An Adaptable System For RGB-D Based Human Body Detection and Pose Estimation
An Adaptable System For RGB-D Based Human Body Detection and Pose Estimation
An Adaptable System For RGB-D Based Human Body Detection and Pose Estimation
University of Leuven, Dept. Mech. Eng., Celestijnenlaan 300, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstr. 3 85748 Garching b. M
Itseez, 603000, N. Novgorod, Korolenko, 19b, Russia
Willow Garage, Willow Road 68, Menlo Park, CA USA
Human body detection and pose estimation is useful for a wide variety of
applications and environments. Therefore a human body detection and pose
estimation system must be adaptable and customizable. This paper presents
such a system that extracts skeletons from RGB-D sensor data. The system
adapts on-line to difficult unstructured scenes taken from a moving camera
(since it does not require background subtraction) and benefits from using
both color and depth data. It is customizable by virtue of requiring less
training data, having a clearly described training method, and a customizable
human kinematic model. Results show successful application to data from a
moving camera in cluttered indoor environments. This system is open-source,
encouraging reuse, comparison, and future research.
Keywords: 3D Person detection, Segmentation, Pose detection, RGBD
Preprint submitted to Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation March 15, 2013
1. Introduction
Detecting people, estimating body poses, and tracking them is an important problem that arises in diverse applications. Known as skeleton tracking
or markerless motion capture, it can be found as pedestrian blob tracking
in automotive applications, body part detection in image search, stick figure
tracking for gaming, and all the way to tracking fully articulated models for
biomechanics. For personal robots that are designed to interact with people,
body pose estimation can enable learning from demonstration, object handoff, human-robot collaboration, and more natural interfaces. The wide range
of applications makes human detection and body pose estimation an active
field, and the recent introduction of affordable color and depth (RGB-D)
cameras has accelerated the progress in this field.
Given the range of applications, a human detection and pose estimation
systems needs to adapt to many situations. Different tasks require different
estimation granularity (from bounding boxes to fully deformable models), as
well as different levels of accuracy for different body parts. Variations also
occur in environmental conditions; indoor service robotics applications, for
example, often require that a tracker cope with a moving camera, as well as
clutter, occlusions, and changing lighting, as in Fig. 1. It is unlikely that a
single tracker will successfully deal with all variations, making this an open
area of research.
In this paper, we present a customizable and adaptable system for skeleton tracking that both enables retraining for different applications and adapts
on-line to its environment. We apply the system to a personal robotics scenario: a moving camera in cluttered indoor environments.
Figure 1: A difficult person detection and tracking scene with occlusions and clutter. The
left subimage shows the original scene. The right subimage shows the resulting body part
labelings, with each color a different part. The complete skeleton is not visible and yet
the visible body parts are found. (Best viewed in color)
Remark that since we are considering a RGB-D image, a pixel is also connected with a
depth measurement. Therefore the pixel directly corresponds to a voxel. When refering
to a pixel in this paper, we are actually refering the corresponding 3D voxel.
bine color and depth. As in [1], an initial pixel labeling is performed using
a random decision forest (RDF) [4, 5, 6, 7] based on depth features, and a
rough human skeleton is extracted. Using only depth features requires an
extremely large training dataset [1], which is expensive to create. Instead, we
use this labeling as a rough estimate to bootstrap more robust labeling based
on both color and depth, increasing performance, robustness and precision,
while decreasing dependency on training data. Since it requires less training
data, the system is easier to retrain.
As a third contribution, we present a method for RDF training, including data generation and cluster-based learning, that enables
classifier retraining for different body models, kinematic models,
poses or scenes. This allows future users of our system to customize the
training to their own needs.
Finally, a key contribution is that our system, data, and dependencies are
completely open source, to use, compare, or improve our system, boosting
research in the field.
2. Related work
Interest in markerless motion capture has existed for a long time. Moeslund et al. [8, 9] and Poppe [10] provide surveys of the literature up to their
There are many image-based approaches [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20], etc. While the idea of using only images is enticing, 2D approaches are
plagued by the difficulty of separating subjects from backgrounds, also known
as the detection or figure-ground segmentation step. Thus, they either suffer
has not been released. The Shotton et al. estimator has been tuned for a
large living room with a stationary narrow field-of-view camera, and little
user occlusion. There is little post-processing to recover from poor part localization by the classifier. Also, accurate person-background segmentation
is assumed, which would be difficult from a moving camera among clutter.
Given these issues, the Shotton et al. system is difficult to use for indoor
robotics scenarios. To ensure that a single system is applicable to multiple
environments, it needs to be customizable and adaptable: to learn about new
environments, to be more modular, easier to train, and openly available for
modification. In this paper, we present such an approach.
3. System overview
The run-time goal of our system is to receive data from an RGB-D sensor
and output the 3D locations of the human body parts that are predefined
in a kinematic model. At a high level, this process can be outlined as seen
in Fig. 2. For a single depth map frame, every pixel is labeled as belonging
to a single body part using a RDF approach similar to [1] and features like
those in [4, 1], in the pixel-wise body part labeling step (Section 4).
Note that unlike [1, 31], there is no background subtraction or fixed-pose
initialization before the pixel labeling. The obtained initial pixel labels are
very noisy. Therefore, the body-part proposal step (Section 5) smooths
the labels and then clusters them into more robust part estimates. From
the statistics of the part estimates, a search for feasible kinematic trees is
conducted during the kinematic tree search step (Section 6), resulting
in person detections and noisy skeletonization with missing body parts and
Figure 2: Run-time system flow diagram. A depth image is used to perform a noisy pixel
labeling over the entire image, which is then clustered into human body parts. From these
clusters, a person is located and skeleton is extracted based on a kinematic model. This
initial labeling and skeleton are used to bootstrap the on-line learning of a color and depthbased appearance model which then refines the pixel labeling and person segmentation,
leading to more accurate and complete skeleton extraction. The output of the system
includes a skeleton of the person, a part-based pixel labeling, and a segmentation of the
person from the background.
poor localization.
To improve the obtained estimate, a second iteration of pixel-wise body
part labeling, body-part proposal, and kinematic tree search is performed
based on a new estimate of the pixels actually belonging to the person being
detected. To obtain a new estimate of which pixels actually belong to the
person, an appearance model is estimated online during an appearance
model estimation for segmentation refinement step (Section 7). The
initial noisy estimate obtained during the first iteration is used as a seed for
color and depth-based segmentation that retrieves missing body parts and
better localizes existing parts. This process can be used for multiple people
among clutter and occlusion. By running a second iteration of pixel-wise
body part labeling, body-part proposal, and kinematic tree search on the
obtained image, a more robust and accurate human body pose estimate is
In the sections below, we describe each component of the system (in bold)
in detail. In each section, we will highlight how our design choices lead to a
customizable and adaptable system ready for re-use by other researchers.
4. Pixel-wise body part labeling
The pixel-wise body part labeling step uses an RDF classifier to assign
body part labels to pixels. In this section, we will describe the RDF training
and application procedures. Section 4.1 discusses the training data. Section 4.2 explains how this data is used to train an RDF classifier. Finally,
Section 4.3 describes how the RDF is used to label the pixels.
4.1. Training Data
To train the RDF used in the pixel-wise body part labeling, a corpus of
training depth images annotated with parts is needed. Our system can cope
with noisy pixel labels, which significantly reduces the amount of training
data required to train the trees. However, even this reduced corpus of training data has significant size and would be expensive to collect from people
performing motions in front of a depth camera. Instead, we tackle the problem of generating training data by mapping real motion capture data onto a
virtual model of a person [29, 30].
Below, we describe the data generation process outlined in Fig. 3 by
elaborating on the human body model (Section 4.1.1), the pose information
(Section 4.1.2), and the rendering of the training data (Section 4.1.3). This
Figure 3: Training data generation. (a) Motion Capture (MoCap) is mapped onto (b)
a 3D graphics body model. With the addition of body part annotations, this pipeline
produces (c) a body part-labeled model and (d) a depth image.
created for animated character creation rather than bio-mechanical applications, it is sufficiently accurate and flexible to model a large portion of the
population [33], for most applications in personal robotics, entertainment,
etc. Previous work [34, 35] showed that matching this model onto a specific
person can be done automatically, allowing for runtime customization.
4.1.2. Pose information
To articulate the human model into realistic poses, we use the CMU
MoCap database [36] (Fig. 3(a)). This dataset contains a large range of
human motions such as human interaction, sports, dancing, etc., captured
using a Vicon system.
Two pre-processing steps are needed to make the data suitable. First,
task-appropriate data must be selected. Since our application is detecting
people during their daily activities in indoor office or home environments,
we manually selected image sequences of every-day activities, and omitted
extreme actions such as break-dancing. This reduced the dataset to 380,000
Second, the data must be sparsified to accelerate training and avoid biasing the trees with unbalanced data. The original data was collected at 120Hz
and contained many repeated poses. Greedy sparsification was performed resulting in a subset of the data containing 80,000 poses in which each pose is
at least five degrees in joint angles from its nearest neighbor.
4.1.3. Rendering the training data
To render the training data, the kinematic chain from the CMU MoCap
must be mapped onto the MH model. Since the former is less articulated than
the latter, the mapping is a manual process, but it only needs to be performed
once. The annotation of body parts onto the model is also a one-time manual
process. We currently differentiate between 25 body parts, as seen in Fig. 3(c)
(four for the head, neck, four for the torso, upper arms, elbows, lower arms,
hands, upper legs, knees, lower legs and feet). Background pixels are set to a
large depth value. Blender and OpenGL are used for skeleton mapping and
rendering annotated depth images.
Future users may adapt this modular process to obtain training data that
is better suited for the task at hand, perhaps by adding objects or refining
the body. Future work will add a sensor-dependent noise model into the
depth maps.
4.2. Learning Random Decision Forest
This section describes how the training data (Section 4.1) is used to learn
the RDF, including describing the features (Section 4.2.1) and the creation
of the RDF using MapReduce (Section 4.2.2).
) dI (x +
dI (x)
dI (x)
1 X
P (c|I, x) =
Pt (c|I, x).
Nt t=1
Every pixel in the image is labeled, including the background. Noise from
background pixels, plus the tendency of decision forests to over-fit data,
results in a noisy classification. An initial smoothing step is performed using
i.e word in this case. It receives all the (word,word count) pairs, i.e. all the
word counts of a particular word in different document parts, and sums all
the word counts to produce an overall word count over the entire document.
The MapReduce problem formulation is very general. Therefore, when
the RDF has to be relearned, the MapReduce can be easily executed again
using the available computing clusters. For this paper, the MapReduce for
learning the RDF was performed on an Apache Hadoop Cluster [38, 39, 40].
The power of Hadoop lies in that it keeps track of where each block of data
is stored and executes the MapReduce steps on the compute node closest to
the data. This increases performance and lowers network traffic.
Training a single decision tree occurs as follows [1]:
= (o1 , o2 ) and feature thresholds ,
1. From the set of offset vectors
propose a random set of splitting candidates .
2. Compute the information gain from splitting the data at each i .
3. Compute the splitting candidate i that maximizes information gain.
4. If the gain is high, split the data and recurse on the two resulting
These steps are implemented as three MapReduce tasks:
Find the split: The Map task allows each feature to vote for a split
point. The Reduce task accumulates the votes into histograms and
computes the information gain. The best split point is written to the
Hadoop file system (HDFS).
Split the data: The Map task uses the splitting threshold to map the
feature vectors to odd or even values. The Reduce task then creates
the two datasets, and a Cleanup task writes them to the file system.
In memory: It is much more efficient to work in memory on a node
once the data is sufficiently divided to fit. The Map task gathers all of
the distributed files from the HDFS into a single file, and the Reduce
task splits the data in memory.
Generating the training data and learning a decision tree with 16 levels
using Hadoop took seven days for one body model in 80K poses on a 16
node cluster. The 16 cluster nodes were eight-core Xeon X5570 systems with
48GB RAM. The initial data generation took place on a single node with
two GTX550ti GPUs.
By using the open infrastructure of MapReduce on a Hadoop platform,
training can be conducted on non-homogeneous clusters and will automatically load balance, which allows our system to be retrained as necessary
on all available hardware. In addition, training with larger datasets can be
ported to a cloud cluster such as the publicly available Amazon Web Service
cloud (which provides Elastic MapReduce (EMR) with Hadoop as a service.)
4.3. Using Random Decision Forest
The output of the RDF learning is a number of decision trees. Each of
these trees is 20 levels deep and thus contains little over a million leaf nodes.
During run-time up to four of these trees are loaded into the GPU to form a
Each pixel is then passed through all of the N trees. At each tree node, a
feature f (I, x) is compared against a threshold value learned during train16
ing. At the leaf nodes each of the Nt trees contains a probability distribution
Pt (c|I, x) for the body part labeling. These probabilities are combined to a
global RDF probability P (c|I, x) for the pixel (Equation ??eq:votes]). We
take the most likely body part label, hereby assigning a single body part
label to each pixel. If the probability distribution of the body part labeling
does not produce a robust maximum likelihood estimate, the label which is
most consistent with the pixel labeling from the eight neighboring pixels is
5. Body Part Proposals
At this point, the RDF has assigned part labels to each pixel in the image.
Next, the set of pixel labels C = {c(x)} must be clustered into a smaller set
of part proposals V , from which a skeleton can be extracted. In this section,
we describe the clustering process.
To efficiently cluster pixels, we utilize a breadth-first search (BFS) over a
graph created by connecting neighboring pixels (remark again that the pixel
also contains information on the depth and therefore directly corresponds to
a voxel in 3D). Edges in the graph are removed if either the two nodes have
different labels or if their L2 Euclidean distance between the pixels (voxels)
is above a threshold. A filtering step removes all clusters that do not have a
minimal number of nodes. This approach can be executed deterministically in
O(|V | + |E|) [41]. Additional stability is gained by performing this clustering
in 3D rather than 2D. Once the first tree graph is searched, the segmentation
continues with the next unprocessed point as a root node candidate. This
process is iterated until all labeled pixels are processed.
distance between to parts d subtracted with the model distance (dm )for this
parent-child/grandchild. Allowing two degrees of separation (grandparentgrandchild) between parts increases robustness to missing parts due to noise
or occlusion. Each parent node in the tree accumulates the likelihoods for
each locally consistent link. This approach is similar to the Image Foresting
Transform [42].
Figure 5: The used kinematic model, this indicates the order in which parts are connected
in parent-child pairs.
Next, globally consistent skeletons are extracted from the locally consistent pairs. A skeleton tree candidate is always rooted in either the two lower
face parts or the neck, as these were empirically found to be the most stable.
Skeleton tree candidates Si are then accepted based on three evaluation paP
rameters. The first evaluation parameter is the global error g = p |dn (p)|
which is the sum of normalized distances for all parts p in the tree candidate.
The second evaluation the normalized error n =
np g
ror on the tree candidate divided by the number of found parts np . The
third evaluation parameter is the number of found body parts np that are
consistent within that tree candidate. These three parameters are compared
to a discrete threshold in order to accept a tree candidate all parameters
must pass.
The output of this process is both the detection, segmentation, and the
full poses of all the people in the image. If implemented with background
subtraction only a single tree candidate will exist and each part will only
occur once, simplifying g . This, however, would be highly dependent on the
quality of the background subtraction.
7. Appearance model estimation for segmentation refinement
After the first iteration of the pixel-wise body part labeling step (Section 4), the body-part proposal step (Section 5) and the kinematic tree search
step (Section 6), the obtained person detections and body part estimates are
noisy and body parts are often missing, as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 6 in the
left column.
On the other hand, false positive part detections rarely occur. Therefore
this initial labeling (left column fig. 6) can be used to estimate an appearance
model of the human. One of the main contributions of our approach is
the combination of RGB and depth information in online appearance model
estimation to improve skeleton estimation and segmentation (see Fig. 7).
From the initial segmentation of a person, a model is estimated of both
bodypart locations in space and their appearance, given by the hue in the
HSV space. This estimation is executed in a single frame iteration. In our
current implementation the appearance model is not propagated over frames,
Figure 6: Run-time system flow diagram. Two iterations take place during a single frame.
Figure 7: Refinement through online appearance model estimation. (a) The original noisy
labeling bootstraps online estimation of a color and depth-based appearance model, based
on the first skeleton estimate (b), leading to the much cleaner labeling in (c) (shown for
the front-most person). (d) shows the image as a slightly-rotated point cloud and the
resulting skeleton of the front person.
gorithm can handle subjects and poses that where not explicitly trained for.
Fig. 12 shows the result for a small young female subject even though the
camera angle for the image is very different from the straight-on, chest-height
angle generated in the training set. The subject is segmented from the background and annotated correctly in a cluttered environment.
All the examples shown in this paper were obtained with the RDF trained
for a single 25 year old slim male MakeHuman model in an uncluttered
8.3. Body part detection rate for full body and upperbody
With the default number of body parts threshold of four, the recognition
rate of individual parts on detected people can be seen in Fig. 10. Fig. 11
shows the same information for a threshold of 8 parts. We see here that the
neck is the most stable feature, followed by the chest. This coincides with
evidence from other pedestrian trackers, which tend to learn the head, neck
and shoulder area, and reduce focus on the rest of the body [45]. Comparing
the two graphs also illustrates that when the threshold is raised, the detection
in general becomes more robust (fewer false positives for the body parts).
As a third evaluation we study the body part detection rate for the body
parts of the full body and for the body parts of the upperbody. The body
parts of the upperbody are explicitly evaluated because of their importance
for personal robotics applications. The body part detection rate is defined as
the number of detected body parts out of the number of visible body parts.
This reflects the recall for the body part detection since our algorithm did
not produce any false positives (precision = 1).
After this global automated evaluation, a random subset of 100 sample
frames were taken out of the 15666 frames (as defined in the previous section
(Section 8.2)). These frames contain both poses present in the training data
as well as untrained poses. We refer to this set as the all poses set. These
frames were visually verified and annotated. The annotation included: a
count of the body parts correctly found, a count of the visible body parts,
a count of the visible upperbody parts (these were defined as the 17 parts
above the pelvis), and whether the pose was close to one in the training
dataset. During this annotation, four frames were found that did not have
a person visible in them, these frames were excluded. Remark that all the
frames in the dataset that did not have people in them (including those with
clutter) were correctly labeled as empty.
Figure 13 shows the person detection rates (red, diamonds) and the body
part detection rates for the full body (blue, squares) and the upperbody
(yellow, triangles) as a function of the number of body part threshold for the
96 random frames. The body part detection rate for the upperbody stays
fairly constant between 80% and 90%, while the body part detection rate
for the full body is considerably lower. This illustrates that most of the
problems occur in the lower body parts. This can be partially explained by
the influence of the ground plane on the labeling, as well as by occlusions,
which mainly occur at lower body part level in indoor environments. As the
algorithm does not use background/foreground segmentation of the person,
pixels from the ground plane and occlusions are also processed. The training
data (Section 4.1) however does not contain a ground plane or occlusions.
Therefore, the ground plane and occlusions have a significant negative effect
on the labeling.
Figure 14 shows the same statistics as Figure 13 but now for 59 poses
that closely resembled a pose in the training data. We refer to this set as the
trained poses set. The person detection rate drops less when increasing
the threshold compared to the all poses set. Furthermore the body part
detection rate of the upperbody is also slightly higher. In these trained poses
set no occlusions were present, however the biggest influence on wrong pixel
labeling was the ground plane (also visible in fig. 18). This can be explained
because of the lack of ground plane in the training data. In future work we
will investigate if the ground plane can be included in the training data.
The 10 percent of non detected upperbody parts in both the all poses
and trained poses set are due to the small size of the hands and the elbows.
The hands are often not correctly detected because of the diversity in poses
they can adopt, some of which make them look as a rigid extension of the
lower arm (like making a fist) in the depth image. This could be improved
when a better estimate of the lower arm length is available. The elbows
are often ignored because the algorithm includes a heuristic rule that if the
uncertainty of the elbow region is too high, it will just ignore it and connect
the upper arm to the lower arm. This could be improved by explicitly taking
into account the limited number of pixels covering the elbow.
In all of the frames in both the all poses and trained poses set no
false positives were detected, which indicates that our algorithm has a high
reliability on the parts found (precision = 1).
8.4. Visual evaluation
For the third evaluation, subjects were asked to perform 3 motions in front
of the camera: (1) grabbing something out of their pocket and handing it to
the camera, (2) walking around and (3) sitting down on a chair. Examples
of these tests and results can be seen in Figs. 15(a), 15(b), 15(c), 16 and
17. Since that the training motion capture data did not include people
sitting nor any chairs, this test data provided two challenges which our system
successfully dealt with.
In future work we will investigate whether the performance can be further
improved by adding objects into the training data [46] depending on the
Finally, we performed a premature qualitative multi-person evaluation. In
this test subjects walked around each other, creating inter-occlusions. This
required the system to find multiple skeletons among a larger body part set,
as in Fig. 18. The thorough qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the
proposed algorithm for multi-person detection will be subject of future work.
8.5. Speed
This complete runtime process (body part proposals, kinematic tree search
and appearance modeling) happens efficiently in a CUDA GPU implementation at 17-20fps on a regular CPU-GPU combination (on a dual core CPU
with a GTX550ti Nvidia GPU) and is considered real-time for personal
robotics applications.
9. Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented a system for person detection, segmentation, and skeleton tracking for RGB-D data that is opportune for both
indoor mobile robots and many other applications. The power of the proposed approach is its customizability and adaptability to different applica28
Global real-time optimal control of autonomous robots and mechatronic systems, a PCL-Nvidia Code Sprint grant, an Amazon Web Services education
and research grant, this work was partially performed during an intern stay
at Willow Garage.
Anatoly Basheev is funded by Nvidia as support for the PointCloud Library.
Tinne De Laet is a PostDoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) in Belgium.
The authors would like to acknowledge their interns, Inge Famaey, and
Jorn Wijckmans for their assistance in the data collection. Finally we thank
all the participants for their cooperation.
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Figure 8: (a) Comparison of the results of the NITE system and the proposed algorithm.
The underlying image is an RGB-D frame shown in 3D and slightly rotated, leaving black
shadows at depth discontinuities. The NITE results are shown as RGB axes for each joint.
The results of our algorithm are shown as a white skeleton. Notice that our results show
the head orientation, and provide a more accurate shoulder and hip placement. (b) Final
body part labeling and final segmentation by our algorithm.
Figure 9: Person detection rate versus the number of body parts threshold. For a skeleton
to be declared a detection, a minimum number of body parts (out of 25) must be found.
Increasing the threshold corresponds to requiring that more body parts of the person are
Figure 10: Body part detection rate by body part with the number of body parts threshold
set to eight. The neck and torso are reliable and anchor the skeleton. The arms and legs
are less reliable, since they are often occluded or are in more complex poses. Although the
head as a whole is extremely reliable, one of the four head parts, such as the face right
bottom part shown here, may be missing.
Figure 11: Body part detection rate by body part with the number of body parts threshold
set to four. As can be expected, the reliability of individual parts goes down as compared
to the 8-part threshold case.
Figure 12: Body part labeling results of a young small female subject in a cluttered
environment. The camera angle for this image is very different from the straight-on,
chest-height angle generated in the training set. The training set only contained images
of a 25 year old slim male MakeHuman model in an uncluttered environment.
Figure 13: The person detection rates (red, diamonds) and the body part detection rates
for the full body (blue, squares) and the upperbody (yellow, triangles) as a function of the
body part threshold for the 96 random frames, for the all poses set.
Figure 14: The person detection rates (red, diamonds) and the body part detection rates
for the full body (blue, squares) and the upperbody (yellow, triangles) as a function of the
body part threshold for the 96 random frames, for the trained poses set.
Figure 15: Results for poses that were not in the training set, but were still tracked
adequately. The top row shows two sitting poses which are made more difficult by the
presence of the chair. The bottom row shows someone whos going to sit down.
Figure 16: Result for a pose that was similar to a pose in the training dataset. (a) The
original image. (b) The skeleton overlayed on the person segmented from the background,
and the final body part labeling.
Figure 17: Tracking a person in a highly cluttered environment with a high degree of
Figure 18: The system can successfully detect multiple people in close proximity. The
similar color of the persons pants and the cabinet and floor, and the proximity of the
other person confuses the pixel labeling. This confused pixel labeling however does not
lead to false positives in the final skeletons.