Hazrat Muhammad S A W Ideal Teacher

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Hazrat Muhammad S A W ideal Teacher:

There are many personalities in the world, which inspires different people. The most
respectful and sacred personality is Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W). He (S.A.W) was born in
the valley of Makkah. He (S.A.W) was born on April26, 570 AD. According to Muslims
calendar date it was 12th Rabi-ul-Awal. He (S.A.W) preaches the religion Islam. Islam is the
religion of Great Allah. All the messengers came with this religion. All messengers teach the
people the knowledge of Islam. Mohammed (S.A.W) teaches Islam in effective and efficient
manner, and this mode of teaching cannot be adopted by other Muslims.
Mohammed (S.A.W) led a simple life, which is the best example for all the people of world.
He (S.A.W) wears the clean clothes. These clothes were usually not in a good condition,
which depicts the simplicity of our beloved prophet (S.A.W). He (S.A.W) was the leader of
Muslims and has all the power but he (S.A.W) did not avail any benefit from these powers.
Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) possesses tolerance. At the time of conquest of Makkah, he
(S.A.W) forgave all his enemies. He (S.A.W) built up the Islamic Government in Madina.
Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) possesses good manner and affection for all. He (S.A.W)
emphasized on Independence of slaves. In his Last Hajj, he (S.A.W) addresses the Muslims
that no white is superior to black, but can be, depending on deeds.
He (S.A.W) used to worship Allah in the cave of Hira. He (S.A.W) received first revelation
of Holy Quran in the cave of Hira. That was about the importance of Knowledge, which is
given below:
Recite in the name of your lord who created. He created the human beings from cloth.
Recite and your lord is the most honorable, who taught (to write) with the pen, taught
the human being what he knew not. (sura Alaq 1-5)
Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to say, He who goes forth in search of knowledge is in the way
of Allah till he returns. He (S.A.W) also said, The seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon
every Muslim.
By getting education, Muslim scientists made great progress in Chemistry, Medicine, Science
and philosophy. They were the pioneers of education. In the reign of Abbasids, Muslims
were recognized not by war but because of Education. This period is known as golden period
of Muslims.
Before the arrival of Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W), Arabs were cruel and uncivilized people.
But after his advent, they became civilized nation and role model for other Muslims. He was
very Kind, humble and loving. He prayed for the people of Taif, who threw stones at HIM.
He helped the old lady in her illness who threw garbage over HIM.
Islam is not a religion of war and fight rather it is a religion of love, truth, affection and all
good morals of life. It abstain us from sins and bad habits and lead us to good deeds and
happy life. Islam saves our life in both of the worlds. We should follow the golden principles
of Islam and Hadith of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) only, then we shall succeed.

This shows that the Allah Almighty taught Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) the two steps for
education. The first step is reading and the second is writting. But what to read is the
question. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said, Learn the Holy Quran and
teach it to the people. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) stressed upon the right
kind of education.He (PBUH) made education a religious obligation. It was made compulsory
for every man and woman to learn from cradle to grave. He imposed acondition on the
prisoners of the battle of Badr to teach the Muslims. He (PBUH) taught how to teach
effectively. To attract the attention of the listeners, he (PBUH) himself addressed the people
as, O,ye people and asked a question which made the people attentive. similarly on another
occasion he (PBUH) asked the followers the questions, Oh, Ansar, didn`t find you away
from the right path and then Allah blessed you through me? They replied, Verily, the
Prophet of Allah is the custodain of truth. Then he (SAW) concluded with a question.
Another technique that he (SAWW) employed was the use of gesture explaining how Allah
held heaven and earth in His grip. The Holy Prophet (SAWW) closed his fist and then opened
it while his whole body swayed from one side to the other and the pulpit shook under him. In
fact, it was when the Holy Prophet (SAWW) wanted to demonstrate the dreadful sight of the
doomsday. In his address of Hajja-tul-Wida the followers noticed how by degrees his speech
gradually rose to climax. The pauses, rise and fall of his forceful voice, made his speech
effective. He demonstrated the concept of closeness by lifting his middle finger and showing
its closeness to the index finger. He (SAWW) remained relevant and brief in his speech to
save the listeners from any inconvenience. He (SAWW) had literary taste and had perfect
command on the language. His talk with people was persuasive. He was a great educationist
and got the followers realized.
That he (PBUH) employed was the use of gesture to explain how Allah held heaven and earth
in His grip. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) closed his fist and then opened it
while his whole body swayed from one side to the other and the pulpit shook under him. In
fact, it was when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) wanted to demonstrate the dreadful sight of the
In hid address of Hajja-tul-wida the followers noticed how by degrees his speech gradully
rose to climax. The pauses, rise and fall of his forceful voice, made his speech effective. He
demonstrated the concept of closeness by lifting his middle fingure and showing its closeness
to the index fingure.He (SAW) remained relevant and brief in his speech to save the listeners
from any inconvenience. He (PBUH) had literary taste and had perfect command on the
language. His talk with people was persuasive. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was a great

The Prophet (pbuh) was exceptional as a teacher and a pedagogue. All of the members of this
ummah, from the unmatched individuals of the Era of Bliss to the individuals of this era, have
all been witnesses of his teaching and pedagogy. Yes, it is Allah who does it; He did it
through Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), who was like a jeweler. Therefore, it can be said that it is
Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh) who elevated humanity to the real humanity and
perfection or who brought a unique religion in order to elevate humanity.

His teaching was not a system of education that took only the human soul into consideration.
He dealt with his ummah in terms of soul, mind, heart and all feelings; he brought about a
very civilized society out of a wild tribe that buried young girls alive. What Jafar Ibn Abi
Talib, the distinguished Companion, said to the Negus summarizes the situation at that time:

"O Negus! We used to drink blood, eat carcass, fornicate, steal, kill people and plunder.
The strong used to oppress the weak; we used to commit many more disgraceful

When Jafar Ibn Abi Talib spoke like that, he attracted attention to the dark periods that
followed one another before the advent of Hazrat Muhammad.
The educative aspect of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is an issue that can be evaluated in
various aspects. While educating people spiritually, he also equipped them materially in a
way to defeat most civilized nations. While educating the male Companions, he did not
neglect the female Companions; he allocated a separate day for them to give them special
education. However, there is something very important to take into consideration here: The
importance that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) gave women took place in a period when
women were not regarded as human beings and were bought and sold like goods and when
girls were buried alive because their fathers were ashamed of them.
There were women teachers during the time of the Prophet (pbuh). As a matter of fact, Shifa
(Umm Sulayman b. b. Haysama) taught Hazrat Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with her), one of
the wives of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh), to write. The wives of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) took care of
the education of the girls of the Companions. They taught the young girls that came to their
houses. And those girls taught what they had learnt to other girls. The wives of Hazrat
Prophet (pbuh), especially Hazrat Aisha and Umm Salama (may Allah be pleased with them),
and some other women contributed a lot to the education of women. The education system
that consisted of the wives of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was called Azwaj at-Tahirat
School, that is, the School of the Clean Wives of the Prophet.

Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) praised the women of Ansar who did not feel
embarrassed to ask questions. Acting upon this point, it is possible to deduce that women
showed great interest in learning. The Companions took care of the education of their
children. For instance, Sa'd b. Abu Waqqas taught her daughter to write. It is known that
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) did not discriminate between free people and slaves in terms of
education. His following statement is mentioned a lot in hadith resources:

"There are two rewards for a person who educates a female slave, trains her, frees her
and marries her off."

Spread the salaam amongst yourselves. (Muslims)
Before speaking the salaam should be said. (Tirmizi)
Those who are nearest to God are they who are first to give a salutation
(Salaam). (Tirmidhi)
Fasting is a shield (from sins). (Tirmizi)
Cleanliness is a part of the Faith. (Tirmizi)
Actions depend on their intention. (Bukhari)
A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim. (Bukhari)
The one who recites the Quran and the one who listens to it have an equal
share in the reward. (Bukhari)
The best of you is the one who learned and taught the Quran. (Bukhari)
Feed the hungry, visit the sick and free the captive. (Bukhari)
Salaat is a pillar of the Deen. (Tabrani)
A man follows the religion of his close friend, so each of you should be very
careful about whom he takes as a close friend. (Abu Dawud)
When any of you eats, he should eat with his right hand and when he
drinks he should drink with his right hand. (Muslim)
Mention God's name, eat with your right hand and eat from what is next to
you. (Bukhari)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade that a man
should drink standing. (Muslim)

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