Decomposition of A Multi-Peroxidic Compound: Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP)

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Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 27, 209 ± 216 (2002) 209

Decomposition of a Multi-Peroxidic Compound:

Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP)
Jimmie C. Oxley*, James L. Smith, and Heng Chen
Chemistry Department, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 (USA)

Summary prepared in admixture with diacetone diperoxide

(DADP), and this mixture readily undergoes accidental
The thermal decomposition of triacetone triperoxide (TATP) initiation(6).
was investigated over the temperature range 151 to 230 8C and The alkyl cyclic diperoxides have been the subject of
found to be first order out to a high degree of conversion. Ar-
rhenius parameters were calculated: activation energy, 151 kJ/mol mechanistic studies since the 1970×s(7,8). Concerted decom-
and pre-exponential factor, 3.75  1013 s 1. Under all conditions position has been considered because luminescence at
the principle decomposition products were acetone (about 2 mole 435 nm was observed in the thermolysis of gaseous DADP
per mole TATP in the gas-phase and 2.5 ± 2.6 mole per mole in which could indicate a concerted electrocyclic reaction
condensed-phase) and carbon dioxide. Minor products included
yielding acetone in an excited singlet state(9), but stepwise
some ascribed to reactions of methyl radical: ethane, methanol,
2-butanone, ethyl acetate; these increased at high temperature. decomposition is usually postulated. Recent AM1 molecular
Methyl acetate and acetic acid were also formed in the decom- orbital calculations on DADP(10) indicated that C O
position of neat TATP; the former was more evident in the gas- scission (Figure 1, route 3) is only slightly more energetic
phase decompositions (151 8C and 230 8C) and the latter in the than that of O O, but O O homolysis (Figure 1, route 2) is
condensed-phase decompositions (151 8C). The decomposition of
TATP in condensed-phase or in hydrogen-donating solvents the generally accepted mechanism. Following initial O O
enhanced acetone production, suppressed CO2 production, and homolysis, both C O and C C bond scission have been
slightly increased the rate constant (a factor of 2 ± 3). All suggested as routes to products (Figure 1 route 2 a and b).
observations were interpreted in terms of decomposition path- There have been several studies on series of diperoxides.
ways initiated by O O homolysis.
McCullough et al. found that the yield of ketone from cyclic
diperoxides (R2COO)2 decreased as the stability of the
radical fragment R . increased, thus, making radical reac-
1 Introduction
tions more important. Diacetone diperoxide decomposed
to acetone ( 68%), acetic acid, carbon dioxide and ethane;
Peroxides have a wide commercial use as bleaching agents and since the thermolysis was performed in benzene,
and polymerization catalysts(1). Due to the weak O O bond toluene and biphenyl were also observed(8). Cafferata et al.
peroxides undergo facile thermal decomposition to produce reported that the decompositions of various diperoxides in a
radicals. Many peroxides are shock sensitive and their variety of solvents were first-order to about 50% decomposi-
overall decompositions are exothermic so that special tion(11-13). Since the rate constants were generally independ-
handling precautions must be taken(2,3). Depending on the ent of initial concentration and solvent effects, they
molecular stoichiometry of the peroxide, its decomposition concluded the first decomposition step was O O bond
may be explosive. Most peroxides, such as the commonly homolysis. Plotting DH versus DS showed that five diper-
used dibenzoyl peroxide or di-t-butyl peroxide, contain too oxides fit an isokinetic relationship, but DADP did not(11).
much carbon to be true explosives; but they have been rated Furthermore, at elevated temperatures DADP decompo-
as having TNTequivalence of 25% and 30%, respectively(4). sition exhibited linear dependence on the initial concen-
On the other hand, the stoichiometry of hydrogen peroxide tration of DADP suggesting induced decomposition(12). In
is perfect to allow it to act as an explosive; albeit, it does so addition, the decomposition rate of DADP exhibited a
only in concentrations exceeding those at which it is degree of solvent dependence not observed with the other
commonly available(5). This study examines the decompo- cyclic diperoxides(13). This latter observation was interpret-
sition behavior of multi-peroxidic triacetone triperoxide ed as adduct formation between the peroxide and the
(TATP) and compares it with that of diacetone diperoxide solvent. This is important with DADP due to its relatively
(DADP), both of which exhibit explosive behavior. In low steric hinderance. Decomposition products of DADP
recent years TATP has been used as an improvised explosive have been reported as acetone in the gas-phase decom-
because its precursor chemicals are readily obtained and its position(9) and acetone, methyl isopropyl ether, and oxygen
synthesis is straightforward. However, it is frequently in benzene solution(12).
The decomposition of few cyclic triperoxides have been
* Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected] studied: tricyclohexylidene triperoxide(14), diethyl ketone

¹ 2002 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 0721-3113/02/2703/0209 $ 17.50+.50/0
210 J. C. Oxley, J. L. Smith, and Heng Chen Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 27, 209 ± 216 (2002)

Figure 1. Proposed mechanisms for diacetone diperoxide (DADP) decomposition

cyclic triperoxide(15) and TATP in solution(16). The decom- while the mixture was still cold, 20 mL of methylene
position of TATP in toluene was found to be first-order and chloride were added. The resulting solution was transferred
independent of initial TATP concentration out to 78% to a separatory funnel and allowed to warm to room
conversion. The authors concluded the decomposition temperature. The remaining H2SO4 was removed by
included no second-order processes which would induce washing three times with distilled water. TATP was
decomposition; however, they did note that toluene would separated from the methylene chloride by allowing the
be a good trap for radicals(16). This study examines the solvent to evaporate as the solution sat in the hood
decomposition of neat TATP as the first step to assessing the overnight. The isolated TATP was re-crystallized in meth-
hazards associated with explosive peroxides. anol, resulting in 0.649 g (13% yield) of white crystals with
melting point of 95 ± 96 8C. Poor yield may be a result of high
volatility; we observed that TATP sublimes at the rate of
2 Experimental Section about 0.9% per hour.
H-NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) d 1.43 (s); 13C-NMR
2.1 Sample Preparation (100 MHz, CDCl3) d 21.4 (CH3), 107.5 (ring C).
GC/MS using Finnigan TSQ 700 triple-stage: CI (meth-
Preparation of TATP followed the method of Milas with ane): 223 (M ‡ 1). EI 222 (P); 117 {HOO[C(CH3)2]2};
modifications as follows: a 100 mL round bottom flask was 101{HO[C(CH3)2]2}; 75 [HOOC(CH3)2]; 59 [HOC(CH3)2];
charged at room temperature with 5 mL of acetone and 43 [CH(CH3)2].
5 mL of 35% hydrogen peroxide(17,18). The flask was
immersed in a dry ice bath; and when the mixture reached
20 8C, 3 mL of sulfuric acid was added dropwise taking 2.2 Thermal Analysis
care to maintain the temperature below 10 8C. Addition of
acid typically took 30 minutes; to hurry the process was to A TA Instruments Model 2910 Differential Scanning
invite a violent event which in one case cracked a shatter- Calorimeter (DSC) was operated under nitrogen flow and
proof shield and the Corning stirrer/hot plate top. The calibrated against indium (m.p. 156.60 8C, DHf 28.5 J/g).
reaction was considered complete when further addition of The TATP samples (0.1 to 0.4 mg) were sealed in capillary
acid did not evoke violent bubbling. This usually required tubes (1.5 mm O.D., 0.28 mm wall thickness, and 8 mm
the entire 3 mL of acid. After the acid had been added, and length) which were held in aluminum cradles(19). Thermo-
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 27, 209 ± 216 (2002) Decomposition of a Multi-Peroxidic Compound: TATP 211

grams of the samples were recorded from 40 8C to 500 8C, with a threshold of 150 and a sampling of 2 (3.5 scans/s).
generally at a ramp rate of 20 8C/min. The exothermic peak Helium was used as the carrier gas, and the GC column was a
maximum temperature was used to indicate the relative PoraPLOT Q (0.25 mm diameter  25 mm length) pur-
stability of samples. For isothermal kinetics studies, samples chased from Chrompack. The injector temperature was
(0.1 ± 0.6 mg) were sealed in glass capillary tubes of various 100 8C; the detector temperature, 190 8C; the oven was
sizes. Primarily tubes of dimensions 2 mm I.D.  50 mm programmed to sit for 5 minutes at 80 8C, then ramped at
(150 mL volume) were used, but in some experiments the 15 8C/min to a final temperature of 190 8C where it was held
surface area and volume of the tube were purposely varied ± 10 minutes(20). The sealed samples were injected into the
5 mm  50 mm (1 mL) and 1 mm  50 mm (25 mL). In one GC by placing them in a Nalgene (I.D. 1/8 inch and O.D.
set of experiments 3 mg TATP samples were sealed in 25 mL 3/16 inch) sample loop in line with the carrier gas to the
ampoules to ensure reaction occurred in the condensed injector. The sample loop was purged with helium. The
phase. Generally samples were sealed under air, but we decomposition gases were introduced to the system by
found no difference in the product distribution whether bending the flexible Nalgene loop, thus, breaking the
samples were sealed under vacuum rather than air. capillary tube. Decomposition gases were identified by
Thermolyses at 150 8C were conducted in an oven comparing their GC retention times and mass spectra to
( ‡ / 1 8C), while those at higher temperatures were authentic samples. When authentic samples were not
performed in a molten metal bath. available, sample spectra were compared with the NIST
MS library for a tentative assignment.
2.3 Gas Chromatography/Electron Capture Detector
3 Results
After thermolysis the sample tubes were rinsed with acetone
and volumes were adjusted to 10 mL. To assess TATP re- The thermolysis of neat TATP was generally performed in
maining, a 1 mL aliquot of solution was injected via a Hew-  160 mL ampoules over the temperature range 150 to
lett Packard (HP) 6890 auto-sampler into an HP 5890 series 225 8C. These thermolyses were first-order out to about 90%
II GC with DB-5MS megabore column (6 m  0.53 mm) conversion at least at temperatures above 160 8C. Generally
and ECD detector. Helium was used as carrier gas, and first-order plots were constructed with seven to eight data
nitrogen as anode purge gas for the detector. The injector points with a R2 fit better than 0.99. Even at 150 8C TATP
temperature was 165 8C; the detector temperature, 300 8C; samples appeared to be gaseous. To ensure that condensed-
the oven was programmed to run at an initial temperature of phase kinetics were examined, the reaction tubes were
50 8C for two minutes, then ramped at 20 8C/min to a final reduced to 25 mL and the sample size increased to 3 mg.
temperature of 280 8C where it was held 3.5 minutes. Thermolyses were also performed in the presence of agents
which would
2.4 Analysis of Gaseous Decomposition Products (a) produce methyl radicals (di-t-butyl peroxide);
(b) trap radical (di-t-butyl cresol); and
Complete thermolysis of TATP left no visible residue.
(c) donate hydrogen (isopropanol and 1,4-cyclohexadiene).
Decomposition gases were analyzed by gas chromatogra-
phy/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). An HP 5890 GC, equip- Table 1 shows the resulting rate constants. DSC was used
ped with model 5971 electron impact mass selective for initial screening of the TATP samples. Although
detector, was run in scan mode (mass range 12 to 200) the melting point was relatively sharp, centered at 98 8C
Table 1. Kinetics of TATP decomposition
T (8C ) k R2 Fract. Remain. (%) State, Container Size
225 5.69E-03 0.997 12 neat, 160 mL
210 1.19E-03 0.994 5 neat, 160 mL
200 4.70E-04 0.991 10 neat, 160 mL
180 1.10E-04 0.987 13 neat, 160 mL
160 1.60E-05 0.984 64 neat, 160 mL
150 7.37E-06 0.996 38 neat, 160 mL
150 1.01E-05 0.971 38 neat, 1 mL
150 9.01E-06 0.912 44 neat, 25 mL
150 2.32E-05 0.982 25 0.02 M TATP in isopropanol
150 6E-06 70 with 20% t-butyl peroxide
150 3.17E-05 0.987 24 neat liquid, 25 mL

neat 150 ± 225 8C

Ea kJ/mol 151
kcal/mol 36.3
As 1 3.75E ‡ 13
R2 0.994
212 J. C. Oxley, J. L. Smith, and Heng Chen Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 27, 209 ± 216 (2002)

(109 J/g), the exotherm (215 8C, 3400 J/g, 800 cal/g) important. The Arrhenius plot was linear over the entire
was extremely broad ranging about 80 8C at a scan rate of temperature range (Figure 2) suggesting the same rate-
20 8C/min. For this reason the variable heating rate ASTM determining step was operative over the entire range. At
DSC method could not be used to assess activation 151 8C the decomposition of TATP was not accelerated by
parameters for TATP(21). In fact, at heating rates below the presence of di-t-butyl peroxide, but thermolysis in the
10 8C/min, the exotherm appeared to consist of several condensed phase or in 2-propanol slightly increased the rate
partially overlapping peaks, indicating the decomposition of decomposition (Table 1). Figure 2 plots the rate constants
included multiple reaction steps. determined in this study of neat TATP along with those
TATP decomposition products were identified and obtained by another laboratory for the thermolysis of TATP
quantified by GC/MS at two temperatures and two degrees in toluene and acetone(16). That data fit reasonably well with
of conversion. At 230 8C thermolysis was run in air and in ours indicating that the decomposition pathway is essen-
vacuum; no significant difference in the products was noted. tially the same regardless whether TATP is in toluene
Acetone and carbon dioxide were the main products; these solution or in the gaseous state. This result differs from the
were identified and quantified by comparison to the decomposition of DADP where in solution the decompo-
authentic compounds. Other species were present as less sition of DADP is significantly accelerated (Figure 3).
than 6% of the total ion current (TIC). Most were identified Though the decomposition of gaseous DADP is much
by matching against a computer library (Table 2). slower than that of TATP, the decomposition of DADP
in solution is similar to that of TATP (Figure 3)(12,13).
The activation energies for the decomposition of gaseous
4 Discussion DADP (163 kJ/mol)(9) and TATP (153 kJ/mol) are quite
similar to each other and in line with O O bond cleavage
Across a 75 8C temperature range the gas-phase decom- energy.
position of TATP was first-order out to a high degree of Sanderson and Story compared the decomposition of
conversion, indicating induced decomposition was not dicyclohexylidene diperoxide and tricyclohexylidene triper-

Table 2. TATP decomposition products under various conditions

Temperature 8C 230 225 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Time at temperature 40 min 1 min 64 h 5.25 h 70 h 94 h 35 min 93 h 71.6 h 70 h
TATP (mg) 0.32 0.59 0.36 0.23 3.13 0.27 0.29 0.26 in 1 mL 0.44 in 1 mL
% Decomposition 100% 38% 100% 20% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Special condition gas gas gas gas liquid 20% 20% 2-propanol Cyclohexa-
diBucresol (t-BuO )2 diene

Principle Products mol/mol TATP

Acetone 1.83 0.63 1.38 0.26 2.62 7.21 2.48
CO2 1.43 0.60 0.85 0.39 0.85 0.46 0.38
Percent acetone/final acetone 34% 19%
Percent CO2/final CO2 42% 45%

Product Ret. time min Ratio of Product to Tallest Peak

CO 4.9 1 trace trace trace trace trace trace ± ±

Methane 9.8 trace ± trace trace trace trace trace trace trace
CO2 13.9 51 17 19 42 3 15 21 2 4
Ethane 16.6 13 2 1 2 0.2 trace 1 trace trace
Water 19.5 some some some some trace some some some some
Propane 20.5 3 1 ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
CH3OH 22.0 12 2 trace 13 trace trace trace trace trace
CH3CHO 22.8 trace ± trace trace ± ± trace ± ±
Isobutene 23.2 trace ± ± ± ± trace ± ± ±
2-methyl-1-propene 23.4 ± ± ± ± ± 1 ± ± ±
HC( O )OCH3 23.7 1 trace 5 trace 0.6 3 5 ± trace
Ethanol 24.6 3 1 trace 2 trace ± ±
Acetone 25.8 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 74 86
2-propanol 25.8 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 100 ±
CH3CO( O )CH3 26.9 14 17 20 21 5 15 23 ± 4
CH3C( O )OH 29.3 9 trace 28 24 22 14 31 trace 3
HC( O )OCH( CH3)2 30.0 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± trace ±
CH3CH2C( O )CH3 30.4 14 13 trace some trace trace trace ± ±
CH3C( O )OCH2CH3 30.9 8 18 2 some 0.6 ± 2 ± ±
Benzene 32.0 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 100
1,4-Cyclohexadiene 34.8 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 28
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 27, 209 ± 216 (2002) Decomposition of a Multi-Peroxidic Compound: TATP 213

Figure 2. Arrhenius plots for TATP decompositions, neat and in solution

Figure 3. Arrhenius plots for TATP and DADP decompositions

oxide and observed a difference in the way their decom- sensitive. DADP has been shown to be somewhat unique
positions were affected by the solvent(14). The diperoxide among the diperoxides because its low steric hinderance
decomposition showed a linear dependence on solvent makes interaction with solvent possible. TATP is much less
polarity, while the triperoxide showed linear dependence sensitive to the presence of toluene than is DADP. Such
with the cohesive energy density of the solvent (i.e. the solvent interactions may not be possible for the larger TATP.
energy necessary to form a solvent cavity as the reactant However, TATP is sensitive to hydrogen-donating solvents.
goes from initial to transition state). It was concluded that Hydrogen donation was indicated in the thermolysis of
the transition state of the diperoxide was sensitive to the TATP in 1,4-cyclohexadiene because large amounts of
solvent, while in the triperoxide, the initial state was more benzene were formed. This cannot be explained by methyl
214 J. C. Oxley, J. L. Smith, and Heng Chen Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 27, 209 ± 216 (2002)

Figure 4. Proposed mechanism for triacetone triperoxide (TATP) decomposition:

(1) favored in gas-phase (a high temperature; b lower temperature)
(2) favored in condensed-phase or hydrogen-donating solvents

radical scavenging since no increase in methyl radical products of DADP and TATP. The problem with this
derived products was observed. pathway is that the diradical [A] should also form some
TATP product distributions were dependent on experi- DADP; and even though DADP decomposes much more
mental conditions (Table 2). Thermolysis of TATP gave slowly than TATP, no DADP was observed in any of the
principally acetone and CO2. These products were quanti- TATP thermolyses.
fied against standard calibration curves (Table 2). Complete Under the experimental conditions, C C scission produc-
decomposition of TATP could theoretically give three moles ing methyl radical was a minor decomposition path for the
of acetone, and oxygen: [B] diradical. We identified certain products as arising from
methyl radical reactions [ethane (methyl coupling); meth-
C9H18O6 ! 3 OC(CH3)2 ‡ 1.5 O2 anol (methyl ‡ OH), 2-butanone (methyl ‡ acetone), ethyl
acetate (methyl ‡ methyl acetate)] under most reaction
Although oxygen was not observed under the thermolysis conditions, more abundant at 230 8C than 151 8C, more
conditions, at 151 8C in the melt phase and in hydrogen- abundant in gas phase than condensed (151 8C), and
donating solvents (2-propanol and 1,4-cyclohexadiene) extremely minor in hydrogen-donating solvents (Table 2).
up to 2.6 moles of acetone formed per mole TATP. Under At 230 8C CO2, which can be thought of as a byproduct of
these conditions, CO2 production was suppressed, and methyl radical formation, was at the highest value found in
decomposition rate constants were enhanced by factors this study. To determine whether carbon dioxide was a late
of 2 to 3. breakdown product in the gas-phase reaction, its distribu-
The decomposition of TATP over the temperature range tion was determined during the decomposition cycle. At
230 8C ± 151 8C yielded a single Arrhenius plot with decom- 151 8C the acetone/TATP ratio matched that of the fraction
positions first-order to a high degree of conversion. These decomposed (20%), but carbon dioxide was slightly high
observations suggest a single rate-determining step over the (Table 2). At 230 8C the fraction of CO2 /TATP and acetone/
entire temperature range. Homolysis of an O O bond is in TATP ratios matched the fraction of TATP decomposed
line with the observed activation energy. Following O O (38%) to within experimental error. Thus, carbon dioxide is
homolysis, both C O and C C bond cleavage have been mainly formed in the primary decomposition rather than in
considered for cyclic diperoxides. For TATP a second O O the breakdown of some other product.
bond homolysis might also be postulated. This would Postulating C O bond homolysis in diradical [B] would
produce dioxirane and the diradical [A] (Figure 4 route 3). account for the major decomposition product acetone, at
The diradical [A] would then decompose as shown in least two moles/mole TATP. However, the mechanism
Figure 1, explaining the similarity of the decomposition should also account for the formation of minor products
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 27, 209 ± 216 (2002) Decomposition of a Multi-Peroxidic Compound: TATP 215

methyl acetate and acetic acid. Both species were almost products; low quantities of methyl acetate; slightly elevated
non-existent in the thermolysis of TATP in hydrogen- decomposition rates (2 to 3 fold). We speculate that when
donating solvents, but in each case their gas-phase formation diradical [B] loses the two end groups forming acetone,
was greater at 151 8C than at 230 8C. These two observations under conditions where the intermediate can be stabilized,
might suggest these minor products arise from a common dioxirane is not formed. In the presence of stabilizing
source, such as the CH3COO . radical. However, not all species, such as a hydrogen-donating solvent or another
aspects of their formation were parallel. Furthermore, acetic molecule of TATP, oxygen is captured as water, and the third
acid formation was not enhanced in hydrogen-donating (CH3)2C group is often transformed to acetone. (It should be
solvents. Because CH3COOR formation is uniformly noted that unlike with the reported DADP thermolyses(12),
enhanced at low temperature we postulate that its forma- oxygen was not observed in our experiments. Any oxygen
tion involves an internal re-arrangement or in-cage radical produced was apparently consumed in oxidative processes.
reaction. McCullough et al. did not observe methyl acetate Attempts to show that singlet oxygen was involved in the
in the thermolysis of DADP but did detect the correspond- decomposition of diperoxides were not successful(24).) The
ing ester in the decomposition of dibenzyl diperoxide(8). large amount of acetone produced when TATP was heated
They considered four routes to the ester: in 2-propanol (over 7 moles per mole TATP) undoubtedly
arises from the oxidation of 2-propanol. McCullough
a) in-cage radical recombination of RCOO . with R .
reported a similar result for DADP(8).
b) induced decomposition of the diperoxide by R .
c) in-cage induced decomposition of the peroxide inter-
mediate [A] by R .
d) alkyl migration in the intermediate biradical followed 5 Conclusions
by a second O O bond fission.
The products and activation energies for TATP decom-
They selected route c based on two observations. A mixture position are similar to those of DADP. Over a large
of two diperoxides failed to produce significant RCOOR' temperature range (230 ± 150 8C), TATP decomposition is
(ruling out route a). The thermolysis of the cyclic diperoxide initiated by O O bond homolysis. Acetone was the major
of benzyl phenyl ketone produced mainly benzyl benzoate, decomposition product; carbon dioxide, methyl acetate, and
small amounts of phenyl benzoate (should be sole product if acetic acid were also observed as well as minor species
route a) and no phenyl phenyl acetate (should be formed to thought to result from methyl radical reaction. However, we
some extent if route d) nor benzyl phenyl acetate(8). do not believe the decomposition of TATP proceeds
We cannot postulate that methyl acetate was formed by through the same intermediate diradical as DADP because
any of the pathways proposed by McCullough(8) because we no DADP was observed in partially decomposed TATP.
do not believe the diradical [A] forms under our experi- Furthermore, neat TATP decomposed significantly faster
mental conditions. If any of the four proposed reactions than DADP. Had DADP formed, it should have been
occurred starting with diradical [B], diradical [A] would sufficiently long-lived for observation. Following O O bond
form in addition to methyl acetate. Therefore, we must look homolysis rapid C O scission yields two molecules of
for an alternative route to methyl acetate. We envision acetone. The fate of the remaining atoms depends on the
diradical [B] to decompose such that the end carbon groups reaction conditions. Gas phase favors the formation of
form acetone while the remaining atoms [(CH3)2CO4] dimethyl dioxirane; high temperature favors its decompo-
produce dimethyl dioxirane and oxygen. Dioxiranes under- sition to carbon dioxide; lower temperature favors produc-
go unimolecular conversion to the corresponding ester(22), tion of methyl acetate. Condensed-phase or reaction in a
and this would account for the formation of methyl acetate. hydrogen donating solvent favors the formation of a third
Dimethyl dioxirane is a reasonable intermediate; in fact, molecule of acetone rather than dioxirane.
under some conditions it even forms diacetone diperox-
ide(23). Although dioxirane has not been proposed as an
intermediate in the decomposition of DADP, the energetics
may make it more likely when considering cyclic triper-
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