PLX Kinetics
PLX Kinetics
PLX Kinetics
The objectives of this experiment are to . . .
Chemical kinetics is the study of the rates of chemical reactions and the mechanisms by which they occur.
By carefully observing how the concentrations of the reactants and products vary with time, it is possible to
determine a rate law for the reaction. This rate law can then be used to either support or disprove a suggested
mechanism for the reaction. In this experiment, you will determine the rate and experimental rate laws of
several reactions involving the ferroin complex, and then propose a mechanism, i.e., the detailed pathway
from reactants to products.
The rate of a chemical reaction is defined as the change in the concentration of a reactant or product per unit
time. For example, the rate at which dinitrogen pentoxide decomposes can be expressed as the number of
moles of N2 O5 per liter that decompose per second.
2 N2 O5(g) ==>
2 N2 O4(g) + O2(g)
This rate could just as easily be defined in terms of the rate of production of dinitrogen tetroxide or molecular
oxygen. Using the stoichiometry of the balanced equation, one can relate the rates of change in the following
-d[N2 O5 ] ==> d[N2 O4 ] ==> 2 d[O2 ]
The minus sign indicates the decreasing concentration of N2 O5 with time, and the positive signs indicate the
increasing concentrations of the products. Note that the rate of reaction in terms of N2 O5 is twice the rate
in terms of oxygen. This is expected, because only one mole of oxygen is formed when two moles of N2 O5
are reacted. It is clear that one must indicate what species is being followed when stating the rate of reaction.
Normally, the first goal of a kinetic study is to determine the effect of reactant concentrations on the reaction
rate, and to state this in the form of a rate law for the reaction. Rate laws are always experimentally
determined. For the hypothetical elementary reaction A + B => C, the rate law would have the form:
Rate ==> -d[A] ==> k[A]x [B]y
where [A] and [B] are molar concentrations, and x and y are experimentally determined integers, fractions,
or zero (usually 0, 1, or 2). If doubling the concentration of A doubles the rate, x = 1; if the rate increases
fourfold, then x = 2. If doubling A has no effect on the rate, x = 0. The same is true for the concentration
behavior of B. The value of x is the order of the reaction for A, and y is the order for B. The sum of x and
y is termed the overall order of the reaction.
The rate constant, k, is a function of temperature for a specific reaction, but it is completely independent
of the concentrations of A and B. The value of the rate constant can be determined by following the
concentration of a species in the reaction with time, and then plotting the appropriate functions of the data
to obtain a straight line. The slope of the line is related to the rate constant. Once a rate law has been
established, the next step is to propose a mechanism for the reaction that not only makes sense from a
chemical standpoint, but also predicts the observed rate law. A mechanism consists of a series of elementary
steps and is an informed guess of the individual chemical steps occurring in the course of the reaction. The
sum of the elementary steps must give the correct stoichiometry of the reaction. An elementary step is one
that involves either a collision between two species (a bimolecular reaction) or the decomposition of a single
species (unimolecular). The overall mechanism consists of one or more elementary steps in sequence.
The rate law is closely related to the proposed reaction mechanism. If the mechanism contains several
elementary steps, the rate law provides information about those steps up to and including the slowest step.
The slowest step is called the rate determining step, because the overall reaction cannot be faster than the
slowest step.
A reaction system that will serve as an example of some of these ideas is the hydrolysis of tertiary-butyl
chloride, (CH3 )3 -C-Cl, abbreviated t-BuCl, carried out with isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) as the
solvent. The reaction of t-BuCl with water produces tertiary-butyl alcohol (t-BuOH) and hydrochloric acid
t-BuCl + H2 O
t-BuOH + HCl
The observed rate law for the reaction is first order in t-BuCl:
Rate ==> -d[t-BuCl] ==> k[t-BuCl]
Two of the several mechanisms that could be proposed for the reaction are given below. Mechanism I is
termed a dissociative mechanism, because the rate determining step is the dissociation of the chloride ion
from t-BuCl. Mechanism II is associative, because the rate determining step is the association of t-BuCl with
another species (OH ) to produce a complex intermediate:
Mechanism I:
Mechanism II:
+ H2 O
t-BuOH + H+
+ OH!
(fast equilibrium)
H2 O
<==> H+
t-BuCl + OH
{ t-Bu(Cl)(OH) }
{t-Bu(Cl)(OH) }
t-BuOH + Cl
In Mechanism I, because the overall rate of reaction is determined by the rate at which t-BuCl dissociates,
the rate depends directly on the concentration of t-BuCl. This is expected because the number of
dissociations per second will be directly proportional to the concentration of t-BuCl. Once formed, the
tertiary carbocation, t-Bu+ , reacts quickly with water. Because the second step comes after the rate
determining step, it does not affect the rate of the reaction, and therefore is not expressed in the rate law.
The rate law for Mechanism I would be the same as that observed experimentally.
A rate law derived from Mechanism II would show a concentration dependence on water as well as t-BuCl,
because the slow step involves two reactants, one of which is dependent on the water concentration.
Obviously, a rate law derived from this mechanism would not agree with the one observed experimentally.
An organic chemist would predict the first mechanism by inspection of the species involved and their
chemical reactivities. Tertiary carbocations like t-Bu+ are relatively stable and could easily exist as an
intermediate in a reaction. Species like {t-Bu(Cl)(OH)}, in the second mechanism, would be unlikely
because of the steric hindrance involved in attaching five groups to the central carbon (there is simply not
enough space). You are not expected to be able to draw these types of reactivity conclusions now, but this
is an example of the types of evidence that a chemist would use to corroborate a proposed mechanism.
All of this information does not mean that Mechanism I is absolutely correct, because it can only be a
proposed mechanism. There is no way to prove a mechanism absolutely, short of watching the individual
molecules as they react, which is obviously impossible. Further study, however, could be used to develop
confidence in the mechanism, and many mechanisms are widely believed to be correct, even though they
cannot be proven.
Safety goggles must be worn in the lab at all times. Any skin contacted with chemicals should be washed
Discussion of the experiment
In this experiment, the kinetics of a series of reactions involving the tris-(1,10-phenanthroline) iron(II) ion,
commonly called ferroin, will be studied. This iron(II) complex ion is composed of three 1,10phenanthroline molecules that are arranged around the Fe2+ such that the six nitrogen donor atoms are located
at the corners of an octahedron. In the schematic structure below, Figure 1, each N----N represents one
ligand molecule:
Since ferroin, like many coordination complexes, is intensely colored (a deep red), the concentration of the
complex can be determined spectrophotometrically using green light, at 505 nm on the MicroLAB
Colorimeter. By following the absorbance vs. time, data can be obtained which can be used to determine
rate laws and calculate rate constants. Ferroin absorbs the green light strongly, and the products of the
reactions absorb very little of the green light. The Spectrum Profile for the Ferroin on the MicroLAB
Colorimeter is shown in the following Figure 2.
Figure 2. Absorbance Spectrum Profile for Ferroin showing maximum absorbance at the 505 nm
The most common types of reactions involving coordination complexes are oxidation-reduction reactions
and ligand substitution reactions. The latter reaction type will be studied in this experiment by employing
the following reaction systems:
Fe(phen)3 2+
+ 3 Cu2+
==> Fe2+
Fe(phen)3 2+ + P2 O7 4!
3 Cu(phen)2+ (11)
3 H-phen+
For each reaction system, you will determine the rate law and the rate constant at two temperatures, then
attempt to formulate the mechanism for each. By studying each reaction at two temperatures, estimates can
be made of the activation energies.
In each reaction, the concentration of ferroin will be much smaller than the concentrations of the other
reactants. This has the effect of making the concentration of the non-ferroin reactants essentially constant.
The order of reaction for ferroin can then be determined by graphing the appropriate data. If [ferroin] vs.
time is a horizontal straight line, the reaction is zero order for ferroin. If a plot of ln[ferroin] vs. time is
straight, the reaction is first order, and if 1/[ferroin] vs. time gives a straight line, the reaction is second order.
(See your textbook for more details.) The rate constant can also be determined from these plots. For zero
and first order plots, k equals the negative of the slope. For second order plots, k equals the slope.
You will follow each reaction at two different concentrations of the non-ferroin reactant. This will allow
you to determine the order of reaction for the non-ferroin reactant by comparing the rate constant k for the
two reactions. When you double the concentration of the non-ferroin reaction, if the rate constant does not
change, the reaction is zero order in that reactant. If the rate constant doubles, the reaction is first order, and
if the rate constant increases fourfold, the reaction is second order in that reactant. This procedure is called
a pseudo-order process, and is discussed more fully in your text.
Rate constants can be expressed as a function of temperature in terms of the Arrhenius equation:
k = A e( -Ea / RT)
ln (k) = ( Ea / RT) + ln A
where A is the pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy, T is the Kelvin temperature, and R is the
gas constant, 8.314 J/K mol. The pre-exponential factor relates the collision or dissociation behavior
to the rate, and the activation energy is a measure of the minimum energy required in the rate
determining step of the reaction. By graphing ln(k) vs. 1/T for a reaction, it is possible to determine
both of these constants: - Ea /R equals the slope of the line, and ln(A) is the y-intercept
You will work in groups for this experiment, and each group will be assigned one of the three
reaction series. You will then be responsible for obtaining data about the other reaction series from
the other groups. See your instructor for group and series assignments.
The experiment will be done using the MicroLAB colorimeter and software program.
You will complete the experiment at two Temperatures, 40 C and 50 C. Comparing the rates at the
two temperatures will allow you to estimate the activation energy for the reaction. Following are the
concentrations that you should use:
7.0 ml H 2 O
5.0 ml H2 O
7.0 ml H2 O
5.0 ml H2 O
7.0 ml H2 O
5.0 ml H2 O
Note that experiment 2 of each series contains twice the concentration of the non-ferroin reactant as
experiment 1.
An additional study will be carried out to determine if the solvent (water) reacts directly with ferroin, an
effect which would complicate the kinetic studies. For this experiment, 9.0 ml of water will be used.
For each reaction series which you study, you will need to complete 4 determinations:
Experiment 1 at 40
Experiment 2 at 40
Experiment 1 at 50
Experiment 2 at 50
You will also complete the water blank at both temperatures, for a total of six runs.
The colorimeter works by reading the current of a photomultiplier on the opposite side of the sample from
the light source. This current is directly proportional to the light transmitted by the sample. To convert from
this current to the absorbance of the solution, the following equation is used:
A = log (I0 /It)
where I0 is the current of the blank solutions (before ferroin has been added), and It is the current at a specific
time later. The absorbance can then be converted to ferroin concentration using Beer's Law, A = ,bc. The
pathlength, b, for this colorimeter is 2.54 cm, and the molar absorbtivity constant, ,, for ferroin is 11,000
cm-1 .
Detailed procedure
It is suggested that you complete one series at 40 C (both concentrations) first, then the other series
at 50 C. Finally, you will run the water blanks. Make sure to record the exact temperature of the water
baths in your lab notebook.
Turn on the computer and open the MicroLAB Kinetics Experiment program. Make sure the
MicroLAB interface is connected properly to the computer.
Add 10 ml of distilled water to the colorimeter vial, place a vertical line near the top with a marker pen,
wipe the outside of the vial to remove any drops of water or fingerprints, and insert the vial into the
colorimeter chamber with the mark directly forward.
Make the title of the data file in the following format: group number, series, temperature, concentration.
For example, group 2 completing series B at 40 C , concentrations 1, should use the file name:
g2B40c1.dat. This title is rather cryptic, but it is necessary to make sure that all of the data can be
located for analysis.
Place three large test tubes in a 400 ml beaker. Fill one test tube with deionized water, one with the
reactant, and one about half full with ferroin. Fill the beaker with water from the water bath to above
the level of the liquids in the test tubes, then place the beaker back into the water bath to equilibrate.
Allow the temperature to equilibrate by leaving the solutions in the water bath for about ten minutes.
Because the rate constant is dependent on the temperature of the reaction, maintaining a constant
temperature is vital, so the solutions must be at the reaction temperature before the ferroin is added.
After the reactants have equilibrated, remove the beaker from the bath and take it to your workstation.
The heat capacity of the water in the beaker acts as a "mini-water bath," greatly slowing the cooling of
the solutions in the test tubes to room temperature, so do not remove the test-tubes from the beaker.
Mix the solutions to the point of adding the ferroin. Do not add the ferroin until the solutions are
completely mixed and re-equilibrated thermally. To mix the solutions, use a 10.0 ml Mohr pipet to
deliver the exact amounts directly to the colorimeter vials. Return the test tubes and beaker to the water
Add about 20 ml of water from the water bath to labeled 50 ml beakers and place the colorimeter vials
in the beakers. Make sure that the water level in the 50 ml beaker is essentially at the same level as the
solution in the vial. Place the beaker back into the water bath for a couple of minutes to re-equilibrate.
When the vial is thermally re-equilibrated, the next few steps should be done as quickly as possible to
minimize the uncertainty in the temperatures of the solutions. Have one person in the group add exactly
1.0 ml of ferroin to the vial using a 1.0 ml Mohr pipet.
Cap the vial, invert twice to mix fully, quickly wipe of the outside, place the vial in the colorimeter,
place the colorimeter cap and click on the Collect Data button to make the first reading. This should
all be accomplished as quickly as possible in order to catch the reaction at its earliest stage.
10. The samples will be taken every 100 seconds. Since the MicroLAB Kinetics program currently does
not keep track of time between samplings, you will need to time this yourself. Watch it carefully, so you
can get your sample from the water bath, dry it off, and place it back in the colorimeter before it reaches
100 seconds. This process should take less than 20 seconds, so start it at about 75 seconds to be sure
your sample is in the colorimeter and capped before the 100 seconds. It is important to keep the
samples in the water bath when they are not being measured, to make sure that the temperatures remain
constant. To do this, make sure that you do not get your samples from the water bath too soon, or you
risk cooling.
11. Replace the vial in the proper beaker in the water bath as soon as the sample has been read by the
kinetics program.
12. Let the reaction run for approximately 60 minutes for a 40 C run, and 30 minutes for a 50 C run.
The water blanks need only be run long enough to determine if the concentration of ferroin is changing
(about 10-15 minutes). You can stop the program by clicking on the Stop button.
You can then use the tabs at the bottom of the Graph to determine the order in ferroin for the reaction.
Use the Linear regression equation to determine the value of the rate constant. Note that the first one
or two data points may be out of line. Despite your valiant efforts to keep the temperature constant
while mixing solutions, it is likely that the solutions will cool slightly, so the first few readings are
effectively taken at a lower temperature. If this is the case, throw out the first few points, and note it
in your lab report.
The report
For each of the reaction series A, B and C at the two temperatures, you should determine and report the
You should also include the appropriate printouts of data tables and graphs to support your answers. Further
Compare your results for all three reactions. Describe your findings and the conclusions to which they
lead you about the mechanisms for the three reactions which you have studied.
According to the absolute rate theory, the rate constant can be represented by the following expression,
commonly called the Eyring equation:
kB T exp(-H*/RT)exp(S*/R)
where kB is the Boltzmann constant, h is Planck's constant, and H* and S* are the enthalpy and
entropy of activation for the process. Calculate the values of H* and S* for the P2 O7 4! reaction.
Do these values support the mechanism that you have postulated? Hint: a plot of ln (k/T) vs. 1/T is