Upstream 6 Test

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awestruck, charcoal, congenial, endearing, extra, lair, lush, portrayal, riveting,
writers block

Kevin Bacon gives a . performance as O'Keefe.

The department provides a atmosphere for research.
Will's sense of humor is one of his most qualities.
He showed me a sketch drawn in .
He started his acting career as an .
Many have criticized Hollywood for its unrealistic .. of life in America.
When in the grip of .. I might stand up and walk to the window and look
8. Several of the ball players signed autographs for the . kids.
9. The fields were with grass and flowers.
10. If the adventurers pursue the Harpies back to their , they will fight to the
death to defeat them.

Rather than face the _____ at a trial, James chose to plea bargain.
I feel as though I'm walking a _____ between success and failure.
I don't want to look as if I'm jumping on the ______.
The article seemed to strike the ____ ____ with its readership.
Perseverance is required to understand the story and you have to read ____ the ____
to find the book's full meaning.
6. Other firms are waiting in ____ ____, ready to step in and make an offer should the
current deal fall through.
7. He was never more than a B-movie actor, playing second _____ to actors like Errol
8. The decision brought the ____ ____ on a 30-year career.
9. I'm just going now, but Keith will put you in the ____ and youll see what its all
10. We're looking for a replacement for Sue, but she's going to be a _____ _____ to

They're looking ____ the new manager to make the company profitable.
I think it's time we made ____ home.
I look ____ him as a good friend.
What did you make ___ that book you read? Did you like it?
He could just make ___ a dark shape moving towards him.
He asked me to look ___ his daughter at the weekend.
Im so sorry. Believe me, I'll make it ___ to you somehow.

8. When I look ____ on those days I realize I was desperately unhappy.

9. The orchestra is made ___ of several different sections.
10. They made him ___ as an old man for the last act of the play.
1. Owen didn't dare look his father in the eye. (look directly at him)
2. If we run, we should make it. (succeed in getting somewhere on time)
3. So far, relatively few women have made it to the top in the business world. (be
4. He looks down his nose at anyone foreign. (consider himself superior)
5. Tina made a note of their new address. (wrote it down)
1. We listened with horror to his a______ of the bank robbery he had witnessed.
2. There is a nasty b____ going round at the moment so take plenty of vitamins.
3. Mark Whitely has a regular c_____ in the Arts section of the Guardian.
I could see a c_____ of smoke rising from the chimney of the cottage.
4. Determined to reach the summit, the mountaineers p____ on despite the blizzard.
5. If you have a back problem, you should avoid doing any h_____ work.
6. Clearly feeling insulted, Helen told Sheila to watch her m_____.
7. The sharp pain in her back had subsided to a d____ ache.
8. He has a heart c____ so he has to take things easy.
9. She chose to t____ his comments as a joke which was in a rather poor taste.
blight, chore, deluge, disparity, horde, inept, makeshift, mainstay, scourge, toil, unwieldy,
1. He was criticized for his handling of the problem.
2. I tell him that I enjoyed the book much more than the Web site, which I found
and unsatisfying.
3. Gun violence is the . of my daughter's generation.
4. Her guilty secret was a .. on her happiness.
5. Here began their arduous . to force a living from the land.
6. Husbands should be prepared to do their share of the household .
7. The economic . between the area's black and white citizens is a serious
8. Viewers sent a of complaints about the show.
9. There were of people inside the station.
10. Tourism has long been the economic . of Kashmir.
11. The refugees slept in tents at the side of the road.
12. The train stopped at some station.


break new ground, dashing, diffident, forgo, gyrate, heave, insight, newsreel, outlet,
overlap, pack in, pelt down, remaster, rumble, stoked, surmise, textured, tinged,
unwarranted, zip


The album includes ten digitally . songs.

For many unemployed youths, violence is an .. for their frustrations.
Roosevelt's social reform program ...
Maxwell's responsibilities . yours, so you will be sharing some of the
5. We help troubled teenagers gain some into their own problems.
6. A film, .. and illustrations of the tunnels in use bring the atmosphere of
Hellfire Corner to life.
7. When he came in, he didn't look up, so she .. that he was in a bad
8. He warned members of the public not to jump to any .. conclusions
about the tragedy.
9. Joe was humble and .. about his own success.
10. Steve was looking very in his light-coloured suit.
11. Senior board members have offered to . their annual bonuses this year.
12. Any film starring Tom Cruise always .. the crowds ..
13. The autumn leaves are with gold.
14. We through customs in no time.
15. I'm about getting a new car.
16. Everyone pull together now. Are you ready? .!
17. The dancers .. wildly to the beat of the music.
18. I dont particularly like it, but being a richly . novel I must admit it is a
work of art.
19. We could hear thunder .. in the distance.
20. I wouldnt leave the house right now; It's out there.

bland, bedraggle, composure, dazzling, deference, full-on, gainsay, herald, incessant,

linger, patronizing, ponder, rafter, under the auspices, wind


Most job descriptions are , boring and totally lacking in colour.

Julia became irritated by the child's .. talking.
A rather . crowd waited outside in the pouring rain.
The club was packed to the ...
If you're going for . glamour, add some sparkly jewellery.
Visiting officials were treated with great ...
While a few felt that the social workers, were helpful and supportive an equal number
considered them to be . and authoritarian.

8. During his short but . career he broke almost every scoring record in
the National League.
9. Mr Smith's survival techniques are sound and I can not imagine that any accountant
would them.
10. She . for a moment, uncertain what to do, then turned on her heel and
left abruptly.
11. Scientists still . over the origin of man.
12. A research project has been set up of the University of Michigan.
13. Carter looked stunned, but he soon regained his .
14. A flash of lightning . torrential rain.
15. We decided to take the Blueridge Parkway, which .. its way through the
Smoky Mountains.

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