NetSuite Integration Data Sheet
NetSuite Integration Data Sheet
NetSuite Integration Data Sheet
• Automatically consolidate prospects and leads into • Process flow based and service oriented from multiple channels (SOA) approach to integration
• Automatically update Account Master and Customer data
• Automatically process and track orders based on closed • Graphical, point-and-click approach to creating
opportunities and deploying integration flows.
• Reflect billing and invoicing information in
• Provide product inventory and pricing data to sales staff • Adeptia accelerator includes pre-built flows,
• Improve up-sell and cross-sell opportunities by presenting templates and connectors that just need to be
purchase history to sales staff configured.
The information in NetSuite is silo-ed in an offsite location Account Master describes how systems share a notion of
and it is difficult to get this data into back-end applications to the account and related contacts. Usually, the
automate business processes such as automatically ERP/accounting system serves as the “master” for existing
triggering actions, notifications, workflow tasks for other customer accounts while “prospect” accounts are
business users and for generating consolidated reports. maintained only in, with a process to promote
Adeptia helps by setting up either real-time or scheduled them to customers when a sale is closed.
(batch) integration flows between and back-end
systems. These “deploy-and-forget” flows run automatically in
the background to share information and require no manual
intervention except to handle exceptions and errors. These
integration flows can be bi-directional, so data can move in
both directions into and out of