People Vs Adil

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The first criminal complaint filed against respondent Fama Jr. on April 15, 1975
(Case No. 3335) was as follows:
That at about 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon of April 12, 1975, at Aquino Nobleza St.,
Municipality of January, Province of Iloilo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
this Honorable Court the above-named accused, while armed with a piece of stone,
did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, assault, attack and use
personal violence upon one Miguel Viajar by then hurling the latter with a stone,
hitting said Miguel Viajar on the right cheek, thereby inflicting physical injuries
which would have required and will require medical attendance for a period from 5
to 9 days barring complication as per medical certificate of the physician hereto
Arraigned on July 7, 1975, the accused entered a plea of not guilty.
Meanwhile, on June 8, 1975, complainant Viajar filed a letter-complaint with the
Provincial Fiscal of Iloilo charging Atty. Alfredo Fama, Raul Fama and herein
respondent Margarito Fama, Jr. with serious physical injuries arising from the same
incident alleged in above Criminal Case No. 3335. After conducting a preliminary
investigation, under date of July 28, 1975, the Fiscal filed in the Court of First
Instance of Iloilo an information, but only against respondent Fama Jr., (Case No.
5241) for serious physical injuries as follows:
That on or about April 12, 1975, in the Municipality of January, Province of Iloilo,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, the said accused, with
deliberate intent, and without any justifiable motive, armed with pieces of stone did
then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and throw pieces
of stone at Miguel Viajar, hitting him on the lower right eye which would heal from
five (5) to nine (9) days barring complications but leaving a permanent scar and
deforming on the right face of said Miguel Viajar.
On August 1, 1975, Fama Jr. filed an urgent motion to defer proceedings in Criminal
Case No. 5241, claiming that since he was already charged and pleaded not guilty
in Criminal Case No. 3335, he would be in double jeopardy, if Case No. 5241 were to
be prosecuted. This motion was opposed by the Fiscal and the Court required both
parties to file their respective memorandum on the issue of double jeopardy.
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the above-entitled case is hereby ordered dismissed.
The Cash Bond posted by the accused is hereby ordered cancelled and released .
Whereupon, on even date, Fama Jr. filed an addendum to his memorandum in Case
No. 5241 inviting attention to the above dismissal order and reiterating his theory of
double jeopardy. On September 22, 1975, respondent court issued the impugned

order sustaining the contention of double jeopardy and dismissing Case No. 5241.
The prosecution's motion for reconsideration was denied in the other assailed order
of October 14, 1975, respondent judge relying on the ruling laid down in Peo. vs.
Silva, 4 SCRA 95.

ISSUE: Whether or not the additional allegation of deformity in the information in

Case No. 5241 constitutes a supervening element which should take this case out of
the ruling in People vs. Silva cited by respondent court.
In Silva, there was no question that the extent of the damage to property and
physical injuries suffered by the offended parties therein were already existing and
known when the prior minor case was prosecuted, What is controlling then in the
instant case is Melo vs. People, 85 Phil. 766, in which it was held:
This rule of identity does not apply, however, when the second offense was not in
existence at the time of the first prosecution, for the simple reason that in such case
there is no possibility for the accused during the first prosecution, to be convicted
for an offense that was then inexistent Thus, where the accused was charged with
physical injuries and after conviction the injured dies, the charge of homicide
against the same accused does not put him twice in jeopardy.
So also is People vs. Yorac, 42 SCRA, 230, to the following effect:
Stated differently, if after the first. prosecution 'a new fact supervenes on which
defendant may be held liable, resulting in altering the character of the crime and
giving rise to a new and distinct offense, 'the accused cannot be said to be in
second jeopardy if indicted for the new offense.
ACCORDINGLY, the orders of September 22, 1975 and October 14, 1975 herein
complained of are hereby set aside and respondent court is ordered to proceed with
the trial and judgment thereof according to law. Costs against private respondent
Fama Jr.

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