required Files
Several files are required for this exercise, which should be included with the VMOD Flex
installation. These files are available in your "My Documents" folder,
VMODFlex\Tutorials\ConceptualModel. If you cannot find these files, please download them
from our website:
Creating the Project
Launch VMOD Flex
Select File? New? Project. The Create Project dialog will appear.
Type in project Name Exercise.
2 0 1 2 by Schlum berg er W a ter Services.
Click Browse button, and navigate to a folder where you wish your projects to be saved,
and click OK
Define your coordinate system and datum (or leave the non-cartesian as defaults)
Define the Units frame. For this project, the default units will be fine.
The Create Project dialog should now look like this:
Select Conceptual Modeling and the Conceptual Modeling workflow will load.
In this step, you define the objectives of your model and the default parameters.
At this step, you can import data, create new data objects (by digitizing) or create
surfaces (from points data objects)
Click the Import Data button and the following screen will load:
You can view these data objects in 2D or 3D; simply create a new viewer
Click on Window/New 3D Window from the main menu; an empty 3D Viewer will
Click on the check box beside each of the data objects you imported, and they will
appear in the 3D Viewer
(Next Step) to proceed, where you will arrive at the Define Conceptual Model
Note: The model area cannot be defined using a complex polygon, or one that contains
multiple polygons. A complex polygon is a polygon that intersects with itself.
Define Structure
Defining the geological model consists of providing geological surfaces as inputs for
horizons; then, three-dimensional solids are created between these horizons.
To create new horizons, follow the steps below.
From the Horizons Settings dialog (shown below), click the
add a new horizon row to the Horizon Information table.
Repeat this two more times so there are 3 new rows on the Horizons table.
From the Data Explorer, select the ground surface data object that will be used to
generate the horizon
Click the
button in Row1 of the Horizons grid, to insert it into the Horizon
Information table. See the example below.
For this example, the default horizon type will be adequate. For information on each
horizon type, please refer to "Horizon Types 211 ".
Repeat the steps above to add additional horizons:
From the Data Explorer, select the layer2-top surface data object, click the
button in Row2 of the Horizons grid, to insert it into the grid.
From the Data Explorer, select the layer2-bottom surface data object, click the
button in the Row3 of Horizons grid, to insert it into the grid.
NOTE: Horizons must be added from the topmost geological layers and working downwards.
You can preview the horizons in the adjacent 3D Viewer, by clicking the [Preview]
Once finished, you should see a display similar to the one shown below.
Select Zone1 structural zone from the conceptual model tree (under the Structure/Zones
node as shown below)
Click the
button to insert the zone in the Structural Zones field, as shown below.
Select the Group of parameters that will be defined, e.g., Conductivity, Storage or Initial
heads. The data input grid below will display the appropriate parameters based on which
parameter group is selected. For example, if conductivity is selected, the data input grid will
show the parameters Kx, Ky, and Kz. The data input grid will already be populated with the
default values specified in the Project Settings (File > Project Settings... ).
Type the desired values for the property zone. (Kx = 4E-6, Ky = 4E-6, Kz = 4E-7)
Click on the [Save] button located on the right side of the window.
Repeat these steps for the other property zone:
Click on the [Use Structural Zone] button
Select Zone2 from the model tree
Click on
button to insert the zone in the Structural Zones field, as shown below.
Type the desired values for property zone2: (Kx = 7E-5, Ky = 7E-5, Kz = 7E-6)
Click on the [Save] button located on the right side of the window.
Property zones can also be defined using polygon shapes; the values can also be
defined from shapefile attributes or 2D Surface (distributed values). For more details,
please see Defining Property Zones 215
2 0 1 2 by Schlum berg er W a ter Services.
In this screen, you can choose to proceed to Defining Boundary Conditions or proceed
to Defining a grid or mesh.
Click the [Define Boundary Conditions] button to proceed.
In this window, you can choose the type of Boundary Conditions: Standard MODFLOW
Boundary Conditions (CHD, DRN, RCH, etc.), Pumping Wells, or Surface Water
Network (currently under construction).
Click on the "Define Boundary Conditions" button:
The Define Boundary Condition dialog box will appear on your screen as explained in the
following section.
Define Boundary Conditions
At this step, you can define flow boundaries for the model.
From the Select Boundary Condition Type combo box, select the desired boundary
condition type.
Constant Head
Type name: Constant Head East
From the Data Explorer, select the chd-east polyline that represents this constant head.
Click the
button in the Define Boundary Condition dialog, to add this polyline to the
The next dialog allows us to define the constant head value. VMOD Flex provides various
options for defining boundary condition attributes. Attributes can be assigned from those
stored in Surface, Time Schedule, Shapefile and 3D Gridded data objects. You can also set
attributes as Static (no change over time) or Transient (changes over time).
For this tutorial, you will assign a static constant head value.
In the empty field located below the Starting Head field
type: 347 for the Starting Head and Ending Head
[Finish] button
Repeat these steps to define the other constant head boundary condition:
Click on "Define Boundary Conditions" in the tree
Select the "Define Boundary Condition button".
Choose Constant Head, select the chd-west polyline, and define a value of 325 for both
the Starting Head and Ending Head
Click Finish
The following display will appear. Before you proceed, you will define one more boundary
condition, a River.
2 0 1 2 by Schlum berg er W a ter Services.
Click on "Define Boundary Conditions" in the tree, and select the "Define Boundary
Condition button".
Choose River for the boundary condition type
From the Data Explorer, select the "river" polyline
Click the
button in the Define Boundary Condition dialog, to add this polyline to the
A warning may appear about clipping the polyline; click OK to continue
Click the [Next] button.
Define the following attributes for the river: Stage: 335, Bottom: 333, Riverbed
Thickness: 1, Width: 10, Riverbed conductivity: 0.01 (m/s)
Click Finish. The River conceptual boundary condition will be added to the model tree.
The following display will appear.
Next you can define a Finite Difference Grid or a Finite Element Mesh
Click the [Define Finite Difference Grid] button and define the inputs as explained in the
following section.
Define Grid
Enter a unique Name for the numerical grid. This name will appear in the Conceptual
Model tree once the grid is created.
Enter the grid size, and optionally, the grid rotation. The grid can be rotated counterclockwise about the grid origin by entering a value between 0 and 360 in the Rotation
text field.
The Xmin and Ymin values refer to the X-Y coordinates of the bottom-left corner of the
numerical grid. The Xmax and Ymax values refer to the X-Y coordinates of the top-right
corner of the numerical grid.
The Columns and Rows fields allow you to define the Grid Size.
Type: 100 for both the # rows and columns
Click the [Next] button to proceed to define the vertical discretization.
In the "Define Vertical Grid" screen, specify the type of vertical discretization; for this
exercise, the default Deformed grill be used. More details on the grid types can be
found in the Defining Grids/Meshes 251 section.
Leave the defaults as is; click the [Finish] button. The Grid will then appear as shown in
the following screen.
After clicking on the conversion button, a new window will appear which includes the
steps for the numerical model. In the first window, you will see the progress of the
conceptual to numerical conversion. This conversion could take several minutes,
depending on the size and type of grid you used, and the complexity of the conceptual
model inputs.
View/Edit Properties
At this step, you can view/edit the flow properties for the model.
Under Views, select the various views you want to see in the Flex viewer; VMOD Flex
allows you to simultaneously show a layer, row, column and 3D Views. Place a
checkbox beside the desired view and it will appear on screen.
Adjust a specific layer, row, or column using the up/down arrows. Alternatively, click on
button then click on any specific row, column, or layer in any of the 2D views,
and the selected row, column, or layer will be set automatically.
Now you will define a default initial heads value.
Choose "Initial Heads" from the combo box under the Toolbox as shown below
Click [Database] button located below the Initial Heads combo box.
Type: 350 for each of the zone values; this will apply an initial head value of 350 for the
entire model domain.
Click OK when you are finished.
Use the same tools as described in the previous step to manipulate the views.
The display tools will allow you to switch from discrete cells rendering to color shading/
Render as cells
Show color shading
Show/hide contour lines
Show/hide grid lines
In the Toolbox, you can select a different parameter group (for example Initial Heads), and
see the corresponding zonation in the Flex Viewers.
From the toolbox, select the Desired Boundary condition group (Constant Head, Rivers,
Then select Edit (Single) or Edit (Group).
Click on a cell that belongs to this group; a dialog will appear where you can see the
parameters for a single cell or group of cells.
(Next Step) to proceed. You will arrive at the Flow Boundaries step
Click the Select Run Type button to proceed (Mouse over this and you will see the
blue "Next" arrow appear on top; just left click once to select this option. (Alternatively,
(Next step) button will take you to this step, as it is pre-define as the default
(Next step)
You will arrive at the Select Engines step. Here you can choose what engines you want
(what version of MODFLOW: 2000, 2005, etc..), and if you want to include MODPATH and
ZoneBudget in the run
MODFLOW-2005 should be selected by default.
Translate Packages
You will arrive at the Translation Step.
At this step, you choose if the model is steady-state or transient, choose the solver you
2 0 1 2 by Schlum berg er W a ter Services.
want to use, and define any other MODFLOW package/run settings, such as cell-rewetting,
etc. Note in the General Settings, there is a default location where the MODFLOW and
other files will be generated; this can be modified if you wish.
Click the
button (circled above) to proceed; this will read the input from the
numerical model and translate this into the various input files needed by MODFLOW and
the other engines. The files will be created in the directory defined in the previous step.
Click the
(Next step) button to proceed. You will arrive at the Run Engines Step.
Run Engines
Click the
button on the main workflow toolbar to start running the engines.
You will see the Engine progress in the scrolling window.
Note that after a successful run, the Heads and Pathlines items will be added the tree in the
model explorer.
Once finished, Click the
View Results
You can then choose to view results in the form of Maps (Contours and Color shading) or
You will then see color shading of the calculated heads, in layer view.
You can display heads along a row, and along a column, and in 3D, using the same tools
as you used earlier. (refer to View/Edit Properties 40 section)
If your model is transient, use the time controls above the Flex Viewer to change the output
time; as you do this, all active viewers (layer, row, column, 3D), will refresh to show the
heads for the new output time.
The next section will discuss how you can generate a new grid with a different size and
resolution, and generate a numerical model using this grid.
Evaluating Different Grids
Often the initial grid size you defined is not adequate to provide the solution and stability you
require from your model. In this section, we will explain how you can generate multiple grids
from the conceptual model and run the corresponding numerical models.
Below the windows, near the bottom of your display, you will see a list of active windows.
Click on the Conceptual Model button to make this the active window, and it should now
appear on your display.
Click on "Select Grid Type" from the workflow tree.
Click [Define Finite Difference Grid] button and the Define Grid window will appear.
Define a new grid with the desired grid size and rotation.
Click [Next]
Specify the desired vertical discretization; you may wish to use a different vertical grid type,
or refine any of the vertical layers.
Click [Finish] when you are done.
The new grid should now appear, and you will also see the grid appear as a new node in
the model tree.
Click the
Now you are ready to populate the numerical grid/mesh with the conceptual elements. The
"Convert to Numerical Model" display should appear similar as below. Now, in the "Select
Grid" combo box, you will see there are 2 grids; by default, the grid you created should be
Click on the "Convert to Numerical Model" button to proceed.
After clicking on the conversion button, a new workflow window will appear which
includes the steps for the numerical model for this new grid. In the first window, you will
see the progress of the conceptual to numerical conversion. This conversion could
take several minutes, depending on the size and type of grid you used, and the
complexity of the conceptual model inputs.
Note that the new window is titled with the name of the new grid you provided.
This new window will appear in the active list at the bottom of the main parent window.
In addition, this new model run will appear in the model tree. The model run has a grid and
corresponding inputs; this can also be seen in the figure above.
When the conversion is complete, click
(Next Step) to proceed to the Properties step.
Now, as explained previously, you can review the properties and boundary conditions, and
translate and run this model.
Once the heads are generated, you can compare this to the results from previous grids.