WW2NewsLetterVol#1 No. 3

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TELEPHONE: 973-467-3313 E-MAIL: [email protected]

November 1, 2009, Volume 1, No 3

Tears In The guards. Many perished on the captured when the Americans
Darkness march and never made it to the surrendered and served out the
camp. rest of the war in a prison camp.
Michael and Elizabeth
There have been many Elizabeth Norman has agreed to
Norman delivered a wonderful
stories of the Bataan Death return in the Spring and discuss
lecture on their best selling book
March but Tears In The this book. The date of the
Tears In The Darkness to a
Darkness is unique for several lecture will be announced as
crowd of approximately 90 at
reasons. The authors devoted soon as it is set.
the October 20 meeting of the
World War 2 Book Club at the ten years of research in writing
Milllburn Library. This is the this book, made several trips to Next Meeting
story of the Bataan Death the Phillipine Islands as well as
Japan, and utilizing the services On November 17, Dr.
March, the extraordinary saga of McLaughlin will deliver a lecture
the bravery, heroism and of a Japanese interpreter
interviewed many Japanese on General Albert C.
tragedy of those brave men and Wedemeyer, an important figure
women American and Philippine soldiers still alive as well as
surviving relatives of some of in World War 2, but largely
who were trapped on the Bataan overlooked by most historians
peninsula after the Japanese the soldiers in order to develop
their narrative. They then wove who seem to have concentrated
attack on the Phillipine islands. on the “name” generals,
They fought a desperate battle the experience of a single
American survivor of the march, Eisenhower, Marshall, Patton,
for three months finally being Montgomery, Romel et als.
compelled to retreat to the Ben Steel, still alive at the age
of 90, into a seamless web Wedemeyer, the chief author of
island of Corregidor where they what some historians call the
continued to hold out for another which told the Ben Steel story
while moving back and forth with most important document of the
month. Out of food, ammunition, War, “The Victory Program”
and medical supplies they were other key events of the tragedy.
drew up plans in the early
compelled to surrender and then Elizabeth Norman is also the months of 1941 for the creation
forced to walk some 60 miles to author of We Band of Angels, and supply of the eventual 10
a prison camp, along the way those American nurses who million man American Army, as
being subjected to unspeakable served in the American army in well as the actual battle plans
acts of cruelty by the Japanese the Phillipines and were
Page 2 of 2
for the cross channel invasion advisors, with particular blame will allow us to properly organize
into France. Although the author attributable to his medical the program.
of these plans, which in early advisors. Roosevelt’s condition
1942, immediately after our was not only a physically-
Book Donations
entry of the war received the disabling one but one that might
complete endorsement the have substantially affected his Members are asked to bring
entire American military ability to make decisions and to unwanted or duplicate books
establishment as well as the function mentally, during the about World War 2 to the
approval of President Roosevelt, most critical days of World War November 17th meeting. These
Wedemeyer was not allowed to 2. books will be offered free to
participate in the European members who are requested to
The social and political
conflict, but was transferred to make a donation to help defer
implications of such a cover up
Asia. The lecture will relate the expenses. The books will be
have far reaching ramifications
fascinating intrigue between displayed on a table near the
that threaten the very fabric of
Prime Minister Churchill and entrance.
our society. The question
President Roosevelt which naturally arises, how often does
deprived Wedemeyer of the this happen, how much that our Dues for The Book Club
opportunity to participate in the politicians tell us is contrived, To date all expenses
invasion that he had such a and what should be doing to incurred in the presentation of
huge part in preparing. counter it? Can we trust our our programs have been
government to tell us the truth? absorbed by the founders.
Among Our Members Dr. Lomazow has agreed to Although the use of the Millburn
One of the many fascinating lecture to the Book Club at Library and its facilities is free,
by-products of the creation of some date after the first of the there are other expenses that
this Book Club has been the year, a date to be determined are naturally incurred, such as
delightful discovery that among shortly. limo service, when needed to
our members are some transport our invited speakers,
wonderful authors. Dr. Steven entertainment and hotel
Future Meetings
Lomazow and Eric Fettmann expenses of speakers who
We are still on track for travel, gratuities to those who
have just written a new book
January 19, 2010 for a lecture assist in setting up the
FDR’S Deadly Secret, due to be
by Stephen Sussna on programs, preparation of maps,
formally published sometime in
OPERATION DRAGOON, the and outlines used by speakers,
January 2010. We have been
invasion of Southern France. and so on. The dues will be
furnished with an advance copy
and it is a remarkable book We are expecting a lecture nominal, and any expense
about President Roosevelt’s in the Spring on a program already incurred by the founders
concealment, of a deadly life- devoted to World War 2 and to date will not be reimbursed.
threatening condition that he Poland. The proposed dues structure will
could not, and did not ever be announced at the November
publicly acknowledge. 17 meeting, and be outlined in
Members Night
the next News Letter.
Dr. Lomazow, an MD with a Taking a page from our
real flair for research and a love It is hoped that members
sister organizations, the
of history, presents a very realize that we can not hope to
Revolutionary and Civil War
convincing case that the attract top speakers without
Roundtable, we will institute a
President suffered from being able to cover their
“Members Night” at some date
melanoma, the most virulent expense of travel. To date no
in the Spring 2010. This will
and deadly of all the forms of honorariums have been given to
consist of several, perhaps, 4-5
cancer. any speakers, but a modest sum
members who will present short
to those who prepare and
This is a great medical papers or stories of World War
present their lectures is common
detective story and a narrative 2. Any member who would like
and should be considered in
of a presidential cover-up with to participate please let us know
appropriate cases.
the connivance and approval of and submit a short outline which
many of Roosevelt’s top

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