Electronic System Design PPT - Electrical Behavior of CMOS and BiCMOS

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Electrical Behaviour of CMOS & BiCMOS Family Logic Devices

Course: ES 10 105 A Electronic System design

Program and Specialization: M.Tech (VLSI Design/Embedded Systems)
Faculty : Anoop Mathew, HoD ECE.
Scheduled Date of Lecture : 14/11/2012


Reduction of power consumption makes a device more reliable. The need for
devices that consume a minimum amount of power was a major driving force behind
the development of CMOS technologies. As a result, CMOS devices are best known
for low power consumption. However, for minimizing the power requirements of a
board or a system, simply knowing that CMOS devices may use less power than
equivalent devices from other technologies does not help much. It is important to
know not only how to calculate power consumption, but also to understand how
factors such as input voltage level, input rise time, power-dissipation capacitance, and
output loading affect the power consumption of a device. This discussion addresses
the different types of power consumption in a CMOS logic circuit, focusing on
calculation of power-dissipation capacitance (Cpd), and, finally, the determination of
total power consumption in a CMOS device.
Power-Consumption Components
High frequencies impose a strict limit on power consumption in computer
systems as a whole. Therefore, power consumption of each device on the board
should be minimized. Power calculations determine power-supply sizing, current
requirements, cooling/heat-sink requirements, and criteria for device selection. Power
calculations also can determine the maximum reliable operating frequency.
Two components determine the power consumption in a CMOS circuit:
Static power consumption
Dynamic power consumption
CMOS devices have very low static power consumption, which is the result of
leakage current. This power consumption occurs when all inputs are held at some
valid logic level and the circuit is not in charging states. But, when switching at a high
frequency, dynamic power consumption can contribute significantly to overall power
consumption. Charging and discharging a capacitive output load further increases this
dynamic power consumption.
Static Power Consumption
Typically, all low-voltage devices have a CMOS inverter in the input and
output stage. Therefore, for a clear understanding of static power consumption, refer
to the CMOS inverter modes shown in Figure 1.

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Electrical Behaviour of CMOS & BiCMOS Family Logic Devices

Figure 1. CMOS Inverter Mode for Static Power Consumption

As shown in Figure 1, if the input is at logic 0, the n-MOS device is OFF, and
the p-MOS device is ON (Case 1). The output voltage is VCC, or logic 1. Similarly,
when the input is at logic 1, the associated n-MOS device is biased ON and the
p-MOS device is OFF. The output voltage is GND, or logic 0. Note that one of the
transistors is always OFF when the gate is in either of these logic states. Since no
current flows into the gate terminal, and there is no dc current path from V CC to GND,
the resultant quiescent (steady-state) current is zero, hence, static power consumption
(Pq) is zero.
However, there is a small amount of static power consumption due to reversebias leakage between diffused regions and the substrate. This leakage inside a device
can be explained with a simple model that describes the parasitic diodes of a CMOS
inverter, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Model Describing Parasitic Diodes Present in CMOS Inverter

The source drain diffusion and N-well diffusion form parasitic diodes. In
Figure 2, the parasitic diodes are shown between the N-well and substrate. Because
parasitic diodes are reverse biased, only their leakage currents contribute to static
power consumption. The leakage current (Ilkg)of the diode is described by the
following equation:
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.. (1)

is = reverse saturation current
V = diode voltage
k = Boltzmanns constant
q = electronic charge
T = temperature
Static power consumption is the product of the device leakage current and the
supply voltage. Total static power consumption, PS, can be obtained as shown in
equation 2.
PS = (leakage current) x (supply voltage) (2)
Most CMOS data sheets specify an ICC maximum in the 10 A to 40 A range,
encompassing total leakage current and other circuit features that may require some
static current not considered in the simple inverter model. The leakage current I CC
(current into a device), along with the supply voltage, causes static power
consumption in the CMOS devices. This static power consumption is defined as
quiescent, or PS, and can be calculated by equation 3.
------------------------- (3)
VCC = supply voltage
ICC = current into a device (sum of leakage currents as in equation 2)
Another source of static current is ICC. This results when the input levels are
not driven all the way to the rail, causing the input transistors to not switch off
Dynamic Power Consumption
The dynamic power consumption of a CMOS IC is calculated by adding the
transient power consumption (PT), and capacitive-load power consumption (PL).
Transient Power Consumption
Transient power consumption is due to the current that flows only when the
transistors of the devices are switching from one logic state to another. This is a result
of the current required to charge the internal nodes (switching current) plus the
through current (current that flows from VCC to GND when the p-channel transistor
and n-channel transistor turn on briefly at the same time during the logic transition).
The frequency at which the device is switching, plus the rise and fall times of the
input signal, as well as the internal nodes of the device, has a direct effect on the
duration of the current spike. For fast input transition rates, the through current of the
gate is negligible compared to the switching current. For this reason, the dynamic
supply current is governed by the internal capacitance of the IC and the charge and
discharge current of the load capacitance. Transient power consumption can be
calculated using equation 4.
PT = Cpd_x Vcc 2 x fI x NSW
.. (4)
PT = transient power consumption
VCC = supply voltage
fI = input signal frequency
NSW = number of bits switching
Cpd = dynamic power-dissipation capacitance
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Electrical Behaviour of CMOS & BiCMOS Family Logic Devices

Dynamic supply current is dominant in CMOS circuits because most of the

power is consumed in moving charges in the parasitic capacitor in the CMOS gates.
As a result, the simplified model of a CMOS circuit consisting of several gates can be
viewed as one large capacitor that is charged and discharged between the powersupply rails. Therefore, the powerdissipation capacitance (C pd) is often specified as a
measure of this equivalent capacitance and is used to approximate the dynamic power
consumption. Cpd is defined as the internal equivalent capacitance of a device
calculated by measuring operating current without load capacitance. Depending on
the output switching capability, Cpd can be measured with no output switching (output
disabled) or with any of the outputs switching (output enabled).
Capacitive-Load Power Consumption
Additional power is consumed in charging external load capacitance and is
dependent on switching frequency. The following equation can be used to calculate
this power if all outputs have the same load and are switching at the same output
PL = CL x V2 CC x fO x NSW (CL is the load per output)
-------------------------- (5)
PL = capacitive-load power consumption
VCC = supply voltage
fO = output signal frequency
CL = external (load) capacitance
NSW = total number of outputs switching
In the case of different loads and different output frequencies at all outputs,
Equation-6 is used to calculate capacitive-load power consumption.
PL = (CLn x fOn) x Vcc2
---------------------------------------------- (6)
fOn = all different output frequencies at each output (Hz).
VCC = supply voltage (V)
CLn = all different load capacitances at each output, numbered 1 through n.
Therefore, dynamic power consumption (PD) is the sum of these two power
consumptions and can be expressed as shown in equation 7.
PD = PT + PL
---------------------------------------------------------- (7)
Total power consumption is the sum of static and dynamic power consumption.
Ptot = P(static) + P(dynamic)
Power-Dissipation Capacitance (Cpd) in CMOS Circuits
Cpd is an important parameter in determining dynamic power consumption in
CMOS circuits. It includes both internal parasitic capacitance (e.g., gate-to-source and
gate-to-drain capacitance) and through currents present while a device is switching
and both n-channel and p-channel transistors are momentarily conducting.
Testing Considerations
Proper setup is vital to achieving proper correlation. Some of the more
important issues in performing the measurement are discussed in this section.
Input Edge Rates
When measuring Cpd, the input edge rate should be t r = tf = 1 ns from 10% to
90% of the input signal. Power-dissipation capacitance is heavily dependent on the
dynamic supply current, which, in turn, is sensitive to input edge rates. As previously

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noted, while an input is switching, there is a brief period when both p-channel and
n-channel transistors are conducting, which allows through current to flow from VCC
to GND through the input stage. The amount of dynamic through current measured is
directly proportional to the amount of time the input signal is at some level other than
Any circuit must be properly bypassed to function correctly at high
frequencies. The bypass capacitor between VCC and GND serves to reduce powersupply ripple and provides a more accurate measure of the current being drawn by the
device under test.
Improper bypassing can result in erratic voltage at the VCC pin and can disrupt
the test. Texas Instruments (TI) uses a 0.1 F bypass capacitor (from VCC to GND) on
the test board.
Pin Combination
Different pin combinations are valid and may be chosen to best suit the
application at hand. For example, it is valid to test a device with the outputs either
enabled or disabled. For multi-section devices, set the device so that the minimum
number of sections is active. Virtually any pin combination that causes at least one
output to switch at a known frequency is acceptable.
Cpd Measurement Procedures
For devices that have several gates in the same package (for example, AHC04
which has six individual inverter circuits), the average Cpd per output is specified in
the data sheet as a typical (TYP) value. For devices that have several circuits
switching simultaneously from a single clock or input (such as the AHC374 in
Figure 3), switch all outputs and deduct PL for each output. In the case of multipleoutput switching at different frequencies (i.e., divide counters with parallel outputs)
each PL will have a different frequency factor.

Figure 3. Several Circuits Switching, AHC374

In the case of devices such as ALVC, LVC, and LV, test and calculate C pd for
both the enable and disable mode. Typically, Cpd in the enable mode is greater than Cpd
in the disable mode (Cpd_EN > Cpd_DIS).

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Electrical Behaviour of CMOS & BiCMOS Family Logic Devices

Comparison of Supply Current versus Frequency

Cpd and dynamic power consumption can be measured through supply-currentversus-frequency plots. Supply current is critical because it indicates the amount of
power consumed by the device. A small value for I CC is desirable because reducing the
amount of power consumed yields many benefits. Less power consumed means less
heat is generated and the problems of dissipating the heat are reduced. The reliability
of a system is also improved, because lower stress gradients are present on the device
and the integrity of the signal is improved due to the reduction of ground bounce and
signal noise.
Power Economy
As noted previously, the industry trend has been to make devices more robust
and faster while reducing their size and power consumption. This section describes
the rationale and methods used to minimize power consumption in a CMOS circuit.
For a CMOS system design, each module is allocated a fixed power budget. This is a
power consumption that the module must not exceed. It is important to meet this
power consumption allocation constraint, along with other constraints, to achieve a
balanced design.
Power consumption minimization can be achieved in a number of ways. The
dc power consumption can be reduced to leakage by using only CMOS logic gates, as
opposed to bipolar and BiCMOS. The leakage, in turn, is proportional to the area of
diffusion, so the use of minimum-size devices is an advantage. One of the system
design considerations is the choice of low-power devices, with systems today using
devices in the 1.5-V to 3.3-V VCC range. Dynamic power consumption can be limited
by reducing supply voltage, switched capacitance, and frequency at which the logic is
Power consumption is a function of load capacitance, frequency of operation,
and supply voltage. A reduction of any one of these is beneficial. A reduction in power
consumption provides several benefits. Less heat is generated, which reduces
problems associated with high temperature, such as the need for heat-sinks. This
provides the consumer with a product that costs less.
Furthermore, the reliability of the system is increased due to lowertemperature stress gradients on the device. An additional benefit of the reduced power
consumption is the extended life of the battery in battery-powered systems.

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