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Maths Book

All new maths

Kazy Tanjilus Salekeen

1. A man had traveled 1/3rd of the total distance of his trip when his car broke
down. He finished the journey on foot, spending twenty times as long
walking as he had spent driving. How many times faster was his driving
speed than his walking speed?
2. A train leaves station X for station Y. At 8:20 am, when the train has crossed
one fifth of the way to station Y, it passes station A at 8:30 am, when the
train has crossed one third of the way to station Y, it passes station B. At
what time does the train leave station X?
3. A man had traveled 1/4th of the total distance of his trip when his car broke
down. He finished the journey on foot. The ratio of his walking time to
driving time was 15:1. Calculate the ratio of his driving speed to his walking
4. A train left Dhaka to Chitagong at 62 km per hour and at the same time
another train left Chitagong for Dhaka at 48 km per hour on the same
route. How far apart were the two trains one hour before they met?
5. One third, one fourth, one fifth and one seventh of the human population
of Island X, which has fewer than 5000 human inhabitants, are all whole
numbers and their sum is exactly the population of Island Y. what is the
population of Island Y?
6. A rope, x feet long, is cut into two pieces such that the length of one piece
is 1 foot more than twice the length of the other piece. Which of the
following is the length, in feet, of the larger piece? A) (x+2)/2 B) (2x+1)/2
C) (2x+3)/3 D) (2x+3)/4 E) (2x+1)/3
7. If you buy x apples at a cost of (y+1.5) taka per piece and y oranges at a cost
of Tk (x+1.5) per piece, and you spend higher amount of money on buying
apples, then which of the following is true? A. x>y B. y<x C. x=y D.
x>y+3 E. cannot be determined
8. If 1.4 is halfway between two point x and y, what are the possible values of
x and y?
a. -1.4 and 2.4 b. -1 and 2 c. -0.3 and 3.1
d. 0.15 and 1.55 e. none
of these

9. At a school teacher-student ratio is 1:9. If 2/3rd of the students are female

and one-quarter of the teachers are female, what fraction of the total
students and teachers are female?
10.Two varieties of sugar are mixed in a certain ratio. The cost of the mixture
per kg is Tk 0.50 less than that of the superior variety and Tk 0.75 more
than that of the inferior variety. What was the ratio of superior variety to
inferior variety in the mixture?
11.Arif wished to use his VCR to record a 60 minute documentary scheduled to
be aired at 10:30 PM. At 8:00 that morning, he set the timer to begin
recording at 10:30 PM the same day and to stop recording exactly 60
minutes later. If the timer on the VCR slows down by 30 seconds every hour
and the documentary was aired on schedule, then how much of the
program after the documentary did the VCR record?
12.The average of a set of 12 numbers which includes 34 is N. If 34 is removed
from the set and 38 is added to the set, what is the average of the new set
of numbers in terms of N?
a. (N+1)/3 b. (N+19)/6 C. N+4 D. N+6 E. None
13.A cashier reversed the digits of one customers correct amount of change
and thus gave the customer an incorrect amount of change. If the cash
register contained Taka 45 more than it should have as a result of this error,
which of the following could have been the correct amount of change in
14.Find the volume of a triangular solid cylinder with the following
dimensions: 4 feet base, 3 feet height of triangle, and 10 feet height of the
15.There are 8 job applicants sitting in a waiting room- 4 women and 4 men.
Two of the applicants are selected one after another at random. What is
the probability that both will be women?
16.Two similar triangles have areas of 18 cm square and 32 cm square. If the
base of the smaller triangle is 6 cm, find the base of the larger triangle.
17.If an integer is selected randomly and is divided by 7, what is the probability
that the remainder is greater than 0 and NOT an even number?

18.A colony of 15000 ants increased by 50% after being fed. Then after 4
weeks without food, the number of the ants dropped by 60%. What
percentage decline did the original population undergo?
19.At college X, the faculty-to-student ratio is 1:9. If two-third of the students
are female and one-quarter of the faculty is female, what fraction of the
combined students and faculty is female?
20.Arman wanted to have Tk. 39200 as interest after 5 years. He has invested
an amount in an account for 1 year at 8% interest rate. From the second
year, he invested the principal amount in another account offering 10%
interest for 3 years. At the beginning of the fifth year he invested the
principal amount in another account at the rate of 11%. What was the
principal amount? (assume simple interest)
21.Mr. jamil, a renowned engineer, designed a ball so that when it was
dropped, it rose with each bounce exactly one-half as high as it had fallen.
The engineer dropped the ball from a 24-foot platform and caught it after it
had traveled 23.25 yards. How many times did the ball bounce?
22.In a nationwide poll, P people were asked 2 questions. If 2/5 of them
answered yes to question 1, and of those 1/3 also answered yes to
question 2, which of the following represents the number of people polled
who did not answer yes to both questions?
A. 11/13 b. 3/16 c. 13/15 d. 2/15 e. None
23.Rahim and Sohail live in the same house and work in the same place. Rahim
takes 20 minutes and Sohail takes 30 minutes to reach workplace. Sohail
starts from the house 5 minutes earlier than Rahim starts. How many
minutes would Rahim take to meet sohail?
24.The price of sugar increases by 32%. A family reduces its consumption so
that the expenditure of the sugar is up by 10% only. If the total
consumption of sugar before the price rise was 10 kg per month, then the
consumption of sugar per month is approximately?
25.A maximum of 25 grams of salt dissolves in 100 grams of water and any
more salt, if added, remain undissolved and a sediment falls at the bottom.
Now, water is evaporated from 1 kilogram of a 4% solution at the rate of 28
grams per hour. After how long would the salt start sedimenting?

26.In a class, the average score of boys in an examination is 64 and that of girls
is 61. If the average score of the whole class is 62.2, then what percent of
the class are the boys?
27. A bag contains 25-p,10-p and 5-p coins in the ratio 1:2:3. If the total value
is Tk 30, the number of 5-p coins is:
28.Last year the ratio between the salaries of A and B was 3:4. But the ratio of
their individual salaries between last year and this year were 4:5 and 2:3
respectively. If the sum of their present salaries is Tk 4160, then how much
is the salary of A now?
29.A & B have incomes in the ratio 5:3. The expenses of A, B &C are in the ratio
8:5:2. If C spends Tk 2000 and B saves Tk 700, As saving is:
30.A ,B & C enter into partnership by investing in the ratio 3:5:7. After a year, C
invests another Tk. 337600 while A withdraw Tk. 45600. The ratio of
investments then changes to 24:69:167. How much did A invest initially?
31.Two different schools, A and B, have the same number of students. Then
ratio of the boys in schools A & the boys in school B is 2:1 and the ratio of
the girls in schools A &n the girls of school B is 4: 5. What is the ratio of the
boys & girls in school A & the girls of school A ?
32.Let A,B & C shares profit at the ratio of 2:3:7 and A & B together get Tk.500
less than C gets. How much A will get:
33.Two different companies, X & Y, have the same number of workers. The
ratio of the male workers in company X & the male workers in company Y is
2:1 and the ratio of the female workers in company X and the female
workers in company Y is 4:5. What is the ratio of the male workers to the
female workers in company X?
34.The ratio of marbles collected by Amir, Babu and Enam is 1:2:5. If Babu
gives 3 marbles to Amir and receives 6 marbles from Enam the ratio
becomes 3:5:8. How many marbles did Enam have?
35.A recipe for egg nog calls for 2 eggs for every 3 cups of milk. If there are 4
cups in a quart, how many eggs will be needed to mix with 6 quarts of milk?
36.A students grade in a course is determined by 4 quizzes and 1 exam. If the
exam counts twice as much as each of the quizzes, what fraction of the final
grade is determined by the exam?

37.If cement, gravel and sand are to be mixed in the ratio 3:5:7 respectively
and 5 tones of cement are available, how many tons of the mixture can be
38.Bucky leaves Amity for Truro, which is 8 miles away, at the same time that
Robin leaves Truro for Amity. If neither of them stops along the way and
they meet along the road 2 miles from Amity, what is the ratio of Buckys
average speed to Robins average speed?
39.For every Christian person in a representative committee there are two
Hindus and for each Hindu person there are seven Muslims. This policy
represents the ratio of different religions in a population. Express the ratio
of Muslims to Hindus to Christians in that population?
40.Two cars race around a circular track in opposite directions at constant
rates. They start at the same point and meet every 30 seconds. If they
move in the same direction, they meet every 120 seconds. If the track is
1800 meter long, what is the speed of each car?

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