Protocols For Self-Organization of A Wireless Sensor Network

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Protocols for Self-Organization of a Wireless Sensor Network

Katayoun Sohrabi, Jay Gao, Vishal Ailawadhi and Gregory J Pottie

Electrical Engineering Department
UCLA Box 951594
Los Angeles, California, 90095-1594
{sohrabi, gao, vishal, pottie} @

We present a suite of algorithms for self-organization of wireless sensor networks, in which there is a
scalably large number of mainly static nodes with highly constrained energy resources. The protocols
further support slow mobility by a subset of the nodes, energy-efficient routing, and formation of ad hoc
subnetworks for carrying out cooperative signal processing functions among a set of the nodes.

This research is supported by DARPA contract number F04701-97-C-0010, and was presented in part at
the 37th Allerton Conference on Communication, Computing and Control, September 1999.

Corresponding author.

In this paper we describe an architecture for self-organizing wireless sensor-networks [1]. These are
wireless ad-hoc network that connect deeply embedded sensors, actuators, and processors. This
combination of wireless and data networking will result in a new form of computational paradigm which is
more communication centric than any other computer network seen before. Wireless sensor networks are
part of a growing collection of information technology constructs which are moving away from the
traditional desktop wired network architecture towards a more ubiquitous and universal mode of
information connectivity [2].
A wireless sensor network of the type investigated here refers to a group of sensors, or nodes, that are
linked by a wireless medium to perform distributed sensing tasks. Connections between nodes may be
formed using such media as infrared devices or radios. Wireless sensor networks will be used for such
tasks as surveillance, widespread environmental sampling, security and health monitoring. They can be
used in virtually any environment, even those where wired connections are not possible, where the terrain
is inhospitable, or where physical placement is difficult. They may also be used as enabling infrastructure
for new sensing/computational paradigms such as those described in [3].
Design challenges encountered in building wireless sensor networks may be categorized under three
classes: hardware design, wireless networking, and applications.
This category includes the entire range of design activities related to the hardware platforms that
comprise sensor networks. MEMS sensor technology is an important aspect of this category.
Digital circuit design and system integration for low power consumption is also in this category
[4] as well as design of a low power sophisticated RF front end and associated control circuitry.
For example, we may consider the sequence of generations of Wireless Integrated Network
Sensors (WINS). A single WINS node combines micro-sensor technology, low power signal
processing, low power computation, low power, and low cost wireless networking capability in a
compact system. Figure 1 gives a description of the WINS node architecture. Piconet [5] is
another example of compact node architecture.
Wireless Networking
Given the hardware limitations and physical environment in which the nodes must operate, along
with applications level requirements the algorithms and protocols must be designed to provide a
robust and energy efficient communications mechanism. Design of physical layer methods such as
modulation and source and channel coding also fall in this category. Channel access methods
must be devised and routing issues and mobility management must be solved. This paper focuses
on a number of design aspects of this category.
At the application layer, processes aim to create effective new capabilities for efficient extraction,
manipulation, transport and representation of information derived from sensor data. In most
applications, sensor networks have various functional components: detection and data collection,
signal processing, data fusion, and notification.
By integrating sensing, signal processing, and communication functions, a sensor network
provides a natural platform for hierarchical information processing [6]. It allows information to be
processed on different levels of abstraction, ranging from the detailed, microscopic examination of
specific targets, to the macroscopic view on the aggregate behavior of targets. Any events in the
environment can be processed on three levels: node level, local neighborhood level, and global
level. On the node level, data collection and processing occurs in each individual node, requiring
no communications except for transmission of the results to some distant information sink. On the
local and global level, inter-node communication is required for gathering raw or pre-processed
data from multiple nodes to a single location for cooperative signal processing such as data fusion
or beam-forming.

General Operational Scenario

A sensor network must be able to operate under very dynamic conditions. Specifically, our protocols must
be able to enable network operation during start-up, steady state, and failure. Note that these terms are
used very loosely here. The necessity of operation under these conditions comes about because the sensor
network must, in most cases, operate unattended.
Once the nodes have booted up and a network is formed, most of the nodes will be able to sustain a steady
state of operation, i.e. their energy reservoirs are nearly full and they can support all the sensing, signal
processing and communications tasks as required. In this mode, the bulk of the nodes will be formed into a
multi-hop network. The nodes begin to establish routes by which information is passed to one or more sink
nodes. A sink node may be a long-range radio, capable of connecting the sensor network to existing longhaul communications infrastructure. The sink may also be a mobile node acting as an information sink, or
any other entity that is required to extract information from the sensor network.
There are instances when there is need for collections of nodes to cooperate together in detection of signals
or events, as described in [1]. When a cooperative function is required to extract information about a
specific target, a local network is built to facilitate the necessary signaling and data transfer tasks.
Typically, cooperative functions involve a small set of nodes near the target location and operate for
relatively short time span. They are required to adapt quickly and efficiently to the appearance of target and
the nature of the signal processing techniques required.
Although the multi-hop network can operate in both the sensor-to-sink or sink-to-sensor (broadcast or
multi-cast) modes, the bulk of traffic will belong to the former. This will put significant strain on the
energy resources of the nodes near the sink, making that neighborhood more susceptible to energy
depletion and failure. Nodes may fail due to other reasons such as mechanical failure.
When many nodes have failed, the MAC and routing protocols must accommodate formation of new links
and routes to the sink nodes. This may require actively adjusting transmit powers and signaling rates on the
existing links to reduce energy consumption, or rerouting packets through regions of the network where
nodes have more energy left.
Wireless Sensor Networks are a New Family of Networks
To illustrate the impact of the physical limits of sensor networks on the design of our wireless networking
algorithms we briefly discuss related wireless network models, namely mobile ad hoc networks, cellular
networks, and a number of short range wireless local area networks.
A Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET) is a peer-to-peer network which is usually comprised of tens to
hundreds of communicating nodes which are able to cover ranges of up to hundreds of meters. Each node is
envisioned as a personal information appliance such as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) outfitted with a
fairly sophisticated radio transceiver. The nodes are fully mobile. The MANET aims to form and maintain
a connected multi-hop network capable of transporting multi-media traffic between the nodes. In order to
provide QoS in the face of mobility a MANET must do the following:
a) Organize the nodes in such a way that they are able to access the shared communications
medium efficiently. This is called forming an infrastructure in some cases, and includes the
function of providing a means of channel access for the nodes as well.
b) Performing routing in the network
c) Maintain the network organization and routing in the face of mobility
In a MANET the three-pronged tasks of Organization-Routing-Mobility-management (ORM) are done to
optimize for QoS. That is, the network is designed to provide good throughput/delay characteristics in the
face of high node mobility. Although the nodes are portable battery powered devices, energy consumption

in this system is of secondary importance, since each device is always attached to a person, and presumably
the depleted battery will be replaced when needed (the same way batteries are changed on Laptops).
A cellular network is a vast network consisting of both stationary and mobile nodes. The stationary nodes,
or base stations, are connected among them in a sub-network with a wired backbone, forming a fixed
infrastructure. The mobile nodes greatly outnumber the stationary nodes (tens to hundreds of mobiles per
base station) which are usually situated quite sparsely. The base stations are usually placed to cover a large
region with little overlap. The issue of organization is only encountered in terms of cell-to-cell handoffs as
the mobile navigates the region. Each mobile node will be only one hop away from any base station. The
primary goal here is of providing a high QoS, along with high bandwidth efficiency. The base stations
themselves effectively have an unlimited power supply, while the mobiles are battery operated.
Bluetooth [7] is a short-range wireless networking system which is intended to replace the cable between
electronic consumer devices and provide RF connection between them. The Bluetooth topology is a star
network where a master node is able to have up to seven slave nodes attached to it to form a piconet Each
piconet uses a centrally assigned TDMA schedule and frequency-hopping pattern. The raw signaling rate in
this system is 1 Mb/s. All nodes are synchronized to the master. There are mechanisms in place for
multiple piconets to interconnect and form a multihop topology. Typical transmission power is about 1
mW. It is expected to achieve a 10 m range.
Another short-range commercial system under development is the HomeRF [8]. The goals of this system
are very similar to those of Bluetooth. However the networking model is based on the IEEE 802.11
standard. The system is able to handle single hop ad-hoc networks. The radio is a frequency-hopping
module. Channel access is possible under TDMA and CSMA modes. Raw data rates of up to 2 Mb/s are
possible. Transmission power levels are at 100 mW. Typical ranges are distances encountered in the house
and the yard.
By contrast to all of these networks, our sensor network is potentially comprised of hundreds to thousands
of nodes. These nodes are generally stationary after deployment, with the exception of a very small number
of mobile sensor nodes. The traffic will likely have statistical properties unlike the multi-media data
streams of conventional wireless networks. Although exact sensor data traffic properties are not known yet,
it is clear that, due to the nature of the observed phenomena, the required bandwidth for sensor data will be
low, on the order of 1-100 kb/s [1].
The main goal in conventional wireless networks is providing high quality of service (i.e. high throughput
low delay) and high bandwidth efficiency when mobility exists. For a sensor network, by contrast, we are
interested in prolonging the lifetime of the network. To this end we must conserve energy, and we are
willing to give up performance in other aspects of the operation such as QoS and bandwidth utilization.
Each node depends on small and low capacity batteries as energy sources, and cannot expect replacement
when operating in hostile or remote regions.
For networks with a fixed infrastructure, loss of connectivity is a statistically rare event and independent of
energy usage. On the other hand, in mobile networks, topological changes are mostly attributed to the
mobility of the nodes, not the energy depletions caused by the execution of various networking protocols.
Therefore, in order to raise system performance, mobility management and failure recovery assumes more
importance than energy conservation in protocol design. For ad hoc sensor networks, however, energy
depletion is the primary factor in connectivity degradation and length of operational lifetime. Therefore,
overall performance becomes highly dependent on the energy efficiency of the algorithm.
Energy Conserving Techniques in Sensor Networks
Energy consumption occurs in three domains: sensing, data processing, and communications. In the
wireless sensor network communications is the major consumer of energy. To better grasp this idea let us
compare energy costs of data transmission via radio and data processing. Taking the example described in
[1], for ground to ground transmission, it costs 3 J of energy to transmit 1Kb of data a distance of 100
meters. On the other hand a general-purpose processor with the modest specification of 100 MIPS/W
processing capability executes 3 million instructions for the same amount of energy. Fortunately it is

possible to make tradeoffs between data processing and wireless communications. The sensor nodes will
do more local processing, as opposed to exchanging raw data over the air. In the same vein the protocols
responsible for ORM must reduce their messaging overhead as much as possible. This leads to the need for
highly localized and distributed algorithms for data processing and networking.
Our Protocols
In this section our algorithms, which will perform ORM for sensor networks, are described. Specifically we
will describe the Self-organizing Medium Access Control for Sensor networks (SMACS) for the network
startup and link layer organization. Next the Eavesdrop-And-Register (EAR) algorithm will be presented.
This algorithm enables seamless interconnection of mobile nodes in the field of stationary wireless nodes,
and represents the mobility-management aspect of the protocol. Finally we present a Sequential
Assignment Routing (SAR) algorithm that facilitates multi-hop routing and the Single-Winner Election
(SWE) and Multi-Winner Election (MWE) algorithms that handle the necessary signaling and data transfer
tasks in local cooperative information processing. For in-depth detail about the internal mechanisms of the
SMACS, SAR, SWE, and MWE, see [9,10].
Link Layer Issues
The two major services which the link layer provides to higher layers are formation of a link layer topology
(or infrastructure) and regulation of channel access among the nodes. In most of the existing or proposed
ad-hoc networks, channel access is done by two different methods, namely by contention or explicit
organization in time/frequency/code domains. The various flavors of MACA and MACAW reported
widely in literature are examples of the former. The MAC layer design for 802.11 standard is an example.
The second class of channel access schemes which we term "organized" channel access, attempt to
determine the network radio connectivity first, i.e. discover the radio neighbors of each node, and then
assign collision-free channels to links. The task of assignment of channels, i.e. TDMA slots, frequency
bands or spread spectrum codes, to links between radio neighbors such that they do not collide is a hard
problem. To ease the assignment problem a hierarchical structure is formed in the network to localize
groups of nodes and make the task of channel assignment more manageable. The problem in this approach
is how to determine the cluster memberships and cluster heads such that the entire network is covered while
the nodes move. Some examples of solutions are given in [11, 12, 13].
The contention based channel access schemes are clearly not suitable for sensor networks, due to their
requirement for radio transceivers to monitor the channel at all times. This is a particularly expensive
proposition for the low radio ranges of interest for sensor networks, where transmission and reception have
almost the same energy cost. We would like to turn off the radios when no information is to be sent or
The organized methods of channel access require nodes in the network to be synchronized with each other
at some level (usually at the slot boundary epochs for TDMA systems). In organized schemes, usually a
period is set aside for neighbor discovery. If a centralized channel assignment algorithm is to be used, the
entire connectivity information along with any bandwidth requirements for specific links are passed to a
single node in the network for calculation of a schedule. There are distributed assignment methods in place
where nodes exchange connectivity data only with some local neighborhood. This network-wide
synchronization is again expensive for sensor networks, because it requires extensive message passing over
the air to synchronize all the nodes.
Description of the stationary MAC and Startup Procedure
In our system we assume the nodes are able to turn their radios on and off. They are also able to tune the
carrier frequency to different bands. It is assumed that the number of available bands is relatively large1. In

This is not an unreasonable assumption. If we assume the radios operate in the 902-928 ISM band, and
that the data rate on each hop is no more than 10Kb/s, then we may have something in the order of 2600
distinct frequency bands available to choose from

our protocol, a channel is defined as a pair of time intervals, similar to slots in a TDMA schedule. We
assume nodes are deployed by hand or remotely such that they are covering some area randomly. After
deployment, each node wakes up at some random time according to some distribution.
The Self-organizing Medium Access Control for Sensor networks (SMACS) is an infrastructure building
protocol that forms a flat topology (as opposed to a cluster hierarchy) for sensor networks. SMACS is a
distributed protocol which enables a collection of nodes to discover their neighbors and establish
transmission/reception schedules for communicating with them without the need for any local or global
master nodes.
In order to achieve this ease of formation, we have combined the neighbor discovery phase with channel
assignment phase in the SMACS protocol. Unlike methods such as the Linked Clustering Algorithm (LCA)
[12], in which a first pass is performed on the entire network to discover neighbors, and then another pass is
done to assign channels, or TDMA slots, to links between neighboring nodes, in SMACS, we assign a
channel to a link immediately after the existence of the link is discovered. This way links begin to form
concurrently throughout the network. By the time all nodes hear all their neighbors, they will have formed a
connected network. In a connected network, there exists at least one multi-hop path between any two
distinct nodes.
Since only partial information about radio connectivity in the vicinity of a node is used to assign time
intervals to links, there exists a potential for time collisions with slots assigned to adjacent links whose
existence is not known at the time of channel assignment. To reduce the likelihood of collisions, we require
each link to operate on a different frequency. This frequency band is chosen at random from a large pool of
possible choices when the links are formed.
This idea is described in figure 2.b. Nodes A and D wake up at times Ta and Td. After they find each other
they agree to transmit and receive during a pair of fixed time slots. This transmission reception pattern will
be repeated periodically every Tframe. Nodes B and C wake up later at times Tb and Tc respectively. After
they find each other they will assign another pair of slots for transmition and and reception. Note that if all
the nodes operate on the same frequency band, then ther is the possibility that some transmissions will
collide in the given schedule. For example, a transmission from D to A will collide in time with a
transmission from B to C. On the other hand if different frequency bands are assigned to different links, for
example fx to AD link and fy to BC link, then the time schedule of figure 2.b will work without collisions2.
When there are many frequencies to choose from, and frequencies are chosen uniformly at random, the
likelihood that the same frequency is chosen by two links which are in each others ear shot is small.
Tframe as described above is fixed for all nodes, and is a parameter of the MAC. Tframe is the length of the
super frame for our MAC. As new neighbors are found and new links are formed, the super frame of each
node will start to be filled. From figure 2.b we see that Tframe epochs for node A and B, for example, do not
coincide. Now if we call each transmission or reception period a slot, we see from the same figure that the
protocol will result in slot assignments that do not need to be aligned throughout the entire network. Again,
the reason this non-synchronous assignment is possible, is assignment of different frequencies to links. The
ability to assign non-synchronous slots in the network is the key issue that enables the nodes to form links
on the fly. We call this concept the Non-synchronous Scheduled Communication or NSC. This spontaneity
enables a quick method for scheduling of links throughout the network.
After a link is established, a node knows when to turn on its transceiver ahead of time to communicate with
another node. It will turn off when no communications are scheduled. This scheduled mode of

In a more general case, in order to combat channel degradations, instead of a fixed frequency, each link
will be assigned a distinct frequency-hopping pattern. Using frequency hopping will separate
transmissions in the frequency domain, and at the same time reduce vulnerability of the links to channel
degradations due to intentional and unintentional jamming, such as channel fades and hostile jamming, as
well as self interference. Therefore our system is really a variation of a hybrid TDMA/CDMA with CDMA
realized as frequency hopping. The details of the design of the spread spectrum signaling for this system is
out the of scope of this article.

communication enables energy savings for the node. As the link assignment was accomplished quickly,
without requiring accumulation of global connectivity information, or even connectivity information that
reaches farther than one hop away, the overall effect will be significant energy savings.
We now discuss the method by which nodes find each other, and the mechanism by which time slots and
operating frequencies are determined. A brief description of this mechanism was given in [14].
To illustrate this mechanism we will follow the actions of a set of nodes, B, C, and G, as shown in figure
2.c. These nodes are engaged in the process of finding neighbors. They wake up at random times. Upon
wakeup, each node will listen to the channel on a fixed frequency band, for some random time duration. A
node will decide to transmit an invitation by the end of this initial listening time if it has not heard any
invitations from other nodes. This is what happens to node C, which will broadcast an invitation message,
or TYPE1 message. Nodes B and G hear this TYPE1 message. Each one will broadcast a response, or
TYPE2 message, addressed to node C, during the interval following the reception of TYPE1 at a random
time. If the TYPE2 messages do not collide, node C will hear both. Node C must choose only one of the
respondents. It will choose node B, because, its response arrived first. Other selection criteria for choosing
a respondent may also be used, such as choosing a node with higher received signal levels, or choosing a
node with more attached neighbors. Node C will send a TYPE3 message immediately after the end of the
interval following TYPE1 message, to notify all respondents which one was chosen. Node G, which was
not chosen, will turn off its transceiver for some time and then start the search procedure.
If node C is already attached, it will transmit its schedule information, along with the time its next super
frame will start, in the body of TYPE3. Node B will read this information, compare the two schedules and
time offsets, and arrive at a set of two free time intervals as the slots assigned to the link between C and B.
Node B will then send the location of these time slots along with the randomly selected frequency band of
operation to node C in the body of a TYPE4 message. At this point the two nodes have a pending link
between them. Once a pair of short test messages is successfully exchanged between the two nodes using
the newly assigned slots, the link is added to the nodes schedules permanently.
We define a sub-net to be a subset of nodes that form a connected graph and have coinciding super fame
epochs. There are two or more nodes in each sub-net. For example, in figure 2.b nodes, A and D form a
sub-net and B and C form another. As time goes on, these sub-nets grow in size, by attaching new nodes.
They will eventually become attached to other sub-nets, until finally almost all the nodes in the network are
connected together3.
The case when two nodes find each other and attempt to form a link, while they are already members of
different sub-nets is the most challenging scenario in our startup procedure. As long as the super frame of
both nodes has enough overlap in unassigned regions to allocate a pair of slots for the new link, there is no
need for the two nodes to re-organize their respective schedules in order to make room for the new link. If
there is no room left, the two nodes will simply give up and search for other nodes.
List of Startup messages
The following messages are exchanged between nodes when they are searching for new neighbors:

TYPE1: short invitation containing node's id and number of its attached neighbors. The node which
sends it, is the inviter during the search transaction.
TYPE2: response to TYPE1. The node that sends it, will be an invitee. There may be more than one
invitee for each inviter. This message gives the inviter and invitee's addresses, and invitee's attached

Note that it is possible for some of the nodes in the network to never find a neighbor, and not attach to the
wireless network at all. This is an acceptable phenomenon. The goal of the startup algorithm is to
automatically form an infrastructure that will support local and long distance transport of sensor
information. The percentage of the nodes which will not get connected is a function of the node density,
transmit powers and terrain type.

TYPE3: response to TYPE2. Indicates which invitee was chosen. It contains the following additional
information depending on the node's attached state:
i) Inviter not attached: none.
ii) Invitee, inviter attached: inviter's schedule and frame epoch.
iii) Invitee not attached, inviter attached: proposed channel for the link, calculated by inviter.
TYPE4: response to TYPE3. Message contents are as follows:
i) Invitee not attached, inviter not attached: channel determined by the invitee.
ii) Invitee not attached, inviter attached: none.
iii) Invitee attached, inviter not attached: channel determined by the invitee.
iv) Invitee attached, inviter attached: channel determined from own and inviter's schedule

Mobile MAC Issues

As the stationary network becomes fully formed, it is possible that mobile nodes will begin to interact with
the network. While adding to the overhead accompanying topological variability, mobile nodes further the
functionality of the network, and thus their existence is desired. The goal of the mobile MAC protocol
presented here is to provide the required connectivity to mobile sensors as they interact with the static
network, while adhering to the constraints for the entire stationary network.
Mobility management within wireless networks has been studied extensively, with each network
manifestation resulting in new methods of handling the ORM tasks. The mobile management issues in
MANETs, for example, have classically been oriented towards routing issues within the network. As the
network consists of solely mobile nodes, the task of Routing and Mobility within the MANET are generally
handled jointly. One way that has been devised to handle these networks is to group the mobile nodes into
small clusters, electing a cluster-head to route information to in a local neighborhood [16, 17]. The group
of cluster-heads in the entire network in turn forms a sub-network. Information is then routed through this
sub-network. As mobile nodes move from one area to the next, they may decide to register within a new
cluster, and continue operation as usual.
Cellular systems are structurally quite different than conventional MANETs. The wired backbone on
stationary nodes facilitates routing, as the wireless channel is avoided. Consequently, it is only the single
hop from a mobile node to the stationary base station that needs to be considered. Thus, mobility
management is primarily considered here from the point of view of forming connections with the best base
station. As mobile users travel from the vicinity of one base station to the next, the desired connection is
simply updated using handoff techniques and communication continues as normal [18, 19]. As the base
stations are assumed to have a large energy reservoir, they take up much of the responsibility of the mobile
management task (i.e. setting up new routes to the mobile nodes, informing mobile nodes of handoffs, etc.).
Although studies have been done to explain the handling of the ORM tasks for various networks, the
properties of the networks are vastly different than those being investigated here. MANETs, in particular,
are in the true sense Ad-Hoc networks, but the absence of stationary nodes makes it difficult to simply use
their algorithms for handling our mobility management. The nodes themselves are assumed to have a
large range (on the order of hundreds of meters), focusing less on power consumption and more on network
connectivity as the topology changes quite rapidly. Cellular systems, though, do introduce a stationary
infrastructure, but the mobile nodes greatly outnumber the stationary base stations. This implies that the
base station will assume many of the tasks in maintaining the required connectivity between the mobile
nodes and their serving base station. Figure 3 shows typical scenarios for each of the three system types
mentioned here.
The EAR Algorithm Motivation
Mobiles that have been introduced into the system function as extensions to the stationary sensor network.
It cannot be assumed that each mobile node is aware of the global network state and/or node positions.
Also, it may not be the case that a mobile node is able to complete its task (data collection, network

instruction, information extraction) while remaining motionless. Thus, the EAR protocol attempts to offer
continuous service to these mobile nodes under both mobile and stationary node constraints.
Mobile connections to a vast wireless sensor network can arise in many scenarios where either energy or
bandwidth is a major concern. In situations where there is the constraint of limited power consumption,
small, low bit-rate data packets can be exchanged to relay data to and from the network whenever
necessary. In this way, the low power EAR protocol allows for operations to continue within the stationary
network while intervening at desired moments for information exchange.
Network Constraints
As the primary limitation is that of the battery power on the stationary nodes, the communication channels
between the mobile and stationary sensors must be established with as few messages transmitted by the
stationary sensors as possible. This can be accomplished by allowing the mobile node to determine when to
invite the stationary node as a connection, as well as when to drop a connection.
The network is assumed to consist of primarily stationary nodes, with few mobile nodes, all of which are
randomly distributed. Such an assumption leads to the notion that only a select few stationary sensors will
be within the vicinity of a mobile sensor at any given time. Giving the ability to form connections to the
stationary nodes would result in the constant specialized signaling with the intent of inviting mobile nodes
to join the network. To avoid the unnecessary use of power associated with lost messages, the mobile nodes
assume full control of the connection process. Furthermore, the overhead associated with
acknowledgements can be eliminated. This is possible as the proximity between sensors almost surely
ensures message reception.
In many situations, a handoff may not even be required. By exploiting the tight stationary sensor packing
(within 10-20 meters of each other), the mobile sensor can maintain its connections while being aware only
of the sensors in the near field, handing off when one of the received SNR values along a current
connection drops below a predetermined threshold. Thus, the mobile sensor will keep a registry of the
surrounding nodes, selecting a new connection only when absolutely necessary.
As there will be few stationary nodes that are aware of the presence of the mobile nodes, the EAR protocol
will be transparent to the existing stationary protocol. This allows the functionality of the stationary
protocol to remain fixed, until the interjection of a mobile node. Also, by placing the mobile MAC protocol
in the background, very few specialized messages need to be invented to establish, or drop, connections.
Also, we consider, here, the prospect of giving the mobile nodes a higher priority of forming connections.
We assume that the stationary nodes are using a TDMA-like frame structure, within which slots are
designated for inviting neighboring nodes into the network. By reserving the first slot following an
invitation for mobile sensor connections, we can effectively assign a higher priority to the mobile nodes.
The EAR Algorithm
During some predetermined slot in the TDMA-like frame structure in the stationary MAC algorithm, the
stationary node should transmit some type of invitation message to the surrounding neighborhood, with the
intent of inviting new stationary nodes to join the local network. This message need not occur in every
epoch of the TDMA structure; it is only needed at some semi-regular interval, and serves as the pilot
signal for the mobile nodes. Thus, no specialized message is required to initiate the connection procedure.
As the stationary node does not require a response to this message (although it will wait for a
predetermined time for a response), the mobile node is simply Eavesdropping the control signals in the
stationary MAC protocol. It must then decide the best course of action regarding the transmitting stationary
sensor; hence this invitation message will act as the trigger for the EAR algorithm.
In order to keep a constant record of neighboring activity, the mobile node will form a registry of
neighbors. This registry will hold only the required information for forming, maintaining, and breaking
connections. As the registry will only be comprised of stationary nodes corresponding to signals that are
received by the mobile, the mobile will node will have information about the stationary nodes in the

immediate neighborhood. From the transmitted invitation message, the mobile can extract the received
SNR, the node ID, the transmitted power (in a power controlled scheme), etc. Making, or breaking, a
connection is based on the status of connections, as well as the location and mobility information inferred
from the entries in the registry. Figure 4 depicts a typical situation of a mobile node, showing current, as
well as future, connections.
The stationary node will maintain a registry as well, although its role is minimal compared to that of the
mobile node. The stationary node simply will register mobiles sensors that have formed connections and
remove them when the link is broken, effectively limiting participation in the connection procedures.
To design a system in which the mobile assumes full responsibility of making and breaking connections, a
novel signaling method must be defined. If the invitation message, which is inherently part of the stationary
MAC algorithm, is included as a shared message, the EAR algorithm makes use of the following 4 primary
Broadcast Invite (BI) The stationary node invites other nodes to join.
Mobile Invite (MI) The mobile responds to BI to request a connection.
Mobile Response (MR) The stationary node accepts the MI request.
Mobile Disconnect (MD) The mobile informs the stationary node of a disconnect; no response is needed.
Acknowledgements are avoided by taking appropriate precautions, such as timeouts, to prevent lost
messages from incorrectly identifying connections and neighbors. The stationary nodes are only
responsible for the transmission of one specialized message within the EAR algorithm. This reduces the
power expense in forming and breaking connections between mobile and stationary nodes.
A newly introduced mobile node will begin its connection protocols upon the reception of the stationary
nodes BI message. The stationary node is registered, and a decision is made, depending on the present
connection status of the mobile node, as well as the potential link quality between the mobile node and the
stationary node, whether to request a new connection. If a connection is not requested, the associated
stationary node is simply held in the registry. If a connection is, in fact, requested, the mobile node awaits
a response, while continuing to listen for invitation messages. The mobile node will continue to register
every stationary node encountered, until its registry becomes full (a registry size is predetermined). At this
time, new stationary nodes will have to contend for a place within the registry by a simple comparison
scheme, possibly replacing a node with an inferior channel quality.
Upon receipt of the MI message, the stationary node will determine if a connection is possible. If so, slots
are selected along the TDMA frame for communication, and a reply is sent to the mobile node accepting
the connection. Simultaneously, the stationary node will enter the mobile node in its own registry. It is
possible, however unlikely, that the stationary node will reach the entry limit in its own registry (again, the
size of which is predetermined). Similarly, it may not have a communications slot available that coincides
with those presented to it by the mobile node. In such cases, a decline is sent to the mobile node.
It is likely that the mobile node will receive many BIs from registered stationary nodes. Instead of simply
dropping the message, the mobile node uses this new information to extract information about the channel
quality, and thus its general proximity to the stationary sensor. As the received SNR along the channel
improves, or degrades, the mobile sensor may wish to request a connection, or a disconnection (with a
MD). The mobile decides which nodes to request connections to, and which nodes to disconnect from,
based on predetermined thresholds.
In the EAR algorithm, two threshold values are used to avoid the ping-pong effect, a connect and
disconnect threshold. As an unconnected stationary sensors received SNR rises above the connection
threshold, a connection is considered. Similarly, as a connected stationary sensors SNR drops below the
disconnection threshold, a MD is sent. A high connection threshold will generally yield an overall higher

quality of link within the network, as the received SNR is forced to be higher; but the probability of outage
is increased, as the requirements for forming a connection are more stringent. By raising the disconnection
threshold, again a higher average SNR is attained within the network, although the mobile sensor will drop
the connection more often, resulting in a higher overhead cost due to signaling.
As it is sometimes difficult to adjust the registries due to inconsistencies in signal reception, the mobile
node employs a set of timeouts to limit registry errors. When a connection to a stationary node is
requested, the mobile node updates the connection status to PENDING. It is possible that this invitation
message is lost in transmission, resulting in the mobile maintaining the PENDING status indefinitely.
Thus, if a response is not received within a specified time frame, the mobile node will downgrade the
stationary nodes status to NOT-CONNECT. Furthermore, once a connection has been established, if
information is not readily available for extraction from the network, the mobile node will rely on reception
of the BI messages to update the connection status. As the BI messages are not sent regularly, it is possible
that the mobile node will quickly move out of range of a neighboring stationary node. If this happens, the
mobile sensor will drop the connection, after a predetermined waiting period.
MAC/TDMA/Bandwidth Utilization
As the mobile node will primarily use its schedule for mobile-stationary communications, it will be
inefficient to use similar TDMA schedules for each type of node. A possible solution is to allow the mobile
nodes frame length to be an integer fraction (N) of that of the stationary node. The mobile node may offer
R slot pairs for communication, resulting in R*N options for the stationary node, any number of which may
be chosen. Although communications may not occur during each of the mobile nodes N frame repetitions,
the associated slot is always reserved. Figure 5 depicts a typical request for a connection by a mobile node,
with N = 4 and R = 2. Here, only one slot pair is accepted, causing the mobile node make the reservation,
and communicate during every 4th instance of its frame period.
As the mobile nodes interact with the network, it is possible that they become involved in the routing paths
calculated at the network layer. For information sources, such as robotic data collectors and instructional
personnel, routing is not an issue as the only goal is to place the information on the network, allowing the
stationary nodes to route the information to the required destinations. If the mobile node is used as an
information sink, though, routing tables have to be devised to allow information to efficiently reach the
user. If the degree of mobility is relatively slow, new routing trees can be calculated as the mobile moves
from location to location. To avoid unnecessary re-computations, though, it is possible to simply
recompute the routing trees in the locale of the mobile node. As this tends to become inefficient when the
mobile moves some distance from its original location, a new complete routing tree will be calculated only
when necessary. For both multi-hop as well as cooperative network routing, efficiency can be improved in
three different areas:
(1) Route setup,
(2) Route maintenance, and
(3) Service.
However, there is generally a trade-off among them. Complex route computations may find energy
efficient paths, but they are expensive to maintain as network topology changes. Therefore energy
efficiency should be emphasized in each area to the degree that appropriately matches its importance in
meeting the overall objective. For multi-hop routing, the objective is to provide priority service with
robustness on a long-term basis; therefore, more energy will have to be spent on route setup and route
maintenance to meet these requirements. On the other hand, for a non-coherent cooperative function
network, where data traffic is light, optimization of energy cost on each route is not nearly as important as
reducing overhead during route setup phase.

Multi-hop Routing
Two multi-hop routing algorithms has been propose for MANET: Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector
(ADOV) routing and Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA). Both are examples of demanddriven system that eliminated most of the overhead associated with table update in high mobility scenario.
However, it has high energy cost during the route setup (path discovery) phase. Since our system does not
deal with high mobility, it is in the interest of energy efficiency to go with a table driven system. Another
algorithm, called Power-Aware Routing [20], finds the minimum metric paths on two different power

Minimum energy per packet


Minimum cost per packet.

The first metric is intuitive and produces substantial energy saving while the network retains full
connectivity; however, performance degradation due to node/link failure is not accounted for. The
minimum cost metric is obtained by weighting the energy consumption by the energy reserve on each node.
It has the nice property of delaying failures by steering traffic away from low energy nodes; however
overhead for path maintenance could be high.
To improve energy efficiency in a low mobility network, we turn to a table-driven, multi-path approach.
The degree of failure protection is directly related to the degree of disjoint-ness k, of the paths joining a
node to a data sink (that is, the number of paths with no common branches). A k-disjoint structure can
protect against failures of k links or nodes. As a rule of thumb, to generate a k-disjoint structure requires
about k times the overhead complexity of a shortest path algorithm [21]. However, the disjoint property
creates strong coupling between routing tables that makes a localized recovery scheme nearly impossible.
The key to reduce overhead is to loosen up this coupling effect by relaxing the disjoint requirement outside
the 1-hop neighborhood of the sink. Although the degree of failure protection is lower, it can be
compensated by localized path restoration procedure at much lower energy cost.
To create multiple paths from each node to the sink, multiple trees, each rooted from a 1-hop neighbor of
the sink, are built. Each tree will be forced to grow outward from the sink by successively branching,
whenever possible, to neighbors at higher hop-distance from the sink while avoiding nodes with very low
QoS and energy reserve. At the end of the tree building procedure, most nodes will belong to multiple trees
and thus having multiple paths that are disjoint inside the 1-hop neighborhood of the sink. The advantage of
this structure is that it allows each sensor indirect control of which 1-hop neighbor of the sink will relay a
message. For each node, two parameters are associated with each path: (1) energy resource estimated by
maximum number of packets that can be routed without energy depletion if it has exclusive use of the path,
(2) additive QoS metric where higher metric implies lower QoS.
Having multiple paths to the sink node, each sensor uses a Sequential Assignment Routing (SAR)
algorithm for path selection. It takes into consideration the energy resource and QoS on each path, and the
priority level of a packet. Path selection is made by the node that generates the packet, unless topology
change down the path requires the packet be diverted. Each link contributes an energy cost and delay, and
thus a resistance to packet flow that can be captured in an additive metric for any given path. Against this a
packet will have credits so that it can achieve priority in using for example paths that are low latency but
traverse nodes with depleted energy. For each packet routed through the network, a weighted QoS metric
is computed as the product of the additive QoS metric and a weight coefficient associated the priority level
of that packet for purpose of performance evaluation. The intuitive interpretation of this weighted QoS
metric is that it measures the QoS provided to each packet relative to the priority level of the packet.
Therefore, to maintain the same weighted QoS metric, higher QoS(lower QoS metric) will be used for
higher priority(higher weight coefficient) packets. The objective of the SAR algorithm is to minimize the
average weighted QoS metric throughout the lifetime of the network.
As each path is used over time, the available energy resource will change. There are also possible changes
in the QoS on each path. These changes will be accounted for by periodic metric update triggered from the
sink node. Simulation study [15] shows SAR has better performance than the minimum metric algorithm ,

which optimize performance by focusing, very singularly, on lowering energy consumption for each
packet, without considering its priority.
Failure recovery is implemented by a handshaking procedure that enforces routing table consistency
between the upstream and downstream neighbor on each path, so that any local failure will automatically
trigger a re-computation procedure locally. This procedure will converge as long as a path exists in the
network topology [10]. In order to prevent the possibility of slow convergence (i.e., counting to infinity
problem), a threshold method detects rapid increase of path metric and speeds up convergence to infinity,
which effectively marks the erasure of a path. This can conserve energy for nodes that are separated from
the sink but may later re-establish connection again.
Adaptive Local Routing for cooperative signal processing
We assume that an application level algorithm or outside agent will determine what cooperative function is
needed and trigger the network formation process. In the following section, the term ``network`` refers
specifically to a connected set of sensors that detected a common target. Before describing the network
formation algorithm, a few remarks on the basic categories of environmental stimuli and cooperative
functions are warranted.
In general, environmental stimuli can be separated into two major categories: (1) near-field (NF) and (2)
far-field (FF). Near-field stimuli have short range relative to the baseline width of sensor groups within
detectable distance. Signal propagation is dominated by the line-of-sight component; therefore SNR of
sensor data can be modeled in the form: k d-r, where d is the distance between the sensor and the signal
source and k and r are constant determined by the propagation medium. Accurate localization and
identification are possible if the target is located inside the convex hull of the network. Far-field targets are
located at much farther distance relative to the baseline width of the network. For these targets, source
localization and range estimation are much more challenging. Due to greater physical distance from the
network, signals encounter both increased dispersion and attenuation.
There are two types of cooperative signal processing techniques:
(1) Non-coherent
(2) Coherent
For non-coherent processing, raw sensor data will be preprocessed at each node to extract a small set of
parameters to be forwarded to a central node(CN) for further processing; for coherent processing like blind
beam-forming[22], raw sensor data, after minimal pre-processing, will be tagged with a time stamp and
uploaded through the local network to the CN for more intensive computations. Although energy efficiency
is the ultimate goal, different approaches can be used depending on what cooperative functions are used.
Non-coherent functions have fairly low data traffic loading; therefore we will focus our effort on improving
algorithmic efficiency. On the other hand, since coherent processing generates long data streams, energy
efficiency must be achieved by path optimality. For clarity of presentation, we separately discuss coherent
and non-coherent processing networks.
Non-coherent cooperative function:
In general, there are three phases in the processing network formation process:

Target Detection, Data Collection, and Pre-Processing

Membership Declaration
Central Node Election

During phase I, a target is detected, its data collected and pre-processed. Although the sink node can
override any decision made on the local level, the results of pre-processing can serve as good indicators
whether a node should participate in a cooperative function. One such indicator is the Signal-to-Noise
Ratio(SNR). When a node decides to participate in a cooperative function, it will enter phase II declare this

intention to all neighbors. This should be done as soon as possible so that each sensor has a local
understanding of the network topology. Phase III of the formation process is the election of the Central
node (CN). Since CN is selected to perform more sophisticated information processing, it must have
sufficient energy reserve and computational capability. It can also be selected based on SNR, which is a
good estimator for distance to the target in NF case. The CN election algorithm has two components:
(1) Single Winner Election (SWE) algorithm,
(2) Spanning Tree (ST) algorithm.
The first component handles the necessary signaling that facilitates the exchange of candidate information;
the second component computes a minimum hop spanning tree rooted at CN. By piggybacking election and
routing information together in an Elect message, it is possible to execute both algorithms concurrently.
Each Elect message identifies a potential CN candidate and a set of parameters that serve as the election
criteria by which candidates are compared. In the initial stage of the SWE process, each node may impose a
voluntary delay of varying length before announcing itself as a CN candidate by broadcasting Elect
messages. In response to the first batch of Elect messages, those node that received them will start
comparing the proposed CN candidates with itself and respond with a second batch of Elect messages,
which carries the result of this initial comparison. The second batch of message passing will likely spawn
further exchange of messages. During this process, for each message that presents a better candidate, its
information will be recorded in the registry and then be forwarded to all neighbors; otherwise the message
is discarded. Figure 6 shows how the continuing exchange, forwarding and discarding of Elect messages
allows the winning candidates information to ``diffuse`` throughout the network. Together with this
diffusion process, a minimum-hop spanning tree rooted at the winning candidate will gradually increase its
coverage. By the end of the SWE process, a minimum-hop spanning tree will completely cover the
An overhead-delay trade-off exists such that if each candidate voluntarily delays itself based on its
likelihood to win the election (i.e., value of the election criterion used,) the diffusion process of the Elect
messages for the better candidates will have a head start. This simple mechanism can eliminate many local
Elect message exchanges among losing candidates, and greatly reduce overhead (compare Figure 6 and 7).
When sufficient delay difference exists between the best candidate and the rest of the network, Elect
messages of the winner can cover the entire network without opposition, thus achieving minimum
overhead. Simulation experiments showed that the local network formation process is quite scalable when
some formation delay can be tolerated.
Coherent cooperative function:
The coherent algorithm differs the non-coherent case in two respects:
(1) Limited number of sensors generating data;
(2) Explicit computation of minimum energy paths.
Since the energy cost of uploading long data stream to the central node is high, a Multi-Winner Election
(MWE) process is used to limit the number of sensor source nodes (SN) that will provide the data. The
MWE process is a simple extension of the SWE process. Instead of keeping record of one best candidate,
each node will now keep up to n of them. Just as in the non-coherent case, for each winning SN candidate,
a minimum-energy path can be computed by piggybacking link power information on the Elect messages.
At the end of the MWE process, each sensor in the network has a set of minimum energy path to each SN.
Then the total energy consumption to upload data from each SN to each node in the local network can be
Using this energy consumption figure as the election criterion, a SWE process can be used to find the node
that yields the minimum energy consumption. This node can then serve as the CN for the coherent
cooperative function. In general the formation process has longer delay, higher overhead, and lower
scalability than for non-coherent processing networks. Figure 8 illustrates the formation process.

Simulation Implementation
A simulation testbed for the above protocols was implemented in Parsec [23]. In this simulation, a radio
propagation model complete with shadowing and path-loss is used. The simulation is capable of running
packet level experiments, to test the behavior of the algorithms. The simulation is able to accommodate
simulations of hundreds of nodes at the moment. The simulation environment models each node as a
separate Parsec entity. The functionality of each layer, namely MAC, mobile MAC, and the network layer,
is implemented as a function inside the node.
A network consisting of 45 nodes, scattered randomly in space, with density =0.04 nodes/m2 was
simulated, as shown in 9.a. In this simulation, the sensor nodes are using 1mW transmit power, Tframe=8.0
sec, and 100 frequency bands are available. Path loss follows a fourth power drop off with distance law,
and the shadowing variance is 8 dB. Figure 9.b gives the state of the network links at the moment it has
become connected.
In figure 9.c the behavior of the mobile MAC is shown. The mobile node is travelling at a velocity of 0.1
m/s, with the capability of having 10 neighbors registered, but limited to only 3 connections. The
connection threshold is set at a received SNR level of 12 dB, with the disconnection threshold at 7dB. The
figure shows the track of a mobile and its link level connections maintained by the Mobile MAC protocol
at five sample points {T1, T2, T3, T4, T5}.
Figure 9.d, 9.e, and 9.f show three spanning trees connecting the sensor to the mobile which has declared
itself as a sink node at time T3. Each spanning tree is created from a distinct 1-hop neighbor of the sink, and
the required to branch to higher hop-distance is relaxed when the tree is small. At such an early stage of
network formation, when the average network degree is only 2.13 (as depicted in Figure 9.b), only 14 out
45 (roughly 31%) of the sensors have multiple paths to the sink. However, as the self-organizing MAC
algorithm continues to pick up new link level connections, the average degree, as well as the multi-path
coverage will continue to improve until the topology becomes stabilized. Note that in all these cases, in
order to keep the diagrams clear, the existing underlying links are not shown.
We have presented a set of algorithms for establishing and maintaining connectivity in wireless sensor
networks. The algorithms exploit the low mobility and abundant bandwidth, while coping with the severe
energy constraint and the requirement for network scalability. The algorithms further accommodate slow
mobility by a subset of the nodes. However, many important research questions remain, including for
example bounds on the minimum energy required for network formation especially taking into account the
interactions with the signal processing functions. Another issue is the extent to which the algorithms can
efficiently deal with more extensive mobility in the nodes and the targets.
The most fundamental open question is that of hierarchy in the distributed signal processing and
networking functions. It is clear that some layering of signal processing functions is required to produce
energy-efficient operation. We cannot afford the most expensive signal processing algorithms to be
constantly running, nor can we afford the poor decision quality that results from relying only on the
simplest procedures. Since communications dominates the energy cost when cooperative functions among
nodes are needed, the question naturally arises as to the extent that the signal processing hierarchy demands
a corresponding networking hierarchy. We have developed substantially different algorithms for setting up
sub-networks to perform cooperative signal processing functions, with the effort involved and the
scalability depending quite strongly on the signal processing function. However, this is only the first
venture in exploring a very rich space of problems. Hardware testing of alternative algorithms in large
networks is certain to yield many interesting challenges.

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signal processing
for event detection



event classification
and identification

continuously vigilant operation


low-duty cycle operation

Figure 1. The architecture of a sensor node

(a) Node topology

Trans. SLOT

D & A find each other






Node D






Node B


B & C find each other

in these intervals

(b) Non-synchronous Scheduled Communications

Node B


Node C





Node C







Initial Listening Time

Node A



Node G (not shown)

(c) Details of node discovery phase

Figure 2 Link layer self-organizing procedures

mobile node
wireless link
wireless link

mobile clusterhead

(a) A sample MANET

stationary base station

wired link

wireless link

mobile user

(b) A sample Cellular Network

wireless link

stationary sensor

mobile sensor

(c) A sample Wireless Sensor Network

Figure 3 Various Wireless Networks

Stationary, Neighbor, Possible Future Connection

Stationary Not in Registry


BI Message
Stationary, Connection

Figure 4. General Mobile Activity

Stationary Node TDMA Schedule







reserved for non-communications tasks

reserved for communications with other sensors

Mobile Node TDMA Schedule (N = 4)

0 11
00 11
0010 11
offered slots

(a) Slots offered to Stationary Node by Mobile Node

Stationary Node TDMA Schedule

slots used by stationary node
0 Mobile Node TDMA Schedule (N = 4)
slots reserved by mobile node






(b) Slots accepted by Stationary Node

Figure 5. Slot Assignment for Mobile Connections

Figure 6. Diffusion of Candidates Information under SWE

Figure 7. Another SWE Election Process

Figure 8. Formation Process for Coherent Routing

Figure 9. Simulation of behavior of various protocols

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