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The key takeaways are that past life regression can provide insight and help solve current life problems. It involves tuning into memories from other existences through relaxation and visualization exercises.

Some techniques discussed are tuning in like a radio receiver, capturing moods and environments, and guiding the regression through specific topics like health, careers, or relationships.

Benefits mentioned are greater self-insight, understanding behaviors and limiting beliefs, and finding keys to unlocking future happiness and solving current life issues.


How To Create A Better Life Now

Using The Secrets Of Past Life Regression
Andrew Parr 2004

How To Create A Better Life Now
Using The Secrets Of Past Life Regression
Andrew Parr 2004


1. Tuning In

3. So what are you looking for? -

4. Factors Affecting Your Past Life Regression Experience.

5. Is it really a Past Life or just your imagination? -

6. Capturing The Mood -

2. What Is a Past life?

7. Solving Problems in this life. -


Guiding the Regression 12

(a) Poverty, Lack & Financial Difficulties 13
(b) Physical Ailments, Aches & Pains & Ill-Health.13
(c) Fears, Phobias and Emotional Issues
(d) Developing Hidden Talents 16
(e) Break Repeating Cycles
(f)How To Find A More Fulfilling Career 17
(g) Miscellaneous - Relationships, dreams, addictions, personal
problems, etc.
8. Afterthoughts - Past Lives or Other Lives? -


9. Summary -


If you feel that the key to a better life now may lie somewhere in your previous
existences, this simple report will help you enormously. With practice, the techniques and
exercises described here should provide you with some profound experiences.
How you interpret and use those experiences is up to you, but if used in the way
suggested should allow you greater insight into yourself as well as the opportunity for
making significant changes in your current, everyday life.
Andrew Parr

1. Tuning In
The first thing Id like to impress upon you is that information about your past or
should I say other lives is all around you and quite readily accessible to some extent
if only you know where to look.
To make this easier to understand, think of yourself as a radio receiver. Most of the time
you are tuned into your favourite station (your current life) and only experience what you
can pick up on that channel. However, there are hundreds of other stations available for
you to choose from but you have to retune your radio to pick them up. Until you tune into
them they may as well not exist.
It is the same with your past lives. They are there, existing, waiting to be discovered and
uncovered, but until you know how to tune in to them they too might just as well not
Well, almost the difference with past lives is that somehow they seem to connect to
each other and affect and influence each other as well like radio interference when one
signal can be heard over the top of another.
Which means that even though you may not be aware of them or even acknowledge that
they are there, they may still be having an effect upon you which may also explain
some of the unexplainable experiences you have in your life both good and bad.
The Past Life Regression process is all about retuning your awareness so you can pick up
information from your other existences. The aim of this report is to help you use that
information to make a difference in your current life.

2. What Is a Past life?

Before you go exploring it is worth taking a moment to define exactly what it is you are
looking for. By past life we typically mean one of your previous existences, based upon
the premise that you have already lived and died before.
The problem that many people have when attempting past life regression is not the act of
actually doing so, but more being able to recognise and remember the experience as such.
Sometimes this is not a problem - when a regression is quite vivid with clear images or
memories, for example. But at the other times when you only pick up snippets or snapshots, shall we say, it can leave you wandering as to the validity of your experience.
Often quite useful bits of information can then be discarded because they do not seem
important or real enough at the time.
Using the simple technique I will describe in a few moments, however, even apparently
irrelevant snippets or snapshots can turn into detailed experiences and provide you with
an incredible depth of information that may not be immediately obvious.
Such things can be easily overlooked until you begin to be aware of them, and otherwise
fruitful experiences are wasted.

3. So what are you looking for?

What do we mean by snippets or snapshots? Lets say you have a past life regression
but all you get is one image of a person? A building? An object? Taken alone that
snapshot may seem like a pretty poor result but when you learn to expand your
experience you can discover that there may be many more details available than you were
first aware as if theyve been downloaded without you realising and now you have to
pull them onto the screen of your mind.
An important point to bear in mind from now on is:
Treat everything as if it is relevant or important first of all you can always
disregard it later if you wish. Dismiss something too quickly, however, and it may
be lost forever.
Sometimes those explorations may meet dead ends very quickly, like an underground
cave explorer reaching solid, impassable rock. But at other times, the exploration can
seem endless, as if there are streams of information readily available to you depending
upon which direction you decide to focus on and move in.
With practice you will begin to recognise these clues more and more easily and will be
able to have fuller and more profound experiences.

4. Factors Affecting Your Past Life Regression Experience.

The Mypastlife programme is essentially a Past Life Regression recording. This is the
same type of regression a hypnotist will provide and is designed to guide you first of all
into an altered state of consciousness and then on to one of your other lives.
Your success will depend upon several factors, including:

Your level of alertness/sleepiness if you are feeling quite awake and your mind
is overly alert and active, you may find it more difficult to relax and let go than
when you are feeling more drowsy or sleepy. Conversely, if you are feeling too
drowsy, you may just nod off and fall asleep.

Your level of anxiety /relaxation if you are anxious or worried about your
past-life regression this may cause you to have a more limited experience than if
you are feeling more calm and relaxed.
Anxiety doesnt cause you to have bad trips; it just means you may not be able
to switch off sufficiently to refocus your mind on a different level. This is only
usually a problem the first time, because after that you feel more assured anyway
and naturally relax more.

Your belief system your belief system will largely dictate what you will
experience. If you are overly sceptical you may find that you dismiss and hence
lose valuable information because it does not fit in with what you believe is
possible or are expecting. Alternatively your beliefs may be so strong that they
limit you to only certain types of experience.
Either way, you will find it more beneficial to allow your mind to be as
completely open to all possibilities as possible, and save your logical, rational
judgement until the regression is over. In other words, while you are going
through it, just accept it for what it is, whatever it is and leave the critical
analysis until later on.

5. Is it really a Past Life or just your imagination?

Much of the debate surrounding past-life regression concerns the is it real or is it
imagination factor. My way of thinking about it is this it is virtually impossible for
anyone to prove either way. But why your mind presents certain experiences to you is of
far greater significance.
If there are certain issues going on in your life at the moment it is likely that you will be
drawn to experiences that reflect those in some way. Some people say that you replay the
same lessons again and again until you finally get it; revealing an associated past life
may give you vital clues to breaking the cycle in this life.
Of course it could just be imagination but it doesnt really matter at this moment. Do it.
Try it. Have your own experience and then decide. Sometimes it will seem like youve
just made it all up. But at other times well, youll be in no doubts that something
profound has just happened. How you interpret it all afterwards is up to you.

6. Capturing The Mood

If you want your Past Life Regressions to add meaning and purpose to your life to solve
problems, break repeating cycles and so on, then the collection of images, impressions
and sensations must be pulled together somehow, to create something that makes sense
and has some relevance. In order to achieve this I recommend the simple process of
Capturing The Mood.
Whenever you do a Past Life Regression you should always keep a pad & pen handy. As
soon as you can after opening your eyes, begin to write down some key words or phrases
to capture the mood the essence - of your experience.
For example, for one of my first ever regressions I wrote down the following
Spear right hand
Beach sea to right
Women and children on beach
On Guard
Ayla (name of wife in that life)
Beautiful Sea
Funeral Pyre
I also drew a quick (and very rough) sketch of some of the scenes.
Once I had captured these basics I then went back over them to fill in some of the
atmosphere (the mood), which is where you can start to introduce feelings and emotions.
For example:
Spear right hand holding it firmly but relaxed as I stand atop a hillside
overlooking a beautiful beach. The spear makes me feel strong proud. I
am on guard for the village. The men are away hunting, the women are on
the beach mending nets and preparing food. Children are playing or
helping depending upon age.
It is a beautiful scene and I am happy here happy in my role as
protector. As a young man I am respected, though a little serious, I sense.
The women on the beach take little notice of my presence, save one who
is my partner in this life. I sense her name is Ayla. She is young with long
flowing dark hair though I cannot make out facial details.
I feel much love from her though I also feel I take my role there a little too
seriously too. She humours me but secretly wishes I would relax more.

More details of the beach scene followed, but eventually I moved to the end of that
I am older perhaps mid-late 40s. I am bearded, and my head is covered
with curly greying hair as I lie on my funeral pyre. Before, as I witnessed
the beach scene, I was in my body. Now I am hovering above, perhaps
15 feet or so in the air.
At the time of my death I am the leader of our tribe. I do not know how I
died but I sense it is a peaceful passing. I sense respect and loss from
the onlookers gathered around the mound on which I now lie, waiting to be
torched. Yet there seems little sadness. It is a passing on, that is all.
And then I am zooming out, leaving the scene, fast, fast, very fast, it
disappears to a speck of light in the darkness and I am once again very
aware of my surroundings a small room in London with an elderly
hypnotist smiling nearby.
As I readjust myself to my surroundings I think of Polynesia.
The most important step is to jot down the basics first of all. These initial snippets will be
your doorway into a more full experience. Remember what it is like when you remember
a dream? Something will trigger an image or memory and then more will follow.
These initial snippets are your triggers to greater understanding.
Once you have the basics down you can begin to expand and capture the mood. In the
example above the mood was quite simple, quite pleasant, but I can assure you it is not
always so!
At this stage avoid analysing or even discussing your experience with anyone. Get it
written down. Attempt to hold onto the mood, the ambience as you do so. Write in a
daze, eyes half closed now and then as you try to stay in character.
If you have to walk to another room to get the pen paper or your PC, do even this with
your eyes half closed, as if trying to stay asleep, to capture the feeling before it slips
Whatever you do, avoid the temptation of thinking that youll remember it later, because
it is highly likely that you wont remember as much detail. Get it locked into your
consciousness as soon as possible and then you can return to expand further later on if
you wish.


7. Solving Problems In This Life.

NOTE: Its important to understand that not all problems stem from past lives, and you
do not actually have to go back to a Past Life to solve a particular problem anyway.
However, Past Life Regression can bring you valuable insight and release by symbolic
representation - which then becomes a very effective tool for transformation. Ultimately,
it is your belief system that will influence your experiences and your results.
Once you have mastered the basics of being able to recall snapshots (or full details,
depending upon your experience), and expanding them by Capturing The Mood you can
then begin to bring insights and answers to your questions.
Heres a very general approach first of all and then Ill go through some specifics in
more detail.
When Capturing The Mood really allow yourself to slide into the character or scenes
from your regression. Imagine you are an author trying to convey the feel, mood or
atmosphere of the scene. Pay particular attention to your feelings and emotions. Dont
worry if it feels like you are making this up sometimes allow your thoughts or
imagination to flow. Just be as descriptive as you can be, because it will pay off later.
Once youve written down your experience and expanded on it as described just now, go
through what you have written and underline all the words or phrases that relate to your
feelings and/or emotions.
For example, in my earlier example this would be
Spear right hand holding it firmly but relaxed as I stand atop a hillside
overlooking a beautiful beach. The spear makes me feel strong proud.
I am on guard for the village. The men are away hunting, the women are
on the beach mending nets and preparing food. Children are playing or
helping depending upon age.
It is a beautiful scene and I am happy here happy in my role as
protector. As a young man I am respected, though a little serious I
sense. The women on the beach take little notice of my presence, save
one who is my partner in this life. I sense her name is Ayla. She is young
with long flowing dark hair though I cannot make out facial details.
I feel much love from her though I also feel I take my role there a little
too seriously too. She humours me but secretly wishes I would relax


When I looked over this experience, of which there are more details I have omitted here,
then certain elements began to ring true to my current life experience.
I noticed how over-protective I was at times, but also how this seemed to make me feel
strong and worthwhile in some way. I noticed how in my current life I had allowed
myself to take on this role too seriously and was actually weakening the people I was
trying to protect by not allowing them to be themselves. I realised that I could lighten
up a bit and still feel ok.
It was OK to lookout for people, but it didnt mean I had to be continuously on guard or
on duty. I also became more aware that my self-esteem and self-worth being dependent
on others needing me was not a particularly ideal situation and needed to be rectified.
Through conversations that followed, I also came to realise that the people I thought
wanted and needed me, would actually much prefer me to stop worrying so much and
relax more.
The result was that a relatively innocuous Past Life Regression, that could have been
dismissed as a simple scene from a beach, actually gave me some great insights into the
limitations of my current life attitude, and in becoming aware of those limitations,
allowed me to change and become more free.
Now, lets have a look at how to apply this to specific problems that you wish to explore.
Guiding the Regression
Although you may wish to explore certain areas in particular it is not always possible to
force your mind to go exactly where you want it to. However, it will generally go where
you need to.
If there is a certain issue or area of interest you would like to pursue then simply hold a
representation of that issue in your mind at the very beginning of the relaxation part of
the exercise, until you are instructed to release all thoughts. This will set forth an
intention for the regression.
For example, if it is a physical problem, bring to mind the ache or pain, and in particular
an image or sense of how it affects your life.
If it is an emotional problem - a fear, a worry, a limitation, etc. then think of the feeling
or a symbol of it and get a real sense of how it affects you until the time when you are
asked to release it.
Dont try too hard or over-concentrate. Instead just allow your mind to be relaxed and
open with an image, sense or representation of your issue resting lightly in your


awareness. At the moment when you are asked to let it go, just imagine it gently floating
free, while you go deeper.
This is all the suggestion you need to let your mind know what youd like to focus on.
However, it is very important that you are not attached to specific results. Your mind will
respond to your needs but that response may not be in a form you are expecting.
(a) Poverty, Lack & Financial Difficulties
Before you start the regression, think about how it makes you feel when you are
struggling financially or suffering from lack. As you relax into the regression get a sense
of that feeling and the thoughts that go with it and then release it when instructed to do
Then let go of all expectation and just go with flow.
Once the regression is over, note down the basic snapshots and then Capture the
Mood/Expand as described previously. There may be several ways in which the
Regression may then be able to help you:

Specific scenes or images may indicate ways in which you believe you deserve to
be poor, for example. This will usually involve some element of guilt or debt to
be repaid. Understanding this will usually set you free from the guilt you feel in
this life and so allow you to move on.

There may be other feelings or attitudes towards money and wealth that are
limiting. Anger, jealousy, resentment, etc. are all limiting emotions that can hold
you back. Explore the reason for such feelings and you will eventually begin to
see a way to be free of them.

Underlining the feelings/emotions/descriptions, etc. as shown in my earlier

example may reveal other limiting attitudes that are relevant in this life.

It is your belief system that is important. If the Past Life Regression reveals
limiting beliefs, ideas or attitudes from a previous life, consider how you may be
carrying those over into this your current life.

Limiting beliefs are most harmful when you are not aware of them. As soon as you
become more aware of them their impact begins to lessen and you can change your
thoughts and behaviour, which then brings about different results.
(b) Physical Ailments, Aches & Pains & Ill-Health.


As you relax into the regression hold in your mind an image, sense or representation of
your area of concern. Release this image when instructed to do so.
Then let go of all expectation and just go with flow.
Once the regression is over, note down the basic snapshots and then Capture the
Mood/Expand as described previously. There may be several ways in which the
Regression may then be able to help you:

Sometimes your mind will reveal a specific scene or memory that shows a past
life You receiving an injury in some way. Often, it is only when there is an
emotional attachment to the injury that it causes a problem. For example, imagine
there is an incident where you are trapped under a falling object that causes injury
to your leg. If the falling object was deliberately pushed, it is more likely to affect
you because there may be feelings of resentment/anger etc associated to the
person who caused the incident. Or perhaps guilt over something you feel you did
and so deserve it in some way and also therefore deserve to suffer.

As you expand deeper, notice all the feelings, emotions and attitudes, etc. of
yourself or any others involved. Look for feelings of self-loathing, disgust,
inadequacy, etc that an injury or illness may be causing in that lifetime. Such
feelings can be extremely detrimental and cause emotional blocks to become
locked into your consciousness.

Usually, the simple act of becoming aware of such blockages is all that is required
to bring about a cathartic effect and release you from the effect.

However, sometimes it may take a few regressions, possibly to different lifetimes,

to begin to notice a pattern. An effect you are experiencing may be a cumulative
one developed from several different beliefs that may not be apparent first of all.

Sometimes an illness or injury in some way serves a purpose a secondary gain.

Look for signs of secondary gain and then relate it back to your current life to see
if the same is true. A secondary gain is where, although at first the effect may
seem undesirable, it may actually have some hidden benefits.

For example, a persistent back complaint gets you off work for a while but you
really dont want to go back because you hate your job. Seek out a more fulfilling
career and your secondary gain will become redundant.

Or such a complaint may reinforce feelings of inadequacy. In which case,

inadequacy and self-esteem are the real issues deal with these and watch how
the physical complaint changes accordingly.


There are so many possibilities it is actually impossible to cover them all here. But use
these ideas and examples as guidelines for your own experiences, which you can then
interpret for yourself.
(c) Fears, Phobias and Emotional Issues
Exactly the same process applies. Hold an image, sense, or symbolic representation in
your mind of your area of concern. Let it go when instructed to do so and allow yourself
to relax.
Follow the regression experience as usual and then capture the mood/expand as described
In some cases your mind may present you with a very obvious cause for your problem.
E.G. A Past Life recall of being trapped in some way may explain feelings of
claustrophobia in this life if, on revisiting that life you experience a cathartic effect
whereby you release repressed or locked in feelings, then it is highly likely that your
claustrophobia will disappear from your current life.
However, it may not always be that simple. To continue with the claustrophobia theme as
an example, you may experience a regression or several where you simply feel closed
in physically, emotionally or psychologically. As you capture the mood and expand, the
descriptive language you use, when underlined afterwards, may point to key issues in
your current life that you are overlooking and so being held by.
All fears and emotional worries come from limiting thoughts or beliefs that have an
emotion attached or wrapped around them. Certain Past Life experiences may highlight
those beliefs and help you release the locked in feelings. When the beliefs are uncovered
and any feelings released, the energy behind the fear tends to dissipate and so your
fearful reaction or worry begins to dissolve away.
I remember once that I had several Past Life Regressions in a row whereby the subject of
feeling vulnerable and exposed kept coming up. The result was that it made me realise
how uptight I was in my current life to avoid being vulnerable and exposed again.
But it also showed me that although this way of being was protecting me in a way, it was
also very limiting because it produced all sorts of subsidiary fears and concerns about
people getting to know me, of revealing my true self, etc.
As I realised this I began to drop my barriers a little, give more of myself away to others
and let go of the need to be so perfect. By exposing my weaker side and allowing myself
to feel vulnerable at times I actually began to feel safer and stronger.
Uncovering the information is one thing but acting on it is another.


(d) Developing Hidden Talents

No-one knows for sure exactly how many other existences you may have, but it is highly
likely there are quite some variety of characters, personalities, events, skills, knowledge
and experiences.
If there is a particular skill or talent you would like to develop in this life, see if you can
tap into another You that may have been more developed in that area your very own
Past Life Expert. You may then be able to draw on that experience and bring it into your
current life.
As before hold an image or representation of the skill or talent you would like to develop
in your mind as you begin the regression and then release it when instructed to do so.
Let go as before.
This may take several attempts to tap into the right area but once you have a feel for one
of your past life characters who has the attributes you are looking for, pay extra attention
to the Capturing The Mood/Expanding stage.
Make it a daily routine to close your eyes for a few minutes, take a deep breath and bring
that personality to mind. Imagine being that You, thinking what that You would think,
feeling what that You would feel. Become more and more familiar with the essence of
that past you and then when it is time for you to use that skill, once again bring that
essence to mind.
Public Speaking? Writing with confidence? Drawing? Painting? Concentration?
Confidence in a group?
Who knows? There is a huge potential available so investigate freely. You may find that
you will be instantly transformed overnight but you may also find that you gradually
develop a pool of knowledge or expertise from which you can draw more and more
until it becomes a part of the current you.
(e) Break Repeating Cycles
Sometimes you may be aware of your limitations sometimes you may not. But as you
keep a journal of your past life regressions and take note of the descriptive language you
use - the feelings, the emotions etc, - then you may become aware of similar themes
cropping up lifetime after lifetime. We can call this a Past Live Overview as you begin
to see the bigger picture of which each lifetime/regression is but a small part.


I mentioned earlier about my becoming aware of the issue around vulnerability and this
may have been a pattern of several lifetimes. As you take an overview of several Past
Life Experiences you will most likely begin to get a feel of a recurring theme or pattern.
It is almost inevitable that if your mind has presented these ideas to you at this time, then
these particular ideas are prevalent or having an effect upon you in your current lifetime.
Your mind may be attempting to highlight repeating patterns or cycles that it is now time
for you to break. Very often it is simply the act of becoming aware of such cycles that
will set you free.
However, there may also be side issues or invisible beliefs that need uncovering. For
example, repeated experiences of poverty or lack may actually be due to an inner sense of
unworthiness caused by several lifetimes where you feel you have underachieved. As you
go to the end of each lifetime hold some loving or accepting thoughts in mind either
during or after the regressions. It has been said that it is the remaining unresolved issues
from one lifetime that set the scene for the next.
See each lifetime as an adventure in itself a unique journey an individual fairground
ride with its own ups and downs with nothing to achieve except the experience itself
and you can begin to let go of the feelings of failure, lack, guilt, debt, etc that can be so
limiting or damaging.
(f) How To Find A More Fulfilling Career
The Past Life Overview process is particularly useful here.
A fulfilling career will be one where you feel you are using your natural skills, talents
and abilities, as well as doing something that you feel is worthwhile.
Once you have a collection of Past Life Experiences whether full-on recalls or just
some snippets and snapshots you can begin to take an overview and look for similar
themes or patterns relating to the actions, behaviours, roles, etc. that make you feel good,
or that interest you in some way.
When you cast your mind to a particular regression experience, what is it about that
lifetime who you were, what you did, etc. that is endearing or exciting even? Does that
type of role or action or ability exist in your current life? Are you using your natural
skills and talents to your fullest extent? Can you even recognise what your natural skills
and talents are?
By underlining the descriptive words you use when Capturing the Mood/Expanding etc,
you may begin to be aware of the areas where you naturally shine and are interested as
well as the areas where you do not.


Once you are more aware of these areas you can look at your current life and find ways
of incorporating them. Sometimes this will mean subtle changes to your existing
circumstances in other cases a complete change of career and direction may be called
There are things that you are good at there are things that you enjoy doing or interest
you. There are also things that you feel compelled to do in some way. When all of these
things can be identified, if you are ready and willing to accept a change, then a more
fulfilling experience personally or career-wise may soon present itself to you.
(g) Miscellaneous - Relationships, dreams, addictions, personal problems, etc.
There are so many possible applications to this process that it impossible to cover them
all in detail. However, the same general principle applies:
Hold an image, sense or symbolic representation of your issue/interest as you
begin the regression.
Release that symbolic representation when instructed to do so.
Let go of all expectation and simply go with the flow.
Afterwards jot down the basic snapshots to aid recall and then expand or capture
the mood by adding more detail.
Underline descriptive words or phrases and then look for the common themes or
ideas that keep recurring.
As you take an overview and look more at the descriptions than the details, your
limiting ideas, beliefs and behaviours should become clearer and with them, the
keys to future happiness.
Sometimes these keys will be more like clues or puzzles that initially only make halfsense. Sometimes they will simply make no sense at all to begin with. But another week
month year later and suddenly you may find that the timing is now right and
everything falls into place.


8. Afterthoughts - Past Lives or Other Lives?

Here is a very interesting and thought-provoking point to mention.
Many people believe or assume that the process of reincarnation of living multiple
existences - is a one-way process, in that time flows from beginning to end. There is a
past, present and future and so your lives must have been experienced sequentially.
E.g If Life 3 is your present life, Lives 1 & 2 are in the past while lives 4 & 5 are in the
Life 1Life 2Life 3 Life 4Life 5etc
And so from Life 3 you can only go back and visit Life 2 or Life 1 for example, because
lives 4 and 5 have not happened yet.
But there is also a great deal of discussion around the subject of there being no such
thing as time outside of our physical lives.
Now, if there is no such thing as time when we are in-between lives, are they still in
sequence? Or are they all existing simultaneously?

Life 1
Life 2
Life 3 . (present focus) Now
Life 4
Life 5

Life Time
If this is the case, it means time has no relevance and we can tune-in in either direction
moving up or down the dial, shall we say rather than back and forth in time. Perhaps Life
3 is where we are focussed physically and experiencing as such, but in altered states of
consciousness we can tune in to any of our other lives, which we may call past or
Or to make it easier to imagine visually
Consider the you as being at the centre hub of a bicycle wheel. At the end of each spoke
is one of your lives. If you focus purely at the end of one of those spokes then that
physical existence is your present, your current life.


Take your focus into the central hub for a moment and you can look at any of your other
lives, which are all joined and connected. Slide down one spoke and you may be going
back 500 years into the past. Slide down a different spoke and you may be focussing
1000 years in the future.
At the end of any of those lives you return to the central hub focus of no-time.
Such a concept has led me to change my ideas of Past Lives to the more unlimited idea
of Other Lives instead because these other lives are occurring simultaneously and so
not technically in the past.
As mentioned earlier, it will be your own personal belief system that affects your
experiences. If this simultaneous time idea seems like nonsense then you will probably
only experience past life recall that is from your typical past.
With a different set of beliefs, who knows what you may recall. Can you imagine
recalling something from the future?
Ultimately I dont think it really matters because your mind will always provide you with
experiences that are relevant, appropriate and useful to you in your current situation.


9. Summary
Sometimes it takes practice, patience and gradual development to gain consistent results
from the kind of exercises I have been talking about. It is exactly the same as developing
any other skill you wish to develop. But unless you have a go, youll never know.
Be patient with yourself and be relaxed. Be open to possibilities you may not have
previously consideredand have fun. You are undertaking an exciting journey with
infinite possibilities.
If youd like to let me know of your experiences, you can email them to:
[email protected]
Happy travels.
Andrew Parr

This Report

2004 Andrew Parr


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