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SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.

Document Revision R2E1

Installation Guide

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 57.

Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2013.

US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Audience .














. v
. v

Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1
Supported configurations .
Topology examples . . .









. 1
. 2

Chapter 2. Installation and setup of

requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Add the required users . . . . . . . . . .
KSH and required libraries . . . . . . . .
DB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Information required for SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation . . . . . .
Installing DB2 as non-root . . . . . . . .
Installing DB2 as root . . . . . . . . .
InfoSphere Streams . . . . . . . . . . .
Information required for SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation . . . . . .
Installing InfoSphere Streams software . . .
Netcool/OMNIbus . . . . . . . . . . .
Information required for SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation . . . . . .
Installing the OMNIbus ObjectServer . . . .
Configuring the OMNIbus ObjectServer . . .
Starting the OMNIbus ObjectServer . . . .
Installing OMNIbus WebGUI . . . . . .
Configuring OMNIbus WebGUI users . . .

. 5
. 6
. 7
. 8
. 8
. 12
. 13
. 13
. 14
. 15


Chapter 3. Distributed installation of

SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
User accounts . . . . . . .
Install the IBM Installation Manager
Installing the database . . . . .
Installing the Analytics component
Installing the UI component . . .
Installing the Mediation tool. . .
Post-installation - System status .

Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013








What to do next .

. 30

Chapter 4. Installation of SmartCloud

Analytics - Predictive Insights to a
single server . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
User accounts . . . . . . . .
Install the IBM Installation Manager .
Installing all components on one server
Post-installation - System status . .
What to do next . . . . . . . .







Chapter 5. Installation of SmartCloud

Analytics - Predictive Insights in
console mode. . . . . . . . . . . . 39
User accounts . . . . . . .
Install the IBM Installation Manager
Installing the database . . . . .
Installing the Analytics component
Installing the UI component . . .
Installing the Mediation tool. . .
Post-installation - System status .
What to do next . . . . . . .
Modifying the installation in console

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
mode .





Chapter 6. Installing the Mediation tool

on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 7. Uninstalling SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights. . . . . 53
Uninstalling SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 53

Chapter 8. Installation log files . . . . 55

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61



IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

The purpose of this guide is to help you install SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
After completing all steps documented in this guide, you will have a set of
running SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components ready to configure
into a fully functional system.

The audience for this manual is the network administrator or operations specialist
responsible for installing SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
To install SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights successfully, a basic
knowledge of the following is required:
v Administration of the Linux operating system.
v Administration of IBM InfoSphere Streams.
v Administration of the DB2 database management system.
v Administration of OMNIbus and OMNIbus WebGUI.
v SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights consists of four main components.
The IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components are:
v The Database component: is used to store configuration data, metadata and
metric data.
v The Analytic component: performs data mediation and processes incoming data
to discover any anomalies that are present.
v The Visualization component: presents any discovered anomalies through the
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal application.
v The Mediation tool: is used to configure a data source and the data model that
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights will monitor.
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights documentation includes the following
v Release notes
v Installation Guide
v Administration Guide
v User Guide

Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Chapter 1. Introduction
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights is real-time performance analysis
software for business services.
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights eliminates manual threshold and
baseline configuration by providing a self-learning capability.
By analyzing data from various sources and integrating with existing monitoring
products, SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights learns the normal behavior of
a business service and creates a performance model. When SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights detects or forecasts anomalous behavior, an alarm is generated.
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights offers out-of-the-box integration with
Netcool OMNIbus.
The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights system has four main components:
v The Database component: is used to store configuration data, metadata and
metric data.
v The Analytic component: performs data mediation and processes incoming data
to discover any anomalies that are present.
v The Visualization component: presents any discovered anomalies through the
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal application.
v The Mediation tool: is used to configure a data source and the data model that
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights will monitor.

Supported configurations
The installation topology of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights must
conform to the following supported configurations.

Configuration rules
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights can be installed on a single server.
The following distributed configuration requirements must be followed if the
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components are to be distributed across
a number of servers:
v SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights Database component: The server
hosting this component must also host:
IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition 10.1 FP2
v SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component: The server hosting
this component must also host:
IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI 7.4
- IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal 2.2, IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal 2.1. This is
bundled with OMNIbus WebGUI.
IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR10 FP1
v SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights Analytic component: The Analytics
component can exist on its own server, but must be accompanied by:
IBM InfoSphere Streams 3.1
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013

IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR13 FP1

With the following restrictions:
v The upper limit of hosts within a SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
environment is four, that is, four servers with one component on each.
v Omnibus is the only component that supports a remote installation. All other
components must be installed locally. For all components other than Omnibus,
installation media must be made available on the server to which the component
is being installed, and the installation run locally for that component.

Topology examples
The installation topology of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights must
conform to the following supported configurations.
The following is an example of a single server SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights topology.
Table 1. Small topology
Server name




v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights

Database component

The installation of IBM

Netcool/OMNIbus Core 7.4
and IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
WebGUI 7.4 is optional.

v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI

v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights
Analytic component
v IBM DB2 Workgroup
Server Edition 10.1 FP2
v IBM Tivoli Integrated
Portal 2.2
v IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR10
v IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
Core 7.4
v IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
WebGUI 7.4
v IBM InfoSphere Streams

The following is an example of a medium SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

Insights topology spread across three servers.

IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Table 2. Medium topology

Server name




v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights

Database component

DB2 is installed as part of

the DataStage install, so
they generally share a server.

v IBM DB2 Workgroup

Server Edition 10.1 FP2
v IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR13

v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights

Analytic component
v IBM InfoSphere Streams
v IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR13


v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI

v IBM Tivoli Integrated
Portal 2.2

The installation of IBM

Netcool/OMNIbus Core 7.4
and IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
WebGUI 7.4 is optional.

v IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
Core 7.4
v IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
WebGUI 7.4

The following is an example of a large SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

topology spread across four servers.
Table 3. Large topology
Server name



v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights

Database component


v IBM DB2 Workgroup

Server Edition 10.1 FP2

v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI

v IBM Tivoli Integrated
Portal 2.2
v IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
WebGUI 7.4
v IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR10

Chapter 1. Introduction

Table 3. Large topology (continued)

Server name



v SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights

Analytic component


v IBM InfoSphere Streams

v IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR13

v IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
Core 7.4

IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

The installation of IBM

Netcool/OMNIbus Core 7.4
and IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
WebGUI 7.4 is optional.

Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements

The set of software requirements for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
and the order in which they must be installed.

System requirements
The system requirements for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights are listed
on the Service Management Connect wiki for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights under the section: IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

Installation order
You must install the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requirements in
this order:


DB2 Workgroup Server Edition 10.1 FP2

InfoSphere Streams 3.1
Netcool/OMNIbus Core 7.4
Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI 7.4

The order of installation is the same for a single server installation as it is for a
distributed, or multiserver, installation.
Note: If Netcool/OMNIbus is installed, we recommend that you create a new
instance for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights. If you do not have it
installed, the OMNIbus software can be provided.

Add the required users

There are two users that must be created to facilitate the installation of SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights and its requirements.

About this task

The two users that you must create are:
v scadmin
v db2inst1
The db2inst1 user must be created on the server on which you install DB2. The
scadmin user must be created on the server on which analytics is installed, and also
on the database server.

1. As root user on the database server and on the analytics server, add the user
account scadmin.
The following are the commands that are required to create this user:
groupadd scadmin
useradd -g scadmin -d /home/scadmin -s /bin/bash scadmin
passwd scadmin

Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013

2. As user root on the database server, create an OS user within the relevant
groupadd db2iadm1
useradd -g db2iadm1 -d /home/db2inst1 -s /bin/bash db2inst1
passwd db2inst1

3. As root user on the database server, add the existing scadmin user to the same
primary group as the DB2 instance owner, by default this user is db2inst1.
For example, add the user scadmin to the group db2iadm1.
usermod -G scadmin,db2iadm1 scadmin

4. On the database server, add the following source command into the
~scadmin/.bashrc file:
if [ -f /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

The commands assume two things:

v db2inst1 is the DB2 instance owner.
v /home/db2inst1 is the home area of the DB2 instance owner

KSH and required libraries

SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requires the installation of KSH and
some libraries.

Before you begin

Note: This is not a statement of the libraries required by the SmartCloud Analytics
- Predictive Insights pre-requirements, that is, DB2, InfoSphere Streams, and
Netcool/OMNIbus. To find the required libraries for these products, you must run
the product-specific dependency checker scripting or check the product-specific

About this task

The Analytics server requires the following packages:
v 64-bit packages:


The Database server requires the following packages:

v 64-bit packages:
The following are the required on all servers in the topology:
v 32-bit packages:
v 64-bit packages:

IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

KSH is also a software requirement.

1. For each required library enter the command, yum install, followed by the
name of that library.
2. If you see this error from yum when installing the 32-bit libstdc++ libraries:
Error: Protected multilib versions: libstdc++

Then run yum update libstdc++ and re-try the install.

3. If KSH is not on your system, install it as follows:
yum install ksh

DB2 is a requirement of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

Document caveat
This installation guide provides a shortened version of the DB2 installation
Note: It must be noted the installation process prescribed in this documentation is
not meant to replace the product-specific documentation. The installation process
here contained for DB2 has been provided for the convenience of the end-user and
should only be used if:
v You are performing a basic install of DB2, accepting all the default options.
v You are performing a trial installation of the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights product.
You must consult the official DB2 documentation if:
v You intend to use extra options or steps that are not the default as described in
this document.
v You intend to install multiple instances of the required product
The official and complete IBM DB2 Installation instructions and release notes are
available in the IBM DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Information
Center: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v10r1/index.jsp.

Install processes
The following are the two options for DB2 installation covered in this document:
v Install DB2 as non-root
v Install DB2 as root
Both of these options are covered in the following sections, only one of these
options is to be pursued.

Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements

Information required for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

Insights installation
The installation process for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that
you have your DB2 installation information at the ready.
The following table lists the DB2 information items that the SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installer requests as you pursue the installation process. It is a
good practice to make note of all listed items as you install the DB2 database.
Table 4. DB2 details required by SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
Information item


DB2 instance user name


SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

Database name


SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

Database server port number


SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

Database host

Current host

SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

Database user


SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

Database user password

Installing DB2 as non-root

DB2 is a requirement of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

About this task

The DB2 installer automatically creates and configures a non-root instance during a
non-root installation. As a non-root user, you can customize the configuration of
the non-root instance during the installation. You can also use and maintain the
installed DB2 database product without root privileges. The non-root installation of
a DB2 database product has one DB2 instance with most features enabled by
A non-root installation can be attractive for many groups, such as:
v Enterprises that have thousands of workstations and users who want to install a
DB2 database product without consuming a system administrator's time
v Application developers who are not typically system administrators but use DB2
database products to develop applications
v Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) who develop software that does not
require root user authority yet embeds a DB2 database product
Although non-root installations have most of the function of root installations,
there are some differences and limitations. You can lift some of the limitations by
having a root user run the db2rfe command.
Before you install any DB2 database product as a non-root user, be aware of the
differences between root installations and non-root installations, and the limitations
of non-root installations. For more information on non-root installation, see
Installing DB2 database servers as a non-root user in the DB2 Information Center.

IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

The following tasks are described in order to allow you install DB2 as a non-root


Prepare for DB2 installation by installing the required libraries.

Install DB2 using the non-root user account.
Enabling root-based features in non-root installations with db2rfe
If your DB2 installation connection has problems, runs some checks to verify
your installation.

Prepare for DB2 installation as non-root

You must create the non-root user to carry out the installation of DB2 and add the
required files.

About this task

DB2 can be installed as a non-root user. The ongoing management of DB2 is done
as the DB2 instance owner. Typically the DB2 instance owner is db2inst1.
For more information on DB2 installation prerequisites, see Operating system user
limit requirements (Linux and UNIX) in the DB2 Information Center.

1. As db2inst1, copy the DB2 installation software to the directory in which you
want to extract it.
2. Change the permissions on the folder, if necessary, to be owned by db2inst1.
3. As db2inst1, extract the DB2 installation software.
For example:
tar zxvf v10.1fp2_linuxx64_wser.tar.gz

Note: The package filename is correct for DB2 installation version IBM DB2
Workgroup Server Edition 10.1 FP2
4. As db2inst1, change to the wser directory and run the DB2 prerequisites
checker script.
For example:
./db2prereqcheck -v

You can ignore alerts in relation to the following:

v /lib/libpam.so*
v rdma
v InfiniBand
v modprobe.conf
v OpenSSH
5. As root, install any packages that are called out as problems by the
db2prereqcheck script.
For example:
yum install dapl
yum install sg3_utils

6. Check if SELINUX is enabled, and if so disable it.

For example:
vi /etc/selinux/config
Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements

7. Restart the server if the SELINUX setting was changed.

DB2 installation as non-root

Install DB2 as the non-root user db2inst1.

Before you begin

Verify your operating system user process resource limits (ulimits). If the minimum
ulimit values are not met, the DB2 engine can encounter unexpected operating
resource shortage errors. These errors can lead to a DB2 database system outage.
See the section Recommended ulimit values for non-root installations in the DB2
Information Center for details of the recommended ulimit values.

1. Log in as the non-root user db2inst1.
2. Change to the directory containing the installation software.
For example:
# cd /home/db2inst1/db2/wser

3. As db2inst1, run the db2setup script:

# ./db2_install

4. Select WSE and click Enter.

5. Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.

Enable root-based features in non-root installations with db2rfe

There are several features and abilities in non-root installations that are initially
unavailable but which can be enabled by running a the db2rfe command.

About this task

There are further limitations on non-root installations that can be overcome by
running the db2rfe command. The following features and abilities are initially
unavailable in non-root installations:
v Operating system-based authentication
v The ability to reserve service names in the /etc/services file
They will be enabled using db2rfe_config_file.cfg available in the unpacked

To enable the features and abilities that are initially unavailable in non-root
1. Navigate to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.2 directory, that is within the
directory in which you unpacked PredictiveInsights.tgz.
2. Copy the sample configuration file, db2rfe_config_file.cfg, to a different
location, for example, /home/db2inst1.
3. Update the copied configuration file as needed. This configuration file is input
to the db2rfe command. Our Example enables:
v Operating system-based authentication
v The ability to reserve service names in the /etc/services file
Note: Consult DB2 documentation and update as preferred


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

4. Stop DB2. As db2inst1, run:

# db2stop

5. End the server to client process: As db2inst1, run:

# db2 terminate

6. Log in with root user authority.

7. Navigate to the $HOME/sqllib/instance directory, where $HOME represent's the
non-root user's home directory.
8. Run the db2rfe command referring to the updated configuration file. For
./db2rfe -f /home/db2inst1/db2rfe_config_file.cfg

v db2rfe_config_file.cfg is the configuration file provided in
v /home/db2inst1 is the directory to which you copied
db2rfe_config_file.cfg. If you copied this to another directory, please
update the command syntax to refer to your chosen directory.

DB2 post installation tasks

Configure your DB2 installation so that it is running correctly.

1. Stop DB2. As db2inst1, run:
# db2stop

2. End the server to client process: As db2inst1, run:

# db2 terminate

3. If the port is closed you may need to disable iptables on the DB2 server.
As root, run the following commands:
service iptables stop
/sbin/chkconfig --del iptables

4. Check DB config to ensure SVCENAME is correct.

Run the following command as db2inst1:
# db2 get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME

If SVCENAME does not match "db2c_db2inst1" then update using the

following command:
# db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME db2c_db2inst1

5. Verify SVCENAME, as seen in step 4, exists for correct port in /etc/services file. If
not then append it to /etc/services file.
db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp

6. Ensure the communication protocols for DB2 instance uses TCPIP.

As db2inst1, run:
# db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

7. Start DB2:
As DB2inst1 run command:
# db2start

What to do next
See the section Verifying the installation using the command line processor (CLP) in the
DB2 Information Center to confirm that DB2 was installed correctly.
Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements


Installing DB2 as root

DB2 is a requirement of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

Before you begin

Verify your operating system user process resource limits (ulimits). If the minimum
ulimit values are not met, the DB2 engine can encounter unexpected operating
resource shortage errors. These errors can lead to a DB2 database system outage.
See the section Recommended ulimit values for non-root installations in the DB2
Information Center for details of the recommended ulimit values.

About this task

DB2 can be installed as root. The ongoing management of DB2 is done as the DB2
instance owner. Typically the DB2 instance owner is db2inst1.

1. Copy the DB2 installation software to the directory in which you want to
extract it.
2. Extract the DB2 installation software.
For example:
tar zxvf v10.1fp2_linuxx64_server.tar.gz

Note: The package filename is correct for DB2 installation version IBM DB2
Workgroup Server Edition 10.1 FP2
3. Change to the wser directory and run the DB2 prerequisites checker script.
For example:
./db2prereqcheck -v

You can ignore alerts in relation to the following:

v /lib/libpam.so*
v rdma
v InfiniBand
v modprobe.conf
4. Install any packages that are called out as problems by the db2prereqcheck
For example:
yum install dapl
yum install sg3_utils

5. Check if SELINUX is enabled, and if so disable it.

For example:
vi /etc/selinux/config

6. Restart if the SELINUX setting was changed.

7. Change to the directory containing the installation software.
For example:
# cd /opt/install/wser

8. Run the db2setup script:

# ./db2setup


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Note: This command opens the DB2 installation wizard and therefore must be
run from a suitable XTERM or VNC window.
9. Click Install a product from the set of options displayed.
10. Click Install New > DB2 Workgroup Server Edition version 10.1 Fix Pack 2.
11. Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.
Make note of any users and passwords that you specified.

InfoSphere Streams
InfoSphere Streams is a requirement of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

Document caveat
This installation guide provides a shortened version of the InfoSphere Streams
installation process.
Note: It must be noted the installation process prescribed in this documentation is
not meant to replace the product-specific documentation. The installation process
here contained for InfoSphere Streams has been provided for the convenience of
the end-user and should only be used if:
v You are performing a basic install of InfoSphere Streams, accepting all the
default options.
v You are performing a trial installation of the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights product.
You must consult the official DB2 documentation if:
v You intend to use extra options or steps that are not the default as described in
this document.
v You intend to install multiple instances of the required product
The official and complete Installation and administration information for IBM
InfoSphere Streams can be found in the IBM InfoSphere Streams Information Center:

Information required for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

Insights installation
The installation process for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that
you have your InfoSphere Streams install information at the ready.
The following table lists the InfoSphere Streams information items that the
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights installer requests as you pursue the
installation process. It is a good practice to make note of the required InfoSphere
Streams installation information.
Table 5. InfoSphere Streams details required by the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights installer
Information item


InfoSphere Streams user


InfoSphere Streams user password

InfoSphere Streams installation location


Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements


Installing InfoSphere Streams software

Installing InfoSphere Streams software for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

Before you begin

1. As root, edit the /etc/selinux/config file to set SELinux to disabled.
A change to this policy requires a restart of the Linux VM/Server
See the section "Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) for IBM InfoSphere
Streams" contained in the IBM InfoSphere Streams information center:
2. Ensure the user that is being used to install InfoSphere Streams has executable
permissions on the /tmp, /opt, and /home file systems.
3. Ensure that su from the root user does not require that you enter a password.
4. Check the /etc/hosts file to make sure that the server name is not on the same
line as the loop back address.
For example, if you have an address that looks like: localhost.localdomain localhost <server_name>

Then, remove the server name so that it looks like: localhost.localdomain localhost

The loopback address must not be removed.

5. Make sure the created user (scadmin in our example) has full permissions on
the InfoSphere Streams installation software.
6. Change to the scadmin user, for example:
su - scadmin

7. Extract the InfoSphere Streams installation software, for example:

tar zxvf Streams-

8. Change to the <Streams installation folder> and as scadmin use the

InfoSphere Streams dependency checker:
cd <Streams installation folder>

The standard streams installation folder is ~scadmin/InfoSphereStreams.

You may receive alerts that the following file is missing:
v perl-XML-Simple
The files are installed manually and can be found in the directory <Streams
installation folder>/rpm.
To install a missing rpm, run the following command:
yum install <rpm_name>.rpm

Note: If root user permissions are required to install missing files, make sure
that you switch back to your InfoSphere Streams user, scadmin, after you
complete the installation.

1. Run the installer as scadmin:
cd <Streams installation folder>

When the installation is complete the Postinstallation Tasks dialog is

displayed, which lists the set of initial configuration tasks for InfoSphere


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

2. Run the following tasks only from the First Steps:

v Configure the SSH environment
v Generate public and private keys
v Verify the Installation
If the dialog does not open or must be reopened change to the directory
<Streams installation folder> and run FirstSteps.sh, for example:
cd /home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams

3. Add the following line to the .bashrc file for scadmin:

. /home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/bin/streamsprofile.sh

4. Save and source the file:

. ~/.bashrc

What to do next
To ensure the version of Java that comes with InfoSphere Streams is the one that is
used at run time.
1. Update the JAVA_HOME and PATH to match the new Java.
An example path is:

Note: Adjust path to match the InfoSphere Streams location.

This must be carried out in the current shell and also in:
v ~scadmin/.bashrc
v ~scadmin/.bash_profile

Netcool/OMNIbus is a required integration item for SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights.
The official and complete Installation and administration information for
Netcool/OMNIbus can be found in the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus information

Document caveat
This installation guide provides a shortened version of the Netcool/OMNIbus
installation process.
Note: It must be noted the installation process prescribed in this documentation is
not meant to replace the product-specific documentation. The installation process
here contained for Netcool/OMNIbus has been provided for the convenience of
the end-user and should only be used if:
v You are performing a basic install of Netcool/OMNIbus, accepting all the
default options.
v You are performing a trial installation of the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights product.
You must consult the official DB2 documentation if:

Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements


v You intend to use extra options or steps that are not the default as described in
this document.
v You intend to install multiple instances of the required product
The official and complete Installation and administration information for
Netcool/OMNIbus can be found in the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus information

Information required for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

Insights installation
The installation process for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that
you have certain your Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI
installation information at the ready.
The following table lists the Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI
information items that the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights installer will
request as you pursue the installation process. It is a good practice to make note of
all information items as you install Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus
Table 6. Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI details required by the
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights installer
Information item


OMNIbus server host name

Current host

OMNIbus server port number


OMNIbus Object Server name


OMNIbus admin user name


OMNIbus admin user password

Note: It is possible to leave this password as

an empty string. Entering this password
incorrectly is not flagged immediately within
the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights installer, but results in certain
components not installing correctly.

Directory where WAAPI is installed


Table 7. Tivoli Integrated Portal details required by the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights installer
Information item


Directory where Tivoli Integrated Portal is



Tivoli Integrated Portal user name


Tivoli Integrated Portal user password


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Installing the OMNIbus ObjectServer

The OMNIbus ObjectServer is the standard event management system that
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights can use.

Before you begin

Download and install the OMNIbus prerequisite scanner to make sure you have all
the OMNIbus requirements in place before you begin the installation. The
prerequisite scanner can be downloaded from, http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/

About this task

OMNIbus ObjectServer can be installed by either a root or non-root user. For
simplicity root can be used to install the OMNIbus ObjectServer. If you choose to
install as non-root, ensure the appropriate permissions on the install software and
target location are given to the chosen non-root user. The ongoing management of
OMNIbus must be done as root if you install as root.

1. Copy the OMNIbus ObjectServer installation software to the directory in which
you want to extract it.
2. Extract the OMNIbus ObjectServer installation software.
For example:
tar xvf NC_OMNI_CORE_74_LIN.tar

Note: The package filename is correct for OMNIbus ObjectServer installation

version IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Core 7.4.
3. Start the graphical user interface installation wizard:

4. Click Install product from the set of options displayed.

5. Click Start Tivoli/ Netcool/OMNIBus Installation.
6. Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation, selecting the default

Configuring the OMNIbus ObjectServer

When the Omnibus initial installation is complete and before you install OMNIbus
WebGUI, you must configure the ObjectServer.

1. Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/etc.
2. Make a copy of the omni.dat file.
For example, run the commend
mv omni.dat omni.dat.ORIG

3. Run the command:

sed s/omnihost/<yourObjServHost>/g omni.dat.ORIG > omni.dat

4. Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/bin.

5. Run the command:
./nco_igen -out /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/etc/interfaces

6. Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin.

Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements


7. Run the following commands:


Configuration of the OMNIbus ObjectServer is now complete and it is ready to be

Starting the OMNIbus ObjectServer

When the Omnibus initial installation is complete and before you install OMNIbus
WebGUI, you must start the ObjectServer.

1. Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin.
2. Run the following commands:
nohup ./nco_objserv &

3. Confirm the ObjectServer is running:

./nco_sql -user root

Note: If your OMNIbus root user password is blank, press return after entering
4. If the login worked OK, then this is enough to validate the Objectserver is
running. Enter 'quit' to exit.

Installing OMNIbus WebGUI

OMNIbus WebGUI is a set of visualization tools for OMNIbus to allow for the
monitoring and management of events. The installation of WebGUI includes the
installation of Tivoli Integrated Portal into which the SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI can be installed.

About this task

OMNIbus WebGUI can be installed by either a root or non-root user. For simplicity
install OMNIbus WebGUI as root. If you choose to install as non-root, ensure the
appropriate permissions on the install software and target location are given to the
chosen non-root user. The ongoing management of OMNIbus must be done as root
if you install as root.

1. Ensure the OMNIbus ObjectServer that you installed is started
2. Copy the OMNIbus WebGUI installation software to the directory in which you
want to extract it.
3. Extract the OMNIbus WebGUI installation software.
For example:
tar xvf NC_OMNI_WEB_GUI_74_64_LIN.tar

Note: The package filename is correct for OMNIbus WebGUI installation

version IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI 7.4.
4. Move to the CD Image directory and start the graphical user interface
installation wizard:
cd cdimage


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

5. Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation, selecting the default
options, and recording any users and their passwords that you enter.

Configuring OMNIbus WebGUI users

In order for users to be able to use the Active Event List to monitor events, they
must be given permissions to access the WebGUI tools.

v Follow these steps to assign WebGUI permissions to tipadmin:
1. Log in to Tivoli Integrated Portal as tipadmin.
You can access Tivoli Integrated Portal using your browser, for example:

The port in the example is 16310, as it is generally for http. For https the port
is normally 16311.
2. Click Users and Groups > User Roles .
3. Click Search and select tipadmin.
4. Select the following options and click Save:
5. Click Logout.
6. Log back in as tipadmin.
7. In the navigation pane on the left, you can see extra entries that include
Administration and Availability.
8. SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights sends events to the Active Event
List, which can be found at Availability > Events > Active Event List (AEL).
v Follow these steps to assign WebGUI permissions to all users that are not
1. Log in to Tivoli Integrated Portal as tipadmin.
2. Change to Users and Groups > Manage Users.
3. Enter the relevant user ID and click Search.
4. Click the user that is displayed in the table.
5. Click the Groups tab.
6. Click Add.
7. Click Search to see the list of groups.
8. Assign the following groups as appropriate.
Administrative Users: Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin
Ordinary Users: Netcool_OMNIbus_User
9. Click the General tab.
10. Click OK.
Note: To make the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights action script
available you must have a user with Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin.

Chapter 2. Installation and setup of requirements



IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Chapter 3. Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights

How to install SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
You can install all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components on a
single server. You can also install the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
components in a distributed configuration.
Note: This chapter covers the distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights components. If you want to perform a single server or proof of
concept installation, skip this chapter and go straight to Installation of SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights on a single server
If you choose to install SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights as a distributed
system, the component combinations you install must be based on the installation
configurations that are described in this document. For more information about the
possible installation configurations, see Supported configurations on page 1.
The installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components can only
be performed on the server on which you are running the IBM Installation
Manager. Remote installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
components is not supported, you must install each component on its host server.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to each server on which
you are installing a component

User accounts
The installation topology of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights can involve
a number of different user accounts. It is important to login as the correct user
when you pursue the installation of each component.

The User accounts that must be employed to install components

The following table lists the user accounts that must be used to install each
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights component.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013


Table 8. . The user accounts required to install components



Single server installation, that is, Root or non-root (special

all SmartCloud Analytics conditions apply for
Predictive Insights components
non-root, see the Notes)
are installed by the same user.

You can install all
SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights
components as a non-root
user, through one instance
of the IBM Installation
Manager, if either of the
following are true:
v That non-root user
account was used to
install all prerequisites.
Otherwise, only the root
user can be used to pursue
the installation of all
components through one
instance of the IBM
Installation Manager.

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights Analytics


Root or the user account

that is used to install
InfoSphere Streams

The user account that is

used to install InfoSphere
Streams. The user specified
in this documentation is

The user account that is

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights User Interface used to install Tivoli
Integrated Portal

The SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI has

the limitation that the user
who installed Tivoli
Integrated Portal (which
may have occurred as part
of the OMNIbus WebGUI
installation) must install
the SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI.

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights Database

The DB owner is not

necessarily the DB2
instance owner. The user
specified in this
documentation is scadmin.

Root, the database owner,

or a non-root user that is
part of the same group as
the database owner.

Note: SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that you use a BASH
shell for the scadmin user.

Install the IBM Installation Manager

IBM Installation Manager is the tool that you use to install your software packages.

Before you begin

Create the directory /opt/IBM/scanalytics on each server to which you are
installing a SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights component. Create the
directory in such a way that each user that will be used to install SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights on that server has read, write and execute
permissions on this directory.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

About this task

The IBM Installation Manager must be installed once for each user you intend to
use to install the individual SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
components. The IBM Installation Manager can be installed only once for each user
on a server.
If you are performing a single server installation, that is, all components are being
installed on the one server, you must install the IBM Installation Manager once on
that server for each user you intend to use for the installation of each component.
If you are performing a multi server installation, that is, a distributed installation,
you must install the IBM Installation Manager on each server you intend to install
a component. The installation of each IBM Installation manager must be carried
out by the user you intend to use to install the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights component on that server.

1. Extract the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights package from the media.
2. Change to the new installer directory.
3. Start the installer by running the command:

4. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for IBM Installation
Manager. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept
the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
5. On the location page, in the Installation Manager Directory field, type the path
for the directory where you want to install Installation Manager or accept the
default path and then click Next.
6. On the Summary page, review your choices before starting the installation
process. If you want to change your selections, click Back to return to the
previous pages. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Install. The
IBM Installation Manager is installed.
7. Click Finish.

The IBM Installation Manager is restarted and the IBM Installation Manager home
screen is displayed.

What to do next
If upon restart of your IBM Installation Manager, you are not presented with the
set of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights packages for installation, do the
1. Click Exit, to close the IBM Installation Manager.
2. Restart the IBM Installation Manager by running the command:

Chapter 3. Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights


Installing the database

Installing the database for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

Before you begin

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights database component can be
installed by the database owner that is created in section Adding a new DB2 user
or by the root user.
Note: The installation script can install components only to the server on which it
is running.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which
you are installing the component.

About this task

To install the database, you are required to complete the following steps:

1. As the database owner, as root, or as s user that is part of the same group as
the database owner, for example, scadmin, do the following:
a. Open a terminal window on the server on which you are installing
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
b. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.
c. Enter the command ./install.sh.
The IBM Installation Manager is opened.
d. Click the Install option.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
e. Select Predictive Insights install option and click Next.
f. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for SmartCloud Analytics
- Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements,
click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
g. On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the
path for the shared directory. The suggested default directory is
The IBM Installation Manager provides the ability to share components
across products. SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share
components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM
Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install
it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM
Installation Manager on the same server.
h. Click Next.
i. On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available
option for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files. We
suggest using default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/
installer and then click Next.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

If you choose to change Installation Directory from default directory please

take into account that the Installation Directory must be unique for each
user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights components that can be installed.
2. Select Database and click Next. Make sure you have deselected any
components that you do not wish to install as the current user. The IBM
Installation Manager displays each distinct set of required information under a
heading. All headings can be selected within the pane on the left side.
3. Click Database creation configuration in the left pane and enter the required
Please note the following points:
v Update to create DB on a specific location: Optional setting by which you
can specify an install location for the database that is not the default DB2
location. The directory must exist and be owned by the DB2 instance user.
4. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
5. Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary
6. Click Install.

Installing the Analytics component

Installing the analytics component for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

About this task

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights analytics component can be
installed by the InfoSphere Streams administrator, which was set to be scadmin
during the InfoSphere Streams install, or by the root user.
Note: The installation script can install components only to the server on which it
is running.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which
you are installing the component.
A SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights database must exist before the
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights Analytics component can be installed,
therefore, you must install the Database component before you install the Analytics
component. If you are installing the Database and Analytics components together,
the installer will require that the database installation is completed first.
It is advised that you install the Mediation tool using the same user as you use to
install the Analytics component, that is, the InfoSphere Streams administrator.
To install the analytics component, you are required to complete the following

1. As the scadmin or root user do the following:
a. Open a terminal window on the server on which you are installing
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

Chapter 3. Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights


b. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics

- Predictive Insights installation package.
c. Enter the command ./install.sh.
The IBM Installation Manager is opened.
d. Click the Install option.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
e. Select Predictive Insights install option and click Next.
f. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license
agreements, click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then
click Next.
g. On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the
path for the shared directory. The suggested default directory is
The IBM Installation Manager provides the ability to share components
across products. SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share
components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM
Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install
it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM
Installation Manager on the same server.
h. Click Next.
i. On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available
option for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files.
We suggest using default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/
install_<user>/installer and then click Next.
If you choose to change Installation Directory from default directory
please take into account that the Installation Directory must be unique for
each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
2. Select Analytics and click Next. Make sure you have deselected any
components that you do not wish to install as the current user. The IBM
Installation Manager displays each distinct set of required information under a
heading. All headings can be selected within the pane on the left side.
3. Click Database connection configuration in the left pane and enter the
required information.
4. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
5. Click Analytics configuration in the left pane and enter the required
6. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
7. If you wish to integrate SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights with
OMNIbus, click Omnibus connection configuration in the left pane and enter
the required information.
8. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
9. Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary
10. Click Install.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Installing the UI component

Installing the UI component for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

Before you begin

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component is installed by the
same user that installed Tivoli Integrated Portal.
Note: The install script can only install components to the machine on which it is
Make sure you have copied the installation package to the server on which you
installing the component.
Tivoli Integrated Portal must be running before installing the SmartCloud Analytics
- Predictive Insights UI. The UI installation process will perform a restart of Tivoli
Integrated Portal.

About this task

A SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights database must exist before the
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component can be installed,
therefore, you must install the Database component before you install the UI
component. If you are installing the Database and UI components together, the
installer will require that the database installation is completed first.

1. Start the IBM Installation Manager and begin the SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI component installation. As the user that installed Tivoli
Integrated Portal. do the following:
a. Open a terminal window on the server on which you are installing
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
b. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.
c. Enter the command ./install.sh.
The IBM Installation Manager is opened.
d. Click the Install option.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
e. Select Predictive Insights install option and click Next.
f. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for SmartCloud Analytics
- Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements,
click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
g. On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the
path for the shared directory. The suggested default directory is
The IBM Installation Manager provides the ability to share components
across products. SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share
components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM
Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install
it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM
Installation Manager on the same server.
h. Click Next.
Chapter 3. Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights




i. On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available
option for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files. We
suggest using default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/
installer and then click Next.
If you choose to change Installation Directory from default directory please
take into account that the Installation Directory must be unique for each
user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights components that can be installed.
Select UI and click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays each distinct
set of required information under a heading. All headings can be selected
within the pane on the left side.
Click Database connection configuration in the left pane and enter the
required information.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click UI configuration in the left pane and enter the required information.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary
Click Install.

Installing the Mediation tool

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights Mediation tool is used to configure
the data presentation to SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights. The tooling
can be installed on Windows or Linux systems.

Before you begin

Note: The installation script can install components only to the server on which it
is running.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which
you are installing the component.
It is best to install the Mediation tool on the same server to which you installed the
Analytics component.
Note: If you are unable to gain access to a graphical display on the server hosting
the Analytics component, you can install the Mediation tool on a Linux desktop
system, or on a Windows desktop system. For details on install the Mediation tool
on a Windows system, see Chapter 6, Installing the Mediation tool on Windows,
on page 51. Installing to a Linux desktop system is performed in the same way as
described in the following procedure.

About this task

To install the Mediation tool, you are required to complete the following steps:

1. As the InfoSphere Streams administrator or root user do the following:


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

a. Open a terminal window on the server on which you are installing

SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
b. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.
c. Enter the command ./install.sh.
The IBM Installation Manager is opened.
d. Click the Install option.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
e. Select Predictive Insights install option and click Next.
f. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for SmartCloud Analytics
- Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements,
click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
g. On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the
path for the shared directory. The suggested default directory is
The IBM Installation Manager provides the ability to share components
across products. SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share
components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM
Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install
it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM
Installation Manager on the same server.
h. Click Next.
i. On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available
option for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files. We
suggest using default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/
installer and then click Next.
If you choose to change Installation Directory from default directory please
take into account that the Installation Directory must be unique for each
user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights components that can be installed.
2. Select Mediation tool and click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays
each distinct set of required information under a heading. All headings can be
selected within the pane on the left side.
3. Click Mediation tool configuration in the left pane and enter the required
4. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
5. Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary
6. Click Install.

Chapter 3. Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights


Post-installation - System status

After installation, SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights is ready to configure
into a working system.
The following elements are in place and ready to use when SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation is complete:
v Two default user roles (predictiveInsightsAdmin and predictiveInsightsUser)
are created in Tivoli Integrated Portal.
v The Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator (usually tipadmin) is given both roles.
v The administration CLI is directly usable by the Linux user account that
installed SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights, that is, the SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights account, which is by default scadmin.
v If OMNIbus integration is enabled during installation:
OMNIbus columns are created in the Object Server.
An OMNIbus mini-distribution is installed transparently as part of
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
The probe configuration files are updated to configure the connection to the
Object Server.
A default set of probe rules file is installed. The rules file stores all relevant
attributes in the Object Server database.
The right-click menu is configured in OMNIbus WebGUI during the UI
component installation.

What to do next
The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights installation is now complete, so
what do you do next?

About this task

1. After the installation is complete, all required configuration steps must be
a. To add the launch script to the AEL: Log in to Tivoli Integrated Portal, as
the administrator, click Administration > Event management Tools > Menu
Configuration, select Alerts and click Modify.
b. Move the ViewChildAlarms... and ServiceDiagnosis... scripts to your
preferred menu position, and click Save.
c. Click Users & Groups > Manage Groups, select the users to which you
want to give SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights access, and assign
the group predictiveInsightsUsers to the selected user.
2. Start SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights consuming data and
discovering anomalies:
a. Launch the Mediation tool by navigating to /opt/IBM/scanalytics/
mediationtool/eclipse and running ./eclipse.
b. Create a new project, and add a data source to the project, setting the data
source to be of type Database.
c. Update the fields within the Connection Details tab to setup the connection
to your source database.
d. Select the Model Design tab, synchronize with the database, and then select
the tables or groups that you want to form part of your model.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

e. For each group you selected, update the Group Definition, Attributes, and
f. Preview, validate and then deploy the resulting model.
g. Use the ./admin.sh set_property command to set the
aggregation.interval and ui.granularity.default.min properties.
h. Start SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights by navigating to the
$TASP_HOME/bin directory, and running .
i. Run the extractor using the command ./admin.sh run_extractor_instance
-m EXTRACT -s <starttime> -n
j. Wait for the training period to complete at which point SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights produces alarms.

Chapter 3. Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights



IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Chapter 4. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

Insights to a single server
How to install SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights on a single server.
You can install all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components on a
single server. This section contains the steps required to perform a single server
The installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components can only
be performed on the server on which you are running the IBM Installation
Manager. Remote installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
components is not supported, you must install each component on its host server.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to each server on which
you are installing a component

User accounts
The installation topology of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights can involve
a number of different user accounts. It is important to login as the correct user
when you pursue the installation of each component.

The User accounts that must be employed to install components

The following table lists the user accounts that must be used to install each
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights component.
Table 9. . The user accounts required to install components


Single server installation, that is, Root or non-root (special

all SmartCloud Analytics conditions apply for
Predictive Insights components
non-root, see the Notes)
are installed by the same user.

You can install all
SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights
components as a non-root
user, through one instance
of the IBM Installation
Manager, if either of the
following are true:
v That non-root user
account was used to
install all prerequisites.
Otherwise, only the root
user can be used to pursue
the installation of all
components through one
instance of the IBM
Installation Manager.

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights Analytics


Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013

Root or the user account

that is used to install
InfoSphere Streams

The user account that is

used to install InfoSphere
Streams. The user specified
in this documentation is


Table 9. (continued). The user accounts required to install components




SmartCloud Analytics The user account that is

Predictive Insights User Interface used to install Tivoli
Integrated Portal

The SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI has

the limitation that the user
who installed Tivoli
Integrated Portal (which
may have occurred as part
of the OMNIbus WebGUI
installation) must install
the SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI.

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights Database

The DB owner is not

necessarily the DB2
instance owner. The user
specified in this
documentation is scadmin.

Root, the database owner,

or a non-root user that is
part of the same group as
the database owner.

Note: SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that you use a BASH
shell for the scadmin user.

Install the IBM Installation Manager

IBM Installation Manager is the tool that you use to install your software packages.

Before you begin

Create the directory /opt/IBM/scanalytics on each server to which you are
installing a SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights component. Create the
directory in such a way that each user that will be used to install SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights on that server has read, write and execute
permissions on this directory.

About this task

The IBM Installation Manager must be installed once for each user you intend to
use to install the individual SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
components. The IBM Installation Manager can be installed only once for each user
on a server.
If you are performing a single server installation, that is, all components are being
installed on the one server, you must install the IBM Installation Manager once on
that server for each user you intend to use for the installation of each component.
If you are performing a multi server installation, that is, a distributed installation,
you must install the IBM Installation Manager on each server you intend to install
a component. The installation of each IBM Installation manager must be carried
out by the user you intend to use to install the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights component on that server.

1. Extract the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights package from the media.
2. Change to the new installer directory.
3. Start the installer by running the command:


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide


4. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for IBM Installation
Manager. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept
the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
5. On the location page, in the Installation Manager Directory field, type the path
for the directory where you want to install Installation Manager or accept the
default path and then click Next.
6. On the Summary page, review your choices before starting the installation
process. If you want to change your selections, click Back to return to the
previous pages. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Install. The
IBM Installation Manager is installed.
7. Click Finish.

The IBM Installation Manager is restarted and the IBM Installation Manager home
screen is displayed.

What to do next
If upon restart of your IBM Installation Manager, you are not presented with the
set of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights packages for installation, do the
1. Click Exit, to close the IBM Installation Manager.
2. Restart the IBM Installation Manager by running the command:

Installing all components on one server

Installing all the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components on one

Before you begin

You can install all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components as a
non-root user, through one instance of the IBM Installation Manager, if either of the
following are true:
v That non-root user account was used to install all prerequisites.
v That non-root user account is configured to be a member of the same groups as
the users that were used to install each prerequisite.
Otherwise, only the root user can be used to pursue the installation of all
components through one instance of the IBM Installation Manager.
Note: The installation script can install components only to the server on which it
is running.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which
you are installing the component.

About this task

The following instructions will install all components to the one server:

Chapter 4. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights to a single server


1. As root, or a qualified non-root user, for example, scadmin, do the following:
a. Open a terminal window on the server on which you are installing
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
b. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics
- Predictive Insights installation package.
c. Enter the command ./install.sh.
The IBM Installation Manager is opened.
d. Click the Install option.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
e. Select Predictive Insights install option and click Next.
f. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license
agreements, click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then
click Next.
g. On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the
path for the shared directory. The suggested default directory is
The IBM Installation Manager provides the ability to share components
across products. SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share
components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM
Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install
it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM
Installation Manager on the same server.
h. Click Next.
i. On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available
option for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files.
We suggest using default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/
install_<user>/installer and then click Next.
If you choose to change Installation Directory from default directory
please take into account that the Installation Directory must be unique for
each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
2. Select Database, Analytics, UI, and Mediation tool and click Next. The IBM
Installation Manager displays each distinct set of required information under a
heading. All headings can be selected within the pane on the left side.
3. Click Database creation configuration in the left pane and enter the required
Please note the following points:
v Update to create DB on a specific location: Optional setting by which you
can specify an install location for the database that is not the default DB2
location. The directory must exist and be owned by the DB2 instance user.
4. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
5. Click Analytics configuration in the left pane and enter the required
6. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

7. If you wish to integrate SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights with

OMNIbus, click Omnibus connection configuration in the left pane and enter
the required information.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click UI configuration in the left pane and enter the required information.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click Mediation tool configuration in the left pane and enter the required
12. Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
13. Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary
14. Click Install.


Post-installation - System status

After installation, SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights is ready to configure
into a working system.
The following elements are in place and ready to use when SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation is complete:
v Two default user roles (predictiveInsightsAdmin and predictiveInsightsUser)
are created in Tivoli Integrated Portal.
v The Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator (usually tipadmin) is given both roles.
v The administration CLI is directly usable by the Linux user account that
installed SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights, that is, the SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights account, which is by default scadmin.
v If OMNIbus integration is enabled during installation:
OMNIbus columns are created in the Object Server.
An OMNIbus mini-distribution is installed transparently as part of
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
The probe configuration files are updated to configure the connection to the
Object Server.
A default set of probe rules file is installed. The rules file stores all relevant
attributes in the Object Server database.
The right-click menu is configured in OMNIbus WebGUI during the UI
component installation.

What to do next
The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights installation is now complete, so
what do you do next?

About this task

1. After the installation is complete, all required configuration steps must be
a. To add the launch script to the AEL: Log in to Tivoli Integrated Portal, as
the administrator, click Administration > Event management Tools > Menu
Configuration, select Alerts and click Modify.
b. Move the ViewChildAlarms... and ServiceDiagnosis... scripts to your
preferred menu position, and click Save.

Chapter 4. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights to a single server


c. Click Users & Groups > Manage Groups, select the users to which you
want to give SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights access, and assign
the group predictiveInsightsUsers to the selected user.
2. Start SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights consuming data and
discovering anomalies:
a. Launch the Mediation tool by navigating to /opt/IBM/scanalytics/
mediationtool/eclipse and running ./eclipse.
b. Create a new project, and add a data source to the project, setting the data
source to be of type Database.
c. Update the fields within the Connection Details tab to setup the connection
to your source database.
d. Select the Model Design tab, synchronize with the database, and then select
the tables or groups that you want to form part of your model.
e. For each group you selected, update the Group Definition, Attributes, and
f. Preview, validate and then deploy the resulting model.
g. Use the ./admin.sh set_property command to set the
aggregation.interval and ui.granularity.default.min properties.
h. Start SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights by navigating to the
$TASP_HOME/bin directory, and running .
i. Run the extractor using the command ./admin.sh run_extractor_instance
-m EXTRACT -s <starttime> -n
j. Wait for the training period to complete at which point SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights produces alarms.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Chapter 5. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

Insights in console mode
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights can be installed in console mode for
those who cannot access a graphical display.
You can install all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components on a
single server. You can also install the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
components in a distributed configuration.
Note: This chapter covers the distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights components in console mode. Console mode should only be
used if you are unable to access or use a graphical interface. If you can access a
graphical interface it is recommended that you pursue the installation using the
IBM Installation Manager in graphical mode, which is covered in Chapter 3,
Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights, on page 21
If you choose to install SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights as a distributed
system, the component combinations you install must be based on the installation
configurations that are described in this document. For more information about the
possible installation configurations, see Supported configurations on page 1.
The installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components can only
be performed on the server on which you are running in console mode. Remote
installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components is not
supported, you must install each component on its host server.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to each server on which
you are installing a component

User accounts
The installation topology of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights can involve
a number of different user accounts. It is important to login as the correct user
when you pursue the installation of each component.

The User accounts that must be employed to install components

The following table lists the user accounts that must be used to install each
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights component.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013


Table 10. . The user accounts required to install components



Single server installation, that is, Root or non-root (special

all SmartCloud Analytics conditions apply for
Predictive Insights components
non-root, see the Notes)
are installed by the same user.

You can install all
SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights
components as a non-root
user, through one instance
of the IBM Installation
Manager, if either of the
following are true:
v That non-root user
account was used to
install all prerequisites.
Otherwise, only the root
user can be used to pursue
the installation of all
components through one
instance of the IBM
Installation Manager.

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights Analytics


Root or the user account

that is used to install
InfoSphere Streams

The user account that is

used to install InfoSphere
Streams. The user specified
in this documentation is

The user account that is

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights User Interface used to install Tivoli
Integrated Portal

The SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI has

the limitation that the user
who installed Tivoli
Integrated Portal (which
may have occurred as part
of the OMNIbus WebGUI
installation) must install
the SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights UI.

SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights Database

The DB owner is not

necessarily the DB2
instance owner. The user
specified in this
documentation is scadmin.

Root, the database owner,

or a non-root user that is
part of the same group as
the database owner.

Note: SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that you use a BASH
shell for the scadmin user.

Install the IBM Installation Manager

The IBM Installation Manager can be installed in console mode for those who
cannot access or use a graphical interface. IBM Installation Manager is the tool that
you use to install your software packages.

Before you begin

Create the directory /opt/IBM/scanalytics on each server to which you are
installing a SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights component. Create the
directory in such a way that each user that will be used to install SmartCloud


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Analytics - Predictive Insights on that server has read, write and execute
permissions on this directory.

About this task

The IBM Installation Manager must be installed once for each user you intend to
use to install the individual SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
components. The IBM Installation Manager can be installed only once for each user
on a server.
If you are performing a single server installation, that is, all components are being
installed on the one server, you must install the IBM Installation Manager once on
that server for each user you intend to use for the installation of each component.
If you are performing a multi server installation, that is, a distributed installation,
you must install the IBM Installation Manager on each server you intend to install
a component. The installation of each IBM Installation manager must be carried
out by the user you intend to use to install the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive
Insights component on that server.

1. Extract the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights package from the media.
2. Change to the new installer directory.
3. Start the installer in console mode by running the command:
./install.sh -c

Note: The console accepts both upper and lower case.

4. Ensure IBM Installation Manager is selected, type 'n' and press Enter.
5. Type 'a' to accept the Licence Agreement, type 'n' and press Enter.
6. To change location type 'l', or else type 'n' to accept the default location and
press Enter.
7. Type 'i' to install.
8. Type 'r' to restart.

What to do next
If upon restart of your IBM Installation Manager, you are not presented with the
set of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights packages for installation, run
./install.sh -c once more.

Installing the database

Installing the database for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights in console

Before you begin

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights database component can be
installed by the database owner that is created in section Adding a new DB2 user
or by the root user.
Note: The installation script can install components only to the server on which it
is running.
Chapter 5. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights in console mode


Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which
you are installing the component.

About this task

To install the database, you are required to complete the following steps:

1. As the database owner, as root, or as s user that is part of the same group as
the database owner, for example, scadmin, open a terminal session on the
server on which you want to install the database component.
2. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.
3. Run the command:
./install.sh -c

Note: The console accepts both upper and lower case.

The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
4. Type '1' to Install and press Enter.
5. Type '1' to select IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights and
press Enter.
Type '1' to choose version to install and press Enter.
Type 'n' to select package and press Enter.
Type 'a' to accept license agreement and press enter
Type 'n' and press Enter.
To change Shared Resources location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the
default location, and press Enter. The suggested default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared. The IBM Installation Manager
provides the ability to share components across products. SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other
product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared
directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be
unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same
11. To change Packages location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the default
location, and press Enter. We suggest using default directory of
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer and then click Next. If you
choose to change Installation Directory from default directory please take into
account that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who
installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation
Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components
that can be installed.
12. Select Database and type 'n'. Make sure you have deselected any components
that you do not wish to install as the current user. The IBM Installation
Manager displays each distinct set of required information under a heading.
All headings can be selected within the pane on the left side.

13. Enter the connection details for your database as requested.

Please note the following:
Update to create DB on a specific location: This is an optional setting by
which you can specify an install location for the database that is not the
default DB2 location. The directory must exist and be owned by the DB2
instance user.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide


Should Validation fail choose 'r' to re-enter values, or else type 'n' to continue
Type 'i' to install.
Type 'f' to finish.
Type 'x' to exit.

Installing the Analytics component

Installing the analytics component for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights
in console mode.

About this task

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights analytics component can be
installed by the InfoSphere Streams administrator, which was set to be scadmin
during the InfoSphere Streams install, or by the root user.
Note: The installation script can install components only to the server on which it
is running.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which
you are installing the component.
A SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights database must exist before the
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights Analytics component can be installed,
therefore, you must install the Database component before you install the Analytics
component. If you are installing the Database and Analytics components together,
the installer will require that the database installation is completed first.
It is advised that you install the Mediation tool using the same user as you use to
install the Analytics component, that is, the InfoSphere Streams administrator.
To install the analytics component, you are required to complete the following

1. As the scadmin or root user, open a terminal session on the server on which
you want to install the Analytics component.
2. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.
3. Run the command:
./install.sh -c


Note: The console accepts both upper and lower case.

The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
Type '1' to Install and press Enter.
Type '1' to select IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights and
press Enter.
Type '1' to choose version to install and press Enter.
Type 'n' to select package and press Enter.
Type 'a' to accept license agreement and press Enter
Type 'n' and press Enter.

Chapter 5. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights in console mode


10. To change Shared Resources location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the
default location, and press Enter. The suggested default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared. The IBM Installation Manager
provides the ability to share components across products. SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other
product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared
directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be
unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same
11. To change Packages location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the default
location, and press Enter. We suggest using default directory of
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer and then click Next. If you
choose to change Installation Directory from default directory please take into
account that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who
installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation
Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components
that can be installed.
12. Select Analytics and type 'n'. Make sure you have deselected any components
that you do not wish to install as the current user. The IBM Installation
Manager displays each distinct set of required information under a heading.
All headings can be selected within the pane on the left side.
13. Enter the connection details for your database as requested.
14. Should Validation fail choose 'r' to re-enter values, or else type 'n' to continue
15. Type 'i' to install.
16. Type 'f' to finish.
17. Type 'x' to exit.

Installing the UI component

Installing the UI component for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights in
console mode.

Before you begin

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component is installed by the
same user that installed Tivoli Integrated Portal.
Note: The install script can only install components to the machine on which it is
Make sure you have copied the installation package to the server on which you
installing the component.
Tivoli Integrated Portal must be running before installing the SmartCloud Analytics
- Predictive Insights UI. The UI installation process will perform a restart of Tivoli
Integrated Portal.

About this task

A SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights database must exist before the
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component can be installed,
therefore, you must install the Database component before you install the UI
component. If you are installing the Database and UI components together, the
installer will require that the database installation is completed first.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

1. As the user that installed Tivoli Integrated Portal, open a terminal session on
the server on which you want to install the UI component.
2. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.
3. Run the command:
./install.sh -c



Note: The console accepts both upper and lower case.

The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
Type '1' to Install and press Enter.
Type '1' to select IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights and
press Enter.
Type '1' to choose version to install and press Enter.
Type 'n' to select package and press Enter.
Type 'a' to accept license agreement and press enter
Type 'n' and press Enter.
To change Shared Resources location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the
default location, and press Enter. The suggested default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared. The IBM Installation Manager
provides the ability to share components across products. SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other
product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared
directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be
unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same
To change Packages location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the default
location, and press Enter. We suggest using default directory of
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer and then click Next. If you
choose to change Installation Directory from default directory please take into
account that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who
installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation
Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components
that can be installed.

12. Select UI and type 'n'. Make sure you have deselected any components that
you do not wish to install as the current user. The IBM Installation Manager
displays each distinct set of required information under a heading. All
headings can be selected within the pane on the left side.
13. Enter the connection details for your database as requested.
14. Should Validation fail choose 'r' to re-enter values, or else type 'n' to continue
15. Type 'i' to install.
16. Type 'f' to finish.
17. Type 'x' to exit.

Chapter 5. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights in console mode


Installing the Mediation tool

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights Mediation tool is used to configure
the data presentation to SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights. The tooling
can be installed on Windows or Linux systems.

Before you begin

Note: The installation script can install components only to the server on which it
is running.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which
you are installing the component.
It is best to install the Mediation tool on the same server to which you installed the
Analytics component.
Note: If you are unable to gain access to a graphical display on the server hosting
the Analytics component, you can install the Mediation tool on a Linux desktop
system, or on a Windows desktop system. For details on install the Mediation tool
on a Windows system, see Chapter 6, Installing the Mediation tool on Windows,
on page 51. Installing to a Linux desktop system is performed in the same way as
described in the following procedure.

About this task

To install the Mediation tool in console mode, you are required to complete the
following steps:

1. As the InfoSphere Streams administrator or root user, open a terminal session
on the server on which you want to install the Mediation tool.
2. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.
3. Run the command:
./install.sh -c

Note: The console accepts both upper and lower case.

The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
4. Type '1' to Install and press Enter.
5. Type '1' to select IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights and
press Enter.
6. Type '1' to choose version to install and press Enter.
7. Type 'n' to select package and press Enter.
8. Type 'a' to accept license agreement and press enter
9. Type 'n' and press Enter.
10. To change Shared Resources location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the
default location, and press Enter. The suggested default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared. The IBM Installation Manager
provides the ability to share components across products. SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other
product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be
unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same
11. To change Packages location type 'm', or else type 'n' to accept the default
location, and press Enter. We suggest using default directory of
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer and then click Next. If you
choose to change Installation Directory from default directory please take into
account that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who
installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation
Manager displays all SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights components
that can be installed.
12. Select Mediation tool and type 'n'. Make sure you have deselected any
components that you do not wish to install as the current user. The IBM
Installation Manager displays each distinct set of required information under a
heading. All headings can be selected within the pane on the left side.
13. Type 'i' to install.
14. Type 'f' to finish.
15. Type 'x' to exit.

Post-installation - System status

After installation, SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights is ready to configure
into a working system.
The following elements are in place and ready to use when SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation is complete:
v Two default user roles (predictiveInsightsAdmin and predictiveInsightsUser)
are created in Tivoli Integrated Portal.
v The Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator (usually tipadmin) is given both roles.
v The administration CLI is directly usable by the Linux user account that
installed SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights, that is, the SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights account, which is by default scadmin.
v If OMNIbus integration is enabled during installation:
OMNIbus columns are created in the Object Server.
An OMNIbus mini-distribution is installed transparently as part of
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
The probe configuration files are updated to configure the connection to the
Object Server.
A default set of probe rules file is installed. The rules file stores all relevant
attributes in the Object Server database.
The right-click menu is configured in OMNIbus WebGUI during the UI
component installation.

Chapter 5. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights in console mode


What to do next
The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights installation is now complete, so
what do you do next?

About this task

1. After the installation is complete, all required configuration steps must be
a. To add the launch script to the AEL: Log in to Tivoli Integrated Portal, as
the administrator, click Administration > Event management Tools > Menu
Configuration, select Alerts and click Modify.
b. Move the ViewChildAlarms... and ServiceDiagnosis... scripts to your
preferred menu position, and click Save.
c. Click Users & Groups > Manage Groups, select the users to which you
want to give SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights access, and assign
the group predictiveInsightsUsers to the selected user.
2. Start SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights consuming data and
discovering anomalies:
a. Launch the Mediation tool by navigating to /opt/IBM/scanalytics/
mediationtool/eclipse and running ./eclipse.
b. Create a new project, and add a data source to the project, setting the data
source to be of type Database.
c. Update the fields within the Connection Details tab to setup the connection
to your source database.
d. Select the Model Design tab, synchronize with the database, and then select
the tables or groups that you want to form part of your model.
e. For each group you selected, update the Group Definition, Attributes, and
f. Preview, validate and then deploy the resulting model.
g. Use the ./admin.sh set_property command to set the
aggregation.interval and ui.granularity.default.min properties.
h. Start SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights by navigating to the
$TASP_HOME/bin directory, and running .
i. Run the extractor using the command ./admin.sh run_extractor_instance
-m EXTRACT -s <starttime> -n
j. Wait for the training period to complete at which point SmartCloud
Analytics - Predictive Insights produces alarms.

Modifying the installation in console mode

The Modify option available in console mode can alter the set of components
installed on a server by installing or uninstalling based on the selections you make.

About this task

To modify the existing installation on a server:

1. As the user previously used to install components on the server, open a
terminal session.
2. Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights installation package.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

3. Run the command:

./install.sh -c


Note: The console accepts both upper and lower case.

The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
Type '3' to Modify and press Enter.
Ensure the correct check box is selected for Select package groups to modify
and type 'n'.
Select the check box for each component you want to install and clear the
check box for each component you want to uninstall.
Type 'n' and press Enter.
Type 'm' to modify.
Type 'f' to finish.
Type 'x' to exit.

Chapter 5. Installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights in console mode



IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Chapter 6. Installing the Mediation tool on Windows

The SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights Mediation tool can be installed on
Windows as well as Linux.

Instructions on how to install the Mediation tool on Windows.
1. Log on to the Windows environment to which you want to install the
Mediation tool.
2. Extract the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights package from the media.
3. Open the windowsMediationTool folder within the extracted package. This
folder contains the file PredictiveInsights-MediationTooling-1.2.0-win32.zip.
4. Extract the ZIP file to your desired installation location.
5. Open the folder to which you extracted the ZIP file, and in turn open the
contained eclipse folder.
6. Double click on the eclipse.exe icon. When you open the tool, you will be
asked to choose a workspace. Choose a directory unique to the Mediation tool.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013



IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Chapter 7. Uninstalling SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive

How to uninstall the SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights system.
SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights offers both an interactive and a silent

Uninstalling SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights

How to uninstall SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

About this task

The same user profile restrictions that apply to installation also apply to the
uninstallation. For more information on user profile restrictions, see the User
accounts and installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights" section of
Chapter 3, Distributed installation of SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights,
on page 21.
The order of uninstallation is very important when you are uninstalling from a
distributed environment. The order of uninstallation must be:
1. UI
2. Mediation tool
3. Analytics
4. Database
Perform the following steps to uninstall SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.

Uninstalling the UI component. You must uninstall the UI component as the user
that was used to install Tivoli Integrated Portal.
1. Log into the server on which you have installed the UI component as the user
that you used to install Tivoli Integrated Portal.
2. Run ./install.sh
3. Select Uninstall
4. Click the check box for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
5. Click Next.
The next panel displays all the components installed as the current user.
6. To uninstall UI you must first connect to the SCAPI database. Enter DB
password and click Validate. If validation fails you can select check box to
ignore validation and continue
7. Click Next.
8. Enter Tivoli Integrated Portal user password and click Validate. If validation
fails you can select check box to ignore validation and continue
9. Click Next.
10. Click Uninstall.
UNinstall the Mediation tool, the Analytics component, and the Database
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013


component as the scadmin user. If you have distributed the installation of these
components, that is, installed each component on separate servers, log on to each
of these servers and run the following steps.
Note: Remember the order of uninstallation of these components is important. The
order must be
a. Mediation tool
b. Analytics
c. Database
11. Log onto the relevant server as the scadmin user.
12. Run ./install.sh
13. Select Uninstall
14. Click Next.
15. Click the check box for SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights.
16. Click Next.
The next panel displays all the components installed as the current user.
17. For each component that you are uninstalling:
a. Enter the requested passwords.
b. Click Validate.
c. Click Next when all conditions have been satisfied.
18. When all component selections have been validated, click Uninstall.


IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

Chapter 8. Installation log files

The log files that are created during the installation of SmartCloud Analytics Predictive Insights.
The installation log file: /tmp/tasp_install_<user><date>.log
The command-line interface log file: $TASP_HOME/log/cli/cli_trace.log.
Where $TASP_HOME is the installation location of the analytics component.

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IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide

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