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BRITISH STANDARD 1881 :Part 5 : 1970

UDC 666.972.01 :691.32:620.1


Part 5. Methods of testing'hrdened
concrete for other than strength


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Part 5. Methods of testing hardened concrete

for other than strength

BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970

Incorporating amendment issued February 1983 (AMD 4062)

Incorporatedby Royal Charter

Telex: 266933

TeleDhone: 01-629 goo0

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BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970

having been approved by the
Cement, Lime and Gypsum Products Industry Standards
Committee, was published under the authority of the Executive Board on 26th January, 1970.
First published, July 1952.
First revision, January, 1970.
SBN: 580 05815 8
The Institution desires to call attention to the fact that this
British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract.

A complete list of British Standards, numbering over 9,000,

fully indexed and with a note of the contents of each, will be
found in the BSI Catalogue which may be purchased from
BSI Sales Department. The Catalogue may be consulted in
many public libraries and similar institutions.
This standard makes reference to the following British
Portland cement (ordinary and rapid-hardening).
BS 12.
BS 604. Graduated measuring cylinders.
BS 915. High alumina cement.
BS 2028, 1364. Precast concrete blocks.
BS 2648. Performance requirements for electrically-heated
laboratory drying ovens.
BS 3718. Laboratory humidity ovens (non-injection type).
BS 3846. Methods for calibration and grading of extensometers
for testing of metals.
BS 3898. Laboratory humidity ovens (injection type).
British Standards are revised, when necessary, by the issiie either
of amendment slips or of revised editions. It is itnportant that
users of British Standards should ascertain that they are in
possession of the latest amendments or editions.

The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:

Committee references CEB/4, CEB/4/3 and CEB/4/4
Drafts for comment D65/10400, 66/10591 and 67/26699

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Co-operating organizations
1. scope
2: Text deleted



6. Test for determining the initial surface absorption of concrete

7. Text deleted

1. Determination of period of movement




1. Figure deleted
2. Figtirr-edclmti.'




6. Typical cap suitable for clamping onto smooth
horizontal surface
7. Complete assembly, excluding stands, clamps,
8. Typical cap suitable for vertical surface
9. Figure deleted

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BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970

The Cement, Lime and Gypsum Products Industry Standards
Committee, under whose supervision this standard was prepared,
consists of representatives from the following Government
departments and scientific and industrial organizations:
Association of Consulting Engineers
British Granite and Whinstone Federation
*British Precast Concrete Federation
British Railways Board
*British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
British Slag Federation
British Steel Industry
*Cement and Concrete Association
*Cement Makers' Federation
Chalk Quarrying Association
Chemical Industries Association
*Concrete Society Ltd.
*Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
*Gre&terLondon Council
Gypsum Plasterboard Development Association
"Institution of Civil Engineers
"Institution of Municipal Engineers
"Institution of Structural Engineers
Institution of Water Engineers
*Limestone Federation
*London Transport Board
Ministry of Housing and Local Government
*Ministry of Public Building and Works
*Ministry of Public Building and Works-Building Research Station *Ministry of Transport
National Federation of Building Trades Employers
*Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
*Sand and Gravel Association of Great Britain
Society of Chemical Industry
Welwyn Hall Research Association
The Government departments and scientific and industrial organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with
the following, were directly represented on the committees
entrusted with the preparation of this standard:
District Surveyors' Association
Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
Ministry of Transport-Road Research Laboratory
National Paving and Kerb Association
Non-destructive Testing Society of Great Britain
Reinforcement Manufacturers' Association
Research Committee for the Cast Stone and Cast
Concrete Products Industry
Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association
Society of Non-destructiveExamination
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority



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BS 1881 :Part 5 : 1970


Part 5. Methods of testing hardened concrete for
other than strength
The purpose of this British Standard is to provide suitable methods for testing
concrete, both on site and in the laboratory, so that individual specifications
can include references to this standard instead of giving test methods as appendices. The term site is used when samples are being taken from concrete to
be used in the works and the term laboratory , when most of the concrete is
to be used in the samples. Thus it is possible to provide uniformity in the methods
of making and recording the tests carried out on the concrete.
The tests do not apply to concrete whose nominal maximum aggregate size
exceeds 40 mm.
The standard has been revised under the authority of the Cement, Lime and
Gypsum Products Industry Standards Committee in the light of experience
gained in carrying out the tests described in the rst edition published in 1952
and in order to expand i t s scope to cover additional methods of testing concrete.
The standard lias beeil largely revised, excepi clause 6 of lart 5 t)ll tip
inilia1 surface absoiptioii test, into Parts dealing \vit11 individuai tests.
Parts 101 oiiwaids contain inetliods of test and Prim 201 oiiwarcls coiitain
recoinniendations for non-dest
_ tests.
- _

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Lb24667 0004749 3


BS 1881. : Part 5 : 1970


Clause 6 describes a method of determining the initial surface absorption

of concrete which has been developed by the British Precast Concrete Federation,
It has been found that the results are closely relatedto those obtained by the
procedure given inBS 1881 : Part l??Ifor the water absorption test and to:..< w o z % r i n g freezing and thawing -he
test has been i n m l
standard'because it is non-desfructive and has the particular advantage that measurements
can be taken on the surface of site concrete by a procedure which incorporates
specified modifications of the general requirements for testing oven dried


Information on any other methods of test that are thought to be suitable

for extensive use, or suggestions for improvement on the specified methods, are
welcomed and will be considered in the course of future revision of this standard.
In view of the need for standardization of temperature and humidity conditions for laboratories engaged in testing building materials, the standard has
been brought into line with the international recommendation adopting a midpoint of 20 "Cfoi the control of temperature conditions in testing laboratories
situated in temperate climates. Consideration was given to adopting the associated recommendation for control of relative humidity about a mid-point of
65 %, but as a result of a long term investigation of the actual humidity conditions in various laboratories, it became evident that such an attempt would be
premature. However, a first step in this direction has been taken by fixing a
minimum relative humidity of 50 % for the laboratory mixing room in line with
a requirement in various American Society for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.)

BS 2028, 1364, ' Precast concrete blocks '.

BS 340, ' Specification for pre-cast concrete kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants

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For the control of temperature conditions in testing laboratories situated

in tropical climates, a mid-point of 27 "C has been internationally recommended.
When tests specified in this standard are carried out in such climates, therefore.
if is suggested that a temperature mid-point of 27 "C should be adopted, subject
to the same tolerances as those laid down in the relevant clauses of the standard
for use in temperate climates, and the fact reported.
In view of the change to metric in industry, this standard is expressed in
metric terms. There is no intention, however, of denying users the opportunity
of getting an acceptable life from existing apparatus. Apparatus for tests included in the original edition is specified solely in terms of rounded metric
values, although some of these dimensions will cover not only the preferred
metric sizes coming into use, but also existing inch sizes where these are not
critical as indicated by any tolerances specified.
Apparatus for tests which have not appeared previously in the standard
are given in terms of rounded metric values which generally do not relate to any
inch sizes.
Values of stress in this standard are given in terms of the-MN/m2, the preferred multiple of the basic unit. Values thus expressed are, however, numerically
equal to values expressed in ternis of the N/mma, which is often chosen for
convenience of use (.e. 1 MN/ma = 1 N/mma).


. CIause 6 specifies the method for defermining the initial surface absorption
of oven dried specimens and of concrete which cannot be oven dried.
Clause 2. Text deleted

As amended
Feb., 1983

Figure 1. Figure deleted

Clause 3. Text deleted

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BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970


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P A R T * 5 70 M 1 6 2 Y b h 7 O O O q 7 5 2 3 M



BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970


Previous page
is blank


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NOTE 1. Tests on oven dried concrete give reasonably consistent results whereas concretes
which have to be conditioned in the laboratory or on site give less accurate results.
NOTE 2. This method of fest is not applicable to specimens having excessive porosity or
honeycombing. It is, however, applicable to concretes with exposed aggregate or profiled
NOTE 3. High alumina cement concrete should not be oven dried.

6.1 Definition. For the purposes of this ciause, the following definition applies:
Znirial surface absorption. The rate of ow of water into concrete per unit
area after a stated interval from the start of the test and at a constant applied
head and temperature.
6.2 Apparatus
6.2.1 Cap The cap shall provide a minimum area of water contact with the surface
to be tested of 5000 mma. An inlet and an outlet tube shall be fixed into the cap, the former connecting to the reservoir (6.2.2) and the latter to the capillary tube (6.2.3). The
outlet shall be so positioned that it is at the highest part of the cap to allow all
trapped air to escape. The cap shall be made of any suitable impermeable material.
NOTE. If plastics material is selected a clear acrylic, polyester or epoxy resin (reinforced if
necessary) is preferable, as this allows the operator to observe the cap filling up with water
and all the air being displaced. A suitable cap for clamping horizontally onto concrete samples with a
relatively smooth surface is illustrated in Fig. 6 and a complete assembly in
NOTE. This form of cap is difficult to clamp in position on samples larger than about 250 mm
.wide by 120 mm deep.

cap cannot be clamped onto the surface to be tested, the cap shall have a knife
edge for contact with the concrete. The cap shall be fixed to the test position as
described in 6.5.1. A suitable cap for testing vertical surfaces is illustrated in

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P A R T * S 70 W Ib24bb 0004758 4 W
BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970


uare section rub

Section 14-14
Fig. 6. Typical cap suitable for clamping onto smooth horizontal surface


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Lb24bb9 0004759 b

BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970










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End elevation


d i

Fig. 8. Typical cap suitable for vertical surface

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P A R T * S 70

26246b 0004762 i.I

BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970

6.2.2 Reservoir arid connections to the cap. The reservoir shall comply with the
following requirements :
(1) it shall be a funnel made of glass or plastics of about 100 mm diameter,
(2) it shall be provided with a connection to the inlet to the cap by flexible
tubing into which a control tap or clip tap is fitted.

6.2.3 Capillary tube and scale. A length of precision bore glass capillary tubing,
100-1000 mm long and with a bore of 0.4-1.0 mm radius, determined as laid
down in 6.4.1, shall be fixed to a scale calibrated according to the procedure
laid down in 6.4.2. One end of the capillary tube shall protrude beyond the end
of the scale and this end shall be provided with a connection of flexible tubing
to the outlet of the cap.
6.2.4 Oven. A well ventilated drying oven complying with BS 2648*, except that
the internal space may exceed 0.085 ms, in which the temperature is controlled
at 105 f 5 OC.
6.2.5 Cooling cabinet. A dry airtight vessel.
6.2.6 Stop watch. A stop watch or clock capable of being read to an accuracy
of 0.5 s.
6.3 Selection and preparation of specimens. At least three separate specimens or
locations shall be tested.
6.3.1 Oven dried samples. The sample shall be dried in a well ventilated oven
at 105 f 5 "C until constant weight is achieved, By constant weight is meant
not more than 0.1 weight change over any 24 h drying period. When the
sample has reached constant weight it shall be placed in a suitable airtight
cooling cabinet where it shall remain until the temperature in the cabinet fails
to a temperature within 2 degC of that of the room. Each sample shall remain
in the cabinet until required for testing.
6.3.2 Non-oven dried samples Conditioning for laboratory testitg. The concrete unit or sample shall
remain in the laboratory for a minimum period of 48 h at a temperature of
20 f 2 OC.
. Conditioning for site testing. The surface shall be tested after a period
of at least 48 h durine which no water has fallen onto the test surface.

BS 2648. * Performance requirements foc electrically-heated laboratory drying ovens '.

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6.4 Calibration of apparatus

6.4.1 Radius of bore of capillary tube. The length of the capillary tube shall be

measured and recorded to the nearest millimetre. The tube shall be flushed
through with soap solution, followed by at least 25 mi of distilled or de-ionized
water. The tube shall be clamped horizontally and connected to the reservoir by
means of a flexible tube fitted with a tap. The reservoir shall be fixed such that a
head of water of 200 -fr 5 m m shall be maintained during the course of the calibration. A measuring cylinder of 10 ml capacity conforming to the requirements of BS 6C4* shall be used for the purpose of collecting the water
issuing from the open end of the capillary tube.
The tap shall be shut off and the reservoir filled with distilled or de-ionized
water to the specified level. The temperature of the water shall be determined,
using a thermometer accurate to f.0.2 O C , and shall be at ambient & 1 degC,
The tap shall be opened and when a steady discharge occurs the measuring
cyIinder shall be placed under the open end and collection of the water begun.
At the same instant the stop watch shall be sfarted. The time required to collect
10 ml of water shall be recorded in seconds.
The procedure described in the previous paragraph shall be repeated twice
more and the average of the three recordings shalI be calculated.
The bore radius of the capillary tube, r, in millimetres, shall be calculated
from the following equation:

where :



L is the length of the capillary tube in millimetres,

t is the.average time in seconds to collect 10 ml, and
p is the viscosity factor, which shall be obtained from the values below:
Water temp. ("C):
Factor p:
6.4.2 Capillary scale. From the dimensions of the cap, the area of contact of the
water with the specimen shall be calculated and recorded in square millimetres,
Al. The area of the bore of the capillary in square m i h e t r e s , All, shall be
calculated from the equation A2 = m2,
using the value of r from 6.4.1.
A scale shall now be prepared to mount behind the capillary tube and shall
-mm apart.
be marked off in units of 0.01, spaced 6 x

NOTE.The scale and capillary are now prepared so that the movemenf of the water aIong
the capillary over a one minute period is the initial surface absorption in millilitres per square
metre per second at the time of the test.

ES 604, ' Graduated measuring cylinders


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BS 1881 :Part 5 : 1970

6.5 Procedure
6.5.1 Fixing the cap. Where the cap has a solid rubber gasket this shall be
slightly greased. Foamed rubber gaskets may or may not need greasing. In the
case of knife edged caps a variety of materials may be used to build a dam round
the outside of the cap and thereby prevent any loss of water from under the
knife edge. The material shall be rmly applied to the concrete and the edges
of the cap to build a wall capable of withstanding the pressure.
NOTE. One of the best materials has been found to be modelling clay into which enough
grease has been kneaded to enable the modelling clay to wef ' glass or metal. The colour
may be selected to match the concrete.

The cap shall then be clamped into position or fixed into place and tested by
blowing gently down one of the tubes whilst closing the other. If any leakage,
which will reveal itself if a little soap solution is applied to the outside of the
joint, is detected the joint shall be made good by tighter clamping or using more
material round the edges of the cap.
6.5.2 Assembling the apparatus. The reservoir shall be set up so that when it is
filled (see 6.5.4) a head of 200 f 20 mm of water shall be applied to the surface

of the concrete. In the case of non-plane or vertical surfaces, the head of water
shall be measured from mid-height of the concrete under the cap. The reservoir
shall be connected to the inlet of the cap with the flexible tubing, which has the
tap fitted to it.
The capillary tube shall be supported so that it can be fixed horizontally at
the same level as the surface of the water in the reservoir and so that the open
end of the capillary tube can be raised to avoid overflow of the water between
taking readings (see 6.5.5).
6.5.3 Temperature of water. In laboratory tests the temperafure of the water
shall be maintained at 20 f 2 O C .

In site tests no limits can be laid down, but precautions shall be taken to
avoid undue fluctuations in the temperature of the water during the test and, in
any case, it is strongly recommended that the temperature of the watcr should
not exceed 22 O C .
6.5.4 Starting the test. The tap from the reservoir shall be closed and the
reservoir filled with water, The time of the start of the test shall be recorded
and the tap opened to allow the water to run into the cap and out of the outlet
tubing until no more air escapes. At all times care shall be taken that the reservoir
does not empty itself. The outlet tubing shall be connected to the capillary tube
and any additional trapped air shall be flushed out by allowing the capillary to
overflow and, if necessary, by sharply pinching the flexible tubing. The reservoir
shall be replenished to maintain the specified head of water.

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BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970

6.6 Report. The following information shall be included in the report,'on each
specimen or each location:
(1) date of test,
(2) identification and description of test specimen or location,
(3) age of sample,
(4) description of the conditioning prior to test,
(5) positions tested, where applicable,
(6) detailed description of the surface of the concrete,
(7)whether horizontal or vertical surface under test,
(8) method of sealing cap,
(9) area of water contact of cap, depth of cap and length of capillary, and
(IO) initial surface absorption test results in millilitres per square metre per
second after the following intervals from the start of the test:
10 min,
30 min,

2 h.

ametuied Clause 7. Text deleted

Figure 9. Figure deleted


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The British Standards Institution was founded in 1901
and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1929.
The principal objects of the Institution as set out in
the charter are to Co-ordinate the efforts of producers
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In carrying out its work the Institution endeavours
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Before embarking on any project it must be satisfied
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AMD 6267

Amendment No. 2
published and effective from 30 March 1990
to BS 1881 : Part 5 : 1970
Methods of testing concrete
Part 5. Methods of testing hardened concrete for other
than strength
NOTE. This amendment deletes the test for dynamic inoduliis of
elasticity that is published in BS 1881 : Part 209. It also deletes the
methods for drying shrinkage and wetting expansion; these are
described in appendix D of BS 6073 : Part 1.

Contents (as amended by Amendment No. 1). Delete the titles of clauses 4
and 5 and substitute Text deleted in each case.
Delete the titles of figures 2,3,4 and 5 and substitute Figure deleted in
each case.
Foreword (as amended by Amendment No. I). Delete paragraphs 4 and 5
and substitute the following.
The standard has been largely revised, except clause 6 of Part 5 on thc
initial surface absorption test, into Parts dealing with individual tests.
Parts 101 onwards contain methods of test and Parts 301 onwards contain
recommendations for non-destructive tests.
Delete paragraphs 6 and 7.

In the second sentence of paragraph 8, delete Clause 7 and substitute

BS 1881 : Part 122.
Delete paragraph 9.
Clause 1. Scope (as amended by Amendment No. 1). Delete paragraphs I
and 2.
Clause 4. Test for the dynamic modulus of elasticity by an electrodynamic
method. Delete the clause entirely and substitute Clause 4. Text deleted.
Figure 2. Arrangement of specimen for determination of dynamic modulus
of elasticity by an electrodynamic method. Delete the figure and substitute
Figure 2 . Figrtre deleted.

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Clause 5. Determination of changes in length on drying and wetting (initial

drying shrinkage and wetting expansion). Delete this clause entirely and
substitute Clause 5. Text deleted.
Figure 3. Typical apparatus for drying shrinkage and wetting expansion tests,
Delete the figure and note and substitute Figure 3. Figure deleted.
Figure 4. Typical apparatus for drying shrinkage and wetting expansion tests.
Delete the figure and substitute Figure 4. Figure deleted.
Figure 5. Typical reference piece to be mounted in the mould and cast into
the ends of the prisms. Delete the figure and substitute Figure 5. Figure
deleted .





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