Collecting Banker

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The key takeaways are the various roles played by banks as paying bankers and collecting bankers when dealing with cheques and negotiable instruments. Banks have to take care to properly identify customers and accounts when collecting payments.

The main functions performed by banks include accepting deposits, lending, making payments via cheques, discounting and negotiating bills of exchange, providing overdraft facilities, and performing foreign exchange transactions.

Credit creation refers to the ability of banks to generate new deposits when granting loans, as loans are made by opening an account for the borrower and crediting the loan amount rather than providing cash. This results in an increase in the money supply.


One of the most important functions of a banker is to pay and collect his
customers cheques. Thus a banker plays a dual role as a paying banker and
a collecting banker. Over the years the cheque has become an important
medium of settlement of payments. Thus a customer of a bank either pays
by cheque or receives payment by cheque. The payments received by
cheque are either collected in cash collected in cash or deposited in the
customers account, in a bank, who in turn collects the payment from the
other banker and credit customers account. The cheques may be drawn on
another branch of it may even be drawn on a bank abroad. We have already
seen that a cheque crossed generally or specially can be paid through a
banker only.

Section 131 of the Negotiable Instruments Act provides for the non liability of
the banker receiving payment of a cheque under certain conditions. Those
conditions are:

The collecting banking should receive payment for a customer. While
discussing the definition of customer we have seen that the customer is a
person who has an account with the bank. The account should be properly
introduced. If the proceeds of a cheque is intended to go to the account of
A, but the same is collected by the banker in the account of a wrong person
who represented himself to be A, the collecting banker would be liable for
conversion of the ownership of funds unless he can prove that he collected
the payment in good faith and without negligence.
b) Negligence arises when there is a duty to take care and the collecting
banker has a duty to take care of the interests of the true owner of the
cheque. The test applied is what a prudent man would have done in similar
circumstances to guard his own property. It is presumed that the banker
would have provided reasonable and competent staff to carry out his duty to
take care. The burden to prove the fact that the banker acted in good faith
and without negligence lies on the banker himself. The instances where the
collecting banker may be held responsible are:

Collecting a cheque payable to an official in his private account.

Collecting cheques for very large sums in an account which has
otherwise low operation.

the payee.

cheques payable to order without verifying the

the cheque crossed A/ c payee in an account other than
the cheque in an account which is not properly introduced.
the cheque in a third partys account without proper caution.

The protection under Section131 is available only to crossed cheques,
and such crossing should be done before the banker accepts the cheque for

d) The protection under Section 131 is available only when the collecting
banker receives payment for his customer and not otherwise. When the
banker collects payment for himself or for non-customer this provision will
not apply. The bankers position here should be that of an agent for collection
and not in the capacity of a holder for value.

If a negotiable instrument is
transfer by way of negotiation,
Applicable Negotiable Instrument Act,
1881 applies.

Where any right is
transfereed by way of
assignment, the Transfer of
Property Act applies.
Transfer of a right to receive
Negotiation means transfer of the payment of a debt by one
a negotiable instrument to any person (viz., assignee) to
other person so as to
another person (viz.,
constitute that person the
assignee) by way of a written
Meaning holder of such negotiable
document is called as
Negotiation can be made for
transferring negotiable
Assignment can be made of
instrument only.
any right.
A bearer instrument can be
negotiated merely by deliver,
and an order instrument can
Assignment is valid only if it
Method or be negotiated by endorsement is made in writing and is
and delivery.
signed by the assignor.
Notice of negotiation is not
Notice of assignment must be
required to be given to any
given by the assignee to the
It is presumed that every
Considera negotiable instrument was
There is no such presumption
negotiated for consideration. in case of assignment.

The other party has to prove

Burden of that negotiation was without
any consideration.
The transferee of a negotiable
instrument acquires a title
better than that of the
transferor, i.e; he becomes a
holder in due course.
Negotiation does not require
payment of stamp duty.

The assignee has to prove

that there some
The assignee does not
acquire a title better than
that of the assignor.
Assignment requires payment
of stamp duty.

Section 6 of Negotiable Instruments Act defines cheque as :
6. Cheque.-A cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified
banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand and it
includes the electronic image of a truncated cheque and a cheque in the
electronic form. Explanation I.-For the purposes of this section, the
expressions(a) a cheque in the electronic form means a cheque which contains
the exact mirror image of a paper cheque, and is generated, written and
signed in a secure system ensuring the minimum safety standards with
the use of digital signature (with or without biometrics signature) and
asymmetric crypto system;
(b) a truncated cheque means a cheque which is truncated during the
course of a clearing cycle, either by the clearing house or by the bank
whether paying or receiving payment, immediately on generation of an
electronic image for transmission, substitu ing the further
physical movement of the cheque in writing.
Explanation II.-For the purposes of this section, the expression clearing
house means the clearing house managed by the Reserve Bank of India or
a clearing house recognised as such by the Reserve Bank of India..
Electronic cheque (e-cheque) is the image of a normal paper cheque
generated, written and signed in a secure system using digital signature and
asymmetric crypto system. Simply said an electronic cheque is nothing more
than an ordinary cheque produced on a computer system and instead of
signing it in ink, it is signed using the digital equivalent of ink. After the
coming into force of The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment And
Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2002, legal recognition has been accorded to
e-cheques and they have been brought at par with the normal cheques. Now,
a cheque includes an e-cheque.

Section 138 Negotiable Instruments Act as it is at present after coming into

force of The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment And Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act, 2002:
138. Dishonour of cheque for insufficiency, etc., of funds in the account:
Where any cheque drawn by a person on an account maintained by him
with a banker for payment of any amount of money to another person
from out of that account for the discharge, in whole or in part, of any debt
or other liability, is returned by the bank unpaid, either because of the
amount of money standing to the credit of that account is insufficient to
honour the cheque or that it exceeds the amount arranged to be paid
from that account by an agreement made with that bank, such person
shall be deemed to have committed an offence and shall, without
prejudice. to any other provision of this Act, be punished with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to
twice the amount of the cheque, or with both:
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply unless(a) the cheque has been, presented to the bank within a period of
six months from the date on which it is drawn or within the period of its
validity, whichever is earlier;
(b) the payee or the holder in due course. of the cheque as the case
may be, makes a demand for the payment of the said amount of money
by giving a notice, in writing, to
the drawer of the cheque, within thirty days of the receipt of information
by him from the bank regarding the return of the cheque as unpaid; and
(c) the drawer of such cheque fails to make the payment of the said
amount of money to the payee or, as the case may be, to the holder in due
course of the cheque, within
fifteen days of the receipt of the
said notice.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, debt or other liability
means a legally enforceable debt or other liability.
1. The cheque should have been issued for the discharge , in whole or
part, of any debt or other liability
2. The cheque should have been presented within a period of six months
or within its validity period whichever is earlier.
3. The payee or holder in due course should have issued a notice in
writing to the drawer within 30 days of the receipt of information by him
from the Bank regarding the return of the cheque as unpaid.
4. After receipt of the said notice from the holder in due course, the
drawer should have failed to pay the cheque within 15 days of receipt of
the said notice.
Funds Insufficient :

Section 138 describes the above ground of insufficient funds in the account
of the drawer of the cheque in the following words:
The amount of money standing to the credit of the account of the drawer on
which the cheque is drawn is insufficient to honour the cheque, or

The cheque amount exceeds the amount that can be paid by the bank
under an arrangement entered into between the bank and the drawer of
the cheque.
However, besides the above, the Courts have also accepted some other
heads which though expressly do not say insufficient funds but are implied
to mean the same and a cheque dishonoured on any of these grounds can be
used for the purpose of prosecution under section 138 Negotiable
Instruments Act.

Some of theses grounds are:

Account Closed: It is an offence under section 138 of the Act
Closure of account would be an eventuality after the entire amount in the
account is withdrawn It means that there was no amount in the credit of
that account on the relevant date when the cheque was presented for
honouring the same
This has been held by the Honble Supreme Court of India inNEPS MICON LTD. AND OTHERS VS. MAGMA LEASING LTD.
1999 ISJ (BANKING) 0433; 1999 (1) APEX C.J. 0624; 1999 AIR (SCW) 1637
Stop Payment instructions:
Once the cheque has been drawn and issued to the payee and the payee
has presented the cheque, stop payment instructions will amount to
dishonour of cheque.
I (1999) BANKING CASES (BC) 133 (17/03/1998)
Refer to drawer:
.. makes out a case under section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments
Act, 1881 which expression means that there were not sufficient funds with
the bank in the account of the respondent
(1997) 89 COMPANY CASES 663 (10/01/1997)
Not a clearing member:
Cheque returned with endorsement not a clearing member. To attract the
provisions of section 138 NI Act, the cheque should be presented with the

bank on which it I drawn- If the cheque is not presented to the bank on which
it is drawn, then provisions of sec 138 would not be attracted. If bank on
which the cheque is drawn is not a clearing member of the Reserve Bank of
India unpaid return of the cheque would not attract section 138.
Effect of other endorsements:
It has been repeatedly held by courts that manifest dishonest intention of the
drawer resulting in dishonour of the cheque would lead to prosecution under
section 138 Negotiable Instruments Act regardless of the actual ground of

Most, if not all of us, maintain bank accounts. Banker-customer relationship

begins no sooner the customer opens an account and a banking service is
transacted. A remarkable feature of this relationship is its attendant legal
rights and obligations on both sides.
It is of interest to note that the relationship between a banker and a
customer depends on the activities, products or services provided by the
bank to its customers.
Who is a Bank/Customer?
The relationship between a bank and its customers is a transactional
relationship built on trust. Dr H.L Hart, in the Law of Banking defines a
bank/banker as A person or company carrying on the business of receiving
money and collecting drafts for customers subject to the obligation of
honouring cheques drawn upon them from time to time by customers to the
extent of the amount available on their current account. Section 258 of the
Evidence Act 2011 defines a bank/ banker as a bank licensed under the
Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act (BOFIA) and includes anybody
authorised under an enactment to carry on banking business.
Banking business under Section 66 of BOFIA is defined as The business of
receiving deposits or current account, savings account or other similar
account, paying or collecting cheque drawn by or paid in by customers
provision of finance or such other business as the Governor may, by order
published in the Gazette, designate a banking business.
In the case of S.B.N. Ltd. v. De Lluch (2004) 18 NWLR (Pt.905)341, this
....consist in the issue of notes payable on demand intended to circulate as
money when the banks are banks of issue; in receiving deposits payable on

demand; in discounting commercial paper; making loans of money on

collateral security; buying and selling bills of exchange; negotiating loans,
and dealing in negotiable securities issued by the Government, State and
National, and municipal and other corporations.
A person cannot be referred to as a customer of a bank without holding an
account with the bank. It is immaterial whether the account is opened in the
name of a person in trust for another; the name on the banks record will be
regarded as the customer.
There must be a contractual relationship between the parties; the customer
willingly opens an account, entrusting the care and management of his
money to the bank and the bank undertakes to maintain the account and
provide the attendant services. It is not an assumed relationship; the fact
that a person walks into a banking hall to simply cash cheques or deposit
money into an account or use an automated teller machine does not
automatically make him/her a customer, neither do regular casual
transactions, even over a long period of time.
The court in NDIC v Okem Enterprises Limited (2004) 10 NWLR (Pt. 880) 107,
Ironbar v FMF (2009) 15 NWLR (Pt. 1165) 506, defines a customer of a bank
as any person having an account with a bank or for whom the bank has
agreed to collect items and includes a bank owning on account with another
bank. Thus, a customer is a person whose money has been accepted by a
bank on the undertaken to honour cheques up to the amount standing to his
credit. Customers of the bank may include individuals, firms,organisations
and other banks.
Legal rights and duties under the Banker/Customer Relationship
A banker-customer relationship is contractual in nature, imposing certain
rights and duties on both parties. It is that of debtor and creditor, with a duty
on the bank to comply with existing laws and regulatory directives.
Flowing from this is an agency relationship between the bank and the
customer giving rise to a duty of care; i.e. in addition to obeying the
instructions of the customer (the principal), the bank (agent) must also use
reasonable care and skill in carrying them out with as view to protect the
customer and his money. A banks duty of care may arise in tort as well as in
contract where it is proven that a bank has been negligent and has failed to
carry out the instructions of a customer with reasonable skill and diligence.
In particular instances, depending on the nature of the transaction, the
bank/banker may owe a customer a higher duty of care than usual; i.e. a
In addition to a banks obligations under law, the bank also owes its
customers a duty to:

receive money and collect bills for credit to its customers account;
honour customers checks - which must be drawn in the proper
manner, with the account sufficiently funded, presented during banking
hours at a branch of the bank,etc;
ensure secrecy and not disclose information regarding the account to a
third party;
honour the duty of care owed (protection from fraud in making
payment orders, etc);
record transactions on the account and provide the customer with any
such information;
give reasonable notice before closing a customers account in credit;
abide by the instructions of the customer and terms of agreement
within the scope of the relationship.
Some of the rights of the bank include to:
refuse to honour an improperly drawn cheque or instruction on an
insufficiently funded or legally frozen account;
charge reasonable interest on credit facilities granted to customers and
reasonable commission for services rendered;
obtain a re-imbursement for expenses incurred on a customers behalf
and debit the customers account in the sum of such expenses;
use moneys deposited by a customer at will, bearing in mind however
the owed duty of care;
combine accounts owned by a customer to pay a balance owed due to
another overdrawn account or account in credit belonging to the same
customer (right of set off);
sell a property over which the customer has created a legal mortgage
in favour of the Bank without recourse to court (in line with the provisions
of the law in this regard);
retain goods and securities owned by the customer (as a debtor) until
the debt due is paid (right of general lien); and
retain money or property belonging to a customer and apply the same
to the repayment of an outstanding debt; provided that, to the banks
knowledge, such property is not part of a trust fund or is not already
burdened with other debts (bankers lien).

The customer is not without obligations/duties. These include to:


not mislead the bank, facilitate forgery or operate an illegitimate


pay the reasonably levied interests and charges on overdraft and credit

inform the bank without delay of suspicious issues/transactions or

regarding the loss of a cheque book or leaf(ves).

deposit sums properly and in time; and

meet other obligations required by him/her/it by law.

The rights of a customer include to:
be issued a cheque book (depending on account type) and receive
periodic statements on account and other account information as
have access to his/her/its account whenever he/she/it so wills, be
promptly informed of the fate of his/her/its bills or cheques sent for
clearing and to stop cheques before payment;
on repayment of a debt, collect collateral documents with which the
loans were secured;
deposit money, demand repayment and claim interest in an interest
bearing account or on delay in crediting the account on receipt of credit
claim damages for loss or damage due to wrongful dishonour of
give standing instruction to the banker which must be followed and to
be informed before closure or dormancy of his/her/its account; and
have his affairs with the bank kept confidential and where applicable
close his account.

Termination of Banker/Customer Relationship

Where the terms of a contract become impossible to perform due to
circumstances not in the contemplation of the parties, the contract is said to
have been frustrated. This may also apply in a banker/customer contractual
In Diamond Bank vs. Ogochukwu (2008) 1 NWLR (Part 11067), incidences
which may frustrate a contract where listed to include:

where the subject matter of the contract has been frustrated or is no

longer available;

due to death or incapacity of a party to a contract;

where the contract has become illegal to perform as a result of a new


where there is a outbreak of war; or

where the commercial purpose of the contract has failed.

A banker/customer relationship may also be terminated. This maybe by:

The mutual agreement of both parties.

The customer by closing his account.
The bank with reasonable notice to the customer; what constitutes
reasonable notice depends on the character of the account and the special
facts and circumstances of each case.

Operation of Law this could be as a direct consequence of the:


death of the customer the estate of the deceased could however

have access to the account upon display of the certificate of death and
other relevant documents.
mental incapacity of the customer the legally appointed trustees may
however access to his/her account on his behalf.
bankruptcy (individual) or insolvency/winding up (company) of the
customer the trustees in bankruptcy would be the ones to proceed in this
instance; a new relationship may be formed between the bank and the
trustee in bankruptcy or the liquidator.
insolvency of the bank - where the bank is itself is declared bankrupt.
order of court e.g. a garnishee order for the amount in the account to
be paid in favour of a judgement creditor, a freeze order, a writ of
sequestration issued against a customer held in contempt, etc.


In this section we will discuss the relationships between the banker and the
customer. It has already been stated that the relationship between the
banker and the customer depends on the nature of services provided by the
banker. For example, when an account is opened in a bank, the relationship
created is that of debtor (banker) and creditor (customer). When some
valuables are deposited in the safe custody of the banker, the relationship
created is that of trustee (banker) and beneficiary (customer). Let us discuss
the different relationships between the banker and the customer in detail.

Debtor creditor
You are aware that as a primary function, banks accept deposits from the
public. The deposits may be fixed, current or savings deposits. Bank accepts
the deposits for lending money to others or to invest in some profitable
avenues. Whenever customer deposits money in a bank, the banker takes a
responsibility to return the money as and when demanded by the customer
along with interest. Of course, the customer must fulfill the necessary
conditions in demanding the money.
When a customer deposit money, in a way he lends it to the banker and the
banker can use it according to his discretion to earn profit as much as he

can. Moreover, at the time of returning the money, the banker can return the
money in any denominations, not the same coins and notes as deposited by
the customer. In this case, the relationship that is created between the
banker and the customer is that of debtor and creditor. The banker is the
debtor and the customer is the creditor.
Features of debtor- creditor relationship
Though the relationship between the banker and the customer is that of
debtor and creditor, it is not the general debtor and creditor relationship.
This relationship has certain special features, which we are going to discuss
nowThe demand for repayment of money must be made by the customer
(creditor). The customer must make the demand in proper form i.e. the
customer must make the demand for repayment through withdrawable
forms, cheques, drafts, order or otherwise and not verbally or through
The customer must make the demand for repayment at a particular
branch i.e. the branch where the customer has the account. However, in
case of bank drafts, travellers cheques, ATM Cards etc., the bank can pay
the money to the customer at some other branch.
The customer must make the demand for repayment only during the
working days and working hours of the bank. However, with the advent of
technology, this feature is not applicable in all the time.

The relationship between the banker and the customer as debtor and
creditor reverses whenthe customer overdrawn the account; and
the banker lends money to the customer.
Overdrawing the account: In Unit 9, you have come across that that the
current accountholders get overdraft facility from the bank. Under this facility
the accountholder can overdraw his account i.e. withdraw more money than
the balance available in the account. In case the accountholder overdraws
the account, the relationship between the banker and the customer gets the

shape of creditor and debtor relationship- the banker is the creditor and the
accountholder (customer) is the debtor. Till the overdrawn amount is
returned by the customer, the relationship between the two continues to be
of creditor and debtor. As soon as the overdrawn amount is returned by the
customer, the relationship gets its original shape i.e. banker becomes the
debtor and the accountholder becomes the creditor.
Lending money to the customer: When a bank sanctions a loan to a
customer, the relationship between the two is that of the creditor and the
debtor. The creditor (banker) charges interest on the loan till it is paid back
by the customer. When the loan is paid back fully, the relationship reverses
and gets the original shape of debtor (banker) and creditor (customer).

Trustee and beneficiary

Besides the debtor- creditor relationship between the banker and the
customer, some other types of relationships also exist between the two,
depending on the services provided by the bank. One of such relationships is
that of trustee and beneficiary.
Perhaps you are aware that banks provide some services under which the
customers can keep their valuables like jewellery, share certificate etc. in
safe custody of the bank. The customer remains the owner of such valuables
though they are in the custody of the banker. In this case the banker acts as
trustee and the customer is the beneficiary.
Bailor bailee
When the customer keeps his valuable in the safe custody of the banker, the
banker besides acting as trustee also acts as bailee. In that case the
customer becomes the bailor. If the customer (bailor) suffers any loss due to
the negligence of duty on the part of the banker (bailee), the customer can
file a case in the court of law for the recovery of such loss.
Agent and principal

While discussing the agency functions of banks in unit 9, you have come to
know that banks as agents collect cheques, bills, drafts etc. on behalf of the
customer. The bank also makes payments of regular nature like, insurance
premium, rent etc. on behalf of the customer. While performing theses

functions the bank acts as the agent of the customer and the customer is the
principal. The banker (agent) performs the functions according to the
instructions of the customer (principal) and for this the banker is entitled to
get commission from his principal
In the modern world, banks perform such a variety of functions that it is not
possible to make an all-inclusive list of their functions and services. However,
some basic functions performed by the banks are discussed below.
1. Accepting Deposits
The first important function of a bank is to accept deposits from those who
can save but cannot profitably utilize this saving themselves. People consider
it more rational to deposit their savings in a bank because by doing so they,
on the one hand, earn interest, and on the other, avoid the danger of theft.
To attract savings from all sorts of individuals, the banks maintain different
types of accounts:
(i) Fixed Deposit Account:
Money in these accounts is deposited for fixed period of time (say one, two,
or five years) and cannot be withdrawn before the expiry of that period. The
rate of interest on this account is higher than that on other types of deposits.
The longer the period, the higher will be the rate of interest. Fixed deposits
arc also called time deposits or time liabilities.
(ii) Current Deposit Account:
These accounts are generally maintained by the traders and businessmen
who have to make a number of payments every day. Money from these
accounts can be withdrawn in as many times and in as much amount as
desired by the depositors. Normally, no interest is paid on these accounts;
rather, the depositors have to pay certain incidental charges to the bank for
the services rendered by it. Current deposits are also called demand deposits
or demand liabilities.
(iii) Saving Deposit Account:
The aim of these accounts is to encourage and mobilise small savings of the
public. Certain restrictions are imposed on the depositors regarding the
number of withdrawals and the amount to be withdrawn in a given period.
Cheque facility is provided to the depositors. Rate of interest paid on these
deposits is low as compared to that on fixed deposits.
(iv) Recurring Deposit Account:

The purpose of these accounts is to encourage regular savings by the public,

particularly by the fixed income group. Generally money in these accounts is
deposited in monthly installments for a fixed period and is repaid to the
depositors along with interest on maturity. The rate of interest on these
deposits is nearly the same 3s on fixed deposits.
(v) Home Safe Account:
Home safe account is another scheme aiming at promoting saving habits
among the people. Under this scheme, a safe is supplied to the depositor to
keep it at home and to put his small savings in it. Periodically, the safe is
taken to the bank where the amount of safe is credited to his account.
2. Advancing of loans
The second important function of a bank is advancing of loans to the public.
After keeping certain cash reserves, the banks lend their deposits to the
needy borrowers. Before advancing loans, the banks satisfy themselves
about the credits worthness of the borrowers. Various types of loans granted
by the banks are discussed below:
(i) Money at Call:
Such loans are very short period loans and can be called back by the bank at
a very short notice of say one day to fourteen days. These loans are
generally made to other banks or financial institutions.
(ii) Cash Credit:
It is a type of loan, which is given to the borrower against his current assets,
such as shares, stocks, bonds, etc. Such loans are not based on personal
security. The bank opens the account in the name of the borrowers and
allows him to withdraw borrowed money from time to time up to a certain
limit as determined by the value of his current assets. Interest is charged
only on the amount actually withdrawn from the account.
(iii) Overdraft:
Sometimes, the bank provides overdraft facilities to its customers though
which they are allowed to withdraw more than their deposits. Interest is
charged from the customers on the overdrawn amount.
(iv) Discounting of Bills of Exchange:
This is another popular type of lending by the modern banks. Through this
method, a holder of a bill of exchange can get it discounted by the bank. In a
bill of exchange, the debtor accepts the bill drawn upon him by the
creditor (i.e, holder of the bill) and agrees to pay the amount mentioned on
maturity. After making some marginal deductions (in the form of

commission), the bank pays the value of the bill to the holder. When the bill
of exchange matures, the bank gets its payment from the party, which had
accepted the bill. Thus, such a loan is self-liquidating.
(v) Term Loans:
The banks have also started advancing medium-term and long-term loans.
The maturity period for such loans is more than one year. The amount
sanctioned is either paid or credited to the account of the borrower. The
interest is charged on the entire amount of the loan and the loan is repaid
either on maturity or in installments.
3. Credit Creation
A unique function of the bank is to create credit. In fact, credit creation is the
natural outcome of the process of advancing loan as adopted by the banks.
When a bank advances a loan to its customer, it does not lend cash but
opens an account in the borrower's name and credits the amount of loan to
this account. Thus, whenever a bank grants a loan, it creates an equal
amount of bank deposit. Creation of such deposits is called credit creation
which results in a net increase in the money stock of the economy. Banks
have the ability to create credit many times more than their deposits and
this ability of multiple credit creation depends upon the cash-reserve ratio of
the banks.
4. Promoting Cheque System:
Banks also render a very useful medium of exchange in the form of cheques.
Through a cheque, the depositor directs the bankers to make payment to the
payee. Cheque is the most developed credit instrument in the money
market. In the modern business transactions, cheques have become much
more convenient method of settling debts than the use of cash.
5. Agency Functions:
Banks also perform certain agency functions for and on behalf of their
(i) Remittance of Funds:
Banks help their customers in transferring funds from one place to another
through cheques, drafts, etc.
(ii) Collection and Payment of Credit Instruments:
Banks collect and pay various credit instruments like cheques, bills of
exchange, promissory notes, etc.
(iii) Execution of Standing Orders:

Banks execute the standing instructions of their customers for making

various periodic payments. They pay subscriptions, rents, insurance
premium, etc. on behalf of their customers.
(iv) Purchasing and Sale of Securities:
Banks undertake purchase and sale of various securities like shares, stocks,
bonds, debentures etc. on behalf of their customers. Banks neither give any
advice to their customers regarding these investments nor levy any charge
on them for their service, but simply perform the function of a broker.
(v) Collection of Dividends on Shares:
Banks collect dividends, interest on shares and debentures of their
(vi) Income Tax Consultancy:
Banks may also employ income-tax experts lo prepare income-tax returns for
their customers and to help them to get refund of income-tax.
(vii) Acting as Trustee and Executor:
Banks preserve the wills of their customers and execute them after their
(viii) Acting as Representative and Correspondent:
Sometimes the banks act as representatives and correspondents of their
customers. They get passports, travelers tickets, book vehicles, plots for
their customers and receive letters on their behalf.
6. General Utility Function:
In addition to agency services, the modern banks provide many general
utility services as given below:
(i) Locker Facility:
Banks provide locker facility to their customers. The customers can keep
their valuables and important documents in these lockers for safe custody.


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