Interconversion of Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat

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Interconversion of Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat

Carbohydrates, fats and oils and proteins are the major constituents of the foods that
we eat. Their main purpose of food is to provide energy for the basic processes of
life ( respiration, circulation, and metabolism), for the mechanical work performed
by muscles, for growth, maintenance of body warmth, and for making good the
wear and tear brought by daily activity. Body tissues are in a dynamic state of
breaking down (catabolism), and regeneration (anabolism). Foods consumed in our
daily diet supply the essential raw materials for growth and repair as well as the
energy needed for the chemical reactions involved. In this respect carbohydrates,
fats and proteins can be interchanged as sources of energy. Adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) is a versatile source of energy. It can be generated by oxidizing several
metabolic fuels, although carbohydrates and fats are especially important for the
purpose. ATP is used in innumerable metabolic reactions and physiological
functions in all forms of life, including humans. The primary objective of
metabolism is to maintain a steady supply of ATP as readily utilizable energy source
for normal everyday processes of life.

Fig: Food for the life process

Carbohydrates made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms are classified as
mono-, di-, and polysaccharides, depending on the number of sugar units they
contain. The monosaccharides glucose , galactose, and fructose. Carbohydrates
are widely distributed in both plant and animal tissues. In plants they are produced
by photosynthesis and include the cellulose of the plant framework as well as the
starch in the plant cells. Starch is the important food source of carbohydrate and is
found in cereals, potatoes, legumes and other vegetables. Glycogen is often referred
to as animal starch, and is the polysaccharide of animal tissues. Both starch and
glycogen are long-chain polysaccharides formed of units joined together by
glycosidic bonds. The size of the glycogen molecule varies with the nutritional
status of the host, being larger in the fed state and progressively getting smaller in
between meals. The three most common products of carbohydrate digestion are
glucose, galactose and fructose. The energy stores of most animals and plants are
both carbohydrate and lipid in nature. Carbohydrates are generally available as an
immediate energy source, whereas lipids act as long term energy resource and tend
to be utilized at a slower rate. Glucose, the free sugar circulating in the blood of all
higher animals is the main energy currency. It is essential to cell function, and
proper regulation of glucose metabolism is of paramount importance for survival.
Proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes other atoms.
They form the cellular structural elements, are biochemical catalysts, and are
important regulators of gene expression. Nitrogen is essential to the formation of
twenty different amino acids, the building blocks of all body cells. Protein can be
found in a wide range of food. The best combination of protein sources depends on
the region of the world, access, cost, amino acid types and nutrition balance, as
well as acquired tastes. Meat, products from milk, eggs and fish are animal sources
of protein. Within vegetable sources of protein, there are whole grains and cereals.
However, these tend to be limiting in the amino acid lysine or threonine, which are
available in other vegetarian sources and meats. Vegetarian sources of proteins also
include legumes, nuts, seeds and fruits, some of which are called pulses in certain
parts of the world, have higher concentrations of amino acids and are more

complete sources of protein than whole grains and cereals. Proteins of vegetable
origin usually have lower nutritive values because they have suboptimal amounts
of one or more essential amino acids. However, when vegetable proteins are
combined in the diet the overall amino acid combination is improved. Most animal
proteins have high biological value since they can be utilized by humans for tissue
repair and growth. Another advantage that foods of animal origin have is the
presence of nutrients like vitamin B12, iron and retinol. Proteins are polymers of
amino acids. Eight amino acids are essential. They are required but cannot be
produced by the body. These amino acids are: isoleucine, leucine, lysine,
methionine (which can be partly replaced by cystine), phenylalanine (which can be
partly replaced by tyrosine), threonine, tryptophan, and valine. In some situations
histidine appears to be essential. These amino acids are not all required in the same
amount each day. For example, leucine is required most and tryptophan least.
Because amino acids are not stored in the body they will be most efficiently used
when a complete assortment is supplied at about the same time. Tissue synthesis
requires the presence of all essential amino acids. If any one of them is present in
sub-optimal amounts the process of tissue deposition will be proportionately
compromised. Proteins constitute the soft tissue of the lean body as well as the
hundreds of enzymes involved in biochemical activity. These proteins are in a state
of flux, being continually broken down and re- synthesized at various rates.
Fats contain mostly carbon and hydrogen, some oxygen, and sometimes other atoms.
The three main forms of fat found in food are glycerides (principally triacylglycerol
[triglyceride], the form in which fat is stored for fuel), the phospholipids, and the
sterols (principally cholesterol) Fats comprise a large group of water insoluble
substances predominantly made up of glyceryl esters of fatty acids (triglycerides).
Fats are distinguished from oil only by their different melting points. At room
temperature fats are solid and oils liquid. The term fat is used to refer to the whole
group, and is synonymous with lipids. It includes not only visible fats (like butter and
margarine), cooking fats and oils but also invisible fats which occur in foods like
cheese, biscuits, nuts and other animal and vegetable foods. They are a more
concentrated form of energy than carbohydrates, and are the form in which energy
reserves of animals and some plants as well as seeds are stored. Dietary fat consists
primarily (98%) of triacylglycerol, composed of one glycerol molecule combined

with (esterified) three fatty acid molecules, and remaining 2% or so made up of

phospholipids and sterols. Except for the brain and red blood cells all other tissues of
the body use fatty acids as a ready source of energy. The brain can use ketones
derived from fatty acids as energy source. Fatty acids are chains of hydrocarbons that
contain a methyl (-CH3) and a carboxyl (-COOH) end. Fatty acids vary by the
number of carbon atoms in the chain and by the presence and position of double

Fig: Sources of Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat

The interrelationship of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is well illustrated by the
following diagram. The ability of each to replace measurably one or both of the
others is also shown. When proteins are eaten they are in part transformed into
tissue, in part directly catabolized, and in small part transformed into carbohydrate
matter and fat. When fats are eaten they are in small part stored in the tissues as
fat; in large part they undergo combustion directly. A part of the stored fat of the
system that may be consumed in case of need is derived from the proteins and
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates for the most part undergo direct combustion.

Fig: Interrelationship of food

Carbohydrate containing foods such as starch are digested to glucose, which is
then absorbed into the blood. Once a glucose molecule has passed from the blood
stream into a cell it gets metabolized in a controlled way through several
biochemical steps controlled by enzymes, some of which need co-factors derived
from vitamins.

Fig: Fate of Glucose


If a body cell needs energy and glucose is available, then the glucose will be
oxidized by the glycolytic pathway and the citric acid cycle with the formation of
ATP. If, however, there is surplus glucose then the capacity of the citric acid cycle
in the mitochondria gets overwhelmed. Glycolysis is inhibited and the excess
glucose is channeled towards formation of glycogen. The process is called

Dietary protein is digested in the gastro-intestinal tract to release its 20

constituent amino acids. Unique pathways are followed by the catabolism of each
of the amino acids. Depending upon the bodys requirement some amino acids
may be utilised immediately for body tissue synthesis.Those that are surplus to
immediate requirement are used for energy production after de-amination. Amino
acids which are not immediately utilised for tissue synthesis are broken down to
yield carbon skeletons that can enter the citric acid cycle for energy production.
Those amino acids that enter through the pyruvate gateway are referred to as
glucogenic since they can be withdrawn and used of gluconeogenesis.

Fig: Fate of amino acids

The digestive process acts to increase the surface area of the lipids, which being
hydrophobic are insoluble and aggregate together. It also must solubilize the
products of digestion for ease of absorption. Digestion begins with the action of
the lingual lipase acting inside the stomach. It converts triglycerides into free
fatty acids, and mono and triglycerides. Gastric peristalsis helps to churn up the
fat into small particles which aids the action of the lipase. The main part of fat
digestion occurs in the small intestine under the concerted action of pancreatic

lipase and bile. After digestion fat travels to peripheral tissue like muscle or
adipose tissue in the form of chylomicrons. These are large triglyceride rich
particles that also contain phospholipids, cholesterol, fat soluble vitamins, and
other protein molecules like apoprotein A. Inside the tissues epithelium bound
lipoprotein lipases liberate the fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins.

Fig: Lipid Metabolism

Finally the carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism are unified by the Krebs
cycle, TCA cycle or the Citric acid cycle. The Krebs Cycle is the central
metabolic pathway in all aerobic organisms. The cycle is a series of eight
reactions that occur in the mitochondrion. These reactions take a two carbon
molecule (acetate) and completely oxidize it to carbon dioxide. In reality, the
Krebs Cycle is not only part of the pathway for the breakdown of glucose but also
for the breakdown of all metabolites, including other sugars, amino acids and
fatty acids. Each of these groups of molecules has a pathway that leads into the
Krebs Cycle. For example, carbohydrates are converted into acetyl CoA by the
process of glycolysis while fatty acids are converted into acetyl CoA by
the betaoxidation pathway. In each case, the molecules are converted into
products that enter the Krebs Cycle. In addition, intermediates from the Krebs
Cycle can go the other direction and be used to synthesize molecules such as
amino acids and fatty acids. For example, acetyl CoA can be used to synthesize
fatty acids.

Fig: Involvement of Carbohydrate, Protein and fat in TCA cycle

The macronutrients needed for our survival; namely Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat
are derived from various sources. The sources vary according to geography,
culture, customs, norms etc.
As a result, the rules of a balanced diet is not always maintained. For example,
The ratio of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate intake is not always maintained
properly. The macronutrients can convert into one another, but not at a sufficient
amount. This usually results in malnutrition.

Although Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat have different sources and characteristics,
both physical and chemical, they can be converted into each other. Ultimately, they
also share a common pathway in the end.

To promote health education about nutrition.
Promotion of health programs concerning nutrition
To increase awareness about different types of nutrients and the proper amount to take each.

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10. Chakrabarti, K., and G. A. Leveille. 1969. Proc. Soc. Exp.
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