13 Paculdo Vs Regalado

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[G.R. No. 123855. November 20, 2000.]

NEREO J. PACULDO, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and
Diosdado P. Peralta for petitioner.
Atienza Madrid Buenaventura & Rodriguez for private respondent.
After judgment was rendered ordering the petitioner to vacate the leased wet
market building and to pay back rentals, he paid the amount of P11,478,121.85
for security deposit and rentals but the respondent, without petitioner's consent,
applied portions of the payment to his other obligations with the respondent. The
petitioner filed a petition for review with the CA but the CA dismissed the petition
finding that petitioner impliedly consented to respondent's application of payment
to heavy equipment brought by petitioner from respondent.
Petitioner submits that his silence is not consent but is in fact a rejection.
Ruling in petitioner's favor, the Supreme Court held: that at the time petitioner
made the payments, he made it clear to respondent that they were to be applied
to his rental obligation on the wet market property; that there was no clear assent
by petitioner to the change in the manner of application of payment; and that
even if petitioner did not declare to which of his debts the payment is to be
applied, the application made by respondent to pay the purchase price of
equipment that was not yet due and demandable is contrary to the provisions of
the law.

which among his various obligations to the same creditor is to be satisfied first
rests with the debtor, as provided by Article 1252 of the Civil Code. At the time
the petitioner made the payments, he made it clear to respondent that they were
to be applied to his rental obligations on the Fairview wet market property.
Though he entered into various contracts and obligations with respondent,
including a lease contract over eleven (11) property on Quezon City and sale of
eight (8) heavy equipment, all the payments made, about P11,000,000.00 were
to be applied to rental and security deposit on the Fairview wet market property.
no clear assent by petitioner to the change in the manner of application of
payment. The petitioner's silence as regards the application of payment by
respondent cannot mean that he consented thereto. There was no meeting of the
minds. Though an offer may be made, the acceptance of such offer must be
unconditional and unbounded in order that concurrence can give rise to a









Assuming arguendo that, as alleged by respondent, petitioner did not, at the time
the payments were made, choose the obligation to be satisfied first, respondent
may exercise the right to apply the payments to the other obligations to petitioner.
But this is subject to the condition that the petitioner must give his consent.
Petitioner's silence is not tantamount to consent. The consent must be clear and


Under the law, if the debtor did not declare at the time he made the payment to
which of his debts with the creditor the payment is to be applied, the law provided

the guideline no payment is to be made to a debt that is not yet due and the
payment has to be applied first to the debt most onerous to the debtor. In the
instant case, the purchase price of the eight (8) heavy equipment was not yet due
at the time the payment was made, for there was no date set for such payment.
Neither was there a demand by the creditor to make the obligation to pay the
purchase price due and demandable. Hence, the application made by
respondent is contrary to the provision of the law. The lease over the Fairview wet
market property is the most onerous among all the obligations of petitioner to
respondent. It was established that the wet market is a going-concern and that
petitioner has invested about P35,000,000.00, in the form of improvements, on
the property. Hence, petitioner would stand to lose more if the lease would be
rescinded, than if the contract of sale of heavy equipment would not proceed.



The case before the Court is an appeal via certiorari seeking to set aside the
decision of the Court of Appeals 1 which affirmed that of the Regional Trial Court,
Quezon City, and the Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City ordering the
ejectment of petitioner from the property subject of the controversy.


The facts are as follows:

On December 27, 1990, petitioner Nereo J. Paculdo (hereafter Nereo) and
respondent Bonifacio C. Regalado (hereafter Bonifacio) entered into a contract of
lease over a 16,478 square meter parcel of land with a wet market building,
located along Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, Fairview Park, Quezon City. The
contract was for twenty five (25) years, commencing on January 1, 1991 and
ending on December 31, 2015. For the first five (5) years of the contract
beginning December 27, 1990, Nereo would pay a monthly rental of

P450,000.00, payable within the first five (5) days of each month at Bonifacio's
office, with a 2% penalty for every month of late payment.
Aside from the above lease, petitioner leased eleven (11) other property from
respondent, ten (10) of which were located within the Fairview compound, while
the eleventh was located along Quirino Highway, Quezon City. Petitioner also
purchased from respondent eight (8) units of heavy equipment and vehicles in
the aggregate amount of P1,020,000.00.
On account of petitioner's failure to pay P361,895.55 2 in rental for the month of
May, 1992, and the monthly rental of P450,000.00 for the months of June and
July 1992, on July 6, 1992, respondent sent a demand letter to petitioner
demanding payment of the back rentals, and if no payment was made within
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the letter, it would cause the cancellation of the
lease contract. 3 Another demand letter followed this on July 17, 1992, reiterating
the demand for payment and for petitioner to vacate the subject premises. 4
Without the knowledge of petitioner, on August 3, 1992, respondent mortgaged
the land subject of the lease contract, including the improvements which
petitioner introduced into the land amounting to P35,000,000.00, to Monte de
Piedad Savings Bank, as security for a loan in the amount of P20,000,000.00. 5
On August 12, 1992, and on subsequent dates thereafter, respondent refused to
accept petitioner's daily rental payments. 6
On August 20, 1992, petitioner filed with the Regional Trial Court, Quezon City an
action for injunction and damages seeking to enjoin respondent from disturbing
his possession of the property subject of the lease contract. 7 On the same day,
respondent filed with the Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City a complaint for
ejectment against petitioner. Attached to the complaint were the two (2) demand
letters dated July 6 and July 17, 1992. 8
On August 25, 1992, five (5) days after the filing of the ejectment complaint,
respondent moved to withdraw the complaint on the ground that certain details
had been omitted in the complaint and must be re-computed.

On April 22, 1993, respondent re-filed the ejectment complaint with the
Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City. Computed from August 1992 until March
31, 1993, the monthly reasonable compensation that petitioner was liable for was
in the total sum of P3,924,000.00. 9
On January 31, 1994, the Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City rendered a
decision in favor of respondent, the dispositive portion of which reads:
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff and
against the defendant, as follows:
"1. Ordering the defendant and all persons claiming right under him to
vacate the leased premises located at Don Mariano Marcos Avenue,
Fairview Park, Quezon City, Metro-Manila covered by Transfer Certificate
of Title RT-6883 of the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City;
"2. Ordering the defendant to pay the sum of P527,119.27 representing
the unpaid monthly rentals as of June 30, 1992 plus 2% interest thereon;
"3. Ordering the defendant to pay the sum of P450,000.00 a month plus
2% interest thereon starting July 1992 and every month thereafter until
the defendant and all persons claiming right under him shall have
actually vacated the premises and surrender possession thereof to the
"4. Ordering the defendant to pay the sum of P5,000,000.00 as and for
attorney's fees; and
"5. Ordering the defendant to pay the costs of suit.

In time, petitioner appealed to the Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch
220. 11
On February 19, 1994, respondent, with the support of fifty (50) armed security
guards forcibly entered the property and took possession of the wet market
building. 12

On July 6, 1994, the Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch 220 rendered a
decision affirming in toto the decision of the Metropolitan Trial Court, to wit:
"WHEREFORE, the appealed decision dated January 31, 1994, for
being in accordance with the evidence presented and the law on the
matter, is hereby affirmed in toto.
"Let a writ of execution issue against defendant and his surety, to answer
for the decision of the lower court."













execution 14 whereupon, petitioner vacated the subject premises voluntarily. By

July 12, 1994, petitioner had completely turned over possession of subject
property to respondent.
Meanwhile, on July 21, 1994, petitioner filed a petition for review with the Court of
Appeals. 15 He alleged that he had paid the amount of P11,478,121.85 for
security deposit and rentals on the wet market building, but respondent, without
his consent, applied portions of the payment to his other obligations. The
vouchers and receipts indicated that the payments made were for rentals. Thus,
at the time of payment petitioner had declared as to which obligation the payment
must be applied.

On February 10, 1995, the Court of Appeals promulgated its decision finding that
petitioner impliedly consented to respondent's application of payment to his other
obligations and, thus, dismissed the petition for lack of merit. 16
On March 3, 1995, petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration;


however, on

February 9, 1996 the Court of Appeals denied the motion. 18

Hence, this appeal. 19
At issue is whether petitioner was truly in arrears in the payment of rentals on the
subject property at the time of the filing of the complaint for ejectment.

As found by the Metropolitan Trial Court and Regional Trial Court, petitioner
made a total payment of P10,949,447.18, to respondent as of July 2, 1992.
If the payment made by respondent applied to petitioner's other obligations is set
aside, and the amount petitioner paid be applied purely to the rentals on the
Fairview wet market building, there would be an excess payment of
P1,049,447.18 as of July 2, 1992. The computation in such case would be as
Amount paid as of July 2, 1992 P10,949,447.18
Monthly rent from January 1991-July 1992
P450,000.00 x 19 months P8,550,000.00
Security deposit 1,350,000.00
Excess amount paid P1,049,447.18

In the letter dated November 19, 1991, respondent proposed that petitioner's
security deposit for the Quirino lot, in the amount of P643,276.48, be applied as
partial payment for his account under the subject lot as well as to real estate
taxes on the Quirino lot. 20 Petitioner interposed no objection, as evidenced by his
signature signifying his conformity thereto.
In an earlier letter, dated July 15, 1991,


respondent informed petitioner that the

payment was to be applied not only to petitioner's accounts under both the
subject land and the Quirino lot but also to heavy equipment bought by the latter
from respondent. Petitioner claimed that the amount applied as payment for the
heavy equipment was critical because it was equivalent to more than two (2)
months rental of the subject property, which was the basis for the ejectment case
in the Metropolitan Trial Court.

The controversy stemmed from the fact that unlike the November 19, 1991 letter,
which bore a conformity portion with petitioner's signature, the July 15, 1991
letter did not contain the signature of petitioner.
In nevertheless concluding that petitioner gave his consent thereto, the Court of
Appeals upheld both the lower court's and trial court's findings that petitioner
received the second letter and its attachment and he raised no objection thereto.
In other words, would petitioner's failure to object to the letter of July 15, 1991
and its proposed application of payments amount to consent to such application?
Petitioner submits that his silence is not consent but is in fact a rejection.
The right to specify which among his various obligations to the same creditor is to
be satisfied first rests with the debtor, 22 as provided by law, to wit:
"Art. 1252. He who has various debts of the same kind in favor of one
and the same creditor, may declare at the time of making the payment, to
which of them the same must be applied. Unless the parties so stipulate,
or when the application of payment is made by the party for whose
benefit the term has been constituted, application shall not be made as
to debts which are not yet due.
If the debtor accepts from the creditor a receipt in which an application of
the payment is made, the former cannot complain of the same, unless
there is a cause for invalidating the contract."


At the time petitioner made the payments, he made it clear to respondent that
they were to be applied to his rental obligations on the Fairview wet market
property. Though he entered into various contracts and obligations with
respondent, including a lease contract over eleven (11) property in Quezon City
and sale of eight (8) heavy equipment, all the payments made, about
P11,000,000.00, were to be applied to rental and security deposit on the Fairview
wet market property.
Respondent Regalado argues that assuming that petitioner expressed at the time
of payment which among his obligations were to be satisfied first, petitioner is

estopped by his assent to the application made by the respondent. This assent is
inferred from the silence of petitioner on the July 15, 1991 letter


containing a

statement of the application of payments, which was different from the application
made by petitioner. A big chunk of the amount paid by petitioner went into the
satisfaction of an obligation which was not yet due and demandable the
payment of the eight (8) heavy equipment amounting to about P1,020,000.00.
The statement of account prepared by respondent was not the receipt
contemplated under the law. The receipt is the evidence of payment executed at
the time of payment, and not the statement of account executed several days
There was no clear assent by petitioner to the change in the manner of
application of payment. The petitioner's silence as regards the application of
payment by respondent cannot mean that he consented thereto. There was no
meeting of the minds. Though an offer may be made, the acceptance of such
offer must be unconditional and unbounded in order that concurrence can give
rise to a perfected contract. 25 Hence, petitioner could not be in estoppel.


Assuming arguendo that, as alleged by respondent, petitioner did not, at the time
the payments were made, choose the obligation to be satisfied first, respondent
may exercise the right to apply the payments to the other obligations of petitioner.
But this is subject to the condition that the petitioner must give his consent.
Petitioner's silence is not tantamount to consent. The consent must be clear and
Under the law, if the debtor did not declare at the time he made the payment to
which of his debts with the creditor the payment is to be applied, the law provided
the guideline no payment is to be made to a debt that is not yet due


and the

payment has to be applied first to the debt most onerous to the debtor. 27
In the instant case, the purchase price of the eight (8) heavy equipment was not
yet due at the time the payment was made, for there was no date set for such
payment. Neither was there a demand by the creditor to make the obligation to

pay the purchase price due and demandable.


Hence, the application made by

respondent is contrary to the provisions of the law.

The lease over the Fairview wet market property is the most onerous among all
the obligations of petitioner to respondent. It was established that the wet market
is a going-concern and that petitioner has invested about P35,000,000.00, in the
form of improvements, on the property. Hence, petitioner would stand to lose
more if the lease would be rescinded, than if the contract of sale of heavy
equipment would not proceed.
The decision of the Court of Appeals was based on a misapprehension of the
facts and the law on the application of payment. Hence, the ejectment case
subject of the instant petition must be dismissed, without prejudice to the
determination and settlement of the money claims of the parties inter se.
WHEREFORE, the Court GRANTS the petition. The Court REVERSES and
SETS ASIDE the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 34634.
ACCORDINGLY, the Court REVERSES the decision of the Regional Trial Court,
Quezon City, Branch 220 in Civil Case No. 94-20813, and dismisses the
complaint filed with the Metropolitan Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch 36 in Civil
Case No. MTC XXXVI-7089.
No costs.
Davide, Jr., C.J., Puno, Kapunan and Ynares-Santiago, JJ., concur.
1.In CA-G.R. SP No. 34634, promulgated on February 10, 1995, Reyes, R.
T., J., ponente, Herrera, O. M. and Gutierrez, A. S., JJ., concurring, Rollo, pp.
2.This represents the balance of the rental payment due from petitioner, computed as
follows: Partial payment of P255,104.45 made on July 24, 1992; P90,000.00 on
July 28, 1992; and P3,674.67 or a sum total of P188,779.12 from where the 2%
stipulated penalty interest must first be satisfied, leaving an amount of

P88,104.45 to be applied and deducted from the P450,000.00 rental due for the
month of May, 1992.
3.Complaint, Annex "C", RTC Record, Vol. I, p. 13.
4.Complaint, Annex "D", RTC Record, Vol. I, p. 14.
5.Petition for Review, CA Rollo, pp. 2-24, at p. 5.
6.Answer, RTC Record, Vol. I, pp. 35-45.
7.Ibid., p. 40.
8.Originally raffled to Branch 33 (later transferred to Branch 36) and docketed as Civil
Case No. 7089, Answer, RTC Record, Vol. I, p. 41.
9.Complaint, RTC Record, Vol. I, pp. 1-7, at p. 5.
10.Decision, Civil Case No. MTC XXXVI-7089, Petition, Annex "D", Rollo, pp. 98-102.
11.Docketed as Civil Case No. Q-94-20813.
12.Petition for Review, CA Rollo, pp. 2-24, at p. 7.
13.Ibid., pp. 25-33.
14.Ibid., pp. 34-35.
15.Docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 34634, CA Rollo, pp. 2-24.
16.Petition Annex "D", Rollo, pp. 138-148.
17.Petition, Annex "E", Rollo, pp. 149-182.
18.Resolution, Rollo, pp. 193-194.
19.Petition filed on March 19, 1996, Rollo, pp. 8-62. On June 18, 1997, we gave due
course to the petition, Rollo, p. 281.
20.Rollo, p. 185.
21.Rollo, p. 183.

22.People's Surety and Insurance Co., Inc. v. Gabriel and Sons Traders Co. Inc., 118
Phil. 1418 [1963].
23.Civil Code.
24.Supra, Note 21.
25.Maria Cristina Fertilizer Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 339 Phil. 349 [1997].
26.Article 1252, Civil Code.
27.Article 1254, Civil Code; Espina v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 116805, June 22,
28.Rose Packing Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 167 SCRA 309, 318 [1988].


(Paculdo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 123855, November 20, 2000)

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