Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

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Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

Sandm Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185

All c r y p t o s y s t e m s currently m use are s y m m e t r m m t h e sense t h a t t h e y require t h e

t r a n s m i t t e r a n d receiver to share, m secret, either t h e s a m e pmce of reformation (key) or
one of a paLr of related keys easdy c o m p u t e d from each other, t h e key is u s e d m t h e
encryption process to introduce u n c e r t a i n t y to an u n a u t h o r i z e d receiver. N o t only is a n
a s y m m e t r i c encryption s y s t e m one in w h m h t h e t r a n s m i t t e r a n d receiver keys are
different, b u t in addition it Is c o m p u t a t m n a l l y mfeaslble to c o m p u t e at least one from t h e
other. A s y m m e t r i c s y s t e m s m a k e it possible to authent2cate m e s s a g e s whose c o n t e n t s
m u s t be revealed to a n o p p o n e n t or allow a t r a n s m i t t e r w h o s e key h a s b e e n c o m p r o m i s e d
to c o m m u n m a t e m privacy to a receiver whose key h a s been kept s e c r e t - - n e i t h e r of w h i c h
is possible using a s y m m e t r i c cryptosystem.
T h i s paper opens with a brmf dmcussion of e n c r y p t m n principles a n d t h e n proceeds to
a c o m p r e h e n s i v e discussion of t h e a s y m m e t r i c e n c r y p t m n / d e c r y p t i o n c h a n n e l a n d its
application m secure c o m m u n m a t i o n s .

Keywords and Phrases: cryptography, secure c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , a s y m m e t r i c e n c r y p t m n ,

c o m p u t a t m n a l complexity, public-key cryptosystems, a u t h e n t m a t m n

CR Categortes. 3,81, 5.25, 5.6

T h e object of secure communications has
been to provide privacy or secrecy, i.e., to
hide the contents of a publicly exposed
message from unauthorized recipients. In
c o n t e m p o r a r y commercial and diplomatic
applications, however, it is frequently of
equal or even greater concern t h a t the receiver be able to verify t h a t the message
has not been modified during transmission
or t h a t it is not a counterfeit from an unauthorized transmitter. In at least one important class of problems message authentication is needed at the same time t h a t the
message itself is revealed.
In this paper secure communications are
discussed with emphasis on applications
t h a t cannot be satisfactorily handled by
present cryptographic techniques. Fortunately, an entirely new c o n c e p t - - t h e asymT h i s article was sponsored by t h e U.S D e p a r t m e n t of
E n e r g y u n d e r Contract DE-AC04-76DP00789.

metric e n c r y p t i o n / d e c r y p t i o n c h a n n e l - solves the new requirements in secure communications. For perspective, the reader
should keep in mind t h a t all current cryptosystems are symmetric in the sense t h a t
either the same piece of information (key)
is held in secret by b o t h communicants, or
else t h a t each communicant holds one from
a pair of related keys where either key is
easily derivable from the other. T h e s e secret keys are used in the encryption process
to introduce uncertainty (to the unauthorized receiver), which can be r e m o v e d in the
process of decryption by an authorized receiver using his copy of the key or the
"inverse key." This means, of course, t h a t
if a key is compromised, further secure communications are impossible with that key.
T h e new cryptosystems are asymmetric in
the sense t h a t the transmitter and receiver
hold different keys at least one of which it
is computationally infeasible to derive from
the other.

P e r m m s m n to copy w i t h o u t fee all or part of this material is g r a n t e d provided t h a t t h e copies are n o t m a d e or

distributed for direct commercial advantage, t h e A C M copyright notice a n d t h e title of t h e publication a n d its
date appear, a n d notice is given t h a t copying is by permtssion of t h e Association for C o m p u t i n g M a c h i n e r y . T o
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1979 A C M 0010-4892/79/1200-0305 $00 75
Computing Surveys, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. Simmons


6 1 The Knapsack Trapdoor
6 2 The Factonzatlon Trapdoor

It is possible to communicate in secrecy

and to "sign" digital messages using either
symmetric or asymmetric techniques if
both the receiver and transmitter keys can
be secret. One of these functions can be
accomplished with an asymmetric system
even though the transmitter or the receiver
key has been revealed. It is also possible to
communicate privately without a prior
covert exchange of keys and to authenticate
messages even when the contents cannot
be concealed from an opponent--neither of
which is possible with a symmetric cryptosystem. The current revolution in secure
communications is based on the ability to
secure communications even when one terminal (and the key) is located in a physicaUy unsecured installation.

Classical cryptography seeks to prevent an

unauthorized (unintended) recipient from
determining the content of the message. In
this section we illustrate the concepts of all
cryptosystems, such as key, stream or block
ciphers, and unicity point. A more detailed
account can be found in the paper by Lempel [LEMP79] and in Kahn's encyclopedic
The Codebreakers, the Story of Secret
Writing [KA~IN67].
A primitive distinction among cryptosysterns is the structural classification into
C o m p u t m g Surveys, Vol 11, N o 4, D e c e m b e r 1979

stream and block ciphers. The plaintext

message is a sequence of symbols from
some alphabet d (letters or numbers). A
stream cipher operates on the plaintext
symbol by symbol to produce a sequence of
cipher symbols from an alphabet c#. ((d and
d are frequently the same.) Symbolically,
if lr is a nonsingular mapping it:d---) cd, and
M is a plaintext message

M = (ala~ . . . a~]a, E d ) ,
then the stream cipher C -- It(M) is given
C = (Ir(al), ~r(a2). . . . . Ir(ak) I f(a,) ~ ~d).
The mapping ~ is commonly a function of
previous inputsmas in the rotor cryptomachines of the World War II period. The
various versions of Vigen~re encryption to
be discussed shortly are all examples of
stream ciphers, some of which use a f'Lxed
mapping and others, such as the running
key and autokey systems, a usage-dependent mapping.
In a block cipher a block of symbols from
M is operated on jointly by the encryption
algorithm, so that in general one may view
a block cipher as a nonsingular I mapping
from the set of plaintext n-tuples ~ n into
the set of cipher n-tuples ~n. For cryptosystems which use the same key repeatedly,
stronger than stream ciphers. Consequently, most contemporary cryptosystems
are block ciphers, although one-time key
systems are used in applications where the
very highest security is required. Examples
of block ciphers are the Playfair digraph
substitution technique, the Hill linear
transformation scheme, and the NBS Data
Encryption Standard (DES). The distinction between block and stream ciphers is
more apparent than real since a block cipher on n-tuples from d is equivalent
to a stream cipher over the enlarged
alphabet d n.
Since much of the discussion relies on
the concept of a "key" in the cryptosystem,
we shall present several examples that illustrate keys and possible attacks to discover them.
Nonsingularsnnplymeansthat everycipherdecrypts
to a unique message. In Section 6.2 an example of a
singular cryptomappmgis described.

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

In the most general terms possible, an
encryption system must combine two elements: some information--called the key-known only to the authorized communicants, and an algorithm which operates on
this key and the message (plaintext) to
produce the cipher. The authorized receiver, knowing the key, must be able to
recover the message (decrypt the cipher);
an unauthorized receiver should not be able
to deduce either the message or the unknown key. The key as defined here is very
general: It is the total equivocation of
everything that is kept secret from an opposing cryptanalyst. By this definition, a
key can be much longer than the bit stream
serving as the key in some cryptodevices.
The encryption algorithm must be so
constructed that even if it becomes known
to the opponent, it gives no help in determining either the plaintext messages or the
key. This principle, first formulated by Kerchoffs in 1883, is now universally assumed
in determining the security of cryptosysterns.
Preprocessing a text by encoding into
some other set of symbols or symbol groups
by an unvarying rule is not considered to
be a part of the encryption process, even
though the preprocessing may complicate
the cryptanalyst's task. For example, The
Acme Commercial Code [ACME23] replaces
entire phrases and sentences by five-letter
groups; the preprocessed text E J E H S
OHAOR CZUPA, which is derived from
DIME(S)), would be as baffling to the
cryptanalyst as a cipher. Continued use of
fixed preprocessing codes, however, destroys this apparent cryptosecurity, which
is therefore considered to be nonexistent
from the beginning. Common operations
which compress text by deleting superfluous symbols or expand text with null symbols are considered to be part of the encoding of the text rather than part of the encryption process.
The encryption process itself consists of
two primary operations and their combinations, substitution and transposition. 2 A
2 K a h n lKAHN67, p. 764] has analogized substitution
and transposition ciphers with continuous and batch
manufacturing processes, respectively.


substitution cipher or cryptogram simply

replaces each plaintext symbol by a cipher
symbol; the key specifies the mapping. An
example is the Caesar cipher, in which each
letter is replaced by the letter occurring k
places later in the alphabet (considered
cyclically); when k ffi 3,
Simple transposition permutes symbols in
the plaintext. The permutation is the key.
For example, if the permutation (15327468) 3
is applied to the two blocks of eight symbols
In either of these simple cases the frequency of occurrence of symbols is unaffected by the encryption operation. The
cryptanalyst can get a good start toward
breaking the code by a frequency analysis
of cipher symbols [KtJLL76]. In secure systems complicated usage-dependent combinations of the two primitive encryption operations are used to cause all cipher symbols to occur with equal frequency.
It might seem that such simple systems
would offer reasonable cryptosecurity since
there are 26! .~ 4 1026 substitutions possible on the 26 alphabetic characters in the
first case and n! permutations on n-symbol
blocks in the second. But the redundancy
of English (indeed, any natural language) is
so great that the log2(26!) ~ 88.4 bits of
equivocation introduced by the encryption
algorithm can be resolved by a cryptanalyst, using frequency of occurrence counts
on symbols, with approximately 25 symbols
of cipher text! This illustrates how deceptive the appearance of large numbers of
choices to the cryptanalyst can be in judging the cryptosecurity of a cryptosystem.
An obvious means of strengthening substitution ciphers is to use not one but several monoalphabetic substitutions, with the
key specifying which substitution is to be
used for each symbol of the cipher. Such
systems are known as polyalphabetics. The
J This notation means: move the first symbol to the
fifth place, t h e fifth symbol to t h e third place, the
thtrd symbol to the second place, and so on.
Computing Surveys, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. Simmons

best known are the simple Vigen~re ciphers

wherein the substitutions are taken as the
mod 26 sum of a symbol of the message m,
and a symbol of the key ks, with the convention A -~ 0, . . . , Z ~- 25. Depending on
the complexity of the substitution rule
{key) chosen, the equivocation of such a
Vigen~re-type system can be made as great
as desired, as we see later in examining the
random key Vernam-Vigen~re system. The
following examples illustrate how the key
complexity can affect the security of a cryptosystem.
In the simplest Vigen4re-type systems,
the key is a word or phrase repeated as
many times as necessary to encrypt the
message; for example, if the key is COVER
and the message is T H E M A T H E M A T I C S
OF SECRECY, the resulting cipher is


Kasiski's general solution of repeated key

Vigen4re ciphers starts from the fact that
like pairings of message and key symbols
produce the same cipher symbols; these
repetitions are recognizable to the cryptanalyst [KAHN67]. The example above
shows the group VVZRQ repeated twice;
the length of the repeated group reveals
that the key length is five. The cipher symbols would then be partitioned into five
monoalphabets each of which is solved as
a substitution cipher.
To avoid the problems of the preceding
example, one can use a nonrepeating text
for the key. The result is called a runningkey Vigen~re cipher. The running key prevents the periodicity exploited by the Kasiski solution. However, there are two basic
types of solution available to the cryptanalyst in this case [KAHN66]. One can apply
statistical analysis by assuming that both
cipher text and key have the same frequency distributions of symbols. For example, E encrypted with E occurs with a
frequency of =0.0169 and T by T occurs
only half as often. A much longer segment
of cipher test is required to decrypt a running-key Vigen~re cipher; however, the
methods, based on recurrence of like
events, are similar.
The other technique for attacking runComputing Surveys, Vol 11, No. 4, December 1979

ning-key ciphers is the so-called probable

word method in which the cryptanalyst
"subtracts" from the cipher words that are
considered likely to occur in the text until
fragments of sensible key text are recovered; these are then expanded using
either of the two techniques just discussed.
The vital point is that although the equivocation in the running text can be made as
large as desired, the redundancy in the language is so high that the number of bits of
information communicated per bit of cipher
exceeds the rate at which equivocation is
introduced by the running key. Therefore,
given sufficient cipher text, the cryptanalyst will eventually have enough information to solve the cipher.
The most important of all key variants to
the Vigen~re system was proposed in 1918
by the American engineer G. S. Veruam
[VEI~N26]. Messages for transmission over
the AT&T teletype system were at that
time encoded in Baudot code, a binary code
consisting of marks and spaces. Vernam
recognized that if a random sequence of
marks and spaces were added rood 2 to the
message, then all of the frequency information, intersymbol correlation, and periodicity, on which earlier successful methods of attack against various Vigen~re systems had been based, would be totally lost
to the cryptanalyst. In this judgment Vernam's intuition was absolutely right, as
would be proved two decades later by another AT&T scientist, Claude Shannon
[SHAN49]. Vernam proposed to introduce
uncertainty at the same rate at which it
was removed by redundancy among symbols of the message. Unfortunately, this
ideal requires exchanging impractical
amounts of key in advance of communication, i.e., one symbol of key must be provided for every symbol of message. In Vernam's invention the keys were made up in
the form of punched paper tapes which
were read automatically as each symbol
was typed at the keyboard of a teletypewriter and encrypted "on line" for transmission. An inverse operation at the receiving teletype decrypted the cipher using a
copy of the tape. Vernam at first thought
that a short random key could safely be
used over and over; however, the resulting
periodicity of the key permits a simple Kas-

Symmetric a n d A s y m m e t r i c Encryption

iski-type solution. A second proposed solution was to compute a key of n~n2 bits in
length by forming the logical sum, bit by
bit, of two shorter key tapes of relatively
prime lengths nl and n2, so that the resulting key stream would not repeat until n~n2
bits of key had been generated. This form
of Vernam system was used for a time by
the U.S. Army.
The greatest contribution of the two-tape
Vernam system came from its successful
cryptanalysis, which led to the recognition
of the unconditional cryptosecurity of onetime keys or pads. Major J. O. Mauborgne
of the U.S. Army Signal Corps showed that
cipher produced from key generated by the
linear combination of two or more short
tapes could be successfully analyzed by
techniques essentially the same as those
used against running-key systems. The unavoidable conclusion was that the VernamVigen~re system with either a repeating
single key tape or with linear combinations
of repeating short tapes to form a long key
sequence were both insecure. The truly significant conclusion was arrived at by Friedman and Mauborgne: The key in an unconditionally secure stream cipher 4 must be
incoherent (the uncertainty, or entropy, of
each key symbol must be at least as great
as the average information content per
symbol of the message}. Such a cryptosystem is referred to as a random one-time key
or pad. 5 In other words, the system is unconditionally secure--not because of any
failure on the cryptanalyst's part to find the
right technique, but rather because the
equivocation faced by the cryptanalyst
leaves an irresolvable number of choices for
key or plaintext message. While it is often
stated that a Vernam-Vigen~re cryptosystem with a nonrepeating random key is

4 This condition applies to both block and stream

ciphers, although at the time the conditions were
stated, block ciphers were not considered because of
the difficulty of manual implementation.
One needs to clearly distmgmsh between two kmds
of undecipherabihty In one kind the equivocation is
too high even if the analyst makes perfect use of all
available information. This may be because of the
brevity of cipher or of a lost key, as with the famous
Thomas Jefferson Beale book ciphers, numbers 1 and
3 [HART64]. In the other, the code can be deciphered
in principle but not m practice, as is probably the case
with the MIT challenge cipher [GARD77|.


unconditionally secure, it is necessary to

add the qualification that each symbol of
the key introduce at least as much uncertainty as is removed by a symbol of the
An interesting example of the need for
the key to introduce uncertainty, even with
a nonrepeating random key, appears in a
recent article by Deavours on the unicity
point 6 of various encryption systems
[DEAV77]. In Deavours's example, the
key introduces exactly 1 bit per symbol
to encipher a message in the Vigen~re scheme
with B as key if k, ffi 0 and C as key if k, ffi
1. Deavours's cipher is
The first four letters, for example, could
decrypt sensibly to either SOME or ROME,
etc., but the reader should have no difficulty determining the intended message to
All of the preceding examples are of
stream ciphers, illustrating the way in
which the key equivocation appears in each
case, and also the concepts of unicity point
and one-time pad or key. We turn now to
block ciphers, of which we will describe
two. Block ciphers attempt to deny to the
cryptanalyst the frequency statistics which
have proved so useful against stream ciphers. One way to accomplish this is to
operate on pairs of symbols (digraphs), triples (trigraphs), or, in general, on blocks
(polygraphs). For manageability, manual
block cryptosystems are limited to digraph
substitutions. The best known manual digraph system is Wheatstone's Playfair
cipher, in which a 25-symbol alphabet 7 is
written in a 5 5 array with a simple
geometric rule [GAIN56] specifying the
cipher digraph to be substituted for each
digraph in the message.
6 The unicity point was defined by Shannon to be the
length of cipher beyond which only a single plamtext
message could have produced the cipher, i.e, the point
of zero eqmvocatlon to the cryptanalyst [SHAN49].
7 The letter J is usually dropped m the Playfair cipher
smce it occurs infrequently and can almost always be
filled m by context or by substituting I m the text
Computing Surveys, Voi. 11, No. 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. S i m m o n s


Number of


Number of


Number of







The cornerstone of modern mathematical cryptography was laid by Hill [HILL29,

HILL31, ALBE41] in 1929. Hill recognized
that nearly all the existing cryptosystems
could be formulated in the single model of
linear transformations on a message space.
Hill identified a message n-tuple with an ntuple of integers and equated the operations
of encryption and decryption with a pair of
inverse linear transformations. The simplest representation for such transformations is multiplication of an n-tuple (message) by a nonsingular n )< n matrix to form
the cipher and by the inverse matrix to
decrypt and recover the message. For example, let the digits zero-nine be represented by the numbers 0-9, blank by 10,
and the 26 letters of the alphabet by 11-36.
The number of symbols, 37, is a prime; the
encoding and decoding can be carried out
with arithmetic modulo 37. If the encrypting matrix is

and the decrypting matrix is



Note that the three L's in LULL encipher

into different symbols. This illustrates the
cryptographic advantage of polygraphic
systems: The raw frequency-of-occurrence
statistics for blocks up to size n are obscured in the encryption process; in the
limit (with n), they are lost completely.
Table i shows the number of occurrences
of each letter in 4652 letters of an English
language computing science article. These
patterns, which survive any monographic
substitution, are invaluable clues to the
cryptanalyst. For instance, he knows that
T is one of the most frequently occurring
letters and can be quite sure that T is one
of the eight most frequently seen letters.
Figure 1 shows the frequency-of-occurrence
data for single symbols in the cipher, for a
simple monographic encryption, and for polygraphic encryption distributions with matrix sizes 2 2, 3 3, and 4 4. A perfect
encryption system would have a flat distribution for all n-tuples; i.e., all possible ntuples would be equally likely,s
Tuckerman [TucK70] in his analysis
of Vigen~re-Vernam cryptosystems has
shown that Vigen~re systems using nonrandom transformations are always subject to
statistical attack. This is to be expected

then the message L U L L = (22, 31, 22, 22)

would encrypt to the cipher
(7311,\226~(22 ~12)__(21~


(all computations mod 37).

Similarly, the cipher (27, 16, 12, 2) decrypts
to yield the message LULL by,


Computing Surveys, Vol 11, No 4, December 1979

Hill's s y s t e m using an n t h - o r d e r t r a n s f o r m a t i o n resists simple statistical m e t h o d s of c r y p t a n a l y s m b a s e d

o n t h e frequency of occurrence of i-tuples in t h e cipher
for t less t h a n n; however, if t h e c r y p t a n a l y s t h a s two
ciphers r e s u l t m g from t h e encryption of a single message with two m v o l u t o r y t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s 3~ a n d ~2., in
M n so t h a t for all m e s s a g e s M ~ ~n, ~ ( ~ ( M ) ) =
-2(-2(M) = M, a n d if h e k n o w s ~ , h e c a n recover ~l
a n d 22. It was n o t thin cryptanalytlc weakness, however, w h m h p r e v e n t e d t h e a d o p h o n of Hill's cryptos y s t e m , b u t r a t h e r t h e difficulty of carrying o u t t h e
m a n u a l e n c r y p t i o n / d e c r y p t i o n operations he h a d defined

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption


N 450

0 350
0 300.
U 2@@.

C lee,
S 50.









[1]' Monographm substitution, [2] polygraphic substituhon, matrix size

2 2, [3] polygraphicsubstitutmn, matrix size 3 x 3; [4] polygraphicsubstitution,

matrix size 4 x 4
since the initial equivocation to the opponent must eventually be eroded by usage.
Tuckerman provides the neat proof of this
intuitive statement.
The reader wishing a more complete
treatment is referred to GAIN56, KAHN67,
or BRIG77 for further details of cryptanalysis. In a later section we take up current
cryptotechnology, which has developed
since World War II.

Because of the unavoidable length and detail of the subsequent sections, a brief outline of the development is given here. First,
a parallel between the classical noisy communications channel and the general encryption/decryption channel is drawn. The
reason for doing this is that error detecting
and correcting codes and message or transmitter authentication are mathematically
dual problems. In both cases redundancy,
i.e., extra symbols, is introduced in the message, but the way in which this redundancy
is used to communicate through the channel is different in the two applications. This
is true whether the cryptosystem is symmetric or asymmetric.
Second, computationally infeasible problems are the source of cryptosecurity for
both symmetric and asymmetric systems.
One of the important points to this paper is
to make clear how these computationaUy
complex problems are embedded in an en-

cryption/decryption process. To illustrate

this, a frequently rediscovered encryption
scheme dependent on maximal length linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) is discussed to show how computational feasibility can destroy cryptosecurity. In the discussion of asymmetric encryption two examples of computationaUy infeasible problems are described in detail.
Linear feedback shift registers provide
not only a simple illustration of the relationship between cryptosecurity and computational feasibility, but they also illustrate how redundancy is used in error detecting and correcting codes. The main text
emphasizes these points, while a brief discussion of these devices is given in the
The ultimate objective of the paper is to
impart to the reader a clear perception of
how secrecy and authentication are accomplished in both symmetric and asymmetric
encryption systems. This implies a clear
understanding of which forms of secure
communication can only be realized
through asymmetric techniques, and which
forms can be realized by either symmetric
or asymmetric cryptosystems.

A transmitter draws a message M from a

space of possible messages Jg and sends it
to a receiver over a noisy communications
channel. It is possible that some M' ~ M
Computing Surveys, Vol 11, No 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. S i m m o n s

m a y be received. In 1948 S h a n n o n [SHAN48]

proposed the concept of the entropy of a
message, which measures its information
content. H e showed how to introduce red u n d a n c y by means of a code; the extra
symbols could be used to detect (and correct) errors in the received message M'.
For example, H a m m i n g codes add 2k + 1
bits for each k errors to be detected
[MAcW77]. How this r e d u n d a n c y is introduced and utilized is a function of the way
in which the errors occur in transmission,
i.e., the statistics of the communications
channel shown schematically in Figure 2.
Essentially one wishes to impose a metric
on the message space J so t h a t the set of
messages most apt to result from errors in
the transmission of a given message M is
also the one "closest" to M in de. For example, if the errors in the binary symmetric
channel are independent and uniformly distributed, the H a m m i n g metric is a natural
one to use; however, if adjacent symbol
errors are more apt to occur, Berlekamp
[BERL68] has shown the Lee metric 9 to be
preferable. Coding t h e o r y is concerned with
finding a partitioning o f ~ into a collection
of disjoint subsets (ideally "spheres") with
all points in the ith set less t h a n some
specified distance from a central point C, in
the set. T h e code t h e n consists of the labels
(code words) of the collection of central
points in the subsets of J~, with the maxim u m likelihood error correction rule being
to decode any received point in ~ as the
central point of the class t h a t it belongs to
in the partition.
Since we shall later wish to contrast the
partitioning of J / f o r message authentication to the kind of partitioning useful for
error detection and c o r r e c t i o n - - w h e r e the
objective in b o t h instances is to d e t e c t an
incorrect message--we give in T a b l e 2 an
example of a H a m m i n g code t h a t adds
three extra bits to each 4-bit block of message code [MAss69]. This code can be generated by taking as code words the 7-bit

9 Whereas the H a m m i n g metric is the n u m b e r of symbol differences between two words, the Lee metric is
the s u m of the absolute differences of the symbols: for
WI = (0, 1, 2) and W2 = (2, 0, 1), H(W~, W2) = 3 and
L(W1, We) = 4. For binary code words the H a m m i n g
and Lee metrms are identical.
Computing Surveys, Vol I l, No 4, December 1979


Co~ W o ~
000 0000
011 0001
11o 0OlO
10o 0101
001 0110
010 0111
lOl 100o
110 1001
011 lOlO
00o 1011
010 1100
0Ol 1101

subsequences having the 4-bit messages in

the low-order bit positions from the o u t p u t
of the linear feedback shift register (see
appendix). If any single bit of the 7-bit code
word is altered in transmission, the receiver
can recover the message correctly by finding the code word t h a t differs from the
received block in the fewest n u m b e r of bits.
Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of the
S h a n n o n channel. T h e codes in ~ are so
designed t h a t the likelihood of an altered
message being misinterpreted by the receiver is minimum. In the case of error
correction, the code is designed to maximize
the likelihood t h a t the receiver will be able
to transform the received message to the
message actually sent correctly.

T h e encryption channel also consists of a

transmitter who wishes to send a message
M to a receiver. B u t now the channel is
assumed to be u n d e r surveillance by a hostile opponent. Cryptographic t h e o r y seeks
to devise codes t h a t cannot systematically
be distinguished from purely r a n d o m bit
strings by the opponent. T h e statistical
communications channel of the coding/decoding model has been replaced by a gametheoretic channel; nature has been replaced
by an intelligent opponent. T h e o p p o n e n t
can have one or more of the following purposes:
a) T o determine the message M.
b) T o alter the message M to some other

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption


0 o ~





,~ ,,H PH







el .,o


0 o ~




rd -I~
ra l ~




Surveys, V o l


No. 4,




Gustavus J. Simmons

message M' and have M' accepted by

the receiver as the message actually
c) To impersonate the transmitter.
Thwarting a), i.e., ensuring secrecy, is the
best known purpose of cryptographic systems, but modern data processing systems
with controlled log-in and access to business files are greatly concerned with authenticating the "transmitter" (thwarting
c)) and ensuring the integrity of the received messages (thwarting b)) [FErn73,
HOFF77, LIPT78, MART73]. In many cases
the privacy or secrecy of communications
is a secondary objective. An intelligent opponent could easily defeat the fixed strategies underlying error detecting codes by
making improbable changes such that the
received code words would be interpreted
as incorrect messages. Moreover the opponent's task of "breaking" the code is not
difficult because the code space is partitioned into spheres, which reduces the
search. A perfectly secure code is one in
which each cipher symbol is produced with
equal probability by any message symbol
when averaged over all possible keys. Deavours's example [DEAv77] was not secure
because each cipher symbol could have
been produced by only two message symbols rather than all 26 message symbols.
To be perfectly secure, an encryption
system should randomly map the message
space onto itself such that the opponent
must consider all points in ~ to be equally
likely candidates for the plaintext corresponding to the received ciphertext.
Whereas a satisfactory "random" number
generator need not be a good encryption
function (as we shall see in an example a
little later), a good encryption system is
necessarily a good random number generator. In fact, Gait [GAIT77] has used the
DES algorithm for random number generation with considerable success.
As Shannon pointed out [SHAN49], this
implies that a perfect encryption scheme is
equivalent to a latin square where rows
correspond to messages, entries to keys,
and columns to ciphers. However, a perfect
cryptosystem may be unable to authenticate messages. Suppose that ~( is the space
of all n-bit binary numbers, and that encryption consists in adding, modulo 2, a
Computing Surveys, Vol 11, No 4, December 1979

random n-bit binary number. In this case

every proposed decipherment produces an
acceptable message. When there is no redundancy in the messages, there is no basis
on which to deduce the authenticity of a
received cipher. An authentication system
must introduce redundancy such that the
space of ciphers is partitioned into the images (encryptions) of the messages in J4
and a class of unacceptable ciphers. If authentication is to be perfect, then the encryption scheme must consist of a family of
partitions of the cipher space such that on
learning any message-cipher pair, the opponent who does not know the key will be
unable to do any better than pick a cipher
at random from the cipher space. In other
words, the objective is to diffuse the unacceptable ciphers throughout the entire
cipher space. This is precisely the opposite
of the error defeating code's objective,
which is the clustering of the incorrect
codes about an acceptable (correct) code.
Figure 4 is a schematic diagram of the
abstract encryption/decryption channel.
The parallel with the Shannon coding/decoding channel is apparent. Figure 4 is more
general than the secrecy systems described
by Shannon [SHAN49], Albert [ALBE41], or
Feistel [FEIs73]; Shannon's and Albert's
models were concerned only with secrecy,
and Feistel's model dealt with a restricted
form of message authentication. The model
of Figure 4 encompasses all the objectives
for secure communications. It should be
noted that a cipher can be encoded to allow
for the detection and correction of errors in
transmission. This requires that the receiver first decode and correct errors before
decrypting. In fact, such compound encryption/encoding is routinely used with satellite communications systems.
In encryption/decryption systems, the
functions E and D (encryption and decryption) are assumed known to the opponent.
If the system were to depend completely on
E and D, the opponent would have sufficient information to defeat it. Therefore,
something must be unknown if the opponent is to be unable to duplicate the actions
performed by the authorized receiver. The
unknown information is called the cryptographic key. The authorized receiver can
use his secret deciphering key K' to decrypt
the encrypted message.

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption







o m






Oo~T ~



~':::: o



C o m p u t i n g S u r v e y s , Vol. 11, No. 4, D e c e m b e r 1979


Gustavus J. Simmons

An encryption system can be described

formally with the help of the message space
J4, the key spaces 9V and ~V', the cipher
space cd, a space d' of mappings from ~
X i n t o ~d, and a related space @ of inverse
mappings. For a particular mapping E from
~, M from J~, and K from ~ , E(M, K) ffi C
is the encipherment of message M by key
K. There must be a deciphering function
DE corresponding to E and a key K' corresponding to K such that messages can be
uniquely recovered:
M = DE(E(M, K), K')

= DE(C, K')

for all M.


By itself (1) does not describe a secure

encryption system. For example, if J4 = cd
and E is the identity function, then (1) is
trivially satisfied with C = M for all M;
obviously there is no cryptosecurity for any
choice of K. Shannon [SHAN49] defines a
secrecy system E to be perfect (unconditionally secure) if an opponent knowing E
and arbitrarily much cipher C is still left
with a choice from among all possible messages M from ~ . For this to be true, there
must be as many keys as there are messages. Moreover the uncertainty about the
key K must be essential: The opponent's
uncertainty about messages must be at
least as great as his uncertainty about the
key. In Shannon's model ) i f - 9(' and ~ 9, and only objective a), secrecy, is considered. Under these constraints, E is a mapping from the message space J4 into the
cipher space cd, and D is E -l, the inverse
function to E; the key K then acts as an
index for a pair (E, D). Perfect security is
achieved by having one key for each possible (E, D) pair. Contemporary cryptosysterns seldom realize this level of unconditional security. In fact, most of current
cryptology deals with systems which are
secure in the sense that exploiting the available information is computationally infeasible; but these systems are not unconditionally secure in Shannon's sense. The important exceptions include the WashingtonMoscow hot line and various high-level
command circuits. In the remainder of this
paper, we are concerned with computationally secure systems, but not unconditionally
secure ones.
ComputingSurveys,Vol 11,No 4, December1979


A fundamental change in the practice of

cryptography began in the early 1950s. We
have already pointed out that a perfectly
secure cryptosystem requires impractical
quantities of key for most applications. Almost all of cryptography has been devoted
to finding ways of "diffusing" smaller, manageable amounts of uncertainty in order to
approximate longer keys, that is, keys
which appear to have come from a key
space with greater uncertainty. This is usually done with an easily computed function
of an input sequence, the true key, which
produces as output a much longer sequence,
the pseudokey. The pseudokey is used as K
in Figure 4.
If such a procedure is to be cryptosecure,
it must be infeasible to invert the function
to recover the true key from the pseudokey;
that is, it must be intractable to compute
the future output of the function even
though the function itself is known and
lengthy observations of the output are
available. From World War II until the
early 1950s these objectives were met on an
ad hoc basis through the intuitive judgment
of cryptosystem designers. However, electronic computing and the theory of computational complexity transformed the idea
of "diffusing" a limited amount of uncertainty into an analytical design question.
In Figure 4 the key spaces ~f and
represent the equivocation to the opponent
of the system at any given stage in its
operation. For example, in an English alphabet one-time pad of n equally likely
symbols, [ 3if] ffi 26n; each point in 3Krepresents about log2(26)n = 4.7n bits of information, and so a 1000-symbol one-time
"key" would be represented as a point in a
binary space of 24700 possible sequences.
Because keys are as voluminous as the messages they secure, one-time keys are impractical for large-volume communications.
In the early 1950s cryptologists recognized
that if a (true) key K from a smaller dimensional key space ~ w a s used to generate a
much longer (pseudo) k e y / ~ using an algorithm whose inversion was sufficiently complex computationally, then the cryptanalyst
would be unable to compute either K or/~.

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption


shift register


Feedback Network


Modern cryptology rests largely on the implementation of this principle.

In terms of Figure 4, the "diffusing" of
uncertainty is defined by this condition: For
nearly all encryption/decryption pairs
(E, D) and keys K and K', it is computationally infeasible to compute K (or K')
from a knowledge of E, D, C, and M. A
system in which either K -- K' or one of K
and K' is easily computed from knowledge
of the other is called a symmetric system.
All the examples in the introduction are
of symmetric systems. For a one-time key,
the two communicants must each have a
copy of the same key; K = K' in this case.
Similarly, the simple Vigen~re and Vernam-Vigen~re systems both have K =- K'.
On the other hand, in the Hill linear transformation system, described in Section 1,
the receiver must have E -1, not E, although
it is easy to compute E -1 from a knowledge
of E.
Maximal length linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), which are used for error
detecting and correcting codes, illustrate
that one must take great care in choosing
key functions. Some apparently complex
functions are not so. Because the (2" - 1)bit sequence from a maximal length LFSR
satisfies many tests for randomness, e.g.,
the runs property [GoLo67] and lack of
intersymbol correlation up to the register
length n, numerous suggestions have been
made to use these sequences either as key
in a Vernam-Vigen~re stream cipher mode,
as shown in Figure 5, or as block encryption
devices on n-bit blocks of message bits
[BRIG76, GEFF73, GOLO67, MEYE72]. The
feedback network, i.e., the coefficients of

t Exc|uslve OR.

the feedback polynomial, and the starting

state of the register serve as the key.
Assuming that the cryptanalyst can by
some means, such as probable word analysis, recover bits of the cipher (which need
not be consecutive), he can set up and solve
a system of at most 2n linear equations
with which to duplicate the future output
of the original sequence generator. Berlekamp [BERL68] and Massey [MAss69] have
found efficient algorithms for doing this in
at most 2n steps. Thus the problem of finding K is only of linear complexity (in n);
hence K is not well concealed despite the
apparently large number of possible feedback functions. A more complete description of LFSRs is given in the appendix.
Another proposed mode of crypto use for
LFSRs is for block ciphers: The register is
loaded with an n-bit block of plaintext, it is
stepped for k :> n steps, and the resulting
register state is taken as the cipher. Figure
6 shows an example of the state diagram
for such an LFSR. Using k ffi 7, for example,
the message 00001 encrypts to 11010. To
decrypt, one uses the "inverse feedback
function," which reverses the stepping order of the state diagram of Figure 6, when
a 00001 would be the register state resulting
from stepping the register seven steps from
the starting point (cipher) of 11010. In this
example K (forward stepping) and K' (reverse stepping) are easily computable from
each other. Although the output is sufficiently random to be useful as a pseudorandom bit sequence generator, the inversion to find K' or K is only of linear computational complexity.
The National Bureau of Standards Data
Computing Surveys, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 1979

Gustavus J. Simmons


2 ~


Encryption Standard (DES) provides a

widely recognized example of a symmetric
encryption/decryption whose keys are well
concealed by computational complexity.
Roberts [ROBE75] states that
The algorithm is designed to encipher and
decipher blocks of data consisting of 64 bits
under control of a 64-bit key. ~ Deciphering
must be accomplished by using the same key
as for enciphering, but with the schedule of
addressing the key bits altered so that the
deciphering process is the reverse of the enciphering process. A block to be enciphered
is subjected to an initial permutation IP, then
to a complex key-dependent computation and
finally to a permutation which is the inverse
of the initial permutation IP -~.
This shows clearly that the system is symmetric. It indicates that the "complex keydependent computation" conceals the key.
The encryption function used in the DES
is known as a product cipher [MORR77]; it
comprises 16 successive repetitions of a
nonlinear substitution (to provide "confusion") alternating with permutations (to

io Actually only 56 bits rather t h a n the stated 64, since

8 bits are used for a parity check

Computing Surveys, Vol 11, No 4, December 1979

provide "diffusion"). There is considerable

controversy H about the cryptosecurity of
the DES [DIFF77, MoRn77] centering on
the possible brute force attack of a system
by enumerating all the keys for the present
56-bit key; yet no one has proposed an
inversion of the encryption function itself,
which thus far appears to be as computationally complex as its designers believed it
to be.

In symmetric cryptosystems, the keys at

the transmitter and receiver, K and K',
respectively, either are the same or can be
easily computed from each other. We now
consider cryptosystems in which this is not
the case. There are three possibilities.
a) Forward asymmetric: The receiver's

~T h e controversy is centered on HeUman's accusation

t h a t the National Security Agency has deliberately
chosen the D E S key to be of a size that it can break.
T h e pros [HELL79a, DAvI79] and cons [TvcrI79,
BRAN79] of this a r g u m e n t are summarized In the
recent editorial debate In the IEEE Spectrum

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

key (K') cannot easily be computed
given the transmitter's key (K).
b) Backward asymmetric: The transmitter's key (K) cannot easily be computed
given the receiver's key (K').
c) Bidirectional asymmetric: Neither K
nor K' can be computed given the
As usual, the enemy is assumed to know E,
D, M, and C. The term "asymmetric system" refers to all three cases.
The primary applications of (bidirectional) asymmetric encryption systems derive from these two properties:
1) Secure (i.e., secret) communication is
possible even if the transmitter's key is
2) Authentication of the transmitter (message) is possible even if the receiver's
key is compromised.
Note that 1) applies to the forward asymmetric encryption system and 2) to the
backward encryption system.
Whereas symmetric cryptosystems have
been in use for many years, asymmetric
encryption systems are a recent development in cryptography. In 1976 Diffie and
Hellman [DIFF76] published a conceptual
scheme for this kind of cryptosystem, which
they called a public-key cryptosystem because no pair of potential communicants
had to exchange a key secretly in advance.
It is essential, however, that the key exchange be secure, so that the communicants
can be confident of the keys' owners-otherwise authentication is not possible.
Merkle [MERK78a] contemporaneously discovered a related principle that allows the
communicants to exchange a key with work
O (n), while requiring the opponent to face
work O (n 2) to determine the key from monitoring the communicants' exchange. Merkle discovered a forward asymmetric encryption system.
In terms of Figure 4, these conditions
must be satisfied by an asymmetric encryption scheme:
1) The keys are concealed by a computationally complex problem from the plaintext and cipher.
2) It is easy to compute matched pairs of


keys (K, K') such that

DE(E(M, K ) , K ' ) -- M .
3) The encryption and decryption functions, E and D are implemented by fast
4) At least one of the keys (K and K') is
concealed from a knowledge of the other
key by a computationally complex problem.
5) For almost all messages it must be
infeasible to find cipher/key pairs that yield
that message. That is, the opponent is
forced to find the "true" (M, K) that encrypted to the cipher C at hand.
These conditions differ slightly from
those imposed on public-key cryptosystems
[DIFF76]. Condition 1) is the basic requirement for a practical privacy system; we
state it explicitly to exhibit one of the two
places in the abstract encryption channel
where computational complexity is essential. The public-key cryptosystem was formulated as a two-way communications
channel by its inventors, so that the keys
are interchangeable: E(DE(M, K'), K) = M
= D(E(M, K), K')[ADLE78, HELL78]. Condition 5) enables detecting deception: The
opponent cannot easily find alternate keys
giving the same ciphertext [GraB74].
As of 1979, no one had exhibited functions that provably satisfied these conditions. The working approach toward constructing such functions has been to take
some problem, known or believed to be
exceedingly complex, and make the "obvious" method of finding the keys equivalent to solving the hard problem. Examples
of hard problems are factoring a product of
very large prime factors, the general knapsack problem, and finding the logarithm of
an element in a large field with respect to
a primitive element. What is hoped for in
such a scheme is that the converse is also
true; i.e., decryption is equivalent to solving
the hard problem. The first results toward
this crucial step in "proving" the cryptosecurity of any asymmetric system were obtained by Rabin [RAm79] and Williams
[WILL79b]; they showed that the factorization problem for large moduli is equivalent to decryption for almost all ciphers in
Rabin's encryption scheme. We will return
to this point later.
Computing Surveys, Vol II, No. 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. S i m m o n s

6.1 The Knapsack Trapdoor

One of the best known proposals for a forward asymmetric system was made by Merkle and Hellman [MERK78b], who suggested basing asymmetric encryption on
the knapsack (or subset sum) problem. T h e
knapsack problem is to determine whether
a weight S can be realized as the sum of
some subset of a given collection of n
weights w,--i.e., to determine w h e t h e r
there exists a binary vector s for which S
ffi s w. ~2 Without restrictions on w , solutions need not exist or there m a y be several. For example, S ffi 515 has three solutions, while S ffi 516 has no solution in the
10-weight knapsack appearing in Hellman's
paper [HELL78]J 3 T h e time to verify
whether a given vector s is a solution is
O(n). In contrast, the time needed to find
a solution vector s is believed to be of
exponential complexity. Horowitz and
Sahni [HORo74] have published a search
algorithm for the knapsack problem requiring O (2n/2) time and 0 ( 2 n/2) memory; and
more recently Schroeppel and S h a m i r
[ScHR79] have devised an algorithm of the
same time complexity but requiring only
0 ( 2 n/4) memory. T h e knapsack problem is
an NP-complete problem [KARP72].
It is important to r e m e m b e r t h a t the
computational complexity of NP-complete
problems is measured by the difficulty of
solving the worst cases, whereas cryptosecurity is measured by the expected difficulty over all members of the class. Suppose, for example, t h a t the knapsack vector
w is chosen with the w, in strict dominance,
i.e., w~ > ~=~ w~. In this cage s can either
be found or shown not to exist in at most n
subtractions: st ~- 1 if and only if S - S,-~
_ w,, where S,-~ is the partial sum of the
first i - 1 components of the dot product.
Another example is w, = 2 '-~, in which case
the problem reduces to finding the binary
representation of 0 _< S _< 2n - 1. B o t h these
examples illustrate how simple a knapsack

~2 I f s = ( S l ,
s.) a n d w = (w~, ., w.), t h e n t h e
d o t p r o d u c t s . w = ~ , ~ s,w, T h e v e c t o r s. w h e r e
s, = 0 or 1 s u c h t h a t S = s . w , s e l e c t s s o m e of t h e
" o b j e c t s " to fill a " k n a p s a c k " of c a p a c i t y S
L3w = (14, 28, 56, 82, 90, 132, 197, 284, 3 4 1 , 4 5 5 ) , a n d
s = ( 1 0 0 i l l 1 0 0 0 ) , (0110100010), or (1100010010) for
S = 515

Computing Surveys, Vol ll, No 4, December 1979

problem can be for special w. An encryption system based on such a simple w would
not be secure.
Merkle and Hellman defined two special
classes of vectors w, which they call trapdoor knapsacks; with a trapdoor knapsack
the designer can easily compute the subset
vector s, while the opponent is faced with
solving a h a r d (O (2n/2)?) problem. T h e simplest scheme is an "additive trapdoor knapsack," in which the designer starts with any
strictly dominating weight vector w containing n weights, as described above, and
derives a related weight vector v, which is
believed to be a h a r d knapsack. This is
done by choosing a modulus n and a multiplier e which is relatively prime with respect to n, and t h e n computing the n
weights v~ of v by the rule ew, =-- v~
(mod m). Since e is relatively prime with
respect to m, there exists a d, easily comp u t e d using the Euclidean algorithm, such
t h a t ed - 1 (mod n). T h e n u m b e r s d and m
are the receiving key K', and the " h a r d "
knapsack weight vector v is the transmitting key K. A binary message is broken into
n-bit blocks. E a c h n-bit block becomes a
vector s for the knapsack problem: the
transmitter computes the cipher S' -- s v.
Since the cryptanalyst only knows S' and
v, he is forced to solve the knapsack problem for v. T h e authorized receiver, however, computes dS' - S (mod m); he t h e n
solves the simple knapsack (S, w) in O (n)
time because w is of the dominating form.
If m is chosen to strictly dominate the sum
of all the weights, t h e n the computations
m a y be done in integer arithmetic as well
as in the modular arithmetic.
T o further illustrate this simple trapdoor
knapsack, use the easy knapsack weight
vector w = (1, 2, 4, 8); choose m -- 17 > 1
+ 2 + 4 + 8 = 15 a n d e - - 5. T h e n d = 7 a n d
v ~- (5, 10, 3, 6). In this system the subset
vector s = (0, 1, 0, 1) would be transmitted
as S' = s v -~ 16. T h e receiver finds S =
7 . 1 6 = 10 (mod 17); since he also knows w,
the authorized receiver can solve for s in
three subtractions. T h e same principles apply to realistic implementations, which use
n = 100 or larger.
Note t h a t it has not yet been proved t h a t
the modular derivation of v from the easy
knapsack w results in a h a r d knapsack.

Symmetric and Asymmetric Eneryption

Shamir and Zippel [SHAM78] have shown

t h a t if the opponent knows m as well as v,
he can employ a simple algorithm whose
o u t p u t is w with high probability.
6.2 The Factorization Trapdoor

Another asymmetric system is the publickey encryption scheme proposed by Rivest,

Shamir, and Adleman [RIVE78]. T h e trapdoor in the scheme is based on the difference in computational difficulty in finding
large primes as opposed to factoring large
numbers. T h e best algorithms known at the
present can find a d-digit prime n u m b e r in
time O (d3), while the complexity of factoring a large n u m b e r n exceeds any polynomial bound, currently O (n (l"(l",)/1,,)~/2). In
the proposed system, one chooses a pair of
primes p and q so large t h a t factoring n =
p q is beyond all projected computational
capabilities. One also chooses a pair of numbers e and d, where (e, q~(n)) = 1, '4 and e d
-= 1 mod q0(n); q0(n) = ( p - 1)(q - 1). In
other words, e and d are multiplicative inverses in the group of residue classes modulo p(n). When used as a public-key cryptosystem, e and n are published in the
public-key directory and d is kept secret.
Because the receiver (designer) knows p
and q, the system is forward asymmetric.
A variant of this scheme illustrates a
bidirectional asymmetric encryption system. Assume t h a t a higher level of command designs the system, e.g., choosesp, q,
and e, computes d, and then gives (e, n)
and (d, n) to two subordinate commands
that require an asymmetric encryption
channel between them. Since computing
the multiplicative inverse d of e from a
knowledge of e and n is essentially the same
as factoring n or determining q~(n), d is
secure from an opponent knowing only n
and e. Conversely, computing e from a
knowledge of d and n is of the same difficulty. T h e two keys (e, n) and (d, n) are
separated by a computationally difficult
problem. Obviously, the "higher level of
c o m m a n d " can be replaced by a volatile
m e m o r y computing device so that no single
,4 q~(n) m t h e E u l e r t o t i e n t ; i t is s i m p l y t h e n u m b e r of
integers less than n and relatwely prime with respect
to n. (e, q~(n)) = 1 Is a n o t a t i o n m d m a t l n g t h a t e a n d
q~(n) are r e l a t i v e l y pmme.


party is in possession of the information

which could compromise the system.
A message M ~ ~ is e n c r y p t e d in this
system to the cipher C b y the transmitter
using key K = (e, n) by the rule
M e-=C


and C is decrypted by the authorized receiver using K = (d, n) by the rule

C e~M


For example, if p = 421 and q = 577 so

t h a t n = p q = 242,917 and p(n) = 241,920,
t h e n for e = 101, d = 9581. Using these
values K = (101:242,917) and K' = (9581:
242,917) so t h a t the message M = 153,190
encrypts by
C = 153,19011 -- 203,272 (mod 242,917),
and C decrypts by
M-- 203,272~' -= 153,190 (mod242,917).
Much effort has been devoted to the investigation of whether the scheme just described is secure and whether decryption
(for almost all ciphers) is as hard as the
factorization ofn. Several authors [HERL78,
SIMM77, WILL79a] have investigated the
restrictions on the p r i m e s p and q t h a t must
be imposed to ensure cryptosecurity; t h e y
conclude t h a t it is not difficult to choose
the primes so t h a t the known cryptoweaknesses are avoided [WILL79a]. It is probable
t h a t these same steps are also sufficient to
ensure t h a t decryption of almost all ciphers
is as hard as the factorization of n. However, this crucial result has not been proved.
Instead, Rabin [RAm79] has shown t h a t if
instead of the encryption function C -- M e
one uses



which is effectively the same as e = 2 where

n = p q , as in the Rivest et al. scheme, t h e n

decryption to an unauthorized user is not

simply a consequence of being able to factor
n but is actually equivalent. Unfortunately,
even the authorized user is left with an
ambiguity among four potential messages
in this scheme. Williams has completed this
work by proving t h a t for suitably chosen
primes p and q the ambiguity is removed
and t h a t decryption of almost all messages
is equivalent to factoring n [ W I L L 7 9 b ] .
Computing Surveys, Vol. 11, No 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. S~mmons

(Ron Rivest has pointed out that this statement is precisely true for ciphertext-only
attack and that it does not hold for chosenplaintext attack [BRIG77].)
For example, using the same primes and
message as above in the simple Rabin
scheme, p = 421, q -- 577, and M = 153,190,
and letting b = 0, one obtains the cipher
C = 153,1902 -- 179,315 (mod 242,917).
Four messages from d4 have C as their
square mod n: M, of course, and - M =
089,727, as well as M' = 022,788 and - M '
= 220,129.
The important point is that these results
are persuasive evidence of equivalence between decryption for almost all messages
and the factorization of n in these schemes.
A common misconception is that asymmetric encryption/decryption (public-key
encryption) is more secure than its (symmetric) predecessors. For example, Gardner
[GARD77] suggests that public-key cryptosystems are more cryptosecure than existing systems, and a lengthy editorial in the
Washington Post, July 9, 1978, was entitled
"The New Unbreakable Codes--Will They
Put NSA Out of Business?" [SHAP78]. The
discussion in the two previous sections on
symmetric and asymmetric encryption
demonstrates clearly that asymmetric cryptosecurity depends on precisely the same
mathematical condition as most high-quality symmetric cryptosystems--computational work factor. Basing cryptosystems
on NP-hard problems opens new worlds of
codes which may be as secure as traditional
codes. But the new systems are not necessarily more or less secure than existing

The asymmetric encryption channel serves

two functions:
1) Secret communication is possible even
if the transmitter's key (K) is public.
2) Authentication of messages is possible
by anyone who knows the receiver's key
(K'), assuming that K and K' are not
easily computed from each other.
The separation of secrecy and authentication in asymmetric systems has a natural
counterpart in the different security conComputing Surveys, Vol 11, No 4, December 1979

cerns of the transmitter and receiver: The

transmitter wishes assurances that the message cannot be disclosed or altered, whereas
the receiver is primarily concerned that the
message could only have come from the
The different security concerns of transmitter and receiver are well illustrated by
the concerns of the various parties involved
in a transaction by check. The person writing the check (the transmitter) is not concerned with its authenticity, but he is concerned that no one will be able to alter the
amount shown on his signed draft. The
person accepting the check (the receiver) is
primarily concerned with the authenticity
of the check. An intermediate party accepting the check as a second-party draft is
concerned with both of these aspects: that
the check is unaltered and authentic. The
ultimate receiver, the bank, keeps signature
cards on file to help verify (if needed) the
identity of the person who wrote the check,
but its concerns are the same as those of
the other intermediate receivers.
Authentication is closely related to error
detecting codes. The message J is partitioned into two classes, acceptable and unacceptable messages, similar to the classes
comprising the most probably correct and
incorrect messages in the previous case. To
realize authentication despite an intelligent
opponent, it is essential to conceal these
classes in the ciphers. Using an unconditionally secure cryptosystem to encrypt the
messages from J4 into ciphers from ~d,every
cipher C E ~d would with equiprobability
over ~ be the encryption of any message
in J4. But in this ideal case, if the opponent
substituted another cipher C' for the
correct cipher C, the probability that it
would decrypt to a message in the class of
acceptable messages would be simply
Id l / IJ4 I, where d i s the class of acceptable
messages. For example, i f ~ is the set of 264
-- 456,976 four-letter alphabetic sequences
and d is the set of four-letter English words
in Webster' s Unabridged International
Dictionary, then the probability that a randomly chosen four-letter cipher will decrypt
to an English word is very close to 1/7. In
other words, the equivocation to the opponent of this "natural" authentication system is =2.81 bits.

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

The point is that authentication is only
achievable by introducing redundancy into
the message--exactly as is done to achieve
an error detecting or correcting capability.
Simply having the required level of redundancy is not sufficient. The redundancy
must be diffused throughout the cipher, lest
the signature information be separated
from the proper message and appended to
another message.
The bidirectional public-key encryption
system proposed by Rivest, Shamir, and
Adleman can be used by two subscribers, A
and B, as a means of authenticating (signing} messages. Assume that A wishes to
send a message M to B; B must later be
able to prove to a third party {observer or
judge) that M originated with A. For example, A is ordering B (his broker) to make
a large stock sale which B fears A may
disavow if the market value of the stock
should increase. A has entered his publickey (eA, nA) into the public directory. Similarly B has entered (es, riB). A computes

M dA=-CA (modnn)
using his secret key (dn, hA) and then computes
CAe B = C


using B's public key. This cipher can only

be decrypted by B; A is therefore assured
of the secrecy of his message. On receiving
C, B computes
C dB -= CA (mod nB)
using his secret key and saves CA as his
"signed" version of the message. He then

(mod nA)

using A's public key. Since this later step

can be duplicated by any observer given CA
by using A's public information, the claim
is that M could only have come from AJ 5
~ T h e r e is a significant difference between digital sign a t u r e s a n d a mgnature to a d o c u m e n t . Once t h e signer
affixes his signature to a d o c u m e n t , t h e r e is n o t h i n g
he can do t h a t will interfere with t h e future verification
of t h e a u t h e n t m l t y of t h e signature. In t h e digital
signature s c h e m e described above, however, A can
dehberately expose hm secret key dA a n d t h e r e b y m a k e
t h e authenticity of all digital signatures a t t n b u t e d to
h i m questionable


It has been argued that since M, CA, and

C are all the same length, say k bits, there
is no apparent redundancy, as is required
for authentication. But this is not true:
Suppose that M were perfectly encoded,
i.e., a random (equiprobable) k-bit binary
number. Now the observer has no way of
rejecting any k-bit number as not having
been originated by A. A must therefore
include in M identifiers, such as his name
or ID number, time of day, or transaction
number, which serve only to distinguish
acceptable from unacceptable messages.
The security of the authenticator is still
measured by the degree of signature redundancy introduced.
Authentication is possible using either
symmetric or asymmetric channels. We
noted earlier that with DES, a symmetric
block ciphering system, messages can be
authenticated using Feistel's block chaining
[FEIs73] technique. In this approach successive blocks of 56 bits of the text are used
as keys to successively encrypt the ciphers
from the preceding step, with one 56-bit
initial key unknown to the opponent. The
resulting cipher is a "function" of every bit
in the message and is resistant to inversion
even against a known plaintext attack. The
appended authenticator must match an
"acceptable" message, usually in a natural
language to be accepted.
The unique feature of asymmetric encryption systems for authentication is that
a receiver can decrypt but not encrypt; one
terminal of the communications link can be
intentionally exposed without compromising the other terminal. This is not possible
in a symmetric system.

Despite the different concerns of the transmitter, the receiver, or the intermediary in
authentication, the objective is always an
authentication system whose cryptosecurity is equivalent to the security of the transmitter's encryption key. This means that
the transmitter can purposely introduce redundancy in such forms as message identifiers prior to encryption, or else he can
depend on redundancy inherent in the message format or language to allow the authorized receiver to reject bogus messages.
Computing Surveys, Vol. II, No 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. Simmons

The cryptosystem may be either symmetric

if all communications terminals are secure,
or asymmetric if one of the communications
terminals is at a physically unsecured site.
There are four possible combinations of
security concerns. They are listed in Table
3. Each corresponds to a class of real communications systems.




incorrectly--that there is no key distribution problem for public-key systems.

Class III is an unusual communications
system that could not exist in a symmetric
cryptosystem. In a system of this type, message and transmitter authentication is required, but secrecy cannot be tolerated. We
call this a signature channel. An application of this channel for treaty verification
has been developed at Sandia Laboratories






Class I corresponds to normal, nonsecure

communications. We call this the public

Class II is the classical case of secret or
private communications. We call this the
private channel. This channel is realizable
with symmetric or asymmetric techniques.
In the symmetric case a compromise of the
key at either end of the communications
channel precludes all further secret communications. In a forward asymmetric system secret communications are still possible even if the transmitter's key is public.
The necessity for communicants' using
symmetric systems to provide a secure way
to exchange keys in advance is a severe
restriction. A commercial cryptonet, for example, could have many thousands of subscribers, any pair of whom might wish to
communicate. Clearly the number of keys
to support symmetric encryption would be
unmanageable. In a forward asymmetric
encryption system, however, a subscriber S,
could publish his encryption pair E, and K,
in a public directory. Anyone wishing to
communicate a secret message M to S, in
secrecy transmits E~(M, K~), which can only
be deciphered by S~. It is this application
that led to the name "public-key cryptosystern." It is essential, however, that the
transmitter be certain that E, and K, are
the key entries for S,: In other words, while
a secret exchange of keys is no longer (in
an asymmetric system as opposed to a symmetric one) needed, an authenticated exchange of keys is still required! This is an
important point since it is frequently said-Computing Surveys. Vol I l, No 4, December 1979

Assume that the United States and the

Soviet Union sign a comprehensive test ban
treaty in which each party agrees to stop
all underground testing of nuclear weapons.
Each side wishes to verify that the other is
complying, that is, is not surreptitiously
carrying out underground tests. One of the
most reliable techniques for detecting underground tests uses medium-distance
seismic observatories that measure the
ground motions resulting from an underground detonation. These techniques are
highly reliable; either nation could have
confidence in the output message from
seismic instruments suitably located in the
host (other) nation's territory. It is not difficult to secure the instruments physically
in subsurface emplacements; only the data
stream sent through an open communications channel is subject to attack. If the
host nation could successfully substitute
innocuous seismic records for the incriminating records of underground tests, it
could cheat undetected. This problem is
solvable using either symmetric or asymmetric encryption techniques. The receiver
(nation to which the seismic installation
belongs) need only encrypt the seismic data
along with as many identifiers--station ID
number, date, or clocks--as might be
needed for authentication. This method of
authentication is as secure as the encryption system used to produce the cipher.
However this solution would almost certainly be unacceptable to the host nation
(in whose territory the seismic observatory
is placed), which would be ignorant of the
contents of the enciphered messages; it
would fear that the cipher contains information other than the agreed-upon seismic
data. If the host nation were given the key
to a symmetric encryption system (so that
it could decrypt the cipher and verify the

Symmetric and A s y m m e t r w Encryption

message content), it would also, by definition, be able to generate counterfeit ciphers.

A compromise solution is to form an authenticator much shorter than the entire
message; the authenticator depends on all
of the symbols in the message through some
hashing function. The authenticator is also
encrypted. (The block chaining technique
was implemented in such a solution in the
late 1960s for a similar application.) The
shorter authenticator (cipher) is of course
still inscrutable to the host nation, but its
smaller size means that less information
could be concealed in each transmission.
Periodically, the hashing algorithm and key
could be changed; the hashing algorithm
and key used in the previous period would
be given to the host, which could then
verify that the authenticators had not concealed unauthorized information in the previous period. After satisfying itself that the
system had not been misused, the host
would renew the license to operate for one
more period. This compromise is not completely satisfying to both parties because
the host nation still must trust the other
nation not to begin concealing information
in the current authenticators.
The problem can be solved completely
with either a forward or a bidirectional
asymmetric encryption system. The message M and the cipher E(M, K) are given
to the host nation, which has already been
given DE and K', but not K. The host would
compare DE(E(M, K), K') with the purported message M. If the two agree, the
host is assured of the content of the message. The other nation also compares
DE(E(M, K), K') and M to determine if the
message is authentic.
Class IV is typified by commercial transactions in which it is essential to be certain
both that the message came from the purported transmitter and that it has not been
altered in transmission--and also to ensure
that outsiders are not privy to the communication. Since all the secure communications objectives are met in such a system,
we call this the secure channel.
There are many business applications in
which a secure channel is desirable, for
example, the remote automatic bank teller
or the control of access to a computer's
unsecured data files. In these cases the user


would like to be certain that no one can

wiretap the communication link while he is
authenticating himself and then later be
able to impersonate him to the bank's computer or to the CPU. Secure log-in computer systems require the user to identify
himself before granting him access to the
operating computer system [HOFF77,
MART73], but these systems may be complex. Many low-security systems simply
store all user numbers and the corresponding passwords in a file normally inaccessible
to users. Anyone gaining (illegal) access to
this file could then impersonate any system
user. The most common defense is the oneway cipher [EvAN74, PtJRD74, WILK68],
which does not store the user's password
W~, but rather a function E(WJ, where E is
chosen to be computationaUy infeasible to
invert. Anyone gaining access to the password file would know E ( W J for all the
authorized users but would be unable to
determine any W, and hence unable to impersonate any user. Obviously, there are
requirements other than the difficulty of
inverting E; for instance, the file can contain only a vanishingly small fraction of the
total number of possible passwords; otherwise the opponent could simply choose a
random collection of W~, form the corresponding E(W,), and if a match were found
in the file, use that identity. This type of
system has generally been adopted by the
banking industry for "window identification" of passcard holders for savings accounts.
The requirement for a full-fledged secure
channel arises with the brokerage house
that responds to either a very large buy or
sell order. The house wants the highest
possible level of secrecy concerning the details of the order lest it disturb the market.
The house also wants full authentication of
the giver of the order. Private commercial
codes were once used for precisely these
purposes; these codes, however, provide little cryptosecurity.
As further illustration of the requirements on secure channels, consider a military commander who sends scouting patrols into enemy territory. A two-way radio
communication link exists between each
patrol and the command post, and all the
patrols use the same asymmetric system.
Computing Surveys, Vo|. II, No. 4, December |979


Gustavus J. Simmons

Before the mission is completed, some of

the patrols may have been captured and
their cryptosystems divulged. Communication from the uncompromised patrols to
headquarters remains secret because only
the transmitter's key has been compromised. Moreover, the enemy cannot impersonate the commander's messages because
it knows only a receiver's key.
Now, suppose that a hybrid cryptosystem
is used. The first communication over the
asymmetric channel from a patrol to the
commander could be a key, for example, a
56-bit random number for the DES symmetric cryptosystem. This communication
is in secret since only the transmitter key
could have been compromised for this
channel. Thereafter the commander and
patrol can engage in a secure two-way communication over the symmetric channel using the new "session" key. This is not possible using the asymmetric system alone
because the commander's ciphers may be
legible to the enemy. This system is not
foolproof, however, because the commander has no way to authenticate the
patrol initiating the communication. Some
other concealed information, such as a sign
or countersign, could be used, but this additional information would be considered
to be a part of the key according to the
strict definition given earlier and hence
may have been divulged to the enemy.
The foregoing discussion assumes that
the sender and receiver are sure of each
other's identity and keys--for example, a
higher level commander has generated the
keys, or each user has generated his own
pair of keys. Needham and Schroeder
[NEED78] have shown that the secure distribution of keys is essential to cryptosecurity and is the same for symmetric and
asymmetric systems. The following example illustrates the possibility that completely anonymous communicants can enter into a private conversation. Let o~ be a
class of commutative encryption functions, 16 i.e., EA, Es E 8 implies EA(Es(M,
~6An example of a commutative cryptosystem m a
variant of the P o h h g - H e l l m a n log-antilog scheme
over large finite fields [PoHL78] L e t . g = {GF(2127)/
{0, 1} } be the message space known to everyone. A
selects an exponent 2 _< e ~ 2127 - 2 and encrypts M as
M e m GF(21~). B chooses an exponent d similarly and
Computing Surveys, Vol 11, No 4, December 1979

Ks), KA) = EB(EA(M, KA), Ks). If A wishes

to communicate a message M to B in secrecy where no advance arrangements such
as key distribution or public-key disclosure
have been made, A chooses EA, DA, and KA
and KA'. He then transmits the cipher
EA(M, KA) to B, who cannot decrypt the
cipher. Now B chooses EB, DB, and KB and
KB' from the family of commutative encryption functions and transmits the cipher
Es(EA(M, KA), Ks) to A. A computes
DA(Es(EA(M, KA), Ks), KA'), which reduces
to EB(M, KB) because DA "undoes" EA.
Then A relays this cipher back to B, who
computes DB(EB(M, Ks), KB') to recover
M. On the surface it appears that an impossible result has been accomplished because the keys were kept secret all through
the exchange. In fact, A has communicated
in secret to whomever responded to his
original transmission of the cipher
EA(M, KA), but A cannot establish the identity of his receiver. In other words, A can
only be certain that he has a private communication with an unknown party.
Perhaps the most intriguing example of
this paradox of initiating secret communications between two parties who cannot
establish each other's identities occurs in
Shamir, Rivest, and Adleman's protocol for
playing mental poker [SHAM79]. In this
case the names of the cards are encrypted
by player A and the resulting ciphers
passed to B who chooses a random subset
(deal), etc., to relay to B using a commutative encryption function as described in
the preceding paragraph. The resulting
game is self-consistent in the sense that the
players can verify that a game of poker is
being played fairly--but with an unknown
The point of the preceding three paragraphs is to illustrate an essential point
about asymmetric encryption systems. It ts
not true that "in a public-key cryptosystem 17 there is no need of a secure channel
relays (M e)d (also m GF(2 127)), whmh A then raises to
the e - I power to get M d = ( ( M e)d ,,~t,
' ) e - 1 , which Is retransmttted to B who computes ( M ) '
to o b t a m M. An
o p p o n e n t will have seen M e, M", and (M'T I and will
know the s p a c e , tO, so he is faced with the "known
plalntext" decryptlon problem with the twmt that he
knows two messages w h m h encrypt to a c o m m o n
17 Read asymmetric cryptosystem

Symmetric a n d Asymmetric Encryption

for the distribution of keys" [HELL79b].
What is true is that whereas the secure key
distribution system must be able to certify
the secrecy of the delivered key for use in
symmetric systems, it need only be able to
certify the authenticity of the key for asymmetric systems. There is implicit in this
statement a distinction between a passive
wiretapper {eavesdropper) who only listens
to but does not originate ciphers and an
active wiretapper who may alter or originate ciphers. An eavesdropper listening to
the microwave scatter from a microwave
link illustrates the first threat, while a
wiretapper in a central switching office illustrates the second. In the case of the
active wiretapper, the only way to avoid
the "postal chess ploy ''1~ is to have the keys
delivered securely, either in a face-to-face
exchange by the transmitter and receiver
or by trusted couriers, etc.

The primary objectives in this paper have

been to develop the concept of the asymmetric encryption/decryption channel and
to show some real problems that can only
be solved by using such a channel. A secondary objective has been to draw analogies between coding theory and encryption
theory in order to clarify the concepts of
secrecy and authentication.
Cryptosystems are naturally classified
into two classes, symmetric or asymmetric,
depending only on whether the keys at the
transmitter and receiver are easily computed from each other. The only well-tested
operational cryptosystems in 1979 were
symmetric. All depend on the computational intractability of working backward
from a knowledge of the cipher, plaintext,
and encryption/decryption function for
their cryptosecurity. Asymmetric cryptosystems are inherently neither more nor
less secure than symmetric cryptosystems.
Both kinds of system depend on the high
"work factor" associated with a computationally infeasible problem to provide com~s In this s c h e m e a thLrd p a r t y interposes h n n s e l f simply to relay m o v e s m t h e correspondence of two postal
c h e s s players with a g u a r a n t e e of either drawing
against both or else winning against one while losing
to t h e other, irrespective of his c h e s s playing abilities


putational cryptosecurity. An essential difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems is that one of the transmitter or receiver keys can be compromised
in the asymmetric system with some secure
communications still possible. In some instances, such as the public-key cryptosystem, the exposure may be deliberate; in
others it cannot be insured against simply
because of the physical exposure of one end
of the communications link. If in an asymmetric system the receiver key is concealed
from a knowledge of the transmitter key, it
is still possible to communicate in secrecy
even after the transmitter key is exposed.
Conversely, if the transmitter key is concealed from a knowledge of the receiver
key, it is possible for the transmitter to
authenticate himself even though the receiver key is known to an opponent. These
unique capabilities of asymmetric systems
distinguish them from symmetric systems.
Two vital points need to be restated.
First, it is false that key protection and
secure key dissemination are unnecessary
in an asymmetric system. As Needham and
Schroeder [NEED78] have shown for network authentication, the protocols are quite
similar, and the number of protocol messages which must be exchanged is comparable using either symmetric or asymmetric
encryption techniques. At the end of the
section on secure communications we illustrated an anomaly, the establishing of a
secret link with a party whose identity cannot be verified, which can arise in the absence of key dissemination. For this reason
asymmetric techniques can be used to disseminate a key which is then used in a
symmetric system.
The second point is that asymmetric systems are not a priori superior to symmetric
ones. The particular application determines
which system is appropriate. In the 1979
state of the art, all the proposed asymmetric systems exact a high price for their
asymmetry: The higher amount of computation in the encryption/decryption process
significantly cuts the channel capacity (bits
per second of message information communicated). No asymmetric scheme known
to the author has a capacity better than
C 1/2, where C is the channel capacity of a
symmetric channel having the same crypComputing Surveys, Vol. II, No 4, December 1979


Gustavus J. S i m m o n s

tosecurity and using the s a m e basic clock

or bit m a n i p u l a t i o n rate. U n d e r these conditions, the higher o v e r h e a d of a s y m m e t r i c
encryption is w a r r a n t e d only for applications in which one of the c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
terminals is physically insecure.


T h e following brief discussion of L F S R s is

included for the benefit of readers who m a y
not be familiar with the inner workings of
these devices. Given an n t h - o r d e r n o n h o m ogeneous polynomial, i.e., P~(x) = ~,".-o c,x',
where Co = Cn = 1, with binary coefficients, ~9
we define an associated n-stage linear feedb a c k shift register by the rules

Xl t =



x, t = x~=],

i> 1

where x, t is the state of the ith stage of the

register on the t t h step and ~ is the m o d u l o
2 s u m (binary arithmetic). For example, if
P4(x) = x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x + 1, the shift
register is of the f o r m shown in Figure 7
and the sequence of states of the register
(depending on the initial fill) is one of four




In this case the 16 possible 4-bit binary

n u m b e r s are divided into t h r e e cycles of
length 5 a n d one of length 1. T h e explanation is t h a t x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x + 1 divides
x 5 + 1 evenly; i.e.,

( x + 1)(x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + x + l )

=x ~+1.

Note: R e m e m b e r t h a t the coefficients are

t r e a t e d as residues modulo 2.
A well-known result f r o m algebra says
t h a t Pn(x) always divides x '~'-~ + 1, b u t
~' M o d u l o 2 u s i n g t h e r u l e s





C o m p u t | n g Surveys, Vol 11, No 4, December 1979

t h a t Pn(x) m a y also divide x d + 1 where d

is a divisor of 2 n - 1, in which case the
m a x i m u m period of the sequences f r o m the
associated L F S R is also a p r o p e r divisor of
2 n - 1. I f the polynomial Pn(x) has no
factors and does not divide x d + 1 for a n y
p r o p e r divisor d of 2" - 1, t h e n P ' ( x ) is said
to be primitive. T h e i m p o r t a n t point is t h a t
the nonzero cycle g e n e r a t e d b y the associa t e d linear f e e d b a c k shift register for a n y
primitive p o l y n o m i a l h a s the m a x i m u m
possible period of 2" - 1:00 . . . 0 is always
in a cycle b y itself. For example, P*(x) = x*
+x+ ldividesx ~+ lbutnotx d+ lfor
a n y d < 15; hence P*(x) is primitive and
the m a x i m a l length nonzero cycle generated by the associated L F S R is:


Linear feedback shift registers based on

primitive polynomials are therefore said to
be m a x i m a l length, and the resulting bit
sequences h a v e b e e n shown to satisfy m a n y
tests for r a n d o m n e s s [GoLo67, TAUS65].
F o r example, 0, 1 and 00, 01, 10, 11, etc. (up
to n-tuples), are as nearly uniform in their
probability of occurrence as is possible; i.e.,
since the all-zero n-tuple is not in the cycle,
the all-zero k-tuple will occur one t i m e less
t h a n do the o t h e r k-tuples. Because of these
v e r y useful p r o p e r t i e s and also because of
the ease of i m p l e m e n t i n g m a x i m a l length
L F S R s in either h a r d w a r e or software, a
v o l u m i n o u s literature exists on the subj e c t - - i n c l u d i n g extensive tables of the
primitive polynomials [GoLo67, PETE72]
needed to c o m p u t e the feedback functions.

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

A n especially simple class of primitive polynomial [ZIER68, ZIER69], both to analyze

and to implement, is the trinomials, x" +
x a + 1, which require only two stages of the
feedback shift register to be tapped and
c o m b i n e d by an Exclusive O R





to c o m p u t e the feedback sum.

The author wishes to acknowledge the many and
valuable contributions of M J. Norris to the ideas
presented here. He is also grateful to D. Kahn and H.
Bright for careful reviews of a first draft of the manuscript and to the anonymous referees whose detailed
suggestions materially shaped the present form of the
paper. Finally, he wishes to express his appreciation
to R. J. Hanson and P. J. Denning whose assmtance
has made it possible for this material to be published
in Computing Surveys.









Acme commodity and phrase code, Acme

Code Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1923.




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Cornputmg Surveys, Vo| l 1, No 4. December 1979

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