Emulador Vista 3270

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A general description of the program and its use


Features of the Vista emulator


Connecting to a host using TN3270 protocol


Vista keyboard, toolbar, and menu functions


Options for display, cursor, font, etc.


Keyboard and Mouse usage and customization


Toolbar usage and customization


Keypad usage and customization


File Transfer


Macro Recording, Playing, and Programming


Variables for Title bar, Status bar, and Macros


User exits and Host control


Error messages


Registration and Tech Support


Vista Limitations


Notes from the Author

Vista tn3270 is a Microsoft Windows application designed to emulate IBM standard 3270 series
terminals in a TN3270 (TCPIP) environment provided by a standard winsock interface. Vista tn3270
version 1.20 (and above) runs on Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000.
Vista is designed with one specific purpose in mind: To provide a terminal emulation connection to IBM
mainframe computers running such programs as TSO, CICS, CMS, etc. See the Restrictions section
in this document if you are not sure Vista is right for your environment.
If this program is what you need, then you may find Vista can do the job as well as many commercially
available TN3270 emulators, and may even do some things they havent implemented yet.

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It can be frustrating at first to try out a new terminal emulator simply because you dont know where all
the keys are and what all the functions do. If you dont plan to immediately explore and alter some of
the Vista defaults listed below, you may save yourself some trouble by at least taking a look at the
settings as supplied:

Keyboard Defaults
Toolbar Defaults
Keypad Defaults

Vista has the following features and more. Certain items that you may not find on other emulators are highlighted
in green italics below:

TN3270 SNA Terminal Support

With Extended Attributes, Highlighting, Reverse Video, Graphics-Escape character set, etc. Emulates
most functions of 327x terminal models 2, 3, 4, 5, along with user specified screen sizes up to 72 lines
by 200 characters wide.

Easy Connect/Reconnect
Quick connection to various hosts, without needing a separate configuration program
Easy reconnect, and easy terminal model alteration
Up to 26 multiple host sessions (labelled A through Z)
Assign an Alias to a host name or IP address

Rich set of Display Options and Special Functions

Large set of bitmap fonts for easy reading at most screen resolutions
Window auto-sized to fonts
Fully customizable screen colors with brightness control
Multiple Cut/Paste buffers (up to 9)
Rich set of Copy and Paste methods such as PasteWindow text stream formatting
Smart selection of words on screen using SelectJCL function
Smart replace of words on screen using PasteJCL function
Screen level Undo/Redo
Smart Row/Column indicator shows actual data column when in the ISPF editor
Option to prefix all input with spaces, to avoid 3270 null character problems
Completely definable window title and status bar text, with variables
Type ahead buffer
Auto keyboard unlock
Capture screen to a file
Screen print with definable settings for each terminal type
Disable Auto-Skip and/or Numeric Lock
Destructive or non-destructive BackSpace
Blinking text shows as blinking, italic, or normal text
Full control over Cursor size/shape and blink/noblink
Locator cursor action to help you find it on complex screens
Horizontal, Vertical, or Crosshairs ruler of any color follows cursor
ToolHelp and other Win95 lookalike options, even when using Win3.1
Support for McGill's PCPRINT TSO command

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Screen "Hot Spot" support

Each session can have a different color icon and screen border, to make window switching easier

Fully Customizable Keyboard

Any key on a standard 101 keyboard can be modified
Each key can be set to repeat or not when held down
Each key can be set to be buffered or set to interrupt a locked screen
A Find function is available in the keyboard editor to find key functions
Mouse keys can be set to issue any function or macro
Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys can be set to functions, while retaining their normal use
CapsLock and Numlock can be redefined, or even disabled
Special non-3270 functions are available such as BottomHome and BackNewLine

Customizable Toolbar and Popup Keypads

Toolbar buttons can be added, moved, or deleted as needed
Any toolbar button can be assigned any key or macro function
Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys can modify a toolbar button's function

File Transfer Between PC and Host

IND$FILE transfer is supported for TSO and CMS in either WSF (Write Structured Field) or CUT
(Control Unit Terminal) mode.

Macro/Script processing language

Automatically record macro scripts, or create them yourself in any text editor
Assign macros to the keyboard, mouse, or toolbar and keypad buttons
Macro screen input is typed as soon as screen unlocks, with no delay timer needed
Initiate file transfers from macros

International Support
Code pages supplied for various countries
Keyboard layout options with escape key functions for accented characters

Thin Code that runs on all 32bit Windows platforms

Vista provides all these features and more in an very fast-loading and fast-operating emulation package.
A little over 2M of disk storage for the average installation. Gets you connected quickly even on older
And for Windows 3.1 or newer, a 16bit version is available with most of the features listed above.

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There are 2 methods to start Vista: Manual and Automatic. After installation you should see two Vista icons.
The one marked "Vista" is for Manual startup. The one marked "Vista Standard Session" is automatic.

Manual Startup
When Vista starts with no command line parameter, it will show the Start a New Terminal
Session window, which looks like this:

To start a session, you will need to select (or type in) the Host IP Name of the TN3270 session
you wish to establish, and optionally select a Terminal Model for the session. You can also
select a pre-established Session File, which contains a saved set of Vista options, or just let it
default to standard.ses.
Then press the Connect button to attempt to establish a TN3270 session.
Session window options are explained on another page

Automatic Startup
Starting a Vista session with a command line parameter pointing to a session file will bypass
the Session window and attempt to establish a connection automatically. For example, setting
the target command to:

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...will startup Vista with the standard session file and attempt to connect to the host specified in
that file.
Other command line parameters and INI variables are available if needed.in special cases

Additionally, Vista may be started by clicking on a hypertext link in a web browser that specifies a target URL
of TN3270://hostname. Before this will work, however, you must tell Windows to use Vista for that particular
process. Here are some instructions for Windows 95, which I believe should also work with other versions of
1) Click Start, Settings, and Control Panel
2) Click the View/Options menu item, and press the File Types tab.
3) Find URL:TN3270 Protocol in the resulting list, and double click to edit that item.
4) In the resulting actions window, double click open to edit that action.
5) In the text box titled Application used to perform action, specify the drive, directory, and
program name where you have Vista installed. By default this should be:
Close all the windows you just opened, and you should now be able to double click a TN3270 webpage URL and cause a new Vista session to open and automatically attempt to connect to the
hostname specified in the URL.

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Creating New Session Files

Vista comes with one session file named STANDARD.SES, and this one is used as a basis for any others
you might want to create. To create a new session file, you can use the File/Save Session As... menu bar
function, or you can also simply type in a new session name when you see the session selection window
titled Vista - Start a New Terminal Session. This window comes up, for example, when a ReconnectAsk or
NewSessionAsk function is done.
Both methods also have an option to create a new Vista icon in the Vista TN3270 folder.
You can also simply copy one session file to a new name using any Windows file-copy method.

A host name can be a name resolved by a Domain Name Server (DNS) such as tn3270.company.com, or a
dot address such as

Vista supports 5 standard IBM terminal models:


Rows x Columns

Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5

24 x 80
32 x 80
43 x 80
27 x 132
variable, up to 72 x 200

A session file contains most of the parameters (screen size, font, colors, etc.) for a particular Vista
session. The default standard.ses is setup at installation time, but you can create your own by
typing a new Session File name in the startup window.
Multiple Vista windows can use the same or different session files, as specified at startup or by
command line parameter.

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Command Line Options

Right click any Vista icon and select Properties, then click the Shortcut tab. The "Target"
specification probably looks something like this:
c:\vista32\vista32.exe standard.ses
Items following the vista32.exe program name are Command Line Options. These can influence
the operation of Vista, typically at startup.
Currently, these options are available:
/s sessionfilename

Specifies the session file (*.ses) to be used at startup. If this parm

is ommitted, Vista will not attempt to automatically connect to the
host, and instead display the Connection window.
Example: c:\vista32\vista32.exe mysession

/m macrofilename

Indicates the name of a macro to be executed at session startup.

Note, this macro will only be executed on the first connection. If
you want a macro to be executed at every connection, please use
the Startup Macro specified on the General Options window.
Example: c:\vista32\vista32.exe /m mymacro

/h hostname

Specifies the host name or ip address that should be used by this

session at startup. A connection is attempted immediately, without
any user interaction. This is considered a temporary hostname,
and is not added to the hostname list.
Example: c:\vista32\vista32.exe /h host.my.com


This option results in the same action as the /h option specified

above, but allows automatic startup and connection of an emulator
by clicking on a hypertext link in a typical web browser. Typically,
you will need to set your Windows default for the URL:TN3270
protocol so it points to the Vista emulator. See Connecting for more
information on this.

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INI Variables
Most of Vista's settings are stored in a session file (typically standard.ses), and in other files such
as the keyboard and toolbar files. However, a few are stored in an INI file so they will be common
to all sessions. The file name is VISTA.INI and is usually in your windows default directory
(usually c:\windows or c:\winnt). Note: If VISTA.INI is found in the same directory as
VISTA32.EXE, then that one will be used.
INI variables in the list below are created by Vista. You won't normally need to change these
here, since they are updated automatically at each connection attempt:

The last session file used


A list of host names (really Alias names) that will appear in the
Connection window. Don't change the order of this list, since
it is related to other INI variable lists.


A list of port numbers associated with each HostName


IP addresses or names associated with each HostName.

These may be different than the associated HostName, in the
case of aliases.
A 1 or a 0 indicating if TN3270E protocol should be attempted
for the associated host name



LUNAMES associated with each HostName

The following INI variables are not set by Vista, but can be used in special cases if required.
You'll need to type them in yourself and restart Vista to activate.

The default copybuffersize is 64K (the maximum

allowed). If you are having clipboard problems, you
might try lowering this value a bit, such as the
following example for 50K:
Example: CopyBufferSize=50


When automatically recording a macro, Vista will

place Wait statements with a default value of 20 after
each action key statement. This gives the host 20
seconds to respond before the macro fails. If you
need to increase this time, you can either edit the
resulting macro, or add this INI variable prior to
Example: RecordWait=30


Vista's cursor is normally drawn on the screen using

the "PatBltCursor" function of Windows. In the past,
Vista used the Rectangle function which seemed to
leave traces using some video boards. If you have
cursor trouble, try setting PatBltCursor off by coding
the following INI line:
Example: PatBltCursor=0

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The Connect Window normally moves the cursor (the

"focus") to the Session File selection box when
starting up or reconnecting. By using the
HostnameFocus INI file option, you can cause the
cursor to move to the Host Name box instead.
Example: HostnameFocus=1


The RESET function normally clears the terminal of

any locked status. With this option set though, reset
only clears the X SYSTEM status, and will not clear
the "clock" locked status (the picture of a little clock).
Example: NoResetClock=1


This option disables the Startup Macro when autoreconnecting after a disconnect. Startup Macro will
still be executed at the initial connection, and after any
reconnections caused by functions like Reconnect or
ReconnectAsk .
Example: NoMacroOnReconnect=1


By default, Vista passes terminal type IBM-3278-2-E

to the telnet server when connected in user mode
(user defined screen size). You can change this to
mod5 (for example) if necessary by coding the
following in the INI file:
Example: TermTypeUser=5


These INI options set the pitch and duration for the
various PC speaker beeps (low, meduim, and high)
which can be set for PCs without sound cards using
the Set Sounds button in the Display options window.
Pitch is specified in Hz, Duration in milliseconds.
Examples are shown below with their defaults:


Vista fonts are loaded at startup, and removed from

memory when the last Vista window is closed.
However, in some cases you may need to implement
the fonts in the Windows registry permanently. If so,
you will need to tell Vista the fonts are already loaded
Example: FontAlreadyLoaded=1

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Tells Vista to send a null signal to the TN3270 server

periodically to keep a session active. A telnet IAC
NOP is sent (xFFF1). Value is in seconds, and zero
(the default) tells Vista not to send any keepalive. For
example, if you want to send a keepalive every 60
seconds, code:
Example: KeepAliveTime=60


Causes the Vista main window to close when a

disconnect from the host occurs. Useful for hosts that
issue a disconnect when you LOGOFF for example.
Example: CloseOnDisconnect=1


Specifies a macro that will be run when the Vista main

window is closed.
Example: ShutDownMacro=shutdown.mac
Here's an example of a macro which will check if ISPF
edit is active at shutdown, and press PF3 a few times
for you before closing the Vista session:
* Shutdown macro
If Screen(3,2,4) = "EDIT"
If Screen(4,2,12) = "Command ===>"
Note that the ExitEmulator function should be
specified to actually cause the emulator window to

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Start a New Terminal Session

The following parameters are available when manually starting a new session:

Session File
Select an existing session file, or type a new name. A session file contains most of the
parameters for a session such as font size, screen colors, and other options. Multiple Vista
windows can share the same session file, but remember that each window stores parameters
at close time. This means parameters will be set to those of the last window closed.

Host IP Name or Alias

This name is usually a Domain Name Server (DNS) name such as tn3270.company.com, or a
dot address such as It can also be an Alias name that points to either a

DNS or dot address (see Assign Host to Alias below).

You will need to know this IP information before a connection can be established. Ask the
network support people at your company if you arent already connected. Also, you may need
to ask them how to setup a TCP/IP connection on your PC.
IP names and their associated port numbers are stored in the VISTA.INI file in the windows
directory, and not in the session file, so that they can be shared among sessions.

IP Port
Each Host IP Name has an associated IP Port number, which you can change in this field.
Normally, TN3270 is defined to port 23, but in some cases your connection may need to use a
different port number.

Delete Host
This button can be used to delete the selected Host IP Name if you want to clean up the list a

Terminal Model
Vista can emulate 5 standard IBM 327x models:
Mod 2
Mod 3
Mod 4
Mod 5

24 lines by 80 columns
32 lines by 80 columns
43 lines by 80 columns
27 lines by 132 columns
Variable up to 72 x 200

Because of Host restrictions, a session needs to be stopped and restarted in order to change
the Terminal Model
For each terminal model other than Mod 2, you may need to specify a LOGMODE parameter
when logging on to the host. For example, to logon with a User specified size such as 56 x 127
(nice for viewing syslog), you might try something like:
Ask your local VTAM System Programmer to be sure.

Assign Host to Alias

Dot addresses and DNS IP names can be a bit cryptic to look at. Instead, you can type a more

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descriptive name, such as "Main Computer" in the Host IP Name or Alias field, and then press
the Assign Host to Alias button to relate the alias name to a real DNS name or dot address.

Set Vista to use TN3270E protocol instead of the default TN3270 standard mode. See Notes
about TN3270E for more information.

LU Name
When in TN3270E mode, you have the option of specifying a VTAM 8 character LUNAME to
be used when establishing the connection.

Connect Button
When this is pressed, Vista attempts to connect to the specified Host IP Name. If there is a
problem, you may see an error window, such as:

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Status Bar
The Status Bar is the text at the bottom of the Vista window that looks something like this:

Fields are described from left to right below:

Connection Status

Terminal Status
Last Transaction Time
Host Name
Macro Status
Copy Buffer
Shifter Key
Numeric Lock
Caps Lock
Insert Mode
Row, Col

Made to look similar to a real 3270 terminal. The underscored A

character appears when a connection is made. The leftmost
character "M" changes to a "C" when screen is being captured to a
Shows current terminal status (see table below)
Time (in seconds and tenths) of last terminal transaction
Current date MM/DD/YY
Julian day of the year
Time in HH:MMxM - 12 hour time
Host name of current connection
R recording, P playing, X paused
Number of the copy buffer currently being pasted
Shows S, C, or A, for Shift, Ctrl, or Alt key being held down
N indicates cursor is within a numeric lock field
Shows A or a indicating caps lock on or off
Show ^ character if insert mode is active
Shows current cursor position on the screen. If row,col is separated
by a slash, col shows current real column in ISPF editor.

Terminal Status Descriptions:

Terminal is not currently connected
Connection is ready to start
Terminal is attempting connection. When the attempt is near the
end of the specified timeout, this status field counts down the
number of remaining seconds.
Terminal has just been connected
Terminal is waiting for a host response
Terminal is waiting for a host response
Input is inhibited at the current cursor location
Input is inhibited because insert mode is active, and inserting more
characters would result in a loss of data at the right of field

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These show status during a data transfer, mostly these are only
useful if the transfer fails and you need to know where it was at.

Tailoring the Status Bar:

The center text of the status bar, from Last Transaction Time to Host Name in the example
above, can be changed by the user. Constant text and Variables can be defined in the string,
which is automatically centered in the available status bar area. If the string is too large to
display, the left and right edges are clipped as needed. Select the Options/Options menu
item, and look for the Status Line field in the General options panel.
The default string supplied is:
&trantime %m/%d/%y.%j %I:%M%p &hostname

variable showing last transaction time

date in the format MM/DD/YY.DDD
time in the format HH:MMxM
variable showing current host name

See System Variables for a list of available system variables, such as &trantime and
See Date/Time Variables for a list of variables available for data/time substitution, such as
%m and %d above.

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Vista functions are divided up into the 5 groups shown below:

Action Functions
Action Functions cause instructions and/or data to be sent to the host. These functions
include, Enter, PA1, PF1, Clear, Attention, and others.

Edit Functions
Edit Functions modify the screen locally, without sending any data or notification to the host.
Examples of these include Home, NewLine, EraseEndOfField, etc.

Character Functions
These just type a particular character on the screen. Any character can be assigned to any

Operator Functions
Operator Functions include items such as SendFile, ExitEmulator, Printscreen, etc, that do not
fall into any of the categories above.

Macros are *.MAC files in the Vista directory, and can of course issue keys and function calls
as needed to do the work required - such as logon automatically to a host at startup. Macros
can also be setup to do functions not available in any of the other types, such as calling
WinExec to open a notepad window or view the clipboard.
The Vista functions can be executed by various methods, including:

Keyboard or Mouse assignment using the keyboard editor

Toolbar or Keypad button assignment

From within a macro, using the Keys("....") function

...and in some cases, from the Menu Bar
See Keyboard Defaults and Toolbar Defaults for a description of how these user-modifiable
items are supplied at installation time.

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Action Functions

Action Functions cause instructions and data to be sent to the host. By default, most action keys are
setup to be saved in the type-ahead buffer if issued when the screen is locked. The action keys
Attention, and PA1-PA3 however, default to be issued immediately since we assume the user needs to
interrupt the current process.


Sends an Attention Interrupt to the host

Clears the screen, and tells the host about it
Sends modified data to the host
Sends appropriate code and data to the host
Sends appropriate code and data to the host
Sends appropriate interrupt code to the host

Attention - Can be used to interrupt a currently running TSO command, for example, or signal the host for
various other items. Attention sends a xFFF3 (IAC BREAK) to the TN3270 server.
Default key - Escape

Enter - Sends an AID (Attention identifier) of x7D to the host, along with any fields on the screen the user may
have modified.
Default keys - Right Ctrl, Ctrl-Enter, NumPad-Enter

Clear - Clears the local screen and also sends an AID (attention id) of x6D to the host, telling it that the screen
has been cleared. Typically the host sends some data back or takes some other action.
Default key - Pause
PA1 through PA3 - typically used to interrupt the host in various ways. They send an AID of x6C, x6E, and
x6B, respectively to the host.
Default keys - Ctrl-Insert, Ctrl-Home, Ctrl-PageUp

PF1 through PF24 - typically used to control various activities on the host, and can change their function
dynamically depending on the host application. They send an AID (attention id) to the host to indicate which key
was pressed.
Default keys - F1 through F12, and Ctrl-F1 through Ctrl-F12 for PF13 through PF24
PageUp and PageDown keys are also set to F7 and F8 respectively, for ISPF scrolling.

SysReq - Sends xF0 to the host, which is usually interpreted by the tn3270 server as a SysReq interrupt.
Default key - Shift-Esc

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Edit Functions

Edit Functions modify the screen without sending any data or notification to the host. By default, almost
all of these are set to be saved in the type-ahead buffer if typed on a locked screen.


Move cursor to the leftmost input field on the previous line

Move the cursor back 1 position
Move the cursor back to the previous field on the screen
Move cursor to the lower left input field on the screen
This function enables the Caps Lock key
Clear all copy/paste buffers, including the Clipboard
Copy selected text to Clipboard
Add selected text to the end of the copy buffer.
Copy with tabs between fields
Copy selected text to Clipboard and Delete
Delete single character or selected text
Delete word at cursor position
Move cursor down one line
Move cursor down two lines
3270 Dup key
Move cursor to end of text in input field
Erase text from cursor position to end of field
Erases all fields on the screen and marks them as not modified
Type a FieldMark
Move cursor to the upper left input field on screen
Set or toggle insert mode, depending on Display option
Move cursor to the left one character
Move cursor to the left two characters
Move cursor to the left most input field on the current line
Move cursor to the leftmost input field on the next line
Set key to do nothing
This function enables the Numeric Lock key
Paste Overlay or Paste Fields depending on Option settings
Continue pasting from where we left off
Paste data and repeat on any lines below cursor
Paste data to the screen, moving existing data to the right
Replace text based on screen content and mouse position
Paste data and overlay any input fields
Paste data and repeat on any lines below cursor
Paste a long text string into a formatted rectangle
Show a popup menu for Undo/Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All
Reset the emulator
Move cursor to the right one character
Move cursor to the right two characters
Select all text on screen (including blank areas)
Select current field
Select text based on screen content and mouse position
Select current line

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Start a Select Box at the current cursor location

End a Select Box at the current cursor location
Select all text in the field pointed to by the mouse
Show a select window and move corner down 1 char
Show a select window and move corner left 1 char
Show a select window and move corner right 1 char
Show a select window and move corner up 1 char
Select current word
Tab to the beginning of the next input field
Revert back to the last screen sent by the host
Move cursor up one line
Move cursor up two lines
Move cursor left one word
Move cursor right one word

BackNewLine - Moves the cursor to the leftmost field above the current cursor location. This is the opposite
action of the Newline key.
Default key - Shift-Enter

Backspace - Moves the cursor one position to the left. If the Display option Destructive Backspace is set, the
previous character is also removed from the screen.
Default key - Backspace; Default option - Destructive Backspace is Off

BackTab - Moves the cursor back to the previous field. Note, this field may be up and to the right of the current
cursor location.
Default key -Shift-Tab

BottomHome - Moves the cursor to the lowest left field on the screen. This is useful for applications that insist on
putting the command line at the bottom (SAA standard, need I say more?)
Default key - Alt-Home

CapsLock - Makes the capslock key function normally. However, you can edit the capslock key to something
else (or disable it with the NullKey function) if you want.
Default key - Caps Lock (this function cannot be used with any other key)

ClearBuffers - Clears all the copy buffers, and also clears the clipboard
Default key - Alt-F12

Copy - Copies currently selected text to the clipboard and to copy buffer 1. All other active copybuffers (if any)
are shifted right and the oldest buffer is lost. Text is selected by holding down the left mouse button, or by any of
the Select* functions. If no text is selected, this function is ignored.
Default key - Ctrl-C
Default toolbar button is

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CopyAppend - Appends the currently selected text to the clipboard and to copy buffer 1, similar to the Copy
function. If no text is currently selected, CopyAppend will select text that is on the screen using the previously
used selection area. This is so you can do the following series of commands to copy a large amount of data to
the copy buffer (up to 64K):
Use ISPF option 2 to edit a dataset
Scroll up 1 line to get the Top of Data line off the screen
Use the mouse to select the entire visible edit text area
Press the Copy key (default Ctrl-C)
Move the cursor to the command line and press F8 to scroll down
Press the CopyAppend key (default Ctrl-A)
Repeat F8/Ctrl-A until all the data is copied or you fill up the 64K buffer
Default key - Ctrl-A

CopyFields - Copies selected text to the clipboard just like the Copy function, but Copyfields places tab
characters (hex 09) between horizontal fields. This is useful when copying fields to an Excel spreadsheet, for
Default key - None

Cut - Copies the currently selected text to the clipboard and then deletes it from the screen. Deleted text is
replaced with spaces or nulls depending on the Cut/Paste option Replace with Nulls or Replace with Spaces. If
Nulls are used, the data to the right of the deleted area typically collapses left since nulls are not sent back to
the host. If no text is selected, this function is ignored.
Default key - Ctrl-X; Default option - Replace with Nulls
Default toolbar button is

Delete - Deletes the character at the current cursor position, and moves any characters to the right of that
location left 1 position.
If a selection window was drawn on the screen, the delete function will remove all text within the selection
window. Selected text that is deleted is replaced with spaces or nulls depending on the Cut/Paste option
Replace with Nulls or Replace with Spaces. If Nulls are used, the data to the right of the deleted area typically
collapses left since nulls are not sent back to the host
Default key - Delete; Default option - Replace with Nulls

DeleteWord - If cursor is on a word, that word is deleted and words to the right of the deleted word are scooted
left as needed to replace the deleted text. If this function is used without the cursor on a word, then a single
character is deleted.
Note: A word is considered to be a string of characters bounded by spaces.
Default key - Ctrl-D

Down - Moves the cursor down one character position. If the cursor was at the bottom of the screen, it wraps to
the top of the screen.
Default key - Down-Arrow

Down2 - Moves the cursor down two character positions. If the cursor was at the bottom of the screen, it wraps

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to the top of the screen.

Default key - Alt-Down-Arrow

Dup - Types an overscore asterisk on the screen indicating the Dup character (x 1C), and also tabs the cursor to
the next field.
Default key - None

End - Moves the cursor past the last text in the current unprotected field. If this new position results in the cursor
being on a protected field or field character, the cursor is tabbed to the next field on the screen. If this command
is used while the cursor is in an unprotected field, the cursor is first tabbed to the next unprotected field, and then
the End is executed.
Default keys - Ctrl-E, Shift-End

EraseEndofField - Replaces the character at the cursor position with nulls, and all characters to the right of that
cursor position. The function only works in unprotected fields, of course.
Default key - End

EraseInput - Erases all input fields (to nulls) and marks them as not modified so data will not be sent to the host
even if data was previously typed in those fields. In some applications, such as ISPF that remembers what
was previously on the screen, this function can cause very unusual results.
Default key - none
FieldMark - Types an overscored semi-colon (x1E) on the screen at the cursor position. This character is
typically used to stack TSO commands together, among other things.
Default key - none

Home - Moves the cursor to the uppermost and leftmost field on the screen. Usually this is at the command line
unless youve installed some of those fine SAA compliant applications.
Default key - Home

Insert - Sets the input mode so that any characters typed on the screen will scoot any existing characters over to
the right instead of overlaying them. Note that once a field is full you cannot insert any more characters Character keys will be inhibited.
The Display option Toggle Insert Key causes insert mode to be turned on and off with each press of the Insert
key, like the typical Windows program usually does. But real 3270s dont reset insert mode until you press the
Reset key (default left Ctrl) or press an Action key such as Enter.
Default key - Insert; Default mode: Toggle Insert Key is Off (acts like a real 3270)

Left - Moves the cursor left one position. If the cursor was at the left side of the screen, the cursor wraps to the
right side of the screen.
Default key - Left-Arrow

Left2 - Moves the cursor left two positions. If the cursor was at the left side of the screen, the cursor wraps to the

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right side of the screen

Default key - Alt-Left-Arrow

LeftField - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the leftmost field on the current line.
Default key - none

NewLine - Moves the cursor to the leftmost field on the next line with a field on it.
Default key - Enter

NullKey - Sets a key to do nothing

Default key - n/a

NumLock - Sets the Num Lock key active. This allows the Num Lock function, while still allowing you to edit the
Num Lock key to something else (or disable it with NullKey)
Default key - Num Lock (this function cannot be used with any other key)

Paste - Pastes text from the current copy buffer to the screen at the cursor location. This function actually will do
a PasteOverlay or PasteField function, depending on the Paste settings in the Cut/Paste option panel. See notes
on those two functions for actual pasting logic.
Vista supports up to 9 (64K) copy buffers (default is set to 3). Doing a Paste the first time will paste buffer 1 (the
contents of the clipboard) to the screen. Pressing Paste again with no other intervening activity will then paste
buffer 2 on the screen, and so on, until the end of the copy buffers is reached or an empty buffer is seen. Paste
then circles back to buffer 1 and continues until you find that data you thought you had lost. Pressing any key
other than Paste ends the cycle and leaves the last copy buffer on the screen.
If you run into trouble, press the Undo (default Ctrl-Z) function and the screen should revert back to the last
transmission from the host, assuming that is what you want.
Default key - Ctrl-V; Default options: Overlay Input Fields, Number of copy buffers = 3
Default toolbar button is

PasteContinue - If the total contents of the buffer you previously pasted with PasteOverlay, PasteField, or
PasteWindow did not completely fit in the designated area, PasteContinue will continue pasting data from where
the previous command left off. Also, the previous command paste style (overlay, field, or window) will be used
for any continued pastes.
Default key - Ctrl-B

PasteField - Pastes each line of input to each field on the screen. Each line will be pasted to the beginning of
each field, regardless of the location of the cursor within the first field. Author s note: Im still trying to find a use
for this function.
See the Paste function for a description of multiple copy buffers, which also work with this function.
See PasteContinue for a description of how to continue pasting a buffer larger than the screen area.
Default key - None

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PasteInsert - Pastes each line of input as if the clipboard buffer was a block of text at the cursor position.
Existing data is moved to the right as needed. If this process would result in data loss at the right of the screen,
the user is notified. This notification can be disabled if desired, on the Cut/Paste option panel.
See the Paste function for a description of multiple copy buffers, which also work with this function.
See PasteContinue for a description of how to continue pasting a buffer larger than the screen area.
Default key - Ctrl-Q (so you can easily hit this key with your left hand)

PasteOverlay - Pastes each line of input as if the clipboard buffer was a block of text at the cursor position which
overlays a block of screen data the same size. Screen fields that are protected are not modified, of course, even
if there happens to be data in the block at that location.
See the Paste function for a description of multiple copy buffers, which also work with this function.
See PasteContinue for a description of how to continue pasting a buffer larger than the screen area.
Default key - Ctrl-V; Default options - Number of copy buffers = 3

PasteRepeat - Pastes the contents of the current clipboard to the current cursor location, and then repeats the
paste over and over again (moving down the screen) until the bottom of the screen is hit.
Authors note: This is more useful than it may appear at first.
Default key - Ctrl-R

PasteWindow - This function is designed to take an unformatted string (a string with no CRLFs in it, such as text
from an e-mail window), and paste the text to a selected rectangular area on the screen. Text will be broken at
spaces and commas (like a word processor) to fit as well as possible within the selected area.
PasteWindow requires that you select the area to paste with the mouse (or macro) before pasting. Once this
selection is done though, you do not have to respecify the area for any subsequent PasteContinue functions.
You can, however, select a new area for PasteContinue if you want to, and, for example, make columnar data out
of a long unformatted text string.
Default key - Ctrl-W

PopupMenu - If you want Vista to look more like a typical Windows application, you might want to edit your right
mouse key to PopupMenu (although you really should examine the default SelectJCL function before doing this).
PopupMenu pops up the typical menu in the middle of the screen that allows you to Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste,
Delete, and Select All
Default key - Shift-Right-Mouse-Single-Click

Reset - Resets the keyboard. If you are running with the default Display option Auto Key Unlock on, then you
wont be using Reset nearly as often as you did on a real 3270 terminal. However, with Auto Key Unlock off,
youll be needing it a lot.
Reset also sets the Insert key off, regardless of the Display option setting Toggle Insert Key
Default key - Left Ctrl

Right - Moves the cursor right one position. If the cursor was at the right side of the screen, the cursor wraps to
the left side of the screen.
Default key - Right-Arrow

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Right2 - Moves the cursor right two positions. If the cursor was at the right side of the screen, the cursor wraps to
the left side of the screen.
Default key - Alt-Right-Arrow

SelectAll - Draws a select window around the entire text area, and waits for a Cut, Copy, or Delete function.
Default key - Ctrl-S

SelectField - Draws a select window around the 3270 field indicated by the mouse or macro row/col position.
The field may be either protected or unprotected, and all field positions (including spaces or nulls) are included.
Default key - Ctrl-F

SelectLine - Draws a select window around the line indicated by the mouse or macro row/col position. The line
may consist of either protected or unprotected fields, and all characters (including spaces or nulls) are included.
SelectLine always selects a rectangle as wide as the screen.
Default key - Ctrl-L

SelectLocation1 - Marks the first corner of the select rectangle at the current cursor position, or the row/col
indicated by a macro. Designed mainly for macro processing
Default key - None

SelectLocation2 - Marks the second corner of the select rectangle at the current cursor position, or the row/col
indicated by a macro. Designed mainly for macro processing
Default key - None

SelectText - Selects all the text in the field pointed to by the cursor or mouse, but trims leading and trailing
Default key - None

SelectWinDown - Moves the lower right-hand corner of the select box down one position. Draws the selectbox
on the screen if not already active.
Default key - Shift-Down-Arrow

SelectWinLeft - Moves the lower right corner of the select box left one position. Draws the selectbox on the
screen if not already active.
Default key - Shift-LeftArrow

SelectWinRight - Moves the lower right corner of the select box right one position. Draws the selectbox on the
screen if not already active.
Default key - Shift-Right-Arrow

SelectWinUp - Moves the lower right corner of the select box up one position. Draws the selectbox on the screen
if not already active.

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Default key - Shift-Up-Arrow

SelectWord - Draws a select box around the word at the current cursor location. If cursor is pointing to a space,
this function does nothing.
Note: A word is considered to be a string of characters bounded by spaces.
Default key - Ctrl-Right-Mouse-Single-Click

Tab - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next input field on the screen. Note, on an unformatted screen (a
screen with no fields), this command moves the cursor to the top-left position.
Default key - Tab

Undo - Resets the screen back to the way it was when the last transmission was received from the host, or if
already pressed, does a Redo to put the screen back the way it was at Undo time.
Default key - Ctrl-Z
Default toolbar button is

Up - Moves the cursor up one position. If the cursor was at the top of the screen, the cursor wraps to the bottom
of the screen.
Default key - Up-Arrow

Up2 - Moves the cursor up two positions. If the cursor was at the top of the screen, the cursor wraps to the
bottom of the screen.
Default key - Alt-Up-Arrow

WordLeft - Moves the cursor left one word, regardless of if the field is protected or unprotected.
Note: A word is considered to be a string of characters bounded by spaces.
Default key - Ctrl-Left-Arrow

WordRight - Moves the cursor right one word, regardless of if the field is protected or unprotected.
Note: A word is considered to be a string of characters bounded by spaces.
Default key - Ctrl-Right-Arrow

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The SelectJCL Function

SelectJCL is set as the default right-mouse-single-click function, because the author believes it should be
helpful for selecting text items on the typical mainframe screen. Here is a quick description of what it can do
for you:
SelectWord provides a pretty good way to select data for copy/cut/delete as long as the string is
bounded by spaces. But to pick up fields smaller than a word you normally have to resort to the tedious
and error-prone dragging of the mouse to create a select window.
SelectJCL may help select small items such as JCL parms, dataset names and portions of dataset
names, and other similarly formatted data, by using the mouse position at select time as a factor in
deciding what to select. For example, if you click at various spots within this JCL line (as indicated by
the numbers and letters below), youll get results as indicated in the table below:



1 23 45 6 7 8 9 ab
d e f


Data Selected




returns the whole parm

right-half returns word
mouse on special char
dsname only returned
right-half return HLI
repeated special char
convert to TSO dsname
word only
not much use, but...
word only
member with parenthesis
member without parens
whole parm
word only
word only since at end

Some additional logic included in SelectJCL is:

Click a special character (non alphanumeric) that is surrounded by 2 non-special characters will
return the words surrounding that character, plus any other adjacent words connected by that
character. This allows us to pick out just the dataset name (without the member) in example 6
Click on a left paren, and everything to the closing paren will be included, plus the closing paren.
Same logic is used for ticked or quoted strings.
Click the left half of the first word within a ticked, quoted, or paren d string and you should receive
the data within the ticks/quotes/parens, but not the delimiters themselves.
Click the a field character (the blank right before a field) or any blank in the field, and the entire field
will be selected.
Click on a special character preceded by a space, and the selected word (bounded by spaces) will
be selected.
If the first character of a line is a forward slash (JCL indicator) and youve clicked on either the first
or second character in the line, all the text in the line will be selected.
Click on a special character that has at least one special character next to it on either side, and the
logic assumes you want a word of special characters bounded by alphanumeric delimiters.

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Selecting any space or null character will select the entire field.

Selection will not wrap beyond one line. For example, if you select the first tick of a quoted string,
but the closing tick has wrapped to the next line (typical in syslog and JCL), the smart selection
fails and only the first tick character will be selected.

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The PasteJCL Function

PasteJCL complements the SelectJCL function. Once SelectJCL has been used to select a screen item
such as a JCL parm, Datasetname, Member, etc., you can use PasteJCL to replace similar items with the
clipboard string. Please read the help information on SelectJCL if you havent already done so.
An example of PasteJCL:
Suppose you have the JCL below as part of a sort job:


But today you want to sort the input dataset in place, so you ll need to copy the first dataset name down
to the second DD card. Try this:
Move the mouse to the first part of the word TEST in the input dataset name, and right click to
do a SelectJCL (or ctrl-J on default keyboard). This should select the entire dataset name,
including the member name.
Now move the mouse to the first part of the word USER2 in the output dataset name. Hold a
control key down and right click to do a PasteJCL function (ctrl K on default keyboard). The
output datasetname should be replaced with the contents of the clipboard, scooting the
DISP=SHR out to the right as needed.
The way PasteJCL decides what to replace is based on the SelectJCL logic previously described. As
with SelectJCL, the mouse position and screen content determines what text gets selected for replace.
Heres another example:
Original text:


This time, right-click the first part of the word INPUT. SelectJCL should select the dataset name, but
without the high-level qualifier.
Now hold ctrl and then right-click the first part of the word OUT. PasteJCL will replace OUT.FILE with
the clipboard data, leaving the USER2 high-level qualifier intact.
Some Restrictions:
PasteJCL can only paste a single line of text.
When replacing data with longer strings, data to the right of the string is moved to the right as
necessary - sometimes even off the edge of the screen (where it is lost ).

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Character Functions simply type the specified character on the screen at the current cursor location.
The keyboard, mouse, toolbar buttons, and macros, can all issue characters.
Any one of 224 printable ASCII characters can be specified. They are translated to their appropriate
EBCDIC equivalent when sent.

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Operations allow the user to assign functions like SendFile, PrintScreen, etc. to a key, toolbar, or call
them from a macro. Operations include:


Toggle screen automatic capture to file

Cascade all open Session Windows
Cascade all open Session Windows from current position
Call up a previously saved debug file
Disconnect from the currently active host
Edit the keyboard layout and functions
Edit the keypad layout and functions
Edit Session Profile
Edit the toolbar layout and functions
Exit all open Sessions
Interrupt the session and exit the emulator program
Change to next Larger font
Change to next Narrower font
Display Font Selection Dialog
Change to next Shorter font
Change to next Smaller font
Change to next Taller font
Change to Vista Thick Fonts
Change to Vista Thin Fonts
Change to next Wider font
Show the Help Contents page
Show the Help Index
Flash the cursor so you can find it on a busy screen
Maximize all open Sessions
Minimize all open Sessions Windows
Move cursor to mouse position
Move cursor to mouse position, then press Enter
Start a new terminal session, the same as the current one
Start a new terminal session
Select Next Session
Pause Macro recording (press again to continue)
Playback a previously recorded Macro
Play the default StartUp Macro
Select Previous Session
Reprints pc$print.txt (downloaded from PCPRINT cmd)
Print the screen
Print the screen, but show standard print dialog first
Transfer a file from Host to PC
End current session (if any) and attempt to reconnect
End current session (if any) and ask for reconnect
Begin Recording a new Macro
Clear the keyboard type-ahead buffer
Save the current screen to a file

Page 30 of 167


Append current screen to a file

Save the current session profile
Transfer a file from PC to Host
Display attribute characters as dots
Shows the Keypad at the current mouse position
Show or Hide the main Menu Bar
Maximize the main window
Minimize the main window
Show the main window as a normal (sizeable) window
Restore the main window to it's previous setting
Show or Hide the Tool Bar
Stop Recording or Playing a Macro
Display the File Transfer Log window

Capture - After each screen is received from the host and the screen is unlocked, send the entire screen to the
current file specified in the Save Screen to Disk option. This function toggles screen capture on and off. Capture
is always turned off at Vista startup.
When capture is on, the leftmost character on the status bar changes from "M" to "C".
Default key - none

Cascade - Cascade all open sessions at the top left of the screen. Each session remains its normal window
Default key - none

CascadeFromHere - Cascade all open sessions starting at the position of the current window. Each session
remains its normal window size.
Default key - none

DebugFile - Call up and display a previously saved *.dbg file. Useful for debugging screen image problems
Default key - none

Disconnect - Disconnect the current session from the host, and do not try to reconnect. Normally the Reconnect
function is probably what you really need.
Default key - none

EditKeyboard - Call up the key edit dialog, allowing you to specify functions for any key on a standard 101 key
keyboard, and also mouse key operations.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

EditKeypad - Call up the keypad edit dialog, allowing you to add, remove, and re-arrange keys on the popup

Page 31 of 167

Default key - none

EditProfile - Call up the profile edit window, where you can set various Vista emulator options.
Default key - Alt-Z
Default toolbar button is

EditToolbar - Call up the toolbar editor, where you can drag and drop toolbar buttons to create various toolbars
that meet your needs. Buttons are assigned functions and macros, as with the keyboard editor.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

ExitAll - Disconnect and close any currently open Vista Session windows. If any of these have Ask Before
Closing option set, you will need to reply first.
Default key - none

ExitEmulator - Disconnect and close the current Vista session. If the Ask Before Closing option is set, you will
need to reply first.
Default key - Alt-F4

FontLarger - Find the next larger font, if any where both the height and width of the font are larger than the
current font. If this function seems to have no effect, you are already at the largest font that will fit on the screen
as a window. Try maximizing the window to get a bit larger font, if possible.
Default key - none

FontNarrower - If the current fontname has a font size with the current height but a little bit thinner, then change
the font. If there is no thinner font at the current height, this function does nothing and gives no error message.
Default key - none

FontSelect - Open the font selection profile window where you can specify font attributes, and related screen
windowing options.
Default key - none

FontShorter - Attempt to find a font that is at the current width, but a bit shorter. If not found, this function does
Default key - none

FontSmaller - Change font to the next smaller font, where both the height and width are smaller than the current
font. If we are already at the smallest font, this function does nothing.
Default key - none

FontTaller - Change font to the next taller font, where the width is the same as the current font. If no taller font is

Page 32 of 167

found, this function does nothing.

Default key - none

FontThicker - If Vista Thin Fonts are currently selected, change to Vista Thick Fonts.
Default key - none

FontThinner - If Vista Thick Fonts are currently selected, change to Vista Thin Fonts.
Default key - none

FontWider - Find the next font wider than the current font, while keeping the same height as the current. If a
wider font is not found, this function does nothing.
Default key - none

HelpContents - Display the Help Contents page.

Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

HelpIndex - Display the Help Index.

Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

LocateCursor - Flash the cursor so you can find it on a busy screen. This is especially useful when using
functions like the ISPF FIND command. The locator action can be set to blink or explode (see the cursor profile
Default key - none

MaximizeAll - Maximize all open Vista sessions. The "A,B,C" buttons on the default toolbar can be used to select
one of the first 3 sessions, or you can add more buttons as needed. Also, the Window menu item contains a list
of all active windows.
Default key - none

MinimizeAll - Minimize all Vista sessions. To call a session back up, use Windows functions such as the alt-tab
key, the task bar, etc. Windows that are closed while minimized will come back up next time as a normal window
(not minimized).
Default key - none

MoveCursor - Move the cursor to the current mouse position. Normally this function is set to the left mouse
button, but you can also set this to a key (you will still need to move the mouse though).
Default key - left mouse single click

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MoveCursorEnter - Moves the cursor to the mouse position and then simulates pressing the Enter key. This is
very useful for ISPF screen menu items, and other screen hot spots.
Default key - left mouse double-click

NewSession - Open a new Vista session window, using the attributes from the current session.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

NewSessionAsk - Open a new Vista session window, allowing you to change sessions, host connection, and
terminal model.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

NextSession - Swap to the next open Vista session window. If no other windows are open, this function does
Default key - Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-N

Pause - When playing a macro, this function allows you to temporarily pause processing. Press the play key or
button to continue when ready. If you pause while in record mode, recording is temporarily suspended and you
can type or execute functions as needed without recording them. Press the record button to continue recording.
A blinking "P" on the status bar indicates the processing is paused.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

Play - Play a macro. This function will display a list of *.mac files and allow you to choose which one you want to
run. A blinking "P" on the startus bar indicates a macro is currently playing.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

PlayStartup - Play the startup macro, which is specified on the general options window. If no startup macro is
specified there, this function does nothing.
Default key - none

PrevSession - Swap to the previous open Vista session window. If no other windows are open, this function does
Default key - Ctrl-F2
PrintScreen - Prints the current screen on the default windows printer. If you first draw a select box with the
mouse, only the selected portion of the screen is printed. If the User Name field on the Print options panel is
non-blank, that data will be printed as a header on each print page, to identify who the screen print belongs to.
Default key - Ctrl-P

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Default toolbar button is

PrintFile - Prints the contents of pc$print.txt, which is the file used for the PCPRINT host command. Also can be
used to print other files if called from a macro - for example:
Default key - none

PrintScreenAsk - Same as the PrintScreen function, but allows you to specify printer-related defaults such as
printer name, portrait, landscape, etc. prior to printing.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

while holding the ctrl key down.

ReceiveFile - Display the IND$FILE data transfer screen, allowing you to receive a file from the host to your PC.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

Reconnect - Disconnect and attempt to reconnect the current host session. This is useful for when there are line
problems, etc., and your session becomes locked up for some reason.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

ReconnectAsk - Allows you to change session files, host names, and terminal models for the current session.
This function will of course disconnect and reconnect to the host when executed.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

Record - Select or type in a new macro name and description, then begin recording keystrokes. A blinking "R" on
the status bar indicates recording is in progress..
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

ResetKeyBuffer - When the terminal is locked and Type Ahead is set in the General Options window, keyboard
and other operator input is stacked in the key buffer. When the host unlocks the terminal and waits for input, this
key buffer is sent back as if you had just typed it.
ResetKeyBuffer clears the key buffer at any time, if you decide you really didnt want to send that data to the host
after all.
Default key - none

SaveScreen - Save the text from the current screen in the text file specified on the General Options windowe. By
default, this is set to VISTA.TXT in vista directory.

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Default key - none

SaveScreenAppend - Append the text from the current screen to the end of the text file specified on the General
Options windowe. By default, this is set to VISTA.TXT in vista directory.
Default key - none

SaveSession - Allows you to save the current session as a new name, or as the current name, and also allows
you to create a new icon for the session if desired. Note: Vista saves the current session attributes at various
times during processing, and always when closing a session, so there is really no need to use this option unless
you are going to create a new session file under a different name.
Default key - none

SendFile - Display the IND$FILE data transfer screen, allowing you to send a file from your PC to the host.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

ShowAttributes - Display field control bytes on the screen as dots. This function might be useful when
programming screen images. Issue the function again to turn the dots back off.
Default key none

ShowMenuBar - Toggles the appearance of the Menu Bar on or off. Also, this function is available on the
System Menu , i.e. click on the icon at the far upper left of the main Vista window.
Default key - none

ShowMaximize - Sets the current window to the maximum size allowed by the screen. Note: certain applications,
such as the Microsoft Office toolbar and the Windows task bar will make the usable full screen area smaller than
the actual screen size. This may prevent Vista from using a font that fills the screen as fully as possible.
Default key - none

ShowMinimize - Minimizes the current window as if the user had hit the Minimize button or system menu option.
To restore the window, most likely you'll need to click the Vista button on the Windows task bar.
Default key - none

ShowNormal - Shows the current window as a normal, sizeable, window.

Default key - none

ShowRestore - Restores the current window to it's previous Normal (sizeable) or Maximized setting. Typically
this function would be used from a macro to restore the main window after a ShowMinimize instruction was
previously executed.
Default key - none

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ShowKeypad - Displays the current Keypad on the screen at the mouse position. To modify the keypad, or
modify options (such as to leave the keypad on the screen), right-click any keypad button, or select the
Options/Edit Keypad menu item.
Default key - none

ShowToolBar - Toggles the appearance of the Tool Bar on or off. Also, this function is available on the System
Menu , i.e. click on the icon at the far upper left of the main Vista window.
Default key - none

Stop - Stop any macro recording or playing. If you were recording, a message appears telling you how many
lines were saved in the previously specified macro file.
Default key - none
Default toolbar button is

TransferLog - Display the IND$FILE file transfer log.

Default key - none

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Macros can be assigned to any key or toolbar button. Macros can be created by recording keystrokes
or editing the macro text yourself. Also, some macros are supplied which do various simple functions:

Calls up the windows clipboard


Copies the field at the cursor position to the



Copies the word at the cursor position to

the clipboard


Copies the line at the cursor position to the



Copies the current field to the clipboard,

then pastes it and repeats it on any fields
below the current cursor location.


Executes various functions based on

screen contents at the mouse click


Calls up the windows text editor


Swaps to another Vista session


Empty macros assigned to 3 buttons on the

default toolbar

Once a macro is assigned to a toolbar button, you can hold the mouse over that button (with tooltips on)
to see the macro description.
Also for toolbar button macros, you can right-click the toolbar button to bring up a popup menu with
various macro related functions.

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Hot Spots
Hot Spots in Vista are just text strings on the screen that cause certain action to occur. For example,
you may see a screen like this in your daily work:

With hotspots enabled, you can click on the text to the left of each menu item (PF1, PF2, etc.) and Vista
will issue the appropriate key function for you.
Hotspots are not enabled in Vista by default. I've found too many better uses for the mouse keys in my
regular work, such as the SelectJCL and Copy functions set (by default) to the right mouse button.
However, if you need hotspots, edit a mouse key function, such as double-right-click, to call the supplied
macro "hotspot.mac". This will enable the default hotspot functions, making the PF strings active
You can also edit your own hotspot strings and functions into hotspot.mac as needed.

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Vista options are divided up into 8 groups:

General Options
General options, such as session file name, host name and port, keyboard and
toolbar files, etc..

Display Options
Display related functions, such as terminal model, sound, blinking text options, and
other key and display related parameters.

Cursor Options
Cursor and Ruler options.

Font Options
Font type and size, and window handling options.

Colors Options
Color definitions for all text types and styles, and other fields such as status bar and
border colors.

Cut/Paste Options
Cut, Copy, and Paste options, such as the number of copy buffers, and copy box
selection parameters

Print Options
Setup fonts, margins, and other items for screen prints, and the PCPRINT host

Miscellaneous Options
International code pages and keyboard layouts, and various file transfer options.

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General Options

Session File - default standard.ses

Select an existing file, or type a new session file name. Session files contain a set of Vista
options, such as screen colors, font name, and other parameters.

Session Name - default Standard Session

User assigned Session Name, which is assigned to the &SessName variable, and can be used
in the Window Title, Status Line, or from within a macro.

Host Name - default none

Select or type a host name that will be used for this TN3270 session.

Window Title - default Session &w

User assigned text and variables that will appear in the top Title Bar for this session. Variables
can also be included as needed. For example, the variable &Windowid is used on the default
window title to show the session id letter (A through Z for up to 26 active sessions).

Status Line - default set to show date, time, and other information
User assigned text and variables that will appear in the bottom Status Bar for this session.
Variables can also be included as needed. Click here for a description of the status line fields.

File for Save Screen to Disk - default vista.txt, overwrite

Select or specify a file name used to store captured screens. Also specify whether to
Overwrite or Append to this file with each screen capture.

Edit Keyboard - default standard.key

Select or specify a keyboard file to be used for this session. Also, pushing the Edit Keyboard
button calls up the keyboard edit dialog, where you can assign functions to keys as needed.

Edit ToolBar - default standard.bar

Select or specify a toolbar file to be used for this session. Also, pushing the Edit ToolBar
button calls up the toolbar edit dialog, where you can assign buttons to the toolbar as needed.

Edit Keypad - default standard.pad

Select or specify a keypad file to be used for this session. Also, pushing the Edit Keypad
button calls up the keypad edit dialog, where you can assign buttons to the keypad as needed.

Connect Timeout - default 10

Specify the number of seconds to wait before giving up when attempting to establish a

Startup Macro - default none

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Select or specify a macro to be used at the startup of this session (typically for logging on). If
no startup macro is used, select (none) from the list

Show Window on Update - default off

When this option is selected, the Vista window will be activated and show itself whenever input
from the host comes in, even if you are in some other Windows application at the time.

Ask Before Closing - default off

When selected, Vista will ask you if its ok to close an active session

Show Tool Tips - default on

Shows a small yellow window with the tool button function or macro title, when the mouse is
held over a button for a moment.

Change Icon
Press this button to change the icon for this particular session.

Auto Reconnect - default on

Attempt to reconnect when session is disconnected by a host logoff or another reason such as
a phone line disconnection.

Use Alt for Menu - default off

If you are in the habit of using alt-x keypresses to activate Menu Bar functions, then try
enabling this item. It will, however, prevent Vista from being able to process Alt key functions
that might be edited in the keyboard map.

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Display Options

Terminal Model - default Mod 2

Select the 3270 model screen size:
Mod 2

24 x 80
32 x 80
43 x 80
27 x 132
Up to 72 x 200

Nice font on 1024 x 768 full screen
Great for editing 80 column text
Nice for sysout viewing
Even nicer for sysout viewing if you have a big screen TV

Sound - default all sound off


Beep when an alarm is issued by the host program

KeyClick on Error

Click on input error, such as if you are attempting to type on a

protected field.

Update Notification

Beep whenever the screen is updated by the host

After xx Seconds

Only sound the Update Notification if the transaction time has

exceeded the specified time. This will interrupt you when a long
transaction completes, without bothering you on the short ones.

Set Sounds

Press this button to assign WAV files to any of the sound events
listed above. You can also add your own sounds by copying your
*.WAV files to the Vista directory.
For some additional sounds, check the web page at:

Blinking Text - default italic


blink the actual text on the screen. This is the default, but will drive
you crazy soon.

Show as Italic

display blinking text as italics, and do not blink

Normal Text

ignore blinking text and just display it normally

Auto Keyboard Unlock - default on

A real 3270 keyboard locks if you attempt to type into a protected field, among other things,
and requires the Reset key to be pressed before typing can continue. With this option set (the
default) you dont need to press Reset, you just need to move the cursor to an unprotected
field and continue typing.

Reset Insert on Action Key - default on

A real 3270 keyboard resets (disables) Insert Mode when any action key is pressed. This is

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also the Vista default. However, if you want the Insert Mode to remain on between action keys,
disable this option.

Toggle Insert Key - default off

A real 3270 keyboard resets Insert Mode only on action key or reset, not by pressing the insert
key again. This option, however, allows you to toggle the insert key more like most PC
programs do. The default (off) is the way the author likes it though.

Row/Col on Status Line - default on

Shows the current cursor position as row,col in the lower right corner of the window.

Modify Col in ISPF Edit - default on

When editing text in ISPF, this option will modify the column indicator to reflect the actual
column in the dataset the cursor is at, rather than it s position on the screen. I believe this
currently only works with the standard ISPF V4 edit, browse, and view screens.

Prefix Input with Spaces - default on

On a real 3270 (and most emulators), blanks to the right of text are actually hex zeros (nulls)
although they appear as spaces. If you type within these null characters, any nulls to the left of
your typing are not sent to the host, which results in your text collapsing to the original text at
the left. With this option set, Vista replaces any nulls to the left of your new text with spaces,
avoiding this problem - even with NULLS ON in ISPF.

Convert Nulls to Blanks - default off

Rather than Prefix Input with Spaces, your application might call for all nulls (including those to
the right or your typed text) to be replaced with spaces for some reason. This option supplies
that action, although it has been known to cause problems when typing commands at TSO
READY mode, since a large amount of trailing spaces may be sent to the program as parms.

Enable Auto Skip - default on

Enables the cursor to auto-skip to the next input field, if the program calls for it. This option
defaults to enabled, but the author actually prefers it disabled in many cases.

Skip at End of Field - default on

When you are typing and you reach the end of a field, this option causes the cursor to jump to
the beginning of the next field, as long as there are only field characters between the previous
and next field. Useful for screens that have multiple fields on the same line with no intervening
protected field headings.

Move Cursor on Activate - default on

When you have multiple Vista windows open, only one is active at a time. Clicking the mouse
in the screen area of an inactive Vista window causes the mouse to be repositioned when this
option is set on. If set off, the first mouse click in an inactive Vista screen area will not move
the cursor - instead it remains where it was when the window became inactive.

All Upper Case - default off

This option must be a holdover from the dark ages of mainframe computing, although
surprisingly the author still sees operators setting it on their real 3270 terminals.

Type Ahead - default on

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Real 3270 terminals dont let you type anything while waiting for the host, and if you try, the
status area shows that mean little man with his arms out telling you that not only did your typing
get lost, but now you have to press the reset key. All this might be helpful for people who do
data entry, but its a bother for the typical mainframe user.

Enable Numeric Field Lock - default on

Programs requiring only numeric data may possibly set a field so that is impossible to type
anything but numbers there. This option allows the user to override this and type whatever
they want in the field.

Toggle Shift/Caps - default off

When the CapsLock key is active, the keys a-z will be shifted as usual to A-Z. In this state
when the Shift key is used, Vista leaves the keys shifted to capitals so you dont accidentally
type things like hELLO, i AM tOM bRENNAN . However, if you would like this capability for
consistency with other Windows programs, set this option on.

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Cursor Options

Normal Cursor - default horizonal, 3 lines, no blink

The normal (non-insert-mode) cursor can be set to be either a horizonal or vertical bar, and the
size can be set to 1, 2, or 3 scan lines, or also set to a full or partial block cursor.
The Backspace function for non-insert-mode can be set to:

Move Left

Moves the cursor left just like the left arrow would do.
Cursor can be backspaced across protected fields, and
does not destroy or delete any characters.


Moves the cursor left, but only within unprotected (input)

fields. Deletes the character that the cursor falls on.
Characters to the right of the cursor are moved left.


Moves the cursor left, but only within unprotected (input)

fields. The character that the cursor falls on is
destroyed (i.e. set to a space)

Insert Cursor - default vertical, 2 lines, no blink

The Insert Cursor is shown when you have pressed the Insert key. You can select this cursor
to look just like the Normal Cursor, or set it to any of the styles described above.
The backspace function can also be set here as described above, and in this case will only
take effect when we are in insert-mode.

Cursor Color - default - reverse video

This option gives you some control over the cursor color. Options are:
Reverse Video (default)
Cursor is draw with the opposite colors of those on the screen.
Character Color with Black Text
The Cursor changes to the color of the character it is sitting on. The text within the cursor
is always black. This is useful if you need to know the color of the character cell while
Field Color with Black Text
Similar to the option above, but instead of using the character color, the Field color is
used, which in some cases might be different than character color (for example, in ISPF
edit with HILITE ON).
White with Black Text
Cursor is always drawn white with black text, regardless of the character it is on, and
regardless of other screen colors. If you are using the default black background color, this

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option may make certain character colors (such as red), appear more readable when the
cursor is on top of them.
Black with White Text
Similar to the option above, but for use when you have changed the default black
background color to a lighter color or white.

Ruler - default none

The ruler can be set to a horizontal, vertical, or crosshairs (both) set of lines that follows the
cursor, making it easier to line up text in some situations.

Locator Cursor - default explode

The LocateCursor function simply blinks or explodes (makes the cursor larger then smaller) so
that you can find it on the screen if it becomes lost in that maze of sysout or text you are
looking at. This is especially useful after issuing host Find commands which reposition the
cursor to the found text.

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Font Options

Font Name - default Vista Thick Fonts

Select a font for the emulator from the list, which should show any fixed pitch fonts on your
system, and should include the 3 Vista fixed pitch fonts. GE fonts are actually used for screen
graphic characters, so most likely you dont want to select that one.
Thick and Thin fonts are nearly identical except that the Thick ones are bolder in most cases,
and show up better on monitors larger than about 15 inches. For smaller monitors (or for low
resolution modes) you may find the Thin fonts easier to read.
True-type fonts are not supported, since they usually result in difficult-to-read generated

Size Window to Font - default on

When a window is resized either by you or by a host terminal model switch (known as an
Alternate/Default switch), the emulator window size is adjusted accordingly to surround the
resulting text size, although this may differ a bit from the actual window size requested.

Keep Font Constant on Mode Switch - default on

When an Alternate/Default switch occurs, for example, when the host switches the mode from
Mod4 (43 lines) to Mod2 (24 lines), the screen or font will need to resize. With this option on,
the font does not change at a mode switch - instead the window size adjusts to meet the new
3270 format. With this option off, the font changes in an attempt to keep the window size as
close to the previous size as possible.
This option is not available when Size Window to Font is off.

Border Size - default 4

When a Vista session is Windowed (i.e. not full screen), a border of the specified size will
appear around the screen text area. You can use this simply as an area to keep the text
characters from butting right up against the edge of the window, or you can make the border a
bit larger and change its color to indicate which session you are in (great for that Y2K or
Disaster Recovery test machine).

Font and Screen Example

Your selected font and estimated screen layout shows in these windows.

Font Nudge Buttons

If you need to make the font just a bit different from the current font, you can try the font nudge
buttons, Smaller, Larger, Narrower, Wider, Shorter, and Taller. For example, if you are at an 8
x 10 font and want to go a little wider, you can push the Wider button to go to 9 x 10 font. But
pressing the Wider button again will not result in any change, since there is no 10 x 10 font
available. 9 x 10 is as Wide as the 10 pixel high font can get.

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Colors Options

Group and Text Type

These 2 lists work together to allow you to select the different text and graphic entity types
available on the Vista emulator.

Bright / Dark
This slider controls the brightness of all Vista colors at once, like the brightness control on a

Sets the Bright/Dark slider back to the middle

This is a list of 16 colors that can be active on the emulator at any one time.

Modify Colors
These scroll bars and numerical values can be set to choose any of 16M colors available on a
standard Windows setup. Stick with the basic colors as much as possible though when using
the emulator on 256 or less color installations.

How to Change Colors

To modify the color of a particular type of host text, first select the Group, and the Text Type within that
group. The current assigned text Color will be shown by a black rectangle on the Color display. Choose
the new color with the mouse, modify the color as required, and then press the Set Text Color button to
actually set the color. You can also do the same for background colors by pressing the Set Background
Color. An easier way to change the background for all colors at once though, is to simply modify the
Black color itself.
Note: if you dont press either the Set Text Color or Set Background Color buttons, no changes will be

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Cut, Copy, and Paste Options

Cut/Delete - default replace with spaces

Options here allow you to replace deleted text with nulls or spaces. Remember, nulls are not
sent to the host - fields to the right of the deleted text will typically collapse to the left when
updated by the host.

Vista supports multiple cut/paste buffers, and the number of buffers can be set here, from 1 to
9 (default is 3).
When any cut or copy operation is performed, the data is put into Copybuffer 1, and also into
the clipboard. The previous contents of buffer 1 is copied to buffer 2, etc.
When a paste operation is done, Copybuffer 1 is displayed on the screen. If the same paste
operation is done again with no intervening functions, Copybuffer 2 will be displayed, and so

Copy Box
The option here allows you to specify how many character cells the mouse must move when
holding the left mouse button down, before starting to draw the selection box. Setting it to a
number such as 2 (the default) will prevent the selection box from being drawn accidentally,
such as when you are clicking to move the cursor.

Paste - default pasteoverlay, notify on

The Paste command actually does a PasteOverlay, a PasteField, or a PasteInsert,depending
on the settings available here.
If Notify user on Insert Error is checked, a message box will appear if you do a PasteInsert
which would cause a loss of text at the right portion of the screen.
The Move cursor to end on Paste option causes the cursor to move to the right of any pasted
text. Note that the cursor will not be moved if the text buffer to be pasted contains more than
one line. Also, the cursor will not be moved if the right portion of the pasted text is truncated by
the right side of the screen.

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Print Options

For each terminal model (2 through 5) and for the PCPRINT host command, you can specify various
page formats, margins, fonts, and other items such as two-up printing capability.
Select the terminal model first, and then view or adjust other parameters which will be used for that
terminal model (or PC Print) only.

Drag blue lines to adjust margins

Drag the lines to adjust how your final screen print will look. Rather than struggle with font size
selection, these margins will adjust the font size for you automatically, to fit within the specified
area on the paper.

Font - default Courier New

Select the font to be used. Be careful when specifying something other than Courier New,
since other fonts may print some strange results. If all you want to do is change the font size,
use the blue lines to adjust the margins instead.

User Name - default blank

Whatever you type here (usually a user name) will appear at the top of any screen print page.
Useful for identifying the owner when sending data to a public printer, without wasting a
separator page.
Note that variables can be used in this field, such as %c to show the date and time each page
was printed.

Printer - normally set to <default>

Normally Vista sends screen prints (via the PrintScreen and PrintScreen Ask functions), or file
prints (via the PrintFile function) to the Windows default printer. With this option though, you
can force Vista to send print output to other than the default.

Mode - defaults to current terminal mode

Select the terminal model (or PC Print) to view or change options that will be used when
printing in that mode.

Layout - all set to Windows default orientation, single page prints

Select Portrait or Landscape to force the page to that specific orientation. Or select Default to
use the orientation currently selected in Windows for that printer.
Select Two Up to force 2 screens or PC Prints on a single page. Note: when this option is in
effect and you want a single screen print, simply issue the Print function twice with no other
intervening operations.

Highlighting - default set to hilite

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Vista prints in regular and bold text, depending on this setting and the intensity of the text on
the screen. The settings are:
hilite - prints intensified text as bold text, and the rest as regular text
regular - prints all text as regular (non-bold) text
bold - prints all text as bold text

Press the Print button (over to the right) to print the current screen. Or if mode PC Print is
selected, the last printed pc$print.txt file will be reprinted.

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Miscellaneous Options

International - default United States (well, thats where I live!)

Screen - selects the code page used for screen I/O and file transfers.
Keyboard - changes the keyboard layout for a particular country, and also allows escape code
processing for special accented characters.
A note from the author about International options:
I believe the Screen code pages to be correct in most cases, but the Keyboard options may not
always work correctly in your country. Unfortunately I dont currently have access to the various
hardware and software versions used in various countries, so Im just relying on user feedback at
this point. Please contact me if you have trouble in this area. [email protected]
Also, if you are brave you might want to take a look at the country.lst file, which supplies the
information for all code page, keyboard, and file transfer translations. I have no public
documentation on this yet, so just contact me if you are interested.

Transfer - default ind$file, DOS code page, listcat, listds, list, 2500 bytes per block
These options allow you to supply a different command name when using Vista to transfer files,
extra transfer parms if desired, a choice of DOS or Windows code page, commands for dataset
listings, and WSF-mode blocksize.

Transfer Program
Indicate the transfer program you want to use for the file transfer. Most likely, this should be
set to IND$FILE.

Send/Receive Options
IND$FILE transfer has various options, which are described below. But please remember that
the following list was obtained by peeking at the IND$FILE load module, since I have found no
documentation on it anywhere. The parameter descriptions below are mostly guesses based
on the parameter name. Most should probably be issued as name(parameter), but who really

Append to the end of the host dataset
Convert to/from ASCII on transfer
Unknown by me
Block Size
Add/Remove CRLF characters on transfer
Indicate new allocation is specified in cylinders
Unknown by me
Logical record length
Unknown by me
Create a new dataset
Do not truncate trailing spaces on transfer
Primary space allocation

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Record format
Secondary space allocation
Indicate new allocation number of tracks or cylinders
Indicate new allocation is specified in tracks

PC Codepage
Set to either DOS or Windows, depending on the target PC environment. Note: most other
emulators seem to use a DOS codepage when downloading, so you may want to stick with the
default DOS translations for compatibility.

TSO Dataset List

Specify the command to be used when the List button is pressed on the transfer window, to
retrieve dataset names from the TSO host. Note: Vista expects the response to be in the
standard IDCAMS output format, so you obviously cant replace this with some other dataset
list function. However, you can modify the command for users with their TSO profile prefix set,
by specifying a command such as LISTCAT LVL(MYPREF), for example.

TSO Member List

Specify the command to be used when the Members button is pressed on the transfer window,
to retrieve a list of members within the selected PDS dataset. Note: as with the Listcat
command, Vista expects a certain output format from the command.

CMS Dataset List

Specify the command to be used when the List button is pressed on the transfer window, to
retrieve dataset names from the CMS host.

Transfer Blocksize
Specify the blocksize to be used for WSF (Write Structured Field) mode file transfer.

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Changing the Vista Icon

Icons and Border Colors
Pressing the Change Icon button on the General options tab brings up a window where
you can change the Vista window icon.

The first eight icons are simply color changes, which can help identify different windows.
By default, the terminal window border is also changed to a color matching the colored
icons. This border can also be made wider if desired (see the Border Size option on the
Font option tab). On some full screen sizes though, the border area may disappear
The other icons are Vistas that you might want to use if you get bored. There is no
screen border color associated with these.
When you have multiple Vista windows open that use the same session file parameters,
there may be some confusion when setting the icon (or for that matter, any other session
file parameters). Basically under these condition, the following things happen:
Parameter changes will affect only the window where you made the changes. Other
open windows will keep their old parameters.
Parameter changes will be saved in the session file, which is common to more than
one open window. This means that any new windows opened with that session file
will contain the newly updated parameters.
The last window closed will save the session file parameters, even though that last
window might not have the parameters you really wanted saved. This may be
For these reasons, when using different icons or window border colors, its best to create
multiple session files. Just use the File/Save Session As... function, which has an option
to alter the icon.
For example, at my desk I have standard.ses with the default gray icon and screen
border, and I also have y2k.ses which points to our special Y2K test machine host name,
with a purple icon and large purple screen border to let me know Im on that machine.

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Keyboard Editor
If you just want to find a key function, please see Keyboard Defaults for a list of Vista keyboard default key
settings. Otherwise, follow the instructions below for editing your own keyboard layout.

How to Edit a Key

After starting the Keyboard Edit dialog (from the Options menu), select the key you want to modify
such as this example where we want to change the Enter key from Newline to Enter:

Then select the function you want the key to perform, using the tabbed Function Area list. In the
example below, weve selected the Action tab, and then selected list item Enter.

Notice when selecting a list item, the Set All and Find buttons become enabled, and the Assignment
Area title changes from Push to Show to Push to Assign, indicating we are ready to assign a key.
Also, the Description Area changes and gives you a quick idea of what the selected function does.

To actually assign the selected function to the selected key, press one or more assignment keys in the
Assignment Area. In the example below, we assign the Normal Enter key (i.e. no shift keys held),
which was previously set to NewLine:

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At this point you can continue editing other keys, and when finished, press the Ok button to exit the
Keyboard Edit dialog. It will ask you if you want to save the key changes for future use, or use them for
this session only.

Key Editing Details

Editor Modes
The Keyboard Edit dialog actually has 2 modes, as indicated by the title in the Assignment
When the title is Push to Show, and the Set All and Find keys are disabled, any key you
select on the keyboard will cause the other screen areas to update and show you the current
key assignment. You may also need to press the appropriate Assignment Area key (Normal,
Shift, Ctrl, or Alt) to view details about that particular key, such as the Immediate or Repeat
When the title is Push to Assign, any button pressing in the Assignment Area will result in the
selected function being assigned to the selected key.
To get into Push to Show mode, simple press any of the tabs in the Function Area. To get
into Push to Assign mode, select any item in a Function Area list.

With this option checked, a key will clear the type-ahead buffer, losing keys that were typed
while the screen was locked, and then send this one key to the host immediately, regardless if
the screen is locked or not. This is most useful for keys that interrupt processing, such as the
Attention and PA keys.
With this option unchecked, if this key is typed when the screen is locked it will be sent to the
type-ahead buffer (if enabled), and stored until the screen becomes ready for more input.

With this option checked, a key repeat when held down. Unchecked, the key will not repeat if
held, which is useful for Action keys such as Enter and the PF keys.
Note: When changing only the Immediate or Repeat flags of a particular key, you will first
need to re-select the current key function so that the Push to Assign mode goes into effect.
Then change Immediate or Repeat as required, and press the assignment buttons as usual.

Special Keys
Vista is unique among most emulators in the fact that you can edit any key on the standard
101 key keyboard, including such keys as Print Screen, Caps Lock, Num Lock, etc. Also, the
Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys (Shifter keys) can be edited as required, while still maintaining their
original function. There are some restrictions with these special keys though:
Keys such as Escape and Tab have special Windows functions if certain shifter keys

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are used with them. So when editing these keys youll notice some buttons in the
Assignment area are not available.
The shifter keys (Shift, Ctrl, and Alt) can be edited to one assigned function, which is
triggered if the shifter key is pressed and released without pressing any other key.
For these keys, the assigned action does not occur until the key is released. The
Print key also falls into this category.
Also, because the shifter keys need to maintain their original shifter function, they
cannot be set to repeat.

The Mouse
The mouse keys (double or single click, and in combination with shifter keys) can be edited to
anything a normal key can be edited to. There is one thing to be aware of however: When
double clicking the mouse, the assigned single click function also executes just prior to the
double click function.
For example, in the default setup the left single click will move the cursor to the mouse location.
The left double click will move the cursor and press Enter. With this combination, there is no

Other Restrictions
Vista of course supports editing a key so that it can be used in combination with any shifter key
(shift, ctrl, or alt), but multiple combinations of shifter keys are not supported. For example, altA is supported, but shift+alt+A is not supported. You will instead get the action of the last
shifter key you pressed.
Although keys such as PrintScreen, Alt, Capslock, and Numlock can be changed in Vista, you
should be aware that using these may in some cases interfere with other Windows processing.
For example, the PrintScreen key in windows copies a picture of the desktop to the clipboard.
If you edit the Printscreen key to do something (like print a screen), the key still replaces the
clipboard contents. You may just want to stick with the default ctrl-P for screen printing.

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Keyboard Defaults
These are the default keyboard settings as provided by Vista at installation time. Of course you can change
them to anything you want. See the Keyboard Editor for information on how to do this.
Obvious key functions, such as F1 or Home, are not listed below since they match the keyboard itself.

Default Keyboard Layout

3270 Function


"Cent" Sign
Erase End of Field
"Not" key (for clists)

Right Ctrl key, and ctrl-Enter
F1-F12, also pageup and pagedown (F7,F8)
cntl-F1 to cntl-F12, or shift-F1 to shift-F12
Enter key
ctrl-[ (left bracket)
Left Ctrl key

Default Vista Function Keys

Vista Function






Right Double Click

Moves cursor up one line and to the leftmost

Move cursor to bottom command line
Clear all copy buffers
Copies selected text to clipboard



Exit Emulator

ctrl-E or shift-End
Left Single Click
Left Double Click
ctrl-F1 or ctrl-N



Right Single Click
with Ctrl held




Right Single Click

Append selected text to current clipboard

Copies selected text to clipboard and then
deletes it
Delete a word and scoot remainder of line to
Calls up the profile edit dialog
Move cursor to end of a line of text
Standard windows exit key
Move cursor to mouse location
Move cursor and press Enter
Swap to next open Vista window
Pastes selected text from clipboard to screen
Continues pasting text from the point we left
Paste clipboard to screen, replacing existing
text depending on mouse position and screen
Paste to screen, inserting into existing
Paste to screen and repeat until bottom of
Paste clipboard into specified area on screen
Swap to previous open Vista window
Show Edit popup menu

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with Shift held

Right Single Click
Right Single Click
with Alt held

Print current screen to default printer

Draw a selection box around entire screen
Draw selection box around entire 3270 field
Select items depending on mouse position
and screen content.
Select entire line of text

Puts screen back to last host transmission

Move cursor one word to the left
Move cursor one word to the right

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Toolbar Editor
If you just want to find a toolbar function, please see Toolbar Defaults for a list of Vista default toolbar
settings. Otherwise, follow the instructions below for editing your own toolbar layout.
Note: The Toolbar can be hidden if desired (usually to gain additional screen space).
Press the Hide ToolBar option on the System Menu (click the icon at the far upper left corner of the Vista
main window).

How to Edit a ToolBar Button

After starting the Toolbar Edit dialog (from the Options menu), either select the button you want to
modify in the ToolBar Edit Area, such as shown below:

... or drag a new button from the Standard button area to the ToolBar Edit Area before modification, as
shown here:

Then edit the ToolBar function as you would any key on the keyboard. See Keyboard Edit if you dont
already know how to do this. One interesting item to note here is that ToolBar buttons can change their
function depending on if you are holding one of the shifter keys (shift, ctrl, or alt) or not.
Also, select the Words tab to select buttons with text descriptions for items such as PA1, Enter, and
other functions.

ToolBar Edits
Adding Buttons
As shown above, simply grab a button from the Standard or Words area and drag it to the
ToolBar Edit Area in the desired location.

Moving Buttons
Simply grab the button in the ToolBar Edit Area and move it to the position you want. When
moving it a long distance, you may need to drop it, scroll the edit area, and then continue
moving it. Buttons in the Standard or Words area cannot be moved.

Removing Buttons
To remove a button from the ToolBar Edit Area, grab the button and drag it back to the
Standard or Words area. It will then be removed from the toolbar.

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Adding Space Between Buttons

Drag one or more of the Space buttons in the Standard area and place them between buttons
in the ToolBar Edit Area.

The Repeat option is not allowed on ToolBar buttons, so it is not shown.

Page 62 of 167

Toolbar Defaults
These are the default toolbar settings as provided by Vista at installation time. Of course you can change
them to anything you want. See the Toolbar Editor for information on how to do this.
Note: The last 5 toolbar buttons are not visible on a 640 x 480 screen.





Open a new Vista window same as the current


Open a new Vista session, allowing a change in



Print the current Vista screen on the default printer


Copy current selected text to the clipboard, and

then delete it from the screen


Copy current selected text to the clipboard


Paste the contents of the clipboard on the screen

at the current cursor location


Disconnect and Reconnect the current session


Ask to reconnect the current session


Resets the screen content back to what it was at

the last host transmission


Executes macro USER1.MAC, which is empty as

supplied by Vista


Executes macro USER2.MAC, which is empty as

supplied by Vista


Executes macro USER3.MAC, which is empty as

supplied by Vista


Record keystrokes into a macro file


Play a pre-recorded or edited macro file


Pause macro recording or playing for a moment


Stop recording or playing a macro


Send a PC file to the host


Receive a file from the host to the PC

Page 63 of 167


Edit the current Vista profile options


Edit a keyboard map or mouse keys


Edit a toolbar


Displays the selected keypad


Run the Windows clipboard if available clipbrd.exe

Note Pad

Runs notepad.exe

Session A

Runs a macro which will swap to session A, if that

session is running

Session B

Runs a macro which will swap to session B, if that

session is running

Session C

Runs a macro which will swap to session C, if that

session is running


Displays the Help Contents window

Page 64 of 167

Keypad Editor
The Keypad is normally hidden, and can be brought up by using the ShowKeypad function, which by
default is assigned to the toolbar button shown at left.
If you just want to find a keypad function, please see Keypad Defaults for a list of Vista default keypad
settings. Otherwise, follow the instructions below for editing your own keypad layout.

How to Edit a Keypad Button

After starting the Keypad Edit dialog (from the Options menu), either select the button you want to
modify in the Keypad Edit Area, such as shown below:

... or drag a new button from the Words button area to the Keypad Edit Area before modification, as
shown here:

Then edit the Keypad function as you would any key on the keyboard. See Keyboard Edit if you dont
already know how to do this.
Also, select the Standard tab to select buttons with graphical descriptions.

Keypad Edits
Adding Buttons
As shown above, simply grab a button from the Standard or Words area and drag it to the
Keypad Edit Area in the desired location. Scroll the area vertically or horizontally as needed.

Moving Buttons
Simply grab the button in the Keypad Edit Area and move it to the position you want. When
moving it a long distance, you may need to drop it, scroll the edit area, and then continue
moving it. Buttons cannot be moved on top of other buttons.

Removing Buttons

Page 65 of 167

To remove a button from the Keypad Edit Area, grab the button and drag it back to the
Standard or Words area. It will then be removed from the keypad, leaving a hole.

The Repeat option is not allowed on Keypad buttons, so it is not shown.

Page 66 of 167

Keypad Defaults
These are the default keypad buttons as provided by Vista at installation time. Of course you can change
them to anything you want. See the Keypad Editor for information on how to do this.




Sends a PA1 interrupt to the host.


Sends a PA2 interrupt to the host


Sends a PA3 interrupt to the host


Sends an attention interrupt to the host


Clears the screen and interrupts the host


Resets the terminal emulator

Erase End of

Erases text from the current cursor position to

the end of the current input field

Erase Input

Erases input from all fields on the current screen


Sends a SysRequest interrupt to the host

Field Mark

Types a field mark character on the screen


Types a Dup character on the screen and

repositions the cursor at the beginning of that
Sends an Enter key interrupt to the host


Page 67 of 167

File Transfer
Vista supports IND$FILE transfer. This is not very efficient for medium to large files, but works well for
small files. Vista also supports multiple file transfers, for example, transferring an entire PDS back and
forth by specifying dataset or member names with an asterisk wildcard character.
IND$FILE uses your TSO or CMS address space as a server, and the current Vista window as a client.
This means (as you probably know) that your userid and the Vista session are both unavailable for other
work during a file transfer.
If you have problems using IND$FILE transfer, then by all means get an FTP client going such as
WS_FTP or many other available ones.

How to Transfer a File

First, make sure you are at TSO READY or CMS command prompt.
Select Transfer from the menu bar, and then select Send or Receive. "Send" in Vista means you are
sending data from your PC to the host, and "Receive" means you are receiving data from the host to
your PC.
Select or fill in the PC filename involved in the transfer. For the host dataset name, you can either type
it in or try using the List and Member buttons (TSO only) to see whats currently available on the host.
Select other options such as the Text or Binary buttons, and make sure you indicate the host program
you are running (TSO or CMS). Then press the Send or Receive button to initiate the transfer.
Press the View Log button to view the results if needed.
Note: File transfers can also be initiated from a macro. See SendFile and ReceiveFile for more
information on this.

File Transfer Details

Transfer window items are the similar for both upload and download transfers, and consist of:

PC File
Specify the PC file name you want to send or receive, either by typing the name in, selecting
from the current directory list, or by pressing the browse button to look in other directories. An
asterisk wildcard character can be used for multiple file transfers.

Host File
Specify the Host file name you want to send or receive, either by typing the name in, selecting
from the current directory list, or by pressing the browse button to look in other directories. An
asterisk wildcard character can be used for multiple file transfers.

Press this button to read a list of filenames from the current host session into the Host File
selection window, a screen at a time. The button changes to More when this function is
working. Press the More key to continue gathering dataset names from the host, or select one
for transfer.

After selecting a dataset in the list previously added by the List button, use the Members
button to list each member in the dataset. As with List, this button changes to More while
busy. Press the More key to continue gathering member names from the host, or select one
for transfer.

Page 68 of 167

If you have a fast connection and dont want to press the More button when creating dataset or
member lists, check this option and the More button will automatically be pressed for you.

List Level
In TSO only, the high-level-index typed here will be used when the List button is pressed. If
this field is non-blank, single ticks will surround the dataset names in the resulting list.
Otherwise, your default (profile prefix) high-level will be used.

Send or Receive
Press the Send or Receive button (depending on if you selected the send or receive dialog) to
initiate the transfer. Status of the transfer is shown in the lower area of the transfer window.
You can also open the log window for a history list.

Press to exit the transfer dialog. If a transfer is currently running, you will be asked if it s ok to
cancel the current processing.

Displays a screen where you can modify the program used for the IND$FILE style transfer, add
extra parameters to the command, and other items. See Miscellaneous Options for more

Select the style of data you are sending, and whether you want it appended to the end of an
existing file or not. Typically, use Text mode for readable files such as payroll.txt, or
jcl.cntl(idcams). Use Binary mode for just about everything else.

Indicate what operating system you are using on the host - TSO (MVS) or CMS (VM)

Page 69 of 167

Multiple File Transfer

The transfer windows support the transfer of multiple files to and from the host. If multiple files are
selected, a macro file named VST$XFER.MAC is generated and run based on user input, which
contains instructions for the multiple transfers.

Sending Multiple Files to the Host (Upload)

Select the Transfer/Send menu item, and use one of the following methods for sending multiple files to
the host. In all upload cases, the files to be sent must appear in the Source List (PC).
Type a source PC file name with a wildcard (asterisk) character, such as *.txt, and a
target host name with a wildcard, such as TEST.*.ASM . The source filename will be
used to replace the wildcard in the host name. If the host name is a PDS, such as
TEST.CNTL(*), youll need to pre-define the PDS on the host prior to the upload.
Select multiple files in the source PC file list with the mouse by holding the shift
and/or ctrl key while selecting. If the target host name is blank, or if it does not
contain a wildcard character, the original source filename will be used as the target
name. If the target name contains an asterisk, then the source filename will be
substituted for that wildcard.

Receiving Multiple Files from the Host (Download)

Select the Transfer/Receive menu item, and use one of the following methods for receiving multiple files
to the host. In all download cases, you must have previously executed a LIST and/or MEMBERS
function to obtain some items in the Source List (Host).
Type a source host dataset name with a wildcard (asterisk) character, such as
TEST.*.ASM or TEST.PDS(*), and a target PC file name with a wildcard, such as
*.txt. In this case, the wildcard-matching level of the source dataset name will be used
to replace the wildcard in the PC file name when sending.
Select multiple files in the Source dataset list with the mouse by holding the shift
and/or ctrl key while selecting. In this case, the source host name will be used as the
target PC filename, regardless of whatever is typed in the target PC name. Sorry for
this restriction, I just cant think of a good way to determine which source
datasetname level should be used for substitution.

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Macros are Vistas method of doing repetitive or programmatic work with the emulator. The user can
use the Record facility to record simple operations, or use the macro programming language to do more
complex procedures.

Some notes:
The Vista macro language is kind of a cross between the languages Basic and C. This
wasn't really done on purpose - things just turned out that way as the macro processing code
was developed.
Vista macros are designed for small jobs. There are a limited number of variables and other
items that will prevent any kind of large-scale program from running. Also, certain items you
would expect in any language may be missing, such as support for variable arrays.
Sometimes the word "parm" is used in this documentation in place of "parameter" or
"param". Mainframe people are used to this.

Page 71 of 167

Macro Recording and Playing

Macro Recording
To record a macro for a repetitive or difficult set of keystrokes, press the Record button, Macro/Record
menu item, or right-click on a toolbar button previously defined to a macro.
Before recording, Vista will ask for the destination file name of the macro. You can use a name which is
already pointed to by an existing ToolBar button, such as user1.mac, user2.mac or user3.mac, which
have (by default) buttons on the toolbar. Or you can use a new name and execute it later by various
You can also right-click any macro button on the toolbar (such as the 3 described above) and select the
Record Macro option, without having to specify the actual macro file name.
A blinking "R" on the status bar indicates that keypresses are being recorded. Toolbar button hits and
most menu item actions are also recorded. When you are finished recording, press the Stop key (or
Macro/Stop menu item), and the macro will be stored.
Once defined, a new macro can be defined to a key or toolbar button using the Keyboard Edit or

ToolBar Edit dialog.

Macro Playing
A Macro can be played (run) by assigning it to a key or toolbar button. A Macro also can be played by
pressing the Play button, or by using the Macro/Play menu option.
In the latter case, you will need to specify the name of the macro each time it is run.

Macro Pausing
A Macro playing macro can be paused, which will stop it s action and still not exit the macro, allowing
you to continue running the macro from where it was paused. Pressing a key or toolbar button while a
macro is running will automatically pause it.
Press the Pause toolbar button, or use the Macro/Pause menu option to pause a running macro. Issue
Pause again (or Play) to continue the macro from where it left off.

Macro Stopping
To stop a running macro issue the Stop function either by key, toolbar, or menu item. Macro s also
have the ability to stop themselves by issuing the Stop function.
If a macro gets into a loop and causes Vista to hang up, you can usually stop the macro by pressing the
Pause or Break key on the keyboard.


In some cases, a recorded macro may not play correctly. For example, by default macros will
wait 20 seconds for the host to respond to input, and will fail if that time value is exceeded. In
cases where a long host wait is normal, the user will have to increase the time-out value of the
Wait function in the resulting macro text.
In other cases, the host will unlock the screen more than once before the transmission is
complete, confusing Vista as to the time it should begin sending the next screen input text.
Vista does its best in these cases to wait for not only the screen to unlock, but also for a
particular cursor position to be established. This works in most cases, but may sometimes
require some modifications to the macro text to run properly, such as the manual addition of
some Wait(1) statements.

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General Macro Statement Format

Macros are standard text format files, and must reside as *.MAC files in the Vista directory.
Currently macros must be short (8 character) file names with a 3 character MAC extension.
A macro line consists of a macro statement, such as a variable assignment statement, or
a function statement.
Each statement must fit on a single line of no more than 256 characters.
Multiple statements on a line are possible if separated by a semi-colon character.
A statement is considered a comment if the first non-blank character in the line is an
asterisk. To add a comment at the end of a line, use ;*
Blanks are normally ignored between fields in a statement.
Numeric variables and numbers are coded as is. Strings must be coded between double
quotes, such as "string". If a double quote is needed within a string, 2 double quotes must
be coded, as in the string "this is ""quoted"" text"
Upper and lower case text makes no difference when referencing functions or variable
names, although code looks clearer if some upper/lower conventions are used. Also, when
comparing strings or string variables with the = operator, character case is ignored. Use
the == operator if case should not be ignored in the comparison.

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Macro Variables
All Vista variables reside in a memory block which is created at the startup of an emulator session, and
normally never cleared. This allows variables to exist between macro runs (and macro calls, when that
facility becomes available). In programming terms, this means that all variables are global. Variables
are not shared between Vista sessions, however.
Variables are not declared, but if you do attempt to use a variable that has not yet had some data
assigned to it, you will get an error. System Variables, Constants, and Time Variables (through the use
of the TimeDate function) are predefined by the system, and thus can be used without previous a

Variable Names
Variable names are 1 to 16 characters in length, must be alphanumeric, and must start with an
alphabetic character. They can also contain (or begin with) the 4 "National Characters" I m sure all
mainframe programmers are familiar with, namely, #, $, %, and @. Also, you can use the underscore
character as an alpha character if you want.
When assigning or referencing a variable name, just code the name itself with no preceding ampersand
or other character. In the Window Title and Status Text strings (in the Option dialog), you must code an
ampersand in front of a variable name. In a macro, coding an ampersand prefix would be considered
the and logical operator and will most likely result in an error.

Variable Types
There are 2 types of variables, numeric and string. The actual variable type can change, depending on
what type of data was last put into it, for example:
var1 = 3
var1 = "3"

;* this makes var1 numeric

;* now var1 becomes a string

When referring to a variable, however, the type must be appropriate for the function, otherwise an error
will occur.
var1 = "3"
a = 2 + var1

;* var1 is now a string

;* this results in an error

Numeric variables are signed integers from -99999999 to 99999999

String variables can be from zero to 255 bytes in length

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Macro Operators
Operators Types
Vista macro operators generally come in 3 styles, unary, binary, and logical:
Unary Operators
Unary operators operate on a single data element


Unary Plus has no effect on a data element, but is included for consistency
Unary Minus will negate the data element, for example, a = -b
Unary Not will logically complement the data element, for example , a = !b

Binary Operators


Addition and String Concatenation


Logical Operators

= Equal - (uppercase/lowercase is ignored)

== Explicit equal (uppercase/lowercase must match exactly)
!= Not equal
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
& Logical AND
| Logical OR
^ Logical XOR
not Logical NOT
Logical Operations
A logical operation operates on data that is normally considered to be a numeric 1, meaning true, or a
numeric 0, meaning false. Logical operations always return either a 1 or a zero.
Logical numeric operations take into consideration the sign of the data involved. Logical text operations
ignore case differences when comparing, i.e., the expression "ABCD" = "AbCd" returns a true value
(use the == operator if an explicit case-sensitive compare is necessary).

Operator Precedence
Operator precedence (the order in which operations are performed) follows the generally accepted
standards described below. If 2 or more operators of the same level are seen, the operations proceed
from left to right.
Parenthesis can change the order of the operations, if required. Also, redundant parentheses are

Page 75 of 167

Highest to Lowest
Unary operators +, -, !
Arithmetic operators *, /, // (remainder)
Arithmetic operators + , Logical operations =, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Logical operations &, |, ^, not

Page 76 of 167

Macro Control Statements

The following statements are used to control the logic flow within a Vista macro:
Program Flow Control

If / Else / Endif
While / EndWhile
Select / Case / Default / EndSelect
For / Next
Call / Subroutine / Return
Note: With these statements, its possible to put a macro into a never-ending loop. If you find your
macro gets into such a loop, try the following:
If an EditBox continues to appear within the loop, just press the "X" (close) button at the top
right of the EditBox window. This causes macro processing to end.
Try pressing the Pause key. This key is checked before each macro instruction is executed,
and should (hopefully) cause the macro to end.
If both attempts above fail, your only alternative is to use the ctrl-alt-delete keys, which calls
up the Windows task list. You should be able to kill the task from that list, but that
unfortunately ends the entire Vista session, not just the macro execution.

Page 77 of 167

Macro Functions
Every statement other than the flow control items are functions, whether they are used within an
expression, or used alone. Currently supported functions are:
Control Functions


Wait for various things to occur

Wait for times less than 1 second
Switch to another Vista session
Start another Windows program by executable filename
Start another Windows program by data filename

Screen Functions


Type a string of characters on the screen

Issue a key function, such as Enter or Newline
Retrieve text from the current screen
Retrieve attribute byte from the screen
Retrieve color byte from the screen
Retrieve hilite byte from the screen
See if text is anywhere on the screen

String Functions


Return the length of a string

Return a substring of characters
Return a substring starting at the left
Return a substring starting at the right
Find a string within another string
Trim leading and trailing blanks from a string
Convert a string to upper case characters
Convert a string to lower case characters

Conversion Functions


Convert a numeric variable to a string

Return the hex representation of a number
Convert a single character to its ASCII numeric value
Convert a number to a single character
Convert a numeric string to a number
Return formatted time and/or date string

File Functions


Send a file from PC to Host via IND$FILE transfer

Receive a file from Host to PC via IND$FILE transfer
Open a file or the clipboard for Get or Put
Get a record from an open file or clipboard
Put a record in an open file or clipboard
Close a file or clipboard
Check for end of file when reading

Support Functions


Control trace and other macro logic

Write string or number to Debug window

Page 78 of 167


Control the Debug window

Show a string of text in a Windows MessageBox
Show a window with a data entry field to allow operator input
Put a variable into the VISTA.INI file.
Get a variable from the VISTA.INI file
Set an option value
Get an option value
Play a *.WAV file to create a sound
Determine if a variable is defined or not

Page 79 of 167

If / Else / Endif Macro Functions

If expression
... statements to perform if expression is true
... statements to perform if expression is false
expression is any boolean expression
At least If and Endif statements must be coded. Else (and else statements)
are optional.
Some examples:
a = 11
b = 30
If a = 10
MessageBox("A is 10")
MessageBox("A is not 10")
If b = 15 * 2
MessageBox("B is 30")

Note: Currently Vista macros do not allow the true-path or false-path

statements to be executed to be on the same lines as the If or Else
statements. For example, the following lines are invalid:
If (b = 15 * 2) MessageBox("B is 30")
Else MessageBox("B is not 30")

Note: Logical numeric operations take into consideration the sign of the data involved.
Logical text operations ignore case differences when comparing, i.e., the expression "ABCD"
= "AbCd" returns a true value (use the == operator if an explicit case-sensitive compare is

Page 80 of 167

While / EndWhile Macro Functions

While expression
... statements to perform if expression is true
expression is any boolean expression
For example:
a = 1
While a < 5
MessageBox("A is currently "+str(a))
a = a + 1

Note: Currently Vista macros do not allow the true-path statements to be

executed to be on the same line as the While statement. For example, the
following line is invalid:
While (a < 5) a = a + 1

Page 81 of 167

Select / Case / Default / EndSelect Macro Functions

Select expression1
Case expression2 [,expression3,expression4 ... ]
... statements to perform if expression1 = any expression
... statements to perform no Case statement matches
expression1 is any arithmetic, boolean, or string expression
expression2 (or the others) is any arithmetic, boolean, or string
As many Case statements as needed are allowed (well... until the internal
scan table overflows)
An example:
a = 3
Select a
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3

is 1")
is 2")
is 3")
is not 1, 2, or 3")

Note: if more than one Case expression2 matches the Select expression1,
only the first matching Case statements are executed.
Multiple expressions are allowed on a single Case statement, if separated by
commas. For example:
a = 1
While a
a = val(EditBox("Enter a Number from 1 to 20, or zero to stop"))
Select a
Case 10,11,12
MessageBox("You typed 10 or 11 or 12")
MessageBox("You typed something other than 10, 11, or 12")

Page 82 of 167

For / Next Macro Functions

For variable = start to end step increment
... statements to perform for each iteration of loop
Next variable
variable is any valid variable name
start is a numeric expression or constant start count
end is a numeric expression or constant end count
increment is a numeric expression or constant increment value
Some examples:
For row = 1 to 10
For col = 1 to 10
Next col
Next row
For i = 5 to 100 step 10
Next i
For i = 10 to 1
Next i

Note: If the start count is larger than the end count, the default step
increment will be set to -1, and the for next loop will automatically count

Page 83 of 167

Break Macro Function

No parameters
Break is used to break out of a For/Next or While/EndWhile loop.
Some Examples:
For a = 1 to 10
If a = 5
Next a
a = 0
While a < 10
a = a + 1
If a = 5
For row = 1 to 10
For column = 1 to 10
If row = 5
Next column
Next row

Note: Break exits only the most recent For or While loop. In the example
above, only the column loop is exited, the row loop continues.

Page 84 of 167

Continue Macro Function

No parameters
Continue is used to iterate a For/Next or While/EndWhile loop.
Some Examples:
For a = 1 to 10
If a = 5
Next a
a = 0
While a < 10
a = a + 1
If a = 5
For row = 1 to 10
For column = 1 to 10
If row = 5
Next column
Next row

Note: Continue iterates only the most recent For or While loop. In the
example above, only the column loop is iterated, the row loop continues.

Page 85 of 167

Exit Macro Function

Exit nn
nn (optional) indicates a return code passed to an exit routine.
Exit causes the macro processing to stop immediately.
While (1)
input = EditBox("Enter some data please, or type 'done'")
if input = "done"
MessageBox("I think you want to exit now, so I will")
MessageBox("You typed - " + input)

Page 86 of 167

Goto Macro Function

Goto label
label is an identifier in the program to note a particular location
text = EditBox("Type a name")
If text = "Tommy"
Goto error1
If text = "Thomas"
Goto error2
If text = "Tom"
MessageBox("Very Good")
MessageBox("Enter either Tommy, Thomas, or Tom please")
Goto loop
MessageBox("That sounds like a kid")
MessageBox("That sounds too rich")

Page 87 of 167

Call / Subroutine / Return Macro Functions

Call routine
routine : Subroutine
... statements to perform in subroutine
routine is a label identifying the subroutine
a = 1
Call check
a = 2
Call check
a = 3
Call check
check: Subroutine
Select a
Case 1
b = "a is equal to 1"
Case 2
b = "a is equal to 2"
b = "a is not 1 or 2"
Call showresult
showresult: Subroutine

Subroutines should be coded at the end of your macro.
All variables are considered global in Vista macros, so there are no
variable parms passed either on the Call or Return statements. Just use
global variables for parms, and be aware that any variables named within
a subroutine are the same variables outside that subroutine.
Subroutines can call other subroutines, but a subroutine cannot be called
recursively. For example, if we attempted to call the check routine from
within the showresult routine above, that would be considered an error.

Page 88 of 167

Run Macro Function

macroname is an 8 character macro name constant or variable


Page 89 of 167

Wait Macro Function

nn - the number of seconds to wait
expression - boolean expression, if true, the wait is canceled
Waits for the expression to be true, or the number of seconds to expire.
If only the number of seconds is given, Wait will wait at that point in the
macro for the given number of seconds.
If an expression is also given, the expression is evaluated at various times to
see if the conditions are met. If met, macro processing continues. If not met
within nn seconds, the macro fails with an error code.
Returns - nothing

;* Wait 20 seconds, then continue

;* Wait for screen to unlock

Page 90 of 167

ShortWait Macro Function

nnnn - the time to wait, in hundredths of a second.
Waits for the timer to expire before macro processing continues.
Returns - nothing

;* Wait 1/10 of a second

;* Wait a second and a 1/2

Page 91 of 167

Session Macro Function

text - a single character
Switches to the Vista session indicated by the given character. If the
indicated session is not active, there is no error returned.
Returns - nothing

Page 92 of 167

WinExec Macro Function

text - a Windows executable filename
Enables Vista to startup other Windows functions, such as Notepad.exe or
Clipbrd.exe, from a macro.
Returns - nothing. The macro does not wait for the executed function to complete.
WinExec("notepad.exe vista.txt")

Also see ShellExecute if you want to let Windows determine the registered
executable for a particular data file.

Page 93 of 167

ShellExecute Macro Function

operation - must be open or print
file - the executable or data file to perform the operation on
parms - additional parameters for the executable
dir - the default directory
showcmd - indicates how to show window when opened
ShellExecute differs from Winexec in that you can pass it the name of a data
file, and let Windows figure out what program should be used to open, print,
or explore that particular item.
Returns a number which is an instance handle windows uses to locate the open window.
The last parm, showcmd, is a number indicating how the window should be
opened, and can be:
1 - Shows the window normally
2 - Minimizes the window at startup
3 - Maximizes the window at startup

All 5 parms must be supplied, even if they are just null strings as shown

Page 94 of 167

Type Macro Function

text - a string of characters
Types the string of text on the screen at the current cursor location, and
updates the cursor location as necessary. Only text data can be included,
keys such as Tab and Enter must be issued with the Key macro function.
Returns - nothing
Type("PDF 2")

Page 95 of 167

Key Macro Function

function - string name of a Vista function
Issues a single keypress for non-character emulator Functions
Returns - nothing

Most functions are specified as a single parameter, as shown above. The

following functions, however, allow optional secondary parameters:
MoveCursor, MoveCursorEnter,
SelectLine, SelectField, SelectText, SelectWord, SelectJCL,
SelectLocation1, SelectLocation2
All of these use the current mouse location as the row/col specification
for the function, unless row and col are supplied.
Some examples:


move cursor to mouse position

move to specific row and column
select word at cursor position
select at specific row and column


;* prints pc$print.txt
;* prints the specified filename

Page 96 of 167

Screen Macro Function

row - numeric row, from 1 to screen height
col - numeric column, from 1 to screen width
length - optional numeric length of string to return
Returns a string of characters at row,col on the current screen. If length is
not supplied or causes the line to go beyond the right edge of screen, only
that text up to the right edge is returned.
If Screen(10,20) = "V1234567"
MessageBox("I see the string I'm looking for")

Page 97 of 167

Attribute Macro Function

row - numeric row, from 1 to screen height
col - numeric column, from 1 to screen width
Returns the attribute byte (0 to 255) located at the row,col location.
a = Attribute(10,20)

Page 98 of 167

Color Macro Function

row - numeric row, from 1 to screen height
col - numeric column, from 1 to screen width
Returns the color byte (0 to 255) located at the row,col location. Note that
the left 4 bits in the color byte indicate the screen background color, and the
right 4 bits indicate the text or foreground color. Colors may not be standard,
since they can be changed with the Options dialog.
a = Color(10,20)

Page 99 of 167

Hilite Macro Function

row - numeric row, from 1 to screen height
col - numeric column, from 1 to screen width
Returns the hilite byte (0 to 255) located at the row,col location.
a = Hilite(10,20)

Page 100 of 167

OnScreen Macro Function

text - string of text we are looking for
row - numeric row, from 1 to screen height
col - numeric column, from 1 to screen width
If text only is supplied, the OnScreen function returns TRUE if the string of
text can be found anywhere on the screen.
If row only is supplied, then only that row is searched for text
If row,col are both supplied, then the text must match exactly at that location
in order to evaluate TRUE.
If OnScreen("Welcome")
MessageBox("The word ""Welcome"" is on the screen")

Page 101 of 167

Len Macro Function

text - a string of characters
Returns the numeric length of string text, which includes any leading or
trailing spaces. Returns zero for an empty string.
a = Len("Hello there")

;* result is 11

Page 102 of 167

Mid Macro Function

text - a string of characters
start - starting location within string
length - length of string to return
Returns a substring of text based on start and length.
If length causes the string to go past the length of text, the returned string
may be shorter than length. If start is not within text, the returned string is
b = Mid(a,3,5)
c = Mid(Mid(a,5,10),3,3)

;* result is "CDEFG"
;* result is "GHI"

Page 103 of 167

Left Macro Function

text - a string of characters
length - length of string to return
Returns a substring of text starting at the left and continuing for length
characters, or until the end of the string if length is longer than text.
a = "ABCDE"
b = Left(a,3)
c = Left(a,10)

;* result is "ABC"
;* result is "ABCDE"

Page 104 of 167

Right Macro Function

Right(text, length)
text - a string of characters
length - length of string to return
Returns the right characters from text as determined by length. If length is
longer than the string, then the entire string is returned.
b = Right(a,3)
c = Right(a,10)

;* result is "EFG"
;* result is "ABCDEFG"

Page 105 of 167

Instr Macro Function

Instr(startloc, string1, string2)
startloc - location within string1 to start looking
string1 - the string to search
string2 - the string we are searching for
Searches string1 for the occurance of string2
Returns the numeric character position of string2, if it was found in string1
somewhere past startloc. If the string was not found, this function returns
a = Instr(0,"Try to find","to")
a = Instr(0,"Hello","ll")
a = Instr(8,"Try to find","to")

;* result is 5
;* result is 3
;* result is 0

Page 106 of 167

Trim Macro Function

string - input string to trim
Returns the input string with leading and trailing blanks removed
a = Trim("



;* result is "Hello"

Page 107 of 167

Uppercase Macro Function

string - input string to convert
Returns the input string to convert to upper case
a = Uppercase("Hello 12mM")

;* result is "HELLO 12MM"

Page 108 of 167

Lowercase Macro Function

string - input string to convert
Returns the input string to convert to lower case
a = Lowercase("Hello 12mM")

;* result is "hello 12mm"

Page 109 of 167

Str Macro Function

number - a numeric value or variable
Returns the string representation of the supplied numeric value.
a = Str(12345)
;* result is "12345"
CursorPos = Str(row)+","+Str(col)

Page 110 of 167

Hex Macro Function

number - a numeric value or variable
Returns the hex string representation of the supplied numeric value.
h = Hex(23456)

;* result is "00005BA0"

Page 111 of 167

Asc Macro Function

string - a single character
Returns the numeric ASCII representation of the supplied character.
n = Asc("A")

;* result is 65

Note: The mainframe works with EBCDIC of course, but all characters on the
PC (including what you see on the Vista screen) have been translated into

Page 112 of 167

Chr Macro Function

number - a numeric value or variable
Returns the ASCII character representation of the supplied numeric value.
c = Chr(48)

;* result is "0"

Note: The mainframe works with EBCDIC of course, but all characters on the
PC (including what you see on the Vista screen) have been translated into

Page 113 of 167

Val Macro Function

string - a string of the characters 0 through 9
Returns the numeric decimal value of the string. The string of numeric
characters to convert is considered to end either at the end of the string, or
with the first non-numeric character seen.
a = Val("23456")
a = Val("12ABC")
a = Val("XYZ")

;* result is numeric 23456

;* result is numeric 12
;* result is numeric 0

Page 114 of 167

TimeDate Macro Function

string - format specification for the time/date string you want returned.
Formats are described in Time/Date Variables.
Returns a string
td = TimeDate("%m/%d/%y")
td = TimeDate("%Y.%j")
td = TimeDate("%H:%M")

;* result
;* result
;* result

Page 115 of 167


SendFile Macro Function

pcfile - string indicating the source file on the PC
hostfile - string indicating the target file on the host
parms - up to 3 parms can be specified, chosen from:

Text or Binary
transfer mode
Replace or Append
allocation mode
host application
Returns nothing at this time. You will need to check the transfer log for the
results of the transfer (sorry).

You should specify each of the parms for transfer mode, allocation type,
and host application, otherwise the parameters used will be from the
previous upload. Also, any parms used in a macro will replace those
settings on the file transfer window.
Surround parms with quotes, since they are treated as string constants
(and in fact, could be variables).
Include single ticks within the hostfile name if you want to indicate the highlevel-index for TSO transfers.
As with any file transfers, make sure your application is ready to accept the
IND$FILE command before running the macro (for example, TSO READY

Page 116 of 167

ReceiveFile Macro Function

hostfile - string indicating the source file on the host
pcfile - string indicating the target file on the PC
parms - up to 3 parms can be specified, chosen from:

Text or Binary
transfer mode
Replace or Append
allocation mode
host application
Returns nothing at this time. You will need to check the transfer log for the
results of the transfer (sorry).

You should specify each of the parms for transfer mode, allocation type,
and host application, otherwise the parameters used will be from the
previous upload. Also, any parms used in a macro will replace those
settings on the file transfer window.
Surround parms with quotes, since they are treated as string constants
(and in fact, could be variables).
Include single ticks within the hostfile name if you want to indicate the highlevel-index for TSO transfers.
As with any file transfers, make sure your application is ready to accept the
IND$FILE command before running the macro (for example, TSO READY

Page 117 of 167

Open Macro Function

filename - the string name of the file that we want to open, or
clipboard for clipboard access
mode - string of "input", "output", or "append"
Returns the numeric handle of the open file, for use in Get or Put operations.
If open fails, the reason code is returned.
*-------- Write a single record to a file --------handle = Open("vista.txt","output")
Put(handle,"This is a record to write")
*-------- Read all records in an existing file ---handle = Open("c:\autoexec.bat","input")
While not(Eof(handle))
textline = Get(handle)
*-------- Read records from the clipboard --------handle = Open("clipboard","input")
While not(Eof(handle))
textline = Get(handle)

Page 118 of 167

Get Macro Function

handle - numeric handle of a file opened for input
Returns a string of data read from a file previously opened for input
*-------- Read all records in an existing file ---handle = Open("c:\autoexec.bat","input")
While not(Eof(handle))
textline = Get(handle)

Page 119 of 167

Put Macro Function

handle - numeric handle of a file opened for output
text - text to be written to file
Writes text string to a file previously opened for output. A carriage return and
line feed are appended to the end of each record when writing.
*-------- Write a records to a file --------------handle = Open("vista.txt","output")
For i = 1 to 10
Put(handle,"This is a record number "+str(i))
Next i
*----- Write a records to the clipboard -------handle = Open("clipboard","output")
For i = 1 to 10
Put(handle,"This is a record number "+str(i))
Next i

Page 120 of 167

Close Macro Function

handle - numeric handle of an open file
Closes a file

Note: If the file is not currently open, no error results

Page 121 of 167

Eof Macro Function

handle - numeric handle of an open file
Returns TRUE (1) if the end of file has been reached on the currently open
file, otherwise, this function returns FALSE (zero)
*-------- Read all records in an existing file ---handle = Open("c:\autoexec.bat","input")
While not(Eof(handle))
textline = Get(handle)

Page 122 of 167

Control Macro Function

flags - a number containing various bit flags
The bit flags tell the macro control logic to do certain things. Flags currently
0x0001 TraceMessage Trace each macro line to debug window

Page 123 of 167

Debug Macro Function

variable - a string or numeric variable
Write the variable to the Debug Window. If the debug window is not currently
open, this function will cause it to be opened.

Note: A keyboard function or toolbar button can be set to "DebugWindow" if

desired (opens the window). Also, use the DebugWindow macro function to
open, close, clear, and temporarily hide the Debug window as needed.

Page 124 of 167

DebugWindow Macro Function

function - one of the following text strings:

open - opens or redisplays the debug window

close - closes the debug window (data is lost)
clear - clears the debug window (data is lost)
hide - hides the debug window (data is retained)

Page 125 of 167

MessageBox Macro Function

message - a string containing the message you want to show
title - (optional) string that appears on the title bar of the message box
icon - a number indicating the icon on the message box, including:
0 - no icon
1 - stop
2 - information
3 - exclamation
The message box always has an "Ok" button which must be pressed.
No return value is given from this function.
MessageBox("Here is a message",3)
MessageBox("Another message","Title Line",2)
MessageBox("The last message")

Page 126 of 167

EditBox Macro Function

message - a string containing the message you want to show
title - (optional) string that appears on the title bar of the message box
passwordchar - (optional) a character used to hide password entry
length - (optional) maximum length of the input string
width - (optional) width (in pixels) of the input area
This function causes a window to appear where the user can type a single
line of text that is returned to the macro.
Most parameters are optional, yet positional. For example, to use a
passwordchar string, you must code a title string, otherwise Vista will be
confused. And to specify width, you must specify length.
password = EditBox("Enter your password","Password","*",8)
name = EditBox("What is your name?",30)

Page 127 of 167

PutINI Macro Function

varname - the name of the variable you want to store
value - the data you want to store
This function allows you to store variables in the VISTA.INI file (in your
windows directory).
Remember that the varname specified must be surrounded with quotes if you
want to specify the variable name as a constant in this function.
var4 = 123456
var5 = "This is a string of text"
PutINI("var3","This is the text placed in the INI file")

;* check one of the variables

Note that any numeric variables (such as var4 above) will be converted to a
text string while saving in the INI file.
Variables are stored in the [UserVariables] section of the VISTA.INI file.
There is no Vista macro function to delete them once they are added, but its
easy to just edit the VISTA.INI file directly with any text editor.

Page 128 of 167

GetINI Macro Function

varname - the name of the variable you want to store
Returns the value of varname if that variable was found in the VISTA.INI file
(in your windows directory). If the variable was not found, this function
returns an empty string.
Variables are searched for in the [UserVariables] section of VISTA.INI.
Other sections are not available to be obtained by this function.
var4 = GetINI("var4")
var5 = GetINI("var5")

All variables are returned as strings.

Page 129 of 167

SetOption Macro Function

tabname - the name of the tab on the options panel
optionname - the text of the option you want to change
value - the text or numeric value to assign to the option
Vista has many options on the Options/Options menu item. The SetOption
function allows you to set most of them via a macro statement. Remember that
any option you set will be eventually saved in the currently active session file.
Specify the tabname as the text on one of the tabs in the Options window, such
as General or Cursor. Specify the optionname as the text of the value you
want to change, without any spaces, such as WindowTitle or
Row/ColonStatusLine. Character case is ignored, but can make the statement
more readable.
Text Fields:
Text fields can be set by supplying the entire new text string, such as the
following examples:
SetOption("General","WindowTitle","This is the new title")
SetOption("Print","UserName","Tom Brennan")

Check Boxes:
Check boxes are set or cleared by passing the numbers 1 or 0 (True or
False) to check or uncheck the specified options, such as:

Pulldown Lists:
Pulldown Lists typically allow a text string to be assigned, but in most
cases this string is not checked for validity before plugging it into the
*.ses file. This could cause the session file to become unusable, so be

Radio Buttons:
Radio Buttons are those round buttons that allow a one-of-many
selection. For the SetOption function, you must supply the name of the
box surrounding the buttons, rather than the name of the button itself.
The value is a number (starting with zero) indicating which button to set,
for example:
SetOption("Cursor","Ruler",3) ;* set the crosshairs active
SetOption("Display","TerminalModel",2) ;* set to mod4

Not all options are changeable using the SetOption function. And some,
such as changing the terminal model, require you to reconnect to the host.

Page 130 of 167

GetOption Macro Function

tabname - the name of the tab on the options panel
optionname - the text of the option you want to change
The GetOption function allows you to query the value of most Vista options.
The value returned may be a number or a string of text, depending on the
selection option.
Specify the tabname as the text on one of the tabs in the Options window,
such as General or Cursor. Specify the optionname as the text of the
value you want to change, without any spaces, such as WindowTitle or
Row/ColonStatusLine. Character case is ignored, but can make the
statement more readable.
Text Fields:
Text fields return the value of the field, for example:
windowtitle = GetOption("General","WindowTitle")
myname = GetOption("Print","UserName")

Check Boxes:
Check boxes return either numeric 1 or 0 (True or False) to indicate
whether the option is checked or unchecked, such as:
ask = GetOption("General","AskBeforeClosing")
rowcol = GetOption("Display","RowColOnStatusLine")

Pulldown Lists:
Pulldown Lists return the text value of the currently specified entry, such
keyfile = GetOption("General","EditKeyboard")

Radio Buttons:
Radio Buttons are those round buttons that allow a one-of-many
selection. For the GetOption function, you must supply the name of the
box surrounding the buttons, rather than the name of the button itself.
The returned value is a number (starting with zero) indicating which
button is currently set, for example:
ruler = GetOption("Cursor","Ruler")
model = GetOption("Display","TerminalModel")

Not all options are queryable using the GetOption function.

Page 131 of 167

PlaySound Macro Function

soundfile - the filename of a WAV format sound file
The sound is played through the computers sound card. Control returns
immediately to the macro, even before the sound completes. If Vista is
already playing a sound, that sound is interrupted. Only one sound can be
playing at a time.

Page 132 of 167

Defined Macro Function

varname - the variable we are checking
Returns TRUE if the variable is defined to Vista. Note that all variables are
global and remain intact for the entire session, even across macro calls.
If Defined("var1")
Debug("var1 has already been defined")
Debug("var1 has not yet been defined")

Page 133 of 167

Variables can be used in macros, and also in text strings such as the Window Title and Status Line text
areas. There are actually 3 types of variables:

System Variables
Time/Date Variables

Vista variables, such as CursorPos and Status

Time and date format variables, in C language format
Vista constants for general macro usage

Page 134 of 167

System Variables
System variables can be referenced from macros as listed, and also from the Window Title and Status
Line text strings in the General Options panel as long as they are prefixed with an ampersand (&)
character. Variable names are shown here in upper and lower case for readability, but the names in
actual use are not case-sensitive.
Some variables, such as CursorPos, can be changed within a macro to cause some effect on the
current screen. Others are read-only and cannot be changed. Some variables return a string, and
others return a numeric value.

Read-Only System Variables


Column position of the lower right corner of the selection box. See
SelectBoxActive variable for additional information.


Row position of the lower right corner of the selection box. See
SelectBoxActive variable for additional information.


Current Font Size NNxNN


Host IP Address


Current host name. May be an Alias pointer to a real IPname (see



Length of the last input buffer


Host Domain Name Server name, or numeric IP address


Hardware numeric code produced by the last key press


Local IP Address


Local Computer Name


VTAM LU name when TN3270E mode is active


This is a text representation of the last key typed when certain user
exits are active. See User Exits for more information.


Current IP Port number


Height of the current display area, in characters


Width of the current display area, in characters


Set to True (1) if a selection box was drawn on the screen when the
macro was started. If so, StartRow, EndRow, StartCol, and EndCol
variables indicate the location of the selection box. If SelectBoxActive
= False, no selection box was drawn on the screen when the macro
started, and the row and col variables indicate the location of the
previous selection box.


Current Vista session name


Current Socket number


Column position of the upper left corner of the selection box. See
SelectBoxActive variable for additional information.

Page 135 of 167



Row position of the upper left corner of the selection box. See
SelectBoxActive variable for additional information.

String variable indicating the current screen status, which may be one
of the following values:

in field

Host is not connected

Host connection is starting
Host connection is in session dialog
Host is attempting connection
Host is connected
Screen is unlocked
Screen is locked, waiting for host
Screen is locked, waiting for host
Attempting to type in protected field
Attempting to insert too many characters
File transfer ready to go
File transfer data being recieved
File transfer message being received


Terminal model number


Indicates current telnet communication mode, either TN3270 or



For CA-TPX session manager users. If the TPX Netspy setting is

active, TPX will send out an invisible data block whenever you swap
sessions. Vista picks the session name out of this data and moves it
to the TpxSwap variable, which can be displayed on the status bar, or
used in Vistas TPXSWAP exit.


Time of last transaction in the string format NNN.N


Vista current software version and release number


Current Window ID letter (A-Z)

Read-Write System Variables


Position of cursor on the screen, in the string format of "row,col".


Numeric row of the current screen cursor.


Numeric column of the current screen cursor.

Page 136 of 167

Time/Date Variables
Time and date variables can be referenced in the Window Title and Status Line fields on the General
Options panel, as shown below. For referencing in a macro, however, you must use the TimeDate
function. For time/date variables, character case is important and you must prefix the character with a
percent sign. Also, if you intend to use a real percent sign in your string, you must use 2 percent signs
together (%%).

Abbreviated weekday text name

Full weekday text name
Abbreviated month text name
Full month text name
Date and Time representation
Day of the month (01-31)
Hour in 24-hour format (00-23)
Hour in 12-hour format (01-12)
Julian day of the year (001-366)
Month number (01-12)
Minutes (00-59)
AM/PM indicator
Seconds (00-59)
Week of the year, where Sunday is the first day of the week
Weekday as a number (Sunday =0 Saturday=6)
Week of the year, where Monday is the first day of the week
2 digit year
4 digit year
Time zone string

For example, the string %m/%d/%y.%j %H:%M

is converted to

Page 137 of 167

12/20/97.354 22:54

Constants are simply read-only variables that contain a useful constant for macro processing:

numeric 1 - can be used in boolean expressions

numeric 0 - can be used in boolean expressions

Page 138 of 167

Controlling Vista
User Exits
User exits are a way of adding your own code (in the form of Vista macros) to various spots in Vista

Host Control
The Host can pass macro statements to Vista to be executed, by running the VSTEXEC command
under TSO.

Page 139 of 167

User Exits
User Exits are various points in Vista processing where you can place your own code for the purpose of
tailoring the product to better meet your needs.
User exits are files named *.ext, and are text files in the Vista macro language. They are named with a
different extension so they wont show up when listing macros for regular use.
To enable an exit, simply include the proper file in your Vista directory. At startup, the program checks for
their existence, and if found, calls them at various points.

This exit gets called each time the user attempts to type on top of a protected field. To enable this
exit, create a macro file named PROTECT.EXT using any text editor, and place it in the Vista
Typically, you might use this to cause the cursor to move to an input field if you attempt to type on
top of a protected field. For example, Key(Home) in this macro will cause the cursor to be moved
to the home field. Another option might be Key(Tab) to automatically move the cursor to the next
field on the screen.
Or you could code more elaborate processing, for example, to determine if the command line
happens to be on the bottom or top of the screen, and move the cursor appropriately.

If you are running a program from Computer Associates called TPX, youve probably often
wondered which session you are currently viewing (for example, before issuing a critical command).
The typical way to be sure is to back out to the TPX main menu, and re-select the session you are
interested in, even though you may have already been there.
Ive always wanted a way to display my current TPX session somewhere on the screen. But since
you cant interfere with the actual screen data, the place for this is outside the screen area, for
example, on the emulator title or status bar.
But how can the terminal emulator know what TPX session you are currently viewing? And how
can the emulator know when a session switch has occurred? Well, another CA product, Netspy,
also needs to know this same information. To solve this, the developers have a Netspy option
within the TPX setup parameters which, when enabled, will cause TPX to send the session name
out to the terminal (at session swap time) in invisible text. You can t see this information, but
Netspy - and a terminal emulator - can see it. This option can be enabled for TPX regardless of if
you have Netspy or not.
When you have a Vista TPXSWAP exit active, by creating a Vista macro called TPXSWAP.EXT
and restarting Vista, this exit gets control whenever one of these invisible TPC session switch
messages is received. Vista grabs the TPX session id from the message, places it in a variable
named TPXSWAP, and then calls the exit.
in the exit, of course, you can do what you want with the TPXSWAP variable, such as adding it to
the title or status bar.
The only downside Ive found is that once youve gotten your TPX administrator to enable the
Netspy function, you might notice a short delay while swapping sessions due to the extra data
coming from the host at that time.

This exit gets called when a user attempts to type on a locked keyboard. Its purpose is to react to
typing on a terminal that is continuously locked, such as an SDSF screen in AUTO UPDATE mode.
For example, the following macro would issue an Attention to unlock the keyboard and allow typing,
when a user attempts to type on the locked screen:

Page 140 of 167

* locked.ext exit
If Screen(2,21,16) = "**** AUTO UPDATE"
function = Right(passedkey,Len(passedkey)-2)
Select Left(passedkey,1)
Case "C"
Case "A","E","O"
Case "M"
Upon input, this exit is passed the passedkey variable, which is in the format of:

x = C, A, E, O, or M indicating the function is a Character, Action, Edit, Operation,

or Macro. This will be needed in order to execute the passed function properly.
function = the text representation of the function executed while the screen was


C-a the character a was typed

A-Enter the enter key was pressed

Upon exit, you should provide a return code using the Exit statement, as shown in the example
code above.
Exit(0) - default, causes Vista to continue normally
Exit(8) - causes Vista to interrupt normal key processing

Page 141 of 167

VSTEXEC Host Control

The TSO program VSTEXEC can be used to control the emulator from the Host. The TSO program sends
special instructions to the emulator, and data in the form of Vista macro statements. These macro
statements are then executed on the PC side.
For example, this command can be used to initiate a file transfer from the host, by issuing the following from
VSTEXEC SendFile("c:\source.dat","target.data","tso","replace","text")
And like any macro, you can code multiple statements on a single line, such as:
VSTEXEC a=10;b=20;c=a+b;Debug(c)
For more complex macros, you can specify a datasetname or ddname on the VSTEXEC command,
pointing to an LRECL=80 RECFM=FB dataset. Records are read and passed to Vista, and then executed
when the transfer is complete. For example:
See comments in the assembler source file for more information, such as error codes, and calling
conventions when called from another program. Source code is available in the VSTEXEC.ASM file
included with this installation. Youll need to assemble the program on your OS/390 system and then
place the resulting load module in a spot (linklist, etc.) where it can be executed.

Page 142 of 167

Macro Error Messages

Vista produces various error messages, as described here:

Macro errors usually result in a message window containing the line number
where the error occurred and a short description of the error:

Unknown Error - Contact Vista Support
Keyword or Variable name is too long
Numeric constant is too many characters
Numeric constant is too large
Special character string is too long
If without Endif was seen
Unknown keyword seen
Unknown parameter seen
Unexpected text seen
While without EndWhile was seen
Variable or function not found
Unknown operator
Unbalanced parenthesis
Incompatible variable type for operation
Operation invalid for text variable types
Unknown function
Invalid number of parms for function
Invalid type of parm for function
Operand seen where an operation was expected
No more available file handles
Invalid open-file action
File open error
File is not open
Record too long
Invalid file handle
End of file
Left parenthesis expected to follow function name
Invalid DebugWindow parm
Variable name is too long
Reserved system variable cannot be altered
Invalid Key Function
Timeout while waiting for condition to be true
Variable table overflow
Cursor move key functions need row,col parms
NextSession parm invalid
Else was seen without a previous If
EndIf was seen without a previous If
Internal error - Invalid scan table address
EndWhile was seen without a previous While
Case was seen without a previous Select
Default was seen without a previous Select
EndSelect was seen without a previous Select
Next was seen without a previous For
Assignment not seen on a For statement
For statement was seen without To parameter
For statement must be all numeric values
Step is the only statement that can follow To

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Value for Step cannot be zero

Next variable does not match previous For
String variable too long (more than 255 bytes)
Break invalid outside of For/While/Select block
Continue invalid outside of For/While block
Scan area overflow. Program may be too large
Goto can only have a label
Label not found
File Transfer parm error. See Help info for an example
Variable name is a reserved word or function name
An error occurred while writing to a file
Get function cannot be used for file open for output
Put function cannot be used for file open for input
Clipboard is full
Invalid Parameter Value
Call function does not specify a subroutine address
Goto function does not specify a label address
Return seen outside of a subroutine
Attempt to call a subroutine recursively

Macro Error Code 0

Unknown Error - Contact Vista Support
Obviously this shouldn't happen. Please send me an email, with the failing macro as an
attachment if possible - especially if you can reproduce this error every time.

Macro Error Code 1

Keyword or Variable name too long
Keyword, function, and variable names must be 16 characters or less, must be alphanumeric
only, and must begin with an alpha character or the national characters @#$%

Macro Error Code 2

Numeric constant is too many characters
When specifying a numeric constant, such as in the code:
a = 12345
... the number was longer than 8 characters. Numbers in Vista macros must be integers from
-99999999 to +99999999

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Macro Error Code 3

Numeric overflow during evaluation
When evaluating a numeric expression, the result of an operation produced a result that was
less than -99999999 or greater than +99999999, such as this example:
a = 12345678 * 10 / 100

Macro Error Code 4

Special character string is too long
A string of special characters is way too long (over 30 characters).

Macro Error Code 5

If without Endif was seen
Currently Vista macro processing must have an EndIf associated with each If statement,
such as in the following example:
If a = b
MessageBox("A is equal to B")
If you attempt to code the executable statement on the same line as the If statement, you will
get an error. For example, this is invalid:
If a = b MessageBox("A is equal to B")
See If Statement for more examples.

Macro Error Code 6

Unknown keyword seen
A keyword in the statement is invalid or unknown.

Macro Error Code 7

Unknown parameter seen
A parameter for the specified function is unknown. For example, the parm "txt" below was
mistyped, and should really be specified as "text"
For more information, see ReceiveFile or SendFile

Page 145 of 167

Macro Error Code 8

Unexpected text seen
Some unexpected text was seen, usually following a valid macro line

Macro Error Code 9

While without EndWhile was seen
Currently Vista macro processing must have an EndWhile associated with each While
statement, such as in the following example:
a = 1
While (a < 5)
a = a + 1
If you attempt to code the executable statement on the same line as the While statement, you
will get an error. For example, this is invalid:
While (a < 5) a = a + 1
See While Statement for more examples.

Macro Error Code 10

Variable or function not found
In Vista macros, variables do not need to be defined, but they need to be assigned to some
value before they can be referenced. In the example below, variable "b" has not yet been set
to any value, so error 10 is produced:
a = b

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Macro Error Code 11

Unknown operator
An unknown operator was seen, such as the "<>" in the example below. See Operators for a
list of valid operations.
If a <> 2
Debug("a is not equal to 2")
Instead, you might use the following for 'not-equal' (from the C programming language).
If a != 2
Debug("a is not equal to 2")

Macro Error Code 12

Unbalanced parenthesis
Some additional, or not enough parenthesis were seen, such as the following example:
a = ((2 + 3) * 4) + 5) * 6

Macro Error Code 13

Incompatible variable type for function
An attempt was made to evaluate string and numeric variables without
conversion, such as the following example.
a = "12"
b = 10 + a
In this example, the string variable can be converted to numeric using the Val
function before the addition is performed:
a = "12"
b = 10 + val(a)

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Macro Error Code 14

Operation invalid for text variable types
An invalid operation was attempted on string variables, for example, subtracting one string
from another. Only comparison and concatenation (+) operations are allowed.
Example of an error:
a = "string1" - "string2"
Examples of normal string concatenations and comparisions:
a = "string1" + "string2"
if a <= "string1string2"
Debug("Looks ok to me"

Macro Error Code 15

Unknown function
An unknown function was seen, such as in the following example:
a = SomeFunction(12)

Macro Error Code 16

Invalid number of parms for function
Most macro functions require a specified number of parms. For example, the Str function
requires a single number as input. The following is an example of an invalid function call:
a = str(12,13,14)

Macro Error Code 17

Invalid type of parm for function
Most functions require parms that are specifically string or numeric values. For example, the
Str function requires single numeric parm. Calling with a string as in the following example, is
a = str("Hey there")

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Macro Error Code 18

Operand seen where an operation was expected
An operation was expected between 2 operands

Macro Error Code 19

No more available file handles
Vista can open up 10 files at once. Any more than this causes an error. For example:
For i = 1 to 20
handle = Open("c:\autoexec.bat","input")
Next i

Macro Error Code 20

Invalid open-file action
Files can be open for INPUT, OUTPUT, or APPEND. Any other specification, such as in the
following example, causes this error.
handle = Open("c:\autoexec.bat","read")

Macro Error Code 21

File open error
An error occurred when attempting to open the specified file. If input, most likely the file does
not exist. You may need (for example) to specify the complete path, including disk letter, for
the file name, such as:
handle = Open("c:\notfound.fil","input")

Macro Error Code 22

File is not open
The macro processing attempted to Get or Put to a file that is not open.

Macro Error Code 23

Record too long
The macro attempted to Put a string longer than 255 bytes to a file.

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Macro Error Code 24

Invalid file handle
The specified file handle was not zero to 9.

Macro Error Code 25

End of file
The macro attempted to Get a record past the end of file.

Macro Error Code 26

Left parenthesis expected to follow function name
Functions in expressions, must have their parameters within parenthesis such as:
a = Str(123)
But other functions, such as Key and Type also require parenthesis, even though they are
typically called as keyword statements rather than expressions, for example:
Type("PDF 2")

Macro Error Code 27

Invalid DebugWindow parm
The DebugWindow function is used to control the Macro processing debug window, and will
accept only the Open, Close, Clear, and Hide strings as parms. See Debugwindow for more
If you are attempting to output debugging text to the debug window using this function, use
the Debug function instead

Macro Error Code 28

Variable name is too long
Variable names can be up to 16 bytes long. The example below is an error:
a1234567890123456 = Str(12)

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Macro Error Code 29

Reserved system variable cannot be altered
Read-only Variables cannot be altered in a macro. An attempt to do so results in an error, for
HostAddr = ""

Macro Error Code 30

Invalid key function
An invalid key function was specified. See Functions for a list of valid key functions, such as
the following:

Macro Error Code 31

Timeout while waiting for condition to be true
The time specified on a Wait statement has expired before the specified condition occurred.
For example, if you code the following:
You are telling the macro processor to wait until the screen becomes unlocked, but wait for no
longer than 20 seconds. If the screen remains locked for longer than 20 seconds, error code
31 occurs and the macro ends.

Macro Error Code 32

Variable table overflow
Vista has room to store about 4000 variables, either string or numeric. If you go over the limit,
error code 32 occurs.

Macro Error Code 33

Cursor move key functions need row,col parms
Key functions such as MoveCursor or SelectWord, which depend on a mouse position, can
be coded with row and col parameters if desired. See Key Functions for more information on

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Macro Error Code 34

NextSession parm invalid
The Session function allows you to specify a session id letter, from "A" to "Z", indicating which
session window to bring up. If the specified value is not A to Z, error 34 occurs. If the value
is A to Z, but the specified session is not active, no error occurs and no action is taken.
To start a new session, issue the Key("NewSessionAsk") or Key("NewSession") function.

Macro Error Code 35

Else was seen without a previous If
See If for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 36

EndIf was seen without a previous If
See If for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 37

Internal error - invalid scan table address
Prior to starting a macro, the text is scanned to determine the location of If, Else, Endif, and
other macro control statements. The results are placed in an internal "scan table". If this
error message occurs, it is most likely caused by a Vista code error, not your own macro
code. Please contact the author for help with the failing macro.

Macro Error Code 38

EndWhile was seen without a previous While
See While for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 39

Case was seen without a previous Select
See Select for a valid example.

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Macro Error Code 40

Default was seen without a previous Select
See Select for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 41

EndSelect was seen without a previous Select
See Select for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 42

Next was seen without a previous For
See For for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 43

Assignment not seen on a For statement
See For for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 44

For statement was seen without a To parameter
See For for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 45

For statement must be all numeric values
See For for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 46

Step is the only statement that can follow To
See For for a valid example.

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Macro Error Code 47

Value for Step cannot be zero
Since a For/Next statement uses the Step value to iterate the loop control variable, this value
cannot be zero (otherwise an endless loop would occur). If you want an endless loop, use
something like While(1) instead, and don't forget to provide a Break.

Macro Error Code 48

Next variable does not match previous For
See For for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 49

String variable too long (more than 255 bytes)
Sorry, string variables can only be 0 to 255 bytes long.

Macro Error Code 50

Break invalid outside a For/While block
See Break for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 51

Continue invalid outside a For/While block
See Continue for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 52

Scan area overflow. Program may be too large.
Prior to starting a macro, the text is scanned to determine the location of If, Else, Endif, and
other macro control statements. The results are placed in an internal "scan table". If this
error message occurs, it is most likely caused because your macro got a little bit too big.

Macro Error Code 53

Goto can only have a label
See Goto for a valid example.

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Macro Error Code 54

Label not found
See Goto for a valid example.

Macro Error Code 55

File transfer parm error. See Help info for an example.
See SendFile or ReceiveFile for a list of valid parms.

Macro Error Code 56

Variable name is a reserved word or function name
Certain variable names are reserved for use only by the macro processor. See System
Variables for a list of reserved variable names.

Macro Error Code 57

An error occurred while writing to a file
Some kind of error occurred while writing to a file. Sorry, Vista currently doesn't return the
error code to the macro processor. Check for other system problems, such as a full disk or
an I/O error on a device.

Macro Error Code 58

Get function cannot be used for file open for output
You attempted to read a file open for OUTPUT or APPEND with the Get function.

Macro Error Code 59

Put function cannot be used for file open for input
You attempted to write to a file open for INPUT with the Put function.

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Macro Error Code 60

Clipboard is full
While writing to the clipboard via macro Put functions, the clibpboard became full (more than
65K bytes).

Macro Error Code 61

Invalid Parameter Value
The value specified on the SetOption function was not within the valid numeric range for that
particular item. For example, the following will produce this error, because the maximum
number of copy buffers is 9:

Macro Error Code 62

Call function does not specify a subroutine address
You are probably attempting to Call a subroutine, but you forgot to indicate that the target
label is actually a subroutine. The following code will produce this error:
Call check

;* forgot to code Subroutine here

Macro Error Code 63

Goto statement does not specify a label address
You probably coded a Goto statement, but the label on the Goto points to a subroutine by
mistake. You cant branch to a subroutine.

Macro Error Code 64

Return seen outside of a subroutine
While scanning the macro, Vista saw a Return statement outside of a subroutine. Its
possible you just forgot to code the Subroutine statement on the target label.

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Macro Error Code 65

Attempt to call a subroutine recursively
During execution, Vista macro processing attempted to call a particular subroutine from within
that same subroutine. Vista macros do not support recursive entry.

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Tech Support
Problem Doc

Technical Support Details

Problems and solutions
Items needed by the author to solve problems

For Registered Users

How to Register
A Note for Registered Users

Tech Support
Registered or Unregistered users can contact the author at [email protected] for
problems, questions, enhancement requests, or anything else.
For problems, please give as much information about the problem you can, and also any of your own
diagnostic results.

If you are having a problem, you may want to scan over some of these problems and solutions to see if you
can resolve it yourself. Otherwise please read the Tech Support page. Please note that some of the
proposed solutions listed below may seem obvious to you, but I guess I still have to mention them.
I cant get connected. Ive never gotten connected yet using Vista.
Do you have a valid TCP connection setup on your PC? If not, please talk to your network folks and get
that setup first.
Did you type in your host name or numeric address correctly?
If connecting using a phone line, is your connection dialed up and working properly?
Can you logon to the same host name using another PC, perhaps using another terminal? If so then
possibly the problem is with Vista itself. Please send me a trace file if you dont mind.
If you are not sure of your target TN3270 server, try to logon to ibmlink.advantis.com. Even if you dont
have a userid there, you should still be able to connect and get to their logon screen. If you can connect
to ibmlink but not to your own server, then please send me a trace file of your attempts.
Im connected ok, but my screen locks up when I try to logon, or when I do certain functions.
This obviously should not happen. There is nothing you can do but to send me a trace file, and Ill do
my best to determine the problem and get a fix for you.
Why doesnt my window size change to what I set it to?
While Vista supplies a large set of raster font sizes, there still might not be one that fits your requested
window size exactly, so Vista resizes the window to the nearest raster font. Sometimes this makes it
look like the window resizing is broken. Try going to the Font/Select Font menu item and setting Size
Window to Font off. This will leave the window size setting as you put it, but Vista may have to have
some blank filler space around the screen area to make up for the lack of an exact font match.

Where is the Attention key, the Clear key, and others?

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The default keyboard map in Vista is setup quite a bit like the IBM emulator. See the Default
Keyboard Mapping help doc for help in finding a key, or better yet, Edit the keyboard to exactly the
way you want it.
Even though I just installed Vista, it keeps telling me my trial period has expired.
Have you installed Vista on this particular PC more than a month ago? Perhaps it was installed once
and then removed? Contact me for an extension code and you should be on your way to testing again.
If Vista has not ever been installed on this particular PC and you are getting the trial-is-over message,
perhaps the date is not set correctly on the PC.
The toolbar icon with the picture of the clipboard doesnt do anything
The clipboard icon executes macro clipbrd.mac, and if you edit that macro youll see it just does a
WinExec function to call clipbrd.exe. Unfortunately clipbrd.exe (a nice clipboard viewer) is not always
available, especially when running windows 95 or NT. If you can find a copy of this program on another
computer, you can copy it to your windows directory. Otherwise just point the clipbrd.mac macro to
another clipboard viewer. Last resort - use the toolbar editor to remove that button from the toolbar.
Ive had enough of this so-called emulator, I want to remove Vista from my computer.
The easiest way is to hit Start/Control-Panel/Add-Remove-Programs, find Vista tn3270 in the program
list, and double click to remove it from your system. If you have created any extra files in the c:\vista32
(default) directory, youll need to delete those yourself. Also, youll need to delete the vista.ini file in
your windows directory for a complete cleanup.
Vista does not install any DLLs or anything else in your windows directories (other than the previously
mentioned vista.ini file).
If you do remove Vista from your computer, the author would really appreciate a note about what you
didnt like, or why it wouldnt work in your environment - if you get the time. Thanks.

Problem Documentation
If you came here, you must be really having trouble either getting connected, or with certain screen data being
sent from or to the host. Please follow these instructions to aid in producing problem doc.

If you can reproduce the problem

Get to the point in your logon or processing a little before the problem is about to occur. Go to the
Help/Debug Functions menu option, and select Trace so that it becomes checked. Vista is now tracing all
input and output to a disk file named SESSIONx.TRC, where the x is the current session window id (A, B,
C, etc.). Check the title bar or Window menu option to see what session letter you are currently running.
Continue with your logon or processing until the problem occurs.
Close the Vista session window. If it is not possible to close the window, press ctrl-alt-delete and either kill
the Vista task (win95 or NT) or reboot (win 3.1).
Before starting Vista again, rename or send the SESSIONx.TRC file to the author at
[email protected], with a note describing what you saw, what was wrong, what the screen
looked like, or any other information you think might be helpful.
During the failure processing, with the trace file open, you may also periodically hit the Help/Debug
Functions option Dump Buffers. This function dumps the current screen buffers to the trace file so the
author can get an idea of before and after screen pictures.
Screen prints to a file also might be helpful to resolve the problem.

Page 159 of 167

If you cannot reproduce the problem

Try to remember as much as possible about what you were doing and what the screen looked like when the
problem occurred, and write that down in a note to send the author.
If you expect the problem to occur again, although intermittently, you might still turn on the trace function as
described above. The trace file overhead is normally not noticeable, and the trace file will wrap around when
it hits about 64K. So you can leave the trace running constantly, waiting for the error to occur again.
If the error does occur, stop Vista immediately and gather problem documentation as described above.

Vista is distributed as "Shareware", which is a method that gives you a chance to try out features of the
program to decide if it meets your needs and works properly in your environment.
The Vista trial is distributed as a full, completely operational version, with a time limit of 30 days. About
20 days after installation, Vista will begin showing a reminder window with 2 registration options:

This option brings up a registration form for editing. To register, just fill in the fields
and mail it to the indicated address with your payment. Other registration details are
on the form itself. Once registered, you will receive your personal Registration Code
which will remove the time limits from the product.

Enter Code

Select this option when you have received your Registration Code. Youll need to
enter the User Name and Reg Code exactly as listed on the registration note you
received (if received by e-mail, use cut & paste for each field). Also, make sure you
save your registration name and code, in case you change computers or hard disks
and need to re-install the product.

Both these registration options can also be accessed via the Help menu item.
To keep the product as inexpensive as possible, nothing is mailed to the registered user except the
registration code document. You already have the entire product installed from the trial distribution.
Complete product documentation is supplied in the Help system.

For Registered Users

Thank you for the order! Your supplied User Name should now appear on the Help/About window.
If you received your registration code via e-mail, please send an acknowledgement back to the author at
[email protected].
Please retain your User Name and Registration Code in case you need to re-install Vista on a new
computer or hard drive.
Thanks again, and I hope the product continues to be useful to you in your work.
Tom Brennan
[email protected]

Page 160 of 167

Vista was designed for a specific environment, and may not meet your needs in all aspects. Some of the
items Vista does not support at this time are listed below, although support may be planned for the

General Items
Only standard 3278 models 2, 3, 4, and 5 are supported. Vista does not emulate 3279
graphics, or 5250. Just barely enough standard VTxxx terminal support is provided to get you
logged on through a typical firewall.
Only TN3270 and TN3270E communication is supported. Vista cannot talk to any other type of
host attachment device.
Any kind of HLLAPI interface is not supported
Setting up your PC as a VTAM LU for printing is not supported

Display Items
Extended field attributes of Field Outlining, Field Validation, Character Set, and Transparency
are not supported.
Light Pen action is not supported

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Notes from the Author

I hope you find this version of Vista useful in your work. It was designed specifically for the mainframe
environment, by me, an MVS system programmer who uses it every day. Heres some notes about
emulators and related subjects in case you are bored enough to read them. Youll notice I talk in terms
of the MVS mainframe and its associated products, since thats what I do for a living. If thats what you
do too, then you might find some helpful ideas within this text.
Tom Brennan

A Bit of History
Usage Hints

Why would someone write their own emulator?

Helpful Keyboard Usage and Other Ideas

A Bit of History
Since 1983 Ive worked with MVS mainframe computers as a System Programmer, and from
that time until 1991 I used, almost exclusively, a real 3278 mod-4 dumb terminal. Of course, long before
1991 PCs had already been replacing real terminals in our MVS shop. But my mod-4 was about the
last to go. For years I had seen my colleagues struggle with the emulators of that era. Typically they
had large, difficult-to-read text, nobody used NewLine, Attention, or EraseEOF because they couldn t
find the keys, and worst of all, the emulators slowed you down. I remember even in 1990 watching
emulators slowly paint their text and redraw icons, while my trusty mod-4 was still plugging along doing
instant screen updates.
Then came the 486 with an 800x600 NEC monitor. The first time I saw that setup I was
hooked. The machine ran fast, the clear graphics painted almost immediately, and the options and
functions available on the new OS/2 Communication Manager, such as type-ahead and multiple session
windows, were too good to pass up. I finally said good-bye to my old mod-4, got a new 486-33 on my
desk, and ran happily with that for many years.
Then in 1997 word came down from the top that we were to abandon OS/2 and standardize
our desktops with Windows 95 - a logical move, actually. More than 80% of the company was already
on some version of Windows and running a commercial tn3270 emulator. I personally have no real
preference toward either OS/2 or Windows, but the mandate to convert to Windows meant I had to
abandon Communication Manager and use another emulator that I did not like at all.
What better place to look for an emulator in 1997 than on the World Wide Web? Thats what I
did, and I found a commercially available one I liked it a lot. Only $150 and I was up and running with a
first-class program, a knock-off of the McGill University emulator. Within months after buying it though, I
saw some minor problems, and I had some ideas for improvements that I would like to have seen
implemented. I wrote notes to the company, but they must have been a bit too busy to respond to a
lone user. A new version came out with one new function I had requested, but in the process of
programming it they had introduced a related bug. The frustration of that, plus the fact that as a
continuous emulator user I was in a position to think of new useful features I could really use, I decided
to write my own.
Vista is the result, and I hope it works for you as well as it does for me.

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Usage Hints
Since I am the person who uses Vista the most, I thought I might try to pass along some general ideas
Ive learned while using it, and see if they might fit into your own Windows emulator environment.

Get a Standard 101 Key Keyboard

After struggling for a few weeks with one of the latest Windows 95 keyboards (the one with the
new special keys), I went back an old 1984 IBM PC keyboard. The main reason for this at the
time was because, as most mainframers do, I was using the right CTRL key as my Enter key.
On the new Win95 keyboards, the right CTRL key is so small my finger was missing its target.
But upon going back to the 1984 keyboard, I also decided on one major change, which is my
next recommendation below:

Make the ENTER key your ENTER key

If you only use your computer for 3270 emulation, then be that way. You can keep the right ctrl
key as your Enter key and the Enter key as a NewLine key. But if you are like most people,
you use other PC programs like MS-Word, Lotus Notes, etc., and you are constantly having to
switch your brain as to the location of the Enter key depending on whether you are running the
emulator or another PC program.
Rather than switch your brain, switch your keys. A NewLine key which is available without
having to hit ctrl, alt, or shift is still a must. For example, when deleting an entire screen of
members on an ISPF member list you would type d<newline>d<newline>d... for as many
members as you have. If you had ctrl-enter set to NewLine (as many emulators default to)
then you have to press d<ctrl><newline><lift ctrl> for each line. Thats too many keypresses
for me, and too easy to hit the <ctrl>d key in the process, which might perform some other
function by accident.
The best way Ive found is to get a keyboard with a large backslash key above the Enter key.
In MVS work, the backslash is rarely used, so it can be edited to the NewLine function. Edit
the <ctrl>\ key to a real backslash so you can still type the character the 3 times you will need it
in your MVS lifetime. Then, most importantly, make the Enter key issue the Enter function, and
get used to using it. You can still leave the right ctrl key as Enter if you want, but try not to use
Within a week of doing this, youll be used to it and youll notice a more seamless transition
from your emulator into other PC applications as a result.

Use a Mod4 Terminal

Many people in our MVS shop still dont know the benefit of having 43 lines on the screen at
once. With todays 1024x768 and larger displays, you should easily be able to find a Vista font
that will be readable using Mod4 terminal emulation. You can get more done in less time.
Your boss will be happy.
Just dont forget to check any ISPF panels you create with a mod2 session, so that you dont
accidentally create panels more than 24 lines long.

Learn to Cut and Paste Without Thinking

Well... at least with minimal thinking. Vista has a rich set of cut and paste options, including
items to select a single word, a field, or a line with a single keystroke or mouse click. The most
useful of these might be SelectJCL, which is by default set to the right-mouse-click. It s a
"smart" selection method that can quickly select strings and portions of strings based on mouse
position and screen content.
Also, other various new ideas are supported with Vista such as the PasteRepeat function which
will copy the clipboard data to the current field and also repeat it down the screen for as many

Page 163 of 167

lines as there are on the screen - essentially doing things like the multiple
<newline>d<newline>d... described above.
Vista also supports multiple cut/copy buffers, and overlays full screen input fields properly, so
you can really make use of the Cut and Paste facility and save lots of typing and possible
typing errors.

Know Your Keyboard, and Use It Effectively

I see many emulator users hitting tab 5 times to get to the next line, when a single NewLine
keypress would have sufficed. I see people holding down the space-bar and letting it repeat
until the end of a field because they dont use (or cant find) their EraseEOF key.
Position these keys and other essential ones like them in places where they are easy to get to.
Dont worry about replacing other PC keys that you dont use with your mainframe work. For
example, my personal keyboard setup uses the key to the left of the number 1 on the
keyboard as my EraseEOF key. I rarely (if ever) need that character on the mainframe, and if I
do, I the <ctrl> version of the key can still type it if necessary. But when set to an EraseEOF
key, its used very often. Take a look at your keyboard. The keys that are nice and clean on
top are the ones that are used often. Find the dirty ones and change them to something useful
so theyll get clean too. Just remember to wash your hands afterwards.
Also, you might think about running over to the Windows Control panel and setting the
Keyboard Repeat Delay and Repeat Rate to their fastest values, or at least faster than the
Microsoft defaults. Youll find this makes you feel the PC is just a bit faster, which then makes
you work harder, which then gets you that raise and sends the kids to private school.
Keep the ctrl and alt functions for alphabetic and numeric keys to a minimum. That way you
dont accidentally perform unintended functions in the middle of your edits when you hold a
shifter key a little longer than you intended.

Use the Mouse MoveCursorEnter Function in ISPF V4.x

In ISPF V4.x, many panels are setup with a simulated graphical menu-bar at the top of the
screen, and with other point and shoot fields at strategic locations. With the left mouse button
set to move the cursor and press Enter on doubleclick, you can then doubleclick these fields
and quickly go places at speeds youve never gone before (well, at least a little bit faster

Use Macros for Repeated Edits

In the ISPF editor, you have the luxury of being able to issue commands such as, for example,
C SYS1. BACKUP. to change a bunch of dataset names from one thing to another. But
sometimes you need to do things like this repeatedly on other full-screen dialogs that have no
change commands. If you find yourself doing this, push the Record button and edit one item,
push Stop to save the macro, and then issue the macro as many times as needed to edit all
entries needed.
The best way to do this is to have 2 or 3 macro buttons on the toolbar pointing to something
like user1.mac, user2.mac, etc., and reuse these temporary macro files as needed. Even
easier than hitting the toolbar is to edit a few of the numeric keys to issue the same temporary
macros, and use those keys.
Also, once a macro is assigned to a toolbar button, you can right-click the mouse on top of that
button to easily record, edit, etc. without having to hunt through a list of macro names.

Put the Julian Date and 24 Hour Time on the Status Bar
Since these 2 formats are often used on the mainframe, it can save you from having to find the
Julian date on a calendar. And if youre like me, I can never figure out if 4pm is 14:00 or 16:00
since I seem to have missed the fun of military life, and can t add or subtract without a

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For example, the following variables in the Status Text line:
%m/%d/%y.%j %H:%M
... will resolve to something like:
12/19/97.353 21:56
Of course, you can put anything else you want on the Status Text line or on the Window Text
line, as long as it will fit. See Variables for a list of other available variables you can use on the
status line or window title bar.

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TN3270E notes
The original TN3270 protocol, sometimes called "traditional tn3270" and described in RFC1576, had
some items not addressed, such as:
Attention and Sysreq functions had no specification
WSF (write structured field) capability was not clear at connection time
3270 class printers could not be emulated
There was no way to pass an LUNAME to the host
The host BIND information could not be passed to the emulator
That first item (Attention and Sysreq functions) was probably the most important item to mainframe
folks. With traditional tn3270, servers supported the functions in various ways, not always compatible
with all terminal emulators. But for the past few years at least, it seems almost all tn3270 servers are
consistent with regard to Attention and Sysreq handling, so this is not really a problem anymore.
Also in traditional tn3270, the second item (WSF ability) is now handled by a specification at connection
time, and although not actually in the RFC standards, like the Attention and Sysreq handling it has
essentially become part of the standard tn3270 server.
So... why am I saying all this? You might have noticed that Vista defaults to traditional tn3270 rather
than the newer TN3270E protocol. This is because I've found the traditional method to work well in
most situations, and avoids the extra header and acknowledgment commumincation required by the
TN3270E protocol (see RFC 1647).
Also, Vista currently does not support 3270 printer emulation, and doesn't care about the BIND
information passed from the host, so there really are no benefits of using TN3270E protocol unless you
need to connect to a specific LUNAME, or you are having trouble with the traditional tn3270 connection.

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The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the following MVS System Programmers who
helped make Vista what it is today:

User number 1. Many thanks to Skip for putting up with all the
problems of a new program, and especially for all the suggestions and
creative ideas, many of which are in the current product. Also thanks
for having confidence in the product and sticking with it regardless of
any problems encountered.

Tom Dien

User number 2. Originally asked to verify Vista on NT, but he ended up

testing it down to the smallest details - reporting anomalies, making
suggestions, and demanding perfection. Thanks for all the late-night emails, and the continuous re-installs required during beta testing. And
thanks for introducing me to cafe sua da.

Also many thanks to the dozens of people around the world who found and helped diagnose
bugs, made suggestions, and helped with testing.
You know who you are... 8-)


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