Rizal Finals

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Fine Time in Belgium

Better in brussels. Lifestyle in brussels was cheap. Nevertheless, the city was
beautiful and architecturally impressive. He boarded with the jacoby sisters, marie
and Suzanne, whose household included a niece who also had a name Suzanne. He
arrived in brussels together with jose albert.
The jacobys were delighted with rizals presence. He easily became part of
the family. Suzanne and rizal spent a lot of time together in just simple
conversations. In this atmosphere of a friendly company. Rizal continued writing el
filibusterismo, the sequel to noli me tangere. As his stay lengthened in the jacoby
residence, affectionate sentiments soon filled the air between him and Suzanne.
Rizal was not in favor of whatever it is that he might have made of Suzanne. His
friend Valentin ventura, to whom rizal sent a sculpture of a naked woman, had
noticed a view of romance going on in brussels. He wondered who could have been
the model of rizal for the sculpted woman.
In brussels, rizal was busy writing his second novel which served as the
continuation of Noli. In noli me tangere, he initiated action by exposing the cancer
present in the society through as accurate depiction of the day to day events in his
country under the reign of Spanish oppression. This leads up to el filibusterismo, his
call to revolution, which is the last resort and ultimate resolution against oppression.
Aside from writing the chapters of the sequel, he also wrote articles for la
solidaridad and letters to his family and friends. Being a physician, he spent part of
his time in the medical clinic. For recreation he had gymnastics, target practice and
fencing. When jose albert left the city, he was replaced by a new boardmate, jose
La solidaridad. La solidaridad became the voice of the prapagandists. It
heralded the attempt of ilustrados to push for liberal reforms in the Philippines. The
fortnightly newspaper was founded by graciano lopez jaena in Barcelona, spain on
February 15, 1889. The idea was initially offered to rizal, but rizal declined to found
it that time for he was still very busy finishing his annotation of morgas sucesos de
las islas Filipinas. Nevertheless, rizal came to be a most valued adviser and
supporter to the newspaper.
The three main personalities that put forward the endeavor wore jose rizal,
marcelo H. del pilar and graciano lopez jaena. With rizal far away, mariano ponce
became a significant contributor to the works for the paper. To protect the interest
and welfare of the contributors and writers of the paper, together with their families
against the vindictive scheme of Spaniards, the propagandists adopted various
pseudonyms in la solidaridad. Some examples are the following:

Rizal-dimasalang and laong laan

M.H Del pilar- plaridel
Mariano ponce- tikbalang, naming, kalipulako
Jose Ma. Panganiban- jomapa

La solidaridad articles of rizal. The first article of rizal that appeared in the first issue
of la solidaridad was entitled los agricultores Filipinos which described the
deplorable condition of the Filipino farmers. The following articles appeared in the
later issues:
1. La verdad para todos(The truth for all)
2. Verdades Nuevas(New truths) july 31, 1889
3. Una pronfanacion, an attack against the friars for refusing the burial of
mariano herbosa in catholic cemetery
4. Diferencias(differences, sept 15, 1889)
5. Filipinas dentro de cien anos( the Philippines a century hence)
6. Ingratitudes(ingratitudes) january 15, 1890
7. Sin nombre(without name)
8. Sobre la nueva ortgrafia de la lengua tagala( on the new ortography of the
tagalog language)
9. Cosas de Filipinas(things about the Philippines
10.Sobre la indolencia de los Filipinos(on the indolence of the Filipinos)
11.A la defense(to la defense)

Anti-gambling pope. Rizal news from juan luna and valentin ventura that
many Filipinos in spain were ruining the reputation of their country by gambling
too much. He reminded them that they did not arrive in madrid only to gamble.
He advised them further that they should just continue supporting the
propaganda rather than wasting their money in games.
The gambling gilipinos in madrid were angered when they learned of rizals
comments trying to moralize them. Thereafter, to ridicule him, they started
calling him papa instead of pepe.
Rizal wrote to M.H. del pilar on may 28, 1890 to remind the Filipinos in madrid
that they did not come to Europe to gamble but to work on things for their
peoples cause and their fatherlands freedom. He reminded them that their
activities must not only serve themselves but also their people who need much
their help.
The sequel. El filibusterismo in rizals novel on a nation that is on the brink of
a revolution. This is presented clearly as an alternative to the reform efforts that
led the Filipinos nowhere. In the story, rizal was also clearly pointing out the
presence of danger of taking an alternative that is based on hate and
vengeance. According to rizals biographer Austin coates, elfilibusterismo is a
morality, a profound description of the mentality and climate of revolt with all
the urgency of its demands, and with all its shortcomings in their fulfillment. But
to spain it was a last and terrible warning.
Rizal, at this time, already wanted to go home. He was already being drawn
closer to his country by a strong force which seeks the warmth of the love of his
parents and family. In any event, he felt that life for him in Europe had become

miserable and unbearable. His decision to be homeward bound would not be

turned aside. He was tired of Europe.
The calamba deportation of 1890. From the time rizal left calamba, the
agrarian conflict therein had gone from bad to worse. From the very start, rizal
had already questioned the right of the Dominicans in increasing the land rent.
He believed that the Dominicans had no justifiable reasons to impose more on
their tenants since they never really exerted any amount of agrarian support to
them anyway, and harvests did not really, at any way, improved at all. At one
point, when he discovered that the management had already gone too abusive.
Rizal advised his father and other tenants to finally, refuse paying. This is to
express to the management that the tenants have had enough and the abuse
must stop. Rizal promised that he would take care of the problem directly in
spain. Accordingly, don Francisco heeded his advice. It was a move that would
just enrage their enemy.
In 1890, the Dominicans filed a suit against the tenants of calamba. The suit
was to dispossess the tenants of the lands that they were renting from the order.
Soon, upon the order of the new gov. valeriano weyler, the rizal family and the
other calamba tenants were persecuted and, finally, ejected from their lands and
homes in calamba. The calamba deportation affected 25 members of the
Mercado family. Paciano and brothers in law Antonio lopez and Silvestre ubaldo
were even exiled to Mindoro. Manuel hidalgo was earlier thrown to bohol.
The news reached rizal and it cleared mixed emotions of sadness and anger
on his part. In his letter to soledad, he expressed how guilty he felt for
everything. He believed that he was to be blamed for whatever happened to his
family. Spains hate on him had turned to his loved ones.
Before proceeding to manila, rizal prepared himself for madrid, as he
promised, he will do everything to find justice for his family.

Frustrated in madrid.
No justice found. Realizing the need to amend the events that surrounded tha
calamba agrarian situation, rizal arrived to madrid to call the attention of
minister fable of the ministry of the colonies and to protest against the injustices
committed by gov. general valeriano weyler and the Dominicans to the farmer
tenants of calamba. To heighten the pressure on the government concerning the
agrarian issue, through the asociacion hispano-filipina, he asked for aid from
some liberal news media in spain like la justicia, el dia and el globo to publish
some articles on the issue. Marcelo h. del pilar, who served as his lawyer and
dominador Gomez were there to assist rizal.
The meeting rizal had with the minister was fruitless as no compromise was
reached. The newspaper el resumen condemned the inaction.

Panganiban dies. Another disappointment struck rizal when he learned that

his good friend jose Ma. Panganiban was already dying because of a lingering
illness. Like him, Panganiban was a staunch nationalist who worked hard also for
reforms in the propaganda. In tribute, rizal wrote his eulogy to Panganiban. Here,
rizal expressed his mourn over the young amiable friend whom he admired as an
energetic patriot and one who has a purest love for his native land. Jose Ma.
Panganiban, or jomapa, died on august 19, 1890
For nellys honor. At a gathering a Filipino in august of 1890, rizal had a
heated conflict with Antonio luna. The two have been friends for years and it was
only this time that the two came against each other. The story goes that while
the party was going on and the wines were being served, Antonio, already got
too drunk. In the conversation where rizal was present, Antonio accidentally
made some tactless remarks about nelly, a girl whom he had courted but chose
rizal. Rizal was immediately offended by the remarks Antonio expressed. This
made him approach Antonio as he prepared to beat him. Rizal was paused by
the other paisanos. The two exchanged words which finally rove rizal to
challenge Antonio to duel. Rizal offered Antonio the choice of weapon, pistol or
saber, Antonio chose saber.
The duel would have pursued and one of the heroes could have died
prematurely but, after a moment, when Antonio had already recuperated from
his intoxication, he approached rizal and asked for forgiveness. Being a long time
friend with timeshared like brothers, rizal easily forgave Antonio with the incident
already at their backs.
Another duel. Though it seems that rizal was already being suicidal at these
times, he had no other way out. Honor meant so much for him. This time it was
for his familys honor. Wenceslac Retana, friar defending press member, one
time made some imprudent remarks against rizal family and the calamba
tenants in the anti-filipino newspaper la epoca. He mentioned that the family
and the other tenants only deserved what ever happened to them for they
continually, have been defiant paying the Dominicans their land rents.
Injured by such a seemingly disposition of the part of retana, rizal sent him a
message challenging to a duel in any weapon of the formers choice. To rizal,
retana was left with two choices, a public apology or die.
Retana, alarmed by the predicament he had got himself into, made a quick
public retraction and apology to rizal and his family. From that time retana
ceased on attacking rizal and even made friendly relation to the man. Retana
would later, upon the death of rizal, make a biography of his life. The biography
was, this time, was fair and objective, bestowing the man all the honors he
No more waiting for Leonor. Rizal was already having a bad time in madrid when
he received a letter from her informing him that she was getting married. The
news tore his heart apart. Of course, rizal had girls from the time he left Leonor.
But rizal never did get married. She was still in love with Leonor. There was a

part in rizal that was still assuming that Leonor would still wait. He still would
have married her. The news shattered rizal so uch he started to grow thin while
in madrid. In a letter to blumentritt, rizal accused Leonor of infidelity. Love had
turned to hate. Galicano apacible, a long time friend since the ust days, and who
had known the affair, consoled rizal by telling him that there are lots of girls in
the world. He even endorsed him to marrying instead the daughter of Margall,
another girl who was truly in love with rizal.
On the part of Leonor, she was mad at him because of his silence. It had been
a long time for him. In the letter she sent, she expressed how much she still
loved him and that her marriage to another was not because of her lack of love
for him, rather, it was possibly because of his lack of love for her.
On whatever standards, traditional or modern eleven years of wait is too
long. Leonor was already getting old and the last time her lover went to the
Philippines, he did not even bother to see her. She was disappointed on his
silence and was not sure of whatever it was happening to him. Rizal probably
just could not understand that. Leonor married an Englishman in manila, henry
kipping, an engineer.
The leader of all Filipinos. A situation was taking place in the propaganda
circles. At a banquet at calle de atocha, rizal, in his speech, called for unity
among the members of the propaganda. He encountered his fellow paisanos to
be more solid and compact in determining matters for the well-being of their
country. Furthermore, he emphasized that discipline and a sense of sacrifice are
needed in every endeavor.
As a reaction to the speech, a proposal was put forward by some paisanos to
create a movement that would bind the colony into a single entity in the aim of
making all actions more effective towards the redemption of the native land.
They proposed that a responsible be elected as a leader who would become
undisputed and official representative of all Filipinos abroad.
When rizal learned the plan, he was in favor of it. He already believed at this
point that he was the one they were referring to for he was the most outstanding
Filipino in abroad or in the islands. Little did rizal know that there were those who
did not like him. Some thought that he was a self- righteous individual, a
dictatorial and a hypocrite. This group endorsed the candidacy of M.H del pilar.
When the first session on the matter began, rizal arrived surrounded by those
who had initiated the movement, and were out to support him. Eduardo de lete
presided and introduce to the members the plan. Rizal supported the idea. On
the other hand, del pilar opposed the plan. He believed there was no need for it
since there were already entities to take care of every necessity: the asociacion
hispano Filipina, to take care of their political purposes, and the centro de
propaganda, a patriotic association formed in the islands. However, del pilars
arguments were quickly refuted by the rest. A committee was later created to
draw up the salutes that would transform the colony into one homogenous body.

The committee was composed of julio llorente, del pilar and rizal. The two
agreed to choose rizal as head.
When the by laws were drawn, del pilar objected the provision which states
that the responsible wold have control over the politics of the colony and the
editorial policies of la solidaridad. Del pilar contended that the solidaridad was
an entirely separate entity. Rizal, nevertheless, pacified del pilar when he said
that he and his companios would vote for him anyway. This issue then would be
immaterial. To end the issue, the comitee settled it by amending the provision
making the soli the official organ which would serve as guidance to the policymaking power of the responsible.
The statutes were then read to the body in another meeting. Questions and
answers were exchanged to clearly point the authority of the responsible and the
role of the soli. At the end of the discussion, the moved to the agenda of
Rizal and del pilar became two candidates. Both wanted to withdraw, but the
members insisted their nominations. The test of popularity was on. The rule of
the election was that the candidate must have a 2/3 majority vote in order to be
declared winner.
In the first balloting, though rizal had a slight majority, neither was able to
reach two-thirds. The same results were obtained in the second and third
balloting. The session was adjourned without results. The next day, del pilar was
absent. The results in the balloting did not change a bit. As the stalemate
continued, both had wanted to withdraw. However according to their friends,
they should not so for their honor and reputation were at stake here. A few
moments passed and no settlement was reached. Thinking that all these were
just to ridicule him by pointing out that he was not that popular at all to become
the responsable, rizal, already growing impatient publicity announced that he
was leaving madrid to work alone.
When the second balloting was over, it also resulted to another deadlock.
Rizal then counted his votes and said good I see I have but nineteen friends in
the colony. Farewell gentlemen, Im going to pack my bags. Until we meet again.
He took his hat and left.
Ponce quickly turned to lete, sandiko, Antonio luna and others to shift their
votes to rizal. Whom all pilaristas were convinced, dominador Gomez spoke
intheir behalf announcing their charge of vote for the sake of unity, this made
rizal elected unanimously.
The election continued up to the second day without rizal. Lete won as
counselor. On the third day, realizing that he won as responsible, rizal was
present upon the insistence of friends. Modesto reyes was elected as the other
counselor since the members could not agree once more between apacible and
ponce. Before taking the oath of office, rizal, in his acceptance speech
admonished the paisanons for their lack of unity. He blamed lete for being the

one who caused all the trouble. He also expressed his disappointment with del
pilar who should have immediately withdrawn his candidacy to avoid all the
troubles. Being the leader of the nationalist movement in manila, it would have
been disappointing to receive the news of him being defeated as leader of the
movement abroad. Rizal reminded them that even the centro de propaganda in
manila looked up on him as the author of all political thought that agitate the
people. Though it may sound that rizal was being to proud of himself, what he
proclaimed were, nevertheless, true. He was indeed even at the times was
already the most popular Filipino in the islands and abroad.
A Biarritz interlude. After a month being disappointed with everything in
madrid, rizal tried to cheer himself up by seeing nelly in Biarritz. In his brief stay,
he finally made a decision to marry her. Edward boustead, nellys father, was not
against with the desire of the two to settle down, but to protect his child he
made some conditions for rizal. First that he would stay with his daughter and
abort his intentions to travel abroad. Second that he would practice medicine
and leave politics. And thirdly that he would be converted as a protestant before
marriage. Nelly told him that hic conversion would be most important for her.
Rizal, realizing that he would not be able to answer to these conditions, not in
the meantime, told nelly that he would need to take some time first to think
about it.
Printing the fili. Rizal went back by February, 1891 to edit revise his el
filibusterismo. By the end of may, it was ready for press. Upon learning that
printing was cheaper in ghent, rizal, with alejandrino moved to the city that july.
He expected that the centro de propaganda would supply him fund needed for
printing of el filibusterismo. Nothing, to his disappointment, ever came. He had
spent all his money to finish the novel. He also had nothing to pawn anymore. All
that he received from his countrymen was 100 pesos as part of his allowance
from the society.
This was where it all would end. Rizal, in his letter to basa, expressed that he
was tired of believing in his country men. They have made his life miserable with
promises that never materialized. Rich people have pledged to finance the
publication of his book, and yet, when it was done, they had forgotten him. His
position as leader was only good for more than a month, and then, they have
abandoned him.
Rizal was only consoled when, finally, valentin ventura agreed to load him the
money enough to finish the printing of the fili. The novel was printed by F.Meyer
van loo press. As a gesture of his appreciation, he gave the original manuscript
to ventura. Rizal dedicated the novel in memory of the three martyrs of freedom,
Gomez, burgos, and Zamora.
Rizal resigns. Before leaving for manila, rizal sent a letter of his resignation as
a contributor of la solidaridad. In his proclamation, he also sent a message to his
compatriots that he was giving up on his political leadership in spain and would
from now on work on his own for the same endeavor. This news saddened many
in the propaganda circle.

Before his departure from Europe, rizal made a quick visit to nelly to say
goodbye. Since he could not marry her yet, he might as well go back to the
Philippines to take care of the problems of his family. He, then, proceeded to
marselles for a trip to hongkong. Rizal boarded the ship SS Melbourne.
In the company of friars. Inside the ss Melbourne of so many passengers that
he could have joined cabin with, it was friar that came to accompany him. He
was fr. Volunteri, an Augustinian who have spent years in the Philippines. Rizal
described him as a sort of padre damaso, only kinder. He also met the fr. Fuchs
and many other friars on board who were together with fr. Volunteri.

Hongong practice
Back in hongkong. Rizal arrived in hongkong on November 20,1891. He was
welcomed by Filipino friends including jose Ma. Basa. He established his
residence at DAguilar st. rednaxela terrace, on top a seamans bar, where he
also opened a medical clinic. In his letters to his family, he expressed how much
he wanted to return home. If only they would permit him, then he would do so.
He was aware of the frustrations and despair they suffered from and would do
anything just to be with them. To make this reunion come true, the family
conceived a way.
A family reunion. A few days before Christmas, rizal was delighted by the
arrival of his father, brother, and Silvestre ubaldo in hongkong. Not long
afterwards, his mother and sisters Lucia josefa, and Trinidad also arrived. His
mother was then 65 yrs old and was almost blind. She was just again arrested
recently for refusing to use the new surname and had suffered so much from
spain brutality and injustice.
The Christmas of 1891 in hongkong was one of the the most joyful
celebrations in rizals life. For the first time, in four years, he was finally reunited
with his family. Writing to blumentrit, rizal mentioned his pleasant life in
hongkong being that was able to secure his family safe and far from the
persecutions of the government in the Philippines.
The practice. In order to earn some money for himself and his family. Rizal
practiced medicine. In time, rizal was able to meet other physicians. A new
friend, dr Lorenzo marques, gave a set of clientele with ophthalmic cases to rizal
in recognition to his exceptional talent in his fiel. In due time, the new doctor in
town became a successful and popular as a medical practitioners in hongkong.
He had many patients including foreigners, Asians or Europeans. Through his
continued correspondence with friends abroad, supports in the form of books
and equipment started to come in. for the second time, he operated on his
mothers eye so that she may read and write again.
Writings. Alongside his practice, rizal continued to write. As he browsed along
the individual rights the Spaniards have violated against his people, rizal came
to the idea of translating into tagalog the rights of man, as proclaimed by the

French revolution in 1789. Rizal, in addition, wrote a la nacion espaniola(to the

Spanish nation), an appeal to spain to rectify the wrongs done by the Spaniards
against the calamba tenants. To expose the brutality of the offense committed
against the calamba tenants, sa mga kababayan(to my countrymen) was written
in December 1891. It explained the calamba agrarian situation. Rizal also,
through frazier smith, one of its editor, contributed articles to the hongkong
telegraph, a british newspaper. When copies of the newspaper entered the
Philippines wherein many Filipinos were able to read rizals articles, the spain
censors, upon discovering his writings, had immediately banned the hongkong
On march 1892, rizal wrote una visita a la Victoria gaol(a visit to Victoria
gaol). It was an account of his visit to the colonial prison of hongkong. In this
article, he compared the cruel Spanish prison system with that of the modern
and more humane british system.
The borneo colonization project. Realizing the condition of the calamba folks
under governor valeriano weylers regime, rizal conceived the establishment of a
Filipino colony in north bornea(sabah). He planned to move the landless Filipino
families to the rich british occupied land he referred to as new calamba.
On march 7, 1892 rizal traveled to Sandakan, sabah on board the ship menon
to negotiate with the british authorities the establishment of a Filipino colony
therein. The lands over the bengkoka river in the maraud bay were the ones
offered to him by the british north borneo company. In the compromise the
british would give 100000 acres of land free of charge to rizal and his company,
that is, provided that he would be able to recruit50 families to migrate therein.
He thought that, in this way, he would be able to compensate the calamba
families of the lands they previously have lost.
After the short visit, rizal elaborated further on his borneo colonization project
by writing an article entitled the british north borneo colonization project. He,
later, translated it in French colonization du british north borneo, par des families
de Iles philipphines.
The realization of his borneo project received a new hope with the new trends
going on in the islands. The infamous weyler, whom the Cubans referred to as
the butcher was relieved of his gubernatorial position. A new governor general
eulogio despujol, announced to the Filipino people a fine program of
government. Believing that the new administration was more liberal the its
predecessor, rizal began writing the new governor letters, a response was
achieved by rizal through a provision that he may enter the islands and sec
governor on the basis of safe conduct of passage that is a temporary stay that is
free from arrest.
A desire to go home. In may 1892 rizal made up his mind to return to manila.
This decision was motivated by the following reasons:

1. To confer with the governor despujol regarding his borneo colonization

2. To establish la liga Filipina in manila
3. To request the lift of the exile of his other family members
4. To prove lete del pilar and the rest of la solidaridad that they were wrong
in attacking him in madrid that he beaing at ease and safe in hongkong
had already abandoned the thought of returning to the Philippines
The second homecoming
At noon of june 26, 1892, rizal and his windowed sister lucia(wife of the late
mariano herbosa) arrived in manila. They were met by many carabineers headed by
a major. There were in addition a captain and a seargent of the veteran civil guard.
He came down with his luggage and they inspected him at the custom house. From
there he and lucia went to hotel de oriente where they occupied a room.
In the afternoon, he proceeded to malacanan palace to seek audience with
the Spanish governor general eulogio despujol. He was told to come back at that
night at seven. Promptly he returned to malacanan and was able to confer with
governor general despujol, who agreed to pardon his father but not his brother and
brothers in law. The governor told him to return on Wednesday, june 29.
A trip to Luzon. June 27, rizal boarded a train at the tutuban station for a trip
to provinces. He visited his friends in malolos(bulacan),san Fernando(Pampanga),
tarlac(tarlac), and bacoor(Pampanga). He was welcomed and lavishly entertained at
the homes of his friends. These friends were good patriots, his supporters in the
reform crusade. In this occasion he took the opportunity to greet them personally
and discussed the problems affecting their people.
Rizal returned by train to manila the next day. Whether he knew it or not, he
was followed by government spies who watched carefully his every move. The
homes he had visited were later raided by the guardia civil wherein they seized
copies of the noli and fili and other subversive pamphlets.
The founding of liga Filipina. On the evening of Sunday, july 3, 1892, following
his morning interview with the governor general despujol, rizal attended a meeting
of patriots at the home of the Chinese-filipino mestizo, doroteo ongjuco on ylaya
street, tondo manila. Among thoses present were pedro serrano laktaw(panday
pira), a mason and school teacher, domingo franco(felipe real), mason and tobacco
shopkeeper, jose A. ramos(soccoro), engraver, printer, owner of bazar gran bretana,
and first worshipful master of nilad, first Filipino masonic lodge, ambrosia Salvador,
gobernadorcillo of quiapo and mason, bonifacio arevallo(harem), dentist and mason,
deodato arellano, brother in law of M.H. del pilar and civilian employee in the army,
ambrosia flores(musa), retired lieutenant of infantry, agustin de la rosa, bookkeeper
and mason, mariano Crisostomo, landlord, numeriano Adriano(ipil), notary public
and mason, estanislao Legaspi, artisan and mason, teodoro plata, court clerk and
mason, andres bonifacio, warehouse employee, apolinario mabini(katabay), lawyer
and mason and juan zulueta, playwright, poet, and government employee.

The initiation. Rizal explained the objectives of the liga Filipina, a civic league
of Filipinos, which desire to establish and make its role in the socio economic life of
the people. He presented the constitution of the liga which he had written in
hongkong and discussed its provisions. The patriots were favorably impressed and
gladly approved the establishment of the liga. The officersof the new league were
elected as follows, ambrosia Salvador, president, deodato arellano, secretary,
bonifacio Arevalo, treasurer, and agustin de la rosa, fiscal.

The aims of la liga Filipina were the following:


To unite the whole archipelagic into one compact and homogenous body
Mutual protection in every want and necessity
Defense against all violence and injustice
Encouragement of education agriculture and commerce
Further study and application of reforms

The motto of the la liga Filipina was: unus imstar omnium(one like all)
The liga government. The government body of the league was the supreme council
which had jurisdiction over the whole country. It was composed of a president, a
secretary, a treasure, and a fiscal. There was a provincial council and a popular
council in every town.
The duties of the liga Filipina members are as follows:

Obey the orders of the supreme council

To help in recruiting new members
To keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the liga authorities
To have a symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes the
president of his council
5. To report to the fiscal anything that he may hear which affects the liga
6. To behave well as befits a good Filipino
7. To help fellow members in all ways
No way out. On Wednesday, july 6 rizal went to malacanan palace to resume his
series of interviews with the governor general. During this interview gen. despujol
suddenly showed him some printed leaflets were allegedly found in lucias pillow
cases. These incrimatory leaflets were entitled pobres frailes(poor friars) under the
authorship of P.jacinto and printed by the imprenta de los amigos del pais, manila.
They were a satire against the rich domician friars who amassed fabulous riches
contrary monastic vow of poverty.
Rizal vigorously denied having those leaflets in either his or lucias baggage,
which had been thoroughly searched upon their arrival from hongkong by the
custom authorities who found nothing. Despite his denial and insistent demand for
investigation in accordance with the due process of law, he was placed under arrest
and escorted to fort Santiago by ramon despujol, nephew and aide of Gen.
despujol. Initially rizal was informed that he was to be banished to bataan in Luzon.

In later by the time that he was already aboard the ship, did he learn that the
destination was not at all bataan it was dapitan a far military district in Mindanao.
The gubernatorial decree gave the reasons for rizals deportation as follows:
1. Rizal had published books and articles abroad which showed his disloyalty to
spain and which were frankly anti-catholic and imprudently anti-friar
2. A few hours after his arrival in manila there was found in one of the packages
a bundle of handbills entitled pobres frailes in which the patient and humble
generosity of the Filipinos is satirized and which accusation is published
against the customs of the religious orders.
3. His novel el filibusterismo was dedicated to the memory of three traitors
burgos Gomez and Zamora and on the title page he wrote that in views of the
vices and errors of the Spanish administration the only salvation for the
Philippines was separation from the mother country.
4. The end which he pursues in his efforts and writings is to tear from the loyal
Filipino breasts the treasures of our holy catholic faith
Shortly after midnight july 14(that is 12:30am of july15, 1892). Rizal was brought
under heavy guard to the steamer CEBU which was sailing for dapitan. This
steamer under captain delgras at 1:00am, july 15 sailing south, passing Mindoro
and panay, and reaching dapitan on Sunday the 17 of july, at 7:00 in the
Captain delgras went ashore and handed rizal over to captain ricardo
carcinero, Spanish commandant of dapitan. That same night, july 17, 1892, rizal
began his exile in lonely dapitan, which would last until july 31, 1896, a period of
four years.
The dapitan exile
The cast away. Rizal lived in exile in far away dapitan, a remote town in
Mindanao which was under the the missionary jurisdiction of the Jesuits, from
1892-1896. This four year interlude in his life was tediously unexciting, but was
abundantly fruitful with varied achievements. He practiced medicine, pursued
scientific studies, continued his artistic and literary works, widened his
knowledge of languages, established school for boys, promote community
development projects, invented a wooden machine for making bricks and
engaged in farming and commerce.
The steamer cebu which brought rizal to dapitan carried a letter from father
Pablo pastelles, superior of Jesuit society of the Philippines, to father Antonio
obach, Jesuit parish priest of dapitan. In his letter, father superior pastels
informed obach that rizal could live at the parish convent on the following
1. That rizal publicly retract his errors concerning religion and make
statements that were clearly pro-spanish and against revolution
2. That he perform the church rites and make a general confession of his
past life

3. That he hence forth he conduct himself in an exemplary manner as a

Spanish subject and a man of religion.

Rizal did not agree with these conditions and had just preferred to stay in
casa real, the residenc of the commandant. Captain carcinero(the warden)
A new friend. Carcinero was fascinated by rizals fine qualitites and
personality. He came to know that rizal was not a common felon much less a
filibuster. So fond of rizal he gave good report on his prisoner to governor
despujol and even gave him complete freedom to go anywhere and to report
only once a week at his office.
Rizal on the other hand admired the kind and generous Spanish
captain and as evidence of his esteem, he wrote a poem a don ricardo
carcinero on august 26, 1892 on occasion to captains birthday.
The katipunan was born. Right after the banishment of rizal to dapitan, the
members of the liga Filipina met once more to discuss the future of the
organization and what moves to make in order to continue their patriotic
In this meeting the members were divided as to what should be the
next step. Some proposed that the liga Filipina continue its cause for reforms.
Somehow, this was not the view of others. The company of ambrosia slavador
believed that there was still hope for reforms. On the other hand, deodato
arellano, andres bonifacio and the rest saw the liga as rizals initial effort to
an eventual separation from spain. The liga was eventually divided as those
who still believed in reforms founded the companerismo. Those who believed
in a more radical action against spain, separated to organize a secret
organization called katipunan. Arellano, bonifacio with ladislao diwa and
teodoro plata founded the organization.
Rizal won lotto. On September 21, 1892, the sleepy town of dapitan
burst in excitement when a mail boat butuan approached the town. It brought
no Spanish officials but onlt the happy tidings that the lottery ticket no. 9736
jointly owned by captain carcinero, rizal and Francisco equilor(a Spanish
resident of dipole, a neighboring town of dapitan) won the second prize of
P20000 in the government owned manila lottery.
Rizals share of the winning lottery ticket was P6200. Upon receiving
this sum, he gave P2000 to his friend basa in hongkong, and the rest he
invested well by purchasing agricultura lands along the coast of talisay, about
1km away from dapitan.
Rizals-pastells religious debates. During his exile in dapitan, rizal had a
long and scholarly debate with father pastels on religion. It started when
father pastels sent him a book by sarda, with advice that the latter should
refrain being locked to his idea of individual judgement and self-esteem.

In all his letters to father pastelles, rizal revealed his anti-catholic ideas. He
expressed his embitterment over the persecution being done by many friars
to his people. He criticized the friars for being abusive using their religious
authority to subjugate the will of others. According to rizal, individual
judgement is a gift from god and everybody should use it like a lantern to
show the way and that self-esteem if moderated by judgement saves man
from unworthy act. He also insisted the pursuit of truth in diferent paths and
thus religions may vary, but they all lead to the light.
Father pastels, tried his best to win back rizal to the fold of Catholicism divine
faith, he told rizal, supersedes everything, incuding reason, self-esteem, and
individual judgement. No matter how wise a man is his intelligence is limited,
hence he needs the guidance of god. He refuted rizals attacks on catholic
dogmas as misconceptions of rationalism and naturalism, errors of misguided
The interesting debate of the two on religion inclusively. Rizal couldnt be
convinced by pastellas argument so that he lived in dapitan beyond the pale
of his mother church.
Duel aborted again. As a businessman, rizal involved himself in the sale of
lumber logs. In an occasion, rizal was involved in a quarrel with a French
acquaintance in dapita, mr. juan lardet, another businessman. At one time
juan purchased a number of logs from rizal, after the deal, lardet found that
many of those delivered to him were of poor quality. This enraged lardet and
started accusing rizal of being a cheater.
Lardet in a letter written to dapitan merchant Antonio Miranda, expressed his
disgust over the kind of person rizal was as based on the belief that he was
cheated by the latter in one of their business deals. Miranda, on the other
hand, little did lardet know, was a loyal friend of rizal. To be just to his friend
he indiscreetly forwarded the letter to rizal. Rizal flared up in anger and
confronted lardet with a challenge of a duel. However instead of accepting
the challenge asked rather and apology. Rizal being honorable man, accepted
A Jesuit mission. Father pastels, in the attempt to take rizal back to the
catholic folds, instructed two Jesuits to proceed to Mindanao. They were
father obach, cura of dapitan and father jose vilaclara, cura of dipolog.
Furthermore, he also assigned father Francisco de paula sanchez, to dapitan
as well.
Father sanchez, had spent three years in Europe and returned to manila in
1881 to resume teaching at the ateneo and to head its museum. He was the
only Spanish priest to defend rizals noli me tangere in public.
As a former professor who was much loved by rizal, sanchez was chosen by
the superior to be an agent in the much desired conversion of rizal. Despite
of his failure to persuade rizal to discard his unorthodox views on the catholic

religion, he enjoyed the latters company. Rizal was like a son to him and
whatever he may have been started to believe in, as he told rizal, he would
respect it. During his birthday, rizal gave him a manuscript entitled estudios
sobre la lengua tagala(studies of the tagalog language). With sanchez, Rizal
made some of his projects in dapitan. It was sad that they had separate so

The physician. Rizal practiced medicine in dapitan. Patients came from

everywhere in the visayas and Mindanao. He treated the poor for free and for
the rich and the noble, he asked consultation fees and payment for the
medicines. As he continued to make miracles in treating the eye, his name
became more popular even to the far north Luzon and even hongkong. He
operated his mothers right eye and it was successful but later on the wound
become infected due to improper care. Fortunately, rizal was able to finally
restore dona teodoras sight.
Community projects. When rizal arrived in dapitan, he decided to improve it.
Seeking the potential of dapitan he began to work on converting part of the
town a park. To do this task rizal had to clear the land of weeds and other
obstacles, uniform the plants and plant additional flowers. The park was
highlighted by a relief map of Mindanao which he constructed out of soil.
Added to this, the P500 which an English patient paid him was used by him to
equip the town with its lighting system. This lighting system consisted of
coconut oil lamps paced in the dark streets of dapitan. Electric lighting was
unknown then in the Philippines. It was only until 1894 when manila saw the
first electric lights.
To make water be easily more available to the people, he constructed the
towns first water system wherein he used bamboos as pipelines. He also
spent many months draining the marshes to get rid of malaria that had
always infested dapitan.
The educator, a man of arts and sciences. Rizal wanted to make a difference
on the lives of the people of dapitan. He believed that changes may be
introduced through education. In 1893 he established a school for boys which
existed until the end of his exile. Rizal did not allow his 16 pupils to pay any
tuition fees, instead he only wanted teach them whatever it is that he knew
so that these children may grow to become enlightened to the truth.
As an educator he continued to study by reading books his friends from
manila and Europe would send him. He also made scientific researches by
collecting various species of plant and animal life on land and watch which he
would later send abroad to his friends, like meyer and Virchow, for recording.
Three such as he sent were given to his credit, they were a, a beetle, a frog, a

Always being curious what he could come up with, rizal made a couple of
inventions. They included a lighter that ignites through stones and a brick
As an artist rizal made a lot of sketches which mostly featured the flora and
fauna of Mindanao. A number sculptures were carved while he was in
dapitan. They are namely, the mothers revenge, a tribute to his dog Syria
who child was killed by a crocodile, the dapitan girl, a woodcarving of
josephines image and the busts of Fr. Guerrico and st. paul.
An agriculturist and entrepreneur. Coming from a family of farmers rizal made
himself busy in managing the vast lands that he purchased in talisay which
covered around 70 hectares. He was able to purchase these lands through
the money that he won in the lottery.
Though sad and lonely, rizal spent his days fruitful by diligently farming his
lands together with a number of helpers. Here he planted coconuts,
abaca(hemp), cacao, corn, sugarcane and fruit trees. Seeing the potential of
the abaca industry he made a partnership with a businessman ramon
carreon. Rizal also indulged himself in fishery through a fish pond that he also
A period of pain. The life of rizal in dapitan maybe generalized as somehow
unhappy. Years have passed and this made him miss his family so much,
especially those who never even had the opportunity of visiting him. It had
been a long time since he saw his father, brother, and other sisters. The only
consolation to him was the arrival of his mother and three sisters who stayed
with him together with some of his nephews, for his company and assistance.
Rizal had always been sad because of what has happened to his life and his
family. He was also sad because nothing good has ever happened to his
country and people. Leonor rivera died in august 1893 and this even created
a terrible pain in his heart. A mixture of disappointment and guilt were what
he felt he was never there for her.
A beautiful stranger(dulce estranjera). Since 1892 everything had been
routine in the life of rizal. Love was never something that he thought about
for sometime. But all these was about to change when one time someone
came along. She was Josephine bracken, an irish girl of sweet eighteen. Her
mother died in childbirth, and was adopted by mr. George taufer, who later
became blind. When they heard about the famous ophthalmic surgeon, dr.
rizal, they went to dapitan for his advice with a Filipina companion, Manuela
As days passed rizal and Josephine fell in love with each other. It was at first
sight and after one month of courtship they already have planned not to
separate and get married. They asked the permission of mr. taufer but he
flared up in violent rage and attempted to commit suicide. It was fortunate
that rizal was able to stop him.

When rizal broke the news that mr. taufers blindness was incurable, the
latter planned to come back to hongkong. Mr. taufer returned to hongkong
and Josephine assisted him to manila. Here, Josephine stayed with rizals
family. After a while she returned to dapitan and reunited with rizal. The two
planned to be married in a catholic ceremony, however fr. Antonio obach
insisted that rizal must first retract and embrace the faith once more before
any ceremony. Rizal refused for he would not give up his personal beliefs just
for a personal favor. With no priest or church, rizal and Josephine married
themselves as god was their witness.
The two led a happy life for quite some time in dapitan until there was such a
time that the two discovered their differences. Being a catholic, Josephine
often went to parish church. Here many, including rizals isters, have seen
Josephine having conversations with the friars therein. Rizal was informed of
such a activities of his wife. With his sisters not really liking Josephine from
the very start news and comments reached rizal on assimilated manner. Rizal
began to become paranoid even suspecting his wife as a spy the friars may
have hired against him. Heated arguments between the couple started to
become frequent.
Rizals son. Rizal loved Josephine, however due to the problems the two
recently faced, Josephine grew to become worrisome and always frightened
of what may happen to the relationship. This became a reason why Josephine
prematurely gave birth to their baby at the eighth month. Rizal tried to save
his baby but to no avail. Rizals son lived for around three hours. He named
the baby Francisco after his father. So much was rizals grief that he had to
bury his own child. Sometime after the delivery Josephine left rizal and
proceeded to manila. Rizal made all efforts to take her back.
Dapitan writings. Rizals exile gave away from him to write once more.
Himmo a talisay(hymn to talisay) was a hymn poem written in tribute of a
tree to which a town was named, and where rizal often stayed. Rizal and his
students have always used the talisay tree as a meeting place and in grateful
appreciation of the shade she provided they would occasionally sing the
The other poems wrote are Mi retiro(my retreat), which depicts his life as an
exile in dapitan, and canto del viajero(song od the traveler), a poem
celebrating his renewed opportunity to travel abroad and end of exile in
The revolution of 1896 and rizal. Since the beginning of the Cuban revolution
in 1895, the katipunan had been contemplating on the idea that a revolution
was also inevitable in the Philippines. With the Cubans fighting the Spaniards
in the other side of the pacific it would be a great disadvantage for the
Filipino to strike as well at the same time for it is whenspain would have
divided attention and strength. In a meeting at the montalban cave in april of
1896, bonifacio and the katipunan made a decision that the revolution was
had already come to pass. On the 2nd of may, the katipunan supreme council

chose dr. pio Valenzuela as its official emissary to dapitan. Valenzuelas

objective was to convince rizal to join and lead the katipunan since it was he
who had been identified by the Filipinos as their savior and leader.
On june 21 1896 after a week long travel Valenzuela arrived in dapitan.
Inorder to pass through inspecting officials, Valenzuela brought along a blind
man named Raymundo mata to act as a patient. Eventually they were able to
see rizal.
Because rizal did not know who he was , Valenzuela introduced himself first.
Later on the katipunero disclosed the true pupose of his arrival and the
nature of the katipunan. At the end of the rather long conversation of the
two, rizal expressed that he did no adhere to the idea of katipunan. He
believed that the katipunan had no capability of defeating the much powerful
Spanish army on the reasons that:
1. The katipunan does not have enough arms to fight the well equipped
2. The katipuneros do not have enough skills and training to fight an army
of veteran in engaging in battles
3. Its hierarchy lacks credibility which may result only to confusion in the
chain of command among leaders
4. The enemy has allies which only indicates that the revolution must
have foreign aid in order to ensure that resources may not be depleted
5. Ships(navy) are needed especially in an archipelago like the
Philippines, for they are crucial to communications.
Rizal believed it was not yet the time for a revolution. A revolution must be
launched not only on the basis of sentiments and burning passion. It must be
launched on the context of the ability to become triumphant in the end of it
all. Rizal told Valenzuela that if the revolution is the last resort, it must then
be prepared for another five to ten years just to ensure victory.
Valenzuela left failing to get rizal or even his support. It is not that rizal was
no in agreement with a revolution as a means to liberate his country it is only
that a revolution must be prepared to ensure its victory and prevent the
people from perishing in senseless manner. Rizal advised Valenzuela to
discuss also the situation with Antonio luna whom he regard as a man of
military expertise. He also noted that if ever they pushed through, they have
to first try to seek the support of the Japanese at least.
The end of retreat. When the Cuban revolution erupted in 1895 the Spanish
government began recruiting physicians who are willing to go to cuba as
volunteer to attend to the sick and wounded soldiers therin. After learning
this news. Rizal immediately applied for it in the hope of ending his exile in
dapitan through this option. He sent letters to the new gov. gen. ramon
blanco to permit him in serving spain through this manner.
After months of waiting, finally received a response letter from the office of
the gov. gen. accepting him as a volunteer physician for cuba. On july 31,

1896, rizals four year exile in dapitan came to an end. He embarked that day
on board the steamer espana. Together with him were his sister narcisa ,
three nephews, a niece and his wife whome he got reunited with just a few
days after departure. Almost all dapitan folks were at shore tobid him
goodbye. It was a sad farewell for he already came to love the good people of
dapitan and will never forget them in his heart.

Rizal and the 1896 revolution

Stranded in manila. Due to the many stopovers the steamer espana made its
arrival to manila was slightly delayed. When it reached manila on august 6, to
rizals disappointment the ship was ss isla de Luzon, that should have carried
him to spain(from spain he would then proceed to cuba) had already left the
day before. Authorities informed him that the next ship that would board him
will be the ss isla de panay. This ship as scheduled, will arrive in 28 days.
Because the espana was already about to leave, rizal was transferred to a
cruiser where he would stay for the next 26 days. This was the castilla a
vessel manned by the courteous Enrique santalo.
Emergency rescue. Right before its discover, the katipunan made a last effort
to rescue rizal from the cruiser castilla. Aboard a launch named caridad,
Emilio jacinto and a few katipuneros sneaked, disguising as sailors, inside the
docked cruiser, castilla upon meeting rizal, jacinto identified himself,
confirmed that they were armed and told the former that he had to be
rescued. With all courteousness, rizal refused the katipunan leader and
pleaded that he be left alone for he knew what he was doing. Jacinto was left
without choice.
Rizal could have escaped the authorities from that point, but he had already
set his mind to his own plan. If ever he would have to join a revolution, it
would be under his terms. From the beginning he never had confidence with
the katipunan. This was his decision, his undoing his destiny.
The revolution. Just as rizal was taking his time in the manila harbor aboard
the cruiser castilla and waiting for the much anticipated isla de panay the
katipunan through the betrayal of a member was discovered on august 19.
On the 26 of that month, bonifacio and the rest of the katipunan raised the
cry of pugadlawin marking the beginnine of the Philippine revolution. Rizal
who was still in manila was informed. He was not surprised he expected it on
his part he will pursue his plans.
The last voyage abroad. On august 30, rizal received from the gov. gen.
blanco a congratulatory letter and letters of recommendation. He was set for
departure. On September 3, rizal left for spain aboard the ss isla de panay.
The ship proceeded Singapore. When it arrived, pedro and perliquin roxas,
two of his fellow passengers escaped from the ship. They encountered rizal to

do the same for it would be safer to stay in the English colony. But no avail,
rizal insisted that he stay out. He did not want to become a fugitive. He was
not afraid to face anything for he believe he had done nothing wrong.
Without a doubt. The discovery of the katipunan led to the uncovering of its
secrets. Successive raids and mass arrests were made by the authorities.
Bulks of documents were found in secret offices and hide-outs which were
further investigated. Many of these documents implicated rizal to the
katipunan. Pictures, copies of noli me tangere and el filibusterismo were
likewise found. Documents declaring rizal as honorary president of the
katipunan were also found. The Spanish authorities learned also that rizal was
being used as the rally cry of the members, their true leader and hero. All of
these together with many letters and testimonies from those arrested led to
the conclusion that rizal was part of it all.
The arrest. Realizing the deep involvement of rizal with the revolution,
directly or indirectly, archbishop of manila Bernardino nozaledas insisted that
jose rizal be placed under arrest before he reaches cuba and all become to
late. On his part gov. blanco was reluctant for he already gave rizal his word
guaranteeing his arrival to cuba as a volunteer physician. However, after
further evaluation, together with the clerical pressure, the governor came up
to his mind that rizals arrest and return to the Philippines was unavoidable.
By telegraph, the governor ordered the arrest and detection of rizal aboard
the ship.
On September 30, while the ship was cruising the Mediterranean sea, rizal
was put put under arrest by capt. Alemany. Rizal was enraged by the order
and referred to blanco as worse than an animal. He was detained inside his
cabin during the remainder of the trip
On early oct 6, the ship reached barcelona. Rizal was imprisoned at the
montjuich. Later that day, eulogio despujol the former Philippine governor
who banished him to dapitan pain a visit. Despujol was the military
commander of cataluna that time.
The next day, rizal was transferred to anew ship, the ss colon. The ship was
bound for manila.
The final homecoming. Since leaving Barcelona on October 6, rizal
continuously recorded the events in his diary. On October 8 an officer told
him that the madrid newspapers were full of stories about the bloody
revolution in the Philippines and all blame was on him. Realizing the adverse
effects of these unjust public opinion, he thanked god for giving him the
chance to return in order to confront his slanderers and to vindicate his
News of rizals predicament reached his friends in Europe and Singapore.
From London dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and sixto lopez dispatched telegrams to
an English lawyer in Singapore named hugh fort to rescue rizal from the

Spanish steamer when it reached Singapore by means of a writ of habeas

When the colon arrived in Singapore, atty. Fort instituted proceeding at the
Singapore court for the removal of rizal from the ss colon. The legal
contention was that rizal was being illegally detained on the Spanish steamer.
Unfortunately, chief justice lionel cox denied the writ on the ground that the
colon was carrying Spanish troops to the Philippines. Hence it is a warship of
a foreign power which under international law, was beyond the jurisdiction of
the Singapore authorities.
Rizal was unaware of the attempt by his friend to rescue him in Singapore
because he was then kept behind bars in the ship.
Coming back to manila. On November 3, the colon reached manila it was
greeted with mild rejoicing by the Spaniards and friars because it brought
more reinforcements and military supplies. While the Spanish community was
exaulting with joy was quietly transferred under heavy guard from the ship to
fort Santiago.
The investigation and trial
The preliminary investigation. Immediately after his arrival. Rizal the accused
appeared before the judge advocate colonel Francisco olive, here he was
subjected to a grueling five day investigation and was informed of the
charges pressed against him. There were two kinds of evidence that were
presented against tizal, namely documentary and testimonial.
The status of rizal as a detainee was determined by Nicolas dela pena who
recommended the he rizal continue to be in prison his assets frozen up to one
million pesos and that he be put to trial in a military court the only right given
to rizal by the Spanish authorities was to choose his own defense counsel.
And even this was highly restricted. For he had to choose only from a list
submitted he schooses don luis taviel de Andrade 1 st lieutenant of the
artillery to be his defender.
On December 11, the information of charges was formally read to rizal in his
prison cell with his counsel present. The charges were pressed against rizal.
These were rebellion which was punishable by death, sedition also having the
penalty of death and illegal association which was punishable to reclusion
perpetua or lower. He was accused of being the principal organizer and the
living soul of the Filipino insurrection, the founder of societies, periodicals and
books dedicated to fomenting and propagating ideas of rebellion. Rafael
Dominguez forwarded the papers of rizal case to malacanang palace on
December 13 the same day when gen. camilio g. de polavieja, with the help
of the powerful Dominican friars, became governor general of the Philippines
succeeding general blanco.

A manifesto. On December 15, rizal wrote a manifesto to the people

appealing to them to stop the unnecessary shedding of blood and to achieve
their liberties by means of education and industry. He in the end, advised the
revolutionist to go home and that may god and man forgive them.
Through this writing many have criticized rizal to be a traitor to the cause of
the revolution. His condemnation to it was proof that he did not believe in this
fight for independence. However, it must be realized that rizal never was in
favor of this revolution anyway. He did not even like the premature way it
started if he condemned if for using his name, that would be natural, since he
really did not have anything to do with it. One thing to add is that it is also
possible that he had written this for the reason that polavieja was attempting
to make a deal with him write something and the sentence will be lighter.
With this he wrote the manifesto believing that whatever he may say, though
he started it all, he would not be able to stop it. This is also probably the
reason why polavieja never had it published. It was useless to deal with rizal
for a letter would be too shallow to use as an instrument against a revolution.
One more thing, who would have believe him? He may be their hero but
being under their custody this may just sound like him being tortured obeying
whatever is told him.
It is not rizal did not think of revolution as a means to obtain liberty for his
country. in his conversation with Valenzuela, he told the katipunero that to
make a revolution successful it must be so prepared, for if not, it would just
be a massacre of the people. He evenadvised valezuela that if they want him
to be with them, they must wait. He told him his plan of going to cuba an
there he would study their revolution, head for America of Germany for
possible aid or alliance and then come back to the Philippines to liberate his
people. But this he said may take five to ten years. This only proves that rizal
also contemplated on a revolution, though not the kind bonifacio built.
The trial of rizal. At 8:00am, December 26, 1986, the court martial of rizal
started in the military building called cuanel de espana. The trial was opened
by judge advocate Dominguez who explained the case against rizal.
After him, prosecuting attorney Enrique de alcocerarose and delivered a long
speech summarizing the charges against rizal and urged the court to give the
verdict of death to the accused. While on the other hand, defense counsel luis
taviel de Andrade took the floor and read his eloquent defense with a noble,
but futile, admonition to the members of the military saying the judges
cannot be vindictive the judges can only be just.
Rizals defense. As agreed upon by the two, rizal was called by taviel to the
stand in defense of himself. In his argument, he insisted that he could not be
involved in the rebellion since he was already in dapitan when it was
conceived. That from 1892, he already retired from politics and many can
attest to that. If he were guilty he could have escaped back then in Mindanao,
or during the time he was in Singapore and was not yet being arrested. He
also insisted that if he ever said things offensive to the crown, he already had

paid for that through the banishment imposed on him that lasted for three
years. He admitted having the conversation Valenzuela in regard to the
secret organization, nevertheless, just like as how he testified to it, he was
never in agreement with their plans. The manner by which the rebels
dragged his name to the rebellion was something that surprised him and one
that which he truly condemned. In the end of his speech, rizal finally argued
that if he were the leader of the rebellion then what kind of a leader would he
be that in the middle of the rebellion there he was abandoning his men and
trying to go abroad.
On the same day the court decision was submitted to gov. gen. polavieja.
Immediately polavieja sought the opinion of judge advocate general Nicolas
de la pena on his court decision. The latter affirmed the death verdict.
On December 28th polavieja approved the decision of the cort martial ordered
rizal to be shot at 7:00 in the morning of December 30 at bagumbayan field
The martyrdom
The last hours of rizal is an episode in the life of the hero og which only the
Jesuits and some Spanish officials who were the only ones allowed to be
present can make full a account of. Though the account had caused much
controversy concerning the eventual religious stand of rizal in the final
moments of his life it is important that it must be presented so as to provide
the reader a way of reasoning to himself whether or not he would believe it.
The reader must also finde guide that masons and some other rizalist find it
difficult to accept the story that follows.
At 6:00am December 29 1986, captain Rafael Dominguez, who was
designated by gov. gen. Camilo polavieja to take charge of all arrangements
for the execution of the condemned prisoner, read the death sentence to
rizal. He was informed that the manner of execution was that he was to be
shot at back by a firing squad at 7:00am in bagumbayan(luneta).
At seven oclock am in an hour after reading of the death sentence, rizal was
moved to the prison chapel. It is here when he spent his last moments. His
first visitors were father Miguel saderra mata(rector of ateneo municipal) and
father luis viza,Jesuit professor. At 7:15 rizal happily received from viza the
statuette sacred heart of jesus which he carved when he was still in ateneo.
He placed it on hi writing table. At 8:00 am. Fr. Antonio rosell arrived to
relieve father viza. Rizal invited rossell to join him for breakfast. After
breakfast, rizals defense councel came whom he thanked for the gallant
service rendered.
By 9:00am fr. Frederico faura arrived from 12:00 am to 3:30 pm rizal was left
alone in his cell. He took his lunch and after which he was busy writing it was
probably during this time that he finished his farewell poem and hid it at the
alcohol cooking stove. At the same time he wrote his last letter to professor

blumentritt at 3:30pm, fr. Vicente balaguer arrived to discuss religious

matters with rizal.
The agony of a mother. At 4:00, rizals mother arrived. Rizal knelt down before
her and kissed her hands begging to forgive him. The two were immediately
separated by the guards. Shortly afterwards, Trinidad came in and rizal gave
him the alcohol lamp which contained the farewell poem. Right after his
mother and sister left. Fathers vilaclara and march entered the cell, followed
by fr. Rosell.
Don silvino lopez tunon, dean of the manila cathedral arrived at 6:00pm. Frs
balaguer. March and vilaclara took turns in accompanying rizal. By 8:00am
the visitors came, it was fiscal gaspar cestano of the royal audencia.whatever
was the purpose of this mans visit is not clear. It is a probability that rizal
may have still sought for some legel moves to, at least , postpone the
The retraction. According to fr. Vicente balaguer, rizal had already looked
forward to retract earlier that day. It was only late that night that this ever
came to pass. At 10:00pm balaguer once more arrived to present rizals the
retraction draft of archbishop Bernardino nozaleda. Rizal declined to take the
draft being that it was long. Rizal preferred better the other draftwhich fr. Pio
pi y vidal, superior of the Jesuit mission, had created with slight changes
applied to the draft, according to balaguer, rizal finally wrote and signed it in
the presence of two witnesses juan del fresno, chief of the guard detal and
eloy moure , adjutant of the plaza. The full text retraction contains the
At 3:00 in the morning of December 30, 1896 rizal heard mass confessed his
sins, and took holy communion. Aroun 5:00 he took his last breakfast. After
this, he wrote two letters. The first was addressed to be his family and the
second to his brother paciano. At 5:30. Josephine bracken, accompanied by a
sister of rizal(josefa), arrived. Balaguer, who was present officiated the
marriage of the two. Rizal gave Josephine his last gift the imitation of Christ
by Thomas krempis. At 6:00 he wrote his last letter to his parents.
The controversy. It was not until 1902 when the claim of the church on rizals
retraction was left uncontested. The issue did not emerge immediately from
the time of execution to 1898 since the Spaniards would not allow it and a
revolution was on going. The years that followed were spend more on the
question of what will happen to the Filipino-american war. The issue only
began when, in 1901, in the occasion of rizals death anniversary, some
writers published once again the claim of balaguer that rizal retracted and
was catholic before he died.
The masons, having the opportunity of the americal atmosphere of freedom
began issue with the question where is the retraction document? Along with it
were the questions:

I rizal were a catholic before he died, why then was he not given a
catholic burial? Where is the death certificate?
If rizal and Josephine bracken were married before the formers
execution, where then is the marriage certificate?
Where are the books that rizal signed?

The questions with regards to the existence of the retraction document rizal signed
was not answered clearly enough by baaguer by claiming that it burden of proof
was turned to those who claim the conversion. There was no definite answer to the
mystery until, in the early part of 1930s, when a certain priest claimed to have
found a retraction document other papers and a number of books that appeared to
be rizals. this was the retraction document and all the others he had signed the day
before his execution.
By the time the retraction came out in the public the masons and the antiretraction rizalists, to continue their argument, made intensive investigation of the
document. There are those who claimed that the discovered retraction was
authentic. However, there are others who said that this was a product of forgery.
This argument was backed up by sides on the document that lead them to believe
that the one who signed the document was not rizal, and that the whole document
was a handwriting in the document had many indications of stops. Which only
happens when a forger pauses to determine his next stroke. Another finding is that,
of all signatures of rizal this was most slanted or disfigured. With so many
controversies created around on the document, soon, its public presentation was
denied for further studies.
The issue on the retraction continues as there are many arguments from both sides
of the story that continue to come along. Some say its not that important because
this issue would only refer to the religious conviction of rizal before he died and has
nothing to do with his consistent political views. However others say that this is
significant because the claim rizal retracted was only conceived that rizal would
retract all he had said, done and write, be it political or religious. He was a man of
integrity and honor, and not even death would be able to break him from the beliefs
he deeply held against spain and the church al throughout his matured life.
The martyrdom of rizal. Around 6:30 am. Rizal elegantly dressed in black, began his
death march. Tough tied by all his elbows, rizal walked on through with all serenity.
Together with him were luis taviel de Andrade on one side and frs. Vilaclara and
march in the other. Infront of them were the four advance guards with drawn
There were only a number of people who were there from the fort to plaza del
paacio. By the time they arrived at bagumbayan, a multitude was already gathered
to watch the execution.
As they walked on, rizal greeted the lovliness of the morning, the clearness of the
mountains of cavite and coregidor. He even made a last glance of the ateneo and
talked about it with the friars.

When the cavalcade arrived at bagumbayan they proceeded to a square in front of

a squad(of which another squad was at the back), rizal was made of stand ten
paces apart. He bade goodbye to his defender and the priest and shook their hands.
One of the priests offered a crucifix to be kissed and rizal kissed it.
Rizal turned to the official present to request that he be allowed to face the firing
squad . the official explained that it cannot be done. Strict instructions state that he
should be shot at the back. When the blindfold was presented to him, he swayed his
head to indicate that he did not want to. This one request was granted. Rizal turned
his back to the firing squad and faced the sea.
A Spanish military physician, dr. felipe ruiz Castillo, approached rizal to feel his
pulse. Rizal graciously complied. Dr. Castillo found it normal, showing only that rizal
did not fear death. It was standard procedure to see first if the person to be
executed is well. This was due to the fact that there have been many incidences
that a person for execution would fall even before the shots are made due to
cardiac arrest. This defeats the purpose of execution.
The death ruffles of the drums began. Above the drum-beats, the sharp commands
ready aim fir were heard and all the bullets from the four man squad ripped through
his back. Rizal will all effort turned his bullet riddled body to the right and fell on the
ground dead with back flat on the grass and face upward fronting the morning sun
at half eyes closed. It was 7:03 in the morning when he died. Rizal aged 35 yrs old,
five months and 11 days.
After the heros execution the Spanish spectators shouted viva espana muerte los
traidores and the Spanish military band, joining the jubilance over rizals death,
played the triumphant marcha de cadiz.
Rizals body was quickly loaded to a carriage. As he instructed it, many of his
followers followed the carriage of which destination was unknown. The sisters of
rizal, however painful it was, managed to approach the site of his death to retrieve
the blood that flowed and flesh and clothes that teared from the soil.
Rizals body went directly to the paco cemetery, dumped on a shallow grave without
a coffin, and left without a name. There were no ceremonies of any kind. The family
members were not even notified where the body was to be buried. Narcisa and
company had to look over many cemeteries before that finally discovered it in paco.
The loyal followers of rizal quickly remedied the rude treatment by properly burying
him with only the letters rpj written on a wooded crucifix established on top of the

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