Argento Me Try

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Experiment No.


Date ___________________


Volumetric methods based upon the formation of sparingly soluble silver salts are among the
oldest known. These procedures were and still are routinely employed for the analysis of silver
as well as for the determination of ions such as chloride, bromide, iodide and thiocyanate.
A chemical indicator is used in precipitation titration procedures to obtain a visually detectable
change (usually of color change or turbidity) in the solution. For example, the formation of a
second precipitate such as silver chromate, Ag2CrO4, of distinctive color is the basis for endpoint detection with the Mohr method. The formation of a colored complex such as Iron(III)
thiocyanate, FeSCN2+, is used for the end-point detection of the back-titration with the Volhard
method. Adsorption of some organic dyes such as fluorescein can be used in end-point
detection with Fajans method.
Most applications of precipitation titrations are based upon the use of a standard silver nitrate
solution, and are sometimes called Argentometric methods. Here, all three methods of
Argentometric titrations have been discussed but only the determination of chloride ion by Mohr
and Fajans methods will be studied experimentally. Generally, standard 0.1 M silver nitrate
solution is used as titrant in these methods.
Analysis of Chloride Mixtures
The composition of a solution containing only MgCl2 and NaCl can be determined by an indirect
titration method by performing a precipitation titration to determine the total amount of chloride
present, followed by a complex-formation titration to determine the amount of magnesium ions.
A common precipitation titration technique used to determine the amount of chloride ions
present in a solution is the Fajans method. On the other hand, the amount of magnesium ions
present in a solution can be determined by complexometric titration with
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA. Eriochrome Black T (Erio T) is a common indicator
used for EDTA titrations. When pH>7, Erio T imparts a blue color to the solution in the absence
of metal ions and forms a red color when coordinated to metal ions.
In this experiment, chloride content of the solution containing MgCl2 and NaCl will be
determined by the Fajans method. Magnesium ion concentration will be determined by EDTA


MgCl2, NaCl unknowns (already prepared)

Standard AgNO3 solution (already prepared, exact concentration will be given)

NaHCO3, a pinch

Dextrin, a pinch

CaCO3, a pinch

Dichlorofluorescein (already prepared, in droppers)

5 % (w/v) K2CrO4 (already prepared)


250mL conical flasks X2

100 mL graduated cylinder


Throughout this experiment, avoid getting silver nitrate solution on your hands (or any other part
of your body that you slop it on). If you do, rinse it off immediately. If you dont and then expose
your body to light, the skin will turn black and might peel off in a couple of days. Essentially this
is due to the photographic process; the black material coloration due to tiny silver metal
articles: AgCl + hAg + Cl. [When very finely powdered, all metals appear black.] Dont worry,
you wont die or lose the limb. This is rather more evidence of sloppy technique than it is of a
health hazard.

A) Determination of Chloride by Mohr Method

Take 2 unknown samples from your asistant into 250 mL conical flasks. Add 100 mL of
distilled water.


Add NaHCO3, a pinch at a time until effervescence ceases.

The Mohr titration must be performed at a pH of about 7 or 8. If the pH is too low (pH <
6) part of the chromate ion will change into dicromate according to the following
2- 2H Cr O2 H O
2 7

Therefore the concentration of CrO42- will decrease and more Ag+ ions will be required to
reach stoichiometric point. In a basic medium, the silver hydroxide or silver oxide forms
At stoichometric point



Ag2O H2O

Ksp 1.35x10 5 M

OH Agsp 2.6x10 5 1.93x10 3


The concentration of (OH-) to start AgOH precipitation will be

pH 14 log(1.93x10 3 11.28

Therefore, pH of the solution should not be greater than 11.


Introduce ca. 2.0 mL of 5.0 % (w/v) potassium chromate, K2CrO4 and titrate to the first
permanent appearance of a buff color (pale brown) due to silver chromate, Ag2CrO4.

The solubility of silver chromate increases with rising temperature; its sensitivity as an
indicator in this titration undergoes a corresponding decrease. Satisfactory result using
the Mohr method, requires titration at room temperature.


Determine an indicator blank by suspending a small amount of chloride free CaCO3 (white
powder) in about 100 mL of distilled water containing 2.0 mL of 5.0 % potassium chromate,
K2CrO4: use the color developed due to K2CrO4 in this mixture as a standard for judgment
of the end point in the actual titrations.


Subtract the blank from the total volume used to obtain the net volume for each portion of


Report the mg chloride in the unknown sample.

B) Determination of Chloride Ion by Fajans Method


Take 2 unknown samples from your assistant into 250 mL conical flasks. Add 100 mL of
distilled water.


Add a pinch (~0.1 g) of dextrin into the sample.

In this titration, the anionic form of adsorption indicator dichlorofluorescein is used to

locate the end point. With the first excess of titrant, the indicator forms a complex with
the silver ions in the counter- ion layer and imparts a red color to the precipitate. The
particles of the precipitate should be kept in colloidal state in order to obtain satisfactory
color change. Therefore, dextrin is added to stabilize the silver chloride (AgCl) particles
against coagulation.


Then, add 4-5 drops of dichlorofluorescein indicator.


Titrate this solution with a standard AgNO3 solution till the color of the solution turns to a
permanent brown-green color.

Before the end-point the color of the solution is yellow-green. This is resulted from the
repelling of indicator anions by negatively charged surface of silver chloride particles.
Before end-point, surface of silver chloride particles are negatively charged due to the
adsorption of excess chloride ions in the solution. After all chloride ions are used in the
solution by silver ions, excess silver ions are adsorbed on the silver chloride particles
immediately. Thus, a positively charged layer is formed and it attracts the
dichlorofluoresceinate ion displaying a pink-red color.


Record the volume of AgNO3 solution.


Calculate mg of Cl- in the solution.

C) Analysis of Chloride Mixtures (MgCl2 and NaCl mixture)

c1) Determination of Total Chloride by Fajans Method

Take unknown solution into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 100 mL of distilled water and
then, add 0.1 g of dextrin into the Erlenmeyer flask.
Add five drops of dichlorofluorescein indicator solution.
Titrate the unknown solution with standard AgNO3 solution until pink-red color persists.
Record the volume of AgNO3 used in mL.

c2) Determination of Mg2+ by Direct Titration with EDTA


Take the unknown solution into Erlenmeyer flask and add 100 mL of distilled water and
then, add 1.0 mL of pH 10 buffer.
Add 3-4 drops of Erio-T indicator solution.
Titrate the unknown solution with standard EDTA solution until the color changes from red
to blue.
Record the volume standard EDTA solution used in mL.

c3) Calculations Chloride Mixtures (MgCl2 and NaCl mixture)


Determine the amount of Cl- ions in millimoles in 100 mL of unknown solution.

Determine the amount of Mg2+ ions in millimoles in 100 mL of unknown solution.
Calculate the concentrations of MgCl2 and NaCl in the unknown solution, in g/100 mL.

Read pages 407-413 from the textbook (9th Ed)

What are the main differences between precipitation titrations and neutralization titrations?
What are the applications of precipitation titration?
Explain Mohr method by writing related reaction equations.
What causes the dark color that forms when AgCl is expose to light?
In what respect(s) Fajans method superior to the Volhard method for the determination of
chloride ion?
6) Explain briefly the working principle of adsorption indicators? Give examples.
1) Explain the importance of adjusting the pH of the titration medium in Mohr method. Write the
related reaction equations.
2) Blank is used to dissipate the error brought about by impurities. What is the other reason of
using blank in Mohr method?
3) In Mohr method, why did we use CaCO3 in the blank?
4) Explain the working principle of CrO4-2 and write the importance of the concentration of it in
the titration medium.

Name surname:




A. Determination of Chloride by Mohr Method

1st replicate: Volume of 0.10 M AgNO3, mL=
2nd replicate: Volume of 0.10 M AgNO3, mL=
B. Determination of Chloride Ion by Fajans Method
1st replicate: Volume of 0.10 M AgNO3, mL=
2nd replicate: Volume of 0.10 M AgNO3, mL=
C. Analysis of Chloride Mixtures (MgCl2 and NaCl mixture)

1st replicate: Volume of 0.10 M AgNO3, mL=

1st replicate: Volume of 0.10 M EDTA, mL=


2nd replicate: Volume of 0.10 M AgNO3, mL=

2nd replicate: Volume of 0.10 M EDTA, mL=

Concentration, M

Volume, mL

Mass, mg

NaCl (part A)
NaCl (part B)
NaCl (part C)
MgCl2 (part C)

TA`s Name and Signature:

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