Cost Benefit Analysis

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Cost benefit analysis:

Cost-benefit analysis is a framework to assess the merits of an activity (project,

policy) from the perspective of society (as opposed to a single individual).
It involves:
measuring the gains and losses (benefits and costs) from an activity to the
community using money as the measuring rod; and
aggregating those values of gains and losses and expressing them as net
community gains or losses (see Pearce 1983)
. 1.1 What is cost-benefit analysis used for?
Cost-benefit analysis is used to help people make decisions. Depending on
when the analysis is undertaken (before, during or after an activity), cost-benefit
analysis can provide information to help assess:
whether a project or activity will be or is worthwhile: o Should we invest in
this project? o Which of these two projects should we support? Which project will
give us the best pay off per dollar invested? Which project will generate the
highest value to society once we have paid for it?
whether a project or activity has been worthwhile.

Cost/Benefit Analysis is a powerful, widely used and relatively easy tool for
deciding whether to make a change. To use the tool, first work out how much the
change will cost to make. Then calculate the benefit you will from it. Where costs or
benefits are paid or received over time, work out the time it will take for the benefits
to repay the costs. Cost/Benefit Analysis can be carried out using only financial
costs and financial benefits. You may, however, decide to include intangible items
within the analysis. As you must estimate a value for these, this inevitably brings an
element of subjectivity into the process

Example: A sales director is deciding whether to implement a new computerbased contact management and sales processing system. His department has only
a few computers, and his salespeople are not computer literate. He is aware that
computerized sales forces are able to contact more customers and give a higher

quality of reliability and service to those customers. They are more able to meet
commitments, and can work more efficiently with fulfillment and delivery staff. His
financial cost/benefit analysis is shown below: Costs:
New computer equipment:
10 network-ready PCs with supporting software @ $2,450 each
1 server @ $3,500 3 printers @ $1,200 each Cabling & Installation @

Sales Support Software @ $15,000 Training costs:

Computer introduction 8 people @ $400 each
Keyboard skills 8 people @ $400 eachSource:
Sales Support System 12 people @ $700 each
Other costs:
Lost time: 40 man days @ $200 / day
Lost sales through disruption: estimate: $20,000
Lost sales through inefficiency during first months: estimate: $20,000 Total
cost: $114,000 Benefits:
Tripling of mail shot capacity: estimate: $40,000 / year
Ability to sustain telesales campaigns: estimate: $20,000 / year
Improved efficiency and reliability of follow-up: estimate: $50,000 / year
Improved customer service and retention: estimate: $30,000 / year
Improved accuracy of customer information: estimate: $10,000 / year
More ability to manage sales effort: $30,000 / year
Total Benefit: $180,000/year
Payback time: $114,000 / $180,000 = 0.63 of a year = approx. 8 months

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