Uae Tasneef GCC Code

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Approved by the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

Thirty-second ses sion
19 20 December 2011
Riyadh KSA
First Edition

United Arab Emirates

Ministry of Cabinet Affairs
General Secretariat of the Cabinet
Cabinet Resolution no.: (29) of 2013
Concerning the endorsement of the ships regulation related to the ships with small weight
cargo that are not included in the international marine conventions in the Arab Gulf
Cooperation Council Countries
The Cabinet:

After considering the constitution;

The Federal Law no. (1) of 1972 concerning competencies of ministries and authorities of
ministers and its amending laws;
The Federal Decree no. (55) of 2002 concerning the economic agreement between Arab Gulf
Cooperation Council Countries;
The resolutions of the Supreme Council of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council Countries at
its Thirty Second Session held in Riyadh (December 2011);
The Cabinet Resolution no. (244/9 and 14) of 2013 concerning the approval to the
recognition of the regulation of ships related to the small cargo ships not included in the
international marine conventions in the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council Countries; and
Upon the approval of the Cabinet,


Article (1)
The regulation of ships related to the small cargo ships not included in the international marine
conventions in the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council Countries attached to this Resolution is hereby

Article (2)
Every provision that violates this Resolution is hereby cancelled and this Resolution shall be
effective as of the date of its issue. All concerned bodies shall execute this Resolution each within
its competence and the Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Prime Minister

Issued by us:
On: 17thZilQeada 1434H
Corresponding to: 23rd September 2013


Chapter 1 - General provisions
Regulation 1
Regulation 2
Regulation 3
Regulation 4
Regulation 5
Regulation 6
Regulation 7
Regulation 8
Repairs, alterations or modifications of a major character
Regulation 9
Carriage of goods
Regulation 10
Ship's plans and documents
Regulation 11
Force majeure
Regulation 12
Regulation 13

Chapter 2 - Ship surveys and safety certificates

Inspection and survey
Regulation 14
Types of surveys
Regulation 15

Initial survey
Regulation 16
Certificate renewal survey
Regulation 17
Intermediate survey
Regulation 18
Periodical survey
Regulation 19
Annual survey
Regulation 20
Additional survey
Regulation 21
Ship's Hull and Bottom survey
Regulation 22
Endorsement of surveys
Regulation 23
Maintenance of conditions after survey
Regulation 24
Issue or endorsement of the Certificate
Regulation 25
Issue or endorsement of the Certificate by another Government
Regulation 26
Duration of validity of the Certificate
Regulation 27
Forms of Certificates
Regulation 28
Availability of Certificates on board
Regulation 29
Regulation 30
Chapter 3 - Load lines
Regulation 31
Load line certificate
Regulation 32

Issue of load line certificates

Regulation 33
Load line mark
Regulation 34
Surveys and inspections
Regulation 35

Draught marks and scales

Regulation 36
Structure and scantlings
Regulation 37
Conditions of assignment of load lines
Regulation 38
Computation of freeboard
Regulation 39
Passenger capacity
Regulation 40
Passenger Accommodation
Regulation 41
Regulation 42
Means of escape and arrangements outside the ship
Regulation 43
Sounding and ventilation pipes
Regulation 44
Chapter 4 Construction / Structure, divisions and equipment
Regulation 45
Regulation 46

Collision bulkheads
Regulation 47

Watertight bulkheads, decks, doors, cofferdams, etc

Regulation 48
Mooring gear
Regulation 49
Special provisions applicable to towing and pushing
Regulation 50
Towing and mooring gear on barges
Regulation 51
Protective gear and equipment
Regulation 52

Chapter 5 - Stability and bilge pumping arrangements

Intact stability for cargo ships other than offshore support vessels
Regulation 53
Stability test and stability booklet
Regulation 54
Bilge pumping arrangements
Regulation 55

Chapter 6 - Machinery installations

Regulation 56
Machinery controls
Regulation 57
Remote control of propulsion machinery
Regulation 58
Periodically Unattended Machinery Spaces (UMS)
Regulation 59
Air pressure systems
Regulation 60
Ventilating systems in machinery spaces
Regulation 61
Protection against noise
Regulation 62
Means of going astern

Regulation 63
Steering gear
Regulation 64
Communication between navigation bridge and machinery space
Regulation 65
Engineers' alarm
Regulation 66

Chapter 7 - Electrical installations

Regulation 67
Safety precautions
Regulation 68
Main source of electrical power
Regulation 69
Emergency source of electrical power
Regulation 70
Special provisions
Regulation 71

Chapter 8 - Fire protection

Application to existing ships
Regulation 72
Regulation 73
Types of bulkhead
Regulation 74
Fire prevention
Regulation 75

Arrangements for combustible fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils
Regulation 76
Storage and use of oil fuels
Regulation 77

Pressurized water fire-extinguishing systems

Regulation 78
Gas fire-extinguishing systems
Regulation 79
Fixed high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces
Regulation 80
Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces
Regulation 81
Fire protection
Regulation 82
Protection measures applicable to tankers
Regulation 83
Fixed fire detection and alarm systems in propulsion machinery spaces
Regulation 84
Fire extinguishers
Regulation 85
Fireman's outfit
Regulation 86
Fire muster lists, Fire patrols, Fire drills
Regulation 87
Fire control plans
Regulation 88
Ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances
Regulation 89
Regulation 90
Carriage of dangerous goods
Regulation 91

Chapter 9 - Life-saving appliances and arrangements

Regulation 92

Regulation 93
Approval of life-saving appliances and arrangements and their equipment
Regulation 94
Regulation 95
Line-throwing appliances
Regulation 96
Retro-reflective tapes for life-saving appliances
Regulation 97
Personal life-saving appliances
Regulation 98
Training and abandon ship drills
Regulation 99
Survival craft
Regulation 100
Stowage, launching and recovery of survival craft
Regulation 101
Marking of survival craft
Regulation 102
Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections
Regulation 103
Public address systems
Regulation 104
Record of passengers
Regulation 105
Passenger Safety
Regulation 106

Chapter 10 - Radiocommunications
Regulation 107
Regulation 108

Functional requirements
Regulation 109
Ship requirements
Regulation 110
Regulation 111
Maintenance requirements
Regulation 112
Radio equipment: General
Regulation 113
Radio equipment: Sea area A1
Regulation 114
Radio equipment: Sea area A2
Regulation 115
Sources of energy
Regulation 116
Radio personnel
Regulation 117
Radio records
Regulation 118
Chapter 11 - Safety of navigation
Regulation 119
Shipborne navigational equipment
Regulation 120
Magnetic compass
Regulation 121

Means of signalling to prevent collisions at sea

Regulation 122
Plans and documents to be carried on board
Regulation 123
Ship's log
Regulation 124

Ship's stores and spare parts

Regulation 125
Chapter 12 - Safety of special ships
Application of the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships
Regulation 126
Regulation 127

Chapter 13 - Prevention of pollution

Application of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention
Regulation 128

Chapter 14 - Safety at work, health, accommodation and prevention of accidents

Regulation 129
Chapter 15 - International Safety Management Code (ISM Code)
Regulation 130
Chapter 16 International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities (ISPS
Regulation 131
Chapter 17 Rules and special instructions on passenger ships
Regulation 132
Chapter 18 - Final Provision
The rights of amendments
Regulation 133
Regulation 134
APPENDIX 1: Model Certificates
Safety certificate for cargo ship not covered by the provisions of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions
Record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate.
Exemption certificate for cargo ship not covered by the provisions of the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions.
Safety certificate for small passenger vessel not covered by the provisions of the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions

Record of equipment for small passenger vessel safety certificate

Exemption certificate for small passenger vessel
Load line certificate

APPENDIX 2: Small fishing vessels, traditional wooden cargo ships and pleasure craft
Section one: Definitions and terminologies
Section two: Safety and environment
Safety equipment
Ships working geographical area
Qualifications of ships master
Documents and certificates of ship

Section three: procedures of amendment



The Safety Regulations for Cargo Ships not covered by the provisions of the
Conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and for Small
Passenger Ships carrying less than 200 passengers, hereinafter called the Regulations,
are intended to establish regional minimum safety standards for new and existing ships
navigating in the GCC Countries Region.

The present Regulations have been prepared taking into account the applicable
provisions of the following International Conventions and their Protocols:


The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as
modified by its Protocol of 1988;


The International Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966, as modified by its

Protocol of 1988;


The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and

Watchkeeping (STCW), 1978, as amended;


The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

(MARPOL), 1973/78; and


International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), 1972

The present Regulations shall be regularly updated in accordance with experience and
developments in the international maritime safety standards.


Regulation 1

The present Regulations apply to cargo ships, including barges, engaged in maritime
navigation, whose length overall is 12 metres or over and for which the provisions of
the Conventions listed in the regulations. They also apply to passenger ship whose
length overall is 12 metres or over but less than 24 metres and carrying less than 200
passengers operating on domestic voyages or voyages between GCC Countries. Also
apply to, local ,existing and new, sailing ships that are used or modified as passenger
ships Unless otherwise mentioned, the provisions of the Regulations to cargo ships
also apply to those passenger ships.

The port authority may request compliance with any additional measures or
requirements to the Regulations.

It is a duty for the shipowner or its master or agent and also the owner of goods or
vehicles or shipping broker, in addition to the port operator to have known on the
measures or requirements that the port authority may be requested to adhere to in
addition to the measures or requirements in the Regulations for vessels, cargo and

Every ship coming into the Gulf Cooperation Council ports , which are subject to the
Regulations, shall carry on board a copy of the Regulations and any subsequent
amendments to it.

Any Member State of the Gulf Cooperation Council may apply for amendment of
these Regulations under the provisions of Regulation (133) of the chapter 18.

Regulation 2
The Administration may continue to authorize the operation of an existing ship designed on
the basis of lower standards than those set out in the present Regulations. However, such
ships should at least satisfy those provisions which, in the opinion of the Administration, are
considered necessary to ensure the safety of the ship and its crew during the voyage or
voyages that it is expected to make.
Regulation 3
The Administration could with regard to passenger ship whose length overall is less than 24
meters and carrying less than 200 passengers on international voyages between the ports of
the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States and neighbouring countries which
apply the regulations, be issued to these vessel safety certificate for passenger ship in
accordance with the provisions of the Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and shall
provide a copy of the notice of parity to the International Maritime Organization.


Regulation 2
For the purpose of the present Regulations, unless expressly provided otherwise:

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: means the member States of the
Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States.


Supreme Council: Supreme Council for the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf


Accommodation spaces: are those spaces used for public spaces, corridors, lavatories,
cabins, offices, pantries containing no cooking appliances and similar spaces.
Accommodation spaces also include stairways, chutes and exits serving such spaces.


Administration: means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to
fly or the appropriate authority duly authorized by that Government.


Amidships: is at the middle of the distance between the perpendiculars.


Anniversary date: means the day and the month of each year which will correspond
to the date of expiry of the relevant certificate


Barge: means a cargo ship without its own means of propulsion.


Breadth (B): is the greatest moulded breadth of the ship at or below the deepest


Bulkhead deck: is the uppermost deck up to which the transverse watertight

bulkheads are carried.


A cargo ship: is any ship which is not a passenger ship.


Cargo spaces: are all spaces used for cargo (including cargo oil tanks) and trunks to
such spaces.


Closed ro-ro cargo spaces: are ro-ro cargo spaces which are neither open ro-ro cargo
spaces nor weather decks.


Coastal Station: The vessel traffic service, or equipment or facilities built on the
coast and is responsible for compulsory reporting system approved by the
International Maritime Organization, or responsible authority for coordinating search
and rescue operations or processes that control and treatment of pollution in the seas,
which determines its Member State in accordance with the provisions of these


Continuous watch: means that the radio watch concerned shall not be interrupted
other than for brief intervals when the ship's receiving capacity is impaired or blocked
by its own communications or when the facilities are under periodical maintenance or
checks. However, with regard to the reception of EGC messages, the reception watch
shall be at least 98 per cent as defined in the IMO "International SafetyNet " manual.


A control station: is a space in which the ship's radio or main navigating equipment,
or the emergency source of power is located or where fire recording or control
equipment is centralized.


COSPAS-SARSAT: means the organization established by intergovernmental

agreement (Russia and United States of America) on 1 July 1988, operating a distress
satellite system.


Crew: any person employed effectively to carry out the functions or servicesof the
ship during the voyage of the ship, and is included on the crew list.


Dangerous Goods: any goods which are liable individually or collectively, owing to
the nature of the goods, quantity or method of stowage, to cause danger to passengers
or crew, or threaten the ship, and include all items specified by the International
Maritime Organization as a dangerous goods within IMDG Code.


Deadweight: is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship in the

water of a specific gravity of 1.025 at the load waterline corresponding to the assigned
summer freeboard and the lightweight of the ship.


Deck radio beacon: means an emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB)
operating on 406 MHz in the COSPAS-SARSAT system or by other satellite. It can
float free. It is provided with a hydrostatic pressure launching system, and
transmission may be activated manually or automatically when the radio beacon is


Depth for Freeboard (D): is the moulded depth amidships, plus the thickness of the
freeboard deck stringer plate, where fitted, plus T(L-S) : L if the exposed freeboard
deck is sheathed, where
T is the mean thickness of the exposed sheathing clear of deck openings, and
S is the total length of the superstructures.


Digital Selective Calling (DSC): means a technique using digital codes which
enables a radio station to establish contact with, and transfer information to, another
station or group of stations, and complying with the relevant recommendations of the
International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR).


Direct-printing telegraphy: means automated telegraphy techniques which comply

with the relevant Recommendations of the International Radio Consultative
Committee (CCIR).


Draught: is the vertical distance from the moulded base line amidships to the water
line in question.


EPIRBs: is a float-free Satellite Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacons

(EPIRBs) operating on 406 MHzin the COSPASSARSAT system or other polar
orbiting satellite, its located in the ship or into a survival craft.




Emergency source of electrical power: is a source of electrical power, intended to

supply the emergency switchboard in the event of failure of the supply from the mains
source of electrical power.
An existing ship: means a ship which is not a new ship.


A fishing vessel: is a vessel used for catching, harvesting or farming the living
resources of the sea.


Float-free launching: is that method of launching a survival craft whereby the craft is
automatically released from a sinking ship and is ready for use.


Freeboard: The freeboard assigned is the distance measured vertically downwards

amidships from the upper edge of the deck line to the upper edge of the related load


Freeboard deck: The freeboard deck is normally the uppermost complete deck
exposed to weather and sea, which has permanent means of closing all openings in the
weather part thereof, and below which all openings in the sides of the ship are fitted
with permanent means of watertight closing. In a ship having a discontinuous
freeboard deck, the lowest line of the exposed deck and the continuation of that line
parallel to the upper part of the deck is taken as the freeboard deck.


General radio communications: means operational and public correspondence

traffic, other than distress, urgency and safety messages, conducted by radio.


Goods causing pollution: means oils as defined in Annex I of MARPOL Convention

73/78, and noxious liquid substances as defined in Annex II of the MARPOL
Convention 73/78.


Gross tonnage: means the measure of the overall size of a ship determined in
accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage
Measurement of Ships, 1969


Inflatable appliance: is an appliance which depends on non-rigid, gas-filled

chambers for buoyancy and is kept inflated and ready for use at all times.


INMARSAT: means the Organization established by the Convention on the

International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) adopted on 3 September


International NAVTEX service: means the co-ordinated broadcast and automatic

reception on 518 kHz of maritime safety information by means of narrow-band directprinting telegraphy using English Language. (Reference should be made to the
NAVTEX manual approved by the IMO).


International Safety Management (ISM) Code: means the International

Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
adopted by the International Maritime Organization by Assembly Resolution
A.741(18) of 4th November 1993.



International SafetyNet Service: means the co-ordinated broadcast and automatic

reception of maritime safety information by means of the INMARSAT enhanced
group calling system (EGC).


International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code: means the International
Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities,adopted by the International
Maritime Organization, including all the amendments thereto.


International voyage: means a voyage between ports in two different countries.


Length: The length (L) shall be taken as 96 per cent of the total length on a waterline
at 85 per cent of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keel, or as the
length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline, if
that be greater. In ships designed with a rake of keel the waterline on which this
length is measured shall be parallel to the designed waterline;

The overall length (Lo) means the overall length of the ship's hull.


Light weight: is the displacement of a ship in tonnes without cargo, fuel, lubricating
oil, ballast water, fresh water and feedwater in tanks, consumable stores, and
passengers, crew and their effects.


Load line: means line is used to measure the amount of gross tonnage which can
becarried by a ship and sail safely, and this load is usually measured in tonnes.


Locating: means the finding of ships, aircraft, units or persons in distress.


Low flame spread: means that the surface thus described will adequately restrict the
spread of flame, this being determined in accordance with a method based on a
suitable test considered satisfactory by the Administration.


Machinery spaces: are all machinery spaces of category A and all other spaces
containing propelling machinery, boilers, oil fuel units, steam and internal combustion
engines, generators and major electrical machinery, oil filling stations, refrigerating,
stabilizing, ventilation and air conditioning machinery, and similar spaces, and trunks
to such spaces.


Machinery spaces of category A: are those spaces and trunks to such spaces which
internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion; or
internal combustion machinery used for purposes other than main propulsion
where such machinery has in the aggregate a total power output of not less than
375kW; or
any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit.


Main source of electrical power: is a source intended to supply electrical power to

the main switchboard for distribution to all services necessary for maintaining the ship
in normal operational and habitable condition.


Main steering gear: is the machinery, rudder actuators, steering power units, if
applicable, and ancillary equipment and the means of applying torque to the rudder

stock (e.g. tiller or quadrant) necessary for effecting movement of the rudder for the
purpose of steering the ship under normal service conditions.

The main switchboard: is a switchboard which is directly supplied by the main

source of electrical power and is intended to distribute electrical energy to the ship's


Margin line: is a line drawn at least 76 mm below the upper surface of the bulkhead
deck at side.


Maritime Safety Information (MSI): means navigational and meteorological

warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast
to ships.


MARPOL Convention 73/78: means the International Convention for the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978.


Maximum ahead service speed: is the greatest speed which the ship is designed to
maintain in service at sea at the deepest seagoing draught.


Maximum astern speed: is the speed at which it is estimated that the ship can attain
at the designed maximum power astern at the deepest seagoing draught.


A new ship: means a ship the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of
construction on or after the date of entry into force of the present Regulations.


Non-combustible material: is a material which neither burns nor gives off flammable
vapours in sufficient quantity for self-ignition when heated to approximately 750C,
this being determined to the satisfaction of the Administration by an approved test
procedure. Any other material is a combustible material.


Open ro-ro cargo spaces: are ro-ro cargo spaces either open at both ends, or open at
one end and provided with adequate natural ventilation effective over their entire
length through permanent openings in the side plating or deckhead to the satisfaction
of the appropriate authority.


A passenger: is every person other than:

the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in
any capacity on board a ship on the business of that ship; and
a child under one year of age.


A passenger vessel: is a ship which carries more than twelve passengers.


Perpendiculars: The forward and after perpendiculars shall be taken at the forward
and after ends of the length (L). The forward perpendicular shall coincide with the
foreside of the stem on the waterline on which the length (L) is measured.


A pleasure craft: means a craft not engaged in trade used for tourism or sport.


Polar orbiting satellite service: means a service which is based on polar-orbiting

COSPAS-SARSAT satellites which received and relay distress alerts from emergency

position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) by satellite and which provides their

Public spaces: are those portions of the accommodation which are used for halls,
dining rooms, lounges and similar permanently enclosed spaces.


Radiocommunications service: means each of the following satellite and terrestrial

radio services:
A radiocommunication service utilizing geostationary satellites in the
INMARSAT mobile satellite service.

A radiocommunication service utilizing polar orbiting satellites in the COSPASSARSAT mobile satellite service.


The mobile maritime service on VHF in the bands between 156 MHz to 174


The mobile maritime service on HF in the bands between 4,000 kHz and 27,500
kHz , and


The mobile maritime service on MF in the bands between 1,605 kHz and 4,000
kHz and between 415 kHz and 526,5 kHz.


Radio Regulations: means the Radio Regulations annexed to, or regarded as being
annexed to, the most recent International telecommunication Convention which is in
force at any time.


Rescue boat: is a boat designed to rescue persons in distress and to marshal rescue
survival craft.


Retro-reflective material: is a material which reflects a beam of light directed

towards it in the opposite direction.


Ro-ro cargo spaces: are spaces not normally divided in any way and extending to
either a substantial length or the entire length of the ship in which goods (packaged or
in bulk, in or on rail or road cars, vehicles (including road or rail tankers), trailers,
containers, pallets, demountable tanks or in or on similar stowage units or other
receptacles) can be loaded and unloaded normally in a horizontal direction.


Sea Area A1: means an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF
coast station in which the continuous DSC alerting is available, as may be defined by a
contracting Government.
Sea Area A2: means an area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone
coverage of at least one MF coast station in which the continuous DSC alerting is
available, as may be defined by a contracting Government.



Sea Area A3: means an area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of
an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available.


Sea Area 4: means an area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3.




Service spaces: are those spaces used for galleys, pantries containing cooking
appliances, lockers, mail and specie rooms, store-rooms, workshops other than those
forming part of the machinery spaces, and similar spaces and trunks to such spaces.
Ships cargo waste: means any cargo residual waste found inside cargo spaces/tanks,
resulting from the carriage of those cargoes.


A small passenger vessel: is a ship which length overall is 12 metres or over but less
than 24 metres and carries less than 200 passengers


SOLAS Convention: means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974, signed in London on November 1, 1974, and its Protocol of the Convention
of 1978 signed in London on February 17, 1978, and any amendments thereto.


Special personnel: means all persons who are not passengers or members of the crew
or children of under one year of age and who are carried on board in connection with
the special purpose of that ship or because of special work being carried out aboard
that ship.


Special purpose ship: means a mechanically self-propelled ship which by reason of

its function carries on board more than 12 special personnel including passengers.
Special purpose ships to which this code applies include the following types:

ships engaged in research, expeditions and survey;


ships for training of marine personnel;


whale and fish factory ships not engaged in catching;


ships processing other living resources of the sea, not engaged in catching;


other ships with design features and modes of operation similar to ships referred
to in .1 to .4 above which in the opinion of the Administration may be referred to
in this group.


A superstructure: is a decked structure on the freeboard deck, extending from side to

side of the ship or with the side plating not being inboard of the shell plating more
than 4 per cent of the breadth (B). A raised quarter deck is regarded as a


Survival beacon: means an emergency position indicating radio beacon operating on

406 MHz in the COSPAS-SARSAT system or the INMARSAT satellite system. It is
located inside ships or survival craft.


A tanker: is a cargo ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of liquid
cargoes of an inflammable nature.


Waste from the vessel: means all wastes, including sewage and garbage, except
waste of goods, which are produced during the ship's service and fall within the scope
of Annexes I, IV and V of the MARPOL 73/78 and cargo associated waste in


accordance with the defined in the guidance on the implementation of Annex V of

MARPOL 73/78.

Regulation 5
The present Regulations do not apply to:

existing cargo ships and bargeswhose length overall is less than 12 metres, unless
expressly provided otherwise as contained in Annex 1 of this regulation.
ships belonging to the State and used for non-commercial purposes, ships of war and
passenger ships; which exceeds 24 meter in length and carries more than 200
passenger and
pleasure craft not engaged in trade;
Local sailing ships, newly built, that used or be used in fishing or carriage of cargo,
without major modification on it.

Regulation 6

If it is considered by the Administration that the nature and conditions of a particular

voyage are such that the application of one or more provisions of the present
Regulations would be neither reasonable nor necessary, a ship undertaking that voyage
may be exempted from these provisions, provided that it complies with the safety
requirements which are adequate in the opinion of the Administration for the voyage
which is to be undertaken by the ship.


The Administration may exempt any ship which embodies features of a novel kind
from any of the provisions of the present Regulations the application of which might
seriously impede research into the development of such features and their
incorporation in ships. Any such ship shall, however, comply with safety
requirements which, in the opinion of that Administration are adequate for the service
for which it is intended and are such as to ensure the overall safety of the ship.


Any Administration which allows any such exemption shall communicate the
particulars of same and the reasons therefore to the other Administrations that have
agreed to implement these Regulations on a regional basis.

Regulation 7

Where the present Regulations require that a particular fitting, material, appliance or
apparatus, or type thereof, shall be fitted or carried in a ship, or that any particular
provision shall be made, the Administration may allow any other fitting, material,
appliance or apparatus, or type thereof, to be fitted or carried, or any other provision to

be made in that ship, it is satisfied by trial thereof or otherwise that such fitting,
material, appliance or apparatus, or type thereof, or provision, is at least as effective as
that required by the present Regulations.

Any Administration which allows any such exemption shall communicate the
particulars of same and the reasons therefore to the other Administrations that have
agreed to implement these Regulations on a regional basis.

Regulation 8

The construction, design, structural strength, fittings, materials, equipment and special
appliances shall comply with accepted standards, except as expressly described or
indicated in the present Regulations.


In addition to the regulations and standards to which the present Regulations refer, the
regulations and standards recommended by the International Maritime Organization
may also be applied where appropriate.


Passenger vessels shall comply with the structural design requirements of the
standards of one of the recognised organisation for the material and construction of the

Repairs, alterations or modifications of a major character

Regulation 9

Repairs, alterations or modifications of a major character and the installation of any

associated equipment in an existing ship shall meet the requirements applicable to new
ships in so far as the Administration deems reasonable and practicable. The
shipowner shall inform the Administration of the intended alterations or modifications
before they are implemented.


For the purposes of the present Regulations, repairs, alterations or modifications are
deemed to be of a "major character":
when the changes significantly alter the ship's dimensions or its cargo capacity;
when the changes are such as to significantly increase the ship's service life; or
when conversions change the ship's functionality.

Carriage of goods
Regulation 10

Ships and barges which carry goods listed below shall comply with the provisions of
Chapters VI and VII of the SOLAS Convention, Annexes I, II and III of MARPOL
and the related Codes:
bulk grain;
dangerous goods in packaged form or in bulk;
liquid chemicals in bulk;
liquefied gases in bulk; and


other goods in bulk.


In so far as they do not conflict with the provisions of the present Regulations, the
requirements for ships of 150 tonnes gross tonnage or over intended to carry liquid
hydrocarbons, at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, shall apply to the
ships covered by the present Regulations and intended to carry the same goods.


Exemptions may be allowed by an Administration to the extent that the requirements

are neither reasonable nor necessary taking into account the ship and the voyage
undertaken. Any Administration which allows any such exemption shall communicate
the particulars of same and the reasons therefore to the other Administrations that have
agreed to implement these Regulations on a regional basis.

Ship's plans and documents

Regulation 11
Any ship shall have the plans and documents on board necessary to its proper operation and to
the safety of life at sea in the working language of the crew.
Force majeure
Regulation 12
A ship which is not subject to the provisions of the present Regulations at the time of its
departure on any voyage shall not become subject to such provisions on account of any
deviation from its intended voyage due to stress of weather or any other cause of force

Regulation 13

In the event of an accident involving a ship which results in loss of life, damage to the
environment or material damage to the ship, its sinking, abandonment or loss, the
master or the shipowner shall immediately inform the Administration and, if
applicable, the nearest coastal State.


The Administration shall investigate1 any accident to any of its ships subject to the
provisions of the present Regulations, when it considers that such investigation may
help to determine any alterations that might usefully be made. It shall communicate
the results of the inquiry to all the other Administrations which have agreed to
implement the present Regulations on a regional basis. If several countries are
concerned, the Administration shall take all relevant measures to allow a joint
investigation to be conducted with the other Administrations which have agreed to
implement the present Regulations on a regional basis.

Refer to IMO Resolution A.849(20), Code for the investigation of marine casualties and incidents, as amended.


Inspection and survey
Regulation 14

The inspection and survey of ships, so far as regards the enforcement of the provisions
of the present Regulations and the granting of exemptions therefore, shall be carried
out by officers of the Administration. The Administration may, however, entrust the
inspections and surveys either to surveyors nominated for the purpose or to
organizations recognized by it.


An Administration nominating surveyors or recognized organizations to conduct

inspections and surveys as set forth in paragraph 1 of this Regulation shall as a
minimum empower any nominated surveyor or recognized organization to:
require repairs to a ship, and
carry out inspections and surveys if requested by the appropriate authorities of
a port State.


When a nominated surveyor or recognized organization determines that the condition

of the ship or its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of
the certificate or is such that the ship is not fit to proceed to sea without danger to the
ship, the environment or persons on board, such surveyor or organization shall:
immediately ensure that corrective action is taken.
promptly notify the Administration.


If such corrective action is not taken, the Administration shall:

suspended or withdraw the relevant certificate.
detained the ship and notify the concerned bodies.
If the ship is in the port of a GCC State, the appropriate authorities of the port
State shall also be notified immediately.
When an officer of the
Administration, a nominated surveyor or a recognized organization has
notified the appropriate authorities of the port State, the Government of the
port State concerned shall give such officer, surveyor or organization any
necessary assistance to carry out their obligations under this Regulations.
When applicable, the Government of the port State concerned shall ensure that
the ship shall not sail until it can proceed to sea or leave port for the purpose of
proceeding to the appropriate repair yard, without danger to the ship or persons
on board.


The Administration when delegating their duties to a recognized organization shall

ensure, that such organizations are audited regularly by the Administration. The
Administration shall at all times guarantee the completeness and efficiency of the
inspection and survey, and shall undertake to ensure the necessary arrangements to
satisfy this obligation.

Types of surveys

Refer to IMO Resolution A.739(18) Guidelines for the authorization of organizations acting on behalf of the


Regulation 15
All ships to which the present Regulations apply shall be subject to surveys as follows:


an initial survey, including of the outside of the ship's bottom, before the ship is put
into service;
a renewal survey for certificates at intervals specified by the Administration but not
exceeding 5 years;
a periodical/intermediate survey within 3 months before or after the second or third
anniversary date of the Certificate. This survey shall take the place of the annual
survey specified in paragraph 4 of this regulation;
an annual survey within 3 months before or after the anniversary date of the
additional surveys, as occasion arises; and
two inspections of the ship's hull, including of the outside of the ship's bottom, during
any five-year period.

Initial survey
Regulation 16
The initial survey shall be such as to ensure that the installations, equipment and systems
described below fully comply with the provisions of the present Regulations and that they are
in all respects in good working order:

the arrangements, materials and scantlings of the structure;

boilers and other pressure vessels;
main and auxiliary machinery including steering gear and associated control systems;
fire protection and fire safety systems, life-saving appliances and arrangements,
navigational equipment, nautical publications, means of embarkation for pilots;
radio installations including those used in life-saving appliances;
oil discharge control systems and arrangements for retention on board;
Sewage control system and arrangements for retention on board;
positioning of lights, shapes and sound signals and distress signals in conformity with
the COLREG Convention: and
the arrangements, materials and scantlings of the structure as specified in Chapter 3 on
conditions of assignment of freeboard and load lines.

Certificate renewal survey

Regulation 17
The certificate renewal survey shall include an inspection of the equipment referred to in
regulation (16) to ensure that it has been maintained in accordance with the present
Regulations and the COLREG Convention.


Intermediate survey
Regulation 18
The intermediate survey shall include an inspection of the points specified in Chapters 4 to 8
and Chapter 13 of the present Regulations to ensure that they are in good condition and
satisfactory for the service for which the ship is intended. During the inspection of the hull
and the machinery, reference shall be made to the detailed inspections carried out under the
continuous monitoring system, where such a system has been put in place.

Periodical survey
Regulation 19
The periodical survey shall include an inspection of the equipment, if necessary with tests, to
ensure that it complies with the provisions relating to life-saving appliances, fire protection
and fire safety, and signal lights and sound signals, is in satisfactory condition and fit for the
service for which the ship is intended. All certificates, registers, operating manuals and other
instructions, and mandatory documents, shall be checked;

Annual survey
Regulation 20
The annual survey shall include any inspection required to ensure that:

the equipment specified in paragraph 2.1 has been maintained in a satisfactory

condition and remains fit for the service for which the ship is intended;
alterations have not been made to the hull or the superstructures which would affect
the calculations determining the position of the load line;
appliances and systems of protection of openings, stanchions, scuppers and means of
access are maintained in good condition.

Additional survey
Regulation 21
An additional general or partial survey, as occasion arises, shall be carried out after any repair
resulting from an accident or damage which affects the safety of the ship. The survey shall be
such as to ensure that the repairs and replacements have been carried out in an appropriate

Ship's hull and bottom survey

Regulation 22
A minimum of two inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom shall be carried out during
any five year period except as otherwise authorized by the Administration. As far as possible,

Refer to IMO Resolution A.948(23) on Survey guidelines under the harmonized system of survey and


the interval between any two such inspections shall not exceed 36 months. The purpose of the
inspection of the outside of the ship's bottom and surveys of associated parts carried out at the
same time is to ensure that they have been maintained in a satisfactory condition and are fit
for the service for which the ship is intended. One of the two inspections should preferably
coincide with the certificate renewal survey.

Endorsement of surveys
Regulation 23
The periodical, intermediate and annual surveys referred to in the present Regulation shall be
endorsed on the Certificate.
Maintenance of conditions after survey
Regulation 24

The condition of the ship and its equipment shall be maintained to conform with the
provisions of the present Regulations to ensure that the ship in all respects will remain
fit to proceed to sea without danger to the ship, persons on board and the marine


After any survey of the ship under the present chapter has been completed, no change
shall be made in the structural arrangements, machinery, equipment and other parts
covered by the survey, without the approval of the Administration.


Whenever an accident occurs to a ship or a defect is discovered, either of which

affects the safety of the ship or the efficiency or completeness of its life-saving
appliances or other equipment, a request shall immediately be addressed to the
Administration which issued the Certificate so that a survey as specified in Regulation
15 may be carried out as soon as possible.

Issue or endorsement of the Certificate

Regulation 25

A certificate called a "Safety Certificate for Cargo Ships not subject to the provisions
of the IMO Conventions", or a Safety Certificate for small passenger vessels,
hereinafter called the Certificate, shall be issued to a ship that complies with the
provisions of the present Regulations after an initial or a certificate renewal survey as
specified in Regulation 15. The Administration shall ensure that the survey carried
out is efficient and complete before issuing the Certificate.


The Certificate issued under the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be accompanied by a

Record of Equipment.


A certificate called a "Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate" shall be issued after an
initial or a certificate renewal survey to any ship that complies with the provisions of
Chapter 12 of the present Regulations concerning safety of special purpose ships.
A certificate called a "Compliance Certificate for Offshore Support Vessels " shall be
issued to ships of that type in accordance with IMO Resolution A.673 (16) on



Guidelines for the transport and handling of limited amounts of hazardous and noxious
substances in bulk in offshore support vessels

When an exemption is granted to a ship under and in accordance with the present
Regulations, a certificate called an Exemption Certificate shall be issued in addition to
the certificate prescribed in the present Regulations. The Exemption Certificate shall
be attached to the Certificate.


The Certificate shall be issued and or endorsed either by the Administration or by any
person or organization authorized by it. In every case, that Administration shall
assume full responsibility for the Certificate.

Issue or endorsement of the Certificate by another Government

Regulation 26
An Administration which applies the present Regulations may, at the request of another
Administration which also applies these Regulations, cause a ship flying the flag of the State
to which it belongs to be surveyed. If the latter is satisfied that the requirements of the present
Regulations are complied with, it shall issue or authorize the issue of the Certificate or, where
appropriate, endorse or authorize the endorsement of the Certificate in accordance with the
provisions of the present Regulations. Any Certificate so issued shall contain a statement to
the effect that it has been issued at the request of the Government of the flag State.

Duration of validity of the Certificate

Regulation 27

A "Safety Certificate for Cargo Ships not subject to the provisions of the IMO
Conventions", or a Safety Certificate for Small Passenger Vessel, or a "Special
Purpose Ship Safety Certificate" shall be issued for a period not exceeding five years.


An Exemption Certificate shall in no case be valid for a period longer than that of the
"Safety Certificate for Cargo Ships not subject to the provisions of the IMO
Conventions", or a Safety Certificate for Small Passenger Vessel, or of the Special
Purpose Ship Safety Certificate.


Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 1, when the renewal survey is

completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing Certificate, the
new Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey for a
period not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing Certificate.


When the renewal survey is completed after the expiry date of the existing Certificate,
the new Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey
for a period not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing


When the renewal survey is completed more than three months after the expiry date of
the existing Certificate, the new Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion
of the renewal survey for a period not exceeding five years from the date of
completion of the renewal survey.

When a Certificate is issued for a period of less than five years, the Administration
may extend the validity of that Certificate beyond the expiry date up to five years
provided that the annual surveys specified in Regulation 20 have been carried out.
If a renewal survey has been completed and a new Certificate cannot be issued before
the expiry date of the existing Certificate, the officer or organization authorized by the
Administration who carries out the survey may extend the validity of that Certificate
for a period not exceeding five months. This extension shall be endorsed on the

If a ship at the time when a Certificate expires is not in a port in which it is to be

surveyed, the Administration may extend the period of validity of the Certificate, but
this extension shall be granted only for the purpose of allowing the ship to complete its
voyage to the port in which it is to be surveyed, and then only in cases where it
appears proper and reasonable to do so. No certificate shall be extended for a period
longer than three months, and a ship to which an extension is granted shall not, on its
arrival in the port in which it is to be surveyed, be entitled by virtue of such extension
to leave that port without having a new certificate. When the renewal survey is
completed, the new Certificate shall be valid for a period not exceeding five years
from the expiry date of the existing Certificate before the extension was granted.


In special circumstances, as determined by the Administration, a new Certificate need

not be dated from the date of expiry of the existing Certificate as required by
paragraphs 3 and 5. In such special circumstances, the new Certificate shall be valid
for a period not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal


If an annual or intermediate survey is carried out before the period specified in the
present chapter:



The Certificate shall cease to be valid in any of the following cases:



the anniversary date shown on the Certificate shall be amended by

endorsement to a date which shall not be more than three months after the date
on which the survey was completed;
the subsequent annual surveys shall be carried out at the intervals calculated
using the new anniversary date; and
the expiry date may remained unchanged provided one or more annual or
intermediate surveys, as appropriate, are carried out so that the maximum
intervals between the surveys prescribed in the present chapter are not

if the relevant surveys and inspections have not been carried out within the
periods specified in the present chapter;
if the Certificate is not endorsed to show that the relevant surveys of the ship
have been carried out;
upon change of flag; or
upon major alterations to the structure, machinery, equipment and other parts
of the ship as specified in the present Regulations.

In the case of a change of flag between two States which have agreed to apply the
present Regulations on a regional basis, the Administration of the State whose flag the

ship was flying before the change shall, as soon as possible, transmit to the
Administration of the new flag State copies of the Certificates issued to the ship before
the change and, if available, copies of the relevant survey reports.

Forms of Certificates
Regulation 28

The Safety Certificate for Cargo Ships not subject to the provisions of the IMO
Conventions, or the Safety Certificate for Small Passenger Vessel, and the
accompanying Equipment Report, as well as the Exemption Certificate, if any, shall be
drawn up in the form corresponding to the models given in the annex to the present


Additional certificates issued in application of the provisions of the present

Regulations and the IMO provisions to which they refer shall be drawn up in the form
specified in the relevant IMO Codes and Guidelines. The text shall be drawn up in the
Arabic language and, for cargo ships undertaking voyages outside the area of
application of the present Regulations, it shall include a translation into English,
Spanish or French.

Availability of Certificates
Regulation 29
All Certificates issued under the present Regulations shall be readily available on board for
examination at all times.

Regulation 30

All foreign flagged ships shall be subject to control by officers duly authorised by the
Administration. Every ship to which these Regulations apply when in a port of one of
the States, that have agreed to implement these Regulations on a regional basis, shall
be subject to control by officers duly authorized by the Administration in so far as this
control is directed towards verifying that the Certificate issued under the present
Regulations is valid.


Such Certificate, if valid, shall be accepted unless there are clear grounds for believing
that the condition of the ship or of its equipment does not correspond substantially to
the particulars if the Certificate.
In the circumstances given in paragraph 2 or where the Certificate has expired or
ceased to be valid, the officer carrying out the control shall take steps to ensure that
the ship shall not sail until it can proceed to sea or leave the port for the purpose of
proceeding to the appropriate repair yard without danger to the ship, the environment
or persons on board.



In the event of this control giving rise to an intervention of any kind, the diplomatic
representative of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, and nominated


surveyors and authorized organizations responsible for the issue of the Certificate shall
be notified.

When exercising control under the provisions of this Regulation all possible efforts
shall be made to avoid a ship being unduly detained or delayed. Any ship which is
unduly detained or delayed shall be entitled to compensation for any loss or damage


States which have agreed to implement the present Regulations on a regional basis
shall participate in a system for the exchange of information on the exercise of
controls by the port State in respect of ships subject to the present Regulations,
corresponding to the arrangements under the Riyadh Memorandum of Understanding
on Port State Control.


Regulation 31

In this chapter, Annex I of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1996, as

amended, is called the "Convention".


The load line mark is defined in Regulation 5 of the Convention.


A load line shall be assigned to all ships, including barges, covered by the present


Except as provided otherwise, ships covered by the present Regulations are subject to
the provisions of the Convention

Load line certificate

Regulation 32

all ships subject to the present Regulations shall have a load line certificate;


the load line certificate shall be issued in accordance with the regulations under the
Convention and the relevant requirements of this chapter;


at each renewal, a new load line certificate shall be issued after a survey to ensure that
the structure, condition of the hull and superstructures, the watertight bulkheads,
equipment, arrangements, materials and scantlings remain satisfactory in respect of
load lines.


the load line certificate and copy of the load line survey report shall be available for
inspection during annual or renewal surveys.


the authority responsible for the issue of the load line certificate shall provide the
shipowner with a load line survey report showing clearly:



all the points that were taken into consideration in assigning the load line;


all the conditions accepted for the assignment of the load line.

For ships to which these Regulations apply, the model load line certificate is given in
the annex to the present Regulations.


Issue of load line certificates

Regulation 33
The load line certificate shall be issued by the Administration or a duly authorized
organization. For a passenger vessel the load line certificate shall be issued by a recognised
organisation on behalf of the Administration.

Load line mark

Regulation 34

Ships subject to the present Regulations shall show on their hull, amidships on each
side, a load line mark clearly showing the upper limit of submersion resulting from the
applications of the requirements of the present chapter on scantlings, subdivisions and


The load line mark shall be affixed under the control of the authority responsible for
the issue of the load line certificate.

Surveys and inspections

Regulation 35

An annual survey shall be carried out within three months before or after the
anniversary date of the issue of the load line certificate. If the inspection does not take
place, the load line certificate ceases to be valid.


During survey and inspection , the authority shall ensure the following:

that the condition of the ships and the conditions under which it is operated
have not been altered in such a way as to affect the calculations determining
the position of the load line;


that the maintenance in an effective condition of watertight compartments,

fittings and appliances for the protection of openings, guardrails, freeing ports
and means of access to crew's quarters.


After completion of the survey, the load line certificate shall either be endorsed by the
authority responsible for its renewal or withdrawn where alterations have been made
that affect the calculations determining the position of the load line or when fittings
and appliances have not been maintained in an effective condition to provide the
safety that they gave when the load line certificate was issued.


Survey of the outside of the ship's bottom: During that inspection, in accordance with
Chapter 2, Regulation 22 of these Regulations, the inlets, rudder, propulsion shaft
openings and anchor chains shall be subject to particular examination.


Draught marks and scales

Regulation 36
All ships shall show on the bow and the stern, on each side, engraved or welded for steel
ships, carved in the planking to a depth of at least 3 mm for wooden ships, shown in an
equivalent manner for structures of materials other than steel and wood, painted in black on a
light background, or in white or yellow on a dark background a draught scale, with tencentimetre intervals, with figures of a height such that their complete submersion means an
increase in draught of 10 cm.

Structure and scantlings

Regulation 37

The strength of the structure, defined on the basis of the standards set out in
Regulation 6 of Chapter 1 of the present Regulations, one of the conditions for the
assignment of a freeboard, shall be verified by the Administration or an organization
duly authorized by the Administration to issue load line certificates. Such verification
shall concern the construction plans, conformity between such plans and shipyard
construction and the quality of the welding, where appropriate.


The general structure, scantlings and construction of the main structural elements of
the hull (bottoms, sides, decks, bulkheads, fore and aft frames, stem, stern, .) shall
be constructed taking into account:

the nature and characteristics of the materials used, their application and
method of assembly;


the type of ship, its dimensions, its internal arrangements, and the permitted
maximum operational draught;


the conditions under which it is operated and any particular distribution of

weight on board and the category of navigation.


The maximum permitted draught shall remain compatible with the freeboard.


The materials used shall be of good quality and used according to appropriate methods
of application and assembly, such that the overall structure ensures sufficient strength
for the intended service.


The provisions of paragraphs 2 shall apply, in particular, to the scantlings of the main
structure of the ship, closed superstructures and means of closure of openings therein,
and the arrangement and construction of openings in the freeboard decks and
superstructures, their means of closing, especially enclosures for machinery spaces,
hatch covers, doorways, ventilators, and openings in the side of the ship.


When certain watertight components of the internal structure, such as bulkheads or

decks, form part of the division of the ship, their construction shall comply with the
requirements of the present part, also taking into account their resistance to local stress
and their role in the ship's overall strength.

Conditions of assignment of load lines

Regulation 38





Access doors within closed superstructures, and those protecting, directly or

otherwise, access to spaces below the freeboard deck, shall be permanently
fixed to the bulkhead. They shall be made of steel or equivalent material, with
a weathertight system for securing them, opening outwards and so arranged
that they can be operated from both sides of the bulkhead.


Their structure, reinforcement and installation shall be so designed that the

whole structure is of equivalent strength to the un-pierced bulkhead.


The door sills required under the prescriptions of paragraph 1 above shall be at
least 600 mm above the freeboard deck. This height may be limited to 380
mm when the doors are in a space protected from the full force of the sea,
subject to approval by the appropriate authority.


The height of the above-mentioned sills, for ships sailing less than 12 miles
from shelter, shall be at least 380 mm above the freeboard deck.


Hatchway covers made of wood are not permitted.


Covers used to close hatchways on the freeboard deck and superstructure decks
shall have a strength, rigidity and weathertightness considered satisfactory by
the appropriate authority.
These criteria shall be deemed to be satisfied when the covers are constructed
in compliance with the regulations of a recognized classification society.


The coamings of hatchways shall be of substantial construction, and their

height above the deck shall be at least 450 mm.


This height shall be reduced to at least 300 mm for coamings of hatchways in

decks which form the ceiling of superstructures.


Nevertheless, the heights of coamings may be reduced or eliminated altogether

if the Administration is satisfied that the safety of the ship is not thereby
compromised in all sea conditions.

Ventilators and air pipes


ventilators serving spaces below the freeboard deck or decks of enclosed

superstructures shall have coamings of steel or other equivalent material,
substantially constructed and efficiently secured to the deck.




Parts of pipes passing through ballast and other tanks, casings or spaces
extending above the freeboard or superstructure decks shall be of substantial
construction. Means shall be provided for closing such pipes.


Ventilator coamings shall be provided with efficient, weathertight closing

appliances, permanently attached thereto.


the height of the aforementioned coamings of ventilators and air pipes shall be
at least:
760 mm above the freeboard deck;
450 mm above enclosed superstructure decks.


In exposed positions, the Administration may require the height of coamings of

ventilators to be increased.

Skylights shall be of substantial construction. They may comprise openings which
may be closed by weathertight covers, permanently attached, when the lowest part of
such openings is at least 450 mm above the deck. Alternatively, skylights may be in
the form of opening side scuttles with deadlights.


Freeing ports

For ships of less than 24 metres in length (L), the minimum freeing port area
on each side of the freeboard deck shall be given by the formula:
A = 0.75 (0.7 + 0.035 x l) square metres
Where l is the length of the bulwark in the well or the length of the


The Administration may consider it necessary to increase the freeing port area
for any ship where the sheer is insufficient.


The lower edges of the freeing ports shall be at deck level or as near the deck
as possible.


Freeing ports over 300 mm in height shall be fitted with bars spaced not more
than 230 mm apart or other appropriate protective appliances.


If freeing ports are fitted with hinged shutters, ample clearance shall be
provided to prevent jamming. Hinge pins or bearings shall be of noncorrodible material and such shutters shall not have locking appliances.


Computation of freeboard
Regulation 39

The freeboard of decked ships shall be calculated using the Convention method, the
freeboard tables of which shall be supplement by the assignment of a freeboard of 200
mm for ships of less than 24 metres in length (L).


It shall not be required that the bow shall be situated at a minimum height above the
waterline corresponding to the freeboard assigned to ships of less than 24 metres in
length (L).


Regulation 29 of the Convention which corrects the freeboard shall apply to ships of
less than 24 metres in length (L).


Where the shipowner is unable to provide the Administration or a duly authorized

organization with the information required to determine the summer freeboard, the
latter shall be calculated as one tenth of the maximum breadth of the ship

Passenger capacity
Regulation 40

The maximum number of passengers permitted in any passenger vessel shall be the
greatest number permitted by any of the following criteria or combination of these

Length of Rail - one passenger may be permitted for each 760mm of rail space
available to the passengers at the periphery of the deck, not including rail space
in congested areas, on stairways and where persons standing in the space
would block the vision of the vessel's operators.


Deck Area - one passenger may be permitted for each square metre of free
deck area available for the passengers' use. Free deck area does not include:
1.2.1 Concession stands, fixed tables, fixed gambling equipment and similar
1.2.2 Toilets and washrooms;
1.2.3 Companionways and stairways;
1.2.4 Spaces occupied and necessary for handling lifesaving equipment or
line handling gear or in way of sail booms or running riggings;
1.2.5 Spaces below deck which are unsuitable for passengers or which would
not normally be used by passengers;
1.2.6 Interior passageways less than 760 mm wide and passageways on open
deck less than 460 mm wide;
1.2.7 Bow pulpits, swimming platforms and areas which do not have a solid
deck, such as netting on multi-hull vessels;
1.2.8 Deck areas in way of paddle wheels; and
1.2.9 Aisle area.


Fixed Seating - one passenger may be permitted for each 460mm of width of
fixed seating provided.



Different passenger capacity criteria may be used on each deck of a vessel and added
together to determine the maximum number of passengers to be carried on that vessel.
Where seats are provided on part of a deck and not on another, the number of
passengers permitted on a vessel may be the sum of the number permitted by the
seating criterion for the space having seats and the number permitted by the deck area
criterion for the space having no seats. The length of rail criterion may not be
combined with either the deck area criterion or the fixed seating criterion when
determining the maximum number of passengers permitted on an individual deck.


The Administration may give special consideration to increasing the passenger

allowances for a vessel operating on short runs on protected waters, such as a ferry.

Passenger Accommodation
Regulation 41

All passenger accommodation shall be arranged and equipped to provide for the safety
of the passengers in consideration of the route, modes of operation and speed of the


The height of deckheads in a passenger accommodation space shall be at least 1.9 m

but may be reduced at the sides of a space to allow for camber, wiring, ventilation
ducts and piping. The space shall be maintained to minimise fire and safety hazards
and to preserve sanitary conditions. Aisles shall be kept clear of obstructions.


A berth to the satisfaction of the Administration shall be provided for each passenger
to be carried in overnight accommodation spaces.


A seat shall be provided for each passenger permitted in a space for which the fixed
seating criterion in paragraph (1.3) of regulation 40 has been used to determine the
number of passengers permitted. A seat shall be constructed to minimise the
possibility of injury and avoid trapping occupants. Installation of seats shall provide
for ready escape. Seats, including fixed, temporary or portable seats, shall be arranged
as follows:

An aisle of not more than 3.8 m in overall length shall be not less than 610mm
in width;


An aisle of more than 3.8m in overall length shall not be less than 760mm in


Where seats are in rows, the distance from seat front to seat front shall not be
less than 760mm and the seats shall be secured to a deck or bulkhead;


Seats identified in the determination of the maximum number of passengers

permitted shall be secured to the deck, bulkhead or bulwark by effective
permanent or temporary means.


Regulation 42

The watertightness of the structure and bulkheads shall be verified in connection with
the issue of the load line certificate for ships subject to the present Regulations.


Openings in the shell plating


The arrangements and efficiency of the means of closing any opening in the
ship's shell shall be consistent with its intended purpose and the position in
which it is fitted.


The number of scuppers, sanitary discharges and other similar openings in the
sides of ships shall be kept to the minimum, either by using each discharge
opening for the maximum possible number of sewage and other pipes, or by
any other means approved by the Administration or duly authorized


Gangway doors, loading doors and fuel inlet doors whose lowest point would
be below the load waterline are prohibited.


Side scuttles to spaces below the freeboard deck or to spaces within enclosed
superstructures as defined in the Convention shall be fitted with efficient
hinged internal deadlights, permanently attached, arranged so that they can be
effectively closed and secured watertight. Side scuttles and their closures
which are not accessible while under way shall be closed and sealed before


Side scuttles fitted below the freeboard shall be fixed and their lower edge
shall be at least 500 mm above the load freeboard.


No side scuttle may be fitted in spaces used exclusively for the carriage of


All sea inlets, outlets, sanitary discharges shall be installed so that they cannot
cause the accidental admission of water into the ship.


Each machinery inlet shall be fitted with a cut-off appliance and a detachable
filter, fitted to the side in order, as far as possible, to prevent the entry of any
foreign body which might interfere with the operation of the cut-off device. A
detachable filter shall be fitted in front of the cut-off device.


Machinery space discharge outlets shall be fitted with a door or an automatic

non-return valve which can be closed manually. These appliances shall be
attached directly to the side or to water inlet or outlet casings or boxes.


All the controls shall be provided with an indicator showing whether the valve
is open or closed. The controls and sea inlets and discharges shall be readily



On decked ships, cut-off appliances for sea inlets and discharges below the
load freeboard in machinery spaces shall be controlled from a point above the
freeboard deck except when the ship's wheelhouse has a device showing the
presence of water in those spaces. In that case, the cut-off appliances shall be
readily accessible above the deck boards.


Each separate sanitary discharge which passes through the side, either leading
from spaces below the freeboard deck, or spaces in superstructures or
deckhouses on the freeboard deck and closed by watertight steel doors, shall be
provided with efficient and accessible means for preventing water passing
inboard.Such means shall comply with the requirements of the Convention on
board ships to which that conventions applies.


For ships of less than 24 metres in length (L), each sanitary discharge shall be
fitted with an automatic non-return valve which can be operated directly from
an accessible place. Nevertheless, such a valve may not be required if the
Administration or a duly authorized organization which examines the ship
considers that the inboard passage of water through the discharge opening in
the side of the ship is unlikely to result in dangerous flooding or if a flooding
alarm is fitted.


The scuppers in superstructures which are not enclosed superstructures shall be

led overboard. Scuppers originating at any level and leading to the shell either
more than 450 mm below the freeboard deck or less than 600 mm above the
load waterline shall be provided with a non-return valve at the shell. This
valve may be omitted if the appropriate authority considers that the thickness
of the piping so justifies. This paragraph shall not apply to ships without


Scuppers penetrating the shell which lead from enclosed superstructures used
for the transport of cargoes are only permitted when the edge of the freeboard
deck is not submersed at an angle of heel of 5 from one side to the other. In
other cases, the closed cargo spaces on the freeboard deck shall be drained
internally to one or more appropriate spaces with sufficient capacity, with an
alarm that sounds when the water reaches a high level and provided with
appropriate appliances for discharge into the sea.


All valves and shell fittings required in compliance with the foregoing shall be
of steel, bronze or other equivalent shock-resistant material.


All pipes used for the purposes specified in paragraph 2 shall be of steel or any
other appropriate material and shall not comprise more than two short flexible
joints. Such flexible joints may only be fitted below the load waterline in
spaces provided with a flooding alarm.


Parts of sea inlet, outlet or discharge pipes penetrating the shell below the
freeboard deck shall include an elbow section or equivalent device of
substantial construction but sufficiently flexible to withstand docking or
grounding. Such elbow section should be placed between the fixing of the
pipe to the shell or the sea inlet or outlet port and the first fixing point, deck or
bulkhead, appliance or collector to which the pipe is to be connected. These

pipe sections, and any divisions in them, shall be suitably protected against

Tests of watertightness of ships


Decks, watertight bulkhead, trunks, tunnels and watertight doors shall be

checked for watertightness by means of a hose test at a pressure of at least 0.2


The fore and after peaks and double bottom compartments shall be subject to a
test in which they are filled to a water level corresponding to the load line mark
or the height indicated below if greater.


When such compartments are intended to contain liquids, they shall be tested
at a water pressure up to the highest level that the liquid may reach in operation
in the overflow pipe with at least 900 mm below the ceiling. However, in the
case of an inflammable liquid, such minimum height of the head of water shall
be increased to 2.40 metres for combustible liquids with a flashpoint equal to
or greater than 60C and 3.60 metres for combustible liquids with a flashpoint
less than 60C but equal to or greater than 43C.


The test in paragraph (3.3) is not compulsory for the other main compartments.


All compartments intended to be filled by communication with the sea shall be

subject to a flooding test to a depth of water limited to the maximum load

Means of escape and arrangements outside the ship

Regulation 43

Stairways and ladders shall be provided from all crew accommodation and other
spaces other than machinery spaces and shafts where the crew is normally employed
to allow rapid means of escape from each such space to the open deck.


Each space of more than 3.7 m (12 feet) in length accessible to passengers or used by
the crew on a regular basis shall have at least two means of escape, one of which shall
not be a watertight door.


The two required means of escape shall be widely separated and, where possible, at
opposite ends or sides of the space to minimise the possibility of one incident blocking
both escapes. Means of escape may include normal exits and emergency exits,
passageways, stairways, ladders, deck scuttles, and windows. The number and
dimensions of the means of escape from each space shall be sufficient for rapid
evacuation in an emergency of the maximum number of persons likely to occupy the
space under any operational conditions. The size of the escapes shall be to the
satisfaction of the Administration.


In a passenger vessel, the sum of the width of all doors and passageways used as
means of escape from a space shall not be less than 8.4 mm (0.333 inches) multiplied
by the number of passengers for which the space is designed with a minimum clear

opening of not less than 810mm (32 inches). In all vessels, doors or passageways used
solely by crew members shall have a clear opening not less than 710 mm (28 inches).

When a deck scuttle serves as a means of escape, it must not be less than 455 mm (18
inches) in diameter and must be fitted with a quick acting release and a holdback
device to hold the scuttle in an open position.


The compartment containing the propulsion machinery shall be provided with a main
means of escape and an emergency exit. These two means of escape shall be placed as
far apart as possible, to the satisfaction of the Administration or a duly authorized
organization which examines the ship. However, if the length of the compartment is
less than 6 metres, an emergency exit shall not be required.


Stairways and ladders from the propulsion machinery compartment shall be of steel or
equivalent material.


The ship shall be equipped with bulkheads, guard-rails, lifelines, gangways, ladders,
etc., arranged so as to facilitate the working of the ship while ensuring the safety of its
personnel and complying with the applicable regulations under the Convention and
regulation (38) of the present regulations

Sounding and ventilation pipes

Regulation 44

Arrangements shall be made to allow soundings of spaces intended to hold liquids,

and any spaces not easily accessible at all times


As a general rule, sounding pipes shall lead above the freeboard deck to easily
accessible places and shall have efficient means of closure. Sounding pipes which do
not lead above the freeboard deck shall be provided with automatic closing appliances.
In any case, in machinery spaces and tunnels, when it is not possible to implement this
requirement, the sounding pipes may lead above the decking into easily accessible
places. When such sounding pipes serve tanks containing fuel or lubricating oil, they
shall not lead near boilers, generators, electric motors or switchboards and shall be
provided with automatic closing appliances. In addition, an automatic closing narrow
gauge control tap shall be provided below the pipe closing appliance for doublebottomed fuel tanks.


For spaces intended to contain liquids, the sounding pipes may be replaced by a
system of indicator gauges allowing the level to be measured at all times.


For double-bottomed spaces, ventilators shall also be provided to act as overflows

leading above the freeboard deck, provided that they do not derogate from the
regulations under the Convention.
The division, number and position of air pipes shall be arranged so as to avoid, as far
as possible, air locks and super pressure during filling operations. Release of air shall,
moreover, be arranged to avoid any accidental admission of water to the fuel. The
same shall apply to compartments situated outside the double bottom, if they can be
filled by a pumping system


Sounding pipes, whose circuit shall be as direct as possible, shall be suitably protected
throughout their length against damage and accidental shocks. Those passing through
refrigerated spaces shall also be appropriately lagged. Precautions shall be taken to
ensure that repeated soundings do not give rise to excessive local deterioration of the
shell plating.


Regulation 45
The machinery and electrical installations, mechanical and electrical equipment, boilers and
other pressure vessels, pipes, cables and other associated fittings shall be of a design and
construction adequate for the service for which they are intended. They shall be so installed
and protected as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board and the environment,
due regard being paid to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards. The design shall have
regard to materials used in construction, the purpose for which the equipment is intended and
the working and environmental conditions in which it will be used.

Regulation 46

The strength and method of construction of the shell, superstructures, deckhouses,

machinery trunks, doors and other structures as well as the equipment shall allow the
ship to withstand any of the conditions foreseeable in the service for which it is
intended and shall be considered satisfactory by the Administration. A ship
constructed and maintained in conformity with the standards recognized by the
Administration may be considered to comply with the requirements of the present


Power-driven ships shall have a collision bulkhead which complies with the
requirements of Regulation (47) and the machinery space shall be surrounded by
watertight bulkheads. Such bulkheads shall extend to the freeboard deck. Wooden
ships shall also be provided with such bulkheads, which shall, as far as possible, be
watertight. On passenger vessel the maximum distance between adjacent main
transverse watertight bulkheads shall not be more than one third of the length of the
freeboard deck. If needed, additional bulkheads shall be added to the collision
bulkhead and the bulkheads surrounding the machinery space.


Propulsion shafts, bearings and stern tubes shall not be placed elsewhere than the
machinery spaces containing the means of propulsion, unless they are enclosed in
watertight positions or spaces to the satisfaction of the Administration. The
Administration may exempt from the requirements of the present paragraph ships
which are subject to space constraints or whose voyages are in sheltered waters,
provided that it is shown that initial flooding of the spaces concerned can easily be
controlled and that the ship's safety is not endangered.


The packing boxes shall be positioned in places which are easily accessible at any
time for checks and maintenance.


Collision bulkheads
Regulation 47

For the purposes of this Regulation, the expressions freeboard deck, length of ship and
perpendiculars (forward and after) have the meanings as defined in Regulation (4) of
Chapter 1.


Cargo ships shall be fitted with a collision bulkhead which shall be watertight up to
the freeboard deck. This bulkhead shall be located, as far as possible, at a distance
from the forward perpendicular of not less than 5% of the length (L) of the ship but
not more than 8% of the length (L) of the ship. If it is shown to the satisfaction of the
Administration that it is not possible to locate the collision bulkhead at a distance from
the forward perpendicular at 8% of the length (L) of the ship, the Administration may
authorize a greater distance, provided that, if the volume of the spaces forward of the
bulkhead is penetrated when the ship is fully loaded the waterline does not exceed a
line drawn on the shell 76 mm below the upper edge of the watertight deck.


The collision bulkhead may have steps or recesses provided they are within the limits
prescribed in paragraph 2. The number of pipes piercing the collision bulkhead shall
be as small as possible. Such pipes shall be fitted with suitable valves operable from
above the freeboard deck and the valve chest shall be secured at the bulkhead inside
the forepeak. The Administration may authorize the fitting of such valves on the rear
of the collision bulkhead provided that the valves are readily accessible at any time
under all service conditions and the space in which they are located is not cargo space.
All valves shall be of a material approved by the Administration.


Where a long forward superstructure is fitted the collision bulkhead shall be extended
weathertight to the deck next above the freeboard deck. The extension, subject to the
provisions of paragraph 3, shall be located within the limits specified in paragraph 2.


Where bow doors are fitted and a sloping loading ramp forms part of the extension of
the collision bulkhead above the freeboard deck, the part of the ramp which is more
than 2.3 m, or any other length specified by the Administration, above the freeboard
deck may not extend more than 1 m forward of the limit specified in paragraph 2. The
ramp shall be weathertight over its complete length.


The number of openings in the extension of the collision bulkhead above the freeboard
deck shall be restricted to the minimum compatible with the design and normal
operation of the ship. All such openings shall be capable of being closed weathertight.


No manhole, door, hatchway, ventilation duct or any other opening shall be authorized
in the collision bulkhead below the freeboard deck. When a chain locker is located aft
of the collision bulkhead or extends into the forepeak, it shall be watertight and
provided with efficient means of pumping dry.


The chain locker shall not be used for any purpose other than storing anchor chains.


Watertight bulkheads, decks, doors, cofferdams, etc

Regulation 48

The present Regulations shall apply to new power-driven ships. They shall not apply
to wooden-hulled ships.


Each watertight subdivision bulkhead, whether transverse or longitudinal, shall be

constructed in such a manner that it shall be capable of supporting, with a proper
margin of resistance, the pressure due to the maximum head of water which it might
have to sustain in the event of damage to the ship but at least the pressure due to a
head of water up to the margin line. Such bulkheads shall be constructed of materials
approved by the Administration.


Steps and recesses in bulkheads shall be watertight and as strong as the bulkhead at the
place where each occurs.


Where frames or beams pass through a watertight deck or bulkhead, such deck or
bulkhead shall be made structurally watertight.


The number of openings in watertight bulkheads shall be reduced to the minimum

compatible with the design and proper working of the ship. Means shall be provided
for closing these openings to the satisfaction of the Administration. Watertight doors
shall be as strong as the adjacent unpierced bulkhead.


Watertight decks, trunks, tunnels, duct keels and ventilation trunks shall be of a type
equivalent to the watertight bulkheads located at the same level. The method of
construction used to ensure that such elements are watertight, and the arrangements
adopted to allow closing of the openings, shall be to the satisfaction of the
Administration. Watertight ventilation ducts and trunks shall extent at least to the
level of the freeboard deck.


The flooding test of main compartments is not compulsory. When a flooding test is
not carried out, a hose test is compulsory. Such test shall be carried out as late as
possible in the fitting out of the ship. A detailed inspection of the watertight bulkhead
shall, in any case, be carried out.


The forepeak, double bottoms (including duct keels) and double hulls shall be tested to
a pressure corresponding to the requirements of paragraph 2.


Tanks intended to contain liquids and which form part of the subdivision of the ship,
shall be tested to verify that they are watertight under a load of water corresponding to
2/3 of the space measured from the top of the keel to the margin line, through the tank.
In any case, the height of load above the top of the tank shall in no case be less than
0.9 m.


The tests referred to in paragraphs 8 and 9 are intended to verify that the bulkheads
are structurally watertight and shall not be regarded in any way as approving the
suitability of any compartment to accept combustible liquids or to be used for other
specific purposes for which a more rigorous test may be required, bearing in mind the
height that the liquid may reach in the tank concerned or in the pipes that serve it.


Mooring g ear
Regulation 49

Every ship shall be fitted with two mooring cables, unless otherwise authorized,
depending on the intended voyage, by the Administration.


On ships of 35 m or more in length (L), the two mooring cables shall be installed in
position with their anchors ready to drop, with an appropriate means of weighing and


On ships of less than 35 m in length (L), one of the mooring cables shall have an
anchor in position, ready to drop, and an appropriate means of braking. This cable
shall be a chain for ships of 24 m or more in length(L). On ships of less than 24 m in
length(L), it may consist of a chain of at least 20 m and a hawser of at least 100 m.
The second mooring cable shall consist of a chain of at least 20 m and a hawser.


The weight of anchors, diameter and strength of chains and hawsers and controls on
such appliances, depending on the type and size of the ship concerned, shall be to the
satisfaction of the Administration.


windlasses, capstans, winches, bollards, mooring posts and other means necessary for
anchoring, mooring, towing or lifting the ship shall be:

designed to meet operating requirements and conditions that it may encounter


properly fitted, and


fixed to a part of its structure with adequate strength.

Special provisions applicable to towing and pushing

Regulation 50

The towing hook intended for towing vessels shall consist of an efficient appliance to
allow at any time, if the towline is taut, to release it immediately, locally and from the
wheelhouse, regardless of the heel.


The towing hook on ships intended to turn ships in manoeuvres at sea or in port shall
be of an approved type and shall fulfil the following three conditions:

they shall be mounted in an efficient manner on a rotating guide system so as

to considerably reduce the propensity to capsize when the tug is towing at an
angle and such that the traction force, in a longitudinal direction, is at all times
at the smallest possible distance above the tug's centre of gravity.


Easy release of the hook, without excessive force, when the tug heels more
than 30 from the horizontal.


Remote control of the release system from the bridge and also, if possible,
from the deckhouse, in order to avoid exposing crew to serious risk.



All tugs shall have a second towing hook, ready for use if the first is damaged, or an
equivalent appliance similar to the hook capable of fixing the tow.


Pushing vessels shall be equipped with an efficient remote system for releasing the
system of mooring to the ship being pushed allowing them, in the event of danger, to
free themselves immediately


Tugs and pushing vessels shall be provided on each side with an axe of sufficient size
to be able to cut the tow and moorings in an emergency.

Towing and mooring gear on barges

Regulation 51

Towing and mooring gear on barges shall be such as to reduce as much as possible
any danger to personnel during towing or mooring operations. Such gear shall be
appropriate to each barge and have sufficient strength. Its design and fitting shall be
to the satisfaction of the Administration and shall take account of emergency
situations that may arise.


Spare parts allowing, if necessary, a complete replacement of the towing and mooring
gear shall be available aboard the tug or barge.


Emergency towing gear shall also be provided aboard the barge so that it can rapidly
be recovered by the tug if the towline breaks or the associated equipment breaks down.


In addition to the present Regulations, tugs and barges shall comply with the
applicable provisions recommended by the IMO for the safety of ships and other
towed floating vessels.

Protective gear and equipment

Regulation 52

Hinged covers on hatchways, manholes and other openings shall be provided with
appliances to prevent their accidental closure. In particular, heavy covers placed over
hatchways which are escape exits shall be fitted with et counterweight and so
constructed that they can be opened from both sides of the panel.


The dimensions of hatchways shall be such that a person can escape rapidly and easily
to a safe place in an emergency. Where possible, the dimension of hatchways in cargo
spaces and machinery spaces shall be such as to facilitate escape operations.


The bulwarks, hand rails and lifelines shall be of sufficient size and strength, to the
satisfaction of the Administration, to provide protection of persons when the ship is
rolling and pitching violently.

Refer to IMO resolution A.765(18) on Guidelines on the safety of towed ships and other floating objects
including installations, structures and platforms at sea.



Skylights and other similar openings shall be provided with protective bars not more
that 350 mm apart. The Administration may exempt small openings from this



Intact stability for cargo ships other than offshore support vessels
Regulation 53

The intact stability booklet shall be endorsed by the Administration or a duly

authorized organization which issues the load line.


Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, when applicable, the intact stability of ships
shall comply with the provisions for ships contained in the Code on Intact Stability
adopted by the IMO in Resolution A.749(18) and amended by Resolution MSC


When in the opinion of the Administration, the characteristics of the ship are such that
they do not permit, for practical reasons, the application of the provisions of paragraph
2, the stability criteria specified in paragraph 2.5.2 of IMO Resolution A.469(12) on
Guidelines for the design and construction of offshore supply vessels may be applied.


The intact stability of barges only carrying cargo on deck, without openings or holds
opening on to the deck except for small manholes closed by covers, without
machinery, accommodation or services, shall comply with the provisions of paragraph
4.7 of the Code referred to in paragraph 2 above. Intact stability criteria for barges
carrying cargoes below deck or having machinery, accommodation or services shall be
determined by the Administration or a duly authorized organization taking into
account the design and arrangement of cargo spaces, machinery, equipment,
accommodation and superstructures.

Stability test and stability booklet

Regulation 54

A plan showing draughts or position of load lines as required by Regulations31 to

36of Chapter 3 of these Regulations shall be notified to the Administration, then filed
in the ship's booklet.


The calculations shall be endorsed by the Administration or a duly authorized

organization that issues the load line certificate for ships, giving the position of the
base line, hydrostatic details and intact stability. These documents shall be included in
the ship's booklet.


Following their completion, and as far as possible, the finished ship, life-saving
appliances in position, ships shall undergo a stability test to determine the actual
displacement of the lightweight ship and the coordinates of its centre of gravity.


The stability test shall be carried out and its results shall be evaluated by a qualified
person, specifically designated by the shipyard or the shipowner


It shall be carried out in the presence of a representative of the Administration or the

organization duly authorized to assign the load line, who shall verify that the stability
test is carried out properly.

The stability test shall be carried out taking all normal precautions so as to obtain the
most accurate results possible. Such precautions shall relate in particular to the
weather conditions at the time of the test, the ship's position, its mooring, the location
and distribution of weights to be removed or added, the installation of life-saving
In particular, the presence of liquid ballast should be avoided, or, if that is not
possible, the results shall be corrected accordingly.
Movable weights shall be weighed carefully and fuel or water tanks shall be isolated
to prevent the movement of liquid from one side to the other during inclining.
Particular care shall be given to the placing of the measuring apparatus. In the case of
a pendulum, the length shall be not less than 3 m and shall not as far as possible be
installed inside the ship. Excessively rigid suspension wires shall not be used.
Measures, weight displacement, reading of the measuring apparatus or extension of
the pendulum, length of pendulum, position on board of weights to be removed or
added, etc. are taken together with the representative of the Administration or a duly
authorized organization. The same shall apply to measurements of the submersion of
the ship for weighing.


Four inclining tests should be carried out, inclining the ship to an angle of at least 2
degrees and not more than 3 degrees. The ship shall not be inclined by transferring
liquids. However, the Administration may accept a stability test where the ship is only
inclined twice when weather conditions and the measurements specified in paragraph
5 above do not give rise to any observations.


The test assuch allows the ship's displacement and centre of gravity to be determined
in its state at the time of the test.
The displacement, lightship centre of gravity and the range shall be determined from
the results obtained from the test by correcting for foreign weights to be removed and
missing weights to be added. The value and position of such weights shall be
calculated as precisely as possible at the time of the test.


The expert shall evaluate the results of the stability test and prepare a report of the test
giving the results and the related calculations. This report shall be sent to the


The results obtained shall conform to an acceptable degree to the information,

displacement and position of the centre of gravity, as evaluated in the provisional
stability booklet such that it may be considered as the final booklet. Failing this, in
particular when the GM observed from the test is lower than the provisional GM by
10% or when the increase in displacement is greater than 10%, the stability booklet
shall be revised based on the details, displacement and centre of gravity observed from
the test.


The Administration shall approve, if appropriate, the provisional booklet or the new
booklet calculated after the test. This document shall become the ship's final stability

If a ship undergoes alterations which have the effect of altering aspects of its stability
such that the new KG is reduced by 10% or the new displacement has increased by
10%, a new stability test shall be required and, if appropriate, a new booklet shall be
submitted to the Administration.


For passenger vessels, booklet and tests mentioned in this regulation shall be approved
by a recognised organisation.

Bilge pumping arrangements

Regulation 55



All ships shall be provided with appliances or means of draining water from all
compartments and bilges.


Arrangements shall be made such that the water in the compartment concerned
can flow freely to the suction outlet or outlets.

Bilge pumps

Ships shall be fitted with at least two bilge pumps, each powered by a different
mechanical power source, one of which may be driven by the propulsion
All necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that the water from at least one of
the bilge pumps can be used normally if the compartment is flooded in any


Pumps shall be connected to a bilge tank.


When the bilge pumps do not pump from the peak, chain locker or other small
compartments, pumping shall be by hand pumps, operated from a point located
above the freeboard deck.


Each bilge pump shall be placed aft of the collision bulkhead and placed so as
to pump water from any compartment except as specified in paragraph 2.3.
Special appliances shall be installed, where necessary, to start the pumps.


Each bilge pump shall be driven by an engine capable of pumping water to the
installed bilge main at a speed of at least 2 m/s.
However, in ships of less than 35 m in length (L), this speed may be reduced to
1.2 m/s.




Sanitary, general service pumps and fire pumps may be accepted as bilge
pumps if connected to the bilge pumping system and if their outflow complies
with paragraph 2.5.

Bilge pipes

The arrangement of the bilge and ballast pumping system shall be such as to
prevent the possibility of water passing from the sea into the various ship's
compartments or from one compartment to another.


In machinery spaces, bilge pipes and accessories shall be of steel, copper or

any other material the characteristics of which are accepted as equivalent for
the intended application. Flexible couplings many only be used subject to the
conditions specified in regulation 40 of this Regulations.


The various parts of the pumping system shall be suitably fixed to the structure
of the ship and efficiently protected against accidental shocks where they pass
through exposed areas while remaining sufficiently accessible for maintenance
purposes. Expansion bellows or other appliances shall be provided, if
appropriate, taking account of the dimensions of the ship and the system of
pipes concerned.


The pipes servicing pumping systems in machinery spaces or cargo holds shall
be completely separate up to the pump suction inlets of the pipes normally
used for filling or emptying compartments intended to hold water or liquid


The diameter of the bilge main shall be that of the nearest normally used pipe
closest to the diameter calculated by the following formula:

d 1,68 L ( B C ) 25
where d is the internal diameter of the bilge main in millimetres and L, B, C,
expressed in metres, mean the length, breadth and moulded depth respectively
of the ship.

Direct suction by pumps


In the machinery compartment, at least one suction duct shall be directly

connected to a bilge pump.


The diameter of this duct shall be at least equal to that of the bilge main.


Such direct suction may be via a fixed pipe or flexible hose. When the suction
is through a fixed pipe, it shall be placed as low as possible. It shall be
accessible for cleaning and fitted with a non-return valve.




Bilge circuit accessories


suction ducts shall, as far as possible, be placed at the lowest points in the
corresponding compartments. They shall be fitted with grills of substantial
construction, placed so as to be readily visible and cleaned, without it being
necessary to first dismantle the connections in the suction ducting.


the diameter of the grill holes shall not exceed 10 mm and the total net
diameter shall not be less than twice that of the corresponding suction duct

Plan of the bilge-pump and water drainage system


On board each ship, a detailed plan of the bilge pump system shall be clearly
exhibited in a place where qualified personnel can consult it easily. The
graphic symbols used shall conform to standards in force unless the meaning
of the symbols used is clearly indicated.


Scuppers or appropriate arrangements shall be provided in areas of the ship

where water is likely to accumulate dangerously during fire-fighting


Regulation 65

The provisions of this chapter is not applicable to unmanned barges


All boilers, all parts of machinery, all steam, hydraulic, pneumatic and other systems
and their associated fittings which are under pressure shall be subjected to appropriate
tests including a pressure test before being put into service for the first time. Such
tests shall be conducted under the control of the Administration.


Means shall be provided to ensure that the machinery can be brought into operation
from the dead ship condition without external aid.


Provision shall be made to facilitate cleaning, inspection and maintenance of main

propulsion and auxiliary machinery including boilers and pressure vessels.


Where risk from overspeeding of machinery exists, means shall be provided to ensure
that the safe speed is not exceeded.


Where main or auxiliary machinery, including pressure vessels or any parts of such
machinery are subject to internal pressure and may be subject to dangerous
overpressure, means shall be provided where practicable to protect against such
excessive pressure.


All gearing and every shaft and coupling used for transmission of power to machinery
essential for the propulsion and safety of the ship or for the safety of persons on board
shall be so designed and constructed that they will withstand the maximum working
stresses to which they may be subjected in all service conditions. Due consideration
shall be given to the type of engines by which they are driven or of which they form


Main propulsion machinery and auxiliary machinery shall be provided with automatic
shutoff arrangements in the case of failures such as lubricating oil supply failure which
could rapidly lead to complete breakdown, serious damage or explosion.
Administration may permit provisions for overriding automatic shutoff devices.


Internal combustion engines of a cylinder diameter of 200 mm or a crankcase volume

of at least 0.6 m3 shall be provided with crankcase explosion relief valves of a suitable
type with a sufficient relief area. The relief valves shall be arranged or provided with
means to ensure that the discharge from them is so directed as to minimize the
possibility of injury to personnel.


Machinery controls
Regulation 57

Main and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion and safety of the ship shall
be provided with effective means for its operation and control.


Means shall be provided whereby normal operation of propulsion machinery can be

sustained or restored even though one of the essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative.
Special consideration shall be given to the malfunctioning of:

a generating set which serves as a main source of electrical power


the sources of lubricating oil pressure


the fuel supply systems for engines


the sources of water pressure


an air compressor and receiver for starting purposes


the hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical means for control in main propulsion

machinery including controllable pitch propellers, and


boilers and feed systems, if any.

However, the Administration, having regard to overall safety considerations, may

accept partial reduction in propulsion capability from normal operation.

Special consideration shall be given to the design, construction and installation of

propulsion machinery systems so that their vibrations shall not cause undue stresses in
this machinery in the normal operating ranges

Remote control of propulsion machinery

Regulation 58

Where remote control of propulsion machinery from the navigation bridge is provided
and the machinery spaces are intended to be manned, the following shall apply:

the speed, direction of thrust and, if applicable, the pitch of the propeller shall
be fully controllable from the navigation bridge under all sailing conditions,
including manoeuvring.


the remote control shall be performed, for each independent propeller, by a

control device so designed and constructed that its operation does not require
particular attention to the operational details of the machinery. Where multiple
propellers are designed to operate simultaneously, they may be controlled by
one control device.



the main propulsion machinery shall be provided with an emergency stopping

device on the navigation bridge which shall be independent of the navigation
bridge control system.


propulsion machinery orders from the navigation bridge shall be indicated in

the main machinery control room or at the manoeuvring platform as


remote control of the propulsion machinery shall be possible only from one
location at a time. At such locations interconnected control positions are
permitted. At each location there shall be an indicator showing which location
is in control of the propulsion machinery. The transfer of control between the
navigation bridge and machinery spaces shall be possible only in the main
machinery space or the main machinery control room. This system shall
include means to prevent the propelling thrust from altering significantly when
transferring control from one location to another.


it shall be possible to control the propulsion machinery locally, even in the

case of failure in any part of the remote control system.


the design of the remote control system shall be such that in case of its failure
an alarm will be given. Unless the Administration considers it impracticable
the preset speed and direction of thrust of the propellers shall be maintained
until local control is in operation.


Indicators shall be fitted on the navigation bridge for:


propeller speed and direction of rotation in the case of fixed pitch



propeller speed and pitch position in the case of controllable pitch



an alarm shall be provided on the navigation bridge and in the machinery space
to indicate low starting air pressure which shall be set at a level to permit
further main engine starting operations. If the remote control system of the
propulsion machinery is designed for automatic starting, the number of
automatic consecutive attempts which fail to produce a start shall be limited in
order to safeguard sufficient starting air pressure for starting locally.


where the main propulsion and associated machinery, including sources of

main electrical supply, are provided with various degrees of automatic or
remote control and are under continuous manual supervision from a control
room the arrangements and controls shall be so designed, equipped and
installed that the machinery operation will be as safe and effective as if it were
under direct supervision. Particular consideration shall be given to the
protection of such spaces against fire and flooding.


in general, automatic starting, operational and control systems shall include

provisions for manually overriding the automatic controls. Failure of any part
of such systems shall not prevent the use of the manual override.

Periodically unattended machinery spaces

Regulation 59

Ships in which machinery spaces are operated while periodically unattended shall, in
so far as the Administration considers it reasonably practicable, comply with the
applicable provisions of the SOLAS Convention for such spaces.


When different solutions are adopted, the Administration shall ensure that:

the safety of ships in all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring, is

equivalent to that of a ship having the machinery spaces manned.


appropriate documents indicating that the solution satisfies these safety

requirements shall be provided.

Air pressure systems

Regulation 60

In every ship means shall be provided to prevent overpressure in any part of

compressed air systems and wherever water jackets or casings of air compressors or
coolers might be subjected to dangerous overpressure due to leakage into them from
air pressure parts. Suitable pressure relief arrangements shall be provided for all


The main starting air arrangements for main propulsion internal combustion engines
shall be adequately protected against the effects of backfiring and internal explosion in
the starting air pipes.


All discharge pipes from starting air compressors shall lead directly to the starting air
receivers, and all starting pipes from the air receivers to main or auxiliary engines
shall be entirely separate from the compressor discharge pipe system.


Provision shall be made to reduce to a minimum the entry of oil into the air pressure
systems and to drain these systems.

Ventilating systems in machinery spaces

Regulation 61

Machinery spaces of category A shall be adequately ventilated so as to ensure that

when the machinery or boilers therein are operating at full power in all weather
conditions including heavy weather, an adequate supply of air is maintained to the
spaces for the safety and comfort of personnel and the operation of the machinery.
Any other machinery space shall be adequately ventilated appropriate for the purpose
of that machinery space.


in addition, the ventilation of machinery spaces shall be adequate, under normal

conditions, to prevent the accumulation of hydrocarbon vapour.


Protection against noise

Regulation 62
Measures shall be taken to reduce machinery noise in machinery spaces to acceptable levels
as determined by the Administration. If this noise cannot be sufficiently reduced the source
of the excessive noise shall be suitably insulated or isolated or a refuge from noise shall be
provided if the spaces are required to be manned. Ear protectors shall be provided for
personnel required to enter such spaces.

Means of going astern

Regulation 63

Sufficient power for going astern shall be provided to secure proper control of the ship
in all normal circumstances.


The ability of the machinery to reverse the direction of thrust of the propeller in
sufficient time, and so to bring the ship to rest within a reasonable distance from
maximum ahead service speed, shall be demonstrated and recorded.


The stopping times, ship headings and distances recorded on trials, together with the
results of trials to determine the ability of ships having multiple propellers to navigate
and manoeuvre with one or more propellers inoperative, shall be available on board
for the use of the master or designated personnel.


Where the ship is provided with supplementary means for manoeuvring or stopping,
the effectiveness of such means shall be demonstrated and recorded as referred to in
paragraphs 2 and 3.

Steering gear
Regulation 64

Ships shall be provided with a main steering gear and an auxiliary steering gear
considered satisfactory by the Administration. The main steering gear and the
auxiliary steering gear shall be so arranged, in so far as is reasonably practicable, that
the failure of one of them will not render the other one inoperative


Where the main steering gear comprises two or more identical power units, an
auxiliary steering gear need not be fitted, provided that the main steering gear is
capable of operating the rudder as required by paragraph 10 when one of the power
units is inoperative. Each power unit shall be controlled by a separate system.


If the rudder is power-operated, its position shall be indicated in the wheelhouse. The
rudder angle indication shall be independent of the steering control system. A rudder
angle indicator shall be visible in the tiller compartment.

Refer to Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships adopted by the IMO by resolution A.468(12).



In the case of failure of the power supply to any of the power units, an alarm shall be
given to the wheelhouse.


Means for indicating that the motors of all electric and electrohydraulic steering gear
shall be installed in the wheelhouse. Short circuit protection and an overload alarm
shall be provided for such circuits and motors, as well as a power failure alarm.
Protection against excess current, if provided, shall be for not less than twice the full
load current of the motor circuit to be protected, and shall be arranged to permit the
passage of the appropriate starting loads.


The main steering gear shall be of adequate strength capable of steering the ship at
maximum service speed. The main steering gear and the rudder stock shall be so
designed that they will not be damaged at maximum astern speed or during


The main steering gear and rudder stock shall be capable of putting the rudder over
from 35 degrees on one side to 35 degrees on the other side with the ship at its deepest
seagoing draught and running at maximum service speed. The time taken by the
movement from 35 degrees on one side to 35 degrees on the other side shall not
exceed 28 seconds under the same conditions. The main steering gear shall be
operated by a source of power where necessary to meet these conditions.


The main steering gear power unit shall be arranged to restart either automatically or
manually from a position on the navigation bridge after a power failure.


The auxiliary steering gear shall be of adequate strength capable of steering the ship at
navigable speed and be capable of being brought speedily into action in an emergency.


The auxiliary steering gear and rudder stock shall be capable of putting the rudder
over from 15 degrees on one side to 15 degrees on the other side with the ship at its
deepest seagoing draught and running at the lower of maximum service speed or 7
knots. The auxiliary steering gear shall be operated by a source of power where
necessary to meet these conditions.


If the means of operation is other than a rudder, the movement from full helm on one
side to full helm on the other shall be capable of being effected in a maximum of 30


Steering gear shall be provided with an effective device enabling the tiller to be
immobilized rapidly in an emergency, in particular when the auxiliary gear is
If the steering gear is operated by electrohydraulic power, it may be immobilized by
closure of valves in the pressure cylinders where fitted.


A notice stating simply the manoeuvres to be carried out to start the auxiliary steering
gear and immobilize the rudder shall be placed in a clearly visible position in the
steering gear compartment or near the tiller.
Controls shall be clearly marked on the steering gear.


Communication between navigation bridge and machinery space

Regulation 65

At least two independent means shall be provided for communicating orders from the
navigation bridge to the position in the machinery space or in the control room from
which the engines are normally controlled. One of these shall be an engine-room
telegraph. The installation of such means shall be to the satisfaction of the


A ship may be exempt from the installation of an engine-room telegraph as specified

in paragraph 1 if the main means of propulsion is directly controlled from the
navigation bridge under normal service conditions.


Any ship of length (L) less than 24 m may, instead of the provisions of paragraph 1, be
provided with only one of the means specified in paragraph 1 if, to the satisfaction of
the Administration, two means of communications are considered unnecessary bearing
in mind the proximity of the navigation bridge to the position of the control room of
the main propulsion machinery.
Appropriate means of communication shall be provided to any other positions, part
from the navigating bridge, from which the engines may be controlled.Similarly,
appropriate means of communication shall be provided between the bridge and the
tiller position.

Engineers' alarm
Regulation 66
An engineers' alarm shall be provided to be operated from the engine control room or at the
manoeuvring platform as appropriate, and shall be clearly audible in the engineers'
accommodation. The Administration may exempt the ship from this requirement if it
considers that such an alarm is not necessary taking account of the form of manning of the
engine department or the close proximity of the engine control room to the engineers'


Regulation 67

Subject to the provisions of Regulation (71), electrical installations of ships and

manned barges shall comply with the provisions of the present Chapter.


Electrical installations shall be such that:


all electrical auxiliary services necessary for maintaining the ship in normal
operational and habitable conditions will be ensured without recourse to the
emergency source of power;


electrical services essential for safety will be ensured under various emergency
conditions; and


the crew and ship will be protected from electrical hazards.

Safety precautions
Regulation 68

All exposed metal parts of electrical machines or equipment which are not intended to
be live but which are liable under fault conditions to become live shall be earthed
unless the machines or equipment are:

supplied at a voltage not exceeding 55 V direct current or 55 V root mean

square between conductors. Auto-transformers shall not be used for the
purpose of achieving this voltage, or


supplied at a voltage not exceeding 250 V by safety isolating transformers

supplying only consuming device, or


constructed in accordance with the principle of double insulation.


The Administration may require additional precautions for portable electrical

equipment for use in confined or exceptionally damp spaces where particular risks due
to conductivity may exist.


All electrical apparatus shall be so constructed and installed as not to cause injury
when handled or touched in the normal manner.


Main and emergency switchboards shall be so arranged as to give easy access as may
be needed to apparatus and equipment without danger to personnel. The sides and the
rear and, where necessary, the front of switchboards shall be suitably guarded.
Exposed live parts having voltages to earth exceeding a voltage of 55 V shall not be
installed on the front of such switchboards. Where necessary, non-conducting mats or
gratings shall be provided at the front and rear of the switchboard.


The hull return system of distribution shall not be used for any purpose in a tanker or a
barge carrying flammable liquids in bulk.


The requirement of paragraph 5 does not preclude under conditions approved by the
Administration the use of:

impressed current cathodic protective systems;


limited and locally earthed systems; or


limited and locally earthed circuit board systems. If the Administration

considers that the equipotentiality of the system is adequately protected, circuit
board hull return systems may be used without the restriction imposed in
paragraph 5


insulation level monitoring devices provided the circulation current does not
exceed 30 mA under the most unfavourable conditions.


Where the hull return system is used, all final subcircuits, i.e. all circuits fitted after
the last protective device, shall be two-wire and special precautions shall be taken
such as considered satisfactory by the Administration.


Earthed distribution systems shall not be used in a tanker or a barge carrying

flammable liquids in bulk. The Administration may authorize the use of the following
earthed systems;

power-supplied control circuits and instrumentation circuits where technical or

safety reasons preclude the use of a system with no connection to earth,
provided that the current in the hull is limited to not more than 5 A in both
normal and fault conditions;


limited and locally earthed systems, provided that any possible resulting
current does not flow directly through any of the dangerous spaces; or


alternating current power networks of 1000 V (line to line) and over, provided
that any possible resulting current does not flow directly through any of the
dangerous spaces.


When a distribution system, whether primary or secondary, for power, heating or

lighting, with no connection to earth is used, a device capable of continuously
monitoring the insulation level to earth and of giving an audible or visual indication of
abnormally low insulation values shall be provided.


Except as permitted by the Administration in exceptional circumstances, all metal

sheaths and armour of cables shall be electrically continuous and shall be earthed.


All electric cables and wiring external to equipment shall be at least of flame-retardant
type and shall be so installed as not to impair their original flame-retarding properties.
Where necessary for particular applications the Administration may permit the use of


special types of cable such as radio frequency cables, which do not comply with the

Cables and wiring serving essential or emergency power, lighting, internal

communications or signals shall so far as practicable be routed clear of galleys,
laundries, machinery spaces of category A and their housings and other high fire risk
areas. Cables connecting fire pumps to the emergency switchboard shall be of the
fire-resistant type where they pass through high fire risk areas. Where practicable all
such cables should be run in such a manner as to preclude their being rendered
unserviceable by heating of the bulkheads that may be caused by a fire in an adjacent


Where cables which are installed in hazardous areas introduce the risk of fire or
explosion in the event of an electrical fault in such areas, special precautions against
such risks shall be taken such as are considered satisfactory by the Administration.


Cables and wiring shall be installed and supported in such a manner as to avoid
chafing or other damage.


Terminations and joints in all conductors shall be so made as to retain the original
electrical, mechanical, flame-retarding and, where necessary, fire-resisting properties
of the cable.


Each separate circuit shall be protected against short circuit and against overload
except the electrical circuit for the steering gear and where the Administration may
exceptionally otherwise permit. The rating or appropriate setting of the overload
protective device for each circuit shall be permanently indicated at the location of the
protective device.


Lighting fittings shall be so arranged as to prevent temperature rises which could

damage the cables and wiring, and to prevent surrounding material from becoming
excessively hot.


All lighting and power circuits terminating in a bunker or cargo space shall be
provided with a multiple-pole switch outside the space for disconnecting such circuits.


Accumulator batteries shall be suitably housed, and compartments used primarily for
their accommodation shall be properly constructed and efficiently ventilated.


Electrical or other equipment which may constitute a source of ignition of flammable

vapours shall not be permitted in these compartments except as permitted in paragraph


Accumulator batteries shall not be located in sleeping quarters, except batteries used in
a specially adapted lighting unit.


No electrical equipment shall be installed in any space where flammable mixtures are
liable to collect including those on board tankers or barges carrying flammable liquids
in bulks or in compartments assigned primarily to accumulator batteries, in paint
lockers, acetylene stores or similar spaces, unless the Administration is satisfied that
such equipment is:



essential for operational purposes,


of a type which will not ignite the mixture concerned,


appropriate to the space concerned, and


appropriately certified for safe usage in the dusts, vapours or gases likely to be

Lightning conductors shall be installed on masts and mastheads constructed of nonconducting materials. If the ship is constructed of non-conducting materials, the
lightning conductors shall be connected to copper plates fitted to the ship's hull and
running well below the water line.

Main source of electrical power

Regulation 69

A main source of electrical power of sufficient capacity to supply all the services
mentioned in Regulation 1.2.1 shall be provided. This main source of electrical power
shall consist of at least two generating sets (at least one of which shall be capable of
being connected to the main engine) and shall satisfy the following requirements:

the capacity of these generating sets shall be such that in the event of any one
generating set being stopped it will still be possible to supply those services
necessary to provide normal operational conditions of propulsion and safety;


the arrangements of the ship's main source of electrical power shall be such
that the services mentioned in paragraph (2.1) of Regulation (67) can be
maintained regardless of the speed and direction of rotation of the propulsion
machinery or shafting;


in addition, the generating sets shall be such as to ensure that with any one
generator or its primary source of power out of operation, the remaining
generator sets shall be capable of providing the electrical services necessary to
start the main propulsion plant from a dead ship condition. The emergency
source of electrical power may be used for the purpose of starting from a dead
ship condition if its capability is sufficient to provide at the same time the
services required to be supplied under paragraph (5) of Regulation (70).


A main electric lighting system which shall provide illumination throughout those
parts of the ship normally accessible to the crew shall be supplied from the main
source of electrical power.


The arrangement of the main electric lighting system shall be such that a fire or other
accident in spaces containing the main source of electrical power, associated
transforming equipment, if any, and the main switchboard will not render the
emergency electric lighting system required by paragraph (5) of Regulation (70)



The arrangement of the emergency electric lighting system shall be such that a fire or
other accident in spaces containing the main source of electrical power, associated
transforming equipment, if any, and the emergency switchboard will not render the
main electric lighting system required by the present Regulation inoperative.

Emergency source of electrical power

Regulation 70

A self-contained emergency source of electrical power shall be provided.


The emergency source of electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if any,

and emergency switchboard shall be located above the uppermost continuous deck and
shall be readily accessible from the open deck. They shall not be located forward of
the collision bulkhead, except as authorized by the Administration in exceptional


The location of the emergency source of electrical power, associated transforming

equipment, if any, and emergency switchboard in relation to the main source of
electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if any, and the main switchboard
shall be such that the Administration is satisfied that a fire or other accident in spaces
containing the main source of electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if
any, and the main switchboard or in any machinery space of category A will not
interfere with the supply, control and distribution of emergency electrical power.


Provided that suitable measures are taken for safeguarding independent emergency
operation under all circumstances, the emergency generator may be used,
exceptionally, and for short periods, to supply non-emergency circuits.


The electrical power available shall be sufficient to supply all those services that are
essential for safety in an emergency situation, due regard being paid to such services
as may have to be operated simultaneously. The emergency source of electrical power
shall be capable, having regard to starting currents and the transitory nature of certain
loads, of supplying simultaneously at least the following services for the periods
specified hereinafter, if they depend upon an electrical source for their operation:

For a period of 3 h, emergency lighting at every muster and embarkation

station and over the sides as required by the provisions of Chapter 10;


For a period of 12 h, emergency lighting


in all service and accommodation stairways, companionways and exits


in the machinery spaces and main generating stations including their

control positions


in all control stations, machinery control rooms and at each main and
emergency switchboard


at all stowage positions for firemen's outfits



at the steering gear, and


at the fire pump and the starting positions of their motors.


For a period of 12 h, the navigation lights and other lights required by the
COLREG Convention;


For a period of 12 h,

all means of communication for transmitting distress and safety

messages, including the ship's whistle and internal communication as
required in an emergency situation,


the fire detection and alarm system , and


the fire pumps if electrically powered.


In a ship engaged only in voyages of short duration, the Administration may

accept periods less than 12 h if it is satisfied that the safety of the ship is not
put at risk. However, this period shall not be less than 3 h.


The emergency source of electrical power may be:


an accumulator battery capable of carrying the emergency electrical

load without recharging, or


a generator driven by a motor with an independent supply of fuel and

method of starting to the satisfaction of the Administration.


Where the emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery, it

shall be capable of automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard in
the event of failure of the main source of electrical power. Where automatic
connection with the emergency switchboard is not possible, a manual
connection to the satisfaction of the Administration may be accepted.


Where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator, it shall start

automatically and be connected to the emergency switchboard within 45
seconds following the failure of the main source of electrical power. It shall be
driven by a motor with an independent supply of fuel with a flashpoint not less
than 43C. Automatic starting of the emergency generator shall not be
required if there is a transitional source of power to the satisfaction of the

Special provisions
Regulation 71
The Administration may exempt from any requirement in the present Chapter that it regards
as neither necessary nor applicable any ship of less than 24 m in length (L) which does not
navigate more than 12 miles from the coast.


Application to existing ships
Regulation 72
The provisions of the present chapter shall apply to existing ships, within a period not
exceeding three years from the date of entry into force of the present Regulations, where they
are regarded by the Administration as necessary and reasonable.
Regulation 73

Unless it is provided otherwise under the present chapter, the provisions on fire
protection shall comply with the Fire Safety System Code, as amended, adopted by the
IMO Maritime Safety Committee in Resolution MSC.98 (73).


When the nature and conditions of the voyage are such that the application of the
present Regulations is neither necessary nor reasonable, the Administration may adopt
alternative arrangements if it is satisfied that they are as effective as the measures set
out in the present chapter.

Types of bulkhead
Regulation 74

Wherever the words "steel or other equivalent material" occur, "equivalent material"
means any non-combustible material which, by itself or due to insulation provided,
has structural and integrity properties equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable
exposure to the standard fire test (e.g. aluminium alloy with appropriate insulation).


"A 30" class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which
comply with the following:



they shall be constructed of steel or other equivalent material;


they shall be suitably stiffened;


they shall be so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of

smoke and flame to the end of the one-hour standard fire test;


they shall be insulated with approved non-combustible materials such that the
average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 139C
above the original temperature, nor will the temperature, at any one point,
including any joint, rise more than 180C above the original temperature,
within a period of 30 minutes.

"F" class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings and
linings which comply with the following



they shall be so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of flame

to the end of the first half-hour of the standard fire test;


they shall have an insulation value such that the average temperature of the
unexposed side will not rise more than 139C above the original temperature,
nor will the temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more than
225C above the original temperature, to the end of the first half-hour of the
standard fire test;

Fire prevention
Regulation 75

Paints, varnishes or other substances with a nitro-cellulose or toxic base, or highly

flammable products shall not be used.


Precautions shall be taken to avoid combustible substances or vapours coming into

contact with parts reaching elevated temperatures. In particular:

arrangements shall be made to ensure that sparks or flames from smoke ducts
such as those of cooking or heating appliances cannot penetrate ventilation


thermal insulation shall be provided in cargo spaces, fuel bunkers, control

stations, accommodation and service areas for walls reaching high
temperatures such as boilers, smoke ducts, extraction ducts or galley chimneys;


appliances with naked flames or unprotected resistors for lighting and heating
of accommodation shall be prohibited;


electric radiators shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 7.


Insulation materials shall be approved by the appropriate authority.


The fixing of combustible parts less than 60 cm from appliances such as ovens and
furnaces shall be prohibited unless special precautions are taken to insulate them.


Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat shall not be used for overboard
scuppers, discharges which are close to the water line or for accessories whose
destruction in the event of fire would give rise to a risk of flooding.


Oil or oil fuel pipes shall be of steel or other authorized materials taking into account
the risk of fire.


Air extraction ducts from bunkers and tanks containing combustible liquids shall be
fitted with an effective fire-screen capable of being easily cleaned and which shall not
significantly reduce the effective diameter of the air duct and shall comply with the
provisions of paragraph 6.


Mechanical ventilation of closed ro-ro cargo spaces carrying motor vehicles with fuel
in their tanks for their own propulsion and machinery spaces, if any, shall be capable


of being stopped from a point easily accessible and identifiable located outside such

Ventilation ducts serving cargo spaces, closed ro-ro cargo spaces and machinery
spaces shall be provided on their upper parts with non-combustible means of closing.


Other openings in machinery spaces shall be capable of being closed from outside
those spaces.




Divisions (decks and bulkheads) which separate machinery spaces in category

A from cargo spaces, accommodation, service area, control stations on ships of
24 metres in length (L) or more, shall be:

of A.30 class for ships constructed of steel or equivalent material

including aluminium alloys;


of F class for ships constructed of combustible materials.

A subdivision may be accepted as equivalent to an A class division if it

consists of:

a steel panel coated with 50 mm of mineral wool; or


an aluminium panel coated with 80 mm or two separate layers of 40

mm of mineral wool.


A subdivision may be accepted as equivalent to an F class division if it consists

of a combustible wall coated with a layer of 100 mm or two separate layers of
50 mm of mineral wool.The mineral wool shall have a voluminal mass of at
least 96 kh/m3.The external surface of the mineral wool shall be suitably
protected against splashes of oil and other flammable liquids.


the insulation shall extend downwards from the deck, over the hull, to a depth
of 500 mm for a ship of steel and to the lightship water line for a ship
constructed of another material.
Stairways which serve several decks shall be encased in bulkheads of steel or
equivalent materials or F class materials.


In the case of F class bulkheading, the bulkheading around machinery spaces

in category A shall prevent the passage of smoke.


Bulkheading shall only possess the characteristics of A.30 or F class

bulkheading, as appropriate in respect of a fire arising in the machinery space.


Doors and hatches of other openings in bulkheads shall be constructed such as

to maintain the integrity of the bulkheads in which they are located.


Bulkheads around galleys shall be of steel or equivalent material or F class



Stairways, escape companionways, etc., shall have a steel frame and, if they
serve several decks, they shall be protected by a casing of steel or equivalent
material or F class material. They shall have at least one closure as required by
paragraph (11.7) to prevent fire spreading from one deck to another.

11.10 Pipes, ducts and controls which pass through a fire-resistant bulkhead shall not
reduce its resistance to fire.
11.11 Ships less than 24 metres in length (L): the appropriate authority may exempt
ships less than 24 metres in length (L) which do not sail more than 12 miles
from the nearest land from any requirement of the present Regulation, if it
considers that such requirement is neither reasonable nor necessary taking into
account the navigation in which such ships engage.

Arrangements for combustible fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils
Regulation 76

No combustible liquid shall be used as fuel whose flashpoint, determined by an

approved test, is less than 60C (closed crucible test), except in emergency generators,
in which case the flashpoint shall be not less than 43C.


Safe and efficient means of ascertaining the amount of fuel contained in any tank shall
be provided. If such means consist of sounding pipes, their upper ends shall be
located in safe positions and fitted with appropriate shutoff devices.
If an oil-level gauge is used, it shall be fitted with a self-closing control cock at each
All cocks shall be fixed directly to the walls of the tank.
The use of plastics for oil-level gauges is prohibited.
The use of refracting glass oil-level gauges is permitted provided that a protection
against shocks is installed. Tighteners shall be fitted to prevent disconnection of oillevel gauges.


Precautions shall be taken to prevent any overpressure on tanks or in any part of the
fuel supply system, including filling pipes. Outlet valves and air or overflow pipes
shall discharge the fuel into a safe place in such a way that it gives rise to no danger.


Subject to approval by the appropriate authority, fuel pipes which, if damaged, would
allow oil to escape from storage, settling or daily service tank situated above the
double bottom, shall be fitted with a cock or valve directly on the tank capable of
being closed from a safe position outside the space concerned in the event of fire
occurring in the space in which such tanks are situated. In the special case of deep
tanks situated in any shaft or pipe tunnel or similar spaced, valves shall be fitted on the
deep tanks but control in the event of fire shall be capable of being effected by means
of an additional valve on the pipe or pipes outside the tunnel or similar space. If such
additional valve is fitted in the machinery space it shall be operated from a position
outside this space.
Pumps which form part of the oil fuel lines shall be separate from any other lines and
the inversion of the flow of such pumps shall be fitted with an effective, closed circuit,
outlet valve.




No oil fuel tank shall be situated where spillage or leakage therefrom can constitute a
hazard by falling on heated surfaces. Precautions shall be taken to prevent any oil that
may escape under pressure from any pump, filter or heater from coming into contact
with heated surfaces.


Oil fuel pipes and their valves and fittings shall be of steel or other approved material,
except that the restricted use of flexible pipes may be permitted by the appropriate
authority. Such flexible pipes and end attachments shall be of approved fire-resisting
materials or coated with fire-resisting coatings, to the satisfaction of the appropriate


When necessary, oil fuel lines shall be screened or otherwise suitably protected to
avoid, as far as practicable, oil spray or oil leakages on to hot surfaces or into
machinery air intakes. The number of joints in such piping systems shall be kept to a


As far as practicable, oil fuel tanks shall be part of the ship's structure and shall be
located outside machinery spaces of category A. Where oil fuel tanks, other than
double bottom tanks, are necessarily located adjacent to or within machinery spaces of
category A, at least one of their vertical sides shall be contiguous to the machinery
space boundaries, and shall preferably have a common boundary with the double
bottom tanks, and the area of the tank boundary common with the machinery spaces
shall be kept to a minimum. Where such tanks are situated within the boundaries of
machinery spaces of category A they shall not contain oil fuel having a flashpoint of
less than 60C (closed crucible test). In general, the use of free-standing oil fuel tanks
shall be avoided in areas where there is a risk of fire and especially in machinery
spaces of category A. When free-standing are permitted, they shall be placed in an
oil-tight spill tray of ample size having a suitable drain pipe leading to a suitably sized
spill oil tank.


The arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilization of oil used in the
pressure lubrication systems shall be considered satisfactory by the appropriate
authority. The arrangements made in machinery spaces of category A, and whenever
practicable in other machinery spaces, shall at least comply with the provisions of
paragraphs 1, 3, 6 and 7 and, in so far as the appropriate authority considers it to be
necessary, with the provisions of paragraph 2 and 4. The use of sight-flow glasses in
lubricating systems shall be permitted provided that they are shown by tests to have a
suitable degree of fire resistance.


The arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilization of flammable oils other
than those specified in paragraph 10 employed under pressure in power transmission
systems, control and drive systems and heating systems shall be considered
satisfactory of the appropriate authority. In locations where means of ignition are
present, such arrangements shall at least comply with the provisions of paragraphs 2
and 6, and with the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 7 in respect of strength and
Oil fuels, lubricating oils and other flammable oils shall not be carried in forepeak
tanks. Furthermore, oil fuels shall not be stored forward of the collision bulkhead or
its extension.



Storage and use of oil fuels

Regulation 77
Air outlet pipes in oil fuel compartments and tanks shall terminate with an S-bend
with a close-mesh metal cowl and a detachable closing device. A hole of 5 to 6 mm in
diameter shall be pierced in the closing device.The closing device may be replaced by
a system such as an automatic ball-valve if it provides equivalent safety.

Compartments intended to contain oil fuels with a flashpoint less than 60C but not
less than 43C shall be insulated from continuous compartments intended for liquids
or oil fuels with different flashpoints by cofferdams with air pipes and sounding pipes.


Oil fuels with a flashpoint less than 60C but not less than 43C may be used subject
to the agreement of the Administration to supply emergency fire-pump motors and
auxiliary motors which are not situated in machinery spaces of category A.

Pressurized water fire-extinguishing systems

Regulation 78
Any pressurized water fire-extinguishing system, required to be installed by the
present chapter, shall consist of pipes fed by one or more pumps and serving nozzles
through hydrants and hoses.


Fire pumps

Except as otherwise provided in the present chapter, fire pumps shall be

mechanically driven by motors independent of the propulsion machinery.


Sanitary, ballast and bilge pumps, as well as general service pumps may be
regarded as fire pumps, provided that they are not normally used for extraction
of oil fuel.


Fire pumps shall be fitted with safety valves if they are capable of operating at
a pressure exceeding that for which the pipes and their attachments have been
calculated and tested.


Each mechanically powered pump, where required to be fitted by the present

chapter, shall be capable of delivering for fire-fighting purposes a quantity of
water, at the pressure specified in paragraph 3.2, not less than two-thirds of the
quantity required to be dealt with by a bilge pump under the provisions of
Regulation (55).

Fire mains

The diameter of the fire main shall be sufficient for the effective distribution of
the maximum discharge of one fire pump.
Where a fire pump delivers the quantity of water specified in subparagraph 3.1
above through any adjacent fire hydrants, a pressure of at least 0.2 N/mm2 shall
be maintained at all hydrants affected.





The arrangement of the fire main shall be such that it is capable of delivering
water very rapidly. The controls shall be easy to operate and readily

Pipes and hydrants


The number and position of hydrants shall be such that at least one jet of water
may reach any part of the ship normally accessible to the crew while the ship is
being navigated and any part of any cargo space, ro-ro cargo space when


Pipes and hydrants shall be so placed that the fire hoses may be easily coupled
to them. In ships where deck cargo may be carried, the positions of the
hydrants shall be such that they are readily accessible and the pipes shall be
arranged as far as practicable to avoid risk of damage by such cargo.


Cocks or valves shall be fitted to pipes such that any of the hydrants may be
shut off while the pumps are in operation and continue to supply other hoses
connected to other hydrants.


Fire hoses of materials readily affected by heat shall not be used unless
suitably protected.

Hoses and nozzles


Fire hoses shall be of approved materials. They shall not exceed 20 metres in
length. In addition, they shall not exceed half the length (L) of the ship, except
that they shall not be required to be less than 10 metres in length. Hoses shall
be fitted with the necessary couplings and attachments.


In accommodation, service and machinery spaces in ships of 24 metres or more

in length (L), a fire hose shall be provided for each fire hydrant installed in
compliance with the present chapter and shall be permanently coupled. On
open decks, a hose shall not be required for each hydrant, but the number of
hoses installed shall be sufficient, in the area concerned, such that the jet
required by the present Regulation can be delivered in all circumstances.


Fire hoses and their attachments shall be maintained in a permanently

serviceable condition.


The diameter of nozzles (full jet) shall be not less than 12 mm for ships of 24
metres or more in length (L) and not less than 10 mm for other ships.


All nozzles shall be fitted with a shutoff device, as well as a sprinkler jet on
passenger vessel.


Fire cocks, hoses, nozzles and couplings, and sprinkler jets shall be of a type
approved by the Administration.


Gas fire-extinguishing systems

Regulation 79
The use of a fire-extinguishing medium which, in the opinion of the Administration,
under expected conditions of use gives off toxic gases in such quantities as to
endanger persons on board shall not be permitted. The fire extinguishing systems shall
started by a deliberate manual operation.

The pipes for conveying the fire-extinguishing medium into protected spaces shall be
provided with control valves:

for which the spaces to which the pipes are led are clearly indicated;


where the open or closed position may be readily checked; and


which can only be operated locally (no remote control).


Means of manually activating chambers by percussion. In such case, the control shall
be exercised from the spaces where the extinguishing medium is placed, except when
it is placed in a protected space.


The piping shall be so positioned as to ensure efficient distribution of the gas. It shall
be tested according to the regulations of an approved classification society


Means shall be provided to close all openings which may admit air or allow gas to
escape from a protected space. The ventilation of the protected space shall be shut off
automatically before the discharge of the extinguishing medium. For ships of less
than 24 metres in length (L), such ventilation may be shut off manually.





The operation of percussion devices and valves shall be periodically checked,

as well as the quantity of gas available and the general state of the system.


Means shall be provided for safe blowing of the pipes leading from the control
valves, one by one.


Means shall be provided for the crew to safely check the quantity of gas in the

Quantity of gas
To determine the quantity of gas, in cases where the safety valves or other safety
devices on the air chambers to start the motors discharge within machinery spaces, the
gross volume taken into account in calculating the minimum concentration of gas shall
be increased by the volume of free air relating to such chambers.



Audible sound and visual (luminous) signal shall announce the release of the
extinguishing medium in any space in which personnel normally work or to
which they have access.


They shall be supplied by the emergency source of power and shall be distinct
from any other alarm.


The time between the giving of the alarm and the arrival of the gas in the
protected space shall be such as to allow people to escape from the protected
space. The system should be checked periodically to ensure that it is in good
working order. For ships of a length (L) less than 24 metres, the visual signal
shall not be required.


The means of control of any fixed gas fire-extinguishing system shall be readily
accessible, simple to operate and shall be grouped together at positions where they are
not likely to be cut off by a fire in the protected space and shall have clear instructions
relating to the operation of the system having regard to the safety of personnel.


Where several locations are protected by the same system, the quantity of gas shall be
sufficient for the largest of those locations. Several locations which are not
completely separate from each other shall be regarded as forming a single location.


Pressurized gas fire-extinguisher chambers shall be approved by the appropriate

authority and tested every ten years.


Pressurized gas fire-extinguisher chambers shall not be positioned forward of the

collision bulkhead.
They shall be kept in locations reserved exclusively for that purpose, situated in a safe
readily accessible and well ventilated position. Any entrance to such locations shall
preferably be from the open deck and in any case shall be separate from the entrance
to the protected space. Access doors shall open outwards. Bulkheads, decks and
doors which form the boundaries between such places and adjoining closed spaces
shall be of steel or equivalent material or F class except on ships of a length (L) less
than 35 metres when such chambers are installed above the freeboard deck.
All access doors to the locations of chambers shall carry a sign clearly showing the
type of extinguishing medium and the notice "Danger".


The air shall in the protected place shall be change, after extinction of the fire, within a
period compatible with the safety of the ship.


Carbon dioxide systems


For machinery spaces the quantity of carbon dioxide delivered by the piping
shall be sufficient to give a minimum volume of free gas equal to 30% of the
gross volume of the largest machinery space so protected, including the
The volume of free carbon dioxide shall be calculated as 0.56 m3/kg.
The fixed piping shall be such that 85% of the gas can be discharged into the
space within 2 minutes.


For closed ro-ro cargo spaces for motor transport with fuel in their tanks for
their own propulsion, the quantity of carbon dioxide delivered by the piping
shall be sufficient to give a minimum volume of free gas equal to 45% of the
gross volume of the largest cargo space of that type capable of being made

The arrangements shall be such that they ensure the delivery of at least two
thirds of the required gas into the location concerned within 10 minutes.

Regulation 80
Fixed high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces

Any required fixed high-expansion fire extinguishing systems in machinery spaces

shall be capable of rapidly discharging through fixed discharge outlets a quantity of
foam sufficient to fill the greatest space to be protected at a rate of at least 1 m in
depth per minute, after deducting the volumes of the plant or equipment, or 1.5 m in
depth if such volumes are not deducted.
The quantity of foam-forming liquid available shall be sufficient to produce a volume
of foam equal to five times the volume of the largest space to be protected. The
expansion ratio of the foam shall not exceed 1,000 to 1.
The Administration may permit alternative arrangements and discharge rates provided
that it is satisfied that equivalent protection is achieved.


Supply ducts for delivering foam, intakes to the foam generator and the number of
foam-producing units shall in the opinion of the Administration be such as will
provide effective foam production and distribution.
Foam-producing units shall be of an approved type.


The arrangement of the foam generator delivery ducting shall be such that a fire in the
protected space will not affect the foam generating equipment.


The foam generator, its sources of power supply, foam-forming liquid and means of
controlling the system shall be readily accessible and simple to operate and shall be
grouped in as few locations as possible at positions not likely to be cut off by a fire in
the protected spaced.

Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces

Regulation 81

Machinery spaces:

Any required fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing system in

machinery spaces shall be provided with sprinkler jets of an approved type.
The number and arrangement of the sprinkler jets shall be to the satisfaction of
the appropriate authority and shall be such as to ensure an effective average
distribution of water of at least 5 litres per square metre per minute in the
spaces to be protected. This distribution may be reduced to 3.5 litres per
square metre per minute when the ceiling height of the space to be protected is
less than 2.5 metres.




The system may be divided into sections, the distribution valves of which shall
be operated from easily accessible positions outside the spaces to be protected
and not likely to be rapidly cut off by a fire in the protected space.


The pump shall be capable of simultaneously supplying at the necessary

pressure all sections of the system in any one space to be protected. The pump
and its controls shall be installed outside the space or spaces to be protected. It
shall not be possible for a fire in the space or spaces protected by the waterspraying system to put the system out of action.


The pump may be driven by an independent internal combustion engine. If,

however, it is dependent upon power being supplied from the emergency
generator fitted in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 7, that source
shall be readily accessible and simple to operate in the event of failure of the
main source of electrical power. When the pump is driven by an independent
internal combustion engine it shall be so situated that a fire in the protected
space will not affect the air supply to the engine.


Precautions shall be taken to prevent the sprinkler jets from becoming clogged
by impurities in the water or corrosion of piping, jets, valves and pump.

Closed ro-ro cargo spaces carrying motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for
their own propulsion:
Such spaces shall comply with the following provisions :

The sprinkler jets shall be of an approved single aperture type. They shall be
arranged such as to ensure an effective distribution of water in the spaces to be
protected. For this purpose, the system shall be capable of delivering at least
3.5 litres of water per square metre per minute in the spaces with a height of
2.5 metres or less, and 5 litres per square metre per minute in spaces of a
greater height;


The sections of the system shall be situated in an easily accessible position

adjacent to but outside the space to be protected, which is not likely to be
rapidly cut off by a fire in the protected space;


The water supply to the system shall be from the fire main.


The output from each approved fir pump shall be sufficient to supply all the
sprinklers in the system and a fire hose with nozzle at the required pressure;
Where the main fire pumps may be started by remote control (which may be
hand-operated) other than in the location of the section valves.


Fire protection
Regulation 82

Pressurized water extinguishing systems


A fire main shall be provided in compliance with the requirements of

Regulation 78.


The fire system shall be supplied by a main pump situated in the propulsion
machinery space and an independent emergency pump. Such pumps shall
comply with the requirements of Regulation 78.


In ships of less than 35 metres in length (L), the main pump may be coupled to
the propulsion machinery, in which case it shall have a clutch mechanism.


In the case of multi-hulled ships with two independent propulsion spaces, the
main pump and emergency pump referred to in paragraph 1.2 may be replaced
by two fire pumps with a clutch mechanism coupled to each propulsion engine
and supplying the same fire main.


In addition to the hose and nozzle referred to in paragraph 1.6, the following
shall be provided:




in ships of 24 metres or more in length (L), and on passenger vessels, at

least three hoses with nozzles;


in ships of least than 24 metres in length (L), at least two hoses with

The following shall be installed in the propulsion space:


a fire hydrant permanently coupled to a hose with a nozzle; and


a receptacle containing a powdery material such as sand or sawdust

impregnated with caustic soda and a shovel. A portable extinguisher of
an approved type may be accepted as an equivalent.

Machinery spaces:
In addition to the provisions of paragraph 1, machinery spaces containing oil-fired
fuel, oil fuel units or internal combustion machinery for the purposes of propulsion of
ships of over 24 metres in length (L), and of passenger vessels, shall be provided, to
the satisfaction of the Administration, with any one of the following fixed fireextinguishing systems:

a gas system complying with the provisions of Regulation 79.

a high-expansion foam system complying with the provisions of Regulation


a pressure water-spraying system complying with the provisions of Regulation



Closed ro-ro cargo spaces carrying motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for
their own propulsion:
In addition to the provisions in paragraph 1, such spaces shall be provided, to the
satisfaction of the appropriate authority, with any one of the following fixed fireextinguishing systems:

a gas system complying with the provisions of Regulation 79.14.2; or


a pressure water-spraying system complying with the provisions of Regulation


Protection measures applicable to tankers

Regulation 83
In the case of tankers, the special provisions relating to fire protection on board tankers of 500
gross tonnes or more shall apply.

Fixed fire detection and alarm systems in propulsion machinery spaces

Regulation 84

A fixed fire detection system of an approved type shall be installed in spaces

containing internal combustion machinery used for the main propulsion of ships of
over 24 metres in length (L).


The detectors shall be operated by smoke or other products of combustion and initiate
an audible and visual alarm, distinct from any other device that does not indicate a
fire, to the wheelhouse.


The system shall be tested to the satisfaction of the Administration

Fire extinguishers
Regulation 85

All fire extinguishers shall be of an approved type.


A portable foam applicator unit shall consist of an air-foam nozzle of an inductor-type

capable of being connected to the main by a fire hose, together with a portable tank
containing at least 20 litres of foam-making liquid and one spare tank. The nozzle
shall be capable of producing effective foam suitable for extinguishing an oil fire, at
the rate of 1.5 m3/min.
One of the portable fire extinguishers intended for use in any space shall be stowed
near the entrance to that space, preferably outside.



The number of spare charges shall be determined by the Administration to the extent
that recharging of used extinguishers may be effected.



The number and distribution of portable extinguishers shall comply with the following


Ships sailing more than 12 miles from the nearest land:


In all machinery spaces of category A, at least two portable

extinguishers capable of extinguishing an oil fire shall be provided.
When such spaces contain machinery whose total power is at least
250kW or oil-fired boilers, at least one additional extinguisher shall be
provided or the portable foam extinguisher specified in paragraph 2


All control stations, accommodation and service spaces shall be

provided with a sufficient number of portable fire extinguishers such
that at least one extinguisher of an appropriate type is ready for use in
any part of such spaces. At least three such extinguishers shall be

Ships sailing not more than 12 miles from the nearest land shall be provided
with an appropriate number of portable extinguishers, at least one of which
shall be appropriate to extinguish an oil fire. At least three portable
extinguishers shall be provided.

Fireman's outfit
Regulation 86

On board ships of 35 metres in length (L) or over, two fireman's outfits shall be
provided in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 2.


A fireman's outfit shall consist of:



Personal equipment of an approved type comprising:


Protective clothing of material to protect the skin from the heat

radiating from the fire and from burns and scalding by steam. The
outfit shall be water-resistant,


Boots and gloves of rubber or other electrically non-conducting



A rigid helmet providing effective protection against impact,


An electric safety lamp (hand lantern) of an approved type with a

minimum burning period of 3 hours, and


An axe considered satisfactory by the Administration; and

A breathing apparatus of an approved type which may be a self-contained

compressed-air-operated apparatus, the volume of air contained in the
cylinders of which shall be at least 1,200 litres, or other self-contained

breathing apparatus which shall be capable of functioning for at least 30

minutes. A number of spare cylinders, suitable for use with the apparatus
provided, shall be available on board as considered sufficient by the
The spare cylinders shall be such as to allow a period of working of three
hours. If there is a plant for recharging compressed air bottles on board, this
period may be reduced to two hours.

For each breathing apparatus a fireproof lifeline of sufficient length and strength shall
be provided capable of being attached by means of a snaphook to the harness of the
apparatus or to a separate belt in order to prevent the breathing apparatus becoming
detached when the lifeline is operated.


The fireman's outfits or sets of personal equipment shall be so stored as to be easily

accessible and ready for use and, where the ship carries more than one fireman's outfit
or more than one set of personal equipment, they shall be stored in widely separated


On ships of between 24 and 35 metres in length (L), the following equipment shall be

A hose-type breathing apparatus with an external air intake on the deck, fitted
with a fire-resisting tube and of sufficient length;


a torch;


a pair of rubber gloves in fire-resisting material;


a fireman's line;


a pick; and


a safety helmet.

Regulation 87
Fire muster lists. Fire patrols. Fire drills

Ships of 24 metres or more in length (L) and passenger vessels shall have a fire roster,
drawn up and updated before sailing. The muster lists shall contain all specific tasks.
In particular, it shall show call signals and the station to which each man shall report
and the tasks he shall perform in the event of fire. It shall be permanently displayed in
several parts of the ships, especially in places used by the crew.


An efficient system of fire patrols, including ro-ro cargo spaces, shall be organized at
sea and in port such as to ensure rapid detection of any fire hazard.
Fire drills shall be conducted under the same conditions as those required by
Regulation 99, in order to check the condition of fire-fighting equipment and train the
crew in its use.



Fire control plans

Regulation 88
Ships of 24 metres or more in length (L) and passenger vessels shall have a fire control plan
permanently exhibited to the satisfaction of the Administration.

Ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances

Regulation 89

Fire-extinguishing appliances shall be kept in good order and be available for

immediate use at all times.


Equipment and systems shall be subject to periodic tests to ensure that they are in
good working order or special checks depending on their nature, at least once a year.
The date and purpose of such inspections shall be recorded in a maintenance and test
log, and noted in the ship's log.

Regulation 90
Where in this chapter any special type of appliance, apparatus, extinguishing medium or
arrangement is specified, any other type of appliance, etc., may be allowed if the
Administration is satisfied that it is not less effective.
Carriage of dangerous goods
Regulation 91
The provisions of Chapter VII of the SOLAS Convention shall apply to the carriage of
dangerous goods in containers, or in bulk in the case of solid cargoes.


Regulation 92

Unless otherwise provided, the present chapter shall apply to new ships and barges


Life-saving appliances and arrangements aboard existing ships shall be in conformity

with recognized standards. Existing appliances and the launching arrangements
should, as far as practicable, have sufficient capacity to allow all persons on board to
evacuate the ship from one side or the other.


Existing ships and barges shall comply with the provisions of the present chapter
within two years from the entry into force of the present Regulations, with respect to
the following appliances:

life jackets,




life rafts and hydrostatic release units,


abandon ship drills,


positioning devices conforming to the Global Maritime Distress Satellite

System (GMDSS).

Regulation 93

The provisions on life-saving and appliances and arrangements under the present
chapter shall comply with the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code
adopted by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee in Resolution MSC 48(66)


When the nature and conditions of the voyage are such that the application of the
present Regulations is neither necessary nor reasonable, the Administration may adopt
alternative arrangements if it is satisfied that they are as effective as the measures set
out in the present chapter.


The Administration may exempt from any requirement in the present Chapter that it
regards as neither necessary nor applicable any ship which does not navigate more
than 12 miles from the coast.


Approval of life-saving appliances and arrangements and their equipment

Regulation 94

The life-saving appliances and arrangements and their equipment required by this
chapter shall be approved by the Administration. Before giving approval to lifesaving appliances and arrangements and their equipment, the Administration shall
ensure that such life-saving appliances and arrangements and their equipment comply
with the requirements of the Recommendations of the IMO


Before giving approval to novel life-saving appliances and arrangements and their
equipment, the Administration shall ensure that they provide the same degree of safety
as existing standards. For that purpose, life-saving appliances and arrangements and
their equipment shall have undergone tests in accordance with Recommendations of
the IMO**.

Regulation 95
Apart from the means of alarm and communications set out in Chapters 10 and 11 of the
present Regulations, any ship or manned barge shall have on board:

An emergency means comprising either fixed or portable equipment or both shall be

provided for two-way communication between emergency control stations, muster and
embarkation stations and strategic positions on board.


A general emergency alarm system capable of giving the signal to go to muster

stations consisting of seven or more short blasts followed by a long blast on the ship's
siren or whistle supplied by the main or emergency source of power. The system shall
be capable of being controlled from the ship's bridge and shall be audible in all
accommodation and spaces used by the crew.

Line-throwing appliances
Regulation 96

Ships engaged in navigation more than 12 miles from the coast shall have a linethrowing appliance of an approved type.


The rocket, in the case of a rocket fired from a pistol, or the whole appliance, in the
case of a combined rocket and line, shall be stowed in a water-resisting package. In
addition, in the case of a rocket fired from a pistol, the line and rockets and the
ignition device shall be stowed in a weathertight box.


Refer to IMO resolution MSC 48(66) on the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code.
Refer to IMO resolutions A.689 (17) and MSC 54(66) on Testing of life-saving appliances.


Retro-reflective tapes for life-saving appliances

Regulation 97
All rescue boats, lifeboats or liferafts, immersion suits, life jackets and lifebuoys shall be
fitted with retro-reflective tapes in a manner considered satisfactory by the appropriate
IMO Resolution A.658(16) on Use and fitting of retro-reflective materials on life-saving
appliances shall apply.

Personal life-saving appliances

Regulation 98



Lifebuoys shall be installed on board at readily accessible positions for all

persons on board. They shall be capable of being rapidly cast loose and not
permanently secured in any way.


Ships of 24 metres or more in length(L) shall have at least 4 lifebuoys, two of

which shall be fitted with an automatic light, and one of the buoys also fitted
with an automatic smoke signal.
Two buoys, one on each side, shall be provided with a floating lifeline 20
metres in length.


While the ship is in port or in the roads, one of the lifebuoys provided with a
lifeline shall be placed permanently at the gangway.


Ships of less than 24 metres in length (L) shall have at least two lifebuoys, one
of which shall be fitted with an automatic light.


Each lifebuoy shall be marked in Arabic and capital Roman letters with the
name and port of registration of the ship on which it is placed.

Life jackets
Any ship or manned barge shall have on board a sufficient number of life jackets for
every person on board the ship. In addition, they shall have a sufficient number of
lifejackets for persons on watch. Each lifejacket shall be provided with a whistle and
a light complying with the requirements of the above-mentioned LSA Code. On
passenger vessels, in addition, a number of child size life jackets shall be carried equal
to at least 10% of the total number of persons carried or such a greater number as may
be required to provide a life jacket for each child.


Training and abandon ship drills

Regulation 99

Every crew member shall be trained in launching and manoeuvring life-saving



The method and instructions for use of life-saving appliances and arrangements shall
be exhibited at muster stations and common crew areas.


Muster stations and embarkation stations for lifeboats shall be provided with lighting
supplied by the emergency source of power.


Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire
drill every month. Each drill shall be the occasion of a training session on the use of
the corresponding equipment.


The conduct of the above drills and corresponding training shall be recorded in a log
specified by the Administration.

Survival craft
Regulation 100

Cargo ships other than oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers, and manned
barges, shall comply with the following requirements:

they shall carry, on each side, one or more survival craft conforming to the
above-mentioned LSA Code, and have a total capacity sufficient to carry all
the persons on board;


except where the survival craft required by paragraph 1.1 can be rapidly
transferred from one side of the ship to the other to be launched, additional
survival craft shall be provided such that the total capacity on each side is
sufficient to accommodate 125% of the total number of persons on board.


Passenger vessels shall carry one or more survival craft conforming to the abovementioned LSA Code, and have a total capacity sufficient to carry all the persons on
board. Where the survival crafts and their launching appliances, where applicable, are
not accessible from both sides of the vessel, additional life-saving appliances shall be
fitted as required by the Administration.


Any tanker carrying oil or petroleum products with a flashpoint less than 60C, any
tanker carrying chemical products and any gas carrier shall, in addition to complying
with the requirements of paragraph 1, carry at least one rigid power-driven rescue boat

all the required survival craft consist of lifeboats, or


at least one of the required lifeboats is a rescue boat as defined in the abovementioned LSA Code.



The equipment of the survival craft shall be to the satisfaction of the Administration,
taking into account:

the area of navigation


the distance from the nearest safe haven, and


the search and rescue services available in the area

Stowage, launching and recovery of survival craft

Regulation 101


Survival craft shall be stowed such that:


neither the survival craft nor its launching gear will interfere with the operation
of any other survival craft at any other launching station,


they are as near the water surface as is safe and practicable


they are kept in a state of continuous readiness and that two members of the
crew can carry out preparations for embarkation and launching in less than five


The arrangements for the recovery of survival craft shall be to the satisfaction
of the Administration.

Survival craft which are not stowed under davits or equivalent systems shall be stowed
such that they are secured to the ship by hydrostatic release units.

Marking of survival craft

Regulation 102
All survival craft shall be marked in Arabic and capital letters in the Roman alphabet with:

the name of the ship and its port of registration,


the name of the authority which approved the craft


the maximum number of persons for which it is approved.

Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections

Regulation 103

Operational readiness:
Before the ship leaves port and at all times during the voyage, and in the case of
barges, at any time when they are manned, all life-saving appliances shall be in
working order and ready for immediate use.


Instructions for maintenance on board of rigid survival craft shall be exhibited and
such maintenance shall be effected in accordance with such instructions


Weekly inspection:
The following tests and inspections shall be carried out weekly:



All survival craft and launching appliances shall be visually inspected to

ensure that they are ready for use; and


the general emergency alarm system shall be tested.

Monthly inspections:
Inspection of the life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment, shall be carried
out monthly using a checklist to ensure that they are complete and in good order. A
report of the inspection shall be entered in the logbook.


Servicing of inflatable liferafts, hydrostatic release units and inflated rescue

Every inflatable liferaft, hydrostatic release units and inflated rescue boat shall be
serviced at intervals not exceeding twelve months in a servicing station approved by
the Administration. In case of difficulty, the Administration may authorize a seventeen
months interval.

Public address systems

Regulation 104

Except as noted in paragraph 5, each passenger vessel shall be equipped with a public
address system.


On a vessel of 20 m (65 feet) or more in length, the public address system shall be a
fixed installation and be audible during normal operating conditions throughout the
accommodation spaces and all other spaces normally manned by crew members.


A vessel with more than one passenger deck and a vessel with overnight
accommodation shall have the public address system operable from the operating


On a vessel of less than 20 m (65 feet) in length, a battery powered bullhorn may serve
as the public address system where it can be demonstrated to be audible throughout
the accommodation spaces of the vessel during normal operating conditions. The
bullhorns batteries shall be continually maintained at a fully charged level by use of a
battery charger or other means acceptable to the Administration.


On a vessel of less than 20 m (65 feet) in length carrying less than 50 passengers, a
public address system is not required where the Administration is satisfied that a

public announcement made from the operating station without amplification can be
heard throughout the accommodation spaces of the vessel during normal operating

Record of passengers
Regulation 105
The master of a vessel making a voyage in exposed or coastal waters shall keep an accurate
list of all persons, which embark on and disembark from the vessel. However, for short and
repetitive voyages the Administration may request to only record the number of passengers on
board. The passenger list or the passenger count shall be deposited ashore in a well marked

Passenger Safety
Regulation 106


Before getting underway on a voyage where passengers are carried, the master of a
vessel shall ensure that suitable public announcements are made informing all
passengers of the following, as applicable to the vessel's operations and arrangement:

a general explanation of emergency procedures;


the location of emergency exits and survival craft embarkation areas;


the stowage location of lifejackets;


the proper method of putting on and adjusting lifejackets of the type carried on
the vessel including a demonstration of the proper donning of a lifejacket;


the location of the instruction placards for lifejackets and other lifesaving
devices; and


that all passengers will be required to wear lifejackets when possible hazardous
conditions exist, as directed by the master.

As an alternative to an announcement that complies with paragraph 1, the master or

other designated person may:

prior to getting underway, deliver to each passenger or, on a vessel that does
not carry vehicles and that has seats for each passenger, place near each seat, a
card or pamphlet that has the information listed in .1.1 to .1.6; and


make an abbreviated announcement consisting of:

2.2.1. a statement that passengers should follow the instructions of the crew in
an emergency;
2.2.2. the location of lifejackets; and


2.2.3. that further information concerning emergency procedures including

the donning of lifejackets, location of other emergency equipment, and
emergency evacuation procedures are located on the card or pamphlet
that was given to each passenger or is located near each seat.

Ferries operating on short runs of less than 15 minutes may substitute bulkhead
placards or signs for the announcement required in .1 and .2 where the Administration
determines that the announcements are not practical due to the vessels unique


Regulation 107

The general principle of the Global Maritime Distress and safetySystem (GMDSS), as
provided in Chapter IV of the SOLAS Convention, shall apply to ships subject to the
present Regulations and any manned barge, which shall have aboard the radio
installations indicated in the present chapter.


Existing ships shall comply with the provisions of the present chapter not later than
two years from the entry into force of the present Regulations.


No provision in this chapter shall prevent the use by any ship, survival craft of person
in distress, of any means at their disposal to attract attention, make known their
position and obtain help.


Manned barges, when under tow by a tug or an offshore support vessel, shall be
subject to the special regulations established by the Administration taking into account
the available means of communication between the two ships. However, they shall
comply with the provisions on VHF communications, radar transponder and EPIRB.

Regulation 108


Considering that, in the GMDSS context, it is highly desirable not to deviate from the
requirements of the present chapter, the Administration may grant partial or
conditional exemptions to individual ships from the requirements of Regulations 113
to 115 provided:

such ships comply with the functional requirements of Regulation 3; and


the Administration has taken into account the effect which such exemptions
may have upon the general efficiency of the service for the safety of all ships.

An exemption may be granted under paragraph 1 only:


if the conditions affecting safety are such as to render the full application of
Regulations 113 to 115 unreasonable or unnecessary; or


in exceptional circumstances, for a single voyage outside the sea area or sea
areas for which the ship is equipped.


Functional requirements
Regulation 109

Every ship or manned barge, while at sea, shall be equipped with radio installations
capable of the functions specified in the present Regulation throughout the duration of
the intended voyage regardless of the sea area or sea areas crossed.


Every ship, while at sea, shall be capable:


of transmitting ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least two separate and

independent means, each using a different radiocommunication service,


of receiving shore-to-ship distress alerts,


of transmitting and receiving ship-to-ship distress alerts,


of transmitting and receiving search and rescue co-ordinating communications,


of transmitting and receiving on-scene communications,


of transmitting and, where applicable, receiving signals for locating,


of transmitting and receiving maritime safety information,


of transmitting and receiving general radiocommunications to and from shorebased radio systems or networks, and


of transmitting and receiving bridge-to-bridge communications.

Ship requirements
Regulation 110


Every radio installation shall:


be so located that no harmful interference of mechanical, electrical or other

origin affects its proper use or that of other equipment,


be so located as to ensure the greatest possible degree of safety and operational



be protected against the harmful effects of water, extremes of temperature and

other adverse environmental conditions,


be provided with reliable, efficient and permanently installed electric lighting,


be clearly marked with the call sign, the ship station identity and other codes as



Control of the VHF radiotelephone channels, required for navigational safety, shall be
immediately available on the navigation bridge.

Regulation 111

Every ship, while at sea, shall maintain a continuous watch on the distress frequencies
corresponding to the sea area in which the ship is navigating.


Every ship, while at sea, shall maintain a radio watch for broadcasts of maritime safety
information on the appropriate frequency or frequencies on which such information is
broadcast for the sea area in which the ship is navigating.

Maintenance requirements
Regulation 112

The Administration shall ensure that radio equipment required by this chapter is
maintained to provide the availability of the functional requirements and to meet the
recommended performance standards of such equipment.


Adequate information shall be provided to enable the equipment to be properly

operated and maintained.


The availability of the radio equipment shall be ensured by using one of the following

duplication of equipment
shore-based maintenance, or
at-sea electronic maintenance capability.

Radio equipment: General

Regulation 113

Every ship shall be provided with:


a VHF radio installation capable of transmitting and receiving:


DSC on the frequency 156.525 MHz (channel 70) and maintaining a

continuous DSC watch on this channel. It shall be possible to initiate
the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the navigation
bridge. Ships navigating exclusively in Sea Area A2 may be exempted
from this requirement if they maintain a continuous VHF radio watch
on channel 16 from the navigation bridge;


radiotelephony on the frequencies 156.300 MHz (channel 6), 156.560

MHz (channel 13) and 156.800 MHz (channel 16);




a radar transponder capable of operating in the 9 GHz band, which shall be

located in the immediate vicinity of the navigation bridge so that it can be
easily utilized and ready for transfer to any survival craft.


subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Regulation 114, a satellite

emergency position-indicating radio beacon (satellite EPIRB) which shall be:

capable of transmitting a distress alert either through the polar orbiting

satellite service operating in the 406 MHz band or the INMARSAT-E
geostationary satellite coverage operating in the 1.6 GHz band,


installed in an easily accessible position,


ready to be manually released and capable of being carried by one

person into a survival craft,


capable of floating free if the ship sinks and of being automatically

activated when afloat, and


capable of being activated manually.


a receiver capable of receiving international NAVTEX service broadcasts if

the ship is engaged on voyages in which an international NAVTEX service is
provided; and


if a NAVTEX service is not provided, a radio facility for reception of:


maritime safety information broadcast by the INMARSAT enhanced

group calling system, or


maritime safety






Ships whose voyages do not normally exceed 12 hours may be exempted by the
Administration from the obligation to keep watch on the international NAVTEX
service provided that they are capable of receiving maritime safety information
including meteorological forecasts before sailing.

Radio equipment: Sea area A1

Regulation 114

In addition to meeting the requirements of Regulation 113, every ship engaged on

voyages exclusively in sea area A1 shall be provided with a radio installation capable
of initiating the transmission of ship-to-shore distress alerts from the position from
which the ship is normally navigated, operating either:

on VHF using DSC; this requirement may be fulfilled by the EPIRB

prescribed by paragraph 3, either by installing the EPIRB close to, or by
remote activation from, the position from which the ship is normally


through the polar orbiting satellite service on 406 MHz; this requirement may
be fulfilled by the satellite EPIRB, required by Regulation 113.1.3, either by
installing the EPIRB close to, or by remote activation from, the position from
which the ship is normally navigated;


if the ship is engaged on voyages within coverage of MF coast stations

equipped with DSC, on MF using DSC;


on HF using DSC;


through the INMARSAT geostationary satellite service; this requirement may

be fulfilled by:

an INMARSAT ship earth station; or


the satellite EPIRB, required by Regulation 113.1.3, either by installing

the satellite EPIRB close to, or by remote activation from, the position
from which the ship is normally navigated.


The VHF radio installation, required by Regulation 113.1.1 shall also be capable of
transmitting and receiving general radio communications using radiotelephony.


Ships engaged on voyages exclusively in sea area A1 may carry, in lieu of the satellite
EPIRB required by Regulation 113.1.3, and EPIRB which shall be :

capable of transmitting a distress alert using DSC on VHF channel 70 and

providing locating by means of a radar transponder operating in the 9 GHz


installed in an easily accessible position,


ready to be manually released and capable of being carried by one person into
a survival craft,


capable of floating free if the ship sinks and of being automatically activated
when afloat, and


capable of being activated manually.

Radio equipment: Sea area A2

Regulation 115

In addition to meeting the requirements of Regulation 113, every ship engaged on

voyages beyond sea area A1, but remaining within sea area A2, shall be provided

an MF radio installation capable of transmitting and receiving, for distress and

safety purposes, on the frequencies:



2,187.5 kHz using DSC; and


2,182 kHz using radiotelephony;


a radio installation capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch, on the

frequency 2,187.5 kHz which may be separate from, or combined with, that
required by subparagraph 1.1; and


means of initiating the transmission of ship-to-shore distress alerts by a radio

service other than MF operating either:
1.3.1 through the polar orbiting satellite service on 406 MHz; this
requirement may be fulfilled by the satellite EPIRB, required by
Regulation 113.1.3, either by installing the EPIRB close to, or by
remote activation from, from the position from which the ship is
normally navigated; or
1.3.2 on HF using DSC; or
1.3.3 through the INMARSAT geostationary satellite service;
requirement may be fulfilled by:


the equipment specified in paragraph 3.2; or

the satellite EPIRB, required by Regulation 113.1.3, either by

installing the satellite EPIRB close to, or by remote activation
from, the position from which the ship is normally navigated.


It shall be possible to initiate transmission of distress alerts by the radio installations

specified in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.3 from the position from which the ship is normally


The ship shall in addition, be capable of transmitting and receiving general

radiocommunications using radiotelephony or direct-printing telegraphy either by:



a radio installation operating on working frequencies in the bands between

1,605 kHz and 4,000 kHz or between 4,000 kHz and 27,500 kHz. This
requirement may be fulfilled by the addition of this capability in the equipment
required by paragraph 1.1; or


an INMARSAT ship earth station.

The Administration may exempt ships constructed before 1 February 1997, and
engaged exclusively on voyages within sea area 2, from the requirements of
Regulations and 113.1.2 provided such ships maintain, when practicable, a
continuous listening watch on VHF channel 16. This watch shall be kept at the
position from which the ship is normally navigated.


Sources of energy
Regulation 116

There shall be available at all times, while the ship is at sea, a supply of electrical
energy sufficient to operate the radio installations and to charge any batteries used as
part of a reserve source or sources of energy for the radio installations, as required by
paragraph 5.4 of Regulation 70 of the present Regulations.


A reserve source or sources of energy shall be provided on every ship, to supply radio
installations, for the purpose of conducting distress and safety radiocommunications,
in the event of failure of the ships main and emergency sources of electrical power.

Radio personnel
Regulation 117

Every ship shall carry personnel whose qualifications for distress and safety
radiocommunication purposes shall be considered satisfactory by the Administration.
The personnel shall be holders of certificates specified in the Radio Regulations as
appropriate, any one of whom shall be designated to have primary responsibility for
radiocommunications, especially during distress incidents.


Every ship navigating in sea area A1 shall carry on board at least one person holding a
restricted operator's certificate.


Every ship navigating in sea area A2 shall carry on board at least one person holding a
general operator's certificate.

Radio records
Regulation 118
A record shall be kept, to the satisfaction of the Administration and as required by the Radio
Regulations, of all incidents connected with the radiocommunication service which appear to
be of importance to safety of life at sea and prevention of pollution.


Regulation 119

The provisions of Chapter V of the SOLAS Convention on safety of navigation and

the following provisions shall apply to ships covered by the present Regulations.
Shipborne navigational equipment
Regulation 120

Ships subject to the present Regulations shall carry the equipment, instruments and
nautical documents shown in tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 below.


The Administration may exempt ships from carrying the equipment, instruments and
nautical documents marked with an asterisk if it is satisfied that they are neither
reasonable nor necessary for the safety of the ship.


Equipment for ships navigating exclusively in ports, roads and sheltered bays shall be
determined by the Administration during the inspection prior to entry into service.



Nautical instruments

2 protractors*
2 dividers
2 binnacle clocks
1 centralized clock system
1 barometer

Or equivalent instruments
1 on the bridge, with indication of periods of silence;
1 in the engine room
A second barometer shall be required on board ships
navigating more than 200 miles from a port, one of
them shall be a recording barometer

2 thermometers*
1 pair of binoculars

No barometer is required for ships engaged in

voyages in sheltered waters.
One mounted in the engine room
7 x 50. An additional pair of binoculars shall be
required on board ships navigating more than 200
miles from a port.

A spare binnacle for the

navigating compass with
pivots and magnetic gear*
1 pelorus*
1 set of spares and
1 log*
1 hand sounding lead
1 echo sounder*

Equipment specified by the maker of the compass

when the ship is fitted with a gyro-compass.
Or equivalent device
Of at least 50 metres
This instrument shall have a scale of at least 0 to 300
metres. It shall not be compulsory for ships of less
than 24 metres in length (L).



Miscellaneous equipment

6 distress signals
approved type



2 floating smoke signals of an

approved type*
1 complete set of flags and
pennons of international
Code of signals*

These signals shall be of the parachute type. They
shall be stowed in damp-proof containers placed
close to the bridge or within it
Emitting smoke for a period of not less than 3
Ships not navigating more than 12 miles from the
shore which are exempted from carrying the
complete set of floating signals shall carry flags N
and C of the international Code of signals.
This table shall be exhibited.

1 table of flags and pennons*

1 distinctive signal (flags)
1 national flag
2 halyards for flags and
1 daytime signalling lamp*
For ships not carrying the lamp required by
Regulation of Chapter V of the SOLAS
Ships not navigating more than 12 miles from the
closest shore shall carry such a lamp or an electric
lamp allowing the sending of Morse signals.



Nautical publications and documents

(The publications and documents shall be made available to the officer
1 set of charts, nautical These documents shall be included in the list of
instructions, books of lights marine charts and nautical books and shall be
traffic updated by means of information provided by a
separation schemes for the recognized hydrographic service. The list shall be
intended voyage
established at the inspection prior to entry into
1 International Code of
1 list of coastal stations
1 list of coastal stations with
which the ship is likely to
have communications.
1 chart of zones for the
Compulsory on board ships that change zones
application of load lines
1 copy of Regulations for the An illustrated table summarizing the lights and
Prevention of Collisions at
signals to be carried by ships to prevent collisions at
Sea in force
sea shall be exhibited.
1 copy of rescue signals*
An illustrated table shall be exhibited
1 copy of current laws and
regulations in force on safety
of maritime navigation*
1 International Convention
Compulsory on board ships engaged in international
on Safety of Life at Sea in
navigation, in order to inform the master of his
obligations abroad.
1 International Maritime
For ships or voyages concerned.
Dangerous Goods Code
(IMDG Code)
1 IMO "IAMSAR" manual,
For ships navigating more than 12 miles from the
volume 3
nearest land.
1 international maritime
Arabic/English vocabulary
1 copy of azimuth tables



Ship's stores
Lines, cables and mooring The number, sizes, breaking strain and tests of such
materials shall be decided by the Administration, in
accordance with the type and size of ship,.
Beams and planks
In sufficient quantity for the ship concerned.
Carpenter's tools and caulk
With tow, pitch and mastic
Quick-setting glue
Wooden plugs and canvas A complete set. These plugs and cowls shall be
cowls or other devices for marked and stored in a place well known and readily
closing air vents exposed to accessible to the personnel
the sea.
Gangway ladder or access During a stay in a port or roads, a means of access to
the ship shall be installed.
Where there is a risk of falling, the means of access
shall be protected by a net, where such an arrangement
is effective.
Efficient lighting shall be provided at night.
Where it is possible for a man to fall between the ship
and the quay, guard-rails of sufficient thickness shall
be installed. In addition, a lifebuoy and a throwing
line shall be immediately available near at hand.
A block and tackle to operate One set.
the rudder*



Spare parts. Deck



assembly One per chain
Anchor coupling shackle
One per anchor
Spare tarpaulins
One for each cover, where applicable (in addition to two
regulation tarpaulins).
Mobile wooden covers
One of each sort of cover per hold.
Spare parts for metal covers Hemp braids, rubber joints, bearings, pins, etc.
Hold wedges
15% more than the number needed to close the holds.
Assorted ropes and cables A steel cable for mooring the ship.
for normal manoeuvres and Boat falls for a quarter of boats, and for at least one
boat. Assortment of small diameter ropes and wires,
with pulleys, shackles, cable-clamps, bolts, etc.
Mast pulleys*
2 per mast if necessary

Magnetic compass
Regulation 121

Every magnetic compass required by Regulation 19 of Chapter V of the SOLAS

Convention shall be properly compensated and its table or curve of residual deviations
shall be available at all times.


The Administration may, when it considers it necessary, require the adjustment of the
magnetic compasses referred to in paragraph 1 above to be checked by a qualified

Means of signalling to prevent collisions at sea

Regulation 122

Ships shall be provided with the signalling lamps and other visual and audible means
of signalling required by the regulations in force to prevent collisions at sea,
applicable to their type and size.
All signalling lamps, and audible means of signalling shall be of an approved type.
Their positioning on board shall comply with the requirements of the regulations on
preventing collisions at sea.


When the above-mentioned electric signalling lamps are not provided with two
light sources, emergency electrical lamps shall be provided. Such emergency means
are only required for masthead, side and stern lights.


The electric lamps shall be supplied in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 7.


The lamps shall be controlled from a lighting switchboard in the wheelhouse or other
control post, equipped with a switch and indicator light.



The whistle required by the regulations in force to prevent collisions at sea shall be
capable of being supplied by 2 sources of power. No obstacle shall interfere with the
projection of the sound forward.
If there is an automatic device to activate the whistle, it shall be possible to override
the automatic whistle control.

Plans and documents to be carried on board

Regulation 123

Ships shall carry the following plans and documents in the working language of the


an overall plan of the ship

a plan or diagram of capacities
a load schedule
a trim and stability specification
an engine room plan
a plan or diagram of the bilge-pumping systems
a plan or diagram of the steam and fuel lines
a plan or diagram of the electrical installations
a plan or diagram of the fire safety systems

The graphic symbols used shall conform to standards in force unless the meaning of
the symbols used is clearly indicated.
The information required for two or more of the above headings may be combined in a
single document, provided that clarity and readability are not affected. Plans and
documents shall include a note of their source and the date of production.


The list of plans and documents required on board ships not navigating more than 12
miles from the nearest land shall be determined by the Administration.

Ship's log
Regulation 124

Every ship shall maintain a ship's log, with numbered pages and initialled with all
entries being made in ink and signed each day by the master. The navigation log, the
engine-room log and the radio log shall constitute the ship's log.


Matters relating to the safety of the ship, in all circumstances, shall be entered in
chronological order in the navigation log, as well as meteorological conditions and any
incidents relating to safety of life at sea.

information about the navigation of the ship and continuous dead reckoning
shall be entered in precise detail.


the master shall enter his orders for the use of navigation officers of the watch.



The chief engineer shall be responsible for keeping the engine room log. It shall
record in chronological order all matters concerning the operation and maintenance of
the propulsion and auxiliary machinery. Ships which have machinery which allows
automatic recording of information to be included in the engine-room log shall not be
required to reproduce such information in the engine-room log. When the effective
power of the engine, in continuous operation, is less than 300 kW, a log is not required
for that engine, but in such case the master shall record in the navigation log any
significant matters concerning the operation of the engine which the chief engineer
shall report to him.


The logs shall also contain entries of information and other matters required by
regulations on safety, work, discipline on board, etc.


On ships of less than 24 metres in length (L) which do not navigate more than 12
miles from the nearest land, the bridge, engine-room and radio logs may be replaced
by a single ships log in which shall be recorded the main events relating to the voyage
and safety of life at sea

Ship's stores and spare parts

Regulation 125

Every ship shall be provided with parts, such as bollards and cleats and be equipped
with ropes, hawsers, towlines, etc., allowing it to receive assistance, if necessary.


Ships carrying wood or various crates on deck, wheeled vehicles on the deck or
steerage deck, and other such loads, shall have a sufficient number of securing devices
and mobile equipment necessary to secure them effectively, and documentation on
securing cargo, to the satisfaction of the Administration.


Spare parts for the main and auxiliary engines, steering gear and manoeuvring gear
shall be determined by the Administration or the duly authorized organization during
the inspection prior to entry into service.



Application of the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ship

Regulation 126
The special ships subject to the present Regulations shall comply with the provisions of the
Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 (IMO Resolution MSC.266 (84)), amending
Resolution A.534 (13).

Regulation 127
The Administration may exempt a ship from the application of the above requirements if it
considers that their application is neither necessary nor reasonable.


Application of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention
Regulation 128
Ships subject to the present Regulations shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as amended by the
Protocol of 1978.


Regulation 129
The Administration shall ensure the implementation of the applicable regulations on safety at
work, health, accommodation and prevention of accidents. It may also decide to apply
international standards and recommendations pertinent to the application of the Maritime
Labour Convention, 2006.


Regulation 130
The provisions of the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for
Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management - ISM Code), adopted by the IMO in
resolution A.741 (18), as amended, shall be applied on passenger vessels. It may be applied
voluntarily to cargo ships and tankers covered by the present Regulations.


Regulation 131
The provisions of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities (ISPS
Code), adopted by the IMO in resolution A.924(22), as amended, shall be applied on
passenger vessels, and may be applied voluntarily to other ships covered by the present
Regulations in accordance with Part (A) Section 19 of the Code mentioned above.



Documents to be carried on board passenger ships

Regulation 132
Each passenger ship entering a port subject to the provisions of this Regulation shall carry the
following valid documents on board:

Certificate of Registry


Tonnage Certificate, determine the gross and net tonnage of the ship.


Load Line Certificate,issuedto every ship which has been surveyed and marked in
accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.


Damage Control Plans and Booklets, there shall be permanently exhibited plans
showing clearly for each deck and hold the boundaries of the watertight
compartments, the openings therein with the means of closure and position of any
controls thereof, and the arrangements for the correction of any list due to flooding.


Safety Certificate for Small Passenger Ship, shall be issued after survey in
accordance with the provisions of the Regulations to passenger ship whose length
overall is 12 metres or over but less than 24 metres and carrying less than 200
passengers on domestic voyages or voyages between GCC Countries.


Certificates of Endorsements for masters, officers or ratings, shall be issued to

those candidates who, to the satisfaction of the Administration, meet the requirements
for service, age, medical fitness, training, qualifications and examinations in
accordance with the provisions of the STCW Code annexed to the Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978. Formats of
certificates are given in section A-I/2 of the STCW Code. Certificates must be kept
available in their original form on board the ships on which the holder is serving.


International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate, shall be issued after survey in

accordance with regulation 4 of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, to passenger ship whose
length overall is 12 metres or over but less than 24 metres and carrying less than 200
passengers on domestic voyages or voyages between GCC Countries. The certificate
is supplemented by a Record of Construction and Equipment for Ships Other Than Oil
Tankers (Form A).


De-rating Certificate


Classification Certificate.


License of vessel wireless station.



The right of amendment

Regulation 133


Any Member State has the right to request amendment to this regulation.


Proposed amendment shall be submitted to the GCC Secretariat which shall

disseminate the same to its Member States prior to the submission to the relevant


Amendment becomes effective after approval by the Supreme Council.

Regulation 134
The present Regulations Entering into force from the date of approval by the Supreme


(Name of Country)
This Certificate shall be supplemented by a Record of Equipment

Issued under the provisions of the Safety Regulations for Cargo Ships and for Small
Passenger Vessels not covered by the IMO Conventions and issued by the GCC States.
By ......................................................................................
Nameof ship

number or letters

Port of registry



Registration number .
IMO number (if applicable): .......................................
Gross tonnage:
National ...........................................................................................................................or
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 .............................
Power of main propulsion engine (kW) ......................................................................................
Deadweight of ship (metric tonnes) ............................................................................................
Areas in which the ship is certified to operate (under GMDSS rules) ........................................
Name and address of company /owner / operator: .......................................................................
Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction or, where
applicable, date onwhich work for an alteration or modification of a major character was
commenced ..................................................................................................................................


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................


That the said the ship (in accordance with her size) has been surveyed in line with the
requirements of Chapter 2 of the Regulations


That the survey showed that :


the condition of the structure, machinery and equipment was satisfactory and
the ship complied with the relevant requirements of the Regulations (other than
those relating to fire safety systems and appliances and fire control plans) ;


the last two inspections of the ship's hull bottom took place on
.............. and ..................... .(dates) ;


the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards fire
safety systems and appliances and fire control plans ;


the life-saving appliances and the equipment of the lifeboats, liferafts and
rescue boats were provided in accordance with the requirements of the
Regulations ;


the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards radio


the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards

shipborne navigational equipment, means of embarkation for pilots and
nautical publications ;


the ship was provided with lights, shapes, means of making sound signals and
distress signals in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations and the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force ; and


in all other respects the ships complied with the relevant requirements of the


Name of ship ....................................................


Registration number ....................................

That the ship described in the present document shall be considered as being provided
with adequate personnel for the purposes of safety in accordance with the
requirements of Regulation V/14 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS 1974) if, when it puts to sea, it has on board at least the number of
persons with the ranks/capacities specified in the table(s) below.


(STCW Regulation)

Number of personnel


That the ship is operated within the limits of the operating area ...


That an Exemption Certificate has/has not been issued.

indicated in Appendix 1.


That the additional certificates indicated below have been issued and are annexed to
the present Certificate :


Number of exemptions


Certificate of compliance with the special provisions for ships carrying

dangerous goods


Certificate of Fitness/International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of

Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk


Certificate of Fitness/International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of

Liquefied Gases in bulk


Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo

That the ship has been subject to a voluntary audit on ............ (date) and that it
satisfies the requirements of the International Code for the Safe Management of Ships
and Prevention of Pollution (ISM Code), after verification that the certificate of
conformity of the company applies to this type of ship, or, on a provisional basis

Name of ship ..............................................


Registration number ....................................

That the ship has been subject to a voluntary survey on ............ (date) and that it
satisfies the requirements of the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port
Facilities (ISPS Code)

This certificate is valid until

subject to the annual, intermediate and periodical surveys and inspections of the outside of the
ship's bottom in accordance with the Regulations .
Issued at ......
(Place of issue of certificate)
____________ _____________________________
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official
issuing the certificate)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)

Endorsed to extend the validity of the certificate until .. where Chapter 2 of
the Regulations applies.
Issued at ......
(Place of issue of certificate)

____________ _____________________________
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official
issuing the certificate)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)



Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this

. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this

. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal


Annual, periodical, intermediate, additional or of the outside of the ship's bottom, according to Chapter 2 of the


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

Record of equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate

(This Record shall be permanently attached to the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate issued
at. on..)

1 Particulars of ship
Name of ship ...............................................................................................................................
IMO number (if applicable) ........................................................................................................
Registration Number or distinctive letters ..................................................................................
2 Details of life-saving appliances

1 Total number of persons for which life-saving appliances are provided .................
Port side
2 Total number of lifeboats
2.1 Total number of persons accommodated by them


2.2 Number of partially enclosed self-righting lifeboats

Starboard side

2.3 Number of totally enclosed lifeboats


2.4 Number of lifeboats with a self-contained air support system


2.5 Number of fire-protected lifeboats

2.6 Other lifeboats
2.6.1 Number



2.6.2 Type


2.7 Number of freefall lifeboats

2.7.1 Totally enclosed


2.7.2 self-contained


2.7.3 fire-protected



3 Number of motor lifeboats included in the total lifeboats shown above

3.1 Number of lifeboats fitted with searchlights .....................................................................
4 Number of rescue boats ........................................................................................................
4.1 Number of rescue boats which are included in the total lifeboats shown above

5 Liferafts
5.1 Liferafts for which approved launching appliances are required :
5.1.1 Number of liferafts ..........................................................................................................
5.1.2 Number of persons accommodated by them ..................................................................
5.2 Liferafts for which approved launching appliances are not required:
5.2.1 Number of liferafts ..........................................................................................................
5.2.2 Number of persons accommodated by them ..................................................................

6 Number of lifebuoys .............................................................................................................

7 Number of lifejackets ...........................................................................................................
8 Immersion suits :
8.1 Total number .....................................................................................................................
8.2 Number of suits complying with the requirements for lifejackets
9 Number of thermal protective aids .......................................................................................
10 Radio installations used in life-saving appliances :
10.1 Number of radar transponders .........................................................................................
10.2 Number of two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus ......................................................


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

3 Details of radio facilities


1 Primary systems
1.1 VHF radio installation:
1.1.1 DSC encoder
1.1.2 DSC watch receiver
1.1.3 Radiotelephony
1.2 MF radio installation:
1.2.1 DSC encoder
1.2.2 DSC encoder
1.2.3 Radiotelephony
1.3 MF/HF radio installation:
1.3.1 DSC encoder
1.3.2 DSC watch receiver
1.3.3 Radiotelephony
1.3.4 Direct-printing radiotelegraphy
1.4 INMARSAT earth ship station
2 Secondary means of alerting
3 Facilities for reception of maritime safety information :
3.1 NAVTEX receiver
3.2 EGC receiver
3.3 HF direct-printing radiotelegraph receiver
4 EPIRB satellite
6 Ship's radar transponder

Actual provision


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

4 Methods used to ensure availability of radio facilities

4.1 Duplication of equipment ......................................................................................................
4.2 Shore-based maintenance ......................................................................................................
4.3 At-sea maintenance capability ..............................................................................................

5 Other relevant documents:

Stability booklet
Dangerous goods manifest
Cargo securing manual
Bulk carrier booklet
Document of authorization for the carriage of grain

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is correct in all respects .

Issued at ............
(Place of issue of the Record)

............................ ..................................................
(Date of issue) (Signature of duly authorized
official issuing the Record)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)


(Name of Country )

Issued under the provisions of the Safety Regulations for Cargo Ships and for Small
Passenger Vessels not covered by the IMO Conventions and issued by the GCC States.
By ......................................................................................
of ship

number or letters

Port of registry

Length (L)


Registration number
IMO number (if applicable): ..............................
This is to certify:
That the ship is, under the authority conferred by Regulation 6of the Regulations, exempted
from the requirements of
........................................................................................................................ of the Regulations.
Conditions, if any, on which the Exemption Certificate is granted : ..........................................
This Certificate is valid until .., subject to the Safety Certificate for
Cargo Ships not covered by the provisions of the IMO Conventions, to which this Certificate
is attached, remaining valid.
Issued at .......................................................................................................................................
(Place of issue of certificate)
(Date of issue)
(signature ofauthorized official

issuing the certificate)

(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)


(Name of Country)
This Certificate shall be supplemented by a Record of Equipment

Issued under the provisions of the Safety Regulations for Cargo Ships and for Small
Passenger Vessels not covered by the IMO Conventions and issued by the GCC States
By ......................................................................................
Nameof ship

number or letters

Port of registry



Registration number ..
IMO number (if applicable): .......................................
Number of Passengers authorized: ...............................................................................................
Gross tonnage:
National ...........................................................................................................................or
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 .............................
Power of main propulsion engine (kW) ......................................................................................
Deadweight of ship (metric tonnes) ............................................................................................
Areas in which the ship is certified to operate (under GMDSS rules) ........................................
Name and address of company /owner / operator: .......................................................................
Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction or, where
applicable, date on which work for an alteration or modification of a major character was
commenced ..................................................................................................................................


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

1. That the said the ship, in accordance with her size/ passengers carrying capacity, has
been surveyed in line with the requirements of Chapter 2 of the Regulations

That the survey showed that :


the condition of the structure, machinery and equipment was satisfactory and
the ship complied with the relevant requirements of the Regulations (other than
those relating to fire safety systems and appliances and fire control plans) ;


the last two inspections of the outside of the ship's bottom took place on
.............. and ..................... .(dates) ;


the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards fire
safety systems and appliances and fire control plans ;


the life-saving appliances and the equipment of the lifeboats, liferafts and
rescue boats were provided in accordance with the requirements of the
Regulations ;


the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards radio


the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards

shipborne navigational equipment, means of embarkation for pilots and
nautical publications ;


the ship was provided with lights, shapes, means of making sound signals and
distress signals in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations and the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force ; and


in all other respects the ships complied with the relevant requirements of the


Name of ship ....................................................


Registration number ....................................

That the ship described in the present document shall be considered as being provided
with adequate personnel for the purposes of safety in accordance with the
requirements of Regulation V/14 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS 1974) if, when it puts to sea, it has on board at least the number of
persons with the ranks/capacities specified in the table(s) below.


(STCW Regulation)

Number of personnel


That the ship is operated within the limits of the operating area ...


That an Exemption Certificate has/has not been issued.

indicated in Appendix 1.


That the additional certificates indicated below have been issued and are annexed to
the present Certificate :


Number of exemptions


Certificate of compliance with the special provisions for ships carrying

dangerous goods


Certificate of Fitness/International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of

Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk


Certificate of Fitness/International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of

Liquefied Gases in bulk


Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo

That the ship has been subject to a mandatory audit on ............ (date) and that it
satisfies the requirements of the International Code for the Safe Management of Ships
and Prevention of Pollution (ISM Code), after verification that the certificate of
conformity of the company applies to this type of ship, or, on a provisional basis

Name of ship ..............................................


Registration number ....................................

That the ship has been subject to a mandatory survey on ............ (date) and that it
satisfies the requirements of the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port
Facilities (ISPS Code)

This certificate is valid until

subject to the annual, intermediate and periodical surveys and inspections of the outside of the
ship's bottom in accordance with the Regulations .
Issued at ......
(Place of issue of certificate)
____________ _____________________________
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official
issuing the certificate)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)

Endorsed to extend the validity of the certificate until .. where Chapter 2 of
the Regulations applies.
Issued at ......
(Place of issue of certificate)

____________ _____________________________
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official
issuing the certificate)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)



Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this

. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this

. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey*.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this
. Survey.




At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal


Annual, periodical, intermediate, additional or of the outside of the ship's bottom, according to Chapter 2 of the


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

Record of equipment
for Small Passenger Vessel Safety Certificate
(This Record shall be permanently attached to the Small Passenger Vessel Safety Certificate
issued at. on..)
1 Particulars of ship
Name of ship ...............................................................................................................................
IMO number (if applicable) ........................................................................................................
Registration Number or distinctive letters ..................................................................................
2 Details of life-saving appliances

1 Total number of persons for which life-saving appliances are provided .................
Port sideStarboard side
2 Total number of lifeboats
2.1 Total number of persons accommodated by them


2.2 Number of partially enclosed self-righting lifeboats


2.3 Number of totally enclosed lifeboats


2.4 Number of lifeboats with a self-contained air support system


2.5 Number of fire-protected lifeboats

2.6 Other lifeboats
2.6.1 Number



2.6.2 Type


2.7 Number of freefall lifeboats

2.7.1 Totally enclosed


2.7.2 self-contained


2.7.3 fire-protected



3 Number of motor lifeboats included in the total lifeboats shown above

3.1 Number of lifeboats fitted with searchlights .....................................................................
4 Number of rescue boats ........................................................................................................
4.1 Number of rescue boats which are included in the total lifeboats shown above

5 Liferafts
5.1 Liferafts for which approved launching appliances are required :
5.1.1 Number of liferafts ..........................................................................................................
5.1.2 Number of persons accommodated by them ..................................................................
5.2 Liferafts for which approved launching appliances are not required:
5.2.1 Number of liferafts ..........................................................................................................
5.2.2 Number of persons accommodated by them ..................................................................

6 Number of lifebuoys .............................................................................................................

7 Number of lifejackets ...........................................................................................................
8 Immersion suits :
8.1 Total number .....................................................................................................................
8.2 Number of suits complying with the requirements for lifejackets
9 Number of thermal protective aids .......................................................................................
10 Radio installations used in life-saving appliances :
10.1 Number of radar transponders .........................................................................................
10.2 Number of two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus ......................................................


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

3 Details of radio facilities


1 Primary systems
1.1 VHF radio installation:
1.1.1 DSC encoder
1.1.2 DSC watch receiver
1.1.3 Radiotelephony
1.2 MF radio installation:
1.2.1 DSC encoder
1.2.2 DSC encoder
1.2.3 Radiotelephony
1.3 MF/HF radio installation:
1.3.1 DSC encoder
1.3.2 DSC watch receiver
1.3.3 Radiotelephony
1.3.4 Direct-printing radiotelegraphy
1.4 INMARSAT earth ship station
2 Secondary means of alerting
3 Facilities for reception of maritime safety information :
3.1 NAVTEX receiver
3.2 EGC receiver
3.3 HF direct-printing radiotelegraph receiver
4 EPIRB satellite
6 Ship's radar transponder

Actual provision


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

4 Methods used to ensure availability of radio facilities

4.1 Duplication of equipment ......................................................................................................
4.2 Shore-based maintenance ......................................................................................................
4.3 At-sea maintenance capability ..............................................................................................

5 Other relevant documents:

Stability booklet
Dangerous goods manifest
Cargo securing manual
Bulk carrier booklet
Document of authorization for the carriage of grain

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is correct in all respects .

Issued at ............
(Place of issue of the Record)

............................ ..................................................
(Date of issue) (Signature of duly authorized
official issuing the Record)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)


(Name of Country )
Issued under the provisions of the Safety Regulations for Cargo Ships and for Small
Passenger Vessels not covered by the IMO Conventions and issued by the GCC States
By ......................................................................................
of ship

number or letters

Port of registry



Registration number
IMO number (if applicable): ..............................
This is to certify:
That the ship is, under the authority conferred by Regulation 6 of the Regulations, exempted
from the requirements of
........................................................................................................................ of the Regulations.
Conditions, if any, on which the Exemption Certificate is granted : ..........................................
This Certificate is valid until .., subject to the Safety Certificate for
Cargo Ships not covered by the provisions of the IMO Conventions, to which this Certificate
is attached, remaining valid.
Issued at .......................................................................................................................................
(Place of issue of certificate)
(Date of issue)
(signature ofauthorized official

issuing the certificate)

(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)


(Name of Country )

Issued under the provisions of the Safety Regulations for Cargo Ships and for Small
Passenger Vessels not covered by the IMO Conventions and issued by the GCC States
By ......................................................................................
number or letters

Nameof ship

Port of registry



Registration number
IMO number (if applicable): ..............................

Freeboard from deck line


Load line

........... mm (T)


mm above (S).

Summer ..............................
........... mm Upper edge of line through centre of ring.
Winter ........................... ........... mm (W) ............. mm below (S).
Winter North Atlantic


mm below (S).

Note. - Freeboards and load lines which are not applicable need not be entered on the
Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards ............


The upper edge of the deck line mark from which the freeboards are measured at
............. mm from deck at port side ........................................................................................
Date of survey...................................................................
This certificate is valid until......................................
Issued at ................................, on ..................... 19....
Name, signature and official seal.


Name of ship ....................................................

Registration number ....................................

Notes :

Where a ship departs from a port situated on a river or in inland waters, deeper loading
shall be permitted corresponding to the weight of fuel and all other materials required
for consumption between the point of departure and the sea.


When a ship is in fresh water of a unit density, the appropriate load line may be
submerged by the amount of the fresh water allowance shown above. Where the
density is other than unity, an allowance shall be made proportional to the difference
between 1.025 and the actual density.

Endorsed to extend the validity of the certificate until .. where the provisions
of chapter 3 of the Regulations apply.
Issued at ......
(Place of issue of certificate)
____________ _____________________________
(Date of issue)
(Signature of authorized official issuing the certificate)

(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this Certificate after satisfactory annual survey.
At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this Certificate after satisfactory annual survey.
At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal

Endorsed in confirmation of the validity of this Certificate after satisfactory annual survey.
At ................................................, on ...........................20
Signature and official seal








Section one
Definitions and terminologies:

Small fishing vessel.

Traditional wooden cargo ship
Non-commercial pleasure craft (yacht)
The Competent Authority
Ships navigation license (work permit)
Certificate of registry
Ships builder certificate
Ships crew

Section two
Safety and Environment:

Safety equipment
Ships working geographical area
Qualifications of ships master
Documents and certificates of ship

Section three
Procedures of amendment.




Small fishing vessel:

Floating marine unit, used to catch permitted marine species, provided that, her length
is less than 12 meters otherwise is subjected to the regulations.


Traditional wooden cargo ship (Dhow):

Wooden ship traditionally constructed from wood, may be used for fishing, national or
international transport of goods only (Saffar).


Non-commercial pleasure craft (yacht) :

Floating unit used for the purpose of pleasure only.


The Competent Authority:

The States responsible Agency for the registry of ships after the completion of
inspections, licensing, numbering and naming of the ship.


Ships navigation license (work permit):

A document issued by the Competent Authority in the State accordingly, which certify
the unit suitability for sailing in terms of safety, environmental protection and the area
of sailing.


Certificate of registry:
A document issued by the Competent Authority as a proof for ; the owners name,
nationality, address, and gives descriptions of the ship, date of built and other matters
relating to the legality of its work.


Ships builder certificate:

A certificate issued by the builder of the vessel and is accepted by the Competent


Ships crew:
Include the ships master and seafarers as qualified in accordance with this appendix.




The condition of the ship hull, engines, machineries, equipment and apparatus should
be maintained and suitable for sailing, navigating and protecting the marine


The owner or master of a ship shall not make any alterations or additions to the ships
hull or engines of a ship or its equipment, without the formal written approval from
the competent authority and shall prove that the ship is capable of sailing.


There shall be an annual inspection and survey of the ship for the renewal of all
certificates. This is to be carried out by an authorized qualified surveyors/inspectors as
declared by the competent authority.


Appendix (2) shall apply to ships flying the flags of the GCC countries and on the
similar foreign ships operating in the territorial waters of the GCC countries under the
license issued by the competent authority.


Safety equipment:

Life jackets; shall be provided to the total number(s) the ship is authorized to
carryon board, plus 10% of the prescribed number of life jackets, while taking
into account the size of life jackets to also fit children size.Each lifejacket shall
be fitted with a whistle, the name and number of the vessel to be printed on it,


4.2.1 Units of less than 12 meters in length:
There shall be one lifebuoy for every four persons on board, fitted with
a lifeline of at least 10 meters in length without been permanently
secured to the ship structures.

Units more than 12 meters in length:

In addition to (4.2.1) above, at least two of which have to be equipped
with self-igniting light.


Lifeboats and liferafts:

All units must be supplied with a lifeboat or liferaft enough to accommodate
all personals authorized to be on board.


Appropriate spare means of navigating (spare engine, oar or sail).


Manual or mechanical bilge water pump.


Bucket with a rope of suitable length.


At least, two (2) hand held waterproof flashlights,.



Maintenance tool box.


First aid outfit (box).


Fresh water sufficient for all people.


Whistle and reflecting mirror.


Magnetic compass.


Sea-anchor of adequate size appropriate to the length and volume of the ship.


Container for waste collection.


Fire-fighting equipment:

carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher

powder fire extinguisher
foam fire extinguisher
Fire-bucket with a rope
fixed and mobile fire fighting pumps
In the case of closed spaces in some vessels, such as machinery
spaces and other, external control fire extinguishing system must be

The competent administration shall during the survey ensure that appropriate
firefighting equipment are provided according to the size and type of the ship.


Navigational lights:

Navigational lights, green light to be fitted on the starboard side and

a red light on the port side
White light placed over the highest mast.
White light placed at the stern of the ship

Navigational lights mentioned above shall conform with the Convention on the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), 1972.


Additional shipboard requirements :



All units, over 12 metersin length must be equipped with a suitable

wireless communication means, while less than 12 meters is
subjected to the desire of the owner.
Suitable side barriers to protect personnel from falling.
Safe means of embarkation and disembarkation.
Good insulation for all electrical wires.
Global Positioning System (GPS).



Ships geographical working range:

The ship working geographical ranges confined in inland waters, territorial waters and
economical exclusive zone (EEZ) of the Gulf Cooperation Council, otherwise must be
equipped with everything that voyage need it and to inform the authorities in writing
about the date of travel, the destination port, cargo and expected date of arrival.


Qualifications of ships master:

Ships master must hold an appropriate certificate from a recognized marine college.
In case the master does not hold the required appropriate certificate, the competent
authority should examine him to ensure that he has the minimum required knowledge
listed below:


General knowledge of COLREGS 1972.

Knowledge of the use of compass, nautical charts and measurements.
Knowledge of navigational lights.
Knowledge of the signs and colors of navigational buoys on the channels, coast
and entrances to ports.
Knowledge of places banned as the Navy bases, shooting training places, oil
rigs, oil and gas loading terminals and private jetties.
Evidence of medical fitness: eyesight test and general health.
Knowledge of the fire-fighting and first aid.
Knowledge of the general principles of stability.
Knowledge of communication means.
The ship's captain or ships operator should be at least eighteen years old.
The ship's captain is the legal representative of the ship owner in the absence
of the owner as also be the first responsible for the safety of the ship and life
for the duration of his leadership.

Documents and certificates of ship

Each vessel should carry the following documents:

Certificate of registry from the competent authority.

Navigation license.
Ships building certificate.
Ships captain License issued by the competent maritime authority.
Personal identification cards or passports for the crew.
Certificate of validity of life-saving appliances and fire-fighting system.


Each country has its own requirements in terms of the nationality of the owner, the violation
of regulations, penalties and sanctions and the like. Any proposals to amend these regulations
will have to be raised to their Highnesses and Excellences the Ministers of Transport and
Communications in the GCC States.


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