Shell Online Application Form

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Shell Online Application Form

The Shell online application form is your first opportunity to stand out
from the crowd. You are given the opportunity to upload your CV and
provide your basic details. In addition, there is a long answer question
which asks Why do you want to work for Shell? This is an
opportunity to make your application stand out. In order to answer the
question properly, you have to incorporate the key values of Shell into
your answer.

Shell Competencies
Shell Online Assessment

The Shell online assessment consist of three sections: competency

based and work behavior questions followed by a decision and
problem solving task. These translate into three different aptitude
tests, a personality test, a Situational Judgement Test (SJT), and a
numerical test. All three of these Shell online tests are provided by
Cubiks. Shell strongly recommend using practice tests to help you
prepare for the real thing. You have seven days to complete the tests
from the time you receive them.
Part 1: Competency Based Questionnaire

In the competency based questionnaire you are presented with 72

different statements that relate to work tasks and how you work with
other people. You have to rate each statement on a five point basis
with 1 being Disagree and 5 being Agree. The 72 statements are
divided into groups of four and for each set, apart from rating the
statement 1-5 you need to choose two statements, one that you most
agree with and a second that you least identify with. The entire
competency based questionnaire should take you between 20 and 30
minutes to complete.
It was once thought that it is impossible to prepare for a personality
competency questionnaires but this is very far from the truth. Learning

what the company wants, their key values and incorporating them in
your thought processes is a skill that you can learn and by doing so
you will be able to perform to a very high level. Find out how we can
help you prepare with our personality profiling package.
Part 2: Decision-making and Problem Solving Test

After successfully completing part one of the Shell aptitude tests, you
are then sent the second part of the online assessment stage. This
stage is to assess your ability to make decisions based on certain
This is, in fact a Situational Judgement Test, or SJT. SJTs provide a
good measurement of your thought processes in work related
situations. You are presented with 18 different situations that could
occur in the workplace and a number of different solutions that could
be used to solve this problem. There are four different options for you
to choose from and you have to rate each of the options on a five
grade scale with 1 being counterproductive and 5 being highly
effective. As well as rating each of the statements, you have to single
out two of them, one being the option that you are most likely to do
and the other being the option that you are least likely to do. Get to
know these questions and how to answer them with our Situational
Judgement Test practice pack.
Following the decision making section is the problem solving test. This
is an examination of your numerical abilities or how well you can work
with numerical information.
Shell Numerical Test

Using ratios, percentages and other mathematical functions you need

to calculate the correct answers and select the correct answer from
five different options. There are 16 questions which are grouped
together in sets of four questions for each set of numerical data. You
have a window of 18 minutes to answer all the questions in this test. In
order to complete the numerical tests as efficiently and successfully as
possible, the best thing to do is prepare yourself fully and you can do
so with our Cubiks-style numerical tests.

Get Cubiks Practice Tests: Graduate and MGMT | Business

Shell Interview

If you successfully manage to complete the online assessment, the

next part of the Shell selection process is the Shell telephone
interview. However this interview can also be done face-to-face. This
is a long and detailed interview often taking well over an hour to
complete. It is comprised of four different sections and we will detail
them below.
In the first part of the Shell telephone interview you are asked some
general questions about your different career preferences, why you
have chosen to apply for Shell and a check on your ability to work in
different areas of the world.
The second part of the interview focuses on the main competencies of
Shell. They are focused on the competencies that we mentioned
above and your technical skills.
Shell Interview Questions

The Shell interview questions for this section of the interview include:

Tell me about your biggest achievement.

Tell me about a time when you worked in a diverse team with

many contrasting opinions and how did you work together to solve
the issue?

When have you engaged in different cultures and opinions?

This is an opportunity to apply real life examples in your answers and

you can do this using the STAR method (situation, task, action, result),
where you use a real life situation you have encountered to expand

and explain what you did.

The third section of the Shell telephone interview is similar to a role
play based on a case study. You are given three or four topics and you
have to choose one of them to discuss with the interviewer. Topics in
this section of the interview in the past include:

A strategy for implementing diversity and inclusiveness

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Recruiting and retaining high calibre staff

Helping local governments financially and in other ways.

You have to give a brief introduction on your chosen subject, showing

that you understand the topic. You are asked probing questions and
enter a deep discussion about the different aspects of your chosen
The last section of the Shell interview is where you are asked if you
have any questions. This is somewhat underestimated but in reality
this can be the make or break of your Shell application. Showing that
you really want to know more about the organisation proves your
motivation for the job. Moreover, this is the last chance to shine in the
interview so if you finish on a high this is what the interviewer
remembers the most.
Preparing for the Shell telephone or face-to-face interview is difficult.
There are quite a number of different questions and topics that you
need to go through. Develop your interview techniques with
our interview preparation tutorial and free Guide to Interviews.

If your make it through the interview, the next stage of the

recruitment process for Internships in the Shell Assessed
Internship. If you are applying to the graduate scheme, the next
step is the is the Shell Assessment Day.

There are four main core competency based questions that are
generally assessed in an interview:
1. Communication how you resolve conflict.
2. Problem Solving/decision making how well you work under
3. Leadership how you contribute to and work with your team
4. Personal Attributes your adaptability, motivators, and quality
focus etc.
The key to answering competency based questions is how you
structure it. Here is a guide on how you should structure your

Make sure that your answers are light on technical jargon and
excessive detail. When you are giving examples, instead of using
we always use I to demonstrate your personal input in a
project and your own depth of experience.


Interviews generally last about an hour so timing is critical in

expressing the breath of your experiences and capabilities. You
should aim to spend no more than 1 to 2 minutes to answer the
questions and give appropriate examples.The ability to succinctly
answer questions is essential because:
Less is More
Interviewers only want the main information relating to the
question. Long winded answers run the risk of not answering the
question or veering off topic.
People Tune Out
Most people tune out within the first 2 minutes unless they are
stimulated. If your answers are longer than 2 minutes then you
may run the risk of losing your audience.Keep it short and direct!
Get to the Point
Interviewers generally have a long list of questions they want to
cover within a short amount of time. If you are able to answer all
of their questions, you will leave the interview having given them
the complete picture of your capabilities and experience.
Note: If interviewers want detail than they will ask you for it!
Some tips to consider:
Make sure you rehearse some of your answers relating to
the core competencies. This will make you feel more
confident and composed during the interview. The more

familiar you are with your story the better you will be at telling
Always ask questions when invited to do so. Intelligent
questions demonstrate the depth of your understanding of
the position, the company and the wider market. This shows
your active interest in the role and the company, and makes
you stand out from the crowd

How well you absorb information, analyse problems, make fact-based decisions,
and propose innovative solutions.
How well you get things done (your drive, resilience, self-confidence, and
organisational skills).
How well you work in teams, communicate, and respect others.

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