9.test 2

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I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase:

1. I only ________ we were running low on petrol after we had passed the last filling station.
A. observed
B. witnessed
C. beheld
D. noticed
2. Peter agreed reluctantly to sign the form but looked extremely ill at ______________.
A. agreement
B. ease
C. heart
D. soul
3. Kate spent the morning __________ along the sea-front.
A. hiking
B. rambling
C. strolling
D. crawling
4. We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town ___________.
A. red
B. purple
C. gold
D. brown
5. The bus stopped at the traffic lights with a ___________ of the brakes.
A. screech
B. howl
C. crash
D. grind
6. The saucepans fell onto the floor with a great _____________.
A. clatter
B. rattle
C. crunch
D. squeak
7. With the end of childhood, and the onset of_________ , young people experience profound
A. teenage
B. childhood
C. middle-age
D. adolescence
8. Jean has a very easy-going _________ , which is why she is so popular.
A. role
B. characteristic
C. personality
D. reputation
9. The barman began to ________ his fists in a threatening manner so I left.
A. gather
B. fold
C. bundle
D. clench
10.We have just having a friendly _________ about football.
A. chat
B. whisper
C. gossip
D. report
11. No-one knows precisely how much he earns a month, but 2,500 can't be _________ of the
A. wide
B. far
C. broad
D. distant
12. Bad living conditions _________social and welfare problems.
A. give rise to
B. give in to
C. take the rise out of
D. rise through
13. His constant over-spending is wreaking _________ on our finances.
A. mischief
B. ruin
C. havoc
D. chaos
14. We all know her father's a judge, but that's no excuse for her being so _________ with the
people in the village.
A. up and coming
B. down and out
C. high and mighty
D. high and dry
15. The Minister's _________ answer led to an outcry from the Opposition.
A. evasive
B. unbridled
C. persuasive
D. overriding
16. Her parents tried to _________ a subtle pressure on her to marry someone who could carry on
the family business.
A. bring
B. employ
C. exert
D. bear
17. They've been going _________ for so long now that all their friends expect them to marry
A. Dutch
B. steady
C. berserk
D. round
18. Comprehensive schools _________ for all levels of ability.
A. cater
B. cope
C. look
D. watch
19. If you want to save money, you must _________ the entertaining you do.
A. run out of
B. get rid of
C. cut down on
D. put up with
20. In these days of inflation, administration costs are _________
A. swooping
B. soaring
C. drifting
D. climbing

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box. Some words
have to be changed into the correct form




a) With Smith out injured, there is little _________ of City reaching the next round.
b) After heavy rain _________ during the race were hazardous.
c) It is common _________ that Douglas intends to retire at the end of the season.
d) Two French and two English forwards were involved in an ugly _________ just before half-time.
e) Miss Schmidt easily secured her _________ in the next round with a confident display of power
f) The final day begins with the Australian team on the _________ of victory.
g) Whether Alberto was offside is a matter of _________ in my view.
h) I have every _________ that Jack Wood is the man to lead our team to victory.
i) There is no concrete _________ that anyone in the team has taken drugs,
j) The club has disclaimed, _________ for die damage, blaming it on supporters from London.

III. Read the text and decide which answer (A. B. C or D) best fits each space.
When I first arrived here to take up my new job. I stayed in a hotel, but I soon started looking for
a permanent (1)______ a place to (2) ______ my own. The first flat I came (3) ______ was cold and
uninviting, and had large (4) ______ of damp on the walls. The flat (5) ______ onto a factory, so
the view was not exactly inspiring. Then I had a look at a small flat in a modern apartment (6)
______ . It had a parking (7) ______ and was fully (8) ______ but the rent was far too high for me. I
didn't want to end up in a tiny place, so I answered an ad for house-sharing. The house was in a
(9) ______ and as soon as I saw it I fell in love with it. There was a high overgrown (10)
______ around the front garden, and (11) ______ to park cars in the drive. The room to (12)
______ looked out over the back garden, and had a big bay window. (13) ______ it meant sharing
the kitchen and living room, I did have my own bathroom, really just a shower and washbasin
(14) ______ into what must have once been a cupboard. There was, however, quite a lot of (15)
______ space.
1) A household
B accommodation
C residence
D habitation
2) A refer
B be
C call
D say
3) A over
B across
C up
D by
4) A patches
B pieces
C stretches
D stains
5) A showed up
B saw through
C gave over
D looked out
6) A tower
B skyscraper
C block
D column
7) A bit
B spot
C location
D space
8) A furnished
B provided
C supplied
D prevented
9) A surroundings
B neighbourhood
C vicinity
D premises
10) A fence
B bush
C hedge
D lawn
11) A room
B capacity
C area
D place
12) A let
B rent
C hire
D lease
13) A But for
B Despite
C Nevertheless
D Although
14) A cramped
B crowded
C cluttered
D crammed
15) A storage
B stocking
C saving
D accumulation

IV. Supply the correct word form of the words in brackets

Text 1
With (1) ______(HUMAN) aid now pouring into the country, charitable agencies are still struggling
to cope in a country where day to day life is a struggle for (2) ______(EXIST) in some areas agency
workers have encountered
(3) ______ (RESIST) to their efforts from government
forces. Meanwhile, in an attempt to (4) ______(STABLE) the economy, the Government has (5)
______(VALUE) the currency for the third time this year.
Text 2
The United Nations has not ruled out the possibility of military (6) ______(INTERVENE) although it
is still hopeful of achieving a settlement by (7) ______(DIPLOMACY) means. The Secretary General
roundly condemned the President's policy of ethnic (8) ______(CLEAN), and also criticised him for
spending a (9) ______(PROPORTION) amount of his country's money on weapons. This follows last
week's 'reminder' to the President that (10) ______(SLAVE) is now universally illegal, a fact he
continues to ignore.

V. Cloze test
Art as a career
Many celebrated artists have found (1) ________ hard to (2) ________ ends meet early on in their
careers. (3) ________ a few well-known exceptions, however, (poor Van Gogh being perhaps the
most famous one) (4)_________ went on to find recognition within their own lifetime. Picassos life
story is the kind of rags-to-riches tale (5) _________ gives hope to many (6) _________ unknown
artist. In 1904, he was sharing a draughty and primitive studio complex (7) _________ thirty other
artists. But (8) ________ his death, he was a multi-millionaire and probably the most celebrated
modern artist ever . Nevertheless, (9)_________ every success story, there must be dozens of
artists (perhaps some potential greats) who have endured a lifetime (10) _________ hardship in
obscurity. (11) _________ they were never recognized because their work was (12) _________ of
sympathy with the prevailing fashion, or (13) ________ they lacked talent, is impossible to say.
Most people see art (14) ________ a vocation rather (15) ________ a career. There (16) _________
indeed be some truth in the idea (17) ________ artists need to (18) ________ exceptionally
dedicated to succeed, and even relatively successful artists sometimes have (19) ________
supplement their income by working (20) ________ other areas occasionally.

VI. Put each verb in brackets in an appropriate form.


She has made up her mind _________ (have) a garage _________ (build) next to the house.
The statue _________ (break) while it _________ (move) to another room in the museum.
The highway patrol advised _________ (take) the old route through the city.
The bell is ringing. I must stop _________ (do) my homework _________ (answer) the phone.
Why you all _________ (laugh)? Roger _________ (tell) you his funny stories?
Dont worry. We _________ (finish) the report by 11.

VII. Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks

1. Were all very obliged _________ you
2. Hes quite careless _________ danger.
3. Shes very nervous _________ the new boss.
4. Im faithful _________ my principle.
5. Ive been so anxious _________ you.
6. This service is free _________ charge.
7. They went ahead contrary _________ my advice.
8. He was married _________ Sue for a day.
9. _________ the devil and the deep blue sea.
10. Have a card _________ your sleeve.

VIII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as
the sentence printed before it.
1. I'm sure he took your briefcase by mistake.
I am sure he didnt ....
2. We only dispatch goods after receiving the money.
Only after ..
3. You pay 20 pounds a month for a period of 1 year.
You pay in 12 successive ..
4. I find his hand-writing very hard to read.
I have .....
5. He was annoyed because his secretary came late to work.
He objected .....
6. Is homework compulsory at that school?
Does that school have ....?
1. Joe gets on very well with his mother-in-law. (TERMS)
2. Watch the bike while I'm in the supermarket. (EYE)
3. Julie has to work very hard to earn just enough money to pay her bills. (ENDS)
4. His arrival was completely unexpected. (TOOK)
5. We didn't go in case we were recognized. (FEAR)
6. He said he was anxious about the plight of the homeless. (CONCERN)
7. Money is of little value on a desert island. (COUNTS)
8. As far as I know he is still working in Pleiku city. (KNOWLEDGE)

9. Ellen has been unemployed for six months. (OUT)

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