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World J Gastroenterol 2013 January 7; 19(1): 26-34

ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online)

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2013 Baishideng. All rights reserved.


Current pathogenetic aspects of hepatic encephalopathy

and noncirrhotic hyperammonemic encephalopathy
Halina Cicho-Lach, Agata Michalak
Key words: Hepatic encephalopathy; Noncirrhotic hyperammonemic encephalopathy; Pathogeneses; Ammonia; Astrocyte; Oxidative stress

Halina Cicho-Lach, Department of Gastroenterology, Medical University of Lublin, 20094 Lublin, Poland
Agata Michalak, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Medical University
of Lublin, 20059 Lublin, Poland
Author contributions: Cicho-Lach H and Michalak A contributed equally to this work, they both made substantial contributions to the study conception and design, and the text of
the paper.
Correspondence to: Halina Cicho-Lach, Professor, Department of Gastroenterology, Medical University of Lublin,
Jaczewski Str. 8, 20094 Lublin, Poland. [email protected]
Telephone: +48-60-1377656 Fax: +48-81-4796135
Received: May 11, 2012
Revised: July 25, 2012
Accepted: July 28, 2012
Published online: January 7, 2013

Cicho-Lach H, Michalak A. Current pathogenetic aspects of

hepatic encephalopathy and noncirrhotic hyperammonemic
encephalopathy. World J Gastroenterol 2013; 19(1): 26-34
Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/full/
v19/i1/26.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v19.i1.26

Introduction and division
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) continues to be a major
clinical problem. In subjects suffering from acute/chronic liver failure, HE can lead to coma and death. This
medical state causes a broad range of neuropsychiatric
disturbances with variable intensities, including poor
concentration, psychomotor retardation, decreased reaction time, short-term memory impairment and sensory
dysfunction[1,2]. According to the newest data, HE occurs
as one of four types. Therefore, this encephalopathy syndrome might be classified into four groups: A, B, C and
D[3-5]. Type A HE is inseparably associated with acute
liver failure resulting from severe inflammatory and/or
necrotic rapid onset liver disease (e.g., paracetamol overdose, excessive alcohol intake or acute fatty liver caused
by pregnancy or Reyes syndrome). Type B HE is associated with portosystemic bypass in the absence of parenchymal liver disorders and is mainly connected with congenital abnormalities. Type C HE accompanies chronic
liver failure (cirrhosis) and portal hypertension with portosystemic shunts. Type C has three subcategories: episodic (precipitated, spontaneous, or recurrent), persistent
(mild, severe, or treatment-dependent) and minimal. In
2009, the International Society for the Study of Hepatic
Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism completed
these classifications and added the experimental models

Hepatic encephalopathy is a medical phenomenon
that is described as a neuropsychiatric manifestation
of chronic or acute liver disease that is characterized
by psychomotor, intellectual and cognitive abnormalities with emotional/affective and behavioral disturbances. This article focuses on the underlying mechanisms of the condition and the differences between
hepatic encephalopathy and noncirrhotic hyperammonemic encephalopathy. Hepatic encephalopathy is
a serious condition that can cause neurological death
with brain edema and intracranial hypertension. It is
assumed that approximately 60%-80% of patients
with liver cirrhosis develop hepatic encephalopathy.
This review explores the complex mechanisms that
lead to hepatic encephalopathy. However, noncirrhotic
hyperammonemic encephalopathy is not associated
with hepatic diseases and has a completely different
etiology. Noncirrhotic hyperammonemic encephalopathy is a severe occurrence that is connected with multiple pathogeneses.
2013 Baishideng. All rights reserved.



January 7, 2013|Volume 19|Issue 1|

Cicho-Lach H et al . Hepatic encephalopathy

Benzodiazepine receptors
and neurosteroids
Genetic disorders
Increased GABAergic transmission

Hepatic encephalopathy
Astrocyte swelling

Changes in the
blood-brain barrier

Inflammatory mediators


Bacterial products
and bacterial infection

Mitochondrial disorders
Oxidative and
nitrosative stress

NMDA receptors

Figure 1 The different factors and mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy. GABA: Gamma-aminobutyric acid; NMDA: N-methylD-aspartate.

associated with each type[6]. Finally, type D is associated

with disorders of the urea cycle. Typically, these syndromes are rare hereditary disorders of urea biosynthesis
caused by genetic defects in the urea cycle and have been
described for each of the six enzymes that participate
in urea formation. They occur mainly in neonates and
more rarely in adults[7-16]. Alcohol, viral infections, drugs
or toxins and biliary obstruction are several reasons for
the development of cirrhosis. Portal hypertension resulting from cirrhosis stimulates the opening of embryonic
venous channels. Portal-systemic shunts then allow intestinal toxins (ammonia, manganese and cytokines) to bypass the liver in the systemic circulation. A classification
based on HE severity enables the division of HE into
two types: (1) minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE);
and (2) overt hepatic encephalopathy (OHE). MHE affects patients who have normal mental and neurological
status; however, abnormalities appear in specific psychometric tests[17-20]. OHE is characterized by neurological
and neuropsychiatric disruptions, which can be detected
by bedside clinical tests[21].

a surgical shunt from the portal vein to the vena cava

of dogs mitigated their aggression and irritability during the experiment[22]. Similar investigations led to the
description of HE. In HE, complications from the
hepatic detoxification of ammonia expose the brain
to high ammonia concentrations. Consequently, these
complications lead to neurotoxicity, which results in neuropsychiatric syndromes and abnormal cerebral blood
flow[23,24]. The human body has several sources of ammonia. Primarily, ammonia is created in the colon as a
byproduct of proteins and urea, which are metabolized
by bacteria. Moreover, ammonia is produced in the small
intestine as the result of the bacterial degradation of
glutamine (an amino acid)[6,25]. Muscles and kidneys can
also produce ammonia. However, ammonia appears to
play a negligible role in organs that are beyond the gastrointestinal tract. In HE, the muscles and the kidneys
are involved in the metabolism of ammonia to a greater
extent than normal. In chronic liver failure, the skeletal
muscle tissue (because of its large size) becomes a key
organ that detoxifies ammonia in organisms. Liver disease often results in a condition requiring a hypoproteic
diet. However, in the context of the role of muscles in
hyperammonemia, this diet is not recommended for HE;
a hypoproteic diet might decrease both muscle mass and
ammonia detoxification. This proceeding is supported
by the latest research proving that diet supplementation
with branched-chain amino acids reduces MHE and improves muscle mass[26,27]. The kidneys also interact with
the liver to metabolize ammonia. Under normal circumstances, 30% of produced ammonia is excreted in the
urine. In liver disease, 70% of the synthesized ammonia
is eliminated by this means. As a result, renal disturbanc-

Although the etiology of HE has not been conclusively
established, it is widely agreed to be the result of numerous pathological processes. Research on the pathogenesis of HE is still being conducted, and several theories
have been reported (Figure 1).
The ammonia hypothesis
The neurotoxicity of ammonia is well recognized and
was first thought to play a significant role in the development of HE in the 1890s. In one study, creating



January 7, 2013|Volume 19|Issue 1|

Cicho-Lach H et al . Hepatic encephalopathy

es may intensify cognitive impairment during HE. Note

that a healthy liver (periportal hepatocytes) protects the
brain from ammonia by converting it into urea, which is
excreted through the kidneys and into the colon. Ammonia is also detoxified by the formation of glutamine from
glutamate, which occurs in the liver (the hepatocytes
near the central vein) and the brain[28-30]. Therefore, HE,
hepatocellular failure and portosystemic shunting disable
the ability of the liver to neutralize ammonia, and the arterial levels of this compound become elevated. Because
of the role it plays, ammonia is sometimes described as
a key toxin in the etiology of HE. First, ammonia can
induce astrocyte swelling as the result of osmotic imbalance. This phenomenon is thought to play a major role
in the pathogenesis of HE. Astrocytes are the only brain
cells that are able to metabolize ammonia. This metabolism occurs because of the presence of glutamine
synthetase (a special enzyme) in the astrocytes, which
transforms glutamate and ammonia into glutamine.
Therefore, the intracellular level of glutamine rapidly increases in conjunction with the concentration of ammonia in liver disease. Glutamine is an osmocyte and causes
the movement of water into the astrocytes. As the result,
the astrocytes swell, and this process leads to cerebral
edema and intracranial hypertension. In support of this
theory, the administration of methionine sulfoximine
(a glutamine synthetase inhibitor) prevents astrocytes
from swelling in animal models[31-33]. Astrocytes that are
exposed to ammonia for prolonged periods can undergo
a morphologic transformation into Alzheimers type
astrocytes, which are defined by large nuclei, prominent
nucleoli and marginated chromatin[34]. Hyperammonemia
among neural cells also produces reactive oxygen species
(ROS). These oxygen species are able to trigger astrocyte
swelling and modulate Zn2+ mobilization, which results
in the stimulation of the peripheral benzodiazepine
receptor. Furthermore, ammonia increases the resting
membrane potential in the brain, inactivates the neuronal
chloride extrusion pumps, suppresses inhibitory postsynaptic potential formation and causes neuron depolarization[35]. This neuroinhibitory state is characteristic
of HE. The molecular effects of ammonia reflect the
behavioral changes in patients with hyperammonemia.

also dangerous. Elevated levels of both mercaptans and

phenols have been found in patients with chronic liver
disease. These endogenous toxic substances, which are
produced in the intestines, are absorbed into the portal
venous flow. The toxins escape from liver catabolism
because of the impaired liver function and the presence of portosystemic shunts. Finally, the toxins reach
the brain through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and
cause cerebral function disorders[29]. Coexisting gastrointestinal bleeding enhances the flow of toxins into the
systemic bloodstream. Bacterial flora might also be the
source of benzodiazepine-like compounds, which are
produced during the metabolism of amino acids. These
compounds can impair the function of the astrocytes
and disrupt gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic
neurotransmission. Similarly to bacterial flora, bacterial
pathogens are also involved in the etiology of HE. Recent investigations underline the potential importance
of acute infections caused by bacterial pathogens and
the resulting inflammation in the neuropsychiatric symptoms of HE[36]. Moreover, the inflammatory response
might modulate the reaction to hyperammonemia. In
such a situation, cytokine-induced changes in ammonia
diffusion can occur in the brain, and the expression of
benzodiazepine receptors might increase.
The GABAergic neurotransmission theory
GABA is a principle inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABAmediated transmission is based on the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor/chloride ionophore complex. This
binding opens the ion channel and increases the amount
of chloride in the neuron. Increased GABA-mediated
neurotransmission contributes to motor function impairment and decreased consciousness, which are the
main manifestations of HE[37,38]. Mechanisms leading to
the increased GABAergic transmission in liver failure are
not well known. Nevertheless, there is evidence suggesting that the amount of natural benzodiazepine receptor
agonists in the liver increases with impaired function.
Two observations confirm this theory. First, increased
levels of these agonists have been found in the brain
and body fluids of HE patients[3,21]. Furthermore, treatment based on flumazenil, a benzodiazepine receptor
antagonist, ameliorates HE. The role of neurosteroids
(e.g., tetrahydro-progesterone and tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone) in the problem of GABAergic transmission
should be noted[39]. Neurosteroids are potent agonists of
the GABAA receptor, acting through a unique binding
site to enhance GABAergic neurotransmission. Animal
research revealed the ability of pregnenolone (an endogenous neurosteroid antagonist) to decrease mortality
in hyperammonemic models. The results demonstrate
the important role of GABAergic enhancers in the pathology of HE. The enhancers are normally synthesized
in astrocytes and appear in elevated concentrations in
hyperammonemic mice or mice with acute liver failure.
The elevated concentrations are caused by the glial cell

Bacterial products and bacterial infections in HE

Ammonia is an important factor in the pathogenesis
of HE. However, approximately 10% of patients with
significant encephalopathy have normal serum ammonia levels; this statistic supports the argument against
the prevalence of the ammonia hypothesis. Furthermore, many cirrhosis patients have elevated ammonia
levels and no evidence of encephalopathy. In addition
to ammonia, other bacteria-produced substances may
cause neurotoxicity in HE. Mercaptans exert their neurotoxic influence on human organisms as the result of
the bacterial metabolism of amino acids. The phenols
synthesized by bacteria from aromatic amino acids are



January 7, 2013|Volume 19|Issue 1|

Cicho-Lach H et al . Hepatic encephalopathy

activity in ammonia-induced disorders. The specific path

leading to neurosteroid synthesis is not yet clear; however, this phenomenon appears to be connected with
ammonia-induced increases in the density of peripheraltype benzodiazepine receptors[40-42]. GABAergic neurotransmission might be enhanced by the increased access
of GABA in the synaptic clefts. This phenomenon is
caused by the loss of presynaptic feedback inhibition
from the GABA release, which is the result of decreased
GABAB receptor values. Finally, recent research suggests
that ammonia itself might directly increase GABAergic

glutamate-nitric oxide cyclic GMP pathway. Indomethacin might reduce ICP and cerebral edema independently
of changing the cerebral blood flow (excepting the brain
function modulation). Numerous studies have revealed
the beneficial role of anti-inflammatory agents in the
course of HE. Ibuprofen reportedly reduces locomotor
disorders and increases the learning abilities of rats with
portacaval shunts. Ibuprofen also normalizes blood and
brain ammonia levels[46,55]. Consequently, anti-inflammatory therapy inhibits microglial activation during HE.
The findings in different experimental models provide
new therapeutic targets for HE and require further study.

The idea of neuroinflammation

Ammonia dysmetabolism does not exist as the sole factor of the neurological changes observed in patients with
HE. It is well known that sepsis is precipitating state that
plays significant role in the decompensation of liver diseses[44-46]. The peripheral immune system communicates
with the brain in response to infection and inflammation.
This response results in neutrophil adhesion, migration
across the BBB and release of chemokines, proinflammatory cytokines, proteases and ROS as well as inflammatory gene transcription[47]. Simultaneously, astrocytes
and microglial cells release cytokines in response to injury or inflammation. Researchers have proven that the
increased blood level of tumor necrosis factor (TNF),
which occurs during inflammation, stimulates the glial
cells to excrete the cytokines [interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6]
and influences the permeability of the BBB[21,22,48-50]. In
conclusion, the diffusion of ammonia into the astrocytes
increases in vitro. Moreover, a recent study has revealed
that TNF or IL-1 receptor gene deletion retards the
process of encephalopathy and decreases the intensity
of brain edema in mice with acute liver failure. In addition, treatment based on a TNF receptor antagonist
(etanercept) similarly reduces the severity of encephalopathy and prevents brain edema[49]. The concept of
neuroinflammation (microglial activation) is defined as a
wide variety of neurological disorders including multiple
sclerosis, Alzheimers disease, stroke and acquired immune deficiency syndrome dementia complex. Microglial activation is followed by highly increased levels of
proinflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL-1 and IL-6) in the
brain[51,52]. This discovery revealed a new aspect of HE,
provided a new look at the pathophysiology of HE and
opened a new gate into the pharmacotherapy of HE.
This neuroinflammatory concept is also supported by
the therapeutic effect of mild hypothermia and indomethacin, which reduces the activation of microglial cells
and simultaneously prevents the central proinflammatory
process in mild HE[27,51,53,54]. Moreover, mild hypothermia
remarkably decreases brain edema and the duration of
HE. Intracranial pressure (ICP) may be reduced by hypothermia even in patients who are unresponsive to mannitol. The additional benefits of indomethacin depend on
how it affects cognitive function via modulation of the

Oxidative and nitrosative stress

The metabolism of astrocytes changes after exposure to
ammonia, hyponatremia, benzodiazepines or inflammatory cytokines; under such circumstances, the production of reactive nitrogen species and ROS increases in
the astrocytes. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors
play an important role in the production of free radicals.
The stimulation of ammonia-induced NMDA receptors reduces antioxidant enzyme activity and increases
the production of superoxide anions[56,57]. The presence
of ammonia inside the astrocyte mitochondria (with the
coexistence of calcium) initiates the process. Moreover,
the ROS source (neutrophil metabolism) constitutes a
systemic/local inflammatory state as well. Glutamine exposure is known to increase the oxidative stress among
astrocytes (the Trojan horse hypothesis) [32,58]. The
other area of research interest involves RNA oxidation
and the resulting impairment in protein synthesis. Molecular disorders lead to cognitive abnormalities in HE.
ROS are involved in the nitration of tyrosine (the component of intracellular proteins). Nitrated tyrosine tends
to selectively reduce the permeability of the BBB, which
promotes astrocyte swelling and cerebral edema[59-61].
The two-hit hypothesis is another pathological path
leading to ROS output, and it is connected inseparably
to the activity of ammonia. Liver disease followed by
hyperammonemia constitutes a starting point (an initial hit) in this theory. Astrocyte swelling and oxidative
stress appear next. Finally, there is a second hit, such
as an ammonia load caused by an upper gastrointestinal
bleed, dehydration, hyponatremia or infection. Astrocyte
damage occurs, and the level of ROS increases further.
This close connection between astrocyte swelling and
oxidative stress generates an auto-amplifying signaling
loop that results in the deterioration of neurocognitive


Changes in the blood-brain barrier

The BBB constitutes a highly specialized mechanism of
brain microvasculature, and it is indispensable for the
proper function of the central nervous system (CNS)[26].
The BBB consists of pericytes, capillary basement membranes, endothelial capillary cells and astrocytes, which
encase the vessels[62]. There is evidence of BBB dysfunc-


January 7, 2013|Volume 19|Issue 1|

Cicho-Lach H et al . Hepatic encephalopathy

tion in the pathogenesis of many CNS disorders (e.g., Alzheimers disease and multiple sclerosis). The pathological appearance of HE is closely related to BBB changes.
Swollen astrocytes constitute a well-known phenomenon
in the course of HE[22,63]. The phenomenon is primarily
caused by cellular and vasogenic edema and aquaporins
(AQP). In CNS structures, elevated values of AQP 1, 4
and 9 are characteristic of brain edema[26]. The increased
expression of these water channels serves an important
role in the movement of water through the BBB and its
pathological result. Moreover, AQPs have been reported
to participate in apoptosis in the CNS[64,65]. Astrocyte
disorders in HE result in changes to the BBB, reflected
by the loss of ion homeostasis and the accumulation of
intracellular water. Nevertheless, increased BBB ammonia permeability during hyperammonemia or HE is still
a matter of controversy among scientists[66]. There are
investigations that support and refute this theory. Several positron emission tomography studies have revealed
elevated brain ammonia concentrations in HE. In addition, transmission electron microscopy demonstrated a
disruption in the junction of BBB capillaries in the hippocampal area in a MHE model[26,35]. According to the
presented data, the structure of the BBB and its connection to systemic hyperammonemia in HE require further
exploration. The large number of studies conducted in
this area indicates that it might be essential for the pathological appearance of HE.

reflected in the cerebral atrophy and mental retardation

observed in patients suffering from HE[26].
Other pathogenic elements in HE
It is clear that the etiology of HE is complex and multifactorial. In addition, theories different from those
presented above have been postulated to explain the
pathogenesis of HE. The opioid, serotonergic and dopaminergic systems are likely involved. Furthermore, false
neurotransmitters (e.g., phenylethanolamine and octopamine) produced from aromatic amino acids are elevated
in individuals with HE. These substances compete with
real neurotransmitters and impair neurological functions[43]. The genetic background of HE is underlined.
Genetic analyses showed that particular haplotypes in
glutaminase (an enzyme that converts glutamine into glutamate) in patients suffering from cirrhosis affect the risk
of HE. A characteristic section in the promoter region
of the gene sequence for glutaminase has been detected
that contains repeated base pairs. Studies have shown
higher luciferase activity in the cells transfected with this
doubled region. This research indicates that those repeated elements increase glutaminase transcriptional activity.
As the result, genetic disorders appear to be responsible
for the development of HE in patients with cirrhosis[74].
In addition to ammonia, manganese participates in
the development of HE[75,76]. Manganese is an essential
metal that is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Manganese is an important
cofactor of numerous enzymes. It is a neurotoxin that
may be transported into the brain across the BBB and
the brain-cerebrospinal fluid barriers. In such circumstances, it is preferentially accumulated in the basal ganglia. Manganese enhances neurosteroid synthesis via the
activation of translocator proteins on astrocyte membranes[3]. Manganese affects the operations of certain
proteins that interact with dopamine (a neurotransmitter), NMDA toxicity or oxidative and nitrosative stress.
Three mechanisms of manganese neurotoxicity have
been described[26,77,78]. The first is mitochondrial dysfunction and the disruption of energy metabolism; the
second is connected with the inflammatory activation
of the glial cells; and the third mechanism constitutes
the disruption of synaptic transmission and neuroglial
communication. This mechanism induces the phosphorylation of c-Jun and SEK1/MKK4 and the tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins[79]. Manganese
produces active oxygen species (superoxide hydrogen
peroxide and hydroxyl radical) and toxic catecholamines
(6-hydroxydopamine). Moreover, manganese is the first
metal reported to induce apoptosis in the CNS[26]. Furthermore, manganese deposition has been detected by
magnetic resonance imaging in the caudate nucleus and
in the globus pallidus of cirrhotic patients. This detection might explain the presence of Parkinson symptoms
(such as tremors) observed in certain patients with HE.
Researchers have indicated that manganese enhances

Death of CNS cells

Brains exposed to high ammonia concentrations undergo several serious changes, including metabolic and
neurophysiological disorders with pathological synaptic
inhibition and excitation. As a result, alterations in cerebral energy metabolism appear and neurotransmitter-related processes begin to falter[59]. The mechanisms leading to cell death in the CNS are associated with changes
in the neuronal mitochondria[67,68]. First, a reduction in
the ATP concentration occurs in the course of HE. The
two basic paths responsible for this modified energy
metabolism are the NMDA receptors and the inhibition
of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The NMDA receptors
are able to mediate mitochondrial swelling, neurotoxicity and neuron death during acute liver failure[57,69]. Furthermore, it is suggested that calcium plays a key role
in the pathology of cell death in the CNS[22,26,70]. In HE,
the mitochondrial calcium content becomes elevated
because of acute ammonia intoxication. Calcium is able
to enter the mitochondria via NMDA receptors[71,72]. This
mechanism results in the release of glutamate and ROS
and induces an apoptotic cascade among the neurons.
Peripheral benzodiazepine receptors located in the mitochondrial membrane cells also cause the programmed
death of neurons in association with calcium[21,40-42,73]. In
conclusion, the loss of neuronal cells depends on the
neurotoxicity of ammonia and mitochondrial dysfunction. The above-mentioned pathological mechanisms are



January 7, 2013|Volume 19|Issue 1|

Cicho-Lach H et al . Hepatic encephalopathy

neurosteroid synthesis and promotes the formation of

Alzheimers type astrocytes[21].
The study conducted by Guevara et al[80] revealed that
hyponatremia (serum sodium < 130 mEq/L) is an independent and serious predictor of overt HE. This hypothesis may open new strategies for HE treatment. The
reduction of hyponatremia might be a novel therapeutic
approach in preventing HE in liver cirrhosis[52].
Neuroendocrine correlations in the course of HE are
not well recognized. Nevertheless, studies conducted on
rats demonstrated decreased levels of prolactin in models suffering from HE. This disorder might be caused by
a hyperammonemic state. Endocrinal curiosity reveals
the necessity of further research in this area[26].

most common causes are connected to liver disorders.

The etiology is particularly complex, and researchers
continue to explore the HE phenomenon. Nevertheless,
hyperammonemia, inflammatory conception, oxidative stress and disrupted GABA-transmission appear to
participate in the pathogenesis of HE. The pathophysiological mechanisms of noncirrhotic hyperammonemia
encephalopathy are also multifactorial and include genetic disorders and side effects of drugs. Despite the rarity
of this diagnosis, HE is a phenomenon worth examining
because of its multifactorial character.


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Research shows that approximately 90% of adult hyperammonemia cases are caused by severe liver disease. A
small number of cases have other causes and can be divided into two groups: (1) cases that are connected with
increased ammonia production; and (2) cases that are
caused by decreased ammonia elimination[81].
Increased ammonia production
Hyperammonemic encephalopathy may develop in patients with progressive multiple myeloma[82]. Several studies have demonstrated that malignant cells are able to
produce excess ammonia as the result of increased amino
acid metabolism. During intensive chemotherapy, leukemia patients tend to struggle with hyperammonemia[83].
Idiopathic hyperammonemia is also described among
bone marrow recipients. The other reason for noncirrhotic hyperammonemic encephalopathy might be the
presence of infections caused by urea-producing bacteria
(Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Providencia
rettgeri). In extreme cases, the protein load and increased
metabolism might cause the elevated ammonia level.
Therefore, seizures, severe exercise, starvation, total parenteral nutrition or gastrointestinal bleeding can (rarely)
result in encephalopathy.
Decreased ammonia elimination
Metabolic disorders and problems with ammonia elimination might be the source of encephalopathy. Such
disorders include organic acidurias, urea-cycle disorders,
dibasic aminoaciduria, impaired fatty acid oxidation and
mistakes in pyruvate metabolism [7,11,12]. Noncirrhotic
congenital portosystemic shunts can also cause an elevated ammonia level in the blood stream, and the intake
of certain drugs (e.g., valproic acid, glycine, ribavirin and
carbamazepine) may induce noncirrhotic hyperammonemic encephalopathy[84-87].

Encephalopathy can be caused by various factors. The



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Cicho-Lach H et al . Hepatic encephalopathy

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P- Reviewers Takuma Y, Weigand K
S- Editor Gou SX L- Editor A E- Editor Xiong L



January 7, 2013|Volume 19|Issue 1|

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