Safe Silver Book

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Safe Silver

Morgan Gatzemeyer, Caroline Hinman,

Kaitlyn Turkett


Table of Contents
Product Category
Our Brand
Target Market
Target Profile
Product Strategy
Pricing Strategy
Place & Distribution Strategy
Promotion Strategy
Expected Outcomes
Potential Risks
Contingency Plan


Product Category
Our product can be categorized amongst two main markets. Safe Silver necklaces straddle
the jewelry and self-protection markets. Safe Silver is a line of fashionably designed
necklaces that double as a rape whistles. This product will allow the consumers to alarm
the public if they are in danger. As the necklaces become more predominant in society we
hope it will make harassers second-guess their actions and ward them off by the sight of the
There is a whistle located inside the necklace that is an actual rape whistle. Safe Silver
understands the need for safety and self-protection; especially amongst college students
that believe that they are invincible. These subtle necklaces can act as another tool to
ensure the students safety, while being displayed as a fashion statement.
Our product will be in many different designs. Customers will be able to choose from a
range of options. Our necklaces will be in between the size of a nickel and a quarter. In
the situation of potential danger, the necklace can be blown into where it will release an
alarming sound that notifies the public of said danger.


Anti-Rape Products:

We feel our product is located in two different categories; Anti-Rape

competitors products and other jewelry competitors. Safety is number one and with everything the Antirape competitors are coming out with, we think that this is going to be our main competitor. Our product
is unique enough though to fit into both of these categories perfectly.

Some of the Anti-rape competitors products would be the new Anti Rape App. This app allows you to
text six friends you have put in your Circle. You can select the Car bubble, the Phone Bubble, or there
is a Chat Bubble that tells you if you are in an abusive relationship. Each bubble sends out a specified
text to the six friends the instant you want them to receive the text. This helps in the case you are in a
conspicuous situation and want your friends to help. Some limitations of using this product is that you
might not have your phone with you or might not have the ability to use the app when in this situation.

Some of the less obvious anti-rape products would be the belt buckle that requires two hands to
remove. The military-style buckle has a latch that the wearer has to move through a labyrinth into the
correct position in order to unlock the belt. The goal of this product is to deter rapists just by the sight of
the belt.

There are many traditional whistles that are worn by teenage girls to protect them in the case they are in
a rape situation. Many colleges encourage these generic whistles to be worn as extra protection when
walking around campus and on streets near universities. Whistles like these have been around for many
years but more recently they have been produced in different colors and styles to encourage girls to
wear them more often.

Jewelry Market: The other competitor category we are looking at is the jewelry industry. We
are thinking our product would be in the same category as Alex & Ani bracelets and Pandora jewelry.
Our prices would be ranging around $40 so this coincides with the pricing of both of our jewelry
competitors. Our consumers would also be able to design and customize their own piece for birthdays,
graduations, any occasion really if they choose. Giving us an advantage over our competitors who
dont offering personalization on their jewelry pieces.

Alex & Ani

A jewelry brand that making mostly bracelets and rings along with other pieces, all crafted in America.
The brand is committed to living consciously, turning a lifestyle brand into a way of life. One of their
lines is Charity By Design that focuses on empowering non-profit organizations to reach their goals by
sharing their mission through the power of positive energy and creative design. The bracelets are priced
betwwen $28-$80 depending on the product.

PANDORA designs, manufactures and markets hand-finished and modern jewelry made from genuine
materials at affordable prices. PANDORA markets itself as a distinctive brand with distinctive products.
Their jewelry is sold in more than 80 countries and is priced on the higher end ranging from $40 up tp


The safety tools category is a developed market but more recently has evolved due to
the development of more innovative technologies. So far, none of products have been
able to gain a significant piece of the market share. As a result, by developing a new
product that combines safety and jewelry we are hoping to create a more usable piece
for young women in hopes to gain a large share of the market. Since this is a constantly
changing category with no dominant market leader, there are opportunities for our brand
to expand and stand out in consumers minds. First, we want our jewelry to pave the way
for a safe and fashionable trend. In order to complete this objective, we plan to create
an aggressive marketing strategy directed towards women. Aside from being a new
product, we believe one of our main opportunities is to work with well-known designers
to style and design different product lines of necklaces. Some designers we have
considered are Kate Spade and Kendra Scott. In addition, we can have celebrities
that are seen as style icons endorse our products. Some celebrities we hope to work
with are Cindy Crawford, Jessica Simpson, and Rachel Zoe. Working with designers and
celebrities we feel will benefit us two-fold because our jewelry will be more appealing to
consumers who recognize the name associated with our products and brand. Aside from
the consumer benefits, this will allow us to market business-to-business since we will need
a strategy to gain designers for our brand. Overall, we feel that our brand has an unique
attribute that can differentiate itself to succeed in two markets.


Our New Brand

Our brand embodies a unique duality of safety and style.
The stylish necklaces that will double as a rape whistle will
provide women with a dependable emergency tool as
well as an irreplaceable sense of self-reassurance. The
name that we have chosen for this brand is Safe Silver. Safe
Silver emphasizes our two product categories that we are
entering: jewelry and safety tools. Our main priority is safety
so we felt that it was important to include that in the title.
The name Silver was not only chosen for its alliteration, but
because of what the color silver represents. Silver stands for
femininity and possesses reflective and sensitive qualities. It
has been said that silver restores equilibrium and stability
to the female energy. Our brand logo is eye catching yet
dainty. It resembles a lock to reflect safety and security. Our
brand will stand out amongst competitors because of its
unique duality attribute of being both a necklace and a
rape whistle.
The necklaces themselves will not only be silver, but bronze and gold as well. The
necklaces will come in two different shapes. One shape will bar-like with a more highpitched frequency. The bar will be able to be engraved and/or have a multitude of
designs on them. The other shape available will be a thicker circular shape similar to
a smaller pitch pipe. This necklace shape will distribute a typical gym whistle sound.
Monogrammed versions as well as engraved options are available on the circular
shaped charm as well. The circular charms will come in various designs contributed by
Safe Silver and their various partners. Our packaging will be sleek. The box will be thin
and rectangular showcasing the charm and the durable chain. It will be a darker grey
with black writing. When designing the packaging, silver often times comes off cheap
looking so going with a dark grey will allow their to be association with the color silver
and also add an element sophistication.


Target Market
Primary Target Overview:
Our primary target is young women who are beginning the next new step in their lives by
learning to live on their own. Whether its at college or in a city starting a new job, the
freedom is both exciting and overwhelming. They want to feel safe while walking around
and want piece of mind knowing that have something to protect them without it being too
bulky or obnoxious to carry. These women are also very trendy and tend to buy the latest
styles of clothing and jewelry. However, all these women are on a budget and dont have
spare money to spend on their clothes so they make sure to buy only affordable pieces
that can be restyled for many different outfits. To maintain their fashionable image, they
sporadically post pictures of their outfits to ensure their friends know they are trendsetting.
Due to these behaviors, we can assume these women are social media savvy and are
constantly checking their accounts for the next best look. Because these women are
younger, they arent married yet and are either single or in a relationship but the most
importantly they are still looking to get the most out of life. Many of them live by the moto,
work hard, play harder, because they are always ready for a good time with friends.
Since they enjoy going out, these women want a convenient and reliable way to protect
themselves when walking through questionable areas or on the way home by themselves.
Overall, our primary target are youthful, energetic, and upbeat women who are leaving
home and learning how to take care of themselves for the first time ever.

Secondary Target Overview:

Our secondary target is parents, grandparents, and other relatives of young girls whole
are about to start the next chapter in their lives. These family members understand that
this is a point in her life where she needs to live and grow on her own, but they want that
peace of mind that she is protected when they cant be there. Because safety is their
concern, they are looking for a graduation or goodbye gift that she will like and serve
as a dual-purpose of keeping her safe. This target is supplementary to our primary market
because they are the ones who will be more willing to buy a safety product as a gift and
less for the style aspect.


Target Profile
Age 16-22 Ready-for-Anything Tyro
The girls in the age group are juniors and seniors in high school
who will be graduating high school in a couple of months. Upon
graduation, they will be moving onto college where they get to
experience life without their parents gain a freedom they have
never been exposed to before. In college, they want to make
good first impressions and will make sure their outfits represent
who they are. Whether she turns out to be involved in many
student organizations or just a sorority, they are prepared and
eager for the opportunities that lay ahead of them.

Age 23-27 College Educated Extrovert

The women in this age group are about to graduate
college and preparing for their first real job. Pressured
with more financial and social responsibilities, they still
look forward to the weekends where they can go out for
cocktails and drinks with friends to unwind from the week.
Although more mature than they were in college, these
girls still want to make the most of their youth but must do it
on a budget therefore seeking inexpensive activities and
purchases that fit into their busy lifestyles.

Age 28-34 Conscientious Trendsetter

In this age group, the women have been working for
some time now at a job they really like, or are still trying
to find that niche where they fit in best. Either way, they
are getting a hang of living on themselves and it has
paid off. These women walk the streets with confidence
in themselves and their style. They continue to go out
with friends on a regular basis and after getting to
know the area better, have figured out ways to shield
themselves from uncomfortable situations. Managing
their funds has become easier with a stable income
but they still save in areas like clothing where they
dont want to spend their entire paycheck in one store
so they look for deals when they can.


Our image for Safe Silver is very unique compared to what most jewelry and safety
companies have to offer. Unlike anyone else, we are trying to combine the two: to help
the piece of mind of parents and stay up-to-date on fashionable trends for young girls
who just graduate high school or college and are living on their own. When parents
view our product, they will see it as a safety net that they are unable to provide for
their daughters when they leave the nest. For the eyes of the girls who desire Safe Silver,
we want them to view our product as something that is fashionable and as a plus it
will keep them safe. To do this, take a look at our promotional ideas and how we are
going to place it in the market. Since our product will be so unique, we dont have
competitors in our particular market per say, more like we have two categories at the
end of each spectrum. Some competitive advantages of our Safe Silver product is that
it is distinct from anything else, and there is a huge market for Jewelry these days. Another
advantage is that as a designer of such an irreplaceable piece of jewelry, we have free
reign to create any design we wish. Whether it be regarding the shape of our necklace,
the colors, and even the pitch of the whistle. Some disadvantages are that our product
might not be a hit in the market we desire it to be in. We have to be patient. And with this
as our only product to start with, if we dont end up creating any new lines, it could be
risky. Another disadvantage would be that since this is our first business running together
as a team, things could fail inside the business. We would have to make a very specific
SWOT analysis to help get rid of any negative thoughts.


Product Strategy
Since a designed rape whistle is a fairly new product category, we want to create a series
of lines to match the preferences of our unique target audience. We feel that our product,
itself, will sell because it is something that our primary and secondary target believes is
a necessary safety item. As a result, our strategy is to focus on the colors and designs of
each piece to compliment the style of each girl who will be wearing them. We will emphasis
that our necklaces can be worn with any everyday outfit along with still having that
protection. As stated before we will have two styles of the necklaces, one will be a rounddisk whistle and the other will be a long bar whistle. Along with this, we plan to design three
lines of necklaces: our classic designs, our celebrity jewelry designer lines, and our custom
monogram line.
Our traditional designs will represent and reinforce our brand image, Safe Silver. These
pieces cannot be customized but they are the styles that we have designed. This line will
follow the same design to these pieces:


Celebrities who already have their own jewelry lines will design our celebrity necklace
lines. We will ask collaborate with their already existing lines to incorporate their style into
our whistle necklaces. One example of a celebrity jewelry designer will plan to pair up
with is Molly Sims and her jewelry line, Grayce. Even though these will be celebrity jewelry
designers, we dont want to have celebrities endorse our necklaces because we feel
at this time our necklaces dont need to be promoted using celebrity endorsements.
Although, these lines will be an exclusive style of each jewelry designer, we hope for them
to compliment the rest of the brand. Therefore we want those necklaces to look similar to
the following:

Lastly, our custom necklaces will be simple pieces that can be monogramed with initials
and other sayings to make our necklaces more personal for each girl. Since these
necklaces can be customized so we plan to provide basic shapes, colors, and designs
that can be modified to fit the wants of our customers. Some of these pieces would

In addition, to having all three of these lines we want to present an array of different
colors like silver, rose gold, and bronze. Not only that we will offer the option of purchasing
necklaces on different chains and cords. For example, we will have the option of a
black cord, a simple silver chain, and also a thicker, longer chain. By creating the option
of allowing our necklaces to come in different ways, we feel is another way our target
audience can customize their necklaces from any line to make them fit their own personality.
Our goals is to make these necklaces special for girls so they wear them all the time that
way the duel-purpose of safety is always present.


Pricing Strategy
While thinking about our pricing strategy, since our product is new and there isnt anything like it, we
have free range on pricing. However we believe that we should stay in line with what our jewelry
competitors are pricing their products. So after some deliberation, we believe that our basic line
(lower end) of Safe Silver products should be priced between $30-$40. Then if they decide to
choose the more high end products (this includes engraving, more upscale necklaces), we were
thinking they would pay between $80-$100. Then with the money we make, a percentage will go to
an organization/charity. We want to price our products in a way where they view the necklace as
being a part of why the price is what it is. We want our product to be viewed as Upper level jewelry
that is in competition with Pandora, Alex and Ani, and other competitors in the jewelry category.


Place & Distribution


Safe Silver is a start up brand and unique product so there is not necessarily a direct need to have its
own stores just yet. Consumers will have the ability to buy this product across the nation. We want to use
more accessible distribution channels that have a medium price range so more of our target market can
have access to them. Safe Silver will infiltrate department stores, such as Macys and Bloomingdales. We
would also like for our products to be available on QVC because this reaches a specific part of our
target market (middle aged woman buying for younger family members) and allows there to be a wide
spread of distribution geographically. A positioning strategy that Safe Silver is currently using is appealing
to women that are just entering college or young adults moving to the next steep in their lives. While these
women or the families of these women are shopping for their homes and supplying their future lifestyle that
can pick up Safe Silvers product at stores like Bed, Bath & Beyond. To further reach the niche market of
college females we want to partner will college bookstores to distribute our Safe Silver product lines.


Promotion Strategy
Our promotion strategy will be jumpstarted with an effective advertising
campaign that reaches our main target audiences. We will promote the
innovative duality of Safe Silvers product. We will use print and out of home
ads as well as an intensive social media campaign. Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram will be used to show the functionality as well as its stylish designs.
College campuses will be a huge contributor to this promotion strategy
because it will benefit their brand as well as help Safe Silvers. After the New
York Times editorial about the rape scandal at Hobart and William Smith
was published colleges were put on a pedestal to heavily enforce and
practice safety. We would also encourage the colleges and universities to
custom design special types of whistles to fit their brand. Another way to
reach this target market is to grab their attention before they leave high
school. While high school seniors are looking to gradate and making the
various preparations, we will strategically place ads where they will see them.
Safe Silver will be featured in the magazines where class rings are available
to be ordered.
To grow awareness, we want to use product placement where it is
appropriate. It happens all too often those women are painted as damsels
in distress or helpless in television shows and movies. If we can place our
product where woman have to display this vulnerability that would do
amazing things for our brand. While this may be one of our more difficult
goals, it would be one of the most effective. Another equally effective
promotion strategy is partnering with charities that support womens rights.
Safe Silver would like to implement some social responsibility within their
business model and promote it to bring our main goals full circle. This is more
than a promotion, but nonetheless it gives people incentive to stay safe
and give to a great cause.




Expected Outcomes
Since we are introducing a new product into an undefined market it is hard to determine what the
outcome will be after the launch. Since we cant evaluate performance of similar products, we anticipate
that our rape whistle necklaces will create and clearly define a new market of fashion safety pieces. We
hope that our brand will be known and recognized as the pioneer of safety jewelry.
Once our product is launched, we foresee our sales and awareness of the brand to be fairly low.
In order to spread knowledge about our brand, Safe Silver, and our necklaces we will implement a
promotional strategy. This plan will hopefully boost awareness and sales will start to gain momentum.
We believe that once our target knows about our fashion, rape whistle necklaces, the product will sell
We believe that Safe Silvers necklaces will start a new trend and as a result, popularity for our necklaces
will grow. This trend being that our necklaces are both stylish and reliable making it a necessity for every
college-aged girl. As this trend takes hold with our target market, we are prepared for competitors to
design similar products. These competitors will enter into the market with an objective to gain market
share. One strategy we plan to install is to market Safe Silver as the original. We want to be known as
the first brand to design fashionable, rape whistle necklaces for girls while keeping their safety in mind.
Even though more competitors will enter the market, we feel that our brand has a large competitive
advantage to remain as the market leader.
Another outcome after launching our necklaces we expect to happen is that more designers and other
jewelry companies will express interest in partnering with us. Even though we will have created a line for
specific jewelry designers, we feel that once other designers see the success of our product they will
want to work with our company too. From this outcome, we plan to expand our current product lines and
possibly introduce more lines depending on the interest we receive. One way to control the high interest
is to rotate designers on a seasonal or monthly basis that way our necklaces are constantly staying on
trend and popular with our target. Along with that our customers would have something to look forward
to buying every couple of months, generating more interaction and favorability with the brand.
Overall, this market it difficult to anticipate outcomes since we dont have a clear idea of how customers
will react to our product. Even though we are the first in the market, we expect our necklaces to be
considered as pioneers of the safety jewelry industry. After launch, we anticipate more competitors to
enter into the market and for other designers to show interest in working with the brand


Potential Risks
1. As said in past plans, our target audience directed towards young women in their
early twenties to thirties who adore fashion and safety. As well as parents/ grandparents
and anyone who cares about a loved ones safety. We are hoping that this target market is
the correct choice, and we believe wholeheartedly that this is the right decision. However
there is the slightest chance that it might not take off. Our target market may not like our
product and may not have interest in this product.
2. Fashion is an ever-changing market. A possible risk could be that we fall behind in the
trends. If Safe Silver fails to update its jewelry design to keep with the trends. This could be
a potential killer for the brand.
3. Certain situations could look bad for us, so we have to take everything into
consideration. Safe Silver is a product that is designed to prevent rapists from attacking.
Designed to create a sound that will notify others to situations that are unwanted. However
in the chance that Safe Silver needs to be used, and it becomes defective, this could
pose legal risks. We have to be ready to take action, and make sure that our products are
never defective.
4. Because we are not a well-known brand, particularly a new brand, there is a possible
problem with potential partners. They may see us as a risk rather than a respectable partner.
To make ourselves known, Safe Silver is hoping to create promotions as a way to enter the
Jewelry and Safety markets. With these promotional strategies, Safe Silver hopes to gain the
trust of prospective partners.
5. Customers having the opportunity to customize could weaken our brand. Weakening
the brand by Safe Silver not having control over what customers design. With our customers
designing anything they want, this could deter from the main design of the necklace.
Become more of a jewelry statement and less of the safety statement.


Contingency Plan
Problem 1: Target market may not like it or have interest in the product
In the case that our product does not catch on within our target audience, we will further research to address
the problem. Once we have gathered enough information we will implement an intense marketing and
advertising plan. If people already use rape whistles or do not feel like they need to buy a rape whistle, we will
use demonstrational and lifestyle promotional strategies to show how truly useful they are. Also, safety is a high
priority for people especially amongst parents, so we can further highlight the unique safety attribute Safe Silver
necklaces have.

Problem 2: Our designs or product could go out of style quickly or be a fad.

Unfortunately, fads are very prominent in our society and that is the last thing Safe Silver wants to be categorized
as. Safe Silver is more than a fashion statement, its a conspicuous safety tool. If Safe Silver starts to be recognized
more for their fashion trends rather than their functionally, we will simplify the designs to make them more classic
looking. We will simplify our own designs and allow more customization to take place.

Problem 3: If the product is defective in a time of need.

If the product malfunctions when it needs to be put in use, this could damage not only our brand image but we
could possibly face legal charges. To avoid this problem we will keep relationships with our consumers through
direct mail, reminding them to consistently check the functions of the necklace. Safe Silver will implement a policy
where is there is any problem with the whistle we will replace it for free. In the future, as the brand grows, Safe Silver
would like to code the necklaces with serial numbers and register them online with a membership. This can be
potentially used as a home base for people to track the simple wear and tear on the product, get questions
answered and/or double as a confirmation of personal identification.

Problem 4: Other jewelers may not want to partner with us because we are not a well-known brand.
Although Safe Silver may not be a well-known brand yet, it is a socially responsible brand. Today businesses are
evolving and giving back to the community rather than taking from it. This really resonates with consumers and is
an effective business model. We will promote these actions through public relations and exemplify the positive
effects of being associated with Safe Silver. Well-known jeweley brands and business sales will benefit for helping

Problem 5: The ability to customize can be harmful to the Safe Silver brand
The infinite options consumers have to customize their own necklaces leave the Safe Silver brand out of control
of their own product to some extent. We will strengthen the regulations of customization or even limit the time
customized necklaces are available. Of course, we will closely monitor the makings of these necklaces and if there
is a problem we can address it directly with the consumer.


10 Anti-Rape Devices (anti-rape Condom) - ODDEE. Oddee RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec.
Alex and Ani. Alex and Ani Bangle Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings and Rings. N.p., n.d.
Web. 12 Dec. 2014.
NY Daily News., 11 Dec. 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.
<http://Anti-rape app by Sunset Park filmmaker Nancy Schwartzman wins
White House contest>.
Pandora Jewelry and Pandora Charms! Pandora Jewelry and Pandora Charms! N.p., n.d.
Web. 12 Dec. 2014.


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