Installation and Licensing

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Installation and Licensing Manual


April 2014

For licensing information, please contact Reaction Design at (858) 550-1920 (USA) or [email protected].

Technical Support:
Reaction Design provides an allotment of technical support to its Licensees free of charge. To request technical support,
please include your license number along with any problem-specific information, including project input or output files,
and any error messages pertaining to your question or problem. Requests may be directed in the following manner: E-mail:
[email protected], Fax: (858) 550-1925, Phone: (858) 550-1920.
Additional technical support hours may also be purchased. Please contact Reaction Design for the hourly rates.

Copyright 2014 Reaction Design. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any
means without express written permission from Reaction Design.

CHEMKIN and REACTION DESIGN are registered trademarks of Reaction Design in the United States and other countries.
Aurora, Chemkin, The CHEMKIN Collection, CHEMKIN-CFD, CHEMKIN-MFC, CHEMKIN-PRO, Conp, Creslaf,
ENERGICO, Equil, Equilib, Fort, KINetics, Model Fuels Consortium, Oppdif, Ovend, Parameter Study Facility, Particle
Tracking Feature, Pasr, Plug, Premix, CHEMKIN-PRO Reaction Workbench, Senkin, Shock, Spin, Surface Chemkin,
Surftherm, Time-to-Solution,Transport, Twafer, Twopnt are all trademarks of Reaction Design or Sandia National
Laboratories. These trademarks apply in the United States and other countries.

Limitation of Warranty:
The software is provided as is by Reaction Design, without warranty of any kind including, without limitation, any
warranty against infringement of third party property rights, fitness or merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose,
even if Reaction Design has been informed of such purpose. Furthermore, Reaction Design does not warrant, guarantee, or
make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use, of the software or documentation in terms of
correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise. No agent of Reaction Design is authorized to alter or exceed the warranty
obligations of Reaction Design as set forth herein. Any liability of Reaction Design, its officers, agents or employees with
respect to the software or the performance thereof under any warranty, contract, negligence, strict liability, vicarious
liability or other theory will be limited exclusively to product replacement or, if replacement is inadequate as a remedy or
in Reaction Designs opinion impractical, to a credit of amounts paid to Reaction Design for the license of the software.



Table of Contents


Windows Installation and Licensing ....................................................................................................................13





Supported Computer Platforms and Operating Systems ........................................................................9

System Requirements.................................................................................................................................10
Overview of the Installation Process ........................................................................................................10

Running the Setup Program ......................................................................................................................13

Automation of Windows Installation.........................................................................................14
Licensing for a Windows System ..............................................................................................................15
Assumptions ................................................................................................................................15
Required Tasks...........................................................................................................................16
Requesting a License from Reaction Design ..........................................................................................16
Installing a Windows License.....................................................................................................................19
Windows License Server or Nodelocked License .................................................................19
Network Clients...........................................................................................................................22
Windows Licensing Utilities........................................................................................................................24
Request a New Reaction Design License ..............................................................................24
Manage Reaction Design License ...........................................................................................25
check_license.bat: Test Reaction Design License Server Status ......................................25
set_license_path.bat ..................................................................................................................25
lmgrd.exe and lmgrd_win64.exe ..............................................................................................27
reaction.exe and reaction_win64.exe......................................................................................27
lmutil.exe and lmutil_win64.exe ...............................................................................................28
installs.exe ...................................................................................................................................28
vista__START_license_server.bat ..........................................................................................28
License Utilities Folder................................................................................................................................28
Uninstalling a Reaction Design Product...................................................................................................29

UNIX Installation and Licensing ............................................................................................................................31



Executing the UNIX Installation Script......................................................................................................31

Troubleshooting of Linux Installation.......................................................................................35
Automation of Linux Installation ...............................................................................................35
Setting Environment Variables ..................................................................................................................36
CHEMKIN Multi-user Environments ........................................................................................38
Licensing for a UNIX System .....................................................................................................................39
Assumptions ................................................................................................................................39


2014 Reaction Design


Table of Contents



Required Tasks...........................................................................................................................39
Requesting a License from Reaction Design ..........................................................................................39
Obtaining lmhostid......................................................................................................................39
Special Cases for lmhostid on Linux .......................................................................................40
Requesting Your License File...................................................................................................41
Installing a UNIX License ...........................................................................................................................41
UNIX Node-locked or Network License Server .....................................................................42
Network Clients...........................................................................................................................44
UNIX Licensing Utilities .............................................................................................................44

Getting Help and Support .......................................................................................................................................51


Frequently Asked Questions......................................................................................................................51

Contacting Technical Support....................................................................................................................51
Diagnostic Information Requested for Resolving Licensing Issues ...................................52

Contacting Reaction Design ..................................................................................................................................55

License File Contents ..............................................................................................................................................59


Windows XP Firewall Modifications .....................................................................................................................63


Example of Merging License Files ............................................................................................................70

Troubleshooting Client License Connections ...................................................................................................73


Specifying License Server Location..........................................................................................................67

Communicating the License Server Location..........................................................................................68

Combining Licenses from Reaction Design and CFD-Vendors ....................................................................69


Installing Licensing as a Service ...............................................................................................................65

Windows License Service .........................................................................................................65
Linux/UNIX License Service .....................................................................................................66

Port@Host Method of License Server Location................................................................................................67


Open the specified ports in your Windows XP SP2 Firewall ................................................................63

Licensing as a Service ............................................................................................................................................65


Server Line....................................................................................................................................................59
Daemon Line ................................................................................................................................................60
Feature Lines / Increment Lines................................................................................................................60
Comment Lines ............................................................................................................................................61

Item 1: Resolving Server's Name (in Windows Environment) ..............................................................73

Item 2: Testing TCP/IP Communication from Client to License Server ..............................................74
Item 3: Unblocking Firewall(s) on Client and License Server ...............................................................75
Item 4: Specifying Location of License Server........................................................................................75

Mounting a Reaction Design UNIX/Linux Distribution CD-ROM ...................................................................77


Unmounting the CD-ROM ..........................................................................................................................77

Index ............................................................................................................................................................................79

2014 Reaction Design




List of Tables

Supported License Server Platforms.............................................................................................................................10


Platform strings for installation script.............................................................................................................................31


Reaction Design Environment Variables .......................................................................................................................37


2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

List of Tables




List of Figures

Request License Utility dialog, which is used to request license keys from Reaction Design ......................................17


Web form opened by Request License Utility when Web Form button is selected .......................................................18


Text box opened by Request License Utility when Email button is selected. ...............................................................18


Reaction Design License Tool for Windows Platforms..................................................................................................20


Example of log file created by the Reaction Design License Tool ................................................................................21


License Tool: Admin Privileges Prompt.........................................................................................................................22


License Tool: No License Warning................................................................................................................................22


License Tool: Path to License. ......................................................................................................................................23


Port@Host warning message .......................................................................................................................................24

2-10 Output displayed when license is up ............................................................................................................................26


Output displayed when license is down .......................................................................................................................27


Reaction Design License Agreement screen ................................................................................................................32


Select License Server screen .......................................................................................................................................33


Installation Progress Monitor screen .............................................................................................................................34


Installation screen, after installation is complete ...........................................................................................................34


Successful license startup diagnostic information from ...............................................................43


Unsuccessful License startup diagnostic information from ..........................................................43


2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

List of Figures



The information provided in this manual describes the Licensing and Installation procedures
for Reaction Design products, including both CHEMKIN and CHEMKIN-PRO. Examples that
apply to CHEMKIN-PRO but not to CHEMKIN are highlighted with a CHEMKIN-PRO Only
tag plus a

icon in the margin.

The CHEMKIN Installation and Licensing Manual is designed to help users and
system administrators install Reaction Designs license-utility software and to activate
licenses associated with Reaction Design software. Although this manual is available
on the Reaction Design website, the version provided in the download files with a
specific product has the most up-to-date information at the time of release.
Further information concerning the use and operation of any specific Reaction Design
product can be found in the user manuals available with the product installation.


Supported Computer Platforms and Operating Systems

The specific platforms and compiler details supported for a given Reaction Design
product vary, due to 3rd-party dependencies and the staggered timing of product
releases. In general, however, Reaction Design's products are typically available for
the x86 and x86_64 processors running Linux 2.6.18 core or running Windows XP
and later. We develop on Red Hat Enterprise 5 and find SuSE generally compatible.
Some recent 2.6.18 core systems will require compatibility libraries be installed for C
or Fortran runtime libraries. The License Server platform does not need to be the
same as that of client computers. Table 1-1 lists the supported platforms where
Reaction Designs License Server Utilities may be run. Updated information may also
be available at


2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 1: Introduction

Table 1-1

Supported License Server Platforms


Operating System(s)



Red Hat Enterprise 5, 6

SuSE 10.2, 11, 12

32-bit. Use linux9



Red Hat Enterprise 5, 6

SuSE 10.2, 11, 12

64-bit. Use linuxx8664



Windows XP SP2 or newer

Windows Vista
Windows 7 or 8
Windows Server 2003,
2003R2, 2008, 2008R2, or

Note: Installation location

must not have Unicode
characters in path.

Windows 64-bit

Windows XP64
Windows Vista 64-bit
Windows 7 or 8
Windows Server 2003,
2003R2, 2008, 2008R2, or

Note: Installation location

must not have Unicode
characters in path.

If you have a specific question about a platform that is not listed, please contact Reaction
Design Support for further clarification (see Chapter 5 for contact information).


System Requirements
Before you start, take a minute to verify that you have the following requirements
needed to install and run Reaction Designs products:
1. A suitable computer and operating system, as listed in Table 1-1.
2. 350 Megabytes of hard disk space.
3. 1 GB of RAM (2 GB or more is recommended for 64-bit installations or Vista


Overview of the Installation Process

Installation involves three basic steps:

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 1: Introduction

Installation and Licensing Manual

1. Obtain and install a license file from Reaction Design for the product(s) that
you have purchased.
2. Install the software after downloading from the web (or from a CD-ROM).
3. Test the license installation to make sure a license can be checked out.
Each of these steps is described in more detail in the following chapters. The
instructions are divided according to platform. Section 2.2 describes installation
procedures for all Windows-based PCs, while Section 2.3 describes installation
procedures for all UNIX platforms (including Linux).

In general, the license manager and license daemons (lmgrd and reaction)
corresponding to the most recent Reaction Design product installed should be used on the
License Server. Such utilities are backwards compatible with older license files. In addition,
the latest license files typically enable older versions of the software as well as the version



2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter 1: Introduction




Windows Installation and Licensing


Running the Setup Program

You must have administrator privileges to install on any supported Windows operating
system (see Table 1-1). To install a Reaction Design (RD) product and licensing
utilities on your Windows computer, perform the following steps:
1. Download the product installation (<product>_pc for 32-bit or
<product>_win64 for 64-bit) and execute the downloaded installer.
2. The Welcome dialog introduces you to the Setup program. Click Next to
3. The Software License Agreement dialog will display the license agreement.
Click Yes to accept the standard license agreement terms.
4. If you are installing CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT, you must select the location
of an existing FLUENT installation. The CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT binary
files will be installed into this location.

An existing installation of FLUENT is required to install CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT.

5. Choose the Destination Location. This is the location on your hard disk where
you would like to install the RD product. The default is
C:\Program Files\Reaction, but you may select any drive or folder name
using the Browse button. Once you have chosen the default folder, click Next
to continue.

A subfolder will be created below the default Destination Location to contain the latest
installation of <product>. A licenses folder will also be created or updated.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Note: The installation location must not have Unicode (such as Kanji) characters in the path
because computational jobs run in the DOS shell environment do not fully support Unicode.

6. Choose the folder for your Start > All Programs menu. Modifying the settings
here changes the way the short-cuts are organized in your Programs menu.
Click Next to continue.
7. Some installations include an optional product named GraphViz. You may see
an option for a graphing product named GraphViz1. If you select Yes in this
panel, the GraphViz installation will be run prior to the Reaction Design
selected product installation. If GraphViz is already installed, you do not need
to install it again.
8. At this point the Setup program will begin installing files on your computers
hard disk. After the files have been installed successfully, the setup dialog will
ask you to reboot your computer. Choose Yes to allow the program to reboot,
or No to reboot manually later.

The reboot step is necessary to set environment variables and a default license-file location in
your system registry. The installed product and licensing may not operate correctly until your
system is rebooted.

CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT users must specifically set the environment variable for the
Reaction Design license server, $REACTION_LICENSE_FILE. See Section 3.2.


Automation of Windows Installation

Our Windows installer use the InstallShield scripting program. InstallShield supports
the creation and use of "silent installation" files. The vendor of InstallShield is now
named Flexera and they have a FAQ article about this:


2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

In short, you record your installation responses as follows into a ".iss" file. You can
also record an uninstall response file. Then, you perform other installs using that ".iss"
file to provide the responses. The install runs very quickly using this approach. The
below example writes these ".iss" files to the C:\ location; you should select an
appropriate location -- this can be a network drive.
Record files:
$ chemkin15131_win64_setup.exe /r /f1"C:\iss\chemkin_win64_setup.iss"
$ chemkin15131_win64_setup.exe /r /uninstall /
Perform silent installation using recorded response files.

Note that the second flag providing a log file is required.

$ chemkin15131_win64_setup.exe /s /f1"C:\iss\chemkion_win64_setup.iss" /
$ chemkin15131_win64_setup.exe /s /uninstall /f1"C:\iss\chemkin_win64_uninstall.iss" /


Licensing for a Windows System

This section provides instructions on how to obtain and install a Reaction Design
license file for the Reaction Design product after you have purchased the software.

You must have a valid license key to access the software downloads on the Reaction Design
website. The license will also be required to run the installed product.


We assume the following, for purposes of providing instructions on obtaining and
installing a license on a Windows operating system:
You have already installed the product on your computer.
The default installation directory for Windows is C:\Program Files\Reaction.
If you have installed in a different location, please make the necessary
replacements in the instructions that follow.



2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Required Tasks
To activate your Reaction Design products.
1. Request a license from Reaction Design, providing information about your
2. Install the license received from Reaction Design.


Requesting a License from Reaction Design

To obtain a license from Reaction Design, we require that you send us certain
information about the computer on which you will be running the product. Here we
provide detailed instructions for obtaining that information. If you have purchased a
Network (floating) License, the following steps should be run on your Network License
Server. If you have not yet installed a Reaction Design product, you can download the
license utilities described in the following sections at the Reaction Design website. Go
to the Support menu and select Licensing Tools for information and download links.
Additional information is available at the website in the Help topics under the Support

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

Licenses should be requested using Reaction Designs Request License Utility. A

short-cut to this utility is installed in your Windows Start > All Programs menu. Follow
the steps below to send your computers identifying data to Reaction Design:
1. With your mouse, navigate to Start > All Programs > Reaction Design >
License Tools > Request A New Reaction Design License. The Request
License Utility should open a dialog, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1

Request License Utility dialog, which is used to request license keys from Reaction Design

2. Fill in your Personal Information, Company Name, and License Number

(located on your License Specifications Form). An example of the information
required is shown in Figure 2-1.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

3. Choose one of the following:

Web Form. This option will post the information gathered to Reaction
Design via a web browser. The Web Form button will open a web page
with your default web browser, as shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2

Web form opened by Request License Utility when Web Form button is selected

Email. This option will create text that can be embedded into an email to
Reaction Design. The Email button will open a text box as shown in
Figure 2-3. Copy and paste the contents of the text box into an email or
use the Save button to save the text to a text file to send later.
Figure 2-3

Text box opened by Request License Utility when Email button is selected.

Upon receipt of your computer information, Reaction Design will generate a set of
license keys that are specific to your computer and to the selection of product
modules that you have purchased. These license keys will be sent to you by email.
The next two sections describe how to install the license keys on your PC.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing


Installation and Licensing Manual

Installing a Windows License

The SERVER line of the license file lists the hostname and lmhostid (12-character
hexadecimal string) for the machine that will run the license service. This machine is
referred to as the license server. Instructions for installing the license file on this
license server machine and starting up the license service is provided in
Section 2.4.1. Typically, we provide floating licenses that use our software from any
machine on the network. These floating licenses are hosted on the license server,
but can be accessed from other machines that we refer to as network clients. If the
machine on which you are installing our software is not also the license server
machine, you must set up a license connection between the network client and the
license server. Please refer to Section 2.4.2 for instructions on how to set up the
license connection from a network client.


Windows License Server or Nodelocked License

1. Once you have received an email with a license file from Reaction Design, you
will need to place the license file in the correct location. Save the attachment
as a file named reaction.lic or chemkin.lic in the licenses subfolder of your
product installation (e.g., for a typical CHEMKIN installation save the file as
C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\chemkin.lic).

When saving your license file as chemkin.lic or reaction.lic, be sure that your text editor
does not inadvertently add an extra .txt extension onto the end of the file name. To view the
file extension, you can open a command prompt, change folders to the
c:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses folder and type DIR; the full file name of the license file
should be listed. Alternatively, you can right-click on the file, select the Properties command.
Then, click the Detail tab and look at the File Name entry. It will show the file extension even if
your Windows folder options setting is to hide file extensions.

2. Edit the license file using a text editor of your choice:

a. If the SERVER and DAEMON lines exist, change the text line, SERVER
<servername>, so that <servername> is the name (e.g., MYPC) or IP
Address (e.g., of the Network License Server.

If this change is not made, then the Manage License Utility will attempt to change the license
file to the name of the computer where it is running. In many cases, Reaction Design will make
this change before sending the license file.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

b. On the DAEMON line, verify that the PATH to reaction.exe is correct; the
default location is
C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\license_utilities\reaction.exe.
c. Save the license file. If no SERVER or DAEMON lines are included in the
original file, then no changes are required.
You now need to start the license server to activate the product. To activate a license
on a Windows Node-Locked License or Windows Network License Server (Network
Clients can skip this step), complete the following steps.
3. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Reaction Design > License Tools >
Manage Reaction Design Licenses. In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, rightclick on this item and select Run as Administrator. With Windows XP, simply
click on it. This should open the License Tool dialog, as shown in Figure 2-4.
See the page at the Reaction Design website on Installing as Administrator on
Windows Systems for more details on the additional security requirements
and the Run as Administrator option.
Figure 2-4

Reaction Design License Tool for Windows Platforms

This utility allows you

to easily start and stop
a license DAEMON
service for a Windows
Node-locked computer
or for a Windows
Network License
Server. Starting the
service allows
Reaction Design
software to access the
license keys.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

4. Click the Start Service button to begin the license daemon service. With the
Start Service at Boot Time box checked (default), the Start Service action will
not need to be repeated, unless there is a change to the license file or to the
license daemon.
5. After waiting a few seconds, the Service Log (debug.log file) is displayed and
you can verify that the service was successfully started. An example of text
that would be displayed after the license daemon is initialized is shown in
Figure 2-5.

Windows 7 and Vista will not allow the Start Service command to succeed unless the lmgrd
executable is version 11.4 or higher. This version is distributed with CHEMKIN 4.1.1,
CHEMKIN-PRO, ENERGICO, and FORT and should be used with Windows-7- and Vistabased license servers. Even so, you may encounter problems due to operating-system
security and need to manually start the license daemons after rebooting.

Figure 2-5

Example of log file created by the Reaction Design License Tool

The example shows that the

DAEMON was successfully
started, echoes the location
of the license file, and
shows the identity of the
license server. It also lists
the licensed features



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Occasionally the port@host or license file location set in the Manage Reaction Design
License tool does not get updated into the computer's environment until the computer is
rebooted and the FLEXlm License Finder dialog will appear the first time you start a Reaction
Design application. Simply provide the same license file path to this utility that you provided to
the Manage Reaction Design License utility.


Network Clients
Network or floating licenses allow more than one machine to run a product by
accessing a centrally located license file that resides on a Network License Server.
Depending upon the number of seats purchased a license allows one or more
simultaneous active users to run the product. Clients of the Network License Server
should have their own local installation of the product. The client does not need to be
running on the same platform as the License Server.
Start the Manage Reaction Design License Tool as described in Section 2.4.1. You
are not required to have systems admin privileges to specify the license server
location. So, respond Yes or No to the Admin Privileges (Figure 2-6) prompt as

Figure 2-6

License Tool: Admin Privileges Prompt.

You are not required to have a copy of the Servers license file on the client machine,
and we recommend that you do not copy it, as this may cause confusion. In this case,
you will likely see the warning in Figure 2-7. Simply click OK.
Figure 2-7

License Tool: No License Warning.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

Finally, in the Path to License field (Figure 2-8), enter the port@host location of the
license server. By default, the Reaction Design license server uses 28850 as the port.
So, enter 28850@<servername>, where <servername> is the name of the license
server machine, and click OK.
Figure 2-8

License Tool: Path to License.

Now the client will be able to check out a license through the Server daemon.
Occasionally the port@host or license file location set in the Manage Reaction
Design License tool does not get updated into the computer's environment until after
one of these situations:
The My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables tab
is opened and closed. (This triggers a refresh of the environment variable
The computer is rebooted (and all environment settings are refreshed).
In these cases, the FLEXlm License Finder dialog message will appear (but is
minimized) and you will need to specify the same port@host or license file path that
you just specified in the Manage Reaction Design License tool. We have made every
attempt to prevent this problem, but you may still encounter it. You will only need to
provide this information to the FLEXlm License Finder once.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

You may see a message warning about the port@host listing in the license file as
shown in Figure 2-9. You can safely ignore the warning and click OK.
Figure 2-9

Port@Host warning message

After specifying your license server location, verify that you can access the license
server. From the Start menu, use the All Programs > Reaction Design > License
Tools > Test Reaction Design License Server Status command to confirm the
license service is up and that you can connect to it. The output of this command is
described in Section 2.5.3; confirm that you are seeing a successful connection as
described in that section. If the license service is not accessible, no amount of work
on your license client will be sufficient. You must first coordinate with the people who
administer the license server system to unblock the firewall at their end, to start the
license service on the license server, and to otherwise create the conditions that allow
your license client to connect to the license service.


Windows Licensing Utilities

Within a Windows installation, the license utilities are found by default in:
C:\Program Files\reaction\licenses\license_utilities
The following sections describe the utilities that we provide:


Request a New Reaction Design License

This program collects the information needed by Reaction Design to generate a
license for your computer. You only need to use this utility if your computer will be the
license server.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing


Installation and Licensing Manual

Manage Reaction Design License

This program collects the information needed to tell the Reaction Design applications
how to contact the license server. If your computer is the license server, this program
also allows you to start and stop the license service. You should select the Start
Service at Boot Time option so that the license server is started whenever the
computer is rebooted. You only need to stop the service to (1) install a new Reaction
Design product or license or (2) perform troubleshooting operations and re-initialize
your daemon log file.


check_license.bat: Test Reaction Design License Server Status

Included with this release is check_license.bat, which is a clickable program that
will query your license service about its availability. You can run this program using
the Start menu: Start > All Programs > Reaction Design > License Tools > Test
Reaction Design License Server Status. Alternatively, you can browse to the
License_Utilities folder containing it and double-click on it. The resulting display will
consist of the output of the lmstat utility and the lmdiag utility. The former checks
the availability of the license daemons and number of licenses enabled in the license
file (on the license server). The latter checks whether your computer is allowed to
check out the enabled license features. Shown in Figure 2-10 is a condensed version
of what you want to see: it shows the license daemons are UP and the license
features are available for checkout. Figure 2-11 shows the undesired result when the
license daemon has not yet been started.
In Figure 2-11, note that you do not see UP for the two daemons. Also, you do not
see any feature information about AURORA, CHEMKIN, etc.
The key message in Figure 2-11 is highlighted with red font in this manual, but will not
be shown in red in your actual display. This message says lmgrd is not running. Since
it is not running, the attempt to connect to it fails (is refused). The solution is to start
the license service as described in Section 2.4. If you are attempting to connect from
a Network Client, you will need to forward this request to whomever administers the
license server machine.


This script prompts you for the port@host location of your license server and also
updates the registry and environment-variable settings used by FlexLM to keep track
of locations where it has successfully obtained a license checkout. This utility is useful
to clear/purge this information and store only the current location



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Having a history of obsolete license server locations can slow down the license
checkout process because the program tries each location and must wait for a lackof-reply timeout before trying the next location.
Figure 2-10

Output displayed when license is up

> "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\license_utilities\lmutil.exe" lmstat

-a -c "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\reaction.lic"
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights
Flexible License Manager status on Wed 2/8/2006 12:36
[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 28850@HQWS011
License file(s) on HQWS011: C:\Program
HQWS011: license server UP (MASTER) v10.1
Vendor daemon status (on HQWS011):
reaction: UP v10.1
Feature usage info:
Users of AURORA: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of CHEMKIN: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in
Users of SURFTHERM: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in
> "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\license_utilities\lmutil.exe" lmdiag
-n -c "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\reaction.lic"
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights
FLEXlm diagnostics on Wed 2/8/2006 12:36
----------------------------------------------------License file: C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\reaction.lic
----------------------------------------------------"AURORA" v2007.02, vendor: reaction
License server: HQWS011
floating license expires: 02-feb-2007
This license can be checked out
----------------------------------------------------"CHEMKIN" v2007.02, vendor: reaction
License server: HQWS011
floating license expires: 02-feb-2007

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Figure 2-11

Installation and Licensing Manual

Output displayed when license is down

> "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\license_utilities\lmutil.exe" lmstat

-a -c "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\reaction.lic"
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights
Flexible License Manager status on Wed 2/8/2006 12:45
[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 28850@HQWS011
License file(s) on HQWS011: C:\Program
lmgrd is not running: Cannot connect to license server system. (15,10:10061 "WinSock: Connection refused")
> "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\license_utilities\lmutil.exe" lmdiag
-n -c "C:\Program Files\Reaction\licenses\reaction.lic"
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights
FLEXlm diagnostics on Wed 2/8/2006 12:45


lmgrd.exe and lmgrd_win64.exe

This FLEXnet program is the license server program. It runs in the background (like a
print server) and is often referred to as a daemon. This program communicates with
any application needing a license. You may have multiple copies of this program
running if you have multiple applications using FLEXnet/FLEXlm. You can also
combine the licenses. If you are running a client and connecting to a license server on
another machine, this program is not needed on your computer. We dont currently
use the 64-bit lmgrd executable.


reaction.exe and reaction_win64.exe

This FLEXnet-linked program is the Reaction Design-specific component of our
licensing. It keeps track of how many licenses are used/available for each licensed
feature. It only communicates with lmgrd; it does not directly communication with any
Reaction Design application. It uses a separate TCP/IP port to communicate; by
default, we use PORT=28851 in the DAEMON line of the license file to specify this
port. If you are running a client and connecting to a license server on another
machine, this program is not needed on your computer. We dont currently use the
64-bit reaction executable.



2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

lmutil.exe and lmutil_win64.exe

This is a FLEXnet-provided utility program that can perform a variety of diagnostic
and license server functions. We call it from within check_license.bat and
set_license_path.bat. You can invoke it directly from a DOS shell. Please refer to the
FLEXnet online documentation we provide for more information.


There is a FLEXnet-provided graphical interface to the lmutil.exe utility, which can be
accessed from the Start > Reaction Design > License Tools > Supplemental
FLEXnet Tools > LMTools menu option. It can provide an alternative way to start/
stop your license file if the Manage Reaction Design License tool encounters a
problem. Please refer to the FLEXnet online documentation we provide for more


This is a FLEXnet-provided utility program that updates the Windows Registry with
the information needed to enable the license server to be a Windows Service. The
Manage Reaction Design License tool invokes this utility, as does lmtools.exe.
Please refer to the FLEXnet online documentation we provide for more information.


This is a command file to start the license daemons. Double-click on it to run.


This is a command file to stop the license daemons. Double-click on it to run.


License Utilities Folder

In addition to check_license.bat, the license_utilities folder contains the license
daemons (lmgrd.exe and reaction.exe), the Manage Reaction Design License Tool
executable (RDLicenseTool.exe), and the Request a License Tool
(RequestLicense.exe). There are other exe's and dll's in the folders, and it has
subfolders containing licensing documentation provided by Reaction Design and
Flexera, formerly Macrovision (vendor of FLEXnet license utility). This documentation
can be accessed from the Start menu via:
Start > Reaction Design > License Tools > Supplemental FLEXnet Tools >
FLEXnet Licensing User Manual

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

The executables in this folder work with FLEXnet version 11.4 and higher. Since
subsequent Reaction Design product releases may be built using newer versions of
FLEXnet, this folder contains subfolders with FLEXnet-version-specific files. The
installation process copies the latest executables and dll's up to the license_utilities
folder. If the installation is performed while the license daemons are running, those
running daemons are renamed to PREVIOUS_lmgrd.exe and
PREVIOUS_reaction.exe. Once you have stopped and restarted the licensing
service, these renamed PREVIOUS_* files can be deleted.


Uninstalling a Reaction Design Product

After you have installed a Reaction Design product with the steps described in this
chapter, it is possible to remove it from your system if necessary. The following steps
will remove an installed product permanently from your system:
1. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Reaction Design > License Tools >
Manage Reaction Design Licenses. This should start the License Tool
dialog, as shown in Figure 2-4.
2. Click the Remove Service button.
3. Click OK.
4. Navigate to Start > Control Panel to open the control panel.
5. Select the Add or Remove Programs control panel.
6. Select the product name, for example, CHEMKIN 10131, from the Install/
Uninstall tab.
7. Click Add/Remove.

If you have added files to or modified files in the products installation, the Uninstall process
will not automatically remove these files.



2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter 2: Windows Installation and Licensing




UNIX Installation and Licensing

This section provides detailed instructions for installing Reaction Design products on
any one of our supported UNIX platforms (including Linux).


Executing the UNIX Installation Script

If you are installing the product into a public directory, make sure that you have root
or similar privileges before running the installation script. Once you have the correct
permissions, complete the steps below to execute the UNIX installation script:
1. Execute the installation script with the following command:
/bin/sh ./<product>

In the above command, replace ppp with one of the following strings, selecting
the one that best describes your UNIX platform, for example: linux9, or
Replace <product> with your products product name and version number,
forteNNNNN or energicoNNNNN or chemkinNNNNN or
chemkinproNNNNN or chemkincfdapiNNNNN or
chemkincfdfluent_NNNNN or rdlictoolsNNN or the product string and
version number you are installing.
Table 3-1


Platform strings for installation script

Replacement for ppp string

Operating System(s)


Linux 32 bit:
Red Hat Enterprise 5, 6
SuSE 10.2, 11, 12


Linux 64-bit:
Red Hat Enterprise 5, 6
SuSE 10.2, 11, 12


2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

2. The Reaction Design License Agreement screen (Figure 3-1) will appear.
Accept the license agreement by clicking the I Accept button.
Figure 3-1

Reaction Design License Agreement screen

3. If you are installing CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT, you must select the location
of an existing FLUENT installation. The CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT binary
files will be installed into this location.

An existing installation of FLUENT is required to install the CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT


4. The product Installation screen will appear. Verify that the correct installation
directory is selected and displayed. If the installation directory is acceptable,
click Next to continue.
If the installation directory is not what you want, please browse to the correct
location and then click the Open button to select it.
Once you have identified the installation directory, the default installation setup
will create a new Reaction/<product>_ppp directory within your home

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

The Select License Server screen is presented. This screen contains

instructions and by default shows the settings appropriate for a situation
where the license server will run on the computer where the software is being
installed. If you have already installed another 2006 or later Reaction Design
product and set the license location, that location will be shown on this panel.
If you have installed earlier Reaction Design products, please set the license
port@host location as appropriate. Please read the instructions on the
installation screen for more details.
Figure 3-2

Select License Server screen

5. The Installation Progress Monitor is displayed. Begin the installation by

clicking the Install button.



2014 Reaction Design


Figure 3-3

Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation Progress Monitor screen

After the
installation is
complete the
will appear.

6. Next, instructions for verifying the installation and operating the Reaction
Design product are presented, as illustrated in Figure 3-4. Follow the
instructions that apply to your installation.
Figure 3-4

Installation screen, after installation is complete

The installation of the product is now complete. Please proceed to Section 3.2 to
configure your environment.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing


Installation and Licensing Manual

Troubleshooting of Linux Installation

The Linux installer consists of a shell script with an embedded binary file. The shell
script uses the Linux head and tail commands to split itself into shell instructions
and binary file contents. The binary file is a gzip file that is uncompressed and
contains a tar file. The tar file contains java installer components and a jar file that is
installed by the java installer program. The jar file contains the actual application
program contents. Occasionally, your linux shell environment may be incompatible
with the shell script being executed or your system may be incompatible with the
version of java we provide for running the installation program. Please refer to our
FAQ page for more details on how to troubleshoot if you have this problem:
Register on our web site and then go to the Help page on the Support menu at the
Reaction Design website:


Automation of Linux Installation

Our linux installers use a self-extracting shell script to create a subdirectory from
which a java program performs the installation. This java program can receive
additional command line arguments that provide responses. To allow the shell script
to automatically provide these responses to the java program, you must define an
environment variable that contains the responses. For instance,

export RD_INSTALL_DEFINES="-DI_ACCEPT_LICENSE_TERMS=Yes -DRDIR=/rdhome/username/reaction /

-DPORT=28850 -DSERVER=lic-server"

Because there are required spaces in this string, be sure to use single or double
quotes around the entire string value as shown. The automated install will only run if
all required responses are provided; otherwise it will run interactively and present all
the usual interactive prompts. In addition to the above response items, other items
that might be used with some installers are listed below.
CHEMKIN/CHEMKIN-PRO combined installer additional, optional arguments:

Install CHEMKIN (in addition to CHEMKIN-PRO)


Do not install CHEMKIN-PRO


Install Reaction Workbench

ENERGICO optional argument



Specify an ENERGICO special project value


2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Setting Environment Variables

Reaction Design products require a few environment variables that help them to
operate properly. These environment variables are shown in Table 3-2.
The UNIX installation script typically creates two files in the product bin subdirectory
that can be used to define our product start aliases and establish the runtime
environment required by our products. The names of these files vary by product; the
.ksh version can be used with Bash, Bourne (sh), or Korn (ksh) shells. The .csh flavor
can be used with csh and tcsh shells.
CHEMKIN and CHEMKIN-PRO installation each create chemkin_setup.csh and
chemkin_setup.ksh and also chemkinpro_setup.csh and
CHEMKIN-CFD/API installation creates chemkincfdapi_setup.csh and
ENERGICO installation creates energico_setup.csh and energico_setup.ksh.
FORT installation creates forte_setup.csh and forte_setup.ksh.
CHEMKIN-CFD for FLUENT does not currently create these files and you must define
the REACTION_LICENSE_FILE environment variable via some other means (such
as your .bashrc or .profile or .cshrc or .login or other method). The reason for this
exception is that this module is invoked indirectly by starting FLUENT and you may
want to make this change in whatever procedure you use to start FLUENT.
Although you can set the environment variables locally in a UNIX shell every time you
run the CHEMKIN, ENERGICO, FORT, or CHEMKIN-CFD/API, we recommend that
you instead include the environment settings in the file that is sourced when you
create a login Shell. This is .profile (Bourne shell) or .profile_Bash (Bash) or .login
(csh or tcsh). (You can alternatively set these definitions in the file sourced whenever
a new subshell is created-- .bashrc or .cshrc.)
To do this in a bash, sh, or ksh environment, put the following into
$HOME/.profile_bash or $HOME/.profile:
For running CHEMKIN:
. $HOME/reaction/<product>/bin/chemkin_setup.ksh

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

For running CHEMKIN-PRO or Reaction Workbench [CHEMKIN-PRO Only]:

. $HOME/reaction/<product>/bin/chemkinpro_setup.ksh

To do this in a csh or tcsh environment, put the following into $HOME/.login:

For running CHEMKIN:
source $HOME/reaction/<product>/bin/chemkin_setup.csh

For running CHEMKIN-PRO or Reaction Workbench [CHEMKIN-PRO Only]:

source $HOME/reaction/<product>/bin/chemkinpro_setup.csh

The shell scripts used to run the user interfaces are Bourne shell scripts and use the
*_setup.ksh file to source the environment. Therefore, even if all users work in the C shell
environment, the *_setup.ksh file is used also.

The PATH and shared object library path variables must be exported prior to sourcing the
*_setup.ksh file. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the shared object library path variable. For more
information on the shared object library path variable, see Table 3-2.


Table 3-2

Reaction Design Environment Variables




This is a required variable. It points to the root directory chosen for the product installation
and is set by the installer. An example would be:


This is a required variable. It points to the location of a valid license port@host of a valid
Reaction Design license server. By default this is set by the installer to be:
The value is stored in a file named .reaction_license_server_path found in:
$REACTION_DIR/licenses/license_utilities directory


Required by various Reaction Design products. This is an alphanumeric character string

that describes the version of CHEMKIN, FORT and other products. This variable is
provided by the installer. For example, CHEMKIN 10131.


Required by CHEMKIN and other products. It points to the location of the bin directory for
the CHEMKIN installation. It is derived from the variables above during installation as the
where ppp is a platform-specific tag. This variable cannot be changed.


2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Table 3-2


Reaction Design Environment Variables (Continued)




Required by CHEMKIN-CFD/API. It points to the location of the bin directory for the
CHEMKIN-CFD/API installation.


The value $CHEMKIN_BIN should be prepended to the $PATH variable.

(shared object library path)

This is a required variable. The variable uses the $<product>_BIN variable to

define the UNIX shared object path. This has a different syntax depending on the UNIX
platform. The shared object library path variable is $LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux


Required by CHEMKIN. It will be defined as $HOME/chemkin by default. The purpose of

this variable is to identify a directory that will contain the user-specific preference file and
a log file directory. Optionally it may contain chemistry sets, profile files or project files that
are created during the use of CHEMKIN.


This is an optional CHEMKIN variable. It is not automatically defined. The variable is used
in naming the preferences file.


Optional variable defining how much memory to allocate to the Java Virtual Machine
running the CHEMKIN Interface.


Optional variable defining how much memory to allocate to the Java Virtual Machine
running the ENERGICO or FORT Interface. If not defined, you will be prompted for this

CHEMKIN Multi-user Environments

When multiple users share a CHEMKIN installation, they can choose to either work in
the same project directories or keep their work separate. Preferences Files are a key
component in configuring this, because they keep track of the various Working
Directory locations each user has selected. While it is possible that multiple people
will want the same preferences for Working Directory, Units of Measurement, etc., it is
more likely that each user will want to configure these preferences individually even if
they choose to work in the same Working Directory. Sharing the same preferences file
can cause the history mechanism (for Working Directory and Chemistry Set
selections) to become intermingled.
Separate preference files are created for each user because the CHEMKIN_HOME
variable is user-specific by default. If you choose to explicitly define
CHEMKIN_HOME to a common location then please also define CHEMKIN_USER
so each user has a distinct value and receives a unique preference file.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing


Installation and Licensing Manual

Licensing for a UNIX System

This section provides instructions on how to obtain and install a Reaction Design
license file once you have purchased the software. For purchasing information,
contact Reaction Design (see Chapter 5 for contact information).

You must have a valid license key to access the software downloads on the Reaction Design
website. The license will also be required to run the installed product.


We assume the following for purposes of providing instructions on obtaining and
installing a license on a UNIX workstation:
You have already installed the product on your computer.
The default installation directory for your UNIX workstation is
$HOME/reaction. If you have installed in a different location, please make the
necessary replacements in the instructions that follow.


Required Tasks
1. Request a license from Reaction Design, providing information about your
2. Install the license received from Reaction Design.


Requesting a License from Reaction Design

Obtaining lmhostid
Once you have purchased a license, you will be asked to provide the lmhostid for the
machine which will be the license server. Assuming you have installed at least the
Reaction Design license tools (or any product) on this machine, please obtain the
lmhostid by doing the following:
1. cd $REACTION_DIR/licenses/license_utilities
2. ./
This shell script will run the FLEXnet lmutil command to obtain the lmhostid. Output
looks like this:



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Reaction Design Request License Script

Please cut and paste all of the information below into an email to [email protected]. This
provides us with the information we need to generate the unlock keys contained in your
license file. Since we also list your license number, your company/university/organization
name, and your name in the license file, please be sure to include that information as well.
If you have not purchased a license to use Reaction Design products, you will not yet have a
license number. In this case, please send all this information to
[email protected] and our sales team will contact you to explore which of our
products best meets your needs.
Hostname: linux64
Reaction Design Platform Type: linuxx8664
uname -a : Linux linux64 2.4.21-27.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Dec 1 21:53:57 EST 2004 x86_64 x86_64
x86_64 GNU/Linux
Now obtaining FLEXnet Hostid:
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.
The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is "001185ae5aaa"

This machine can be the machine you have installed the Reaction Design product on,
or can be another UNIX or Windows machine.


Special Cases for lmhostid on Linux

You may observe that the lmhostid is a MAC address on Linux machines. Frequently,
Linux machines will have multiple MAC addresses. It's important that you use the script (or the underlying lmutil lmhostid command) to obtain this
information, rather than simply providing the MAC addresses directly. This allows us
to know FLEXnet utilities are operating and allows us to know which MAC address
FLEXnet wants to use.
Changes in your network adapter configurations, such as installing a new Ethernet
card or teaming your NICs, can alter the results of the lmhostid value. If you
experience licensing problems in these cases, please rerun the
script and compare the results now obtained with the SERVER line of your license file.
Beowolf and other Linux cluster configurations that use intra-cluster and external
Ethernets to shield the Beowolf nodes from external traffic should use the intra-cluster
MAC address since they will want the other nodes to obtain licenses from the head
node. This requires a floating license; you may need to work with your NIC
configuration files to reorder the search order such that lmhostid is using the intracluster MAC address.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

Dual-boot machines that run both Windows and Linux, especially with docking
stations, can pose additional problems due to multiple MAC addresses depending on
hardware profile and operating system selection. In these cases, we may need to
provide a license based on DISK_SERIAL_NUMBER; please use the Windows
version of Request License to obtain this information. These machines do not make
good choices for serving a floating license. Please be sure to inform us when
requesting a license for this configuration.


Requesting Your License File

Once you have obtained a unique identifier, please send the following information to
Reaction Design (email to [email protected]) to receive your license file:
1. The complete result of the command.
2. Your CHEMKIN License Number (located on your License Specifications
3. The Licensee Contact for your organization (located on your License
Specifications Form).
Upon receipt of your computer information, Reaction Design will generate a set of
license keys that are specific to your computer and to the selection of products that
you have purchased. These license keys will be sent to you by email. The next
sections describe how to install the license keys on your UNIX workstation.


Installing a UNIX License

The SERVER line of the license file lists the hostname and lmhostid (12-character
hexadecimal string) for the machine that will run the license service. This machine is
referred to as the license server. Instructions for installing the license file on this
license server machine and starting up the license service is provided in
Section 3.5.1. Typically, we provide floating licenses that use our software from any
machine on the network. These floating licenses are hosted on the license server,
but can be accessed from other machines that we refer to as network clients. If the
machine on which you are installing our software is not also the license server
machine, you must set up a license connection between the network client and the
license server. Please refer to Section 3.5.2 for instructions on how to set up the
license connection from a network client.



2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

UNIX Node-locked or Network License Server

This section shows how to activate a license on a UNIX Node-locked License or UNIX
Network License Server.

Note: If you are using a license server installed elsewhere, you are a network client and can
skip this section.

After requesting a license, you should receive by email a specific license to run a
Reaction Design product on your system. The file may have either UNIX or PC lineendings, depending on where and how you receive your email; if you need to transfer
the license file from one machine to another, be sure to use ftp in ascii mode to
guarantee the line endings get converted correctly
1. Edit the license file using a text editor of your choice. Name the file either
reaction.lic or chemkin.lic and place it in the licenses directory.
2. Change the text line, SERVER <servername>, so that <servername> is the
name (e.g., MYWORKSTATION) of the Network License Server (or the local
machine for a Node-locked License).
3. On the DAEMON line, verify that the PATH to reaction is correct; the default
location is $REACTION_DIR/licenses/license_utilities/114/ppp/reaction,
where ppp is your platform type.
4. Complete the following steps:

Do not run lmgrd as root.

If you have not named the license reaction.lic and placed it in the licenses
directory, then please make the appropriate changes to these instructions when
a. Go to the license_utilities directory:
cd $REACTION_DIR/licenses/license_utilities

b. Start the license server using the shell script:

./ start ../reaction.lic ../reaction_debug.log

This will start the license server, placing the lmgrd log file in the
../reaction_debug.log location (in the licenses directory). This is now our
recommended location.

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

The script may alert you to the DAEMON path being incorrect or
the SERVER name not being updated. In this case, please correct the license file
accordingly. Once any problems are corrected and you have successfully started the
license, you will see diagnostic information scroll down your window informing you of
the license daemon status (UP) and the number of copies and expiration date of each
license. Figure 3-5 provides an example. However, a message such as that shown in
Figure 3-6 indicates that there was a problem starting the license.
Figure 3-5

Successful license startup diagnostic information from

lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.

Flexible License Manager status on Wed 2/8/2006 17:03

License server status: 28850@hqrh9
License file(s) on hqrh9: /usr/local/reaction/licenses/reaction.lic:
hqrh9: license server UP (MASTER) v10.1
Vendor daemon status (on hqrh9):
reaction: UP v10.1
Feature usage info:
Users of AURORA: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of CHEMKIN: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of SURFTHERM: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.
FLEXlm diagnostics on Wed 2/8/2006 17:03
----------------------------------------------------License file: 28850@hqrh9
----------------------------------------------------"AURORA" v2007.02, vendor: reaction
License server: hqrh9
nodelocked license, locked to ethernet address "00b0d022b121" expires: 07-feb-2007
This license can be checked out
----------------------------------------------------"CHEMKIN" v2007.02, vendor: reaction
License server: hqrh9
nodelocked license, locked to ethernet address "00b0d022b121" expires: 07-feb-2007
Figure 3-6

Unsuccessful License startup diagnostic information from

lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.

Flexible License Manager status on Wed 2/8/2006 17:27

Error getting status: Cannot connect to license server system. (-15,570:115 "Operation now
in progress")
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved.

If you have problems starting the license, please examine the lmgrd log file
../reaction_debug.log for specific messages about starting your license
service. If you need help troubleshooting your license installation, please see our Help



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

If you need further assistance, contact Reaction Design Support (see Chapter 5 for
contact information) and provide your license file, log file, and the specific messages
you are obtaining.


Network Clients
1. The location defined for the REACTION_LICENSE_FILE environment variable
in chemkin_setup.csh|ksh is now defined as:
which results in a file being read and the contents of that file becomes the
license location. This file is updated by the shell script with
the setpath option, as described in Section
2. If you need to specify a different license location, please see the next section
on setting your license path.
3. Before attempting to use your license client connection, verify that you can
access the license server. Use the status [license
server location] command described in Section to confirm the
license service is up and that you can connect to it. Confirm that you are
seeing a successful connection as described in that section. If the license
service is not accessible, no amount of work on your license client will be
sufficient. You must first coordinate with the people who administer the license
server system to unblock the firewall at their end, to start the license service
on the license server, and to otherwise create the conditions that allow your
license client to connect to the license service.
4. You are now ready to verify your installation of the product.


UNIX Licensing Utilities

There are license utility programs (shell scripts) located in:
These scripts allow you to start and stop the license server (if you are on the license
server) and check the status of the license server from any machine. In addition, you
can update the path to the license server that is used by Reaction Design applications
when checking out a license and obtain the information required to request a license

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual
This shell script performs four distinct actions: check status, set the license server
path, start the license server, and stop the license server. Each of these operations
can take additional arguments beyond the action argument. For example, the check
status action is invoked as follows:

Check Status
The syntax for this command is: status [license server location]
This command checks the status of the license server. It performs this check by
determining the license server location and calling the script. If you
do not specify the location of the license server, it uses whatever location was
specified previously. If you have never specified a location, the location provided at
the time of installation is used. By default, this is 28850@<your hostname>.
When the license server is up, you will get a lot of output listing the license daemons
and license features that are available for use. Getting a lot of output is usually
sufficient to confirm that the license server is up. The specific item to look for is
reaction: UP v, which indicates that the reaction daemon is up and
The output begins similarly to Figure 3-5. The reaction UP line is the 5th line in that
If you do not get a lot of output, and instead get a brief output that looks something
like Figure 3-6, then the license server is either not up or you have not specified the
correct location of the license server. In either case, you will need to work with the
license administrator to learn more. If you are the license administrator, then you
should log in to the license server machine and rerun this check.
The specification of the license server location is an optional parameter. If you are not
on the license server, we strongly encourage specifying the license server location via
the port@host syntax, such as 28850@<lic-server> where <lic-server> is the
hostname of the license server. If you are on the license server, you can alternatively
provide the location as an absolute or relative path. For instance, the default license
location is ../reaction.lic or ../chemkin.lic depending on what you named
the license file. The ../ syntax means to look in the parent directory.
If you have named your license file ../reaction.lic and you run this status check



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

./ status ../reaction.lic

it will confirm whether the license is started or not. If the license server is not up,
please see the section below about starting the license server. If the license server is
up when queried this way, but does not report up when queried as
./ status 28850@<lic-server>
then please check the license file SERVER line for the port number, if any, specified.
This will appear in the license file as the fourth component on the line.
SERVER <lic-server>



If no port is specified, please add 28850 (or any other port above 1700) to the
SERVER line. When no port is specified, FLEXnet selects a port.The port selected is
not entirely random, but it can vary and therefore is not useful in telling others how to
locate the license server. For this reason, we strongly recommend always specifying a
port on the SERVER line. We suggest 28850 because we believe this port is not used
for any other purpose and we use this as our default value in our tools and
documentation. Any new user of our tools will get 28850 by default.

Setting the License Server Path

The syntax for this command is setpath [license server location]
This action specifies the location of the license server. If you have never specified a
location, the location provided at the time of installation is used. By default, this is
28850@<your hostname>. Use this command to change that location. This
command creates/replaces a file in the license_utilities directory, named:
This file is read by the <application>_setup.ksh/csh scripts to set the value of
the REACTION_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. Using this setpath action
centralizes the license server location information. Please note that older installations
of CHEMKIN (4.0.x and earlier) do not use this approach. This tool is provided with
Reaction Design products released in 2006 and later.
For reasons listed above, we recommend using the port@host method of specifying
the license server location, for example:
./ setpath 28850@<lic-server>

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

If you do not specify a location, the default location of 28850@<your hostname> is

used. When this command is run, it automatically invokes a license server status
check on the location you specify.

Note: You only need to run this command if the location you provided during installation needs
to be updated. If it does, the location should be updated on each machine containing an
installation of the Reaction Design product(s) released in 2006 and later that reference this
location file.

Starting the License Server

The syntax for this command is: start [license file] [daemon log]
This action starts the license server. For this action to be successful, you must be
logged on to the license server machine, as specified in the license-file SERVER line.
Also, the license server cannot already be running. For this reason, we suggest using
the status check action prior to using the start action.
If you do not specify the license file location, you cannot specify the daemon log file
location. The default license file location (full file path, either absolute or relative) is
../reaction.lic or ../chemkin.lic. The script checks for the existence of either file
name, in the order listed. The default daemon log file location is

The daemon log file (../reaction_debug.log) contains diagnostic information listing the success
or failure of starting the license server. If you are reporting license server problems, please be
sure to provide this file and the license file itself along with any other diagnostic messages.
Please look in this file for error messages; you can resolve a lot of license problems by reading
this file carefully.

The utility checks your license file for the SERVER line containing
a match to the hostname that you are on. It also checks that the DAEMON reaction
line points to an existing file. Other typical problems with starting UNIX/Linux license
servers include:



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

1. Port in use because you very recently shut down the license server (or killed
it from the command line). This is usually reported in the daemon log file. The
solution is usually to just wait 5-15 minutes for the port to clear itself.
2. Lockfile cannot be created. In this case, the license server may already be
running or it may have been killed. If you use the kill -9 command, the
license server may not have time to clean up and delete its lockfile. Typically,
the lockfile is found as /var/tmp/lockreaction. The exact path will be listed in
the daemon log file. This file must be deleted before you can start the license
server; but you may not have the UNIX file permissions needed to do this. In
this case, ask whomever created the file or someone with root permissions to
delete it. Caution: Deleting the lockfile while the license server is running will
stop that instance of the license server and any jobs currently using licenses it
For more troubleshooting information, please see the FLEXnet manuals provided with
these license_utilties:
Also, it is possible to configure most UNIX/Linux machines to restart the license
server automatically as part of the boot-up operations. We provide a script that can be
used for this purpose; see Appendix C for more information.

Stopping the License Server

The syntax for this command is stop [license server location]
This action stops the license server. If you have never specified a location, the
location provided at the time of installation is used. By default, this is 28850@<your
hostname>. If you have used the setpath command, then the
location you provided will be used unless you provide an explicit location.
You must be on the license server machine to stop the license server. Network clients
are not permitted to perform this action. (We start the lmgrd daemon with the -local
flag to prevent network clients from stopping the license server.)

Checking the License Status

The syntax for this command is: [license server location]

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing Manual

This script performs the status checks described in Section

( status) and can be invoked directly or indirectly using This script accepts an optional command-line argument that is
the license server location path.

Requesting a License
The syntax for this command is:
This script obtains the computer-specific information needed to create a license file
for use on the host where the script is run. This is described more fully in
Section 3.4.3.



2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter 3: UNIX Installation and Licensing




Getting Help and Support


Frequently Asked Questions

Please look first for help at In addition,
Reaction Design provides a set of answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
that we have compiled through our interaction with customers. A list of FAQs is
maintained in the Customer Support > FAQs - Support Database area of our web
site (


Contacting Technical Support

Reaction Design is committed to the highest level of technical support. If the answer
to your question is not found in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, please
email your question to [email protected]. You may also contact
Reaction Design's Technical Support by Telephone: (858) 550-1920 or by Fax:
(858) 550-1925.
For all support requests, please include the following information:
1. Your Reaction Design license number (listed in .out files we create; also
displayed in the CHEMKIN interface log file)
2. The type of computer (PC, Linux, ) and operating system version.
3. The version of Reaction Design software you are using.
4. Files that will help us troubleshoot your problem as described below.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 4: Getting Help and Support

a. If you are contacting us regarding a CHEMKIN-PRO or CHEMKIN application

or user interface problem, please provide us with a project archive file if you
want us to review or reproduce your results. This file can be created from the
user interface using the Project > Archive command. Please archive your
input files; use your judgment on whether we also need to see the output files
or can simply rerun your project to obtain them. Also, please provide any error
message screenshots, etc., that will help us understand your problem.
b. If you are contacting us regarding ENERGICO, please provide us with the text
or screenprints of any error messages along with the session file (.ckses) if
your problem is with the Zone Viewer. If your problem is with an ERN, then
please archive the CHEMKIN-PRO project as described above. If we need
your .cgns file to investigate the problem, we will contact you regarding FTP
arrangements. A .cgns file is typically much too large to include as an email
attachment. Please read the auto-reply acknowledgement email for more
instructions on what diagnostic files to provide. Please send ENERGICO
support requests to [email protected].
c. If you are contacting us regarding a CHEMKIN-CFD problem, please provide
any input and chemistry files needed to reproduce the problem as appropriate.
d. If you are contacting us regarding an installation or licensing problem, please
provide us with ALL of the information listed in Section 4.2.1. You will greatly
speed up resolving this support issue by providing complete diagnostic


Diagnostic Information Requested for Resolving Licensing Issues

1. Program outputs, screen prints, etc., showing the error message(s) you are
2. Value of REACTION_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.


b. On Windows, use Run cmd.exe and then type SET

3. Are you running on the license server machine, or on a different computer?
We need to know because trouble-shooting varies, based on this.
4. What operating system are you running? If Linux, what version of Linux and
type of processor (x86-32 bit or x86-64-bit)
5. What Reaction Design product are you running? CHEMKIN-PRO or
product, which version)

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 4: Getting Help and Support

Installation and Licensing Manual

6. If on the license server machine, also provide:

a. Reaction Design license file complete file path location
b. Copy of Reaction Design license file (provide as an attachment or inline in
the email)
c. debug.log file -- located in the licenses directory or license_utilities
directory of the Reaction Design installation

Note: This may be a big file; but if it is less than 5 MB please send the whole file. If it
is too big to email, please stop and restart the license server, confirm your problem
still exists, and send us the new debug.log file which will now be quite small.



If requesting licensing help for CHEMKINCFD, please also provide the

license file and daemon vendor log for any associated CFD product.


2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter 4: Getting Help and Support




Contacting Reaction Design

Please check with the Reaction Design website for the most current contact
information for all our offices:
then click the Contacts link that appears at the top of each page.
Main Office:
Reaction Design, Inc.
5930 Cornerstone Ct West, Suite 230
San Diego, CA 92121
(+1) 858 550-1920 (telephone)
(+1) 858 550-1925 (fax)
Sales Information: [email protected] (email)
Technical Support: [email protected] (email) (web site)
Japan Office:
Reaction Design Japan, KK
Level 7, Wakamatsu Building
3-3-6 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku
Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
(+81) 36 202 2898 (telephone)
(+81) 36 202 7676 (fax)
[email protected] (email)
Europe Office:
Reaction Design Europe
7200 The Quorum
Oxford Business Park North
Garsington Road, Oxford
0X4 2JZ United Kingdom
(+44) 1865 481 537 (telephone)
[email protected] (email)



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter 5: Contacting Reaction Design

CHEMKIN Distributor in Japan:

Ryoka Systems Inc.
Tokyo Skytree East Tower 29F
1-1-2, Oshiage, Sumida-ku
Tokyo 131-0045, Japan
(+81) 3 6830 9724 (telephone)
(+81) 3 5610 1161 (fax)
[email protected] (email) (web site)
CHEMKIN Distributor in Korea:
Kyungwon Tech, Inc.
Rm 705, Woolim Lions Valley
1, 311-3 Sangdaewon, Jungwon
Seongnam, Gyeonggi
462-716, Korea
(+82) 31 706 2886 (telephone)
(+82) 31 706 2887 (fax)
[email protected] (email) (web site)
CHEMKIN Distributor in China:
SinoFlow, Inc.
Room 421, No. B, Chengyuan Building
Xisanqi, Haidan District, P.O. 100096
Beijing, P.R. China
(+10) 51 280 068 (telephone)
(+10) 51 280 069 (fax)
[email protected] (email) (web site)

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter 5: Contacting Reaction Design

Installation and Licensing Manual

CHEMKIN Distributor in Taiwan:

CADMEN Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
11F., No. 68, Sec. 2, Xiamin Blvd., Banqiao Dist,
New Taipei City 220, Taiwan
(+886) 2 2956 7575 (telephone)
(+886) 2 2956 5180 (fax)
[email protected] (email) (web site)
CHEMKIN Distributor in India:
DHIO Research & Engineering Pvt Ltd.
No 277, 1st Floor, Above Central Bank, 8th main, 4th Block
Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore- 560 079 India
(+91) 80 42151310 (telephone)
(+91) 9591994642 (fax)
[email protected] (email) (web site)



2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter 5: Contacting Reaction Design




License File Contents

Most Reaction Design license files are composed of 4 types of lines. The \ character
at the end of a line signifies that a line is continuing on to the next line. All license file
data lines start with a keyword. Our license files primarily use these keywords:
FEATURE line(s) / INCREMENT line(s)
Comment lines (starting with #)


Server Line
SERVER myserver 123bc3434fda2 28850
The SERVER line specifies the hostname (or TCP/IP address) of the computer that is
serving the license. In most cases, using the hostname is preferred, e.g., myserver.
In obscure cases where the domain name service is not reliably available, you can
use the TCP/IP address (e.g., instead. The fields following the
SERVER keyword are
Hostname or TCP/IP Address
Lmhostid (the unique hosted value reported by the Request_License tool)
(The license encryption strings use this value; it cannot be modified without
invalidating the license.)
PORT number, e.g., 28850



2014 Reaction Design



Chapter A: License File Contents

Daemon Line

DAEMON reaction /usr/home/joe/reaction/license/license_utilities/linux9/

reaction PORT=28851
The DAEMON line specifies the name of a license daemon and the location of the
reaction[.exe] daemon program. Reaction Design applications all use the reaction
daemon. Other vendors use other daemons, such as ansyslmd and cdlmd. The fields
following the DAEMON keyword (or alternatively, the VENDOR keyword) are:
Daemon name
Full path to daemon program
(optional) OPTIONS=<options-file-path>


Feature Lines / Increment Lines

FEATURE CHEMKIN reaction 2007.02 02-feb-2007 2 72F648240C39 \
VENDOR_STRING="LicNum: nnnn; Licensed to Customer
Institution; \
Contact: Customer Name" \
SIGN="0057 5401 7CE9 EC9D 0A6D D811 \
CB93 6900 BB0C B020 7FEE C93E 6667 CC7E 4A30"
The fields following the FEATURE keyword are as follows:
Feature name - Name of the key that is checked out/in
Daemon counting the key - All Reaction Design features are counted by the
reaction daemon
Version number - Controls which revisions of Reaction Design software are
enabled by the license feature
Expiration date - Last day the feature is usable
Number of copies - Number of copies that can be simultaneously in use by
different processes or users
Short encryption key - Used by older Reaction Design versions
Vendor string - This string lists the license number and contact details for the
particular customer who has licensed the software
Long encryption key - Used by more recent (May 2004 and later) versions of
Reaction Design software

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter A: License File Contents

Installation and Licensing Manual

The word INCREMENT may be used instead of FEATURE. In this case, the number
of copies specified is added to the number previously listed in a FEATURE line for the
same feature name.


Comment Lines
# Reaction Design FLEXlm License file
Any line in the license file that is not one of the earlier 3 lines is a comment line. Our
license files start comment lines with a # character; although a completely blank line is
also acceptable.



2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter A: License File Contents




Windows XP Firewall Modifications

If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher and you see this license error
FLEXlm error: -15,10. System Error: 10061 WinSock: Connection
You probably need to modify your firewall settings to allow access on the specific
ports needed for the Reaction Design License Manager.
This applies to both the machine hosting the license manager (the license server)
and to any machine attempting to access the license (the client). This includes
node-locked as well as floating licenses.
In the following example, we will assume your license file has specified ports 28850
and 28851 for the daemons. Recent licenses generated by Reaction Design include
these port assignments.


Open the specified ports in your Windows XP SP2 Firewall

1. Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall.
a. Click the Exceptions tab.
b. Click Add Port.
c. Type Reaction Design license server port 1 in the name field.
d. Type 28850 in the port field.
e. Leave the radio button TCP selected and click OK.
2. Click Add Port.
a. Type Reaction Design license server port 2 in the name field.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter B: Windows XP Firewall Modifications

b. Type 28851 in the port field.

c. Leave the radio button TCP selected and click OK.
3. Exit the Windows firewall interface by clicking OK.

If you are using a different firewall, such as Norton Internet Security, please refer to
the firewall vendor's manual/help for instructions on how to unblock ports 28850 and
28851 for both incoming and outgoing TCP communication.

2014 Reaction Design




Licensing as a Service
Installing licensing as a system service allows the license manager to be
automatically restarted when the computer is restarted. This is the default approach
we recommend for Windows-based license servers. Our Manage Reaction Design
License tool provides this ability as a checkbox that is enabled by default. For Linux
and UNIX installations, enabling this capability requires root access and making
additions to system configuration files. We do NOT do this as part of our installation.
Most Linux/UNIX system administrators prefer to make these kinds of changes
themselves, rather than having software installers automate these changes.


Installing Licensing as a Service

Windows License Service
The Manage Reaction Design License tool updates the registry with the particular
information required to define the Reaction Design license service as a valid service
for Windows. You can start/stop/pause/resume this service just like any Windows
service using the standard Windows Services control panel. Our tool is documented
in Section 2.5.2 of this manual; explaining the internals of what happens within the
registry when a service is installed is beyond the scope of this manual. The specific
registry keys for Windows XP environment are these:

"LMGRD_LOG_FILE"="C:\\Program Files\\Reaction\\licenses\\debug.log"
"License"="C:\\Program Files\\Reaction\\licenses\\chemkin.lic"



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter C: Licensing as a Service



Linux/UNIX License Service

The example below is specific to a Linux environment (Red Hat Enterprise 3 in our
example) but applicable to any UNIX environment using chkconfig utilities. This can
be adapted to other UNIX environments by any administrator who is generally familiar
with the startup scripts in /etc/rc or /etc/init.d directory.
As part of our installation, we create a file in license_utilities named reactionbootd
which is a Bourne shell script for use with the chkconfig utility. The script is
commented and provides instructions on how to install it and the syntax for its use.
Please use the Linux info or man utilities to obtain more information on chkconfig (or
consult your favorite book or web site). The basic steps are these:
1. Place this file (reactionbootd) in /etc/init.d directory (requires root privileges)
2. Activate automatic restart (for next reboot) by typing (as root)
/sbin/chkconfig reactionbootd on
3. Start licenses now by typing
/etc/init.d/reactionbootd start
You can still use the tool to stop and start the license server even
if the license server is automatically started at reboot by the chkconfig utility system.
Note that the reactionbootd script is generated with the license file name of
reaction.lic specified in the script. Simply edit the script and change this to chemkin.lic
if you prefer.

2014 Reaction Design




Port@Host Method of License Server



Specifying License Server Location

There are two ways for our Reaction Design applications to find the license file that
enables them, by port@host and/or by license file location.
1. Specify the port@host of the license server. This consists of listing the specific
TCP/IP port number being used by lmgrd to listen for license requests. By
default, the Reaction Design licenses specify port 28850. We chose this port
because we believe no other application is likely to be using it. We specify this
port on the SERVER line of the license files we generate:
SERVER servername 12a34b56cd66 28850
We have shifted to this approach in response to (1) the prevalence of firewall
software that requires the explicit enabling of TCP/IP ports or explicit enabling
of trusted applications (lmgrd and reaction on Linux/UNIX and lmgrd.exe and
reaction.exe on Windows) and (2) the increasing use of our products within a
networked, multi-client environment.
We recommend this approach for all client installations - those that are not
running the license server. We also recommend this approach for Linux/Unix
installations even if they are running the license server. (See Section
2. Specify the license file location. This consists of specifying an environment
variable that contains one or more file locations (individual file paths or
directories). We continue to use this approach for Windows computers that
are running the license server. This is because the Manage Reaction Design
License tool combines the setting of this location with the starting/stopping of
the license server.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter D: Port@Host Method of License Server Location

Although client installations can use this approach, it requires that either (a) the
license server's copy of the license is network-accessible or (b) the client has an
identical copy of the license file. These requirements create points of failure that lead
to more frequent problems in obtaining a license by a client computer.


Communicating the License Server Location

In both cases, the license file location is specified to Reaction Design applications
using the REACTION_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. On Windows, the
Manage Reaction Design License tool manages this variable. On Linux/UNIX, the shell script updates a file containing this license location that is
used by our product environment scripts.
You can inspect/confirm the value of REACTION_LICENSE_FILE by simply listing
that variable within a terminal window.
On Linux/UNIX, type
On Windows, open a DOS shell and type
You may have other FLEXnet/FLEXlm-enabled applications that instruct you to use
LM_LICENSE_FILE as the environment variable. This will also work, but the makers
of FLEXnet recommend using vendor-specific environment variables to avoid any
possible conflict/corruption between different applications. We follow their
recommendation. Since our license daemon's name is reaction, we use
REACTION_LICENSE_FILE to specify the license server location.
Starting the License Server
The steps required to start the license server (lmgrd process) are described
elsewhere. The lmgrd process is the only program component that actually reads the
license file. We specify the license file path to this process when starting the license
This is quite distinct from specifying the license server location - which is how an
application can communicate with the license server.

2014 Reaction Design




Combining Licenses from Reaction

Design and CFD-Vendors
You can learn much more about license files with the FLEXnet manual, which you can
access at:
Start > All Programs > Reaction Design > License Tools > Supplemental FLEXlm
Tools > User Manual and FAQ
Chapter 3 of its End Users Guide describes various approaches for managing license
files from multiple vendors.
The general considerations are:
1. Make backup copies of the individual licenses and then merge them using
your favorite text editor to copy/paste or otherwise combine them. Remove the
duplicate SERVER lines so that only one SERVER line remains. See the
example merged license shown below.
2. Explicitly specify the ports to be used by the lmgrd daemon (on the SERVER
line) and by the reaction daemon. We suggest 28850 and 28851 for our
standalone licenses, but you can use other ports specified by other vendors. If
the other license provider does not specify a port for their vendor daemon, that
is OK. (They may encounter firewall issues, but you will discover those prior to
merging the licenses.)



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter E: Combining Licenses from Reaction Design and CFD-

3. Always use the most recent version of lmgrd daemon. Reaction Design is
currently distributing lmgrd v 11.4. You can read the lmgrd version in the
daemon log file. The lmgrd version used must be the same or higher than the
version of any vendor daemon.
4. You can start the lmgrd license server using Reaction Design's Manage
License or utility or using the instructions provided by the
other vendor, but be sure that you are the latest version of lmgrd.
a. On Windows, you can specify the location of lmgrd.exe when starting the
b. On Linux/UNIX, start does not provide a way to
specify an alternate location of lmgrd. If the version we provide is not the
highest version in use, you can copy the more recent version to:
or you can start lmgrd by hand (./lmgrd -c <lic file> -l <log
file>) or by using the instructions provided by the other license provider.
5. Specify the location of the license server to Reaction Design's products using setpath port@host on Linux/UNIX or the Manage
Reaction Design License utility on Windows.
6. Confirm the license is running using the check_license utility we provide in the
license_utilities directory.

Note: Once you have confirmed that the license server is operational and that the license
server location that you have specified is working, then test running the CHEMKIN-CFD
application or other Reaction Design product. Trying to run CHEMKIN-CFD before completing
these steps just complicates the troubleshooting; so please be patient and verify that the
license is operational first.


Example of Merging License Files

Reaction Design License:

SERVER HQW011 00065b848c62 28850

DAEMON reaction "C:\Program
Files\reaction\licenses\license_utilities\reaction.exe" \

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter E: Combining Licenses from Reaction Design and CFD-Vendors

Installation and Licensing Manual

FEATURE KINETICS_API reaction 2007.02 02-feb-2007 2 9826ED8FA44A \

VENDOR_STRING="LicNum: 9969; Licensed to Reaction Design; \
Contact: Luthor Redbone" SIGN="0080 DF7F 1A5A 22C7 FA53 7E42 \
E7D2 0700 BF01 FE75 AE1E 5D9F 901B 9246 AA9A"

Another License:
SERVER HQW011 00065b848c62 8241
VENDOR other "C:\Program Files\other-vendor\bin\other.exe"
FEATURE Other_Feature other 1.000 28-feb-2007 1 A0A02020DE044AC8E264 \
VENDOR_STRING="Other Inc" ISSUED=08-sep-2005 NOTICE="License \
issued to Reaction Design" START=08-sep-2005
SIGN="0080 DF7F 1A5A 22C7 FA53 7E42 \
E7D2 0700 BF01 FE75 AE1E 5D9F 901B 9246 AA9A"

Merged License:
SERVER HQW011 00065b848c62 8241
VENDOR other "C:\Program Files\other-vendor\bin\other.exe"
DAEMON reaction "C:\Program
Files\reaction\licenses\license_utilities\reaction.exe" \
FEATURE Other_Feature other 1.000 28-feb-2007 1 A0A02020DE044AC8E264 \
VENDOR_STRING="Other Inc" ISSUED=08-sep-2005 NOTICE="License \
issued to Organization-Name" START=08-sep-2005 \
SIGN="0080 DF7F 1A5A 22C7 FA53 7E42 \
E7D2 0700 BF01 FE75 AE1E 5D9F 901B 9246 AA9A"
FEATURE KINETICS_API reaction 2007.02 02-feb-2007 2 9826ED8FA44A \
VENDOR_STRING="LicNum: 9969; Licensed to Reaction Design; \
Contact: Luthor Redbone" SIGN="0080 DF7F 1A5A 22C7 FA53 7E42 \
E7D2 0700 BF01 FE75 AE1E 5D9F 901B 9246 AA9A"
In the merged license, we have kept the port used by the other vendor, 8241. The
other vendor does not specify a port for his VENDOR daemon. This is OK if the
license is working prior to being merged.
You would then specify the license server location as 8241@HQW011. You should use
our tools to specify the location to our applications and also use the other vendor's
tools (however they suggest) to specify the location to their applications. Ultimately,
our applications will rely on REACTION_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to
obtain this location. Our tools update the resources used to set this environment



2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter E: Combining Licenses from Reaction Design and CFD-




Troubleshooting Client License

Any client machine wanting to connect to the license server must be able to (1)
resolve the server's name and (2) have TCP/IP communication with the server, which
may require (3) unblocking ports in firewalls on server and client machines. Once any
issues with those requirements are resolved, then the network client must (4) specify
the location of the license server so that CHEMKIN can find it.


Item 1: Resolving Server's Name (in Windows

The license file typically contains the name of the server, which requires that the
client's DNS resolve the computer name into an IP address. You can test whether this
is succeeding by opening a DOS window and typing the following:

nslookup <server-name>

where <server-name> is whatever the name of the license server is. When it
succeeds, it will tell you the IP address of the <server-name> machine. If it fails, then
your client will not be able to communicate with the license server. At that point, you
can either put the <server-name> to IP mapping into your hosts file (on the local client
machine, typically in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts or
C:\WINNT\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts) or you can edit the license file and
specify the IP address of the license server instead of the server name.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter F: Troubleshooting Client License Connections

Here's an example on our network of looking for a computer named HQTS02 (which
exists) and a computer named NOGOOD (which is not on our network). The machine
hqdc01 is our DNS server which provides the name-to-IP-address conversion

+++++> nslookup HQTS02

+++++> nslookup NOGOOD
*** can't find NOGOOD: Non-existent domain


Item 2: Testing TCP/IP Communication from Client to

License Server
Once you verify you can convert <server-name> to IP-address, or once you have
learned the IP-address, you can typically (unless firewall is blocking, see item 3) use
the ping command to test whether the client and license server can communicate. If
DNS is resolving the name, you can do this as follows:

+++++> ping HQTS02

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
If DNS is not resolving, you can directly use the IP address, like this:

2014 Reaction Design



Chapter F: Troubleshooting Client License Connections

Installation and Licensing Manual

+++++> ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms


Item 3: Unblocking Firewall(s) on Client and License

If you have a firewall running (this is the default condition on any Windows operating
system, starting with Windows XP SP2) on any client machine trying to connect to the
license server, you will need to modify the firewall on that client machine. (If the
license server is running a firewall, you also would need to make the change on the
license server.) Please refer to Appendix B, Windows XP Firewall Modifications.


Item 4: Specifying Location of License Server

The client computer can specify the location of the license server in a few different methods:

1. A copy of the license file in the default location,

C:\Program Files\reaction\licenses\chemkin.lic
2. Environment variable, REACTION_LICENSE_FILE, with value port@<licenseserver>, where port is whatever number is specified on the SERVER line of the
license file. (Our default is 28850; but this can be changed.)

If you are still having problems connecting the client to the license server after
working through items 1-3 above, please try using method 2 above to specify the
location of the license service. We have found this to be the most direct and troublefree way to connect client with license service.
Effective with the CHEMKIN 4.0.2 release (April 2005), the Manage CHEMKIN
License tool accepts the port@host format for specifying the license file location. Note
that this form is not allowed on the license server itself, only with client machines.



2014 Reaction Design


Chapter F: Troubleshooting Client License Connections

Alternatively, you can directly edit the environment variable definition of

REACTION_LICENSE_FILE. The environment variable definitions are accessed as part of the
Properties tabs associated with the My Computer icon. Find the My Computer icon on either
the desktop or within the Start menu options and right-click My Computer. Select Properties.
Then on Windows XP and 2003, select the Advanced tab. On Windows Vista, click on the left
panel (Tasks) line saying Advanced System Settings. Next, look for an Environment
Variables button to click. You can add/edit the REACTION_LICENSE_FILE definition in either
the System variables section (preferred, if you have Administrative rights on the computer) or
the user section.

2014 Reaction Design




Mounting a Reaction Design UNIX/Linux

Distribution CD-ROM
Insert the Reaction Design distribution CD-ROM into a mounted CD-ROM drive. You
must then mount the disk as a file system on your computer. For most systems you
must be root to mount a CD-ROM. Specific instructions for mounting the CD-ROM on
UNIX/Linux system follow.
Mount the CD-ROM by entering:
mount t iso9660 <CD-ROM-device> /cdrom

replacing <CD-ROM-device> with the actual name of the CD-ROM drive on your
system. A typical name is /dev/cdrom.


Unmounting the CD-ROM

The command to unmount the CD-ROM for most UNIX systems is:
unmount /cdrom



2014 Reaction Design


2014 Reaction Design

Chapter G: Mounting a Reaction Design UNIX/Linux Distribution






CHEMKIN: bin directory location (UNIX) 37

chemkin.lic 19
sample license file 70
chemkincfdapi_setup.csh 36
chemkincfdapi_setup.ksh 36
environment variables required 36
chemkinpro_setup.csh 36
chemkinpro_setup.ksh 36
CK_JAVA_MEMORY environment variable 38
license check-out (Windows) 23
network (Windows) 22
combined installer 35
Comment line, license file 59, 61
computer platforms
specified during installation 31
computer platforms, supported 9
contact details
customer 60
Reaction Design offices 55
cshrc file 36
Customer Support 51

/var/tmp/lockreaction error report 48

# (comment) in license file 59

automated installation 14

bashrc file 36
bin directory

mounting (UNIX) 77
UNIX, mounting 77
unmounting (UNIX) 77
check status 49
check_license.bat (Windows) 25, 28 script (UNIX) 45, 48, 70
home directory (UNIX) 38
multi-user environments 38
multi-user environments 38
home directory (UNIX) 38
preferences environment variable 38
version (UNIX) 37
chemkin_setup.csh 36
chemkin_setup.ksh 36


keyword 59
license file 60
reaction 11
lmgrd 65, 69, 70
lmgrd (Windows) 27, 28
reaction 19, 28
DAEMON keyword 60
daemon name 60


2014 Reaction Design



debug.log file 42, 53

log file 21, 25, 70
recommended for Tech Support 52
dual-boot machines 41

forte_setup.ksh 36
frequently asked questions 51

GraphViz 14

email address
Japan distributor 56
Korea distributor 56
licensing 40
Sales 55
sales 40
Support 55
support 2
ENERGICO_MEMORY environment variable 38
energico_setup.csh 36
energico_setup.ksh 36
multi-user 38
settings 36
environment variables 36
CHEMKIN-CFD requires 36
shared object library path 38
executing UNIX installation script 31
expiration date 60

history mechanism, Chemkin 38
hostname 59
license file 59
license server 45

INCREMENT keyword 59
Increment line
license file 60
Windows 13, 31
installation location
Windows 19
UNIX license 41
Windows license 19
installs.exe 28

Java memory 38

Kanji characters 14

FAQ 51
counting 60
FEATURE keyword 59
Feature line
license file 60
feature name 60
firewall issues 63, 73
FLEXlm 27
FLEXnet 27
documentation 69
FLUENT 13, 32
Fluent 32
FORTE_MEMORY environment variable 38
forte_setup.csh 36

2014 Reaction Design

check status (UNIX) 45
client connections 73
documentation 28
file 11, 15, 19, 22, 42
for UNIX node-locked 42
install (UNIX) 41
install, (Windows) 19
manager daemon. See lmgrd.
set the license server path (UNIX) 45
start/stop server (UNIX) 45




Installation and Licensing Manual

starting automatically 65
tool 20, 29
utility to manage 25
utility to request new 24
license daemon
lmgrd 48
location 60
log file (UNIX) 47
path 60
reaction 11, 19, 28
license file 11, 15, 19, 22, 42, 60
comments 59, 61
contents description 59
create (UNIX) 49
location 68
location (UNIX) 37
location (Windows) 15, 19
multiple vendors 69, 70
license file location 68
license keys
Windows 15
license manager daemon. See lmgrd.
license number 60
license request 16, 39
email 18
web form 18
license server 49
hostname 45
location, designating 33
program. See lmgrd.
specify location (UNIX) 46
specifying location 67
start (UNIX) 47
startup problems (UNIX) 4748
stopping (UNIX) 48
license service 65
installing (UNIX) 66
installing (Windows) 65
starting and stopping (Windows) 25, 28
license_utilities folder 28
cluster configurations 40
lmhostid special cases 40
troubleshooting installation 35
lmgrd 27, 28, 65, 69, 70
root warning (UNIX) 42
lmhostid 59
for license server (UNIX) 39
Linux special cases 40
using RD Request License Utility 17
Windows 28


Windows 28
log file 21, 25
debug 53
license daemon (UNIX) 47
long encryption key 60

MAC addresses, multiple 40
Manage Reaction Design License tool 22, 65 45, 46
mounting CD-ROM 77
multi-user environments, CHEMKIN 38

name of license daemon 60
Network License Server 22
node-locked license (UNIX) 42
nodelocked license (Windows) 19
number of copies 60

operating systems, supported 9
options file 60

Unicode prohibition (Windows) 10, 14
port number 27, 59, 60
port@host license server specification 23, 33, 45, 67
specified during installation 31
product setup 13
profile file 36
program setup 13

questions, frequently asked 51

reaction daemon 11, 19, 28
Reaction Design 16
contact details 55


2014 Reaction Design



reaction.exe. See reaction daemon

reaction.lic 19
reactionbootd file 66
removing a product 29
request license
script (UNIX) 40
Windows 16
Request License Utility 17
requirements, system 10
resolving server name 73

installation script, executing 31

licensing overview 39
Network License Server 42
Windows 24

variables, environment 36
VENDOR keyword 60
vendor string 60
number licensed 60
vista__START_license_server.bat 28
vista__STOP_license_server.bat 28

install product (UNIX) 31
request license (UNIX) 40
SERVER keyword 59
license file 59
server location 73
set environment variables 36
setup program 13
shared object library path 38
short encryption key 60
starting license service
Windows 25, 28
stopping license service
Windows 25, 28
technical 51
operating systems 9
system requirements 10

web site 51, 55
Japan distributor 56
Korea distributor 56
licensing overview 15
Windows operating system
rebooting 21
Windows XP
firewall 63

TCP/IP address 59
license file 59
TCP/IP connection 73
Technical Support 51
technical support 51
helpful diagnostic files 51
license server startup 4748

Unicode characters 10, 14
uninstalling 29, 31
activating license 42
installation and licensing 31

2014 Reaction Design



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