Chicago CRM RFP

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Specification No. 119440
Required for use by:
(Department of Innovation and Technology)

This RFP distributed by:

(Department of Procurement Services)
All proposals and other communications must be addressed and returned to:
Jamie L. Rhee, Chief Procurement Officer
Attention: Charlita Fain, Assistant Procurement Officer
[email protected]
Department of Procurement Services
Bid & Bond Room - Room 301, City Hall
121 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602
A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Friday, September 20, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Central
Time at Department of Procurement Services, 121 N. LaSalle Street, City Hall, 11th Floor - Room
1103, Chicago, Illinois 60602.
Attendance is Non-Mandatory, but encouraged.


CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

Table of Contents
1. General Invitation ......................................................................................... 3

Purpose of the Request for Proposal........................................................................... 3

Description of Business Needs .................................................................................... 4
Current State................................................................................................................ 6

2. Scope of Services .......................................................................................... 9


CRM Software .............................................................................................................. 9

Implementation Services ........................................................................................... 12

3. General Information and Guidelines ........................................................... 23


Respondent Organization and Related Requirements .............................................. 23

Communications between the City of Chicago and Respondents ............................ 23
Deadline and Procedures for Submitting Proposals .................................................. 24
Procurement Timetable ............................................................................................. 26
Term of Contract and Exceptions .............................................................................. 26
Partnering .................................................................................................................. 26
RFP Information Resources ....................................................................................... 26
Transparency Website: Trade Secrets ...........................................................................

4. Proposal Requirements ............................................................................... 29


Required Proposal Format ......................................................................................... 29

Required Proposal Content ....................................................................................... 29

5. Proposal Evaluation .................................................................................... 43


Evaluation Process ..................................................................................................... 43

Evaluation Criteria ..................................................................................................... 44

6. Additional Details of the RFP Process .......................................................... 47


Addenda ..................................................................................................................... 47
Citys Right to Reject Proposals ................................................................................. 47
No Liability for Costs .................................................................................................. 47
Prohibitions on Certain Contributions Mayoral Executive Order No. 11-4 ............ 47
False Statements........................................................................................................ 48
Participation by Other Local Government Agencies ................................................. 48

Exhibit 1 Functional and Technical Requirements........................................... 49

Exhibit 2 Interrogatories................................................................................. 91
Exhibit 3 Company Profile Form and Project Reference Form ......................... 99
Exhibit 4 Cost Proposal Form ........................................................................ 102
Exhibit 5 Sample Professional Services Agreement ....................................... 108
Exhibit 6 Insurance Requirements ................................................................ 109
Exhibit 7 Service Request Volume ................................................................ 114
Exhibit 8 Data Protection Policy with Contractors ........................................ 118
Exhibit 9 New Information Security Policies ................................................. 123
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CRM Modernization Solution RFP


Specification No. 119440

General Invitation
Purpose of the Request for Proposal

The City of Chicago ("City"), acting through its Department of Innovation and Technology
("DoIT"), is pleased to invite the submission of proposals for the modernization of the City's
Constituent Relationship Management ("CRM") system and processes to not only replace the
City's current technology, but to provide a holistic, transformative solution to help the City of
Chicago provide world-class resident relationship management services. The City sees the new
CRM solution as the platform for this vision. However, this is strictly a tool. The Selected
Respondent must deliver a comprehensive solution that empowers the City to provide
convenient, user-friendly access for residents to connect, communicate, and collaborate with
the City and with each other.
The Emanuel Administration has set high standards for open, participatory government that is
accessible to all Chicagoans. The City wants to fundamentally transform the manner in which it
interacts with its residents and is seeking a long-term partner who shares and can help deliver
on that vision. Through this initiative, the City wants to redefine the resident experience with
City government. This transformation includes the following components:
A best-in-class, consistent level of customer service
Consistent access to City services through multiple communication channels
A transparent approach to providing resident-centric data
A high-touch, personalized interaction when communicating with the City
Continuous improvement of service delivery and responsiveness to residents through
monitoring and measuring performance
Web portal designed around a residents needs and perspective
The City is looking for software and consulting services that will:
Transform the way residents experience government services
Increase accountability for service fulfillment
Enhance transparency into City operations
Provide resident access to real-time data
Fit both the new and old ways in which residents communicate and participate
Create innovative bi-directional relationships with residents
Foster collaboration between City departments and among residents
Allow residents to participate in problem-solving and improved service delivery
Facilitate data-driven decision making both by the City and its communities
Identify opportunities for improvement of City services
By means of this solicitation, the City seeks a partner to help transform the way Chicagoans
interact with their government and to improve each residents experience interacting with the
City. Vendors with proven CRM software and demonstrated experience designing public-facing
programs and processes that leverage that technology are invited to respond to this RFP. The
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CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

City is interested in a software as a service (SaaS) deployment and is not interested in hosting
the solution on premises.
For the purposes of this RFP, Chief Procurement Officer ("CPO") means the Chief Procurement
Officer of the City of Chicago. Chief Information Officer ("CIO") means the Chief Information
Officer of the City of Chicago. The "Foundational Departments" are 311 City Services,
Department of Buildings, Department of Family and Support Services, Department of Streets
and Sanitation, Department of Transportation, and Department of Water Management.
"Respondent" means a company or individual that submits a proposal in response to this RFP.
"Selected Respondent" means the awardee of the contract. The Scope of Services outlined in
Section 2 of this RFP will be referred to as "Services." The set of documents submitted by a
Respondent will be referred to as a "Proposal."

Description of Business Needs


The current CRM technology was installed in January of 1999. The City seeks to replace this
system with a state-of-the-art technology solution and resident engagement strategies that will
facilitate the City's commitment to collaboration and innovation and help Chicagoans better
connect with all that the City has to offer. There are several key drivers for this change,
Increasing the profile for 311 initiatives
Providing a comprehensive, centralized, user-friendly knowledge base
Increasing residents use of self-service options and digital technologies
Improving intake scripting to provide consistent messages
Providing a consistent approach to address residents' service requests
Improving querying and reporting capabilities
Improving call-related measurement tools and tracking of end-to-end call flows

Web Portal

The 311 web-portal is the public face for City services. The City wants to use this initiative to
build and leverage the Citys brand. As part of this project, the City expects to develop a
resident web portal that will rival best-in-class private sector offerings, such as Coca-Cola,
Starbucks, and The need is for real-time or near real-time interactivity,
integration with social media and mobility, and an intuitive, easy to navigate user interface. It
should be a tool to help City employees better serve our residents and to build loyalty and
trust. It must provide collaboration tools that allow residents to share ideas, solve problems,
and empower our residents to help make decisions. The focus must place a priority on making
it convenient for the resident to communicate more openly with the City.

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Specification No. 119440

Multi-Channel Design

Forging improved relationships and actively engaging the residents of Chicago is a primary goal
of this project. In 2012, approximately 7% of all service requests were self-service requests
from mobile devices, the City website, and other third party APIs. As part of this project, the
Selected Respondent will work with the City and residents to design applications and develop a
public face for 311 that fits both the new and standard ways that Chicagoans communicate. As
the reliance on digital channels grows, the City needs to ensure consistent service delivery
across all the channels. Whether residents prefer using mobile, phone, text, tweet, or web selfservice/email, they can submit their ideas, questions, requests, suggestions, and feedback
through any channel and know that the city is listening. To enable this objective, it is critical to
integrate customer service processes and data, so that City staff work with the most
comprehensive and updated resident view, regardless of which channel a resident uses. The
following table outlines the City of Chicago's 2012 service requests by intake channel and
demonstrates the opportunity for improvement in self-service requests.

Percent of Total

2012 Service Requests by Intake Channel













Securing resident buy-in with the City's proposed engagement model is a critical success factor.
The City's long-term partner will work with the City to design strategies for:
Educating and informing residents about the City's CRM initiative,
Identifying bi-directional channels to collect and process feedback,
Developing tactics to utilize to build "common ground" with residents, and
Encouraging adoption of and participation by the residents in all channels.

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This multi-layered education and outreach design will be a collaboration between the City,
Selected Respondent, civic groups, and residents to build awareness and excitement regarding
resident engagement initiatives.

Transparency and Accountability

Mayor Emanuel has pushed for open data and predictive analytics to make government
services more efficient. Chicagos Data Portal posts more than 500 data sets that are available
to the public to make their government more accessible to them. The City envisions that the
new CRM system will provide extensive data that will feed various other City systems to
support advanced analytics. The City has also forged collaborations with civic-minded
technology organizations and individual developers to build applications that harness this data
into relevant, accessible tools that improve the day to day life of City residents. This initiative
will provide an improved platform to continue these critical initiatives.
The City expects that the new CRM technology will provide the data to drive analytics that will
foster collaboration between departments with the residents and facilitate data-driven decision
making and process improvements in City departments. The Citys new CRM solution will
leverage existing call center resources, help standardize call-taking policies and procedures, and
provide the Mayors Office, the City Council, and City management with detailed metrics on
how efficiently calls for services are being handled. It will give local elected officials the ability
to monitor the delivery of services to their residents. The solution will foster accountability and
allow managers to spot trends, establish customer service goals, and analyze the work of their
departments to facilitate informed decision-making regarding the allocation of resources and
improvements in operations, thereby improving the provision of City services to residents.

Current State

311 City Services is part of the City's Office of Emergency Management and Communications.
As the City's centralized customer service agency, 311 City Services operates the 311 Call
Center, that serves as the point of entry for residents, business owners, and visitors that need
easy access to information regarding City programs, services, and events. It is the also the
intake point for all customer service requests (CSRs) for the City and serves as the back-up
center for 911. The 311 Call Center is a 24 by 7 by 365 operation with a staff of 74, including 69
call takers and several supervisors. In 2012, the call center received approximately 3.4 million
calls and tracked more than 1.7 million requests for 502 distinct service types which were
routed to more than 30 City departments for fulfillment. The following table outlines the City
of Chicago's 2012 service request volume.

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2012 City of Chicago Service Request Volume


# of Service

# of Type Codes

Streets and Sanitation






Water Management



Family & Support Services






Animal Care and Control



Other Government Agencies



311 City Services


Business Affairs and Consumer Protection





Zoning and Land Use Planning





Mayor's Correspondence Group







Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities


Community Development



Outside Agencies




Budget and Management


Mayor's Volunteer Network


Speaker's Bureau


Requests for CSR Assistance





Commission on Human Relations


Extreme Weather Notification


General Services



Task Force


Office of Emergency Management and Communications

Grand Total



Foundational Departments





Innovation & Technology

Percent of Total

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Specification No. 119440

The requirements in this RFP were developed through a thorough analysis of the needs of 311
City Services and the following five operational departments: Buildings, Family and Support
Services, Streets and Sanitation, Transportation, and Water Management (collectively, the
Foundational Departments). The Foundational Departments comprised 87% of the total
service request volume in 2012 and represent the needs of both infrastructure and human
services departments.
The City operates in a multi-platform technology environment described in detail in the City
Hardware and Software Standards document available on the Citys website. Respondents
must familiarize themselves with this document and align their technical responses with the
described standards where appropriate.
The Selected Respondent will be required to interface the new CRM solution with the Citys
current telephony, work-order, GIS, and other City systems. The Selected Respondents
Proposal will be comprehensive and include all transformative strategic planning, business
analysis, business process redesign, knowledge base design, hosting, configuration, integration,
documentation, training, knowledge transfer, project management, and other implementation
services necessary to create a modern, world-class 311 operation and improved platform for
superior service delivery for not only today, but also the future.

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CRM Modernization Solution RFP


Specification No. 119440

Scope of Services

The CRM Modernization Project encompasses CRM software and implementation services to
deliver a transformative resident relationship management solution for the City of Chicago.
This section details the scope of the project, including software and implementation services.
The specific submittal requirements to demonstrate the Respondents ability to meet these
expectations are contained in Section 4 Proposal Requirements.
As indicated in Section 1 of this RFP, the City wants the Selected Respondent to not only
implement the CRM software, but more importantly to deliver a suite of comprehensive
services that align with the Mayors vision to provide a truly innovative, transformative resident
experience when they interact with the City. The software requirements are detailed in Section
2.1 and the implementation related services are detailed in Section 2.2 below.

CRM Software
Functional and Technical Requirements

The City has created a list of functional and technical requirements for the CRM solution in the
following categories:
Service Request Management
Resident Self-Service
Knowledge Base Management
General IT
10.0 Social Media
11.0 Security
The detailed requirements are included as Exhibit 1 Functional and Technical Requirements to
this RFP. The City does not expect or require that a single solution meet all of the
requirements; however, Respondent is required to indicate whether their solution meets the
requirements out of the box, meets the requirements with configuration, will meet the
requirements in a future release, or does not meet the requirements.
In addition, Respondent shall provide additional information on the functional and technical
features of their CRM solution. Exhibit 2 Interrogatories provides a list of questions
enumerating the required information. Respondent must complete both the matrix of
requirements in Exhibit 1 and answer the open-ended questions in Exhibit 2.

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Specification No. 119440

Software License Counts

The City seeks to procure the following number of licenses. Please use these amounts in
developing the Cost Proposal submission.
User Type
311 Call Center Operators and Supervisors

Named Users






Super Users



IT/System Administrative users


Full Entry Departmental Users

Note: The 75 licenses for 311 Call Center operators and supervisors need to be dedicated
If the Respondent would like to offer an alternative licensing model that they believe is
financially beneficial to the City, they are welcome to submit that model in addition to the user
licensing model requested above.

Interfaces and Integration

Software Integration

The software must be able to integrate with City systems, including but not limited to:
Active Directory
Infor EAM
Field Force Manager
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
Adaptive Enterprise Solutions
Detail on each of these systems is provided in Section 2.2.3 System Interfaces and Integration


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The City has no plans to replace the telephony in the 311 Center. The CRM solution must work
within the context of the current telecommunications technology. The following is information
regarding the existing telephony system:
Telecom system name - Vesta
Software version number - 3.0 (SP3)
Hardware version - M5316
Projected hardware and software version number - M5316, Vesta 4.0
Vendor responsible for maintaining the system - AT&T

Maintenance and Support

The City is exclusively interested in implementing a SaaS solution. Maintenance and support
shall be provided through the subscription agreement between the Selected Respondent and
the City. The maintenance agreement will not commence until the application has been placed
in production and accepted by the City in writing. The maintenance agreement must provide
ongoing system support and maintenance, including upgrades, bug fixes, and patches, and
other technical support necessary for City staff to operate the solution, including help desk
support on general system use, configuration settings, reporting, etc.

Software/System Documentation

The Selected Respondent will provide detailed system and user documentation to City staff
responsible for the operation and support of the system. The Selected Respondent shall
provide digital, searchable technical and user manuals to the City. Additionally, the Selected
Respondent will also provide the City with complete digital, searchable system implementation
documentation concerning installation, configuration, testing, interfaces, and data conversion.
The Selected Respondent shall also provide PDF copies of all documentation listed above and
unlimited downloads to updated copies.
The Selected Respondent shall provide, in a timely manner, system documents that describe all
software in sufficient technical and functional detail, so that this information can be used by
City personnel to maintain the system and resolve identified problems.

Performance Standards

The system will be expected to meet performance standards that will be defined in the final
contract. Respondent should provide documentation of their standard Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) as part of their response.
In the event the Selected Respondent does not meet the contractual performance
requirements, the Selected Respondent will pay the City of Chicago damages. The liquidated
damages for failing to adhere to defined SLAs may be defined during contract negotiations.

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Specification No. 119440

Implementation Services

The City requests all necessary implementation services to provide a CRM system that meets
the Citys needs. Many of the required services the City wants go beyond what a typical CRM
implementation involves. The City will not be satisfied with a standard, out of the box CRM
implementation. The City needs to tap into the management consulting expertise of the
Selected Respondent to deliver on the vision articulated in Section 1.
This section outlines the Citys parameters and expectations around these implementation
services and is in no way meant to delineate all of the tasks expected to complete the
implementation. Respondents should consider all factors when developing their approach,
implementation plan, and cost proposal. Specific detailed examples that include a coherent
methodology for aligning these services with the CRM software deployment is a critical success
factor. The City places a value on the delivery of these services.

Phased Implementation

Due to the volume of service requests and types, the size of the City as an organization, and the
complexity within the departments, the City believes a phased approach to implementation is
most appropriate. The City has identified the following three phases:
Phase 1 (Pilot) 311 City Services and the Department of Water Management have
been identified as the pilot departments. In 2012, they had 253,957 service requests
(approximately 15% of the annual volume) covering 85 service request type codes.
Phase 2 (Foundational Departments) After the pilot is concluded, the following
departments will have their service requests configured and will transition to the new
Department of Buildings
Department of Family and Support Services
Department of Transportation
Department of Streets & Sanitation
The call center and Foundational Departments represent, based on 2012 data, 87% of all
incoming service requests and 60% of the service request type codes.
Phase 3 (Remaining Departments) All service requests covering the remaining 25
departments will be transitioned in Phase 3. Refer to Exhibit 7 Service Request
Volume for the list that includes the remaining departments.
The Citys goal is to minimize the amount of time that two systems are operating concurrently
and ideally avoid this completely.
The City appreciates the Respondents experience with organizations of similar size and scope
and is open to other recommended approaches. The City is open to recommended alternatives
based on Respondents experience and knowledge gained from past CRM implementations.

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Specification No. 119440

Strategic Planning, Business Analysis, and Related Services

Strategic Planning

The Selected Respondent will work with the City to develop a transformative strategy to stay
ahead of the residents demands for technology, convenience, service expectations, and
relationship building. This strategy must break down the departmental silos that exist and
create synergies with work order management tools that are being deployed. In addition, the
strategy must support the launch of an integrated social media and mobile platform that will
accompany the CRM deployment.
The Selected Respondent will work with the City to identify bi-directional channels to collect
and process feedback and to develop tactics to utilize to build common ground with
residents. Whether residents prefer using mobile, phone, text, tweet, or web selfservice/email, they can submit their ideas, questions, requests, suggestions, and feedback
through any channel and know that the City is listening and will respond. As the reliance on
digital channels grows, the City needs to ensure consistent service delivery across all
communications channels and strive towards multi-channel service consistency. To enable this
objective, it is critical for the Selected Respondent to integrate customer service processes and
data, so that City staff work with the most comprehensive and updated resident view,
regardless of which channel they use. Education and Outreach
Another key component of the Mayors vision is developing the education and outreach
strategy to drive adoption of this initiative. The City values an innovative approach to educating
their residents and requires the Selected Respondent to develop an education and outreach
campaign and a method and means to measure the effectiveness of the education and
outreach campaign. This will include specific steps and tactics to collect, measure, and monitor
resident satisfaction with the new CRM solution, and a plan to leverage this information to
update, if applicable, the outreach strategy.
Ultimately, the City wants a 360-degree view of the resident while ensuring that all relevant
privacy and security guidelines are followed. The City believes that by understanding more
about the unique needs of their residents, they will be able to provide an elevated level of
service by anticipating resident needs instead of merely reacting to them.
The City is receptive to trying new ideas as evidenced by City sponsorship of hackathons,
crowdsourcing/crowdfunding, hosting an unconference, or coordinating meet-ups. As the
City desires using a multi-channel approach to process residents inquiries, they are interested
in understanding Respondents approach to leveraging similar tools from an outreach

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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Type Analysis

Over time, the City has added, modified, and deleted type codes. There are more than 600
distinct type codes, 502 of which were used in 2012. For more details on the Citys service
request volume, see Exhibit 7 Service Request Volume. As the current system has evolved,
there has not been a systematic analysis of type codes and business processes. The Selected
Respondent will engage all in-scope departments in a systemic review and rationalization of
type codes to eliminate redundancy and improve operations.
All service request types will require analysis and some level of redesign of their business
processes for intake, transferring, updating, and closing service requests. Any place where an
end user interfaces with the system should be analyzed and processes to track work updated,
including scripted questions for each service type.

Service Request Fulfillment and City SLAs

Analysis and redesign of processes for fulfillment of these service requests is outside of the
scope of this project. This work will be accomplished as part of another initiative. Analysis and
redesign of the Citys SLAs for service types are outside of the scope of this project.

Duplicate Detection

Accurate duplicate detection and creating relationships among service requests is critical
functionality for the City. Different service types have different duplication variables. The
Selected Respondent will need to work with City subject matter experts to define the most
appropriate duplication detection algorithms for high volume request types. Respondent
should estimate that there will be somewhere between 5 and 10 different duplicate detection

City GIS

There are many GIS layers that the City has identified as being useful for identifying the
appropriate service request type, pin-pointing the exact location for a service request,
providing information for resident status reports, and providing useful information to work
crews for more efficient fulfillment. As a sample, the list of layers may include:
Sister agency properties
Electrical circuits/grids atlas
Building parcel information
Sewer atlas
Water atlas
ComEd outages
Peoples Gas outages

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Permit locations and dates (to see where there are active CDOT, DWM, ComEd, Peoples
Gas, permits are active)
Block ID
Active CDOT, Water, and Sewer construction projects
Contractors maintenance
Global Grid

Not every layer is appropriate or necessary for all service types. The Selected Respondent will
be expected to work with subject matter experts to determine what layers should be turned on
and off for various service types and/inquiries in order to facilitate effective intake and

Knowledge Base Design, Organization, and Implementation

The Citys current CRM system does not include a knowledge base system. The Selected
Respondent will work with City subject matter experts to design, organize, and implement the
solutions knowledge base.
The City intends to develop two separate knowledge base views: resident-facing and internal
(City-use) only. While the content may be substantially identical, it is critical that the two
separate views of the knowledge base be developed and maintained.
The Selected Respondent will work with identified City staff to develop policies, procedures,
and protocol for maintaining the knowledge base after implementation.


Currently the Citys 311 agents have very limited call scripting capabilities that are utilized when
processing incoming resident requests. The Selected Respondent will develop detailed call
scripting to provide a consistent, uniform experience to callers as the 311 Call Center is the
primary channel residents currently use to communicate with the City.

Custom Reporting

The City anticipates the need for some level of custom reporting. The City has invested in
building a data warehouse to provide data through the Citys business intelligence solution
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE). The City has deployed data marts using
custom star schemas and off-the-shelf data marts. The selected respondents will be
expected to provide a data mart solution to support custom reports not available within the
applications reporting system.

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Specification No. 119440

System Interfaces and Integration

The Selected Respondent will be responsible for building integrations with the following
incumbent City applications.




Department Directionality

1 Esri ArcGIS




Into CRM only

2 Infor EAM

Work Order




3 Hansen

and Work




4 Banner

Water Billing




5 FileNet









Into CRM only

7 Field Force









Into OBIEE only

9 Adaptive


Adsystech DFSS


10 Socrata Open
Data Portal

Data Portal



Into Socrata

11 Outlook

Email and



Into Outlook

12 Active





Currently service requests are sent to Infor EAM (formerly Datastream) and Hansen work order
systems, locked during fulfillment, and then closed when the work is complete. The Selected
Respondent will work with subject matter experts to determine what data and at what points in
the fulfillment process data should pass back into the CRM System in order to optimize resident
satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Configuration, Testing, and Acceptance

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Specification No. 119440

The Respondent will be required to detail for the City the potential configuration options that
are available to meet the requirements.
The Respondent will be required to produce a configuration document as a project deliverable
prior to the systems final configuration.
The Respondent will be required to configure all necessary proposed functionality for the City
and is expected to work closely with the Citys functional experts to finalize the configurations
and transfer knowledge.
The Respondent will be required to provide a testing strategy and plan (including scripts) as a
project deliverable to the City. The final testing plan will be signed off by the City prior to the
execution of tests.
The Respondent should provide four system environments: development/configuration,
testing, training, and production.
The Selected Respondent will work with the City to ensure that at the time of cutover, the
system is functioning with performance superior to that of the current CRM system.

Training and Knowledge Transfer

Training Plan

The Selected Respondent shall provide the City with a comprehensive training program that
includes instructor-led training to facilitate successful implementation and knowledge transfer
of the proposed CRM solution. The City is interested in training services that use employee
time efficiently and effectively transfers practical knowledge about the use of the new CRM
solution. The Respondent shall propose an approach that includes significant opportunity for
knowledge transfer throughout implementation and enhanced system understanding by the
use and development of in-house trainers.

Train-the-Trainer Training Plan

In addition to the instructor-led training program, please provide a comprehensive training

program that leverages a train-the trainer methodology for comparative purposes.

Instructor-Led Training

The Selected Respondent shall provide thorough training in each of the following areas for the
designated number of people. Respondent shall specify duration for each of these training

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Specification No. 119440

End-User Training (630 in the Foundational Departments, 75 call takers and

supervisors in the 311 Call Center and 200 in other departments)

Each department or business unit will rely on end users to work directly with the system each
day. To ensure that end users are qualified to use the proposed solution, the Selected
Respondent shall develop on-site training classes during which an instructor shall use software
and training guides to teach end users how to use the solution, including, at a minimum:
Creating, modifying, and canceling a service request
Accepting and routing a service request to the appropriate personnel
Resolving a service request
Querying service request status
Accessing the knowledge base
Creating and modifying queries and reports

Super User Training (20 in Foundational Departments and 25 in other


Each department or business unit will need staff capable of performing day-to-day
administrative tasks. These Super Users will not be called upon to perform enterprise-wide
tasks, but will oversee many aspects of their departments implementation and continuing
support. At a minimum, the Selected Respondent shall ensure that these Super Users are
proficient in each of the following:
Service request configuration
Scripting and workflow configurations
Report creation and dashboard configuration
Knowledge base maintenance SLAs, Reporting, and Analytics (up to 100 managerial staff City-wide)
The new system will offer opportunities for operational management and improvement
previously not available to the City. Management staff will need to understand how to
effectively leverage this capacity. Training should cover:
How to set appropriate and effective SLAs in the solution;
Measurement and monitoring adherence to SLAs
Standard management reports
Custom report creation in OBIEE
Dashboard creation and maintenance

Knowledge Base Design and Implementation Training (up to 50 staff City-wide)

The City has not used a formal knowledge base system. 311 City Services and departmental
staff will be responsible for designing and maintaining the knowledge base. These staff will
need an understanding of best-practice methodologies for knowledge base design and
maintenance to ensure that the system is built and maintained effectively.
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Specification No. 119440

Functional System Administrator Training (up to 5)

Above the level of Super User, a group of individuals will be responsible for system
administration, configuration, and security management for the enterprise as a whole. In
addition to proficiency at the Super User level, they will need to know:
User and group management
Permissions and security management
Enterprise-wide configuration settings
Data backups
Method for copying configuration settings and data across environments (i.e.,
Production to Training)

Train-the-Trainer Training (up to 10 staff City-wide)

The City will be responsible for training new hires and new business units that adopt the CRM
solution after the initial go-live. The Selected Respondent shall conduct on-site training classes
for in-house training staff who will lead, facilitate, and deliver the instructor-led portions of the
training on the CRM system. This training shall include the trainers role and responsibilities,
the planning and teaching process, CRM system knowledge, and exams that will test learning.
This course will provide City personnel with all of the required tools, templates, etc. to deliver
the training to their colleagues. The City would consider using these trainers in tandem with
Respondent trainers for the end-user training outlined above. City trainers must be proficient
by the end of the initial end-user training.

Customer Service Training (70 Call Center Operators (Optional))

The implementation of a new system provides a good opportunity for refresher training in
customer service. The Respondent will offer an advanced course in call center customer service
for all call center operators.

Other Training Considerations

Training should be conducted in the City environment using City data, configuration settings,
terminology, business processes, and scenarios. This training should be provided on a just in
time basis to minimize knowledge loss from the date of training until go live. 311 Call Center
operators and some departmental field crews work 24/7. The training plan must take into
account shift work.
Supplemental training and help tools should include:
Online content
Video instruction
Interactive classes
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End-user training will be focused on functional positions and workflow processes. All personnel
comprising a specific functional position in a department will be trained on the systems use
specific to their needs.
The Respondents training shall include evaluation of trainees to ensure that they have learned
the course content and can perform all necessary functions on the system. The Respondent
shall notify the City of any employees that fail this evaluation, and provide them additional
training as required. The Respondent shall repeat a training session at no additional cost to the
City if a majority of the trainees have not attained the skills from the training session or fail the
evaluation at the end of the training.
The Respondent shall provide trainees with workbooks, training aids, and online functional or
technical system manuals prior to or during the training session at no additional cost.
The Respondent shall provide a detailed outline of each training sessions objectives and
content at least 2 weeks prior to the training session for the City for review.
The Respondent shall provide trained and experienced instructor(s) and ensure that they do not
perform other duties during the training period that will interfere with instruction. Instructors
will provide a survey to trainees to evaluate presentation and course materials for effective
feedback to the City.

Data Migration

The City has more than fourteen years of historical CSR data. As part of the Citys data
warehouse initiative, the City will migrate all of the historical CSR data into the warehouse.
At a minimum, all service requests created in the 12 months prior to cutover and all open
service requests must be brought in and housed in the CRM solution for trending and reporting
purposes. The proposed solution must provide a process to migrate components of existing
historical data from the current applications into the proposed solution. The data will be
provided to the Selected Respondent in the form of a CSV or XML file.
Call Center staff members rely heavily on a phone directory of outside agencies and City
departments and staff to resolve information request calls. For more than half of the general
inquiry calls, the call taker either provides a phone number or transfers the call. The City will
need to import this directory into the new CRM knowledge base and potentially interface with
the City directory application.
The phone directory will need to have two levels of access one for public phone numbers and
one for private phone numbers.

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To enhance the customer experience and promote the use of mobile and web channels, the
City would like to migrate customer profile information from the water billing and City sticker
application databases. This data would be used to populate preliminary CSR accounts for
residents to facilitate account set up and promote resident adoption.
The migration shall include programmatic data cleansing and transformation to ensure accurate
reporting from the new system. The migration plan shall ensure a smooth and efficient
transition from the Citys current system to the new CRM solution with minimal disruption to
The sources of the data that need to be migrated into the selected CRM solution include, but
are not limited to:
Data Source


Description of Data

Motorola CSR System

1 year and all open

service requests

In-House Custom

Phone Directory


Customer Profiles

City Sticker Application

Customer Profiles

311 Web Portal Implementation

At the core of this CRM deployment will be the design of a state of the art resident web portal.
The CRM software will be an important tool in the development of the portal, but the City
wants the portal to be more than an information and service request repository. The portal
must play a role in providing the residents with collaboration tools that allow them to not only
interact with the City, but with each other. The portal should act as a one-stop-shop for
resident inquiries and to conduct transactions with the City. The portal must also provide the
City with data that supports the Citys open data initiatives. As part of this effort, the City,
working with the Smart Chicago Collaborative, will conduct focus groups with various groups of
residents to collect their feedback.
The Respondent must incorporate the current City website design standards into the new web
portal. A copy of the City Hardware and Software Standards document is available on the Citys

ADA Compliance

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Specification No. 119440

The 311 web portal must be compliant with Section 508 of the American with Disabilities Act.
The Respondent must submit a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template ("VPAT") for their
product(s) as part of their response.
The proposed software solution should be developed in line with W3C's Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines, industry technical standards for web content and applications.
For additional details on the components and functionality of this portal, please review Section
2.00 (Resident Self-Service) in Exhibit 1 Functional and Technical Requirements.

Social Media Integration

The City would like the Selected Respondent to build applications for:
CHI TEXT (the Citys existing 311 texting application)
The API for these items will be provided by the City.

Change Management

Employees have been using existing processes for many years. The City understands the
importance of change management services to the successful implementation of the CRM
solution. The City intends to select a vendor to deliver these services under a separate
procurement. While change management services are outside the scope of this procurement,
the Selected Respondent will be required to work closely with the Citys change management
vendor to ensure systemic adoption of the new solution.

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Specification No. 119440

General Information and Guidelines


Respondent Organization and Related Requirements

The Services contemplated are professional in nature. The Selected Respondent, acting as an
individual, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity, must be of professional status,
licensed to perform in the State of Illinois, licensed for all applicable professional discipline(s)
requiring licensing, and governed by professional ethics in its relationship to the City. All
reports, information, or data prepared or assembled by the Selected Respondent under a
contract awarded pursuant to this RFP are confidential in nature and will not be made available
to any individual or organization, except the City, without the prior written approval of the City.
Any contract resulting from this RFP document will contain a provision requiring confidentiality
on the part of the Selected Respondent.
The Respondent must be financially solvent and each of its members if a joint venture and its
employees, agents, and subcontractors of any tier must be competent to perform the Services
required under this RFP document.

Communications between the City of Chicago and Respondents

Submission of Questions or Request for Clarifications

Respondents must communicate only with the Department of Procurement Services (DPS).
All questions or requests for clarification must be submitted to Charlita Fain via email to
[email protected] utilizing the appropriate Clarifying Questions Template. The
subject line of the email must clearly indicate the RFP specification number.
All scope related questions and requests for clarification must be received no later than 4:00
p.m. Central Time, Tuesday, September 24, 2013. All questions and requests for clarification
must be submitted using the Clarifying Questions Template available on the DPS website. No
telephone calls or e-mails will be accepted after this date, unless the questions are general in

Downloadable RFP Documents and Other Information

Respondents may download the RFP in PDF format, Exhibit 1 in Microsoft Excel format, Exhibit
2 in Microsoft Word format, and any future addenda from the Citys DPS website at the
following URL address:
Paper copies will not be provided. This is a technology RFP and the City expects Respondents
to have full access to technology. The City also intends to cut its costs while adhering to
environmentally conscious practices; therefore, the City will not provide hardcopies of this RFP
or clarifications and/or addenda.
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After downloading the RFP, the Respondent must contact the Bid & Bond Room by emailing the
Respondents electronic business card or contact information to
[email protected] referencing Specification No. 119440. Submission of electronic
contact information will enable Respondents to receive any future clarifications and/or
addenda related to this RFP.
The City accepts no responsibility for the timely delivery of materials or for alerting the
Respondent on posting to the DPS website information related to this RFP.
Under no circumstances shall failure to obtain clarifications and/or addenda relieve a
Respondent from being bound by any additional terms and conditions in the clarifications
and/or addenda, or from considering additional information contained therein in preparing a
Proposal. Furthermore, failure to obtain any clarification and/or addendum shall not be valid
grounds for a protest against award(s) made under this RFP.

Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal and MBE/WBE Networking Session

The City will hold a Pre-Proposal Conference at Department of Procurement Services, 121 N.
LaSalle Street, City Hall, Room 1103, Chicago, Illinois 60602 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time on
Friday, September 20, 2013. All parties interested in responding to this RFP are urged to attend
in person. The City will answer questions and clarify the terms of the RFP at the Pre-Proposal
Conference. You are encouraged to send questions one week prior to the conference. The City
may respond both to questions raised on the day of the conference and to questions emailed
prior to the conference. Also, to facilitate MBE/WBE compliance, there will be a networking
session held immediately after the Pre-Proposal Conference to foster relationships between
certified MBE and WBE firms and non-certified potential Respondents. Anything stated at this
Pre-Proposal Conference is not intended to change the solicitation document. Any official
changes will be in writing in the form of an addendum issued by the Department of
Procurement Services.

Deadline and Procedures for Submitting Proposals

To be assured of consideration, Proposals must be received by the City of Chicago in the Citys
Bid & Bond Room (Room 301, City Hall) no later than 4:00 p.m. Central Time on Friday,
November 8, 2013. The Bid & Bond Room can be reached at telephone number (312) 7449773.
The City may, but is not required to accept proposals that are not received by the date and time
set forth in this RFP. Only the Chief Procurement Officer is empowered to determine whether
to accept or return late Proposals. No additional or missing documents will be accepted after
the due date and time, except as may be requested by the Chief Procurement Officer.
Failure by a messenger delivery service or printing service to meet the deadline will not excuse
the Respondent from the deadline requirement. Hand-carried Proposals must be placed in the
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Specification No. 119440

depository located in the Bid & Bond Room located in Room 301, City Hall. The time of the
receipt of all Proposals to this RFP will be determined solely by the clock located in the Bid &
Bond Room in City Hall. It is the Respondents sole responsibility to ensure that the Proposal is
received as required.
Proposals must be delivered to the following address:
Jamie L. Rhee, Chief Procurement Officer
City of Chicago
Department of Procurement Services
Bid & Bond Room
Room 301, City Hall
121 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Attention: Charlita Fain, Assistant Procurement Officer
The Respondent must submit one (1) hardcopy original Proposal and seven (7) electronic copies
of the Proposal in Portable Document Format (PDF) on CDs or flash drives. Respondent must
also submit one (1) hardcopy original Cost Proposal and one (1) electronic copy of the Cost
Proposal in a separate, sealed envelope. The electronic copy of the Cost Proposal should be
in both Excel and PDF format. The original documents must be clearly marked as ORIGINAL,
and must bear the original signature of the Respondents authorized signatory that can bind
their organization to all commitments outlined in the Proposal on all documents requiring a
signature. The Respondent must enclose all documents in sealed envelopes or boxes.
The outside of each sealed envelope or package must be labeled as follows:
Proposal Enclosed
Request for Proposals (RFP) for: CRM Modernization Solution
Specification No.: 119440
Due: 4:00 P.M., Friday, November 8, 2013
Submitted by: (Name of Respondent)
Package ___ of ___
The Citys opening of the Respondents sealed envelope(s) or package(s) containing a Proposal
shall neither be deemed nor constitute acceptance by the City of the Respondents Proposal.
The City reserves the right to open and inspect all such sealed envelope(s) or package(s),
regardless if the same were submitted by the due date and time specified herein, for any
purpose, including without limitation, determining the particular RFP to which the Respondent
has responded, determining if a Proposal was submitted by the date and time specified in this
RFP, and determining a Respondents return address.

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Specification No. 119440

Procurement Timetable

The timetable for the RFP solicitation process is summarized below. Note that these are target
dates and are subject to change at the discretion of the City.
Key Activity


Target Date

City Issues RFP

September 12, 2013

Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference

September 20, 2013

Proposal Questions Due

September 24, 2013

Answers to Questions Issued

October 15, 2013

Proposals Due

November 8, 2013

Term of Contract and Exceptions

The City anticipates a five year initial agreement term with up to three, three-year options
exercisable at the Citys sole option. A copy of a sample City of Chicago Professional Services
Agreement is included in Exhibit 5 Sample Professional Services Agreement. The City may
from time to time revise its terms and conditions. Respondents must identify any objections to
this Agreement in their response to this RFP.


This subsection is meant to help clarify questions regarding prime and subcontractor
partnering. There are no limits on firms partnering to prepare proposals to meet the
requirements in this RFP or on the number of proposals in which firms can participate. For
A firm that is acting as prime contractor may submit multiple responses as a prime
contractor utilizing different subcontractors and/or software solutions.
A firm acting as a prime contractor on one Proposal may act as a subcontractor on
another Proposal.
A firm may be listed as a subcontractor on more than one Proposal.
A single software product may be proposed on multiple Proposals.
The Proposal must clearly indicate the name of the prime contractor and all proposed


RFP Information Resources

Respondents are solely responsible for acquiring the necessary information or materials to
prepare their Proposal in response to this RFP. Information for preparing a response to this RFP
can be located on the Citys website as follows:
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a. Citys Procurement Site

1. Pre-Bid/Proposal Conference Attendees
2. Addenda and Exhibits, if any
3. All forms and information required to submit a Proposal in response to this RFP
City of Chicago M/WBE Special Conditions
M/WBE Assist Agency List
All Required Forms including Schedules C and D
4. Search MBE/WBE Directory Database
b. Technology Standards
1. City Hardware and Software Standards
2. City GIS Technology, Platform and Environment
3. City Information Security Policy*
c. City Confidentiality and Use Policy
d. Illinois Local Records Act
* Exhibit 9 includes the Citys new Information Security Policies that will be in effect prior to the
proposal due date. The Selected Respondent will be required to abide by the Citys Information
Security Polies, the Data Protection Policy with Contractors contained in Exhibit 8, and other
City policies, and laws, rules and regulations that apply with respect to the nature of the various
types of data transmitted to and stored by the selected respondents solution.
NOTE: To prevent Internet Explorer compatibility issues with Word and Excel files, please rightclick on these types of files (Clarifying Questions Template and MBE/WBE Waiver Document)
and select save target as before saving to your local drive.

Transparency Website: Trade Secrets

Consistent with the City's practice of making available all information submitted in response to
a public procurement, all bids, any information and documentation contained therein, any
additional information or documentation submitted to the City as part of this solicitation, and
any information or documentation presented to City as part of negotiation of a contract or
other agreement may be made publicly available through the City's Internet website.
However, Respondents may designate those portions of the Proposal which contain trade
secrets or other proprietary data ("Data") which Respondents desires remain confidential.
To designate portions of the Proposal as confidential, Respondent must:
A. Mark the cover page as follows: "This Proposal includes trade secrets or other proprietary
B. Mark each sheet or Data to be restricted with the following legend: "Confidential: Use or
disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this

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Specification No. 119440

C. Provide a CD-ROM with a redacted copy of the entire Proposal or submission in .pdf format
for posting on the City's website. Respondent is responsible for properly and adequately
redacting any Data which Respondent desires remain confidential. If entire pages or sections
are removed, they must be represented by a page indicating that the page or section has
been redacted. Failure to provide a CD-ROM with a redacted copy may result in the posting
of an un-redacted copy.
Indiscriminate labeling of material as "Confidential" may be grounds for deeming a Proposal as
All Proposals submitted to the City are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. The City will
make the final determination as to whether information, even if marked "confidential," will be
disclosed pursuant to a request under the Freedom of Information act or valid subpoena.
Respondent agrees not to pursue any cause of action against the City with regard to disclosure
of information.

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Specification No. 119440

Proposal Requirements

Respondents are advised to adhere to the submittal requirements of the RFP. Failure to comply
with the instructions in this RFP may be cause for rejection of the non-compliant Proposal.
Respondent must provide information in the appropriate areas of their Proposal that are
outlined throughout this RFP. Submission of a Proposal in response to this RFP constitutes
acceptance of all requirements outlined in this RFP. By submitting a response to this RFP,
Respondent acknowledges that if its Proposal is accepted by the City, its Proposal and related
submittals may become part of the contract.
If Respondent proposes alternative technical solutions for the Citys consideration in response
to this RFP, then the Respondent must submit separate and complete proposals for each such
proposed alternative solution. Please note that the City is only interested in a SaaS solution.

Required Proposal Format

Respondent must submit one (1) hardcopy original Proposal and seven (7) electronic copies of
the Proposal in PDF format on CDs or flash drives. Respondent must also submit one (1)
hardcopy original Cost Proposal and one (1) electronic copy of the Cost Proposal in a
separate, sealed envelope. The electronic copy of the Cost Proposal should be in both Excel
and PDF format. The original documents must be clearly marked as ORIGINAL, and must
bear the original signature of Respondents authorized signatory that can bind their
organization to all commitments outlined in the Proposal on all documents requiring a
signature. Respondent must enclose all documents in sealed envelopes or boxes.
Proposals must be prepared on 8 " X 11" letter size paper (preferably recycled), printed
double-sided, and bound on the long side. The City encourages using reusable, recycled,
recyclable, and chlorine free printed materials for bids, proposals, reports, and other
documents prepared in connection with this solicitation. Expensive papers and bindings are
discouraged, as no materials will be returned.
Sections should be separated by labeled tabs and organized in accordance with the subject
matter sequence as set forth in Section 4.2 below. Each page of the Proposal must be
numbered in a manner so as to be uniquely identified.

Required Proposal Content

Respondents are advised to adhere to the submittal requirements of the RFP and in particular
this section. The Proposal must include the information outlined in the following subsections.
Please prepare your Proposal by using each heading in this section on required proposal
content and in the same order as listed below. Failure to comply with the instructions of this
RFP may be cause for rejection of the non-compliant Proposal.

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While the City recognizes that Respondents provide costs in varying formats, compliance with
the enclosed Cost Proposal Form is critical to facilitating equitable comparisons and failure to
comply may result in rejection of the Proposal. In addition to the required Cost Proposal Form,
Respondent may submit alternative pricing models. In order to better align and compare
proposals, the City reserves the right to request revised pricing from all Respondents.

Cover Letter

Respondent must submit a cover letter signed by an authorized representative of Respondent

committing Respondent to provide the software and services as described in this RFP in
accordance with the terms and conditions of any contract awarded pursuant to the RFP

Executive Summary

Respondent must provide an executive summary that addresses the various categories outlined
in this subsection. Please note that these are meant to be summaries of the more detailed
responses called for in the remainder of this Required Proposal Content section.

Understanding and Proposed Solution and Implementation Services

Respondent should explain its understanding of the City's intent and objectives, describe its
proposed solution, and explain how their proposed solution achieves those objectives. To help
the City achieve its vision, Respondent must articulate the following in its Proposal:
A strategy to keep up with customer demand for technology, convenience, service
expectations, and relationship building
An approach to how they can break down silos and create synergies with the public
safety and departmental work order management tools that are being/will be deployed
How they would support the launch of integrated social media and mobile applications
How they would enhance enterprise-wide data sharing and the Citys Open
Data/transparency initiatives
An approach to empower residents with education and tools necessary to make the
Citys bureaucracy work for them.
How they can help the City achieve a 360-degree view of the resident while ensuring
privacy and security guidelines are met
Their approach for monitoring, measuring, and tracking resident satisfaction
Their approach for engaging residents to build collaboration tools and touch point
approaches that enhance the resident experience

In addition, Respondent shall discuss its approach to the following:

Plan for implementing and supporting the proposed CRM system
Proposed project timeline including milestones
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Approach to project management

Strategies, tools and safeguards for ensuring project success
Hardware and software considerations
Training and knowledge transfer
Ongoing maintenance and support
Additional factors for the City's consideration

Team Overview

Provide a brief summary of the qualifications, experience, and background of the entities that
comprise Respondents team and its Key Personnel (as herein defined) in performing the
Services as detailed in Section 2 Scope of Services;

Respondent Profile

Provide the following information about the Respondent:

Respondents legal name
Number of years Respondent has been in business
Its headquarters address
Its principal place of business
Its legal form (i.e., corporation, joint venture, partnership)
Names of its principals or partners
Whether Respondent is authorized to do business in the State of Illinois.

Principal Contact

Indicate the name, address, email address, and telephone number of the principal contact for
oral presentation or negotiations.

MBE/WBE Commitment

Summarize Respondent's commitment to comply with the MBE/WBE requirements as stated in

the Professional Services MBE & WBE Special Conditions available on the Citys website.


Provide a brief list of any major exceptions or objections to the terms and conditions in the
Sample Professional Services Agreement in Exhibit 5 that may become part of the Citys
contract with the Selected Respondent.

Addenda Acknowledgement

Acknowledge receipt of Addenda issued by the City, if any.

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Specification No. 119440

Proposed Solution

The Respondent must present the specific products and versions that it is proposing. The
response to this section must also outline the high level features and capabilities of the
proposed application software and indicate whether the proposed functionality is native to the
product or requires an integration with a third party software product.
Respondent shall provide in succinct narrative form, a description of the following software
Modules included with a description of each module proposed
Software licensing and deployment model
Web-based technology
Reporting and analysis tools
Development and integration tool sets
New version release schedule
Audit trail and security capabilities
Application architecture
Documentation (identify specific elements of documentation that are available with the
system, including system configuration and technical manuals (both online and hard
copy), data element dictionary, online help, and testing scripts, etc.)
Describe what percentage of the desired functionality is met out of the box and what features
are met through custom development. Describe your approach to configuration and if
applicable, your approach to software development.
The Respondent should use this narrative response as an opportunity to convey their
understanding of the Citys specific requirements and how their overall solution meets the
Citys needs.
Please note that this narrative response will be compared to your response to similar items in
the functional and technical requirements presented in Exhibit 1 Functional and Technical
Requirements and Exhibit 2 Interrogatories.

Hardware and Server Environments

The City has requested a SaaS solution. While the City is not responsible for the hardware and
software necessary for the Respondent to provide and host the SaaS solution, there may be
other hardware requirements necessary for the City to use the proposed solution. The
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Specification No. 119440

Respondent must provide a detailed specification of any and all onsite hardware or software
requirements, including servers, storage devices, handheld devices, operating systems,
applications, and any other hardware or software components needed to operate, run, and use
the proposed solution, if any. Please note that although the City requests that the Respondent
specify all such hardware and software in its Proposal, the City reserves the right to purchase all
such additional hardware and software. In addition, specify any hardware and software
minimum specifications required for user devices by user group (e.g., system administrators,
super users, end user, viewer, mobile device user, etc.).
Respondent must specify details on the minimum number of environments recommended to
run the specified system and its backup strategy for the solution including:
a. Development/Configuration
b. Quality Assurance/Testing
c. Training
d. Production

Functional and Technical Requirements Matrices

The Citys detailed functional and technical requirements for the CRM solution are outlined in
Exhibit 1 Functional and Technical Requirements. The functional and technical requirements
are the proposed functionality that the City desires. Respondent shall use the format provided
and answer each requirement, adding explanatory details as necessary in the Comments field
or in separately attached pages using the requirement number as a reference. The following
answer key must be used when responding to each of the requirements.
Response to Functional and Technical Requirements

Provided Fully Functional out of the box

or with configuration (no custom


Third-party Software Required to fully

provide the Requirement (Third-party
Software must be proposed)


Customization/Software Enhancement
required to meet the Requirement

Not Included in this Proposal

Respondent must use only one code per requirement. All requirement responses must be
submitted in the format presented in the attached spreadsheets. The requirements responses
submitted will become attached to the software license and implementation services
agreement. Respondent is expected to provide a warranty for all positive responses (every
response except "N").
Any requirement that is answered in any other way will be treated as an N response. For
your convenience, the matrices have been included with this solicitation as a Microsoft Excel
workbook. Complete the matrix on each tab in the workbook.

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The functional and technical requirements represent functionality that is currently needed as
well as functionality that is expected or is likely to be required in the future. All responses that
are marked F, CU, or TP must be included in the scope of the Proposal and in the Cost Proposal.
Furthermore, the module necessary to perform that functionality must be included in the scope
and cost of the Proposal.
Respondent must provide estimated costs, if any, and the projected time to complete the
customization for all requirement responses of "CU."
For requirement responses of TP," the Respondent must indicate the third-party product that
will be used to meet the requirement and include any additional costs in the Cost Proposal.
If a module is required for only a few functional requirements and it is not cost-effective to
include in the proposal, the Respondent should mark the requirement as "N" and indicate
accordingly in the comments field that this module is available, but not being included in the
Proposal. The Respondent should list the price of adding such module(s) in the Cost Proposal as
an optional item so the City can properly evaluate the full cost of selecting a Respondent,
should the City decide to add the optional module.
If functionality is currently not available, but expected to be available in a future version of the
software, the expected release date should be noted in the Comments column.


Respondent shall provide a full and complete response to each question in Exhibit 2
Interrogatories. Respondent should reiterate each question in their response. For Respondent
convenience, the interrogatives are included with this solicitation as a Microsoft Word file.

Additional Functionality

Respondent shall include a description of any products and features or other value-added
components available in the proposed solution that have not been specifically requested in this
RFP, but that may be of benefit to the City and the residents that it serves.

Third Party Products

Respondent shall outline any and all third party products that the City of Chicago must procure
in order to operate, run, or use the proposed solution that are not included in the Respondents
Cost Proposal.

Implementation Services and Approach

Respondent must describe its approach to providing the implementation and other related
services outlined in Section 2 Scope of Services. Respondent is to provide a concise narrative
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Specification No. 119440

response that explains exactly how the Respondent plans to meet the requirements list
outlined in the subsections below. Where applicable, Respondent is encouraged to provide
examples of how and where similar requirements are being met (or have been met previously)
on other projects. Respondent should use illustrations, diagrams, and/or attach sample
material in an appendix to provide additional clarity. The Respondent should use this narrative
response as an opportunity to convey their understanding of the Citys specific requirements
and how their overall approach and implementation services will meet the Citys needs.

Implementation Plan

Provide a comprehensive implementation plan that includes all of the implementation services
listed in Section 2 Scope of Services. Include a detailed project plan for this project indicating
tasks, milestones, timelines, deliverables, and resources. Included in the implementation plan
shall be a listing of the City of Chicago personnel that Respondent desires to support the
implementation and what percentage of their time, on an FTE (Full Time Equivalent) basis by
month, will be required. Please use the following table or other similar method to detail the
requested information.

Brief Description of
Project Duties

Percentage of Time Dedicated to the Project by Month

9 10 11 12 13 14 15




Project Management

The Respondents project manager will be responsible for managing and directing all project
activities, risks, communications, and deliverables within the defined scope, timeline, quality
standards, and budget. The Respondents Project Manager shall coordinate resources for the
overall project team that includes both City and Respondent resources.
Describe in detail your approach to project management. How will you ensure that the project
is completed on time and within budget? Describe your tools and methods for communication,
issue and risk management, scope management, etc.

Training and Knowledge Transfer

Describe in detail your approach to training and knowledge transfer. Provide a brief overview
of a training plan that addresses the training and knowledge transfer needs outlined in Section
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Specification No. 119440

2.2.5 Training and Knowledge Transfer. For each type of instructor-led training, the overview
should include an outline of the training, the required number of days and classes needed, a list
of documentation and manuals that will be included (e.g., training manuals, training videos,
online training materials, etc.), and suggested timing of the training.

Quality Assurance/Testing

Describe your approach to quality assurance and testing to ensure that all solution components
and their configuration settings will meet the Citys needs from both a functionality and
performance perspective. As part of this approach, clearly identify control tasks and testing
required to validate that transitions of configuration settings and data from one environment to
another (e.g., testing to production) will work properly. Describe your user acceptance testing
(UAT) approval process and how testing results are to be documented.

Maintenance and Support

The Respondent shall submit its software maintenance and support plan, which must include
the following components:
Procedures to resolve critical system issues
Emergency and 24/7 support options available
Policy regarding future enhancements and upgrades
Frequency of software updates and new software releases (i.e., patches and major
revision levels) for the solution
Anticipated life cycle of the software being proposed
Availability of tiered support options to handle potential escalations
A description of extended agreements if they are available
Hourly cost for on-site support that may be required
Description of periods of scheduled maintenance and system availability during such
scheduled maintenance periods
The Respondent must include a copy of their annual maintenance agreement in the Proposal
and provide guaranteed annual pricing for five (5) years and the maximum annual pricing for all
of the option years.
If the Respondent offers multiple maintenance and support options, please describe the details
involved with these options and identify which option you recommend for the City.
The Respondent shall detail the Citys information technology staff required to support the
system in their Proposal. List the title/role of each individual needed to support the system
along with the percentage of each persons time that will need to be spent supporting the
proposed solution.

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Service Level Agreements

Provide documentation of proposed service levels and performance standards. This should
include 24/7, 99.9% system availability and all other standard SLAs provided for the proposed
solution and any and all help desk and support services proposed. For each SLA, identify how
you triage and include response times.

Professional Qualifications and Specialized Experience of Respondent and Project

Team Members

Company Profiles
Respondents Team and Role of Each Team Member

Identify the companies that comprise Respondents team. Summarize the specific role and
degree of involvement of each participant in Respondents team. If Respondent is a business
entity that is comprised of more than one legal participant (e.g., Respondent is a general
partnership, joint venture, etc.), then Respondent must identify or cause to be identified all
participants involved, their respective ownership percentages, and summarize the role, degree
of involvement, and experience of each participant separately.

Firm Overviews and Company Profile Information

Include a firm overview for each such firm, which should include the Respondent/prime
contractor and all subcontractors, including MBE and WBE firms. If the Respondent is
proposing software provided by another company in a reseller type relationship, then also
include an overview of the software provider. The firm overview for each prime, subcontractor,
and software provider shall include a completed copy of the Company Profile Form contained in
Exhibit 3 as well as any additional information, such as relevant project experience, that
Respondent feels is relevant to assist the City in its evaluation of Respondents Proposal.

Company References

Respondent must describe their previous specialized experience on all recent CRM software
implementation projects for both public and private sector organizations with more than
500,000 constituents that have commenced or been deployed within the last five years. Please
use the Reference Form included in Exhibit 3 Company Profile and Reference Form for each
such reference. Experience will not be considered unless complete reference data is provided.
All client reference information must be supported and verified. Reference contacts must be
aware that they are being used and agreeable to City interview and follow-up. The City may
solicit from previous clients, including the City of Chicago, or any available sources, relevant
information concerning Respondents record of past performance.

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If Respondent proposes that major portions of the work will be performed by different team
members (e.g., one entity provides the software and another entity performs implementation
services), Respondent must provide at least three (3) references for each such team member,
preferably from similar government entities related to contracts of similar scope and
magnitude as described in this RFP. No more than one (1) of these references may be from
previous or current contracts between such team member and the City.

Staffing Plan and Key Personnel

Respondent must provide a staffing plan and organizational chart that identifies team members
(including subcontractors, suppliers and service providers), their relationship among each
other, their roles and responsibilities, and the key individuals with primary responsibility for
each area of the overall project. Respondent must also include City resources in the
organizational chart.
Respondent must provide a summary of the key personnel who will be dedicated to provide the
services described in this RFP. At a minimum, Respondent must identify the project manager,
lead business analysts, training manager, integration lead, information architect, and GIS lead.
For each person identified, describe the following information:
their title and reporting responsibility
their proposed role in this project, including the functions and tasks for which they will
have prime responsibility (also indicate areas of secondary responsibility if appropriate)
their pertinent areas of expertise and past experience (particularly for CRM
implementation projects)
location where they will provide the services (local or remote)
resumes or corporate personnel profiles that describe their overall experience and

Licenses and Certifications

Respondent must provide copies of appropriate licenses or certifications required of any

individual or entity proposed to perform the services described in this RFP in the City of
Chicago, County of Cook, and the State of Illinois, for itself, its partners, and its subcontractors,
including evidence that Respondent is authorized by the Secretary of State to do business in the
State of Illinois. Provide copies with the proposal submittal.

Capacity to Perform

Describe the capabilities of the Respondent to provide the proposed products and services for
the City. This should include a discussion of any uncompleted projects and/or contractual
commitments to other clients that will affect the Respondents or any of its team members
ability to deliver the products and services outlined in this RFP or that will affect the dedicated
resources committed to the project. Respondent should provide a summary of current and
future client commitments and include details on completion dates. Identify the percentage of
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Specification No. 119440

the services that will be performed utilizing your own workforce, equipment, and facilities and
the percentage of the work that will be subcontracted.

Cost Proposal (to be submitted in a separate, sealed envelope)

Respondent shall submit a detailed outline of all project costs, including software licensing (i.e.,
software licensing and maintenance, subscription services, implementation services, and any
and all other costs. For ease of comparing costs between Respondents, Respondents Cost
Proposal must be presented in the format provided in Exhibit 4 Cost Proposal Form.
Respondent shall provide additional details as necessary to fully explain the cost proposal and
will highlight any costs that do not fit cleanly into the Cost Proposal Form.
In addition, Respondent may propose an alternative pricing model for consideration. The City
reserves the right to request revised pricing from all Respondents. The City reserves the right
to negotiate a final fixed price and all terms and conditions with one or more Respondents.
All costs must be fixed and in writing. Costs must reflect all discounts and cost reductions
based on multiple licenses/sites or other considerations. The City of Chicago anticipates
awarding a Notice-to-Proceed under this RFP for a firm, fixed price for software and
implementation services. Respondents must provide a detailed cost breakdown of all fee rates,
costs, and expenses computed in the firm, fixed price to be charged to the City under
Respondent's proposal.
Respondent shall also submit a total cost of ownership analysis over a period of five years.
Respondent should document all assumptions used to calculate costs that would not be
included in the contract between the Selected Respondent and the City resulting from this RFP.

Minority and Women Business Enterprises Participation Plan and Commitment

MBE/WBE Participation Plan and Commitment

Respondent must describe its plan for MBE/WBE participation and commit to achieving the
MBE participation goal of 25% and WBE participation goal of 5% for this RFP. Respondents are
encouraged to provide more ambitious MBE/WBE plans if possible.
Software licensing, SaaS licensing subscriptions, ongoing maintenance and support, and other
annual fees are exempt from MBE/WBE participation. Respondents may submit their
MBE/WBE participation proposals for implementation and other professional services only.

MBE/WBE Forms and Letters of Certification

Respondent must submit a completed Schedule D-1: Compliance Plan Regarding MBE/WBE
Utilization, Affidavit of Prime Contractor referencing the goals stated in this RFP. Respondent
must also obtain a separate Schedule C-1: Letter of Intent from MBE/WBE to Perform as a
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Subcontractor, Supplier or Consultant completed and signed by each proposed MBE and WBE
firm describing the services to be provided. With each Letter of Intent form, Respondent
should submit a current Letter of Certification issued by the City of Chicago. The proposed MBE
or WBE firm must be certified by the City of Chicago at the time of Proposal submission. The
City reserves the right to require Respondents to replace any proposed MBE or WBE that is not
certified with the City of Chicago.
The percentage participation for each MBE and WBE firm on the individual Schedule C-1: Letter
of Intent from MBE/WBE to Perform as a Subcontractor, Supplier or Consultant should match
the percentages for each MBE and WBE firm listed on the Schedule D-1: Compliance Plan
Regarding MBE/WBE Utilization, Affidavit of Prime Contractor. All forms submitted must have
original signatures. Failure to submit these documents or submitting incomplete documents
may result in Respondent being declared non-responsive and may result in the rejection of
Respondents Proposal.
All forms required in this section are available at the Citys website.
In order to determine the best way to achieve and document MBE/WBE participation,
Respondent should refer to the Professional Services MBE and WBE Special Conditions
regarding Minority Business Enterprise Commitment and Women Business Enterprise
Commitment. To locate MBE and WBE firms who are currently certified with the City of
Chicago in various areas of specialty, you may search the Citys MBE/WBE Directory Database
on the Citys website.

Financial Statements

Respondent should provide a copy of its audited financial statements for the last three years.
Respondents that are comprised of more than one legal entity must include financial
statements for each entity. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any financial
documentation other than the financial statements requested by this section. If Respondent is
not the provider of the software solution, then Respondent should also provide a copy of the
audited financial statements of the software provider.
If Respondent is unable to provide audited financial statements, Respondent shall state the
reasons in its Proposal and provide financial documentation in sufficient detail to enable the
City to assess Respondents financial condition. Sufficient alternate documentation would be
unaudited financial statements from those Respondents not required to have their financial
statements audited. At a minimum, the statements need to be the balance sheets and income
statements (or equivalent) for the requested three years. Assets/liabilities and
income/expenses must be presented in adequate detail for the City to assess the financial
condition of the Respondent.

Economic Disclosure Statement and Affidavit (EDS)

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Respondent must process an online Economic Disclosure Statement and Affidavit. At the end
of the process, the system will generate a one page certificate of filing. Respondent shall
submit a copy of two documents with their proposal: (1) Certificate of Filing printed from the
system and (2) hardcopy of the executed online EDS Acknowledgement form in lieu of hardcopy
EDS forms.
If Respondent is a joint venture or partnership, attach a copy of the joint venture or partnership
agreement signed by an authorized officer of each partner. Each partner must submit a
separate EDS and one in the name of the joint venture or partnership.
Subcontractors may be asked, at the Citys discretion, to submit an EDS during the evaluation
4.2.10. Respondents Corporate History, Business License, and Authority to do Business in
Illinois Respondents Corporate History
Respondent must provide a chronological history of all mergers and/or acquisitions (if any)
involving the Respondent and each legal entity comprising Respondent, including all present
and former subsidiaries or divisions and any material restructuring activities, if applicable.
Include any such forthcoming actions, if such disclosure has already been made generally
available to the public and is permitted by law.
If Respondent is not the provider of the software solution, then Respondent should also provide
a corporate history for the software provider. Business License/Authority to do Business in Illinois
Respondent must provide copies of appropriate licenses or certifications required of any
individual or entity performing the services described in this RFP in the City of Chicago, State of
Illinois, for itself, its partners and its subcontractors, including evidence that Respondent is
authorized by the Secretary of State to do business in the State of Illinois. Provide copies with
the Proposal submission.
These requirements will vary depending upon the circumstances of each Respondent. See the
Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protections (BACP) website for additional
If required by law, Respondents are required to have an Illinois Business License. See the State
of Illinois, Department of Business Services website for additional information.
Additionally, visit the State of Illinois, Division of Professional Regulations website for
information regarding the State of Illinois Professional Certifications.
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4.2.11. Legal Actions

Respondent must provide a list and a brief description of all material legal actions, together
with any fines and penalties, for the past five years in which (a) Respondent or any division,
subsidiary, or parent entity of Respondent, or (b) any member, partner, etc., of Respondent if
Respondent is a business entity other than a corporation, has been:
A debtor in bankruptcy; or
A plaintiff or defendant in a legal action for deficient performance under a contract or
violation of a statute or related to service reliability; or
A respondent in an administrative action for deficient performance on a project or in
violation of a statute or related to service reliability; or
A defendant in any criminal action; or
A named insured of an insurance policy for which the insured has paid a claim related
to deficient performance under a contract or in violation of a statute or related to
service reliability; or
A principal of a bond for which a surety has provided contract performance or
compensation to an obligee of the bond due to deficient performance under a contract
or in violation if a statute or related to service reliability; or
A defendant or respondent in a governmental inquiry or action regarding accuracy of
preparation of financial statements or disclosure documents.
The City reserves the right to request similar legal action information from Respondents team
members during the evaluation process.
4.2.12. Insurance
Respondent is required to provide a statement on their company letterhead stating their
agreement to meet all insurance requirements by the City in Exhibit 6 Insurance
Requirements. Prior to contract award, the selected Respondent will be required to submit
evidence of insurance in the appropriate amounts.
4.2.13. Exceptions
Provide a list of any exceptions or objections to the terms and conditions in the Sample
Professional Services Agreement in Exhibit 5 that may become part of the City contract with the
selected Respondent. The terms and conditions attached should not be construed as the sum
total of the terms and conditions that will constitute the final contract. Furthermore, the City
may make changes to the attached terms and conditions in its discretion. Respondent must
identify any exceptions or objections to those terms and conditions in its Proposal. If
Respondent does not list such exceptions or objections in its Proposal, the City will not
entertain any such exceptions or objections on these provisions during contract negotiation.

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Specification No. 119440

Proposal Evaluation


Evaluation Process

An Evaluation Committee, which will include representatives of the Department of Innovation

and Technology, 311 City Services, and the Department of Procurement Services and may
include representatives of the Foundational Departments of the City (Evaluation Committee
or EC) will review and evaluate the Proposals, as described below.
The RFP proposal evaluation process is organized into three phases:
Phase I Preliminary Proposal Assessment
Phase II Proposal Evaluation
Phase III Demonstrations and/or Oral Presentations

Phase I Preliminary Proposal Assessment

Phase I will involve an assessment of the Respondents compliance with and adherence to all
submittal requirements requested in Section 4 Proposal Requirements. Proposals that are
incomplete and/or missing key components necessary to fully evaluate the Proposal may, at the
discretion of the EC, be declared non-responsive and may be rejected from further
consideration. The City at its discretion may waive non-material omissions or provide an
opportunity to cure.

Phase II Proposal Evaluation

In Phase II, the EC will evaluate the extent to which a Respondents proposal meets the project
requirements set forth in the RFP. Phase II will include a detailed analysis of the Respondents
proposed solution, qualifications, experience, approach and methods, cost proposal, and other
factors based on the evaluation criteria outlined in Section 5.2 Evaluation Criteria.
As part of the evaluation process, the EC will review the information required by Section 4
Proposal Requirements for each Proposal received. The EC may also review any other
information that is available to it, including, but not limited to, information gained by checking
references and by investigating the Respondents financial condition.
The City reserves the right to seek clarification of any information that is submitted by any
Respondent in any portion of its Proposal or to request additional information at any time
during the evaluation process. Any material misrepresentation made by a Respondent may
void the Proposal and eliminate the Respondent from further consideration.
The City reserves the right to enlist independent consulting services to assist with the
evaluation of all or any portion of the Proposal responses as it deems necessary.

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After the Evaluation Committee completes its review of Proposals in Phase II, it may submit to
the Chief Information Officer a recommended short list of Respondents (Phase III), or the EC
may forego Phase III and submit a recommendation to select a Respondent, and/or recommend
to reject any or all Proposals.

Phase III Demonstrations and/or Oral Presentations

If the EC submits a short list of Respondents for further review, then, in the sole discretion of
the Chief Information Officer, those short-listed Respondents may be subject to a site visit
and/or be invited to appear before the Evaluation Committee for an oral presentation and
demonstration to clarify information provided in Respondents Proposals, and/or to ask
Respondents to respond to additional questions.
Following oral presentations and demonstrations, the Evaluation Committee will make a final
evaluation of the Respondents and submit its recommendation to the Chief Information Officer.
Such recommendation may be to enter into negotiations with only one Respondent or may be
to enter into negotiations with more than one Respondent.
Upon receipt of the ECs recommendation, the Chief Information Officer will submit a decision
(concurrence or rejection of the ECs recommendation) to the Chief Procurement Officer. The
Chief Procurement Officer shall then consider the Chief Information Officer's recommendation
and exercise her authority to either notify the Respondent(s) to enter into contract negotiations
or reject the recommendation and offer alternate options.
The City will require the selected Respondent(s) to participate in contract negotiations. In
order to award a contract that represents the best value to the City, as determined by the Chief
Information Officer and the Chief Procurement Officer, the City reserves the right to enter into
concurrent competitive price negotiations with one or more qualified respondent(s). The City's
requirement that a selected Respondent negotiate is not a commitment by the City to award a
The City reserves the right to terminate this RFP solicitation at any stage if the Chief
Procurement Officer determines this action to be in the City's best interest. The receipt of
Proposals or other documents will in no way obligate the City of Chicago to enter into any
contract of any kind with any party.

Evaluation Criteria

The Evaluation Committee will review the overall responsiveness and completeness of the
Proposal with respect to the requirements outlined in this RFP and Respondent's Proposal,
including any and all proposed optional and additional software and services, as well as the
outcome of any site visits, oral presentations, demonstrations, and negotiations, using the
following criteria, which are not listed in any particular order:

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5.2.1. Proposed Solution

The EC will consider the Respondents proposed solution and the responses to the Functional
and Technical Requirements (Exhibit I) and Interrogatives (Exhibit II), including any proposed
exceptions. The EC will consider the following:
Degree to which Respondents proposed solution meets the Citys business and
technical requirements.
Added value of any particular component(s) of the proposed solution.
Capabilities of the computer technology aspects of the proposed solution, including
communications, programmability, report generation, and interfaces.
Impact of the proposed solution on the operations of the user departments, and the
demonstrated ability of the solution to enhance operational efficiency and
5.2.2. Qualifications and Experience
The EC will consider Respondents professional competence as evidenced by the information
submitted by Respondent documenting Respondents:
Ability to provide the Services described in the RFP, including capacity to achieve the
project goals, objectives, and Scope of Services described in this RFP.
Professional qualifications and specialized experience of Respondent and its team
implementing CRM solutions of similar scope and magnitude (e.g., specifically with
respect to large organizations and government agencies).
Professional qualifications, specialized experience, and local availability of Respondents
Key Personnel committed to the City account pursuant to Section Key
Past and current performance of respondent (and team members) on other contracts in
terms of quality of services and compliance with performance schedules and standards.
The Evaluation Committee may solicit from current and/or previous clients, including
the City, other government agencies, or any available sources, relevant information
concerning Respondents record of performance.
5.2.3. Overall Implementation Approach and Services
The EC will consider the quality, completeness, and feasibility of the proposed approach for
implementation services, including the implementation plan, project management methods,
training plan, and long term maintenance and support services. The EC will review each
proposal for the Respondents understanding of the objectives and requirements in the Scope
of Services. Each Respondent will be evaluated on its overall strategy, methodology, and
approach to meeting the Citys vision and requirements.
5.2.4. Cost Proposal
The EC will consider the reasonableness and competitiveness of Respondents cost proposal
(including the completeness with which the pricing tables are submitted) and the projected life
cycle costs. While Respondents Cost Proposal is important, it will not be the only factor in the
selection process.
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5.2.5. MBE/WBE Participation

The EC will evaluate the level, relevancy, and quality of participation by MBE and WBE firms
certified by the City of Chicago. Failure to meet this requirement may be cause for
5.2.6. Legal Actions
The EC will consider legal actions, if any, against Respondent and any division, subsidiary, or
parent company of Respondent, or against any member, partner, etc., of Respondent if
Respondent is a business entity other than a corporation.
5.2.7. Financial Stability
The EC will consider the financial condition of Respondent and its software provider(s) if
Respondent is not the provider of the proposed software. Respondent, and its software
provider(s) if Respondent is not the provider of the proposed software, must be financially
stable to ensure performance over the duration of the contract.
5.2.8. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, and Statutes
The EC will consider Respondents compliance with all laws, ordinances, and statutes governing
the contract. See City of Chicago EDS requirements online.
5.2.9. Conflict of Interest
The EC will consider any information regarding Respondent, including information contained in
Respondents Proposal, that may indicate any conflicts (or potential conflicts) of interest which
might compromise Respondents ability to satisfactorily perform the proposed Services or
undermine the integrity of the competitive procurement process. If any Respondent has
provided any services for the City in researching, consulting, advising, drafting, or reviewing of
this RFP or any services related to this RFP, such Respondent may be disqualified from further
5.2.10. Degree to which the Respondent accepts the Terms and Conditions in the Citys
Sample Professional Services Agreement
Respondent must indicate the degree to which it accepts the terms and conditions in the Citys
Sample Professional Services Agreement in Exhibit 5. A Respondent that takes material
objections to the Citys terms and conditions may be found to be non-responsive and its
Proposal may be rejected.

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Specification No. 119440

Additional Details of the RFP Process


If it becomes necessary to revise or expand upon any part of this RFP, clarifications and/or
addenda will be sent to all of the prospective Respondents that submitted their contact
information to: [email protected].
The City will make the list of prospective Respondents that provided their electronic contact
information available prior to the Proposal due date. Prospective Respondents are
automatically listed when they send the contact information to the email address above. Each
addendum is incorporated as part of the RFP documents, and the Respondent must
acknowledge receipt of all addenda in its Proposal.
Sending City addenda is a courtesy to the Respondent. Respondents are solely responsible for
acquiring the necessary information or materials from the DPS Website.
The prospective Respondents list and any addenda will be available via the Department of
Procurement Services website:

Citys Right to Reject Proposals

The City of Chicago, acting through its Chief Procurement Officer, reserves the right to reject
any and all Proposals that do not conform to the requirements set forth in this RFP or that do
not contain at least the information required in this RFP. If no Respondent is selected through
this RFP process, then the Chief Procurement Officer may utilize any other procurement
method available under the Municipal Purchasing Act and the Municipal Code of Chicago to
obtain the products and services described in this RFP.

No Liability for Costs

The City is not responsible for costs or damages incurred by Respondents, member(s), partners,
subcontractors, or other interested parties in connection with the RFP process, including but
not limited to costs associated with preparing the Proposal and of participating in any
conferences, site visits, product/system demonstrations, oral presentations, or negotiations.

Prohibitions on Certain Contributions Mayoral Executive Order No. 11-4

Respondents to this RFP are required to adhere to Mayoral Executive Order No. 2011-4 which is
embedded in this document as a .pdf file below.

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Specification No. 119440

False Statements

Respondents to this RFP are required to adhere to the Chicago False Claims Act, including the 121-010 False Statements, 1-21-020 Aiding and Abetting, and 1-21-030 Enforcement Act

Participation by Other Local Government Agencies

Other local government agencies may participate on a contract(s) stemming from this
solicitation. This provision will only apply if the participating government agency and the
Selected Respondent(s) can reach agreement on all terms and conditions. Other participating
agencies will enter into their own contracts for all goods and services directly with the Selected
Respondent. Participation by other agencies shall have no adverse effect on any other agency
purchasing off of a contract awarded pursuant to this solicitation. No government agency will
be responsible for any obligation due to or from any other agency to or from the Selected
Respondent(s), with respect to contracts entered into by those other government agencies. No
government agency will be liable for the acts or omissions of any other agency.
Examples of Local Government Agencies (Sister Agencies) are: Board of Education, Chicago Park
District, City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago
Board of Elections, Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (McCormick Place, Navy Pier),
and the Municipal Courts.

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Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 1 Functional and Technical Requirements

The following pages contain the functional and technical requirements matrices.

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City of Chicago - Constituent Relationship Management

Instructions: For each requirement, please insert an "F" if the
requirement will be met with no customization. Insert a "CU" if
customization will be necessary to meet the requirement. Insert a
"TP" if third party software will be needed to meet the requirement.
Insert an "N" if the functionality is not part of this Proposal.


Service Request Management



Service Request Entry

The solution provides the ability for the user to select the service request
category type from a drop down list or auto fill.
The solution provides a system generated unique service transaction
number (identifier) after a service request is created.
The solution provides a unique identifier for each service request
beginning with the year.
The solution provides a status field that includes, but is not limited to,
open, in progress, suspended, field verification, on hold, complete,
escalated, or other.

The solution allows the status field to be automatically updated when

certain workflow items are completed.
The solution provides the ability to link forms (such as PDF) and other
documents (e.g., pictures) to requests.
The solution displays whether or not there is an attachment (at intake, in
work queue, and query).
The solution provides the ability for residents to submit requests
anonymously based on request type.
The solution allows the entry of multiple requests from a single call
without reentering profile data.
The solution provides the ability to auto-populate fields based on
previous calls or other known data.

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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Management


The solution provides the ability for users to enter a service request as a
predefined service area (e.g., block, address range, grid) with multiple


The solution provides the ability for a service request type field to allow
distinction between initial or follow-up inquiry.
The solution provides the ability to capture different types of intake data,
including but not limited to: date, resident profile data, issue type, issue
description, time of day problem occurred, safety concern, location, etc.







The solution provides the ability to force the required entry of fields
based on service request type.
The solution provides the ability for an agent to see service level
agreements for each service request type.
The solution provides the ability to capture the asset linkage data and
The solution provides an easy-to-use interface that allows users quick
access to frequently used functions.
The solution provides hot keys for frequently used functions.
The solution provides the ability to set up appointments via a calendaring
The solution provides a template for "actions to be taken" field(s) to
provide for complete documentation of the resolution to the request.
The solution provides the ability to allow entry for multiple address
descriptions for the same location per service request, each able to be
assigned a type code (e.g., reporting, mailing, problem location, vanity
address, etc.), which can be verified against the city's GIS system,
utilizing the GIS layer appropriate to the type of service request.
The solution provides the ability to display existing open service requests
when the agent enters an address and, should the resident be calling
about an existing request, allow that information to be added to the
original ticket so that a count of callers on the same request can be
The solution provides the ability to display recently closed (and
transferred) service requests when the agent enters an address.
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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Management



The solution provides the ability to display complete call history when the
agent enters an address and/or name.
The solution provides the ability to add additional information regarding
the exact location of the service request issue (e.g., actual location of
plumbing or downed tree).
The solution provides the ability to add/change information to the intake
form at a later date (e.g., customer calls back or after field verification).
The solution provides the ability to automatically determine duplicate
requests by type, date range, and physical location/geography (e.g.,
alleys, location in park, open field, etc.).
The solution allows duplication algorithms to be configured at the service
type level.
The solution provides the ability to create parent-child relationships so
multiple service requests may be linked to a master request.
The solution provides the ability to automatically link more than one
master service request to another master service request.
The solution provides the ability to create a follow-on action without
generating a new service request.
The solution provides the ability to map all nearby requests for manual
duplication at time of intake.
The solution provides a unique identifier for each resident, so that all
requests and contacts from a resident may be linked (e.g., for the
purpose of providing a history for that resident).
The solution provides the ability to recognize repeat callers/web users
and assign unique identifier appropriately.
Noting that some residents may choose to remain anonymous, the
solution provides the ability to require an agent to satisfy a prompt about
the resident's choice.
The solution provides the ability to redact resident information for
reporting, printing or service fulfillment if the resident chooses to remain
The solution provides administrative tools for name correction, duplicate
checking, and merging of contacts.
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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Management



The solution provides an undo function for the most recently entered
The solution requires user confirmation of a deletion.
The solution provides an automatic default to today's date with the ability
to override.
The solution provides the ability to record activity notes related to a
request, that are unlimited in length, and provides scrolling capabilities
for viewing.
The solution provides the ability to display notes in reverse chronological
order and include author identification.
The solution provides automatic date/timestamp by user ID for all
The solution provides the ability to record the person making an activity
note entry based on user ID.
The solution provides spell checking capabilities.
The solution provides auto save capabilities.
The solution provides the ability to set up approval authority based on
request type or task.
The solution provides the ability to display the resident's previous
interactions using different search features.
The solution provides the ability to prevent a request from being closed
until all associated work is completed.
The solution provides the ability to have the knowledge base content and
service request form simultaneously appear on the computer monitor.
The solution provides the ability to initiate a service request from within a
knowledge base article using the appropriate template for service
request entry based on request type.
The solution provides the ability to initiate an inquiry record from within a
knowledge base article to record the topic of the call.
The solution provides context-sensitive online help when a procedure is
incorrectly executed.
The solution provides the ability to track the origin of the request.

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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Management



The solution provides the ability to audit a request based on user-defined

The solution provides the ability to associate a request with multiple

Routing & Escalation

The solution provides the ability to automatically route resident requests
and items to the appropriate provider, department, or staff for prompt
action, to notify the department that the request is in queue, and to allow
the department to forward the request to another department or return it
to 311 if necessary.


The solution provides the ability to route a service request to an outside

The solution provides the ability to establish SLAs for each of the steps
in a request that is sent to multiple departments.
The solution allows tasks to be routed or re-routed manually to work
The solution allows notification of an item in the work queue (or
member(s) of a group) via email or dynamic refresh of the work queue
The solution provides the ability to automatically assign staff on a
geographic basis.
The solution provides the ability to automatically assign staff on a
project/task basis.
The solution provides the ability to assign staff based on responses to
flex questions.
The solution provides the ability to cc: a service request to multiple
departments and enable all parties to maintain visibility to status.
The solution provides the ability to create the shortest distance daily
route for selected and assigned service requests in a work queue.
The solution provides the ability to map the shortest distance daily
The solution provides the ability to dynamically reroute service requests.

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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Management

The solution provides the ability to automatically escalate service

requests that indicate the presence of critical safety issues. The solution
should include the ability to provide prompts/questions to an agent to
help in determining level of criticality, including taking actions such as
warm transfers to 911.


The solution provides the ability to create and update automatic or

manual reminders that are time triggered and defined for each query
The solution provides alerts and notifications to responsible parties upon
call assignment or when past due.
The solution provides the ability to alert at threshold volumes for service
The solution provides automatic escalation to supervisor(s) for past due,
emergency, high visibility/urgent requests or large volumes of requests.
The solution provides the ability to push alerts to mobile devices.
The solution provides the ability to set business hours in calculation of
performance against SLAs, noting that business hours may be different
across different service request types.




The solution provides the ability to automatically assign a priority code,

based on transaction type, with an override allowed (e.g., for City
Council requests, managing directors' office requests, service requests
which impact a large group of residents, time sensitive requests, or after
hours requests).
The solution provides the ability to escalate requests manually or
automatically based on predefined escalation rules (e.g., when a SLA




The solution provides the ability to identify requests that are nearing their
service level agreement.
The solution provides the ability to identify requests that have exceeded
their service level agreement.
The solution provides the ability to notify a specified list of City users that
a service request is nearing completion.

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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Management



The solution provides the ability to notify a specified list of City users that
a service request has not been completed in the agreed upon timetable.
The solution provides the ability to flag a service request as "under
investigation." This will cause the system to retain the service request
and all associated attachments as long as the record remains under
investigation, even if normal records retention policy rules would have
deleted it.
The solution provides the ability to enter multiple outcomes for a service

Multi-Channel Integration
The solution provides the ability to accept requests or inquiries and track
those requests in a single database or source from multiple channels,
In person
By phone
By mail
By kiosk
By text
By email (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, AOL)
Over the web
Via smartphone
Via tablet/pad
Via social media technology (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
Communications Management
The solution provides the ability to support both unstructured and
structured inbound e-mails.
The solution provides the ability to date/timestamp attachment entries.
The solution provides the ability to identify the user who attached a
The solution provides the ability to recognize invalid format or entries.

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Specification No. 119440

Service Request Management



The solution provides the ability to share service request-related notes

generated by City personnel with residents.
The solution provides internal real-time message routing capability for
broadcasting content to all, or a specific group of users
The solution provides the ability to accept responses from push
The solution provides the ability to send forms/articles/documents to the
The solution provides the ability to limit the file size of
forms/articles/documents that can be received by the City.
The solution provides the ability to link to documents that may be stored
in other systems.
The solution provides the ability to auto-populate data into a notes or
comments field.

Documentation Management
The solution provides the ability to handle storage and versioning of
Microsoft products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).
The solution allows a user to check in/check out/store documents
without going through menu options within the source products.
The solution provides the ability to view documents in their native
format without having the original application loaded on the viewers
The solution provides the ability to manage documents (including
photos) by role and classification to ensure protected information is not
inadvertently released or compiled inappropriately.

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Specification No. 119440

Resident Self-Service



The solution provides the ability for the City's public web site to interface
with the CRM tools database so that residents can access it via the web.
The solution provides the ability to transfer banner ads to the web and
mobile devices.
The solution provides the ability for residents to create a user-defined
map with updated service request content.
The solution provides the ability for the public web site to provide
instructions for non-English speaking individuals.
The solution supports the presentation of information through a limitless
number of web links.
The solution provides the ability for a resident to use a single account
log-in to access a variety of City services regardless of the department
offering the service for the purpose of submitting or tracking requests.
The solution provides the ability for residents to create (and change) a
personal password.
The solution provides the ability for residents to submit requests
anonymously based on request type.
The solution provides the ability for residents to track requests
anonymously based on request type.
The solution provides the ability to auto-suggest service request content
based on the type of request being created.
The solution provides the ability for residents to submit and update
personal contact information in a resident profile, which would be
validated by the City.
The solution provides the ability to create a contact log that identifies the
frequency and number of interactions with residents, regardless of
channel utilized.
The solution provides the ability to send e-mail (resident preferred
method) confirmations of any changes residents made to their resident
The solution provides the ability to tailor the web entry forms for public
use to a subset of transactions used by the City.

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Specification No. 119440

Resident Self-Service


The solution provides the ability for web entry forms for the public to use
the same business-defined editing rules as transactions entered by a
City operator.


The solution provides the ability to notify a resident of the expected SLA
for the request type and direct them to place a call for more urgent
The solution provides the ability to provide additional information defined
for the request type, such as questions that determine whether the
appropriate request type has been selected.



The solution provides the ability for on-line service requests to generate
error messages indicating the missing information if all required
information is not entered.


The solution provides the ability for the City to temporarily disable certain
service request types.
The solution provides the ability to conduct on-line transactions and
reservations, including but not limited to: applying for permits, reserving
locations, filing a cab complaint, registering for a City or sister agency
program, etc.





The solution provides the ability to validate addresses entered by a

resident on a self-service request.
The solution provides the ability to require an e-mail address
confirmation on entry point.
The solution provides the ability for a resident to attach a document or
image to the service request
The solution provides the ability to create a business rule that limits the
number of attachments that can be posted to a single service request.
The solution provides a trouble-shooting guide for residents that is
interactive and easy to understand.
The solution provides the ability to track a user's activity when they are
attempting to resolve issues.
The solution provides the ability to post web entries as real-time
transactions to the CRM database.

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Specification No. 119440

Resident Self-Service



The solution provides the ability to allow a resident to opt-out of any

script at any time along the process.
The solution provides the ability for a requestor to print the service
request via PDF that can be time and date stamped.
The solution provides the ability to display to the resident a confirmation
page after submission of a service request via the web.
The solution provides the ability to automatically send an email to the
resident that submits a request through the website to acknowledge
receipt with the unique service request number.
The solution provides the ability for a resident to identify multiple email
addresses to be used for confirmation or status updates.
The solution allows residents to review the status of a service request
and their service request history.
The solution provides the ability to control how or if additional information
can be added to an existing service request.
The solution provides the ability to notify a resident upon change of
status of a service request such as completion of the request.
The solution provides ability for requests submitted via resident selfservice to be automatically routed to the 311 call center for prompt
resolution based on the City's business rules as defined in the CRM
The solution provides ability for call center agent to retrieve a service
request that was submitted online via self-service
The solution provides ability to detect duplicates when a call comes into
311 and a resident has already submitted a request.
The solution provides the ability for a call center agent to retrieve any
documents or images included with a service request submitted online
via self-service.
The solution provides the ability to automatically send a resident
satisfaction survey based on request type within a user-defined
The solution provides the ability for residents to opt-in/out of e-mailings,
newsletters, surveys and/or special promotions.
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Specification No. 119440

Resident Self-Service



The solution provides the ability to scan social media sites and parse
information into usable form.
The solution provides the ability to complete/attach forms/applications to
the service request.
The solution provides the ability to auto-populate resident content based
on previously submitted content.
The solution provides the ability to capture multiple address types.
The solution provides the ability to capture multiple phone numbers.
The solution provides the ability to capture multiple email addresses.
The solution provides the ability to capture multiple social media contact
The solution provides the ability for a resident to select a preferred
communications channel.

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Specification No. 119440




The solution ensures that City of Chicago name and logo can be
branded on the application such that the look and feel can be made
consistent with the City's web site.


The solution provides the ability to define service level agreements for
each service request type.
The solution provides the ability to create user-defined fields that are
searchable and define default values and edit rules for the user defined
The solution provides calendar pop-up functions for all date-related fields
that are entered.
The solution provides the ability to create requests that allow quick
recording without detailed information, during extraordinary events.
The solution provides the ability to establish and/or revise status dates
such as receipt, assignment/approval, effective/start, projected/targeted
start, projected time interval, expected completion, suspension, resume,
completed and/or close dates based on user-defined parameters.


The solution provides the ability to create scripts for call center agents to
prompt them to ask drill-down questions and collect all necessary
information to process a request.


The solution supports branching based on responses to questions in the

The solution provides the ability to modify, delete, and archive scripts.
The solution provides the ability to establish user-defined workflow
options per request type.
The solution provides the ability to establish work queues for each
department, or sub-department, for routing of requests.
The solution provides the ability to manage different permissions for
access to data and service request types based on user profile.
The solution provides the ability to configure the system view (or
dashboard) based on user profile so that each user has ready access to
the most pertinent CRM functionality and current status information for
their role.


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Specification No. 119440




The solution provides the ability to create customer satisfaction surveys

that can be delivered via phone, e-mail, or the web according to resident
preferred contact method.

Solution configurations do not require IT expertise.
Administration rights within the solution can be set at multiple levels.
Workflow Automation
The solution provides the ability to easily maintain workflow tables to
perform functions including, but not limited to the following:
Add new workflow group
Add/delete/change member in workflow group
The solution provides the ability to transfer collected information with the
workflow, including attachments.
The solution provides the ability to set permissions for what group can
workflow to what other groups.
The solution provides graphical tools to create/edit workflows.
The solution provides the ability for a supervisor/manager to see
workflows assigned within their workgroup(s).
For certain service requests (e.g., those generated by a new 311 agent
or those generated external to the 311 call center), the solution provides
the ability for a City employee to review the content prior to the service
request being placed in a departmental queue.

The solution provides the ability to capture resource use (e.g., hours,
time, manpower, equipment, etc.)
The solution provides the ability to create alerts.
The solution provides the ability to re-assign requests.

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Specification No. 119440

Knowledge Base Management

The solution allows the knowledge base and FAQs to contain sections
(including portions of pages) so viewing may be restricted based on the
department and/or specific user permissions.


The solution allows the phone directories to contain sections so viewing

may be restricted based on the public/private, department and/or specific
user permissions.


The solution provides an online contact directory for commonly

requested non-City agencies.
The solution provides FAQs that are definable and searchable .
The solution provides the ability to set permissions so that FAQs display
only to internal users (such as specific departments) or publish to the
City's web site for access by residents.




The solution provides an easy to use online phone and service directory
searchable by name, special event, service provided, or
department/division. The solution provides the ability to include
appropriate web links.
The solution provides the ability to have two separate Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs)/knowledge base views: an internal-facing view and a
public-facing view for access by residents.




The solution allows FAQs to be sorted into categories and

The solution allows attachments to be associated with FAQs such as
forms, brochures, photographs, pamphlets, calendar of events, etc.
The solution provides driving directions support and displays other
relevant information available for locations such as parking and public
transportation options.
The solution provides the ability to search the knowledge base using fulltext search (e.g., natural searching) and wildcard searches.
The solution provides the ability to link a specific article as having been
used to resolve a request.
The solution provides the ability to require an agent to link to a
knowledge article based on request type or for specific agents.

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Specification No. 119440

Knowledge Base Management



The solution provides the ability to search based on a knowledge article

linked to a service request (e.g., resident, date, request type).
The solution provides the ability to display top issues based on historical
usage, ranked according to the most viewed and most relevant.
The solution provides the ability to update the list of top issues on a
periodic basis (hourly, weekly, monthly, etc.).
The solution provides the ability to set "event" FAQs and knowledge
The solution provides the ability to purge time sensitive events and to
optionally set expiration dates for knowledge articles.
The solution allows an administrator to update the database and modify
workflow options.
The solution provides workflow to enable oversight of knowledge
creation and publication so that knowledge creation can be decentralized
while publication to internal or external users can be controlled centrally.
The solution provides pre-formatted templates for creating knowledge
articles and FAQ's.
The solution provides the ability to customize templates for creating
knowledge articles and FAQ's.
The solution provides the ability to establish quality assurance workflow
where appropriate so that content for knowledge base or FAQ's can be
approved by multiple parties before being published.
The solution provides an audit trail to track changes to the knowledge
base, recording user and date/time of change.
The solution provides the ability for internal users to subscribe to receive
notifications of changes to the knowledge base or FAQs, based on


The solution provides the ability for a knowledge base administrator to

manually or automatically send notification of changes to the knowledge
base or FAQs to internal users, based on subject/section.


The solution provides the ability to report on usage including number of

hits to FAQs and knowledge base articles and popular search criteria.

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Specification No. 119440

Knowledge Base Management



The solution provides the ability for directional scripts to show in a pop
up window when service request type is entered.
The solution provides the ability for links to the knowledge base to show
in a pop up window as a service request type is entered.
The solution allows a knowledge base to be integrated with a script.
The solution provides the ability for departments to enter and delete
locations where events (e.g., water shut downs, parades, etc.) will
impact call volume/type for a short period of time and be displayed for
the agents to inform residents.
The solution provides the ability to create a service request from a
knowledge base article.
The solution provides the ability to categorize knowledge base articles
based on categories or other specified meta tags.
The solution provides the ability to integrate with SharePoint.
The solution provides search functionality that accounts for synonyms.
The solution provides search functionality that accounts for keywords.
The solution provides the ability to link to documents external to the
City's CRM system.
The solution provides the ability to index information that is external to
the City's CRM system.
The solution provides the ability to archive articles.
The solution provides the ability to retrieve archived articles.
The solution provides the ability to share articles that contain a video.
The solution is Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant.
The solution provides the ability to publish metrics for the articles.
The solution provides the ability for users to rate the applicability of the
The solution provides the ability to locate and identify duplicative
knowledge base information.
The solution provides the ability to synchronize knowledge base content
with web-based content.

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Specification No. 119440

Knowledge Base Management



The solution does not limit the amount or size of knowledge base
The solution provides call scripting functionality to accompany
knowledge base articles.
The solution provides the ability to identify contradictory information prior
to adding new content.
The solution provides the ability to update all knowledge base
environments simultaneously.
The solution provides the ability to update all knowledge base
environments independently.

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Specification No. 119440

Reporting, Analytics, and Dashboards



Reporting and Query Capabilities

The solution provides the ability to generate reports based on a set of key
performance indicators as designated by the City.
The solution provides a set of standard reports that will provide statistical
reporting, including but not limited to:
Open service requests
Closed service requests (fulfillment)
Past due service requests
Service requests related to an address, location, or intersection
Service requests that have been escalated
Service requests that are classified as high priority/urgent
Average time to complete
The solution provides the ability for all reports to be date sensitive,
including the ability to print/run for prior years data, fiscal year, calendar
year, date range (e.g., event reporting).

The solution provides the ability for reports to be run against both current
and archived data.
The solution provides backlog, service activity, and closure rate statistics
for all work order activities.
The solution provides the ability to report on quality measures such as
number of ticket reassignments and quality of ticket entry and updates.
The solution provides the ability to generate variance analysis reports
comparing the actual time to complete to the estimate provided to the


The solution provides ability to generate "hot-spot" reporting for

geographic areas in pre-defined zones (e.g., zip code, census tract, etc.)
or user-defined areas.


The solution provides the ability to generate "event" reporting based on

time and location.
The solution provides number of inquiries per division/department.
The solution provides reporting on customer satisfaction.


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Specification No. 119440

Reporting, Analytics, and Dashboards



The solution provides the ability to print copies of records, standardized

forms, emails, and letters.
The solution allows reports to be viewable on the screen, in hard-copy
format, or available via the web (if security has been allowed to do this for
the specific report(s)).
The solution allows report results to be viewed in graphical format.
The solution allows report results to be viewed on a map.
The solution provides user friendly ad hoc query capabilities that do not
require a user to understand backend database table structure.
The solution provides the ability to create calculated fields.
The solution allows multiple users to develop and run queries
The solution allows a query while taking an intake.
The solution allows querying on multiple parameters (and within fields).
The solution allows query selection criteria to be named and saved for
future use.
The solution allows newly defined reports to be added to the product's
The solution allows for scheduling of pre-defined reports that can be
waiting for the staff or pushed to them via email on demand, monthly,
weekly, etc.
The solution provides wizards to help guide the report writing process.
The solution provides that the report writer contain an author log, users,
and date of most recent update.
The solution provides the ability to utilize pivot tables in the reports.
The solution provides the ability to flag reports or certain elements of the
report as confidential and set permissions for access to reports.
The solution provides the ability to filter reports by department (bureau)
and for department (bureau) to secure access to departmental (bureau)
The solution provides report writer capabilities for the development of
custom reports (e.g., Business Objects and Business Intelligence).

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Specification No. 119440

Reporting, Analytics, and Dashboards




The solution provides the ability to export report data into other
applications and formats (e.g., PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe, comma
delimited, SQL, etc.).
The solution provides report writer capabilities that allow direct export of a
report or attachment to email.
The solution provides the ability to print labels, including mailing labels for
resident-related mailings.
The solution provides the ability to generate letters with appropriate
formatting for mailing or sending via email.
The solution provides the ability to record when and which types of form
letters have been sent.
The solution provides the ability to store copies of correspondence sent in
an electronic/digital format.
The solution has the ability to report on specified fields in a mobile
The solution provides a data dictionary.
The solution has the ability to run reports without impacting system
performance levels.
The solution provides the capability to export data to multiple formats.
The solution provides the ability to track information only calls by topic.
The solution provides the ability to auto refresh queries.
Advanced Analytics and Dashboard Capabilities
The solution provides dashboard capabilities that will display reporting
information based on user defined roles within the CRM system.
The solution provides the ability to customize dashboard information
based on a user's desired level of information.
The solution provides the ability to create dashboards on a real time basis.
The solution provides the ability to use dashboards on a real time basis.
The solution has the capability to drill down on data contained in the
The solution has the capability to establish "joins" in the database.
The solution has the capability to perform calculations.
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Specification No. 119440

Reporting, Analytics, and Dashboards



The solution has the capability to conduct a drill down from within a
document generated by the system.
The solution provides real-time analytics to capture key reporting and
The solution provides the ability to assign and/or link management
summary reports for comparison over time and benchmarking against
other municipalities.
The solution provides the ability to generate reports based on resident
The solution provides the ability to conduct trending analysis.
The solution provides the ability to search and report on data associated
with service requests such as agent, resident contact information,
address, FAQ article, special event, weather issue and/or request type.
The solution provides crew level analytics and productivity reports.
The solution provides the ability to create triggers to compare forecasted
data to actual data.
The solution provides the ability create "flags" on specific fields that are
identified based on business rules.

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Specification No. 119440

GIS Integration Capabilities



The solution provides the ability to use the City's GIS data for all
geospatial applications within the CRM solution.
The solution provides the ability to import a subset of GIS-enabled data
(e.g., x and y coordinates).
The solution provides the ability to export a subset of GIS-enabled data
(e.g., x and y coordinates).
The solution provides the ability to access GIS data and applications from
the intake, resolution, or query functions.
The software provides the ability to allow a resident to provide feedback
on map quality.
The solution provides the ability to access GIS and other asset or location
information (i.e., building, sidewalk, intersection) from a remote device.
The solution provides the ability to establish multiple maps based on
hierarchical levels of mapping to any processes and when viewing work
The solution provides the ability to use GIS mapping to assist City
employees to consolidate service requests.
The solution provides the ability to generate/incorporate a map directly
from the GIS and attach, print, or plot it to a service request or work order
The software provides the ability to successfully integrate with Esri
ArcGIS Server v10 or higher.
The solution provides the ability to allow call takers to directly connect
calls, service requests, and work orders to assets, which are stored in the
City's GIS (e.g., street centerlines, poles, alleys, and intersections).
The solution provides the ability for maps to be accessed from a mobile
device (smart phone, tablet, etc.).
The solution provides the ability to load the maps within a specified
period of time as established by the City.
The solution provides the ability to assist call takers in identifying related
calls by displaying related case types in a map using user-defined
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Specification No. 119440

GIS Integration Capabilities



The solution provides the ability for agents to see information from a GIS
layer such as whether a property is owned by the City and if so, which
department manages it.

The solution shall provide a method to verify accurate street addresses
and locations based on the City's standardized address listing/GIS data.
The solution provides the ability to identify and query nearby requests on
a map.
The solution provides the ability to update reference inventory and/or
assets on a GIS data layer as prescribed by specific task(s), including the
ability of authorized personnel to edit the GIS data layers containing the
The solution provides the ability for service request addresses and
locations to be verified against various City provided web services based
on the category of request.

The solution provides the ability to specify a location such as a street

address/subunit point feature, geocoded address range along a street
segment, an intersection, alley, or commonplace name.


The solution provides the ability to search for an address and zoom to
The solution provides the ability to view satellite images.
The solution provides the ability to enter a service request via the
Internet, allowing the requestor to record an address and have the
address validated and displayed on a map.




The solution provides the ability to verify (flag) addresses or locations as

a City of Chicago (or sister agency) asset or location with associated
The solution provides the ability to discern between City and non-City
locations and flag for users.
The solution provides the ability to override the XY coordinates by an
employee with the appropriate administrative rights.
The software provides the ability to inform the user that the address field
is not a recognized street address.
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Specification No. 119440

GIS Integration Capabilities



The solution provides the ability to perform basic map viewing functions
including analyzing dynamic map data in the map display window.
The solution provides the ability to display maps and images online to the
The solution provides the ability to display maps online to employees,
based on security rules.
The solution provides the ability for basic map navigation, including the
ability to zoom and pan.
The solution provides the ability to view a map of service requests on top
of a City GIS base map.
The solution provides the ability to display service requests and
associated data (service request number, status, short description) on the
same map.
The solution provides the ability to use GIS mapping to assist service
requests in identifying related calls, by displaying related calls or events
on a map coded by user defined criteria.



The solution provides the ability to predefine the map extent at which
each layer is visible on the display.
The solution provides the ability to select map object and display features
on a map and display data associated with calls, service requests and/or
work orders along with any data attributes associated with the GIS.
The solution provides the ability to enter a service request via the Internet
allowing the requestor to select a location of an incident on a map.
The solution provides the ability to perform basic map viewing functions,
including analyzing dynamic map data in the CRM map display window.
The solution provides the ability to display a list and map of service
requests filtered by:
User-defined boundaries (e.g., user-drawn boundary box).
Pre-defined boundaries (e.g., zip code, ward, district, census tract,
worker location, asset type).
Specific attributes (e.g., status, department, priority).
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Specification No. 119440

GIS Integration Capabilities

The solution provides the ability for users to query service requests
previously entered into the solution using various selection criteria and
see the query result locations on a map.


The solution provides the ability to view open service requests via a GIS
display for all service requests, symbolized by one or more attributes.
The solution provides the ability to display the history of asset
maintenance on a map by either single or multiple asset types.
The solution provides the ability to upload and display topographical or
aerial images to help staff locate and understand the nature of the case
type by utilizing the City's base map services.




The solution provides the ability to map locations of field assets (i.e., City
work crew vehicles) versus new service requests.
The solution provides the ability for users to modify scale and size and
print maps generated from the CRM application to display service request
query result locations.




The solution provides the ability to query from the mapping screen using
a simple drawing tool.
The solution provides the ability to query from the mapping screen by a
pre-selected query of a GIS layer based on its attribute information.

The solution provides the ability to interface with ArcMap Web Services.
The solution provides the ability to interface with Open Geospatial
Consortium Web Map Services.
The solution provides the ability to interface with Open Geospatial
Consortium Web Map Tile Services for displaying embedded maps.
The solution provides a programmatic interface to manage (create, read,
update, and destroy) system objects to allow for custom integration from
other internal enterprise systems.

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Specification No. 119440

Mobile Functionality



Mobile Field Service Worker

The solution provides the ability to update service requests from a
wireless device.
The solution provides the ability to manage assignments from the field.
The solution provides the ability to transmit a cancellation alert to or from
a mobile device when service requests are reassigned.
The solution provides the ability to create any type of service requests,
real time, in the field.
The solution provides the ability to reassign a work assignment from the
The solution provides the ability for mobile messaging functionality
to/from any users registered with the system.
The solution provides the ability for system administrators to create
mobile users within the system and these changes are replicated to the
mobile users in real time.

The solution provides the ability to present a user with a view of the
relevant individual task lists based on user logon.
The solution provides the ability to send an email confirmation to a predefined list of City employees after a service request is received.
The solution provides the ability for the application to function in offline
mode, for example, to save drafts in the case where there is no Internet
The solution has been successfully integrated with a texting application.
Resident Facing Mobile Application
The solution provides the ability for a resident to create a service request
(potholes, graffiti, broken street lights, etc.), including attaching the GIS
coordinates and photo, video, or other attachment to the request from a
mobile device.

The solution provides the ability for residents to view service requests
displayed on a map, including date/time stamping of a service request.
The solution provides the ability for residents to view a text-based list of
service requests.

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Specification No. 119440

Mobile Functionality



The solution provides the ability for the mobile application to default to
displaying nearby service requests in map or text-based view.
The solution provides the ability for residents to track the status of
service requests that they or other residents have submitted.
The solution provides the ability for residents to request notifications via
their mobile device when a service request's status has changed.
The solution provides integration of the mobile application with the core
CRM application so that any service request configuration changes
made in the core CRM application are automatically updated in the
mobile application.
The solution provides the ability for residents to download the following
mobile applications at no charge for all of the most common smart phone
Blackberry OS
The solution provides the ability for the application to be branded with
the City of Chicago branding/logo.
The solution provides an in-application help function.
The solution can be integrated with third-party mobile application
development firms.
The solution has been successfully integrated with a Motorola mobile
device or piece of mobile hardware.
The solution provides the ability to sort assignments by priority, date,
asset type, or location.
The solution provides the ability for residents to perform pre-defined
queries from the CRM database.

Resident Facing Mobile Application and Mobile Field Service Worker

The solution provides the ability for mobile reporting of service requests
to utilize mobile devices' GPS functionality to specify the location of the

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Specification No. 119440

Mobile Functionality



The solution provides the ability to view, edit, and add to related service
request information.
The solution provides the ability for the application to contain a crossbrowser compliant web interface (i.e., IE, Safari, Firefox, etc.).
The solution provides ongoing maintenance and
enhancements/releases/upgrades to ensure functionality and device
The solution provides a training guide for use of mobile interfaces.
The solution provides a training guide for use of web interfaces.
The solution provides the ability to manage device security through the
use of pre-defined user groups.
The solution provides the ability to integrate the CRM software via a bidirectional exchange with a resident-based mobile application.
The solution provides the ability to validate addresses via the resident's
entry (e.g., web or mobile).

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General Information Technology (IT)



Data Integrity and Availability

The solution provides the ability to establish customized numbering
The solution provides full back up and restore functions with logging.
The solution uses statuses to indicate records that were created in error.
The solution provides the ability to ensure that attacks against the
system will not cause it to fail in an open state exposing it to damage,
duplication, or integrity changes.


The solution provides the ability to allow for multiple users and
distributed system access.
The solution provides the ability to allow one or more users to view the
same record simultaneously.
The solution provides the ability to apply locks at the record level for
update processing to ensure correct updating of the data.
The solution provides the ability to allow one or more users to query
information and run reports at the same time.
The solution provides a tool to customize forms and user interfaces
without a significant knowledge of programming languages (e.g., dragand-drop).
The solution provides the ability to support real time and batch update
The solution provides the ability to redact data.
The solution provides the ability to prohibit record deletions.
The solution provides a cancel/accept feature for any data entry screen
or document creation.
The solution provides the ability to track the number of resident requests
by an individual via multiple access channels.
The solution provides the ability to display both internally-generated
codes and related text descriptions where necessary.
The solution provides software versioning control for City devices used in
the field.

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Specification No. 119440

General Information Technology (IT)



The solution allows capability for administrators to override or correct

user data with logging.
The solution minimally logs time, date, user, field changed, pre-change
content, and post-change content.
The solution provides a web-based software solution that operates with
the City's current software standards.
The solution provides a web-based software solution that operates in the
current version of generally available browsers for a smart phone device.
The solution provides a web-based software solution that operates in
generally available browsers for a tablet.
The solution provides the ability to run the system in four environments:
development/configuration, system testing, training/quality assurance,
and production.
The system supports transaction logging.
The system is compatible with standardized calendaring applications
such as v-cal.
The solution provides the ability to configure its public web offering to
meet the City's web presentation standards.
The solution provides lookup lists or full text descriptions for all coded
The solution provides the ability for thin clients to access the web
The solution provides the ability to be accessed via a VPN running on
the public Internet infrastructure.
The solution must be a tiered architecture solution. The tiers must run
on separate servers broken out by Web, Application and Database.
The solution supports authentication using Active Directory (AD).
Authentication must allow for access permissions using AD trusts.
The solution is able to run in a virtual environment (VMware or RHEV).
The solution must support load balancing.
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Specification No. 119440

General Information Technology (IT)



Disaster Back-up and Recovery Capabilities

The solution provides the ability to provide full and incremental backup
capability from within the system. This includes all data, attachments,
and system settings.


The solution provides the ability to view the entire history of data inputted
even if it has been archived.
The solution provides the ability to reload archived data.
The solution provides the ability to report off archived data.
The solution provides the ability to report off of archived data and live
data in the same report.
The solution provides geographically-distributed locations where the
back-up data is housed.
The solution provides the ability to export a copy of the full solution's
database in a non-proprietary format with full schema.
The solution provides a database with fault tolerance and high
performance that can watch for problems and resolve them such as
stopped processes, violations of data integrity policies, isolation, and
The solution provides the ability to clone data from one environment to
The solution must support hot disaster recovery environment with active
database replication.
The solution provides the ability to clone configuration settings from one
environment to another (i.e., from production to trainer, etc.).

Records Retention
The solution enables compliance with the Illinois Local Records Act.
The solution provides the ability to purge a range of data based on a
specified retention schedule.
The solution provides the ability to search data for E-Discovery and/or
public disclosure requests.
The solution operates in a SaaS environment.
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General Information Technology (IT)



The solution provides the ability for the City to download a complete
copy of the solution's database at any time.
The solution provides the ability to encrypt the data and deliver
enhanced security protocols.
The solution provides the ability to encrypt the data while it is in transit.
The solution provides the ability to encrypt the data while it is at rest.
The solution provides the ability to ensure that data is protected.
The solution provides the ability to generate reports on security events.
The solution provides patches/upgrades to the application and servers
that are included in the hosting services.
The solution provides the ability for a queue to be visible and reportable
to City personnel.

Services, Legal, and Service Level Agreements (SLA)

The contractor provides specified turnaround times to repair the system
and implement any periodic changes, upgrades, or patches.
The solution ensures that the data may not be used by the contractor or
a third party for marketing-related purposes.
The contractor will provide statistical uptime history after exclusion of
scheduled maintenance and hardware failure.
The contractor will provide a standard set of Service Level Agreements
The solution provides pricing or other types of compensatory
adjustments if SLAs fall below specified targets.
The contractor will provide periodic (not less than annually) security
audits at the datacenter.
The solution's backup site is located in the United States.
The solution's hosting site(s) is/are located in the United States.
The solution is hosted in at least two Tier III class datacenters as defined
by the Uptime Institute.
The solution is hosted in at least one Tier IV class datacenter as defined
by the Uptime Institute.
The solution must seamlessly failover between data centers.
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Specification No. 119440

General Information Technology (IT)



The contractor will provide private connectivity from the City datacenters
to the hosting datacenter.
If the Internet must be used for connectivity, then the Internet access at
the hosting data center must be dedicated for City traffic or prioritization
must be used to ensure that the City applications have enough
bandwidth to meet the application requirements.
If the Internet must be used, VPNs must be utilized if the Internet is the
transport network.
Bandwidth must be extensible within 24 hours of request (business and
non-business hours counted).
All City data will be backed up according to a set schedule (at least daily)
at the contractors site.
The City owns all data.
The contractor shall return to the City any City data in the solution or
under the protection of the contractor (under its care, custody and
control) upon notice by the City in a City-specified format.
The contractor shall notify a designated City employee within a
designated period of time after an unplanned outage and give an
estimated recovery time and periodic status updates until the recovery is
The hosting facility provides physical security controls over ingress and
The hosting facility requires that all personnel employed there are
required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

The solution provides the ability too quickly add (e.g., within 30 minutes)
a large volume new call intake personnel if an adverse situation arises
(e.g., weather issue, domestic terrorism).

The solution provides the ability to minimize the performance impact

(e.g., call intake metrics) of the CRM solution when new a large volume
of call intake personnel are added.

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Specification No. 119440

General Information Technology (IT)



The solution provides the ability to quickly scale down back (i.e., return
to standard service levels) to "normal" operating mode after the adverse
situation has passed.

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Specification No. 119440




The solution provides real time, bi-directional, message-level web

The solution provides ETL access to both real-time or near real-time
data and to offline archives of data.
The solution provides the ability to queue if an integration fails, allowing
the solution to run standalone until the integration is available again.
The solution provides seamless integration to the following systems, that
are configurable by the City, including, but not limited to:
Esri ArcGIS (into CRM only)
Infor EAM (formerly Datastream) (bi-directional)
Hansen (bi-directional)
Banner (bi-directional)
DWM GIS (into CRM only)
Field Force Manager (bi-directional)
Hansen (bi-directional)
Adaptive Enterprise Solutions (bi-directional)
Socrata (into Socrata only)
Outlook (into Outlook only)
Active Directory (bi-directional)
The solution operates with the current version of Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)
The solution provides public-facing APIs or a web services interface,
including one that conforms to the Open 311 platform in which the APIs
provide control over which fields are offered to the public.


The solution provides APIs or a web services interface only accessible

by City users. Internal-facing APIs include more fields than are used via
the public-facing API.


The solution provides the ability to write to an API as defined by the City.
The software provides the ability for a map service to interface location

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The solution provides the ability to support the following development


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Specification No. 119440

Social Media



The solution provides simple navigation and online publishing tools.

The solution provides the ability for the resident to have easy access to
online publications and communication through blogs, wikis, searches,
and forums.
The solution provides residents and groups with the ability to easily
share events and news.
The solution provides calendar features that allow residents to track the
latest group and community events.
The solution allows groups to establish membership directories and
share information that will only be accessible by group members.
The solution provides the ability to enter service requests via social
media tools.

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Specification No. 119440




Identity Management, Password Controls and Configuration

The solution provides a full password security process based on roles
and groups.
The solution provides tools for managing user accounts, and security
settings on data and applications.
The solution utilizes Active Directory structure for assigning privileges
and rights.
The solution provides a flexible and secure security management
process for assigning privileges and rights.
The solution provides the ability to grant authorization for access at the
function level (e.g., manager, department head/director, etc.).
The solution provides Active Directory integration to support single user
The solution provides the ability to have technical controls for password
timeout, complexity, reuse, and length.
The solution provides the ability to encrypt user IDs and passwords.

The solution prevents the display or printing of passwords.

The solution provides the ability to delegate administration for user
The solution provides the ability for an administrator to suspend an ID
from future use.
The solution provides the ability to prevent the user from signing on after
a specified number of invalid login attempts.
The solution provides the ability to periodically request that the user
reset their password.
The solution provides the ability to provide an automatic log-off feature at
user-specified time limits.

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The solution provides the ability to manage system configuration settings

(e.g., set variables and screen layout to determine how the application
will operate in the City environment), including but not limited to:

Resident information
Service Request templates and rules, etc.
Notification/alert set up

The solution provides the ability to define system privileges based on

user role or responsibility.
The solution provides the ability for the system administrator to define
views, roles, and responsibilities in a single location in the system.
The solution provides the ability to share a single, common database.
Contractor and Software Security Policies
The solution provides the ability for the contractor to perform security
testing as part of the development/configuration process.
The solution provides the ability for remote access via a secured website
for service/maintenance support.
The solution provides the ability to conduct vulnerability management
(i.e., stress testing) for all system components.
Intrusion Detection, Alerts, and Reporting
The solution provides an audit trail of all system activity, including by
user, date and time.
The solution provides alerts for unauthorized or suspicious activity.
The solution maintains information on security events and can provide
reporting on demand.
The solution provides summarized and detailed reports on user access,
usage, and audit logs, etc.

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The solution allows the placement of a user-defined warning banner

when logging into the application for all types of users (internal, web selfservice, mobile self-service and mobile field worker) with ability to push
different content to different types of users.


The solution provides the ability to generate security scans to verify that
the system has not been compromised.
The solution provides the ability for the contractor to share with the City
security scan results and agree to mitigate any vulnerabilities detected.




The contractor agrees to assist the City in investigating and remediating

any security issues detected.

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Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 2 Interrogatories
Respondent should provide a full and complete response to each question listed below.
Respondent should reiterate each question prior to the response. For your convenience, the
interrogatives are included with this solicitation as a Microsoft Word file.
Resident Engagement
1. Describe any education and outreach programs your team has developed to engage
residents. Elaborate on the impact of these education and outreach efforts.
2. Describe the single most innovative education and outreach tactic your team deployed
to generate awareness in a CRM roll-out. Why do you consider this the most innovative
3. Describe how your team has developed 360-degree profiles of residents. What
components are typically included? What issues did you encounter when building these
4. Describe how the data gathered in the CRM system was used to support your client's
open data/transparency initiatives.
Portal Design
1. Describe your strategy and approach to designing or re-designing web portals for
municipalities. Please include specific municipal examples in your response. If you do
not have any municipal examples, please state this and respond to this request with
private sector examples if any exist.
2. Describe the tangible impact created by your portal development initiatives, including
cost savings, resident traffic, volume of transactions, etc.
3. Describe the specific portal tool/applications your team has developed to enhance
collaboration between your municipal clients and their residents.
Application Extension
1. Describe any projects in which your team has initially deployed a CRM application and
after its initial deployment it was rolled out to other agencies that were not directly
affiliated with the entity involved in the initial deployment (e.g., sister agencies, nearby
municipalities, etc.). For example, after a CRM solution was initially deployed in a city, it
also was deployed at the county, school district, municipal transportation organization,
etc. Elaborate on the positive impact of such a deployment on the residents. Describe
the issues involved in such a deployment and how your team addressed them.
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2. List the three most recent clients for whom your CRM solution was eventually deployed
to other agencies as described above, the agencies in which the solution was eventually
deployed, and the positive and negative impact of each of these deployments.
General Solution Capabilities
1. Describe the proposed solution's administration tools, particularly the capabilities and
ease-of-use features.
2. What is your solution for archiving data? What tools are used? How and when is the
data encrypted?
3. How does the proposed solution store images, documents, audio, and video files?
4. What is the storage limit for each type of allowed attachment (e.g., documents, images,
audio files, video files, etc.)?
5. Describe the solution's method and capabilities to clone data and configuration settings
across environments.
6. What tools are used for backup and recovery? Describe what can be backed up and
recovered (i.e., data, configuration settings, etc.).
7. Have you ever activated a disaster recovery procedure for your application? Please
8. List the customers where you have implemented the proposed solution to meet PCI,
HIPAA, or SOX requirements.
9. List the attributes that your solution logs.
10. Describe how the proposed solution provides capacity on demand in high load or
emergency operating conditions (e.g., resident unrest, natural disaster, unexpected
weather condition, major sporting event, national conference, political event, etc.).
Please include any such costs in the Cost Proposal as an optional item.
11. Provide details regarding minimum bandwidth requirements for application access and
data access for normal daily operational use (provide your definition of normal daily
operational use). Describe the typical impact expected on the network once the
solution is implemented.

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Specification No. 119440

Development/Configuration Environment
1. Upon which architecture or development technologies is the proposed solution built
(Microsoft .NET, J2EE, etc.)?
2. Describe the underlying technology and approaches used to develop/maintain the
application in sufficient detail to allow IT staff to assess technical components, including
specification of the following: application operating system, solution search engine, and
data management system.
3. List all software (and versions) that must be licensed to use the proposed solution. Can
this software be licensed separately (i.e., directly from the software company)?
4. Please list any minimum system requirements that the City needs to be aware of to
operate, run, or use the solution (e.g., Server and PC OS, RAM, screen resolution, etc.).
5. What RDBMS and operating systems does the solution support? What is your preferred
6. What tools are used in the development environment to ensure secure coding?
7. Describe the process to rename, add, move, or delete fields on the user interface?
What impact do changes like these have on the database? What impact do these
changes have on the ability to apply patches and upgrades to the solution?
8. What is the process by which the customer can add new functionality (data elements,
stored procedures, user interfaces, and business logic) within the solution?
9. Please describe and to what extent the proposed solution for the resident portal allows
administrative users to customize what appears on the screen and where it is placed.
User Support/Maintenance
1. Describe how users access the system, including browser-based access and any
requirements for client software.
2. Describe how you ensure high availability of the proposed solution (e.g., server
clustering, load balancing across multiple application servers, server redundancy
design). Please include a diagram.
3. Describe your company's levels of communication and collaboration with customers,
including methodology, procedures, change control process, etc.

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Specification No. 119440

GIS Integration Capabilities

1. Describe the proposed solution's ability to work with ESRI and OpenGIS data structures
supported by the geodatabase, including tables, feature datasets, feature classes,
domains, geometric networks, relationship classes, subtypes, etc.
2. Indicate any necessary hardware and software that the City must have in place to
accommodate any of your proposed GIS functionality, including all items listed in the
requirements matrices (for example, current segmentation rules, street center line, and
address validation).
3. Explain how the proposed solution integrates with custom web services for built-in
functionality (e.g., a custom geocoder). Describe the level of effort involved to
customize and if there is any decreased functionality as a result.
4. How does your solution store geospatial information related to service requests?
Currently the City has 5-10 million records dating back to 2005. How would the
proposed solution handle scaling the storage and processing of the related geospatial
data for now and for future growth?
Social Media Capabilities
1. Explain in detail the architecture and capabilities of any social networking features in
the solution. Specifically reference your solutions ability to integrate with Facebook,
Twitter, and other common social media applications.
2. Which social media monitoring and reporting tools are embedded in the proposed
solution? With which reporting tools have you successfully integrated, and for which
3. Please describe the extent with which the proposed solution allows a resident to build a
profile of defined interests. Please describe the extent that a resident can list associates
and their memberships in groups and communities.
4. Please list the social media applications that the proposed solution supports. List the
three largest customers that use each of these social media applications in conjunction
with the proposed CRM solution. When was it deployed? Is it currently deployed? If
not, why?
5. How can the City monitor and integrate forums, blogs, and wikis into the proposed
solution? Describe any security controls and safeguards to protect confidential

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6. Please describe how the City can reach out to residents via the CRM and social media
integrations (e.g., e-newsletters, RSS feeds)?
Integration Capabilities
1. Describe the architecture for system interfaces (i.e., REST, SOAP, WDSL)?
2. Describe how your solution integrates with e-mail services to send out notifications.
3. Please describe the level of integration that exists between all proposed third-party
products and the base software. For example, do the third-party applications share
security definitions and similar menu structures?
4. Is your solution LDAP ready certified (LDAP Certified and conforming to the LDAP
Certified Product Standard)? How does the solution attach existing user account
information through LDAP integration?
5. How does the solution secure file, image, audio, and video uploads from residents in a
way that properly accepts and validates the data while protecting the City from
downloading malicious files?
6. Please describe your Open311 road map. Which clients have deployed the Open311
standard? Which clients are scheduled to deploy the standard within the next 12
7. Which reporting tools are embedded in the proposed solution? With which reporting
tools have you successfully integrated and for which customers?
8. All CRM custom reports will be developed using OBIEE. Please describe your teams
experience with this business intelligence toolset and how you have utilized it in
creating custom CRM reports.
Mobile Capabilities
1. List all of the third-party, mobile service request applications with which you have
integrated with the proposed solution and the customers for whom you provided the
2. List the applicable mobile platforms for which you have developed and successfully
deployed applications (e.g., Android, Blackberry, iPhone).
3. List the customers using the applicable mobile application(s) and which functionality
they are using.

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4. List the applications that the applicable mobile platform has integrated with.
5. List and describe the implementation for any customers where you have successfully
deployed the Open 311 API that was not for the public, but allowed the customer to
utilize the Open 311 API behind their firewall.
Application Security
1. What security standards, certifications, common criteria, or level of care has the
solution earned and what levels?
2. Describe how the system addresses and documents security issues, including personnel,
access rights, encryptions/SSL, firewall and protocol conflicts, database security, and
conflicts with standard OS.
3. How will you respond if a security breach is identified in the application code or in the
hosted environment? Please describe your approach, policies, and procedures.
4. Describe your identification and notification process for vulnerabilities, risks, and
threats to the application.
5. Please describe how your audit trail for intrusion detection works, how transactions are
logged, what it includes, and describe the level of configuration allowed.
6. Have other instances of this system been compromised, sabotaged, or targeted and
why? What were the results?
7. Please provide details on the password change and control process. How does your
solution handle role and group management of user passwords?
8. Please describe the authentication and authorization schemes that the proposed
solution supports.
9. Please describe your use of a source code control system that authenticates and logs
changes made by team members and libraries to the code from the baseline to ensure
secure development and to minimize vulnerability/threat exposure.
10. When was the last time the proposed solution was put through an analysis of the most
common programming errors relating to security, such as OWASP 10 or SANS 25? Have
you documented in writing that the findings and errors have been mitigated? Please
11. Please describe the physical security.

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12. How do you assure data validation and provide automated exception reporting of noncompliant or rejected data?
13. Describe your program to assist the City in performance of investigations and
remediation if security issues are discovered?
14. List the standard security reports that are included with the solution.
15. List and describe the methods and tools you use to protect the solution from
unauthorized access attempts (e.g., intrusion detection tools, etc.).
16. List and describe the methods and tools you use to provide endpoint security and to
avoid application conflicts.
17. Explain any security setup and administration changes that require direct coding to
18. Define what you will and will not allow in terms of performing security testing as part of
the development/configuration process.
19. All changes to assets in the City's technical environment must follow appropriate and
approved change management procedures. Describe your technical change
management procedures.
Future Considerations
1. Chicago is considering being part of a regional 211 call center in the future. A specific
date has not been established. Please describe the relationship any of your existing 311
customers have with existing 211 call centers. Please focus on the following items:
Were calls transferred? If so, how did the transfer occur?
Were service requests transferred? If so, how did the transfer occur? How were
service requests transferred or coordinated for fulfillment?
Were the 211 and 311 systems integrated or linked? If so, please explain the
What parameters were established to support the integration between the call
centers in order to minimize confusion for the constituents? Please describe the
public-facing education and outreach approach.
Which 311 departments were involved?
Please note that integration with 211 is not a requirement for this proposal. This
information will not be used in the evaluation of your response. If you have not
integrated with any 211 call centers, please state this.

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2. Please describe the relevant, new CRM products and services or significant additional
features and functionality that are on your firms road map to be delivered in the next
12 to 36 months. The City may be interested in partnering as a beta site. Please
describe the approach used to beta test software. If you have any prepared
presentation materials regarding your plans, please include them.

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Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 3 Company Profile Form and Project Reference Form

Submit a completed company profile information sheet for the prime contractor, each joint
venture partner, and each subcontractor, as applicable.
1) Legal Name of Firm:
2) Doing Business under Other Company Name?
If yes, Name of Company:
3) Headquarters Street Address:
4) Headquarters City, State, Zip Code:
5) Web Site Address:
6) Proposed Role:



7) Number of Years in Business:

8) Total Number of: Employees:

Number of Years in the CRM Business:

, full-time technical Staff:

, & support staff:

9) Total Annual Revenues for each of the last 3 full fiscal years:
10) Major Products and/or Services Offered:

11) Other Products and/or Services:

12) Number of installed CRM solutions commenced or deployed in the last 4 years:

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Specification No. 119440


Please complete one Project Reference Form for every CRM implementation project for
organizations with more than 500,000 constituents that Respondent has commenced or
deployed within the last four years. If the software provider is not the prime contractor, please
also include a completed Project Reference Form for each such project for the software
provider, regardless of whether or not the software provider was the prime or subcontractor on
such projects.
Referenced Company:
CRM Product:
Client Name:
Client Organization Size (# of Employees):

Size of Constituent Base:

Project Start Date:

Project Go Live Date:

Initial Contract Amount:

Final Contract Amount:

CRM Deployment Model (i.e., SaaS, Hosted, On-Premises):

Project Scope and Description:

Describe how subject solicitation goals were met. What was the outcome of the project? Attach
additional pages, as necessary.

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Specification No. 119440

Discuss significant obstacles to implementation and how those obstacles were overcome.

Is the client still using your company for subject solicitation?

What was the cost/financing structure of the contract?

Implementation Vendor:
Project Manager:
List all Applications that were interfaced with the CRM Software.

Client Project Implementation Manager




Project Role:

Client Call Center Manager




Project Role:

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CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 4 Cost Proposal Form

Instructions to Respondent:
1. Complete the Cost Summary below, which shall be a roll-up of all subsequent Cost Detail sections. Cost Summary shall
represent the full cost of software, implementation, and other services over the first five years.
2. The Total Cost should include all software and services costs necessary to deliver the proposed solution at a fixed fee. The
timing of all costs should match Respondent's implementation plan.
3. Complete the Cost Detail sections on subsequent pages, which shall include unit pricing and total costs as applicable. In case
of a discrepancy between the unit and total pricing, the unit price(s) shall govern. Use additional pages as necessary to
provide the City with a detailed understanding of all associated costs.
4. Cost Detail sections indicate anticipated cost items. Please add items as needed/proposed.
5. All costs should be in US dollars.
6. Indicate payment terms if an early payment discount is offered, including the percentage discount and when the payment is
due. Also indicate any other special discounts or programs that you feel could benefit the City. The Total Cost in the Cost
Summary shall not reflect any such discounts.
7. Provide any proposed optional hardware, software, and implementation services on additional pages.

Cost Summary

Year 1
System Costs
Implementation Services Costs
Training Costs
Maintenance and Support
Services Costs
License Maintenance Costs or
Subscription Service Fees
Other Implementation Costs
Other Costs

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5




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Specification No. 119440

1. System Costs Detail*

Year 1

a CRM Software
b Third Party Software
c Other System Costs

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5



* Note: Provide a schedule of all software quantities, unit prices, and total prices by year.

2. Implementation Services Costs Detail

a Strategic Planning, Business
Analysis and Related Services
b System Integration Development
c Configuration, Testing and
d Data Migration
e 311 Web Portal Implementation
f Social Media Integration
g Project Management
h Change Management
i Other Implementation Servcies

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5



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Specification No. 119440

2a. Strategic Planning, Business Analysis and Related Costs Detail



Strategic Planning
Education and Outreach
Service Request Type Analysis
Duplicate Detection Algorithm
City GIS Layers
Knowledge Base Design,
Organization, and
Custom Report Design
Other Business Analysis Costs

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5





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Specification No. 119440

3. Training Costs Detail*


Year 1
End-User Training
Super-User Training
SLAs, Reporting and Analytics
Knowledge Base Design and
Implementation Training
Functional System Administrator
Technical System Administrator
Train the Trainer Training
Customer Service Training
Other Training Costs

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5




* Note: Detail all classes available including different levels of user training and administrator training if available.

4. Maintenance and Support Services Costs Detail

Year 1


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5




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Specification No. 119440

5. License Maintenance Costs or Subscriptions Service Fees Detail*

Year 1

a CRM Software
b Third Party Software
c Other System Costs

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5



* Note: Provide a schedule of all software quantities, unit prices, and total prices by year.

6. Other Implementation Costs Detail

Year 1


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5




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Specification No. 119440

7. Other Costs Detail

Year 1


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5




Pricing Assumptions and Additional Notes

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CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 5 Sample Professional Services Agreement

A sample copy of the Citys professional services agreement is embedded in this document as a
.pdf file below:


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CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 6 Insurance Requirements

The City of Chicago Insurance Requirements for this RFP are outlined below:
Contractor must provide and maintain at Contractor's own expense or cause to be provided,
during the term of the Agreement and time period following expiration if Contractor is required
to return and perform any additional work or Services under the Agreement, the insurance
coverage and requirements specified below, insuring all operations related to the Agreement.



Workers Compensation and Employers Liability

Workers Compensation Insurance, as prescribed by applicable law, covering all
employees who are to provide a service under this Agreement and Employers Liability
coverage with limits of not less than $500,000 each accident, illness or disease.


Commercial General Liability (Primary and Umbrella)

Commercial General Liability Insurance or equivalent with limits of not less than
$10,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage
liability. Coverages must include the following: All premises and operations,
products/completed operations, separation of insured, defense and contractual liability
(not to include Endorsement CG 21 39 or equivalent). The City of Chicago is to be named
as an additional insured on a primary, non-contributory basis for any liability arising
directly or indirectly from the work or Services.
Subcontractors performing work or Services for the Contractor must maintain limits of
not less than $2,000,000 with the same terms herein.


Automobile Liability (Primary and Umbrella)

When any motor vehicles (owned, non-owned and hired) are used in connection with
work to be performed, Contractor must provide Automobile Liability Insurance with
limits of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.
The City of Chicago is to be named as an additional insured on a primary, noncontributory basis.
Subcontractors performing work or Services for the Contractor must maintain limits of
not less than $1,000,000 with the same terms herein.


Error & Omissions/Professional Liability

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Specification No. 119440

When any system technicians or engineers, web/cyber architects or engineers,

project/program managers/administrators, training professionals, electronic data
processing (EDP) professionals including but not limited to system programmers,
hardware and software designers/consultants or other professional consultants perform
work or services in connection with this Agreement, Professional Liability Insurance
(including covering acts, errors or omissions must be maintained with limits of not less
than $5,000,000. Coverage must include performance of or failure to perform EDP,
performance of or failure to perform other computer services and failure of software
product to perform the function for the purpose intended. When policies are renewed
or replaced, the policy retroactive date must coincide with or precede start of work on
the Agreement. A claims-made policy which is not renewed or replaced must have an
extended reporting period of two (2) years.
Subcontractors performing professional Services for the Contractor must maintain limits
of not less than $1,000,000 with the same terms herein.

Valuable Papers
When any plans, designs, drawings, specifications, media, data, reports, records, reports
and other documents are produced or used under this Agreement, Valuable Papers
Insurance must be maintained in an amount to insure against any loss whatsoever and
must have limits sufficient to pay for the re-creation and reconstruction of such records.


All Risk Property/Installation

All Risk Property/Installation Insurance must be maintained by the Contractor at full
replacement cost insuring loss or damage to City of Chicago property including
Department of Innovation Technology system/equipment, computer hardware and
software devices, machinery, equipment, materials, parts and supplies that are part of
the project/Agreement during the course of design, development, installation,
implementation, upgrade and testing until City acceptance; during maintenance, repairs
thereafter. Coverage is to be provided for City of Chicago property/data in the care,
custody and control of Contractor while in storage. The City of Chicago is to be named as
an additional insured and loss payee.
Contractor is responsible for all loss or damage City property at full replacement cost
including but not limited to City systems/equipment materials or supplies that result
from this Agreement during installation, maintenance, oe repairs; and for any loss or
damage to City of Chicago property/data while in storage at Contractor site.
Hosting Site
Contractor is to provide evidence of All Risk Property Insurance for Property (Hosting)
Site of Contractor that is part of the Agreement.

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Contractor is responsible for all loss or damage to personal property (including but not
limited to materials, equipments, tools and supplies), owned, rented or used by


Contractor must furnish the City of Chicago, Department of Procurement Services, City Hall,
Room 806, 121 North La Salle Street, Chicago, IL 60602, original Certificates of Insurance, or
such similar evidence, to be in force on the date of this Agreement, and Renewal Certificates of
Insurance, or such similar evidence, if the coverage have an expiration or renewal date
occurring during the term of this Agreement. Contractor must submit evidence of insurance on
the City of Chicago Insurance Certificate Form (copy attached as Exhibit-) or equivalent prior to
execution of Agreement. The receipt of any certificate does not constitute agreement by the
City that the insurance requirements in the Agreement have been fully met or that the
insurance policies indicated on the certificate are in compliance with all requirements of
Agreement. The failure of the City to obtain certificates or other insurance evidence from
Contractor is not a waiver by the City of any requirements for the Contractor to obtain and
maintain the specified coverage. Contractor must advise all insurers of the Agreement
provisions regarding insurance. Non-conforming insurance does not relieve Contractor of the
obligation to provide insurance as specified in this Agreement. Non-fulfillment of the insurance
conditions may constitute a violation of the Agreement, and the City retains the right to stop
work until proper evidence of insurance is provided, or the Agreement may be terminated.
The Contractor must provide for 60 days prior written notice to be given to the City in the event
coverage is substantially changed, canceled or non-renewed.
Any deductibles or self-insured retentions on referenced insurance coverage must be borne by
The Contractor hereby waives and agrees to require their insurers to waive their rights of
subrogation against the City of Chicago, its employees, elected officials, agents, or
The coverage and limits furnished by Contractor in no way limit the Contractor's liabilities and
responsibilities specified within the Agreement or by law.
Any insurance or self-insurance programs maintained by the City of Chicago do not contribute
with insurance provided by Contractor under this Agreement.
The required insurance to be carried is not limited by any limitations expressed in the
indemnification language in this Agreement or any limitation placed on the indemnity in this
Agreement given as a matter of law.

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Specification No. 119440

If Contractor is a joint venture or limited liability company, the insurance policies must name
the joint venture or limited liability company as a named insured.
Contractor must require all Subcontractors to provide the insurance required in this
Agreement, or Contractor may provide the coverage for Subcontractors. All Subcontractors are
subject to the same insurance requirements of Contractor unless otherwise specified in this
If Contractor or Subcontractors desire additional coverage, the party desiring the additional
coverage is responsible for the acquisition and cost.
Notwithstanding any provision in the Agreement to the contrary, the City of Chicago Risk
Management Department maintains the right to modify, delete, alter or change these

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Specification No. 119440


Named Insured:
(Number and Street)

Specification #: 119440
Project #:
Contract #:


Description of Operation/Location
The insurance policies and endorsements indicated below have been issued to the designated named insured with the policy limits as set forth herein
covering the operation described within the contract involving the named insured and the City of Chicago. The Certificate issuer agrees that in the
event of cancellation, non-renewal or material change involving the indicated policies, the issuer will provide at least sixty (60) days prior written notice
of such change to the City of Chicago at the address shown on this Certificate. This certificate is issued to the City of Chicago in consideration of the
contract entered into with the named insured, and it is mutually understood that the City of Chicago relies on this certificate as a basis for continuing
such agreement with the named insured:
Type of Insurance

Insurer Name

Policy Number

Expiration Date

Limits of Liability
All Limits in Thousands

General Liability
[ ] Claims made [ ] Occurrence
[ ] Premise-Operations
[ ] Explosion/Collapse Underground
[ ] Products/Completed-Operations
[ ] Blanket Contractual
[ ] Broad Form Property Damage
[ ] Independent Contractors
[ ] Personal Injury
[ ] Pollution


Automobile Liability


$ _________

[ ] Excess Liability
[ ] Umbrella Liability


$ _________

Workers Compensation and Employers Liability

$ _________

Builders Risk/Course of Construction

Amount of Contract


$ _________

$ _________

$ _________

Professional Liability

$ __________

Owner Contractors Protective

$ ___________


$ ___________

Each Insurance policy required by this agreement, excepting policies for workers compensation and professional liability, will read: The City of
Chicago is an additional insured as respects operations and activities of, or on behalf of the named insured, performed under contract with or permit
from the City of Chicago.
b) The General, Automobile and Excess/Umbrella Liability Policies described provide for severability of Interest (cross liability) applicable to the named
insured and the City.
c) Workers Compensation and Property Insurers shall waive all rights of subrogation against the City of Chicago.
Name and Address of Certificate Holder and Recipient of Notice
Certificate Holder/Additional Insured
City of Chicago
Procurement Department
121 N. LaSalle St., #403
Chicago, IL 60602

Signature of Authorized Rep. ____________________________

Agency/Company: _____________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
Telephone ____________________________________________

d) The receipt of this certificate by the City does not constitute agreement by the City that the insurance requirements in the contract have been fully
met, or that the insurance policies indicated by this certificate are in compliance with all contract requirements.
For City use only
Name of City Department requesting certificate: (Using Dept.)

ZIP Code:

Attention: ____________________

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CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 7 Service Request Volume

The following tables outline 80% of the City of Chicagos 2012 Service Request volume by
department and bureau.
80% of 2012 Service Request Volume by Department
CSR Type


# of


Streets and Sanitation

Bureau of Street Operations

Graffiti Removal



Bureau of Street Operations

Weed Removal


Bureau of Traffic Services

Immediate Tow



Bureau of Rodent Control

Garbage Cart Black Maintenance/Replacement



Bureau of Forestry

Tree Trim



Bureau of Rodent Control

Rodent Baiting/Rat Complaint


Bureau of Traffic Services

Vehicle Impoundment



Bureau of Forestry

Tree Debris


Bureau of Traffic Services

Abandoned Vehicle Complaint



Bureau of Forestry

Tree Emergency


Bureau of Sanitation

Sanitation Code Violation


Bureau of Traffic Services

Relocated Vehicle


Bureau of Street Operations Private

S.W.A.P. (Sheriff`s Work Alt Prgm)




Building Violation



Troubled Buildings

Vacant/Abandoned Building



New Construction

No Building Permit & Construction Violations




Plumbing Violation




No Heat


Senior Services

I & A Call Log


Senior Services

Aging Direct Service


Human Services

Shelter Request


Division of Electrical Operations

Street Lights - All/Out


Division of In-House Construction

Pot Hole in Street


DIM, Sign Management

Sign - All Other Signs



Division of Electrical Operations

Street Light - 1/Out




Family and Support Services


Page 114

CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

80% of 2012 Service Request Volume by Department


CSR Type

# of


Division of In-House Construction

Bridge Lift


Division of Electrical Operations

Traffic Signal Out


Division of In-House Construction

Street Paint Marking Maintenance



Division of Electrical Operations

Alley Light Out



Division of Engineering

Sidewalk Survey



DIM, Public Way Management

Pavement Cave-In Survey


Division of In-House Construction

Alley Pot Hole



Meter Shop

Shut Off Water Non Pay WS



Central Dispatch

Hydrant Open


Billing & Customer Service

Illegal Restore


Sewer Section

Clean Catch Basin/Gutter Box



Central Dispatch

Check for Leak



Sewer Section

Sewer Cave In Inspection



Sewer Section

Sewer Cleaning Inspection



Sewer Section

Water On Street


Sewer Section

Water in Basement


Sewer Section

Missing Lid/Grate


Central Dispatch

Restore Water After Payment


Central Dispatch

Request Water Shut-off Vacant Building


Sewer Section

Repair Catch Basin/Gutter Box



Meter Shop

Water Meter Volunteer Program



Central Dispatch

Defective B-Box



Central Dispatch

Water Management - General Investigation



Water Management

All Other Departments




Other Government Agencies

Chicago Transit Authority - CTA


Animal Care and Control

Animal Care and Control


Zoning and Land Use Planning

Zoning and Land Use Planning


Page 115

CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

80% of 2012 Service Request Volume by Department


CSR Type

Business Affairs and Consumer


Prosecutions and Adjudication

Animal Care and Control

# of



Animal Care and Control


Animal Care and Control

Animal Care and Control


Mayor's Correspondence Group

Mayor's Correspondence Group










Animal Care and Control

Animal Care and Control



Other Government Agencies

Chicago Transit Authority - CTA


Animal Care and Control

Animal Care and Control


Other Government Agencies

Chicago Transit Authority - CTA



Health - Food Protection



Animal Care and Control

Animal Care and Control



Other Government Agencies

Chicago Park District



Other Government Agencies

Chicago Park District



Business Affairs and Consumer


Enforcement and Investigations



Animal Care and Control

Animal Care and Control



Other Government Agencies

Chicago Transit Authority - CTA


Other Government Agencies

Chicago Park District



Business Affairs and Consumer


Prosecutions and Adjudication



Other Government Agencies

Chicago Transit Authority - CTA


Zoning and Land Use Planning

Zoning and Land Use Planning



Other Government Agencies

Chicago Transit Authority - CTA


Mayor's Office for People with




Animal Care and Control

Animal Care and Control



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Specification No. 119440

The following chart displays the City of Chicagos 2012 Service Request volume by intake channel.

2012 Service Requests by Intake Channel


114,293 96,301














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CRM Modernization Solution RFP

Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 8 Data Protection Policy with Contractors

"Breach" means the acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of Protected Information that
compromises the security or privacy of the Protected Information.
"Contractor" means an entity that receives or encounters Protected Information. Contractor
includes, without limitation, entities that store Protected Information, or host applications that
process Protected Information. The provisions of this Data Policy includes not only the entity
that is a signatory to this Policy but all subcontractors, of whatever tier, of that entity; the
signatory must inform and obtain the agreement of such subcontractors to the terms of this
Data Policy.
"Protected Information" means all data provided by City to Contractor or encountered by
Contractor in the performance of the services to the City, including, without limitation, all data
sent to Contractor by City and/or stored by Contractor on its servers. Protected Information
includes, but is not limited to, employment records, medical and health records, personal
financial records (or other personally identifiable information), research data, and classified
government information. To the extent there is any uncertainty as to whether any data
constitutes Protected Information, the data in question shall be treated as Protected

1. Information Security. Contractor agrees to the following:


General. Notwithstanding any other obligation of Contractor under this policy,

Contractor agrees that it will not lose, alter, or delete, either intentionally or
unintentionally, any Protected Information, and that it is responsible for the safekeeping of all such information, except to the extent that the City directs the
Contractor in writing to do so.


Access to Data. In addition to the records to be stored / maintained by Contractor,

all records that are possessed by Contractor in its service to the City of Chicago to
perform a governmental function are public records of the City of Chicago pursuant
to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), unless the records are exempt
under the Act. FOIA requires that the City produce records in a very short period of
time. If the Contractor receives a request from the City to produce records, the
Contractor shall do so within 72 hours of the notice.


Minimum Standard for Data at Rest and Data in Motion. Contractor must, at a
minimum, comply, in its treatment of Protected Information, with National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53 Moderate Level
Control. Notwithstanding this requirement, Contractor acknowledges that it must
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Specification No. 119440

fully comply with each additional obligation contained in this policy. If data is
protected health information or electronic protected health information, as defined
in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and Health Information
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HIPAA/HITECH) and regulations
implementing these Acts (see 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164), it must be secured in
accordance with "Guidance Specifying the Technologies and Methodologies that
Render Protected Health Information Unusable, Unreadable, or Indecipherable to
Unauthorized Individuals," available on the United States Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) website
x.html), or at Volume 74 of the Federal Register, beginning at page 42742. That
guidance from the HHS states that valid encryption processes for protected health
information data at rest (e.g., protected health information resting on a server),
must be consistent with the NIST Special Publication 800-111, Guide for Storage
Encryption Technologies for End User Devices. Valid encryption processes for
protected health information data in motion (e.g., transmitted through a network)
are those which comply with NIST Special Publications 800-52, Guidelines for the
Selection and Use of Transport Layer Security Implementation; 800-77, Guide to
IPsec VPNs; or 800-113, Guide to SSL VPNs, or others which are Federal Information
Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 validated.

Where Data is to be Stored. All data must be stored only on computer systems
located in the continental United States.


Requirement to Maintain Security Program. Contractor acknowledges that the City

has implemented an information security program to protect the City's information
assets, which Program is available on the City website at ("City Program"). Contractor shall be responsible for
establishing and maintaining an information security program that is designed to: (i)
ensure the security and confidentiality of Protected Information; (ii) protect against
any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of Protected
Information; (iii) protect against unauthorized access to or use of Protected
Information; (iv) ensure the proper disposal of Protected Information; and, (v)
ensure that all subcontractors of Contractor, if any, comply with all of the foregoing.


Undertaking by Contractor. Without limiting Contractor's obligation of

confidentiality as further described herein, in no case shall the safeguards of
Contractor's information security program be less stringent than the information
security safeguards used by the City Program.


Right of Audit by the City of Chicago. The City of Chicago shall have the right to
review Contractor's information security program prior to the commencement of
Services and from time to time during the term of this Agreement. During the
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Specification No. 119440

performance of the Services, from time to time and without notice, the City of
Chicago, at its own expense, shall be entitled to perform, or to have performed, an
on-site audit of Contractor's information security program. In lieu of an on-site audit,
upon request by the City of Chicago, Contractor agrees to complete, within forty-five
(45 days) of receipt, an audit questionnaire provided by the City of Chicago or the
City of Chicago's designee regarding Contractor's information security program.

Audit by Contractor. No less than annually, Contractor shall conduct an independent

third-party audit of its information security program and provide such audit findings
to the City of Chicago, all at the Contractor's sole expense.


Audit Findings. Contractor shall implement at its sole expense any remedial actions
as identified by the City as a result of the audit.

1.10. Demonstrate Compliance - PCI. No less than annually, as defined by the City of
Chicago and where applicable, the Contractor agrees to demonstrate compliance
with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). Upon City's request,
Contractor must be prepared to demonstrate compliance of any system or
component used to process, store, or transmit cardholder data that is operated by
the Contractor as part of its service. Similarly, upon City's request, Contractor must
demonstrate the compliance of any third party it has sub-contracted as part of the
service offering. As evidence of compliance, the Contractor shall provide upon
request a current attestation of compliance signed by a PCI QSA (Qualified Security
1.11. Demonstrate Compliance - HIPAA / HITECH. If the Protected Information includes
protected health information or electronic protected health information covered
under HIPAA/HITECH, Contractor must execute, and be governed by, the provisions
in its contract with the City regarding HIPAA/HITECH, the regulations implementing
those Acts, and the Business Associate Agreement in its contract with the City. As
specified in 1.3, protected health information must be secured in accordance with
the "Guidance Specifying the Technologies and Methodologies that Render
Protected Health Information Unusable, Unreadable, or Indecipherable to
Unauthorized Individuals."
1.12. Data Confidentiality. Contractor shall implement appropriate measures designed to
ensure the confidentiality and security of Protected Information, protect against any
anticipated hazards or threats to the integrity or security of such information,
protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of information, and prevent any
other action that could result in substantial harm to the City of Chicago or an
individual identified with the data or information in Contractor's custody.
1.13. Compliance with All Laws and Regulations. Contractor agrees that it will comply with
all laws and regulations.
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Specification No. 119440

1.14. Limitation of Access. Contractor will not knowingly permit any Contractor personnel
to have access to any City of Chicago facility or any records or data of the City of
Chicago if the person has been convicted of a crime in connection with (i) a
dishonest act, breach of trust, or money laundering, or (ii) a felony. Contractor must,
to the extent permitted by law, conduct a check of public records in all of the
employee's states of residence and employment for at least the last five years in
order to verity the above. Contractor shall assure that all contracts with
subcontractors impose these obligations on the subcontractors and shall monitor
the subcontractors' compliance with such obligations.
1.15. Data Re-Use. Contractor agrees that any and all data exchanged shall be used
expressly and solely for the purposes enumerated in the Agreement. Data shall not
be distributed, repurposed or shared across other applications, environments, or
business units of Contractor. As required by Federal law, Contractor further agrees
that no City of Chicago data of any kind shall be revealed, transmitted, exchanged or
otherwise passed to other Contractors or interested parties except on a case-bycase basis as specifically agreed to in writing by an officer of the City of Chicago with
designated data, security, or signature authority.
1.16. Safekeeping and Security. Contractor will be responsible for safekeeping all keys,
access codes, passwords, combinations, access cards, personal identification
numbers and similar security codes and identifiers issued to Contractor's employees,
agents or subcontractors. Contractor agrees to require its employees to promptly
report a lost or stolen access device or information to their primary business contact
and to the City of Chicago Information Security Office.
1.17. Mandatory Disclosure of Protected Information. If Contractor is compelled by law or
regulation to disclose any Protected Information, the Contractor will provide to the
City of Chicago with prompt written notice so that the City of Chicago may seek an
appropriate protective order or other remedy. If a remedy acceptable to the City of
Chicago is not obtained by the date that the Contractor must comply with the
request, the Contractor will furnish only that portion of the Protected Information
that it is legally required to furnish, and the Contractor shall require any recipient of
the Protected Information to exercise commercially reasonable efforts to keep the
Protected Information confidential.
1.18. Data Breach. Contractor agrees to comply with all laws and regulations relating to
data breach, including without limitation, the Illinois Personal Information
Protection Act and other applicable Illinois breach disclosure laws and regulations.
Data breaches of protected health information and electronic protected health
information shall be governed by the provisions regarding HIPAA/HITECH, and the
regulations implementing those Acts, in the Contractor's contract with the City,
specifically the Business Associate Agreement in such contract. Contractor will
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Specification No. 119440

immediately notify the City if security of any Protected Information has been
breached, and will provide information as to that breach in such detail as requested
by the City. Contractor will, if requested by the City, notify any affected individuals
of such breach at the sole cost of the Contractor.
1.19. Data Sanitization and Safe Disposal. All physical and electronic records must be
retained per federal, state and local laws and regulations, including the Local
Records Act. Where disposal is approved, the Contractor agrees that prior to
disposal or reuse of all magnetic media (e.g. hard disk, floppy disk, removable media,
etc.) which may have contained City of Chicago data shall be submitted to a data
sanitization process which meets or exceeds DoD 5220.28-M 3-pass specifications.
Certification of the completion of data sanitization shall be provided to the City of
Chicago within 10 days of completion. Acceptance of Certification of Data
Sanitization by the Information Security Office of the City of Chicago is required prior
to media reuse or disposal. All other materials which contain City of Chicago data
shall be physically destroyed and shredded in accordance to NIST Special Publication
800-88, Guidelines for Media Sanitization, specifications.
1.20. End of Agreement Data Handling. The Contractor agrees that upon termination of
this Agreement it shall return all data to the City of Chicago in a useable electronic
form, and erase, destroy, and render unreadable all data in its entirety in accordance
to the prior stated Data Sanitization and Safe Disposal provisions. Data must be
rendered in a manner that prevents its physical reconstruction through the use of
commonly available file restoration utilities. Certification in writing that these
actions have been completed must be provided within 30 days of the termination of
this Agreement or within 7 days of a request of an agent of the City of Chicago,
whichever shall come first.

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Specification No. 119440

Exhibit 9 New Information Security Policies

The Citys new Information Security Policies are embedded in this document as a .pdf file

New Security

Page 123

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