Properties of Water Lesson Revised
Properties of Water Lesson Revised
Properties of Water Lesson Revised
See attachment #1
Pretest Attachment #2
Needed Materials & Set-Up:
Materials Needed:
3D Water molecule models
Capillary tubes
Soap solution
Food coloring
Disposable pipette
5 unknown household solutions (varying pH)
pH paper
rubbing alcohol
frozen water bottles
petri dish
paper towels
spray bottle
Each student will receive a lab packet.
Properties of water will be discussed during a powerpoint presentation. Teacher will explain the
lab packet as well as model each lab station.
Students will complete data table and analysis questions included in the packet.
The classroom set up is shown below. If there are any pairs without space in the desks, then pair
them up at lab tables.
Lab Tables (Back of Room)
Front of Classroom
Teacher Desk
Dimensions of K-12 Science Education Standards:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
1. PS 1: Matter and its interactions
Scientific and Engineering Practices:
1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
Crosscutting Concepts:
1. Cause and effect: mechanism and explanation
2. Systems and system models
3. Structure and function
4. Scale, proportion, and quantity
Formative assessment includes completion of a data table and the analysis of the data collected.
Students will also complete analysis questions with justification. A pre-test and post-test will also
be included.
Other: Questioning
Students will complete a post-test to demonstrate understanding of the properties of water.
Teacher will utilize the results of the post-test in order to identify concepts that may need further
Cognitive: Thinking activities / Conversation
The students will work within a small group at the different stations to perform the activities that
demonstrate each property of water.
(3 higher orderanalysis, synthesis, evaluation)
1. Discuss why water is referred to as the universal solvent? (synthesis)
2. Compare which end of the water molecule is partially positive and which end is partially
negative? Explain and justify your answer. (evaluation)
3. Distinguish the number of water drops a penny holds before and after the addition of a
surfactant. Justify your answer using data from the lab. (analysis)
The students will be given a post test. The post-test will be the same as the pre-test and is simply
relabeled post-test. The post-test is attachment #3. The teacher will grade the pre and post tests
and hand them back at the beginning of the next class. The teacher will also go over the post tests
with the class, addressing any commonly missed questions.
Additionally, the students will be given the bell ringer question listed below on the following
Using what you learned during the water lab, describe a property of water that affects your life
on a daily basis.
The Water lab will be assessed according to the point value listed for each component. (graph
component was removed because no graph was included in the lab)
Safety Precautions:
Teacher will discuss the following safety rules before students begin:
Proper disposal of pH paper
(Accommodations for at least 2 special needs students)
Attention Deficit: Make sure that this student would have preferential seating to avoid
distractions and minimize extraneous stimuli, repeated demonstration of procedure and support
practice, and combination of written, verbal, and pictorial instructions.
ESOL Students: Make sure that you allow for extended time, use visuals, and rewrite portions
of the lesson to make them more comprehensible.
Varying Exceptionalities / E.H. Students: Due to the potential for frustration, teachers need to
be aware of the need to assist students with special needs who are easily frustrated, or need
directions repeated. A one step at a time approach will enhance this students success.
Students will have partners to assist them.
Students are able to apply their knowledge of the properties of water and kinesthetically
explore each property.
Students are able to include nature of science standards and techniques at each station
throughout the investigation.
Students may think that one property of water has a higher importance than another when
all of the properties have their own significance in living organisms.
Students will be handling acids and bases. They will need extra caution for this station.
Students will need to be cautious when handling the capillary tubes as they are fragile
and glass and break easily
Students may have the misconception that capillary action in plants is the same as blood
moving through capillaries in humans. The teacher needs to address this misconception.
Prior to teaching this lesson again, the teacher should address all weakness encountered
during this activity as well as any misconceptions and frequent errors found during the
post test and the assessment data of the activity.
Attachment #1
Note: Teacher should ask students for their answers and discuss the cohesive behavior of water.
Attachment #2
Name _______________________________________ Date _____________________ Period _______
Discuss the special properties of water that contribute to Earths suitability as an environment for life; cohesive
behavior, ability to moderate temperature, expansion upon freezing, and versatility as a solvent.
SC.912.N.1.1: Define a problem based on a specific body of knowledge, for example: biology, chemistry, physics,
and earth/space science.
Extraordinary Properties of Water Pre Test
____1. When salt is dissolved in water, water is the
A. reactant
B. solution
C. solute
D. solvent
Correct answer: D
____2. Which of the following types of bonds are responsible for holding water molecules to other water
A. covalent
B. hydrogen
C. ionic
D. phosphate
Correct answer: B
Correct answer: D
____5. Water molecules are polar, with the
A. oxygen side being slightly positive and the hydrogen side being slightly negative
B. oxygen side being slightly positive and the hydrogen side being slightly positive
C. oxygen side being slightly negative and the hydrogen side being slightly negative
D. oxygen side being slightly negative and the hydrogen side being slightly positive
Correct answer: D
Attachment #3
Name _______________________________________ Date _____________________ Period _______
Discuss the special properties of water that contribute to Earths suitability as an environment for life; cohesive
behavior, ability to moderate temperature, expansion upon freezing, and versatility as a solvent.
SC.912.N.1.1: Define a problem based on a specific body of knowledge, for example: biology, chemistry, physics,
and earth/space science.
Extraordinary Properties of Water Post Test
____1. When salt is dissolved in water, water is the
A. reactant
B. solution
C. solute
D. solvent
Correct answer: D
____2. Which of the following types of bonds are responsible for holding water molecules to other water
A. covalent
B. hydrogen
C. ionic
D. phosphate
Correct answer: B
Correct answer: D
____5. Water molecules are polar, with the
A. oxygen side being slightly positive and the hydrogen side being slightly negative
B. oxygen side being slightly positive and the hydrogen side being slightly positive
C. oxygen side being slightly negative and the hydrogen side being slightly negative
D. oxygen side being slightly negative and the hydrogen side being slightly positive
Correct answer: D