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Qualitative Data Analysis

This chapter is aimed at providing researchers with enough information when making research anlysis.
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Qualitative Data Analysis

This chapter is aimed at providing researchers with enough information when making research anlysis.
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Matthew B. Miles A.

Michael Huberman Johnny Saldaa

Arizona State University

Data Analysis
A Methods Sourcebook

Brief Table of Contents

List of Displays


Preface to the Third Edition by Johnny Saldaa


Acknowledgments From the Second Edition

by Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman
About the Authors


Part One The Substantive Start . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Research Design and Management


Chapter 3 - Ethical Issues in Analysis


Chapter 4 - Fundamentals of Qualitative Data Analysis


Part Two Displaying the Data. . . . . . . . . . . 105

Chapter 5 - Designing Matrix and Network Displays


Chapter 6 - Methods of Exploring


Chapter 7 - Methods of Describing


Chapter 8 - Methods of Ordering


Chapter 9 - Methods of Explaining


Chapter 10 - Methods of Predicting


Part Three Making Good Sense. . . . . . . . . 273

Chapter 11 - Drawing and Verifying Conclusions


Chapter 12 - Writing About Qualitative Research


Chapter 13 - Closure


Appendix An Annotated Bibliography of Qualitative Research Resources


References 363
Author Index


Subject Index


Designing Matrix and

Network Displays
Chapter Summary
This chapter provides fundamental principles for the design and content of two
analytic display methods: (1) matrices and (2) networks. These methods condense the
major data and findings from a study to further analyze and/or to represent and present
the conclusions.

Display Format Options
Timing of Display Design
Formatting the Matrix Template
Entering Matrix and Network Data
Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions From Matrices and Networks
The Methods Profiles
Closure and Transition
Chapter 5

| Designing Matrix and Network Displays


Lengthy, unreduced text in the form of interview transcripts, field notes, documents,
and so on is cumbersome because it is dispersed over many pages and is not easy to see
as a whole. It is sequential rather than simultaneous, making it difficult to look at two
or three variables at once. Comparing several extended texts carefully is very difficult.
It is usually poorly ordered, can get very bulky, and can make us feel monotonously
overloaded. The same objections apply with even stronger force for readers of our final
reports. They need, if not deserve, a concise delivery of what we analyzed. And in
this highly visual culture, showing rather than telling can make a more effective and
memorable impact on our audiences.
A major purpose of this text is to encourage the creation and dissemination of
matrix and network displays for qualitative data. The central argument of this book is
You know what you display. Credible and trustworthy analysis requires, and is driven
by, displays that are focused enough to permit a viewing of a full data set in the same
location and are arranged systematically to answer the research questions at hand. A
full data set does not, of course, mean the complete corpus of interview transcripts,
field notes, documents, and so on. Rather, the condensed, distilled data presented are
drawn from the full range of persons, events, and processes under study. With extended
text, there can easily be selective stacking of the data. An organized display wards off
this problem.
The idea of display is central to this book. By display we mean a visual format
that presents information systematically so the user can draw conclusions and take
needed action. Although such displays may sometimes be busy, they will never be
monotonous. Most important, the chances of drawing and verifying conclusions are
much greater than for extended text, because the display is arranged coherently to
permit careful comparisons, detection of differences, noting of patterns and themes,
seeing trends, and so on.
Quantitative researchers have software packages that can develop publishable
tables, graphs, and charts. Qualitative researchers have CAQDAS programs for our
unique approaches to data analysis. And even basic Microsoft Office programs such
as Word and Excel are sufficient for most matrix and network displays. But the
qualitative analyst has to handcraft appropriate data display formats because each
project is unique. As yet, there are few familiar, agreed-on data setups among qualitative
researchers, so each analyst has to adapt those of others or invent new ones. The display
ideas we offer in this book are nothing more than thatideas, not prescriptions, for
qualitative data display.
Not everyone loves matrices and network displaysand not everyone thinks
visually. But displaying your condensed data in a systematic way has immense
consequences for your understanding. It requires you to think about your research
questions and what portions of your data are needed to answer them; it requires you
to make full analyses, ignoring no relevant information; and it focuses and organizes
your information coherently. These advantages are repeated when you include
displays in a final report; the reader can re-create your intellectual journey with some


Part II: Displaying the Data

Display Format Options

Deciding on and generating the format for displaying qualitative data are important
first steps. Your template is a visual outline, of sorts, for the data to be filled in. Formats
can be as varied as the imagination of the analyst, but the ones described in this book
tend to fall into two major families:
1. Matrices, with defined rows and columns
2. Networks, a series of nodes with links (lines and arrows) between them
Data entries, however, are multiform: short blocks of text, quotes, phrases, variable
labels, ratings, abbreviations, codes, categories, symbolic figures, labeled lines (dashed
or solid), arrows (one way or two way), and so on.
The display format and content of the entries will depend on what you are trying to
understand: a general situation, detailed chronologies, the actions of people in different
roles, the interplay of variables, and so on. In other words, form follows function:
Formats must always be driven by the research questions involved and your developing
concepts. Formatting determines which variables will be analyzed in which ways. If a
variable isnt included in the format, it wont get compared with another variable.
And it depends on how far along you are in the study and what has priority right
now. The need might be for eyeballing data in an exploratory way. Or it could be for
carrying out detailed analyses; for setting up data to use in another, more differentiated
display; for combining parallel data for a single case; for combining data from several
cases; or for reporting findings. A good format will allow all of these uses to some degree
but inevitably will do some well and others less well.
Lets examine the two major families of displays with examples and illustrations.

A matrix is essentially the intersection of two lists, set up as rows and columns. Lets
take a look at a sample format, explaining and labeling it as we go.
Display 5.1, a table drawn with Microsoft Word software, is aimed at understanding
the effects of assistance supplied to a school sitethe Masepa Caseby various
sources. This was part of a school improvement study that observed how a new project
innovation was implemented. The matrix format calls for the researcher to address five
related variables, to distinguish two of them according to time, to pool responses, to
align some responses along an evaluative scale, and to explain the response pattern
for each type of assistance source. Here, condensed information from 30 pages of field
notes has been packed into a single page.
Note that the data are abstractions: There are no quotes, and generalizations and
other inferential remarks appear in the last two columns. The Longer-Run Consequences
and Researcher Explanations are not direct condensations of participants remarks or
of researchers observations. Rather, for any given consequence, such as the one in the
top row (Users are helped administratively and substantively, feel obliged to do ECRI
[Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction] with minor adaptations), the researcher

Chapter 5

| Designing Matrix and Network Displays



Part II: Displaying the Data

1. provides materials
2. demonstrates, models
3. answers requests
5. circulates, controls
1.comparing practices with
2. debugging, complaining
3. learning about new parts
1. sharing materials
2. exchanging tips, solutions
3. comparing, encouraging
1. tips for presentations
2.solution to short-term
4. serves as successful model




Helping Teacher


1. facilitates practice
2.helps expand beyond core
3. maintains effort

1. increases stock
2.new ideas, practices; problems
3. motivates, stimulates

2.cathartic, solves short-run

3. expands repertoire
4.gets through rough moments

1. encourages, regulates

1.reduces effort, increases

2. trains, facilitates use
3. problems solved rapidly
4.maintains level of effort
5.ambivalent: helped yet coerced

1. pressures non-users
2.building administrators have
material, administrative

1.relieves pressure, encourages

2.helps early implementation
3. feeling policed
4.feeling backed-up,
substantially helped

Short-Run Effects
(Users State)

reliable, unthreatening
backup provided in school

increases commitment,
regulates use (decreases

creates reference group,

gives users a voice, solves
ongoing problems and
lowers anxiety

new, experienced users

receive systematic
instruction, follow-up,
materials; stay with
program and are careful
about making changes in it

program is perceived
as supported, assisted,
protected by central

users are helped

administratively and
substantively, feel obliged
to do ECRI with minor


Source: Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

++ = very
+ = effective
= mixed
= ineffective

Trainers in
Target School,
Other School

Teacher-Users in
Other Schools:
Target Schools

1. promotes ECRI
2.answers building
administration, trainers


Central Office


1. authorizes changes
2. eases schedules
3. controls fidelity
4. consults, offers solutions

Types Provided





Effects Matrix: Assistance Location and Types (Masepa Case)

Display 5.1

elaborate and effective

lateral network: trainers
seen as peers

additional source of
assistance, which increases
as number of users grows

multi-purpose forum which

consolidates use and users,
defuses opposition

personalized in-service
mechanism, with both
training and assistance
allows for mastery and
spread of ECRI in faithful

central office able to push

program and answer
requests, yet not perceived
as main actor by users

administration, authority,
servicing, availability and
flexibility lead to sustained,
faithful implementation

Researcher Explanations

has looked at the data segments in the three preceding columns, checked to see
whether they covary in some patterned way, and drawn a second-order generalization.
In this case (see the first row, first columnBuilding Administration), themes such as
Eases schedules, Consults, offers solutions, Relieves pressure, encourages, Helps
early implementation, and the Users Assessment of generally positive magnitude codes
all suggested the reception of help and a sense of user obligation for reasonably faithful
implementation. A similar process of inductive inference occurs under Researcher
Overall, the matrix is a tabular format that collects and arranges data for easy viewing
in one place, permits detailed analysis, and sets the stage for later cross-case analysis
with other comparable cases or sites. As the chapters progress, youll learn how matrices
can order data by case or time and can arrange and stack their cells in such a way as
to create meta-matrices, which contain multiple rows within a single row and multiple
columns within a single column.

A network is a collection of nodes or points connected by links or lines that display
streams of participant actions, events, and processes. Networks lend themselves well
to a case-oriented approach that re-creates the plot of events over time, as well as
showing complex interrelationships between variables. They give us the kinds of
narratives that tend to get chopped up analytically in matrices. They are very helpful
when you want to focus on multiple variables at the same time for readily analyzable
information at a glance.
Display 5.2 is a network model from McCammon et al.s (2012) study of how high
school speech classes influenced and affected adolescents and their adulthood after
graduation. The network is an outline of plot points for an accompanying research
Display 5.2
A Network Model of Lifelong Impact From High School Speech Participation



and Status



Sense of


and Adult

Source: Saldaa, J. (2013). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Chapter 5

| Designing Matrix and Network Displays


The proverb of this research storythe theorysuggested by the oval nodes is as

follows: When Adolescents enroll in high school Speech Classes, they gain Confidence
as an Adolescent and Adult. But that story line is too thin and needs to be fleshed
out through an analytic narrative. The rectangular nodes attached to Speech Classes
indicate that the classroom content must be led by a teacher who provides Good
Coaching. Students must also feel that they are part of a classroom community through
a Sense of Belonging.
Not all but some students from those classes participated in extracurricular
speech tournaments or forensic Competitions (debate, extemporaneous speaking,
oral interpretation of literature, etc.). Thus, a separate trajectory or stream is drawn.
Respondents testified that participation in these events developed Friendships, a sense
of Acceptance and Status, and thus Positive Affects, especially for those who reached the
achievement of Winning at these competitive events. Regardless of whether one won or
not, the respondents stated outcome was Confidenceboth as an Adolescent and later
as an Adult.
The bidirectional arrow between Speech Classes and Adolescent and Adult Confidence
suggests a cyclical or interactive effect: The more speech classes you took, the more
confident you became; the more confident you became, the more likely you continued
participating in speech classes and competitions.
Networks are also effective heuristics for higher level analyses such as discerning
causation, analyzing longitudinal trends, and developing hypotheses and theories.
They are not any easier or harder to construct than matricesboth display forms take
comparable amounts of time and thought to design and assemble. Selected CAQDAS
programs, however, can greatly assist with complex network construction. Display 5.3
illustrates QDA Miner 4s ability to calculate and assemble a three-dimensional network
of codes as weighted nodes, with links suggesting interrelationship. These graphics are
extremely helpful as diagnostics of data analysis in progress and as displays themselves
for final reports.
See Knowlton and Phillips (2013) for a diverse collection of logic model graphic
designs and the online Periodic Table of Visualization Methods for additional ideas

Timing of Display Design

When should display formats be generated? Analytic displays can be developed
either during or after data collection. They can provide preliminary findings about
what is happening in the case and suggest leads toward new data. Later, as fuller, more
complete descriptions are at hand, these displays can supply the basic material for
higher level explanationsthat is, plausible reasons for why things are happening as
they are.
If the format is at hand during data collection, it helps save energy by encouraging
focus: You know what information you will be needing. But there are some cautions
here. First, qualitative data evolve; later accounts round out, qualify, put in perspective,
and disqualify the earlier ones. Analysts scout around, sleuth, and take second and third
looks. So there are risks in entering the data into a set format too soon.


Part II: Displaying the Data

Display 5.3
A QDA Miner 4 3-D Map of a Codes Network

Source: Courtesy of Provalis Research, www.provalisresearch.com.

Furthermore, for any given research question or issue, you can develop many
different displays (literally dozens) using the same set of variables. Each display makes
somewhat different assumptions; each has trade-offs among advantages and costs.
Another caution is that display formats nearly always evolve, too. The later ones are
more data sensitive than the earlier ones, as things become clearer.
So our general advice is to generate rough formats early during data collection and
revise them to a firmer state closer to the end of data collection, when they can be
grounded more contextually and empirically. Expect to make several passes or iterations
before the first format of the display is working right. Test a proposed format by entering
data. Unworkable or confusing formats, or those that do not incorporate all of the
relevant data, will show themselves rapidly.

Formatting the Matrix Template

There are no fixed canons for constructing a matrix. Rather, matrix construction
is a creative yet systematic task that furthers your understanding of the substance and
meaning of your database, even before you begin entering information. Thus, the issue
is not whether you are building a correct matrix but whether it is a helpful one that

Chapter 5

| Designing Matrix and Network Displays


will give you reasonable answers to the questions you are asking or suggest promising
new ways to lay out the data to get answers. At a deeper level, the message of this book
is not Use these matrices but Think display. Adapt and invent formats that will serve
you best.
Given these choices, what can we say informally about the best and easiest ways to
build the templates/outlines/frameworks of matrix displays? We state these briskly, as
friendly advice rather than as harsh prescription:

Look at your research question(s) and key variables, and think of the data that
are or will be available. Sketch the matrix outline roughly using paper and

Get a colleague to look at your initial format, to help you detect the assumptions
you are making and to suggest alternative ways to display your data.

Set up the matrix template by using a text program, database management,

or CAQDAS software. Try to make the display completely readable on your
monitor screen or on one printed sheet of paper, if possible. You have to be
able to see it all at once.

Dont try to include more than a dozen or so variables in rows or columns; five or
six is more manageable. If you are drawn to a design with larger numbers of
variables, plan to cluster or partition them as meta-matrices. In effect, regroup
the matrix into streams or adjacent families.

The simplest matrices are organized in two dimensions. You have a choice to
move to more complexity if the data demand it by creating partitions for metamatricesrows within a row and/or columns within a column (to be illustrated
in forthcoming chapters).

If the matrix is an ordered one, expect to transpose rows and columns for a
while until you have a satisfactory version. Most text-based software, database
management, and CAQDAS programs can do this quite easily.

Always stay open to the idea of adding new rows or columns, even late in your
analysis operations.

Keep rows and columns fine grained enough to accommodate meaningful

differentiations in the data but not so fine as to bury you under indiscriminate

Keep in mind that any particular research question may require a series of
displays; for example, an initial partially ordered descriptive matrix may
lead to a small summary table and then to a network display. Think ahead
to this possibility, but allow new matrix forms to emerge as the analysis

Creating matrix templates is usually a matter of a few minutes; revising them as the
early items of data are entered is also quick work. Virtually all CAQDAS programs can
enable reformatting as data are entered and coded. The time taken to enter data into a
display actually depends on the following: (a) the number of variables or dimensions in
the display, (b) the number of respondents and cases, and (c) the kind and number of
transformations made.


Part II: Displaying the Data

Which types of row and column headings or network bin labels are possible?
The set is almost infinite, ranging from cases to variables. To illustrate, here is just a
sample of types adapted from Gobo (2008), Lofland, Snow, Anderson, and Lofland
(2006), and Bogdan and Biklen (2007). For concreteness, we use examples from
health care settings:


Jane Hughes, RN, Dr. Luis Garcia


patients, nurses, doctors, administrators

Relationships and groups:

patientspouse, nurseresident, intensive

care unit staff, accounting department,
surgical team

Settings within sites:

operating room, emergency room, cafeteria

Sites as wholes:

Good Samaritan Hospital, downtown

health maintenance organization

Specific actions (what people do and say):

diagnostic questions, answers, listening,

information giving, comforting

Events (marked-off happenings or


admission, operation, discharge

Activities (regularly occurring, connected

sets of actions):

grand rounds, lab tests, billing

Strategies (activities aimed toward some


rehabilitation plan, nutrition counseling,

radiation treatment

Meanings and perspectives (how people

construe events):

patient and physician views of an HIVpositive diagnosis, the experience of labor

and childbirth

Attitudes, values, and beliefs:

resentment toward physician seniority,

pro-choice versus pro-life, patient anxiety

Emotions and states:

staff morale, patient fear, critical condition

Processes (ongoing flows, phases, stages,

cycles, changes over time):

wound healing, convalescence, triage,

decision making, social support,

Entering Matrix and Network Data

Generally, the choice of data for display entry must be driven by the particular row
and column headings involved or by your definitions of network nodes and links. But
these seemingly straightforward tasks are critical issues in qualitative data analysis. The
conclusions drawn from a display can never be better than the quality of the data entered.
A completed matrix or network may look coherent, plausible, and fascinating, but if the
data were poorly collected in the first place or were entered in a hasty, ill-partitioned, or
vague way, the conclusions are suspect. We offer some guidelines below for data entry
into display formats:

Chapter 5

| Designing Matrix and Network Displays


Even a dense matrix displays only a very small percentage of the available data.
There is always a great deal of selection and condensation from the mass of field
notes. Be aware of how you make that selection and how you boil the data
down. You are not throwing away your field notesyou can always refer back
to the full material.

More information is better than less: Too thin cell entries keep you away from the
meaning of the data.

Be clear about the forms and types of data you want to enter: direct quotes,
paraphrases, general summary judgments, ratings, and so on.

Use codes and software search functions to locate key material. Entering these
data is much easier with text-based software, database management, or a
CAQDAS program having multiple screens; they permit you to retrieve coded
chunks to one screen or region and to select/edit/condense them on another.

Keep an explicit record of the decision rules you followed in selecting data
chunks for entry (e.g., the extent of agreement among respondents or data
types, the intensity of respondents feelings, the basis for making judgments or
ratings). Otherwise, you may delude yourself retrospectively, forget how you did
it, or shift your decision rules during the process.

When data are missing, ambiguous, or were not asked for from certain respondents,
show this explicitly in the display.

Dont lock up your format until later in the process. Entering data tests the adequacy,
realism, and helpfulness of the display format. Keep revising it as needed.

Be open to using numbers, direct quantities, or judgments in the form of ratings,

scales, or magnitude codes, when applicable to the study.

Get a colleague to review your display, along with your decision rules and
written-up field notes, to check the procedural adequacy of your work. Such
audits are time-consuming, but used selectively, they are an important check on
the confirmability of the procedures you used.

You always have choices about the level and type of data to be entered. For example,
you can include the following:


Direct quotes, extracts from

written-up field notes:

Surgeons are basically macho typesthe best ones, I

mean. They have to be, but they cant help it.

Summaries, paraphrases, or

Patient advocate seems increasingly distrusted. Rules for

residents time use largely ignored.

Researcher explanations:

Patient uncertainty about diagnosis is a function of lifethreatening conditions and use of denial as a buffer.

Ratings or summarized

Risk reduction behavior after cardiovascular bypass:

worse, no change, improved, much improved.

Combinations of the above:

Risk reduction: improved. Diet (I even tried broccoli),

some exercise (walks 2030 minutes daily), and smoking
(reduced, is considering using a nicotine patch).

Part II: Displaying the Data

Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions

From Matrices and Networks
The test of any display is what it helps you understandand how trustworthy
that understanding is. In the next five chapters, there will be many specific tactics for
conclusion drawing and verification through the use of boldface. Each has its specific
advantages and pitfalls, which we will discuss in Chapter 11. Here, we offer some
preliminary general advice:

Its always helpful to start with a quick scana squint analysis or eyeballing
down columns and across rows and through network pathways to see what
jumps out. Then, verify, revise, or disconfirm that impression through a more
careful review.

Any given display will always have multiple tactics used on it. The ones we
have used most frequently for drawing first conclusions are noting patterns,
themes; making contrasts, comparisons; clustering; and counting.

Displays never speak for themselveseither to you or to the reader;

accompanying text is always needed. As conclusions form in your mind, always
write text explaining them. Make your conclusions explicit. The process of
writing inevitably leads to reformulation, added clarity, and ideas for further
analysis. Writing is itself a form of analysis.

First conclusions drawn from a display almost always need to be checked

against written-up field notes. If a conclusion does not ring true at the ground
level when you try it out there, it needs revision. Look at the raw data to
guard against this. Even better, check with your research colleagues and the
participants themselves, when possible.

Any early conclusion typically needs confirmation, checking, and verification.

The most frequently used tactics weve used are as follows: following up
surprises, triangulating, making if-then tests, and checking out rival

Be sure your descriptive understanding is clear at the individual or within-case

level first before you try to understand cross-case patterns.

Remember that analysis usually has to go beyond descriptive summation and reach
toward explanation. Clarify the conceptual implications of your conclusions
that is, how they tie into your or someone elses theory of social behavior.
Analyses that yield verifiable but poor-meaning conclusions are of little use to

Conclusions about data displays normally appear in what we call an analytic text
or narrative. Analytic narrative draws attention to the features of the displayed data
and makes sense of them, knitting them together and permitting the analyst to draw
conclusions and add interpretations. It also encourages a return to the field notes to
consult information not in the display and to add it to the text for further clarity. Since
a display does not speak for itself, analytic text does not stand alone without reference
to the display.

Chapter 5

| Designing Matrix and Network Displays


In fact, the act of writing text as you ruminate over the meaning of a display is itself
a focusing and forcing device that propels further analysis. Writing does not come after
analysis; it is analysis, happening as the writer thinks through the meaning of data in the
display. Writing is thinking, not the report of thought.
Stay open on the question of whether the display format you use for analysis should
be the same display used for final reporting (the answer is often yes). Readers can see
for themselves how conclusions were drawn, rather than being handed summarized
study results to be taken on faith. Sometimes, of course, a display will be used for
intermediate purposes and will not necessarily be shown to readers of the final report.
The tradition of presenting basic data is deeply ingrained in reports of quantitative
data analysis, so much so that it would be unthinkable for a researcher to present
conclusions without data tables or, at least, without reference to working documents
containing them. We believe that the same norms should apply to qualitative researchers
working within particular traditional genres of inquiry (e.g., ethnography, grounded
theory, content analysis, evaluation research, etc.). Some data displays should be a
normal part of reporting findings and conclusions. In some instances, of course, a
summary table or a boiled-down version may suffice. Where basic matrices or networks
are not presented, you owe the reader a clear explanation of the analysis methods used
to get to the text. In any case, remember what the reader needs from displays. We can
hardly do better than quote Tufte (1986), speaking primarily of quantitative work but
with relevance for qualitative researchers:
What we are seeking in graphic and tabular displays of information is the clear
portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple; rather the task of
the designer is to give visual access to the subtle and the difficultthat is, the
revelation of the complex. (p. 80)
As the saying goes, Things can be complex without being complicated.

The Methods Profiles

In the next five chapters, each method profile will be presented in this format:

Description: The method is briefly described with reference to its accompanying


Applications: This section outlines the purposes of the method and its
recommended uses for particular research studies or goals.

Example: A study drawn from the coauthors previous work is used to illustrate
the display, its design, and data entry.

Analysis: The discussion shifts to how the assembled data in the matrix or
network were analyzed and interpreted by the researchers. Recommendations
for reader applications are also provided.

Notes: Supplemental or concluding comments about the method are offered.

The profiles vary in length, depending on the complexity of the method. They are
grouped into subcategories within each chapter, when appropriate, if they share a
common purpose.


Part II: Displaying the Data

We also emphasize here that the names we gave to our methods and displays were
for convenient description, not for standardization. Who cares whether it is a caseordered descriptive meta-matrix or a predictor-outcome-consequences matrix? The
names may sound like jargon, but dont worry about that; the issue is how any given
display works and how it can further your understanding of the data. All of the methods
and displays can be adapted to meet the needs of any particular study. If they seem too
complex, simplify; they can be modified easily for studies where the cases are a few
individuals. Not every single method has to be used for every single study. Take only
what is useful for your research purposes and goals. Focus on the doable while keeping
as much richness as you can.

Closure and Transition

This chapter provides foundations for the next set of chaptersthat is, methods
of displaying and analyzing qualitative data through five modalities: (1) exploring,
(2) describing, (3) ordering, (4) explaining, and (5) predicting. Youre encouraged
to read Chapters 6 through 10 in order, for the techniques of one strategy are
generally used in the next.

Chapter 5

| Designing Matrix and Network Displays


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