Easystart: Es-1 Main Features

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ES-1 Main Features

All functions are right on the surface, with no
menus or pages to slow you down!
Familiar 16-step key interface to build your own
patterns from samples
Audio input for processing of external sources
through the effects, just like the sampled parts!
Motion sequencing to record knob/switch
movements for each part and effect!

Manipulate samples in realtime using front panel

keys and switches
128 patterns in memory, each up to 4 bars long
Play the part keys in realtime to record or steprecord patterns
Sample in mono or stereo, up to 95 seconds
sample time and save to SmartMedia cards
Time slice samples to change tempo without
affecting pitch

Audio connections

Playing the demo songs

Pattern mode tour

Motion sequencing

More Pattern editing

Recording Patterns

Pattern Sets

Using the Audio input


Resampling and Slicing

About SmartMedia

ES-1 EasyStart

Audio connections

Connect ES-1 power supply connect audio cables from L/MONO1 and RIGHT outputs to powered monitor system, or
use headphones (phone jack) connect external audio device (turntable, mixer, CD player, synth, mic, etc.) to AUDIO IN
jack power-up monitor system and ES-1.


Part 1 key (1/ST) will light on power-up strike any Part key repeatedly set MASTER VOLUME knob / monitor

Playing the demo songs


Press SONG key. (Display indicates "S.01" one of 3 demo songs) press PLAY [> II] to playback demo song adjust
volume to suit press STOP [[]] to stop playback to play additional demo songs, rotate DIAL to S02 or S03

Pattern mode:

128 patterns in internal memory all user-programmable


Press PATTERN key press CURSOR  to set to "Pattern" (1st row, PATTERN column in matrix below display).


Rotate DIAL to select any Pattern number (A.01 b.23) press PLAY. The pattern will loop press STOP to stop
playback rotate DIAL to select and PLAY additional patterns.

Rotate DIAL as current pattern plays to select a new pattern - when the current pattern ends, the new pattern will begin.
(When you change patterns in this way, new pattern selected will playback at same tempo as previous pattern. To
playback new pattern at its original tempo, STOP pattern playback, then select and PLAY new pattern.

Working with Tempo:


Press PATTERN select any pattern press PLAY press CURSOR  to Tempo (LED lights) rotate DIAL to set
tempo to use TAP tempo function: As pattern plays, strike TAP key 3x to set new tempo. Note: to set fractional tempos
(120.1, etc): As pattern plays, hold down Shift and rotate DIAL press CURSOR  4x, to return to PATTERN.

Working with Parts:


Press PATTERN rotate DIAL to select any pattern strike any part key tweak the knobs and switches to edit the
part. Note that Original Value LED lights when original knob/switch settings are recalled PLAY pattern, select and
tweak parts.

Realtime Pattern control:

Before you continue, turn OFF memory protect: Press GLOBAL Hold Shift Press step key 16
Rotate DIAL to off Press step key 16 again. Press the PATTERN key to return to PATTERN mode.

ES-1 EasyStart

Copy a preset pattern to a new location:


Press PATTERN rotate DIAL to select any pattern press WRITE rotate DIAL to pattern b.64 press WRITE
again to copy the source pattern to b.64.

In-store suggestion:

Use b.64 as the edit target pattern for all of your demos!

Tweak the copied pattern:


Change Tempo: (see Changing Tempo above).


Force pattern Playback: As pattern plays, hold down Shift and press PLAY repeatedly, to force pattern playback to
first beat of the measure.


Tweak the pattern: Strike the part keys work with the knobs and switches as pattern plays - create an edited set of
part sounds using the existing pattern try striking any part key in the PART COMMON section, press Effect
rotate EFFECT knob to select one of 11 effects tweak effect with Edit 1 / Edit 2 knobs. Note that you can select / edit
a new effect for each part (except Accent).


Try working with Pitch/Speed, Filter, Level, Pan knobs and Roll / Reverse switches - for different part keys, as pattern


Assign another internal sample to a part sound: Press any part key (while pattern plays or is stopped) CURSOR
 to Sample (3rd row , PATTERN column) strike the part key as you rotate DIAL to audition / select new samples
tweak the part key w/ new sample assigned.


Tweak the pattern data itself: As pattern plays, press any part key press to add/remove steps from the 16 step keys
(lit/unlit) press the Accent key and set new accents on the 16 step keys (use Level knob to set overall accent level).


SOLO and MUTE parts: Press and hold down SOLO and press a part key (it will light) (or group of part keys). Press
SOLO again to defeat solo press and hold down MUTE (TAP), then press a part key (or group of part keys) to
mute/unmute parts (lit/unlit) press STOP press WRITE 2x to write edited pattern to memory.

Motion Sequencing: Record knob and switch changes for each part, effects and delay
Record Motion sequences in the previous pattern:

Press Part 1/ST part key (it will light) hold Shift and press step key 6 (Clear Motion) 2x, to clear previous Motion
sequence for Part 1 repeat this step for each part in the pattern.


Press to select Part 7A key (it will light) in PART edit section, press Motion Seq to select Smooth or Trig Hold (it will
light) press REC key (left of STOP). REC will light, and PLAY will flash.


Press PLAY to begin recording rotate Pitch/Speed knob. When pattern reaches last step, REC light will go out and
pattern will continue to play - you'll hear new Motion sequence while pattern loops, press Motion Seq key to select
Smooth or Trig Hold, and listen to difference in playback. (you can SOLO the part to get a better idea)


Press STOP press to select Part 2 key (it will light), then select either Smooth or TrigHold as type of Motion
Sequence press REC press PLAY to record toggle Reverse key off / on, to record new Motion sequence for part
2 press STOP press WRITE 2x to write pattern with the two new Motion sequences.


Edit the Motion Sequence: Press Part 7A key (it will light). (Pattern can be playing or stopped for following steps):
Press CURSOR  to select Motion Value (5th row, PATTERN column) press one of the lit step keys for this part the display alternates between PCH (pitch) and recorded pitch value rotate DIAL to change pitch values as you
press to select each of the step keys STOP pattern playback press WRITE 2x to write the pattern with new pitch

ES-1 EasyStart

Each time you record a new knob or switch change with the Motion sequence function, it will OVERWRITE the previous
Motion sequence for that part. If youre not satisfied with the Motion Sequence you just recorded, simply re-record it, or
Clear the Motion Sequence. One Motion sequence, using one knob rotation, plus three switch changes can be recorded
for each Part. Two knob rotations can be recorded for the Effect and Delay Motion Sequences (See the owners manual,
page 21, and 41-42 for more information)

Record an Effect Motion sequence in the current pattern: Select an effect press REC press PLAY tweak Edit
1 and Edit 2 knobs simultaneously to record the Effect Motion sequence.


Record a Delay Motion Sequence in the current pattern: In the Delay section, press the Motion Sequence key (it will
light) press REC press PLAY tweak the Delay Depth and Time knobs to record the Delay Motion sequence.

More Pattern editing:

Copy the previous pattern and change the pattern length:
1. Select pattern b.64 press WRITE rotate DIAL to select pattern b.63 press WRITE again, to copy pattern b.64 to
b.63. Don't PLAY pattern yet hold down Shift and press step key 1 (Length). (Display indicates 4 bars) rotate
DIAL to change pattern length to 2 bars press step key 1 again to set length PLAY pattern: it will loop after 2 bars.
View the step data in the pattern:
2. While pattern plays, press each part key, and note that the step keys light to indicate where each part is set to trigger
along the 16-step grid watch Select LED section (above step keys). Note that green LED indicates movement through
- and loops from bars 1-2.

Continue playback of pattern press Part 4/- key (it will light) press Select > key 1x - the red LED in Select section
moves to 2nd bar in pattern - all step keys will be unlit press Select < key 1X to move back to 1st bar - red LED and
step key 7 key will be lit. Note that youre viewing Trigger Settings for Part 4. The step keys are unlit for bar 2 - no
trigger settings (data) have been written in this bar.


Press the Part 7A key, so that it lights.

Edit the trigger settings for Part 7:

5. Press Select < or > keys until bar 1's red LED is lit - to view the trigger settings for part 7A, bar 1. Let the pattern
continue to play press the following step keys, to turn them off: 7, 9, 11 (unlit). Listen as pattern loops - when bar 1
plays again, only step 3 will play - the rest of the data for part 7A stays the same - for bar 2 press Select > key to move
to bar 2 press any desired step keys to change trigger settings for part 7A, bar 2 press the STOP key.
Work with the Swing function:
6. Select pattern A.26 PLAY pattern to hear how it sounds press STOP hold down the Shift key and press step
key 3 (Swing) - a value of 50 will flash in the display rotate the DIAL to a setting of "69" press step key 3 again
(flashing), to set new Swing value PLAY pattern to hear new swing setting STOP pattern hold down Shift and
press step key 3.

Rotate DIAL to set value to "50" press step key 3 again to re-set Swing value PLAY pattern again - to hear
"straight" 16-beat pattern press STOP.

Recording Patterns:

Two ways to record patterns: Step or Realtime recording


Step Record a 1-bar pattern: Select an empty pattern (try b.24 or later) press REC press PLAY press each part
key, then press the desired step keys (they will light) to enter the pattern data for that part.


Realtime Record a 1-bar pattern: Select an empty pattern turn on the Metronome: Press GLOBAL, then CURSOR
 or to Metronome rotate DIAL to r 1 (1-bar lead-in) press PATTERN press REC press PLAY strike
desired part keys in realtime to record the pattern press STOP when finished. Note that you can also Step Record in
this mode, by pressing the step keys as the pattern loop-records, or on pattern playback.

ES-1 EasyStart

Pattern Sets:

Assign and trigger patterns with step keys (up to 64) for instant recall

Work with Pattern Sets:

1. Press Pattern select any pattern press PLAY hold down Pattern Set key and press any step key to switch to a
new pattern -pre-assigned to that step key. When the current pattern finishes, the new pattern will begin to play. The
Pattern Set you are working with contains 16 patterns - assigned to the 16 step keys.

Hold down Shift and press Pattern Set (flashing). This holds the current pattern set, and lets you select patterns within
the pattern set group - simply by pressing the step keys for one-touch recall of patterns!


Press the Pattern Set key again. This defeats the hold function hold down Pattern Set and press one of the Select
keys. This takes you to another Pattern Set (of 16 patterns), and you can continue selecting patterns as above. The
selected group will be indicated by the red LED's in the Select section press STOP when finished.

For more information on registering patterns to your own Pattern Sets, see the ES-1 Owners Manual, page 46.

Audio Input: Input external audio (records, CDs, etc, and process like any part sound!

Press PATTERN select pattern A.02 make sure that an external device is connected to the rear panel AUDIO IN
jack set MIC/LINE switch as needed press AUDIO IN THRU key (it will light) start playback on external device
and adjust source level /rear panel level knob watch ES-1 Peak LED for clipping press to turn off AUDIO IN THRU
key (unlit). Note that pattern A.02 has active steps assigned to Audio In part.


Start playback on external device and press PLAY on ES-1: youll hear the audio source being rhythmically gated
according to its assigned steps just like any other part.


Press Audio In part key turn Level knob in Part Edit section to balance the Audio In volume with other parts in pattern
as pattern plays, rotate Pitch/Speed knob to set duration (gate time) of audio steps to solo Audio In part: hold
down Solo and press Audio In part key press Solo again to defeat solo function.


95 seconds sample time, up to 150 samples internal, SmartMedia storage!

Record the sample:

1. Make sure that an external device (CD player, synth, mic, etc.) is connected to Audio In jack set MIC/LINE switch as

Press AUDIO IN THRU play source adjust source level and rear panel LEVEL knob (watch PEAK LED for clipping!).


Stop external source playback press SAMPLE key hold down Pattern Set key press REC rotate DIAL to set
nno (mono) or StE (stereo) for sampling source (note that Audio In jack is a stereo/ mono phone jack).


Press PLAY playback external source press STOP when finished sampling stop external source playback
press ES-1 PLAY to playback new sample. Now to edit the sample

Normalize, edit and truncate the sample:

5. Normalize: Hold Shift press step key 11 (Normalize) 2x press PLAYto audition normalized sample.

Set sample Start Point: Press CURSOR to select Start (2nd row, SAMPLE column).


Hold Shift press PLAY to trigger rotate DIAL to move sample start by coarse degrees. To set start point in fine
degrees, release Shift key rotate DIAL press PLAY to trigger press PLAY to audition sample w/ new start point.


Set sample End Point: Press CURSOR to select End (3rd row, SAMPLE column).


Hold down Shift press PLAY to trigger rotate DIAL to move sample end by coarse degrees. To set end point in fine
degrees, release Shift key rotate DIAL trigger sample with PLAY key. When satisfied, press and hold down Shift
press step key 12 (Truncate) 2x press PLAY to audition truncated sample w/ new start and end points.

ES-1 EasyStart

Save the sample:

10. Press WRITE 2x to write sample to next-available empty sample location.

Resampling and Slicing:

Easy resampling of internal patterns/songs/parts. Time slicing divides sample into smaller rhythmic subdivisions to change tempo
without affecting pitch!
Resample a pattern:
1. Press PATTERN rotate DIAL to select/ audition a pattern to resample COPY the Pattern: Press WRITE rotate
DIAL to an empty Pattern location (use b.64 as demo target pattern) press WRITE again.

SET PATTERN LENGTH: Hold down Shift press step key 1 [Length] rotate DIAL to set length to 1 (bar)
press step key 1 again to set.


Press and hold down Pattern Set and REC press PLAY to begin resampling press STOP when pattern plays 1x.


Press SAMPLE press PLAY to audition resample Normalize, set Start/End points and Truncate, then Save the
resample (follow Steps 5-10 in previous Sampling section).

Slice and Save the resample:

5. Press SAMPLE CURSOR  or  to select Sample (1st row, SAMPLE column).

Hold down Shift press step key 13 (Time Slice) (Slice part key will flash)


Press Slice -display shows calculated tempo of the sample as it plays back. (You may need to adjust ES-1 tempo to
match samples tempo) If needed, turn Metronome ON to help align tempo: Press GLOBAL CURSOR  or to
Metronome (1st row, GLOBAL column) rotate DIAL to ON press GLOBAL key again to exit.


Press Slice again. Playback stops and step keys of each slice will light (sliced sample is divided across 16 step keys)
play step keys to audition try various resolution settings by changing display value (00-09, 00r-09r) press Slice
again (unlit).


Write the Sample: Press WRITE 2x keep new sample number in mind for now

Use the new sliced sample in a pattern:

10. Press PATTERN select empty pattern location (i.e. b.64).
11. Press Slice part key (it will light) CURSOR  to Sample (3rd row, PATTERN column) rotate DIAL to new sliced

sample number.
12. Press to light all 16 step keys press PLAY to playback pattern try turning on and off different step keys for new

rhythmic feels.

For more information on resampling and slicing, see the ES-1 Owners Manual, pages 28 and 30.

About SmartMedia
SmartMedia cards (4-64 MB) can be used to save or load internal data. You can also load WAVE and AIFF files created on your
computer via SmartMedia. To format, load or save data with SmartMedia, follow the procedures in the Owners Manual, page 55.

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